path: root/Build/source/texk/dvipdfm/encodings.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/dvipdfm/encodings.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/dvipdfm/encodings.c b/Build/source/texk/dvipdfm/encodings.c
deleted file mode 100755
index aece0f785dc..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/dvipdfm/encodings.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pdflimits.h"
-#include "pdfobj.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "mfileio.h"
-#include "pdfparse.h"
-#include "encodings.h"
-static unsigned char verbose = 0;
-void encoding_set_verbose(void)
- if (verbose < 255) {
- verbose += 1;
- }
-struct encoding {
- char *enc_name;
- /* The following array isn't very efficient. It is constructed
- by peeling the names from the encoding object. It makes
- it easier to construct an array in this format when the
- encoding must be obtained directly from the PFB file */
- char *glyphs[256];
- pdf_obj *encoding_ref;
-} *encodings;
-int num_encodings = 0, max_encodings=0;
-#include "winansi.h"
-pdf_obj *find_encoding_differences (pdf_obj *encoding)
- char filling = 0;
- int i;
- pdf_obj *result = pdf_new_array ();
- pdf_obj *tmp;
- for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
- tmp = pdf_get_array (encoding, i);
- if (tmp == NULL || tmp -> type != PDF_NAME) {
- ERROR ("Encoding file may be incorrect\n");
- }
- if (!strcmp (winansi_encoding[i],
- pdf_name_value(tmp)))
- filling = 0;
- else{
- if (!filling)
- pdf_add_array (result, pdf_new_number (i));
- filling = 1;
- pdf_add_array (result, pdf_link_obj(tmp));
- }
- }
- return result;
-pdf_obj *make_differences_encoding (pdf_obj *encoding)
- int i;
- int skipping = 1;
- pdf_obj *tmp, *result = pdf_new_array ();
- for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
- tmp = pdf_get_array (encoding, i);
- if (tmp && tmp -> type == PDF_NAME) {
- if (strcmp (".notdef", pdf_name_value (tmp))) { /* If not
- .notdef */
- if (skipping) {
- pdf_add_array (result, pdf_new_number (i));
- }
- pdf_add_array (result, pdf_link_obj(tmp));
- skipping = 0;
- } else {
- skipping = 1;
- }
- } else {
- ERROR ("Encoding file may be incorrect\n");
- }
- }
- return result;
-static void save_glyphs (char **glyph, pdf_obj *encoding)
- int i;
- char *glyph_name;
- for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
- glyph_name = pdf_string_value (pdf_get_array(encoding, i));
- glyph[i] = NEW (strlen(glyph_name)+1, char);
- strcpy (glyph[i], glyph_name);
- }
-int get_encoding (const char *enc_name)
- FILE *encfile = NULL;
- char *full_enc_filename, *tmp;
- pdf_obj *result, *result_ref;
- long filesize;
- int i;
- /* See if we already have this saved */
- for (i=0; i<num_encodings; i++)
- if (!strcmp (enc_name, encodings[i].enc_name))
- return i;
- /* Guess not.. */
- /* Try base name before adding .enc. Someday maybe kpse will do
- this */
- strcpy (tmp = NEW (strlen(enc_name)+5, char), enc_name);
- strcat (tmp, ".enc");
- if ((full_enc_filename = kpse_find_file (enc_name,
- kpse_enc_format,
- 1)) == NULL &&
- (full_enc_filename = kpse_find_file (enc_name,
- kpse_program_text_format,
- 1)) == NULL &&
- (full_enc_filename = kpse_find_file (tmp,
- kpse_enc_format,
- 1)) == NULL &&
- (full_enc_filename = kpse_find_file (tmp,
- kpse_program_text_format,
- 1)) == NULL) {
- sprintf (work_buffer, "Can't find encoding file: %s", enc_name) ;
- ERROR (work_buffer);
- }
- RELEASE (tmp);
- if ((encfile = MFOPEN (full_enc_filename, FOPEN_R_MODE)) == NULL ||
- (filesize = file_size (encfile)) == 0) {
- sprintf (work_buffer, "Error opening encoding file: %s", enc_name) ;
- ERROR (work_buffer);
- }
- if (verbose == 1)
- fprintf (stderr, "(ENC:%s", enc_name);
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf (stderr, "(ENC:%s", full_enc_filename);
- { /* Got one and opened it */
- char *buffer, *start, *end, *junk_ident;
- pdf_obj *junk_obj, *encoding, *differences;
- buffer = NEW (filesize, char);
- fread (buffer, sizeof (char), filesize, encfile);
- MFCLOSE (encfile);
- start = buffer;
- end = buffer + filesize;
- start[filesize-1] = 0;
- skip_white (&start, end);
- while (start < end && *start != '[') {
- if ((junk_ident = parse_ident (&start, end)) != NULL)
- RELEASE (junk_ident);
- else if ((junk_obj = parse_pdf_object (&start, end)) != NULL)
- pdf_release_obj (junk_obj);
- skip_white(&start, end);
- }
- if (start >= end ||
- (encoding = parse_pdf_array (&start, end)) == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", enc_name);
- ERROR ("Can't find an encoding in this file!\n");
- }
- RELEASE (buffer);
- /* Done reading file */
- if (verbose) {
- fprintf (stderr, ")");
- }
- /* differences = find_encoding_differences (encoding); */
- differences = make_differences_encoding (encoding);
- /* Put the glyph names into a conventional array */
- if (num_encodings >= max_encodings) {
- max_encodings += MAX_ENCODINGS;
- encodings = RENEW (encodings, max_encodings, struct encoding);
- }
- save_glyphs (encodings[num_encodings].glyphs, encoding);
- pdf_release_obj (encoding);
- result = pdf_new_dict();
- pdf_add_dict (result, pdf_new_name ("Type"),
- pdf_new_name ("Encoding"));
- /* Some software doesn't like BaseEncoding key (e.g., FastLane)
- so this code is commented out for the moment. It may reemerge in the
- future */
- /* pdf_add_dict (result, pdf_new_name ("BaseEncoding"),
- pdf_new_name ("WinAnsiEncoding")); */
- pdf_add_dict (result, pdf_new_name ("Differences"),
- differences);
- }
- {
- result_ref = pdf_ref_obj (result);
- pdf_release_obj (result);
- encodings[num_encodings].encoding_ref = result_ref;
- encodings[num_encodings].enc_name = NEW (strlen(enc_name)+1, char);
- strcpy (encodings[num_encodings].enc_name, enc_name);
- return num_encodings++;
- }
-pdf_obj *encoding_ref (int encoding_id)
- pdf_obj *result = NULL;
- if (encoding_id >=0 && encoding_id < num_encodings) {
- result = pdf_link_obj (encodings[encoding_id].encoding_ref);
- }
- return result;
-void encoding_flush_all (void)
- int i, j;
- for (i=0; i<num_encodings; i++) {
- RELEASE (encodings[i].enc_name);
- pdf_release_obj (encodings[i].encoding_ref);
- /* Release glyph names for this encoding */
- for (j=0; j<256; j++) {
- RELEASE ((encodings[i].glyphs)[j]);
- }
- }
- if (encodings)
- RELEASE (encodings);
-char *encoding_glyph (int encoding_id, unsigned code)
- char *result = NULL;
- if (encoding_id >= 0 && encoding_id < num_encodings &&
- code < 256) {
- result = (encodings[encoding_id].glyphs)[code];
- }
- return result;