path: root/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/src/FontWriter.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/src/FontWriter.cpp b/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/src/FontWriter.cpp
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--- a/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/src/FontWriter.cpp
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-** FontWriter.cpp **
-** **
-** This file is part of dvisvgm -- a fast DVI to SVG converter **
-** Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Martin Gieseking <> **
-** **
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
-** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as **
-** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of **
-** the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
-** **
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but **
-** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
-** GNU General Public License for more details. **
-** **
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License **
-** along with this program; if not, see <>. **
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <array>
-#include "FontWriter.hpp"
-#include "Message.hpp"
-#include "utility.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-bool FontWriter::AUTOHINT_FONTS = false;
-const array<FontWriter::FontFormatInfo, 4> FontWriter::_formatInfos {{
- {FontWriter::FontFormat::SVG, "image/svg+xml", "svg", "svg"},
- {FontWriter::FontFormat::TTF, "application/x-font-ttf", "ttf", "truetype"},
- {FontWriter::FontFormat::WOFF, "application/x-font-woff", "woff", "woff"},
- {FontWriter::FontFormat::WOFF2, "application/x-font-woff2", "woff2", "woff2"},
-/** Returns the corresponding FontFormat for a given format name (e.g. "svg", "woff" etc.). */
-FontWriter::FontFormat FontWriter::toFontFormat (string formatstr) {
- formatstr = util::tolower(formatstr);
- auto it = find_if(_formatInfos.begin(), _formatInfos.end(), [&](const FontFormatInfo &info) {
- return info.formatstr_short == formatstr;
- });
- return it != _formatInfos.end() ? it->format : FontFormat::UNKNOWN;
-/** Returns the corresponding FontFormatInfo for a given FontFormat. */
-const FontWriter::FontFormatInfo* FontWriter::fontFormatInfo (FontFormat format) {
- auto it = find_if(_formatInfos.begin(), _formatInfos.end(), [&](const FontFormatInfo &info) {
- return info.format == format;
- });
- return it != _formatInfos.end() ? &(*it) : nullptr;
-/** Returns the names of all supported font formats. */
-vector<string> FontWriter::supportedFormats () {
- vector<string> formats;
- for (const FontFormatInfo &info : _formatInfos)
- formats.emplace_back(info.formatstr_short);
- return formats;
-#include <config.h>
-// dummy functions used if WOFF support is disabled
-FontWriter::FontWriter (const PhysicalFont &font) : _font(font) {}
-std::string FontWriter::createFontFile (FontFormat format, const set<int> &charcodes, GFGlyphTracer::Callback *cb) const {return "";}
-bool FontWriter::writeCSSFontFace (FontFormat format, const set<int> &charcodes, ostream &os, GFGlyphTracer::Callback *cb) const {return false;}
-#include <cmath>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <woff2/encode.h>
-#include "ffwrapper.h"
-#include "Bezier.hpp"
-#include "FileSystem.hpp"
-#include "Font.hpp"
-#include "Glyph.hpp"
-#include "TTFAutohint.hpp"
-#include "TrueTypeFont.hpp"
-FontWriter::FontWriter (const PhysicalFont &font) : _font(font) {
- static bool initialized=false;
- if (!initialized) {
- ff_init();
- initialized = true;
- }
-struct SFDActions : Glyph::IterationActions {
- explicit SFDActions (ostream &os) : _os(os) {}
- using Point = Glyph::Point;
- void moveto (const Point &p) override {write('m', p);}
- void lineto (const Point &p) override {write('l', p);}
- void cubicto (const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3) override {write('c', p1, p2, p3); }
- void closepath () override {write('m', startPoint());}
- void quadto (const Point &p1, const Point &p2) override {
- // convert quadratic Bézier curve to cubic one
- DPair pt0(currentPoint().x(), currentPoint().y());
- DPair pt1(p1.x(), p1.y());
- DPair pt2(p2.x(), p2.y());
- Bezier b(pt0, pt1, pt2);
- write('c', round(b.point(0)), round(b.point(1)), round(b.point(2)), round(b.point(3)));
- }
- template <typename ...Args>
- void write (char cmd, const Args& ...args) {
- writeParams(args...);
- _os << cmd << " 0\n";
- }
- static void writeParams () {}
- template <typename Pt, typename ...Args>
- void writeParams (const Pt &p, const Args& ...args) const {
- _os << p.x() << ' ' << p.y() << ' ';
- writeParams(args...);
- }
- ostream &_os;
- Glyph::Point _startPoint, _currentPoint;
-/** Creates a Spline Font Database (SFD) file describing the font and its glyphs.
- * */
-static void writeSFD (const string &sfdname, const PhysicalFont &font, const set<int> &charcodes, GFGlyphTracer::Callback *cb) {
- ofstream sfd(sfdname);
- if (!sfd)
- throw FontWriterException("failed writing SFD file "+sfdname);
- sfd <<
- "SplineFontDB: 3.0\n"
- "FontName: " << << '\n';
- // ensure that the sum of the SFD's Ascent and Descent values equals the font's units per EM
- double yext = font.ascent()+font.descent();
- double scale = double(font.unitsPerEm())/(yext != 0 ? yext : abs(font.ascent()));
- sfd <<
- "Ascent: " << font.ascent()*scale << "\n"
- "Descent: " << font.descent()*scale << "\n"
- "LayerCount: 2\n" // number of layers must be 2 at least
- "Layer: 0 0 \"Back\" 1\n" // layer 0: background layer with cubic splines
- "Layer: 1 0 \"Fore\" 0\n" // layer 1: foreground layer with cubic splines
- "Encoding: UnicodeFull\n" // character codes can use the full Unicode range
- "BeginChars: 1114112 " << charcodes.size() << '\n';
- double extend = ?>extend : 1;
- for (int c : charcodes) {
- string name = font.glyphName(c);
- if (name.empty()) {
- // if the font doesn't provide glyph names, use AGL name uFOO
- ostringstream oss;
- oss << 'u' << hex << uppercase << setw(4) << setfill('0') << c;
- name = oss.str();
- }
- uint32_t codepoint = font.unicode(c);
- sfd <<
- "StartChar: " << name << "\n"
- "Encoding: " << codepoint << ' ' << codepoint << " 0\n"
- "Width: " << font.hAdvance(c)*extend << "\n"
- "VWidth: " << font.vAdvance(c) << "\n"
- "Fore\n"
- "SplineSet\n";
- Glyph glyph;
- if (font.getGlyph(c, glyph, cb)) {
- SFDActions actions(sfd);
- glyph.iterate(actions, false);
- }
- sfd <<
- "EndSplineSet\n"
- "EndChar\n";
- }
- sfd.flush();
- sfd.close();
- if (
- throw FontWriterException("failed writing SFD file "+sfdname);
-bool FontWriter::createTTFFile (const string &sfdname, const string &ttfname) const {
- TTFAutohint autohinter;
- if (!autohinter.available())
- return ff_sfd_to_ttf(sfdname.c_str(), ttfname.c_str(), AUTOHINT_FONTS);
- bool ok = ff_sfd_to_ttf(sfdname.c_str(), ttfname.c_str(), false);
- if (ok && AUTOHINT_FONTS) {
- string tmpname = ttfname+"-ah";
- int errnum = autohinter.autohint(ttfname, tmpname, true);
- if (errnum) {
- Message::wstream(true) << "failed to autohint font '" << << "'";
- string msg = autohinter.lastErrorMessage();
- if (!msg.empty())
- Message::wstream() << " (" << msg << ")";
- // keep the unhinted TTF
- FileSystem::remove(tmpname);
- }
- else {
- FileSystem::remove(ttfname);
- FileSystem::rename(tmpname, ttfname);
- }
- }
- return ok;
-/** Creates a font file containing a given set of glyphs mapped to their Unicode points.
- * @param[in] format target font format
- * @param[in] charcodes character codes of the glyphs to be considered
- * @param[in] cb callback object that allows to react to events triggered by the glyph tracer
- * @return name of the created font file */
-string FontWriter::createFontFile (FontFormat format, const set<int> &charcodes, GFGlyphTracer::Callback *cb) const {
- string tmpdir = FileSystem::tmpdir();
- string basename ="-tmp";
- string sfdname = basename+".sfd";
- writeSFD(sfdname, _font, charcodes, cb);
- string ttfname = basename+".ttf";
- string targetname = basename+"."+fontFormatInfo(format)->formatstr_short;
- bool ok = createTTFFile(sfdname, ttfname);
- if (ok) {
- if (format == FontFormat::WOFF || format == FontFormat::WOFF2) {
- TrueTypeFont ttf(ttfname);
- if (format == FontFormat::WOFF)
- ttf.writeWOFF(targetname);
- else
- ok = ttf.writeWOFF2(targetname);
- if (!PhysicalFont::KEEP_TEMP_FILES)
- FileSystem::remove(ttfname);
- }
- }
- if (!PhysicalFont::KEEP_TEMP_FILES)
- FileSystem::remove(sfdname);
- if (!ok)
- throw FontWriterException("failed writing "+string(fontFormatInfo(format)->formatstr_short)+ " file " + targetname);
- return targetname;
-/** Writes a CSS font-face rule to an output stream that references or contains the WOFF/TTF font data.
- * @param[in] format target font format
- * @param[in] charcodes character codes of the glyphs to be considered
- * @param[in] os stream the CSS data is written to
- * @param[in] cb callback object that allows to react to events triggered by the glyph tracer
- * @return true on success */
-bool FontWriter::writeCSSFontFace (FontFormat format, const set<int> &charcodes, ostream &os, GFGlyphTracer::Callback *cb) const {
- if (const FontFormatInfo *info = fontFormatInfo(format)) {
- string filename = createFontFile(format, charcodes, cb);
- ifstream ifs(filename, ios::binary);
- if (ifs) {
- os << "@font-face{"
- << "font-family:" << << ';'
- << "src:url(data:" << info->mimetype << ";base64,";
- util::base64_copy(ifs, os);
- os << ") format('" << info->formatstr_long << "');}\n";
- ifs.close();
- if (!PhysicalFont::KEEP_TEMP_FILES)
- FileSystem::remove(filename);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-#endif // !DISABLE_WOFF