path: root/Build/source/libs/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/')
1 files changed, 890 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/ b/Build/source/libs/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f7bf4ec16d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+$ goto start
+This command file writes the command files in this directory,
+and sysconf.h in [.lib.t1lib], in [.lib.type1], and in
+[.xglyph]. Executing the in this directory will use the other files to compile the C files and put them in the T1 object library in
+this directory, and compile and link xglyph.
+Xglyph requires the xaw and xmu libraries; I used the libraries that came with
+ghostview. This command file looks for a required header file in
+X11_ROOT:[XAW]. If it does not find it looks for an X11 directory tree
+parallel to this tree. If it does not find it there, it creates the command
+file, but you have to edit it to tell it where the files and libraries are
+before you can execute it. I linked ghostview using the static version of xmu
+and xaw, so I link to object libraries instead of sharable images. I renamed
+the xaw3d directory to xaw in the x11 tree of ghostview so I did not have to
+change xglyph.c. To run xglyph on V6.* of VMS, you need to define T1LIB_CONFIG
+to be the T1LIB.CONFIG file in the xglyph directory; it will also not show the
+timing information on V6.*.
+I have compiled the library and run xglyph on VMS V6.2, both VAX and Alpha; I
+used DECC V5.6. I use IEEE floating on Alpha and G floating on VAX.
+John Hasstedt
+Physics Department
+State University of New York at Stony Brook
+- Extended the functionality to check for xaw/xmu also in the X11 path (which
+ is the most Unix compatible way to store them ;-).
+- Added tests for shareable version of the Xaw/Xmu libraries, using the
+ shareable images if the appropriate logicals are defined. If not the object
+ libraries are used as before.
+- Added support for type1afm build
+- Adapted to t1lib 0.9.2
+- Added support for absolute pathnames for font files under OpenVMS
+- First cut of an incremental build
+- Create a shareable image on OpenVMS Alpha
+- Add missing initialization for xaw_root
+- Clarify description of Xglyph as >>test<< application
+- Improved method to build options file for shareable image
+ (Thanks to Hartmut Becker
+- Add DECC$NO_ROOTED_SEARCH_LISTS definition to get Xglyph compile ok
+ on later versions of Compaq C
+- Save and restore user environment instead of just overwriting
+- Build example applications
+- Add options processing
+- Polish shareable image creation
+- Start work on version perserving case
+- Moving defines into sysconf.h, avoiding quote madness
+Martin Zinser
+$ ! If a user has a symbol cc or something else, don't use it.
+$ set symbol/scope=(nolocal,noglobal)
+$ say = "write sys$output"
+$ !
+$ say "Getting the version number"
+$ t1lib_identifier = "?.?"
+$ open/read in configure.
+$ read/end=done in rec
+$ if (f$element(0,"=",rec) .nes. "T1LIB_IDENTIFIER") then goto loop
+$ t1lib_identifier = f$element(1,"=",rec)
+$ close in
+$ !
+$ say "Creating"
+$ create
+$ open/append out
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+$ true = 1
+$ false = 0
+$ tmpnam = "temp_" + f$getjpi("","pid")
+$ tt = tmpnam + ".txt"
+$ tc = tmpnam + ".c"
+$ th = tmpnam + ".h"
+$ its_decc = false
+$ its_vaxc = false
+$ its_gnuc = false
+$ s_case = False
+$! Setup variables holding "config" information
+$ ccopt = ""
+$ lopts = ""
+$! Which command parameters were given
+$ gosub check_opts
+$ if (f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME") .eqs. "VAX")
+$ then
+$ float = "g_float"
+$ else
+$ float = "ieee_float"
+$ endif
+$ write out "$ cflags = ""/prefix=all/float=''float'"" + ccopt"
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+$! Marker for futher work with name=as_is compilation to work around
+$! fact that DECW shareable does not contain mixed case entry points
+$! TBD: Compile t1x11 and xglyph along the lines of [--]motif_name.h+'source'
+$! Make sure to get the include path to the "jackets" right
+$ if s_case
+$ then
+$ create motif_name.h
+$ open/append outh motif_name.h
+$ copy sys$input: outh
+$ deck/dollar="$ eoh"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define VMS_BEGIN_C_PLUS_PLUS extern "C" {
+#define VMS_END_C_PLUS_PLUS }
+#include "motif_redefines.h"
+$ eoh
+$ close outh
+$ endif
+$ set default [.lib.t1lib]
+$ write sys$output "Compiling in [.lib.type1]"
+$ set default [-.type1]
+$ set default [--]
+$ write sys$output "Creating t1.olb"
+$ library/create t1.olb [.lib.t1lib]*.obj,[.lib.type1]*.obj
+$ write sys$output "Creating xglyph.exe"
+$ set default [.xglyph]
+$ set default [-]
+$ write sys$output "Creating type1afm.exe"
+$ set default [.type1afm]
+$ set default [-]
+$ write sys$output "Creating example applications"
+$ set default [.examples]
+$ set default [-]
+$! Establish the Compiling Environment
+$ Cpu_Model = F$GetSYI("HW_MODEL")
+$ open/write optf t1.opt
+$ file = f$search("[.lib.t1lib]*.obj")
+$ if file .eqs. "" then goto TY_L
+$ write optf file
+$ goto t1_l
+$ file = f$search("[.lib.type1]*.obj")
+$ if file .eqs. "" then goto end_opt
+$ write optf file
+$ goto ty_l
+$ close/nolog optf
+$! Alpha gets a shareable image
+$ If Cpu_Model .gt. 1024
+$ Then
+$ write sys$output "Creating t1shr.exe"
+$ call anal_obj_axp t1.opt _link.opt
+$ open/append optf t1.opt
+$ if s_case then write optf "case_sensitive=YES"
+$ write optf "sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
+$ close optf
+$ LINK_/NODEB/SHARE=t1shr.exe t1.opt/opt,_link.opt/opt
+$ endif
+$ dele/noconf *.opt;*
+$ write sys$output "Done"
+$ exit
+$! Analyze Object files for OpenVMS AXP to extract Procedure and Data
+$! information to build a symbol vector for a shareable image
+$! All the "brains" of this logic was suggested by Hartmut Becker
+$! ( All the bugs were introduced by me
+$! (, so if you do have problem reports please do not
+$! bother Hartmut/HP, but get in touch with me
+$! Version history
+$! 0.01 20040406 Skip over shareable images in option file
+$! 0.02 20041109 Fix option file for shareable images with case_sensitive=YES
+$ ANAL_OBJ_AXP: Subroutine
+$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
+$ IF F$SEARCH("''P1'") .EQS. ""
+$ SAY "ANAL_OBJ_AXP-E-NOSUCHFILE: Error, inputfile ''p1' not available"
+$ goto exit_aa
+$ IF "''P2'" .EQS. ""
+$ SAY "ANAL_OBJ_AXP: Error, no output file provided"
+$ goto exit_aa
+$ open/read in 'p1
+$ create a.tmp
+$ open/append atmp a.tmp
+$ loop:
+$ read/end=end_loop in line
+$ if f$locate("/SHARE",f$edit(line,"upcase")) .lt. f$length(line)
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "ANAL_SKP_SHR-i-skipshare, ''line'"
+$ goto loop
+$ endif
+$ f= f$search(line)
+$ if f .eqs. ""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "ANAL_OBJ_AXP-w-nosuchfile, ''line'"
+$ goto loop
+$ endif
+$ define/user sys$output nl:
+$ define/user sys$error nl:
+$ anal/obj/gsd 'f /out=x.tmp
+$ open/read xtmp x.tmp
+$ read/end=end_xloop xtmp xline
+$ xline = f$edit(xline,"compress")
+$ write atmp xline
+$ goto xloop
+$ close xtmp
+$ goto loop
+$ end_loop:
+$ close in
+$ close atmp
+$ if f$search("a.tmp") .eqs. "" -
+ then $ exit
+$ ! all global definitions
+$ search a.tmp "symbol:","EGSY$V_DEF 1","EGSY$V_NORM 1"/out=b.tmp
+$ ! all procedures
+$ search b.tmp "EGSY$V_NORM 1"/wind=(0,1) /out=c.tmp
+$ search c.tmp "symbol:"/out=d.tmp
+$ define/user sys$output nl:
+$ edito/edt/command=sys$input d.tmp
+sub/symbol: "/symbol_vector=(/whole
+$ ! all data
+$ search b.tmp "EGSY$V_DEF 1"/wind=(0,1) /out=e.tmp
+$ search e.tmp "symbol:"/out=f.tmp
+$ define/user sys$output nl:
+$ edito/edt/command=sys$input f.tmp
+sub/symbol: "/symbol_vector=(/whole
+$ sort/nodupl d.tmp,f.tmp 'p2'
+$ delete a.tmp;*,b.tmp;*,c.tmp;*,d.tmp;*,e.tmp;*,f.tmp;*
+$ if f$search("x.tmp") .nes. "" -
+ then $ delete x.tmp;*
+$ if V then set verify
+$ endsubroutine
+$! Check command line options and set symbols accordingly
+$ i = 1
+$ if i .lt. 9
+$ then
+$ cparm = f$edit(p'i',"upcase")
+$ if cparm .eqs. "DEBUG"
+$ then
+$ ccopt = ccopt + "/noopt/deb"
+$ lopts = lopts + "/deb"
+$ endif
+$ if f$locate("CCOPT=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
+$ then
+$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
+$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
+$ ccopt = ccopt + f$extract(start,len,cparm)
+$ if f$locate("AS_IS",f$edit(ccopt,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(ccopt) -
+ then s_case = true
+$ endif
+$ if cparm .eqs. "LINK" then linkonly = true
+$ if f$locate("LOPTS=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
+$ then
+$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
+$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
+$ lopts = lopts + f$extract(start,len,cparm)
+$ endif
+$ if f$locate("CC=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
+$ then
+$ start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
+$ len = f$length(cparm) - start
+$ cc_com = f$extract(start,len,cparm)
+ if (cc_com .nes. "DECC") .and. -
+ (cc_com .nes. "VAXC") .and. -
+ (cc_com .nes. "GNUC")
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Unsupported compiler choice ''cc_com' ignored"
+$ write sys$output "Use DECC, VAXC, or GNUC instead"
+$ else
+$ if cc_com .eqs. "DECC" then its_decc = true
+$ if cc_com .eqs. "VAXC" then its_vaxc = true
+$ if cc_com .eqs. "GNUC" then its_gnuc = true
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ i = i + 1
+$ goto opt_loop
+$ endif
+$ return
+$ eod
+$ close out
+$ !
+$ say "Creating [.lib.t1lib]sysconf.h"
+$ cc sys$input:'ccopt'/float='float'/object=test.obj
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ FILE *f=fopen("[.lib.t1lib]sysconf.h", "w");
+ if (!f) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_CHAR %d\n", sizeof(char));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_SHORT %d\n", sizeof(short));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_INT %d\n", sizeof(int));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_LONG %d\n", sizeof(long));
+#ifdef __VAX
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG %d\n", sizeof(long));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG %d\n", sizeof(long long));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_FLOAT %d\n", sizeof(float));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_DOUBLE %d\n", sizeof(double));
+#ifdef __VAX
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE %d\n", sizeof(double));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE %d\n", sizeof(long double));
+ fprintf(f, "#define SIZEOF_VOID_P %d\n", sizeof(void *));
+$ link test
+$ run test
+$ open/append sysconf [.lib.t1lib]sysconf.h
+$ write sysconf ""
+$ write sysconf "#define T1_AA_TYPE16 short"
+$ write sysconf "#define T1_AA_TYPE32 int"
+$ write sysconf "#define T1_INT16 short"
+$ write sysconf "#define T1_INT32 int"
+$ write sysconf ""
+$ write sysconf "#define T1LIB_IDENT ", t1lib_identifier
+$ write sysconf ""
+$ write sysconf "#define GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR ""T1_FONT_DIR"""
+$ close sysconf
+$ delete test.obj;*,test.exe;*
+$ !
+$ say "Creating [.lib.t1lib]"
+$ copy sys$input: [.lib.t1lib]
+$ deck
+$ call make parseafm.obj "cc ''cflags' parseafm" -
+ parseafm.c
+$ call make t1aaset.obj "cc ''cflags' t1aaset" -
+ t1aaset.c
+$ call make t1afmtool.obj "cc ''cflags' t1afmtool" -
+ t1afmtool.c
+$ call make t1base.obj "cc ''cflags' t1base" -
+ t1base.c
+$ call make t1delete.obj "cc ''cflags' t1delete" -
+ t1delete.c
+$ call make t1enc.obj "cc ''cflags' t1enc" -
+ t1enc.c
+$ call make t1env.obj "cc ''cflags' t1env" -
+ t1env.c
+$ call make t1finfo.obj "cc ''cflags' t1finfo" -
+ t1finfo.c
+$ call make t1load.obj "cc ''cflags' t1load" -
+ t1load.c
+$ call make t1outline.obj "cc ''cflags' t1outline" -
+ t1outline.c
+$ call make t1set.obj "cc ''cflags' t1set" -
+ t1set.c
+$ call make t1subset.obj "cc ''cflags' t1subset" -
+ t1subset.c
+$ call make t1trans.obj "cc ''cflags' t1trans" -
+ t1trans.c
+$ call make t1x11.obj "cc ''cflags' t1x11" -
+ t1x11.c
+$ exit
+$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
+$! P1 = What we are trying to make
+$! P2 = Command to make it
+$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
+$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
+$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
+$ Argument = P'arg
+$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
+$ El=0
+$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
+$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
+$ AFile = ""
+$ OFile = AFile
+$ AFile = F$Search(File)
+$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
+$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
+$ Goto Loop3
+$ El = El + 1
+$ Goto Loop2
+$ arg=arg+1
+$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
+$ Goto Exit
+$ write sys$output P2
+$ 'P2
+$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
+$ If V Then Set Verify
+$ !
+$ say "Creating [.lib.type1]"
+$ create [.lib.type1]
+$ deck
+$! Just some general variables
+$ true = 1
+$ false = 0
+$ tmpnam = "temp_" + f$getjpi("","pid")
+$ tc = tmpnam + ".c"
+$ gosub check_function
+$ call make arith.obj "cc ''cflags' arith" -
+ arith.c
+$ call make curves.obj "cc ''cflags' curves" -
+ curves.c
+$ call make fontfcn.obj "cc ''cflags' fontfcn" -
+ fontfcn.c
+$ call make hints.obj "cc ''cflags' hints" -
+ hints.c
+$ call make lines.obj "cc ''cflags' lines" -
+ lines.c
+$ call make objects.obj "cc ''cflags' objects" -
+ objects.c
+$ call make paths.obj "cc ''cflags' paths" -
+ paths.c
+$ call make regions.obj "cc ''cflags' regions" -
+ regions.c
+$ call make scanfont.obj "cc ''cflags' scanfont" -
+ scanfont.c
+$ call make spaces.obj "cc ''cflags' spaces" -
+ spaces.c
+$ call make t1io.obj "cc ''cflags' t1io" -
+ t1io.c
+$ call make t1snap.obj "cc ''cflags' t1snap" -
+ t1snap.c
+$ call make t1stub.obj "cc ''cflags' t1stub" -
+ t1stub.c
+$ call make token.obj "cc ''cflags' token" -
+ token.c
+$ call make type1.obj "cc ''cflags' type1" -
+ type1.c
+$ call make util.obj "cc ''cflags' util" -
+ util.c
+$ exit
+$! Check if a specific function needs to be implemented
+$! bstring --> memset ...
+$ func = "bstring"
+$ hfile = ""
+$ open/write tmpc 'tc
+$ write tmpc "#include <string.h>"
+$ write tmpc "#include <stdlib.h>"
+$ write tmpc "int main(){"
+$ write tmpc " memset(NULL,1,1);"
+$ write tmpc "}"
+$ close tmpc
+$ gosub cc_prop_check
+$ return
+$! Check for properties of C/C++ compiler
+$ cc_prop = false
+$ set message/nofac/noident/nosever/notext
+$ on error then continue
+$ cc 'all_cflags' 'tmpnam'
+$ if $status then cc_prop = true
+$ set message/fac/ident/sever/text
+$ delete/nolog 'tmpnam'.*;*
+$ if cc_prop
+$ then
+$ if (func .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Function ''func' implemented in C RTL"
+$ else
+$ write sys$output "h-file ''hfile' part of C RTL"
+$ endif
+$ else
+$ if (func .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ CALL MAKE 'func'.OBJ "CC ''cflags' ''func'.C" 'func'.C
+$ endif
+$ if (hfile .nes. "") then copy 'hfile'.h_in 'hfile'.h
+$ endif
+$ return
+$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
+$! P1 = What we are trying to make
+$! P2 = Command to make it
+$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
+$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
+$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
+$ Argument = P'arg
+$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
+$ El=0
+$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
+$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
+$ AFile = ""
+$ OFile = AFile
+$ AFile = F$Search(File)
+$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
+$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
+$ Goto Loop3
+$ El = El + 1
+$ Goto Loop2
+$ arg=arg+1
+$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
+$ Goto Exit
+$ write sys$output P2
+$ 'P2
+$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
+$ If V Then Set Verify
+$ !
+$ say "Creating [.xglyph]"
+$ xaw_root = ""
+$ check_xaw = "X11_ROOT,X11"
+$ check_rel = f$parse("[-.x11]") - "].;"
+$ if (check_rel .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ define rel_loc "''check_rel'.]"
+$ check_xaw = check_xaw + ",rel_loc"
+$ endif
+$ i = 0
+$ dir = f$element(i,",",check_xaw)
+$ if (dir.nes.",")
+$ then
+$ if ( f$search("''dir':[xaw]label.h") .nes. "" ) then xaw_root = dir
+$ i = i + 1
+$ goto search_xaw
+$ endif
+$ create [.xglyph]
+$ open/append out [.xglyph]
+$ if (xaw_root .eqs. "")
+$ then
+$ say "I could not locate the xaw and xmu files. In case you want"
+$ say "to build the Xglyph test application you need to edit"
+$ say "[.xglyph] to add appropriate paths."
+$ write out "$ type/nopage sys$input"
+$ write out "In case you want to build the Xglyph test application you"
+$ write out "need to edit this file to delete the exit command and define"
+$ write out "the dir symbol for the location of the xmu and xaw libraries."
+$ write out "$ exit"
+$ write out "$ xaw_root = ""<disk>:[dir.X11"""
+$ else
+$ write out "$ xaw_root = ""''xaw_root'"""
+$ endif
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+$ if (f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME") .eqs. "VAX")
+$ then
+$ olb_dir = "exe"
+$ else
+$ olb_dir = "exe_alpha"
+$ endif
+$ save_x11_dir = f$trnlnm("x11_directory")
+$ save_xmu_dir = f$trnlnm("xmu_directory")
+$ save_xaw_dir = f$trnlnm("xaw_directory")
+$ save_olb_dir = f$trnlnm("olb_directory")
+$ save_dnrsl = f$trnlnm("decc$no_rooted_search_lists")
+$ if (xaw_root.nes."X11") then define x11 'xaw_root',decw$include:
+$ define x11_directory decw$include:
+$ define xmu_directory 'xaw_root':[xmu]
+$ define xaw_directory 'xaw_root':[xaw]
+$ define olb_directory 'xaw_root':['olb_dir']
+$ open/write optf xglyph.opt
+$ write optf "xglyph.obj"
+$ write optf "[-]t1.olb/library"
+$ write optf "sys$share:decc$shr.exe/share"
+$ write optf "sys$share:decw$xextlibshr/share"
+$ write optf "sys$share:decw$xlibshr/share"
+$ write optf "sys$share:decw$xtlibshrr5/share"
+$ if (f$trnlnm("xaw3dlibshr").nes."")
+$ then
+$ write optf "xaw3dlibshr/share"
+$ else
+$ write optf "olb_directory:xaw3dlib/library"
+$ endif
+$ if (f$trnlnm("xmulibshr").nes."")
+$ then
+$ write optf "xmulibshr/share"
+$ else
+$ write optf "olb_directory:xmulib/library"
+$ endif
+$ close optf
+$ call make xglyph.obj "cc ''cflags' xglyph.c" -
+ xglyph.c
+$ call make xglyph.obj "link xglyph.opt/option" -
+ xglyph.obj [-]t1.olb
+$ if (save_x11_dir .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ define x11_directory 'save_x11_dir'
+$ else
+$ deassign x11_directory
+$ endif
+$ if (save_xmu_dir .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ define xmu_directory 'save_xmu_dir'
+$ else
+$ deassign xmu_directory
+$ endif
+$ if (save_xaw_dir .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ define xaw_directory 'save_xaw_dir'
+$ else
+$ deassign xaw_directory
+$ endif
+$ if (save_olb_dir .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ define olb_directory 'save_olb_dir'
+$ else
+$ deassign olb_directory
+$ endif
+$ if (save_dnrsl .nes. "")
+$ then
+$ define DECC$NO_ROOTED_SEARCH_LISTS 'save_dnrsl'
+$ else
+$ endif
+$ exit
+$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
+$! P1 = What we are trying to make
+$! P2 = Command to make it
+$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
+$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
+$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
+$ Argument = P'arg
+$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
+$ El=0
+$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
+$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
+$ AFile = ""
+$ OFile = AFile
+$ AFile = F$Search(File)
+$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
+$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
+$ Goto Loop3
+$ El = El + 1
+$ Goto Loop2
+$ arg=arg+1
+$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
+$ Goto Exit
+$ write sys$output P2
+$ 'P2
+$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
+$ If V Then Set Verify
+$ close out
+$ say "Creating [.type1afm]"
+$ create [.type1afm]
+$ open/append out [.type1afm]
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+$ call make type1afm.obj "cc ''cflags' type1afm.c" -
+ type1afm.c
+$ call make type1afm.exe "link type1afm,[-]t1/library" -
+ type1afm.obj [-]t1.olb
+$ exit
+$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
+$! P1 = What we are trying to make
+$! P2 = Command to make it
+$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
+$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
+$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
+$ Argument = P'arg
+$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
+$ El=0
+$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
+$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
+$ AFile = ""
+$ OFile = AFile
+$ AFile = F$Search(File)
+$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
+$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
+$ Goto Loop3
+$ El = El + 1
+$ Goto Loop2
+$ arg=arg+1
+$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
+$ Goto Exit
+$ write sys$output P2
+$ 'P2
+$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
+$ If V Then Set Verify
+$ close out
+$ say "Creating [.examples]"
+$ create [.examples]
+$ open/append out [.examples]
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+$ call make subset.obj "cc ''cflags' subset.c" -
+ subset.c
+$ call make subset.exe "link subset,[-]t1/library" -
+ subset.obj [-]t1.olb
+$ call make t1example1.obj "cc ''cflags' /include=[-.lib.t1lib] t1example1.c" -
+ t1example1.c
+$ call make t1example1.exe "link t1example1,[-]t1/library" -
+ t1example1.obj [-]t1.olb
+$ exit
+$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
+$! P1 = What we are trying to make
+$! P2 = Command to make it
+$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
+$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
+$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
+$ Argument = P'arg
+$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
+$ El=0
+$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
+$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
+$ AFile = ""
+$ OFile = AFile
+$ AFile = F$Search(File)
+$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
+$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
+$ Goto Loop3
+$ El = El + 1
+$ Goto Loop2
+$ arg=arg+1
+$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
+$ Goto Exit
+$ write sys$output P2
+$ 'P2
+$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
+$ If V Then Set Verify
+$ close out
+$ say "Creating [.examples]t1libvms.config"
+$ create [.examples]t1libconf.fdl
+$ open/append out [.examples]t1libconf.fdl
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+IDENT "T1lib config file"
+ ORGANIZATION sequential
+ CARRIAGE_CONTROL carriage_return
+ FORMAT stream_lf
+$ close out
+$ create/fdl=[.examples]t1libconf.fdl [.examples]t1libvms.config
+$ open/append out [.examples]t1libvms.config
+$ copy sys$input: out
+$ deck
+This is a configuration file for t1lib
+$ close out
+$ exit