path: root/Build/source/libs/xpdf/xpdf-src/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h
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-// TextOutputDev.h
-// Copyright 1997-2012 Glyph & Cog, LLC
-#include <aconf.h>
-#pragma interface
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "gtypes.h"
-#include "GfxFont.h"
-#include "OutputDev.h"
-class GList;
-class UnicodeMap;
-class UnicodeRemapping;
-class TextBlock;
-class TextChar;
-class TextGaps;
-class TextLink;
-class TextPage;
-typedef void (*TextOutputFunc)(void *stream, const char *text, int len);
-// TextOutputControl
-enum TextOutputMode {
- textOutReadingOrder, // format into reading order
- textOutPhysLayout, // maintain original physical layout
- textOutSimpleLayout, // simple one-column physical layout
- textOutSimple2Layout, // simple one-column physical layout
- textOutTableLayout, // similar to PhysLayout, but optimized
- // for tables
- textOutLinePrinter, // strict fixed-pitch/height layout
- textOutRawOrder // keep text in content stream order
-enum TextOutputOverlapHandling {
- textOutIgnoreOverlaps, // no special handling for overlaps
- textOutAppendOverlaps, // append overlapping text to main text
- textOutDiscardOverlaps // discard overlapping text
-class TextOutputControl {
- TextOutputControl();
- ~TextOutputControl() {}
- TextOutputMode mode; // formatting mode
- double fixedPitch; // if this is non-zero, assume fixed-pitch
- // characters with this width
- // (only relevant for PhysLayout, Table,
- // and LinePrinter modes)
- double fixedLineSpacing; // fixed line spacing (only relevant for
- // LinePrinter mode)
- GBool html; // enable extra processing for HTML
- GBool clipText; // separate clipped text and add it back
- // in after forming columns
- GBool discardDiagonalText; // discard all text that's not close to
- // 0/90/180/270 degrees
- GBool discardRotatedText; // discard all text that's not horizontal
- // (0 degrees)
- GBool discardInvisibleText; // discard all invisible characters
- GBool discardClippedText; // discard all clipped characters
- GBool splitRotatedWords; // do not combine horizontal and
- // non-horizontal chars in a single
- // word
- TextOutputOverlapHandling // how to handle overlapping text
- overlapHandling;
- GBool separateLargeChars; // separate "large" characters from
- // "regular" characters
- GBool insertBOM; // insert a Unicode BOM at the start of
- // the text output
- double marginLeft, // characters outside the margins are
- marginRight, // discarded
- marginTop,
- marginBottom;
-// TextFontInfo
-class TextFontInfo {
- TextFontInfo(GfxState *state);
- ~TextFontInfo();
- GBool matches(GfxState *state);
- // Get the font name (which may be NULL).
- GString *getFontName() { return fontName; }
- // Get font descriptor flags.
- GBool isFixedWidth() { return flags & fontFixedWidth; }
- GBool isSerif() { return flags & fontSerif; }
- GBool isSymbolic() { return flags & fontSymbolic; }
- GBool isItalic() { return flags & fontItalic; }
- GBool isBold() { return flags & fontBold; }
- // Get the width of the 'm' character, if available.
- double getMWidth() { return mWidth; }
- Ref getFontID() { return fontID; }
- Ref fontID;
- GString *fontName;
- int flags;
- double mWidth;
- double ascent, descent;
- friend class TextLine;
- friend class TextPage;
- friend class TextWord;
-// TextWord
-class TextWord {
- TextWord(GList *chars, int start, int lenA,
- int rotA, GBool rotatedA, int dirA, GBool spaceAfterA);
- ~TextWord();
- TextWord *copy() { return new TextWord(this); }
- // Get the TextFontInfo object associated with this word.
- TextFontInfo *getFontInfo() { return font; }
- int getLength() { return len; }
- Unicode getChar(int idx) { return text[idx]; }
- GString *getText();
- GString *getFontName() { return font->fontName; }
- void getColor(double *r, double *g, double *b)
- { *r = colorR; *g = colorG; *b = colorB; }
- GBool isInvisible() { return invisible; }
- void getBBox(double *xMinA, double *yMinA, double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA)
- { *xMinA = xMin; *yMinA = yMin; *xMaxA = xMax; *yMaxA = yMax; }
- void getCharBBox(int charIdx, double *xMinA, double *yMinA,
- double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA);
- double getFontSize() { return fontSize; }
- int getRotation() { return rot; }
- GBool isRotated() { return (GBool)rotated; }
- int getCharPos() { return charPos[0]; }
- int getCharLen() { return charPos[len] - charPos[0]; }
- int getDirection() { return dir; }
- GBool getSpaceAfter() { return spaceAfter; }
- double getBaseline();
- GBool isUnderlined() { return underlined; }
- GString *getLinkURI();
- TextWord(TextWord *word);
- static int cmpYX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- static int cmpCharPos(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
- double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- Unicode *text; // the text
- int *charPos; // character position (within content stream)
- // of each char (plus one extra entry for
- // the last char)
- double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
- // (plus one extra entry for the last char)
- int len; // number of characters
- TextFontInfo *font; // font information
- double fontSize; // font size
- TextLink *link;
- double colorR, // word color
- colorG,
- colorB;
- GBool invisible; // set for invisible text (render mode 3)
- // group the byte-size fields to minimize object size
- Guchar rot; // rotation, multiple of 90 degrees
- // (0, 1, 2, or 3)
- char rotated; // set if this word is non-horizontal
- char dir; // character direction (+1 = left-to-right;
- // -1 = right-to-left; 0 = neither)
- char spaceAfter; // set if there is a space between this
- // word and the next word on the line
- char underlined;
- friend class TextBlock;
- friend class TextLine;
- friend class TextPage;
-// TextLine
-class TextLine {
- TextLine(GList *wordsA, double xMinA, double yMinA,
- double xMaxA, double yMaxA, double fontSizeA);
- ~TextLine();
- double getXMin() { return xMin; }
- double getYMin() { return yMin; }
- double getXMax() { return xMax; }
- double getYMax() { return yMax; }
- double getBaseline();
- int getRotation() { return rot; }
- GList *getWords() { return words; }
- int getLength() { return len; }
- double getEdge(int idx) { return edge[idx]; }
- GBool getHyphenated() { return hyphenated; }
- static int cmpX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- GList *words; // [TextWord]
- int rot; // rotation, multiple of 90 degrees
- // (0, 1, 2, or 3)
- double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
- double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- double fontSize; // main (max) font size for this line
- Unicode *text; // Unicode text of the line, including
- // spaces between words
- double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
- // (plus one extra entry for the last char)
- int len; // number of Unicode chars
- GBool hyphenated; // set if last char is a hyphen
- int px; // x offset (in characters, relative to
- // containing column) in physical layout mode
- int pw; // line width (in characters) in physical
- // layout mode
- friend class TextSuperLine;
- friend class TextPage;
- friend class TextParagraph;
-// TextParagraph
-class TextParagraph {
- TextParagraph(GList *linesA, GBool dropCapA);
- ~TextParagraph();
- // Get the list of TextLine objects.
- GList *getLines() { return lines; }
- GBool hasDropCap() { return dropCap; }
- double getXMin() { return xMin; }
- double getYMin() { return yMin; }
- double getXMax() { return xMax; }
- double getYMax() { return yMax; }
- GList *lines; // [TextLine]
- GBool dropCap; // paragraph starts with a drop capital
- double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
- double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- friend class TextPage;
-// TextColumn
-class TextColumn {
- TextColumn(GList *paragraphsA, double xMinA, double yMinA,
- double xMaxA, double yMaxA);
- ~TextColumn();
- // Get the list of TextParagraph objects.
- GList *getParagraphs() { return paragraphs; }
- double getXMin() { return xMin; }
- double getYMin() { return yMin; }
- double getXMax() { return xMax; }
- double getYMax() { return yMax; }
- int getRotation();
- static int cmpX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- static int cmpY(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- static int cmpPX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- GList *paragraphs; // [TextParagraph]
- double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
- double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- int px, py; // x, y position (in characters) in physical
- // layout mode
- int pw, ph; // column width, height (in characters) in
- // physical layout mode
- friend class TextPage;
-// TextWordList
-class TextWordList {
- TextWordList(GList *wordsA, GBool primaryLRA);
- ~TextWordList();
- // Return the number of words on the list.
- int getLength();
- // Return the <idx>th word from the list.
- TextWord *get(int idx);
- // Returns true if primary direction is left-to-right, or false if
- // right-to-left.
- GBool getPrimaryLR() { return primaryLR; }
- GList *words; // [TextWord]
- GBool primaryLR;
-// TextPosition
-// Position within a TextColumn tree. The position is in column
-// [colIdx], paragraph [parIdx], line [lineIdx], before character
-// [charIdx].
-class TextPosition {
- TextPosition(): colIdx(0), parIdx(0), lineIdx(0), charIdx(0) {}
- TextPosition(int colIdxA, int parIdxA, int lineIdxA, int charIdxA):
- colIdx(colIdxA), parIdx(parIdxA), lineIdx(lineIdxA), charIdx(charIdxA) {}
- int operator==(TextPosition pos);
- int operator!=(TextPosition pos);
- int operator<(TextPosition pos);
- int operator>(TextPosition pos);
- int colIdx, parIdx, lineIdx, charIdx;
-// TextPage
-class TextPage {
- TextPage(TextOutputControl *controlA);
- ~TextPage();
- // Write contents of page to a stream.
- void write(void *outputStream, TextOutputFunc outputFunc);
- // Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
- // top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
- // immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
- // <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
- // bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
- // just before the last find result; else stops looking at
- // <xMax>,<yMax>.
- GBool findText(Unicode *s, int len,
- GBool startAtTop, GBool stopAtBottom,
- GBool startAtLast, GBool stopAtLast,
- GBool caseSensitive, GBool backward,
- GBool wholeWord,
- double *xMin, double *yMin,
- double *xMax, double *yMax);
- // Get the text which is inside the specified rectangle. Multi-line
- // text always includes end-of-line markers at the end of each line.
- // If <forceEOL> is true, an end-of-line marker will be appended to
- // single-line text as well.
- GString *getText(double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax,
- GBool forceEOL = gFalse);
- // Find a string by character position and length. If found, sets
- // the text bounding rectangle and returns true; otherwise returns
- // false.
- GBool findCharRange(int pos, int length,
- double *xMin, double *yMin,
- double *xMax, double *yMax);
- // Returns true if x,y falls inside a column.
- GBool checkPointInside(double x, double y);
- // Find a point inside a column. Returns false if x,y fall outside
- // all columns.
- GBool findPointInside(double x, double y, TextPosition *pos);
- // Find a point in the nearest column. Returns false only if there
- // are no columns.
- GBool findPointNear(double x, double y, TextPosition *pos);
- // Find the start and end of a word inside a column. Returns false
- // if x,y fall outside all columns.
- GBool findWordPoints(double x, double y,
- TextPosition *startPos, TextPosition *endPos);
- // Find the start and end of a line inside a column. Returns false
- // if x,y fall outside all columns.
- GBool findLinePoints(double x, double y,
- TextPosition *startPos, TextPosition *endPos);
- // Get the upper point of a TextPosition.
- void convertPosToPointUpper(TextPosition *pos, double *x, double *y);
- // Get the lower point of a TextPosition.
- void convertPosToPointLower(TextPosition *pos, double *x, double *y);
- // Get the upper left corner of the line containing a TextPosition.
- void convertPosToPointLeftEdge(TextPosition *pos, double *x, double *y);
- // Get the lower right corner of the line containing a TextPosition.
- void convertPosToPointRightEdge(TextPosition *pos, double *x, double *y);
- // Get the upper right corner of a column.
- void getColumnUpperRight(int colIdx, double *x, double *y);
- // Get the lower left corner of a column.
- void getColumnLowerLeft(int colIdx, double *x, double *y);
- // Create and return a list of TextColumn objects.
- GList *makeColumns();
- // Get the list of all TextFontInfo objects used on this page.
- GList *getFonts() { return fonts; }
- // Build a flat word list, in the specified ordering.
- TextWordList *makeWordList();
- // Build a word list containing only words inside the specified
- // rectangle.
- TextWordList *makeWordListForRect(double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax);
- // Returns true if the primary character direction is left-to-right,
- // false if it is right-to-left.
- GBool primaryDirectionIsLR();
- // Returns true if any of the fonts used on this page are likely to
- // be problematic when converting text to Unicode.
- GBool problematicForUnicode() { return problematic; }
- void startPage(GfxState *state);
- void clear();
- void updateFont(GfxState *state);
- void addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
- double dx, double dy,
- CharCode c, int nBytes, Unicode *u, int uLen);
- void incCharCount(int nChars);
- void beginActualText(GfxState *state, Unicode *u, int uLen);
- void endActualText(GfxState *state);
- void addUnderline(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
- void addLink(double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax,
- Link *link);
- // output
- void writeReadingOrder(void *outputStream,
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
- UnicodeMap *uMap,
- char *space, int spaceLen,
- char *eol, int eolLen);
- void writePhysLayout(void *outputStream,
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
- UnicodeMap *uMap,
- char *space, int spaceLen,
- char *eol, int eolLen);
- void writeSimpleLayout(void *outputStream,
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
- UnicodeMap *uMap,
- char *space, int spaceLen,
- char *eol, int eolLen);
- void writeSimple2Layout(void *outputStream,
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
- UnicodeMap *uMap,
- char *space, int spaceLen,
- char *eol, int eolLen);
- void writeLinePrinter(void *outputStream,
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
- UnicodeMap *uMap,
- char *space, int spaceLen,
- char *eol, int eolLen);
- void writeRaw(void *outputStream,
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
- UnicodeMap *uMap,
- char *space, int spaceLen,
- char *eol, int eolLen);
- void encodeFragment(Unicode *text, int len, UnicodeMap *uMap,
- GBool primaryLR, GString *s);
- // analysis
- int rotateChars(GList *charsA);
- void rotateCharsToZero(GList *charsA);
- void rotateUnderlinesAndLinks(int rot);
- void unrotateChars(GList *charsA, int rot);
- void unrotateCharsFromZero(GList *charsA);
- void unrotateColumnsFromZero(GList *columns);
- void unrotateColumns(GList *columns, int rot);
- void unrotateWords(GList *words, int rot);
- GBool checkPrimaryLR(GList *charsA);
- void removeDuplicates(GList *charsA, int rot);
- GList *separateOverlappingText(GList *charsA);
- TextColumn *buildOverlappingTextColumn(GList *overlappingChars);
- TextBlock *splitChars(GList *charsA);
- TextBlock *split(GList *charsA, int rot);
- GList *getChars(GList *charsA, double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax);
- void findGaps(GList *charsA, int rot,
- double *xMinOut, double *yMinOut,
- double *xMaxOut, double *yMaxOut,
- double *avgFontSizeOut,
- TextGaps *horizGaps, TextGaps *vertGaps);
- void tagBlock(TextBlock *blk);
- void insertLargeChars(GList *largeChars, TextBlock *blk);
- void insertLargeCharsInFirstLeaf(GList *largeChars, TextBlock *blk);
- void insertLargeCharInLeaf(TextChar *ch, TextBlock *blk);
- void insertIntoTree(TextBlock *subtree, TextBlock *primaryTree);
- void insertColumnIntoTree(TextBlock *column, TextBlock *tree);
- void insertClippedChars(GList *clippedChars, TextBlock *tree);
- TextBlock *findClippedCharLeaf(TextChar *ch, TextBlock *tree);
- GList *buildColumns(TextBlock *tree, GBool primaryLR);
- void buildColumns2(TextBlock *blk, GList *columns, GBool primaryLR);
- TextColumn *buildColumn(TextBlock *tree);
- double getLineIndent(TextLine *line, TextBlock *blk);
- double getAverageLineSpacing(GList *lines);
- double getLineSpacing(TextLine *line0, TextLine *line1);
- void buildLines(TextBlock *blk, GList *lines, GBool splitSuperLines);
- GList *buildSimple2Columns(GList *charsA);
- GList *buildSimple2Lines(GList *charsA, int rot);
- TextLine *buildLine(TextBlock *blk);
- TextLine *buildLine(GList *charsA, int rot,
- double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax);
- void getLineChars(TextBlock *blk, GList *charsA);
- double computeWordSpacingThreshold(GList *charsA, int rot);
- int getCharDirection(TextChar *ch);
- int assignPhysLayoutPositions(GList *columns);
- void assignLinePhysPositions(GList *columns);
- void computeLinePhysWidth(TextLine *line, UnicodeMap *uMap);
- int assignColumnPhysPositions(GList *columns);
- void buildSuperLines(TextBlock *blk, GList *superLines);
- void assignSimpleLayoutPositions(GList *superLines, UnicodeMap *uMap);
- void generateUnderlinesAndLinks(GList *columns);
- void findPointInColumn(TextColumn *col, double x, double y,
- TextPosition *pos);
- void buildFindCols();
- // debug
-#if 0 //~debug
- void dumpChars(GList *charsA);
- void dumpTree(TextBlock *tree, int indent = 0);
- void dumpColumns(GList *columns, GBool dumpWords = gFalse);
- void dumpUnderlines();
- // word list
- TextWordList *makeWordListForChars(GList *charList);
- TextOutputControl control; // formatting parameters
- UnicodeRemapping *remapping;
- Unicode *uBuf;
- int uBufSize;
- double pageWidth, pageHeight; // width and height of current page
- int charPos; // next character position (within content
- // stream)
- TextFontInfo *curFont; // current font
- double curFontSize; // current font size
- int curRot; // current rotation
- GBool diagonal; // set if rotation is not close to
- // 0/90/180/270 degrees
- GBool rotated; // set if text is not horizontal (0 degrees)
- int nTinyChars; // number of "tiny" chars seen so far
- Unicode *actualText; // current "ActualText" span
- int actualTextLen;
- double actualTextX0,
- actualTextY0,
- actualTextX1,
- actualTextY1;
- int actualTextNBytes;
- GList *chars; // [TextChar]
- GList *fonts; // all font info objects used on this
- // page [TextFontInfo]
- GList *underlines; // [TextUnderline]
- GList *links; // [TextLink]
- GList *findCols; // text used by the findText**/findPoint**
- // functions [TextColumn]
- double lastFindXMin, // coordinates of the last "find" result
- lastFindYMin;
- GBool haveLastFind;
- GBool problematic; // true if any of the fonts used on this
- // page are marked as problematic for
- // Unicode conversion
- friend class TextOutputDev;
-// TextOutputDev
-class TextOutputDev: public OutputDev {
- // Open a text output file. If <fileName> is NULL, no file is
- // written (this is useful, e.g., for searching text). If
- // <physLayoutA> is true, the original physical layout of the text
- // is maintained. If <rawOrder> is true, the text is kept in
- // content stream order.
- TextOutputDev(char *fileName, TextOutputControl *controlA,
- GBool append, GBool fileNameIsUTF8 = gFalse);
- // Create a TextOutputDev which will write to a generic stream. If
- // <physLayoutA> is true, the original physical layout of the text
- // is maintained. If <rawOrder> is true, the text is kept in
- // content stream order.
- TextOutputDev(TextOutputFunc func, void *stream,
- TextOutputControl *controlA);
- // Destructor.
- virtual ~TextOutputDev();
- // Check if file was successfully created.
- virtual GBool isOk() { return ok; }
- //---- get info about output device
- // Does this device use upside-down coordinates?
- // (Upside-down means (0,0) is the top left corner of the page.)
- virtual GBool upsideDown() { return gTrue; }
- // Does this device use drawChar() or drawString()?
- virtual GBool useDrawChar() { return gTrue; }
- // Does this device use beginType3Char/endType3Char? Otherwise,
- // text in Type 3 fonts will be drawn with drawChar/drawString.
- virtual GBool interpretType3Chars() { return gFalse; }
- // Does this device need non-text content?
- virtual GBool needNonText() { return gFalse; }
- // Does this device require incCharCount to be called for text on
- // non-shown layers?
- virtual GBool needCharCount() { return gTrue; }
- //----- initialization and control
- // Start a page.
- virtual void startPage(int pageNum, GfxState *state);
- // End a page.
- virtual void endPage();
- //----- save/restore graphics state
- virtual void restoreState(GfxState *state);
- //----- update text state
- virtual void updateFont(GfxState *state);
- //----- text drawing
- virtual void beginString(GfxState *state, GString *s);
- virtual void endString(GfxState *state);
- virtual void drawChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
- double dx, double dy,
- double originX, double originY,
- CharCode c, int nBytes, Unicode *u, int uLen);
- virtual void incCharCount(int nChars);
- virtual void beginActualText(GfxState *state, Unicode *u, int uLen);
- virtual void endActualText(GfxState *state);
- //----- path painting
- virtual void stroke(GfxState *state);
- virtual void fill(GfxState *state);
- virtual void eoFill(GfxState *state);
- //----- link borders
- virtual void processLink(Link *link);
- //----- special access
- // Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
- // top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
- // immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
- // <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
- // bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
- // just before the last find result; else stops looking at
- // <xMax>,<yMax>.
- GBool findText(Unicode *s, int len,
- GBool startAtTop, GBool stopAtBottom,
- GBool startAtLast, GBool stopAtLast,
- GBool caseSensitive, GBool backward,
- GBool wholeWord,
- double *xMin, double *yMin,
- double *xMax, double *yMax);
- // Get the text which is inside the specified rectangle.
- GString *getText(double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax);
- // Find a string by character position and length. If found, sets
- // the text bounding rectangle and returns true; otherwise returns
- // false.
- GBool findCharRange(int pos, int length,
- double *xMin, double *yMin,
- double *xMax, double *yMax);
- // Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
- // this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if
- // this->physLayout is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading
- // order (if both flags are false).
- TextWordList *makeWordList();
- // Build a word list containing only words inside the specified
- // rectangle.
- TextWordList *makeWordListForRect(double xMin, double yMin,
- double xMax, double yMax);
- // Returns the TextPage object for the last rasterized page,
- // transferring ownership to the caller.
- TextPage *takeText();
- // Turn extra processing for HTML conversion on or off.
- void enableHTMLExtras(GBool html) { control.html = html; }
- void generateBOM();
- TextOutputFunc outputFunc; // output function
- void *outputStream; // output stream
- GBool needClose; // need to close the output file?
- // (only if outputStream is a FILE*)
- TextPage *text; // text for the current page
- TextOutputControl control; // formatting parameters
- GBool ok; // set up ok?