path: root/Build/source/libs/mpfr/mpfr-src/TODO
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+Copyright 1999-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Contributed by the AriC and Caramel projects, INRIA.
+This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library.
+The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see
+ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+Table of contents:
+1. Documentation
+2. Installation
+3. Changes in existing functions
+4. New functions to implement
+5. Efficiency
+6. Miscellaneous
+7. Portability
+1. Documentation
+- add a description of the algorithms used + proof of correctness
+2. Installation
+- if we want to distinguish GMP and MPIR, we can check at configure time
+ the following symbols which are only defined in MPIR:
+ #define __MPIR_VERSION 0
+ #define __MPIR_VERSION_MINOR 9
+ There is also a library symbol mpir_version, which should match VERSION, set
+ by configure, for example 0.9.0.
+3. Changes in existing functions
+- export mpfr_overflow and mpfr_underflow as public functions
+- many functions currently taking into account the precision of the *input*
+ variable to set the initial working precison (acosh, asinh, cosh, ...).
+ This is nonsense since the "average" working precision should only depend
+ on the precision of the *output* variable (and maybe on the *value* of
+ the input in case of cancellation).
+ -> remove those dependencies from the input precision.
+- mpfr_can_round:
+ change the meaning of the 2nd argument (err). Currently the error is
+ at most 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err), i.e. err is the relative shift wrt the
+ most significant bit of the approximation. I propose that the error
+ is now at most 2^err ulps of the approximation, i.e.
+ 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-MPFR_PREC(b)+err).
+- mpfr_set_q first tries to convert the numerator and the denominator
+ to mpfr_t. But this conversion may fail even if the correctly rounded
+ result is representable. New way to implement:
+ Function q = a/b. nq = PREC(q) na = PREC(a) nb = PREC(b)
+ If na < nb
+ a <- a*2^(nb-na)
+ n <- na-nb+ (HIGH(a,nb) >= b)
+ if (n >= nq)
+ bb <- b*2^(n-nq)
+ a = q*bb+r --> q has exactly n bits.
+ else
+ aa <- a*2^(nq-n)
+ aa = q*b+r --> q has exactly n bits.
+ If RNDN, takes nq+1 bits. (See also the new division function).
+4. New functions to implement
+- implement mpfr_q_sub, mpfr_z_div, mpfr_q_div?
+- implement functions for random distributions, see for example
+ (suggested by Charles Karney <>, 18 Jan 2010):
+ * a Bernoulli distribution with prob p/q (exact)
+ * a general discrete distribution (i with prob w[i]/sum(w[i]) (Walker
+ algorithm, but make it exact)
+ * a uniform distribution in (a,b)
+ * exponential distribution (mean lambda) (von Neumann's method?)
+ * normal distribution (mean m, s.d. sigma) (ratio method?)
+- wanted for Magma [John Cannon <>, Tue, 19 Apr 2005]:
+ HypergeometricU(a,b,s) = 1/gamma(a)*int(exp(-su)*u^(a-1)*(1+u)^(b-a-1),
+ u=0..infinity)
+ JacobiThetaNullK
+ PolylogP, PolylogD, PolylogDold: see
+ and the references herein.
+ JBessel(n, x) = BesselJ(n+1/2, x)
+ IncompleteGamma [also wanted by <> 4 Feb 2008: Gamma(a,x),
+ gamma(a,x), P(a,x), Q(a,x); see A&S 6.5, ref. [Smith01] in algorithms.bib]
+ KBessel, KBessel2 [2nd kind]
+ JacobiTheta
+ LogIntegral
+ ExponentialIntegralE1
+ E1(z) = int(exp(-t)/t, t=z..infinity), |arg z| < Pi
+ mpfr_eint1: implement E1(x) for x > 0, and Ei(-x) for x < 0
+ E1(NaN) = NaN
+ E1(+Inf) = +0
+ E1(-Inf) = -Inf
+ E1(+0) = +Inf
+ E1(-0) = -Inf
+ DawsonIntegral
+ GammaD(x) = Gamma(x+1/2)
+- functions defined in the LIA-2 standard
+ + minimum and maximum (5.2.2): max, min, max_seq, min_seq, mmax_seq
+ and mmin_seq (mpfr_min and mpfr_max correspond to mmin and mmax);
+ + rounding_rest, floor_rest, ceiling_rest (5.2.4);
+ + remr (5.2.5): x - round(x/y) y;
+ + error functions from 5.2.7 (if useful in MPFR);
+ + power1pm1 ( (1 + x)^y - 1;
+ + logbase ( \log_x(y);
+ + logbase1p1p ( \log_{1+x}(1+y);
+ + rad ( x - round(x / (2 pi)) 2 pi = remr(x, 2 pi);
+ + axis_rad ( if useful in MPFR;
+ + cycle ( rad(2 pi x / u) u / (2 pi) = remr(x, u);
+ + axis_cycle ( if useful in MPFR;
+ + sinu, cosu, tanu, cotu, secu, cscu, cossinu, arcsinu, arccosu,
+ arctanu, arccotu, arcsecu, arccscu (5.3.10.{2..14}):
+ sin(x 2 pi / u), etc.;
+ [from which sinpi(x) = sin(Pi*x), ... are trivial to implement, with u=2.]
+ + arcu ( arctan2(y,x) u / (2 pi);
+ + rad_to_cycle, cycle_to_rad, cycle_to_cycle (5.3.11.{1..3}).
+- From GSL, missing special functions (if useful in MPFR):
+ (cf
+ + The Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) defined by the integral representations:
+ * Ai(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty \cos((1/3) t^3 + xt) dt
+ * Bi(x) = (1/\pi) \int_0^\infty (e^(-(1/3) t^3) + \sin((1/3) t^3 + xt)) dt
+ * Derivatives of Airy Functions
+ + The Bessel functions for n integer and n fractional:
+ * Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions I_n
+ * Irregular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions K_n
+ * Regular Spherical Bessel Functions j_n: j_0(x) = \sin(x)/x,
+ j_1(x)= (\sin(x)/x-\cos(x))/x & j_2(x)= ((3/x^2-1)\sin(x)-3\cos(x)/x)/x
+ Note: the "spherical" Bessel functions are solutions of
+ x^2 y'' + 2 x y' + [x^2 - n (n+1)] y = 0 and satisfy
+ j_n(x) = sqrt(Pi/(2x)) J_{n+1/2}(x). They should not be mixed with the
+ classical Bessel Functions, also noted j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn in C99
+ and mpfr.
+ Cf
+ *Irregular Spherical Bessel Functions y_n: y_0(x) = -\cos(x)/x,
+ y_1(x)= -(\cos(x)/x+\sin(x))/x &
+ y_2(x)= (-3/x^3+1/x)\cos(x)-(3/x^2)\sin(x)
+ * Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions i_n:
+ i_l(x) = \sqrt{\pi/(2x)} I_{l+1/2}(x)
+ * Irregular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions:
+ k_l(x) = \sqrt{\pi/(2x)} K_{l+1/2}(x).
+ + Clausen Function:
+ Cl_2(x) = - \int_0^x dt \log(2 \sin(t/2))
+ Cl_2(\theta) = \Im Li_2(\exp(i \theta)) (dilogarithm).
+ + Dawson Function: \exp(-x^2) \int_0^x dt \exp(t^2).
+ + Debye Functions: D_n(x) = n/x^n \int_0^x dt (t^n/(e^t - 1))
+ + Elliptic Integrals:
+ * Definition of Legendre Forms:
+ F(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/\sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
+ E(\phi,k) = \int_0^\phi dt \sqrt((1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
+ P(\phi,k,n) = \int_0^\phi dt 1/((1 + n \sin^2(t))\sqrt(1 - k^2 \sin^2(t)))
+ * Complete Legendre forms are denoted by
+ K(k) = F(\pi/2, k)
+ E(k) = E(\pi/2, k)
+ * Definition of Carlson Forms
+ RC(x,y) = 1/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1)
+ RD(x,y,z) = 3/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-3/2)
+ RF(x,y,z) = 1/2 \int_0^\infty dt (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-1/2)
+ RJ(x,y,z,p) = 3/2 \int_0^\infty dt
+ (t+x)^(-1/2) (t+y)^(-1/2) (t+z)^(-1/2) (t+p)^(-1)
+ + Elliptic Functions (Jacobi)
+ + N-relative exponential:
+ exprel_N(x) = N!/x^N (\exp(x) - \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} x^k/k!)
+ + exponential integral:
+ E_2(x) := \Re \int_1^\infty dt \exp(-xt)/t^2.
+ Ei_3(x) = \int_0^x dt \exp(-t^3) for x >= 0.
+ Ei(x) := - PV(\int_{-x}^\infty dt \exp(-t)/t)
+ + Hyperbolic/Trigonometric Integrals
+ Shi(x) = \int_0^x dt \sinh(t)/t
+ Chi(x) := Re[ \gamma_E + \log(x) + \int_0^x dt (\cosh[t]-1)/t]
+ Si(x) = \int_0^x dt \sin(t)/t
+ Ci(x) = -\int_x^\infty dt \cos(t)/t for x > 0
+ AtanInt(x) = \int_0^x dt \arctan(t)/t
+ [ \gamma_E is the Euler constant ]
+ + Fermi-Dirac Function:
+ F_j(x) := (1/r\Gamma(j+1)) \int_0^\infty dt (t^j / (\exp(t-x) + 1))
+ + Pochhammer symbol (a)_x := \Gamma(a + x)/\Gamma(a) : see [Smith01] in
+ algorithms.bib
+ logarithm of the Pochhammer symbol
+ + Gegenbauer Functions
+ + Laguerre Functions
+ + Eta Function: \eta(s) = (1-2^{1-s}) \zeta(s)
+ Hurwitz zeta function: \zeta(s,q) = \sum_0^\infty (k+q)^{-s}.
+ + Lambert W Functions, W(x) are defined to be solutions of the equation:
+ W(x) \exp(W(x)) = x.
+ This function has multiple branches for x < 0 (2 funcs W0(x) and Wm1(x))
+ + Trigamma Function psi'(x).
+ and Polygamma Function: psi^{(m)}(x) for m >= 0, x > 0.
+- from gnumeric (
+ - beta
+ - betaln
+ - degrees
+ - radians
+ - sqrtpi
+- mpfr_inp_raw, mpfr_out_raw (cf mail "Serialization of mpfr_t" from Alexey
+ and answer from Granlund on mpfr list, May 2007)
+- [maybe useful for SAGE] implement companion frac_* functions to the rint_*
+ functions. For example mpfr_frac_floor(x) = x - floor(x). (The current
+ mpfr_frac function corresponds to mpfr_rint_trunc.)
+- scaled erfc (
+- asec, acsc, acot, asech, acsch and acoth (mail from Björn Terelius on mpfr
+ list, 18 June 2009)
+5. Efficiency
+- implement a mpfr_sqrthigh algorithm based on Mulders' algorithm, with a
+ basecase variant
+- use mpn_div_q to speed up mpfr_div. However mpn_div_q, which is new in
+ GMP 5, is not documented in the GMP manual, thus we are not sure it
+ guarantees to return the same quotient as mpn_tdiv_qr.
+ Also mpfr_div uses the remainder computed by mpn_divrem. A workaround would
+ be to first try with mpn_div_q, and if we cannot (easily) compute the
+ rounding, then use the current code with mpn_divrem.
+- compute exp by using the series for cosh or sinh, which has half the terms
+ (see Exercise 4.11 from Modern Computer Arithmetic, version 0.3)
+ The same method can be used for log, using the series for atanh, i.e.,
+ atanh(x) = 1/2*log((1+x)/(1-x)).
+- improve mpfr_gamma (see A possible
+ idea is to implement a fast algorithm for the argument reconstruction
+ gamma(x+k). One could also use the series for 1/gamma(x), see for example
+ or formula (36) from
+- fix regression with mpfr_mpz_root (from Keith Briggs, 5 July 2006), for
+ example on 3Ghz P4 with gmp-4.2, x=12.345:
+ prec=50000 k=2 k=3 k=10 k=100
+ mpz_root 0.036 0.072 0.476 7.628
+ mpfr_mpz_root 0.004 0.004 0.036 12.20
+ See also mail from Carl Witty on mpfr list, 09 Oct 2007.
+- implement Mulders algorithm for squaring and division
+- for sparse input (say x=1 with 2 bits), mpfr_exp is not faster than for
+ full precision when precision <= MPFR_EXP_THRESHOLD. The reason is
+ that argument reduction kills sparsity. Maybe avoid argument reduction
+ for sparse input?
+- speed up const_euler for large precision [for x=1.1, prec=16610, it takes
+ 75% of the total time of eint(x)!]
+- speed up mpfr_atan for large arguments (to speed up mpc_log)
+ [from Mark Watkins on Fri, 18 Mar 2005]
+ Also mpfr_atan(x) seems slower (by a factor of 2) for x near from 1.
+ Example on a Athlon for 10^5 bits: x=1.1 takes 3s, whereas 2.1 takes 1.8s.
+ The current implementation does not give monotonous timing for the following:
+ mpfr_random (x); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) mpfr_atan (y, x, MPFR_RNDN);
+ for precision 300 and k=1000, we get 1070ms, and 500ms only for p=400!
+- improve mpfr_sin on values like ~pi (do not compute sin from cos, because
+ of the cancellation). For instance, reduce the input modulo pi/2 in
+ [-pi/4,pi/4], and define auxiliary functions for which the argument is
+ assumed to be already reduced (so that the sin function can avoid
+ unnecessary computations by calling the auxiliary cos function instead of
+ the full cos function). This will require a native code for sin, for
+ example using the reduction sin(3x)=3sin(x)-4sin(x)^3.
+ See and
+ the following messages.
+- improve generic.c to work for number of terms <> 2^k
+- rewrite mpfr_greater_p... as native code.
+- mpf_t uses a scheme where the number of limbs actually present can
+ be less than the selected precision, thereby allowing low precision
+ values (for instance small integers) to be stored and manipulated in
+ an mpf_t efficiently.
+ Perhaps mpfr should get something similar, especially if looking to
+ replace mpf with mpfr, though it'd be a major change. Alternately
+ perhaps those mpfr routines like mpfr_mul where optimizations are
+ possible through stripping low zero bits or limbs could check for
+ that (this would be less efficient but easier).
+- try the idea of the paper "Reduced Cancellation in the Evaluation of Entire
+ Functions and Applications to the Error Function" by W. Gawronski, J. Mueller
+ and M. Reinhard, to be published in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis: to
+ avoid cancellation in say erfc(x) for x large, they compute the Taylor
+ expansion of erfc(x)*exp(x^2/2) instead (which has less cancellation),
+ and then divide by exp(x^2/2) (which is simpler to compute).
+- replace the *_THRESHOLD macros by global (TLS) variables that can be
+ changed at run time (via a function, like other variables)? One benefit
+ is that users could use a single MPFR binary on several machines (e.g.,
+ a library provided by binary packages or shared via NFS) with different
+ thresholds. On the default values, this would be a bit less efficient
+ than the current code, but this isn't probably noticeable (this should
+ be tested). Something like:
+ long *mpfr_tune_get(void) to get the current values (the first value
+ is the size of the array).
+ int mpfr_tune_set(long *array) to set the tune values.
+ int mpfr_tune_run(long level) to find the best values (the support
+ for this feature is optional, this can also be done with an
+ external function).
+- better distinguish different processors (for example Opteron and Core 2)
+ and use corresponding default tuning parameters (as in GMP). This could be
+ done in to avoid hacking config.guess, for example define
+ Note (VL): the effect on cross-compilation (that can be a processor
+ with the same architecture, e.g. compilation on a Core 2 for an
+ Opteron) is not clear. The choice should be consistent with the
+ build target (e.g. -march or -mtune value with gcc).
+ Also choose better default values. For instance, the default value of
+ MPFR_MUL_THRESHOLD is 40, while the best values that have been found
+ are between 11 and 19 for 32 bits and between 4 and 10 for 64 bits!
+- during the Many Digits competition, we noticed that (our implantation of)
+ Mulders short product was slower than a full product for large sizes.
+ This should be precisely analyzed and fixed if needed.
+6. Miscellaneous
+- [suggested by Tobias Burnus <burnus(at)> and
+ Asher Langton <langton(at)>, Wed, 01 Aug 2007]
+ support quiet and signaling NaNs in mpfr:
+ * functions to set/test a quiet/signaling NaN: mpfr_set_snan, mpfr_snan_p,
+ mpfr_set_qnan, mpfr_qnan_p
+ * correctly convert to/from double (if encoding of s/qNaN is fixed in 754R)
+- check again coverage: on 2007-07-27, Patrick Pelissier reports that the
+ following files are not tested at 100%: add1.c, atan.c, atan2.c,
+ cache.c, cmp2.c, const_catalan.c, const_euler.c, const_log2.c, cos.c,
+ gen_inverse.h, div_ui.c, eint.c, exp3.c, exp_2.c, expm1.c, fma.c, fms.c,
+ lngamma.c, gamma.c, get_d.c, get_f.c, get_ld.c, get_str.c, get_z.c,
+ inp_str.c, jn.c, jyn_asympt.c, lngamma.c, mpfr-gmp.c, mul.c, mul_ui.c,
+ mulders.c, out_str.c, pow.c, print_raw.c, rint.c, root.c, round_near_x.c,
+ round_raw_generic.c, set_d.c, set_ld.c, set_q.c, set_uj.c, set_z.c, sin.c,
+ sin_cos.c, sinh.c, sqr.c, stack_interface.c, sub1.c, sub1sp.c, subnormal.c,
+ uceil_exp2.c, uceil_log2.c, ui_pow_ui.c, urandomb.c, yn.c, zeta.c, zeta_ui.c.
+- check the constants mpfr_set_emin (-16382-63) and mpfr_set_emax (16383) in
+ get_ld.c and the other constants, and provide a testcase for large and
+ small numbers.
+- from Kevin Ryde <>:
+ Also for pi.c, a pre-calculated compiled-in pi to a few thousand
+ digits would be good value I think. After all, say 10000 bits using
+ 1250 bytes would still be small compared to the code size!
+ Store pi in round to zero mode (to recover other modes).
+- add a new rounding mode: round to nearest, with ties away from zero
+ (this is roundTiesToAway in 754-2008, could be used by mpfr_round)
+- add a new roundind mode: round to odd. If the result is not exactly
+ representable, then round to the odd mantissa. This rounding
+ has the nice property that for k > 1, if:
+ y = round(x, p+k, TO_ODD)
+ z = round(y, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN), then
+ z = round(x, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN)
+ so it avoids the double-rounding problem.
+- add tests of the ternary value for constants
+- When doing Extensive Check (--enable-assert=full), since all the
+ functions use a similar use of MACROS (ZivLoop, ROUND_P), it should
+ be possible to do such a scheme:
+ For the first call to ROUND_P when we can round.
+ Mark it as such and save the approximated rounding value in
+ a temporary variable.
+ Then after, if the mark is set, check if:
+ - we still can round.
+ - The rounded value is the same.
+ It should be a complement to tgeneric tests.
+- in div.c, try to find a case for which cy != 0 after the line
+ cy = mpn_sub_1 (sp + k, sp + k, qsize, cy);
+ (which should be added to the tests), e.g. by having {vp, k} = 0, or
+ prove that this cannot happen.
+- add a configure test for --enable-logging to ignore the option if
+ it cannot be supported. Modify the "configure --help" description
+ to say "on systems that support it".
+- add generic bad cases for functions that don't have an inverse
+ function that is implemented (use a single Newton iteration).
+- add bad cases for the internal error bound (by using a dichotomy
+ between a bad case for the correct rounding and some input value
+ with fewer Ziv iterations?).
+- add an option to use a 32-bit exponent type (int) on LP64 machines,
+ mainly for developers, in order to be able to test the case where the
+ extended exponent range is the same as the default exponent range, on
+ such platforms.
+ Tests can be done with the exp-int branch (added on 2010-12-17, and
+ many tests fail at this time).
+- test underflow/overflow detection of various functions (in particular
+ mpfr_exp) in reduced exponent ranges, including ranges that do not
+ contain 0.
+- add an internal macro that does the equivalent of the following?
+ MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_GET_EXP(x) <= value
+- check whether __gmpfr_emin and __gmpfr_emax could be replaced by
+ a constant (see Also check the use of MPFR_EMIN_MIN
+7. Portability
+- add a web page with results of builds on different architectures
+- support the decimal64 function without requiring --with-gmp-build
+- [Kevin about texp.c long strings]
+ For strings longer than c99 guarantees, it might be cleaner to
+ introduce a "tests_strdupcat" or something to concatenate literal
+ strings into newly allocated memory. I thought I'd done that in a
+ couple of places already. Arrays of chars are not much fun.
+- use for mpfr-gmp.h