path: root/Build/source/libs/xpdf/xpdf-3.04/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/xpdf/xpdf-3.04/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 736 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/xpdf/xpdf-3.04/ b/Build/source/libs/xpdf/xpdf-3.04/
deleted file mode 100644
index d70caad765b..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/libs/xpdf/xpdf-3.04/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
-$! Main Xpdf compile script for VMS.
-$! Written by Patrick Moreau, Martin P.J. Zinser.
-$! Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
-$! This procedure takes up to three (optional) parameters:
-$! 1.) Configuration settings:
-$! a4 - Use european A4 as the default paper size.
-$! no_text_select - Disable text selection in Xpdf
-$! opi_support - Compile Xpdf with support for the Open Prepress
-$! Interface (OPI)
-$! 2.) Compiler detection:
-$! In case you want to override the automatic compiler detection
-$! specify either DECC or GCC as the second paramter,
-$! e.g. @vms_make "" GCC
-$! 3.) System Xpdf resource file
-$! The default for this is decw$system_defaults:xpdfrc.dat, since this
-$! is the standard place for systemwide Xdefaults files on OpenVMS. You
-$! may provide a different file in p3.
-$! External libraries (like T1lib, Freetype, and XPM) are supported via the
-$! config file VMSLIB.DAT. Please check the sample file, which will be created
-$! by this procedure upon first invocation, for the information you need to
-$! provide
-$! Sample invocation of the script:
-$! @vms_make a4,opi_support ""
-$! In case of problems with the compile you may contact me at
-$! (preferred) or (work).
-$ on error then goto err_exit
-$! Just some general constants...
-$ true = 1
-$ false = 0
-$ xpdf_link :== link
-$ tmpnam = "temp_" + f$getjpi("","pid")
-$ tc = tmpnam + ".c"
-$! Setup variables holding "config" information
-$ aconf_in_file = ""
-$ name = "Xpdf"
-$ version = "?.?"
-$ mydefs = "#"
-$ xlibs = "xt#xmu#motif"
-$ cxxdefs = ""
-$ libdefs = "\"
-$ libincs = ""
-$ float = ""
-$ compress_def = false
-$ ft2def = false
-$ x11_save = ""
-$ p2 = f$edit(p2,"upcase,trim")
-$ if f$edit(p3,"trim") .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ resfil = "decw$system_defaults:xpdfrc.dat"
-$ else
-$ resfil = "'p3'"
-$ endif
-$ gosub proc_config
-$ gosub check_version
-$! Start building the option file
-$ open/write optf xpdf.opt
-$ open/write topt tmp.opt
-$ write optf "Identification=""''name' ''version'"""
-$ gosub check_create_vmslib
-$ gosub check_xlib
-$ if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL").ge.1024) .and. -
- (f$locate("T1LIB",f$edit(libdefs,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(libdefs)) -
- then float = "/float=ieee_float"
-$ incs = "sys$library:,[-],[],[]''libincs'"
-$ gosub check_compiler
-$ close optf
-$ close topt
-$! might be mapped in different ways, so go figure
-$ i = 0
-$ fname = f$element(i,"#",aconf_in_file)
-$ if fname .eqs. "#" then goto AMISS_ERR
-$ if f$search(fname) .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ i = i + 1
-$ goto find_aconf
-$ endif
-$ open/read/err=aconf_err aconf_in 'fname'
-$ open/write aconf aconf.h
-$ read/end_of_file=aconf_exit aconf_in line
-$ work = f$edit(line, "compress,trim")
-$ if f$extract(0,6,work) .nes. "#undef"
-$ then
-$ write aconf line
-$ else
-$ def = f$element(1," ",work)
-$ if ((f$locate("\''def'\",f$edit(libdefs,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(libdefs)) -
- .or. (f$locate("#''def'#",f$edit(mydefs,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(mydefs)))
-$ then
-$ write aconf "#define ", def, " 1"
-$ else
-$ gosub check_config
-$ endif
-$ endif
-$! Make sure old-style VMS is defined along with __VMS
-$ if f$locate("define ACONF_H",line) .lt. f$length(line)
-$ then
-$ write aconf "#define VMS 1"
-$ endif
-$ goto aconf_loop
-$ close aconf_in
-$ close aconf
-$ write sys$output "Compiling in [.GOO]"
-$ set default [.goo]
-$ @vms_make
-$ write sys$output "Compiling in [.XPDF]"
-$ set default [-.xpdf]
-$ @vms_make
-$ set default [-]
-$ gosub reset_env
-$ dele/noconf/nolog tmp.opt;*
-$ exit
-$ write sys$output "Input file ''fname' could not be opened"
-$ goto err_exit
-$ write sys$output "No source for aconf.h found."
-$ write sys$output "Tried any of ''aconf_in_file'"
-$ write sys$output "C++ compiler required to build Xpdf"
-$ goto err_exit
-$ write sys$output "Can not find [.internal] sub-dir in Freetype 2 tree"
-$ goto err_exit
-$ set message/facil/ident/sever/text
-$ gosub reset_env
-$ close/nolog aconf_in
-$ close/nolog aconf
-$ close/nolog optf
-$ close/nolog tmpc
-$ close/nolop topt
-$ write sys$output "Exiting..."
-$ exit 2
-$! Take care of driver file with information about external libraries
-$ if f$search("VMSLIB.DAT") .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ type/out=vmslib.dat sys$input
-! This is a simple driver file with information used by to
-! check if external libraries (like t1lib and freetype) are available on
-! the system.
-! Layout of the file:
-! - Lines starting with ! are treated as comments
-! - Elements in a data line are separated by # signs
-! - The elements need to be listed in the following order
-! 1.) Name of the Library (only used for informative messages
-! from
-! 2.) Location where the object library can be found
-! 3.) Location where the include files for the library can be found
-! 4.) Include file used to verify library location
-! 5.) CPP define to pass to the build to indicate availability of
-! the library
-! Example: The following lines show how definitions
-! might look like. They are site specific and the locations of the
-! library and include files need almost certainly to be changed.
-! Location: All of the libaries can be found at the following addresses
-! T1LIB:
-! XPM:
-!T1LIB # pubbin:t1shr.exe # public$root:[xtools.libs.t1lib.lib.t1lib] # t1lib.h # HAVE_T1LIB_H
-!FREETYPE # pubbin:freetype2shr.exe # public$root:[xtools.libs.ft2.include.freetype],public$root:[xtools.libs.ft2.include] # freetype.h # HAVE_FREETYPE_H\FREETYPE2
-!XPM # pubbin:libxpm.olb # X11: # xpm.h # HAVE_X11_XPM_H
-!LIBPAPER # pubbin:libpapershr.exe # public$root:[util.libs.paper.lib] # paper.h # HAVE_PAPER_H
-$ write sys$output "New driver file vmslib.dat created."
-$ write sys$output "Please customize libary locations for your site"
-$ write sys$output "and afterwards re-execute"
-$ write sys$output "Exiting..."
-$ close/nolog optf
-$ exit
-$ endif
-$! Open data file with location of libraries
-$ open/read/end=end_lib/err=err_lib libdata VMSLIB.DAT
-$ read/end=end_lib libdata libline
-$ libline = f$edit(libline, "UNCOMMENT,COLLAPSE")
-$ if libline .eqs. "" then goto LIB_LOOP ! Comment line
-$ libname = f$edit(f$element(0,"#",libline),"UPCASE")
-$ write sys$output "Processing ''libname' setup ..."
-$ libloc = f$element(1,"#",libline)
-$ libsrc = f$element(2,"#",libline)
-$ testinc = f$element(3,"#",libline)
-$ cppdef = f$element(4,"#",libline)
-$ old_cpp = f$locate("=1",cppdef)
-$ if$length(cppdef) then cppdef = f$extract(0,old_cpp,cppdef)
-$ if f$search("''libloc'").eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ write sys$output "Can not find library ''libloc' - Skipping ''libname'"
-$ goto LIB_LOOP
-$ endif
-$ libsrc_elem = 0
-$ libsrc_found = false
-$ libsrcdir = f$element(libsrc_elem,",",libsrc)
-$ if (libsrcdir .eqs. ",") then goto END_LIBSRC
-$ if f$search("''libsrcdir'''testinc'") .nes. "" then libsrc_found = true
-$ libsrc_elem = libsrc_elem + 1
-$ if .not. libsrc_found
-$ then
-$ write sys$output "Can not find includes at ''libsrc' - Skipping ''libname'"
-$ goto LIB_LOOP
-$ endif
-$ libdefs = libdefs + cppdef + "\"
-$ libincs = libincs + "," + libsrc
-$ lqual = "/lib"
-$ libtype = f$edit(f$parse(libloc,,,"TYPE"),"UPCASE")
-$ if f$locate("EXE",libtype) .lt. f$length(libtype) then lqual = "/share"
-$ write optf libloc , lqual
-$ write topt libloc , lqual
-$! Nasty hack to get the freetype includes to work
-$ if ((libname .eqs. "FREETYPE") .and. -
- (f$locate("FREETYPE2",cppdef) .lt. f$length(cppdef)))
-$ then
-$ if ((f$search("freetype:freetype.h") .nes. "") .and. -
- (f$search("freetype:[internal]ftobjs.h") .nes. ""))
-$ then
-$ write sys$output "Will use local definition of freetype logical"
-$ ft2def = false
-$ else
-$ ft2elem = 0
-$ ft2srcdir = f$element(ft2elem,",",libsrc)
-$ if f$search("''ft2srcdir'''testinc'") .nes. ""
-$ then
-$ if f$search("''ft2srcdir'internal.dir") .nes. ""
-$ then
-$ ft2dev = f$parse("''ft2srcdir'",,,"device","no_conceal")
-$ ft2dir = f$parse("''ft2srcdir'",,,"directory","no_conceal")
-$ ft2conc = f$locate("][",ft2dir)
-$ ft2len = f$length(ft2dir)
-$ if ft2conc .lt. ft2len
-$ then
-$ ft2dir = f$extract(0,ft2conc,ft2dir) + -
- f$extract(ft2conc+2,ft2len-2,ft2dir)
-$ endif
-$ ft2dir = ft2dir - "]" + ".]"
-$ define freetype 'ft2dev''ft2dir','ft2srcdir'
-$ ft2def = true
-$ else
-$ goto ft2_err
-$ endif
-$ else
-$ ft2elem = ft2elem + 1
-$ goto ft2_loop
-$ endif
-$ endif
-$ endif
-$! Yet another special treatment for Xpm/X11
-$ if (libname .eqs. "XPM")
-$ then
-$ my_x11 = f$parse("''libsrc'xpm.h",,,"device") + -
- f$parse("''libsrc'xpm.h",,,"directory")
-$ x11_save = f$trnlnm("X11")
-$ define x11 'my_x11',decw$include
-$ endif
-$ goto LIB_LOOP
-$ close libdata
-$ return
-$! Take care of driver file with information about external libraries
-$ if (def .eqs. "SYSTEM_XPDFRC")
-$ then
-$ write aconf "#define SYSTEM_XPDFRC """, resfil, """"
-$ else
-$ gosub check_cc_def
-$ endif
-$ return
-$! Check if this is a define relating to the properties of the C/C++
-$! compiler
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_DIRENT_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <dirent.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <sys/ndir.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_SYS_DIR_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_NDIR_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <ndir.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <sys/select.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_SYS_BSDTYPES_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <sys/bsdtypes.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_STRINGS_H")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <strings.h>
-int main(){
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_POPEN")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(){
-FILE *pipe;
- pipe = popen("DIR","r");
- pclose(pipe);
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_MKSTEMP")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int main(){
- mkstemp("tempXXXXXX");
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_FSEEKO")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#define _LARGEFILE
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(){
-FILE *fp;
- fp = fopen("temp.txt","r");
- fseeko(fp,1,SEEK_SET);
- fclose(fp);
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "_LARGE_FILES")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#define _LARGEFILE
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(){
-FILE *fp;
- fp = fopen("temp.txt","r");
- fseeko(fp,1,SEEK_SET);
- fclose(fp);
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_XTAPPSETEXITFLAG")
-$ then
-$ copy sys$input: 'tc
-$ deck
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-int main(){
- XtAppContext app_context;
- app_context = XtCreateApplicationContext();
- XtAppSetExitFlag(app_context);
- return 0;
-$ eod
-$ gosub cc_prop_check
-$ return
-$ endif
-$ write aconf "/* ", line, " */"
-$ return
-$! Process config settings passed from the command line
-$! (analog to Unix --enable-xxx)
-$ if (p1.nes."")
-$ then
-$ i = 0
-$ qual_list = f$edit(p1,"upcase")
-$ qual = f$element(i,",",qual_list)
-$ if qual .eqs. "," then goto FINISH_DEF
-$ i = i + 1
-$ if (qual .eqs. "A4")
-$ then
-$ mydefs = mydefs + "A4_PAPER#"
-$ goto def_loop
-$ endif
-$ if (qual .eqs. "NO_TEXT_SELECT")
-$ then
-$ mydefs = mydefs + "NO_TEXT_SELECT#"
-$ goto def_loop
-$ endif
-$ if (qual .eqs. "OPI_SUPPORT")
-$ then
-$ mydefs = mydefs + "OPI_SUPPORT#"
-$ goto def_loop
-$ endif
-$ if (qual .eqs. "COMPRESS")
-$ then
-$ compress_def = true
-$ goto def_loop
-$ endif
-$ write sys$output "Qualifier ''qual' not recognized, will be ignored"
-$ goto def_loop
-$ endif
-$ return
-$! Look for the compiler used
-$ its_decc = (f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:CXX$COMPILER.EXE") .nes. "")
-$ its_gnuc = .not. its_decc .and. (f$trnlnm("gnu_cc") .nes. "")
-$! Exit if no compiler available
-$ if (.not. (its_decc .or. its_gnuc)) then goto CXX_ERR
-$! Override if requested from the commandline
-$ if (p2 .eqs. "DECC")
-$ then
-$ its_decc = true
-$ its_gnuc = false
-$ endif
-$ if (p1 .eqs. "GNUC")
-$ then
-$ its_decc = false
-$ its_gnuc = true
-$ endif
-$ if its_decc
-$ then
-$ ccomp :== "cc/decc/prefix=all ''float'"
-$! Take care of includes
-$ cc_user = f$trnlnm("DECC$USER_INCLUDE")
-$ cc_system = f$trnlnm("DECC$SYSTEM_INCLUDE")
-$ cxx_user = f$trnlnm("CXX$USER_INCLUDE")
-$ cxx_system = f$trnlnm("CXX$SYSTEM_INCLUDE")
-$ define decc$system_include 'incs'
-$ define decc$user_include 'incs'
-$ define cxx$user_include 'incs'
-$ define cxx$system_include 'incs'
-$! Check version of the C++ compiler
-$ create
-$ cxx/lis=vms_xpdf_cc_test.lis/show=all
-$ open list vms_xpdf_cc_test.lis
-$ read/end=close_cxx list line
-$ start = f$locate("__DECCXX_VER",line)
-$ if start .ne. f$length(line)
-$ then
-$ cxx_ver = f$extract(start+13,8,line)
-$ if cxx_ver .gt. 60000000
-$ then
-$ cxxdefs = "/warn=(disable=nosimpint)"
-$ xpdf_link :== cxxlink
-$ endif
-$ goto close_cxx
-$ endif
-$ goto cxx_list
-$ close list
-$ delete/noconfirm vms_xpdf_cc_test.*;*
-$ cxxcomp :== "cxx/prefix=all ''cxxdefs' ''float' /include=cxx$user_include"
-$ endif
-$ if its_gnuc
-$ then
-$ ccomp :== "gcc/nocase/include=(''incs')"
-$ cxxcomp :== "gcc/plusplus/nocase/include=(''incs')"
-$ write optf "gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/lib"
-$ write optf "sys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/share"
-$ endif
-$ return
-$ delete/sym/glob cxxcomp
-$ delete/sym/glob ccomp
-$ delete/sym/glob xpdf_link
-$ if (ft2def) then deassign freetype
-$ if its_decc
-$ then
-$ if cc_user .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ deass decc$user_include
-$ else
-$ define decc$user_include 'cc_user'
-$ endif
-$ if cc_system .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ deass decc$system_include
-$ else
-$ define decc$system_include 'cc_system'
-$ endif
-$ if cxx_user .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ deass cxx$user_include
-$ else
-$ define cxx$user_include 'cxx_user'
-$ endif
-$ if cxx_system .eqs. ""
-$ then
-$ deass cxx$system_include
-$ else
-$ define cxx$system_include 'cxx_system'
-$ endif
-$ endif
-$ if (x11_save .nes. "") then define x11 'x11_save'
-$ return
-$! Check for properties of C/C++ compiler
-$ cc_prop = true
-$ set message/nofac/noident/nosever/notext
-$ on error then continue
-$ cc 'tmpnam'
-$ if .not. ($status) then cc_prop = false
-$ on error then continue
-$! The headers might lie about the capabilities of the RTL
-$ link/opt=tmp.opt 'tmpnam'
-$ if .not. ($status) then cc_prop = false
-$ set message/fac/ident/sever/text
-$ on error then goto err_exit
-$ delete/nolog 'tmpnam'.*;*
-$ if cc_prop
-$ then
-$ write sys$output "Checking for ''def'... yes"
-$ write aconf "#define ''def' 1"
-$ if (def .eqs. "HAVE_FSEEKO") .or. (def .eqs. "_LARGE_FILES") then -
- write aconf "#define _LARGEFILE"
-$ else
-$ write sys$output "Checking for ''def'... no"
-$ write aconf line
-$ endif
-$ return
-$! Check Xlibs and write to options file
-$ If F$Type (xlibs) .nes. "STRING" Then xlibs = ""
-$ need_xt = f$locate("XT",f$edit(xlibs,"upcase")) .lt. f$length(xlibs)
-$ need_xmu = f$locate("XMU",f$edit(xlibs,"upcase")) .lt. f$length(xlibs)
-$ need_xm = f$locate("MOTIF",f$edit(xlibs,"upcase")) .lt. f$length(xlibs)
-$ On Error Then GoTo XUI
-$ @sys$update:decw$get_image_version sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe decw$version
-$ if f$extract(4,3,decw$version).eqs."1.0"
-$ then
-$ if need_xt .or. need_xmu .or. need_xm
-$ then
-$ write optf "Sys$share:DECW$DWTLIBSHR.EXE/Share"
-$ write topt "Sys$share:DECW$DWTLIBSHR.EXE/Share"
-$ endif
-$ endif
-$ if f$extract(4,3,decw$version).eqs."1.1"
-$ then
-$ if need_xm then write optf "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr.exe/share"
-$ if need_xt then write optf "sys$share:decw$xtshr.exe/share"
-$ if nedd_xmu then write optf "sys$share:decw$xmulibshr.exe/share"
-$ if need_xm then write topt "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr.exe/share"
-$ if need_xt then write topt "sys$share:decw$xtshr.exe/share"
-$ if nedd_xmu then write topt "sys$share:decw$xmulibshr.exe/share"
-$ endif
-$ if f$extract(4,3,decw$version).eqs."1.2"
-$ then
-$ if need_xm then write optf "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr12.exe/share"
-$ if need_xt then write optf "sys$share:decw$xtlibshrr5.exe/share"
-$ if need_xmu then write optf "sys$share:decw$xmulibshrr5.exe/share"
-$ if need_xm then write topt "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr12.exe/share"
-$ if need_xt then write topt "sys$share:decw$xtlibshrr5.exe/share"
-$ if need_xmu then write topt "sys$share:decw$xmulibshrr5.exe/share"
-$ endif
-$ GoTo MAIN
-$ XUI:
-$ if need_xt .or. need_xmu
-$ then
-$ write optf "Sys$share:DECW$DWTLIBSHR.EXE/Share"
-$ write topt "Sys$share:DECW$DWTLIBSHR.EXE/Share"
-$ endif
-$ MAIN:
-$ on error then goto err_exit
-$ write optf "sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
-$ write topt "sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
-$ return
-$! Check version of Xpdf to build
-$ open/read in [.xpdf]config.h
-$ check_string = "xpdfVersionNum"
-$ read/end=vdone in rec
-$ if (f$element(1," " ,rec) .nes. check_string) then goto vloop
-$ start = f$locate(check_string,rec) + f$length(check_string)
-$ len = f$length(rec) - start
-$ version = f$edit(f$extract(start,len,rec),"COLLAPSE")
-$ close in
-$ return