path: root/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/libs/ff-woff/fontforge/stemdb.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/libs/ff-woff/fontforge/stemdb.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 6068 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/libs/ff-woff/fontforge/stemdb.c b/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/libs/ff-woff/fontforge/stemdb.c
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index bdded86c222..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/dvisvgm/dvisvgm-src/libs/ff-woff/fontforge/stemdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6068 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2005-2012 by George Williams and Alexey Kryukov */
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
-#include "fontforge.h"
-#include "edgelist2.h"
-#include "stemdb.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <utype.h>
-#define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327
-/* A diagonal end is like the top or bottom of a slash. Should we add a vertical stem at the end? */
-/* A diagonal corner is like the bottom of circumflex. Should we add a horizontal stem? */
-int hint_diagonal_ends = 0,
- hint_diagonal_intersections = 0,
- hint_bounding_boxes = 1,
- detect_diagonal_stems = 0;
-float stem_slope_error = .05061454830783555773, /* 2.9 degrees */
- stub_slope_error = .317649923862967983; /* 18.2 degrees */
-static double dist_error_hv = 3.5;
-static double dist_error_diag = 5.5;
-/* It's easy to get horizontal/vertical lines aligned properly */
-/* it is more difficult to get diagonal ones done */
-/* The "A" glyph in Apple's Times.dfont(Roman) is off by 6 in one spot */
-static double dist_error_curve = 22;
-/* The maximum possible distance between the edge of an active zone for */
-/* a curved spline segment and the spline itself */
-struct st {
- Spline *s;
- double st, lt;
-static int GetBlueFuzz(SplineFont *sf) {
- char *str, *end;
- if ( sf == NULL || sf->private == NULL ||
- (str=PSDictHasEntry( sf->private,"BlueFuzz" )) == NULL || !isdigit( str[0] ))
-return 1;
-return strtod( str, &end );
-static int IsUnitHV( BasePoint *unit,int strict ) {
- double angle = atan2( unit->y,unit->x );
- double deviation = ( strict ) ? stem_slope_error : stub_slope_error;
- if ( fabs( angle ) >= PI/2 - deviation && fabs( angle ) <= PI/2 + deviation )
-return( 2 );
- else if ( fabs( angle ) <= deviation || fabs( angle ) >= PI - deviation )
-return( 1 );
-return( 0 );
-static int UnitCloserToHV( BasePoint *u1,BasePoint *u2 ) {
- double adiff1, adiff2;
- adiff1 = fabs( atan2( u1->y,u1->x ));
- adiff2 = fabs( atan2( u2->y,u2->x ));
- if ( adiff1 > PI*.25 && adiff1 < PI*.75 )
- adiff1 = fabs( adiff1 - PI*.5 );
- else if ( adiff1 >= PI*.75 )
- adiff1 = PI - adiff1;
- if ( adiff2 > PI*.25 && adiff2 < PI*.75 )
- adiff2 = fabs( adiff2 - PI*.5 );
- else if ( adiff2 >= PI*.75 )
- adiff2 = PI - adiff2;
- if ( adiff1 < adiff2 )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( adiff1 > adiff2 )
-return( -1 );
- else
-return( 0 );
-static double GetUnitAngle( BasePoint *u1,BasePoint *u2 ) {
- double dx, dy;
- dy = u1->x*u2->y - u1->y*u2->x;
- dx = u1->x*u2->x + u1->y*u2->y;
-return( atan2( dy,dx ));
-static int UnitsOrthogonal( BasePoint *u1,BasePoint *u2,int strict ) {
- double angle, deviation = ( strict ) ? stem_slope_error : stub_slope_error;
- angle = GetUnitAngle( u1,u2 );
-return( fabs( angle ) >= PI/2 - deviation && fabs( angle ) <= PI/2 + deviation );
-int UnitsParallel( BasePoint *u1,BasePoint *u2,int strict ) {
- double angle, deviation = ( strict ) ? stem_slope_error : stub_slope_error;
- angle = GetUnitAngle( u1,u2 );
-return( fabs( angle ) <= deviation || fabs( angle ) >= PI - deviation );
-static int IsInflectionPoint( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd ) {
- SplinePoint *sp = pd->sp;
- double CURVATURE_THRESHOLD = 1e-9;
- struct spline *prev, *next;
- double in, out;
- if ( sp->prev == NULL || sp->next == NULL || !pd->colinear )
-return( false );
- /* point of a single-point contour can't be an inflection point. */
- if ( sp->prev->from == sp )
-return( false );
- prev = sp->prev;
- in = 0;
- while ( prev != NULL && fabs(in) < CURVATURE_THRESHOLD ) {
- in = SplineCurvature( prev,1 );
- if ( fabs( in ) < CURVATURE_THRESHOLD ) in = SplineCurvature( prev, 0 );
- if ( fabs( in ) < CURVATURE_THRESHOLD ) prev = prev->from->prev;
- if ( gd->points[prev->to->ptindex].colinear )
- break;
- }
- next = sp->next;
- out = 0;
- while ( next != NULL && fabs( out ) < CURVATURE_THRESHOLD ) {
- out = SplineCurvature( next,0 );
- if ( fabs( out ) < CURVATURE_THRESHOLD ) out = SplineCurvature( next, 1 );
- if ( fabs( out ) < CURVATURE_THRESHOLD ) next = next->to->next;
- if ( gd->points[next->from->ptindex].colinear )
- break;
- }
- if ( in==0 || out==0 || ( prev != sp->prev && next != sp->next ))
-return( false );
- in/=fabs(in);
- out/=fabs(out);
-return ( in*out < 0 );
-static int SplineFigureOpticalSlope(Spline *s,int start_at_from,BasePoint *dir) {
- /* Sometimes splines have tiny control points, and to the eye the slope */
- /* of the spline has nothing to do with that specified by the cps. */
- /* So see if the spline is straightish and figure the slope based on */
- /* some average direction */
- /* dir is a input output parameter. */
- /* it should be initialized to the unit vector determined by the appropriate cp */
- /* if the function returns true, it will be set to a unit vector in the average direction */
- BasePoint pos, *base, average_dir, normal;
- double t, len, incr, off;
- double dx, dy, ax, ay, d, a;
- /* The vector is already nearly vertical/horizontal, no need to modify*/
- if ( IsUnitHV( dir,true ))
-return( false );
- if ( start_at_from ) {
- incr = -.1;
- base = &s->from->me;
- } else {
- incr = .1;
- base = &s->to->me;
- }
- t = .5-incr;
- memset(&average_dir,0,sizeof(average_dir));
- while ( t>0 && t<1.0 ) {
- pos.x = ((s->splines[0].a*t+s->splines[0].b)*t+s->splines[0].c)*t+s->splines[0].d;
- pos.y = ((s->splines[1].a*t+s->splines[1].b)*t+s->splines[1].c)*t+s->splines[1].d;
- average_dir.x += (pos.x-base->x); average_dir.y += (pos.y-base->y);
- t += incr;
- }
- len = sqrt( pow( average_dir.x,2 ) + pow( average_dir.y,2 ));
- if ( len==0 )
-return( false );
- average_dir.x /= len; average_dir.y /= len;
- normal.x = average_dir.y; normal.y = - average_dir.x;
- t = .5-incr;
- while ( t>0 && t<1.0 ) {
- pos.x = ((s->splines[0].a*t+s->splines[0].b)*t+s->splines[0].c)*t+s->splines[0].d;
- pos.y = ((s->splines[1].a*t+s->splines[1].b)*t+s->splines[1].c)*t+s->splines[1].d;
- off = (pos.x-base->x)*normal.x + (pos.y-base->y)*normal.y;
- if ( off<-dist_error_hv || off>dist_error_hv )
-return( false );
- t += incr;
- }
- if ( UnitsParallel( dir,&normal,true )) {
- /* prefer the direction which is closer to horizontal/vertical */
- if ( (dx=dir->x)<0 ) dx = -dx;
- if ( (dy=dir->y)<0 ) dy = -dy;
- d = (dx<dy) ? dx : dy;
- if ( (ax=average_dir.x)<0 ) ax = -ax;
- if ( (ay=average_dir.y)<0 ) ay = -ay;
- a = (ax<ay) ? ax : ay;
- if ( d<a )
-return( false );
- }
- *dir = average_dir;
-return( true );
-static int IsSplinePeak( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,int outer,int is_x,int flags );
-static void PointInit( struct glyphdata *gd,SplinePoint *sp, SplineSet *ss ) {
- struct pointdata *pd, *prevpd=NULL, *nextpd=NULL;
- double len, same;
- int hv;
- if ( sp->ptindex >= gd->pcnt )
- pd = &gd->points[sp->ptindex];
- pd->sp = sp;
- pd->ss = ss;
- pd->x_extr = pd->y_extr = 0;
- pd->base = sp->me;
- pd->ttfindex = sp->ttfindex;
- pd->nextcnt = pd->prevcnt = 0;
- pd->nextstems = pd->prevstems = NULL;
- pd->next_is_l = pd->prev_is_l = NULL;
- if ( !sp->nonextcp && gd->order2 && sp->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- nextpd = &gd->points[sp->nextcpindex];
- nextpd->ss = ss;
- nextpd->x_extr = nextpd->y_extr = 0;
- nextpd->base = sp->nextcp;
- nextpd->ttfindex = sp->nextcpindex;
- }
- if ( !sp->noprevcp && gd->order2 && sp->prev != NULL &&
- sp->prev->from->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- nextpd = &gd->points[sp->prev->from->nextcpindex];
- nextpd->ss = ss;
- nextpd->x_extr = nextpd->y_extr = 0;
- nextpd->base = sp->prevcp;
- nextpd->ttfindex = sp->prev->from->nextcpindex;
- }
- if ( sp->next==NULL ) {
- pd->nextunit.x = ss->first->me.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->nextunit.y = ss->first->me.y - sp->me.y;
- pd->nextlinear = true;
- } else if ( sp->next->knownlinear ) {
- pd->nextunit.x = sp->next->to->me.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->nextunit.y = sp->next->to->me.y - sp->me.y;
- pd->nextlinear = true;
- } else if ( sp->nonextcp ) {
- pd->nextunit.x = sp->next->to->prevcp.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->nextunit.y = sp->next->to->prevcp.y - sp->me.y;
- } else {
- pd->nextunit.x = sp->nextcp.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->nextunit.y = sp->nextcp.y - sp->me.y;
- }
- len = sqrt( pow( pd->nextunit.x,2 ) + pow( pd->nextunit.y,2 ));
- if ( len==0 )
- pd->nextzero = true;
- else {
- pd->nextlen = len;
- pd->nextunit.x /= len;
- pd->nextunit.y /= len;
- if ( sp->next!=NULL && !sp->next->knownlinear )
- SplineFigureOpticalSlope(sp->next,true,&pd->nextunit);
- hv = IsUnitHV( &pd->nextunit,true );
- if ( hv == 2 ) {
- pd->nextunit.x = 0; pd->nextunit.y = pd->nextunit.y>0 ? 1 : -1;
- } else if ( hv == 1 ) {
- pd->nextunit.y = 0; pd->nextunit.x = pd->nextunit.x>0 ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if ( pd->nextunit.y==0 ) pd->next_hor = true;
- else if ( pd->nextunit.x==0 ) pd->next_ver = true;
- if ( nextpd != NULL ) {
- nextpd->prevunit.x = -pd->nextunit.x;
- nextpd->prevunit.y = -pd->nextunit.y;
- }
- }
- if ( sp->prev==NULL ) {
- pd->prevunit.x = ss->last->me.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->prevunit.y = ss->last->me.y - sp->me.y;
- pd->prevlinear = true;
- } else if ( sp->prev->knownlinear ) {
- pd->prevunit.x = sp->prev->from->me.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->prevunit.y = sp->prev->from->me.y - sp->me.y;
- pd->prevlinear = true;
- } else if ( sp->noprevcp ) {
- pd->prevunit.x = sp->prev->from->nextcp.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->prevunit.y = sp->prev->from->nextcp.y - sp->me.y;
- } else {
- pd->prevunit.x = sp->prevcp.x - sp->me.x;
- pd->prevunit.y = sp->prevcp.y - sp->me.y;
- }
- len = sqrt( pow( pd->prevunit.x,2 ) + pow( pd->prevunit.y,2 ));
- if ( len==0 )
- pd->prevzero = true;
- else {
- pd->prevlen = len;
- pd->prevunit.x /= len;
- pd->prevunit.y /= len;
- if ( sp->prev!=NULL && !sp->prev->knownlinear )
- SplineFigureOpticalSlope(sp->prev,false,&pd->prevunit);
- hv = IsUnitHV( &pd->prevunit,true );
- if ( hv == 2 ) {
- pd->prevunit.x = 0; pd->prevunit.y = pd->prevunit.y>0 ? 1 : -1;
- } else if ( hv == 1 ) {
- pd->prevunit.y = 0; pd->prevunit.x = pd->prevunit.x>0 ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if ( pd->prevunit.y==0 ) pd->prev_hor = true;
- else if ( pd->prevunit.x==0 ) pd->prev_ver = true;
- if ( prevpd != NULL ) {
- prevpd->nextunit.x = -pd->prevunit.x;
- prevpd->nextunit.y = -pd->prevunit.y;
- }
- }
- {
- same = pd->prevunit.x*pd->nextunit.x + pd->prevunit.y*pd->nextunit.y;
- if ( same<-.95 )
- pd->colinear = true;
- }
- if (( pd->prev_hor || pd->next_hor ) && pd->colinear ) {
- if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,false,false,1 )) pd->y_extr = 1;
- else if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,true,false,1 )) pd->y_extr = 2;
- } else if (( pd->prev_ver || pd->next_ver ) && pd->colinear ) {
- if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,true,true,1 )) pd->x_extr = 1;
- else if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,false,true,1 )) pd->x_extr = 2;
- } else {
- if (( pd->nextunit.y < 0 && pd->prevunit.y < 0 ) || ( pd->nextunit.y > 0 && pd->prevunit.y > 0 )) {
- if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,false,false,2 )) pd->y_corner = 1;
- else if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,true,false,2 )) pd->y_corner = 2;
- }
- if (( pd->nextunit.x < 0 && pd->prevunit.x < 0 ) || ( pd->nextunit.x > 0 && pd->prevunit.x > 0 )) {
- if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,true,true,2 )) pd->x_corner = 1;
- else if ( IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,false,true,2 )) pd->x_corner = 2;
- }
- }
- if ( hint_diagonal_intersections ) {
- if (( pd->y_corner || pd->y_extr ) &&
- RealNear( pd->nextunit.x,-pd->prevunit.x ) &&
- RealNear( pd->nextunit.y,pd->prevunit.y ) && !pd->nextzero)
- pd->symetrical_h = true;
- else if (( pd->x_corner || pd->x_extr ) &&
- RealNear( pd->nextunit.y,-pd->prevunit.y ) &&
- RealNear( pd->nextunit.x,pd->prevunit.x ) && !pd->nextzero)
- pd->symetrical_v = true;
- }
-static int BBoxIntersectsLine(Spline *s,Spline *line) {
- double t,x,y;
- DBounds b;
- b.minx = b.maxx = s->from->me.x;
- b.miny = b.maxy = s->from->me.y;
- if ( s->to->me.x<b.minx ) b.minx = s->to->me.x;
- else if ( s->to->me.x>b.maxx ) b.maxx = s->to->me.x;
- if ( s->to->me.y<b.miny ) b.miny = s->to->me.y;
- else if ( s->to->me.y>b.maxy ) b.maxy = s->to->me.y;
- if ( s->to->prevcp.x<b.minx ) b.minx = s->to->prevcp.x;
- else if ( s->to->prevcp.x>b.maxx ) b.maxx = s->to->prevcp.x;
- if ( s->to->prevcp.y<b.miny ) b.miny = s->to->prevcp.y;
- else if ( s->to->prevcp.y>b.maxy ) b.maxy = s->to->prevcp.y;
- if ( s->from->nextcp.x<b.minx ) b.minx = s->from->nextcp.x;
- else if ( s->from->nextcp.x>b.maxx ) b.maxx = s->from->nextcp.x;
- if ( s->from->nextcp.y<b.miny ) b.miny = s->from->nextcp.y;
- else if ( s->from->nextcp.y>b.maxy ) b.maxy = s->from->nextcp.y;
- if ( line->splines[0].c!=0 ) {
- t = (b.minx-line->splines[0].d)/line->splines[0].c;
- y = line->splines[1].c*t+line->splines[1].d;
- if ( y>=b.miny && y<=b.maxy )
-return( true );
- t = (b.maxx-line->splines[0].d)/line->splines[0].c;
- y = line->splines[1].c*t+line->splines[1].d;
- if ( y>=b.miny && y<=b.maxy )
-return( true );
- }
- if ( line->splines[1].c!=0 ) {
- t = (b.miny-line->splines[1].d)/line->splines[1].c;
- x = line->splines[0].c*t+line->splines[0].d;
- if ( x>=b.minx && x<=b.maxx )
-return( true );
- t = (b.maxy-line->splines[1].d)/line->splines[1].c;
- x = line->splines[0].c*t+line->splines[0].d;
- if ( x>=b.minx && x<=b.maxx )
-return( true );
- }
-return( false );
-static int stcmp(const void *_p1, const void *_p2) {
- const struct st *stpt1 = _p1, *stpt2 = _p2;
- if ( stpt1->lt>stpt2->lt )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( stpt1->lt<stpt2->lt )
-return( -1 );
-return( 0 );
-static int line_pt_cmp( const void *_p1, const void *_p2 ) {
- struct pointdata * const *pd1 = _p1, * const *pd2 = _p2;
- struct linedata *line;
- double ppos1=0,ppos2=0;
- if ( (*pd1)->prevline != NULL &&
- ( (*pd1)->prevline == (*pd2)->prevline || (*pd1)->prevline == (*pd2)->nextline ))
- line = (*pd1)->prevline;
- else if ( (*pd1)->nextline != NULL &&
- ( (*pd1)->nextline == (*pd2)->prevline || (*pd1)->nextline == (*pd2)->nextline ))
- line = (*pd1)->nextline;
- else
-return( 0 );
- ppos1 = ( (*pd1)->sp->me.x - line->online.x ) * line->unit.x +
- ( (*pd1)->sp->me.y - line->online.y ) * line->unit.y;
- ppos2 = ( (*pd2)->sp->me.x - line->online.x ) * line->unit.x +
- ( (*pd2)->sp->me.y - line->online.y ) * line->unit.y;
- if ( ppos1>ppos2 )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( ppos1<ppos2 )
-return( -1 );
- else
-return( 0 );
-static int segment_cmp(const void *_s1, const void *_s2) {
- const struct segment *s1 = _s1, *s2 = _s2;
- if ( s1->start<s2->start )
-return( -1 );
- else if ( s1->start>s2->start )
-return( 1 );
-return( 0 );
-static int proj_cmp(const void *_p1, const void *_p2) {
- struct pointdata * const *p1 = _p1, * const *p2 = _p2;
- if ( (*p1)->projection<(*p2)->projection )
-return( -1 );
- else if ( (*p1)->projection>(*p2)->projection )
-return( 1 );
-return( 0 );
-static void AssignStemToPoint( struct pointdata *pd,struct stemdata *stem,int is_next, int left ) {
- struct stemdata ***stems;
- int i, *stemcnt, **is_l;
- stems = ( is_next ) ? &pd->nextstems : &pd->prevstems;
- stemcnt = ( is_next ) ? &pd->nextcnt : &pd->prevcnt;
- is_l = ( is_next ) ? &pd->next_is_l : &pd->prev_is_l;
- for ( i=0; i<*stemcnt; i++ ) {
- if ((*stems)[i] == stem )
- }
- *stems = realloc( *stems,( *stemcnt+1 )*sizeof( struct stemdata *));
- *is_l = realloc( *is_l, ( *stemcnt+1 )*sizeof( int ));
- (*stems)[*stemcnt] = stem;
- (*is_l )[*stemcnt] = left;
- (*stemcnt)++;
-int IsStemAssignedToPoint( struct pointdata *pd,struct stemdata *stem,int is_next ) {
- struct stemdata **stems;
- int i, stemcnt;
- stems = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextstems : pd->prevstems;
- stemcnt = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextcnt : pd->prevcnt;
- for ( i=0; i<stemcnt; i++ ) {
- if ( stems[i] == stem )
-return( i );
- }
-return( -1 );
-static int GetValidPointDataIndex( struct glyphdata *gd,SplinePoint *sp,
- struct stemdata *stem ) {
- struct pointdata *tpd;
- if ( sp == NULL )
-return( -1 );
- if ( sp->ttfindex < gd->realcnt )
-return( sp->ttfindex );
- if ( !sp->nonextcp && sp->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- tpd = &gd->points[sp->nextcpindex];
- if ( IsStemAssignedToPoint( tpd,stem,false ) != -1 )
-return( sp->nextcpindex );
- }
- if ( !sp->noprevcp && sp->prev != NULL &&
- sp->prev->from->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- tpd = &gd->points[sp->prev->from->nextcpindex];
- if ( IsStemAssignedToPoint( tpd,stem,true ) != -1 )
-return( sp->prev->from->nextcpindex );
- }
-return( -1 );
-static int LineType(struct st *st,int i, int cnt,Spline *line) {
- SplinePoint *sp;
- BasePoint nextcp, prevcp, here;
- double dn, dp;
- if ( st[i].st>.01 && st[i].st<.99 )
-return( 0 ); /* Not near an end-point, just a normal line */
- if ( i+1>=cnt )
-return( 0 ); /* No following spline */
- if ( st[i+1].st>.01 && st[i+1].st<.99 )
-return( 0 ); /* Following spline not near an end-point, can't */
- /* match to this one, just a normal line */
- if ( st[i].st<.5 && st[i+1].st>.5 ) {
- if ( st[i+1].s->to->next!=st[i].s )
-return( 0 );
- sp = st[i].s->from;
- } else if ( st[i].st>.5 && st[i+1].st<.5 ) {
- if ( st[i].s->to->next!=st[i+1].s )
-return( 0 );
- sp = st[i].s->to;
- } else
-return( 0 );
- if ( !sp->nonextcp )
- nextcp = sp->nextcp;
- else
- nextcp = sp->next->to->me;
- if ( !sp->noprevcp )
- prevcp = sp->prevcp;
- else
- prevcp = sp->prev->from->me;
- here.x = line->splines[0].c*(st[i].st+st[i+1].st)/2 + line->splines[0].d;
- here.y = line->splines[1].c*(st[i].st+st[i+1].st)/2 + line->splines[1].d;
- nextcp.x -= here.x; nextcp.y -= here.y;
- prevcp.x -= here.x; prevcp.y -= here.y;
- dn = nextcp.x*line->splines[1].c - nextcp.y*line->splines[0].c;
- dp = prevcp.x*line->splines[1].c - prevcp.y*line->splines[0].c;
- if ( dn*dp<0 ) /* splines away move on opposite sides of the line */
-return( 1 ); /* Treat this line and the next as one */
- /* We assume that a rounding error gave us one erroneous intersection (or we went directly through the endpoint) */
- else
-return( 2 ); /* Ignore both this line and the next */
- /* Intersects both in a normal fashion */
-static int MonotonicOrder(Spline **sspace,Spline *line,struct st *stspace) {
- Spline *s;
- int i,j,k,cnt;
- BasePoint pts[9];
- extended lts[10], sts[10];
- for ( i=j=0; (s=sspace[j])!=NULL; ++j ) {
- if ( BBoxIntersectsLine(s,line) ) {
- /* Lines parallel to the direction we are testing just get in the */
- /* way and don't add any useful info */
- if ( s->islinear &&
- RealNear(line->splines[0].c*s->splines[1].c,
- line->splines[1].c*s->splines[0].c))
- continue;
- if ( SplinesIntersect(line,s,pts,lts,sts)<=0 )
- continue;
- for ( k=0; sts[k]!=-1; ++k ) {
- if ( sts[k]>=0 && sts[k]<=1 ) {
- stspace[i].s = s;
- stspace[i].lt = lts[k];
- stspace[i++].st = sts[k];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- stspace[i].s = NULL;
- cnt = i;
- qsort(stspace,cnt,sizeof(struct st),stcmp);
-return( cnt );
-static Spline *MonotonicFindAlong(Spline *line,struct st *stspace,int cnt,
- Spline *findme, double *other_t) {
- Spline *s;
- int i;
- int eo; /* I do horizontal/vertical by winding number */
- /* But figuring winding number with respect to a */
- /* diagonal line is hard. So I use even-odd */
- /* instead. */
- eo = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<cnt; ++i ) {
- s = stspace[i].s;
- if ( s==findme ) {
- if ( (eo&1) && i>0 ) {
- *other_t = stspace[i-1].st;
-return( stspace[i-1].s );
- } else if ( !(eo&1) && i+1<cnt ) {
- *other_t = stspace[i+1].st;
-return( stspace[i+1].s );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "MonotonicFindAlong: Ran out of intersections.\n" );
-return( NULL );
- }
- if ( i+1<cnt && stspace[i+1].s==findme )
- ++eo;
- else switch ( LineType(stspace,i,cnt,line) ) {
- case 0: /* Normal spline */
- ++eo;
- break;
- case 1: /* Intersects at end-point & next entry is other side */
- ++eo; /* And the two sides continue in approximately the */
- ++i; /* same direction */
- break;
- case 2: /* Intersects at end-point & next entry is other side */
- ++i; /* And the two sides go in opposite directions */
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "MonotonicFindAlong: Never found our spline.\n" );
-return( NULL );
-static int MonotonicFindStemBounds(Spline *line,struct st *stspace,int cnt,
- double fudge,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int i,j;
- int eo; /* I do horizontal/vertical by winding number */
- /* But figuring winding number with respect to a */
- /* diagonal line is hard. So I use even-odd */
- /* instead. */
- double pos, npos;
- double lmin = ( stem->lmin < -fudge ) ? stem->lmin : -fudge;
- double lmax = ( stem->lmax > fudge ) ? stem->lmax : fudge;
- double rmin = ( stem->rmin < -fudge ) ? stem->rmin : -fudge;
- double rmax = ( stem->rmax > fudge ) ? stem->rmax : fudge;
- lmin -= .0001; lmax += .0001; rmin -= .0001; rmax += .0001;
- eo = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<cnt; ++i ) {
- pos = (line->splines[0].c*stspace[i].lt + line->splines[0].d - stem->left.x)*stem->l_to_r.x +
- (line->splines[1].c*stspace[i].lt + line->splines[1].d - stem->left.y)*stem->l_to_r.y;
- npos = 1e4;
- if ( i+1<cnt )
- npos = (line->splines[0].c*stspace[i+1].lt + line->splines[0].d - stem->left.x)*stem->l_to_r.x +
- (line->splines[1].c*stspace[i+1].lt + line->splines[1].d - stem->left.y)*stem->l_to_r.y;
- if ( pos>=lmin && pos<=lmax ) {
- if ( (eo&1) && i>0 )
- j = i-1;
- else if ( !(eo&1) && i+1<cnt )
- j = i+1;
- else
-return( false );
- pos = (line->splines[0].c*stspace[j].lt + line->splines[0].d - stem->right.x)*stem->l_to_r.x +
- (line->splines[1].c*stspace[j].lt + line->splines[1].d - stem->right.y)*stem->l_to_r.y;
- if ( pos >= rmin && pos <= rmax )
-return( true );
- }
- if ( i+1 < cnt && npos >= lmin && npos <= lmax )
- ++eo;
- else switch ( LineType(stspace,i,cnt,line) ) {
- case 0: /* Normal spline */
- ++eo;
- break;
- case 1: /* Intersects at end-point & next entry is other side */
- ++eo; /* And the two sides continue in approximately the */
- ++i; /* same direction */
- break;
- case 2: /* Intersects at end-point & next entry is other side */
- ++i; /* And the two sides go in opposite directions */
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-return( false );
-static int MatchWinding(struct monotonic ** space,int i,int nw,int winding,int which,int idx) {
- struct monotonic *m;
- int j,cnt=0;
- if (( nw<0 && winding>0 ) || (nw>0 && winding<0)) {
- winding = nw;
- for ( j=i-1; j>=0; --j ) {
- m = space[j];
- winding += ((&m->xup)[which] ? 1 : -1 );
- if ( winding==0 ) {
- if ( cnt == idx )
-return( j );
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- winding = nw;
- for ( j=i+1; space[j]!=NULL; ++j ) {
- m = space[j];
- winding += ((&m->xup)[which] ? 1 : -1 );
- if ( winding==0 ) {
- if ( cnt == idx )
-return( j );
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- }
-return( -1 );
-static int FindMatchingHVEdge( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- int is_next,Spline **edges,double *other_t,double *dist ) {
- double test, t, start, end;
- int which;
- Spline *s;
- Monotonic *m;
- int winding, nw, i, j, ret=0;
- struct monotonic **space;
- BasePoint *dir, d, hv;
- /* Things are difficult if we go exactly through the point. Move off */
- /* to the side a tiny bit and hope that doesn't matter */
- if ( is_next==2 ) {
- /* Consider the case of the bottom of the circumflex (or a chevron) */
- /* Think of it as a flattend breve. It is symetrical and we want to */
- /* note the vertical distance between the two points that define */
- /* the bottom, so treat them as a funky stem */
- /* \ \ / / */
- /* \ \ / / */
- /* \ \ / / */
- /* \ + / */
- /* \ / */
- /* + */
- hv.x = pd->symetrical_h ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- hv.y = pd->symetrical_v ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- dir = &hv;
- t = .001;
- s = pd->sp->next; /* Could just as easily be prev */
- } else if ( is_next ) {
- s = pd->sp->next;
- t = .001;
- dir = &pd->nextunit;
- } else {
- s = pd->sp->prev;
- t = .999;
- dir = &pd->prevunit;
- }
- if (( d.x = dir->x )<0 ) d.x = -d.x;
- if (( d.y = dir->y )<0 ) d.y = -d.y;
- which = d.x<d.y; /* closer to vertical */
- if ( s==NULL ) /* Somehow we got an open contour? */
-return( 0 );
- test = ((s->splines[which].a*t+s->splines[which].b)*t+s->splines[which].c)*t+s->splines[which].d;
- MonotonicFindAt(gd->ms,which,test,space = gd->space);
- winding = 0;
- for ( i=0; space[i]!=NULL; ++i ) {
- m = space[i];
- nw = ((&m->xup)[which] ? 1 : -1 );
- if ( m->s == s && t>=m->tstart && t<=m->tend ) {
- start = m->other;
- break;
- }
- winding += nw;
- }
- if ( space[i]==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "FindMatchinHVEdge didn't\n" );
-return( 0 );
- }
- j = MatchWinding(space,i,nw,winding,which,0);
- if ( j!=-1 ) {
- other_t[0] = space[j]->t;
- end = space[j]->other;
- dist[0] = end - start;
- if ( dist[0] < 0 ) dist[0] = -dist[0];
- edges[0] = space[j]->s;
- ret++;
- }
- if ( ret > 0 && is_next != 2 && ( pd->x_extr == 1 || pd->y_extr == 1 )) {
- j = MatchWinding(space,i,nw,winding,which,1);
- if ( j!=-1 ) {
- other_t[ret] = space[j]->t;
- end = space[j]->other;
- dist[ret] = end - start;
- if ( dist[ret] < 0 ) dist[ret] = -dist[ret];
- edges[ret] = space[j]->s;
- ret++;
- }
- }
-return( ret );
-static BasePoint PerturbAlongSpline( Spline *s,BasePoint *bp,double t ) {
- BasePoint perturbed;
- for (;;) {
- perturbed.x = ((s->splines[0].a*t+s->splines[0].b)*t+s->splines[0].c)*t+s->splines[0].d;
- perturbed.y = ((s->splines[1].a*t+s->splines[1].b)*t+s->splines[1].c)*t+s->splines[1].d;
- if ( !RealWithin( perturbed.x,bp->x,.01 ) || !RealWithin( perturbed.y,bp->y,.01 ))
- break;
- if ( t<.5 ) {
- t *= 2;
- if ( t>.5 )
- break;
- } else {
- t = 1- 2*(1-t);
- if ( t<.5 )
- break;
- }
- }
-return( perturbed );
-static void MakeVirtualLine(struct glyphdata *gd,BasePoint *perturbed,
- BasePoint *dir,Spline *myline,SplinePoint *end1, SplinePoint *end2) {
- BasePoint norm, absnorm;
- SplineSet *spl;
- Spline *s, *first;
- double t1, t2;
- int i, cnt;
- if ( gd->stspace==NULL ) {
- for ( i=0; i<2; ++i ) {
- cnt = 0;
- for ( spl=gd->sc->layers[gd->layer].splines; spl!=NULL; spl=spl->next ) {
- first = NULL;
- if ( spl->first->prev!=NULL ) {
- for ( s=spl->first->next; s!=first; s=s->to->next ) {
- if ( first==NULL ) first = s;
- if ( i )
- gd->sspace[cnt] = s;
- ++cnt;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !i ) {
- gd->scnt = cnt;
- gd->sspace = malloc((cnt+1)*sizeof(Spline *));
- } else
- gd->sspace[cnt] = NULL;
- }
- gd->stspace = malloc((3*cnt+2)*sizeof(struct st));
- SplineCharFindBounds(gd->sc,&gd->size);
- gd->size.minx -= 10; gd->size.miny -= 10;
- gd->size.maxx += 10; gd->size.maxy += 10;
- }
- norm.x = -dir->y;
- norm.y = dir->x;
- absnorm = norm;
- if ( absnorm.x<0 ) absnorm.x = -absnorm.x;
- if ( absnorm.y<0 ) absnorm.y = -absnorm.y;
- memset(myline,0,sizeof(*myline));
- memset(end1,0,sizeof(*end1));
- memset(end2,0,sizeof(*end2));
- myline->knownlinear = myline->islinear = true;
- if ( absnorm.x > absnorm.y ) {
- /* Greater change in x than in y */
- t1 = (gd->size.minx-perturbed->x)/norm.x;
- t2 = (gd->size.maxx-perturbed->x)/norm.x;
- myline->splines[0].d = gd->size.minx;
- myline->splines[0].c = gd->size.maxx-gd->size.minx;
- myline->splines[1].d = perturbed->y+t1*norm.y;
- myline->splines[1].c = (t2-t1)*norm.y;
- } else {
- t1 = (gd->size.miny-perturbed->y)/norm.y;
- t2 = (gd->size.maxy-perturbed->y)/norm.y;
- myline->splines[1].d = gd->size.miny;
- myline->splines[1].c = gd->size.maxy-gd->size.miny;
- myline->splines[0].d = perturbed->x+t1*norm.x;
- myline->splines[0].c = (t2-t1)*norm.x;
- }
- end1->me.x = myline->splines[0].d;
- end2->me.x = myline->splines[0].d + myline->splines[0].c;
- end1->me.y = myline->splines[1].d;
- end2->me.y = myline->splines[1].d + myline->splines[1].c;
- end1->nextcp = end1->prevcp = end1->me;
- end2->nextcp = end2->prevcp = end2->me;
- end1->nonextcp = end1->noprevcp = end2->nonextcp = end2->noprevcp = true;
- end1->next = myline; end2->prev = myline;
- myline->from = end1; myline->to = end2;
-static int FindMatchingEdge( struct glyphdata *gd, struct pointdata *pd,
- int is_next,Spline **edges ) {
- BasePoint *dir, vert, perturbed, diff;
- Spline myline;
- SplinePoint end1, end2;
- double *other_t = is_next==2 ? &pd->both_e_t : is_next ? pd->next_e_t : pd->prev_e_t;
- double *dist = is_next ? pd->next_dist : pd->prev_dist;
- double t ;
- Spline *s;
- int cnt;
- dist[0] = 0; dist[1] = 0;
- if (( is_next && ( pd->next_hor || pd->next_ver )) ||
- ( !is_next && ( pd->prev_hor || pd->prev_ver )) ||
- is_next == 2 )
-return( FindMatchingHVEdge(gd,pd,is_next,edges,other_t,dist));
- if ( is_next ) {
- dir = &pd->nextunit;
- t = .001;
- s = pd->sp->next;
- } else {
- dir = &pd->prevunit;
- t = .999;
- s = pd->sp->prev;
- }
- /* For spline segments which have slope close enough to the font's italic */
- /* slant look for an opposite edge along the horizontal direction, rather */
- /* than along the normal for the point's next/previous unit. This allows */
- /* us e. g. to detect serifs in italic fonts */
- if ( gd->has_slant ) {
- if ( UnitsParallel( dir,&gd->slant_unit,true )) {
- vert.x = 0; vert.y = 1;
- dir = &vert;
- }
- }
- if ( s==NULL || ( gd->only_hv && !IsUnitHV( dir,false )))
-return( 0 );
- diff.x = s->to->me.x-s->from->me.x; diff.y = s->to->me.y-s->from->me.y;
- if ( diff.x<.03 && diff.x>-.03 && diff.y<.03 && diff.y>-.03 )
-return( 0 );
- /* Don't base the line on the current point, we run into rounding errors */
- /* where lines that should intersect it don't. Instead perturb it a tiny*/
- /* bit in the direction along the spline */
- perturbed = PerturbAlongSpline( s,&pd->sp->me,t );
- MakeVirtualLine(gd,&perturbed,dir,&myline,&end1,&end2);
- /* prev_e_t = next_e_t = both_e_t =. This is where these guys are set */
- cnt = MonotonicOrder(gd->sspace,&myline,gd->stspace);
- edges[0] = MonotonicFindAlong(&myline,gd->stspace,cnt,s,other_t);
-return( edges[0] != NULL );
-static int StillStem(struct glyphdata *gd,double fudge,BasePoint *pos,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- Spline myline;
- SplinePoint end1, end2;
- int cnt, ret;
- MakeVirtualLine( gd,pos,&stem->unit,&myline,&end1,&end2 );
- cnt = MonotonicOrder( gd->sspace,&myline,gd->stspace );
- ret = MonotonicFindStemBounds( &myline,gd->stspace,cnt,fudge,stem );
-return( ret );
-static int CornerCorrectSide( struct pointdata *pd,int x_dir,int is_l ) {
- int corner = ( x_dir ) ? pd->x_corner : pd->y_corner;
- int start = (( x_dir && is_l ) || ( !x_dir && !is_l ));
- double unit_p, unit_n;
- unit_p = (&pd->prevunit.x)[!x_dir];
- unit_n = (&pd->nextunit.x)[!x_dir];
-return( ( start && (
- ( corner == 1 && unit_p > 0 && unit_n > 0 ) ||
- ( corner == 2 && unit_p < 0 && unit_n < 0 ))) ||
- ( !start && (
- ( corner == 1 && unit_p < 0 && unit_n < 0 ) ||
- ( corner == 2 && unit_p > 0 && unit_n > 0 ))));
-static int IsCorrectSide( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- int is_next,int is_l,BasePoint *dir ) {
- Spline *sbase, myline;
- SplinePoint *sp = pd->sp, end1, end2;
- BasePoint perturbed;
- int i, hv, is_x, ret = false, winding = 0, cnt, eo;
- double t, test;
- struct monotonic **space, *m;
- hv = IsUnitHV( dir,true );
- if (( hv == 2 && pd->x_corner ) || ( hv == 1 && pd->y_corner ))
-return( CornerCorrectSide( pd,( hv == 2 ),is_l ));
- sbase = ( is_next ) ? sp->next : sp->prev;
- t = ( is_next ) ? 0.001 : 0.999;
- perturbed = PerturbAlongSpline( sbase,&sp->me,t );
- if ( hv ) {
- is_x = ( hv == 2 );
- test = ( is_x ) ? perturbed.y : perturbed.x;
- MonotonicFindAt( gd->ms,is_x,test,space = gd->space );
- for ( i=0; space[i]!=NULL; ++i ) {
- m = space[i];
- winding = ((&m->xup)[is_x] ? 1 : -1 );
- if ( m->s == sbase )
- break;
- }
- if ( space[i]!=NULL )
- ret = (( is_l && winding == 1 ) || ( !is_l && winding == -1 ));
- } else {
- MakeVirtualLine( gd,&perturbed,dir,&myline,&end1,&end2 );
- cnt = MonotonicOrder( gd->sspace,&myline,gd->stspace );
- eo = -1;
- is_x = fabs( dir->y ) > fabs( dir->x );
- /* If a diagonal stem is more vertical than horizontal, then our */
- /* virtual line will go from left to right. It will first intersect */
- /* the left side of the stem, if the stem also points north-east. */
- /* In any other case the virtual line will first intersect the right */
- /* side. */
- i = ( is_x && dir->y > 0 ) ? 0 : cnt-1;
- while ( i >= 0 && i <= cnt-1 ) {
- eo = ( eo != 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
- if ( gd->stspace[i].s == sbase )
- break;
- if ( is_x && dir->y > 0 ) i++;
- else i--;
- }
- ret = ( is_l == eo );
- }
-return( ret );
-/* In TrueType I want to make sure that everything on a diagonal line remains */
-/* on the same line. Hence we compute the line. Also we are interested in */
-/* points that are on the intersection of two lines */
-static struct linedata *BuildLine(struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,int is_next ) {
- int i;
- BasePoint *dir, *base, *start, *end;
- struct pointdata **pspace = gd->pspace, *pd2;
- int pcnt=0, is_l, hv;
- double dist_error;
- struct linedata *line;
- double off, firstoff, lastoff, lmin=0, lmax=0;
- dir = is_next ? &pd->nextunit : &pd->prevunit;
- is_l = IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,is_next,true,dir );
- dist_error = ( IsUnitHV( dir,true )) ? dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag ; /* Diagonals are harder to align */
- if ( dir->x==0 && dir->y==0 )
-return( NULL );
- base = &pd->sp->me;
- for ( i= (pd - gd->points)+1; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- pd2 = &gd->points[i];
- off = ( pd2->sp->me.x - base->x )*dir->y -
- ( pd2->sp->me.y - base->y )*dir->x;
- if ( off <= lmax - 2*dist_error || off >= lmin + 2*dist_error )
- continue;
- if ( off < 0 && off < lmin ) lmin = off;
- else if ( off > 0 && off > lmax ) lmax = off;
- if ((( UnitsParallel( dir,&pd2->nextunit,true ) && pd2->nextline==NULL ) &&
- IsCorrectSide( gd,pd2,true,is_l,dir )) ||
- (( UnitsParallel( dir,&pd2->prevunit,true ) && pd2->prevline==NULL ) &&
- IsCorrectSide( gd,pd2,false,is_l,dir )))
- pspace[pcnt++] = pd2;
- }
- if ( pcnt==0 )
-return( NULL );
- if ( pcnt==1 ) {
- /* if the line consists of just these two points, only count it as */
- /* a true line if the two immediately follow each other */
- if (( pd->sp->next->to != pspace[0]->sp || !pd->sp->next->knownlinear ) &&
- ( pd->sp->prev->from != pspace[0]->sp || !pd->sp->prev->knownlinear ))
-return( NULL );
- }
- line = &gd->lines[gd->linecnt++];
- line->pcnt = pcnt+1;
- line->points = malloc((pcnt+1)*sizeof(struct pointdata *));
- line->points[0] = pd;
- line->unit = *dir;
- line->is_left = is_l;
- if ( dir->x < 0 || dir->y == -1 ) {
- line->unit.x = -line->unit.x;
- line->unit.y = -line->unit.y;
- }
- line->online = *base;
- if ( is_next ) {
- pd->nextline = line;
- if ( pd->colinear ) pd->prevline = line;
- } else {
- pd->prevline = line;
- if ( pd->colinear ) pd->nextline = line;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<pcnt; ++i ) {
- if ( UnitsParallel( dir,&pspace[i]->nextunit,true ) && pspace[i]->nextline==NULL ) {
- pspace[i]->nextline = line;
- if ( pspace[i]->colinear )
- pspace[i]->prevline = line;
- }
- if ( UnitsParallel( dir,&pspace[i]->prevunit,true ) && pspace[i]->prevline==NULL ) {
- pspace[i]->prevline = line;
- if ( pspace[i]->colinear )
- pspace[i]->nextline = line;
- }
- line->points[i+1] = pspace[i];
- }
- qsort( line->points,line->pcnt,sizeof( struct pointdata * ),line_pt_cmp );
- start = &line->points[0]->sp->me;
- end = &line->points[pcnt]->sp->me;
- /* Now recalculate the line unit vector basing on its starting and */
- /* terminal points */
- line->unit.x = ( end->x - start->x );
- line->unit.y = ( end->y - start->y );
- line->length = sqrt( pow( line->unit.x,2 ) + pow( line->unit.y,2 ));
- line->unit.x /= line->length;
- line->unit.y /= line->length;
- hv = IsUnitHV( &line->unit,true );
- if ( hv == 2 ) {
- line->unit.x = 0; line->unit.y = 1;
- } else if ( hv == 1 ) {
- line->unit.x = 1; line->unit.y = 0;
- } else if ( gd->has_slant && UnitsParallel( &line->unit,&gd->slant_unit,true )) {
- firstoff = ( start->x - base->x )*gd->slant_unit.y -
- ( start->y - base->y )*gd->slant_unit.x;
- lastoff = ( end->x - base->x )*gd->slant_unit.y -
- ( end->y - base->y )*gd->slant_unit.x;
- if ( fabs( firstoff ) < 2*dist_error && fabs( lastoff ) < 2*dist_error )
- line->unit = gd->slant_unit;
- }
-return( line );
-static BasePoint MiddleUnit( BasePoint *unit1, BasePoint *unit2 ) {
- BasePoint u1, u2, ret;
- double hyp;
- int hv;
- u1 = *unit1; u2 = *unit2;
- if ( u1.x*u2.x + u1.y*u2.y < 0 ) {
- u2.x = -u2.x; u2.y = -u2.y;
- }
- ret.x = ( u1.x + u2.x )/2;
- ret.y = ( u1.y + u2.y )/2;
- hyp = sqrt( pow( ret.x,2 ) + pow( ret.y,2 ));
- ret.x /= hyp;
- ret.y /= hyp;
- hv = IsUnitHV( &ret,true );
- if ( hv ) {
- ret.x = ( hv == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
- ret.y = ( hv == 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
- }
-return( ret );
-static uint8 IsStubOrIntersection( struct glyphdata *gd, BasePoint *dir1,
- struct pointdata *pd1, struct pointdata *pd2, int is_next1, int is_next2 ) {
- int i;
- int exc=0;
- double dist, off, ext, norm1, norm2, opp, angle;
- double mid_err = ( stem_slope_error + stub_slope_error )/2;
- SplinePoint *sp1, *sp2, *nsp;
- BasePoint hvdir, *dir2, *odir1, *odir2;
- struct pointdata *npd;
- struct linedata *line;
- sp1 = pd1->sp; sp2 = pd2->sp;
- dir2 = ( is_next2 ) ? &pd2->nextunit : &pd2->prevunit;
- hvdir.x = ( int ) rint( dir1->x );
- hvdir.y = ( int ) rint( dir1->y );
- line = is_next2 ? pd2->nextline : pd2->prevline;
- if ( !IsUnitHV( dir2,true ) && line != NULL )
- dir2 = &line->unit;
- odir1 = ( is_next1 ) ? &pd1->prevunit : &pd1->nextunit;
- odir2 = ( is_next2 ) ? &pd2->prevunit : &pd2->nextunit;
- angle = fabs( GetUnitAngle( dir1,dir2 ));
- if ( angle > (double)stub_slope_error*1.5 && angle < PI - (double)stub_slope_error*1.5 )
-return( 0 );
- /* First check if it is a slightly slanted line or a curve which joins */
- /* a straight line under an angle close to 90 degrees. There are many */
- /* glyphs where circles or curved features are intersected by or */
- /* connected to vertical or horizontal straight stems (the most obvious */
- /* cases are Greek Psi and Cyrillic Yu), and usually it is highly desired to */
- /* mark such an intersection with a hint */
- norm1 = ( sp1->me.x - sp2->me.x ) * odir2->x +
- ( sp1->me.y - sp2->me.y ) * odir2->y;
- norm2 = ( sp2->me.x - sp1->me.x ) * odir1->x +
- ( sp2->me.y - sp1->me.y ) * odir1->y;
- /* if this is a real stub or intersection, then vectors on both sides */
- /* of out going-to-be stem should point in the same direction. So */
- /* the following value should be positive */
- opp = dir1->x * dir2->x + dir1->y * dir2->y;
- if (( angle <= mid_err || angle >= PI - mid_err ) &&
- opp > 0 && norm1 < 0 && norm2 < 0 && UnitsParallel( odir1,odir2,true ) &&
- ( UnitsOrthogonal( dir1,odir1,false ) || UnitsOrthogonal( dir2,odir1,false )))
-return( 2 );
- if (( angle <= mid_err || angle >= PI - mid_err ) &&
- opp > 0 && (( norm1 < 0 && pd1->colinear &&
- IsUnitHV( dir1,true ) && UnitsOrthogonal( dir1,odir2,false )) ||
- ( norm2 < 0 && pd2->colinear &&
- IsUnitHV( dir2,true ) && UnitsOrthogonal( dir2,odir1,false ))))
-return( 4 );
- /* Now check if our 2 points form a serif termination or a feature stub */
- /* The check is pretty dumb: it returns 'true' if all the following */
- /* conditions are met: */
- /* - both the points belong to the same contour; */
- /* - there are no more than 3 other points between them; */
- /* - anyone of those intermediate points is positioned by such a way */
- /* that it falls inside the stem formed by our 2 base point and */
- /* the vector we are checking and its distance from the first point */
- /* along that vector is not larger than the stem width; */
- /* - none of the intermediate points is parallel to the vector direction */
- /* (otherwise we should have checked against that point instead) */
- if ( !UnitsParallel( dir1,&hvdir,false ))
-return( 0 );
- dist = ( sp1->me.x - sp2->me.x ) * dir1->y -
- ( sp1->me.y - sp2->me.y ) * dir1->x;
- nsp = sp1;
- for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
- if (( is_next1 && nsp->prev == NULL ) || ( !is_next1 && nsp->next == NULL ))
-return( 0 );
- nsp = ( is_next1 ) ? nsp->prev->from : nsp->next->to;
- if ( ( i>0 && nsp == sp1 ) || nsp == sp2 )
- break;
- npd = &gd->points[nsp->ptindex];
- if (UnitsParallel( &npd->nextunit,&hvdir,false ) ||
- UnitsParallel( &npd->prevunit,&hvdir,false ))
- break;
- ext = ( sp1->me.x - nsp->me.x ) * hvdir.x +
- ( sp1->me.y - nsp->me.y ) * hvdir.y;
- if ( ext < 0 ) ext = -ext;
- if (( dist > 0 && ext > dist ) || ( dist < 0 && ext < dist ))
- break;
- off = ( sp1->me.x - nsp->me.x ) * hvdir.y -
- ( sp1->me.y - nsp->me.y ) * hvdir.x;
- if (( dist > 0 && ( off <= 0 || off >= dist )) ||
- ( dist < 0 && ( off >= 0 || off <= dist )))
- exc++;
- }
- if ( nsp == sp2 && exc == 0 )
-return( 1 );
-return( 0 );
-/* We normalize all stem unit vectors so that they point between 90 and 270 */
-/* degrees, as this range is optimal for sorting diagonal stems. This means */
-/* that vertical stems will normally point top to bottom, but for diagonal */
-/* stems (even if their angle is actually very close to vertical) the opposite */
-/* direction is also possible. Sometimes we "normalize" such stems converting */
-/* them to vertical. In such a case we have to swap their edges too. */
-static void SwapEdges( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- BasePoint tpos;
- struct pointdata *tpd;
- struct linedata *tl;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- double toff;
- int i, j, temp;
- tpos = stem->left; stem->left = stem->right; stem->right = tpos;
- toff = stem->lmin; stem->lmin = stem->rmax; stem->rmax = toff;
- toff = stem->rmin; stem->rmin = stem->lmax; stem->lmax = toff;
- tl = stem->leftline; stem->leftline = stem->rightline; stem->rightline = tl;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- tpd = chunk->l; chunk->l = chunk->r; chunk->r = tpd;
- temp = chunk->lpotential; chunk->lpotential = chunk->rpotential; chunk->rpotential = temp;
- temp = chunk->lnext; chunk->lnext = chunk->rnext; chunk->rnext = temp;
- temp = chunk->ltick; chunk->ltick = chunk->rtick; chunk->rtick = temp;
- tpd = chunk->l;
- if ( tpd != NULL ) {
- for ( j=0; j<tpd->nextcnt; j++ )
- if ( tpd->nextstems[j] == stem )
- tpd->next_is_l[j] = true;
- for ( j=0; j<tpd->prevcnt; j++ )
- if ( tpd->prevstems[j] == stem )
- tpd->prev_is_l[j] = true;
- }
- tpd = chunk->r;
- if ( tpd != NULL ) {
- for ( j=0; j<tpd->nextcnt; j++ )
- if ( tpd->nextstems[j] == stem )
- tpd->next_is_l[j] = false;
- for ( j=0; j<tpd->prevcnt; j++ )
- if ( tpd->prevstems[j] == stem )
- tpd->prev_is_l[j] = false;
- }
- }
- /* In case of a quadratic contour invert assignments to stem sides */
- /* also for off-curve points */
- if ( gd->order2 ) {
- for ( i=0; i<gd->realcnt; i++ ) if ( gd->points[i].sp == NULL ) {
- tpd = &gd->points[i];
- for ( j=0; j<tpd->nextcnt; j++ )
- if ( tpd->nextstems[j] == stem )
- tpd->next_is_l[j] = !tpd->next_is_l[j];
- for ( j=0; j<tpd->prevcnt; j++ )
- if ( tpd->prevstems[j] == stem )
- tpd->prev_is_l[j] = !tpd->prev_is_l[j];
- }
- }
-static int StemFitsHV( struct stemdata *stem,int is_x,uint8 mask ) {
- int i,cnt;
- double loff,roff;
- double lmin=0,lmax=0,rmin=0,rmax=0;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- cnt = stem->chunk_cnt;
- for ( i=0 ; i<stem->chunk_cnt; i++ ) {
- if( stem->chunks[i].stub & mask )
- break;
- }
- if ( i == stem->chunk_cnt )
-return( false );
- if ( stem->chunk_cnt == 1 )
-return( true );
- for ( i=0;i<cnt;i++ ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->l != NULL ) {
- loff = ( chunk->l->sp->me.x - stem->left.x ) * !is_x -
- ( chunk->l->sp->me.y - stem->left.y ) * is_x;
- if ( loff < lmin ) lmin = loff;
- else if ( loff > lmax ) lmax = loff;
- }
- if ( chunk->r != NULL ) {
- roff = ( chunk->r->sp->me.x - stem->right.x ) * !is_x -
- ( chunk->r->sp->me.y - stem->right.y ) * is_x;
- if ( roff < rmin ) rmin = roff;
- else if ( roff > rmax ) rmax = roff;
- }
- }
- if ((( lmax - lmin ) < 2*dist_error_hv ) && (( rmax - rmin ) < 2*dist_error_hv ))
-return( true );
-return( false );
-static int LineFitsHV( struct linedata *line ) {
- int i,cnt,is_x,hv;
- double off,min=0,max=0;
- struct pointdata *pd;
- cnt = line->pcnt;
- hv = IsUnitHV( &line->unit,true );
- if ( hv )
-return( true );
- hv = IsUnitHV( &line->unit,false );
- if ( !hv )
-return( false );
- is_x = ( hv == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
- for ( i=0;i<cnt;i++ ) {
- pd = line->points[i];
- off = ( pd->base.x - line->online.x ) * !is_x -
- ( pd->base.y - line->online.y ) * is_x;
- if ( off < min ) min = off;
- else if ( off > max ) max = off;
- }
- if (( max - min ) < 2*dist_error_hv )
-return( true );
-return( false );
-static int OnStem( struct stemdata *stem,BasePoint *test,int left ) {
- double dist_error, off;
- BasePoint *dir = &stem->unit;
- double max=0, min=0;
- /* Diagonals are harder to align */
- dist_error = IsUnitHV( dir,true ) ? dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag;
- if ( !stem->positioned ) dist_error = dist_error * 2;
- if ( dist_error > stem->width/2 ) dist_error = stem->width/2;
- if ( left ) {
- off = (test->x - stem->left.x)*dir->y - (test->y - stem->left.y)*dir->x;
- max = stem->lmax; min = stem->lmin;
- } else {
- off = (test->x - stem->right.x)*dir->y - (test->y - stem->right.y)*dir->x;
- max = stem->rmax; min = stem->rmin;
- }
- if ( off > ( max - dist_error ) && off < ( min + dist_error ) )
-return( true );
-return( false );
-static int BothOnStem( struct stemdata *stem,BasePoint *test1,BasePoint *test2,
- int force_hv,int strict,int cove ) {
- double dist_error, off1, off2;
- BasePoint dir = stem->unit;
- int hv, hv_strict;
- double lmax=0, lmin=0, rmax=0, rmin=0;
- hv = ( force_hv ) ? IsUnitHV( &dir,false ) : IsUnitHV( &dir,true );
- hv_strict = ( force_hv ) ? IsUnitHV( &dir,true ) : hv;
- if ( force_hv ) {
- if ( force_hv != hv )
-return( false );
- if ( !hv_strict && !StemFitsHV( stem,( hv == 1 ),7 ))
-return( false );
- if ( !hv_strict ) {
- dir.x = ( force_hv == 2 ) ? 0 : 1;
- dir.y = ( force_hv == 2 ) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- /* Diagonals are harder to align */
- dist_error = ( hv ) ? dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag;
- if ( !strict ) {
- dist_error = dist_error * 2;
- lmax = stem->lmax; lmin = stem->lmin;
- rmax = stem->rmax; rmin = stem->rmin;
- }
- if ( dist_error > stem->width/2 ) dist_error = stem->width/2;
- off1 = (test1->x-stem->left.x)*dir.y - (test1->y-stem->left.y)*dir.x;
- off2 = (test2->x-stem->right.x)*dir.y - (test2->y-stem->right.y)*dir.x;
- if (off1 > ( lmax - dist_error ) && off1 < ( lmin + dist_error ) &&
- off2 > ( rmax - dist_error ) && off2 < ( rmin + dist_error )) {
- /* For some reasons in my patch from Feb 24 2008 I prohibited snapping */
- /* to stems point pairs which together form a bend, if at least */
- /* one point from the pair doesn't have exactly the same position as */
- /* the stem edge. Unfortunately I don't remember why I did this, but */
- /* this behavior has at least one obviously negative effect: it */
- /* prevents building a stem from chunks which describe an ark */
- /* intersected by some straight lines, even if the intersections lie */
- /* closely enough to the ark extremum. So don't apply this test */
- /* at least if the force_hv flag is on (which means either the */
- /* chunk or the stem itself is not exactly horizontal/vertical) */
- if ( !cove || force_hv || off1 == 0 || off2 == 0 )
-return( true );
- }
- off2 = (test2->x-stem->left.x)*dir.y - (test2->y-stem->left.y)*dir.x;
- off1 = (test1->x-stem->right.x)*dir.y - (test1->y-stem->right.y)*dir.x;
- if (off2 > ( lmax - dist_error ) && off2 < ( lmin + dist_error ) &&
- off1 > ( rmax - dist_error ) && off1 < ( rmin + dist_error )) {
- if ( !cove || force_hv || off1 == 0 || off2 == 0 )
-return( true );
- }
-return( false );
-static int RecalcStemOffsets( struct stemdata *stem,BasePoint *dir,int left,int right ) {
- double off, err;
- double lmin=0, lmax=0, rmin=0, rmax=0;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- int i;
- if ( !left && !right )
-return( false );
- err = ( IsUnitHV( dir,true )) ? dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag;
- if ( stem->chunk_cnt > 1 ) for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; i++ ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( left && chunk->l != NULL ) {
- off = ( chunk->l->sp->me.x - stem->left.x )*dir->y -
- ( chunk->l->sp->me.y - stem->left.y )*dir->x;
- if ( off < lmin ) lmin = off;
- else if ( off > lmax ) lmax = off;
- }
- if ( right && chunk->r != NULL ) {
- off = ( chunk->r->sp->me.x - stem->right.x )*dir->y +
- ( chunk->r->sp->me.y - stem->right.y )*dir->x;
- if ( off < rmin ) rmin = off;
- else if ( off > rmax ) rmax = off;
- }
- }
- if ( lmax - lmin < 2*err && rmax - rmin < 2*err ) {
- stem->lmin = lmin; stem->lmax = lmax;
- stem->rmin = rmin; stem->rmax = rmax;
-return( true );
- }
-return( false );
-static void SetStemUnit( struct stemdata *stem,BasePoint dir ) {
- double width;
- width = ( stem->right.x - stem->left.x ) * dir.y -
- ( stem->right.y - stem->left.y ) * dir.x;
- if ( width < 0 ) {
- width = -width;
- dir.x = -dir.x;
- dir.y = -dir.y;
- }
- stem->unit = dir;
- stem->width = width;
- /* Guess at which normal we want */
- stem->l_to_r.x = dir.y; stem->l_to_r.y = -dir.x;
- /* If we guessed wrong, use the other */
- if (( stem->right.x-stem->left.x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( stem->right.y-stem->left.y )*stem->l_to_r.y < 0 ) {
- stem->l_to_r.x = -stem->l_to_r.x;
- stem->l_to_r.y = -stem->l_to_r.y;
- }
- /* Recalculate left/right offsets relatively to new vectors */
- RecalcStemOffsets( stem,&dir,true,true );
-static struct stem_chunk *AddToStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem,
- struct pointdata *pd1,struct pointdata *pd2,int is_next1, int is_next2, int cheat ) {
- int is_potential1 = false, is_potential2 = true;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk=NULL;
- BasePoint *dir = &stem->unit;
- BasePoint *test;
- int lincr = 1, rincr = 1;
- double off, dist_error;
- double loff = 0, roff = 0;
- double min = 0, max = 0;
- int i, in, ip, cpidx;
- struct pointdata *pd, *npd, *ppd;
- if ( cheat || stem->positioned ) is_potential2 = false;
- /* Diagonals are harder to align */
- dist_error = IsUnitHV( dir,true ) ? 2*dist_error_hv : 2*dist_error_diag;
- if ( dist_error > stem->width/2 ) dist_error = stem->width/2;
- max = stem->lmax;
- min = stem->lmin;
- /* The following swaps "left" and "right" points in case we have */
- /* started checking relatively to a wrong edge */
- if ( pd1 != NULL ) {
- test = &pd1->base;
- off = ( test->x - stem->left.x )*dir->y -
- ( test->y - stem->left.y )*dir->x;
- if (( !stem->ghost &&
- ( off < ( max - dist_error ) || off > ( min + dist_error ))) ||
- ( RealNear( stem->unit.x, 1) && stem->ghost && stem->width == 21 ) ||
- ( RealNear( stem->unit.x,0 ) && stem->ghost && stem->width == 20 )) {
- pd = pd1; pd1 = pd2; pd2 = pd;
- in = is_next1; is_next1 = is_next2; is_next2 = in;
- ip = is_potential1; is_potential1 = is_potential2; is_potential2 = ip;
- }
- }
- if ( pd1 == NULL ) lincr = 0;
- if ( pd2 == NULL ) rincr = 0;
- /* Now run through existing stem chunks and see if the chunk we are */
- /* going to add doesn't duplicate an existing one.*/
- for ( i=stem->chunk_cnt-1; i>=0; --i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->l == pd1 ) lincr = 0;
- if ( chunk->r == pd2 ) rincr = 0;
- if (( chunk->l == pd1 || pd1 == NULL ) && ( chunk->r == pd2 || pd2 == NULL )) {
- if ( !is_potential1 ) chunk->lpotential = false;
- if ( !is_potential2 ) chunk->rpotential = false;
- break;
- } else if (( chunk->l == pd1 && chunk->r == NULL ) || ( chunk->r == pd2 && chunk->l == NULL )) {
- if ( chunk->l == NULL ) {
- chunk->l = pd1;
- chunk->lpotential = is_potential1;
- chunk->lnext = is_next1;
- chunk->ltick = lincr;
- } else if ( chunk->r == NULL ) {
- chunk->r = pd2;
- chunk->rpotential = is_potential2;
- chunk->rnext = is_next2;
- chunk->rtick = rincr;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( i<0 ) {
- stem->chunks = realloc(stem->chunks,(stem->chunk_cnt+1)*sizeof(struct stem_chunk));
- chunk = &stem->chunks[stem->chunk_cnt++];
- chunk->parent = stem;
- chunk->l = pd1; chunk->lpotential = is_potential1;
- chunk->r = pd2; chunk->rpotential = is_potential2;
- chunk->ltick = lincr; chunk->rtick = rincr;
- chunk->lnext = is_next1;
- chunk->rnext = is_next2;
- chunk->stemcheat = cheat;
- chunk->stub = chunk->is_ball = false;
- chunk->l_e_idx = chunk->r_e_idx = 0;
- }
- if ( pd1!=NULL ) {
- loff = ( pd1->base.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( pd1->base.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->l_to_r.y;
- if ( is_next1==1 || is_next1==2 || pd1->colinear ) {
- AssignStemToPoint( pd1,stem,true,true );
- /* For quadratic layers assign the stem not only to */
- /* spline points, but to their control points as well */
- /* (this may be important for TTF instructions */
- if ( gd->order2 && !pd1->sp->nonextcp && pd1->sp->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- cpidx = pd1->sp->nextcpindex;
- npd = &gd->points[cpidx];
- if ( OnStem( stem,&npd->base,true ))
- AssignStemToPoint( npd,stem,false,true );
- }
- }
- if ( is_next1==0 || is_next1==2 || pd1->colinear ) {
- AssignStemToPoint( pd1,stem,false,true );
- if ( gd->order2 && !pd1->sp->noprevcp && pd1->sp->prev != NULL &&
- pd1->sp->prev->from->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- cpidx = pd1->sp->prev->from->nextcpindex;
- ppd = &gd->points[cpidx];
- if ( OnStem( stem,&ppd->base,true ))
- AssignStemToPoint( ppd,stem,true,true );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( pd2!=NULL ) {
- roff = ( pd2->base.x - stem->right.x ) * stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( pd2->base.y - stem->right.y ) * stem->l_to_r.y;
- if ( is_next2==1 || is_next2==2 || pd2->colinear ) {
- AssignStemToPoint( pd2,stem,true,false );
- if ( gd->order2 && !pd2->sp->nonextcp && pd2->sp->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- cpidx = pd2->sp->nextcpindex;
- npd = &gd->points[cpidx];
- if ( OnStem( stem,&npd->base,false ))
- AssignStemToPoint( npd,stem,false,false );
- }
- }
- if ( is_next2==0 || is_next2==2 || pd2->colinear ) {
- AssignStemToPoint( pd2,stem,false,false );
- if ( gd->order2 && !pd2->sp->noprevcp && pd2->sp->prev != NULL &&
- pd2->sp->prev->from->nextcpindex < gd->realcnt ) {
- cpidx = pd2->sp->prev->from->nextcpindex;
- ppd = &gd->points[cpidx];
- if ( OnStem( stem,&ppd->base,false ))
- AssignStemToPoint( ppd,stem,true,false );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( loff < stem->lmin ) stem->lmin = loff;
- else if ( loff > stem->lmax ) stem->lmax = loff;
- if ( roff < stem->rmin ) stem->rmin = roff;
- else if ( roff > stem->rmax ) stem->rmax = roff;
- stem->lpcnt += lincr; stem->rpcnt += rincr;
-return( chunk );
-static struct stemdata *FindStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- struct pointdata *pd2,BasePoint *dir,int is_next2,int de ) {
- int i, cove, test_left, hv, stemcnt;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- BasePoint newdir;
- stemcnt = ( is_next2 ) ? pd2->nextcnt : pd2->prevcnt;
- for ( i=0; i<stemcnt; i++ ) {
- stem = ( is_next2 ) ? pd2->nextstems[i] : pd2->prevstems[i];
- test_left = ( is_next2 ) ? !pd2->next_is_l[i] : !pd2->prev_is_l[i];
- if (UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,dir,true ) &&
- OnStem( stem,&pd->sp->me,test_left ))
-return( stem );
- }
- cove = ( dir->x == 0 && pd->x_extr + pd2->x_extr == 3 ) ||
- ( dir->y == 0 && pd->y_extr + pd2->y_extr == 3 );
- /* First pass to check for strict matches */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- /* Ghost hints and BBox hits are usually generated after all other */
- /* hint types, but we can get them here in case we are generating */
- /* glyph data for a predefined hint layout. In this case they should */
- /* be excluded from the following tests */
- if ( stem->ghost || stem->bbox )
- continue;
- if ( UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,dir,true ) &&
- BothOnStem( stem,&pd->sp->me,&pd2->sp->me,false,true,cove )) {
- return( stem );
- }
- }
- /* One more pass. At this stage larger deviations are allowed */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->ghost || stem->bbox )
- continue;
- if ( UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,dir,true ) &&
- BothOnStem( stem,&pd->sp->me,&pd2->sp->me,false,false,cove )) {
-return( stem );
- }
- }
- if ( de )
-return( NULL );
- hv = IsUnitHV( dir,false );
- if ( !hv )
-return( NULL );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->ghost || stem->bbox )
- continue;
- if ( hv && BothOnStem( stem,&pd->base,&pd2->base,hv,false,cove )) {
- newdir.x = ( hv == 2 ) ? 0 : 1;
- newdir.y = ( hv == 2 ) ? 1 : 0;
- if ( hv == 2 && stem->unit.y < 0 )
- SwapEdges( gd,stem );
- if ( stem->unit.x != newdir.x )
- SetStemUnit( stem,newdir );
-return( stem );
- }
- }
-return( NULL );
-static struct stemdata *NewStem( struct glyphdata *gd,BasePoint *dir,
- BasePoint *pos1, BasePoint *pos2 ) {
- struct stemdata * stem = &gd->stems[gd->stemcnt++];
- double width;
- stem->unit = *dir;
- if ( dir->x < 0 || dir->y == -1 ) {
- stem->unit.x = -stem->unit.x;
- stem->unit.y = -stem->unit.y;
- }
- width = ( pos2->x - pos1->x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( pos2->y - pos1->y ) * stem->unit.x;
- if ( width > 0 ) {
- stem->left = *pos1;
- stem->right = *pos2;
- stem->width = width;
- } else {
- stem->left = *pos2;
- stem->right = *pos1;
- stem->width = -width;
- }
- /* Guess at which normal we want */
- stem->l_to_r.x = dir->y; stem->l_to_r.y = -dir->x;
- /* If we guessed wrong, use the other */
- if (( stem->right.x-stem->left.x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( stem->right.y-stem->left.y )*stem->l_to_r.y < 0 ) {
- stem->l_to_r.x = -stem->l_to_r.x;
- stem->l_to_r.y = -stem->l_to_r.y;
- }
- stem->leftidx = stem->rightidx = -1;
- stem->leftline = stem->rightline = NULL;
- stem->lmin = stem->lmax = 0;
- stem->rmin = stem->rmax = 0;
- stem->ldone = stem->rdone = false;
- stem->lpcnt = stem->rpcnt = 0;
- stem->chunks = NULL;
- stem->chunk_cnt = 0;
- stem->ghost = stem->bbox = false;
- stem->positioned = false;
- stem->blue = -1;
-return( stem );
-static int ParallelToDir( struct pointdata *pd,int checknext,BasePoint *dir,
- BasePoint *opposite,SplinePoint *basesp,uint8 is_stub ) {
- BasePoint n, o, *base = &basesp->me;
- SplinePoint *sp;
- double angle, mid_err = ( stem_slope_error + stub_slope_error )/2;
- sp = pd->sp;
- n = ( checknext ) ? pd->nextunit : pd->prevunit;
- angle = fabs( GetUnitAngle( dir,&n ));
- if (( !is_stub && angle > stem_slope_error && angle < PI - stem_slope_error ) ||
- ( is_stub & 1 && angle > stub_slope_error*1.5 && angle < PI - stub_slope_error*1.5 ) ||
- ( is_stub & 6 && angle > mid_err && angle < PI - mid_err ))
-return( false );
- /* Now sp must be on the same side of the spline as opposite */
- o.x = opposite->x-base->x; o.y = opposite->y-base->y;
- n.x = sp->me.x-base->x; n.y = sp->me.y-base->y;
- if ( ( o.x*dir->y - o.y*dir->x )*( n.x*dir->y - n.y*dir->x ) < 0 )
-return( false );
-return( true );
-static int NearlyParallel( BasePoint *dir,Spline *other, double t ) {
- BasePoint odir;
- double olen;
- odir.x = (3*other->splines[0].a*t+2*other->splines[0].b)*t+other->splines[0].c;
- odir.y = (3*other->splines[1].a*t+2*other->splines[1].b)*t+other->splines[1].c;
- olen = sqrt( pow( odir.x,2 ) + pow( odir.y,2 ));
- if ( olen==0 )
-return( false );
- odir.x /= olen; odir.y /= olen;
-return( UnitsParallel( dir,&odir,false ));
-static double NormalDist( BasePoint *to, BasePoint *from, BasePoint *perp ) {
- double len = (to->x-from->x)*perp->y - (to->y-from->y)*perp->x;
- if ( len<0 ) len = -len;
-return( len );
-static struct stemdata *FindOrMakeHVStem( struct glyphdata *gd,
- struct pointdata *pd,struct pointdata *pd2,int is_h,int require_existing ) {
- int i,cove = false;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- BasePoint dir;
- dir.x = ( is_h ) ? 1 : 0;
- dir.y = ( is_h ) ? 0 : 1;
- if ( pd2 != NULL )
- cove = ( dir.x == 0 && pd->x_extr + pd2->x_extr == 3 ) ||
- ( dir.y == 0 && pd->y_extr + pd2->y_extr == 3 );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) &&
- ( pd2 != NULL && BothOnStem( stem,&pd->sp->me,&pd2->sp->me,false,false,cove )))
- break;
- }
- if ( i==gd->stemcnt ) stem=NULL;
- if ( stem == NULL && pd2 != NULL && !require_existing )
- stem = NewStem( gd,&dir,&pd->sp->me,&pd2->sp->me );
-return( stem );
-static int IsDiagonalEnd( struct glyphdata *gd,
- struct pointdata *pd1,struct pointdata *pd2,int is_next,int require_existing ) {
- /* suppose we have something like */
- /* *--* */
- /* \ \ */
- /* \ \ */
- /* Then let's create a vertical stem between the two points */
- /* (and a horizontal stem if the thing is rotated 90 degrees) */
- double width, length1, length2, dist1, dist2;
- BasePoint *pt1, *pt2, *dir1, *dir2, *prevdir1, *prevdir2;
- SplinePoint *prevsp1, *prevsp2;
- struct pointdata *prevpd1, *prevpd2;
- int hv;
- if ( pd1->colinear || pd2->colinear )
-return( false );
- pt1 = &pd1->sp->me; pt2 = &pd2->sp->me;
- /* Both key points of a diagonal end stem should have nearly the same */
- /* coordinate by x or y (otherwise we can't determine by which axis */
- /* it should be hinted) */
- if ( pt1->x >= pt2->x - dist_error_hv && pt1->x <= pt2->x + dist_error_hv ) {
- width = pd1->sp->me.y - pd2->sp->me.y;
- hv = 1;
- } else if ( pt1->y >= pt2->y - dist_error_hv && pt1->y <= pt2->y + dist_error_hv ) {
- width = pd1->sp->me.x - pd2->sp->me.x;
- hv = 2;
- } else
-return( false );
- dir1 = ( is_next ) ? &pd1->nextunit : &pd1->prevunit;
- dir2 = ( is_next ) ? &pd2->prevunit : &pd2->nextunit;
- if ( IsUnitHV( dir1,true )) /* Must be diagonal */
-return( false );
- prevsp1 = ( is_next ) ? pd1->sp->next->to : pd1->sp->prev->from;
- prevsp2 = ( is_next ) ? pd2->sp->prev->from : pd2->sp->next->to;
- prevpd1 = &gd->points[prevsp1->ptindex];
- prevpd2 = &gd->points[prevsp2->ptindex];
- prevdir1 = ( is_next ) ? &prevpd1->prevunit : &prevpd1->nextunit;
- prevdir2 = ( is_next ) ? &prevpd2->nextunit : &prevpd2->prevunit;
- /* Ensure we have got a real diagonal, i. e. its sides are parallel */
- if ( !UnitsParallel( dir1,dir2,true ) || !UnitsParallel( prevdir1,prevdir2,true ))
-return( false );
- /* Diagonal width should be smaller than its length */
- length1 = pow(( prevsp1->me.x - pt1->x ),2 ) + pow(( prevsp1->me.y - pt1->y ),2 );
- length2 = pow(( prevsp2->me.x - pt2->x ),2 ) + pow(( prevsp2->me.y - pt2->y ),2 );
- if ( length2 < length1 ) length1 = length2;
- if ( pow( width,2 ) > length1 )
-return( false );
- /* Finally exclude too short diagonals where the distance between key */
- /* points of one edge at the direction orthogonal to the unit vector */
- /* of the stem we are about to add is smaller than normal HV stem */
- /* fudge. Such diagonals may be later turned into HV stems, and we will */
- /* result into getting two coincident hints */
- dist1 = ( hv == 1 ) ? prevsp1->me.y - pt1->y : prevsp1->me.x - pt1->x;
- dist2 = ( hv == 1 ) ? prevsp2->me.y - pt2->y : prevsp2->me.x - pt2->x;
- if ( dist1 < 0 ) dist1 = -dist1;
- if ( dist2 < 0 ) dist2 = -dist2;
- if ( dist1 < 2*dist_error_hv && dist2 < 2*dist_error_hv )
-return( false );
-return( hv );
-static struct stemdata *TestStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- BasePoint *dir,SplinePoint *match,int is_next,int is_next2,int require_existing,uint8 is_stub,int eidx ) {
- struct pointdata *pd2;
- struct stemdata *stem, *destem;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- struct linedata *otherline;
- double width;
- struct linedata *line, *line2;
- BasePoint *mdir, middle;
- int de=false, hv, l_changed;
- width = ( match->me.x - pd->sp->me.x )*dir->y -
- ( match->me.y - pd->sp->me.y )*dir->x;
- if ( width < 0 ) width = -width;
- if ( width < .5 )
-return( NULL ); /* Zero width stems aren't interesting */
- if (( is_next && pd->sp->next->to==match ) || ( !is_next && pd->sp->prev->from==match ))
-return( NULL ); /* Don't want a stem between two splines that intersect */
- pd2 = &gd->points[match->ptindex];
- line = is_next ? pd->nextline : pd->prevline;
- mdir = is_next2 ? &pd2->nextunit : &pd2->prevunit;
- line2 = is_next2 ? pd2->nextline : pd2->prevline;
- if ( !IsUnitHV( mdir,true ) && line2 != NULL )
- mdir = &line2->unit;
- if ( mdir->x==0 && mdir->y==0 )
-return( NULL ); /* cannot determine the opposite point's direction */
- if ( !UnitsParallel( mdir,dir,true ) && !is_stub )
-return( NULL ); /* Cannot make a stem if edges are not parallel (unless it is a serif) */
- if ( is_stub & 1 && !IsUnitHV( dir,true )) {
- /* For serifs we prefer the vector which is closer to horizontal/vertical */
- middle = MiddleUnit( dir,mdir );
- if ( UnitCloserToHV( &middle,dir ) == 1 && UnitCloserToHV( &middle,mdir ) == 1 )
- dir = &middle;
- else if ( UnitCloserToHV( mdir,dir ) == 1 )
- dir = mdir;
- if ( !IsUnitHV( dir,true ) &&
- ( hint_diagonal_ends || require_existing ))
- de = IsDiagonalEnd( gd,pd,pd2,is_next,require_existing );
- }
- stem = FindStem( gd,pd,pd2,dir,is_next2,de );
- destem = NULL;
- if ( de )
- destem = FindOrMakeHVStem( gd,pd,pd2,( de == 1 ),require_existing );
- if ( stem == NULL && !require_existing )
- stem = NewStem( gd,dir,&pd->sp->me,&match->me );
- if ( stem != NULL ) {
- chunk = AddToStem( gd,stem,pd,pd2,is_next,is_next2,false );
- if ( chunk != NULL ) {
- chunk->stub = is_stub;
- chunk->l_e_idx = chunk->r_e_idx = eidx;
- }
- if ( chunk != NULL && gd->linecnt > 0 ) {
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- /* For HV stems allow assigning a line to a stem edge only */
- /* if that line also has an exactly HV vector */
- if ( line != NULL && (( !hv &&
- UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,&line->unit,true ) &&
- RecalcStemOffsets( stem,&line->unit,true,true )) ||
- ( hv && line->unit.x == stem->unit.x && line->unit.y == stem->unit.y ))) {
- otherline = NULL; l_changed = false;
- if (( stem->leftline == NULL ||
- stem->leftline->length < line->length ) && chunk->l == pd ) {
- stem->leftline = line;
- l_changed = true;
- otherline = stem->rightline;
- } else if (( stem->rightline == NULL ||
- stem->rightline->length < line->length ) && chunk->r == pd ) {
- stem->rightline = line;
- l_changed = true;
- otherline = stem->leftline;
- }
- /* If lines are attached to both sides of a diagonal stem, */
- /* then prefer the longer line */
- if ( !hv && l_changed && !stem->positioned &&
- ( otherline == NULL || ( otherline->length < line->length )))
- SetStemUnit( stem,line->unit );
- }
- if ( line2 != NULL && (( !hv &&
- UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,&line2->unit,true ) &&
- RecalcStemOffsets( stem,&line2->unit,true,true )) ||
- ( hv && line2->unit.x == stem->unit.x && line2->unit.y == stem->unit.y ))) {
- otherline = NULL; l_changed = false;
- if (( stem->leftline == NULL ||
- stem->leftline->length < line2->length ) && chunk->l == pd2 ) {
- stem->leftline = line2;
- l_changed = true;
- otherline = stem->rightline;
- } else if (( stem->rightline == NULL ||
- stem->rightline->length < line2->length ) && chunk->r == pd2 ) {
- stem->rightline = line2;
- l_changed = true;
- otherline = stem->leftline;
- }
- if ( !hv && l_changed && !stem->positioned &&
- ( otherline == NULL || ( otherline->length < line2->length )))
- SetStemUnit( stem,line2->unit );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( destem != NULL )
- AddToStem( gd,destem,pd,pd2,is_next,!is_next,1 );
-return( stem );
-static double FindSameSlope(Spline *s,BasePoint *dir,double close_to) {
- double a, b, c, desc;
- double t1, t2;
- double d1, d2;
- if ( s==NULL )
-return( -1e4 );
- a = dir->x*s->splines[1].a*3 - dir->y*s->splines[0].a*3;
- b = dir->x*s->splines[1].b*2 - dir->y*s->splines[0].b*2;
- c = dir->x*s->splines[1].c - dir->y*s->splines[0].c ;
- if ( a!=0 ) {
- desc = b*b - 4*a*c;
- if ( desc<0 )
-return( -1e4 );
- desc = sqrt(desc);
- t1 = (-b+desc)/(2*a);
- t2 = (-b-desc)/(2*a);
- if ( (d1=t1-close_to)<0 ) d1 = -d1;
- if ( (d2=t2-close_to)<0 ) d2 = -d2;
- if ( d2<d1 && t2>=-.001 && t2<=1.001 )
- t1 = t2;
- } else if ( b!=0 )
- t1 = -c/b;
- else
-return( -1e4 );
-return( t1 );
-/* This function is used when generating stem data for preexisting */
-/* stem hints. If we already know the desired hint position, then we */
-/* can safely assign to this hint any points which meet other conditions */
-/* but have no corresponding position at the opposite edge. */
-static int HalfStemNoOpposite( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- struct stemdata *stem,BasePoint *dir,int is_next ) {
- int i, ret=0, allowleft, allowright, hv, corner;
- struct stemdata *tstem;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- tstem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( tstem->bbox || !tstem->positioned || tstem == stem )
- continue;
- allowleft = ( !tstem->ghost || tstem->width == 20 );
- allowright = ( !tstem->ghost || tstem->width == 21 );
- hv = IsUnitHV( &tstem->unit,true );
- corner = (( pd->x_corner && hv == 2 ) || ( pd->y_corner && hv == 1 ));
- if ( UnitsParallel( &tstem->unit,dir,true ) || tstem->ghost || corner ) {
- if ( OnStem( tstem,&pd->sp->me,true ) && allowleft ) {
- if ( IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,is_next,true,&tstem->unit )) {
- AddToStem( gd,tstem,pd,NULL,is_next,false,false );
- ret++;
- }
- } else if ( OnStem( tstem,&pd->sp->me,false ) && allowright ) {
- if ( IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,is_next,false,&tstem->unit )) {
- AddToStem( gd,tstem,NULL,pd,false,is_next,false );
- ret++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-return( ret );
-static struct stemdata *HalfStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- BasePoint *dir,Spline *other,double other_t,int is_next,int eidx ) {
- /* Find the spot on other where the slope is the same as dir */
- double t1;
- double width;
- BasePoint match;
- struct stemdata *stem = NULL, *tstem;
- struct pointdata *pd2 = NULL, *tpd;
- int i;
- t1 = FindSameSlope( other,dir,other_t );
- if ( t1==-1e4 )
-return( NULL );
- if ( t1<0 && other->from->prev!=NULL && gd->points[other->from->ptindex].colinear ) {
- other = other->from->prev;
- t1 = FindSameSlope(other,dir,1.0);
- } else if ( t1>1 && other->to->next!=NULL && gd->points[other->to->ptindex].colinear ) {
- other = other->to->next;
- t1 = FindSameSlope(other,dir,0.0);
- }
- if ( t1<-.001 || t1>1.001 )
-return( NULL );
- /* Ok. the opposite edge has the right slope at t1 */
- /* Now see if we can make a one sided stem out of these two */
- match.x = ((other->splines[0].a*t1+other->splines[0].b)*t1+other->splines[0].c)*t1+other->splines[0].d;
- match.y = ((other->splines[1].a*t1+other->splines[1].b)*t1+other->splines[1].c)*t1+other->splines[1].d;
- width = (match.x-pd->sp->me.x)*dir->y - (match.y-pd->sp->me.y)*dir->x;
- /* offset = (match.x-pd->sp->me.x)*dir->x + (match.y-pd->sp->me.y)*dir->y;*/
- if ( width<.5 && width>-.5 )
-return( NULL ); /* Zero width stems aren't interesting */
- if ( isnan(t1))
- IError( "NaN value in HalfStem" );
- if ( is_next ) {
- pd->nextedges[eidx] = other;
- pd->next_e_t[eidx] = t1;
- } else {
- pd->prevedges[eidx] = other;
- pd->prev_e_t[eidx] = t1;
- }
- /* In my experience the only case where this function may be useful */
- /* is when it occasionally finds a real spline point which for some */
- /* reasons has been neglected by other tests and yet forms a valid */
- /* pair for the first point. So run through points and see if we */
- /* have actually got just a position on spline midway between to points, */
- /* or it is a normal point allowing to make a normal stem chunk */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) {
- tpd = &gd->points[i];
- if ( tpd->sp != NULL && tpd->sp->me.x == match.x && tpd->sp->me.y == match.y ) {
- pd2 = tpd;
- break;
- }
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- tstem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( UnitsParallel( &tstem->unit,dir,true ) &&
- BothOnStem( tstem,&pd->base,&match,false,false,false )) {
- stem = tstem;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( stem == NULL )
- stem = NewStem(gd,dir,&pd->sp->me,&match);
- AddToStem( gd,stem,pd,pd2,is_next,false,false );
-return( stem );
-static int ConnectsAcross( struct glyphdata *gd,SplinePoint *sp,
- int is_next,Spline *findme,int eidx ) {
- struct pointdata *pd = &gd->points[sp->ptindex];
- Spline *other, *test;
- BasePoint dir;
- other = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextedges[eidx] : pd->prevedges[eidx];
- if ( other==findme )
-return( true );
- if ( other==NULL )
-return( false );
- dir.x = ( is_next ) ? -pd->nextunit.x : pd->prevunit.x;
- dir.y = ( is_next ) ? -pd->nextunit.y : pd->prevunit.y;
- test = other->to->next;
- while ( test!=NULL && test != other &&
- gd->points[test->from->ptindex].nextunit.x * dir.x +
- gd->points[test->from->ptindex].nextunit.y * dir.y > 0 ) {
- if ( test==findme )
-return( true );
- test = test->to->next;
- }
- dir.x = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextunit.x : -pd->prevunit.x;
- dir.y = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextunit.y : -pd->prevunit.y;
- test = other->from->prev;
- while ( test!=NULL && test != other &&
- gd->points[test->to->ptindex].prevunit.x * dir.x +
- gd->points[test->to->ptindex].prevunit.y * dir.y > 0 ) {
- if ( test==findme )
-return( true );
- test = test->from->prev;
- }
-return( false );
-static int ConnectsAcrossToStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- int is_next,struct stemdata *target,int is_l,int eidx ) {
- Spline *other, *test;
- BasePoint dir;
- struct pointdata *tpd;
- int ecnt, stemidx;
- ecnt = ( is_next ) ? pd->next_e_cnt : pd->prev_e_cnt;
- if ( ecnt < eidx + 1 )
-return( false );
- other = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextedges[eidx] : pd->prevedges[eidx];
- test = other;
- dir.x = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextunit.x : -pd->prevunit.x;
- dir.y = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextunit.y : -pd->prevunit.y;
- do {
- tpd = &gd->points[test->to->ptindex];
- stemidx = IsStemAssignedToPoint( tpd,target,false );
- if ( stemidx != -1 && tpd->prev_is_l[stemidx] == !is_l &&
- IsSplinePeak( gd,tpd,rint( target->unit.y ),rint( target->unit.y ),7 ))
-return( true );
- test = test->to->next;
- } while ( test!=NULL && test != other && stemidx == -1 &&
- ( tpd->prevunit.x * dir.x + tpd->prevunit.y * dir.y >= 0 ));
- test = other;
- dir.x = ( is_next ) ? -pd->nextunit.x : pd->prevunit.x;
- dir.y = ( is_next ) ? -pd->nextunit.y : pd->prevunit.y;
- do {
- tpd = &gd->points[test->from->ptindex];
- stemidx = IsStemAssignedToPoint( tpd,target,true );
- if ( stemidx != -1 && tpd->next_is_l[stemidx] == !is_l &&
- IsSplinePeak( gd,tpd,rint( target->unit.y ),rint( target->unit.y ),7 ))
-return( true );
- test = test->from->prev;
- } while ( test!=NULL && test != other && stemidx == -1 &&
- ( tpd->nextunit.x * dir.x + tpd->nextunit.y * dir.y >= 0 ));
-return( false );
-static double RecalcT( Spline *base,SplinePoint *from, SplinePoint *to, double curt ) {
- double baselen, fromlen, tolen, ret;
- Spline *cur;
- baselen = SplineLength( base );
- fromlen = baselen * curt;
- tolen = baselen * ( 1 - curt );
- cur = base->from->prev;
- while ( cur != NULL && cur->to != from ) {
- fromlen += SplineLength( cur );
- cur = cur->from->prev;
- }
- cur = base->to->next;
- while ( cur!= NULL && cur->from != to ) {
- tolen += SplineLength( cur );
- cur = cur->to->next;
- }
- ret = fromlen/( fromlen + tolen );
-return( ret );
-static int BuildStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,int is_next,
- int require_existing,int has_existing,int eidx ) {
- BasePoint *dir;
- Spline *other, *cur;
- double t;
- double tod, fromd, dist;
- SplinePoint *testpt, *topt, *frompt;
- struct linedata *line;
- struct pointdata *testpd, *topd, *frompd;
- int tp, fp, t_needs_recalc=false, ret=0;
- uint8 tstub=0, fstub=0;
- BasePoint opposite;
- struct stemdata *stem=NULL;
- if ( is_next ) {
- dir = &pd->nextunit;
- other = pd->nextedges[eidx];
- cur = pd->sp->next;
- t = pd->next_e_t[eidx];
- dist = pd->next_dist[eidx];
- } else {
- dir = &pd->prevunit;
- other = pd->prevedges[eidx];
- cur = pd->sp->prev;
- t = pd->prev_e_t[eidx];
- dist = pd->prev_dist[eidx];
- }
- topt = other->to; frompt = other->from;
- topd = &gd->points[topt->ptindex];
- frompd = &gd->points[frompt->ptindex];
- line = is_next ? pd->nextline : pd->prevline;
- if ( !IsUnitHV( dir,true ) && line != NULL)
- dir = &line->unit;
- if ( other==NULL )
-return( 0 );
- opposite.x = ((other->splines[0].a*t+other->splines[0].b)*t+other->splines[0].c)*t+other->splines[0].d;
- opposite.y = ((other->splines[1].a*t+other->splines[1].b)*t+other->splines[1].c)*t+other->splines[1].d;
- if ( eidx == 0 ) tstub = IsStubOrIntersection( gd,dir,pd,topd,is_next,false );
- if ( eidx == 0 ) fstub = IsStubOrIntersection( gd,dir,pd,frompd,is_next,true );
- tp = ParallelToDir( topd,false,dir,&opposite,pd->sp,tstub );
- fp = ParallelToDir( frompd,true,dir,&opposite,pd->sp,fstub );
- /* if none of the opposite points is parallel to the needed vector, then */
- /* give it one more chance by skipping those points and looking at the next */
- /* and previous one. This can be useful in situations where the opposite */
- /* edge cannot be correctly detected just because there are too many points */
- /* on the spline (which is a very common situation for poorly designed */
- /* fonts or fonts with quadratic splines). */
- /* But do that only for colinear spline segments and ensure that there are */
- /* no bends between two splines. */
- if ( !tp && ( !fp || t > 0.5 ) &&
- topd->colinear && &other->to->next != NULL ) {
- testpt = topt->next->to;
- testpd = &gd->points[testpt->ptindex];
- BasePoint *initdir = &topd->prevunit;
- while ( !tp && topd->colinear && pd->sp != testpt && other->from != testpt && (
- testpd->prevunit.x * initdir->x +
- testpd->prevunit.y * initdir->y > 0 )) {
- topt = testpt; topd = testpd;
- tp = ParallelToDir( topd,false,dir,&opposite,pd->sp,false );
- testpt = topt->next->to;
- testpd = &gd->points[testpt->ptindex];
- }
- if ( tp ) t_needs_recalc = true;
- }
- if ( !fp && ( !fp || t < 0.5 ) &&
- frompd->colinear && &other->from->prev != NULL ) {
- testpt = frompt->prev->from;
- testpd = &gd->points[testpt->ptindex];
- BasePoint *initdir = &frompd->prevunit;
- while ( !fp && frompd->colinear && pd->sp != testpt && other->to != testpt && (
- testpd->prevunit.x * initdir->x +
- testpd->prevunit.y * initdir->y > 0 )) {
- frompt = testpt; frompd = testpd;
- fp = ParallelToDir( frompd,true,dir,&opposite,pd->sp,false );
- testpt = frompt->prev->from;
- testpd = &gd->points[testpt->ptindex];
- }
- if ( fp ) t_needs_recalc = true;
- }
- if ( t_needs_recalc )
- t = RecalcT( other,frompt,topt,t );
- if ( !tp && !fp ) {
- if ( has_existing )
- ret = HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,NULL,dir,is_next );
-return( ret );
- }
- /* We have several conflicting metrics for getting the "better" stem */
- /* Generally we prefer the stem with the smaller width (but not always. See tilde) */
- /* Generally we prefer the stem formed by the point closer to the intersection */
- tod = (1-t)*NormalDist( &topt->me,&pd->sp->me,dir );
- fromd = t*NormalDist( &frompt->me,&pd->sp->me,dir );
- if ( tp && (( tod<fromd ) ||
- ( !fp && ( tod<2*fromd || dist < topd->prev_dist[eidx] ||
- ConnectsAcross( gd,frompt,true,cur,eidx ) || NearlyParallel( dir,other,t ))))) {
- stem = TestStem( gd,pd,dir,topt,is_next,false,require_existing,tstub,eidx );
- }
- if ( stem == NULL && fp && (( fromd<tod ) ||
- ( !tp && ( fromd<2*tod || dist < frompd->next_dist[eidx] ||
- ConnectsAcross( gd,topt,false,cur,eidx ) || NearlyParallel( dir,other,t ))))) {
- stem = TestStem( gd,pd,dir,frompt,is_next,true,require_existing,fstub,eidx );
- }
- if ( eidx == 0 && stem == NULL && !require_existing && cur!=NULL &&
- !other->knownlinear && !cur->knownlinear )
- stem = HalfStem( gd,pd,dir,other,t,is_next,eidx );
- if ( stem != NULL ) ret = 1;
- if ( has_existing )
- ret += HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,stem,dir,is_next );
-return( ret );
-static void AssignLinePointsToStems( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- struct pointdata *pd;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- struct linedata *line;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- int i, j, stem_hv, line_hv, needs_hv=false;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) if ( !gd->stems[i].toobig ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- stem_hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- needs_hv = ( stem_hv || ( stem->chunk_cnt == 1 &&
- stem->chunks[0].stub && IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,false )));
- if ( stem->leftline != NULL ) {
- line = stem->leftline;
- line_hv = ( needs_hv && LineFitsHV( line ));
- if ( needs_hv && !line_hv )
- stem->leftline = NULL;
- else {
- for ( j=0; j<line->pcnt; j++ ) {
- pd = line->points[j];
- if ( pd->prevline == line && OnStem( stem,&pd->base,true ) &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( pd,stem,false ) == -1) {
- chunk = AddToStem( gd,stem,pd,NULL,false,false,false );
- chunk->lpotential = true;
- } if ( pd->nextline == line && OnStem( stem,&pd->base,true ) &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( pd,stem,true ) == -1 ) {
- chunk = AddToStem( gd,stem,pd,NULL,true,false,false );
- chunk->lpotential = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( stem->rightline != NULL ) {
- line = stem->rightline;
- line_hv = ( needs_hv && LineFitsHV( line ));
- if ( needs_hv && !line_hv )
- stem->rightline = NULL;
- else {
- for ( j=0; j<line->pcnt; j++ ) {
- pd = line->points[j];
- if ( pd->prevline == line && OnStem( stem,&pd->base,false ) &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( pd,stem,false ) == -1 ) {
- chunk = AddToStem( gd,stem,NULL,pd,false,false,false );
- chunk->rpotential = true;
- } if ( pd->nextline == line && OnStem( stem,&pd->base,false ) &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( pd,stem,true ) == -1 ) {
- chunk = AddToStem( gd,stem,NULL,pd,false,true,false );
- chunk->rpotential = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-static struct stemdata *DiagonalCornerStem( struct glyphdata *gd,
- struct pointdata *pd,int require_existing ) {
- Spline *other = pd->bothedge;
- struct pointdata *pfrom = NULL, *pto = NULL, *pd2 = NULL;
- double width, length;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- pfrom = &gd->points[other->from->ptindex];
- pto = &gd->points[other->to->ptindex];
- if ( pd->symetrical_h && pto->symetrical_h && pd->both_e_t>.9 )
- pd2 = pto;
- else if ( pd->symetrical_h && pfrom->symetrical_h && pd->both_e_t<.1 )
- pd2 = pfrom;
- else if ( pd->symetrical_v && pto->symetrical_v && pd->both_e_t>.9 )
- pd2 = pto;
- else if ( pd->symetrical_v && pfrom->symetrical_v && pd->both_e_t<.1 )
- pd2 = pfrom;
- else if ( pd->symetrical_h && other->islinear && other->splines[1].c==0 ) {
- pd2 = pfrom;
- } else if ( pd->symetrical_v && other->islinear && other->splines[0].c==0 ) {
- pd2 = pfrom;
- } else
-return( NULL );
- if ( pd->symetrical_v )
- width = (pd->sp->me.x-pd2->sp->me.x);
- else
- width = (pd->sp->me.y-pd2->sp->me.y);
- length = (pd->sp->next->to->me.x-pd->sp->me.x)*(pd->sp->next->to->me.x-pd->sp->me.x) +
- (pd->sp->next->to->me.y-pd->sp->me.y)*(pd->sp->next->to->me.y-pd->sp->me.y);
- if ( width*width>length )
-return( NULL );
- stem = FindOrMakeHVStem(gd,pd,pd2,pd->symetrical_h,require_existing);
-return( stem );
-static int chunk_cmp( const void *_p1, const void *_p2 ) {
- const struct stem_chunk *ch1 = _p1, *ch2 = _p2;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- double loff1=0,roff1=0,loff2=0,roff2=0;
- stem = ch1->parent;
- if ( stem==NULL )
-return( 0 );
- if ( ch1->l != NULL )
- loff1 = ( ch1->l->sp->me.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->unit.x +
- ( ch1->l->sp->me.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->unit.y;
- if ( ch1->r != NULL )
- roff1 = ( ch1->r->sp->me.x - stem->right.x ) * stem->unit.x +
- ( ch1->r->sp->me.y - stem->right.y ) * stem->unit.y;
- if ( ch2->l != NULL )
- loff2 = ( ch2->l->sp->me.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->unit.x +
- ( ch2->l->sp->me.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->unit.y;
- if ( ch2->r != NULL )
- roff2 = ( ch2->r->sp->me.x - stem->right.x ) * stem->unit.x +
- ( ch2->r->sp->me.y - stem->right.y ) * stem->unit.y;
- if ( loff1>loff2 )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( loff1<loff2 )
-return( -1 );
- else {
- if ( roff1>roff2 )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( roff1<roff2 )
-return( -1 );
- else
-return( 0 );
- }
-static int stem_cmp( const void *_p1, const void *_p2 ) {
- struct stemdata * const *st1 = _p1, * const *st2 = _p2;
- double start1, end1, start2, end2;
- if ( fabs( (*st1)->unit.x ) > fabs( (*st1)->unit.y )) {
- start1 = (*st1)->right.y; end1 = (*st1)->left.y;
- start2 = (*st2)->right.y; end2 = (*st2)->left.y;
- } else {
- start1 = (*st1)->left.x; end1 = (*st1)->right.x;
- start2 = (*st2)->left.x; end2 = (*st2)->right.x;
- }
- if ( start1 > start2 )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( start1 < start2 )
-return( -1 );
- else {
- if ( end1 > end2 )
-return( 1 );
- else if ( end1 < end2 )
-return( -1 );
- else
-return( 0 );
- }
-static void FixupT( struct pointdata *pd,int stemidx,int isnext, int eidx ) {
- /* When we calculated "next/prev_e_t" we deliberately did not use pd1->me */
- /* (because things get hard at intersections) so our t is only an approx-*/
- /* imation. We can do a lot better now */
- Spline *s;
- Spline myline;
- SplinePoint end1, end2;
- double width,t,sign, len, dot;
- BasePoint pts[9];
- extended lts[10], sts[10];
- BasePoint diff;
- struct stemdata *stem ;
- if ( pd == NULL || stemidx == -1 )
- stem = ( isnext ) ? pd->nextstems[stemidx] : pd->prevstems[stemidx];
- width = ( stem->right.x - stem->left.x )*stem->unit.y -
- ( stem->right.y-stem->left.y )*stem->unit.x;
- s = ( isnext ) ? pd->nextedges[eidx] : pd->prevedges[eidx];
- if ( s==NULL )
- diff.x = s->to->me.x-s->from->me.x;
- diff.y = s->to->me.y-s->from->me.y;
- if ( diff.x<.001 && diff.x>-.001 && diff.y<.001 && diff.y>-.001 )
-return; /* Zero length splines give us NaNs */
- len = sqrt( pow( diff.x,2 ) + pow( diff.y,2 ));
- dot = ( diff.x*stem->unit.x + diff.y*stem->unit.y )/len;
- if ( dot < .0004 && dot > -.0004 )
-return; /* It's orthogonal to our stem */
- if (( stem->unit.x==1 || stem->unit.x==-1 ) && s->knownlinear )
- t = (pd->sp->me.x-s->from->me.x)/(s->to->me.x-s->from->me.x);
- else if (( stem->unit.y==1 || stem->unit.y==-1 ) && s->knownlinear )
- t = (pd->sp->me.y-s->from->me.y)/(s->to->me.y-s->from->me.y);
- else {
- memset(&myline,0,sizeof(myline));
- memset(&end1,0,sizeof(end1));
- memset(&end2,0,sizeof(end2));
- sign = (( isnext && pd->next_is_l[stemidx] ) || ( !isnext && pd->prev_is_l[stemidx] )) ? 1 : -1;
- myline.knownlinear = myline.islinear = true;
- = pd->sp->me;
- = pd->sp->me.x+1.1*sign*width*stem->l_to_r.x;
- = pd->sp->me.y+1.1*sign*width*stem->l_to_r.y;
- end1.nextcp = end1.prevcp =;
- end2.nextcp = end2.prevcp =;
- end1.nonextcp = end1.noprevcp = end2.nonextcp = end2.noprevcp = true;
- = &myline; end2.prev = &myline;
- myline.from = &end1; = &end2;
- myline.splines[0].d =;
- myline.splines[0].c =;
- myline.splines[1].d =;
- myline.splines[1].c =;
- if ( SplinesIntersect(&myline,s,pts,lts,sts)<=0 )
- t = sts[0];
- }
- if ( isnan(t))
- IError( "NaN value in FixupT" );
- if ( isnext )
- pd->next_e_t[eidx] = t;
- else
- pd->prev_e_t[eidx] = t;
-/* flags: 1 -- accept curved extrema, 2 -- accept angles, */
-/* 4 -- analyze segments (not just single points) */
-static int IsSplinePeak( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,
- int outer,int is_x,int flags ) {
- double base, next, prev, nextctl, prevctl, unit_p, unit_n;
- Spline *s, *snext, *sprev;
- struct monotonic **space, *m;
- int wprev, wnext, i, desired;
- SplinePoint *sp = pd->sp;
- base = ((real *) &sp->me.x)[!is_x];
- nextctl = sp->nonextcp ? base : ((real *) &sp->nextcp.x)[!is_x];
- prevctl = sp->noprevcp ? base : ((real *) &sp->prevcp.x)[!is_x];
- next = prev = base;
- snext = sp->next; sprev = sp->prev;
- if ( snext->to == NULL || sprev->from == NULL )
-return( false );
- if (!( flags & 2) && ( sp->nonextcp || sp->noprevcp ))
-return( false );
- else if (!( flags & 1 ) && ( pd->colinear ))
-return( false );
- if ( flags & 4 ) {
- while ( snext->to->next != NULL && snext->to != sp && next == base ) {
- next = ((real *) &snext->to->me.x)[!is_x];
- snext = snext->to->next;
- }
- while ( sprev->from->prev != NULL && sprev->from != sp && prev == base ) {
- prev = ((real *) &sprev->from->me.x)[!is_x];
- sprev = sprev->from->prev;
- }
- } else {
- next = ((real *) &snext->to->me.x)[!is_x];
- prev = ((real *) &sprev->from->me.x)[!is_x];
- }
- if ( prev<base && next<base && nextctl<=base && prevctl<=base )
- desired = ( outer ) ? -1 : 1;
- else if ( prev>base && next>base && prevctl>=base && nextctl>=base )
- desired = ( outer ) ? 1 : -1;
- else
-return( false );
- MonotonicFindAt( gd->ms,is_x,((real *) &sp->me.x)[is_x],space = gd->space );
- wprev = wnext = 0;
- for ( i=0; space[i]!=NULL; ++i ) {
- m = space[i];
- s = m->s;
- if ( s->from == sp )
- wnext = ((&m->xup)[is_x] ? 1 : -1 );
- else if ( s->to == sp )
- wprev = ((&m->xup)[is_x] ? 1 : -1 );
- }
- if ( wnext != 0 && wprev != 0 && wnext != wprev ) {
- unit_p = (&pd->prevunit.x)[!is_x];
- unit_n = (&pd->nextunit.x)[!is_x];
- if ( unit_p < unit_n && (
- ( outer && wprev == 1 ) || ( !outer && wprev == -1 )))
-return( desired );
- else if ( unit_p > unit_n && (
- ( outer && wnext == 1 ) || ( !outer && wnext == -1 )))
-return( desired );
- } else {
- if ( wnext == desired || wprev == desired )
-return( desired );
- }
-return( false );
-static struct pointdata *FindClosestOpposite(
- struct stemdata *stem,struct stem_chunk **chunk,SplinePoint *sp,int *next ) {
- struct pointdata *pd, *ret=NULL;
- struct stem_chunk *testchunk;
- double test, proj=1e4;
- int i, is_l;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- testchunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- pd = NULL;
- if ( testchunk->l != NULL && testchunk->l->sp==sp ) {
- pd = testchunk->r;
- is_l = false;
- } else if ( testchunk->r != NULL && testchunk->r->sp==sp ) {
- pd = testchunk->l;
- is_l = true;
- }
- if ( pd != NULL ) {
- test = ( pd->sp->me.x-sp->me.x ) * stem->unit.x +
- ( pd->sp->me.y-sp->me.y ) * stem->unit.y;
- if ( test < 0 ) test = -test;
- if ( test < proj ) {
- ret = pd;
- proj = test;
- *chunk = testchunk;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( ret != NULL )
- *next = ( is_l ) ? (*chunk)->lnext : (*chunk)->rnext;
-return( ret );
-static int ValueChunk( struct glyphdata *gd,struct vchunk *vchunks,
- int chcnt,int idx,int l_base ) {
- int peak1=0, peak2=0, val=0;
- int i, is_x, base_next, opp_next;
- struct pointdata *base, *opp, *frompd, *topd;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk = vchunks[idx].chunk, *tchunk;
- struct stemdata *stem = chunk->parent;
- double norm, dist;
- Spline *sbase, *sopp, *other;
- /* If a stem was already present before generating glyph data, */
- /* then it should always be preferred in case of a conflict */
- if ( stem->positioned || chunk->stemcheat ) val++;
- if ( l_base ) {
- base = chunk->l; opp = chunk->r;
- base_next = chunk->lnext; opp_next = chunk->rnext;
- } else {
- base = chunk->r; opp = chunk->l;
- base_next = chunk->rnext; opp_next = chunk->lnext;
- }
- sbase = ( base_next ) ? base->sp->next : base->sp->prev;
- sopp = ( opp_next ) ? opp->sp->next : opp->sp->prev;
- other = ( opp_next ) ? opp->nextedges[0] : opp->prevedges[0];
- /* If there are 2 conflicting chunks belonging to different stems but */
- /* based on the same point, then we have to decide which stem is "better" */
- /* for that point. We compare stems (or rather chunks) by assigning a */
- /* value to each of them and then prefer the stem whose value is positive. */
- /* A chunk gets a +1 value bonus in the following cases: */
- /* - The stem is vertical/horizontal and splines are curved in the same */
- /* direction at both sides of the chunk; */
- /* - A stem has both its width and the distance between the opposite points */
- /* smaller than another stem; */
- /* - The common side of two stems is a straight line formed by two points */
- /* and the opposite point can be projected to line segment between those */
- /* two points. */
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) && !sbase->knownlinear ) {
- is_x = (int) rint( stem->unit.y );
- peak1 = ( is_x ) ? base->x_extr : base->y_extr;
- peak2 = ( is_x ) ? opp->x_extr : opp->y_extr;
- dist = ( base->base.x - opp->base.x )*stem->unit.x +
- ( base->base.y - opp->base.y )*stem->unit.y;
- /* Are there any stems attached to the same base point which */
- /* are narrower than the distance between two points forming the */
- /* given chunk? */
- for ( i=0; i<chcnt; i++ ) {
- tchunk = vchunks[i].chunk;
- if ( tchunk == NULL || tchunk == chunk || chunk->l == NULL || chunk->r == NULL )
- continue;
- norm = tchunk->parent->width;
- if ( norm < fabs( dist ))
- break;
- }
- /* If both points are curved in the same direction, then check also */
- /* the "line of sight" between those points (if there are interventing */
- /* splines, then it is not a real feature bend)*/
- if ( i == chcnt && peak1 + peak2 == 3 && ConnectsAcross( gd,base->sp,opp_next,sopp,0 ))
- val++;
- }
- frompd = &gd->points[sbase->from->ptindex];
- topd = &gd->points[sbase->to->ptindex];
- if (IsStemAssignedToPoint( frompd,stem,true ) != -1 &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( topd,stem,false ) != -1 )
- if ( other == sbase ) val++;
- dist = vchunks[idx].dist;
- for ( i=0; i<chcnt; i++ ) {
- tchunk = vchunks[i].chunk;
- if ( tchunk == NULL || tchunk == chunk ||
- ( vchunks[idx].parallel && !vchunks[i].parallel ))
- continue;
- if ( vchunks[i].dist <= dist || tchunk->parent->width <= stem->width )
- break;
- }
- if ( i==chcnt ) val++;
- /* If just one of the checked chunks has both its sides parallel */
- /* to the stem direction, then we consider it is always worth to be output. */
- /* This check was introduced to avoid situations where a stem marking */
- /* a feature termination can be preferred to another stem which controls */
- /* the main part of the same feature */
- if ( vchunks[idx].parallel ) {
- for ( i=0; i<chcnt; i++ ) {
- if ( vchunks[i].chunk == NULL || vchunks[i].chunk == chunk )
- continue;
- if ( vchunks[i].parallel )
- break;
- }
- if ( i == chcnt ) val++;
- }
-return( val );
-static void CheckPotential( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd,int is_next ) {
- int i, j, is_l, next1, stemcnt, val;
- int val_cnt=0;
- BasePoint *lunit, *runit;
- struct stemdata **stems;
- struct vchunk *vchunks;
- struct stem_chunk *cur;
- stemcnt = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextcnt : pd->prevcnt;
- stems = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextstems : pd->prevstems;
- vchunks = calloc( stemcnt,sizeof( VChunk ));
- for ( i=0; i<stemcnt; i++ ) {
- is_l = ( is_next ) ? pd->next_is_l[i] : pd->prev_is_l[i];
- FindClosestOpposite( stems[i],&vchunks[i].chunk,pd->sp,&next1 );
- if ( vchunks[i].chunk == NULL )
- continue;
- cur = vchunks[i].chunk;
- if ( vchunks[i].value > 0 ) val_cnt++;
- vchunks[i].dist = pow( cur->l->base.x - cur->r->base.x,2 ) +
- pow( cur->l->base.y - cur->r->base.y,2 );
- lunit = ( cur->lnext ) ? &cur->l->nextunit : &cur->l->prevunit;
- runit = ( cur->rnext ) ? &cur->r->nextunit : &cur->r->prevunit;
- vchunks[i].parallel = UnitsParallel( lunit,&stems[i]->unit,2 ) &&
- UnitsParallel( runit,&stems[i]->unit,2 );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<stemcnt; i++ ) if ( vchunks[i].chunk != NULL ) {
- vchunks[i].value = ValueChunk( gd,vchunks,stemcnt,i,is_l );
- if ( vchunks[i].value ) val_cnt++;
- }
- /* If we was unable to figure out any reasons for which at least */
- /* one of the checked chunks should really be output, then keep */
- /* all the 'potential' flags as they are and do nothing */
- if ( val_cnt > 0 ) {
- for ( i=0; i<stemcnt; i++ ) if ( vchunks[i].chunk != NULL ) {
- is_l = ( is_next ) ? pd->next_is_l[i] : pd->prev_is_l[i];
- val = vchunks[i].value;
- for ( j=0; j<stems[i]->chunk_cnt; j++ ) {
- cur = &stems[i]->chunks[j];
- if ( is_l && cur->l == pd ) {
- if ( val > 0 ) cur->lpotential = false;
- else cur->lpotential = true;
- } else if ( !is_l && cur->r == pd ) {
- if ( val > 0 ) cur->rpotential = false;
- else cur->rpotential = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- free( vchunks );
-static int StemIsActiveAt( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem,double stempos ) {
- BasePoint pos,cpos,mpos;
- int which;
- double test;
- double lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax, loff, roff, minoff, maxoff;
- struct monotonic **space, *m;
- int winding, nw, closest, i, j;
- pos.x = stem->left.x + stempos*stem->unit.x;
- pos.y = stem->left.y + stempos*stem->unit.y;
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true )) {
- which = stem->unit.x==0;
- MonotonicFindAt(gd->ms,which,((real *) &pos.x)[which],space = gd->space);
- test = ((real *) &pos.x)[!which];
- lmin = ( stem->lmax - 2*dist_error_hv < -dist_error_hv ) ?
- stem->lmax - 2*dist_error_hv : -dist_error_hv;
- lmax = ( stem->lmin + 2*dist_error_hv > dist_error_hv ) ?
- stem->lmin + 2*dist_error_hv : dist_error_hv;
- rmin = ( stem->rmax - 2*dist_error_hv < -dist_error_hv ) ?
- stem->rmax - 2*dist_error_hv : -dist_error_hv;
- rmax = ( stem->rmin + 2*dist_error_hv > dist_error_hv ) ?
- stem->rmin + 2*dist_error_hv : dist_error_hv;
- minoff = test + ( lmin * stem->unit.y - lmax * stem->unit.x );
- maxoff = test + ( lmax * stem->unit.y - lmin * stem->unit.x );
- winding = 0; closest = -1;
- for ( i=0; space[i]!=NULL; ++i ) {
- m = space[i];
- nw = ((&m->xup)[which] ? 1 : -1 );
- if ( m->other >= minoff && m->other <= maxoff && nw == 1 ) {
- closest = i;
- break;
- } else if ( m->other > maxoff )
- break;
- winding += nw;
- }
- if ( closest < 0 )
-return( false );
- cpos.x = ( which ) ? m->other : pos.x ;
- cpos.y = ( which ) ? pos.y : m->other ;
- loff = ( cpos.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( cpos.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- if ( loff > lmax || loff < lmin )
-return( false );
- j = MatchWinding(space,i,nw,winding,which,0);
- if ( j==-1 )
-return( false );
- m = space[j];
- mpos.x = ( which ) ? m->other : pos.x ;
- mpos.y = ( which ) ? pos.y : m->other ;
- roff = ( mpos.x - stem->right.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( mpos.y - stem->right.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- if ( roff >= rmin && roff <= rmax )
-return( true );
-return( false );
- } else {
-return( StillStem( gd,dist_error_diag,&pos,stem ));
- }
-/* This function is used to check the distance between a hint's edge */
-/* and a spline and determine the extet where this hint can be */
-/* considered "active". */
-static int WalkSpline( struct glyphdata *gd, struct pointdata *pd,int gonext,
- struct stemdata *stem,int is_l,int force_ac,BasePoint *res ) {
- int i, curved;
- double off, dist, min, max;
- double incr, err;
- double t, ratio, width;
- Spline *s;
- BasePoint *base, *nunit, pos, good;
- SplinePoint *sp, *nsp;
- struct pointdata *npd;
- err = ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true )) ? dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag;
- width = stem->width;
- ratio = gd->emsize/( 6 * width );
- if ( err > width/2) err = width/2;
- sp = pd->sp;
- base = ( is_l ) ? &stem->left : &stem->right;
- min = ( is_l ) ? stem->lmax - 2*err : stem->rmax - 2*err;
- max = ( is_l ) ? stem->lmin + 2*err : stem->rmin + 2*err;
- s = ( gonext ) ? sp->next : sp->prev;
- nsp = ( gonext ) ? s->to : s->from;
- npd = &gd->points[nsp->ptindex];
- nunit = ( gonext ) ? &npd->prevunit : &npd->nextunit;
- good = sp->me;
- off = ( nsp->me.x - base->x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( nsp->me.y - base->y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- /* Some splines have tiny control points and are almost flat */
- /* think of them as lines then rather than treating them as curves */
- /* figure out how long they remain within a few orthoganal units of */
- /* the point */
- /* We used to check the distance between a control point and a spline */
- /* and consider the segment "flat" if this distance is smaller than */
- /* the normal allowed "error" value. However this method doesn't produce */
- /* consistent results if the spline is not long enough (as usual for */
- /* fonts with quadratic splines). So now we consider a spline "flat" */
- /* only if it never deviates too far from the hint's edge and both */
- /* its terminal points are snappable to the same hint */
- curved = ( IsStemAssignedToPoint( npd,stem,gonext ) == -1 &&
- ( off < min || off > max || !UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,nunit,true )));
- /* If a spline does deviate from the edge too far to consider it flat, */
- /* then we calculate the extent where the spline and the edge are still */
- /* close enough to consider the hint active at this zone. If the hint is */
- /* still active at the end of the spline, we can check some subsequent splines */
- /* too. This method produces better effect than any "magic" manipulations */
- /* with control point coordinates, because it takes into account just the */
- /* spline configuration rather than point positions */
- if ( curved ) {
- max = err = dist_error_curve;
- min = -dist_error_curve;
- /* The following statement forces our code to detect an active zone */
- /* even if all checks actually fail. This makes sense for stems */
- /* marking arks and bends */
- if ( force_ac )
- good = ( gonext ) ? sp->nextcp : sp->prevcp;
- /* If a spline is closer to the opposite stem edge than to the current edge, then we */
- /* can no longer consider the stem active at this point */
- if ( err > width/2 ) err = width/2;
- t = ( gonext ) ? 0.9999 : 0.0001;
- for ( ; ; s = ( gonext ) ? s->to->next : s->from->prev ) {
- pos.x = ((s->splines[0].a*t+s->splines[0].b)*t+s->splines[0].c)*t+s->splines[0].d;
- pos.y = ((s->splines[1].a*t+s->splines[1].b)*t+s->splines[1].c)*t+s->splines[1].d;
- off = ( pos.x - base->x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( pos.y - base->y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- dist = ( pos.x - sp->me.x )*stem->unit.x +
- ( pos.y - sp->me.y )*stem->unit.y;
- nsp = ( gonext ) ? s->to : s->from;
- npd = &gd->points[nsp->ptindex];
- if (fabs( off ) < max && fabs( dist ) <= ( width + width * ratio ) &&
- nsp != sp && npd->colinear && !npd->x_extr && !npd->y_extr &&
- StillStem( gd,err,&pos,stem ))
- good = pos;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- t = .5;
- incr = ( gonext ) ? .25 : -.25;
- for ( i=0; i<6; ++i ) {
- pos.x = ((s->splines[0].a*t+s->splines[0].b)*t+s->splines[0].c)*t+s->splines[0].d;
- pos.y = ((s->splines[1].a*t+s->splines[1].b)*t+s->splines[1].c)*t+s->splines[1].d;
- off = ( pos.x - base->x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( pos.y - base->y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- dist = ( pos.x - sp->me.x )*stem->unit.x +
- ( pos.y - sp->me.y )*stem->unit.y;
- /* Don't check StillStem for non-curved segments, as they are subject */
- /* to further projection-related tests anyway */
- if ( off > min && off < max && ( !curved ||
- ( fabs( dist ) < ( width + width * ratio ) &&
- StillStem( gd,err,&pos,stem )))) {
- good = pos;
- t += incr;
- } else
- t -= incr;
- incr/=2;
- }
- *res = good;
-return( curved );
-static int AdjustForImperfectSlopeMatch( SplinePoint *sp,BasePoint *pos,
- BasePoint *newpos,struct stemdata *stem,int is_l ) {
- double poff, err, min, max;
- BasePoint *base;
- base = ( is_l ) ? &stem->left : &stem->right;
- err = ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true )) ? dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag;
- min = ( is_l ) ? stem->lmax - 2*err : stem->rmax - 2*err;
- max = ( is_l ) ? stem->lmin + 2*err : stem->rmin + 2*err;
- /* Possible if the stem unit has been attached to a line. It is */
- /* hard to prevent this */
- if ( min > max ) {
- min = stem->lmin; max = stem->lmax;
- }
- poff = ( pos->x - base->x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( pos->y - base->y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- if ( poff > min && poff < max ) {
- *newpos = *pos;
-return( false );
- } else if ( poff <= min )
- err = fabs( min );
- else if ( poff >= max )
- err = fabs( max );
- newpos->x = sp->me.x + err*( pos->x - sp->me.x )/fabs( poff );
- newpos->y = sp->me.y + err*( pos->y - sp->me.y )/fabs( poff );
-return( true );
-static int AddLineSegment( struct stemdata *stem,struct segment *space,int cnt,
- int is_l,struct pointdata *pd,int base_next,struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- double s, e, t, dot;
- BasePoint stemp, etemp;
- BasePoint *start, *end, *par_unit;
- int same_dir, corner = 0, par;
- int scurved = false, ecurved = false, c, hv;
- SplinePoint *sp, *psp, *nsp;
- double b;
- uint8 extr;
- if ( pd==NULL || (sp = pd->sp)==NULL || sp->ticked ||
- sp->next==NULL || sp->prev==NULL )
-return( cnt );
- end = &sp->me;
- start = &sp->me;
- par_unit = ( base_next ) ? &pd->nextunit : &pd->prevunit;
- /* Do the spline and the stem unit point in the same direction ? */
- dot = ( stem->unit.x * par_unit->x ) +
- ( stem->unit.y * par_unit->y );
- same_dir = (( dot > 0 && base_next ) || ( dot < 0 && !base_next ));
- if ( stem->unit.x == 1 ) corner = pd->y_corner;
- else if ( stem->unit.y == 1 ) corner = pd->x_corner;
- dot = ( stem->unit.x * pd->nextunit.x ) +
- ( stem->unit.y * pd->nextunit.y );
- /* We used to apply normal checks only if the point's unit vector pointing */
- /* in the direction we are going to check is nearly parallel to the stem unit. */
- /* But this is not the best method, because a spline, "parallel" to our */
- /* stem, may actually have filled space at a wrong side. On the other hand, */
- /* sometimes it makes sense to calculate active space even for splines */
- /* connected to our base point under an angle which is too large to consider */
- /* the direction "parallel". So now we check the units' direction first */
- /* and then (just for straight splines) also their parallelity. */
- if (( dot > 0 && same_dir ) || ( dot < 0 && !same_dir )) {
- /* If the segment sp-start doesn't have exactly the right slope, then */
- /* we can only use that bit of it which is less than a standard error */
- par = UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,&pd->nextunit,0 );
- if ( !sp->next->knownlinear ) {
- ecurved = WalkSpline( gd,pd,true,stem,is_l,par,&etemp );
- /* Can merge, but treat as curved relatively to projections */
- if ( !ecurved ) ecurved = 2;
- end = &etemp;
- } else if ( par || corner ) {
- nsp = sp->next->to;
- ecurved = AdjustForImperfectSlopeMatch( sp,&nsp->me,&etemp,stem,is_l );
- end = &etemp;
- }
- }
- dot = ( stem->unit.x * pd->prevunit.x ) +
- ( stem->unit.y * pd->prevunit.y );
- if (( dot < 0 && same_dir ) || ( dot > 0 && !same_dir )) {
- par = UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,&pd->prevunit,0 );
- if ( !sp->prev->knownlinear ) {
- scurved = WalkSpline( gd,pd,false,stem,is_l,par,&stemp );
- if ( !scurved ) scurved = 2;
- start = &stemp;
- } else if ( par || corner ) {
- psp = sp->prev->from;
- scurved = AdjustForImperfectSlopeMatch( sp,&psp->me,&stemp,stem,is_l );
- start = &stemp;
- }
- }
- sp->ticked = true;
- s = (start->x-stem->left.x)*stem->unit.x +
- (start->y-stem->left.y)*stem->unit.y;
- e = ( end->x-stem->left.x)*stem->unit.x +
- ( end->y-stem->left.y)*stem->unit.y;
- b = (sp->me.x-stem->left.x)*stem->unit.x +
- (sp->me.y-stem->left.y)*stem->unit.y;
- if ( s == e )
-return( cnt );
- if ( s > e ) {
- t = s; c = scurved;
- s = e; e = t;
- scurved = ecurved; ecurved = c;
- }
- space[cnt].start = s;
- space[cnt].end = e;
- space[cnt].sbase = space[cnt].ebase = b;
- space[cnt].scurved = scurved;
- space[cnt].ecurved = ecurved;
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- if ( hv ) {
- /* For vertical/horizontal stems we assign a special meaning to */
- /* the 'curved' field. It will be non-zero if the key point of */
- /* this segment is positioned on a prominent curve: */
- /* 1 if the inner side of that curve is inside of the contour */
- /* and 2 otherwise. */
- /* Later, if we get a pair of "inner" and "outer" curves, then */
- /* we are probably dealing with a feature's bend which should be */
- /* necessarily marked with a hint. Checks we apply for this type */
- /* of curved segments should be less strict than in other cases. */
- extr = ( hv == 1 ) ? pd->y_extr : pd->x_extr;
- space[cnt].curved = extr;
- } else {
- /* For diagonal stems we consider a segment "curved" if both its */
- /* start and end are curved. Curved segments usually cannot be */
- /* merged (unless scurved or ecurved is equal to 2) and are not */
- /* checked for "projections". */
- space[cnt].curved = scurved && ecurved;
- }
-return( cnt+1 );
-static int InActive(double projection,struct segment *segments, int cnt) {
- int i;
- for ( i=0; i<cnt; ++i ) {
- if ( projection>=segments[i].start && projection<=segments[i].end )
-return( true );
- }
-return( false );
-static int MergeSegments(struct segment *space, int cnt) {
- int i,j;
- double middle;
- for ( i=j=0; i<cnt; ++i, ++j ) {
- if ( i!=j )
- space[j] = space[i];
- while ( i+1<cnt && space[i+1].start<space[j].end ) {
- if ( space[i+1].end >= space[j].end ) {
- /* If there are 2 overlapping segments and neither the */
- /* end of the first segment nor the start of the second */
- /* one are curved we can merge them. Otherwise we have */
- /* to preserve them both, but modify their start/end properties */
- /* so that the overlap is removed */
- if ( space[j].ecurved != 1 && space[i+1].scurved != 1 ) {
- space[j].end = space[i+1].end;
- space[j].ebase = space[i+1].ebase;
- space[j].ecurved = space[i+1].ecurved;
- space[j].curved = false;
- } else if ( space[j].ecurved != 1 && space[i+1].scurved == 1 ) {
- space[i+1].start = space[j].end;
- --i;
- } else if ( space[j].ecurved == 1 && space[i+1].scurved != 1 ) {
- space[j].end = space[i+1].start;
- --i;
- } else {
- middle = (space[j].end + space[i+1].start)/2;
- space[j].end = space[i+1].start = middle;
- --i;
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
-return( j );
-static int MergeSegmentsFinal( struct segment *space, int cnt ) {
- int i,j;
- for ( i=j=0; i<cnt; ++i, ++j ) {
- if ( i!=j )
- space[j] = space[i];
- while ( i+1<cnt && space[i+1].start<=space[j].end ) {
- if ( space[i+1].end>space[j].end ) {
- space[j].end = space[i+1].end;
- space[j].ebase = space[i+1].ebase;
- space[j].ecurved = space[i+1].ecurved;
- space[j].curved = false;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
-return( j );
-static void FigureStemActive( struct glyphdata *gd, struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int i, j, pcnt=0;
- struct pointdata *pd, **pspace = gd->pspace;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- struct segment *lspace = gd->lspace, *rspace = gd->rspace;
- struct segment *bothspace = gd->bothspace, *activespace = gd->activespace;
- int lcnt, rcnt, bcnt, bpos, acnt, cove, startset, endset;
- double middle, width, len, clen, gap, lseg, rseg;
- double err, lmin, rmax, loff, roff, last, s, e, sbase, ebase;
- double proj, proj2, proj3, orig_proj, ptemp;
- width = stem->width;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL )
- gd->points[i].sp->ticked = false;
- lcnt = rcnt = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->stemcheat )
- continue;
- lcnt = AddLineSegment( stem,lspace,lcnt,true ,chunk->l,chunk->lnext,gd );
- rcnt = AddLineSegment( stem,rspace,rcnt,false,chunk->r,chunk->rnext,gd );
- }
- bcnt = 0;
- if ( lcnt!=0 && rcnt!=0 ) {
- /* For curved segments we can extend left and right active segments */
- /* a bit to ensure that they do overlap and thus can be marked with an */
- /* active zone */
- if ( rcnt == lcnt && stem->chunk_cnt == lcnt ) {
- for ( i=0; i<lcnt; i++ ) {
- /* If it's a feature bend, then our tests should be more liberal */
- cove = (( rspace[i].curved + lspace[i].curved ) == 3 );
- gap = 0;
- if ( lspace[i].start>rspace[i].end && lspace[i].scurved && rspace[i].ecurved )
- gap = lspace[i].start-rspace[i].end;
- else if ( rspace[i].start>lspace[i].end && rspace[i].scurved && lspace[i].ecurved )
- gap = rspace[i].start-lspace[i].end;
- else if ( !cove )
- continue;
- lseg = lspace[i].end - lspace[i].start;
- rseg = rspace[i].end - rspace[i].start;
- if (( cove && gap < (lseg > rseg ? lseg : rseg )) ||
- ( gap < ( lseg + rseg )/2 && !stem->chunks[i].stub )) {
- if ( lspace[i].ebase<rspace[i].start )
- rspace[i].start = lspace[i].ebase;
- else if ( lspace[i].sbase>rspace[i].end )
- rspace[i].end = lspace[i].sbase;
- if ( rspace[i].ebase<lspace[i].start )
- lspace[i].start = rspace[i].ebase;
- else if ( rspace[i].sbase>lspace[i].end )
- lspace[i].end = rspace[i].sbase;
- }
- }
- }
- qsort(lspace,lcnt,sizeof(struct segment),segment_cmp);
- qsort(rspace,rcnt,sizeof(struct segment),segment_cmp);
- lcnt = MergeSegments( lspace,lcnt );
- rcnt = MergeSegments( rspace,rcnt );
- for ( i=j=bcnt=0; i<lcnt && j<rcnt; ++i ) {
- while ( j<rcnt && rspace[j].end<=lspace[i].start )
- ++j;
- while ( j<rcnt && rspace[j].start<=lspace[i].end ) {
- cove = (( rspace[j].curved + lspace[i].curved ) == 3 );
- s = ( rspace[j].start > lspace[i].start ) ?
- rspace[j].start : lspace[i].start;
- e = ( rspace[j].end < lspace[i].end ) ?
- rspace[j].end : lspace[i].end;
- sbase = ( rspace[j].start > lspace[i].start ) ?
- lspace[i].sbase : rspace[j].sbase;
- ebase = ( rspace[j].end < lspace[i].end ) ?
- lspace[i].ebase : rspace[j].ebase;
- middle = ( lspace[i].start + rspace[j].start )/2;
- bothspace[bcnt].start = ( cove && middle < s ) ? middle : s;
- if ( rspace[j].start > lspace[i].start )
- bothspace[bcnt].scurved = ( rspace[j].scurved || sbase < s ) ?
- rspace[j].scurved : lspace[i].scurved;
- else
- bothspace[bcnt].scurved = ( lspace[i].scurved || sbase < s ) ?
- lspace[i].scurved : rspace[j].scurved;
- middle = ( lspace[i].end + rspace[j].end )/2;
- bothspace[bcnt].end = ( cove && middle > e ) ? middle : e;
- if ( rspace[j].end < lspace[i].end )
- bothspace[bcnt].ecurved = ( rspace[j].ecurved || ebase > e ) ?
- rspace[j].ecurved : lspace[i].ecurved;
- else
- bothspace[bcnt].ecurved = ( lspace[i].ecurved || ebase > e ) ?
- lspace[i].ecurved : rspace[j].ecurved;
- sbase = ( rspace[j].sbase > lspace[i].sbase ) ?
- rspace[j].sbase : lspace[i].sbase;
- ebase = ( rspace[j].ebase < lspace[i].ebase ) ?
- rspace[j].ebase : lspace[i].ebase;
- if ( sbase > bothspace[bcnt].end )
- sbase = ebase = bothspace[bcnt].end;
- else if ( ebase < bothspace[bcnt].start )
- sbase = ebase = bothspace[bcnt].start;
- else if ( ebase < sbase )
- ebase = sbase = ( ebase + sbase )/2;
- bothspace[bcnt].sbase = sbase;
- bothspace[bcnt].ebase = ebase;
- bothspace[bcnt++].curved = rspace[j].curved || lspace[i].curved;
- if ( rspace[j].end>lspace[i].end )
- break;
- ++j;
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "Active zones for stem l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f dir=%.2f,%.2f:\n",
- stem->left.x,stem->left.y,stem->right.x,stem->right.y,stem->unit.x,stem->unit.y );
- for ( i=0; i<lcnt; i++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tleft space curved=%d\n",lspace[i].curved );
- fprintf( stderr, "\t\tstart=%.2f,base=%.2f,curved=%d\n",
- lspace[i].start,lspace[i].sbase,lspace[i].scurved );
- fprintf( stderr, "\t\tend=%.2f,base=%.2f,curved=%d\n",
- lspace[i].end,lspace[i].ebase,lspace[i].ecurved );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<rcnt; i++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tright space curved=%d\n",rspace[i].curved );
- fprintf( stderr, "\t\tstart=%.2f,base=%.2f,curved=%d\n",
- rspace[i].start,rspace[i].sbase,rspace[i].scurved );
- fprintf( stderr, "\t\tend=%.2f,base=%.2f,curved=%d\n",
- rspace[i].end,rspace[i].ebase,rspace[i].ecurved );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<bcnt; i++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tboth space\n" );
- fprintf( stderr, "\t\tstart=%.2f,base=%.2f,curved=%d\n",
- bothspace[i].start,bothspace[i].sbase,bothspace[i].scurved );
- fprintf( stderr, "\t\tend=%.2f,base=%.2f,curved=%d\n",
- bothspace[i].end,bothspace[i].ebase,bothspace[i].ecurved );
- }
- fprintf( stderr,"\n" );
- err = ( stem->unit.x == 0 || stem->unit.y == 0 ) ?
- dist_error_hv : dist_error_diag;
- lmin = ( stem->lmin < -err ) ? stem->lmin : -err;
- rmax = ( stem->rmax > err ) ? stem->rmax : err;
- acnt = 0;
- if ( bcnt!=0 ) {
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( (pd = &gd->points[i])->sp!=NULL ) {
- /* Let's say we have a stem. And then inside that stem we have */
- /* another rectangle. So our first stem isn't really a stem any */
- /* more (because we hit another edge first), yet it's still reasonable*/
- /* to align the original stem */
- /* Now suppose the rectangle is rotated a bit so we can't make */
- /* a stem from it. What do we do here? */
- loff = ( pd->sp->me.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( pd->sp->me.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- roff = ( pd->sp->me.x - stem->right.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( pd->sp->me.y - stem->right.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- if ( loff >= lmin && roff <= rmax ) {
- pd->projection = (pd->sp->me.x - stem->left.x)*stem->unit.x +
- (pd->sp->me.y - stem->left.y)*stem->unit.y;
- if ( InActive(pd->projection,bothspace,bcnt) )
- pspace[pcnt++] = pd;
- }
- }
- qsort(pspace,pcnt,sizeof(struct pointdata *),proj_cmp);
- bpos = i = 0;
- while ( bpos<bcnt ) {
- if ( bothspace[bpos].curved || pcnt==0 ) {
- activespace[acnt++] = bothspace[bpos++];
- } else {
- last = bothspace[bpos].start;
- startset = false; endset = false;
- if ( bothspace[bpos].scurved ||
- StemIsActiveAt( gd,stem,bothspace[bpos].start+0.0015 )) {
- activespace[acnt].scurved = bothspace[bpos].scurved;
- activespace[acnt].start = bothspace[bpos].start;
- startset = true;
- }
- /* If the stem is preceded by a curved segment, then skip */
- /* the first point position and start from the next one. */
- /* (Otherwise StemIsActiveAt() may consider the stem is */
- /* "inactive" at the fragment between the start of the active */
- /* space and the first point actually belonging to this stem) */
- if ( bothspace[bpos].scurved ) {
- while ( pcnt>i && pspace[i]->projection < bothspace[bpos].sbase ) i++;
- if ( pcnt > i && pspace[i]->projection >= bothspace[bpos].sbase ) {
- last = activespace[acnt].end = pspace[i]->projection;
- activespace[acnt].ecurved = false;
- activespace[acnt].curved = false;
- endset=true;
- }
- }
- while ( i<pcnt && (
- ( !bothspace[bpos].ecurved && pspace[i]->projection<bothspace[bpos].end ) ||
- ( bothspace[bpos].ecurved && pspace[i]->projection<=bothspace[bpos].ebase ))) {
- if ( last==activespace[acnt].start && pspace[i]->projection >= last ) {
- if ( !StemIsActiveAt( gd,stem,last+(( 1.001*pspace[i]->projection-last )/2.001 ))) {
- last = activespace[acnt].start = pspace[i]->projection;
- activespace[acnt].scurved = false;
- startset = true; endset = false;
- } else {
- last = activespace[acnt].end = pspace[i]->projection;
- activespace[acnt].ecurved = false;
- activespace[acnt].curved = false;
- endset = true;
- }
- } else if (( last==activespace[acnt].end || !startset )
- && pspace[i]->projection >= last) {
- if ( !StemIsActiveAt( gd,stem,last+(( 1.001*pspace[i]->projection-last )/2.001 )) ||
- !startset ) {
- if ( startset ) acnt++;
- last = activespace[acnt].start = pspace[i]->projection;
- activespace[acnt].scurved = false;
- startset = true; endset = false;
- } else {
- last = activespace[acnt].end = pspace[i]->projection;
- activespace[acnt].ecurved = false;
- activespace[acnt].curved = false;
- endset = true;
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (( bothspace[bpos].ecurved ||
- StemIsActiveAt( gd,stem,bothspace[bpos].end-0.0015 )) &&
- startset ) {
- activespace[acnt].end = bothspace[bpos].end;
- activespace[acnt].ecurved = bothspace[bpos].ecurved;
- activespace[acnt].curved = bothspace[bpos].curved;
- endset = true;
- }
- ++bpos;
- if ( endset ) ++acnt;
- }
- }
- }
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- /* stemcheat 1 -- diagonal edge stem;
- * 2 -- diagonal corner stem with a sharp top;
- * 3 -- diagonal corner stem with a flat top;
- * 4 -- bounding box hint */
- if ( chunk->stemcheat==3 && chunk->l!=NULL && chunk->r!=NULL &&
- i+1<stem->chunk_cnt &&
- stem->chunks[i+1].stemcheat==3 &&
- ( chunk->l==stem->chunks[i+1].l ||
- chunk->r==stem->chunks[i+1].r )) {
- SplinePoint *sp = chunk->l==stem->chunks[i+1].l ?
- chunk->l->sp : chunk->r->sp;
- proj = (sp->me.x - stem->left.x) *stem->unit.x +
- (sp->me.y - stem->left.y) *stem->unit.y;
- SplinePoint *sp2 = chunk->l==stem->chunks[i+1].l ?
- chunk->r->sp : chunk->l->sp;
- SplinePoint *sp3 = chunk->l==stem->chunks[i+1].l ?
- stem->chunks[i+1].r->sp : stem->chunks[i+1].l->sp;
- proj2 = (sp2->me.x - stem->left.x) *stem->unit.x +
- (sp2->me.y - stem->left.y) *stem->unit.y;
- proj3 = (sp3->me.x - stem->left.x) *stem->unit.x +
- (sp3->me.y - stem->left.y) *stem->unit.y;
- if ( proj2>proj3 ) {
- ptemp = proj2; proj2 = proj3; proj3 = ptemp;
- }
- if ( (proj3-proj2) < width ) {
- activespace[acnt ].curved = true;
- proj2 -= width/2;
- proj3 += width/2;
- } else {
- activespace[acnt ].curved = false;
- }
- activespace[acnt].start = proj2;
- activespace[acnt].end = proj3;
- activespace[acnt].sbase = activespace[acnt].ebase = proj;
- acnt++;
- ++i;
- } else if ( chunk->stemcheat && chunk->l!=NULL && chunk->r!=NULL ) {
- SplinePoint *sp = chunk->l->sp;
- proj = ( sp->me.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->unit.x +
- ( sp->me.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->unit.y;
- orig_proj = proj;
- SplinePoint *other = chunk->lnext ? sp->next->to : sp->prev->from;
- len = (other->me.x - sp->me.x) * stem->unit.x +
- (other->me.y - sp->me.y) * stem->unit.y;
- if ( chunk->stemcheat == 2 )
- proj -= width/2;
- else if ( len<0 )
- proj -= width;
- activespace[acnt].curved = true;
- activespace[acnt].start = proj;
- activespace[acnt].end = proj+width;
- activespace[acnt].sbase = activespace[acnt].ebase = orig_proj;
- acnt++;
- }
- }
- if ( acnt!=0 ) {
- stem->activecnt = MergeSegmentsFinal( activespace,acnt );
- stem->active = malloc(acnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- memcpy(stem->active,activespace,acnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- }
- len = clen = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<acnt; ++i ) {
- if ( stem->active[i].curved )
- clen += stem->active[i].end-stem->active[i].start;
- else
- len += stem->active[i].end-stem->active[i].start;
- }
- stem->len = len; stem->clen = len+clen;
-static void GDStemsFixupIntersects(struct glyphdata *gd) {
- int i, j, stemidx;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt; ++j ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[j];
- if ( chunk->l!=NULL ) {
- stemidx = IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->l,stem,true );
- FixupT( chunk->l,stemidx,true,chunk->l_e_idx );
- stemidx = IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->l,stem,false );
- FixupT( chunk->l,stemidx,false,chunk->l_e_idx );
- }
- if ( chunk->r!=NULL ) {
- stemidx = IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->r,stem,true );
- FixupT( chunk->r,stemidx,true,chunk->r_e_idx );
- stemidx = IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->r,stem,false );
- FixupT( chunk->r,stemidx,false,chunk->r_e_idx );
- }
- }
- }
-static int StemsWouldConflict( struct stemdata *stem1,struct stemdata *stem2 ) {
- double loff, roff, s1, s2, e1, e2;
- int acnt1, acnt2;
- if ( stem1 == stem2 || !UnitsParallel( &stem1->unit,&stem2->unit,true ))
-return( false );
- loff = ( stem2->left.x - stem1->left.x ) * stem1->unit.y -
- ( stem2->left.y - stem1->left.y ) * stem1->unit.x;
- roff = ( stem2->right.x - stem1->right.x ) * stem1->unit.y -
- ( stem2->right.y - stem1->right.y ) * stem1->unit.x;
- loff = fabs( loff ); roff = fabs( roff );
- if ( loff > stem1->width || roff > stem1->width )
-return( false );
- acnt1 = stem1->activecnt;
- acnt2 = stem2->activecnt;
- if ( acnt1 == 0 || acnt2 == 0 )
-return( false );
- s1 = stem1->active[0].start; e1 = stem1->active[acnt1-1].end;
- s2 = stem2->active[0].start; e2 = stem2->active[acnt2-1].end;
- loff = ( stem2->left.x - stem1->left.x ) * stem1->unit.x +
- ( stem2->left.y - stem1->left.y ) * stem1->unit.y;
- if (( s2+loff >= s1 && s2+loff <= e1 ) || ( e2+loff >= s1 && e2+loff <= e1 ) ||
- ( s2+loff <= s1 && e2+loff >= e1 ) || ( e2+loff <= s1 && s2+loff >= e1 ))
-return( true );
-return( false );
-/* Convert diagonal stems generated for stubs and intersections to horizontal */
-/* or vertical, if they have just one chunk. This should be done before calculating */
-/* active zones, as they are calculated against each stem's unit vector */
-static void GDNormalizeStubs( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- int i, j, hv;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- BasePoint newdir;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->positioned )
- continue;
- if ( !IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true )) {
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,false );
- if ( hv && StemFitsHV( stem,( hv == 1 ),3 )) {
- if ( hv == 2 && stem->unit.y < 0 )
- SwapEdges( gd,stem );
- newdir.x = fabs( rint( stem->unit.x ));
- newdir.y = fabs( rint( stem->unit.y ));
- SetStemUnit( stem,newdir );
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt && stem->leftidx == -1 && stem->rightidx == -1; j++ ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[j];
- if ( stem->leftidx == -1 && chunk->l != NULL )
- stem->leftidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,chunk->l->sp,stem );
- if ( stem->rightidx == -1 && chunk->r != NULL )
- stem->rightidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,chunk->r->sp,stem );
- }
- }
- }
- }
-static void GDFindUnlikelyStems( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- double width, minl, ratio;
- int i, j, k, stem_cnt, ls_cnt, rs_cnt, ltick, rtick;
- struct pointdata *lpd, *rpd;
- Spline *ls, *rs;
- SplinePoint *lsp, *rsp;
- BasePoint *lunit, *runit, *slunit, *srunit, *sunit;
- struct stemdata *stem, *stem1, *tstem;
- struct stemdata **tstems, **lstems, **rstems;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- GDStemsFixupIntersects( gd );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- /* If stem had been already present in the spline char before we */
- /* started generating glyph data, then it should never be */
- /* considered "too big" */
- if ( stem->positioned )
- continue;
- /* If a stem has straight edges, and it is wider than tall */
- /* then it is unlikely to be a real stem */
- width = stem->width;
- ratio = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) ? gd->emsize/( 6 * width ) : -0.25;
- stem->toobig = ( stem->clen + stem->clen * ratio < width );
- }
- /* One more check for curved stems. If a stem has just one active */
- /* segment, this segment is curved and the stem has no conflicts, */
- /* then select the active segment length which allows us to consider */
- /* this stem suitable for PS output by such a way, that stems connecting */
- /* the opposite sides of a circle are always accepted */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->stems[i].toobig ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- width = stem->width;
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) && stem->activecnt == 1 &&
- stem->active[0].curved && width/2 > dist_error_curve ) {
- for ( j=0; j<gd->stemcnt; ++j) {
- stem1 = &gd->stems[j];
- if ( !stem1->toobig && StemsWouldConflict( stem,stem1 ))
- break;
- }
- if ( j == gd->stemcnt ) {
- minl = sqrt( pow( width/2,2 ) - pow( width/2 - dist_error_curve,2 ));
- if ( stem->clen >= minl ) stem->toobig = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /* And finally a check for stubs and feature terminations. We don't */
- /* want such things to be controlled by any special hints, if there */
- /* is already a hint controlling the middle of the same feature */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->positioned )
- continue;
- if ( stem->chunk_cnt == 1 && stem->chunks[0].stub & 3 ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[0];
- slunit = chunk->lnext ? &chunk->l->nextunit : &chunk->l->prevunit;
- srunit = chunk->rnext ? &chunk->r->nextunit : &chunk->r->prevunit;
- /* This test is valid only for features which are not exactly horizontal/ */
- /* vertical. But we can't check this using the stem unit, as it may have */
- /* already beeen reset to HV. So we use the units of this stem's base points */
- /* instead. */
- if ( IsUnitHV( slunit,true ) && IsUnitHV( srunit,true ))
- continue;
- if ( UnitCloserToHV( srunit,slunit ) > 0 ) sunit = srunit;
- else sunit = slunit;
- lpd = chunk->l; lsp = lpd->sp; lstems = tstems = NULL;
- ls_cnt = 0;
- do {
- stem_cnt = (( chunk->lnext && lpd == chunk->l ) ||
- ( !chunk->lnext && lpd != chunk->l )) ? lpd->nextcnt : lpd->prevcnt;
- for ( j=0; j<stem_cnt; j++ ) {
- tstems= (( chunk->lnext && lpd == chunk->l ) ||
- ( !chunk->lnext && lpd != chunk->l )) ? lpd->nextstems : lpd->prevstems;
- tstem = tstems[j];
- if ( tstem != stem ) {
- lstems = tstems;
- ls_cnt = stem_cnt;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( lstems != NULL )
- break;
- ls = ( chunk->lnext ) ? lsp->next : lsp->prev;
- if ( ls == NULL )
- break;
- lsp = ( chunk->lnext ) ? ls->to : ls->from;
- lpd = &gd->points[lsp->ptindex];
- lunit = ( chunk->lnext ) ? &lpd->prevunit : &lpd->nextunit;
- } while ( lpd != chunk->l && lpd != chunk->r &&
- UnitsParallel( lunit,sunit,false ));
- rpd = chunk->r; rsp = rpd->sp; rstems = tstems = NULL;
- rs_cnt = 0;
- do {
- stem_cnt = (( chunk->rnext && rpd == chunk->r ) ||
- ( !chunk->rnext && rpd != chunk->r )) ? rpd->nextcnt : rpd->prevcnt;
- for ( j=0; j<stem_cnt; j++ ) {
- tstems= (( chunk->rnext && rpd == chunk->r ) ||
- ( !chunk->rnext && rpd != chunk->r )) ? rpd->nextstems : rpd->prevstems;
- tstem = tstems[j];
- if ( tstem != stem ) {
- rstems = tstems;
- rs_cnt = stem_cnt;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( rstems != NULL )
- break;
- rs = ( chunk->rnext ) ? rsp->next : rsp->prev;
- if ( rs == NULL )
- break;
- rsp = ( chunk->rnext ) ? rs->to : rs->from;
- rpd = &gd->points[rsp->ptindex];
- runit = ( chunk->rnext ) ? &rpd->prevunit : &rpd->nextunit;
- } while ( rpd != chunk->r && rpd != chunk->l &&
- UnitsParallel( runit,sunit,false ));
- if ( lstems != NULL && rstems !=NULL ) {
- for ( j=0; j<ls_cnt && !stem->toobig; j++ ) {
- for ( k=0; k<rs_cnt && !stem->toobig; k++ ) {
- if ( lstems[j] == rstems[k] && IsUnitHV( &lstems[j]->unit,true )) {
- stem->toobig = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* One more check for intersections between a curved segment and a */
- /* straight feature. Imagine a curve intersected by two bars, like in a Euro */
- /* glyph. Very probably we will get two chunks, one controlling the uppest */
- /* two points of intersection, and another the lowest two, and most probably */
- /* these two chunks will get merged into a single stem (so this stem will */
- /* even get an exactly vertical vector). Yet we don't need this stem because */
- /* there is already a stem controlling the middle of the curve (between two */
- /* bars).*/
- else if ( stem->chunk_cnt == 2 &&
- (( stem->chunks[0].stub & 7 && stem->chunks[1].stub & 6 ) ||
- ( stem->chunks[0].stub & 6 && stem->chunks[1].stub & 7 ))) {
- for ( j=0; j<gd->stemcnt; ++j) {
- stem1 = &gd->stems[j];
- if ( !stem1->toobig && StemsWouldConflict( stem,stem1 ))
- break;
- }
- if ( j < gd->stemcnt )
- stem->toobig = true;
- }
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ))
- continue;
- /* If a diagonal stem doesn't have at least 2 points assigned to */
- /* each edge, then we probably can't instruct it. However we don't */
- /* disable stems which have just one point on each side, if those */
- /* points are inflection points, as such stems may be useful for */
- /* metafont routines */
- if ( stem->lpcnt < 2 || stem->rpcnt < 2 ) {
- lpd = rpd = NULL;
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt && lpd == NULL && rpd == NULL; j++ ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[j];
- if ( chunk->l != NULL ) lpd = chunk->l;
- if ( chunk->r != NULL ) rpd = chunk->r;
- }
- if (lpd == NULL || rpd == NULL ||
- !IsInflectionPoint( gd,lpd ) || !IsInflectionPoint( gd,rpd ) || stem->clen < stem->width )
- stem->toobig = 2;
- } else if ( stem->activecnt >= stem->chunk_cnt )
- stem->toobig = 2;
- }
- /* When using preexisting stem data, occasionally we can get two slightly */
- /* different stems (one predefined, another recently detected) with nearly */
- /* parallel vectors, sharing some points at both sides. Attempting to instruct */
- /* them both would lead to very odd effects. So we must disable one */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( !stem->positioned || IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ))
- continue;
- for ( j=0; j<gd->stemcnt; ++j ) {
- tstem = &gd->stems[j];
- if ( tstem == stem || tstem->toobig || !UnitsParallel( &stem->unit,&tstem->unit,false ))
- continue;
- ltick = false; rtick = false;
- for ( k=0; k<stem->chunk_cnt && ( !ltick || !rtick ); k++ ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[k];
- if ( chunk->l != NULL &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->l,stem ,chunk->lnext ) != -1 &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->l,tstem,chunk->lnext ) != -1 )
- ltick = true;
- if ( chunk->r != NULL &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->r,stem ,chunk->rnext ) != -1 &&
- IsStemAssignedToPoint( chunk->r,tstem,chunk->rnext ) != -1 )
- rtick = true;
- }
- if ( ltick && rtick ) tstem->toobig = 2;
- }
- }
-static int StemPointOnDiag( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem,
- struct pointdata *pd ) {
- struct stemdata *tstem;
- int i, is_next, stemcnt;
- if ( gd->only_hv || pd->colinear )
-return( false );
- is_next = IsStemAssignedToPoint( pd,stem,false ) != -1;
- stemcnt = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextcnt : pd->prevcnt;
- for ( i=0; i<stemcnt; i++ ) {
- tstem = ( is_next ) ? pd->nextstems[i] : pd->prevstems[i];
- if ( !IsUnitHV( &tstem->unit,true ) &&
- tstem->lpcnt >= 2 && tstem->rpcnt >=2 )
-return( true );
- }
-return( false );
-static void FindRefPointsExisting( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int i;
- int pos, lbase, rbase, is_x;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- struct pointdata *pd;
- is_x = (int) rint( stem->unit.y );
- lbase = ((real *) &stem->left.x)[!is_x];
- rbase = ((real *) &stem->right.x)[!is_x];
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->ltick ) {
- pd = chunk->l;
- pos = ((real *) &pd->sp->me.x)[!is_x];
- if ( pos == lbase ) {
- pd->value++;
- if ( pd->sp->ptindex < gd->realcnt )
- pd->value++;
- if ( StemPointOnDiag( gd,stem,pd ))
- pd->value++;
- }
- }
- if ( chunk->rtick ) {
- pd = chunk->r;
- pos = ((real *) &pd->sp->me.x)[!is_x];
- if ( pos == rbase ) {
- pd->value++;
- if ( pd->sp->ptindex < gd->realcnt )
- pd->value++;
- if ( StemPointOnDiag( gd,stem,pd ))
- pd->value++;
- }
- }
- }
-static void FindRefPointsNew( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int i, j;
- int pos, lpos, rpos, testpos, is_x;
- int lval, rval;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- struct pointdata *lmost1, *lmost2, *rmost1, *rmost2;
- double llen, prevllen, rlen, prevrlen;
- SplinePoint *sp, *tsp;
- uint8 *lextr, *rextr;
- is_x = (int) rint( stem->unit.y );
- lpos = ((real *) &stem->left.x)[!is_x];
- rpos = ((real *) &stem->right.x)[!is_x];
- lmost1 = rmost1 = lmost2 = rmost2 = NULL;
- llen = prevllen = rlen = prevrlen = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->ltick ) {
- sp = chunk->l->sp;
- pos = ((real *) &sp->me.x)[!is_x];
- lval = 0;
- for ( j=0; j<i; j++ ) if ( stem->chunks[j].ltick ) {
- tsp = stem->chunks[j].l->sp;
- testpos = ((real *) &tsp->me.x)[!is_x];
- if ( pos == testpos ) {
- lval = stem->chunks[j].l->value;
- stem->chunks[j].l->value++;
- /* An additional bonus for points which form together */
- /* a longer stem segment */
- if ( sp->next->to == tsp || sp->prev->from == tsp ) {
- llen = fabs(( sp->me.x - tsp->me.x )*stem->unit.x +
- ( sp->me.y - tsp->me.y )*stem->unit.y );
- if ( llen > prevllen ) {
- lmost1 = stem->chunks[j].l;
- lmost2 = chunk->l;
- prevllen = llen;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunk->l->value = lval+1;
- if ( lval == 0 &&
- ( stem->lmin - ( pos - lpos ) > -dist_error_hv ) &&
- ( stem->lmax - ( pos - lpos ) < dist_error_hv ))
- chunk->l->value++;
- }
- if ( chunk->rtick ) {
- sp = chunk->r->sp;
- pos = ((real *) &sp->me.x)[!is_x];
- rval = 0;
- for ( j=0; j<i; j++ ) if ( stem->chunks[j].rtick ) {
- tsp = stem->chunks[j].r->sp;
- testpos = ((real *) &tsp->me.x)[!is_x];
- if ( pos == testpos ) {
- rval = stem->chunks[j].r->value;
- stem->chunks[j].r->value++;
- if ( sp->next->to == tsp || sp->prev->from == tsp ) {
- rlen = fabs(( sp->me.x - tsp->me.x )*stem->unit.x +
- ( sp->me.y - tsp->me.y )*stem->unit.y );
- if ( rlen > prevrlen ) {
- rmost1 = stem->chunks[j].r;
- rmost2 = chunk->r;
- prevrlen = rlen;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunk->r->value = rval+1;
- if ( rval == 0 &&
- ( stem->rmin - ( pos - rpos ) > -dist_error_hv ) &&
- ( stem->rmax - ( pos - rpos ) < dist_error_hv ))
- chunk->r->value++;
- }
- }
- if ( lmost1 != NULL && lmost2 != NULL ) {
- lmost1->value++; lmost2->value++;
- }
- if ( rmost1 != NULL && rmost2 != NULL ) {
- rmost1->value++; rmost2->value++;
- }
- /* Extrema points get an additional value bonus. This should */
- /* prevent us from preferring wrong points for stems controlling */
- /* curved segments */
- /* Third pass to assign bonuses to extrema points (especially */
- /* to those extrema which are opposed to another extremum point) */
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->ltick ) {
- lextr = ( is_x ) ? &chunk->l->x_extr : &chunk->l->y_extr;
- if ( *lextr ) chunk->l->value++;
- }
- if ( chunk->rtick ) {
- rextr = ( is_x ) ? &chunk->r->x_extr : &chunk->r->y_extr;
- if ( *rextr ) chunk->r->value++;
- }
- if ( chunk->ltick && chunk->rtick ) {
- lextr = ( is_x ) ? &chunk->l->x_extr : &chunk->l->y_extr;
- rextr = ( is_x ) ? &chunk->r->x_extr : &chunk->r->y_extr;
- if ( *lextr && *rextr ) {
- chunk->l->value++;
- chunk->r->value++;
- }
- }
- }
-static void NormalizeStem( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int i;
- int lval, rval, val, lset, rset, best;
- double loff=0, roff=0;
- BasePoint lold, rold;
- SplinePoint *lbest, *rbest;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- /* First sort the stem chunks by their coordinates */
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true )) {
- qsort( stem->chunks,stem->chunk_cnt,sizeof( struct stem_chunk ),chunk_cmp );
- /* For HV stems we have to check all chunks once more in order */
- /* to figure out "left" and "right" positions most typical */
- /* for this stem. We perform this by assigning a value to */
- /* left and right side of this chunk. */
- /* First pass to determine some point properties necessary */
- /* for subsequent operations */
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->ltick )
- /* reset the point's "value" to zero */
- chunk->l->value = 0;
- if ( chunk->rtick )
- chunk->r->value = 0;
- }
- /* Second pass to check which positions relative to stem edges are */
- /* most common for this stem. Each position which repeats */
- /* more than once gets a plus 1 value bonus */
- if ( stem->positioned ) FindRefPointsExisting( gd,stem );
- else FindRefPointsNew( gd,stem );
- best = -1; val = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- lval = ( chunk->l != NULL ) ? chunk->l->value : 0;
- rval = ( chunk->r != NULL ) ? chunk->r->value : 0;
- if ((( chunk->l != NULL && chunk->l->value > 0 &&
- GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,chunk->l->sp,stem ) != -1 ) ||
- ( stem->ghost && stem->width == 21 )) &&
- (( chunk->r != NULL && chunk->r->value > 0 &&
- GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,chunk->r->sp,stem ) != -1 ) ||
- ( stem->ghost && stem->width == 20 )) && lval + rval > val ) {
- best = i;
- val = lval + rval;
- }
- }
- if ( best > -1 ) {
- if ( !stem->ghost || stem->width == 20 ) {
- lold = stem->left;
- lbest = stem->chunks[best].l->sp;
- stem->left = lbest->me;
- stem->leftidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,lbest,stem );
- /* Now assign "left" and "right" properties of the stem */
- /* to point coordinates taken from the most "typical" chunk */
- /* of this stem. We also have to recalculate stem width and */
- /* left/right offset values */
- loff = ( stem->left.x - lold.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( stem->left.y - lold.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- stem->lmin -= loff; stem->lmax -= loff;
- }
- if ( !stem->ghost || stem->width == 21 ) {
- rold = stem->right;
- rbest = stem->chunks[best].r->sp;
- stem->right = rbest->me;
- stem->rightidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,rbest,stem );
- roff = ( stem->right.x - rold.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( stem->right.y - rold.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- stem->rmin -= roff; stem->rmax -= roff;
- }
- if ( !stem->ghost )
- stem->width = ( stem->right.x - stem->left.x ) * stem->unit.y -
- ( stem->right.y - stem->left.y ) * stem->unit.x;
- } else {
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( chunk->l != NULL && ( !stem->ghost || stem->width == 20 )) {
- stem->leftidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,chunk->l->sp,stem );
- }
- if ( chunk->r != NULL && ( !stem->ghost || stem->width == 21 )) {
- stem->rightidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,chunk->r->sp,stem );
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- qsort( stem->chunks,stem->chunk_cnt,sizeof( struct stem_chunk ),chunk_cmp );
- lset = false; rset = false;
- /* Search for a pair of points whose vectors are really parallel. */
- /* This check is necessary because a diagonal stem can start from */
- /* a feature termination, and our checks for such terminations */
- /* are more "liberal" than in other cases. However we don't want */
- /* considering such a pair of points basic for this stem */
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- BasePoint *lu, *ru;
- if ( chunk->l != NULL && chunk->r != NULL ) {
- lu = chunk->lnext ? &chunk->l->nextunit : &chunk->l->prevunit;
- ru = chunk->rnext ? &chunk->r->nextunit : &chunk->r->prevunit;
- if ( UnitsParallel( lu,ru,true )) {
- loff = ( chunk->l->sp->me.x - stem->left.x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( chunk->l->sp->me.y - stem->left.y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- roff = ( chunk->r->sp->me.x - stem->right.x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( chunk->r->sp->me.y - stem->right.y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- stem->left = chunk->l->sp->me;
- stem->right = chunk->r->sp->me;
- RecalcStemOffsets( stem,&stem->unit,loff != 0,roff != 0 );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* If the above check fails, just select the first point (relatively) */
- /* to the stem direction both at the left and the right edge */
- if ( i == stem->chunk_cnt ) for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- if ( !lset && chunk->l != NULL ) {
- loff = ( chunk->l->sp->me.x - stem->left.x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( chunk->l->sp->me.y - stem->left.y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- stem->left = chunk->l->sp->me;
- lset = true;
- }
- if ( !rset && chunk->r != NULL ) {
- roff = ( chunk->r->sp->me.x - stem->right.x )*stem->l_to_r.x +
- ( chunk->r->sp->me.y - stem->right.y )*stem->l_to_r.y;
- stem->right = chunk->r->sp->me;
- rset = true;
- }
- if ( lset && rset ) {
- RecalcStemOffsets( stem,&stem->unit,loff != 0,roff != 0 );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-static void AssignPointsToBBoxHint( struct glyphdata *gd,DBounds *bounds,
- struct stemdata *stem,int is_v ) {
- double min, max, test, left, right;
- double dist, prevdist;
- int i, j;
- int lcnt=0, rcnt=0, closest;
- BasePoint dir;
- SplinePoint **lpoints, **rpoints;
- struct pointdata *pd, *pd1, *pd2;
- lpoints = calloc( gd->pcnt,sizeof( SplinePoint *));
- rpoints = calloc( gd->pcnt,sizeof( SplinePoint *));
- dir.x = !is_v; dir.y = is_v;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- min = ( is_v ) ? bounds->minx : bounds->miny;
- max = ( is_v ) ? bounds->maxx : bounds->maxy;
- test = ( is_v ) ? pd->base.x : pd->base.y;
- if ( test >= min && test < min + dist_error_hv && (
- IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,true,is_v,&dir ) || IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,false,is_v,&dir )))
- lpoints[lcnt++] = pd->sp;
- else if ( test > max - dist_error_hv && test <= max && (
- IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,true,!is_v,&dir ) || IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,false,!is_v,&dir )))
- rpoints[rcnt++] = pd->sp;
- }
- if ( lcnt > 0 && rcnt > 0 ) {
- if ( stem == NULL ) {
- stem = NewStem( gd,&dir,&lpoints[0]->me,&rpoints[0]->me );
- stem->bbox = true;
- stem->len = stem->width;
- stem->leftidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,lpoints[0],stem );
- stem->rightidx = GetValidPointDataIndex( gd,rpoints[0],stem );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<lcnt; ++i ) {
- closest = -1;
- dist = 1e4; prevdist = 1e4;
- for ( j=0; j<rcnt; ++j ) {
- left = ( is_v ) ? lpoints[i]->me.y : lpoints[i]->me.x;
- right = ( is_v ) ? rpoints[j]->me.y : rpoints[j]->me.x;
- dist = fabs( left - right );
- if ( dist < prevdist ) {
- closest = j;
- prevdist = dist;
- }
- }
- pd1 = &gd->points[lpoints[i]->ptindex];
- pd2 = &gd->points[rpoints[closest]->ptindex];
- AddToStem( gd,stem,pd1,pd2,false,true,4 );
- }
- qsort( stem->chunks,stem->chunk_cnt,sizeof( struct stem_chunk ),chunk_cmp );
- }
- free( lpoints );
- free( rpoints );
-static void CheckForBoundingBoxHints( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- /* Adobe seems to add hints at the bounding boxes of glyphs with no hints */
- int i, hv;
- int hcnt=0, vcnt=0;
- double cw, ch;
- struct stemdata *stem, *hstem=NULL,*vstem=NULL;
- DBounds bounds;
- SplineCharFindBounds( gd->sc,&bounds );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- if ( !hv )
- continue;
- if ( stem->toobig ) {
- if ( stem->left.x == bounds.minx && stem->right.x == bounds.maxx )
- vstem = stem;
- else if ( stem->right.y == bounds.miny && stem->left.y == bounds.maxy )
- hstem = stem;
- continue;
- }
- if ( hv == 1 ) {
- if ( stem->bbox ) hstem = stem;
- else ++hcnt;
- } else if ( hv == 2 ) {
- if ( stem->bbox ) vstem = stem;
- else ++vcnt;
- }
- }
- if ( hcnt!=0 && vcnt!=0 &&
- ( hstem == NULL || !hstem->positioned ) &&
- ( vstem == NULL || !vstem->positioned ))
- ch = bounds.maxy - bounds.miny;
- cw = bounds.maxx - bounds.minx;
- if ( ch > 0 && (( hstem != NULL && hstem->positioned ) ||
- ( hcnt == 0 && ch < gd->emsize/3 ))) {
- if ( hstem != NULL && hstem->toobig ) hstem->toobig = false;
- AssignPointsToBBoxHint( gd,&bounds,hstem,false );
- if ( hstem != NULL ) NormalizeStem( gd,hstem );
- }
- if ( cw > 0 && (( vstem != NULL && vstem->positioned ) ||
- ( vcnt == 0 && cw < gd->emsize/3 ))) {
- if ( vstem != NULL && vstem->toobig ) vstem->toobig = false;
- AssignPointsToBBoxHint( gd,&bounds,vstem,true );
- if ( vstem != NULL ) NormalizeStem( gd,vstem );
- }
-static struct stemdata *FindOrMakeGhostStem( struct glyphdata *gd,
- SplinePoint *sp,int blue,double width ) {
- int i, j, hasl, hasr;
- struct stemdata *stem=NULL, *tstem;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- BasePoint dir,left,right;
- double min, max;
- dir.x = 1; dir.y = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- tstem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( tstem->blue == blue && tstem->ghost && tstem->width == width ) {
- stem = tstem;
- break;
- /* If the stem controlling this blue zone is not for a ghost hint, */
- /* then we check if it has both left and right points, to ensure that */
- /* we don't occasionally assign an additional point to a stem which */
- /* has already been rejected in favor of another stem */
- } else if ( tstem->blue == blue && !tstem->ghost && !tstem->toobig ) {
- min = ( width == 20 ) ? tstem->left.y - tstem->lmin - 2*dist_error_hv :
- tstem->right.y - tstem->rmin - 2*dist_error_hv;
- max = ( width == 20 ) ? tstem->left.y - tstem->lmax + 2*dist_error_hv :
- tstem->right.y - tstem->rmax + 2*dist_error_hv;
- if ( sp->me.y <= min || sp->me.y >= max )
- continue;
- hasl = false; hasr = false; j = 0;
- while ( j < tstem->chunk_cnt && ( !hasl || !hasr )) {
- chunk = &tstem->chunks[j];
- if ( chunk->l != NULL && !chunk->lpotential )
- hasl = true;
- if ( chunk->r != NULL && !chunk->rpotential )
- hasr = true;
- j++;
- }
- if ( hasl && hasr ) {
- stem = tstem;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( stem == NULL ) {
- left.x = right.x = sp->me.x;
- left.y = ( width == 21 ) ? sp->me.y + 21 : sp->me.y;
- right.y = ( width == 21 ) ? sp->me.y : sp->me.y - 20;
- stem = NewStem( gd,&dir,&left,&right );
- stem->ghost = true;
- stem->width = width;
- stem->blue = blue;
- }
-return( stem );
-static int AddGhostSegment( struct pointdata *pd,int cnt,double base,struct segment *space ) {
- double s, e, temp, pos, spos, epos;
- SplinePoint *sp, *nsp, *nsp2, *psp, *psp2;
- sp = nsp = psp = pd->sp;
- pos = pd->sp->me.y;
- /* First check if there are points on the same line lying further */
- /* in the desired direction */
- if (( sp->next != NULL ) && ( sp->next->to->me.y == pos ))
- nsp = sp->next->to;
- if (( sp->prev != NULL ) && ( sp->prev->from->me.y == pos ))
- psp = sp->prev->from;
- if ( psp != sp ) {
- s = psp->me.x;
- } else if ( psp->noprevcp ) {
- psp2 = psp->prev->from;
- if ( psp2->me.y != psp->me.y ) {
- s = ( psp->me.x - psp2->me.x )/( psp->me.y - psp2->me.y )*20.0;
- if ( s < 0 ) s = -s;
- if ( psp2->me.x<psp->me.x )
- s = ( psp->me.x-psp2->me.x < s ) ? psp2->me.x : psp->me.x-s;
- else
- s = ( psp2->me.x-psp->me.x < s ) ? psp2->me.x : psp->me.x+s;
- } else
- s = psp->me.x;
- } else {
- s = ( pd->sp->me.x + psp->prevcp.x )/2;
- }
- if ( nsp != sp ) {
- e = nsp->me.x;
- } else if ( nsp->nonextcp ) {
- nsp2 = nsp->next->to;
- if ( nsp2->me.y != nsp->me.y ) {
- e = ( nsp->me.x - nsp2->me.x )/( nsp->me.y - nsp2->me.y )*20.0;
- if ( e < 0 ) e = -e;
- if ( nsp2->me.x<nsp->me.x )
- e = ( nsp->me.x-nsp2->me.x < e ) ? nsp2->me.x : nsp->me.x-e;
- else
- e = ( nsp2->me.x-nsp->me.x < e ) ? nsp2->me.x : nsp->me.x+e;
- } else
- e = nsp->me.x;
- } else {
- e = ( pd->sp->me.x + nsp->nextcp.x )/2;
- }
- spos = psp->me.x; epos = nsp->me.x;
- if ( s>e ) {
- temp = s; s = e; e = temp;
- temp = spos; spos = epos; epos = temp;
- }
- space[cnt].start = s - base;
- space[cnt].end = e - base;
- space[cnt].sbase = spos - base;
- space[cnt].ebase = epos - base;
- space[cnt].ecurved = space[cnt].scurved = space[cnt].curved = ( false );
- return( cnt+1 );
-static void FigureGhostActive( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int acnt, i;
- real len = 0;
- struct segment *activespace = gd->activespace;
- struct pointdata *valid;
- if ( !stem->ghost )
- acnt = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt; ++i ) {
- valid = ( stem->chunks[i].l != NULL) ?
- stem->chunks[i].l : stem->chunks[i].r;
- acnt = AddGhostSegment( valid,acnt,stem->left.x,activespace );
- }
- qsort(activespace,acnt,sizeof(struct segment),segment_cmp);
- acnt = MergeSegments( activespace,acnt );
- stem->activecnt = acnt;
- if ( acnt!=0 ) {
- stem->active = malloc(acnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- memcpy( stem->active,activespace,acnt*sizeof( struct segment ));
- }
- for ( i=0; i<acnt; ++i ) {
- len += stem->active[i].end-stem->active[i].start;
- }
- stem->clen = stem->len = len;
-static void CheckForGhostHints( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- /* PostScript doesn't allow a hint to stretch from one alignment zone to */
- /* another. (Alignment zones are the things in bluevalues). */
- /* Oops, I got this wrong. PS doesn't allow a hint to start in a bottom */
- /* zone and stretch to a top zone. Everything in OtherBlues is a bottom */
- /* zone. The baseline entry in BlueValues is also a bottom zone. Every- */
- /* thing else in BlueValues is a top-zone. */
- /* This means */
- /* that we can't define a horizontal stem hint which stretches from */
- /* the baseline to the top of a capital I, or the x-height of lower i */
- /* If we find any such hints we must remove them, and replace them with */
- /* ghost hints. The bottom hint has height -21, and the top -20 */
- BlueData *bd = &gd->bd;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- struct pointdata *pd;
- real base;
- int i, j, leftfound, rightfound, has_h, peak, fuzz;
- fuzz = gd->fuzz;
- /* look for any stems stretching from one zone to another and remove them */
- /* (I used to turn them into ghost hints here, but that didn't work (for */
- /* example on "E" where we don't need any ghosts from the big stem because*/
- /* the narrow stems provide the hints that PS needs */
- /* However, there are counter-examples. in Garamond-Pro the "T" character */
- /* has a horizontal stem at the top which stretches between two adjacent */
- /* bluezones. Removing it is wrong. Um... Thanks Adobe */
- /* I misunderstood. Both of these were top-zones */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) != 1)
- continue;
- leftfound = rightfound = -1;
- for ( j=0; j<bd->bluecnt; ++j ) {
- if ( stem->left.y>=bd->blues[j][0]-fuzz && stem->left.y<=bd->blues[j][1]+fuzz )
- leftfound = j;
- else if ( stem->right.y>=bd->blues[j][0]-fuzz && stem->right.y<=bd->blues[j][1]+fuzz )
- rightfound = j;
- }
- /* Assign value 2 to indicate this stem should be ignored also for TTF instrs */
- if ( leftfound !=-1 && rightfound !=-1 &&
- ( stem->left.y > 0 && stem->right.y <= 0 ))
- stem->toobig = 2;
- /* Otherwise mark the stem as controlling a specific blue zone */
- else if ( leftfound != -1 && ( rightfound == -1 || stem->left.y > 0 ))
- stem->blue = leftfound;
- else if ( rightfound != -1 && ( leftfound == -1 || stem->right.y <= 0 ))
- stem->blue = rightfound;
- }
- /* Now look and see if we can find any edges which lie in */
- /* these zones. Edges which are not currently in hints */
- /* Use the winding number to determine top or bottom */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- has_h = false;
- for ( j=0; j<gd->points[i].prevcnt; j++ ) {
- stem = gd->points[i].prevstems[j];
- if ( !stem->toobig && IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) == 1 ) {
- has_h = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- for ( j=0; j<gd->points[i].nextcnt; j++ ) {
- stem = gd->points[i].nextstems[j];
- if ( !stem->toobig && IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) == 1 ) {
- has_h = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( has_h )
- continue;
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- base = pd->sp->me.y;
- for ( j=0; j<bd->bluecnt; ++j ) {
- if ( base>=bd->blues[j][0]-fuzz && base<=bd->blues[j][1]+fuzz ) {
- peak = IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,false,false,7 );
- if ( peak > 0 ) {
- stem = FindOrMakeGhostStem( gd,pd->sp,j,20 );
- AddToStem( gd,stem,pd,NULL,2,false,false );
- } else if ( peak < 0 ) {
- stem = FindOrMakeGhostStem( gd,pd->sp,j,21 );
- AddToStem( gd,stem,NULL,pd,2,false,false );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( !stem->ghost )
- continue;
- NormalizeStem( gd,stem );
- FigureGhostActive( gd,stem );
- }
-static void MarkDStemCorner( struct glyphdata *gd,struct pointdata *pd ) {
- int x_dir = pd->x_corner;
- int hv, is_l, i, peak, has_stem = false;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- BasePoint left,right,unit;
- for ( i=0; i<pd->prevcnt && !has_stem; i++ ) {
- stem = pd->prevstems[i];
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- if ( !stem->toobig && (
- ( x_dir && hv == 1 ) ||
- ( !x_dir && hv == 2 )))
- has_stem = true;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<pd->nextcnt && !has_stem; i++ ) {
- stem = pd->nextstems[i];
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- if ( !stem->toobig && (
- ( x_dir && hv == 1 ) ||
- ( !x_dir && hv == 2 )))
- has_stem = true;
- }
- if ( has_stem )
- peak = IsSplinePeak( gd,pd,x_dir,x_dir,2 );
- unit.x = !x_dir; unit.y = x_dir;
- if ( peak > 0 ) {
- left.x = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.x + 21 : pd->sp->me.x;
- right.x = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.x : pd->sp->me.x;
- left.y = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.y : pd->sp->me.y;
- right.y = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.y : pd->sp->me.y - 20;
- } else if ( peak < 0 ) {
- left.x = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.x : pd->sp->me.x;
- right.x = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.x - 20 : pd->sp->me.x;
- left.y = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.y : pd->sp->me.y + 21;
- right.y = x_dir ? pd->sp->me.y : pd->sp->me.y;
- }
- is_l = IsCorrectSide( gd,pd,true,true,&unit );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; i++ ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if (!stem->toobig && UnitsParallel( &unit,&stem->unit,true ) &&
- OnStem( stem,&pd->sp->me,is_l ))
- break;
- }
- if ( i == gd->stemcnt ) {
- stem = NewStem( gd,&unit,&left,&right );
- stem->ghost = 2;
- }
- AddToStem( gd,stem,pd,NULL,2,false,false );
-static void MarkDStemCorners( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- struct stemdata *stem;
- struct stem_chunk *schunk, *echunk;
- int i;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->toobig || IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ))
- continue;
- schunk = &stem->chunks[0];
- echunk = &stem->chunks[stem->chunk_cnt - 1];
- if ( schunk->l != NULL && schunk->r != NULL &&
- fabs( schunk->l->base.x - schunk->r->base.x ) > dist_error_hv &&
- fabs( schunk->l->base.y - schunk->r->base.y ) > dist_error_hv && (
- ( schunk->l->x_corner == 1 && schunk->r->y_corner == 1 ) ||
- ( schunk->l->y_corner == 1 && schunk->r->x_corner == 1 ))) {
- MarkDStemCorner( gd,schunk->l );
- MarkDStemCorner( gd,schunk->r );
- }
- if ( echunk->l != NULL && echunk->r != NULL &&
- fabs( echunk->l->base.x - echunk->r->base.x ) > dist_error_hv &&
- fabs( echunk->l->base.y - echunk->r->base.y ) > dist_error_hv && (
- ( echunk->l->x_corner == 1 && echunk->r->y_corner == 1 ) ||
- ( echunk->l->y_corner == 1 && echunk->r->x_corner == 1 ))) {
- MarkDStemCorner( gd,echunk->l );
- MarkDStemCorner( gd,echunk->r );
- }
- }
-static void DumpGlyphData( struct glyphdata *gd ) {
- int i, j;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- struct linedata *line;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- if ( gd->linecnt > 0 )
- fprintf( stderr, "\nDumping line data for %s\n",gd->sc->name );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->linecnt; ++i ) {
- line = &gd->lines[i];
- fprintf( stderr, "line vector=%.4f,%.4f base=%.2f,%.2f length=%.4f\n",
- line->unit.x,line->unit.y,line->online.x,line->online.y,line->length );
- for( j=0; j<line->pcnt;++j ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tpoint num=%d, x=%.2f, y=%.2f, prev=%d, next=%d\n",
- line->points[j]->sp->ttfindex, line->points[j]->sp->me.x,
- line->points[j]->sp->me.y,
- line->points[j]->prevline==line, line->points[j]->nextline==line );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
- }
- if ( gd->stemcnt > 0 )
- fprintf( stderr, "\nDumping stem data for %s\n",gd->sc->name );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- fprintf( stderr, "stem l=%.2f,%.2f idx=%d r=%.2f,%.2f idx=%d vector=%.4f,%.4f\n\twidth=%.2f chunk_cnt=%d len=%.4f clen=%.4f ghost=%d blue=%d toobig=%d\n\tlmin=%.2f,lmax=%.2f,rmin=%.2f,rmax=%.2f,lpcnt=%d,rpcnt=%d\n",
- stem->left.x,stem->left.y,stem->leftidx,
- stem->right.x,stem->right.y,stem->rightidx,
- stem->unit.x,stem->unit.y,stem->width,
- stem->chunk_cnt,stem->len,stem->clen,stem->ghost,stem->blue,stem->toobig,
- stem->lmin,stem->lmax,stem->rmin,stem->rmax,stem->lpcnt,stem->rpcnt );
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt; ++j ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[j];
- if ( chunk->l!=NULL && chunk->r!=NULL )
- fprintf (stderr, "\tchunk l=%.2f,%.2f potential=%d r=%.2f,%.2f potential=%d stub=%d\n",
- chunk->l->sp->me.x, chunk->l->sp->me.y, chunk->lpotential,
- chunk->r->sp->me.x, chunk->r->sp->me.y, chunk->rpotential, chunk->stub );
- else if ( chunk->l!=NULL )
- fprintf (stderr, "\tchunk l=%.2f,%.2f potential=%d\n",
- chunk->l->sp->me.x, chunk->l->sp->me.y, chunk->lpotential);
- else if ( chunk->r!=NULL )
- fprintf (stderr, "\tchunk r=%.2f,%.2f potential=%d\n",
- chunk->r->sp->me.x, chunk->r->sp->me.y, chunk->rpotential);
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
- }
- if ( gd->hbundle != NULL || gd->vbundle != NULL )
- fprintf( stderr, "\nDumping HV stem bundles for %s\n",gd->sc->name );
- if ( gd->hbundle != NULL ) for ( i=0; i<gd->hbundle->cnt; i++ ) {
- stem = gd->hbundle->stemlist[i];
- fprintf( stderr, "H stem l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f slave=%d\n",
- stem->left.x,stem->left.y,stem->right.x,stem->right.y,stem->master!=NULL );
- if ( stem->dep_cnt > 0 ) for ( j=0; j<stem->dep_cnt; j++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tslave l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f mode=%c left=%d\n",
- stem->dependent[j].stem->left.x,stem->dependent[j].stem->left.y,
- stem->dependent[j].stem->right.x,stem->dependent[j].stem->right.y,
- stem->dependent[j].dep_type,stem->dependent[j].lbase );
- }
- if ( stem->serif_cnt > 0 ) for ( j=0; j<stem->serif_cnt; j++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tserif l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f ball=%d left=%d\n",
- stem->serifs[j].stem->left.x,stem->serifs[j].stem->left.y,
- stem->serifs[j].stem->right.x,stem->serifs[j].stem->right.y,
- stem->serifs[j].is_ball,stem->serifs[j].lbase );
- }
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
- if ( gd->vbundle != NULL ) for ( i=0; i<gd->vbundle->cnt; i++ ) {
- stem = gd->vbundle->stemlist[i];
- fprintf( stderr, "V stem l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f slave=%d\n",
- stem->left.x,stem->left.y,stem->right.x,stem->right.y,stem->master!=NULL );
- if ( stem->dep_cnt > 0 ) for ( j=0; j<stem->dep_cnt; j++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tslave l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f mode=%c left=%d\n",
- stem->dependent[j].stem->left.x,stem->dependent[j].stem->left.y,
- stem->dependent[j].stem->right.x,stem->dependent[j].stem->right.y,
- stem->dependent[j].dep_type,stem->dependent[j].lbase );
- }
- if ( stem->serif_cnt > 0 ) for ( j=0; j<stem->serif_cnt; j++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tserif l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f ball=%d left=%d\n",
- stem->serifs[j].stem->left.x,stem->serifs[j].stem->left.y,
- stem->serifs[j].stem->right.x,stem->serifs[j].stem->right.y,
- stem->serifs[j].is_ball,stem->serifs[j].lbase );
- }
- if ( stem->prev_c_m != NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr,"\tprev counter master: l=%.2f r=%.2f\n",
- stem->prev_c_m->left.x,stem->prev_c_m->right.x );
- }
- if ( stem->next_c_m != NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr,"\tnext counter master: l=%.2f r=%.2f\n",
- stem->next_c_m->left.x,stem->next_c_m->right.x );
- }
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
- if ( gd->ibundle != NULL ) for ( i=0; i<gd->ibundle->cnt; i++ ) {
- stem = gd->ibundle->stemlist[i];
- fprintf( stderr, "I stem l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f slave=%d\n",
- stem->left.x,stem->left.y,stem->right.x,stem->right.y,stem->master!=NULL );
- if ( stem->dep_cnt > 0 ) for ( j=0; j<stem->dep_cnt; j++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tslave l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f mode=%c left=%d\n",
- stem->dependent[j].stem->left.x,stem->dependent[j].stem->left.y,
- stem->dependent[j].stem->right.x,stem->dependent[j].stem->right.y,
- stem->dependent[j].dep_type,stem->dependent[j].lbase );
- }
- if ( stem->serif_cnt > 0 ) for ( j=0; j<stem->serif_cnt; j++ ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "\tserif l=%.2f,%.2f r=%.2f,%.2f ball=%d left=%d\n",
- stem->serifs[j].stem->left.x,stem->serifs[j].stem->left.y,
- stem->serifs[j].stem->right.x,stem->serifs[j].stem->right.y,
- stem->serifs[j].is_ball,stem->serifs[j].lbase );
- }
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-static void AssignPointsToStems( struct glyphdata *gd,int startnum,DBounds *bounds ) {
- int i;
- struct pointdata *pd;
- struct stemdata *stem = NULL;
- BasePoint dir;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- if ( pd->prev_e_cnt > 0 )
- BuildStem( gd,pd,false,true,true,0 );
- else
- HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,stem,&pd->prevunit,false );
- if ( pd->next_e_cnt > 0 )
- BuildStem( gd,pd,true,true,true,0 );
- else
- HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,stem,&pd->nextunit,true );
- if ( pd->x_corner ) {
- if ( pd->bothedge!=NULL )
- stem = DiagonalCornerStem( gd,pd,true );
- dir.x = 0; dir.y = 1;
- HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,stem,&dir,2 );
- } else if ( pd->y_corner ) {
- if ( pd->bothedge!=NULL )
- stem = DiagonalCornerStem( gd,pd,true );
- dir.x = 1; dir.y = 0;
- HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,stem,&dir,2 );
- }
- }
- gd->lspace = malloc(gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- gd->rspace = malloc(gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- gd->bothspace = malloc(3*gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- gd->activespace = malloc(3*gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- fprintf( stderr,"Going to calculate stem active zones for %s\n",gd->sc->name );
- for ( i=startnum; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- NormalizeStem( gd,stem );
- if ( gd->stems[i].ghost )
- FigureGhostActive( gd,stem );
- else if ( gd->stems[i].bbox )
- AssignPointsToBBoxHint( gd,bounds,stem,( stem->unit.y == 1 ));
- else
- FigureStemActive( gd,&gd->stems[i] );
- }
- DumpGlyphData( gd );
- free(gd->lspace); gd->lspace = NULL;
- free(gd->rspace); gd->rspace = NULL;
- free(gd->bothspace); gd->bothspace = NULL;
- free(gd->activespace); gd->activespace = NULL;
-static void _DStemInfoToStemData( struct glyphdata *gd,DStemInfo *dsi,int *startcnt ) {
- struct stemdata *stem;
- if ( gd->stems == NULL ) {
- gd->stems = calloc( 2*gd->pcnt,sizeof( struct stemdata ));
- gd->stemcnt = 0;
- }
- *startcnt = gd->stemcnt;
- while ( dsi != NULL ) {
- stem = NewStem( gd,&dsi->unit,&dsi->left,&dsi->right );
- stem->positioned = true;
- dsi = dsi->next;
- }
-struct glyphdata *DStemInfoToStemData( struct glyphdata *gd,DStemInfo *dsi ) {
- int startcnt;
- if ( dsi == NULL )
-return( gd );
- _DStemInfoToStemData( gd,dsi,&startcnt );
- AssignPointsToStems( gd,startcnt,NULL );
-return( gd );
-static void _StemInfoToStemData( struct glyphdata *gd,StemInfo *si,DBounds *bounds,int is_v,int *startcnt ) {
- struct stemdata *stem;
- BasePoint dir,left,right;
- dir.x = !is_v; dir.y = is_v;
- if ( gd->stems == NULL ) {
- gd->stems = calloc( 2*gd->pcnt,sizeof( struct stemdata ));
- gd->stemcnt = 0;
- }
- *startcnt = gd->stemcnt;
- while ( si != NULL ) {
- left.x = ( is_v ) ? si->start : 0;
- left.y = ( is_v ) ? 0 : si->start + si->width;
- right.x = ( is_v ) ? si->start + si->width : 0;
- right.y = ( is_v ) ? 0 : si->start;
- stem = NewStem( gd,&dir,&left,&right );
- stem->ghost = si->ghost;
- if (( is_v &&
- left.x >= bounds->minx && left.x < bounds->minx + dist_error_hv &&
- right.x > bounds->maxx - dist_error_hv && right.x <= bounds->maxx ) ||
- ( !is_v &&
- right.y >= bounds->miny && right.y < bounds->miny + dist_error_hv &&
- left.y > bounds->maxy - dist_error_hv && left.y <= bounds->maxy ))
- stem->bbox = true;
- stem->positioned = true;
- si = si->next;
- }
-struct glyphdata *StemInfoToStemData( struct glyphdata *gd,StemInfo *si,int is_v ) {
- DBounds bounds;
- int startcnt;
- if ( si == NULL )
-return( gd );
- SplineCharFindBounds( gd->sc,&bounds );
- _StemInfoToStemData( gd,si,&bounds,is_v,&startcnt );
- AssignPointsToStems( gd,startcnt,&bounds );
-return( gd );
-static int ValidConflictingStem( struct stemdata *stem1,struct stemdata *stem2 ) {
- int x_dir = fabs( stem1->unit.y ) > fabs( stem1->unit.x );
- double s1, e1, s2, e2, temp;
- s1 = (&stem1->left.x)[!x_dir] -
- ((&stem1->left.x)[x_dir] * (&stem1->unit.x)[!x_dir] )/(&stem1->unit.x)[x_dir];
- e1 = (&stem1->right.x)[!x_dir] -
- ((&stem1->right.x)[x_dir] * (&stem1->unit.x)[!x_dir] )/(&stem1->unit.x)[x_dir];
- s2 = (&stem2->left.x)[!x_dir] -
- ((&stem2->left.x)[x_dir] * (&stem2->unit.x)[!x_dir] )/(&stem2->unit.x)[x_dir];
- e2 = (&stem2->right.x)[!x_dir] -
- ((&stem2->right.x)[x_dir] * (&stem2->unit.x)[!x_dir] )/(&stem2->unit.x)[x_dir];
- if ( s1 > e1 ) {
- temp = s1; s1 = e1; e1 = temp;
- }
- if ( s2 > e2 ) {
- temp = s2; s2 = e2; e2 = temp;
- }
- /* If stems don't overlap, then there is no conflict here */
- if ( s2 >= e1 || s1 >= e2 )
-return( false );
- /* Stems which have no points assigned cannot be valid masters for */
- /* other stems (however there is a notable exception for ghost hints) */
- if (( stem1->lpcnt > 0 || stem1->rpcnt > 0 ) &&
- stem2->lpcnt == 0 && stem2->rpcnt == 0 && !stem2->ghost )
-return( false );
- /* Bounding box stems are always preferred */
- if ( stem1->bbox && !stem2->bbox )
-return( false );
- /* Stems associated with blue zones always preferred to any other stems */
- if ( stem1->blue >=0 && stem2->blue < 0 )
-return( false );
- /* Don't attempt to handle together stems, linked to different zones */
- if ( stem1->blue >=0 && stem2->blue >= 0 && stem1->blue != stem2->blue )
-return( false );
- /* If both stems are associated with a blue zone, but one of them is for */
- /* a ghost hint, then that stem is preferred */
- if ( stem1->ghost && !stem2->ghost )
-return( false );
-return( true );
-static int HasDependentStem( struct stemdata *master,struct stemdata *slave ) {
- int i;
- struct stemdata *tstem;
- if ( slave->master != NULL && master->dep_cnt > 0 ) {
- for ( i=0; i<master->dep_cnt; i++ ) {
- tstem = master->dependent[i].stem;
- if ( tstem == slave || HasDependentStem( tstem,slave ))
-return( true );
- }
- }
-return( false );
-static int PreferEndDep( struct stemdata *stem,
- struct stemdata *smaster,struct stemdata *emaster,char s_type,char e_type ) {
- int hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- double sdist, edist;
- if ( !hv )
-return( false );
- if (( s_type == 'a' && e_type != 'a' ) || ( s_type == 'm' && e_type == 'i' ))
-return( false );
- else if (( e_type == 'a' && s_type != 'a' ) || ( e_type == 'm' && s_type == 'i' ))
-return( true );
- if ( s_type == 'm' && s_type == e_type ) {
- sdist = ( hv==1 ) ?
- fabs( smaster->right.y - stem->right.y ) :
- fabs( smaster->left.x - stem->left.x );
- edist = ( hv==1 ) ?
- fabs( emaster->left.y - stem->left.y ) :
- fabs( emaster->right.x - stem->right.x );
-return( edist < sdist );
- } else
-return( emaster->clen > smaster->clen );
-static void LookForMasterHVStem( struct stemdata *stem,BlueData *bd ) {
- struct stemdata *tstem, *smaster=NULL, *emaster=NULL;
- struct stembundle *bundle = stem->bundle;
- double start, end, tstart, tend;
- double ssdist, sedist, esdist, eedist;
- double smin, smax, emin, emax, tsmin, tsmax, temin, temax;
- int is_x, i, link_to_s, stype, etype, allow_s, allow_e;
- is_x = ( bundle->unit.x == 1 );
- if ( is_x ) {
- start = stem->right.y; end = stem->left.y;
- smin = start - stem->rmin - 2*dist_error_hv;
- smax = start - stem->rmax + 2*dist_error_hv;
- emin = end - stem->lmin - 2*dist_error_hv;
- emax = end - stem->lmax + 2* dist_error_hv;
- } else {
- start = stem->left.x; end = stem->right.x;
- smin = start + stem->lmax - 2*dist_error_hv;
- smax = start + stem->lmin + 2*dist_error_hv;
- emin = end + stem->rmax - 2*dist_error_hv;
- emax = end + stem->rmin + 2*dist_error_hv;
- }
- start = ( is_x ) ? stem->right.y : stem->left.x;
- end = ( is_x ) ? stem->left.y : stem->right.x;
- stype = etype = '\0';
- for ( i=0; i<bundle->cnt; i++ ) {
- tstem = bundle->stemlist[i];
- if ( is_x ) {
- tstart = tstem->right.y; tend = tstem->left.y;
- tsmin = tstart - tstem->rmin - 2*dist_error_hv;
- tsmax = tstart - tstem->rmax + 2*dist_error_hv;
- temin = tend - tstem->lmin - 2*dist_error_hv;
- temax = tend - tstem->lmax + 2* dist_error_hv;
- } else {
- tstart = tstem->left.x; tend = tstem->right.x;
- tsmin = tstart + tstem->lmax - 2*dist_error_hv;
- tsmax = tstart + tstem->lmin + 2*dist_error_hv;
- temin = tend + tstem->rmax - 2*dist_error_hv;
- temax = tend + tstem->rmin + 2*dist_error_hv;
- }
- tstart = ( is_x ) ? tstem->right.y : tstem->left.x;
- tend = ( is_x ) ? tstem->left.y : tstem->right.x;
- /* In this loop we are looking if the given stem has conflicts with */
- /* other stems and if anyone of those conflicting stems should */
- /* take precedence over it */
- if ( stem == tstem || tend < start || tstart > end ||
- !ValidConflictingStem( stem,tstem ) || HasDependentStem( stem,tstem ))
- continue;
- /* Usually in case of conflicts we prefer the stem with longer active */
- /* zones. However a stem linked to a blue zone is always preferred to */
- /* a stem which is not, and ghost hints are preferred to any other */
- /* stems */
- if ( stem->clen > tstem->clen && ValidConflictingStem( tstem,stem ))
- continue;
- stem->confl_cnt++;
- /* If the master stem is for a ghost hint or both the stems are */
- /* linked to the same blue zone, then we can link only to the edge */
- /* which fall into the blue zone */
- allow_s = ( !tstem->ghost || tstem->width == 21 ) &&
- ( stem->blue == -1 || stem->blue != tstem->blue || bd->blues[stem->blue][0] < 0 );
- allow_e = ( !tstem->ghost || tstem->width == 20 ) &&
- ( stem->blue == -1 || stem->blue != tstem->blue || bd->blues[stem->blue][0] > 0 );
- /* Assume there are two stems which have (almost) coincident left edges. */
- /* The hinting technique for this case is to merge all points found on */
- /* those coincident edges together, position them, and then link to the */
- /* opposite edges. */
- /* However we don't allow merging if both stems can be snapped to a blue */
- /* zone, unless their edges are _exactly_ coincident, as shifting features */
- /* relatively to each other instead of snapping them to the same zone would */
- /* obviously be wrong */
- if ( allow_s && tstart > smin && tstart < smax && start > tsmin && start < tsmax &&
- ( stem->blue == -1 || RealNear( tstart,start ))) {
- if ( smaster == NULL || stype != 'a' || smaster->clen < tstem->clen ) {
- smaster = tstem;
- stype = 'a';
- }
- /* The same case for right edges */
- } else if ( allow_e && tend > emin && tend < emax && end > temin && end < temax &&
- ( stem->blue == -1 || RealNear( tend,end ))) {
- if ( emaster == NULL || etype != 'a' || emaster->clen < tstem->clen ) {
- emaster = tstem;
- etype = 'a';
- }
- /* Nested stems. I first planned to handle them by positioning the */
- /* narrower stem first, and then linking its edges to the opposed edges */
- /* of the nesting stem. But this works well only in those cases where */
- /* maintaining the dependent stem width is not important. So now the */
- /* situations where a narrower or a wider stem can be preferred */
- /* (because it has longer active zones) are equally possible. In the */
- /* first case I link to the master stem just one edge of the secondary */
- /* stem, just like with overlapping stems */
- } else if ( tstart > start && tend < end ) {
- if ( allow_s && ( smaster == NULL || stype == 'i' ||
- ( stype == 'm' && smaster->clen < tstem->clen ))) {
- smaster = tstem;
- stype = 'm';
- }
- if ( allow_e && ( emaster == NULL || etype == 'i' ||
- ( etype == 'm' && emaster->clen < tstem->clen ))) {
- emaster = tstem;
- etype = 'm';
- }
- /* However if we have to prefer the nesting stem, we do as with */
- /* overlapping stems which require interpolations, i. e. interpolate */
- /* one edge and link to another */
- } else if ( tstart < start && tend > end ) {
- link_to_s = ( allow_s && ( start - tstart < tend - end ));
- if ( link_to_s && ( smaster == NULL ||
- ( stype == 'i' && smaster->clen < tstem->clen ))) {
- smaster = tstem;
- stype = 'i';
- } else if ( !link_to_s && ( emaster == NULL ||
- ( etype == 'i' && emaster->clen < tstem->clen ))) {
- emaster = tstem;
- etype = 'i';
- }
- /* Overlapping stems. Here we first check all 4 distances between */
- /* 4 stem edges. If the closest distance is between left or right */
- /* edges, then the normal technique (in TrueType) is linking them */
- /* with MDRP without maintaining a minimum distance. Otherwise */
- /* we interpolate an edge of the "slave" stem between already */
- /* positioned edges of the "master" stem, and then gridfit it */
- } else if (( tstart < start && start < tend && tend < end ) ||
- ( start < tstart && tstart < end && end < tend )) {
- ssdist = fabs( start - tstart );
- sedist = fabs( start - tend );
- esdist = fabs( end - tstart );
- eedist = fabs( end - tend );
- if ( allow_s && ( !allow_e ||
- ( stem->width < tstem->width/3 && ssdist < eedist ) ||
- ( ssdist <= eedist && ssdist <= sedist && ssdist <= esdist )) &&
- ( smaster == NULL || ( stype == 'i' ||
- ( stype == 'm' && smaster->clen < tstem->clen )))) {
- smaster = tstem;
- stype = 'm';
- } else if ( allow_e && ( !allow_s ||
- ( stem->width < tstem->width/3 && eedist < ssdist ) ||
- ( eedist <= ssdist && eedist <= sedist && eedist <= esdist )) &&
- ( emaster == NULL || ( etype == 'i' ||
- ( etype == 'm' && emaster->clen < tstem->clen )))) {
- emaster = tstem;
- etype = 'm';
- } else if ( allow_s && allow_e && ( smaster == NULL ||
- ( stype == 'i' && smaster->clen < tstem->clen )) &&
- sedist <= esdist && sedist <= ssdist && sedist <= eedist ) {
- smaster = tstem;
- stype = 'i';
- } else if ( allow_s && allow_e && ( emaster == NULL ||
- ( etype == 'i' && emaster->clen < tstem->clen )) &&
- esdist <= sedist && esdist <= ssdist && esdist <= eedist ) {
- emaster = tstem;
- etype = 'i';
- }
- }
- }
- if ( smaster != NULL && emaster != NULL ) {
- if ( PreferEndDep( stem,smaster,emaster,stype,etype ))
- smaster = NULL;
- else
- emaster = NULL;
- }
- if ( smaster != NULL ) {
- stem->master = smaster;
- if ( smaster->dependent == NULL )
- smaster->dependent = calloc( bundle->cnt*2,sizeof( struct dependent_stem ));
- smaster->dependent[smaster->dep_cnt].stem = stem;
- smaster->dependent[smaster->dep_cnt].dep_type = stype;
- smaster->dependent[smaster->dep_cnt++].lbase = !is_x;
- } else if ( emaster != NULL ) {
- stem->master = emaster;
- if ( emaster->dependent == NULL )
- emaster->dependent = calloc( bundle->cnt*2,sizeof( struct dependent_stem ));
- emaster->dependent[emaster->dep_cnt ].stem = stem;
- emaster->dependent[emaster->dep_cnt ].dep_type = etype;
- emaster->dependent[emaster->dep_cnt++].lbase = is_x;
- }
-/* If a stem has been considered depending from another stem which in */
-/* its turn has its own "master", and the first stem doesn't conflict */
-/* with the "master" of the stem it overlaps (or any other stems), then */
-/* this dependency is unneeded and processing it in the autoinstructor */
-/* can even lead to undesired effects. Unfortunately we can't prevent */
-/* detecting such dependecies in LookForMasterHVStem(), because we */
-/* need to know the whole stem hierarchy first. So look for undesired */
-/* dependencies and clean them now */
-static void ClearUnneededDeps( struct stemdata *stem ) {
- struct stemdata *master;
- int i, j;
- if ( stem->confl_cnt == 1 &&
- ( master = stem->master ) != NULL && master->master != NULL ) {
- stem->master = NULL;
- for ( i=j=0; i<master->dep_cnt; i++ ) {
- if ( j<i )
- memcpy( &master->dependent[i-1],&master->dependent[i],
- sizeof( struct dependent_stem ));
- if ( master->dependent[i].stem != stem ) j++;
- }
- (master->dep_cnt)--;
- }
-static void GDBundleStems( struct glyphdata *gd, int maxtoobig, int needs_deps ) {
- struct stemdata *stem, *tstem;
- int i, j, k, hv, hasl, hasr, stem_cnt;
- struct pointdata *lpd, *rpd;
- double dmove;
- DBounds bounds;
- /* Some checks for undesired stems which we couldn't do earlier */
- /* First filter out HV stems which have only "potential" points */
- /* on their left or right edge. Such stems aren't supposed to be */
- /* used for PS hinting, so we mark them as "too big" */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- hasl = false; hasr = false;
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) &&
- !stem->toobig && !stem->ghost && !stem->positioned ) {
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt && ( !hasl || !hasr ); ++j ) {
- if ( stem->chunks[j].l!=NULL && !stem->chunks[j].lpotential )
- hasl = true;
- if ( stem->chunks[j].r!=NULL && !stem->chunks[j].rpotential )
- hasr = true;
- }
- if ( !hasl || !hasr )
- stem->toobig = true;
- }
- }
- /* Filter out HV stems which have both their edges controlled by */
- /* other, narrower HV stems */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- if ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true )) {
- hasl = hasr = false;
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt; ++j ) {
- lpd = stem->chunks[j].l;
- rpd = stem->chunks[j].r;
- if ( lpd != NULL ) {
- stem_cnt = ( stem->chunks[j].lnext ) ? lpd->nextcnt : lpd->prevcnt;
- for ( k=0; k<stem_cnt; k++ ) {
- tstem = ( stem->chunks[j].lnext ) ?
- lpd->nextstems[k] : lpd->prevstems[k];
- /* Used to test tstem->toobig <= stem->toobig, but got into troubles with */
- /* a weird terminal stem preventing a ball terminal from being properly detected, */
- /* because both the stems initially have toobig == 1. */
- /* See the "f" from Heuristica-Italic */
- if ( tstem != stem &&
- !tstem->toobig && tstem->positioned >= stem->positioned &&
- tstem->width < stem->width && hv == IsUnitHV( &tstem->unit,true )) {
- hasl = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( rpd != NULL ) {
- stem_cnt = ( stem->chunks[j].rnext ) ? rpd->nextcnt : rpd->prevcnt;
- for ( k=0; k<stem_cnt; k++ ) {
- tstem = ( stem->chunks[j].rnext ) ?
- rpd->nextstems[k] : rpd->prevstems[k];
- if ( tstem != stem &&
- !tstem->toobig && tstem->positioned >= stem->positioned &&
- tstem->width < stem->width && hv == IsUnitHV( &tstem->unit,true )) {
- hasr = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( hasl && hasr ) {
- stem->toobig = 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- gd->hbundle = calloc( 1,sizeof( struct stembundle ));
- gd->hbundle->stemlist = calloc( gd->stemcnt,sizeof( struct stemdata *));
- gd->hbundle->unit.x = 1; gd->hbundle->unit.y = 0;
- gd->hbundle->l_to_r.x = 0; gd->hbundle->l_to_r.y = -1;
- gd->vbundle = calloc( 1,sizeof( struct stembundle ));
- gd->vbundle->stemlist = calloc( gd->stemcnt,sizeof( struct stemdata *));
- gd->vbundle->unit.x = 0; gd->vbundle->unit.y = 1;
- gd->vbundle->l_to_r.x = 1; gd->vbundle->l_to_r.y = 0;
- if ( gd->has_slant && !gd->only_hv ) {
- SplineCharFindBounds( gd->sc,&bounds );
- gd->ibundle = calloc( 1,sizeof( struct stembundle ));
- gd->ibundle->stemlist = calloc( gd->stemcnt,sizeof( struct stemdata *));
- gd->ibundle->unit.x = gd->slant_unit.x;
- gd->ibundle->unit.y = gd->slant_unit.y;
- gd->ibundle->l_to_r.x = -gd->ibundle->unit.y;
- gd->ibundle->l_to_r.y = gd->ibundle->unit.x;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->toobig > maxtoobig )
- continue;
- hv = IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true );
- if ( hv == 1 ) {
- gd->hbundle->stemlist[(gd->hbundle->cnt)++] = stem;
- stem->bundle = gd->hbundle;
- } else if ( hv == 2 ) {
- gd->vbundle->stemlist[(gd->vbundle->cnt)++] = stem;
- stem->bundle = gd->vbundle;
- } else if ( gd->has_slant && !gd->only_hv &&
- RealNear( stem->unit.x,gd->slant_unit.x ) &&
- RealNear( stem->unit.y,gd->slant_unit.y )) {
- /* Move base point coordinates to the baseline to simplify */
- /* stem ordering and positioning relatively to each other */
- stem->left.x -= (( stem->left.y - bounds.miny ) * stem->unit.x )/stem->unit.y;
- stem->right.x -= (( stem->right.y - bounds.miny ) * stem->unit.x )/stem->unit.y;
- dmove = ( stem->left.y - bounds.miny ) / stem->unit.y;
- stem->left.y = stem->right.y = bounds.miny;
- for ( j=0; j<stem->activecnt; j++ ) {
- stem->active[j].start += dmove;
- stem->active[j].end += dmove;
- }
- gd->ibundle->stemlist[(gd->ibundle->cnt)++] = stem;
- stem->bundle = gd->ibundle;
- stem->italic = true;
- }
- }
- qsort( gd->hbundle->stemlist,gd->hbundle->cnt,sizeof( struct stemdata *),stem_cmp );
- qsort( gd->vbundle->stemlist,gd->vbundle->cnt,sizeof( struct stemdata *),stem_cmp );
- if ( gd->has_slant && !gd->only_hv )
- qsort( gd->ibundle->stemlist,gd->ibundle->cnt,sizeof( struct stemdata *),stem_cmp );
- if ( !needs_deps )
- for ( i=0; i<gd->hbundle->cnt; i++ )
- LookForMasterHVStem( gd->hbundle->stemlist[i],&gd->bd );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->hbundle->cnt; i++ )
- ClearUnneededDeps( gd->hbundle->stemlist[i] );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->vbundle->cnt; i++ )
- LookForMasterHVStem( gd->vbundle->stemlist[i],&gd->bd );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->vbundle->cnt; i++ )
- ClearUnneededDeps( gd->vbundle->stemlist[i] );
-static void AddSerifOrBall( struct glyphdata *gd,
- struct stemdata *master,struct stemdata *slave,int lbase,int is_ball ) {
- struct dependent_serif *tserif;
- struct pointdata *spd;
- double width, min, max;
- int i, j, scnt, next;
- if ( lbase ) {
- width = fabs(
- ( slave->right.x - master->left.x ) * master->unit.y -
- ( slave->right.y - master->left.y ) * master->unit.x );
- max = width + slave->rmin + 2*dist_error_hv;
- min = width + slave->rmax - 2*dist_error_hv;
- } else {
- width = fabs(
- ( master->right.x - slave->left.x ) * master->unit.y -
- ( master->right.y - slave->left.y ) * master->unit.x );
- max = width - slave->lmax + 2*dist_error_hv;
- min = width - slave->lmin - 2*dist_error_hv;
- }
- scnt = master->serif_cnt;
- for ( i=0; i<scnt; i++ ) {
- tserif = &master->serifs[i];
- if ( tserif->stem == slave && tserif->lbase == lbase )
- break;
- else if ( tserif->width > min && tserif->width < max && tserif->lbase == lbase ) {
- for ( j=0; j<slave->chunk_cnt; j++ ) {
- spd = ( lbase ) ? slave->chunks[j].r : slave->chunks[j].l;
- next = ( lbase ) ? slave->chunks[j].rnext : slave->chunks[j].lnext;
- if ( spd != NULL && IsStemAssignedToPoint( spd,tserif->stem,next ) == -1 )
- AddToStem( gd,tserif->stem,spd,NULL,next,false,false );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( i<master->serif_cnt )
- master->serifs = realloc(
- master->serifs,( scnt+1 )*sizeof( struct dependent_serif ));
- master->serifs[scnt].stem = slave;
- master->serifs[scnt].width = width;
- master->serifs[scnt].lbase = lbase;
- master->serifs[scnt].is_ball = is_ball;
- master->serif_cnt++;
- /* Mark the dependent stem as related with a bundle, although it */
- /* is not listed in that bundle itself */
- slave->bundle = master->bundle;
-static int IsBall( struct glyphdata *gd,
- struct pointdata *pd,struct stemdata *master,int lbase ) {
- double max, min, dot, coord;
- BasePoint *lbp, *rbp, *dir;
- Spline *test;
- struct pointdata *nbase, *pbase, *tpd;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- int i, is_x, peak_passed;
- if ( pd == NULL || ( pd->x_extr != 1 && pd->y_extr != 1 ))
-return( false );
- is_x = ( IsUnitHV( &master->unit,true ) == 1 );
- lbp = ( lbase ) ? &master->left : &pd->base;
- rbp = ( lbase ) ? &pd->base : &master->right;
- min = ( is_x ) ? rbp->y : lbp->x;
- max = ( is_x ) ? lbp->y : rbp->x;
- peak_passed = false;
- nbase = pbase = NULL;
- test = pd->sp->next;
- dir = &pd->nextunit;
- if ( test != NULL ) do {
- tpd = &gd->points[test->to->ptindex];
- if ( IsStemAssignedToPoint( tpd,master,true ) != -1 ) {
- nbase = tpd;
- break;
- }
- coord = ( is_x ) ? tpd->base.y : tpd->base.x;
- dot = tpd->nextunit.x * dir->x + tpd->nextunit.y * dir->y;
- if ( dot == 0 && !peak_passed ) {
- dir = &tpd->nextunit;
- dot = 1.0;
- peak_passed = true;
- }
- test = test->to->next;
- } while ( test != NULL && test != pd->sp->next && dot > 0 &&
- coord >= min && coord <= max );
- peak_passed = false;
- test = pd->sp->prev;
- dir = &pd->prevunit;
- if ( test != NULL ) do {
- tpd = &gd->points[test->from->ptindex];
- if ( IsStemAssignedToPoint( tpd,master,false ) != -1 ) {
- pbase = tpd;
- break;
- }
- coord = ( is_x ) ? tpd->base.y : tpd->base.x;
- dot = tpd->prevunit.x * dir->x + tpd->prevunit.y * dir->y;
- if ( dot == 0 && !peak_passed ) {
- dir = &tpd->prevunit;
- dot = 1.0;
- peak_passed = true;
- }
- test = test->from->prev;
- } while ( test != NULL && test != pd->sp->prev && dot > 0 &&
- coord >= min && coord <= max );
- if ( nbase != NULL && pbase != NULL ) {
- for ( i=0; i<master->chunk_cnt; i++ ) {
- chunk = &master->chunks[i];
- if (( chunk->l == nbase && chunk->r == pbase ) ||
- ( chunk->l == pbase && chunk->r == nbase ))
-return( true );
- }
- }
-return( false );
-static void GetSerifData( struct glyphdata *gd,struct stemdata *stem ) {
- int i, j, is_x, stem_cnt;
- int snext, enext, eidx, allow_s, allow_e, s_ball, e_ball;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- struct stemdata *tstem, *smaster=NULL, *emaster=NULL;
- struct pointdata *spd, *epd;
- struct stembundle *bundle;
- double start, end, tstart, tend, smend, emstart;
- is_x = ( IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ) == 1 );
- bundle = ( is_x ) ? gd->hbundle : gd->vbundle;
- start = ( is_x ) ? stem->right.y : stem->left.x;
- end = ( is_x ) ? stem->left.y : stem->right.x;
- allow_s = allow_e = true;
- s_ball = e_ball = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<stem->chunk_cnt && ( allow_s == true || allow_e == true ); i++ ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[i];
- spd = ( is_x ) ? chunk->r : chunk->l;
- snext = ( is_x ) ? chunk->rnext : chunk->lnext;
- epd = ( is_x ) ? chunk->l : chunk->r;
- enext = ( is_x ) ? chunk->lnext : chunk->rnext;
- if ( spd != NULL && allow_e ) {
- stem_cnt = ( snext ) ? spd->nextcnt : spd->prevcnt;
- for ( j=0; j<stem_cnt; j++ ) {
- tstem = ( snext ) ? spd->nextstems[j] : spd->prevstems[j];
- if (RealNear( tstem->unit.x,stem->unit.x ) && RealNear( tstem->unit.y,stem->unit.y ) &&
- !tstem->toobig ) {
- chunk->is_ball = e_ball = IsBall( gd,epd,tstem,!is_x );
- if ( e_ball ) {
- chunk->ball_m = tstem;
- emaster = tstem;
- emstart = ( is_x ) ? tstem->right.y : tstem->left.x;
- }
- allow_s = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( epd != NULL && allow_s ) {
- stem_cnt = ( enext ) ? epd->nextcnt : epd->prevcnt;
- for ( j=0; j<stem_cnt; j++ ) {
- tstem = ( enext ) ? epd->nextstems[j] : epd->prevstems[j];
- if (tstem->unit.x == stem->unit.x && tstem->unit.y == stem->unit.y &&
- !tstem->toobig ) {
- chunk->is_ball = s_ball = IsBall( gd,spd,tstem,is_x );
- if ( s_ball ) {
- chunk->ball_m = tstem;
- smaster = tstem;
- smend = ( is_x ) ? tstem->left.y : tstem->right.x;
- }
- allow_e = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for ( i=0; i<bundle->cnt; i++ ) {
- tstem = bundle->stemlist[i];
- if (tstem->unit.x != stem->unit.x || tstem->unit.y != stem->unit.y ||
- tstem->toobig || tstem->width >= stem->width )
- continue;
- tstart = ( is_x ) ? tstem->right.y : tstem->left.x;
- tend = ( is_x ) ? tstem->left.y : tstem->right.x;
- if ( tstart >= start && tend <= end ) {
- if ( allow_s && tstart > start ) {
- for ( j=0; j<tstem->chunk_cnt && smaster != tstem; j++ ) {
- if ( is_x ) {
- spd = tstem->chunks[j].l;
- snext = tstem->chunks[j].lnext;
- eidx = tstem->chunks[j].l_e_idx;
- } else {
- spd = tstem->chunks[j].r;
- snext = tstem->chunks[j].rnext;
- eidx = tstem->chunks[j].r_e_idx;
- }
- if ( spd != NULL && ConnectsAcrossToStem( gd,spd,snext,stem,is_x,eidx ) &&
- ( smaster == NULL || smend - start > tend - start )) {
- smaster = tstem;
- smend = tend;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( allow_e && tend < end ) {
- for ( j=0; j<tstem->chunk_cnt && emaster != tstem; j++ ) {
- if ( is_x ) {
- epd = tstem->chunks[j].r;
- enext = tstem->chunks[j].rnext;
- eidx = tstem->chunks[j].r_e_idx;
- } else {
- epd = tstem->chunks[j].l;
- enext = tstem->chunks[j].lnext;
- eidx = tstem->chunks[j].l_e_idx;
- }
- if ( epd != NULL && ConnectsAcrossToStem( gd,epd,enext,stem,!is_x,eidx ) &&
- ( emaster == NULL || end - emstart > end - tstart )) {
- emaster = tstem;
- emstart = tstart;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( smaster != NULL )
- AddSerifOrBall( gd,smaster,stem,is_x,s_ball );
- if ( emaster != NULL )
- AddSerifOrBall( gd,emaster,stem,!is_x,e_ball );
-static double ActiveOverlap( struct stemdata *stem1,struct stemdata *stem2 ) {
- int is_x, i, j = 0;
- double base1, base2, s1, e1, s2, e2, s, e, len = 0;
- is_x = ( IsUnitHV( &stem1->unit,true ) == 2 );
- base1 = ( &stem1->left.x )[is_x];
- base2 = ( &stem2->left.x )[is_x];
- for ( i=0; i<stem1->activecnt; i++ ) {
- s1 = base1 + stem1->active[i].start;
- e1 = base1 + stem1->active[i].end;
- for ( ; j<stem2->activecnt; j++ ) {
- s2 = base2 + stem2->active[j].start;
- e2 = base2 + stem2->active[j].end;
- if ( s2 > e1 )
- break;
- if ( e2 < s1 )
- continue;
- s = s2 < s1 ? s1 : s2;
- e = e2 > e1 ? e1 : e2;
- if ( e<s )
- continue; /* Shouldn't happen */
- len += e - s;
- }
- }
-return( len );
-static int StemPairsSimilar( struct stemdata *s1, struct stemdata *s2,
- struct stemdata *ts1, struct stemdata *ts2 ) {
- int normal, reversed, ret = 0;
- double olen1, olen2;
- /* Stem widths in the second pair should be nearly the same as */
- /* stem widths in the first pair */
- normal = ( ts1->width >= s1->width - dist_error_hv &&
- ts1->width <= s1->width + dist_error_hv &&
- ts2->width >= s2->width - dist_error_hv &&
- ts2->width <= s2->width + dist_error_hv );
- reversed = (ts1->width >= s2->width - dist_error_hv &&
- ts1->width <= s2->width + dist_error_hv &&
- ts2->width >= s1->width - dist_error_hv &&
- ts2->width <= s1->width + dist_error_hv );
- if ( !normal && !reversed )
-return( false );
- if ( normal ) {
- olen1 = ActiveOverlap( s1, ts1 );
- olen2 = ActiveOverlap( s2, ts2 );
- ret = olen1 > s1->clen/3 && olen1 > ts1->clen/3 &&
- olen2 > s2->clen/3 && olen2 > ts2->clen/3;
- } else if ( reversed ) {
- olen1 = ActiveOverlap( s1, ts2 );
- olen2 = ActiveOverlap( s2, ts1 );
- ret = olen1 > s1->clen/3 && olen1 > ts2->clen/3 &&
- olen2 > s2->clen/3 && olen2 > ts1->clen/3;
- }
-return( ret );
-static void FindCounterGroups( struct glyphdata *gd,int is_v ) {
- struct stembundle *bundle = is_v ? gd->vbundle : gd->hbundle;
- struct stemdata *curm, *prevm, *cur, *prev;
- int i, j;
- double mdist, dist;
- prevm = NULL;
- for ( i=0; i<bundle->cnt; i++ ) {
- curm = prev = bundle->stemlist[i];
- if ( curm->master != NULL )
- continue;
- if ( prevm == NULL || curm->prev_c_m != NULL ) {
- prevm = curm;
- continue;
- }
- mdist = is_v ? curm->left.x - prevm->right.x : curm->right.y - prevm->left.y;
- for ( j=i+1; j<bundle->cnt; j++ ) {
- cur = bundle->stemlist[j];
- if ( cur->master != NULL )
- continue;
- if ( cur->prev_c_m != NULL ) {
- prev = cur;
- continue;
- }
- dist = is_v ? cur->left.x - prev->right.x : cur->right.y - prev->left.y;
- if ( mdist > dist - dist_error_hv && mdist < dist + dist_error_hv &&
- StemPairsSimilar( prevm,curm,prev,cur )) {
- prev->next_c_m = prevm;
- cur->prev_c_m = curm;
- }
- prev = cur;
- }
- prevm = curm;
- }
-/* Normally we use the DetectDiagonalStems flag (set via the Preferences dialog) to determine */
-/* if diagonal stems should be generated. However, sometimes it makes sense to reduce the */
-/* processing time, deliberately turning the diagonal stem detection off: in particular we */
-/* don't need any diagonal stems if we only want to assign points to some preexisting HV */
-/* hints. For thisreason the only_hv argument still can be passed to this function. */
-struct glyphdata *GlyphDataInit( SplineChar *sc,int layer,double em_size,int only_hv ) {
- struct glyphdata *gd;
- struct pointdata *pd;
- int i;
- SplineSet *ss;
- SplinePoint *sp;
- Monotonic *m;
- int cnt;
- double iangle;
- if ( layer<0 || layer>=sc->layer_cnt )
- return( NULL );
- /* We only hint one layer at a time */
- /* We shan't try to hint references yet */
- if ( sc->layers[layer].splines==NULL )
-return( NULL );
- gd = calloc( 1,sizeof( struct glyphdata ));
- gd->only_hv = only_hv;
- gd->layer = layer;
- gd->sc = sc;
- gd->sf = sc->parent;
- gd->emsize = em_size;
- gd->order2 = ( sc->parent != NULL ) ? sc->parent->layers[layer].order2 : false;
- gd->fuzz = GetBlueFuzz( sc->parent );
- dist_error_hv = .0035*gd->emsize;
- dist_error_diag = .0065*gd->emsize;
- dist_error_curve = .022*gd->emsize;
- if ( sc->parent != NULL && sc->parent->italicangle ) {
- iangle = ( 90 + sc->parent->italicangle );
- gd->has_slant = true;
- gd->slant_unit.x = cos( iangle * ( PI/180 ));
- gd->slant_unit.y = sin( iangle * ( PI/180 ));
- } else {
- gd->has_slant = false;
- gd->slant_unit.x = 0; gd->slant_unit.y = 1;
- }
- /* SSToMContours can clean up the splinesets (remove 0 length splines) */
- /* so it must be called BEFORE everything else (even though logically */
- /* that doesn't make much sense). Otherwise we might have a pointer */
- /* to something since freed */
- gd->ms = SSsToMContours(sc->layers[layer].splines,over_remove); /* second argument is meaningless here */
- gd->realcnt = gd->pcnt = SCNumberPoints( sc, layer );
- for ( i=0, ss=sc->layers[layer].splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next, ++i );
- gd->ccnt = i;
- gd->contourends = malloc((i+1)*sizeof(int));
- for ( i=0, ss=sc->layers[layer].splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next, ++i ) {
- SplinePoint *last;
- if ( ss->first->prev!=NULL )
- last = ss->first->prev->from;
- else
- last = ss->last;
- if ( last->ttfindex==0xffff )
- gd->contourends[i] = last->nextcpindex;
- else
- gd->contourends[i] = last->ttfindex;
- }
- gd->contourends[i] = -1;
- /* Create temporary point numbers for the implied points. We need this */
- /* for metafont if nothing else */
- for ( ss= sc->layers[layer].splines; ss!=NULL; ss = ss->next ) {
- for ( sp = ss->first; ; ) {
- if ( sp->ttfindex < gd->realcnt )
- sp->ptindex = sp->ttfindex;
- else if ( sp->ttfindex == 0xffff )
- sp->ptindex = gd->pcnt++;
- if ( sp->next==NULL )
- break;
- sp = sp->next->to;
- if ( sp==ss->first )
- break;
- }
- }
- gd->norefpcnt = gd->pcnt;
- /* And for 0xfffe points such as those used in glyphs with order2 glyphs */
- /* with references. */
- for ( ss = sc->layers[layer].splines; ss!=NULL; ss = ss->next ) {
- for ( sp = ss->first; ; ) {
- if ( sp->ttfindex == 0xfffe )
- sp->ptindex = gd->pcnt++;
- if ( sp->next==NULL )
- break;
- sp = sp->next->to;
- if ( sp==ss->first )
- break;
- }
- }
- gd->pspace = malloc( gd->pcnt*sizeof( struct pointdata *));
- /*gd->ms = SSsToMContours(sc->layers[layer].splines,over_remove);*/ /* second argument is meaningless here */
- for ( m=gd->ms, cnt=0; m!=NULL; m=m->linked, ++cnt );
- gd->space = malloc((cnt+2)*sizeof(Monotonic*));
- gd->mcnt = cnt;
- gd->points = calloc(gd->pcnt,sizeof(struct pointdata));
- for ( ss=sc->layers[layer].splines; ss!=NULL; ss=ss->next ) if ( ss->first->prev!=NULL ) {
- for ( sp=ss->first; ; ) {
- PointInit( gd,sp,ss );
- if ( sp->next==NULL )
- break;
- sp = sp->next->to;
- if ( sp==ss->first )
- break;
- }
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- if ( !pd->nextzero )
- pd->next_e_cnt = FindMatchingEdge(gd,pd,true,pd->nextedges);
- if ( !pd->prevzero )
- pd->prev_e_cnt = FindMatchingEdge(gd,pd,false,pd->prevedges);
- if (( pd->symetrical_h || pd->symetrical_v ) && ( pd->x_corner || pd->y_corner))
- FindMatchingEdge(gd,pd,2,&pd->bothedge);
- }
-return( gd );
-struct glyphdata *GlyphDataBuild( SplineChar *sc,int layer, BlueData *bd,int use_existing ) {
- struct glyphdata *gd;
- struct pointdata *pd;
- struct stemdata *stem;
- BasePoint dir;
- struct stem_chunk *chunk;
- int i, j, only_hv, startcnt, stemcnt, ecnt, hv, has_h, has_v;
- double em_size;
- DBounds bounds;
- only_hv = ( !detect_diagonal_stems && ( !use_existing || sc->dstem == NULL ));
- em_size = ( sc->parent != NULL ) ? sc->parent->ascent + sc->parent->descent : 1000;
- gd = GlyphDataInit( sc,layer,em_size,only_hv );
- if ( gd == NULL )
-return( gd );
- /* Get the alignment zones */
- if ( bd == NULL )
- QuickBlues( gd->sf,gd->layer,&gd->bd );
- else
- memcpy( &gd->bd,bd,sizeof( BlueData ));
- /* There will never be more lines than there are points (counting next/prev as separate) */
- gd->lines = malloc( 2*gd->pcnt*sizeof( struct linedata ));
- gd->linecnt = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- if (( !gd->only_hv || pd->next_hor || pd->next_ver ) && pd->nextline==NULL ) {
- pd->nextline = BuildLine(gd,pd,true);
- if ( pd->colinear )
- pd->prevline = pd->nextline;
- }
- if (( !gd->only_hv || pd->prev_hor || pd->prev_ver ) && pd->prevline==NULL ) {
- pd->prevline = BuildLine(gd,pd,false);
- if ( pd->colinear && pd->nextline == NULL )
- pd->nextline = pd->prevline;
- }
- }
- /* There will never be more stems than there are points (counting next/prev as separate) */
- gd->stems = calloc( 2*gd->pcnt,sizeof( struct stemdata ));
- gd->stemcnt = 0; /* None used so far */
- if ( use_existing ) {
- SplineCharFindBounds( gd->sc,&bounds );
- if ( sc->vstem != NULL )
- _StemInfoToStemData( gd,sc->vstem,&bounds,true,&startcnt );
- if ( sc->hstem != NULL )
- _StemInfoToStemData( gd,sc->hstem,&bounds,false,&startcnt );
- if ( sc->dstem != NULL )
- _DStemInfoToStemData( gd,sc->dstem,&startcnt );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp!=NULL ) {
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- if ( pd->prev_e_cnt > 0 ) {
- ecnt = BuildStem( gd,pd,false,false,use_existing,0 );
- if ( ecnt == 0 && pd->prev_e_cnt > 1 )
- BuildStem( gd,pd,false,false,false,1 );
- }
- if ( pd->next_e_cnt > 0 ) {
- ecnt = BuildStem( gd,pd,true,false,use_existing,0 );
- if ( ecnt == 0 && pd->next_e_cnt > 1 )
- BuildStem( gd,pd,true,false,false,1 );
- }
- if ( pd->bothedge!=NULL ) {
- DiagonalCornerStem( gd,pd,false );
- }
- /* Snap corner extrema to preexisting hints if they have not */
- /* already been. This is currently done only when preparing */
- /* glyph data for the autoinstructor */
- if ( use_existing && ( pd->x_corner || pd->y_corner )) {
- has_h = has_v = false;
- for ( j=0; j<pd->prevcnt && (( pd->x_corner && !has_v ) || ( pd->y_corner && !has_h )); j++ ) {
- hv = IsUnitHV( &pd->prevstems[j]->unit,true );
- if ( hv == 1 ) has_h = true;
- else if ( hv == 2 ) has_v = true;
- }
- for ( j=0; j<pd->nextcnt && (( pd->x_corner && !has_v ) || ( pd->y_corner && !has_h )); j++ ) {
- hv = IsUnitHV( &pd->nextstems[j]->unit,true );
- if ( hv == 1 ) has_h = true;
- else if ( hv == 2 ) has_v = true;
- }
- if ( pd->x_corner && !has_v ) {
- dir.x = 0; dir.y = 1;
- HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,NULL,&dir,2 );
- } else if ( pd->y_corner && !has_h ) {
- dir.x = 1; dir.y = 0;
- HalfStemNoOpposite( gd,pd,NULL,&dir,2 );
- }
- }
- }
- AssignLinePointsToStems( gd );
- /* Normalize stems before calculating active zones (as otherwise */
- /* we don't know exact positions of stem edges */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i )
- NormalizeStem( gd,&gd->stems[i] );
- GDNormalizeStubs( gd );
- /* Figure out active zones at the first order (as they are needed to */
- /* determine which stems are undesired and they don't depend from */
- /* the "potential" state of left/right points in chunks */
- gd->lspace = malloc(gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- gd->rspace = malloc(gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- gd->bothspace = malloc(3*gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- gd->activespace = malloc(3*gd->pcnt*sizeof(struct segment));
- fprintf( stderr,"Going to calculate stem active zones for %s\n",gd->sc->name );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i )
- FigureStemActive( gd,&gd->stems[i] );
- /* Check this before resolving stem conflicts, as otherwise we can */
- /* occasionally prefer a stem which should be excluded from the list */
- /* for some other reasons */
- GDFindUnlikelyStems( gd );
- /* we were cautious about assigning points to stems, go back now and see */
- /* if there are any low-quality matches which remain unassigned, and if */
- /* so then assign them to the stem they almost fit on. */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- for ( j=0; j<stem->chunk_cnt; ++j ) {
- chunk = &stem->chunks[j];
- if ( chunk->l!=NULL && chunk->lpotential ) {
- stemcnt = ( chunk->lnext ) ? chunk->l->nextcnt : chunk->l->prevcnt;
- if ( stemcnt == 1 ) chunk->lpotential = false;
- }
- if ( chunk->r!=NULL && chunk->rpotential ) {
- stemcnt = ( chunk->rnext ) ? chunk->r->nextcnt : chunk->r->prevcnt;
- if ( stemcnt == 1 ) chunk->rpotential = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /* If there are multiple stems, find the one which is closest to this point */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp != NULL ) {
- pd = &gd->points[i];
- if ( pd->prevcnt > 1 ) CheckPotential( gd,pd,false );
- if ( pd->nextcnt > 1 ) CheckPotential( gd,pd,true );
- }
- if ( hint_bounding_boxes )
- CheckForBoundingBoxHints( gd );
- CheckForGhostHints( gd );
- if ( use_existing )
- MarkDStemCorners( gd );
- GDBundleStems( gd,0,use_existing );
- if ( use_existing ) {
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- stem = &gd->stems[i];
- if ( stem->toobig == 1 && IsUnitHV( &stem->unit,true ))
- GetSerifData( gd,stem );
- }
- FindCounterGroups( gd,true );
- }
- DumpGlyphData( gd );
- free(gd->lspace); gd->lspace = NULL;
- free(gd->rspace); gd->rspace = NULL;
- free(gd->bothspace); gd->bothspace = NULL;
- free(gd->activespace); gd->activespace = NULL;
-return( gd );
-void GlyphDataFree(struct glyphdata *gd) {
- int i;
- if ( gd == NULL )
- FreeMonotonics( gd->ms ); gd->ms = NULL;
- free( gd->space ); gd->space = NULL;
- free( gd->sspace ); gd->sspace = NULL;
- free( gd->stspace ); gd->stspace = NULL;
- free( gd->pspace ); gd->pspace = NULL;
- /* Clean up temporary point numbers */
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) if ( gd->points[i].sp != NULL )
- gd->points[i].sp->ptindex = 0;
- if ( gd->hbundle != NULL ) {
- free( gd->hbundle->stemlist );
- free( gd->hbundle );
- }
- if ( gd->vbundle != NULL ) {
- free( gd->vbundle->stemlist );
- free( gd->vbundle );
- }
- if ( gd->ibundle != NULL ) {
- free( gd->ibundle->stemlist );
- free( gd->ibundle );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->linecnt; ++i )
- free( gd->lines[i].points );
- for ( i=0; i<gd->stemcnt; ++i ) {
- free( gd->stems[i].chunks );
- free( gd->stems[i].dependent );
- free( gd->stems[i].serifs );
- free( gd->stems[i].active );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<gd->pcnt; ++i ) {
- free( gd->points[i].nextstems );
- free( gd->points[i].next_is_l );
- free( gd->points[i].prevstems );
- free( gd->points[i].prev_is_l );
- }
- free( gd->lines );
- free( gd->stems );
- free( gd->contourends );
- free( gd->points );
- free( gd );