path: root/Build/source/libs/potrace/potrace-src/src/lzw.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/potrace/potrace-src/src/lzw.c')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/potrace/potrace-src/src/lzw.c b/Build/source/libs/potrace/potrace-src/src/lzw.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5281bba274b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/potrace/potrace-src/src/lzw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Peter Selinger.
+ This file is part of Potrace. It is free software and it is covered
+ by the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. */
+/* code for adaptive LZW compression, as used in PostScript. */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lists.h"
+#include "bitops.h"
+#include "lzw.h"
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* compression state specification */
+/* The compression algorithm follows the following specification,
+ expressed as a state machine. A state is a triple {s,d,n}, where s
+ is a string of input symbols, d is a dictionary, which is a
+ function from strings to output symbols, and n is the dictionary
+ size, or equivalently, the next unused output symbol. There are
+ also special states init and stop. emit[b, code] is a function
+ which emits the code 'code' as a b-bit value into the output
+ bitstream. hibit(n) returns the least number of binary digits
+ required to represent n.
+ init ---> {[], newdict, 258}
+ where [] is the empty string, and newdict maps each of the 256
+ singleton strings to itself. (Note that there are two special
+ output symbols 256 and 257, so that the next available one is
+ 258). Note: hibit(258)=9.
+ {[], d, n} (input c) ---> (emit[hibit(n), 256]) {c, d, n}
+ {s,d,n} (input c) ---> {s*c,d,n}
+ if s!=[], s*c is in the domain of d. Here s*c is the strings s
+ extended by the character c.
+ {s,d,n} (input c) ---> (emit[hibit(n), d(s)]) {c,d',n+1}
+ if s!=[], s*c is not in the domain of d, and hibit(n+2) <= 12.
+ Here d'=d+{s*c->n}.
+ {s,d,n} (input c) --->
+ (emit[hibit(n), d(s)]) (emit[hibit(n+1), 256]) {c, newdict, 258}
+ if s!=[], s*c is not in the domain of d, and hibit(n+2) > 12.
+ {s,d,n} (input EOD) ---> (emit[hibit(n), d(s)]) (emit[hibit(n+1), 257]) stop
+ where s != []. Here, EOD stands for end-of-data.
+ {[],d,n} (input EOD) ---> (emit[hibit(n), 256]) (emit[hibit(n), 257]) stop
+ Notes:
+ * Each reachable state {s,d,n} satisfies hibit(n+1) <= 12.
+ * Only codes of 12 or fewer bits are emitted.
+ * Each reachable state {s,d,n} satisfies s=[] or s is in the domain of d.
+ * The domain of d is always prefix closed (except for the empty prefix)
+ * The state machine is deterministic and non-blocking.
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* private state */
+#define BITBUF_TYPE unsigned int
+/* the dictionary is implemented as a tree of strings under the prefix
+ order. The tree is in turns represented as a linked list of
+ lzw_dict_t structures, with "children" pointing to a node's first
+ child, and "next" pointing to a node's next sibling. As an
+ optimization, the top-level nodes (singleton strings) are
+ implemented lazily, i.e., the corresponding entry is not actually
+ created until it is accessed. */
+struct lzw_dict_s {
+ char c; /* last character of string represented by this entry */
+ int code; /* code for the string represented by this entry */
+ int freq; /* how often searched? For optimization only */
+ struct lzw_dict_s *children; /* list of sub-entries */
+ struct lzw_dict_s *next; /* for making a linked list */
+typedef struct lzw_dict_s lzw_dict_t;
+/* A state {s,d,n} is represented by the "dictionary state" part of
+ the lzw_state_t structure. Here, s is a pointer directly to the node
+ of the dictionary structure corresponding to the string s, or NULL
+ if s=[]. Further, the lzw_state_t structure contains a buffer of
+ pending output bits, and a flag indicating whether the EOD (end of
+ data) has been reached in the input. */
+struct lzw_state_s {
+ /* dictionary state */
+ int n; /* current size of the dictionary */
+ lzw_dict_t *d; /* pointer to dictionary */
+ lzw_dict_t *s; /* pointer to current string, or NULL at beginning */
+ /* buffers for pending output */
+ BITBUF_TYPE buf; /* bits scheduled for output - left aligned, 0 padded */
+ int bufsize; /* number of bits scheduled for output. */
+ int eod; /* flush buffer? */
+typedef struct lzw_state_s lzw_state_t;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* auxiliary functions which operate on dictionary states */
+/* recursively free an lzw_dict_t object */
+static void lzw_free_dict(lzw_dict_t *s) {
+ lzw_dict_t *e;
+ list_forall_unlink(e, s) {
+ lzw_free_dict(e->children);
+ free(e);
+ }
+/* re-initialize the lzw state's dictionary state to "newdict",
+ freeing any old dictionary. */
+static void lzw_clear_table(lzw_state_t *st) {
+ lzw_free_dict(st->d);
+ st->d = NULL;
+ st->n = 258;
+ st->s = NULL;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* auxiliary functions for reading/writing the bit buffer */
+/* write the code to the bit buffer. Precondition st->bufsize <= 7.
+ Note: this does not change the dictionary state; in particular,
+ n must be updated between consecutive calls. */
+static inline void lzw_emit(int code, lzw_state_t *st) {
+ int bits = hibit(st->n);
+ /* fill bit buffer */
+ mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
+ code &= mask;
+ st->buf |= code << (8*sizeof(BITBUF_TYPE) - st->bufsize - bits);
+ st->bufsize += bits;
+/* transfer one byte from bit buffer to output. Precondition:
+ s->avail_out > 0. */
+static inline void lzw_read_bitbuf(lzw_stream_t *s) {
+ int ch;
+ lzw_state_t *st = (lzw_state_t *)s->internal;
+ ch = st->buf >> (8*sizeof(BITBUF_TYPE)-8);
+ st->buf <<= 8;
+ st->bufsize -= 8;
+ s->next_out[0] = ch;
+ s->next_out++;
+ s->avail_out--;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The following functions implement the state machine. */
+/* perform state transition of the state st on input character
+ ch. This updates the dictionary state and/or writes to the bit
+ buffer. Precondition: st->bufsize <= 7. Return 0 on success, or 1
+ on error with errno set. */
+static int lzw_encode_char(lzw_state_t *st, char c) {
+ lzw_dict_t *e;
+ /* st = {s,d,n}. hibit(n+1)<=12. */
+ /* {[], d, n} (input c) ---> (emit[hibit(n), 256]) {c, d, n} */
+ if (st->s == NULL) {
+ lzw_emit(256, st);
+ goto singleton; /* enter singleton state c */
+ }
+ /* {s,d,n} (input c) ---> {s*c,d,n} */
+ list_find(e, st->s->children, e->c == c);
+ if (e) {
+ e->freq++;
+ st->s = e;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* {s,d,n} (input c) ---> (emit[hibit(n), d(s)]) {c,d',n+1} */
+ /* {s,d,n} (input c) --->
+ (emit[hibit(n), d(s)]) (emit[hibit(n+1), 256]) {c, newdict, 258} */
+ lzw_emit(st->s->code, st); /* 9-12 bits */
+ if (st->n >= 4094) { /* hibit(n+2) > 12 */
+ st->n++;
+ lzw_emit(256, st);
+ goto dictfull; /* reset dictionary and enter singleton state c */
+ }
+ /* insert new code in dictionary, if possible */
+ e = (lzw_dict_t *)malloc(sizeof(lzw_dict_t));
+ if (!e) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ e->c = c;
+ e->code = st->n;
+ e->freq = 1;
+ e->children = NULL;
+ list_prepend(st->s->children, e);
+ st->n++;
+ goto singleton; /* enter singleton state c */
+ dictfull: /* reset dictionary and enter singleton state c */
+ lzw_clear_table(st);
+ /* fall through */
+ singleton: /* enter singleton state c */
+ list_find(e, st->d, e->c == c);
+ if (!e) { /* not found: lazily add it */
+ e = (lzw_dict_t *)malloc(sizeof(lzw_dict_t));
+ if (!e) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ e->c = c;
+ e->code = (int)(unsigned char)c;
+ e->freq = 0;
+ e->children = NULL;
+ list_prepend(st->d, e);
+ }
+ e->freq++;
+ st->s = e;
+ return 0;
+/* perform state transition of the state st on input EOD. The leaves
+ the dictionary state undefined and writes to the bit buffer.
+ Precondition: st->bufsize <= 7. This function must be called
+ exactly once, at the end of the stream. */
+static void lzw_encode_eod(lzw_state_t *st) {
+ /* {[],d,n} (input EOD) --->
+ (emit[hibit(n), 256]) (emit[hibit(n), 257]) stop */
+ if (st->s == NULL) {
+ lzw_emit(256, st); /* 9 bits */
+ st->n=258;
+ lzw_emit(257, st); /* 9 bits */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* {s,d,n} (input EOD) --->
+ (emit[hibit(n), code]) (emit[hibit(n+1), 257]) stop */
+ lzw_emit(st->s->code, st); /* 9-12 bits */
+ st->n++;
+ lzw_emit(257, st); /* 9-12 bits */
+ return;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* User visible functions. These implement a buffer interface. See
+ lzw.h for the API description. */
+lzw_stream_t *lzw_init(void) {
+ lzw_stream_t *s = NULL;
+ lzw_state_t *st = NULL;
+ s = (lzw_stream_t *)malloc(sizeof(lzw_stream_t));
+ if (s==NULL) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ st = (lzw_state_t *)malloc(sizeof(lzw_state_t));
+ if (st==NULL) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ st->buf = 0;
+ st->bufsize = 0;
+ st->eod = 0;
+ st->d = NULL;
+ lzw_clear_table(st);
+ s->internal = (void *) st;
+ return s;
+ fail:
+ free(s);
+ free(st);
+ return NULL;
+int lzw_compress(lzw_stream_t *s, int mode) {
+ int r;
+ lzw_state_t *st = (lzw_state_t *)s->internal;
+ while (st->eod == 0) {
+ /* empty bit buffer */
+ while (st->bufsize > 7) {
+ if (s->avail_out == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ lzw_read_bitbuf(s);
+ }
+ }
+ /* fill bit buffer */
+ if (s->avail_in == 0) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ r = lzw_encode_char(st, s->next_in[0]);
+ if (r) {
+ if (r==2) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ s->next_in++;
+ s->avail_in--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode==LZW_EOD && st->eod == 0) {
+ st->eod = 1;
+ lzw_encode_eod(st);
+ }
+ /* flush bit buffer */
+ if (st->eod) {
+ while (st->bufsize > 0) {
+ if (s->avail_out == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ lzw_read_bitbuf(s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void lzw_free(lzw_stream_t *s) {
+ lzw_state_t *st = (lzw_state_t *)s->internal;
+ lzw_free_dict(st->d);
+ free(st);
+ free(s);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* main function for testing and illustration purposes */
+#ifdef LZW_MAIN
+int main() {
+ lzw_stream_t *s;
+ int ch;
+ char inbuf[100];
+ char outbuf[100];
+ int i, r;
+ int mode;
+ s = lzw_init();
+ if (!s) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ mode = LZW_NORMAL;
+ while (1) {
+ /* fill inbuf */
+ for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
+ ch = fgetc(stdin);
+ if (ch==EOF) {
+ break;
+ }
+ inbuf[i] = ch;
+ }
+ if (i<100) { /* end of input */
+ mode = LZW_EOD;
+ }
+ /* compress */
+ s->next_in = inbuf;
+ s->avail_in = i;
+ do {
+ s->next_out = outbuf;
+ s->avail_out = 100;
+ r = lzw_compress(s, mode);
+ if (r) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ fwrite(outbuf, 1, 100-s->avail_out, stdout);
+ } while (s->avail_out==0);
+ if (mode == LZW_EOD) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ lzw_free(s);
+ return 0;
+ error:
+ fprintf(stderr, "lzw: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ lzw_free(s);
+ return 1;