path: root/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_opt_loop.c
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1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_opt_loop.c b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_opt_loop.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b4ab7dc3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_opt_loop.c
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+** LOOP: Loop Optimizations.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#define lj_opt_loop_c
+#define LUA_CORE
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_buf.h"
+#include "lj_ir.h"
+#include "lj_jit.h"
+#include "lj_iropt.h"
+#include "lj_trace.h"
+#include "lj_snap.h"
+#include "lj_vm.h"
+/* Loop optimization:
+** Traditional Loop-Invariant Code Motion (LICM) splits the instructions
+** of a loop into invariant and variant instructions. The invariant
+** instructions are hoisted out of the loop and only the variant
+** instructions remain inside the loop body.
+** Unfortunately LICM is mostly useless for compiling dynamic languages.
+** The IR has many guards and most of the subsequent instructions are
+** control-dependent on them. The first non-hoistable guard would
+** effectively prevent hoisting of all subsequent instructions.
+** That's why we use a special form of unrolling using copy-substitution,
+** combined with redundancy elimination:
+** The recorded instruction stream is re-emitted to the compiler pipeline
+** with substituted operands. The substitution table is filled with the
+** refs returned by re-emitting each instruction. This can be done
+** on-the-fly, because the IR is in strict SSA form, where every ref is
+** defined before its use.
+** This aproach generates two code sections, separated by the LOOP
+** instruction:
+** 1. The recorded instructions form a kind of pre-roll for the loop. It
+** contains a mix of invariant and variant instructions and performs
+** exactly one loop iteration (but not necessarily the 1st iteration).
+** 2. The loop body contains only the variant instructions and performs
+** all remaining loop iterations.
+** On first sight that looks like a waste of space, because the variant
+** instructions are present twice. But the key insight is that the
+** pre-roll honors the control-dependencies for *both* the pre-roll itself
+** *and* the loop body!
+** It also means one doesn't have to explicitly model control-dependencies
+** (which, BTW, wouldn't help LICM much). And it's much easier to
+** integrate sparse snapshotting with this approach.
+** One of the nicest aspects of this approach is that all of the
+** optimizations of the compiler pipeline (FOLD, CSE, FWD, etc.) can be
+** reused with only minor restrictions (e.g. one should not fold
+** instructions across loop-carried dependencies).
+** But in general all optimizations can be applied which only need to look
+** backwards into the generated instruction stream. At any point in time
+** during the copy-substitution process this contains both a static loop
+** iteration (the pre-roll) and a dynamic one (from the to-be-copied
+** instruction up to the end of the partial loop body).
+** Since control-dependencies are implicitly kept, CSE also applies to all
+** kinds of guards. The major advantage is that all invariant guards can
+** be hoisted, too.
+** Load/store forwarding works across loop iterations, too. This is
+** important if loop-carried dependencies are kept in upvalues or tables.
+** E.g. 'self.idx = self.idx + 1' deep down in some OO-style method may
+** become a forwarded loop-recurrence after inlining.
+** Since the IR is in SSA form, loop-carried dependencies have to be
+** modeled with PHI instructions. The potential candidates for PHIs are
+** collected on-the-fly during copy-substitution. After eliminating the
+** redundant ones, PHI instructions are emitted *below* the loop body.
+** Note that this departure from traditional SSA form doesn't change the
+** semantics of the PHI instructions themselves. But it greatly simplifies
+** on-the-fly generation of the IR and the machine code.
+/* Some local macros to save typing. Undef'd at the end. */
+#define IR(ref) (&J->[(ref)])
+/* Pass IR on to next optimization in chain (FOLD). */
+#define emitir(ot, a, b) (lj_ir_set(J, (ot), (a), (b)), lj_opt_fold(J))
+/* Emit raw IR without passing through optimizations. */
+#define emitir_raw(ot, a, b) (lj_ir_set(J, (ot), (a), (b)), lj_ir_emit(J))
+/* -- PHI elimination ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Emit or eliminate collected PHIs. */
+static void loop_emit_phi(jit_State *J, IRRef1 *subst, IRRef1 *phi, IRRef nphi,
+ SnapNo onsnap)
+ int passx = 0;
+ IRRef i, j, nslots;
+ IRRef invar = J->chain[IR_LOOP];
+ /* Pass #1: mark redundant and potentially redundant PHIs. */
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
+ IRRef lref = phi[i];
+ IRRef rref = subst[lref];
+ if (lref == rref || rref == REF_DROP) { /* Invariants are redundant. */
+ irt_clearphi(IR(lref)->t);
+ } else {
+ phi[j++] = (IRRef1)lref;
+ if (!(IR(rref)->op1 == lref || IR(rref)->op2 == lref)) {
+ /* Quick check for simple recurrences failed, need pass2. */
+ irt_setmark(IR(lref)->t);
+ passx = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nphi = j;
+ /* Pass #2: traverse variant part and clear marks of non-redundant PHIs. */
+ if (passx) {
+ SnapNo s;
+ for (i = J->cur.nins-1; i > invar; i--) {
+ IRIns *ir = IR(i);
+ if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
+ if (!irref_isk(ir->op1)) {
+ irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op1)->t);
+ if (ir->op1 < invar &&
+ ir->o >= IR_CALLN && ir->o <= IR_CARG) { /* ORDER IR */
+ ir = IR(ir->op1);
+ while (ir->o == IR_CARG) {
+ if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
+ if (irref_isk(ir->op1)) break;
+ ir = IR(ir->op1);
+ irt_clearmark(ir->t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (s = J->cur.nsnap-1; s >= onsnap; s--) {
+ SnapShot *snap = &J->cur.snap[s];
+ SnapEntry *map = &J->cur.snapmap[snap->mapofs];
+ MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
+ for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
+ IRRef ref = snap_ref(map[n]);
+ if (!irref_isk(ref)) irt_clearmark(IR(ref)->t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pass #3: add PHIs for variant slots without a corresponding SLOAD. */
+ nslots = J->baseslot+J->maxslot;
+ for (i = 1; i < nslots; i++) {
+ IRRef ref = tref_ref(J->slot[i]);
+ while (!irref_isk(ref) && ref != subst[ref]) {
+ IRIns *ir = IR(ref);
+ irt_clearmark(ir->t); /* Unmark potential uses, too. */
+ if (irt_isphi(ir->t) || irt_ispri(ir->t))
+ break;
+ irt_setphi(ir->t);
+ if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
+ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
+ phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
+ ref = subst[ref];
+ if (ref > invar)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pass #4: propagate non-redundant PHIs. */
+ while (passx) {
+ passx = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
+ IRRef lref = phi[i];
+ IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
+ if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) { /* Propagate only from unmarked PHIs. */
+ IRIns *irr = IR(subst[lref]);
+ if (irt_ismarked(irr->t)) { /* Right ref points to other PHI? */
+ irt_clearmark(irr->t); /* Mark that PHI as non-redundant. */
+ passx = 1; /* Retry. */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pass #5: emit PHI instructions or eliminate PHIs. */
+ for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
+ IRRef lref = phi[i];
+ IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
+ if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) { /* Emit PHI if not marked. */
+ IRRef rref = subst[lref];
+ if (rref > invar)
+ irt_setphi(IR(rref)->t);
+ emitir_raw(IRT(IR_PHI, irt_type(ir->t)), lref, rref);
+ } else { /* Otherwise eliminate PHI. */
+ irt_clearmark(ir->t);
+ irt_clearphi(ir->t);
+ }
+ }
+/* -- Loop unrolling using copy-substitution ------------------------------ */
+/* Copy-substitute snapshot. */
+static void loop_subst_snap(jit_State *J, SnapShot *osnap,
+ SnapEntry *loopmap, IRRef1 *subst)
+ SnapEntry *nmap, *omap = &J->cur.snapmap[osnap->mapofs];
+ SnapEntry *nextmap = &J->cur.snapmap[snap_nextofs(&J->cur, osnap)];
+ MSize nmapofs;
+ MSize on, ln, nn, onent = osnap->nent;
+ BCReg nslots = osnap->nslots;
+ SnapShot *snap = &J->cur.snap[J->cur.nsnap];
+ if (irt_isguard(J->guardemit)) { /* Guard inbetween? */
+ nmapofs = J->cur.nsnapmap;
+ J->cur.nsnap++; /* Add new snapshot. */
+ } else { /* Otherwise overwrite previous snapshot. */
+ snap--;
+ nmapofs = snap->mapofs;
+ }
+ J->guardemit.irt = 0;
+ /* Setup new snapshot. */
+ snap->mapofs = (uint16_t)nmapofs;
+ snap->ref = (IRRef1)J->cur.nins;
+ snap->nslots = nslots;
+ snap->topslot = osnap->topslot;
+ snap->count = 0;
+ nmap = &J->cur.snapmap[nmapofs];
+ /* Substitute snapshot slots. */
+ on = ln = nn = 0;
+ while (on < onent) {
+ SnapEntry osn = omap[on], lsn = loopmap[ln];
+ if (snap_slot(lsn) < snap_slot(osn)) { /* Copy slot from loop map. */
+ nmap[nn++] = lsn;
+ ln++;
+ } else { /* Copy substituted slot from snapshot map. */
+ if (snap_slot(lsn) == snap_slot(osn)) ln++; /* Shadowed loop slot. */
+ if (!irref_isk(snap_ref(osn)))
+ osn = snap_setref(osn, subst[snap_ref(osn)]);
+ nmap[nn++] = osn;
+ on++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (snap_slot(loopmap[ln]) < nslots) /* Copy remaining loop slots. */
+ nmap[nn++] = loopmap[ln++];
+ snap->nent = (uint8_t)nn;
+ omap += onent;
+ nmap += nn;
+ while (omap < nextmap) /* Copy PC + frame links. */
+ *nmap++ = *omap++;
+ J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)(nmap - J->cur.snapmap);
+typedef struct LoopState {
+ jit_State *J;
+ IRRef1 *subst;
+ MSize sizesubst;
+} LoopState;
+/* Unroll loop. */
+static void loop_unroll(LoopState *lps)
+ jit_State *J = lps->J;
+ IRRef1 phi[LJ_MAX_PHI];
+ uint32_t nphi = 0;
+ IRRef1 *subst;
+ SnapNo onsnap;
+ SnapShot *osnap, *loopsnap;
+ SnapEntry *loopmap, *psentinel;
+ IRRef ins, invar;
+ /* Allocate substitution table.
+ ** Only non-constant refs in [REF_BIAS,invar) are valid indexes.
+ */
+ invar = J->cur.nins;
+ lps->sizesubst = invar - REF_BIAS;
+ lps->subst = lj_mem_newvec(J->L, lps->sizesubst, IRRef1);
+ subst = lps->subst - REF_BIAS;
+ subst[REF_BASE] = REF_BASE;
+ /* LOOP separates the pre-roll from the loop body. */
+ emitir_raw(IRTG(IR_LOOP, IRT_NIL), 0, 0);
+ /* Grow snapshot buffer and map for copy-substituted snapshots.
+ ** Need up to twice the number of snapshots minus #0 and loop snapshot.
+ ** Need up to twice the number of entries plus fallback substitutions
+ ** from the loop snapshot entries for each new snapshot.
+ ** Caveat: both calls may reallocate J->cur.snap and J->cur.snapmap!
+ */
+ onsnap = J->cur.nsnap;
+ lj_snap_grow_buf(J, 2*onsnap-2);
+ lj_snap_grow_map(J, J->cur.nsnapmap*2+(onsnap-2)*J->cur.snap[onsnap-1].nent);
+ /* The loop snapshot is used for fallback substitutions. */
+ loopsnap = &J->cur.snap[onsnap-1];
+ loopmap = &J->cur.snapmap[loopsnap->mapofs];
+ /* The PC of snapshot #0 and the loop snapshot must match. */
+ psentinel = &loopmap[loopsnap->nent];
+ lua_assert(*psentinel == J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent]);
+ *psentinel = SNAP(255, 0, 0); /* Replace PC with temporary sentinel. */
+ /* Start substitution with snapshot #1 (#0 is empty for root traces). */
+ osnap = &J->cur.snap[1];
+ /* Copy and substitute all recorded instructions and snapshots. */
+ for (ins = REF_FIRST; ins < invar; ins++) {
+ IRIns *ir;
+ IRRef op1, op2;
+ if (ins >= osnap->ref) /* Instruction belongs to next snapshot? */
+ loop_subst_snap(J, osnap++, loopmap, subst); /* Copy-substitute it. */
+ /* Substitute instruction operands. */
+ ir = IR(ins);
+ op1 = ir->op1;
+ if (!irref_isk(op1)) op1 = subst[op1];
+ op2 = ir->op2;
+ if (!irref_isk(op2)) op2 = subst[op2];
+ if (irm_kind(lj_ir_mode[ir->o]) == IRM_N &&
+ op1 == ir->op1 && op2 == ir->op2) { /* Regular invariant ins? */
+ subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ins; /* Shortcut. */
+ } else {
+ /* Re-emit substituted instruction to the FOLD/CSE/etc. pipeline. */
+ IRType1 t = ir->t; /* Get this first, since emitir may invalidate ir. */
+ IRRef ref = tref_ref(emitir(ir->ot & ~IRT_ISPHI, op1, op2));
+ subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
+ if (ref != ins) {
+ IRIns *irr = IR(ref);
+ if (ref < invar) { /* Loop-carried dependency? */
+ /* Potential PHI? */
+ if (!irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t) && !irt_ispri(irr->t)) {
+ irt_setphi(irr->t);
+ if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
+ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
+ phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
+ }
+ /* Check all loop-carried dependencies for type instability. */
+ if (!irt_sametype(t, irr->t)) {
+ if (irt_isinteger(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))
+ continue;
+ else if (irt_isnum(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t)) /* Fix int->num. */
+ ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTN(IR_CONV), ref, IRCONV_NUM_INT));
+ else if (irt_isnum(irr->t) && irt_isinteger(t)) /* Fix num->int. */
+ ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTGI(IR_CONV), ref,
+ else
+ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_TYPEINS);
+ subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
+ irr = IR(ref);
+ goto phiconv;
+ }
+ } else if (ref != REF_DROP && irr->o == IR_CONV &&
+ ref > invar && irr->op1 < invar) {
+ /* May need an extra PHI for a CONV. */
+ ref = irr->op1;
+ irr = IR(ref);
+ phiconv:
+ if (ref < invar && !irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t)) {
+ irt_setphi(irr->t);
+ if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
+ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
+ phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!irt_isguard(J->guardemit)) /* Drop redundant snapshot. */
+ J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)J->cur.snap[--J->cur.nsnap].mapofs;
+ lua_assert(J->cur.nsnapmap <= J->sizesnapmap);
+ *psentinel = J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent]; /* Restore PC. */
+ loop_emit_phi(J, subst, phi, nphi, onsnap);
+/* Undo any partial changes made by the loop optimization. */
+static void loop_undo(jit_State *J, IRRef ins, SnapNo nsnap, MSize nsnapmap)
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ SnapShot *snap = &J->cur.snap[nsnap-1];
+ SnapEntry *map = J->cur.snapmap;
+ map[snap->mapofs + snap->nent] = map[J->cur.snap[0].nent]; /* Restore PC. */
+ J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)nsnapmap;
+ J->cur.nsnap = nsnap;
+ J->guardemit.irt = 0;
+ lj_ir_rollback(J, ins);
+ for (i = 0; i < BPROP_SLOTS; i++) { /* Remove backprop. cache entries. */
+ BPropEntry *bp = &J->bpropcache[i];
+ if (bp->val >= ins)
+ bp->key = 0;
+ }
+ for (ins--; ins >= REF_FIRST; ins--) { /* Remove flags. */
+ IRIns *ir = IR(ins);
+ irt_clearphi(ir->t);
+ irt_clearmark(ir->t);
+ }
+/* Protected callback for loop optimization. */
+static TValue *cploop_opt(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction dummy, void *ud)
+ UNUSED(L); UNUSED(dummy);
+ loop_unroll((LoopState *)ud);
+ return NULL;
+/* Loop optimization. */
+int lj_opt_loop(jit_State *J)
+ IRRef nins = J->cur.nins;
+ SnapNo nsnap = J->cur.nsnap;
+ MSize nsnapmap = J->cur.nsnapmap;
+ LoopState lps;
+ int errcode;
+ lps.J = J;
+ lps.subst = NULL;
+ lps.sizesubst = 0;
+ errcode = lj_vm_cpcall(J->L, NULL, &lps, cploop_opt);
+ lj_mem_freevec(J2G(J), lps.subst, lps.sizesubst, IRRef1);
+ if (LJ_UNLIKELY(errcode)) {
+ lua_State *L = J->L;
+ if (errcode == LUA_ERRRUN && tvisnumber(L->top-1)) { /* Trace error? */
+ int32_t e = numberVint(L->top-1);
+ switch ((TraceError)e) {
+ case LJ_TRERR_TYPEINS: /* Type instability. */
+ case LJ_TRERR_GFAIL: /* Guard would always fail. */
+ /* Unrolling via recording fixes many cases, e.g. a flipped boolean. */
+ if (--J->instunroll < 0) /* But do not unroll forever. */
+ break;
+ L->top--; /* Remove error object. */
+ loop_undo(J, nins, nsnap, nsnapmap);
+ return 1; /* Loop optimization failed, continue recording. */
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lj_err_throw(L, errcode); /* Propagate all other errors. */
+ }
+ return 0; /* Loop optimization is ok. */
+#undef IR
+#undef emitir
+#undef emitir_raw