path: root/Build/source/texk/dvipsk/pc/README.pc
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/dvipsk/pc/README.pc')
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--- a/Build/source/texk/dvipsk/pc/README.pc
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-Some notes on installing dvips 5.5 on MS-DOS and OS/2
-by Russell Lang <> 17th February 1994
-These notes are not by Tomas Rokicki.
-Tomas Rokicki does not use MS-DOS ( smart person :-) and so will be
-unable to answer questions about MS-DOS problems.
-ZIP files
-If you have ZIP files, one should contain the sources of dvips
-(same as and the other
-should contain dvips ready to run with the following compiled
-versions of dvips:
- dvips.exe MS-DOS 8086
- dvipswin.exe MS-Windows 3.1
- dvips32.exe OS/2 32 bit or MS-DOS with EMX DOS extender
-The following may or may not be in the ZIP file.
- dvips16.exe OS/2 16 bit and MS-DOS (MSC6).
-To install this in the emTeX directories on drive C:, use
- unzip dvips55? c:\
-If you want to use a different directory arrangement, modify the
-paths in c:\emtex\ps\ If you want to store or in a different place, either recompile dvips or use the
-environment variable TEXCONFIG.
-The LaTeX and TeX input files supplied with dvips (e.g. epsf.sty, epsf.tex)
-are now put in c:\emtex\texinput\dvips and not in their old location
-c:\emtex\texinput. This means that you need emTeX beta 11 and you will
-need to enable emTeX's subdirectory searching with
-set TEXINPUT=c:\emtex\texinput!
-The MSDOS and OS/2 versions of dvips differ from the Unix version
-described in dvips.tex in the following ways:
-- path separators are ';' not ':'
-- directory separators are '\' not '/'
-- The user's initialization file is "dvips.ini" not ".dvipsrc".
-- Printer configuration files are called <printer-name>.cfg,
- not config.<printer-name>.
-- Pipes to printers are not supported by MS-DOS. Output must go to a file.
- OS/2 supports pipes.
-- MakeTeXPk is a batch or command file.
- Since MS-DOS has insufficient memory to run both dvips and metafont
- at the same time, this batch or command file will typically write out
- a set of commands for running metafont later.
- The maketexp.bat supplied writes out an mfjob file for em\TeX.
- OS/2 has more memory so the maketexp.cmd supplied writes out an
- mfjob file for emTeX and calls mfjob.
- The emTeX betatest mfjob 1.1l package is required.
-- To automatically make fonts under MS-DOS, use emTeX's dvidrv as follows:
- dvidrv dvips file.dvi
- dvidrv is part of the emTeX betatest dvidrv 1.4s package.
- dvidrv sets an option -pj=mfjobfile for dvips, where mfjobfile
- is the name of a temporary mfjob file.
- If there are missing fonts, dvips will write this mfjob file
- and then ask:
- Exit to make missing fonts now (y/n)?
- If you answer yes, dvips exits with errorlevel 8 which tells
- dvidrv to call mfjob to make the fonts, and then to call dvips again.
- For this to work, dvidrv, dvips, mfjob and mf must be located in
- the PATH, and the environment variables for mfjob and mf set
- correctly. A font mode must be set with the 'M' option in
- If the -pj option is set, dvips will not call MakeTeXPk.bat
-- limited emTeX specials. The following ones are supported:
- \special{em:message xxx}
- \special{em:point n}
- \special{em:line a[h|v|p],b[h|v|p] [,width]}
- \special{em:linewidth width}
- \special{em:moveto}
- \special{em:lineto}
- \special{em:graph xxx[,width[,height]]}
- The line cut parameters [h|v|p] of the \special{em:line ...} command
- are ignored. Lines are ended with a rounded cap.
- A maximum of 1613 different point numbers are permitted on each page.
- The \special{em:graph xxx} should work with PCX, MSP1, MSP2 and
- BMP files. Compressed BMP files have not been tested.
- The graph file may be scaled by giving an optional width and
- height (expressed in the same way as TeX dimensions).
- An example: \special{em:graph scrdump.pcx,100mm,75mm}
-The program dvips can use emTeX font libraries created with the
-fontlib /2 option. PXL fonts within font libraries will be ignored.
-If you run out of memory running dvips, try using the `-Z0 -a' or
-just the `-a' command line options. If that fails, use the 32 bit
-This set of MSDOS and OS/2 files for dvips contains:
-README.pc This file. Makefile for Borland C++ (MS-DOS).
-makefile.emx Makefile for nmake/ndmake and emx/gcc (OS/2 and MS-DOS).
-makefile.msc Makefile for dmake and MSC6 (OS/2).
-makefile.wat Makefile for Watcom C (untested)
-makefile.wt2 Makefile for Watcom C (untested) modified for MSDOS and OS/2
-maketexp.bat Batch file to make tex pk files.
-maketexp.cmd OS/2 batch file to make tex pk files.
-winmain.c WinMain() routine for Windows dvips.
-dvipswin.rc Windows Resource file containing radical eye icon.
-dvipswin.def Windows defaults file.
-afm2tfm.def OS/2 16 bit defaults file.
-dvips16.def OS/2 16 bit defaults file.
-squeeze.def OS/2 16 bit defaults file.
-If you have the Unix tar file, the steps involved in making
-dvips on a PC are:
-- On Unix, in the dvips directory, give the following commands:
- make texc.lpro
- nroff -man dvips.1 > pc/dvips.doc
- nroff -man afm2tfm.1 > pc/afm2tfm.doc
-- Copy dvips/* and dvips/pc/* directories to the PC.
-- copy PStfms/*.tfm to C:\EMTEX\TFM on the PC
- (then optionally delete pst*.tfm, rpst*.tfm, pop*.tfm rpop*.tfm,
- pad*.tfm rpad*.tfm)
-- copy PSvfs/*.vf to C:\TEXFONTS\VF on the PC
- (then optionally delete pst*.vf, pop*.vf, pad*.vf)
-- edit dvipsmac.tex and replace the line
- \generictrue
- with
- %\generictrue
-For Borland C++:
-- edit paths and directories in pc/ and pc/
-- 'make -fpc/'
- Borland C++ gives a large number of 'possible incorrect assignment'
- warnings.
-- if that works, try 'make -fpc/ install'.
-- change to another directory (to avoid using the Unix
- and then try to run dvips!
-For emx/gcc:
-- edit paths and directories in pc/makefile.emx and pc/
-- If using HPFS, type 'nmake -fpc\makefile.emx fixup'
-- If using ndmake under msdos, PKPATH will need to be changed to
- using single % not %%.
-- 'nmake -f pc\makefile.emx'
-- if that works, try 'nmake -f pc\makefile.emx install'.
-- change to another directory (to avoid using the Unix
- and then try to run dvips32!
-- dvips32.exe will run under OS/2 and MSDOS.
-- See the EMX documentation for the EMX DOS extender.