path: root/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.99/include/lcdf/error.hh
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1 files changed, 881 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.99/include/lcdf/error.hh b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.99/include/lcdf/error.hh
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.99/include/lcdf/error.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+// -*- related-file-name: "../../liblcdf/" -*-
+#ifndef LCDF_ERROR_HH
+#define LCDF_ERROR_HH
+#include <lcdf/string.hh>
+#ifndef __KERNEL__
+# include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+# define VA_LIST_REF_T va_list *
+# define VA_LIST_DEREF(val) (*(val))
+# define VA_LIST_REF(val) (&(val))
+# define VA_LIST_REF_T va_list
+# define VA_LIST_DEREF(val) (val)
+# define VA_LIST_REF(val) (val)
+#if __GNUC__ <= 3
+# define ERRH_SENTINEL __attribute__((sentinel))
+/** @class ErrorHandler
+ * @brief Error reporting class.
+ *
+ * Report errors through ErrorHandler objects, which represent
+ * error collectors and printers. ErrorHandlers are passed to configure() and
+ * initialize() methods explicitly, as well as to write handlers; the
+ * click_chatter() function calls ErrorHandler implicitly.
+ *
+ * <h3>Cooked error messages</h3>
+ *
+ * Most ErrorHandler interactions consist of a simple call like this:
+ * @code
+ * errh->error("not enough arguments (%d needed)", 5);
+ * // prints something like "not enough arguments (5 needed)\n"
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * This function constructs an error message string from the format arguments,
+ * annotates the string with a default error level (here, el_error), and
+ * prints it. Alternate versions take a landmark specifying where the error
+ * took place:
+ * @code
+ * errh->lwarning("", "syntax error at '%s'", word.c_str());
+ * // prints something like " syntax error at 'foo'\n"
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * <h3>Raw error messages</h3>
+ *
+ * For finer control over error levels and annotations, construct an error
+ * message string directly. An error message is a string consisting of one or
+ * more lines. Each line begins with a set of optional textual @em
+ * annotations. The following error message has a @em level annotation
+ * determining how serious the error is (this one is critical, since
+ * el_critical == 2), and a @em landmark annotation, which specifies where the
+ * error took place (here, ""):
+ *
+ * <tt>"<2>{}syntax error"</tt>
+ *
+ * The default ErrorHandlers understand the level and landmark
+ * annotations. Users can add other arbitrary annotations, which can be
+ * useful to pass error metadata. A pair of braces ends the annotation area.
+ * This example has one user annotation <tt>eoc</tt>, and a message area that
+ * would be mistaken for an annotation were it not for the <tt>{}</tt>:
+ *
+ * <tt>"<2>{}{eoc:520}{}{not:an annotation}"</tt>
+ *
+ * <h3>Stacking handlers</h3>
+ *
+ * Some ErrorHandlers stack on top of others, adding useful functionality like
+ * automatic context description and prefixing. For example,
+ * ContextErrorHandler can be used to print messages like "In function
+ * 'xxx':".
+ * @code
+ * FileErrorHandler errh1(stderr);
+ * ContextErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "While counting to 2:");
+ * errh2.error("An error occurred.");
+ * errh2.error("Another error occurred.");
+ * // prints "While counting to 2:\n"
+ * // " An error occurred.\n"
+ * // " Another error occurred.\n"
+ * @endcode */
+class ErrorHandler { public:
+ /** @brief Error level constants.
+ *
+ * Lower values represent more serious errors. Levels 0-7 correspond to
+ * Linux's error levels. Negative levels request immediate exit; at user
+ * level, the exit status is the absolute value of the
+ * error level. */
+ enum Level {
+ el_abort = -999, ///< Error level that triggers abort().
+ el_fatal = -1, ///< Fatal exit error level.
+ /// Exit status equals -(level).
+ el_emergency = 0, ///< Emergency error level: system is unusable.
+ el_alert = 1, ///< Alert error level: action must be taken.
+ el_critical = 2, ///< Error level for critical conditions.
+ el_error = 3, ///< Error level for normal error conditions.
+ el_warning = 4, ///< Error level for warning conditions.
+ el_notice = 5, ///< Error level for normal, but significant
+ /// conditions.
+ el_info = 6, ///< Error level for informational messages.
+ el_debug = 7 ///< Error level for debug messages.
+ };
+ /** @brief Error level indicators. */
+ static const char e_abort[],
+ e_fatal[],
+ e_emergency[],
+ e_alert[],
+ e_critical[],
+ e_error[],
+ e_warning[],
+ e_warning_annotated[],
+ e_notice[],
+ e_info[],
+ e_debug[];
+ /** @brief Construct an ErrorHandler. */
+ ErrorHandler()
+ : _nerrors(0) {
+ }
+ virtual ~ErrorHandler() {
+ }
+ /** @brief Initialize the ErrorHandler implementation.
+ * @param errh default error handler
+ * @return @a errh
+ *
+ * Call this function to initialize the ErrorHandler implementation. The
+ * function installs the default conversions, creates the
+ * silent_handler(), and installs @a errh as the default error handler
+ * (see default_handler()).
+ *
+ * @note The @a errh object becomes the property of the ErrorHandler
+ * implementation and must not be deleted.
+ * (ErrorHandler::static_cleanup() will delete it.) Only the first call
+ * to static_initialize() has any effect. */
+ static ErrorHandler *static_initialize(ErrorHandler *errh);
+ /** @brief Tear down the ErrorHandler implementation.
+ *
+ * Deletes the internal ErrorHandlers and uninstalls default
+ * conversions. */
+ static void static_cleanup();
+ /** @brief Return the default ErrorHandler.
+ * @sa static_initialize() */
+ static ErrorHandler *default_handler() {
+ return the_default_handler;
+ }
+ /** @brief Set the default ErrorHandler to @a errh.
+ * @note @a errh becomes property of the ErrorHandler implementation,
+ * and will be freed by static_cleanup(). However, any prior default
+ * handler is @em not destroyed. Callers should delete the prior handler
+ * when necessary. */
+ static void set_default_handler(ErrorHandler *errh);
+ /** @brief Return the global silent ErrorHandler. */
+ static ErrorHandler *silent_handler() {
+ return the_silent_handler;
+ }
+ static const int ok_result; ///< Equals 0, used for error levels
+ /// <5> and above
+ static const int error_result; ///< Equals -EINVAL, used for error
+ /// levels <4> and below
+ /** @brief Print a debug message (level el_debug).
+ *
+ * @a fmt and any following arguments are parsed as by format(), and the
+ * resulting string is passed to xmessage(). */
+ void debug(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print an informational message (level el_info). */
+ void message(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print a warning message (level el_warning).
+ * @return error_result
+ *
+ * The string "warning: " is prepended to every line of the message. */
+ int warning(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print an error message (level el_error).
+ * @return error_result */
+ int error(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print a fatal error message (level el_fatal).
+ * @return error_result
+ *
+ * In many ErrorHandlers, calling fatal() will cause the process to
+ * abort. */
+ int fatal(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print a debug message with a landmark annotation. */
+ void ldebug(const String &landmark, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print an informational message with a landmark annotation. */
+ void lmessage(const String &landmark, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print a warning message with a landmark annotation. */
+ int lwarning(const String &landmark, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print an error message with a landmark annotation. */
+ int lerror(const String &landmark, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print a fatal error message with a landmark annotation. */
+ int lfatal(const String &landmark, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Print an annotated error message.
+ * @return ok_result if the minimum error level was el_notice or higher,
+ * otherwise error_result
+ *
+ * This function drives the virtual functions actually responsible for
+ * error message decoration and printing. It passes @a str to decorate(),
+ * separates the result into lines, calls emit() for each line, and calls
+ * account() with the minimum error level of any line.
+ *
+ * Most users will call shorthand functions like error(), warning(), or
+ * lmessage(), which add relevant annotations to the message. */
+ int xmessage(const String &str);
+ /** @brief Print an error message, adding annotations.
+ * @param anno annotations
+ * @param str error message
+ *
+ * Shorthand for xmessage(combine_anno(@a str, @a anno)). */
+ int xmessage(const String &anno, const String &str) {
+ return xmessage(combine_anno(str, anno));
+ }
+ /** @brief Format and print an error message, adding annotations.
+ * @param anno annotations
+ * @param fmt error message format
+ * @param val format arguments
+ *
+ * Shorthand for xmessage(@a anno, vformat(@a fmt, @a val)). */
+ int vxmessage(const String &anno, const char *fmt, va_list val) {
+ return xmessage(anno, vformat(fmt, val));
+ }
+ /** @brief Print an error message, adding landmark and other annotations.
+ * @param landmark landmark annotation
+ * @param anno additional annotations
+ * @param str error message
+ *
+ * Shorthand for xmessage(combine_anno(@a anno, make_landmark_anno(@a
+ * landmark)), @a str). */
+ int xmessage(const String &landmark, const String &anno,
+ const String &str) {
+ return xmessage(combine_anno(anno, make_landmark_anno(landmark)), str);
+ }
+ /** @brief Format and print an error message, adding landmark and other
+ * annotations.
+ * @param landmark landmark annotation
+ * @param anno additional annotations
+ * @param fmt error message format
+ * @param val format arguments
+ *
+ * Shorthand for xmessage(@a landmark, @a anno, vformat(@a fmt, @a
+ * val)). */
+ int vxmessage(const String &landmark, const String &anno,
+ const char *fmt, va_list val) {
+ return xmessage(landmark, anno, vformat(fmt, val));
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the number of errors reported via this handler.
+ *
+ * An error is any message that contains at least one line with error
+ * level 3 (#el_error) or below.
+ *
+ * @note The error count will also contain errors reported via stacked
+ * handlers. For instance:
+ * @code
+ * SilentErrorHandler errh1;
+ * PrefixErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "");
+ * assert(errh1.nerrors() == 0);
+ * errh2.error("blah");
+ * assert(errh1.nerrors() == 1);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa account, clear */
+ int nerrors() const {
+ return _nerrors;
+ }
+ /** @brief Format an error string.
+ * @param default_flags default ConversionFlags
+ * @param fmt printf-like format string
+ * @return formatted error string
+ *
+ * Formats an error string using printf-like % conversions. Conversions
+ * include:
+ *
+ * <table>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%d</tt>, <tt>\%i</tt></td><td>Format an <tt>int</tt> as a
+ * decimal string. Understands flags in <tt>#0- +</tt>, field widths
+ * (including <tt>*</tt>), and precisions.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%hd</tt>, <tt>\%ld</tt>, <tt>\%lld</tt>,
+ * <tt>\%zd</tt></td><td>Format a <tt>short</tt>, <tt>long</tt>, <tt>long
+ * long</tt>, or <tt>size_t</tt>.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%^16d</tt>, <tt>\%^32d</tt>, <tt>\%^64d</tt></td>
+ * <td>Format a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit integer.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%o</tt>, <tt>\%u</tt>, <tt>\%x</tt>,
+ * <tt>\%X</tt></td><td>Format an unsigned integer in octal, decimal, or
+ * hexadecimal (with lower-case or upper-case letters).</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%s</tt></td><td>Format a C string (<tt>const char *</tt>).
+ * The alternate form <tt>\%\#s</tt> calls String::printable() on the
+ * input string. Both <tt>\%\#s</tt> and the alternate form <tt>\%'s</tt>
+ * ensure that no part of the string is mistaken for an error
+ * annotation.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%c</tt></td><td>Format a character. Prints a C-like
+ * escape if the input character isn't printable ASCII.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%p</tt></td><td>Format a pointer as a hexadecimal
+ * value.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%e</tt>, <tt>\%E</tt>, <tt>\%f</tt>, <tt>\%F</tt>,
+ * <tt>\%g</tt>, <tt>\%G</tt></td><td>Format a <tt>double</tt> (user-level
+ * only).</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%p{...}</tt><td>Call a user-provided conversion function.
+ * For example, <tt>\%p{ip_ptr}</tt> reads an <tt>IPAddress *</tt> argument
+ * from the argument list, and formats the pointed-to address using
+ * IPAddress::unparse().</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%\%</tt></td><td>Format a literal \% character.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%\<</tt></td><td>Format a left quote string. Usually
+ * prints a single quote.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%\></tt></td><td>Format a right quote string. Usually
+ * prints a single quote.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * <tr><td><tt>\%,</tt></td><td>Format an apostrophe string. Usually
+ * prints a single quote.</td></tr>
+ *
+ * </table> */
+ static String xformat(int default_flags, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @overload */
+ static String vxformat(int default_flags, const char *fmt, va_list val);
+ /** @overload */
+ static String xformat(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @overload */
+ static String vxformat(const char *fmt, va_list val) {
+ return vxformat(0, fmt, val);
+ }
+ /** @brief Format an error string.
+ * @param fmt format string
+ * @param val argument list
+ *
+ * @warning ErrorHandler users don't need to call this function directly;
+ * it is called implicitly by the error()/xmessage() functions.
+ *
+ * This virtual function is called to format an error message. The
+ * default implementation returns the result of vxformat(@a fmt, @a val). */
+ virtual String vformat(const char *fmt, va_list val);
+ /** @brief Format an error string.
+ * @param fmt format string
+ *
+ * @warning ErrorHandler users don't usually need to call this function
+ * directly.
+ *
+ * This is a convenience function that calls vformat(const char *fmt,
+ * va_list val) for a va_list taken from the ellipsis arguments. */
+ String format(const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Decorate an error message.
+ * @param str error message, possibly with annotations
+ * @return decorated error message
+ *
+ * @warning ErrorHandler users don't need to call this function directly;
+ * it is called implicitly by the error()/xmessage() functions.
+ *
+ * This virtual function is called to decorate an error message before it
+ * is emitted. The input @a str is an error message string, possibly
+ * annotated. The default implementation returns @a str unchanged. Other
+ * ErrorHandlers might add context lines (ContextErrorHandler), prefixes
+ * (PrefixErrorHandler), or a default landmark (LandmarkErrorHandler). */
+ virtual String decorate(const String &str);
+ /** @brief Output an error message line.
+ * @param str error message line, possibly with annotations
+ * @param user_data callback data, 0 for first line in a message
+ * @param more true iff this is the last line in the current message
+ * @return @a user_data to be passed to emit() for the next line
+ *
+ * @warning ErrorHandler users don't need to call this function directly;
+ * it is called implicitly by the error()/xmessage() functions.
+ *
+ * After calling decorate(), ErrorHandler splits the message into
+ * individual lines and calls emit() once per line. ErrorHandler
+ * subclasses should output the error lines as appropriate; for example,
+ * FileErrorHandler outputs the error message to a file.
+ *
+ * @a str does not contain a newline, but may contain annotations,
+ * including a landmark annotation. Most ErrorHandlers use parse_anno()
+ * to extract the landmark annotation, clean it with clean_landmark(), and
+ * print it ahead of the error message proper.
+ *
+ * ErrorHandler can handle multi-line error messages. However, the emit()
+ * function takes a line at a time; this is more useful in practice for
+ * most error message printers. The @a user_data and @a more arguments
+ * can help an ErrorHandler combine the lines of a multi-line error
+ * message. @a user_data is null for the first line; for second and
+ * subsequent lines, ErrorHandler passes the result of the last line's
+ * emit() call. @a more is true iff this is the last line in the current
+ * message.
+ *
+ * The default emit() implementation does nothing. */
+ virtual void *emit(const String &str, void *user_data, bool more);
+ /** @brief Account for an error message at level @a level.
+ * @param level minimum error level in the message
+ *
+ * @warning ErrorHandler users don't need to call this function directly;
+ * it is called implicitly by the error()/xmessage() functions.
+ *
+ * After calling emit() for the lines of an error message, ErrorHandler
+ * calls account(), passing the minimum (worst) error level of any message
+ * line (or 1000 if no line had a level). The default implementation
+ * updates the nerrors() counter. Some other ErrorHandlers
+ * add account() behavior that, for example, exits after printing messages
+ * at el_fatal level or below. */
+ virtual void account(int level) {
+ if (level <= el_error)
+ ++_nerrors;
+ }
+ /** @brief Clear accumulated error state.
+ *
+ * The default implementation sets the nerrors() counter to zero. */
+ virtual void clear() {
+ _nerrors = 0;
+ }
+ /** @brief Create an error annotation.
+ * @param name annotation name
+ * @param value annotation value
+ * @return annotation string
+ *
+ * Returns an error annotation that associates annotation @a name with @a
+ * value.
+ *
+ * If @a name equals "<>", then returns a level annotation of the form
+ * "<@a value>". @a value must be valid number; if it isn't, the function
+ * returns the empty string.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, @a name must be a nonempty series of letters and digits.
+ * make_anno() returns a string of the form "{@a name:@a value}", where
+ * special characters in @a value are quoted with backslashes. */
+ static String make_anno(const char *name, const String &value);
+ /** @brief Apply annotations from @a anno to every line in @a str.
+ * @param str string
+ * @param anno annotation string
+ *
+ * The annotations from @a anno are applied to every line in @a str. New
+ * annotations do not override existing annotations with the same names.
+ * If the @a anno string ends with non-annotation characters, this
+ * substring is prefixed to every line in @a str.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * @code
+ * combine_anno("Line 1\n{l:old}{x:x}Line 2\n", "<0>{l:new} ")
+ * // returns "<0>{l:new} Line 1\n<0>{l:old}{x:x} Line 2\n"
+ * @endcode */
+ static String combine_anno(const String &str, const String &anno);
+ /** @brief Parse error annotations from a string.
+ * @param str the string
+ * @param begin pointer within @a str to start of annotation area
+ * @param end pointer to end of error region, usually @a str.end()
+ * @return pointer to first character after annotation area
+ * @pre @a str.begin() <= {@a begin, @a end} <= @a str.end()
+ * @post @a begin <= returned value <= @a end
+ *
+ * Use this function to skip an error line's annotation area, possibly
+ * extracting named annotations.
+ *
+ * The variable arguments portion consists of a series of pairs of C
+ * strings and value pointers, terminated by a null character pointer.
+ * Each C string is an annotation name. The corresponding annotation
+ * value, if found, is stored as a String object in the value pointer.
+ * You can also store the <tt>int</tt> value of an annotation by prefixing
+ * an annotation name with the '#' character.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * @code
+ * String line = "{l:file:30}<4.5>error message\n";
+ * String landmark_str, level_str;
+ * const char *s = ErrorHandler::parse_anno(line, line.begin(), line.end(),
+ * "l", &landmark_str, "<>", &level_str, (const char *) 0);
+ * // Results: s points to "error message\n",
+ * // landmark_str == "file:30", level_str == "4.5"
+ *
+ * int level;
+ * s = ErrorHandler::parse_anno(line, line.begin(), line.end(),
+ * "#<>", &level, (const char *) 0);
+ * // Results: s points to "error message\n", level_str == 4
+ * @endcode */
+ static const char *parse_anno(const String &str,
+ const char *begin, const char *end, ...) ERRH_SENTINEL;
+ /** @brief Skip a string's error annotations.
+ * @param begin pointer to start of string
+ * @param end pointer one past end of string
+ * @return pointer to first character after annotation area
+ * @post @a begin <= returned value <= @a end
+ *
+ * Use this function to skip an error line's annotation area. The error
+ * line is defined as a pair of iterators. */
+ static const char *skip_anno(const char *begin, const char *end) {
+ String name, value;
+ const char *x = begin;
+ do {
+ x = skip_anno(String(), x, end, &name, &value, false);
+ } while (name);
+ return x;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return a landmark annotation equal to @a x.
+ * @param x landmark
+ *
+ * If @a x is empty, returns the empty string. Otherwise, if @a x looks
+ * like a formatted annotation (it starts with an open brace), returns @a
+ * x unchanged. Otherwise, returns make_anno("l", @a x). */
+ static String make_landmark_anno(const String &x) {
+ if (x && x[0] == '{')
+ return x;
+ else if (x)
+ return make_anno("l", x);
+ else
+ return String();
+ }
+ /** @brief Clean the @a landmark.
+ * @param landmark landmark text
+ * @param colon if true, append <tt>": "</tt> to a nonempty landmark
+ *
+ * Removes trailing space and an optional trailing colon from @a landmark
+ * and returns the result. If @a colon is true, and the cleaned landmark
+ * isn't the empty string, then appends <tt>": "</tt> to the result. */
+ static String clean_landmark(const String &landmark, bool colon = false);
+ // error conversions
+ struct Conversion;
+ typedef String (*ConversionFunction)(int flags, VA_LIST_REF_T);
+ enum ConversionFlags {
+ cf_zero_pad = 1, ///< Set for conversions using the '0' flag.
+ cf_plus_positive = 2, ///< Set for conversions using the '+' flag.
+ cf_space_positive = 4, ///< Set for conversions using the ' ' flag.
+ cf_left_just = 8, ///< Set for conversions using the '-' flag.
+ cf_alternate_form = 16, ///< Set for conversions using the '#' flag.
+ cf_singlequote = 32, ///< Set for conversions using the '\'' flag.
+ cf_uppercase = 64, ///< Set for 'X' conversions (not 'x').
+ cf_signed = 128, ///< Set for conversions of signed numbers.
+ cf_negative = 256, ///< Set for conversions of negative numbers.
+ cf_utf8 = 1024 ///< Set to use UTF-8 characters on output.
+ };
+ static Conversion *add_conversion(const String &name, ConversionFunction func);
+ static int remove_conversion(Conversion *conversion);
+ private:
+ int _nerrors;
+ static ErrorHandler *the_default_handler;
+ static ErrorHandler *the_silent_handler;
+ static const char *skip_anno(const String &str,
+ const char *begin, const char *end,
+ String *name_result, String *value_result,
+ bool raw);
+/** @class SilentErrorHandler
+ * @brief An ErrorHandler that does not report messages.
+ *
+ * Use SilentErrorHandler when an ErrorHandler object is required, but error
+ * messages should not be printed. */
+class SilentErrorHandler : public ErrorHandler { public:
+ SilentErrorHandler() {
+ }
+/** @class ErrorVeneer
+ * @brief Base class for ErrorHandlers that forward messages.
+ *
+ * ErrorHandlers can stack. Stacking ErrorHandlers simplify modify a message
+ * and then pass the result to a base ErrorHandler, which does the actual
+ * printing. The ErrorVeneer base class simplifies the implementation of
+ * stacking ErrorHandlers. It provides versions of ErrorHandler's format(),
+ * decorate(), emit(), and account() methods that forward to the underlying
+ * handler. Note that the clear() method is <em>not</em> automatically
+ * forwarded. */
+class ErrorVeneer : public ErrorHandler { public:
+ /** @brief Construct an ErrorVeneer.
+ * @param errh base ErrorHandler
+ *
+ * If @a errh is 0, then the ErrorVeneer acts like a
+ * SilentErrorHandler. */
+ ErrorVeneer(ErrorHandler *errh)
+ : _errh(errh) {
+ }
+ String vformat(const char *fmt, va_list val);
+ String decorate(const String &str);
+ void *emit(const String &str, void *user_data, bool more);
+ void account(int level);
+ private:
+ ErrorHandler *_errh;
+#ifndef __KERNEL__
+/** @class FileErrorHandler
+ * @brief An ErrorHandler that prints error messages to a given file.
+ *
+ * FileErrorHandler is the typical base ErrorHandler used at user level. It
+ * prints messages to a file passed in to the constructor, and calls exit() or
+ * abort() based on the error level. */
+class FileErrorHandler : public ErrorHandler { public:
+ /** @brief Construct a FileErrorHandler.
+ * @param f file to print errors
+ * @param prefix string to prefix every error line */
+ FileErrorHandler(FILE *f, const String &prefix = String());
+ void set_default_flags(int default_flags) {
+ _default_flags = default_flags;
+ }
+ String vformat(const char *fmt, va_list val);
+ void *emit(const String &str, void *user_data, bool more);
+ void account(int level);
+ private:
+ FILE *_f;
+ String _context;
+ int _default_flags;
+/** @class LocalErrorHandler
+ * @brief A convenience stackable ErrorHandler.
+ *
+ * It's often convenient to pass a null ErrorHandler pointer when errors
+ * should not be printed. The LocalErrorHandler class simplifies dealing with
+ * ErrorHandler pointers that may or may not be null. LocalErrorHandler is a
+ * transparent layer on the base handler; but if the base handler is null, it
+ * acts like a SilentErrorHandler. For example:
+ * @code
+ * void f(ErrorHandler *errh) { // errh might or might not be null
+ * LocalErrorHandler lerrh(errh);
+ * ... lerrh.message("message") ...
+ * }
+ * @endcode */
+class LocalErrorHandler : public ErrorVeneer { public:
+ /** @brief Construct a LocalErrorHandler. */
+ LocalErrorHandler(ErrorHandler *errh)
+ : ErrorVeneer(errh) {
+ }
+/** @class ContextErrorHandler
+ * @brief A stackable ErrorHandler that prints context lines.
+ *
+ * The stackable ContextErrorHandler adds context to the first error
+ * message printed, and optionally indent error messages so that they appear
+ * grouped underneath the context.
+ * @code
+ * FileErrorHandler errh1(stderr);
+ * ContextErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "While counting to 2:");
+ * errh2.error("An error occurred.");
+ * errh2.error("Another error occurred.");
+ * // prints "While counting to 2:\n"
+ * // " An error occurred.\n"
+ * // " Another error occurred.\n"
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * To prevent ContextErrorHandler from indenting or printing context for a
+ * message, add a "{context:no}" annotation to the message's first line. To
+ * turn off the indent but keep the context, add a "{context:noindent}"
+ * annotation.
+ * @code
+ * FileErrorHandler errh1(stderr);
+ * ContextErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "While counting to 2:");
+ * errh2.error("{context:no}An error occurred.");
+ * errh2.error("Another error occurred.");
+ * // prints "An error occurred.\n"
+ * // "While counting to 2:\n"
+ * // " Another error occurred.\n"
+ *
+ * FileErrorHandler errh1(stderr);
+ * PrefixErrorHandler noctx_errh(stderr, "{context:no}");
+ * ContextErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "While counting to 2:");
+ * errh2.error("An error occurred.");
+ * errh2.error("Another error occurred.");
+ * // prints "An error occurred.\n"
+ * // "Another error occurred.\n"
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * ContextErrorHandler adds the "{context:context}" annotation to context
+ * lines. */
+class ContextErrorHandler : public ErrorVeneer { public:
+ /** @brief Construct a ContextErrorHandler.
+ * @param errh base ErrorHandler
+ * @param fmt format for context lines
+ *
+ * The context message is formed by @a errh->format() using @a fmt and
+ * any additional arguments. */
+ ContextErrorHandler(ErrorHandler *errh, const char *fmt, ...);
+ /** @brief Return true iff the context has already been printed. */
+ bool context_printed() const {
+ return _context_printed;
+ }
+ /** @brief Set whether the context has been printed. */
+ void set_context_printed(bool x) {
+ _context_printed = x;
+ }
+ /** @brief Set the context string to @a str. */
+ void set_context(const String &str) {
+ _context = str;
+ }
+ /** @brief Set the indent string to @a str.
+ *
+ * The indent string is prepended to all non-context messages. It can
+ * contain landmarks as well as non-landmark text. The default indent
+ * string is " " (two spaces). */
+ void set_indent(const String &str) {
+ _indent = str;
+ }
+ /** @brief Set the context landmark to @a str.
+ *
+ * The context landmark is used to decorate the context, and also applied
+ * to any error messages that lack landmarks of their own. The default
+ * context landmark is empty.
+ *
+ * @note The input @a str is passed to
+ * ErrorHandler::make_landmark_anno(). */
+ void set_context_landmark(const String &str) {
+ _context_landmark = make_landmark_anno(str);
+ }
+ String decorate(const String &str);
+ private:
+ String _context;
+ String _indent;
+ String _context_landmark;
+ bool _context_printed;
+/** @class PrefixErrorHandler
+ * @brief A stackable ErrorHandler that adds a prefix to error messages.
+ *
+ * The stackable ContextErrorHandler adds a prefix to every error line
+ * printed. For example:
+ * @code
+ * FileErrorHandler errh1(stderr);
+ * PrefixErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "Blah--");
+ * errh2.error("An error occurred.");
+ * errh2.error("Another error occurred.");
+ * // prints "Blah--An error occurred.\n"
+ * // "Blah--Another error occurred.\n"
+ * @endcode */
+class PrefixErrorHandler : public ErrorVeneer { public:
+ /** @brief Construct a PrefixErrorHandler.
+ * @param errh base ErrorHandler
+ * @param prefix string to prefix to error lines */
+ PrefixErrorHandler(ErrorHandler *errh, const String &prefix);
+ String decorate(const String &str);
+ private:
+ String _prefix;
+/** @class LandmarkErrorHandler
+ * @brief A stackable ErrorHandler that adds a default landmark to error
+ * messages.
+ *
+ * The stackable ContextErrorHandler adds a default landmark to every error
+ * line printed. Error lines' own landmarks are preserved when they exist.
+ * For example:
+ * @code
+ * FileErrorHandler errh1(stderr);
+ * LandmarkErrorHandler errh2(&errh1, "file:1");
+ * errh2.error("An error occurred.");
+ * errh2.lerror("file:2", "Another error occurred.");
+ * // prints "file:1: An error occurred.\n"
+ * // "file:2: Another error occurred.\n"
+ * @endcode */
+class LandmarkErrorHandler : public ErrorVeneer { public:
+ /** @brief Construct a LandmarkErrorHandler.
+ * @param errh base ErrorHandler
+ * @param landmark default landmark */
+ LandmarkErrorHandler(ErrorHandler *errh, const String &landmark);
+ /** @brief Set the default landmark applied to error messages. */
+ void set_landmark(const String &landmark) {
+ _landmark = make_landmark_anno(landmark);
+ }
+ String decorate(const String &str);
+ private:
+ String _landmark;
+#ifndef __KERNEL__
+/** @class BailErrorHandler
+ * @brief A stackable ErrorHandler that exits when errors occur.
+ *
+ * The stackable BailErrorHandler, available only at user level, causes the
+ * process to exit if an error worse than a configurable level occurs. */
+class BailErrorHandler : public ErrorVeneer { public:
+ /** @brief Construct a BailErrorHandler.
+ * @param errh base ErrorHandler
+ * @param level error level that causes premature exit
+ *
+ * An error message with level less than or equal to @a el_error will
+ * cause the process to exit with status 1. */
+ BailErrorHandler(ErrorHandler *errh, int level = el_error);
+ void account(int level);
+ private:
+ int _level;