path: root/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/ b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4851463c560..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
- * hashmap.{cc,hh} -- simple open-coded hash table class
- * Eddie Kohler
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
- * listed in the Click LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
- * preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
- * holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
- * The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
- * notice is a summary of the Click LICENSE file; the license in that file is
- * legally binding.
- */
-/* #include <lcdf/hashmap.hh> */
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::HashMap()
- : _capacity(0), _grow_limit(0), _n(0), _e(0), _default_value()
- increase(-1);
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::HashMap(const V &def)
- : _capacity(0), _grow_limit(0), _n(0), _e(0), _default_value(def)
- increase(-1);
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::HashMap(const HashMap<K, V> &m)
- : _capacity(m._capacity), _grow_limit(m._grow_limit), _n(m._n),
- _e(new Pair[m._capacity]), _default_value(m._default_value)
- for (int i = 0; i < _capacity; i++)
- _e[i] = m._e[i];
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V> &
-HashMap<K, V>::operator=(const HashMap<K, V> &o)
- // This works with self-assignment.
- _capacity = o._capacity;
- _grow_limit = o._grow_limit;
- _n = o._n;
- _default_value = o._default_value;
- Pair *new_e = new Pair[_capacity];
- for (int i = 0; i < _capacity; i++)
- new_e[i] = o._e[i];
- delete[] _e;
- _e = new_e;
- return *this;
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::increase(int min_size)
- int ncap = (_capacity < 8 ? 8 : _capacity * 2);
- while (ncap < min_size && ncap > 0)
- ncap *= 2;
- if (ncap <= 0) // want too many elements
- return;
- Pair *ne = new Pair[ncap];
- if (!ne) // out of memory
- return;
- Pair *oe = _e;
- int ocap = _capacity;
- _e = ne;
- _capacity = ncap;
- _grow_limit = ((3 * _capacity) >> 2) - 1;
- Pair *otrav = oe;
- for (int i = 0; i < ocap; i++, otrav++)
- if (otrav->key) {
- int j = bucket(otrav->key);
- _e[j] = *otrav;
- }
- delete[] oe;
-template <class K, class V>
-inline void
-HashMap<K, V>::check_capacity()
- if (_n >= _grow_limit)
- increase(-1);
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::insert(const K &key, const V &val)
- check_capacity();
- int i = bucket(key);
- bool is_new = !(bool)_e[i].key;
- _e[i].key = key;
- _e[i].value = val;
- _n += is_new;
- return is_new;
-template <class K, class V>
-V &
-HashMap<K, V>::find_force(const K &key, const V &value)
- check_capacity();
- int i = bucket(key);
- if (!(bool)_e[i].key) {
- _e[i].key = key;
- _e[i].value = value;
- _n++;
- }
- return _e[i].value;
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::clear()
- delete[] _e;
- _e = 0;
- _capacity = _grow_limit = _n = 0;
- increase(-1);
-template <class K, class V>
-HashMap<K, V>::swap(HashMap<K, V> &o)
- int capacity = _capacity;
- int grow_limit = _grow_limit;
- int n = _n;
- Pair *e = _e;
- V default_value = _default_value;
- _capacity = o._capacity;
- _grow_limit = o._grow_limit;
- _n = o._n;
- _e = o._e;
- _default_value = o._default_value;
- o._capacity = capacity;
- o._grow_limit = grow_limit;
- o._n = n;
- o._e = e;
- o._default_value = default_value;
-template <class K, class V>
-_HashMap_const_iterator<K, V>::_HashMap_const_iterator(const HashMap<K, V> *hm, int pos)
- : _hm(hm), _pos(pos)
- typename HashMap<K, V>::Pair *e = _hm->_e;
- int capacity = _hm->_capacity;
- while (_pos < capacity && !(bool)e[_pos].key)
- _pos++;
-template <class K, class V>
-_HashMap_const_iterator<K, V>::operator++(int)
- typename HashMap<K, V>::Pair *e = _hm->_e;
- int capacity = _hm->_capacity;
- for (_pos++; _pos < capacity && !(bool)e[_pos].key; _pos++)
- ;