path: root/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-xetex/test/intltest/wbnf.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/icu/icu-xetex/test/intltest/wbnf.cpp')
1 files changed, 1771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-xetex/test/intltest/wbnf.cpp b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-xetex/test/intltest/wbnf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d08de7081b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-xetex/test/intltest/wbnf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1771 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2007, International Business Machines Corporation and *
+ * others. All Rights Reserved. *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "wbnf.h"
+// Most of this code is meant to test the test code. It's a self test.
+// Normally this isn't run.
+#define TEST_WBNF_TEST 0
+// Constants and the most basic helper classes
+static const char DIGIT_CHAR[] = "0123456789";
+static const char WHITE_SPACE[] = {'\t', ' ', '\r', '\n', 0};
+static const char ALPHABET[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+static const char SPECIAL[] = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~";
+static inline UBool isInList(const char c /*in*/, const char list[] /*in*/){
+ const char * p = list;
+ for (;*p != 0 && *p != c; p++);
+ return *p?TRUE:FALSE;
+static inline UBool isDigit(char c) {return isInList(c, DIGIT_CHAR);}
+static inline UBool isWhiteSpace(char c) {return isInList(c, WHITE_SPACE);}
+static inline UBool isAlphabet(char c) {return isInList(c, ALPHABET);}
+static inline UBool isSpecialAsciiChar(char c) {return isInList(c,SPECIAL);}
+// Helper classes
+class Buffer_byte{
+// Utility class, can be treated as an auto expanded array. no boundary check.
+ typedef char byte;
+ byte * start;
+ byte * current;
+ int buffer_size; // size unit is byte
+ inline int content_size(){return current - start;} // size unit is byte
+ inline void expand(int add_size = 100){ // size unit is byte
+ int new_size = buffer_size + add_size;
+ int cs_snap = content_size();
+ start = (byte *) realloc(start, new_size); // may change the value of start
+ current = start + cs_snap;
+ memset(current, 0, add_size);
+ buffer_size = new_size;
+ }
+ inline void expand_to(int size){
+ int r = size - buffer_size;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ expand(r); // simply expand, no block alignment
+ }
+ }
+ Buffer_byte(const Buffer_byte &);
+ Buffer_byte & operator = (const Buffer_byte &);
+ Buffer_byte():start(NULL),current(start),buffer_size(0){
+ expand();
+ }
+ ~Buffer_byte(){
+ free(start);
+ }
+ inline void reset(){
+ start != NULL ? memset(start, 0, buffer_size) : 0;
+ current = start;
+ }
+ // Using memory copy method to append a C array to buffer,
+ inline void append(const void * c, int size){ // size unit is byte
+ expand_to(content_size() + size) ;
+ memcpy(current, c, size);
+ current = current + size;
+ }
+ byte * buffer(){
+ return start;
+ }
+ The class(es) try to work as bulid-in array, so it overloads these two operators
+ operator type *();
+ type & operator[];
+ The first is used to auto type convert, the latter is used to select member.
+ A small trick is the class does not overload the address-of operator. This
+ behavior is different from bulid-in array, but it give us the opportunity
+ to get the address of the class itself.
+//template<typename type>
+// class BUFFER{
+// typedef BUFFER name;
+#define BUFFER(type, name)\
+ class name {\
+ private:\
+ Buffer_byte buf;\
+ public:\
+ name & reset() {buf.reset(); return *this;}\
+ name & append(type c) {buf.append(&c, sizeof(type)); return *this;}\
+ name & append_array(const type * p, int size) {buf.append(p, sizeof(type)*size); return *this;}\
+ type & operator [] (int i) { return ((type *) buf.buffer())[i];}\
+ operator type *(){return (type *) buf.buffer();} \
+ int content_size(){return buf.content_size() / sizeof(type);}\
+ }
+class Pick{
+/* The Pick is the basic language generator element*/
+ // generate a string accroding the syntax
+ // Return a null-terminated c-string. The buffer is owned by callee.
+ virtual const char* next() = 0;
+ virtual ~Pick(){};
+//typedef BUFFER<char> Buffer_char;
+//typedef BUFFER<int> Buffer_int;
+//typedef BUFFER<Pick *> Buffer_pPick;
+BUFFER(char, Buffer_char);
+BUFFER(int, Buffer_int);
+BUFFER(Pick *, Buffer_pPick);
+class SymbolTable{
+/* Helper class.
+* It's a mapping table between 'variable name' and its 'active Pick object'
+ Buffer_char name_buffer; // var names storage space
+ Buffer_int names; // points to name (offset in name_buffer)
+ Buffer_pPick refs; // points to Pick
+ int get_index(const char *const var_name){
+ int len = names.content_size();
+ for (int i=0; i< len; i++){
+ if (strcmp(var_name, name_buffer + names[i]) == 0){
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RESULT find(const char *const var_name /*[in] c-string*/, Pick * * ref = NULL /*[out] Pick* */){
+ if (!var_name) return EMPTY; // NULL name
+ int i = get_index(var_name);
+ if (i == -1){
+ return NO_VAR; // new name
+ }
+ if (!refs[i]){ // exist name, no ref
+ return NO_REF;
+ } else {
+ if (ref) {
+ *ref = refs[i];
+ }
+ return HAS_REF; // exist name, has ref
+ }
+ }
+ void put(const char *const var_name, Pick *const var_ref = NULL){
+ int i = get_index(var_name);
+ switch(find(var_name)){
+ case EMPTY: // NULL name
+ break;
+ case NO_VAR: // new name
+ int offset;
+ offset = name_buffer.content_size();
+ name_buffer.append_array(var_name, strlen(var_name) + 1);
+ names.append(offset);
+ refs.append(var_ref);
+ break;
+ case NO_REF: // exist name, no ref
+ refs[i] = var_ref; // link definition with variable
+ break;
+ case HAS_REF: // exist name, has ref
+ if (var_ref){
+ refs[i] = var_ref;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ UBool is_complete(){
+ int n = names.content_size();
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i){
+ if (refs[i] == NULL){
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ void reset(){
+ names.reset();
+ name_buffer.reset();
+ // release memory here
+ int s = refs.content_size();
+ for (int i=0; i < s; i++){
+ delete refs[i]; // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
+ }
+ refs.reset();
+ }
+ ~SymbolTable(){
+ reset();
+ }
+// Document of class Escaper
+// From
+// We get the precedence of escape/quote operations
+// (highest) 1. backslash \
+// 2. two single quotes ''
+// 3. quoting ' '
+// ICU Collation should accept following as the same string.
+// 1) 'ab'c _
+// 2) a\bc \
+// 3) a'b'\c |- They are equal.
+// 4) abc _/
+// From "two single quotes", we have following deductions
+// D1. empty quoting is illgal. (obviously)
+// D2. no contact operation between two quotings
+// '.''.' is not .. it is .'.
+// D3. "two single quotes" cannot contact two quoting simultaneously
+// '..''''.' is not ..'. it is ..''.
+// "two single quotes" can contact before one quoting
+// '''.' is '.
+// "two single quotes" can literally contact after one quoting
+// But, from syntax, it's one quoting including a "two single quotes"
+// '.''' is .'
+// D4. "two single quotes" cannot solely be included in quoting
+// '''' is not ' it is ''
+// NOTICE: These are legal
+// '.''.' is .'.
+// '.''' is .'
+// dicision
+// /\
+// /__\
+// output buffer input buffer
+// To make our dicision (within an atom operation) without caring input and output buffer,
+// following calling pattern (within an atom operation) shall be avoided
+// P1 open_quoting() then close_quoting() (direct violation) D1
+// P2 close_quoting() then open_quoting() (direct violation) D2
+// P3 empty open_quoting() (indirect violation) D1, D4
+// P4 empty close_quoting() (indirect violation) D2, D3
+// P5 open_quoting() then two single quotes (indirect violation) D4
+// P6 close_quoting() then two single quotes (indirect violation) D3
+// two single quotes escaping will not open_ or close_ quoting()
+// The choice will not lose some quoing forms.
+// For open_quoting(),
+// we may get this form quoting ''' P5
+// It may raise a bug ''''x
+// If we expect
+// '''.' let the next char open the quoting
+// '.''.' the quoting is already opened by preceding char
+// For close_quoting()
+// we will get this form quoting '.''' P6
+// It may raise a bug '.''''.'
+// If we expect
+// '.'''\. let the next char close the quoting
+// '.''''.' the expectation is wrong! using '.'\''.' instead
+// It's a hard work to re-adjust generation opportunity for various escaping form.
+// We just simply ignore it.
+class Escaper{
+ enum CHOICE {YES, NO, RAND};
+ class Bool{ // A wrapper class for CHOICE, to auto adapter UBool class
+ private:
+ const CHOICE tag;
+ public:
+ Bool(CHOICE flag=RAND):tag(flag){}
+ operator UBool() { // conversion operator
+ return tag == RAND ? rand()%2 : tag == YES;
+ //if (tag == RAND){
+ // return rand()%2 == 1;
+ //} else {
+ // return tag == YES ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ //}
+ }
+ };
+ Escaper(CHOICE escapeLiteral = RAND,
+ CHOICE twoQuotesEscape = RAND,
+ ESCAPE_FORM escapeForm = RAND_ESC):
+ escape_form(escapeForm),
+ escape_literal(escapeLiteral),
+ two_quotes_escape(twoQuotesEscape),
+ is_quoting(FALSE){}
+ Buffer_char str;
+ ESCAPE_FORM escape_form;
+ Bool escape_literal;
+ Bool two_quotes_escape;
+ UBool quote_escape;
+ UBool bslash_escape;
+ UBool is_quoting;
+ void set_options(){
+ ESCAPE_FORM t = escape_form == RAND_ESC ? (ESCAPE_FORM) (rand()%3) : escape_form;
+ switch (t){
+ case BSLASH_ONLY :
+ bslash_escape = TRUE; quote_escape = FALSE; break;
+ case QUOTE_ONLY:
+ bslash_escape = FALSE;quote_escape = TRUE; break;
+ bslash_escape = TRUE; quote_escape = TRUE; break;
+ default:
+ ;// error
+ }
+ }
+ void reset(){
+ str.reset();
+ is_quoting = FALSE;
+ }
+ inline void open_quoting(){
+ if(is_quoting){
+ // do nothing
+ } else {
+ str.append('\'');
+ is_quoting = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void close_quoting(){
+ if(is_quoting){
+ str.append('\'');
+ is_quoting = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ // str [in] null-terminated c-string
+ void append(const char * strToAppend){
+ for(;*strToAppend != 0; strToAppend++){
+ append(*strToAppend);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void append(const char c){
+ set_options();
+ if (c == '\\'){
+ quote_escape ? open_quoting() : close_quoting();
+ //bslash_escape always true here
+ str.append('\\');
+ str.append('\\');
+ } else if (c == '\''){
+ if (two_quotes_escape){ // quoted using two single quotes
+ // See documents in
+ str.append('\'');
+ str.append('\'');
+ } else{
+ quote_escape ? open_quoting() : close_quoting();
+ //bslash_escape always true here
+ str.append('\\');
+ str.append('\'');
+ }
+ } else if (isSpecialAsciiChar(c) || isWhiteSpace(c)){
+ quote_escape ? open_quoting() : close_quoting();
+ if (bslash_escape) str.append('\\');
+ str.append(c);
+ } else { //if (isAlphabet(c) || isDigit(c) || TRUE){ // treat others as literal
+ if (escape_literal){
+ quote_escape ? open_quoting() : close_quoting();
+ if (bslash_escape) str.append('\\');
+ str.append(c);
+ } else {
+ close_quoting();
+ str.append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return a null-terminate c-string. The buffer is owned by callee.
+ char * operator()(const char * literal /*c-string*/){
+ str.reset();
+ for(;*literal != 0; literal++){
+ append(*literal);
+ }
+ close_quoting(); // P4 exception, to close whole quoting
+ return str;
+ }
+class WeightedRand{
+// Return a random number in [0, size)
+// Every number has different chance (aka weight) to be selected.
+ Buffer_int weights;
+ double total;
+ WeightedRand(const WeightedRand &);
+ WeightedRand & operator = (const WeightedRand &);
+ WeightedRand(Buffer_int * weight_list = NULL, int size = 0){
+ if ( weight_list == NULL){
+ for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) weights.append(DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
+ } else {
+ int s = weight_list->content_size();
+ if (s < size){
+ weights.append_array( (*weight_list),s);
+ for (int i=s; i<size; ++i) weights.append(DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
+ } else { // s >= size
+ weights.append_array( (*weight_list),size);
+ }
+ }
+ total = 0;
+ int c = weights.content_size();
+ for (int i=0; i<c; ++i){
+ total += weights[i];
+ }
+ }
+ void append(int weight){
+ weights.append(weight);
+ total += weight;
+ }
+ // Give a random number with the consideration of weight.
+ // Every random number is associated with a weight.
+ // It identifies the chance to be selected,
+ // larger weight has more chance to be selected.
+ //
+ //
+ // ______________________ every slot has equal chance
+ //
+ // [____][_][___][______] each item has different slots, hence different chance
+ //
+ //
+ // The algorithms to generate the number is illustrated by preceding figure.
+ // First, a slot is selected by rand(). Then we translate the slot to corresponding item.
+ //
+ int next(){
+ // get a random in [0,1]
+ double reference_mark = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
+ // get the slot's index, 0 <= mark <= total;
+ double mark = total * reference_mark;
+ // translate the slot to corresponding item
+ int i=0;
+ for (;;){
+ mark -= weights[i]; // 0 <= mark <= total
+ if (mark <= 0)
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+// The parser result nodes
+class Literal : public Pick {
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ return str;
+ }
+ Literal(const char * s /*c-string*/){
+ str.append_array(s, strlen(s) + 1);
+ }
+ Buffer_char str; //null-terminated c-string
+class Variable : public Pick {
+ Variable(SymbolTable * symbols, const char * varName, Pick * varRef = NULL){
+ this->var_name.append_array(varName, strlen(varName) + 1);
+ if ((symbol_table = symbols)){
+ symbol_table->put(varName, varRef);
+ }
+ }
+ operator const char *(){
+ return var_name;
+ }
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ if (symbol_table){
+ Pick * var_ref = NULL;
+ symbol_table->find(var_name, &var_ref);
+ if (var_ref) {
+ return var_ref->next();
+ }
+ }
+ return ""; // dumb string
+ }
+ Buffer_char var_name;
+ SymbolTable * symbol_table;
+class Quote : public Pick{
+ Quote(Pick & base):item(base),e(Escaper::NO, Escaper::NO, Escaper::BSLASH_ONLY){
+ }
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ return e(;
+ }
+ Pick & item;
+ Buffer_char str;
+ Escaper e;
+class Morph : public Pick{
+The difference between morph and an arbitrary random string is that
+a morph changes slowly. When we build collation rules, for example,
+it is a much better test if the strings we use are all in the same
+'neighborhood'; they share many common characters.
+ Morph(Pick & base):item(base){}
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ current.reset();
+ const char * s =;
+ current.append_array(s, strlen(s) + 1);
+ if (last.content_size() == 0) {
+ str.reset();
+ last.reset();
+ str.append_array(current, current.content_size());
+ last.append_array(current, current.content_size());
+ } else {
+ morph();
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ Pick & item;
+ Buffer_char str;
+ Buffer_char last;
+ Buffer_char current;
+ char * p_last;
+ char * p_curr;
+ void copy_curr(){
+ if (*p_curr) {
+ str.append(*p_curr);
+ p_curr++;
+ }
+ }
+ void copy_last(){
+ if (*p_last) {
+ str.append(*p_last);
+ p_last++;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy 0, 1, or 2 character(s) to str
+ void copy(){
+ static WeightedRand wr(& Buffer_int().append(DEFAULT_WEIGHT * 10), 5);
+ switch ({
+ case 0: // copy last -- has 10 times chance than others
+ copy_last();
+ break;
+ case 1: // copy both
+ copy_curr();
+ copy_last();
+ break;
+ case 2: // copy both
+ copy_last();
+ copy_curr();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ copy_curr();
+ break;
+ case 4: // copy nothing
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ void morph(void){
+ int min = strlen(last);
+ int max = strlen(current);
+ if (min > max){
+ int temp = min;
+ min = max;
+ max = temp;
+ }
+ int len = min + rand()%(max - min + 1); // min + [0, diff]
+ p_curr = current;
+ p_last = last;
+ str.reset();
+ for (; str.content_size()<len && *p_curr && *p_last;){
+ copy(); // copy 0, 1, or 2 character(s) to str
+ }
+ if (str.content_size() == len) {
+ str.append(0);
+ final();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (str.content_size() > len) { // if the last copy copied two characters
+ str[len]=0;
+ final();
+ return;
+ }
+ // str.content_size() < len
+ if (*p_last) {
+ for (; str.content_size() < len; copy_last());
+ } else if (*p_curr){
+ for (; str.content_size() < len; copy_curr());
+ }
+ int last_len = last.content_size();
+ for (;str.content_size() < len;){
+ str.append(last[rand()%last_len]);
+ }
+ str.append(0);
+ final();
+ }
+ void final(){
+ last.reset();
+ last.append_array(current, current.content_size());
+ }
+class Sequence : public Pick {
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ str.reset();
+ int s = items.content_size();
+ for(int i=0; i < s; i++){
+ const char * t = items[i]->next();
+ str.append_array(t, strlen(t));
+ }
+ str.append(0); // terminal null
+ return str;
+ }
+ void append (Pick * node){
+ items.append(node);
+ }
+ virtual ~Sequence(){
+ int s = items.content_size();
+ for(int i=0; i < s; i++){
+ //How can assure the item is got from heap?
+ //Let's assume it.
+ delete items[i]; // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
+ items[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ Buffer_pPick items;
+ Buffer_char str; //null-terminated c-string
+class Repeat : public Pick {
+ Pick * item;
+ Buffer_char str;
+ WeightedRand wr;
+ int min;
+ int max;
+ int select_a_count(){
+ return min +;
+ }
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ str.reset();
+ int c = select_a_count();
+ for(int i=0; i< c; i++){
+ const char * t = item->next();
+ str.append_array(t, strlen(t));
+ }
+ str.append(0);
+ return str;
+ }
+ Repeat(Pick * base, int minCount =0, int maxCount = 1, Buffer_int * weights = NULL):
+ wr(weights, maxCount-minCount +1) {
+ this->item = base;
+ this->min = minCount;
+ this->max = maxCount;
+ }
+ virtual ~Repeat(){
+ delete item; // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
+ item = NULL;
+ }
+class Alternation : public Pick {
+ virtual const char* next(){
+ str.reset();
+ int i =;
+ const char * t = items[i]->next();
+ str.append_array(t, strlen(t) + 1);
+ return str;
+ }
+ virtual ~Alternation(){
+ int s = items.content_size();
+ for(int i=0; i < s; i++){
+ delete items[i]; // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
+ items[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ Alternation & append (Pick * node, int weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT){
+ items.append(node);
+ wr.append(weight);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Buffer_pPick items;
+ Buffer_char str; // null-terminated c-string
+ WeightedRand wr;
+// The parser
+class Scanner{
+friend int DumpScanner(Scanner & s, UBool dumb);
+ const char * source;
+ const char * working;
+ const char * history; // for debug
+ StateType state;
+ void terminated(TokenType t){
+ working--; // return the peeked character
+ tokenType = t;
+ token.append(0); // close buffer
+ state = DONE;
+ }
+ // the buffer of "source" is owned by caller
+ Scanner(const char *src/*[in] c-string*/ = NULL):source(src){
+ working = src;
+ history = working;
+ state = DONE;
+ tokenType = ERROR;
+ }
+ //void setSource(const char *const src /*[in] c-string*/){
+ // *(&const_cast<const char *>(source)) = src;
+ //}
+ Buffer_char token;
+ TokenType tokenType;
+ TokenType getNextToken(){
+ token.reset();
+ state = START;
+ history = working; // for debug
+ while (state != DONE){
+ char c = *working++;
+ if (c == 0 && state != START){//avoid buffer overflow. for IN_QUOE, IN_ESCAPE
+ terminated(ERROR);
+ break; // while
+ }
+ switch(state){
+ case START:
+ tokenType = ERROR;
+ switch(c){
+ case '?' : tokenType = QUESTION; break;
+ case '*' : tokenType = STAR; break;
+ case '+' : tokenType = PLUS; break;
+ case '{' : tokenType = LBRACE; break;
+ case '}' : tokenType = RBRACE; break;
+ case '(' : tokenType = LPAR; break;
+ case ')' : tokenType = RPAR; break;
+ case ';' : tokenType = SEMI; break;
+ case '=' : tokenType = EQ; break;
+ case ',' : tokenType = COMMA; break;
+ case '|' : tokenType = BAR; break;
+ case '@' : tokenType = AT; break;
+ case '~' : tokenType = WAVE; break;
+ case '%' : tokenType = PERCENT; break;
+ case 0 : tokenType = STREAM_END; working-- /*avoid buffer overflow*/; break;
+ }
+ if (tokenType != ERROR){
+ token.append(c);
+ token.append(0);
+ state = DONE;
+ break; // START
+ }
+ switch(c){
+ case '$' : state = IN_VAR_FIRST; token.append(c); break;
+ case '\'' : state = IN_QUOTE; break;
+ case '\\' : state = IN_BSLASH; break;
+ default:
+ if (isWhiteSpace(c)){ // state = START; //do nothing
+ } else if (isDigit(c)){ state = IN_NUM; token.append(c);
+ } else if (isAlphabet(c)){ state = IN_STRING; token.append(c);
+ } else {terminated(ERROR);}
+ }
+ break;//START
+ case IN_NUM:
+ if (isDigit(c)){
+ token.append(c);
+ } else {
+ terminated(NUMBER);
+ }
+ break;//IN_NUM
+ case IN_VAR_FIRST:
+ if (isAlphabet(c)){
+ token.append(c);
+ state = IN_VAR;
+ } else {
+ terminated(ERROR);
+ }
+ break; // IN_VAR_FISRT
+ case IN_VAR:
+ if (isAlphabet(c) || isDigit(c)){
+ token.append(c);
+ } else {
+ terminated(VAR);
+ }
+ break;//IN_VAR
+ case IN_STRING:
+ // About the scanner's behavior for STRING, AT, and ESCAPE:
+ // All of them can be contacted with each other.
+ // This means the scanner will eat up as much as possible strings
+ // (STRING, AT, and ESCAPE) at one time, with no regard of their
+ // combining sequence.
+ //
+ if (c == '\''){
+ state = IN_QUOTE; // the first time we see single quote
+ } else if (c =='\\'){ // back slash character
+ state = IN_BSLASH;
+ } else if (isAlphabet(c) || isDigit(c)){
+ token.append(c);
+ } else{
+ terminated(STRING);
+ }
+ break;//IN_STRING
+ case IN_QUOTE:
+ if (c == '\''){ // the second time we see single quote
+ state = IN_STRING; // see document in IN_STRING
+ } else if ( c== '\\') { // backslah escape in quote
+ state = IN_QUOTE_BSLASH;
+ } else {
+ token.append(c); // eat up everything, includes back slash
+ }
+ break;//IN_QUOTE
+ case IN_BSLASH:
+ switch (c){
+ case 'n' : token.append('\n'); break;
+ case 'r' : token.append('\r'); break;
+ case 't' : token.append('\t'); break;
+ case '\'' : token.append('\''); break;
+ case '\\' : token.append('\\'); break;
+ default: token.append(c); // unknown escaping, treat it as literal
+ }
+ if (state == IN_BSLASH){
+ state = IN_STRING; // see document in IN_STRING
+ } else { // state == IN_QUOTE_BSLASH
+ state = IN_QUOTE;
+ }
+ break;//IN_BSLASH
+ case DONE: /* should never happen */
+ default:
+ working--;
+ tokenType = ERROR;
+ state = DONE;
+ break;
+ }//switch(state)
+ }//while (state != DONE)
+ return tokenType;
+ }
+};//class Scanner
+class Parser{
+friend UBool TestParser();
+friend class TestParserT;
+friend class LanguageGenerator_impl;
+ Scanner s;
+ TokenType & token;
+ int min_max; // for the evil infinite
+ UBool match(TokenType expected){
+ if (token == expected) {
+ token = s.getNextToken();
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ //s.dumpCurrentPoint();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ UBool weight(int & value){
+ if (token == NUMBER){
+ int temp = atoi(s.token);
+ match(NUMBER);
+ if (match(PERCENT)){
+ value = temp;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ UBool repeat (Pick* &node /*in,out*/){
+ if (node == NULL) return FALSE;
+ int count = -2;
+ int min = -2;
+ int max = -2;
+ UBool question = FALSE;
+ switch (token){
+ case QUESTION:
+ match(QUESTION);
+ min = 0;
+ max = 1;
+ count = 2;
+ question = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case STAR:
+ match(STAR);
+ min = 0;
+ max = -1;
+ count = -1;
+ break;
+ case PLUS:
+ match(PLUS);
+ min = 1;
+ max = -1;
+ count = -1;
+ break;
+ case LBRACE:
+ match(LBRACE);
+ if (token != NUMBER){
+ return FALSE;
+ }else {
+ min = atoi(s.token);
+ match(NUMBER);
+ if (token == RBRACE){
+ match(RBRACE);
+ max = min;
+ count = 1;
+ } else if (token == COMMA) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ if (token == RBRACE){
+ match(RBRACE);
+ max = -1;
+ count = -1;
+ } else if (token == NUMBER) {
+ max = atoi(s.token);
+ match(NUMBER);
+ count = max - min + 1;
+ if (!match(RBRACE)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (count == -2 || min == -2 || max == -2){
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // eat up following weights
+ Buffer_int weights;
+ int w;
+ while (weight(w)){
+ weights.append(w);
+ }
+ // for the evil infinite
+ min_max = min_max > min ? min_max : min;
+ min_max = min_max > max ? min_max : max;
+ if (min_max > PSEUDO_INFINIT){
+ return FALSE; // PSEUDO_INFINIT is less than the real maximum
+ }
+ if (max == -1){ // the evil infinite
+ }
+ // for the strange question mark
+ if (question && weights.content_size() > 0){
+ Buffer_int w2;
+ w2.append(DEFAULT_WEIGHT - weights[0]).append(weights[0]);
+ node = new Repeat(node,min,max,&w2);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ node = new Repeat(node,min,max,&weights);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ UBool core(Pick* &node /*out*/){
+ if (node != NULL) return FALSE; //assert node == NULL
+ switch(token){
+ case LPAR:
+ match(LPAR);
+ if(defination(node) && match(RPAR)){
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ case VAR:
+ node = new Variable(&symbols, s.token);
+ match(VAR);
+ return TRUE;
+ case STRING:
+ node = new Literal(s.token);
+ match(STRING);
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ UBool modified(Pick* &node /*out*/){
+ if (node != NULL) return FALSE; //assert node == NULL
+ if (!core(node)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (;;){
+ switch(token){
+ case WAVE:
+ match(WAVE);
+ node = new Morph(*node);
+ break;
+ case AT:
+ match(AT);
+ node = new Quote(*node);
+ break;
+ case QUESTION:
+ case STAR:
+ case PLUS:
+ case LBRACE:
+ if (!repeat(node)) return FALSE;
+ break;
+ case SEMI: // rule definiation closed
+ case RPAR: // within parenthesis (core closed)
+ case BAR: // in alternation
+ case NUMBER: // in alternation, with weight
+ case LPAR: // in sequence
+ case VAR: // in sequence
+ case STRING: // in sequence
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UBool sequence_list(Pick* &node /*in,out*/){
+ if (node == NULL) return FALSE; // assert node != NULL
+ Sequence* seq = new Sequence();
+ Pick * n = node;
+ while (token == VAR || token == STRING || token == LPAR){
+ seq->append(n);
+ n = NULL;
+ if (modified(n)){
+ // go on
+ } else {
+ goto FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (token == SEMI || token == RPAR || token == BAR){
+ seq->append(n);
+ node = seq;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ delete seq;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ UBool sequence(Pick* &node /*out*/){
+ if (node != NULL) return FALSE; //assert node == NULL
+ if (!modified(node)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (token == VAR || token == STRING || token == LPAR){
+ return sequence_list(node);
+ } else {
+ return TRUE; // just a modified
+ }
+ }
+ UBool alternation_list(Pick* &node /*in,out*/){
+ if (node == NULL) return FALSE; // assert node != NULL
+ Alternation * alt = new Alternation();
+ Pick * n = node;
+ while (token == NUMBER || token == BAR){
+ if(token == NUMBER) {
+ if (weight(w)){
+ if (token == BAR){
+ // the middle item, go on
+ } else {
+ // the last item or encounter error
+ break; //while
+ }
+ } else {
+ goto FAIL;
+ }
+ } // else token == BAR
+ match(BAR);
+ alt->append(n,w);
+ n = NULL;
+ if (sequence(n)){
+ // go on
+ } else {
+ goto FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (token == SEMI || token == RPAR) {
+ alt->append(n,w);
+ node = alt;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ delete alt;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ UBool alternation(Pick* &node /*out*/){
+ if (node != NULL) return FALSE; //assert node == NULL
+ // 'sequence' has higher precedence than 'alternation'
+ if (!sequence(node)){
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (token == BAR || token == NUMBER){ // find a real alternation1, create it.
+ return alternation_list(node);
+ } else {
+ return TRUE; // just a sequence_old
+ }
+ }
+ UBool defination(Pick* &node /*out*/){
+ if (node != NULL) return FALSE; //assert node == NULL
+ return alternation(node);
+ }
+ UBool rule(){
+ if (token == VAR){
+ Buffer_char name;
+ name.append_array(s.token, strlen(s.token) + 1);
+ match(VAR);
+ if (match(EQ)){
+ Pick * t = NULL;
+ if(defination(t)){
+ symbols.put(name, t);
+ return match(SEMI);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ UBool rules(){
+ symbols.reset();
+ token = s.getNextToken();
+ while (rule()){
+ }
+ if (token == STREAM_END){
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ //s.dumpCurrentPoint();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ SymbolTable symbols;
+ Parser(const char *const source):s(source), token(s.tokenType){
+ min_max = -2;
+ }
+ UBool parse(){
+ return rules();
+ }
+}; // class Parser
+int DumpScanner(Scanner & s, UBool dump = TRUE){
+ int len = strlen(s.source);
+ int error_start_offset = s.history - s.source;
+ if (dump){
+ printf("\n=================== DumpScanner ================\n");
+ fwrite(s.source, len, 1, stdout);
+ printf("\n-----parsed-------------------------------------\n");
+ fwrite(s.source, s.history - s.source, 1, stdout);
+ printf("\n-----current------------------------------------\n");
+ fwrite(s.history, s.working - s.history, 1, stdout);
+ printf("\n-----unparsed-----------------------------------\n");
+ fwrite(s.working, (s.source + len - s.working), 1, stdout);
+ printf("\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n");
+ }
+ return error_start_offset;
+class LanguageGenerator_impl{
+ LanguageGenerator_impl(const char *const bnf_definition, const char *const top_node)
+ :par(bnf_definition), top_node_name(top_node){
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ }
+ LanguageGenerator::PARSE_RESULT parseBNF(UBool debug = TRUE){
+ if (par.parse()){
+ if (par.symbols.find(top_node_name, &top_node_ref) == SymbolTable::HAS_REF) {
+ if (par.symbols.is_complete()) {
+ return LanguageGenerator::OK;
+ } else {
+ if (debug) printf("The bnf definition is incomplete.\n");
+ return LanguageGenerator::INCOMPLETE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (debug) printf("No top node is found.\n");
+ return LanguageGenerator::NO_TOP_NODE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(debug) {
+ printf("The bnf definition is wrong\n");
+ DumpScanner(par.s, TRUE);
+ }
+ return LanguageGenerator::BNF_DEF_WRONG;
+ }
+ }
+ const char * next(){
+ return top_node_ref->next();
+ }
+ Parser par;
+ const char *const top_node_name;
+ Pick * top_node_ref;
+ delete lang_gen;
+LanguageGenerator::PARSE_RESULT LanguageGenerator::parseBNF(const char *const bnf_definition /*in*/, const char *const top_node/*in*/, UBool debug){
+ if (lang_gen){
+ delete lang_gen;
+ }
+ lang_gen = new LanguageGenerator_impl(bnf_definition, top_node);
+ PARSE_RESULT r = lang_gen->parseBNF(debug);
+ if (r != OK){
+ delete lang_gen;
+ lang_gen = NULL;
+ return r;
+ } else {
+ return r;
+ }
+const char *LanguageGenerator::next(){ // Return a null-terminated c-string. The buffer is owned by callee.
+ if (lang_gen){
+ return lang_gen->next();
+ }else {
+ return "";
+ }
+// The test code for WBNF
+#define CALL(fun) \
+ if (fun()){ \
+ printf("Pass: " #fun "\n");\
+ } else { \
+ printf("FAILED: !!! " #fun " !!!\n"); \
+ }
+#define DUMP_R(fun, var, times) \
+ {printf("\n========= " #fun " =============\n"); \
+ for (int i=0; i<times; i++) { \
+ const char * t =;\
+ fwrite(t,strlen(t),1,stdout); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+ } \
+ printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n");}
+static UBool TestQuote(){
+ const char *const str = "This ' A !,z| qq [] .new\tline";
+ //const char *const str_r = "This \\' A '!,'z'|' qq '[]' '.'new\tline";
+ ////
+ //// :( we must quote our string to following C syntax
+ //// cannot type the literal here, it makes our code rather human unreadable
+ //// very very unconformable!
+ ////
+ ///*
+ //*/
+ //const char *const s1 = "ab'c";
+ //const char (* s1_r1) [] = { "ab''c", // ab''c
+ // "ab\\'c", // ab\'c
+ // };//
+ ///*
+ // . '.' \.
+ // .. \.\. '.'\. '.'\. '..' // '.''.' wrong
+ //*/
+ //const char *const s2 = "a..'.b"; // a..'.b
+ //const char (*s2_r) [] = { "a'..''.'b" // a'..''.'b
+ // ,"a'..\\'.'b" // a'..\'.'b
+ // ,"a'..'\\''.'b" // a'..'\''.'b
+ // };//
+ //const char *const s3 = "a..\\.b"; // a..\.b
+ //const char (*s3_r) [] = { "a'..\\\\.'b" // a'..\\.'b
+ // ,"a'..'\\\\'.'b" // a'..'\\'.'b
+ // };//
+ // // no catact operation, no choice, must be compact
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ //Escaper l(Escaper::NO, Escaper::NO, Escaper::RAND_ESC);
+ Pick *p = new Literal(str);
+ Quote q(*p);
+ DUMP_R(TestQuote, (*p), 1);
+ DUMP_R(TestQuote, q, 20);
+ return FALSE;
+static UBool TestLiteral(){
+ const char * s = "test string99.";
+ Literal n(s);
+ const char * r =;
+ return strcmp(s,r) == 0;
+static UBool TestSequence(){
+ Sequence seq;
+ seq.append(new Literal("abc "));
+ seq.append(new Literal(", s"));
+ return strcmp(, "abc , s") == 0;
+static UBool TestAlternation(){
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ Alternation alt;
+ alt.append(new Literal("aaa_10%"),10);
+ alt.append(new Literal("bbb_0%"),0);
+ alt.append(new Literal("ccc_10%"),10);
+ alt.append(new Literal("ddddddd_50%"),50);
+ DUMP_R(TestAlternation, alt, 50);
+ return FALSE;
+static UBool TestBuffer(){
+ Buffer_int t;
+ t.append(1).append(0).append(5);
+ int s = t.content_size();
+ for (int i=0; i<s; ++i){
+ printf("%d\n", t[i]);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static UBool TestWeightedRand(){
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ Buffer_int t;
+ t.append(1).append(0).append(5);
+ WeightedRand wr(&Buffer_int().append(10).append(0).append(50),4);
+// WeightedRand wr(&t,3);
+ for (int i=0; i< 50; ++i){
+ printf("%d\n",;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static UBool TestRepeat(){
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ Repeat rep(new Literal("aaa1-5 "), 1, 5);
+ DUMP_R(TestRepeat, rep, 50);
+ Repeat r2(new Literal("b{1,3}1%0%5% "), 1, 3, &Buffer_int().append(1).append(0).append(5));
+ DUMP_R(TestRepeat, r2, 50);
+ Repeat r3(new Literal("aaa5-5 "), 5, 5);
+ DUMP_R(TestRepeat, r3, 50);
+ return FALSE;
+static UBool TestVariable(){
+ SymbolTable tab;
+ Pick * value = new Literal("string1");
+ Variable var1(&tab, "x", value);
+ Variable var2(&tab, "y");
+// tab.put(var2, value); // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
+ Pick * value2 = new Literal("string2");
+ tab.put(var2, value2);
+ Pick * value3 = new Literal("string3");
+ Variable var3(&tab, "z");
+ tab.put("z", value3);
+ UBool pass;
+ pass = strcmp(, value->next()) == 0;
+ pass = pass && strcmp(, value2->next()) == 0;
+ pass = pass && strcmp(, value3->next()) == 0;
+ return pass;
+static UBool TestSymbolTable(){
+ Literal * n1 = new Literal("string1");
+ Literal * n2 = new Literal("string2");
+ SymbolTable t;
+ t.put("abc", n1);
+ t.put("$aaa", n2);
+// t.put("alias", n1); // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
+ t.put("bbb");
+ UBool pass;
+ pass = t.find(NULL) == SymbolTable::EMPTY;
+ pass = pass && t.find("ccc") == SymbolTable::NO_VAR;
+ pass = pass && t.find("bbb") == SymbolTable::NO_REF;
+ pass = pass && t.find("abc") == SymbolTable::HAS_REF;
+ pass = pass && t.find("$aaa") == SymbolTable::HAS_REF;
+ t.reset();
+ pass = pass && t.find("abc") == SymbolTable::NO_VAR;
+ return pass;
+static UBool TestScanner(void){
+ //const char str1[] = "$root = $command{0,5} $reset $mostRules{1,20};";
+ //const char str1_r[][20] = {"$root", "=", "$command", "{", "0", ",", "5", "}",
+ // "$reset", "$mostRules", "{", "1", ",", "20", "}", ";"};
+ const char str2[] = "$p2 =(\\\\ $s $string $s)? 25%;";
+ const char str2_r[][20] = {"$p2", "=", "(", "\\", "$s", "$string", "$s", ")", "?", "25", "%", ";"};
+ const char *str = str2;
+ const char (*str_r)[20] = str2_r;
+ int tokenNum = sizeof(str2_r)/sizeof(char[20]);
+ Scanner t(str);
+ UBool pass = TRUE;
+ t.getNextToken();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (pass){
+ if (t.tokenType == STREAM_END){
+ pass = pass? i == tokenNum : FALSE;
+ break;//while
+ } else if (t.tokenType == ERROR){
+ pass = FALSE;
+ break;//while
+ } else {
+ pass = strcmp( &(t.token[0]), str_r[i++]) == 0;
+ t.getNextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ //const char ts[] = "$commandList = '['"
+ //" ( alternate ' ' $alternateOptions"
+ //" | backwards ' 2'"
+ //" | normalization ' ' $onoff "
+ //" | caseLevel ' ' $onoff "
+ //" | hiraganaQ ' ' $onoff"
+ //" | caseFirst ' ' $caseFirstOptions"
+ //" | strength ' ' $strengthOptions"
+ //" ) ']';" ;
+ //Scanner t2(ts);
+ //pass = TRUE;
+ //do {
+ // t2.getNextToken();
+ // if (t2.tokenType == ERROR){
+ // DumpScanner(t2);
+ // return FALSE;
+ // }
+ //}while (t.tokenType != STREAM_END);
+ return pass;
+class TestParserT {
+UBool operator () (const char *const str, const int exp_error_offset = -1, const UBool dump = TRUE){
+ Parser par(str);
+ if (par.rules()){
+ if ( exp_error_offset == -1){
+ return TRUE;
+ }else {
+ DumpScanner(par.s,dump);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }else {
+ return DumpScanner(par.s, dump) == exp_error_offset;
+ }
+UBool TestParser(){
+ TestParserT test;
+ UBool pass = TRUE;
+ pass = pass && test ("$s = ' ' ? 50%;");
+ pass = pass && test("$x = ($var {1,2}) 3%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$x = $var {1,2} 3% | b 4%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$x = $var {1,2} 3%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$m = $c ? 2% 4% | $r 5% | $n 25%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$a = b ? 2% | c 5%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$x = A B 5% C 10% | D;", 8, FALSE); // illegal 5%
+ pass = pass && test("$x = aa 45% | bb 5% cc;", 19, FALSE);// illegal cc
+ pass = pass && test("$x = (b 5%) (c 6%);"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$x = (b 5%) c 6%;", 13, FALSE); // illegal 6%
+ pass = pass && test("$x = b 5% (c 6%);", 9, FALSE); // illegal (c 6%)
+ pass = pass && test("$x = b 5% c 6%;", 9, FALSE); // illegal c 6%
+ pass = pass && test("$x = b 5%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$x = aa 45% | bb 5% cc;", 19, FALSE);// illegal cc
+ pass = pass && test("$x = a | b | c 4% | d 5%;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$s = ' ' ? 50% abc;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test("$s = a | c d | e f;"); // legal
+ pass = pass && test( "$z = q 0% | p 1% | r 100%;"); // legal How to check parsed tree??
+ pass = pass && test("$s = ' ' ? 50%;");
+ pass = pass && test("$relationList = '<' | '<<' | ';' | '<<<' | ',' | '=';");
+ pass = pass && test("$p1 = ($string $s '|' $s)? 25%;");
+ pass = pass && test("$p2 = (\\\\ $s $string $s)? 25%;");
+ pass = pass && test("$rel2 = $p1 $string $s $p2;");
+ pass = pass && test("$relation = $relationList $s ($rel1 | $rel2) $crlf;");
+ pass = pass && test("$command = $commandList $crlf;");
+ pass = pass && test("$reset = '&' $s ($beforeList $s)? 10% ($positionList 100% | $string 10%) $crlf;");
+ pass = pass && test("$mostRules = $command 1% | $reset 5% | $relation 25%;");
+ pass = pass && test("$root = $command{0,5} $reset $mostRules{1,20};");
+ const char collationBNF[] =
+ "$s = ' '? 50%;"
+ "$crlf = '\r\n';"
+ "$alternateOptions = non'-'ignorable | shifted;"
+ "$onoff = on | off;"
+ "$caseFirstOptions = off | upper | lower;"
+ "$strengthOptions = '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | 'I';"
+ "$commandList = '['"
+ " ( alternate ' ' $alternateOptions"
+ " | backwards ' 2'"
+ " | normalization ' ' $onoff "
+ " | caseLevel ' ' $onoff "
+ " | hiraganaQ ' ' $onoff"
+ " | caseFirst ' ' $caseFirstOptions"
+ " | strength ' ' $strengthOptions"
+ " ) ']';"
+ "$command = $commandList $crlf;"
+ "$ignorableTypes = (tertiary | secondary | primary) ' ' ignorable;"
+ "$allTypes = variable | regular | implicit | trailing | $ignorableTypes;"
+ "$positionList = '[' (first | last) ' ' $allTypes ']';"
+ "$beforeList = '[before ' ('1' | '2' | '3') ']';"
+ "$relationList = ("
+ " '<'"
+ " | '<<'"
+ " | ';'"
+ " | '<<<'"
+ " | ','"
+ " | '='"
+ ");"
+ "$string = $magic;"
+ "$rel1 = '[variable top]' $s;"
+ "$p1 = ($string $s '|' $s)? 25%;"
+ "$p2 = (\\\\ $s $string $s)? 25%;"
+ "$rel2 = $p1 $string $s $p2;"
+ "$relation = $relationList $s ($rel1 | $rel2) $crlf;"
+ "$reset = '&' $s ($beforeList $s)? 10% ($positionList 1% | $string 10%) $crlf;"
+ "$mostRules = $command 1% | $reset 5% | $relation 25%;"
+ "$root = $command{0,5} $reset $mostRules{1,20};"
+ ;
+ pass = pass && test(collationBNF);
+ return pass;
+static UBool TestMorph(){
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ Alternation * alt = new Alternation();
+ (*alt)
+ .append(new Literal("a")).append(new Literal("b")).append(new Literal("c"))
+ .append(new Literal("d")).append(new Literal("e")).append(new Literal("f"))
+ .append(new Literal("g")).append(new Literal("h")).append(new Literal("i"))
+ .append(new Literal("j")).append(new Literal("k")).append(new Literal("l"))
+ .append(new Literal("m")).append(new Literal("n")).append(new Literal("o"))
+ ;
+ Repeat * rep = new Repeat( alt ,5,5 );
+ Morph m( *rep);
+// DUMP_R(TestMorph,(*rep),20);
+ DUMP_R(TestMorph,m,100);
+ return FALSE;
+static UBool TestLanguageGenerator(){
+ //LanguageGenerator g;
+ //const char *const s = "$s = p 0% | q 1%;";
+ //g.parseBNF(s, "$s");
+ UBool pass;
+ //= strcmp("q", == 0;
+ const char *const def =
+ //"$a = $b;"
+ //"$b = $c;"
+ //"$c = $t;"
+ //"$t = abc $z{1,2};"
+ //"$k = a | b | c | d | e | f | g ;"
+ //"$z = q 0% | p 1% | r 1%;"
+ "$x = a ? 0%;"
+ ; // end of string
+// const char * s = "abczz";
+ LanguageGenerator g;
+ pass = g.parseBNF(def, "$x",TRUE);
+//// LanguageGenerator g(collationBNF, "$root", "$magic", new MagicNode());
+ if (pass != LanguageGenerator::OK) return FALSE;
+ DUMP_R(TestLanguageGenerator, g, 20);
+ return pass;
+ ////UBool pass = strcmp(s,r) == 0;
+ //if (pass){
+ // printf("TestRandomLanguageGenerator passed.\n");
+ //} else {
+ // printf("TestRandomLanguageGenerator FAILED!!!\n");
+ //}
+ //return pass;
+void TestWbnf(void){
+ srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
+ //CALL(TestLiteral);
+ //CALL(TestSequence);
+ //CALL(TestSymbolTable);
+ //CALL(TestVariable);
+ //TestRepeat();
+ //TestAlternation();
+ //TestMorph();
+ //TestQuote();
+ //TestBuffer();
+ //TestWeightedRand();
+ //CALL(TestScanner);
+ //CALL(TestParser);
+ CALL(TestLanguageGenerator);