path: root/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.104/include/lcdf/straccum.hh
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1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.104/include/lcdf/straccum.hh b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.104/include/lcdf/straccum.hh
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-2.104/include/lcdf/straccum.hh
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+// -*- related-file-name: "../../liblcdf/" -*-
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <lcdf/string.hh>
+# include <lcdf/permstr.hh>
+#if __GNUC__ > 4
+# define LCDF_SNPRINTF_ATTR __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4)))
+# define LCDF_SNPRINTF_ATTR /* nothing */
+template<typename T> class Vector;
+/** @file <lcdf/straccum.hh>
+ @brief Click's StringAccum class, used to construct Strings efficiently from pieces.
+class StringAccum { public:
+ /** @brief Construct an empty StringAccum (with length 0). */
+ StringAccum()
+ : _s(0), _len(0), _cap(0) {
+ }
+ /** @brief Construct a StringAccum with room for at least @a capacity
+ * characters.
+ * @param capacity initial capacity
+ *
+ * If @a capacity <= 0, the StringAccum is created empty. If @a capacity
+ * is too large (so that @a capacity bytes of memory can't be allocated),
+ * the StringAccum falls back to a smaller capacity (possibly zero). */
+ explicit inline StringAccum(int capacity);
+ /** @brief Construct a StringAccum containing the characters in @a s. */
+ explicit inline StringAccum(const char *cstr)
+ : _s(0), _len(0), _cap(0) {
+ append(cstr);
+ }
+ /** @brief Construct a StringAccum containing the characters in @a s. */
+ inline StringAccum(const char *s, int len)
+ : _s(0), _len(0), _cap(0) {
+ append(s, len);
+ }
+ /** @brief Construct a StringAccum containing the characters in @a str. */
+ StringAccum(const String &str)
+ : _s(0), _len(0), _cap(0) {
+ append(str.begin(), str.end());
+ }
+ /** @brief Construct a StringAccum containing a copy of @a x. */
+ StringAccum(const StringAccum &x)
+ : _s(0), _len(0), _cap(0) {
+ append(, x.length());
+ }
+ /** @brief Destroy a StringAccum, freeing its memory. */
+ ~StringAccum() {
+ if (_cap > 0)
+ delete[] (_s - MEMO_SPACE);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the contents of the StringAccum.
+ * @return The StringAccum's contents.
+ *
+ * The return value is null if the StringAccum is empty or out-of-memory.
+ * The returned data() value points to writable memory (unless the
+ * StringAccum itself is const). */
+ inline const char *data() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(_s);
+ }
+ /** @overload */
+ inline char *data() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s);
+ }
+ inline const unsigned char* udata() const {
+ return _s;
+ }
+ inline unsigned char* udata() {
+ return _s;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return true iff the StringAccum is empty or out-of-memory. */
+ bool empty() const {
+ return _len == 0;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the length of the StringAccum. */
+ int length() const {
+ return _len;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the StringAccum's current capacity.
+ *
+ * The capacity is the maximum length the StringAccum can hold without
+ * incurring a memory allocation. Returns -1 for out-of-memory
+ * StringAccums. */
+ int capacity() const {
+ return _cap;
+ }
+ typedef const char *const_iterator;
+ typedef char *iterator;
+ /** @brief Return an iterator for the first character in the StringAccum.
+ *
+ * StringAccum iterators are simply pointers into string data, so they are
+ * quite efficient. @sa StringAccum::data */
+ inline const_iterator begin() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s);
+ }
+ /** @overload */
+ inline iterator begin() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return an iterator for the end of the StringAccum.
+ *
+ * The return value points one character beyond the last character in the
+ * StringAccum. */
+ inline StringAccum::const_iterator end() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s + _len);
+ }
+ /** @overload */
+ inline iterator end() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s + _len);
+ }
+ typedef int (StringAccum::*unspecified_bool_type)() const;
+ /** @brief Return true iff the StringAccum contains characters.
+ *
+ * Returns false for empty and out-of-memory StringAccums. */
+ operator unspecified_bool_type() const {
+ return _len != 0 ? &StringAccum::capacity : 0;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return true iff the StringAccum does not contain characters.
+ *
+ * Returns true for empty and out-of-memory StringAccums. */
+ bool operator!() const {
+ return _len == 0;
+ }
+ /** @brief Return true iff the StringAccum is out-of-memory. */
+ bool out_of_memory() const {
+ return _cap < 0;
+ }
+ /** @brief Null-terminate this StringAccum and return its data.
+ *
+ * Note that the null character does not contribute to the StringAccum's
+ * length(), and later append() and similar operations can overwrite it.
+ * If appending the null character fails, the StringAccum becomes
+ * out-of-memory and the returned value is a null string. */
+ const char *c_str();
+ /** @brief Return the <a>i</a>th character in the string.
+ * @param i character index
+ * @pre 0 <= @a i < length() */
+ char operator[](int i) const {
+ assert((unsigned) i < (unsigned) _len);
+ return static_cast<char>(_s[i]);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return a reference to the <a>i</a>th character in the string.
+ * @param i character index
+ * @pre 0 <= @a i < length() */
+ char &operator[](int i) {
+ assert((unsigned) i < (unsigned) _len);
+ return reinterpret_cast<char &>(_s[i]);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the first character in the string.
+ * @pre length() > 0 */
+ char front() const {
+ assert(_len > 0);
+ return static_cast<char>(_s[0]);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return a reference to the first character in the string.
+ * @pre length() > 0 */
+ char &front() {
+ assert(_len > 0);
+ return reinterpret_cast<char &>(_s[0]);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return the last character in the string.
+ * @pre length() > 0 */
+ char back() const {
+ assert(_len > 0);
+ return static_cast<char>(_s[_len - 1]);
+ }
+ /** @brief Return a reference to the last character in the string.
+ * @pre length() > 0 */
+ char &back() {
+ assert(_len > 0);
+ return reinterpret_cast<char &>(_s[_len - 1]);
+ }
+ /** @brief Clear the StringAccum's comments.
+ *
+ * All characters in the StringAccum are erased. Also resets the
+ * StringAccum's out-of-memory status. */
+ inline void clear() {
+ if (_cap < 0) {
+ _cap = 0;
+ _s = 0;
+ }
+ _len = 0;
+ }
+ /** @brief Reserve space for at least @a n characters.
+ * @return a pointer to at least @a n characters, or null if allocation
+ * fails
+ * @pre @a n >= 0
+ *
+ * reserve() does not change the string's length(), only its capacity().
+ * In a frequent usage pattern, code calls reserve(), passing an upper
+ * bound on the characters that could be written by a series of
+ * operations. After writing into the returned buffer, adjust_length() is
+ * called to account for the number of characters actually written.
+ *
+ * On failure, null is returned and errno is set to ENOMEM. */
+ inline char *reserve(int n) {
+ assert(n >= 0);
+ if (_len + n <= _cap)
+ return reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s + _len);
+ else
+ return grow(_len + n);
+ }
+ /** @brief Set the StringAccum's length to @a len.
+ * @param len new length in characters
+ * @pre 0 <= @a len <= capacity()
+ * @sa adjust_length */
+ inline void set_length(int len) {
+ assert(len >= 0 && _len <= _cap);
+ _len = len;
+ }
+ /** @brief Set the StringAccum's length to @a len.
+ * @pre @a len >= 0
+ * @return 0 on success, -ENOMEM on failure */
+ int resize(int len);
+ /** @brief Adjust the StringAccum's length.
+ * @param delta length adjustment
+ * @pre If @a delta > 0, then length() + @a delta <= capacity().
+ * If @a delta < 0, then length() + delta >= 0.
+ *
+ * The StringAccum's length after adjust_length(@a delta) equals its old
+ * length plus @a delta. Generally adjust_length() is used after a call
+ * to reserve(). @sa set_length */
+ inline void adjust_length(int delta) {
+ assert(_len + delta >= 0 && _len + delta <= _cap);
+ _len += delta;
+ }
+ /** @brief Reserve space and adjust length in one operation.
+ * @param nadjust number of characters to reserve and adjust length
+ * @param nreserve additional characters to reserve
+ * @pre @a nadjust >= 0 and @a nreserve >= 0
+ *
+ * This operation combines the effects of reserve(@a nadjust + @a
+ * nreserve) and adjust_length(@a nadjust). Returns the result of the
+ * reserve() call. */
+ inline char *extend(int nadjust, int nreserve = 0) {
+ assert(nadjust >= 0 && nreserve >= 0);
+ if (_len + nadjust + nreserve <= _cap) {
+ char *x = reinterpret_cast<char *>(_s + _len);
+ _len += nadjust;
+ return x;
+ } else
+ return hard_extend(nadjust, nreserve);
+ }
+ /** @brief Remove characters from the end of the StringAccum.
+ * @param n number of characters to remove
+ * @pre @a n >= 0 and @a n <= length()
+ *
+ * Same as adjust_length(-@a n). */
+ inline void pop_back(int n = 1) {
+ assert(n >= 0 && _len >= n);
+ _len -= n;
+ }
+ /** @brief Append character @a c to the StringAccum.
+ * @param c character to append */
+ inline void append(char c) {
+ if (_len < _cap || grow(_len))
+ _s[_len++] = c;
+ }
+ /** @overload */
+ inline void append(unsigned char c) {
+ append(static_cast<char>(c));
+ }
+ /** @brief Append @a len copies of character @a c to the StringAccum. */
+ void append_fill(int c, int len);
+ /** @brief Append the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode character @a ch. */
+ inline void append_utf8(unsigned ch) {
+ if (ch < 0x80)
+ append((unsigned char) ch);
+ else
+ append_utf8_hard(ch);
+ }
+ /** @brief Append the null-terminated C string @a s to this StringAccum.
+ * @param s data to append */
+ void append(const char *s);
+ /** @brief Append the first @a len characters of @a s to this StringAccum.
+ * @param s data to append
+ * @param len length of data
+ * @pre @a len >= 0 */
+ inline void append(const char *s, int len);
+ /** @overload */
+ inline void append(const unsigned char *s, int len);
+ /** @brief Append the data from @a begin to @a end to the end of this
+ * StringAccum.
+ *
+ * Does nothing if @a begin >= @a end. */
+ inline void append(const char *begin, const char *end);
+ /** @overload */
+ inline void append(const unsigned char *begin, const unsigned char *end);
+ // word joining
+ void append_break_lines(const String &text, int linelen, const String &leftmargin = String());
+ /** @brief Append result of snprintf() to this StringAccum.
+ * @param n maximum number of characters to print
+ * @param format format argument to snprintf()
+ *
+ * The terminating null character is not appended to the string.
+ *
+ * @note The safe vsnprintf() variant is called if it exists. It does in
+ * the Linux kernel, and on modern Unix variants. However, if it does not
+ * exist on your machine, then this function is actually unsafe, and you
+ * should make sure that the printf() invocation represented by your
+ * arguments will never write more than @a n characters, not including the
+ * terminating null. */
+ StringAccum &snprintf(int n, const char *format, ...) LCDF_SNPRINTF_ATTR;
+ /** @brief Return a String object with this StringAccum's contents.
+ *
+ * This operation donates the StringAccum's memory to the returned String.
+ * After a call to take_string(), the StringAccum object becomes empty,
+ * and any future append() operations may cause memory allocations. If
+ * the StringAccum is out-of-memory, the returned String is also
+ * out-of-memory, but the StringAccum's out-of-memory state is reset. */
+ String take_string();
+ /** @brief Assign this StringAccum to @a x. */
+ StringAccum &operator=(const StringAccum &x) {
+ if (&x != this) {
+ if (out_of_memory())
+ _s = 0, _cap = 0;
+ _len = 0;
+ append(, x.length());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /** @brief Swap this StringAccum's contents with @a x. */
+ void swap(StringAccum &x);
+ // see also operator<< declarations below
+ private:
+ enum {
+ };
+ unsigned char *_s;
+ int _len;
+ int _cap;
+ char *grow(int);
+ void assign_out_of_memory();
+ char *hard_extend(int nadjust, int nreserve);
+ void hard_append(const char *s, int len);
+ void append_utf8_hard(unsigned ch);
+ friend StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &sa, const char *s);
+ friend StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &sa, const String &str);
+ friend StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &sa, PermString s);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, char);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, unsigned char);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, const char *);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, const String &);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, const StringAccum &);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, PermString);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, bool);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, short);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, unsigned short);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, int);
+inline StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, unsigned);
+StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, long);
+StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, unsigned long);
+StringAccum &operator<<(StringAccum &, double);
+StringAccum::StringAccum(int capacity)
+ : _len(0)
+ assert(capacity >= 0);
+ if (capacity
+ && (_s = new unsigned char[capacity + MEMO_SPACE])) {
+ _s += MEMO_SPACE;
+ _cap = capacity;
+ } else {
+ _s = 0;
+ _cap = 0;
+ }
+inline void StringAccum::append(const char *s, int len) {
+ assert(len >= 0);
+ if (_len + len <= _cap) {
+ memcpy(_s + _len, s, len);
+ _len += len;
+ } else
+ hard_append(s, len);
+inline void StringAccum::append(const unsigned char *s, int len) {
+ append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(s), len);
+inline void StringAccum::append(const char *begin, const char *end) {
+ if (begin < end)
+ append(begin, end - begin);
+inline void StringAccum::append(const unsigned char *begin, const unsigned char *end) {
+ if (begin < end)
+ append(begin, end - begin);
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append character @a c to StringAccum @a sa.
+ @return @a sa
+ @note Same as @a sa.append(@a c). */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, char c)
+ sa.append(c);
+ return sa;
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append character @a c to StringAccum @a sa.
+ @return @a sa
+ @note Same as @a sa.append(@a c). */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, unsigned char c)
+ sa.append(c);
+ return sa;
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append null-terminated C string @a cstr to StringAccum @a sa.
+ @return @a sa
+ @note Same as @a sa.append(@a cstr). */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, const char *cstr)
+ sa.append(cstr);
+ return sa;
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append "true" or "false" to @a sa, depending on @a b.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, bool b)
+ static const char truefalse[] = "truefalse";
+ if (b)
+ sa.append(truefalse, 4);
+ else
+ sa.append(truefalse + 4, 5);
+ return sa;
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append decimal representation of @a i to @a sa.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, short i)
+ return sa << static_cast<long>(i);
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append decimal representation of @a u to @a sa.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, unsigned short u)
+ return sa << static_cast<unsigned long>(u);
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append decimal representation of @a i to @a sa.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, int i)
+ return sa << static_cast<long>(i);
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append decimal representation of @a u to @a sa.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, unsigned u)
+ return sa << static_cast<unsigned long>(u);
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append the contents of @a str to @a sa.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, const String &str)
+ if (!str.out_of_memory())
+ sa.hard_append(str.begin(), str.length());
+ else
+ sa.assign_out_of_memory();
+ return sa;
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, PermString s)
+ sa.append(s.c_str(), s.length());
+ return sa;
+/** @relates StringAccum
+ @brief Append the contents of @a sb to @a sa.
+ @return @a sa */
+inline StringAccum &
+operator<<(StringAccum &sa, const StringAccum &sb)
+ sa.append(sb.begin(), sb.end());
+ return sa;
+inline bool
+operator==(StringAccum &sa, const char *s)
+ return strcmp(sa.c_str(), s) == 0;
+inline bool
+operator!=(StringAccum &sa, const char *s)
+ return strcmp(sa.c_str(), s) != 0;