path: root/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-src/contrib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-src/contrib/')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-src/contrib/ b/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-src/contrib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0089e58e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-src/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Third party scripts
+This folder contains various small scripts or modules for third-party softwares to use Gregorio.
+## Scribus
+Gregorio can be used in [Scribus]( using three files:
+ * `gregorio-scribus.lua`
+ * `gregorio.png`
+ * `900_gregorio.xml`
+To install Gregorio support in Scribus:
+ * copy the three files in the editorconfig folder of scribus (`/usr/share/scribus/editorconfig` under Linux, `C:\Program Files\Scribus\share\editorconfig`
+under Windows).
+ * read the comments in `900_gregorio.xml` and change some variables accordingly
+ * in Scribus:
+ * go in `File->Preferences->External Tools`
+ * click `Add` in the `Render Frames`
+ * select the file `900_gregorio.xml`
+After that you can insert a render frame using Gregorio, and simply
+typing gabc (`right-click->edit sources`).
+For more details see [the website](
+## Syllabation checker
+The scripts in this folder allow to check the syllabation of a gabc score against syllabation rules that you must provide.
+#### Dependencies
+The main script, `` is in Python3, so you obviously need it. It uses the [pyphen]( package. You will also need the hyphenation of the text language in the `libhyphen` format in order to run it.
+If you want liturgical Latin hyphenation rules, you can pick those from the [hyphen-la]( project. They are available in `libhyphen` format on the [webpage](
+#### Running the scripts
+Once you have the hyphenation rules in the `libhyphen` format, you can check one score by running
+``` -p path/to/file.dic my_file.gabc
+where `path/to/file.dic` is the path to the hyphenation rules file (default is `hyph_la_liturgical.dic` in the current directory). You can also analyze all gabc scores of a directory (with subdirectories) by replacing `my_file.gabc` by the name of the directory. By default, the script analyzes the current directory. The script outputs the report to `stdout` on Unix systems, and to `check-syllabation.log` on Windows systems.
+You can see more options by running
+``` --help
+#### Hyphenation problems
+If you encounter problems of hyphenation, meaning you disagree with the proposed hyphenation, please contact the author of the hyphenation rules you are using ([here]( for `hyphen-la` for example).
+If you encounter problems because the script got confused by a gabc construct you are using or has bugs not directly related to hyphenation, please report it on the [gregorio tracker](
+## Kde editors (Kate, Kedit)
+You can use `gabc.xml` for syntax highlighting in kate (and Kedit, etc.). To
+install it, copy the file in `/usr/share/apps/katepart/syntax`. This path
+may vary according to your distribution.
+## Gnome editors (Gedit)
+You can use `gabc.lang` for syntax highlighting in GtkSourceView (Gedit, etc.). To
+install it, copy the file in `/usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs`. This path
+may vary according to your distribution.
+## Emacs
+To use gregorio in [Emacs](, see [this script](
+## Vim
+To get gabc syntax highlighting in [Vim](
+ * copy `gabc.vim` in `/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/syntax`
+ * add the line `au BufNewFile,BufRead *.gabc setf gabc`
+somewhere near lines of the same type (near line 100 for example) in
+`/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/filetype.vim`. This will autodetect the filetypes.
+## BBedit and TextWrangler (OSX only)
+To get gabc syntax highlight in [BBedit]( or [TextWrangler](, copy `gabc-syntax.plist` into `~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules/` and restart BBEdit or TextWrangler.
+## Script to process gabc score
+`gprocess` is a perl script to instantly compile and show the result of a gabc
+file. You can modify some variables directly into the script.