path: root/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv')
40 files changed, 4567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce5d29d7417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+## ******************************************************************************
+## *
+## * Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+## * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+## *
+## *******************************************************************************
+## for ICU - uconv
+## Steven R. Loomis
+## Set the following to dll or static or common..
+top_builddir = ../..
+subdir = extra/uconv
+include $(top_builddir)/
+# RESSRC comes from
+include $(srcdir)/
+## Extra files to remove for 'make clean'
+## Target information
+CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_builddir)/common -I$(top_srcdir)/common -I$(top_srcdir)/i18n -I$(srcdir)/../toolutil
+ifeq ($(PKGDATA_OPTS),)
+## generic settings for data - common.
+## Static mode
+ifeq ($(UCONVMSG_MODE),static)
+## DLL mode
+ifeq ($(UCONVMSG_MODE),dll)
+OBJECTS = uconv.o uwmsg.o
+DEPS = $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)
+## List of phony targets
+.PHONY : all all-local install install-local clean clean-local \
+distclean resclean distclean-local dist dist-local check check-local resfiles package-resfiles install-resfiles install-man
+## Clear suffix list
+## List of standard targets
+all: all-local
+install: install-local
+clean: clean-local
+distclean : distclean-local
+dist: dist-local
+check: check-local
+all-local: $(TARGET) resfiles $(ALL_MAN_FILES)
+install-local: all-local install-target install-resfiles install-man
+install-target: all-local
+ $(INSTALL) $(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+clean-local: resclean
+ @#-$(INVOKE) $(TOOLBINDIR)/pkgdata --clean -p $(RESDIR) -O -m $(PKGMODE) -d $(RESDIR) -T $(RESDIR) $(RESDIR)/$(RESDIR).lst
+ $(RMV) $(RESDIR)
+distclean-local: clean-local
+ $(RMV) Makefile $(DEPS)
+check-local: $(TARGET)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(PKGDATA_MODE),files common))
+ @echo "Currently, pkgdata is in \"$(PKGDATA_MODE)\" mode."
+ @echo "To test uconv, run this manually after installing ICU:"
+ @echo "\"./$(TARGET) -f ibm-37 $(srcdir)/samples/ibm-37-test.txt\""
+ $(INVOKE) ./$(TARGET) -f ibm-37 $(srcdir)/samples/ibm-37-test.txt
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ cd $(top_builddir) \
+ && CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
+ pkgdataMakefile
+ $(MAKE) -f pkgdataMakefile
+ cd $(top_builddir) \
+ && CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
+ cd $(top_builddir) \
+ $( $(OUTOPT)$@ $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)
+resfiles: $(RESFILES) package-resfiles
+$(UCONVMSG_LIB): resfiles
+package-resfiles: $(RESFILES) $(RESDIR)/$(RESDIR).lst
+$(RESDIR)/$(RESDIR).lst: Makefile $(srcdir)/
+ @-$(RMV) $@
+ @for file in $(RESFILES:$(RESDIR)/%.res=%.res); do \
+ echo $$file >> $@; \
+ done;
+# no install for static mode
+ifneq ($(UCONVMSG_MODE),static)
+install-resfiles: $(RESFILES) $(RESDIR)/$(RESDIR).lst
+$(UCONVMSG_LIB): resfiles
+$(MSGNAME)/%.res: $(srcdir)/$(RESOURCESDIR)/%.txt
+ $(INVOKE) $(TOOLBINDIR)/genrb -e UTF-8 -s $(^D) -d $(@D) $(^F)
+install-man: $(ALL_MAN_FILES)
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $? $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man$(SECTION)
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/README b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da91fc651c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/README
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright (c) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+The uconv command is an iconv(1)-like conversion / transcoding
+program. Please check its manual page, or run uconv -h, for help.
+Help, as well as error messages, are displayed through the use of a
+resource bundle. Please contact Steven Loomis <> if you
+want to offer a translation of these messages for a particular locale.
+uconv was originally written and contributed to icuapps by Jonas Utterstrm
+<>, and offered simple conversion and
+a way to know which encodings were available. It has since then be
+moved to the main ICU distribution and converted to the C conversion
+API, and is maintained by Yves Arrouye <> who seems
+to always be looking for one more feature or option to add to the tool.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/makedata.mak b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/makedata.mak
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09bd13e14cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/makedata.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#* Copyright (C) 1999-2008, International Business Machines Corporation
+#* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+# nmake file for creating data files on win32
+# invoke with
+# nmake /f makedata.mak icup=<path_to_icu_instalation> [Debug|Release]
+# 12/10/1999 weiv Created
+#If no config, we default to debug
+!IF "$(CFG)" == ""
+!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to common - Win32 Debug.
+#Here we test if a valid configuration is given
+!IF "$(CFG)" != "Release" && "$(CFG)" != "release" && "$(CFG)" != "Debug" && "$(CFG)" != "debug" && "$(CFG)" != "x86\Release" && "$(CFG)" != "x86\Debug" && "$(CFG)" != "x64\Release" && "$(CFG)" != "x64\Debug"
+!MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "makedata.mak" CFG="Debug"
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+!MESSAGE "Release"
+!MESSAGE "Debug"
+!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
+#Let's see if user has given us a path to ICU
+#This could be found according to the path to makefile, but for now it is this way
+!IF "$(ICUP)"==""
+!ERROR Can't find path!
+!MESSAGE ICU path is $(ICUP)
+# set the following to 'static' or 'dll' depending
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "x64\Release" || "$(CFG)" == "x64\Debug"
+PATH = $(ICUP)\bin64;$(PATH)
+PATH = $(ICUP)\bin;$(PATH)
+# Suffixes for data files
+.SUFFIXES : .ucm .cnv .dll .dat .res .txt .c
+# We're including a list of resource files.
+!ERROR ERROR: cannot find "$(RESFILES)"
+RES_FILES = $(RESSRC:.txt=.res)
+RB_FILES = resources\$(RES_FILES:.res =.res resources\)
+# This target should build all the data files
+!IF "$(PKGMODE)" == "dll"
+ @echo All targets are up to date (mode $(PKGMODE))
+# invoke pkgdata - static
+ @echo Building $(RESNAME).lib
+ @"$(ICUTOOLS)\pkgdata" -f -v -m static -c -p $(RESNAME) -d "$(DLL_OUTPUT)" -s "$(RESDIR)" <<pkgdatain.txt
+$(RES_FILES:.res =.res
+# This is to remove all the data files
+ -@erase "$(RB_FILES)"
+ -@erase "$(CFG)\*uconvmsg*.*"
+ -@"$(ICUTOOLS)\pkgdata" -f --clean -v -m static -c -p $(RESNAME) -d "$(DLL_OUTPUT)" -s "$(RESDIR)" pkgdatain.txt
+# Inference rule for creating resource bundles
+ @echo Making Resource Bundle files
+ "$(ICUTOOLS)\genrb" -s $(@D) -d $(@D) $(?F)
+$(RESSRC) : {"$(ICUTOOLS)"}genrb.exe
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ce5c21a305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2007, International Business Machines
+# Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+# This Makefile is used to build the ICU's data.
+# It is included with the -O option to pkgdata.
+include $(top_builddir)/
+CPPFLAGS+= -I$(top_builddir)/common -I$(top_srcdir)/common
+##### Add the following to source/config/
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61a3bcd6d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## for ICU data
+## Copyright (c) 2008-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and
+## others. All Rights Reserved.
+## Source directory information
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+# So that you have $(top_builddir)/config.status
+top_builddir = ../..
+## All the flags and other definitions are included here.
+include $(top_builddir)/
+all : clean
+ @echo SO=$(SO) >> $(OUTPUTFILE)
+ @echo SOBJ=$(SOBJ) >> $(OUTPUTFILE)
+ @echo A=$(A) >> $(OUTPUTFILE)
+ @echo LIBFLAGS="-I$(top_srcdir)/common -I$(top_builddir)/common $(SHAREDLIBCPPFLAGS) $(SHAREDLIBCFLAGS)" >> $(OUTPUTFILE)
+ @echo GENLIB="$(SHLIB.c)" >> $(OUTPUTFILE)
+ @echo AR=$(AR) >> $(OUTPUTFILE)
+clean :
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e83ff6af4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 IBM, Inc. and Others.
+# A small makefile containing the list of resource bundles
+# to include in uconv.
+# The variable FILESEPCHAR is defined by the caller to be
+# the character separating components of a filename.
+RESOURCESDIR = resources
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/resources/fr.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/resources/fr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..054c4ab7957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/resources/fr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// -*- Coding: utf-8; -*- [all uconv resource files]
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2004 IBM, Inc. and Others.
+// Root translation file for uconv messages.
+// So you want to translate this file??? Great!
+// 1. copy it to a new name [ex: se.txt]
+// 2. You might wish to comment out ALL lines, and then uncomment them
+// as you add translations. That way, you don't inadvertently mark
+// an untranslated English (or whatever) string as already
+// translated. The base translation might change!
+// 3. These files are in UTF-8 format (even though root uses only
+// ASCII)
+// 4. Make note of the location of {0}, {1}, etc.. they are taken from
+// arguments to u_wmsg() in order..
+// 5. Add se.txt to RESSRC= in and to the project file on
+// the Windows side.
+// 6. Send it in to or ask on the ICU mailing list! thanks!
+ // uconv errors
+ lcUsageWord { "usage" }
+ ucUsageWord { "Usage" }
+ usage {
+ "{0}: {1} "
+ "[ -h, -?, --help ] [ -V, --version ] [ -s, --silent ] [ -v, --verbose ] "
+ "[ -l, --list | --list-code code | --default-code | -L, --list-transliterators ] "
+ "[ --canon ] [ -x translitération ] "
+ "[ --to-callback callback | -c ] [ --from-callback callback | -i ] [ --callback callback ] "
+ "[ --fallback | --no-fallback ] "
+ "[ -b, --block-size taille ] "
+ "[ -f, --from-code code ] [ -t, --to-code code ] "
+ "[ --add-signature ] [ --remove-signature ] "
+ "[ -o, --output fichier ] "
+ "[ fichier ... ]\n"
+ }
+ // TODO there is some English in here
+ help { "Options : -h, --help affiche ce message\n"
+ " -V, --version affiche la version du programme\n"
+" -s, --silent supprime les messages\n"
+" -v, --verbose affiche les progrès\n"
+" -l, --list liste tous les encodages disponibles\n"
+" --list-code code liste juste l''encodage donné\n"
+" --default-code liste juste l''encodage par défaut\n"
+" -L, --list-transliterators liste tous les translitérateurs\n"
+" --canon affiche la liste dans le format de cnvrtrs.txt(5)\n"
+" -x translitération passe le texte à travers translitération\n"
+" --to-callback callback utilise callback sur l''encodage cible\n"
+" -c omet les caractères invalides de la sortie\n"
+" --from-callback callback utilise callback sur l''encodage source\n"
+" -i omet les séquences invalides de l''entrée\n"
+" --callback callback utilise callback sur les deux encodages\n"
+" -b, --block-size taille lit des blocks de taille octets (défaut : 4096)\n"
+" --fallback utilise les correspondances de secours\n"
+" --no-fallback n''utilise pas les correspondances de secours\n"
+" -f, --from-code code fixe l''encodage d''origine\n"
+" -t, --to-code code fixe l''encodage de destination\n"
+" --add-signature add a U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM)\n"
+" --remove-signature remove a U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM)\n"
+" -o, --output fichier écrit la sortie dans fichier\n"
+"Callbacks :" }
+ cantGetNames { "Ne peux obtenir la liste des encodages.\n" } // 0: err
+ cantGetTag { "Ne peux obtenir le nom de l'étiquette standard : {0}.\n" } // 0: err
+ noSuchCodeset { "Ne peux trouver l''encodage : {0}.\n" } // 0: name of the encoding
+ noFromCodeset { "L''encodage d''origine n''a pas été fixé (utilisez -f).\n" }
+ noToCodeset { "L''encodage de destination n''a pas été fixé (utilisez -t).\n" }
+ badBlockSize { "Taille de bloc incorrecte : {0}.\n" } // 0: size of the block
+ cantSetInBinMode { "Ne peux mettre l''entrée standard en mode binaire.\n" }
+ cantSetOutBinMode { "Ne peux mettre la sortie standard en mode binaire.\n" }
+ cantOpenFromCodeset { "Ne peux ouvrir de convertisseur pour l''encodage d''origine {0} : {1}.\n" } // 0:set, 1: err
+ cantOpenToCodeset { "Ne peux ouvrir de convertisseur pour l''encodage de destination {0} : {1}.\n" } // 0:set, 1: err
+ cantCreateTranslit { "Ne peux créer la translitération \"{0}\": {1}.\n" } // 0:set, 1: err
+ cantCreateTranslitParseErr { "Ne peux créer la translitération \"{0}\": {1}, ligne {2}, position {3}.\n" } // 0: set, 1: err, 2: line, 3: offset
+ cantSetCallback { "Ne peux fixer le callack de transcodage : {0}.\n" } // 0: err
+ unknownCallback { "Callback inconnu : {0}.\n" } // 0: callback name
+ cantOpenInputF { "Ne peux ouvrir le fichier d''entrée {0} : {1}.\n" } // 0: file, 1: strerror [OS error string]
+ cantCreateOutputF { "Ne peux créer le fichier de sortie {0} : {1}.\n" } // 0: file, 1: strerror [OS error string]
+ cantWrite { "Le texte converti ne peut pas être écrit : {0}.\n" } // 0: OS error string
+ cantRead { "Erreur de lecture du fichier d''entrée : {0}.\n" } // 0: OS error string
+ // TODO retranslate the problemCvt... messages because their format changed
+ //problemCvtToU { "La conversion d''Unicode vers l''encodage de destination a échoué à la position {0} : {1}.\n" } // 0: position, 1: err
+ //problemCvtFromU { "La conversion de l''encodage original vers Unicode a échoué à la position {0} : {1}.\n" } // 0: position, 1: err
+ //problemCvtFromUOut { "La conversion de l''encodage original vers Unicode a échoué à la position {0} de la sortie : {1}.\n" } // 0: position, 1: err
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/resources/root.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/resources/root.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4683580b6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/resources/root.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// -*- Coding: utf-8; -*- [all uconv resource files]
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2004 IBM, Inc. and Others.
+// Root translation file for uconv messages.
+// So you want to translate this file??? Great!
+// 1. copy it to a new name [ex: se.txt]
+// 2. You might wish to comment out ALL lines, and then uncomment them
+// as you add translations. That way, you don't inadvertently mark
+// an untranslated English (or whatever) string as already
+// translated. The base translation might change!
+// 3. These files are in UTF-8 format (even though root uses only
+// ASCII)
+// 4. Make note of the location of {0}, {1}, etc.. they are taken from
+// arguments to u_wmsg() in order..
+// 5. Add se.txt to RESSRC= in and to the project file on
+// the Windows side.
+// 6. Send it in to or ask on the ICU mailing list! thanks!
+ // uconv errors
+ lcUsageWord { "usage" }
+ ucUsageWord { "Usage" }
+ usage {
+ "{0}: {1} "
+ "[ -h, -?, --help ] [ -V, --version ] [ -s, --silent ] [ -v, --verbose ] "
+ "[ -l, --list | --list-code code | --default-code | -L, --list-transliterators ] "
+ "[ --canon ] [ -x transliteration ] "
+ "[ --to-callback callback | -c ] [ --from-callback callback | -i ] [ --callback callback ] "
+ "[ --fallback | --no-fallback ] "
+ "[ -b, --block-size size ] "
+ "[ -f, --from-code code ] [ -t, --to-code code ] "
+ "[ --add-signature ] [ --remove-signature ] "
+ "[ -o, --output file ] "
+ "[ file ... ]\n" }
+ help { "Options: -h, --help print this message\n"
+ " -V, --version print the program version\n"
+ " -s, --silent suppress messages\n"
+ " -v, --verbose display progress information\n"
+ " -l, --list list all available encodings\n"
+ " --list-code code list only the given encoding\n"
+ " --default-code list only the default encoding\n"
+ " -L, --list-transliterators list all available transliterators\n"
+ " --canon print list in cnvrtrs.txt(5) format\n"
+ " -x transliteration run everything through transliteration\n"
+ " --to-callback callback use callback on destination encoding\n"
+ " -c omit invalid characters from the output\n"
+ " --from-callback callback use callback on original encoding\n"
+ " -i ignore invalid sequences in the input\n"
+ " --callback callback use callback on both encodings\n"
+ " -b, --block-size size read size bytes blocks (default: 4096)\n"
+ " --fallback use fallback mapping\n"
+ " --no-fallback do not use fallback mapping\n"
+ " -f, --from-code code set the original encoding\n"
+ " -t, --to-code code set the destination encoding\n"
+ " --add-signature add a U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM)\n"
+ " --remove-signature remove a U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM)\n"
+ " -o, --output file write output to file\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Callbacks:"
+ }
+ cantGetNames { "Couldn''t get available converter names.\n" } // 0: err
+ cantGetTag { "Couldn''t get standard tag name: {0}.\n" } // 0: err
+ noSuchCodeset { "Couldn''t find encoding: {0}.\n" } // 0: name of the encoding
+ noFromCodeset { "No original encoding set (use -f).\n" }
+ noToCodeset { "No destination encoding set (use -t).\n" }
+ badBlockSize { "Bad block size: {0}.\n" } // 0: size of the block
+ cantSetInBinMode { "Couldn't set standard input to binary mode." }
+ cantSetOutBinMode { "Couldn't set standard output to binary mode." }
+ cantOpenFromCodeset { "Couldn''t open converter for original encoding {0}: {1}.\n" } // 0:set, 1: err
+ cantOpenToCodeset { "Couldn''t open converteur for destination encoding {0}: {1}.\n" } // 0: set, 1: err
+ cantCreateTranslit { "Couldn''t create transliteration \"{0}\": {1}.\n" } // 0: set, 1: err
+ cantCreateTranslitParseErr { "Couldn''t create transliteration \"{0}\": {1}, line {2}, offset {3}.\n" } // 0: set, 1: err, 2: line, 3: offset
+ cantSetCallback { "Couldn''t set transcoding callback: {0}.\n" } // 0: err
+ unknownCallback { "Unknown callback: {0}.\n" } // 0: callback name
+ cantOpenInputF { "Couldn''t open input file {0}: {1}.\n" } // 0: file, 1: strerror [OS error string]
+ cantCreateOutputF { "Couldn''t create output file {0}: {1}.\n" } // 0: file, 1: strerror [OS error string]
+ cantWrite { "The converted text couldn't be written: {0}.\n" } // 0: OS error string
+ cantRead { "Error reading from input file: {0}.\n" } // 0: OS error string
+ problemCvtToU { "Conversion to Unicode from codepage failed at input byte position {0}. Bytes: {1} Error: {2}\n" } // 0: position, 1: bytes, 2: err
+ problemCvtFromU { "Conversion from Unicode to codepage failed at input byte position {0}. Unicode: {1} Error: {2}\n"} // 0: position, 1: Unicode, 2: err
+ problemCvtFromUOut { "Conversion from Unicode to codepage failed at output byte position {0}. Unicode: {1} Error: {2}\n"} // 0: position, 1: Unicode, 2: err
+// ICU errors - used by u_wmsg_errorName()
+ U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR { "Using fallback data" }
+ U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR { "Using default data" }
+ U_ZERO_ERROR { "No error has occured" }
+ U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR { "Illegal argument" }
+ U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR { "A resource was missing" }
+ U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR { "Invalid format" }
+ U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR { "Problem accessing that file/object" }
+ U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR { "Internal program error" }
+ U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR { "Parse error on message format" }
+ U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR { "Out of memory" }
+ U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR { "An index was out-of-bounds" }
+ U_PARSE_ERROR { "Parse error" }
+ U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND { "Invalid character found" }
+ U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND { "Truncated character found" }
+ U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND { "Illegal character found" }
+ U_INVALID_TABLE_FORMAT { "Invalid table data format" }
+ U_INVALID_TABLE_FILE { "Invalid table data file" }
+ U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR { "Buffer overflow" }
+ U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR { "A feature was unsupported" }
+ U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH { "Resource type mismatch" }
+ U_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE { "Illegal escape sequence found" }
+ U_UNSUPPORTED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE {"Unsupported escape sequence found" }
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ISO-8859-2.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ISO-8859-2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61e8d712b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ISO-8859-2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Dobar dan! Kako ste? Ja sam Marina
+Dodigovi. Kako se Vi zovete?
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ISO-8859-3.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ISO-8859-3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6ba7937ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ISO-8859-3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Yukarda mavi gk, asada yaz yer yaratldkta; ikisinin arasnda insan
+olu yaratlm. nsan oullar zerine ecdadm Bumn hakan, stemi hakan
+tahta oturmu; oturarak Trk milletinin lkesini, tresini, idare edivermi,
+tanzim edivermis. Drt taraf hep dman imi. Asker sevk edip drt taraftaki
+kavmi hep (itaati altna) alm hep muti klm. Ballara ba edirmi,
+dizlilere diz ktrm.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/danish-ISO-8859-1.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/danish-ISO-8859-1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95e57d6c72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/danish-ISO-8859-1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Foto ______ det formodede fdehus, hjrnet ______ Hans Jensensstrde og Bangs Boder.
+ (H. C. Andersens Hus, Odense).
+ Sknt H. C. Andersens barndomsomgivelser var meget fattige, blev de i hans rige fantasi
+ solbeskinnede.
+ Der findes en mandtalsliste fra nogle f r ______ H. C. Andersens fdsel. Den er ______ 1801
+ og den giver klare oplysninger om, hvor mange der boede ______ Odense og hvad de var
+ beskftigede ______. Den omfatter 1199 husstande. Hvis man fordeler disse ______ erhverv,
+ fr man 102 embeds- og bestillingsmnd, 26 officerer, 12 der beskftiger sig med
+ immaterielle erhverv, 81 som lever ______ handel, 36 vrtshusholdere, 460 hndvrkere, 39
+ avlsmnd og urtemnd, 121 soldater, 97 daglejere, 139 enlige kvinder og
+ almissemedlemmer, 29 pensionister og rentenydere.
+ H. C. Andersens forldre tilhrte samfundets laveste lag. Faderen var friskomager, og
+ nr han meldte sig ______ militrtjeneste ______ Napoleons side, har det nok ikke s meget vret
+ idealisme som praktisk konomi. For at sikre sig en soldats vrgeln. Han kom ikke
+ lngere end ______ Holsten. Han fik hj feber og mtte sendes hjem. Da han kom hjem,
+ forvrredes sygdommen og han dde.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/eucJP.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/eucJP.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..680efb1d1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/eucJP.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ ֥桼եɥסäȡøƤФ
+椦ϡ ̤Ρÿͤ
+ñ û ˡåޥäǤ
+Ρå ûŻˤ
+Ф롡? ƤФ
+夦ϡ? ͳϡ
+ 塡
+ġơȡ 㡡塡
+ʡˡ̡͡Ρ ˤ㡡 ˤ塡ˤ
+ϡҡաءۡ Ҥ Ҥ Ҥ
+ դդդդ
+ޡߡࡡᡡ⡡ ߤ㡡ߤ塡ߤ
+䡡() () 衡 㡡塡
+顡ꡡ롡졡 塡
+ () 𡡡
+ ?
+ 㡡塡
+ 
+㡡 塡
+¡šǡɡ¤㡡¤ ¤ ¤¤
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/hangul-eucKR.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/hangul-eucKR.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90a0393b77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/hangul-eucKR.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/hania-eucKR.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/hania-eucKR.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3197f751bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/hania-eucKR.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+?? \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ibm-37-test.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ibm-37-test.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5fd11637f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/ibm-37-test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+z@Ö@@`@@K% \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/iso8859-1.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/iso8859-1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95e57d6c72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/iso8859-1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Foto ______ det formodede fdehus, hjrnet ______ Hans Jensensstrde og Bangs Boder.
+ (H. C. Andersens Hus, Odense).
+ Sknt H. C. Andersens barndomsomgivelser var meget fattige, blev de i hans rige fantasi
+ solbeskinnede.
+ Der findes en mandtalsliste fra nogle f r ______ H. C. Andersens fdsel. Den er ______ 1801
+ og den giver klare oplysninger om, hvor mange der boede ______ Odense og hvad de var
+ beskftigede ______. Den omfatter 1199 husstande. Hvis man fordeler disse ______ erhverv,
+ fr man 102 embeds- og bestillingsmnd, 26 officerer, 12 der beskftiger sig med
+ immaterielle erhverv, 81 som lever ______ handel, 36 vrtshusholdere, 460 hndvrkere, 39
+ avlsmnd og urtemnd, 121 soldater, 97 daglejere, 139 enlige kvinder og
+ almissemedlemmer, 29 pensionister og rentenydere.
+ H. C. Andersens forldre tilhrte samfundets laveste lag. Faderen var friskomager, og
+ nr han meldte sig ______ militrtjeneste ______ Napoleons side, har det nok ikke s meget vret
+ idealisme som praktisk konomi. For at sikre sig en soldats vrgeln. Han kom ikke
+ lngere end ______ Holsten. Han fik hj feber og mtte sendes hjem. Da han kom hjem,
+ forvrredes sygdommen og han dde.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/koi8r.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/koi8r.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..578a30f1233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/koi8r.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ .
+ .
+ . -
+ . ,
+ ..
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/armenian.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/armenian.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21e2a735269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/armenian.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Աեցեհի իմ լավ ?ւղիե լավարար,
+Կյաեբս չտայի կասկածի մհգիե...
+Այեպհս կ?ւզհի մհկե իեծ ?ավատր,
+Այեպհս կ?ւզհի ?ավատալ մհկիե։
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/banviet.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/banviet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d9cafe73d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/banviet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Bần chỉ là một anh nghèo xác, ngày ngày lang-thang
+khắp xóm này qua xóm khác xin ăn. Quần áo
+rách-mướp Bần cũng chả coi sao, chân không có giầy và
+đầu cũng chẳng có mũ. Giời nắng hay giời mưa Bần
+không bao giờ quan-tâm. Một ngưòi như Bần thì ai cũng
+tưởng là không còn có gì là quí-vât nữa. Thế nhưng ta
+nhầm vì Bần có cái quạt mo, Bần quí lắm. Bần quí và giữ
+luôn không rời bỏ bao giờ. Giời nắng thì Bần che đầu,
+giời mưa Bần cũng nhờ nó mà đỡ ướt. Muốn ngồi Bần
+dùng làm chiếu và đêm đến các chú muỗi vo-ve thì Bần
+dùng để dánh đuổi các chú ấy.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/chinese-ulysses.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/chinese-ulysses.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2d2c6cfe29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/chinese-ulysses.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+  俺正和首都警署的老特洛伊在凉亭山街角那儿寒喧呢,该死的,冷不丁儿的来了一名扫烟囱的背时家伙,他那长玩意儿差点儿戳进了俺那眼睛里头去。俺转回脑袋,正打算狠々地教训他一顿,没曾想一眼看见石头斜墻街那儿来了个人,道是谁呢,原来是约・哈因斯。
+  ___囉,约,俺说。你怎么样?那个扫烟囱的背时家伙,用他的长把儿刷子差点儿把我的眼睛捅掉。你看见了吗?
+  ___煤烟到,运气好,约说。你刚才说话的那个老小子是谁?
+  ___老特洛伊呗,俺说,原来是部队的。那家伙又是扫帚又是梯子,把交通都堵塞起来了,俺恨不得把他逮起来。
+  ___你到这片儿来干吗?约问。
+  ___没有什么屁事,俺说。兵营教堂那边,小鸡胡同口上有一个背时的大个子,不要脸的恶棍__老特洛伊就是给我透了那家伙的一点儿底__要了天主知道多少茶叶和糖,他答应每星期付三先令,说是在唐郡还有个农庄。货主是那边海梯斯堡街附近的一个小矮子,名叫摩西・赫佐格的。
+  ___割包皮的吗?#1 约说。
+  ___可不吗,俺说。头上去了一点儿。一个姓吉拉蒂的老管子工。我已经钉了他两个星期,可是一个便士也挤不出来。
+  ___你现在就干这勾当?约说。
+  ___可不吗,俺说。大人物落魄到这种地步:收倒帐、荒帐。可这家伙呀,像他这样臭名远扬的背时土匪,你走上一天的路也难得见到一个,一脸的麻子够装一场阵头雨的。{你就告诉他吧,}他说「我等着他呢,}他说,{我专门儿地等着他再派你来,只要他敢,}他说,{我就让法庭给他发传票,没有错儿,告他个无照营业。}他说完这话,      那模样就像要爆炸赛的。耶稣哪,那犹太小子火冒三丈的模样儿可真逗笑!{他喝我的茶。他吃我的糖。他倒不付我的帐?}[241]
+ 茲有都柏林市沃德码头区凯文道十三号商人摩西・赫佐格,下称售方,出售耐久食品并送交都柏林市阿伦码头区凉亭山二十九号绅士迈克尔・ E・吉拉蒂先生,下称购方,计开一级茶叶五磅,常衡制,每常衡制磅价三先令零便士,碎晶体白糖常衡制三斯通#1,每常衡制磅价三便士,该购方由该售方供应物品后应付该售方英币一镑五先令又六便士,此款应由该购方以每周分偿办法付与售方,即每七历日付英币三先令零便士;该购方对该耐久食品不得典当、抵押、出售或作其他方式转让,该售方拥有并继续拥有全面而不可侵犯之所有权,该售方有权自由任意处理,直至此款由该购方按照此约所定方式向该售方付清为止,此约于由该售方与其财产继承人、业务继承人、委托代理人、指定受让人为一方,该购方与其财产继承人业务继承人、委托代理人、指定受让人为另一方于本日于此议定。
+  ___你是严格的滴酒不入的吗?约说。
+  ___除了 喝酒的时候,啥也不喝,俺说。
+  ___去拜访一下咱们那位朋友怎么样?约说。
+  ___谁?俺说。他呀,精神错乱上了天主的约翰那儿去了#2,可怜的家伙。
+==注2:「天主的约翰」为都柏林郡 一瘋人院。==
+  ___是喝他自己的貨色喝的吧?
+  ___可不嗎,俺說。威士忌加水,上了腦子。
+  ___走吧,上巴尼・基尔南酒店吧,约说。我要找公民。
+  ___就是巴尼宝贝儿吧,俺说。有什么怪事儿或是好事儿吗?
+  ___屁事儿也没有,约说。我采访城标饭店那个会议了。
+  ___啥会,约?俺说。
+  ___牧牛贸易,约说,讨论口啼疫的。我要给公民透个信儿。
+  俺们绕过亚麻厂兵营,绕着法院后头,边走边聊。约这位老兄,有  的时候是挺够朋友的,可他就是老没有。耶稣 呀,俺可咽不下背时的滑头吉拉蒂这口气,白日打劫的土匪。告他个无照营业,他说。
+  在那美丽的伊尼斯菲尔#3,有那么一片土地,圣迈肯的土地。#4一座高塔在此拔地而起,四周远处都能望见。有许多大人物在此安眠,许多大名鼎々的英雄王公在此安眠如生。这片土地委实赏心悦目,上有潺々流水,水中群 鱼嬉戏,有鲂 ,有鲽鱼。有拟鲤,有大比目,有尖嘴黑绒鳕,有鲑鱼,有黄盖鲽,有菱鲆,有鲆鲽,有青鳕,还有各种杂鱼,以其他各类不计其数的水族。在西方和东方,高大的树木在和风吹拂之中,向四面八方搖晃着极其优美的枝叶,有飘々然的悬铃木,有黎巴嫩雪松,有挺拔的梧桐,有改良桉树,以及其他树木世界优良品种,这一地区应有尽有。美妙女郎散坐在美妙树木之间,唱着最美妙的歌曲,并以形々色々美妙物品为游戏,诸如金块、银鱼、大筐的鲱、整网的鳗鱼、小鳕鱼、整篓的仔鱼、紫色的海宝、活泼々的昆[242]虫。四方英雄远道来向她们求爱。从爱勃兰纳到斯里符玛奇山#1,无可匹敌的王子们来自自由世界的芒斯特省,来自公道的康诺特省,来自光滑、整洁的莱因斯特省,来自克罗阿蝉的地域,来自光辉的阿尔马郡,来自高贵的博伊尔区,是王子们,都是国王的后代。 
+  一座亮晶々的宫殿耸立在那里,驾驶着为此目的而建造的船舶在大海航行的人从远处就能望见它的水晶屋顶闪々发光。当地所有的畜群 、肥犊、首批鲜果,纷々运来这里,由奥康内尔・茨赛门收费,他是世传的酋长#2 巨大的货车载来了丰富的农田的产物,有长筐装的菜花,有大盘装的菠菜、菠萝段、仰光瓜,有大筐装的蕃茄,有桶装的无花果,有成堆的瑞典萝卜、球状马铃薯,有成捆的各色甘兰、约克菜、皱叶菜,有成盘的土中珍珠洋葱头,还有浅盘装的蘑菇、蛋奶豌豆、肥巢菜、油菜、以及红的、绿的、黄的、棕的、赤褐色的甜、大、苦、熟带斑的苹果,还有小篓小篓的草莓、一篮一篮的醋栗,肉鼓々毛茸々的;可供王侯享用的草莓、新摘的紫莓。
+==注2:费茨赛门为1904 年都柏林食品商店总管,商场在基尔南酒店附近。==
+  {我等着他呢,}他说,{我专门儿地等着他呢。}你给我滚到这儿来吧,吉拉蒂,你这个臭名远扬的拦路抢劫的背时土匪!
+  一条路上来的,还有不计其数的牲畜群 ,有系铃带头的去势公羊、催情补饲的母羊、初剪羊毛的壮羊、羔羊、灰雁、中号菜牛、吼喘母马、截角牛犊、长毛羊、待肥育羊、卡夫头等待产牛、等外品、阉母猪、咸肉用猪、各种不同品种高级生猪、安格斯小母牛、最佳纯种去角阉牛、以及获奖的头等的奶牛与菜牛;这里不断听到蹄子声、咯々声、吼叫声、哞々声、咩々声、咆哮声、隆々声、呼噜声、吃料声、咀嚼声,有羊群、有猪群、有蹄子沉重的牛群 ,来自勒斯克、鲁希、卡里克孟的牧场,来自索孟德那水流丰富的山谷,来自麦吉利口客地那些难于攀登的石堆,来自气势宏大深不可测的香农河,来自基亚族地区那些平缓的山坡,乳房因奶过多而肿胀不堪,还有大桶的黄油、乳酪酶、农家木桶装的羔羊前胸肉、大筐的玉米,还有十打十打的禽蛋,各种大小都有,玛瑙色的和暗褐色的。
+  这么的,俺们拐近了巴尼・基尔南酒店,可不吗,公民正在那角落里头,一边跟他自个儿和那条背时的癞皮杂种狗加里欧文大会谈,一边等着天上掉下什么喝的来呢。
+  ___瞧他,俺说,克露斯金朗不离身,#3 带着他的大事业公事卷宗守着窝。
+  背时的杂种狗发出一种悻々的声音,叫人听了毛骨悚然的。要是有人把那条恶狗的命结束了,那才是地道的善行呢。俺听说过一件真事,桑特里一名武警来送传票,是执照的事,叫这条狗啃去大半条裤子。
+  ___站住,交出来,他说。
+  ___没有事儿,公民,约说。自己人。
+  ___自己人放行,他说。
+  然后他用手揉々一只眼睛说:
+  你们对时局有什么看法?
+  他搞矛兵#1 和山上罗利#2 那一套呢。可是,老天在上,约倒是能对付这局面的。
+  ___我看是物价要涨,他说着把手顺着裤裆伸了下去。  
+  老天在上,公民把爪子往膝盖上一拍说:  ___都是外国的战争造成的。
+  约在口袋里翘着大姆指说:
+  ___是俄国佬想统治。  
+  ___去你的吧,约,俺说。你那套背时胡扯算了吧。俺可渴坏了,半个克朗也不够解的。
+  ___你说是什么吧,公民,约说。
+  ___咱本国的酒,他说。
+  ___你呢?约说。
+  ___照着葫芦画瓢,俺说。
+  ___来三品脱,特里,约说。老伙计怎么样,公民?他说。
+  ----再好也没有,a chara#1 。他说。怎么样,加里?咱们会胜利的,是吧?
+ ----他说着话,一把抓住了那背时老狗的后颈皮,耶稣 啊,差不点儿把它勒死。
+  坐在圆塔前大石墩上的是一条好汉,肩膀宽阔、胸膛厚实、四肢强壮、眼光坦率、头发发红、雀斑斑斓、胡子蓬松、嘴巴宽大、鼻子高耸、脑袋长々、嗓音深沉、膝盖外露、两腿多毛、脸色发红、双臂多腱。他两肩之间宽达数伊尔#3,双膝嶙峋 如山岩,膝上和身体其余外露部分相同,都长着厚々的一层黄褐色刺毛,颜色和硬度都像山荊豆(Ulex Europeus#4)。两个鼻孔中伸出同样黄褐色的硬毛,鼻孔之大,可容草地 鹨在其洞穴深处筑巢。两只大眼睛的尺寸,和大头的菜花相仿,常有一滴眼泪和一丝微笑在争夺眼内地盘。#5 从他的口中深处,不时有一股发热的强气流冒出,而他的巨大心脏的博动,那响亮有力的节奏造成强大的共鸣,雷声隆々,将地面、高耸的塔顶和比塔更高的洞壁都震得颤动搖晃不已。
+==注3:「伊尔」为旧时英制长度,合45 英寸。
+  他穿一件无袖长衣,用新剥牛皮制成,下垂及膝如苏格兰短裙,腰间用一根芦苇毛草编成的绳子束住。裙子下面是鹿皮裤子,用肠线粗缝而成的。他的下肢套着用地衣紫染过的巴尔布里根裹腿,脚上套着盐渍粗牛皮靴子,靴带是同一牲口的气管。他的腰带上 挂着一大串海石子,都随着他那奇特的身体的每一个动作发出哐啷哐啷的声音,上面镌刻着粗犷 而生动的部落艺术人像,都是爱尔兰古代的男女英雄,有:库丘陵、身经百战的康恩、九个人质的尼尔、金克拉的布莱恩王、玛拉基大帝、阿特・麦克墨罗、沙恩・奥尼尔、约翰・墨菲神父、欧文・罗、派特里克・萨斯菲尔德、红色的休・奥唐奈、红色的吉姆・麦克德莫特、Soggarth Eogham O'Growney ,迈克尔・德怀尔、弗朗西・希金斯、亨利・乔伊・迈克拉肯、歌利亚、霍勒斯・惠特利、托马斯・Conneff、佩格・沃芬顿、村铁匠、Captain Moonlight、Captain 杯葛、丹蒂・lighieri、克里斯托费・哥伦布、S fursa(费萨)、S 布伦丹、马歇尔・麦克马洪、查理曼、西奥博尔德・沃尔夫・托恩、马加比家族之母、thelast of Mohicans 、卡斯蒂利亚的罗斯、the Man for Galway(戈尔韦、在蒙特卡洛砸银行的曼、在加普的曼、The Woman who didn't`本杰明・富兰克林、拿破仑・波拿巴、约翰・L・沙利文、克娄巴特拉、Savourneen Deelish、米利叶斯・凯撒、帕拉切尔苏斯、托马斯・利普顿先生、威廉・退尔、米开朗琪罗、海斯、穆罕默德、the bride of Lammermoor、隐士彼得、彼得the Packer、黑姑娘罗莎琳、巴特里克・W・莎士比亚、布赖恩・孔子、Murtagh 谷登堡、巴特里科(Patricio) 贝拉斯克斯、船长内穆(Nemo),特里斯丹和yi 瑟(Isolde)(Isult)、第一任威尔士亲王、
+ 不管怎么的,特里送来了那三品脱,是约请客,老天在上,俺看见他真掏出一镑钱来,差点儿把眼睛都瞪瞎了。嘿,俺说的可是千真万确的。一枚漂亮的元首。
+  ___还有的是呢,他说。
+  ___你抢了教堂里的施舍箱吗,约?俺说。
+  ___我的血汗钱,约说。是那位谨慎会员给我的消息。#6
+  ___俺遇见你以前也见到他了,俺说。他在辟尔胡同、希腊街那一带转悠,瞪着他的鳕鱼眼珠子数鱼肠子的数目呢。
+  是谁穿过迈肯的土地来了,披着黑貂 的甲冑?奥布卢姆,罗利的儿子:就是他。罗利的儿子,他不知畏惧为何物:他是生性谨慎的人。
+  ----是为王子街老太婆,公民说,那份受津贴的机关报#1 在议会会场上受誓言约束的那个政党#2。你们看一看这份倒霉破报纸吧。他说。看一看吧,他说。<爱尔兰独立报>,请你们注意吧,帕内尔创办的为劳动者说话的报纸哩#3。听一听这份<爱尔兰一切为了爱尔兰的独立报>上的出生栏和死亡栏消息吧,我得谢々你们,还有结婚栏。
+==注2:自十九世纪中叶起,英国议会中的爱尔兰议员曾采用起誓联合支持英国两大政党之一的办法,支持条件为该政党采取改善爱尔兰地位的政策,帕内尔在八十年代即运用此战略与英国自由党建立联合阵线,1890 年帕垮台后这一阵线逐渐解体。==
+==注3:<爱尔兰独立报>为帕内尔垮台后创建,但至1891 年帕去世后方开始出版,并即为反帕的保守立场。==
+  于是他高声念起来:
+  ___埃克塞特市#4 邦非尔德路戈登;圣安妮海滨伊弗利的雷德曼,威廉・T ・ 雷德曼夫人生一儿子。怎么样,嗯?赖特与弗林特;文森特与吉勒特,司多克威尔市克拉彭路179 号吉勒特府罗莎与故乔治・艾尔弗雷德之女罗瑟・玛莉恩;普莱伍德与黑茲代尔在肯辛顿区圣祖德教堂,由伍斯特教长十分可敬的福里斯特博士证婚。嗯?死亡拦。伦敦白厅胡同布里斯托;纽英顿,斯托克的卡尔,死于胃炎及心脏病;切普斯托区城壕府科克伯恩.....
+  ___我认识那家伙,约说,我亲身受过罪#5。英国地名。==
+ ___科克伯恩。 丁赛,前海军部戴维・丁赛之妻;托顿翰市米勒,终年八十五;利物浦市堪宁街35 号韦尔什,伊莎贝拉・海伦,六月十二日。这就是咱们的民族报纸了,嗯?球!这就是那位班特里奸商马丁・墨菲的贡献了#6,嗯?  
+  ___啊,算了吧,约一边传酒一边说。感谢天主,他们抢了先。喝吧,公民。
+  ----我喝,他说。
+  ----祝你健康,约,俺说。还有在座的各位。
+  ----啊!噢!別说话了!俺等那一品脱都等得长青霉了。俺敢对天主起誓,那酒到俺胃里头,俺都听到它落在胃底上的滴嗒声了。
+  瞧呀,正当他们在痛饮欢乐之杯时,一位仪表如神的使者,一位光耀如太阳的俊美青年快步走了进来,而他的身后正走过一位面目高贵、步履庄严的长者,手捧神圣的律卷,跟他一起的是他的贵妇妻子,其出身盖世无双,其容貌娇好无比。
+  小阿尔夫・伯根钻进门来,马上躲进了巴尔尼的小间里头,笑得直不起腰来。角落里还有人坐在那儿呢,俺没有看见,喝醉了人事不知,在那里头打鼾 ,原来是鲍勃・窦 冉。俺不明白是啥事儿,阿尔夫一个劲儿朝门外做手势。老天在上,啥事儿呢原来是背时的老傻瓜丹尼斯・布林,脚上穿一双拖鞋,胳肢窝儿里夹着两本背时的大书,他老婆紧跟在他后头,可怜的倒霉女人,颠得像只小狗似的。阿尔夫简直要爆炸了。  ___你们瞅着他,他说。布林。他把都柏林全市都溜遍了,就因为有人寄给他一张明信片,上边写着卜一上,他要起.....
+  他笑得弯下了腰。
+  ___起啥?俺问他。
+  ___起诉,他说。要一万镑。
+  ___见鬼!俺说。
+  背时的杂种狗开始发出低沉的吼声,那声音叫你听着毛骨耸然的感到要出事,可是公民对他肚子上踢了一脚。
+  ___安静,他说。
+  ___谁?约说。
+  ___布林,阿尔夫说。他先到约翰・亨利・门顿那儿,然后绕到考立斯_沃德事务所,然后汤姆・罗奇福德碰见他,把他支到付长官办公处去找乐子去了。天主哪,我可是笑得肚皮痛了。卜一:上。长家伙狠々地瞪了他一眼, 现在背时的老白痴到格林街找侦探去了。
+  ___长约翰什么时候绞死蒙乔伊监狱里那家伙?乔说。
+  ___伯根,鲍勃・窦 冉说,他醒了。是阿尔夫・伯根吗?
+  ----是,阿尔夫说。绞死吗?等我给你们瞧。喂,特里,给咱们一小杯。那个背时的老笨蛋。一万镑
+  他又笑起来了。
+  ___你笑谁?鲍勃・窦冉说。你是伯根吗?
+  ___快点儿,特里    ,阿尔夫说。
+  特伦斯・奥赖恩听到他的话,立即送来一只水晶杯,满々地装着乌黑起沫的爱尔啤酒,那是酒老板艾弗和酒老板阿迪朗两位孪生兄弟#1不停地在他们的仙酒缸里酿造的,其干炼可比长生不老的勒达的儿子们#2。因为他们善于采集啤酒花鲜美多汁的浆果,将之集堆、筛选、捣碎、酿造,再掺入酸汁,然后将此酒汁用圣火加热,这两位干练的弟兄日夜不停,两位酿酒的大王。
+  于是你,生来就侠义的特伦斯,捧出那神仙饮料,用水晶杯子献给那口渴的人,那俊美如神的侠义人物。  然而他,那奥伯根族的年轻族长,决不容忍別人的慷慨行为超过自己,因而仪态大方地放下一枚以最贵重的青铜铸成的宝币。币面有精致浮雕凸像,是一位尊贵无比的女王,她是不伦瑞克贵族后裔#3,名维多利亚,凭天主之恩宠而为不列颠、爱尔兰、以及不列颠海外领地联合王国最优秀的女王殿下,宗教信仰的保护者,印度的女皇帝,她是许多民族的统治者,众人热烈爱戴的胜利者,从太阳升起的地方到太阳落下的地方,浅色的、深色的、红色的、黑色的人,统々都熟悉她、爱戴她。
+  ___那个背时的共济会员在外面溜来溜去干什么?公民说。
+  ___这是什么?约说。
+  ___给,阿儿夫一面扔过钱去一面说。刚才谈到绞刑,我有一些你们从来没有见过的东西给你们看。刽子手书信。看这些。              [247]
+  他从口袋里掏出一扎连封代瓤儿的信件来。
+  ___你胡扯吧?俺说。
+  ___骗你不是人,阿尔夫说。你们自己看信。
+  约就拿起了信件来。
+  ___你笑的是谁?鲍勃・窦 冉说。
+  俺砸摸要出点子麻烦,鲍勃肚子里酒泛上来可是个怪角色,所以俺没话找话地说:
+  ___威利・默里近来怎么样,阿尔夫?
+  ___我不知道,阿尔夫说。刚才我还在卡佩尔大街上看见他呢,他和派迪・狄格南在一起。不过我正跟着那个.....
+  ___你什么?约扔下信件说。和谁在一起?
+  ___和狄格南呀,阿尔夫说。
+  ___是派迪吗?约说。
+  ___对呀,阿尔夫说。怎么啦?
+  ___你不知道他死了吗?约说。
+  ___派迪・狄格南死了!阿尔夫说。
+  ___对了,约说。
+  ___肯定我刚见到他的,五分钟还不到呢,阿尔夫说。明々白々的。
+  ___谁死了?鲍勃・窦 冉说。
+  ___那么你看见了他的鬼魂,约说。求天主保佑我们莫遭灾祸。
+  ___什么?阿尔夫说。好基督呀,刚々五.....什么?.....而且威利・默里还和他在一起呢,两个人在靠近那家叫什么的.....什么?狄格南死了?
+  ___狄格南怎么了?鲍勃・窦 冉说。谁说的.....?
+  ___死了!阿尔夫说。他和你们一模一样地活着呢。
+  ___也许这样,约说。可是,人们今天上午可不客气,把他埋了。
+  ___派迪?阿尔夫说。
+  ___对了,约说。他还清了他的人生债,天主慈悲他吧。
+  ___好基督呀!阿尔夫说。
+  老天在上,他可真是你所谓的目瞪口呆了。
+  在那幽暗之中,可以感觉到幽灵的手在微々颤动,而按照密宗经典所作的祷告送达应达处之后#1,逐渐可以见到一股宝石红光隐约出现并越来越亮。由于头顶和脸部都放射吉瓦光,虚灵体呈现格外逼真形象#2。信息交流是通过脑下垂体实现的。也利用骶区与腹腔神经丛所发出的桔黄色与紫红色光线。喊他的地上名字问他现在天上何处,他表示现在正走上Pra/aya 或回归之途#3,但仍受超感觉层中较低层次上某些嗜血成分的困扰。问他越过人世界线之后最初有何感受,他表示原来看去如隔暗玻璃,然而已经超越界线的人,眼前就展开了最广阔的发展阿特曼的机会#1。问他那边的生活是否和我们的肉体生活相仿,他表示,他听灵体经验已较丰富的说,他们的住所拥有各种各样现代家庭舒适生活设备,诸如Talafana ,alavatar,atakalda,wataklasat#2应有尽有,而最高级的里手则浸沉于最纯洁的欣心浪潮之中。这时一夸脱的酪 乳应其要求送到,显然正解其渴。问他对生者有什么嘱咐,他劝告一切尚未摆脱玛耶的人#3,应认清真正道路,因为天道中人都已获得消息,现在火星和木星已出来在白羊星势力所在的东角捣乱。又问逝世者有无特殊愿望,回答是:{我们向你们仍在肉体中生活的地上朋友们致意。请注意康・凯勿推跺。}据了解,康・凯即康尼利厄斯・凯莱赫先生,他是颇受欢迎的奥尼尔夕宾仪馆的经理,死者的朋友,这次的安葬就是他安排的。临走他要求嘱咐他的亲爱的儿子派齐,他找不到的另一只靴子,现在小屋内的马桶箱下,这双靴子应送卡伦皮鞋店换底,后跟尚好不比换。他表示,这事使他在彼域心情异常不安,务请转达他的愿望。他在得到这事一定办到的保证后,表示十分满意。
+==注3:Pralaya 为通灵学梵 文术语,指人死后灵魂休养生息期。==
+  奥狄格南呀,我们的朝阳,他离开尘俗世界而去了。额角放光的派特里克呀,当初他在蕨丛间奔跑的脚步是何等轻疾!号哭吧,班芭#4,刮起你的风来;号哭吧,海洋呀,刮起你的旋风来。
+  ___他又来了,公民瞪着门外说。
+  ___谁?俺说。
+  ___布卢姆,他说。他在那儿来回站岗放哨足有十分钟了。
+  可不吗,老天在上。俺瞅见他探头探脑的张望一下又溜开去了。
+  小阿尔夫可傻了眼。说真格的,傻了眼。
+  ___好基督呀!他说。我能起誓,就是他。
+  鲍勃・窦 冉把帽子推在后脑壳上,这家伙灌足了酒,可算得上是都柏林最凶恶的恶棍了,他说:
+  ___谁说基督是好的?
+  ___你说的是什么话,阿尔夫说。
+  谁把可怜的小个儿威利・狄格南弄走了,鲍勃・窦 冉说,还算是个好基督吗?
+  ----哎呀,阿尔夫说着,想把事情对付过去算了。他总算把烦恼都结束了。
+  可是鲍勃・窦 冉大喊大叫的不答应。
+  ___我说,谁把可怜的小个儿威利・狄格南弄走,谁就是个大混蛋!
+  特里走过来。给他使了个眼色叫他安静,说他们这里是个有执照的体面酒店,店内不能容许这样的话语。于是鲍勃・窦 冉哭起派迪・迪格南来,一点儿也不假。
+  ___天下最好的人哪,他抽々噎々地说,最纯洁的人品呀。
+  眼泪说来就来。信口开河。顶好快回家去,去找他娶的那位喜欢梦游的小母狗吧,追屁股法警穆尼那个女儿,她娘在哈德威克街管一所公寓房子,班塔姆・莱昂斯在那儿住过,他说她半夜两点钟一丝不 挂 地在楼梯平台上溜达,赤身露体让人看,来者不拒,不偏不倚
+  ___最高贵,最真诚的,他说。他就这么的走了,可怜的小个子派迪・狄格南呀。
+  他用沉重心情和悲伤的眼泪,哀悼这那上天之光的陨灭。
+  老狗加里文又开始发出低沉的吼声,这回是对门边窥探的布卢姆。
+  ___进来吧,怎么啦,公民说。它不会吃掉你的。
+  于是布卢姆把鳕鱼眼睛盯住了那条狗,侧着身子踅了进来。他问特里,马丁・坎宁安在不在。
+  唷,基督麦基翁!约看那些信件之一说。你们要不要听一听
+  他读起信来。
+  ___{呈都柏林
+     都柏林行政长官
+敬启者小人愿为上述痛心案件效力小人曾于1900 年2 月12 日布特尔监狱绞死约・盖恩小人又.....}
+  ___让俺们看吧,约,俺说。
+  ___{在彭顿维尔监狱绞死残杀洁细・贴尔悉特的列兵阿瑟・蔡斯小人又.....}
+  ___耶稣 呀,俺说。
+  ___{.....在比林顿处决极恶的杀人犯托德・史密斯时任助手.....}
+  公民伸手抢信。
+  ___等着,约说。{小人套绞索有妙法套住出不来希望录用小人向长官小人费用五畿尼。
+             利物浦亨特街七号剃头师傅
+                哈・郎博尔德}    ___一个杀人不眨眼的蛮子,公民说。
+  ___那小子写的不成东西,又糟又乱的,约说。拿走吧,阿尔夫,拿得远々的。哈喽,布卢姆,你要什么?  于是他们两讨论起这一点来了,布卢姆说不想要什么不能要什么请原谅没有別的意思等々,然后他说好吧,他要一支雪加。老天,他真是个谨慎会员,没错儿。
+  ___特里,把你那些头等臭货给我们来一支,约说。
+  阿尔夫这时在给俺们讲,有一个家伙寄来一张带黑框的报丧卡片。           [250]
+  ___都是黑国剃头的,他说。只要付他们五镑现金加旅费,他们连自己的老子也愿意绞死的。
+  他还告诉俺们,底下还有两个家伙等着,只等他从活板口坠下,马上抓住他的脚后跟往下拽,周到地道地叫他断气,事情完了还把绳索剁断分段卖掉,一个脑袋能卖几个先令。
+  在那黑暗的国土上,居住着复仇心切的剃刀骑士们。他们手抓致人死命的绳索;是的,不管是谁有血案,他们都用这圈将他套往埃里伯斯#1,因为那是我绝不容许的,主是这样说的。
+  于是他们开始谈论死刑问题,布卢姆当然就拿出了他那些原因喽、理由喽等々一大套有关的鳕鱼理论,那条狗可是不断地嗅他。有人跟俺念叨过,这些犹太佬让狗闻着有一种特殊的气味,    
+  ___有一样东西是它起不了作用的,阿尔夫说。
+  ___什么东西?约说。
+  ___被绞死的倒霉蛋的家伙,阿尔夫说。
+  ___真的吗?
+  ___一点儿也不假,阿尔夫说。我听基尔曼汉监牢绞死无敌会的约布雷迪那时的狱长说的。他告诉我,他们绞过之后,把他放下的时候那玩意儿对着他们的脸直立着,像一根拨火棍儿似的。
+  ___有人说过,热情如炽 ,至死不休,约说。
+  ___这里可以用科学解释的,布卢姆说。它不过是一种自然现象,你们不明白吗,因为由于.....
+  于是他说起了他那些绕脖子话头儿来了,又是现象又是科学,这个现象啦那个现象的。
+  杰出科学家卢依波尔德・布卢门德夫特教授先生已提出医学根据阐明,依照最获医学界赞许的科学传统,急性颈椎骨 折及其导致的脊髓横断可被认为必将对人体内生殖器官神经中枢产生强烈的神经节刺激,致使cor
+pora caver-nosa#2 中弹性细孔迅速扩张,血流瞬即畅通,流入人体结构内所谓阴茎即男性器官部分,从而形成医学界所谓in articulo mortis per diminutionemcapitis #3 病态上升涨大的繁殖性勃起现象。
+  杰出科学家卢依波尔德@布卢门德夫特教授先生已提出医学根据,
+阐明依照最获赞许的医学传统,颈椎cㄤ 折与后随脊髓断裂可被认为
+必将对人体内生殖器官神经中枢造成神经节强烈刺激,致使corpora caver-
+nosa#2 中弹性细孔迅速扩张,血流瞬即畅通,流入人体结构内所谓阴颈
+即男性器官部分,从而形成医学界所谓in articulo mortis per diminutionem
+capitis #3 病态上升涨大的繁殖性勃起现象。
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/croat.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/croat.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..406e264c0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/croat.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Dobar dan! Kako ste? Ja sam Marina
+Dodigović. Kako se Vi zovete?
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/danish.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/danish.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..70111d290f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/danish.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Foto ______ det formodede fødehus, hjørnet ______ Hans Jensensstræde og Bangs Boder.
+ (H. C. Andersens Hus, Odense).
+ Skønt H. C. Andersens barndomsomgivelser var meget fattige, blev de i hans rige fantasi
+ solbeskinnede.
+ Der findes en mandtalsliste fra nogle få år ______ H. C. Andersens fødsel. Den er ______ 1801
+ og den giver klare oplysninger om, hvor mange der boede ______ Odense og hvad de var
+ beskæftigede ______. Den omfatter 1199 husstande. Hvis man fordeler disse ______ erhverv,
+ får man 102 embeds- og bestillingsmænd, 26 officerer, 12 der beskæftiger sig med
+ immaterielle erhverv, 81 som lever ______ handel, 36 værtshusholdere, 460 håndværkere, 39
+ avlsmænd og urtemænd, 121 soldater, 97 daglejere, 139 enlige kvinder og
+ almissemedlemmer, 29 pensionister og rentenydere.
+ H. C. Andersens forældre tilhørte samfundets laveste lag. Faderen var friskomager, og
+ når han meldte sig ______ militærtjeneste ______ Napoleons side, har det nok ikke så meget været
+ idealisme som praktisk økonomi. For at sikre sig en soldats værgeløn. Han kom ikke
+ længere end ______ Holsten. Han fik høj feber og måtte sendes hjem. Da han kom hjem,
+ forværredes sygdommen og han døde.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/greek.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/greek.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..383222ea10a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<html lang="gr" dir="ltr">
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UNICODE-1-1-UTF-8">
+[σταρτ ηερε] ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ 1-3
+Ψηαπτερ 1
+ͲΕν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην.
+η δε γη ην
+αορατος και ακατασκευαστος, και σκοτος επανω της αβυσσου, και
+πνευμα θεου επεφερετο επανω του υδατος.
+και ειπεν ο θεος
+Γενηθητω φως. και εγενετο φως.
+και ειδεν ο θεος το φως οτι
+καλον. και διεχωρισεν ο θεος ανα μεσον του φωτος και ανα μεσον
+του σκοτους.
+και εκαλεσεν ο θεος το φως ημεραν και το σκοτος
+εκαλεσεν νυκτα. και εγενετο εσπερα και εγενετο πρωι, ημερα μια.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/hangul.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/hangul.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e8071c4a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/hangul.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/hania.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/hania.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7e36c6f756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/hania.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+韓國 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/jap.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/jap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47a6b3eca59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/jap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  「ユーザーフレンドリ」|と|呼ばれる|
+  りゆうは、ごく |普通の|人がごく|
+  関単に |使用 |方法を|マスター|でき、|
+  毎日の|タイプ | の |仕事にすぐ |
+  役立てることができることからきている。|
+  よばれる    -     呼ばれる
+  りゅうは、ごく -     理由は、ごく
+  ふつうの    -    普通の
+  ひとがごく   -    人がごく
+  かんたんに   -    簡単に
+  しよう     -    使用
+  ほうほうを   -    方法を
+  まいにちの   -    毎日の
+  しごとにすぐ  -    仕事にすぐ
+  やくだてることができることからきている。-
+  役立てることができることからきている。
+あ い う え お 
+ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ
+か き く け こ  きゃ きゅ きょ
+さ し す せ そ  しゃ  しゅ しぇ しょ
+た ち つ て と   ちゃ ちゅ ちぇ ちょ
+な に ぬ ね の   にゃ  にゅ にょ
+は ひ ふ へ ほ   ひゃ  ひゅ ひょ
+ ふぁ ふぃ ふぇ ふぉ
+ま み む め も   みゃ  みゅ  みょ
+や (い) ゆ (え) よ   ゃ   ゅ   ょ
+ら り る れ ろ  りゃ りゅ  りょ
+わ ゐ (う) ゑ  を ゎ  ヰ   ヱ
+ん ゔ っ カ ケ
+が ぎ ぐ げ ご   ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ
+ ぐゎ ぐぇ
+ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ  じゃ  じゅ  じぇ じょ
+だ ぢ づ で ど  ぢゃ ぢぃ  ぢゅ ぢぇ ぢぉ
+ば び ぶ べ ぼ   びゃ びゅ びょ
+ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ   ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ
+ワ ウィ ウ ウェ ウォ ヴァ ヴィ ヴ ヴェ ヴォ
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/korean.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/korean.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc2c3dccb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/korean.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+중앙일보 - 사건/사회 - 극지탐험 협회결
+극지탐험 협회결성 체계적 연구
+ 지구상의 3대 극지라 불리는 남극·북극·에베레스트를 한번이라
+도 다녀와야 정회원으로 들어갈 수 있는 한국극지협회가 발족다
+.윤석순(한·러시아극동협회 상임고문)씨과 홍석하(사람과 산 발
+행인)씨가 극지탐험과 이곳에서의 학술연구를 체계적 으로 해보자
+는데 뜻을 같이하고 협회결성에 나섰다.
+ 이 협회는 지난 16일 호텔신라에서 20여명의 준비위원이 참
+석한 가운데 준비위원회를 가졌으며 내년 3월 정식 출범한다.
+ 이 협회에는 3극오지를 모두 밟은 세계적인 산악인 허영호씨를
+비롯해 에베레스트를 올랐던 엄홍길·박영석·정승권씨 등 국내의 
+저명한 산악인들이 회원으로 참여할 것으로 보인다.
+ 극지협회는 극지탐험가는 물론 학계·경제계인사들도 참가시킬 계
+획이다. 단순한 탐험차원을 넘어 지구상에 마지막 남은 자원의 
+보고인 극지에서의 연구활동도 하겠다는 의미다.
+ 한국극지협회가 발족하면 우리 극지탐험이 체계화될 것으로 기대
+되고있다.협회는 극지관련자료를 데이터베이스로 축적해 오지탐험가
+들에게 제공할 계획이다.
+ⓒ 중앙일보사
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/linji.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/linji.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8eb0ec003f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/linji.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+永享九年八月十五日板在法性寺東經所。 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/many.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/many.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47af19648ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/many.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Изучение и обучение иностранных языков
+Enseñanza y estudio de idiomas
+Изучаване и Преподаване на Чужди Езипи
+ქართული ენის შესწავლა და სწავლება
+'læŋɡwidʒ 'lɘr:niŋ ænd 'ti:ʃiŋ
+Lus kawm thaib qhia
+Ngôn Ngữ, Sự học,
+‭‫ללמוד וללמד את השֵפה
+L'enseignement et l'étude des langues
+㜊㞕㧍㒟㦮 㐀㛲㭘㒟
+Nauka języków obcych
+Γλωσσική Εκμὰθηση και Διδασκαλία
+‭‫ﺗﺪﺭﯾﺲ ﻭ ﯾﺎﺩﮔﯿﺮﯼ ﺯﺑﺎﻥ
+Sprachlernen und -lehren
+‭‫ﺗﻌﻠ‫ُّ‪‫ﻢ ﻭﺗﺪﺭﻳﺲ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/maopoem.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/maopoem.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c27be8ba38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/maopoem.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+和毛泽东 <<重上井冈山>>. 严永欣, 一九八八年
+ 和毛泽东 <<重上井冈山>>. 严永欣, 一九八八年.
+ 久有归天愿
+ 终过鬼门关
+ 千里来寻归宿
+ 春华变苍颜
+ 到处群魔乱舞
+ 更有妖雾盘绕
+ 暗道入阴间
+ 过了阎王殿
+ 险处不须看
+ 风雷动
+ 旌旗奋
+ 忆人寰
+ 八十三年过去
+ 弹指一挥间
+ 中原千军逐蒋
+ 城楼万众检阅
+ 褒贬满载还
+ 世上无难事
+ 只怕我癫痫
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/russian.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/russian.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce3a85cc0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/russian.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Американские суда находятся в международных водах. Япония
+выразила серьезное беспокойство советскими действиями.
+Пентагон беспокойства не проявил. США проводят подобное слеже-
+ние за советскими судами в Карибском море. Правда, количество
+советских самолетов вызвало некоторое удивление..
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/simplechinese.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/simplechinese.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79e89247c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/simplechinese.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ CALIS 是一个专为语文教学而设计的电脑软件。在当今这个电脑时代,"电脑辅助教学"是一个极为教师与学生所喜欢的教学媒体。
+ 因为教学须要注重个别化,每一个学生有其不同的程度,如何有效地针对每一个学生给予不同的反应及立刻的指正,以及最后不同的记分,只有仰赖"电脑"去完成。 CALIS 正是扮演了这个角色。不仅减轻了老师的负担与时间,更能兼顾到每一个学生之需要。除此之外,CALIS 提供了生动的学习环境,所以更能激发学生的学习兴趣与动机。
+ WinCALIS 是 CALIS 的延伸,涵盖了更多的功能。比如:运用视窗 (window) 及滑鼠 (mouse),让教师及学生更为有效地操作;"拼音更正 "(spelling check) 提供适当的暗示,给予学生思考及改正;在编排课程方面,教师只须在显现的各类视窗中,输入所设计的教材內容〔课程內容、问题、解答、或是参考资料〕。电脑立即自动产生 SCRIPTS,教师可以不须具备太多的电脑常识或编写语言 (authoring language) 即可编著课程,让学生使用。
+ WinCALIS更可以让教师利用激光影碟 (laserdisc)及录像机所产生的生动画面融入教学,让课程更为生动活泼。同时WinCALIS提供了不同语言的键盘输入,用者可以很容易地同时使用多种语言,只需透过滑鼠(mouse)来选择即可从一种语言到另一种语言。
+ 由于 CALIS具备了容易及灵活使用的本质,使得它已经成为 90 年代电脑辅助教学(CAI)的标准。
+ CALIS的第二具备了中文文书处理的功能。它不仅可以编写,也可以印出。您手边的这份文件即是用CALIS 编印出来的。
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/turkish.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/turkish.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..88a28db92d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/turkish.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Yukarda mavi gök, asağıda yağız yer yaratıldıkta; ikisinin arasında insan
+oğlu yaratılmış. İnsan oğulları üzerine ecdadım Bumın hakan, İstemi hakan
+tahta oturmuş; oturarak Türk milletinin ülkesini, türesini, idare edivermiş,
+tanzim edivermis. Dört taraf hep düşman imiş. Asker sevk edip dört taraftaki
+kavmi hep (itaati altına) almış hep muti kılmış. Başlılara baş eğdirmiş,
+dizlilere diz çöktürmüş.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/utf-8-demo.txt b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/utf-8-demo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fdc1d1c9d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/samples/utf8/utf-8-demo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+UTF-8 encoded sample plain-text file
+This file is a place-holder. The original file is available from Markus Kuhn's website at
+Markus says this about copying files that are on his site:
+Please do not copy any of my publications onto your own Internet server for public access without explicit permission. If you want to refer to any of my texts, please use a hyperlink to my original and not a copy. I update some of the texts frequently and I want to prevent the confusion that arises if people read somewhere else obsolete versions that are not under my control.
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb9dbd14548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+.\" Hey, Emacs! This is -*-nroff-*- you know...
+.\" uconv.1: manual page for the uconv utility.
+.\" Copyright (C) 2000-2010 IBM, Inc. and others.
+.\" Manual page by Yves Arrouye <>.
+.TH UCONV 1 "2005-jul-1" "ICU MANPAGE" "ICU @VERSION@ Manual"
+.B uconv
+\- convert data from one encoding to another
+.B uconv
+.BR "\-h\fP, \fB\-?\fP, \fB\-\-help"
+.BI "\-V\fP, \fB\-\-version"
+.BI "\-s\fP, \fB\-\-silent"
+.BI "\-v\fP, \fB\-\-verbose"
+.BI "\-l\fP, \fB\-\-list"
+.BI "\-l\fP, \fB\-\-list\-code" " code"
+.BI "\-\-default-code"
+.BI "\-L\fP, \fB\-\-list\-transliterators"
+.BI "\-\-canon"
+.BI "\-x" " transliteration
+.BI "\-\-to\-callback" " callback"
+.B "\-c"
+.BI "\-\-from\-callback" " callback"
+.B "\-i"
+.BI "\-\-callback" " callback"
+.BI "\-\-fallback"
+.BI "\-\-no\-fallback"
+.BI "\-b\fP, \fB\-\-block\-size" " size"
+.BI "\-f\fP, \fB\-\-from\-code" " encoding"
+.BI "\-t\fP, \fB\-\-to\-code" " encoding"
+.BI "\-\-add\-signature"
+.BI "\-\-remove\-signature"
+.BI "\-o\fP, \fB\-\-output" " file"
+.IR file .\|.\|.
+.B uconv
+converts, or transcodes, each given
+.I file
+(or its standard input if no
+.I file
+is specified) from one
+.I encoding
+to another.
+The transcoding is done using Unicode as a pivot encoding
+(i.e. the data are first transcoded from their original encoding to
+Unicode, and then from Unicode to the destination encoding).
+If an
+.I encoding
+is not specified or is
+.BR - ,
+the default encoding is used. Thus, calling
+.B uconv
+with no
+.I encoding
+provides an easy way to validate and sanitize data files for
+further consumption by tools requiring data in the default encoding.
+When calling
+.BR uconv ,
+it is possible to specify callbacks that are used to handle invalid
+characters in the input, or characters that cannot be transcoded to
+the destination encoding. Some encodings, for example, offer a default
+substitution character that can be used to represent the occurence of
+such characters in the input. Other callbacks offer a useful visual
+representation of the invalid data.
+.B uconv
+can also run the specified
+.IR transliteration
+on the transcoded data,
+in which case transliteration will happen as an intermediate step,
+after the data have been transcoded to Unicode.
+.I transliteration
+can be either a list of semicolon-separated transliterator names,
+or an arbitrarily complex set of rules in the ICU transliteration
+rules format.
+For transcoding purposes,
+.B uconv
+options are compatible with those of
+.BR iconv (1),
+making it easy to replace it in scripts. It is not necessarily the case,
+however, that the encoding names used by
+.B uconv
+and ICU are the same as the ones used by
+.BR iconv (1).
+Also, options that provide informational data, such as the
+.B \-l\fP, \fB\-\-list
+one offered by some
+.BR iconv (1)
+variants such as GNU's, produce data in a slightly different and
+easier to parse format.
+.BR "\-h\fP, \fB\-?\fP, \fB\-\-help"
+Print help about usage and exit.
+.BR "\-V\fP, \fB\-\-version"
+Print the version of
+.B uconv
+and exit.
+.BI "\-s\fP, \fB\-\-silent"
+Suppress messages during execution.
+.BI "\-v\fP, \fB\-\-verbose"
+Display extra informative messages during execution.
+.BI "\-l\fP, \fB\-\-list"
+List all the available encodings and exit.
+.BI "\-l\fP, \fB\-\-list\-code" " code"
+List only the
+.I code
+encoding and exit. If
+.I code
+is not a proper encoding, exit with an error.
+.BI "\-\-default-code"
+List only the name of the default encoding and exit.
+.BI "\-L\fP, \fB\-\-list\-transliterators"
+List all the available transliterators and exit.
+.BI "\--canon"
+If used with
+.BI "\-l\fP, \fB\-\-list"
+.BR "\-\-default-code" ,
+the list of encodings is produced in a format compatible with
+.BR convrtrs.txt (5).
+If used with
+.BR "\-L\fP, \fB\-\-list\-transliterators" ,
+print only one transliterator name per line.
+.BI "\-x" " transliteration"
+Run the given
+.IR transliteration
+on the transcoded Unicode data,
+and use the transliterated data as input for the transcoding to
+the the destination encoding.
+.BI "\-\-to\-callback" " callback"
+.I callback
+to handle characters that cannot be transcoded to the destination
+encoding. See section
+for details on valid callbacks.
+.B "\-c"
+Omit invalid characters from the output.
+Same as
+.BR "\-\-to\-callback skip" .
+.BI "\-\-from\-callback" " callback"
+.I callback
+to handle characters that cannot be transcoded from the original
+encoding. See section
+for details on valid callbacks.
+.B "\-i"
+Ignore invalid sequences in the input.
+Same as
+.BR "\-\-from\-callback skip" .
+.BI "\-\-callback" " callback"
+.I callback
+to handle both characters that cannot be transcoded from the original
+encoding and characters that cannot be transcoded to the destination
+encoding. See section
+for details on valid callbacks.
+.BI "\-\-fallback"
+Use the fallback mapping when transcoding from
+Unicode to the destination encoding.
+.BI "\-\-no\-fallback"
+Do not use the fallback mapping when transcoding from Unicode to the
+destination encoding.
+This is the default.
+.BI "\-b\fP, \fB\-\-block\-size" " size"
+Read input in blocks of
+.I size
+bytes at a time. The default block size is
+.BI "\-f\fP, \fB\-\-from\-code" " encoding"
+Set the original encoding of the data to
+.IR encoding .
+.BI "\-t\fP, \fB\-\-to\-code" " encoding"
+Transcode the data to
+.IR encoding .
+.BI "\-\-add\-signature"
+Add a U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM) if the output charset
+supports it and does not add one anyway.
+.BI "\-\-remove\-signature"
+Remove a U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM).
+.BI "\-o\fP, \fB\-\-output" " file"
+Write the transcoded data to
+.IR file .
+.B uconv
+supports specifying callbacks to handle invalid data. Callbacks can be
+set for both directions of transcoding: from the original encoding to
+Unicode, with the
+.BR "\-\-from\-callback"
+option, and from Unicode to the destination encoding, with the
+.BR "\-\-to\-callback"
+The following is a list of valid
+.I callback
+names, along with a description of their behavior. The list of
+callbacks actually supported by
+.B uconv
+is displayed when it is called with
+.BR "\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help" .
+.TP \w'\fBescape-unicode'u+3n
+.B substitute
+Write the the encoding's substitute sequence, or the Unicode
+replacement character
+when transcoding to Unicode.
+.B skip
+Ignore the invalid data.
+.B stop
+Stop with an error when encountering invalid data.
+This is the default callback.
+.B escape
+Same as
+.BR escape-icu .
+.B escape-icu
+Replace the missing characters with a string of the format
+.BR %U\fIhhhh\fP
+for plane 0 characters, and
+.BR %U\fIhhhh\fP%U\fIhhhh\fP
+for planes 1 and above characters,
+.I hhhh
+is the hexadecimal value of one of the UTF-16 code units representing the
+character. Characters from planes 1 and above are written as a pair of
+UTF-16 surrogate code units.
+.B escape-java
+Replace the missing characters with a string of the format
+.BR \eu\fIhhhh\fP
+for plane 0 characters, and
+.BR \eu\fIhhhh\fP\eu\fIhhhh\fP
+for planes 1 and above characters,
+.I hhhh
+is the hexadecimal value of one of the UTF-16 code units representing the
+character. Characters from planes 1 and above are written as a pair of
+UTF-16 surrogate code units.
+.B escape-c
+Replace the missing characters with a string of the format
+.BR \eu\fIhhhh\fP
+for plane 0 characters, and
+.BR \eU\fIhhhhhhhh\fP
+for planes 1 and above characters,
+.I hhhh
+.I hhhhhhhh
+are the hexadecimal values of the Unicode codepoint.
+.B escape-xml
+Same as
+.BR escape-xml-hex .
+.B escape-xml-hex
+Replace the missing characters with a string of the format
+.BR &#x\fIhhhh\fP; ,
+.I hhhh
+is the hexadecimal value of the Unicode codepoint.
+.B escape-xml-dec
+Replace the missing characters with a string of the format
+.BR &#x\fInnnn\fP; ,
+.I nnnn
+is the decimal value of the Unicode codepoint.
+.B escape-unicode
+Replace the missing characters with a string of the format
+.BR {U+\fIhhhh\fP} ,
+.I hhhh
+is the hexadecimal value of the Unicode codepoint.
+That hexadecimal string is of variable length and can use from 4 to
+6 digits.
+This is the format universally used to denote a Unicode codepoint in
+the litterature, delimited by curly braces for easy recognition of those
+substitutions in the output.
+Convert data from a given
+.I encoding
+to the platform encoding:
+.RS 4
+.B \fR$ \fPuconv \-f \fIencoding\fP
+Check if a
+.I file
+contains valid data for a given
+.IR encoding :
+.RS 4
+.B \fR$ \fPuconv \-f \fIencoding\fP \-c \fIfile\fP >/dev/null
+Convert a UTF-8
+.I file
+to a given
+.I encoding
+and ensure that the resulting text is good for any version of HTML:
+.RS 4
+.B \fR$ \fPuconv \-f utf-8 \-t \fIencoding\fP \e
+.B " \-\-callback escape-xml-dec \fIfile\fP"
+Display the names of the Unicode code points in a UTF-file:
+.RS 4
+.B \fR$ \fPuconv \-f utf-8 \-x any-name \fIfile\fP
+Print the name of a Unicode code point whose value is known (\fBU+30AB\fP
+in this example):
+.RS 4
+.B \fR$ \fPecho '\eu30ab' | uconv \-x 'hex-any; any-name'; echo
+(The names are delimited by curly braces.
+Also, the name of the line terminator is also displayed.)
+Normalize UTF-8 data using Unicode NFKC, remove all control characters,
+and map Katakana to Hiragana:
+.RS 4
+.B \fR$ \fPuconv \-f utf-8 \-t utf-8 \e
+.B " \-x '::nfkc; [:Cc:] >; ::katakana-hiragana;'"
+.B uconv
+does report errors as occuring at the first invalid byte
+encountered. This may be confusing to users of GNU
+.BR iconv (1),
+which reports errors as occuring at the first byte of an invalid
+sequence. For multi-byte character sets or encodings, this means that
+.BR uconv
+error positions may be at a later offset in the input stream than
+would be the case with GNU
+.BR iconv (1).
+The reporting of error positions when a transliterator is used may be
+inaccurate or unavailable, in which case
+.BR uconv
+will report the offset in the output stream at which the error
+Jonas Utterstroem
+Yves Arrouye
+Copyright (C) 2000-2005 IBM, Inc. and others.
+.BR iconv (1)
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uconv.cpp b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uconv.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57cf80501d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uconv.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ * uconv(1): an iconv(1)-like converter using ICU.
+ *
+ * Original code by Jonas Utterstr&#x00F6;m <>
+ * contributed in 1999.
+ *
+ * Conversion to the C conversion API and many improvements by
+ * Yves Arrouye <>, current maintainer.
+ *
+ * Markus Scherer maintainer from 2003.
+ * See source code repository history for changes.
+ */
+#include <unicode/utypes.h>
+#include <unicode/putil.h>
+#include <unicode/ucnv.h>
+#include <unicode/uenum.h>
+#include <unicode/unistr.h>
+#include <unicode/translit.h>
+#include <unicode/uset.h>
+#include <unicode/uclean.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "ustrfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/uwmsg.h"
+#if (defined(U_WINDOWS) || defined(U_CYGWIN) || defined(U_MINGW)) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
+#include <io.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined(U_WINDOWS)
+/* Windows likes to rename Unix-like functions */
+#ifndef fileno
+#define fileno _fileno
+#ifndef setmode
+#define setmode _setmode
+#ifndef O_BINARY
+/* below from the README */
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+U_CFUNC char uconvmsg_dat[];
+#define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
+#define DEFAULT_BUFSZ 4096
+#define UCONVMSG "uconvmsg"
+static UResourceBundle *gBundle = 0; /* Bundle containing messages. */
+ * Initialize the message bundle so that message strings can be fetched
+ * by u_wmsg().
+ *
+ */
+static void initMsg(const char *pname) {
+ static int ps = 0;
+ if (!ps) {
+ char dataPath[2048]; /* XXX Sloppy: should be PATH_MAX. */
+ UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ps = 1;
+ /* Set up our static data - if any */
+ udata_setAppData(UCONVMSG, (const void*) uconvmsg_dat, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning, problem installing our static resource bundle data uconvmsg: %s - trying anyways.\n",
+ pname, u_errorName(err));
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* It may still fail */
+ }
+ /* Get messages. */
+ gBundle = u_wmsg_setPath(UCONVMSG, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: warning: couldn't open bundle %s: %s\n",
+ pname, UCONVMSG, u_errorName(err));
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: setAppData was called, internal data %s failed to load\n",
+ pname, UCONVMSG);
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ /* that was try #1, try again with a path */
+ uprv_strcpy(dataPath, u_getDataDirectory());
+ uprv_strcat(dataPath, U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
+ uprv_strcat(dataPath, UCONVMSG);
+ gBundle = u_wmsg_setPath(dataPath, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: warning: still couldn't open bundle %s: %s\n",
+ pname, dataPath, u_errorName(err));
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: messages will not be displayed\n", pname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Mapping of callback names to the callbacks passed to the converter
+ API. */
+static struct callback_ent {
+ const char *name;
+ UConverterFromUCallback fromu;
+ const void *fromuctxt;
+ UConverterToUCallback tou;
+ const void *touctxt;
+} transcode_callbacks[] = {
+ { "substitute",
+ { "skip",
+ { "stop",
+ { "escape",
+ { "escape-icu",
+ { "escape-java",
+ { "escape-c",
+ { "escape-xml",
+ { "escape-xml-hex",
+ { "escape-xml-dec",
+/* Return a pointer to a callback record given its name. */
+static const struct callback_ent *findCallback(const char *name) {
+ int i, count =
+ sizeof(transcode_callbacks) / sizeof(*transcode_callbacks);
+ /* We'll do a linear search, there aren't many of them and bsearch()
+ may not be that portable. */
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ if (!uprv_stricmp(name, transcode_callbacks[i].name)) {
+ return &transcode_callbacks[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Print converter information. If lookfor is set, only that converter will
+ be printed, otherwise all converters will be printed. If canon is non
+ zero, tags and aliases for each converter are printed too, in the format
+ expected for convrters.txt(5). */
+static int printConverters(const char *pname, const char *lookfor,
+ UBool canon)
+ UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int32_t num;
+ uint16_t num_stds;
+ const char **stds;
+ /* If there is a specified name, just handle that now. */
+ if (lookfor) {
+ if (!canon) {
+ printf("%s\n", lookfor);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ /* Because we are printing a canonical name, we need the
+ true converter name. We've done that already except for
+ the default name (because we want to print the exact
+ name one would get when calling ucnv_getDefaultName()
+ in non-canon mode). But since we do not know at this
+ point if we have the default name or something else, we
+ need to normalize again to the canonical converter
+ name. */
+ const char *truename = ucnv_getAlias(lookfor, 0, &err);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
+ lookfor = truename;
+ } else {
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Print converter names. We come here for one of two reasons: we
+ are printing all the names (lookfor was null), or we have a
+ single converter to print but in canon mode, hence we need to
+ get to it in order to print everything. */
+ num = ucnv_countAvailable();
+ if (num <= 0) {
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantGetNames");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (lookfor) {
+ num = 1; /* We know where we want to be. */
+ }
+ num_stds = ucnv_countStandards();
+ stds = (const char **) uprv_malloc(num_stds * sizeof(*stds));
+ if (!stds) {
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantGetTag", u_wmsg_errorName(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR));
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ uint16_t s;
+ if (canon) {
+ printf("{ ");
+ }
+ for (s = 0; s < num_stds; ++s) {
+ stds[s] = ucnv_getStandard(s, &err);
+ if (canon) {
+ printf("%s ", stds[s]);
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantGetTag", u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ if (canon) {
+ puts("}");
+ }
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ const char *name;
+ uint16_t num_aliases;
+ /* Set the name either to what we are looking for, or
+ to the current converter name. */
+ if (lookfor) {
+ name = lookfor;
+ } else {
+ name = ucnv_getAvailableName(i);
+ }
+ /* Get all the aliases associated to the name. */
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ num_aliases = ucnv_countAliases(name, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ printf("%s", name);
+ UnicodeString str(name, "");
+ putchar('\t');
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantGetAliases", str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ } else {
+ uint16_t a, s, t;
+ /* Write all the aliases and their tags. */
+ for (a = 0; a < num_aliases; ++a) {
+ const char *alias = ucnv_getAlias(name, a, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ UnicodeString str(name, "");
+ putchar('\t');
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantGetAliases", str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ /* Print the current alias so that it looks right. */
+ printf("%s%s%s", (canon ? (a == 0? "" : "\t" ) : "") ,
+ alias,
+ (canon ? "" : " "));
+ /* Look (slowly, linear searching) for a tag. */
+ if (canon) {
+ /* -1 to skip the last standard */
+ for (s = t = 0; s < num_stds-1; ++s) {
+ UEnumeration *nameEnum = ucnv_openStandardNames(name, stds[s], &err);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
+ /* List the standard tags */
+ const char *standardName;
+ UBool isFirst = TRUE;
+ UErrorCode enumError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ while ((standardName = uenum_next(nameEnum, NULL, &enumError))) {
+ /* See if this alias is supported by this standard. */
+ if (!strcmp(standardName, alias)) {
+ if (!t) {
+ printf(" {");
+ t = 1;
+ }
+ /* Print a * after the default standard name */
+ printf(" %s%s", stds[s], (isFirst ? "*" : ""));
+ }
+ isFirst = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (t) {
+ printf(" }");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Terminate this entry. */
+ if (canon) {
+ puts("");
+ }
+ /* Move on. */
+ }
+ /* Terminate this entry. */
+ if (!canon) {
+ puts("");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free temporary data. */
+ uprv_free(stds);
+ /* Success. */
+ return 0;
+ uprv_free(stds);
+ return -1;
+/* Print all available transliterators. If canon is non zero, print
+ one transliterator per line. */
+static int printTransliterators(UBool canon)
+ printf("no transliterators available because of UCONFIG_NO_TRANSLITERATION, see uconfig.h\n");
+ return 1;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UEnumeration *ids = utrans_openIDs(&status);
+ int32_t i, numtrans = uenum_count(ids, &status);
+ char sepchar = canon ? '\n' : ' ';
+ for (i = 0; U_SUCCESS(status)&& (i < numtrans); ++i) {
+ int32_t len;
+ const char *nextTrans = uenum_next(ids, &len, &status);
+ printf("%s", nextTrans);
+ if (i < numtrans - 1) {
+ putchar(sepchar);
+ }
+ }
+ uenum_close(ids);
+ /* Add a terminating newline if needed. */
+ if (sepchar != '\n') {
+ putchar('\n');
+ }
+ /* Success. */
+ return 0;
+enum {
+ uSP = 0x20, // space
+ uCR = 0xd, // carriage return
+ uLF = 0xa, // line feed
+ uNL = 0x85, // newline
+ uLS = 0x2028, // line separator
+ uPS = 0x2029, // paragraph separator
+ uSig = 0xfeff // signature/BOM character
+static inline int32_t
+getChunkLimit(const UnicodeString &prev, const UnicodeString &s) {
+ // find one of
+ // CR, LF, CRLF, NL, LS, PS
+ // for paragraph ends (see UAX #13/Unicode 4)
+ // and include it in the chunk
+ // all of these characters are on the BMP
+ // do not include FF or VT in case they are part of a paragraph
+ // (important for bidi contexts)
+ static const UChar paraEnds[] = {
+ 0xd, 0xa, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029
+ };
+ enum {
+ iCR, iLF, iNL, iLS, iPS, iCount
+ };
+ // first, see if there is a CRLF split between prev and s
+ if (prev.endsWith(paraEnds + iCR, 1)) {
+ if (s.startsWith(paraEnds + iLF, 1)) {
+ return 1; // split CRLF, include the LF
+ } else if (!s.isEmpty()) {
+ return 0; // complete the last chunk
+ } else {
+ return -1; // wait for actual further contents to arrive
+ }
+ }
+ const UChar *u = s.getBuffer(), *limit = u + s.length();
+ UChar c;
+ while (u < limit) {
+ c = *u++;
+ if (
+ ((c < uSP) && (c == uCR || c == uLF)) ||
+ (c == uNL) ||
+ ((c & uLS) == uLS)
+ ) {
+ if (c == uCR) {
+ // check for CRLF
+ if (u == limit) {
+ return -1; // LF may be in the next chunk
+ } else if (*u == uLF) {
+ ++u; // include the LF in this chunk
+ }
+ }
+ return (int32_t)(u - s.getBuffer());
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // continue collecting the chunk
+enum {
+ CNV_NO_FEFF, // cannot convert the U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM)
+ CNV_WITH_FEFF, // can convert the U+FEFF signature character
+ CNV_ADDS_FEFF // automatically adds/detects the U+FEFF signature character
+static inline UChar
+nibbleToHex(uint8_t n) {
+ n &= 0xf;
+ return
+ n <= 9 ?
+ (UChar)(0x30 + n) :
+ (UChar)((0x61 - 10) + n);
+// check the converter's Unicode signature properties;
+// the fromUnicode side of the converter must be in its initial state
+// and will be reset again if it was used
+static int32_t
+cnvSigType(UConverter *cnv) {
+ UErrorCode err;
+ int32_t result;
+ // test if the output charset can convert U+FEFF
+ USet *set = uset_open(1, 0);
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ucnv_getUnicodeSet(cnv, set, UCNV_ROUNDTRIP_SET, &err);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(err) && uset_contains(set, uSig)) {
+ result = CNV_WITH_FEFF;
+ } else {
+ result = CNV_NO_FEFF; // an error occurred or U+FEFF cannot be converted
+ }
+ uset_close(set);
+ if (result == CNV_WITH_FEFF) {
+ // test if the output charset emits a signature anyway
+ const UChar a[1] = { 0x61 }; // "a"
+ const UChar *in;
+ char buffer[20];
+ char *out;
+ in = a;
+ out = buffer;
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv,
+ &out, buffer + sizeof(buffer),
+ &in, a + 1,
+ NULL, TRUE, &err);
+ ucnv_resetFromUnicode(cnv);
+ if (NULL != ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(buffer, (int32_t)(out - buffer), NULL, &err) &&
+ U_SUCCESS(err)
+ ) {
+ result = CNV_ADDS_FEFF;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+class ConvertFile {
+ ConvertFile() :
+ buf(NULL), outbuf(NULL), fromoffsets(NULL),
+ bufsz(0), signature(0) {}
+ void
+ setBufferSize(size_t bufferSize) {
+ bufsz = bufferSize;
+ buf = new char[2 * bufsz];
+ outbuf = buf + bufsz;
+ // +1 for an added U+FEFF in the intermediate Unicode buffer
+ fromoffsets = new int32_t[bufsz + 1];
+ }
+ ~ConvertFile() {
+ delete [] buf;
+ delete [] fromoffsets;
+ }
+ UBool convertFile(const char *pname,
+ const char *fromcpage,
+ UConverterToUCallback toucallback,
+ const void *touctxt,
+ const char *tocpage,
+ UConverterFromUCallback fromucallback,
+ const void *fromuctxt,
+ UBool fallback,
+ const char *translit,
+ const char *infilestr,
+ FILE * outfile, int verbose);
+ friend int main(int argc, char **argv);
+ char *buf, *outbuf;
+ int32_t *fromoffsets;
+ size_t bufsz;
+ int8_t signature; // add (1) or remove (-1) a U+FEFF Unicode signature character
+// Convert a file from one encoding to another
+ConvertFile::convertFile(const char *pname,
+ const char *fromcpage,
+ UConverterToUCallback toucallback,
+ const void *touctxt,
+ const char *tocpage,
+ UConverterFromUCallback fromucallback,
+ const void *fromuctxt,
+ UBool fallback,
+ const char *translit,
+ const char *infilestr,
+ FILE * outfile, int verbose)
+ FILE *infile;
+ UBool ret = TRUE;
+ UConverter *convfrom = 0;
+ UConverter *convto = 0;
+ UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UBool flush;
+ const char *cbufp, *prevbufp;
+ char *bufp;
+ uint32_t infoffset = 0, outfoffset = 0; /* Where we are in the file, for error reporting. */
+ const UChar *unibuf, *unibufbp;
+ UChar *unibufp;
+ size_t rd, wr;
+ Transliterator *t = 0; // Transliterator acting on Unicode data.
+ UnicodeString chunk; // One chunk of the text being collected for transformation.
+ UnicodeString u; // String to do the transliteration.
+ int32_t ulen;
+ // use conversion offsets for error messages
+ // unless a transliterator is used -
+ // a text transformation will reorder characters in unpredictable ways
+ UBool useOffsets = TRUE;
+ // Open the correct input file or connect to stdin for reading input
+ if (infilestr != 0 && strcmp(infilestr, "-")) {
+ infile = fopen(infilestr, "rb");
+ if (infile == 0) {
+ UnicodeString str1(infilestr, "");
+ str1.append((UChar32) 0);
+ UnicodeString str2(strerror(errno), "");
+ str2.append((UChar32) 0);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantOpenInputF", str1.getBuffer(), str2.getBuffer());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ infilestr = "-";
+ infile = stdin;
+ if (setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY) == -1) {
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantSetInBinMode");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", infilestr);
+ }
+ // Create transliterator as needed.
+ if (translit != NULL && *translit) {
+ UParseError parse;
+ UnicodeString str(translit), pestr;
+ /* Create from rules or by ID as needed. */
+ parse.line = -1;
+ if (uprv_strchr(translit, ':') || uprv_strchr(translit, '>') || uprv_strchr(translit, '<') || uprv_strchr(translit, '>')) {
+ t = Transliterator::createFromRules("Uconv", str, UTRANS_FORWARD, parse, err);
+ } else {
+ t = Transliterator::createInstance(translit, UTRANS_FORWARD, err);
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ str.append((UChar32) 0);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ if (parse.line >= 0) {
+ UChar linebuf[20], offsetbuf[20];
+ uprv_itou(linebuf, 20, parse.line, 10, 0);
+ uprv_itou(offsetbuf, 20, parse.offset, 10, 0);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantCreateTranslitParseErr", str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err), linebuf, offsetbuf);
+ } else {
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantCreateTranslit", str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ }
+ if (t) {
+ delete t;
+ t = 0;
+ }
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ useOffsets = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Create codepage converter. If the codepage or its aliases weren't
+ // available, it returns NULL and a failure code. We also set the
+ // callbacks, and return errors in the same way.
+ convfrom = ucnv_open(fromcpage, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ UnicodeString str(fromcpage, "");
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantOpenFromCodeset", str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ ucnv_setToUCallBack(convfrom, toucallback, touctxt, 0, 0, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantSetCallback", u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ convto = ucnv_open(tocpage, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ UnicodeString str(tocpage, "");
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantOpenToCodeset", str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ ucnv_setFromUCallBack(convto, fromucallback, fromuctxt, 0, 0, &err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantSetCallback", u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ ucnv_setFallback(convto, fallback);
+ UBool willexit, fromSawEndOfBytes, toSawEndOfUnicode;
+ int8_t sig;
+ // OK, we can convert now.
+ sig = signature;
+ rd = 0;
+ do {
+ willexit = FALSE;
+ // input file offset at the beginning of the next buffer
+ infoffset += rd;
+ rd = fread(buf, 1, bufsz, infile);
+ if (ferror(infile) != 0) {
+ UnicodeString str(strerror(errno));
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantRead", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ // Convert the read buffer into the new encoding via Unicode.
+ // After the call 'unibufp' will be placed behind the last
+ // character that was converted in the 'unibuf'.
+ // Also the 'cbufp' is positioned behind the last converted
+ // character.
+ // At the last conversion in the file, flush should be set to
+ // true so that we get all characters converted.
+ //
+ // The converter must be flushed at the end of conversion so
+ // that characters on hold also will be written.
+ cbufp = buf;
+ flush = (UBool)(rd != bufsz);
+ // convert until the input is consumed
+ do {
+ // remember the start of the current byte-to-Unicode conversion
+ prevbufp = cbufp;
+ unibuf = unibufp = u.getBuffer((int32_t)bufsz);
+ // Use bufsz instead of u.getCapacity() for the targetLimit
+ // so that we don't overflow fromoffsets[].
+ ucnv_toUnicode(convfrom, &unibufp, unibuf + bufsz, &cbufp,
+ buf + rd, useOffsets ? fromoffsets : NULL, flush, &err);
+ ulen = (int32_t)(unibufp - unibuf);
+ u.releaseBuffer(U_SUCCESS(err) ? ulen : 0);
+ // fromSawEndOfBytes indicates that ucnv_toUnicode() is done
+ // converting all of the input bytes.
+ // It works like this because ucnv_toUnicode() returns only under the
+ // following conditions:
+ // - an error occurred during conversion (an error code is set)
+ // - the target buffer is filled (the error code indicates an overflow)
+ // - the source is consumed
+ // That is, if the error code does not indicate a failure,
+ // not even an overflow, then the source must be consumed entirely.
+ fromSawEndOfBytes = (UBool)U_SUCCESS(err);
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ char pos[32], errorBytes[32];
+ int8_t i, length, errorLength;
+ UErrorCode localError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ errorLength = (int8_t)sizeof(errorBytes);
+ ucnv_getInvalidChars(convfrom, errorBytes, &errorLength, &localError);
+ if (U_FAILURE(localError) || errorLength == 0) {
+ errorLength = 1;
+ }
+ // print the input file offset of the start of the error bytes:
+ // input file offset of the current byte buffer +
+ // length of the just consumed bytes -
+ // length of the error bytes
+ length =
+ (int8_t)sprintf(pos, "%d",
+ (int)(infoffset + (cbufp - buf) - errorLength));
+ // output the bytes that caused the error
+ UnicodeString str;
+ for (i = 0; i < errorLength; ++i) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ str.append((UChar)uSP);
+ }
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)errorBytes[i] >> 4));
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)errorBytes[i]));
+ }
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "problemCvtToU",
+ UnicodeString(pos, length, "").getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ willexit = TRUE;
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* reset the error for the rest of the conversion. */
+ }
+ // Replaced a check for whether the input was consumed by
+ // looping until it is; message key "premEndInput" now obsolete.
+ if (ulen == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // remove a U+FEFF Unicode signature character if requested
+ if (sig < 0) {
+ if (u.charAt(0) == uSig) {
+ u.remove(0, 1);
+ // account for the removed UChar and offset
+ --ulen;
+ if (useOffsets) {
+ // remove an offset from fromoffsets[] as well
+ // to keep the array parallel with the UChars
+ memmove(fromoffsets, fromoffsets + 1, ulen * 4);
+ }
+ }
+ sig = 0;
+ }
+ // Transliterate/transform if needed.
+ // For transformation, we use chunking code -
+ // collect Unicode input until, for example, an end-of-line,
+ // then transform and output-convert that and continue collecting.
+ // This makes the transformation result independent of the buffer size
+ // while avoiding the slower keyboard mode.
+ // The end-of-chunk characters are completely included in the
+ // transformed string in case they are to be transformed themselves.
+ if (t != NULL) {
+ UnicodeString out;
+ int32_t chunkLimit;
+ do {
+ chunkLimit = getChunkLimit(chunk, u);
+ if (chunkLimit < 0 && flush && fromSawEndOfBytes) {
+ // use all of the rest at the end of the text
+ chunkLimit = u.length();
+ }
+ if (chunkLimit >= 0) {
+ // complete the chunk and transform it
+ chunk.append(u, 0, chunkLimit);
+ u.remove(0, chunkLimit);
+ t->transliterate(chunk);
+ // append the transformation result to the result and empty the chunk
+ out.append(chunk);
+ chunk.remove();
+ } else {
+ // continue collecting the chunk
+ chunk.append(u);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!u.isEmpty());
+ u = out;
+ ulen = u.length();
+ }
+ // add a U+FEFF Unicode signature character if requested
+ // and possible/necessary
+ if (sig > 0) {
+ if (u.charAt(0) != uSig && cnvSigType(convto) == CNV_WITH_FEFF) {
+ u.insert(0, (UChar)uSig);
+ if (useOffsets) {
+ // insert a pseudo-offset into fromoffsets[] as well
+ // to keep the array parallel with the UChars
+ memmove(fromoffsets + 1, fromoffsets, ulen * 4);
+ fromoffsets[0] = -1;
+ }
+ // account for the additional UChar and offset
+ ++ulen;
+ }
+ sig = 0;
+ }
+ // Convert the Unicode buffer into the destination codepage
+ // Again 'bufp' will be placed behind the last converted character
+ // And 'unibufp' will be placed behind the last converted unicode character
+ // At the last conversion flush should be set to true to ensure that
+ // all characters left get converted
+ unibuf = unibufbp = u.getBuffer();
+ do {
+ bufp = outbuf;
+ // Use fromSawEndOfBytes in addition to the flush flag -
+ // it indicates whether the intermediate Unicode string
+ // contains the very last UChars for the very last input bytes.
+ ucnv_fromUnicode(convto, &bufp, outbuf + bufsz,
+ &unibufbp,
+ unibuf + ulen,
+ NULL, (UBool)(flush && fromSawEndOfBytes), &err);
+ // toSawEndOfUnicode indicates that ucnv_fromUnicode() is done
+ // converting all of the intermediate UChars.
+ // See comment for fromSawEndOfBytes.
+ toSawEndOfUnicode = (UBool)U_SUCCESS(err);
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
+ UChar errorUChars[4];
+ const char *errtag;
+ char pos[32];
+ UChar32 c;
+ int8_t i, length, errorLength;
+ UErrorCode localError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ errorLength = (int8_t)LENGTHOF(errorUChars);
+ ucnv_getInvalidUChars(convto, errorUChars, &errorLength, &localError);
+ if (U_FAILURE(localError) || errorLength == 0) {
+ // need at least 1 so that we don't access beyond the length of fromoffsets[]
+ errorLength = 1;
+ }
+ int32_t ferroffset;
+ if (useOffsets) {
+ // Unicode buffer offset of the start of the error UChars
+ ferroffset = (int32_t)((unibufbp - unibuf) - errorLength);
+ if (ferroffset < 0) {
+ // approximation - the character started in the previous Unicode buffer
+ ferroffset = 0;
+ }
+ // get the corresponding byte offset out of fromoffsets[]
+ // go back if the offset is not known for some of the UChars
+ int32_t fromoffset;
+ do {
+ fromoffset = fromoffsets[ferroffset];
+ } while (fromoffset < 0 && --ferroffset >= 0);
+ // total input file offset =
+ // input file offset of the current byte buffer +
+ // byte buffer offset of where the current Unicode buffer is converted from +
+ // fromoffsets[Unicode offset]
+ ferroffset = infoffset + (prevbufp - buf) + fromoffset;
+ errtag = "problemCvtFromU";
+ } else {
+ // Do not use fromoffsets if (t != NULL) because the Unicode text may
+ // be different from what the offsets refer to.
+ // output file offset
+ ferroffset = (int32_t)(outfoffset + (bufp - outbuf));
+ errtag = "problemCvtFromUOut";
+ }
+ length = (int8_t)sprintf(pos, "%u", (int)ferroffset);
+ // output the code points that caused the error
+ UnicodeString str;
+ for (i = 0; i < errorLength;) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ str.append((UChar)uSP);
+ }
+ U16_NEXT(errorUChars, i, errorLength, c);
+ if (c >= 0x100000) {
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)(c >> 20)));
+ }
+ if (c >= 0x10000) {
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)(c >> 16)));
+ }
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)(c >> 12)));
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)(c >> 8)));
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)(c >> 4)));
+ str.append(nibbleToHex((uint8_t)c));
+ }
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, errtag,
+ UnicodeString(pos, length, "").getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ str.getTerminatedBuffer(),
+ u_wmsg_errorName(err));
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "errorUnicode", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ willexit = TRUE;
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* reset the error for the rest of the conversion. */
+ }
+ // Replaced a check for whether the intermediate Unicode characters were all consumed by
+ // looping until they are; message key "premEnd" now obsolete.
+ // Finally, write the converted buffer to the output file
+ size_t outlen = (size_t) (bufp - outbuf);
+ outfoffset += (int32_t)(wr = fwrite(outbuf, 1, outlen, outfile));
+ if (wr != outlen) {
+ UnicodeString str(strerror(errno));
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantWrite", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ willexit = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (willexit) {
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ } while (!toSawEndOfUnicode);
+ } while (!fromSawEndOfBytes);
+ } while (!flush); // Stop when we have flushed the
+ // converters (this means that it's
+ // the end of output)
+ goto normal_exit;
+ ret = FALSE;
+ // Cleanup.
+ ucnv_close(convfrom);
+ ucnv_close(convto);
+ delete t;
+ if (infile != stdin) {
+ fclose(infile);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void usage(const char *pname, int ecode) {
+ const UChar *msg;
+ int32_t msgLen;
+ UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ FILE *fp = ecode ? stderr : stdout;
+ int res;
+ initMsg(pname);
+ msg =
+ ures_getStringByKey(gBundle, ecode ? "lcUsageWord" : "ucUsageWord",
+ &msgLen, &err);
+ UnicodeString upname(pname, (int32_t)(uprv_strlen(pname) + 1));
+ UnicodeString mname(msg, msgLen + 1);
+ res = u_wmsg(fp, "usage", mname.getBuffer(), upname.getBuffer());
+ if (!ecode) {
+ if (!res) {
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ }
+ if (!u_wmsg(fp, "help")) {
+ /* Now dump callbacks and finish. */
+ int i, count =
+ sizeof(transcode_callbacks) / sizeof(*transcode_callbacks);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ fprintf(fp, " %s", transcode_callbacks[i].name);
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ }
+ }
+ exit(ecode);
+extern int
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ FILE *outfile;
+ int ret = 0;
+ size_t bufsz = DEFAULT_BUFSZ;
+ const char *fromcpage = 0;
+ const char *tocpage = 0;
+ const char *translit = 0;
+ const char *outfilestr = 0;
+ UBool fallback = FALSE;
+ UConverterFromUCallback fromucallback = UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP;
+ const void *fromuctxt = 0;
+ UConverterToUCallback toucallback = UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP;
+ const void *touctxt = 0;
+ char **iter, **remainArgv, **remainArgvLimit;
+ char **end = argv + argc;
+ const char *pname;
+ UBool printConvs = FALSE, printCanon = FALSE, printTranslits = FALSE;
+ const char *printName = 0;
+ UBool verbose = FALSE;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ConvertFile cf;
+ /* Initialize ICU */
+ u_init(&status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: can not initialize ICU. status = %s\n",
+ argv[0], u_errorName(status));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Get and prettify pname.
+ pname = uprv_strrchr(*argv, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
+#ifdef U_WINDOWS
+ if (!pname) {
+ pname = uprv_strrchr(*argv, '/');
+ }
+ if (!pname) {
+ pname = *argv;
+ } else {
+ ++pname;
+ }
+ // First, get the arguments from command-line
+ // to know the codepages to convert between
+ remainArgv = remainArgvLimit = argv + 1;
+ for (iter = argv + 1; iter != end; iter++) {
+ // Check for from charset
+ if (strcmp("-f", *iter) == 0 || !strcmp("--from-code", *iter)) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end)
+ fromcpage = *iter;
+ else
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ } else if (strcmp("-t", *iter) == 0 || !strcmp("--to-code", *iter)) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end)
+ tocpage = *iter;
+ else
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ } else if (strcmp("-x", *iter) == 0) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end)
+ translit = *iter;
+ else
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ } else if (!strcmp("--fallback", *iter)) {
+ fallback = TRUE;
+ } else if (!strcmp("--no-fallback", *iter)) {
+ fallback = FALSE;
+ } else if (strcmp("-b", *iter) == 0 || !strcmp("--block-size", *iter)) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end) {
+ bufsz = atoi(*iter);
+ if ((int) bufsz <= 0) {
+ initMsg(pname);
+ UnicodeString str(*iter);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "badBlockSize", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ return 3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp("-l", *iter) == 0 || !strcmp("--list", *iter)) {
+ if (printTranslits) {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ printConvs = TRUE;
+ } else if (strcmp("--default-code", *iter) == 0) {
+ if (printTranslits) {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ printName = ucnv_getDefaultName();
+ } else if (strcmp("--list-code", *iter) == 0) {
+ if (printTranslits) {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end) {
+ UErrorCode e = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ printName = ucnv_getAlias(*iter, 0, &e);
+ if (U_FAILURE(e) || !printName) {
+ UnicodeString str(*iter);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "noSuchCodeset", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ return 2;
+ }
+ } else
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ } else if (strcmp("--canon", *iter) == 0) {
+ printCanon = TRUE;
+ } else if (strcmp("-L", *iter) == 0
+ || !strcmp("--list-transliterators", *iter)) {
+ if (printConvs) {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ printTranslits = TRUE;
+ } else if (strcmp("-h", *iter) == 0 || !strcmp("-?", *iter)
+ || !strcmp("--help", *iter)) {
+ usage(pname, 0);
+ } else if (!strcmp("-c", *iter)) {
+ fromucallback = UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_SKIP;
+ } else if (!strcmp("--to-callback", *iter)) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end) {
+ const struct callback_ent *cbe = findCallback(*iter);
+ if (cbe) {
+ fromucallback = cbe->fromu;
+ fromuctxt = cbe->fromuctxt;
+ } else {
+ UnicodeString str(*iter);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "unknownCallback", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ return 4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp("--from-callback", *iter)) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end) {
+ const struct callback_ent *cbe = findCallback(*iter);
+ if (cbe) {
+ toucallback = cbe->tou;
+ touctxt = cbe->touctxt;
+ } else {
+ UnicodeString str(*iter);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "unknownCallback", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ return 4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp("-i", *iter)) {
+ toucallback = UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_SKIP;
+ } else if (!strcmp("--callback", *iter)) {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != end) {
+ const struct callback_ent *cbe = findCallback(*iter);
+ if (cbe) {
+ fromucallback = cbe->fromu;
+ fromuctxt = cbe->fromuctxt;
+ toucallback = cbe->tou;
+ touctxt = cbe->touctxt;
+ } else {
+ UnicodeString str(*iter);
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "unknownCallback", str.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ return 4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp("-s", *iter) || !strcmp("--silent", *iter)) {
+ verbose = FALSE;
+ } else if (!strcmp("-v", *iter) || !strcmp("--verbose", *iter)) {
+ verbose = TRUE;
+ } else if (!strcmp("-V", *iter) || !strcmp("--version", *iter)) {
+ printf("%s v2.1 ICU " U_ICU_VERSION "\n", pname);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp("-o", *iter) || !strcmp("--output", *iter)) {
+ ++iter;
+ if (iter != end && !outfilestr) {
+ outfilestr = *iter;
+ } else {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (0 == strcmp("--add-signature", *iter)) {
+ cf.signature = 1;
+ } else if (0 == strcmp("--remove-signature", *iter)) {
+ cf.signature = -1;
+ } else if (**iter == '-' && (*iter)[1]) {
+ usage(pname, 1);
+ } else {
+ // move a non-option up in argv[]
+ *remainArgvLimit++ = *iter;
+ }
+ }
+ if (printConvs || printName) {
+ return printConverters(pname, printName, printCanon) ? 2 : 0;
+ } else if (printTranslits) {
+ return printTransliterators(printCanon) ? 3 : 0;
+ }
+ if (!fromcpage || !uprv_strcmp(fromcpage, "-")) {
+ fromcpage = ucnv_getDefaultName();
+ }
+ if (!tocpage || !uprv_strcmp(tocpage, "-")) {
+ tocpage = ucnv_getDefaultName();
+ }
+ // Open the correct output file or connect to stdout for reading input
+ if (outfilestr != 0 && strcmp(outfilestr, "-")) {
+ outfile = fopen(outfilestr, "wb");
+ if (outfile == 0) {
+ UnicodeString str1(outfilestr, "");
+ UnicodeString str2(strerror(errno), "");
+ initMsg(pname);
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantCreateOutputF",
+ str1.getBuffer(), str2.getBuffer());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ outfilestr = "-";
+ outfile = stdout;
+ if (setmode(fileno(outfile), O_BINARY) == -1) {
+ u_wmsg(stderr, "cantSetOutBinMode");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Loop again on the arguments to find all the input files, and
+ convert them. */
+ cf.setBufferSize(bufsz);
+ if(remainArgv < remainArgvLimit) {
+ for (iter = remainArgv; iter != remainArgvLimit; iter++) {
+ if (!cf.convertFile(
+ pname, fromcpage, toucallback, touctxt, tocpage,
+ fromucallback, fromuctxt, fallback, translit, *iter,
+ outfile, verbose)
+ ) {
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!cf.convertFile(
+ pname, fromcpage, toucallback, touctxt, tocpage,
+ fromucallback, fromuctxt, fallback, translit, 0,
+ outfile, verbose)
+ ) {
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ }
+ goto normal_exit;
+ ret = 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "uconv error: UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION is on. See uconfig.h\n");
+ if (outfile != stdout) {
+ fclose(outfile);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Hey, Emacs, please set the following:
+ *
+ * Local Variables:
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uconv.vcxproj b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uconv.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
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+ <Command>copy "$(TargetPath)" ..\..\..\bin
+ <Outputs>$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\bin\$(TargetFileName);%(Outputs)</Outputs>
+ </CustomBuildStep>
+ <Midl>
+ <TypeLibraryName>.\x86\Release/uconv.tlb</TypeLibraryName>
+ </Midl>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>..\..\..\include;..\..\common;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
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+ <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>
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+ </DataExecutionPrevention>
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index 00000000000..69a10356905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/unicode/uwmsg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2000-2004, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+Get a message out of the default resource bundle, messageformat it,
+and print it to stderr
+#ifndef _UWMSG
+#define _UWMSG
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+/* Set the path to wmsg's bundle.
+ Caller owns storage.
+U_CFUNC UResourceBundle *u_wmsg_setPath(const char *path, UErrorCode *err);
+/* Format a message and print it's output to a given file stream */
+U_CFUNC int u_wmsg(FILE *fp, const char *tag, ... );
+/* format an error message */
+U_CFUNC const UChar* u_wmsg_errorName(UErrorCode err);
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uwmsg.c b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uwmsg.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61e6c463719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.8.1/extra/uconv/uwmsg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+* Copyright (C) 1998-2004, International Business Machines Corporation
+* and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File uwmsg.c
+* Modification History:
+* Date Name Description
+* 06/14/99 stephen Creation.
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/umsg.h"
+#include "unicode/uwmsg.h"
+#include "unicode/ures.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define LENGTHOF(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
+#define BUF_SIZE 128
+/* Print a ustring to the specified FILE* in the default codepage */
+static void
+uprint(const UChar *s,
+ int32_t sourceLen,
+ FILE *f,
+ UErrorCode *status)
+ /* converter */
+ UConverter *converter;
+ char buf [BUF_SIZE];
+ const UChar *mySource;
+ const UChar *mySourceEnd;
+ char *myTarget;
+ int32_t arraySize;
+ if(s == 0) return;
+ /* set up the conversion parameters */
+ mySource = s;
+ mySourceEnd = mySource + sourceLen;
+ myTarget = buf;
+ arraySize = BUF_SIZE;
+ /* open a default converter */
+ converter = ucnv_open(0, status);
+ /* if we failed, clean up and exit */
+ if(U_FAILURE(*status)) goto finish;
+ /* perform the conversion */
+ do {
+ /* reset the error code */
+ *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ /* perform the conversion */
+ ucnv_fromUnicode(converter, &myTarget, myTarget + arraySize,
+ &mySource, mySourceEnd, NULL,
+ TRUE, status);
+ /* Write the converted data to the FILE* */
+ fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), myTarget - buf, f);
+ /* update the conversion parameters*/
+ myTarget = buf;
+ arraySize = BUF_SIZE;
+ }
+ while(*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR);
+ /* close the converter */
+ ucnv_close(converter);
+static const char *gPath = 0;
+static UResourceBundle *gBundle = NULL;
+U_STRING_DECL(gNoFormatting, " (UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING see uconfig.h)", 38);
+U_CFUNC UResourceBundle *u_wmsg_setPath(const char *path, UErrorCode *err)
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(gBundle != NULL)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UResourceBundle *b = NULL;
+ b = ures_open(path, NULL, err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gPath = uprv_strdup(path);
+ gBundle = b;
+ U_STRING_INIT(gNoFormatting, " (UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING see uconfig.h)", 38);
+ }
+ return gBundle;
+/* Format a message and print it's output to fp */
+U_CFUNC int u_wmsg(FILE *fp, const char *tag, ... )
+ const UChar *msg;
+ int32_t msgLen;
+ UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ va_list ap;
+ UChar result[4096];
+ int32_t resultLength = LENGTHOF(result);
+ if(gBundle == NULL)
+ {
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "u_wmsg: No path set!!\n"); /* FIXME: codepage?? */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ msg = ures_getStringByKey(gBundle, tag, &msgLen, &err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(err))
+ {
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "u_wmsg: failed to load tag [%s] [%s] [%s]!!\n", tag, u_errorName(err), gPath);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ resultLength = sizeof(gNoFormatting) / U_SIZEOF_UCHAR;
+ if((msgLen + resultLength) <= LENGTHOF(result)) {
+ memcpy(result, msg, msgLen * U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
+ memcpy(result + msgLen, gNoFormatting, resultLength);
+ resultLength += msgLen;
+ uprint(result, resultLength, fp, &err);
+ } else {
+ uprint(msg,msgLen, fp, &err);
+ }
+ va_start(ap, tag);
+ resultLength = u_vformatMessage(uloc_getDefault(), msg, msgLen, result, resultLength, ap, &err);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if(U_FAILURE(err))
+ {
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "u_wmsg: failed to format %s:%s, err %s\n",
+ uloc_getDefault(),
+ tag,
+ u_errorName(err));
+ err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ uprint(msg,msgLen, fp, &err);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ uprint(result, resultLength, fp, &err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(err))
+ {
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "u_wmsg: failed to print %s: %s, err %s\n",
+ uloc_getDefault(),
+ tag,
+ u_errorName(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* these will break if the # of messages change. simply add or remove 0's .. */
+UChar **gInfoMessages = NULL;
+UChar **gErrMessages = NULL;
+static const UChar *fetchErrorName(UErrorCode err)
+ if (!gInfoMessages) {
+ gInfoMessages = (UChar **)malloc((U_ERROR_WARNING_LIMIT-U_ERROR_WARNING_START)*sizeof(UChar*));
+ memset(gInfoMessages, 0, (U_ERROR_WARNING_LIMIT-U_ERROR_WARNING_START)*sizeof(UChar*));
+ }
+ if (!gErrMessages) {
+ gErrMessages = (UChar **)malloc(U_ERROR_LIMIT*sizeof(UChar*));
+ memset(gErrMessages, 0, U_ERROR_LIMIT*sizeof(UChar*));
+ }
+ if(err>=0)
+ return gErrMessages[err];
+ else
+ return gInfoMessages[err-U_ERROR_WARNING_START];
+U_CFUNC const UChar *u_wmsg_errorName(UErrorCode err)
+ UChar *msg;
+ int32_t msgLen;
+ UErrorCode subErr = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const char *textMsg = NULL;
+ /* try the cache */
+ msg = (UChar*)fetchErrorName(err);
+ if(msg)
+ {
+ return msg;
+ }
+ if(gBundle == NULL)
+ {
+ msg = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const char *errname = u_errorName(err);
+ if (errname) {
+ msg = (UChar*)ures_getStringByKey(gBundle, errname, &msgLen, &subErr);
+ if(U_FAILURE(subErr))
+ {
+ msg = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(msg == NULL) /* Couldn't find it anywhere.. */
+ {
+ char error[128];
+ textMsg = u_errorName(err);
+ if (!textMsg) {
+ sprintf(error, "UNDOCUMENTED ICU ERROR %d", err);
+ textMsg = error;
+ }
+ msg = (UChar*)malloc((strlen(textMsg)+1)*sizeof(msg[0]));
+ u_charsToUChars(textMsg, msg, (int32_t)(strlen(textMsg)+1));
+ }
+ if(err>=0)
+ gErrMessages[err] = msg;
+ else
+ gInfoMessages[err-U_ERROR_WARNING_START] = msg;
+ return msg;