path: root/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.6/test/intltest/citrtest.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.6/test/intltest/citrtest.cpp')
1 files changed, 1187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.6/test/intltest/citrtest.cpp b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.6/test/intltest/citrtest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f2059fb7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.6/test/intltest/citrtest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Date Name Description
+ * 05/22/2000 Madhu Added tests for testing new API for utf16 support and more
+ ****************************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <typeinfo> // for 'typeid' to work
+#include "unicode/chariter.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/schriter.h"
+#include "unicode/uchriter.h"
+#include "unicode/uiter.h"
+#include "unicode/putil.h"
+#include "citrtest.h"
+class SCharacterIterator : public CharacterIterator {
+ SCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& textStr){
+ text = textStr;
+ pos=0;
+ textLength = textStr.length();
+ begin = 0;
+ end=textLength;
+ }
+ virtual ~SCharacterIterator(){};
+ void setText(const UnicodeString& newText){
+ text = newText;
+ }
+ virtual void getText(UnicodeString& result) {
+ text.extract(0,text.length(),result);
+ }
+ static UClassID getStaticClassID(void){
+ return (UClassID)(&fgClassID);
+ }
+ virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const{
+ return getStaticClassID();
+ }
+ virtual UBool operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator& /*that*/) const{
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ virtual CharacterIterator* clone(void) const {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const{
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ virtual UChar nextPostInc(void){ return text.charAt(pos++);}
+ virtual UChar32 next32PostInc(void){return text.char32At(pos++);}
+ virtual UBool hasNext() { return TRUE;};
+ virtual UChar first(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar32 first32(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar last(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar32 last32(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar setIndex(int32_t /*pos*/){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar32 setIndex32(int32_t /*pos*/){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar current() const{return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar32 current32() const{return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar next(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar32 next32(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar previous(){return DONE;};
+ virtual UChar32 previous32(){return DONE;};
+ virtual int32_t move(int32_t delta,CharacterIterator::EOrigin origin){
+ switch(origin) {
+ case kStart:
+ pos = begin + delta;
+ break;
+ case kCurrent:
+ pos += delta;
+ break;
+ case kEnd:
+ pos = end + delta;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(pos < begin) {
+ pos = begin;
+ } else if(pos > end) {
+ pos = end;
+ }
+ return pos;
+ };
+ virtual int32_t move32(int32_t delta, CharacterIterator::EOrigin origin){
+ switch(origin) {
+ case kStart:
+ pos = begin;
+ if(delta > 0) {
+ UTF_FWD_N(text, pos, end, delta);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kCurrent:
+ if(delta > 0) {
+ UTF_FWD_N(text, pos, end, delta);
+ } else {
+ UTF_BACK_N(text, begin, pos, -delta);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kEnd:
+ pos = end;
+ if(delta < 0) {
+ UTF_BACK_N(text, begin, pos, -delta);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+ };
+ virtual UBool hasPrevious() {return TRUE;};
+ SCharacterIterator& operator=(const SCharacterIterator& that){
+ text = that.text;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ UnicodeString text;
+ static const char fgClassID;
+const char SCharacterIterator::fgClassID=0;
+#define LENGTHOF(array) ((int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0])))
+void CharIterTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
+ if (exec) logln("TestSuite CharIterTest: ");
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0: name = "TestConstructionAndEquality"; if (exec) TestConstructionAndEquality(); break;
+ case 1: name = "TestConstructionAndEqualityUChariter"; if (exec) TestConstructionAndEqualityUChariter(); break;
+ case 2: name = "TestIteration"; if (exec) TestIteration(); break;
+ case 3: name = "TestIterationUChar32"; if (exec) TestIterationUChar32(); break;
+ case 4: name = "TestUCharIterator"; if (exec) TestUCharIterator(); break;
+ case 5: name = "TestCoverage"; if(exec) TestCoverage(); break;
+ case 6: name = "TestCharIteratorSubClasses"; if (exec) TestCharIteratorSubClasses(); break;
+ default: name = ""; break; //needed to end loop
+ }
+void CharIterTest::TestCoverage(){
+ UnicodeString testText("Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.");
+ UnicodeString testText2("\\ud800\\udc01deadbeef");
+ testText2 = testText2.unescape();
+ SCharacterIterator* test = new SCharacterIterator(testText);
+ if(test->firstPostInc()!= 0x004E){
+ errln("Failed: firstPostInc() failed");
+ }
+ if(test->getIndex()!=1){
+ errln("Failed: getIndex().");
+ }
+ if(test->getLength()!=testText.length()){
+ errln("Failed: getLength()");
+ }
+ test->setToStart();
+ if(test->getIndex()!=0){
+ errln("Failed: setToStart().");
+ }
+ test->setToEnd();
+ if(test->getIndex()!=testText.length()){
+ errln("Failed: setToEnd().");
+ }
+ if(test->startIndex() != 0){
+ errln("Failed: startIndex()");
+ }
+ test->setText(testText2);
+ if(test->first32PostInc()!= testText2.char32At(0)){
+ errln("Failed: first32PostInc() failed");
+ }
+ delete test;
+void CharIterTest::TestConstructionAndEquality() {
+ UnicodeString testText("Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.");
+ UnicodeString testText2("Don't bother using this string.");
+ UnicodeString result1, result2, result3;
+ CharacterIterator* test1 = new StringCharacterIterator(testText);
+ CharacterIterator* test1b= new StringCharacterIterator(testText, -1);
+ CharacterIterator* test1c= new StringCharacterIterator(testText, 100);
+ CharacterIterator* test1d= new StringCharacterIterator(testText, -2, 100, 5);
+ CharacterIterator* test1e= new StringCharacterIterator(testText, 100, 20, 5);
+ CharacterIterator* test2 = new StringCharacterIterator(testText, 5);
+ CharacterIterator* test3 = new StringCharacterIterator(testText, 2, 20, 5);
+ CharacterIterator* test4 = new StringCharacterIterator(testText2);
+ CharacterIterator* test5 = test1->clone();
+ if (test1d->startIndex() < 0)
+ errln("Construction failed: startIndex is negative");
+ if (test1d->endIndex() > testText.length())
+ errln("Construction failed: endIndex is greater than the text length");
+ if (test1d->getIndex() < test1d->startIndex() || test1d->endIndex() < test1d->getIndex())
+ errln("Construction failed: index is invalid");
+ if (*test1 == *test2 || *test1 == *test3 || *test1 == *test4)
+ errln("Construction or operator== failed: Unequal objects compared equal");
+ if (*test1 != *test5)
+ errln("clone() or equals() failed: Two clones tested unequal");
+ if (test1->hashCode() == test2->hashCode() || test1->hashCode() == test3->hashCode()
+ || test1->hashCode() == test4->hashCode())
+ errln("hashCode() failed: different objects have same hash code");
+ if (test1->hashCode() != test5->hashCode())
+ errln("hashCode() failed: identical objects have different hash codes");
+ if(test1->getLength() != testText.length()){
+ errln("getLength of CharacterIterator failed");
+ }
+ test1->getText(result1);
+ test1b->getText(result2);
+ test1c->getText(result3);
+ if(result1 != result2 || result1 != result3)
+ errln("construction failed or getText() failed");
+ test1->setIndex(5);
+ if (*test1 != *test2 || *test1 == *test5)
+ errln("setIndex() failed");
+ *((StringCharacterIterator*)test1) = *((StringCharacterIterator*)test3);
+ if (*test1 != *test3 || *test1 == *test5)
+ errln("operator= failed");
+ delete test2;
+ delete test3;
+ delete test4;
+ delete test5;
+ delete test1b;
+ delete test1c;
+ delete test1d;
+ delete test1e;
+ StringCharacterIterator* testChar1=new StringCharacterIterator(testText);
+ StringCharacterIterator* testChar2=new StringCharacterIterator(testText2);
+ StringCharacterIterator* testChar3=(StringCharacterIterator*)test1->clone();
+ testChar1->getText(result1);
+ testChar2->getText(result2);
+ testChar3->getText(result3);
+ if(result1 != result3 || result1 == result2)
+ errln("getText() failed");
+ testChar3->setText(testText2);
+ testChar3->getText(result3);
+ if(result1 == result3 || result2 != result3)
+ errln("setText() or getText() failed");
+ testChar3->setText(testText);
+ testChar3->getText(result3);
+ if(result1 != result3 || result1 == result2)
+ errln("setText() or getText() round-trip failed");
+ delete testChar1;
+ delete testChar2;
+ delete testChar3;
+ delete test1;
+void CharIterTest::TestConstructionAndEqualityUChariter() {
+ U_STRING_DECL(testText, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.", 69);
+ U_STRING_DECL(testText2, "Don't bother using this string.", 31);
+ U_STRING_INIT(testText, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.", 69);
+ U_STRING_INIT(testText2, "Don't bother using this string.", 31);
+ UnicodeString result, result4, result5;
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test1 = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, u_strlen(testText));
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test2 = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, u_strlen(testText), 5);
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test3 = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, u_strlen(testText), 2, 20, 5);
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test4 = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText2, u_strlen(testText2));
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test5 = (UCharCharacterIterator*)test1->clone();
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test6 = new UCharCharacterIterator(*test1);
+ // j785: length=-1 will use u_strlen()
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test7a = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, -1);
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test7b = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, -1);
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test7c = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, -1, 2, 20, 5);
+ // Bad parameters.
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test8a = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, -1, -1, 20, 5);
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test8b = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, -1, 2, 100, 5);
+ UCharCharacterIterator* test8c = new UCharCharacterIterator(testText, -1, 2, 20, 100);
+ if (test8a->startIndex() < 0)
+ errln("Construction failed: startIndex is negative");
+ if (test8b->endIndex() != u_strlen(testText))
+ errln("Construction failed: endIndex is different from the text length");
+ if (test8c->getIndex() < test8c->startIndex() || test8c->endIndex() < test8c->getIndex())
+ errln("Construction failed: index is invalid");
+ if (*test1 == *test2 || *test1 == *test3 || *test1 == *test4 )
+ errln("Construction or operator== failed: Unequal objects compared equal");
+ if (*test1 != *test5 )
+ errln("clone() or equals() failed: Two clones tested unequal");
+ if (*test6 != *test1 )
+ errln("copy construction or equals() failed: Two copies tested unequal");
+ if (test1->hashCode() == test2->hashCode() || test1->hashCode() == test3->hashCode()
+ || test1->hashCode() == test4->hashCode())
+ errln("hashCode() failed: different objects have same hash code");
+ if (test1->hashCode() != test5->hashCode())
+ errln("hashCode() failed: identical objects have different hash codes");
+ test7a->getText(result);
+ test7b->getText(result4);
+ test7c->getText(result5);
+ if(result != UnicodeString(testText) || result4 != result || result5 != result)
+ errln("error in construction");
+ test1->getText(result);
+ test4->getText(result4);
+ test5->getText(result5);
+ if(result != result5 || result == result4)
+ errln("getText() failed");
+ test5->setText(testText2, u_strlen(testText2));
+ test5->getText(result5);
+ if(result == result5 || result4 != result5)
+ errln("setText() or getText() failed");
+ test5->setText(testText, u_strlen(testText));
+ test5->getText(result5);
+ if(result != result5 || result == result4)
+ errln("setText() or getText() round-trip failed");
+ test1->setIndex(5);
+ if (*test1 != *test2 || *test1 == *test5)
+ errln("setIndex() failed");
+ test8b->setIndex32(5);
+ if (test8b->getIndex()!=5)
+ errln("setIndex32() failed");
+ *test1 = *test3;
+ if (*test1 != *test3 || *test1 == *test5)
+ errln("operator= failed");
+ delete test1;
+ delete test2;
+ delete test3;
+ delete test4;
+ delete test5;
+ delete test6;
+ delete test7a;
+ delete test7b;
+ delete test7c;
+ delete test8a;
+ delete test8b;
+ delete test8c;
+void CharIterTest::TestIteration() {
+ UnicodeString text("Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.");
+ UChar c;
+ int32_t i;
+ {
+ StringCharacterIterator iter(text, 5);
+ UnicodeString iterText;
+ iter.getText(iterText);
+ if (iterText != text)
+ errln("iter.getText() failed");
+ if (iter.current() != text[(int32_t)5])
+ errln("Iterator didn't start out in the right place.");
+ c = iter.first();
+ i = 0;
+ if (iter.startIndex() != 0 || iter.endIndex() != text.length())
+ errln("startIndex() or endIndex() failed");
+ logln("Testing forward iteration...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i != text.length())
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if (c != text[i])
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Character mismatch at position " + i +
+ ", iterator has " + UCharToUnicodeString(c) +
+ ", string has " + UCharToUnicodeString(text[i]));
+ if (iter.current() != c)
+ errln("current() isn't working right");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c =;
+ i++;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("next() didn't return DONE at the end");
+ c=iter.setIndex(text.length()+1);
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("setIndex(len+1) didn't return DONE");
+ c = iter.last();
+ i = text.length() - 1;
+ logln("Testing backward iteration...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i >= 0)
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if (c != text[i])
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Character mismatch at position " + i +
+ ", iterator has " + UCharToUnicodeString(c) +
+ ", string has " + UCharToUnicodeString(text[i]));
+ if (iter.current() != c)
+ errln("current() isn't working right");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.setIndex(i) != c)
+ errln("setIndex() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c = iter.previous();
+ i--;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ c=iter.previous();
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("previous didn't return DONE at the beginning");
+ //testing firstPostInc, nextPostInc, setTostart
+ i = 0;
+ c=iter.firstPostInc();
+ if(c != text[i])
+ errln((UnicodeString)"firstPostInc failed. Expected->" +
+ UCharToUnicodeString(text[i]) + " Got->" + UCharToUnicodeString(c));
+ if(iter.getIndex() != i+1)
+ errln((UnicodeString)"getIndex() after firstPostInc() failed");
+ iter.setToStart();
+ i=0;
+ if (iter.startIndex() != 0)
+ errln("setToStart failed");
+ logln("Testing forward iteration...");
+ do {
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ c = iter.nextPostInc();
+ if(c != text[i])
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Character mismatch at position " + i +
+ (UnicodeString)", iterator has " + UCharToUnicodeString(c) +
+ (UnicodeString)", string has " + UCharToUnicodeString(text[i]));
+ i++;
+ if(iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() aftr nextPostInc() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.current() != text[i])
+ errln("current() after nextPostInc() isn't working right");
+ } while (iter.hasNext());
+ c=iter.nextPostInc();
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("nextPostInc() didn't return DONE at the beginning");
+ }
+ {
+ StringCharacterIterator iter(text, 5, 15, 10);
+ if (iter.startIndex() != 5 || iter.endIndex() != 15)
+ errln("creation of a restricted-range iterator failed");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != 10 || iter.current() != text[(int32_t)10])
+ errln("starting the iterator in the middle didn't work");
+ c = iter.first();
+ i = 5;
+ logln("Testing forward iteration over a range...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i != 15)
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if (c != text[i])
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Character mismatch at position " + i +
+ ", iterator has " + UCharToUnicodeString(c) +
+ ", string has " + UCharToUnicodeString(text[i]));
+ if (iter.current() != c)
+ errln("current() isn't working right");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.setIndex(i) != c)
+ errln("setIndex() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c =;
+ i++;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ c = iter.last();
+ i = 14;
+ logln("Testing backward iteration over a range...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i >= 5)
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if (c != text[i])
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Character mismatch at position " + i +
+ ", iterator has " + UCharToUnicodeString(c) +
+ ", string has " + UCharToUnicodeString(text[i]));
+ if (iter.current() != c)
+ errln("current() isn't working right");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c = iter.previous();
+ i--;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ }
+//Tests for new API for utf-16 support
+void CharIterTest::TestIterationUChar32() {
+ UChar textChars[]={ 0x0061, 0x0062, 0xd841, 0xdc02, 0x20ac, 0xd7ff, 0xd842, 0xdc06, 0xd801, 0xdc00, 0x0061, 0x0000};
+ UnicodeString text(textChars);
+ UChar32 c;
+ int32_t i;
+ {
+ StringCharacterIterator iter(text, 1);
+ UnicodeString iterText;
+ iter.getText(iterText);
+ if (iterText != text)
+ errln("iter.getText() failed");
+ if (iter.current32() != text[(int32_t)1])
+ errln("Iterator didn't start out in the right place.");
+ c=iter.setToStart();
+ i=0;
+ i=iter.move32(1, CharacterIterator::kStart);
+ c=iter.current32();
+ if(c != text.char32At(1) || i!=1)
+ errln("move32(1, kStart) didn't work correctly expected %X got %X", c, text.char32At(1) );
+ i=iter.move32(2, CharacterIterator::kCurrent);
+ c=iter.current32();
+ if(c != text.char32At(4) || i!=4)
+ errln("move32(2, kCurrent) didn't work correctly expected %X got %X i=%ld", c, text.char32At(4), i);
+ i=iter.move32(-2, CharacterIterator::kCurrent);
+ c=iter.current32();
+ if(c != text.char32At(1) || i!=1)
+ errln("move32(-2, kCurrent) didn't work correctly expected %X got %X i=%d", c, text.char32At(1), i);
+ i=iter.move32(-2, CharacterIterator::kEnd);
+ c=iter.current32();
+ if(c != text.char32At((text.length()-3)) || i!=(text.length()-3))
+ errln("move32(-2, kEnd) didn't work correctly expected %X got %X i=%d", c, text.char32At((text.length()-3)), i);
+ c = iter.first32();
+ i = 0;
+ if (iter.startIndex() != 0 || iter.endIndex() != text.length())
+ errln("startIndex() or endIndex() failed");
+ logln("Testing forward iteration...");
+ do {
+ /* logln("c=%d i=%d char32At=%d", c, i, text.char32At(i)); */
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i != text.length())
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if(iter.hasNext() == FALSE && i != text.length())
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely. Failed at hasNext");
+ else if (c != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("Character mismatch at position %d, iterator has %X, string has %X", i, c, text.char32At(i));
+ if (iter.current32() != c)
+ errln("current32() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.setIndex32(i) != c)
+ errln("setIndex32() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c = iter.next32();
+ i=UTF16_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ? i+2 : i+1;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ if(iter.hasNext() == TRUE)
+ errln("hasNext() returned true at the end of the string");
+ c=iter.setToEnd();
+ if(iter.getIndex() != text.length() || iter.hasNext() != FALSE)
+ errln("setToEnd failed");
+ c=iter.next32();
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("next32 didn't return DONE at the end");
+ c=iter.setIndex32(text.length()+1);
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("setIndex32(len+1) didn't return DONE");
+ c = iter.last32();
+ i = text.length()-1;
+ logln("Testing backward iteration...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i >= 0)
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Iterator reached start prematurely for i=" + i);
+ else if(iter.hasPrevious() == FALSE && i>0)
+ errln((UnicodeString)"Iterator reached start prematurely for i=" + i);
+ else if (c != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("Character mismatch at position %d, iterator has %X, string has %X", i, c, text.char32At(i));
+ if (iter.current32() != c)
+ errln("current32() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.setIndex32(i) != c)
+ errln("setIndex32() isn't working right");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c = iter.previous32();
+ i=UTF16_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ? i-2 : i-1;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ if(iter.hasPrevious() == TRUE)
+ errln("hasPrevious returned true after reaching the start");
+ c=iter.previous32();
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("previous32 didn't return DONE at the beginning");
+ //testing first32PostInc, next32PostInc, setTostart
+ i = 0;
+ c=iter.first32PostInc();
+ if(c != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("first32PostInc failed. Expected->%X Got->%X", text.char32At(i), c);
+ if(iter.getIndex() != UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(c) + i)
+ errln((UnicodeString)"getIndex() after first32PostInc() failed");
+ iter.setToStart();
+ i=0;
+ if (iter.startIndex() != 0)
+ errln("setToStart failed");
+ logln("Testing forward iteration...");
+ do {
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ c = iter.next32PostInc();
+ if(c != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("Character mismatch at position %d, iterator has %X, string has %X", i, c, text.char32At(i));
+ i=UTF16_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ? i+2 : i+1;
+ if(iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() aftr next32PostInc() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.current32() != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("current() after next32PostInc() isn't working right");
+ } while (iter.hasNext());
+ c=iter.next32PostInc();
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("next32PostInc() didn't return DONE at the beginning");
+ }
+ {
+ StringCharacterIterator iter(text, 1, 11, 10);
+ if (iter.startIndex() != 1 || iter.endIndex() != 11)
+ errln("creation of a restricted-range iterator failed");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != 10 || iter.current32() != text.char32At(10))
+ errln("starting the iterator in the middle didn't work");
+ c = iter.first32();
+ i = 1;
+ logln("Testing forward iteration over a range...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i != 11)
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if(iter.hasNext() == FALSE)
+ errln("Iterator reached end prematurely");
+ else if (c != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("Character mismatch at position %d, iterator has %X, string has %X", i, c, text.char32At(i));
+ if (iter.current32() != c)
+ errln("current32() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.setIndex32(i) != c)
+ errln("setIndex32() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c = iter.next32();
+ i=UTF16_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ? i+2 : i+1;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ c=iter.next32();
+ if(c != CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("error in next32()");
+ c=iter.last32();
+ i = 10;
+ logln("Testing backward iteration over a range...");
+ do {
+ if (c == CharacterIterator::DONE && i >= 5)
+ errln("Iterator reached start prematurely");
+ else if(iter.hasPrevious() == FALSE && i > 5)
+ errln("Iterator reached start prematurely");
+ else if (c != text.char32At(i))
+ errln("Character mismatch at position %d, iterator has %X, string has %X", i, c, text.char32At(i));
+ if (iter.current32() != c)
+ errln("current32() isn't working right");
+ if (iter.getIndex() != i)
+ errln("getIndex() isn't working right");
+ if(iter.setIndex32(i) != c)
+ errln("setIndex32() isn't working right");
+ if (c != CharacterIterator::DONE) {
+ c = iter.previous32();
+ i=UTF16_NEED_MULTIPLE_UCHAR(c) ? i-2 : i-1;
+ }
+ } while (c != CharacterIterator::DONE);
+ c=iter.previous32();
+ if(c!= CharacterIterator::DONE)
+ errln("error on previous32");
+ }
+void CharIterTest::TestUCharIterator(UCharIterator *iter, CharacterIterator &ci,
+ const char *moves, const char *which) {
+ int32_t m;
+ UChar32 c, c2;
+ UBool h, h2;
+ for(m=0;; ++m) {
+ // move both iter and s[index]
+ switch(moves[m]) {
+ case '0':
+ h=iter->hasNext(iter);
+ h2=ci.hasNext();
+ c=iter->current(iter);
+ c2=ci.current();
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ h=iter->hasNext(iter);
+ h2=ci.hasNext();
+ c=uiter_current32(iter);
+ c2=ci.current32();
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ h=iter->hasNext(iter);
+ h2=ci.hasNext();
+ c=iter->next(iter);
+ c2=ci.nextPostInc();
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ h=iter->hasNext(iter);
+ h2=ci.hasNext();
+ c=uiter_next32(iter);
+ c2=ci.next32PostInc();
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ h=iter->hasPrevious(iter);
+ h2=ci.hasPrevious();
+ c=iter->previous(iter);
+ c2=ci.previous();
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ h=iter->hasPrevious(iter);
+ h2=ci.hasPrevious();
+ c=uiter_previous32(iter);
+ c2=ci.previous32();
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ h=h2=FALSE;
+ c=(UChar32)iter->move(iter, 2, UITER_CURRENT);
+ c2=(UChar32)ci.move(2, CharacterIterator::kCurrent);
+ break;
+ case '8':
+ h=h2=FALSE;
+ c=(UChar32)iter->move(iter, -2, UITER_CURRENT);
+ c2=(UChar32)ci.move(-2, CharacterIterator::kCurrent);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ return;
+ default:
+ errln("error: unexpected move character '%c' in \"%s\"", moves[m], moves);
+ return;
+ }
+ // compare results
+ if(c2==0xffff) {
+ c2=(UChar32)-1;
+ }
+ if(c!=c2 || h!=h2 || ci.getIndex()!=iter->getIndex(iter, UITER_CURRENT)) {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(%s) misbehaving at \"%s\"[%d]='%c'", which, moves, m, moves[m]);
+ }
+ }
+void CharIterTest::TestUCharIterator() {
+ // test string of length 8
+ UnicodeString s=UnicodeString("a \\U00010001b\\U0010fffdz", "").unescape();
+ const char *const moves=
+ "0+++++++++" // 10 moves per line
+ "----0-----"
+ ">>|>>>>>>>"
+ "<<|<<<<<<<"
+ "22+>8>-8+2";
+ StringCharacterIterator sci(s), compareCI(s);
+ UCharIterator sIter, cIter, rIter;
+ uiter_setString(&sIter, s.getBuffer(), s.length());
+ uiter_setCharacterIterator(&cIter, &sci);
+ uiter_setReplaceable(&rIter, &s);
+ TestUCharIterator(&sIter, compareCI, moves, "uiter_setString");
+ compareCI.setIndex(0);
+ TestUCharIterator(&cIter, compareCI, moves, "uiter_setCharacterIterator");
+ compareCI.setIndex(0);
+ TestUCharIterator(&rIter, compareCI, moves, "uiter_setReplaceable");
+ // test move & getIndex some more
+ sIter.start=2;
+ sIter.index=3;
+ sIter.limit=5;
+ if( sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_ZERO)!=0 ||
+ sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_START)!=2 ||
+ sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_CURRENT)!=3 ||
+ sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_LIMIT)!=5 ||
+ sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_LENGTH)!=s.length()
+ ) {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(string).getIndex returns wrong index");
+ }
+ if( sIter.move(&sIter, 4, UITER_ZERO)!=4 ||
+ sIter.move(&sIter, 1, UITER_START)!=3 ||
+ sIter.move(&sIter, 3, UITER_CURRENT)!=5 ||
+ sIter.move(&sIter, -1, UITER_LIMIT)!=4 ||
+ sIter.move(&sIter, -5, UITER_LENGTH)!=3 ||
+ sIter.move(&sIter, 0, UITER_CURRENT)!=sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_CURRENT) ||
+ sIter.getIndex(&sIter, UITER_CURRENT)!=3
+ ) {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(string).move sets/returns wrong index");
+ }
+ sci=StringCharacterIterator(s, 2, 5, 3);
+ uiter_setCharacterIterator(&cIter, &sci);
+ if( cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_ZERO)!=0 ||
+ cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_START)!=2 ||
+ cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_CURRENT)!=3 ||
+ cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_LIMIT)!=5 ||
+ cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_LENGTH)!=s.length()
+ ) {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(character iterator).getIndex returns wrong index");
+ }
+ if( cIter.move(&cIter, 4, UITER_ZERO)!=4 ||
+ cIter.move(&cIter, 1, UITER_START)!=3 ||
+ cIter.move(&cIter, 3, UITER_CURRENT)!=5 ||
+ cIter.move(&cIter, -1, UITER_LIMIT)!=4 ||
+ cIter.move(&cIter, -5, UITER_LENGTH)!=3 ||
+ cIter.move(&cIter, 0, UITER_CURRENT)!=cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_CURRENT) ||
+ cIter.getIndex(&cIter, UITER_CURRENT)!=3
+ ) {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(character iterator).move sets/returns wrong index");
+ }
+ if(cIter.getIndex(&cIter, (enum UCharIteratorOrigin)-1) != -1)
+ {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(char iter).getIndex did not return error value");
+ }
+ if(cIter.move(&cIter, 0, (enum UCharIteratorOrigin)-1) != -1)
+ {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(char iter).move did not return error value");
+ }
+ if(rIter.getIndex(&rIter, (enum UCharIteratorOrigin)-1) != -1)
+ {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(repl iter).getIndex did not return error value");
+ }
+ if(rIter.move(&rIter, 0, (enum UCharIteratorOrigin)-1) != -1)
+ {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(repl iter).move did not return error value");
+ }
+ if(sIter.getIndex(&sIter, (enum UCharIteratorOrigin)-1) != -1)
+ {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(string iter).getIndex did not return error value");
+ }
+ if(sIter.move(&sIter, 0, (enum UCharIteratorOrigin)-1) != -1)
+ {
+ errln("error: UCharIterator(string iter).move did not return error value");
+ }
+ /* Testing function coverage on bad input */
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ uiter_setString(&sIter, NULL, 1);
+ uiter_setState(&sIter, 1, &status);
+ if (status != U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR) {
+ errln("error: uiter_setState returned %s instead of U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR", u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ uiter_setState(NULL, 1, &status);
+ if (status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
+ errln("error: uiter_setState returned %s instead of U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR", u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ if (uiter_getState(&sIter) != UITER_NO_STATE) {
+ errln("error: uiter_getState did not return UITER_NO_STATE on bad input");
+ }
+// subclass test, and completing API coverage -------------------------------
+class SubCharIter : public CharacterIterator {
+ // public default constructor, to get coverage of CharacterIterator()
+ SubCharIter() : CharacterIterator() {
+ textLength=end=LENGTHOF(s);
+ s[0]=0x61; // 'a'
+ s[1]=0xd900; // U+50400
+ s[2]=0xdd00;
+ s[3]=0x2029; // PS
+ }
+ // useful stuff, mostly dummy but testing coverage and subclassability
+ virtual UChar nextPostInc() {
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ return s[pos++];
+ } else {
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 next32PostInc() {
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ UChar32 c;
+ U16_NEXT(s, pos, LENGTHOF(s), c);
+ return c;
+ } else {
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual UBool hasNext() {
+ return pos<LENGTHOF(s);
+ }
+ virtual UChar first() {
+ pos=0;
+ return s[0];
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 first32() {
+ UChar32 c;
+ pos=0;
+ U16_NEXT(s, pos, LENGTHOF(s), c);
+ pos=0;
+ return c;
+ }
+ virtual UChar setIndex(int32_t position) {
+ if(0<=position && position<=LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ pos=position;
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ return s[pos];
+ }
+ }
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 setIndex32(int32_t position) {
+ if(0<=position && position<=LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ pos=position;
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ UChar32 c;
+ U16_GET(s, 0, pos, LENGTHOF(s), c);
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ virtual UChar current() const {
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ return s[pos];
+ } else {
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 current32() const {
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ UChar32 c;
+ U16_GET(s, 0, pos, LENGTHOF(s), c);
+ return c;
+ } else {
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual UChar next() {
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s) && ++pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ return s[pos];
+ } else {
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 next32() {
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ U16_FWD_1(s, pos, LENGTHOF(s));
+ }
+ if(pos<LENGTHOF(s)) {
+ UChar32 c;
+ int32_t i=pos;
+ U16_NEXT(s, i, LENGTHOF(s), c);
+ return c;
+ } else {
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual UBool hasPrevious() {
+ return pos>0;
+ }
+ virtual void getText(UnicodeString &result) {
+ result.setTo(s, LENGTHOF(s));
+ }
+ // dummy implementations of other pure virtual base class functions
+ virtual UBool operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator &that) const {
+ return
+ this==&that ||
+ (typeid(*this)==typeid(that) && pos==((SubCharIter &)that).pos);
+ }
+ virtual int32_t hashCode() const {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ virtual CharacterIterator *clone() const {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual UChar last() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 last32() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual UChar previous() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual UChar32 previous32() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual int32_t move(int32_t /*delta*/, EOrigin /*origin*/) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual int32_t move32(int32_t /*delta*/, EOrigin /*origin*/) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // RTTI
+ static UClassID getStaticClassID() {
+ return (UClassID)(&fgClassID);
+ }
+ virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const {
+ return getStaticClassID();
+ }
+ // dummy string data
+ UChar s[4];
+ static const char fgClassID;
+const char SubCharIter::fgClassID = 0;
+class SubStringCharIter : public StringCharacterIterator {
+ SubStringCharIter() {
+ setText(UNICODE_STRING("abc", 3));
+ }
+class SubUCharCharIter : public UCharCharacterIterator {
+ SubUCharCharIter() {
+ setText(u, 3);
+ }
+ static const UChar u[3];
+const UChar SubUCharCharIter::u[3]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0x63 };
+void CharIterTest::TestCharIteratorSubClasses() {
+ SubCharIter *p;
+ // coverage - call functions that are not otherwise tested
+ // first[32]PostInc() are default implementations that are overridden
+ // in ICU's own CharacterIterator subclasses
+ p=new SubCharIter;
+ if(p->firstPostInc()!=0x61) {
+ errln("SubCharIter.firstPosInc() failed\n");
+ }
+ delete p;
+ p=new SubCharIter[2];
+ if(p[1].first32PostInc()!=0x61) {
+ errln("SubCharIter.first32PosInc() failed\n");
+ }
+ delete [] p;
+ // coverage: StringCharacterIterator default constructor
+ SubStringCharIter sci;
+ if(sci.firstPostInc()!=0x61) {
+ errln("SubStringCharIter.firstPostInc() failed\n");
+ }
+ // coverage: UCharCharacterIterator default constructor
+ SubUCharCharIter uci;
+ if(uci.firstPostInc()!=0x61) {
+ errln("SubUCharCharIter.firstPostInc() failed\n");
+ }