path: root/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_meta.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_meta.c')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_meta.c b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_meta.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..104ecf07c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_meta.c
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+** Metamethod handling.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+** Portions taken verbatim or adapted from the Lua interpreter.
+** Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio. See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#define lj_meta_c
+#define LUA_CORE
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_buf.h"
+#include "lj_str.h"
+#include "lj_tab.h"
+#include "lj_meta.h"
+#include "lj_frame.h"
+#include "lj_bc.h"
+#include "lj_vm.h"
+#include "lj_strscan.h"
+#include "lj_strfmt.h"
+#include "lj_lib.h"
+/* -- Metamethod handling ------------------------------------------------- */
+/* String interning of metamethod names for fast indexing. */
+void lj_meta_init(lua_State *L)
+#define MMNAME(name) "__" #name
+ const char *metanames = MMDEF(MMNAME);
+#undef MMNAME
+ global_State *g = G(L);
+ const char *p, *q;
+ uint32_t mm;
+ for (mm = 0, p = metanames; *p; mm++, p = q) {
+ GCstr *s;
+ for (q = p+2; *q && *q != '_'; q++) ;
+ s = lj_str_new(L, p, (size_t)(q-p));
+ /* NOBARRIER: g->gcroot[] is a GC root. */
+ setgcref(g->gcroot[GCROOT_MMNAME+mm], obj2gco(s));
+ }
+/* Negative caching of a few fast metamethods. See the lj_meta_fast() macro. */
+cTValue *lj_meta_cache(GCtab *mt, MMS mm, GCstr *name)
+ cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, name);
+ lua_assert(mm <= MM_FAST);
+ if (!mo || tvisnil(mo)) { /* No metamethod? */
+ mt->nomm |= (uint8_t)(1u<<mm); /* Set negative cache flag. */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mo;
+/* Lookup metamethod for object. */
+cTValue *lj_meta_lookup(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, MMS mm)
+ GCtab *mt;
+ if (tvistab(o))
+ mt = tabref(tabV(o)->metatable);
+ else if (tvisudata(o))
+ mt = tabref(udataV(o)->metatable);
+ else
+ mt = tabref(basemt_obj(G(L), o));
+ if (mt) {
+ cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, mmname_str(G(L), mm));
+ if (mo)
+ return mo;
+ }
+ return niltv(L);
+/* Tailcall from C function. */
+int lj_meta_tailcall(lua_State *L, cTValue *tv)
+ TValue *base = L->base;
+ TValue *top = L->top;
+ const BCIns *pc = frame_pc(base-1); /* Preserve old PC from frame. */
+ copyTV(L, base-1-LJ_FR2, tv); /* Replace frame with new object. */
+ if (LJ_FR2)
+ (top++)->u64 = LJ_CONT_TAILCALL;
+ else
+ top->u32.lo = LJ_CONT_TAILCALL;
+ setframe_pc(top++, pc);
+ if (LJ_FR2) top++;
+ setframe_gc(top, obj2gco(L), LJ_TTHREAD); /* Dummy frame object. */
+ setframe_ftsz(top, ((char *)(top+1) - (char *)base) + FRAME_CONT);
+ L->base = L->top = top+1;
+ /*
+ ** before: [old_mo|PC] [... ...]
+ ** ^base ^top
+ ** after: [new_mo|itype] [... ...] [NULL|PC] [dummy|delta]
+ ** ^base/top
+ ** tailcall: [new_mo|PC] [... ...]
+ ** ^base ^top
+ */
+ return 0;
+/* Setup call to metamethod to be run by Assembler VM. */
+static TValue *mmcall(lua_State *L, ASMFunction cont, cTValue *mo,
+ cTValue *a, cTValue *b)
+ /*
+ ** |-- framesize -> top top+1 top+2 top+3
+ ** before: [func slots ...]
+ ** mm setup: [func slots ...] [cont|?] [mo|tmtype] [a] [b]
+ ** in asm: [func slots ...] [cont|PC] [mo|delta] [a] [b]
+ ** ^-- func base ^-- mm base
+ ** after mm: [func slots ...] [result]
+ ** ^-- copy to base[PC_RA] --/ for lj_cont_ra
+ ** istruecond + branch for lj_cont_cond*
+ ** ignore for lj_cont_nop
+ ** next PC: [func slots ...]
+ */
+ TValue *top = L->top;
+ if (curr_funcisL(L)) top = curr_topL(L);
+ setcont(top++, cont); /* Assembler VM stores PC in upper word or FR2. */
+ if (LJ_FR2) setnilV(top++);
+ copyTV(L, top++, mo); /* Store metamethod and two arguments. */
+ if (LJ_FR2) setnilV(top++);
+ copyTV(L, top, a);
+ copyTV(L, top+1, b);
+ return top; /* Return new base. */
+/* -- C helpers for some instructions, called from assembler VM ----------- */
+/* Helper for TGET*. __index chain and metamethod. */
+cTValue *lj_meta_tget(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k)
+ int loop;
+ for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) {
+ cTValue *mo;
+ if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) {
+ GCtab *t = tabV(o);
+ cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k);
+ if (!tvisnil(tv) ||
+ !(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_index)))
+ return tv;
+ } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_index))) {
+ lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX);
+ return NULL; /* unreachable */
+ }
+ if (tvisfunc(mo)) {
+ L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, k);
+ return NULL; /* Trigger metamethod call. */
+ }
+ o = mo;
+ }
+ lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_GETLOOP);
+ return NULL; /* unreachable */
+/* Helper for TSET*. __newindex chain and metamethod. */
+TValue *lj_meta_tset(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k)
+ TValue tmp;
+ int loop;
+ for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) {
+ cTValue *mo;
+ if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) {
+ GCtab *t = tabV(o);
+ cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k);
+ if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(tv))) {
+ t->nomm = 0; /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */
+ lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
+ return (TValue *)tv;
+ } else if (!(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_newindex))) {
+ t->nomm = 0; /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */
+ lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
+ if (tv != niltv(L))
+ return (TValue *)tv;
+ if (tvisnil(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NILIDX);
+ else if (tvisint(k)) { setnumV(&tmp, (lua_Number)intV(k)); k = &tmp; }
+ else if (tvisnum(k) && tvisnan(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NANIDX);
+ return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, k);
+ }
+ } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_newindex))) {
+ lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX);
+ return NULL; /* unreachable */
+ }
+ if (tvisfunc(mo)) {
+ L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_nop, mo, o, k);
+ /* L->top+2 = v filled in by caller. */
+ return NULL; /* Trigger metamethod call. */
+ }
+ copyTV(L, &tmp, mo);
+ o = &tmp;
+ }
+ lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_SETLOOP);
+ return NULL; /* unreachable */
+static cTValue *str2num(cTValue *o, TValue *n)
+ if (tvisnum(o))
+ return o;
+ else if (tvisint(o))
+ return (setnumV(n, (lua_Number)intV(o)), n);
+ else if (tvisstr(o) && lj_strscan_num(strV(o), n))
+ return n;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+/* Helper for arithmetic instructions. Coercion, metamethod. */
+TValue *lj_meta_arith(lua_State *L, TValue *ra, cTValue *rb, cTValue *rc,
+ BCReg op)
+ MMS mm = bcmode_mm(op);
+ TValue tempb, tempc;
+ cTValue *b, *c;
+ if ((b = str2num(rb, &tempb)) != NULL &&
+ (c = str2num(rc, &tempc)) != NULL) { /* Try coercion first. */
+ setnumV(ra, lj_vm_foldarith(numV(b), numV(c), (int)mm-MM_add));
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, rb, mm);
+ if (tvisnil(mo)) {
+ mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, rc, mm);
+ if (tvisnil(mo)) {
+ if (str2num(rb, &tempb) == NULL) rc = rb;
+ lj_err_optype(L, rc, LJ_ERR_OPARITH);
+ return NULL; /* unreachable */
+ }
+ }
+ return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, rb, rc);
+ }
+/* Helper for CAT. Coercion, iterative concat, __concat metamethod. */
+TValue *lj_meta_cat(lua_State *L, TValue *top, int left)
+ int fromc = 0;
+ if (left < 0) { left = -left; fromc = 1; }
+ do {
+ if (!(tvisstr(top) || tvisnumber(top)) ||
+ !(tvisstr(top-1) || tvisnumber(top-1))) {
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, top-1, MM_concat);
+ if (tvisnil(mo)) {
+ mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, top, MM_concat);
+ if (tvisnil(mo)) {
+ if (tvisstr(top-1) || tvisnumber(top-1)) top++;
+ lj_err_optype(L, top-1, LJ_ERR_OPCAT);
+ return NULL; /* unreachable */
+ }
+ }
+ /* One of the top two elements is not a string, call __cat metamethod:
+ **
+ ** before: [...][CAT stack .........................]
+ ** top-1 top top+1 top+2
+ ** pick two: [...][CAT stack ...] [o1] [o2]
+ ** setup mm: [...][CAT stack ...] [cont|?] [mo|tmtype] [o1] [o2]
+ ** in asm: [...][CAT stack ...] [cont|PC] [mo|delta] [o1] [o2]
+ ** ^-- func base ^-- mm base
+ ** after mm: [...][CAT stack ...] <--push-- [result]
+ ** next step: [...][CAT stack .............]
+ */
+ copyTV(L, top+2*LJ_FR2+2, top); /* Carefully ordered stack copies! */
+ copyTV(L, top+2*LJ_FR2+1, top-1);
+ copyTV(L, top+LJ_FR2, mo);
+ setcont(top-1, lj_cont_cat);
+ if (LJ_FR2) { setnilV(top); setnilV(top+2); top += 2; }
+ return top+1; /* Trigger metamethod call. */
+ } else {
+ /* Pick as many strings as possible from the top and concatenate them:
+ **
+ ** before: [...][CAT stack ...........................]
+ ** pick str: [...][CAT stack ...] [...... strings ......]
+ ** concat: [...][CAT stack ...] [result]
+ ** next step: [...][CAT stack ............]
+ */
+ TValue *e, *o = top;
+ uint64_t tlen = tvisstr(o) ? strV(o)->len : STRFMT_MAXBUF_NUM;
+ char *p, *buf;
+ do {
+ o--; tlen += tvisstr(o) ? strV(o)->len : STRFMT_MAXBUF_NUM;
+ } while (--left > 0 && (tvisstr(o-1) || tvisnumber(o-1)));
+ if (tlen >= LJ_MAX_STR) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_STROV);
+ p = buf = lj_buf_tmp(L, (MSize)tlen);
+ for (e = top, top = o; o <= e; o++) {
+ if (tvisstr(o)) {
+ GCstr *s = strV(o);
+ MSize len = s->len;
+ p = lj_buf_wmem(p, strdata(s), len);
+ } else if (tvisint(o)) {
+ p = lj_strfmt_wint(p, intV(o));
+ } else {
+ lua_assert(tvisnum(o));
+ p = lj_strfmt_wnum(p, o);
+ }
+ }
+ setstrV(L, top, lj_str_new(L, buf, (size_t)(p-buf)));
+ }
+ } while (left >= 1);
+ if (LJ_UNLIKELY(G(L)-> >= G(L)->gc.threshold)) {
+ if (!fromc) L->top = curr_topL(L);
+ lj_gc_step(L);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* Helper for LEN. __len metamethod. */
+TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_len(lua_State *L, cTValue *o)
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_len);
+ if (tvisnil(mo)) {
+ if (LJ_52 && tvistab(o))
+ tabref(tabV(o)->metatable)->nomm |= (uint8_t)(1u<<MM_len);
+ else
+ lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPLEN);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, LJ_52 ? o : niltv(L));
+/* Helper for equality comparisons. __eq metamethod. */
+TValue *lj_meta_equal(lua_State *L, GCobj *o1, GCobj *o2, int ne)
+ /* Field metatable must be at same offset for GCtab and GCudata! */
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(o1->gch.metatable), MM_eq);
+ if (mo) {
+ TValue *top;
+ uint32_t it;
+ if (tabref(o1->gch.metatable) != tabref(o2->gch.metatable)) {
+ cTValue *mo2 = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(o2->gch.metatable), MM_eq);
+ if (mo2 == NULL || !lj_obj_equal(mo, mo2))
+ return (TValue *)(intptr_t)ne;
+ }
+ top = curr_top(L);
+ setcont(top++, ne ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt);
+ if (LJ_FR2) setnilV(top++);
+ copyTV(L, top++, mo);
+ if (LJ_FR2) setnilV(top++);
+ it = ~(uint32_t)o1->gch.gct;
+ setgcV(L, top, o1, it);
+ setgcV(L, top+1, o2, it);
+ return top; /* Trigger metamethod call. */
+ }
+ return (TValue *)(intptr_t)ne;
+TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_equal_cd(lua_State *L, BCIns ins)
+ ASMFunction cont = (bc_op(ins) & 1) ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt;
+ int op = (int)bc_op(ins) & ~1;
+ TValue tv;
+ cTValue *mo, *o2, *o1 = &L->base[bc_a(ins)];
+ cTValue *o1mm = o1;
+ if (op == BC_ISEQV) {
+ o2 = &L->base[bc_d(ins)];
+ if (!tviscdata(o1mm)) o1mm = o2;
+ } else if (op == BC_ISEQS) {
+ setstrV(L, &tv, gco2str(proto_kgc(curr_proto(L), ~(ptrdiff_t)bc_d(ins))));
+ o2 = &tv;
+ } else if (op == BC_ISEQN) {
+ o2 = &mref(curr_proto(L)->k, cTValue)[bc_d(ins)];
+ } else {
+ lua_assert(op == BC_ISEQP);
+ setpriV(&tv, ~bc_d(ins));
+ o2 = &tv;
+ }
+ mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o1mm, MM_eq);
+ if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(mo)))
+ return mmcall(L, cont, mo, o1, o2);
+ else
+ return (TValue *)(intptr_t)(bc_op(ins) & 1);
+/* Helper for ordered comparisons. String compare, __lt/__le metamethods. */
+TValue *lj_meta_comp(lua_State *L, cTValue *o1, cTValue *o2, int op)
+ if (LJ_HASFFI && (tviscdata(o1) || tviscdata(o2))) {
+ ASMFunction cont = (op & 1) ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt;
+ MMS mm = (op & 2) ? MM_le : MM_lt;
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, tviscdata(o1) ? o1 : o2, mm);
+ if (LJ_UNLIKELY(tvisnil(mo))) goto err;
+ return mmcall(L, cont, mo, o1, o2);
+ } else if (LJ_52 || itype(o1) == itype(o2)) {
+ /* Never called with two numbers. */
+ if (tvisstr(o1) && tvisstr(o2)) {
+ int32_t res = lj_str_cmp(strV(o1), strV(o2));
+ return (TValue *)(intptr_t)(((op&2) ? res <= 0 : res < 0) ^ (op&1));
+ } else {
+ trymt:
+ while (1) {
+ ASMFunction cont = (op & 1) ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt;
+ MMS mm = (op & 2) ? MM_le : MM_lt;
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o1, mm);
+#if LJ_52
+ if (tvisnil(mo) && tvisnil((mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o2, mm))))
+ cTValue *mo2 = lj_meta_lookup(L, o2, mm);
+ if (tvisnil(mo) || !lj_obj_equal(mo, mo2))
+ {
+ if (op & 2) { /* MM_le not found: retry with MM_lt. */
+ cTValue *ot = o1; o1 = o2; o2 = ot; /* Swap operands. */
+ op ^= 3; /* Use LT and flip condition. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ goto err;
+ }
+ return mmcall(L, cont, mo, o1, o2);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tvisbool(o1) && tvisbool(o2)) {
+ goto trymt;
+ } else {
+ err:
+ lj_err_comp(L, o1, o2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* Helper for ISTYPE and ISNUM. Implicit coercion or error. */
+void lj_meta_istype(lua_State *L, BCReg ra, BCReg tp)
+ L->top = curr_topL(L);
+ ra++; tp--;
+ lua_assert(LJ_DUALNUM || tp != ~LJ_TNUMX); /* ISTYPE -> ISNUM broken. */
+ if (LJ_DUALNUM && tp == ~LJ_TNUMX) lj_lib_checkint(L, ra);
+ else if (tp == ~LJ_TNUMX+1) lj_lib_checknum(L, ra);
+ else if (tp == ~LJ_TSTR) lj_lib_checkstr(L, ra);
+ else lj_err_argtype(L, ra, lj_obj_itypename[tp]);
+/* Helper for calls. __call metamethod. */
+void lj_meta_call(lua_State *L, TValue *func, TValue *top)
+ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, func, MM_call);
+ TValue *p;
+ if (!tvisfunc(mo))
+ lj_err_optype_call(L, func);
+ for (p = top; p > func+2*LJ_FR2; p--) copyTV(L, p, p-1);
+ if (LJ_FR2) copyTV(L, func+2, func);
+ copyTV(L, func, mo);
+/* Helper for FORI. Coercion. */
+void LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_for(lua_State *L, TValue *o)
+ if (!lj_strscan_numberobj(o)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_FORINIT);
+ if (!lj_strscan_numberobj(o+1)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_FORLIM);
+ if (!lj_strscan_numberobj(o+2)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_FORSTEP);
+ if (LJ_DUALNUM) {
+ /* Ensure all slots are integers or all slots are numbers. */
+ int32_t k[3];
+ int nint = 0;
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
+ if (tvisint(o+i)) {
+ k[i] = intV(o+i); nint++;
+ } else {
+ k[i] = lj_num2int(numV(o+i)); nint += ((lua_Number)k[i] == numV(o+i));
+ }
+ }
+ if (nint == 3) { /* Narrow to integers. */
+ setintV(o, k[0]);
+ setintV(o+1, k[1]);
+ setintV(o+2, k[2]);
+ } else if (nint != 0) { /* Widen to numbers. */
+ if (tvisint(o)) setnumV(o, (lua_Number)intV(o));
+ if (tvisint(o+1)) setnumV(o+1, (lua_Number)intV(o+1));
+ if (tvisint(o+2)) setnumV(o+2, (lua_Number)intV(o+2));
+ }
+ }