path: root/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_errmsg.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_errmsg.h')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_errmsg.h b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_errmsg.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7717665b038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/lj_errmsg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+** VM error messages.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+/* This file may be included multiple times with different ERRDEF macros. */
+/* Basic error handling. */
+ERRDEF(ERRMEM, "not enough memory")
+ERRDEF(ERRERR, "error in error handling")
+ERRDEF(ERRCPP, "C++ exception")
+/* Allocations. */
+ERRDEF(STROV, "string length overflow")
+ERRDEF(UDATAOV, "userdata length overflow")
+ERRDEF(STKOV, "stack overflow")
+ERRDEF(STKOVM, "stack overflow (%s)")
+ERRDEF(TABOV, "table overflow")
+/* Table indexing. */
+ERRDEF(NANIDX, "table index is NaN")
+ERRDEF(NILIDX, "table index is nil")
+ERRDEF(NEXTIDX, "invalid key to " LUA_QL("next"))
+/* Metamethod resolving. */
+ERRDEF(BADCALL, "attempt to call a %s value")
+ERRDEF(BADOPRT, "attempt to %s %s " LUA_QS " (a %s value)")
+ERRDEF(BADOPRV, "attempt to %s a %s value")
+ERRDEF(BADCMPT, "attempt to compare %s with %s")
+ERRDEF(BADCMPV, "attempt to compare two %s values")
+ERRDEF(GETLOOP, "loop in gettable")
+ERRDEF(SETLOOP, "loop in settable")
+ERRDEF(OPARITH, "perform arithmetic on")
+ERRDEF(OPCAT, "concatenate")
+ERRDEF(OPLEN, "get length of")
+/* Type checks. */
+ERRDEF(BADSELF, "calling " LUA_QS " on bad self (%s)")
+ERRDEF(BADARG, "bad argument #%d to " LUA_QS " (%s)")
+ERRDEF(BADTYPE, "%s expected, got %s")
+ERRDEF(BADVAL, "invalid value")
+ERRDEF(NOVAL, "value expected")
+ERRDEF(NOCORO, "coroutine expected")
+ERRDEF(NOTABN, "nil or table expected")
+ERRDEF(NOLFUNC, "Lua function expected")
+ERRDEF(NOFUNCL, "function or level expected")
+ERRDEF(NOSFT, "string/function/table expected")
+ERRDEF(NOPROXY, "boolean or proxy expected")
+ERRDEF(FORINIT, LUA_QL("for") " initial value must be a number")
+ERRDEF(FORLIM, LUA_QL("for") " limit must be a number")
+ERRDEF(FORSTEP, LUA_QL("for") " step must be a number")
+/* C API checks. */
+ERRDEF(NOENV, "no calling environment")
+ERRDEF(CYIELD, "attempt to yield across C-call boundary")
+ERRDEF(BADLU, "bad light userdata pointer")
+ERRDEF(NOGCMM, "bad action while in __gc metamethod")
+ERRDEF(BADFPU, "bad FPU precision (use D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE with DirectX)")
+/* Standard library function errors. */
+ERRDEF(ASSERT, "assertion failed!")
+ERRDEF(PROTMT, "cannot change a protected metatable")
+ERRDEF(UNPACK, "too many results to unpack")
+ERRDEF(RDRSTR, "reader function must return a string")
+ERRDEF(PRTOSTR, LUA_QL("tostring") " must return a string to " LUA_QL("print"))
+ERRDEF(IDXRNG, "index out of range")
+ERRDEF(BASERNG, "base out of range")
+ERRDEF(LVLRNG, "level out of range")
+ERRDEF(INVLVL, "invalid level")
+ERRDEF(INVOPT, "invalid option")
+ERRDEF(INVOPTM, "invalid option " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(INVFMT, "invalid format")
+ERRDEF(SETFENV, LUA_QL("setfenv") " cannot change environment of given object")
+ERRDEF(CORUN, "cannot resume running coroutine")
+ERRDEF(CODEAD, "cannot resume dead coroutine")
+ERRDEF(COSUSP, "cannot resume non-suspended coroutine")
+ERRDEF(TABINS, "wrong number of arguments to " LUA_QL("insert"))
+ERRDEF(TABCAT, "invalid value (%s) at index %d in table for " LUA_QL("concat"))
+ERRDEF(TABSORT, "invalid order function for sorting")
+ERRDEF(IOCLFL, "attempt to use a closed file")
+ERRDEF(IOSTDCL, "standard file is closed")
+ERRDEF(OSUNIQF, "unable to generate a unique filename")
+ERRDEF(OSDATEF, "field " LUA_QS " missing in date table")
+ERRDEF(STRDUMP, "unable to dump given function")
+ERRDEF(STRSLC, "string slice too long")
+ERRDEF(STRPATB, "missing " LUA_QL("[") " after " LUA_QL("%f") " in pattern")
+ERRDEF(STRPATC, "invalid pattern capture")
+ERRDEF(STRPATE, "malformed pattern (ends with " LUA_QL("%") ")")
+ERRDEF(STRPATM, "malformed pattern (missing " LUA_QL("]") ")")
+ERRDEF(STRPATU, "unbalanced pattern")
+ERRDEF(STRPATX, "pattern too complex")
+ERRDEF(STRCAPI, "invalid capture index")
+ERRDEF(STRCAPN, "too many captures")
+ERRDEF(STRCAPU, "unfinished capture")
+ERRDEF(STRFMT, "invalid option " LUA_QS " to " LUA_QL("format"))
+ERRDEF(STRGSRV, "invalid replacement value (a %s)")
+ERRDEF(BADMODN, "name conflict for module " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(JITPROT, "runtime code generation failed, restricted kernel?")
+ERRDEF(NOJIT, "JIT compiler disabled, CPU does not support SSE2")
+ERRDEF(NOJIT, "JIT compiler disabled")
+#elif defined(LJ_ARCH_NOJIT)
+ERRDEF(NOJIT, "no JIT compiler for this architecture (yet)")
+ERRDEF(NOJIT, "JIT compiler permanently disabled by build option")
+ERRDEF(JITOPT, "unknown or malformed optimization flag " LUA_QS)
+/* Lexer/parser errors. */
+ERRDEF(XMODE, "attempt to load chunk with wrong mode")
+ERRDEF(XNEAR, "%s near " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(XLINES, "chunk has too many lines")
+ERRDEF(XLEVELS, "chunk has too many syntax levels")
+ERRDEF(XNUMBER, "malformed number")
+ERRDEF(XLSTR, "unfinished long string")
+ERRDEF(XLCOM, "unfinished long comment")
+ERRDEF(XSTR, "unfinished string")
+ERRDEF(XESC, "invalid escape sequence")
+ERRDEF(XLDELIM, "invalid long string delimiter")
+ERRDEF(XTOKEN, LUA_QS " expected")
+ERRDEF(XJUMP, "control structure too long")
+ERRDEF(XSLOTS, "function or expression too complex")
+ERRDEF(XLIMC, "chunk has more than %d local variables")
+ERRDEF(XLIMM, "main function has more than %d %s")
+ERRDEF(XLIMF, "function at line %d has more than %d %s")
+ERRDEF(XMATCH, LUA_QS " expected (to close " LUA_QS " at line %d)")
+ERRDEF(XFIXUP, "function too long for return fixup")
+ERRDEF(XPARAM, "<name> or " LUA_QL("...") " expected")
+#if !LJ_52
+ERRDEF(XAMBIG, "ambiguous syntax (function call x new statement)")
+ERRDEF(XFUNARG, "function arguments expected")
+ERRDEF(XSYMBOL, "unexpected symbol")
+ERRDEF(XDOTS, "cannot use " LUA_QL("...") " outside a vararg function")
+ERRDEF(XSYNTAX, "syntax error")
+ERRDEF(XFOR, LUA_QL("=") " or " LUA_QL("in") " expected")
+ERRDEF(XBREAK, "no loop to break")
+ERRDEF(XLUNDEF, "undefined label " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(XLDUP, "duplicate label " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(XGSCOPE, "<goto %s> jumps into the scope of local " LUA_QS)
+/* Bytecode reader errors. */
+ERRDEF(BCFMT, "cannot load incompatible bytecode")
+ERRDEF(BCBAD, "cannot load malformed bytecode")
+/* FFI errors. */
+ERRDEF(FFI_INVTYPE, "invalid C type")
+ERRDEF(FFI_INVSIZE, "size of C type is unknown or too large")
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADSCL, "bad storage class")
+ERRDEF(FFI_DECLSPEC, "declaration specifier expected")
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADTAG, "undeclared or implicit tag " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_REDEF, "attempt to redefine " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_NUMPARAM, "wrong number of type parameters")
+ERRDEF(FFI_INITOV, "too many initializers for " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADCONV, "cannot convert " LUA_QS " to " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADLEN, "attempt to get length of " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADCONCAT, "attempt to concatenate " LUA_QS " and " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADARITH, "attempt to perform arithmetic on " LUA_QS " and " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADCOMP, "attempt to compare " LUA_QS " with " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADCALL, LUA_QS " is not callable")
+ERRDEF(FFI_NUMARG, "wrong number of arguments for function call")
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADMEMBER, LUA_QS " has no member named " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADIDX, LUA_QS " cannot be indexed")
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADIDXW, LUA_QS " cannot be indexed with " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADMM, LUA_QS " has no " LUA_QS " metamethod")
+ERRDEF(FFI_WRCONST, "attempt to write to constant location")
+ERRDEF(FFI_NODECL, "missing declaration for symbol " LUA_QS)
+ERRDEF(FFI_BADCBACK, "bad callback")
+ERRDEF(FFI_CBACKOV, "no support for callbacks on this OS")
+ERRDEF(FFI_CBACKOV, "too many callbacks")
+ERRDEF(FFI_NYIPACKBIT, "NYI: packed bit fields")
+ERRDEF(FFI_NYICALL, "NYI: cannot call this C function (yet)")
+#undef ERRDEF
+/* Detecting unused error messages:
+ awk -F, '/^ERRDEF/ { gsub(/ERRDEF./, ""); printf "grep -q LJ_ERR_%s *.[ch] || echo %s\n", $1, $1}' lj_errmsg.h | sh