path: root/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-4.0.0-beta2/doc/Command_Index_gregorio.tex
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+% !TEX root = GregorioRef.tex
+% !TEX program = LuaLaTeX+se
+\section{Gregorio Controls}
+These functions are the ones written by Gregorio to the gtex file.
+While one could, in theory, use/change them to alter the appearance of
+elements of the score, it is far better to make your changes in the
+gabc file and let Gregorio make the changes to the gtex file.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreAnnotationLines}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+A wrapper macro for placing annotations above the initial. The
+arguments are provided by the \texttt{gabc} file in the
+\texttt{annotation} header field. This macro tests for the presence
+of the annotation box which means that the annotation is explicitly
+defined in the \texttt{main.tex} file. If so, this macro does nothing,
+respecting the annotation value in the \texttt{main.tex} file.
+ \#1 & string & First line text to place above the initial.\\
+ \#2 & string & Second line text to place above the initial.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBeginScore}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to start a score.
+ \#1 & string & a unique identifier for the score (currently an SHA-1-based digest of the gabc file)\\
+ \#2 & integer & the height number of the top pitch of the entire score, including signs\\
+ \#3 & integer & the height number of the bottom pitch of the entire score, including signs\\
+ \#4 & 0 & there is no translation line in the score\\
+ & 1 & there is a translation line somewhere in the score\\
+ \#5 & 0 & there is no above lines text in the score\\
+ & 1 & there is above lines text somewhere in the score\\
+ \#6 & string & the absolute filename of the gabc file if point-and-click is enabled.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreEndScore}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to end a score.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreAccentus}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting an accentus.
+ \#1 & integer & height number of episemus\\
+ \#2 & string & Type of glyph the episemus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreAdditionalLine}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset the additional line above or below the staff.
+ \#1 & string & See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial}.\\
+ \#2 & integer & The ambitus of the porrectus or porrectus flexus if the first references these glyph types; ignored otherwise.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Set horizontal episemus (0), horizontal episemus under a note (1), line at top of staff (2), line at bottom of staff (3), choral sign (4).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreAdjustSecondLine}{}{gregoriotex.tex}
+%didn't actually find this one in gregoriotex-write.c, classified it here based on it’s related function GreAdjustThirdLine
+Macro to call before first syllable, but after \verb=\GreSetInitialClef=.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreAdjustThirdLine}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to call during the second line.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreAugmentumDuplex}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting an augmentum duplex (a pair of punctum mora)
+ \#1 & integer & Height number for first punctum mora.\\
+ \#2 & integer & Height number for second punctum mora.\\
+ \#3 & integer & First punctum mora occurs before last note of a podatus, prorectus, or toculus resupinus (1), or not (0).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBarBrace}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a bar brace.
+ \#1 & string & Type of glyph the episemus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBarSyllable}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6\#7\#8\#9}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a bar syllable.
+ \#1 & string & First part of syllable text associated with the bar.\\
+ \#2 & string & Middle part of the syllable text associated with the bar.\\
+ \#3 & string & End part of the syllable text associated with the bar.\\
+ \#4 & & Not used.\\
+ \#5 & \TeX\ code & Code to execute before calculating \texttt{nextbegindifference}.\\
+ \#6 & & Not used.\\
+ \#7 & $0 <$ integer $< 19$ & the type of notes alignment. See \nameref{notesalign}.\\
+ & $20 <$ integer $< 39$ & Same as below 20 except there is a flat before the notes. Subtract 20 to get the type of notes alignment.\\
+ & $40 <$ integer $< 59$ & Same as below 20 except there is a natural before the notes. Subtract 40 to get the type of notes alignment.\\
+ \#8 & \TeX\ code & Code to execute before printing anything.\\
+ \#9 & \TeX\ code & The bar line (usually a \textit{writebar} call).
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBarVEpisemus}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a vertical episemus around a bar.
+ \#1 & string & Type of glyph the episemus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBeginEUOUAE}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to mark the beginning of a EUOUAE block. Alters spacings and prohibits a line break until the end of the block.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBeginNLBArea}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro called at beginning of a no line break area.
+ \#1 & 0 & Not in the neumes.\\
+ & 1 & In the neumes.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & Call didn't come from translation centering.\\
+ & 1 & Call came from translation centering.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBeginNotes}{}{gregoriotex.tex}
+Macro to draw the staff lines. Comes after the initial but before the clef.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreBold}{\#1}{gregoriotex.sty and gregoriotex.tex}
+Makes argument bold. Accesses \LaTeX\ \verb=\textbf= (\textit{gregoriotex.sty}) or Plain\TeX\ \verb=\bf= (\textit{gregoriotex.tex}) as appropriate. Corresponds to ``<b></b>'' tags in gabc.
+ \#1 & string & Text to be typeset in bold.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreChangeClef}{\#1\#2\#3\#4}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro called when key changes
+ \#1 & character & Type of new clef (c or f).\\
+ \#2 & integer & Line of new clef.\\
+ \#3 & 0 & Print space before clef.\\
+ & 1 & Do not print space before clef.\\
+ \#4 & integer & Height number of flat in key (`0' for no flat).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreCirculus}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a circulus.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of circulus.\\
+ \#2 & string & Type of glyph the circulus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreColored}{\#1}{gregoriotex.sty and gregoriotex.tex}
+Colors argument (a string) in \verb=gregoriocolor.= Corresponds to ``<c></c>'' tags in gabc. Does nothing in Plain\TeX\ because color is not supported there.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreCPVirgaReversaAscendensOnDLine}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Allows the Dominican rule set to force long stems to be used for virga
+reversa ascendens neumes on the ``d'' (lowest) line. This macro is
+defined and re-defined by the \verb=\gresetgregoriofont= macro.
+ \#1 & \TeX{} code & The \TeX{} code to use when long stems are not forced.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreCP...}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+A class of macros which point to the individual characters in a Gregoiro\TeX\ compatible font. This class of macros is dynamically mapped from the glyph names embedded in the \texttt{ttf} file via a Lua script to ensure that the code points match up with the installed font.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreCustos}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Typesets a custos.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of custos.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDagger}{}{gregoriotex-symbols.tex}
+Macro to typeset a dagger (\GreDagger).
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDiscretionary}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+A GregorioTeX specific discretionary used to avoid clef change at beginning or end of line, or even with more complex data (z0::c3 for instance). We require a special function because in the normal discretionary function you cannot use \verb=\hskip= (but you can use \verb=\kern=) and you cannot use \verb=\penalty= (which is useless indeed). This macro corrects for these two limitations.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDivisioFinalis}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a divisio finalis.
+ \#1 & code & Macros which may happen before the skip but after the divisio finalis (typically \verb=\grevepisemus=).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDivisioMaior}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a divisio maior.
+ \#1 & code & Macros which may happen before the skip but after the divisio maior (typically \verb=\grevepisemus=).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDivisioMinima}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a divisio minima.
+ \#1 & code & Macros which may happen before the skip but after the divisio minima (typically \verb=\grevepisemus=).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDivisioMinor}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a divisio minor.
+ \#1 & code & Macros which may happen before the skip but after the divisio minor (typically \verb=\grevepisemus=).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreDominica}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a dominican bar.
+ \#1 & integer 1-- 6& Type of dominican bar. Corresponds to bar types 6--11 in \verb=\grewritebar=.\\
+ \#2 & code & Macros which may happen before the skip but after the divisio dominica (typically \verb=\grevepisemus=).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreEndEUOUAE}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to mark the end of a EUOUAE block.
+ \#1 & 0 & ending element\\
+ & 1 & ending syllable\\
+ & 2 & ending score\\
+ & 3 & before bar
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreEndOfElement}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to end elements.
+ \#1 & 0 & Default space.\\
+ & 1 & Larger space.\\
+ & 2 & Glyph space.\\
+ & 3 & Zero-width space.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & Space is breakable.\\
+ & 1 & Space is unbreakable.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreEndNLBArea}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to end a no line break area.
+ \#1 & 0 & ending element\\
+ & 1 & ending syllable\\
+ & 2 & ending score\\
+ & 3 & before bar\\
+ \#2 & 0 & ??\\ %I can’t tell what this flag is for
+ & else & ??
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreEndOfGlyph}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to end a glyph without ending the element.
+ \#1 & 0 & Default space.\\
+ & 1 & Zero-width space.\\
+ & 2 & Space between flat or natural and a note.\\
+ & 3 & Space between two puncta inclinata.\\
+ & 4 & Space between bivirga or trivirga.\\
+ & 5 & space between bistropha or tristropha.\\
+ & 6 & Space after a punctum mora XXX: not used yet, not so sure it is a good idea\ldots\\
+ & 7 & Space between a punctum inclinatum and a punctum inclinatum debilis.\\
+ & 8 & Space between two puncta inclinata debilis.\\
+ & 9 & Space before a punctum (or something else) and a punctum inclinatum.\\
+ & 10 & Space between puncta inclinata (also debilis for now), larger ambitus (range=3rd).\\
+ & 11 & Space between puncta inclinata (also debilis for now), larger ambitus (range=4th or more).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreFinalDivisioFinalis}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to end a score with a divisio finalis.
+ \#1 & 0 & Something does not need to be placed after the divisio finalis.\\
+ & 1 & Something needs to be placed after the divisio finalis.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreFinalDivisioMaior}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to end a score with a divisio maior.
+ \#1 & 0 & Something does not need to be placed after the divisio maior.\\
+ & 1 & Something needs to be placed after the divisio maior.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreFirstSyllable}{\{\#1\}}{gregoriotex-syllble.tex}
+A macro which is called with the text of the first syllable, excluding the
+initial of the score. This macro may be redefined to style the first syllable
+appropriately. This macro may be called up to three times: for the letters
+before the centered letters, for the centered letters, and for the letters
+after the centered letters.
+ \#1 & string & Text from the first syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreFirstSyllableInitial}{\{\#1\}}{gregoriotex-syllble.tex}
+A macro which is called with the first letter of the first syllable which is
+not the initial of the score. If the \texttt{initial-style} is \texttt{0}, the
+first letter of the syllable will be passed. If the \texttt{initial-style} is
+\texttt{1} or \texttt{2}, the \emph{second} letter will be passed. This macro
+may be redefined to style the first letter appropriately.
+ \#1 & string & The first letter of the first syllable which is not the
+ initial of the score.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreFlat}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a flat.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the flat.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & No flat for a key change.\\
+ & 1 & Indicates the flat for a key change.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreFuseTwo}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro for fusing two glyphs to create a larger neume.
+ \#1 & Gregorio\TeX\ glyph & The first glyph in the sequence.\\
+ \#2 & Gregorio\TeX\ glyph & The second.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreGlyph}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6\#7}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Macro to typeset a glyph.
+ \#1 & character & the character that it must call\\
+ \#2 & integer & The number for where the glyph is located. \texttt{a} in gabc is 1, \texttt{b} is 2, \etc\\
+ \#3 & integer & height number of the next note\\
+ \#4 & 0 & One-note glyph or more than two notes glyph except porrectus: \ie, we must put the aligncenter in the middle of the first note\\
+ & 1 & Two notes glyph (podatus is considered as a one-note glyph): \ie, we put the aligncenter in the middle of the glyph\\
+ & 2 & Porrectus: has a special align center.\\
+ & 3 & initio-debilis : same as 1 but the first note is much smaller\\
+ & 4 & case of a glyph starting with a quilisma\\
+ & 5 & case of a glyph starting with an oriscus\\
+ & 6 & case of a punctum inclinatum\\
+ & 7 & case of a stropha\\
+ & 8 & flexus with an ambitus of one\\
+ & 9 & flexus deminutus\\
+ \#5 & \TeX\ code & signs to typeset before the glyph (typically additional bars, as they must be "behind" the glyph)\\
+ \#6 & \TeX\ code & signs to typeset after the glyph (almost all signs)\\
+ \#7 & string & the line, byte offset, and column address for textedit links when point-and-click is enabled
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreGlyphHeights}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Passes the glyph height limits. Currently does nothing, but will eventually be part of dynamic vertical spacing.
+ \#1 & integer & the high height\\
+ \#2 & integer & the low height
+\macroname{\textbackslash GregorioTeXAPIVersion}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Checks to see if Gregorio\TeX\ API is version specified by argument (and
+therefore compatible with the score.
+ \#1 & string & Version number for Gregorio\TeX.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreHEpisemus}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a episemus.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the episemus.\\
+ \#2 & string & See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial}.\\
+ \#3 & integer & The ambitus for a two note episemus at the diagonal stroke of a
+ porrectus, porrectus flexus, orculus resupinus, or torculus resupinus
+ flexus.\\
+ \#4 & 0 & an horizontal episemus\\
+ & 1 & an horizontal episemus under a note\\
+ & 2 & a line at the top\\
+ & 3 & a line at the bottom\\
+ \#5 & f & a normal episemus\\
+ & l & a small episemus aligned left\\
+ & c & a small episemus aligned center\\
+ & r & a small episemus aligned right\\
+ \#6 & integer & Replacement for \#1 if a bridge causes a height substitution.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreHEpisemusBridge}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a bridge episemus father the last note of a glyph
+(element, syllable) if the next episemus is at the same height.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the episemus.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & Episemus above the note.\\
+ & 1 & Episemus below the note.\\
+ \#3 & 0 & Default space.\\
+ & 1 & Zero-width space.\\
+ & 2 & Space between flat or natural and a note.\\
+ & 3 & Space between two puncta inclinata.\\
+ & 4 & Space between bivirga or trivirga.\\
+ & 5 & space between bistropha or tristropha.\\
+ & 6 & Space after a punctum mora XXX: not used yet, not so sure it is a good idea\ldots\\
+ & 7 & Space between a punctum inclinatum and a punctum inclinatum debilis.\\
+ & 8 & Space between two puncta inclinata debilis.\\
+ & 9 & Space before a punctum (or something else) and a punctum inclinatum.\\
+ & 10 & Space between puncta inclinata (also debilis for now), larger ambitus (range=3rd).\\
+ & 11 & Space between puncta inclinata (also debilis for now), larger ambitus (range=4th or more).
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreHighChoralSign}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting high choral signs.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the sign.\\
+ \#2 & string & The choral sign.\\
+ \#3 & 0 & Choral sign does not occur before last note of podatus, porrectus, or torculus resupinus.\\
+ & 1 & Choral sign occurs before last note of podatus, porrectus, or torculus resupinus.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreHyph}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro used for end of line hyphens. Defaults to \verb=\grenormalhyph=.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreInDivisioFinalis}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreDivisioFinalis= except inside a syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreInDivisioMaior}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreDivisioMaior= except inside a syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreInDivisioMinima}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreDivisioMinima= except inside a syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreInDivisioMinor}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreDivisioMinor= except inside a syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreInDominica}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreDominica= except inside a syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreInVirgula}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreVirgula= except inside a syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreItalic}{\#1}{gregoriotex.sty or gregoriotex.tex}
+Makes argument (a string) italic. Accesses \LaTeX\ \verb=\textit= or
+Plain\TeX\ \verb=\it= as appropriate. Corresponds to ``<i></i>'' tags
+in gabc.
+ \#1 & string & Text to be typeset in italic font.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreLastOfLine}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to set \verb=\gre@lastoflinecount= to 1 (\ie, mark that this syllable is the last of the line).
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreLastOfScore}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to mark the syllable as the last of the score.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreLinea}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a linea.
+ \#1 & length & Argument \#2 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height to raise the glyph.\\
+ \#2 & length & Argument \#3 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height of the next note.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Argument \#4 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The type of glyph.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreLineaPunctumCavum}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a linea punctum cavum.
+ \#1 & length & Argument \#2 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height to raise the glyph.\\
+ \#2 & length & Argument \#3 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height of the next note.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Argument \#4 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The type of glyph.\\
+ \#4 & \TeX\ code & Macros executed before the punctum cavum is written.\\
+ \#5 & character & Argument \#5 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The signs to typeset before the glyph.\\
+ \#6 & string & the line, byte offset, and column address for textedit links when point-and-click is enabled.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreLowChoralSign}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting low choral signs.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the sign.\\
+ \#2 & string & The choral sign.\\
+ \#3 & 0 & Choral sign does not occur before last note of podatus, porrectus, or torculus resupinus.\\
+ & 1 & Choral sign occurs before last note of podatus, porrectus, or torculus resupinus.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreManualCustos}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a custos manually.
+ \#1 & integer & height number of the custos.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreMode}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+If the gabc file contains a mode in the header, then this function
+places said mode as the first (top) annotation. If the user has
+manually added a first annotation in the \TeX\ file, then this
+function does nothing. Also, if the \texttt{annotation} header field
+is used, then this function does nothing.
+ \#1 & 1--8 & The mode. Other values are ignored.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNatural}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a natural.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the natural.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & No flat for a key change.\\
+ & 1 & Indicates the flat for a key change.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNewLine}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to call if you want to go to the next line.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNewParLine}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreNewLine= except line is not justified.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNextCustos}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Sets the pitch to use for the next custos if it were to happen at the point
+where this macro is called.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the custos.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNoInitial}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro called when no initial is being set.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreOverBrace}{\#1\#2\#3\#4}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a round brace above the lines.
+ \#1 & length & The width of the brace.\\
+ \#2 & length & A vertical shift.\\
+ \#3 & length & A horizontal shift.\\
+ \#4 & 0 & Don't shift before starting the brace.\\
+ & 1 & Shift back a punctum's width before starting the brace.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreOverCurlyBrace}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a curly brace above the lines.
+ \#1 & length & The width of the brace.\\
+ \#2 & length & A vertical shift.\\
+ \#3 & length & A horizontal shift.\\
+ \#4 & 0 & Don't shift before starting the brace.\\
+ & 1 & Shift back a punctum's width before starting the brace.\\
+ \#5 & 0 & No accentus above the brace.\\
+ & 1 & Typeset an accentus above the brace.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GrePunctumCavum}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a punctum cavum.
+ \#1 & length & Argument \#2 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height to raise the glyph.\\
+ \#2 & length & Argument \#3 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height of the next note.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Argument \#4 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The type of glyph.\\
+ \#4 & \TeX\ code & Macros executed before the punctum cavum is written.\\
+ \#5 & character & Argument \#5 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The signs to typeset before the glyph.\\
+ \#6 & string & the line, byte offset, and column address for textedit links when point-and-click is enabled.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GrePunctumCavumInclinatum}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a punctum cavum inclinatus.
+ \#1 & length & Argument \#2 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height to raise the glyph.\\
+ \#2 & length & Argument \#3 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height of the next note.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Argument \#4 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The type of glyph.\\
+ \#4 & \TeX\ code & Macros executed before the punctum cavum is written.\\
+ \#5 & character & Argument \#5 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The signs to typeset before the glyph.\\
+ \#6 & string & the line, byte offset, and column address for textedit links when point-and-click is enabled.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GrePunctumCavumInclinatumAuctus}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a punctum cavum inclinatus auctus.
+ \#1 & length & Argument \#2 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height to raise the glyph.\\
+ \#2 & length & Argument \#3 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. Height of the next note.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Argument \#4 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The type of glyph.\\
+ \#4 & \TeX\ code & Macros executed before the punctum cavum is written.\\
+ \#5 & character & Argument \#5 from \verb=\GreGlyph=. The signs to typeset before the glyph.\\
+ \#6 & string & the line, byte offset, and column address for textedit links when point-and-click is enabled.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GrePunctumMora}{\#1\#2\#3\#4}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting punctum mora.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of punctum mora.\\
+ \#2 & 1 & Go back to end of punctum.\\
+ & 2 & Shift left width of 1 punctum.\\
+ & 3 & Shift left width of 1 punctum and ambitus of 1.\\
+ \#3 & 0 & Punctum mora does not occur before last note of podatus, porrectus, or torculus resupinus.\\
+ & 1 & Punctum mora occurs before last note of podatus, porrectus, or torculus resupinus.\\
+ \#4 & 0 & No punctum inclinatum.\\
+ & 1 & Punctum inclinatum.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreReversedAccentus}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a reversed accentus.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of accentus.\\
+ \#2 & string & Type of glyph the accentus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreReversedSemicirculus}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a reversed semicirculus.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of semicirculus.\\
+ \#2 & string & Type of glyph the semicirculus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreScoreReference}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Currently does nothing.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSemicirculus}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting a semicirculus.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of semicirculus.\\
+ \#2 & string & Type of glyph the semicirculus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetBigInitial}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro which indicates that a 2-line initial is desired.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetFixedNextTextFormat}{\#1}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Same as \verb=\GreSetFixedTextFormat= except for next syllable.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetFixedTextFormat}{\#1}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Macro to specify a text which is different from \verb=#1#2#3= (of \verb=\GreSyllable=). It is useful for styles, for instance with:
+ <i>ffj</i>(gh)
+we will have
+ #1 = \textit{f}
+ #2 = \textit{f}
+ #3 = \textit{j}
+and thus \verb=#1#2#3= will be \verb=\textit{f}\textit{f}\textit{j}=, which won't typeset
+ligatures. In this example we should call \verb=\grefixedtext{\textit{ffj}}=.
+ \#1 & 0 & nothing (normal text)\\
+ & 1& italic\\
+ & 2 & bold\\
+ & 3 & small caps\\
+ & 4 & typewriter\\
+ & 5 & underline
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetInitial}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to set the initial in the score.
+ \#1 & character & The initial letter of the score.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetInitialClef}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for writing initial key.
+ \#1 & \texttt{c} or \texttt{f} & Type of clef.\\
+ \#2 & 1--4 & Line of key.\\
+ \#3 & integer & Height number of flat in key (\texttt{0} for no flat).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetLinesClef}{\#1\#2\#3\#4}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to define the clef that will appear at the beginning of the lines.
+ \#1 & \texttt{c} or \texttt{f} & Type of clef.\\
+ \#2 & 1--4 & Line of key.\\
+ \#3 & 0 & No space after clef.\\
+ & 1 & Space after clef.\\
+ \#4 & integer & Height of flat in key (\texttt{0} for no flat).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetNextSyllable}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Macro to set the text of the next syllable for spacing purposes.
+ \#1 & string & the first letters of the syllable, that don't count for the alignment\\
+ \#2 & string & the middle letters of the syllable, we must align in the middle of them\\
+ \#3 & string & the end letters, they don't count for alignment\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSetTextAboveLines}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to place argument above the lines and empty
+\verb=\gre@currenttextabovelines= when done.
+ \#1 & string & Text to be placed above the lines.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSharp}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a sharp.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of the sharp.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & No flat for a key change.\\
+ & 1 & Indicates the flat for a key change.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSmallCaps}{\#1}{gregoriotex.sty and gregoriotex.tex}
+Makes argument small capitals. Accesses \LaTeX\ \verb=\textsc= or
+Plain\TeX\ \verb=\sc= as appropriate Corresponds to ``<sc></sc>'' tags
+in gabc.
+ \#1 & string & Text to be typeset in small caps font.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreStar}{}{gregoriotex-symbol.tex}
+Macro to typeset an asterisk (\GreStar).
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreSyllable}{\#1\#2\#3\#4\#5\#6\#7\#8\#9}{gregoriotex-syllable.tex}
+Macro to typeset the syllable.
+ \#1 & string & the first letters of the syllable, that don't count for the alignment\\
+ \#2 & string & the middle letters of the syllable, we must align in the middle of them\\
+ \#3 & string & the end letters, they don't count for alignment\\
+ \#4 & 0 & this syllable is not the end of a word\\
+ & 1 & this syllable is the end of a word\\
+ \#5 & \TeX\ code & macros setting next syllable letters of the next syllable\\
+ \#6 & string & the line, byte offset, and column address for textedit links when point-and-click is enabled\\
+ \#7 & & alignment type of the first next glyph\\
+ \#8 &\TeX\ code & other macros (translation, double text, etc.) that don't fit in the limitation of the number of arguments\\
+ \#9 & Gregorio\TeX\ glyphs & all the notes
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreTilde}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to print $\sim$.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreTranslationCenterEnd}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to end the centering of the translation text.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreTypewriter}{\#1}{gregoriotex.sty and gregoriotex.tex}
+Makes argument typewriter font. Accesses \LaTeX\ \verb=\texttt= or
+Plain\TeX\ \verb=\tt= as appropriate.
+ \#1 & string & Text to typeset in typewriter font.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreUnderBrace}{\#1\#2\#3\#4}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a round brace below the lines.
+ \#1 & length & The width of the brace.\\
+ \#2 & length & A vertical shift.\\
+ \#3 & length & A horizontal shift.\\
+ \#4 & 0 & Don't shift before starting the brace.\\
+ & 1 & Shift back a punctum's width before starting the brace.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreUnderline}{\#1}{gregoriotex.sty and gregoriotex.tex}
+Makes argument underlined under \LaTeX\ using \verb=\underline=. Does
+nothing in Plain\TeX.
+ \#1 & string & Text to typeset underlined.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreVarBraceLength}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Returns the computed length of the given brace.
+ \#1 & string & unique identifier for the brace within the score.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreVarBraceSavePos}{\#1\#2\#3}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Records positions to compute the lengths of variable-sized braces.
+ \#1 & string & unique identifier for the brace within the score.\\
+ \#2 & 0 & Don't shift before recording the position.\\
+ & 1 & Shift back a punctum's width before recording the position.\\
+ \#3 & 1 & Position to save is the start of brace.\\
+ & 2 & Position to save is the end of brace.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreVEpisemus}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro for typesetting the vertical episemus.
+ \#1 & integer & Height number of episemus.\\
+ \#2 & string & Type of glyph the episemus is attached to. See \nameref{EpisemusSpecial} argument for description of options.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreVirgula}{\#1}{gregoriotex-signs.tex}
+Macro to typeset a virgula.
+ \#1 & code & Macros which may happen before the skip but after the virgula (typically \verb=\grevepisemus=).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreWriteTranslation}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to typeset argument in the translation position.
+ \#1 & string & Text to typeset in the translation.\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreWriteTranslationWithCenterBeginning}{\#1}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to typeset argument (a string) in the translation position (at
+the beginning of a line?).
+ \#1 & string & Text to typeset in the translation (at the beginning of a line).\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreZeroHyph}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+Macro to typeset a zero-width hyphen (the hyphen is visible, it is only
+treated as if it had 0 width). Used for fine tuning spacing
+(especially at line endings).
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreForceBreak}{}{gregoriotex-spaces.tex}
+Macro used to force a line break to occur at a given position.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNoBreak}{}{gregoriotex-spaces.tex}
+Macro used to prevent a line break from occurring at a given position.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreScoreId}{}{gregoriotex-main.tex}
+A Lua\TeX\ attribute which designates a unique identifier for each score.
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNABCNeumes}{\#1\#2}{gregoriotex-nabc.tex}
+Macro to print a nabc character above the lines.
+ \#1 & int & the line on which the character should appear (currently unused)\\
+ \#2 & string & The \texttt{nabc} syntax which indicates what neumes are to be printed\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreNABCChar}{\#1}{gregoriotex-nabc.tex}
+Macro to print a nabc character.
+ \#1 & string & The \texttt{nabc} syntax which indicates what neumes are to be printed\\
+\macroname{\textbackslash GreScoreNABCLines}{\#1}{gregoriotex-nabc.tex}
+Macro which sets the number of \texttt{nabc} lines in the score.
+ \#1 & int & the number of \texttt{nabc} lines (currently only 1 is supported)\\
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: "GregorioRef"
+%%% End: