path: root/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-4.0.0-beta2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-4.0.0-beta2/')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-4.0.0-beta2/ b/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-4.0.0-beta2/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..bb270c1b20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/gregorio/gregorio-4.0.0-beta2/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python2
+ A script that manages the VERSION of gregorio.
+ See -h for help
+ Copyright (C) 2015 The Gregorio Project (see
+ This file is part of Gregorio.
+ Gregorio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Gregorio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Gregorio. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import re
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import time
+import os
+import locale
+from datetime import date
+from distutils.util import strtobool
+locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C')
+VERSION_FILE = '.gregorio-version'
+ "windows/gregorio-resources.rc",
+ "macosx/Gregorio.pkgproj",
+ "windows/gregorio.iss",
+ "doc/GregorioRef.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex.sty",
+ "tex/gregoriotex.lua",
+ "tex/gregoriotex.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex-chars.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex-signs.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex-spaces.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex-symbols.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex-syllable.tex",
+ "tex/gregoriotex-main.tex",
+ ]
+def get_parser():
+ "Return command line parser"
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='A script to manage the VERSION of gregorio.')
+ parser.add_argument('-ni', '--not-interactive',
+ help='Do not ask confirmation',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--get-current',
+ help='Prints the current gregorio version',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--get-debian-stable',
+ help='Prints the version for Debian stable package',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-dg', '--get-debian-git',
+ help='Prints the version for Debian git package',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ modify = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ modify.add_argument('--manual=',
+ help='Manually set the version.',
+ action='store',
+ dest='manual_version')
+ modify.add_argument('-m', '--major',
+ help='Increment the major version: x+1.0.0-beta',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ dest='major')
+ modify.add_argument('-e', '--enhancement',
+ help='Increment the minor version: x.y+1.0-beta',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ dest='minor')
+ modify.add_argument('-p', '--patch',
+ help='Increment the patch version: x.y.z+1',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ dest='patch')
+ modify.add_argument('-rc', '--release-candidate',
+ help='Change version to a -rc1, or increment -rcx+1',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ dest='release_candidate')
+ modify.add_argument('-r', '--release',
+ help='Make a release. Removes -rcx',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ dest='release')
+ return parser
+class Version(object):
+ "Class for version manipulation."
+ def __init__(self, versionfile):
+ self.versionfile = versionfile
+ self.version = self.read_version()
+ self.filename_version = self.filename_version_from_version(self.version)
+ self.short_tag = None
+ = None
+ def filename_version_from_version(self, version):
+ "Return filename-compatible version"
+ return version.replace('.', '_')
+ def read_version(self):
+ "Return version for instance variable"
+ with open(self.versionfile, 'r') as verfile:
+ self.grever = verfile.readline()
+ return self.grever.strip('\n')
+ def fetch_version(self):
+ "Prints version"
+ print(self.version)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def fetch_version_debian_stable(self):
+ "Prints version for Debian stable package and exits"
+ print(self.version.replace('-', '~'))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def fetch_version_debian_git(self):
+ "Prints version for Debian git package and exits"
+ self.short_tag = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'])
+ self.short_tag = self.short_tag.strip('\n')
+ = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ print("{0}+git{1}+{2}".format(self.version.replace('-', '~'),
+, self.short_tag))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def update_version(self, newversion):
+ "Update self.version and .gregorio-version with the new version."
+ self.version = newversion
+ self.filename_version = self.filename_version_from_version(newversion)
+ print('Updating {0} with the new version: {1}\n'.format(
+ self.versionfile, self.version))
+ with open(self.versionfile, 'w') as verfile:
+ verfile.write(self.version)
+ verfile.write('\n\n*** Do not modify this file. ***\n')
+ verfile.write('Use to change the version.\n')
+def replace_version(version_obj):
+ "Change version in file according to heuristics."
+ newver = version_obj.version
+ newver_filename = version_obj.filename_version
+ today =
+ print('Updating source files to version {0}\n'.format(newver))
+ for myfile in GREGORIO_FILES:
+ result = []
+ following_line_filename = False
+ with open(myfile, 'r') as infile:
+ for line in infile:
+ if 'AC_INIT([' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1))
+ elif 'AppVersion' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1))
+ elif 'FILENAME_VERSION' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\_\d+\_\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver_filename, line, 1))
+ elif 'FileVersion' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1))
+ elif 'ProductVersion' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1))
+ elif 'GREGORIO_VERSION' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1))
+ elif 'GREGORIO_DATE_LTX' in line:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\/\d+/\d+)', today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), line, 1))
+ elif 'PARSE_VERSION_DATE_LTX' in line:
+ newline = re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1)
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\/\d+/\d+)', today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), newline, 1))
+ elif 'PARSE_VERSION_DATE' in line:
+ newline = re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver, line, 1)
+ result.append(re.sub(r'([ \d]\d [A-Z][a-z]+ \d{4})', today.strftime("%e %B %Y"), newline, 1))
+ result.append(line)
+ following_line_filename = True
+ elif following_line_filename:
+ result.append(re.sub(r'(\d+\_\d+\_\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)', newver_filename, line, 1))
+ following_line_filename = False
+ else:
+ result.append(line)
+ with open(myfile, 'w') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(''.join(result))
+ sys.exit(0)
+def confirm_replace(oldver, newver):
+ "Query the user to confirm action"
+ query = 'Update version from {0} --> {1} [y/n]?'.format(oldver, newver)
+ print(query)
+ consent = None
+ while True:
+ try:
+ consent = strtobool(raw_input().lower())
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ print('Answer with y or n.')
+ if not consent:
+ print('Aborting.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+def release_candidate(version_obj, not_interactive):
+ "Changes x.y.z-beta to x.y.z-rc1 OR increments x.y.z-rcx+1"
+ oldversion = version_obj.version
+ if '-rc' in oldversion:
+ newversion = re.sub(r'\d+$', lambda x: str(int( +1),
+ oldversion)
+ elif '-' in oldversion:
+ newversion = re.sub(r'-.*', '-rc1', oldversion)
+ if (not not_interactive):
+ confirm_replace(oldversion, newversion)
+ version_obj.update_version(newversion)
+ replace_version(version_obj)
+def bump_major(version_obj, not_interactive):
+ "Changed the major version number: x.y.z --> x+1.0.0-beta"
+ oldversion = version_obj.version
+ nums ='(\d+)(\.\d+)(\.\d+)', oldversion)
+ newversion = str(int( +1) + '.0.0-beta'
+ if (not not_interactive):
+ confirm_replace(oldversion, newversion)
+ version_obj.update_version(newversion)
+ replace_version(version_obj)
+def bump_minor(version_obj, not_interactive):
+ "Changed the minor version number: x.y.z --> x.y+1.0-beta"
+ oldversion = version_obj.version
+ nums ='(\d+\.)(\d+)(\.\d+)', oldversion)
+ newversion = + str(int( +1) + '.0-beta'
+ if (not not_interactive):
+ confirm_replace(oldversion, newversion)
+ version_obj.update_version(newversion)
+ replace_version(version_obj)
+def bump_patch(version_obj, not_interactive):
+ "Changed the patch version number: x.y.z --> x.y.z+1"
+ oldversion = version_obj.version
+ nums ='(\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)', oldversion)
+ newversion = + str(int( +1)
+ if (not not_interactive):
+ confirm_replace(oldversion, newversion)
+ version_obj.update_version(newversion)
+ replace_version(version_obj)
+def set_manual_version(version_obj, user_version, not_interactive):
+ "Changed the version number to a user supplied value"
+ oldversion = version_obj.version
+ if not re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:[-+~]\w+)*)$', user_version):
+ print('Bad version string. Use this style: x.y.z or x.y.z-beta')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ newversion = user_version
+ if (not not_interactive):
+ confirm_replace(oldversion, newversion)
+ version_obj.update_version(newversion)
+ replace_version(version_obj)
+def do_release(version_obj, not_interactive):
+ "Strips extra characters from the version leaving x.y.z"
+ oldversion = version_obj.version
+ newversion = re.sub(r'([\d.]+)-?.*', r'\1', oldversion)
+ if (not not_interactive):
+ confirm_replace(oldversion, newversion)
+ version_obj.update_version(newversion)
+ replace_version(version_obj)
+def main():
+ "Main function"
+ parser = get_parser()
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ gregorio_version = Version(VERSION_FILE)
+ not_interactive = False
+ if args.not_interactive:
+ not_interactive = True
+ if args.get_current:
+ gregorio_version.fetch_version()
+ elif args.get_debian_stable:
+ gregorio_version.fetch_version_debian_stable()
+ elif args.get_debian_git:
+ gregorio_version.fetch_version_debian_git()
+ elif args.major:
+ bump_major(gregorio_version, not_interactive)
+ elif args.minor:
+ bump_minor(gregorio_version, not_interactive)
+ elif args.patch:
+ bump_patch(gregorio_version, not_interactive)
+ elif args.release_candidate:
+ release_candidate(gregorio_version, not_interactive)
+ elif args.release:
+ do_release(gregorio_version, not_interactive)
+ elif args.manual_version:
+ set_manual_version(gregorio_version, args.manual_version, not_interactive)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()