path: root/Build/source/texk/dvi2tty/dvi2tty-5.3.1/dvi2tty.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/dvi2tty/dvi2tty-5.3.1/dvi2tty.tex')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/dvi2tty/dvi2tty-5.3.1/dvi2tty.tex b/Build/source/texk/dvi2tty/dvi2tty-5.3.1/dvi2tty.tex
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+++ b/Build/source/texk/dvi2tty/dvi2tty-5.3.1/dvi2tty.tex
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+% By: Robert Schneider
+% LaTeX input file which describes how dvi2tty works under
+% VMS with VAXC. When using this file as a source for documentation
+% of dvi2tty on your system, look for the string "NOTE ---" to
+% see what local variables need to be set.
+% This file was created by modifying the original Unix man page.
+% The majority of the conversion from troff to TeX was done by
+% tr2tex.
+% Set the page margins.
+\parindent 0pt
+\marginparpush 5pt
+\headheight 5pt
+\headsep 0pt
+\footheight 5pt
+\footskip 15pt
+\columnsep 10pt
+\columnseprule 0pt
+\marginparwidth 0pt
+\oddsidemargin 0pt
+\evensidemargin 0pt
+\marginparsep 0pt
+\topmargin 0pt
+\textwidth 6.5in
+\textheight 9.0in
+\title{{\bf DVI2TTY for VAX/VMS}}
+\date{April 25, 1990}
+% NOTE --- We like to describe what something is and how to get it
+% at the top of our files. You will probably want to
+% delete from here to the next \section.
+This document describes the use of {\bf dvi2tty}\/, a filter for converting
+the device independent output files created by \TeX\/ to files which may
+be printed on any ASCII terminal or line printer.
+This document may be printed on the line printer in CPE-3.102 by entering
+the command;
+Copies of this document may be printed on the laser printer in CPE-3.159
+by entering the command;
+You may view copies of this document on workstations or personal computers
+which recognize the {\it X}\/ window system protocol by entering the command;
+{\bf dvi2tty}
+converts a \TeX\/ DVI-file to a format that is appropriate for terminals
+and line printers. The program is intended to be used for
+preliminary proofreading of \TeX-ed documents.
+By default the output is directed to the terminal.
+% NOTE --- VMS can't pipe output to a pager. Maybe you are lucky
+% and your system can.
+%,possibly through a pager (depending on how the program was installed),
+%but it can be directed to a file or a pipe.
+The output leaves much to be desired, but is still
+useful if you want to avoid walking to the
+laser printer (or whatever) for each iteration of your
+Since {\bf dvi2tty}\/ produces output for terminals and line printers the
+representation of documents is naturally quite primitive.
+Font changes are totally ignored, which implies that
+special symbols, such as mathematical symbols, get mapped into the
+characters at the corresponding positions in the ``standard'' fonts.
+If the width of the output text requires more columns than fits
+in one line (c.f. the -w option) it is broken into several lines by
+{\bf dvi2tty} although they will be printed as one line on regular \TeX\/ output
+devices (e.g. laser printers). To show that a broken line is really
+just one logical line an asterisk (``*'') in the last position
+means that the logical line is continued on the next physical
+line output by {\bf dvi2tty.}
+Such a continuation line is started with a space and an asterisk
+in the first two columns.
+{\bf dvi2tty}
+{\bf -o}
+{\it file}
+{\bf -p}
+{\it list}
+{\bf -P}
+{\it list}
+{\bf -w}
+{\it n}
+{\bf -l}
+{\bf -u}
+{\bf -s}
+{\it file\rm[\it.dvi\rm]}
+{\bf dvi2tty}\/ is compiled with VAXC which converts uppercase command line
+arguments to lowercase. To pass an uppercase argument to {\bf dvi2tty},
+the argument must be enclosed in quotation marks ( i.e. ``-P'' ). Arguments
+enclosed in brackets ( [ ] ) are optional.
+The {\it file}\/ [{\it .dvi}] argument is optional.
+Options may be specified in either a symbol or logical which is named
+% NOTE --- The definition of the following environment variable
+% is implementation dependent.
+DVI\$DVI2TTY or on the command line.
+Any option on the command line, conflicting with one in the
+environment, will override the one from the environment.
+\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.6in}\labelwidth 0.6in}
+\item[{{\bf -o} {\it name}}]
+Write output to file {\it name}.
+\item[{{\bf -p} {\it list}}]
+Print the pages chosen by {\it list}.
+Numbers refer to \TeX-page numbers (known as \bs count0).
+An example of format for {\it list}\/ is ``1,3:6,8''
+to choose pages 1, 3 through 6 and 8.
+Negative numbers can be used exactly as in \TeX,
+e g -1 comes before -4 as in ``-p-1:-4,17''.
+\item[{{\bf -P} {\it list}}]
+Like -p except that page numbers refer to
+the sequential ordering of the pages in the dvi-file.
+Negative numbers don't make a lot of sense here...
+\item[{{\bf -w} {\it n}}]
+Specify terminal width {\it n.}\/ The legal range is 16-132 with a
+default of 80. If your terminal has the
+ability to display in 132 columns it might
+be a good idea to use -w132 and toggle the
+terminal into this mode as output will probably look somewhat better.
+% NOTE --- The ability to pipe to a pager is operating system dependent.
+%\item[{{\bf -q}}]
+%Don't pipe the output through a pager.
+%This may be the default on some systems
+%(depending on the whims of the SA installing the program).
+%\item[{{\bf -f}}]
+%Pipe through a pager, \$PAGER if defined, or whatever your SA compiled
+%in (often ``more''). This may be the default, but it is still okay
+%to redirect output with ``$>$'', the pager will not be used if output
+%is not going to a terminal.
+%\item[{{\bf -F}}]
+%Specify the pager program to be used.
+%This overides the \$PAGER and the default pager.
+%\item[{{\bf -Fprog}}]
+%Use ``prog'' as program to pipe output into. Can be used to choose an
+%alternate pager (e g ``-Fless'').
+\item[{{\bf -l}}]
+Mark page breaks with the two-character sequence ``\^{}L''. The default is
+to mark them with a form feed character.
+\item[{{\bf -c}}]
+Do not attempt to trnaslate any characters (like the Scandinavion mode)
+except when running in tt-font.
+\item[{{\bf -u}}]
+Don't make any attempts to find special Scandinavian characters.
+If such characters are in the text they will map to ``a'' and ``o''.
+This is probably the default outside of Scandinavia. (The SA made
+the decision when the program was installed.)
+\item[{{\bf -bdelim}}]
+Print the name of fonts when switching to it (and ending it). The delim
+argument is used to delimit the fontname.
+\item[{{\bf -s}}]
+Try to find the special Scandinavian characters that on most (?)
+terminals in Scandinavia are mapped to ``\{$|$\}[\bs ]''.
+This can be the default, and output from files not containing these
+special characters will be identical regardless of this option.
+% NOTE --- No other files are used under VMS.
+%/usr/ucb/more \ \ \ \
+%probably the default pager.
+% NOTE --- The PAGER variable isn't used under VMS.
+%PAGER \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
+%the pager to use.
+% NOTE --- The definition of the following environment variable
+% is operating system dependent.
+Either a symbol or logical which is named DVI\$DVI2TTY can be set to hold
+command line options. As an example, if you wish to normally have your
+output written to the file {\it dvi2tty.output}\/ and wish to also have
+the output be 132 columns in width, you may define the logical name
+DVI\$DVI2TTY as in;
+{\bf \$ DEFINE DVI\$DVI2TTY ``{\it o dvi2tty.output w 132}''}
+Options set in the environment variable will be overridden by conflicting
+options on the command line.
+\section*{See Also}
+% NOTE --- How do you describe where your help files and manuals are?
+For further information use the DCL command {\bf HELP TeX}\/ to obtain
+information on \TeX\/ and how \TeX\/ may be used on our system.
+You should also read the \LaTeX\/ {\it Local Guide}\/ which may be found
+This document may be printed on the line printer in CPE-3.102 by entering
+the command;
+Copies of this document may be printed on the laser printer in CPE-3.159
+by entering the command;
+You may view copies of this document on workstations or personal computers
+which recognize the {\it X}\/ window system protocol by entering the command;
+Blanks between words get lost quite easy. This is less
+likely if you are using a wider output than the default 80.
+Only one file may be specified on the command line.
+Svante Lindahl, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
+\{seismo, mcvax\}!enea!ttds!zap
+Improved C version: Marcel Mol
+\\[1ex], MESA Consulting