path: root/Build/source/libs/zziplib/zziplib-src/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/zziplib/zziplib-src/test/')
1 files changed, 1000 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/zziplib/zziplib-src/test/ b/Build/source/libs/zziplib/zziplib-src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ad56367ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/zziplib/zziplib-src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+import unittest
+import subprocess
+import logging
+import os
+import collections
+from fnmatch import fnmatchcase as matches
+logg = logging.getLogger("test")
+topsrcdir = "../.."
+testdatadir = "testdata.d"
+readme = "README"
+mkzip = "zip"
+unzip = "unzip"
+exeext = ""
+def shell_string(command):
+ return " ".join(["'%s'" % arg.replace("'","\\'") for arg in command])
+def shell(command, shell=True, calls=False, cwd=None, env=None, lang=None, returncodes=None):
+ returncodes = returncodes or [ None, 0 ]
+ Shell = collections.namedtuple("Shell",["returncode", "output", "errors", "shell"])
+ if isinstance(command, basestring):
+ sh_command = command
+ command = [ command ]
+ else:
+ sh_command = shell_string(command)
+ if lang:
+ if not env: env = os.environ.copy()
+ for name, value in env.items():
+ if name.startswith("LC_"):
+ env[name] = lang
+ env["LANG"] = lang # defines message format
+ env["LC_ALL"] = lang # other locale formats
+ try:
+ output, errors = "", ""
+ if calls:
+ logg.debug("result from %s: %s", cwd and cwd+"/" or "shell", sh_command)
+ run = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env)
+ if run.returncode:
+ logg.warning("EXIT %s: %s", run.returncode, command)
+ run.wait()
+ else:
+ logg.debug("output from %s: %s", cwd and cwd+"/" or "shell", sh_command)
+ run = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=None, env=env)
+ if run.returncode:
+ logg.warning("EXIT %s: %s", run.returncode, command)
+ output, errors = run.communicate() # run.wait()
+ except:
+ logg.error("*E*: %s", sh_command)
+ for line in output.split("\n"):
+ if line:
+ logg.error("OUT: %s", line)
+ for line in errors.split("\n"):
+ if line:
+ logg.error("ERR: %s", line)
+ raise
+ if run.returncode not in returncodes:
+ logg.warning("*%02i: %s", run.returncode, sh_command)
+ for line in output.split("\n"):
+ if line:
+ logg.warning("OUT: %s", line)
+ for line in errors.split("\n"):
+ if line:
+ logg.warning("ERR: %s", line)
+ else:
+ for line in output.split("\n"):
+ if line:
+ logg.debug("OUT: %s", line)
+ for line in errors.split("\n"):
+ if line:
+ logg.debug("ERR: %s", line)
+ return Shell(run.returncode, output, errors, sh_command)
+class ZZipTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @property
+ def t(self):
+ if not os.path.isdir(testdatadir):
+ os.makedirs(testdatadir)
+ return testdatdir
+ @property
+ def s(self):
+ return topsrcdir
+ def src(self, name):
+ return os.path.join(self.s, name)
+ def readme(self):
+ f = open(self.src(readme))
+ text =
+ f.close()
+ return text
+ def mkfile(self, name, content):
+ b = os.path.dirname(name)
+ if not os.path.isdir(b):
+ os.makedirs(b)
+ f = open(name, "w")
+ f.write(content)
+ f.close()
+ def bins(self, name):
+ exe = os.path.join("..", "bins", name)
+ if exeext: exe += exeext
+ return exe
+ def test_100_make_test0_zip(self):
+ """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip'
+ It will fall back to a variant in the source code if 'zip'
+ is not installed on the build host. The content is just
+ the README file that we can check for equality later on. """
+ zipfile=""
+ tmpdir="test0.tmp"
+ exe=mkzip
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README")
+ filetext = self.readme()
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir)
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10)
+ def test_101_make_test1_zip(self):
+ """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip'
+ It will fall back to a variant in the source code if 'zip'
+ is not installed on the build host. The archive has 10
+ generic files that we can check for their content later. """
+ zipfile=""
+ tmpdir="test1.tmp"
+ exe=mkzip
+ for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%i" % i)
+ filetext = "file-%i\n" % i
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README")
+ filetext = self.readme()
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir)
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10)
+ def test_102_make_test2_zip(self):
+ """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip'
+ It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code.
+ The archive has 100 generic files with known content. """
+ zipfile=""
+ tmpdir="test2.tmp"
+ exe=mkzip
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%02i" % i)
+ filetext = "file-%02i\n" % i
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README")
+ filetext = self.readme()
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir)
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10)
+ def test_103_make_test3_zip(self):
+ """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip'
+ It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code.
+ The archive has 1000 generic files with known content. """
+ zipfile=""
+ tmpdir="test3.tmp"
+ exe=mkzip
+ for i in xrange(1000):
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%03i" % i)
+ filetext = "file-%03i\n" % i
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README")
+ filetext = self.readme()
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ shell("{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir)
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10)
+ def test_104_make_test4_zip(self):
+ """ create a for later tests using standard 'zip'
+ It will NOT fall back to a variant in the source code.
+ The archive has 1000 generic files with known content
+ and they are NOT stored compressed in the archive. """
+ zipfile=""
+ tmpdir="test4.tmp"
+ exe=mkzip
+ for i in xrange(1000):
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%03i" % i)
+ filetext = "file-%03i\n" % i
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README")
+ filetext = self.readme()
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ shell("{exe} -n README ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir)
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10)
+ def test_110_make_test0_dat(self):
+ """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """
+ zipfile = ""
+ datfile = "test0x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy")
+ shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile))
+ def test_111_make_test1_dat(self):
+ """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """
+ zipfile = ""
+ datfile = "test1x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy")
+ shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile))
+ def test_112_make_test2_dat(self):
+ """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """
+ zipfile = ""
+ datfile = "test2x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy")
+ shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile))
+ def test_113_make_test3_dat(self):
+ """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """
+ zipfile = ""
+ datfile = "test3x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy")
+ shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile))
+ def test_114_make_test4_dat(self):
+ """ create test.dat from with xorcopy """
+ zipfile = ""
+ datfile = "test4x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcopy")
+ shell("{exe} {zipfile} {datfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(datfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(datfile), os.path.getsize(zipfile))
+ def test_200_zziptest_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zziptest on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ logfile = "test0.log"
+ exe = self.bins("zziptest")
+ shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ def test_201_zziptest_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zziptest on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ logfile = "test1.log"
+ exe = self.bins("zziptest")
+ shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ def test_202_zziptest_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zziptest on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ logfile = "test2.log"
+ exe = self.bins("zziptest")
+ shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ def test_203_zziptest_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zziptest on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ logfile = "test3.log"
+ exe = self.bins("zziptest")
+ shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ def test_204_zziptest_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zziptest on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ logfile = "test4.log"
+ exe = self.bins("zziptest")
+ shell("{exe} --quick {zipfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ def test_210_zzcat_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat on using just test/README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test0/README"
+ logfile = "test0.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ def test_211_zzcat_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat on using just test/README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test1/README"
+ logfile = "test1.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test1/file.1"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output)
+ def test_212_zzcat_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat on using just test/README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test2/README"
+ logfile = "test2.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test2/file.22"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output)
+ def test_213_zzcat_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat on using just test/README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test3/README"
+ logfile = "test3.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test3/file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_214_zzcat_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat on using just test/README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test4/README"
+ logfile = "test4.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test4/file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_220_zzdir_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir on using just 'test0' """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test0"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30)
+ def test_221_zzdir_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir on using just 'test1' """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test1"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.1 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.2 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.9 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_222_zzdir_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir on using just 'test2' """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test2"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.01 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.22 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.99 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_223_zzdir_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir on using just 'test3' """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test3"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_224_zzdir_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir on using just 'test4' """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "test4"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertNotIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_320_zzxordir_test0_dat(self):
+ """ run zzxordir on test0x.dat """
+ zipfile = "test0x.dat"
+ getfile = "test0x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1])
+ self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1)
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxordir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30)
+ def test_321_zzxordir_test1_dat(self):
+ """ run zzxordir on test1x.dat using just 'test1x' """
+ zipfile = "test1x.dat"
+ getfile = "test1x.dat"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1])
+ self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1)
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxordir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.1 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.2 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.9 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_322_zzxordir_test2_dat(self):
+ """ run zzxordir on test2x.dat using just 'test2x' """
+ zipfile = "test2x.dat"
+ getfile = "test2x"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1])
+ self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1)
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxordir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.01 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.22 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.99 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_323_zzxordir_test3_dat(self):
+ """ run zzxordir on test3x.dat using just 'test3x' """
+ zipfile = "test3x.dat"
+ getfile = "test3x"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1])
+ self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1)
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxordir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_324_zzxordir_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzxordir on test4x.dat using just 'test4x' """
+ zipfile = "test4x.dat"
+ getfile = "test4x"
+ exe = self.bins("zzdir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), returncodes = [0,1])
+ self.assertEqual(run.returncode, 1)
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("did not open test", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxordir")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertNotIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_340_zzxorcat_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """
+ getfile = "test0x/README"
+ logfile = "test0x.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C")
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ def test_341_zzxorcat_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """
+ getfile = "test1x/README"
+ logfile = "test1x.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C")
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test1x/file.1"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output)
+ def test_342_zzxorcat_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """
+ getfile = "test2x/README"
+ logfile = "test2x.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C")
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test2x/file.22"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output)
+ def test_343_zzxorcat_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """
+ getfile = "test3x/README"
+ logfile = "test3x.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} ".format(**locals()), lang="C")
+ self.assertEqual("", run.output)
+ self.assertIn("No such file or directory", run.errors)
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test3x/file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_344_zzxorcat_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzxorcat on using just testx/README """
+ getfile = "test4x/README"
+ logfile = "test4x.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("zzxorcat")
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "test4x/file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_400_zzcat_big_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-big on using just archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test0.readme.big.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ def test_401_zzcat_big_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-big on using just archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test1.readme.big.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.1"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output)
+ def test_402_zzcat_big_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-seeke on using just archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test2.readme.big.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.22"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output)
+ def test_410_zzcat_mem_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mem on using just archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test0.readme.mem.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ def test_411_zzcat_mem_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test1.readme.mem.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.1"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output)
+ def test_412_zzcat_mem_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test2.readme.mem.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.22"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output)
+ def test_413_zzcat_mem_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test3.readme.mem.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_414_zzcat_mem_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mem on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test4.readme.mem.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_420_zzcat_mix_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mix on using just archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test0.readme.mix.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ def test_421_zzcat_mix_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test1.readme.mix.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.1"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output)
+ def test_422_zzcat_mix_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test2.readme.mix.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.22"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output)
+ def test_423_zzcat_mix_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test3.readme.mix.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_424_zzcat_mix_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-mix on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test4.readme.mix.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_440_zzcat_zap_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-zap on using just archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test0.readme.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ def test_441_zzcat_zap_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test1.readme.zap.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.1"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-1\n", run.output)
+ def test_442_zzcat_zap_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test2.readme.zap.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.22"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-22\n", run.output)
+ def test_443_zzcat_zap_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test3.readme.zap.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_444_zzcat_zap_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzcat-zap on using archive README """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = "README"
+ logfile = "test4.readme.zap.txt"
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile} | tee {logfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(logfile), 10)
+ self.assertEqual(run.output.split("\n"), self.readme().split("\n"))
+ getfile = "file.999"
+ run = shell("{exe} -p {zipfile} {getfile}".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertEqual("file-999\n", run.output)
+ def test_500_zzdir_big_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-big on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30)
+ def test_501_zzdir_big_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-big on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.1 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.2 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.9 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ def test_502_zzdir_big_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-big on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.01 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.22 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.99 ', run.output)
+ def test_503_zzdir_big_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-big on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ def test_504_zzdir_big_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-big on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-big")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ def test_510_zzdir_mem_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mem on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30)
+ def test_511_zzdir_mem_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mem on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.1 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.2 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.9 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_512_zzdir_mem_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mem on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.01 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.22 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.99 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_513_zzdir_mem_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mem on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_514_zzdir_mem_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mem on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mem")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertNotIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_520_zzdir_mix_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mix on """
+ # self.skipTest("todo")
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30)
+ def test_521_zzdir_mix_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mix on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.1 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.2 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.9 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_522_zzdir_mix_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mix on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.01 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.22 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.99 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_523_zzdir_mix_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mix on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_524_zzdir_mix_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-mix on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip-mix")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertNotIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_540_zzdir_zap_test0_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-zap on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertLess(len(run.output), 30)
+ def test_541_zzdir_zap_test1_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-zap on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.1 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.2 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.9 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' README ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_542_zzdir_zap_test2_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-zap on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.01 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.22 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.99 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_543_zzdir_zap_test3_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-zap on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_544_zzdir_zap_test4_zip(self):
+ """ run zzdir-zap on """
+ zipfile = ""
+ getfile = ""
+ exe = self.bins("unzzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} -l {getfile} ".format(**locals()))
+ self.assertIn(' file.001 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.222 ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' file.999 ', run.output)
+ self.assertNotIn(' deflated ', run.output)
+ self.assertIn(' stored ', run.output)
+ def test_900_make_test1w_zip(self):
+ """ create a using zzip/write functions. """
+ exe=self.bins("zzip")
+ run = shell("{exe} --version".format(**locals()))
+ if "- NO -" in run.output:
+ self.skipTest("- NO -D_ZZIP_ENABLE_WRITE")
+ return
+ zipfile=""
+ tmpdir="test1w.tmp"
+ exe=self.bins("zzip")
+ for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"file.%i" % i)
+ filetext = "file-%i\n" % i
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,"README")
+ filetext = self.readme()
+ self.mkfile(filename, filetext)
+ try: os.remove(zipfile)
+ except: pass
+ shell("../{exe} ../{zipfile} ??*.* README".format(**locals()), cwd=tmpdir)
+ self.assertGreater(os.path.getsize(zipfile), 10)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import optparse
+ _o = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] test_xxx")
+ _o.add_option("-b", "--topsrcdir", metavar="DIR", default=topsrcdir,
+ help="path to the top srcdir / unpack directory [%default]")
+ _o.add_option("-t", "--testdatadir", metavar="DIR", default=testdatadir,
+ help="path where temporary testdata is created [%default]")
+ _o.add_option("-Z", "--mkzip", metavar="EXE", default=mkzip,
+ help="name or path to zip.exe for *.zip creation [%default]")
+ _o.add_option("-U", "--unzip", metavar="EXE", default=unzip,
+ help="name or path to unzip.exe to unpack *.zip [%default]")
+ _o.add_option("-E", "--exeext", metavar="EXT", default=exeext,
+ help="the executable extension (automake $(EXEEXT)) [%default]")
+ _o.add_option("--xmlresults", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="print output in junit xml testresult format [%default]")
+ _o.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0,
+ help="increase logging output [%default]")
+ opt, args = _o.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level = logging.WARNING - 10 * opt.verbose)
+ topsrcdir = opt.topsrcdir
+ testdatdir = opt.testdatadir
+ mkzip = opt.mkzip
+ unzip = opt.unzip
+ exeext = opt.exeext
+ if not args: args += [ "test_" ]
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ for arg in args:
+ for classname in sorted(list(globals())):
+ if not classname.endswith("Test"):
+ continue
+ testclass = globals()[classname]
+ for method in sorted(dir(testclass)):
+ if "*" not in arg: arg += "*"
+ if arg.startswith("_"): arg = arg[1:]
+ if matches(method, arg):
+ suite.addTest(testclass(method))
+ # TextTestRunner(verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite)
+ if opt.xmlresults:
+ import xmlrunner
+ Runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner
+ Runner(xmlresults).run(suite)
+ else:
+ Runner = unittest.TextTestRunner
+ Runner(verbosity=opt.verbose).run(suite)