path: root/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/tools/genpname/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/tools/genpname/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1328 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/tools/genpname/ b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/tools/genpname/
deleted file mode 100755
index bb4fcfefa11..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/tools/genpname/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1328 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and
-# others. All Rights Reserved.
-# This script reads in UCD files PropertyAliases.txt and
-# PropertyValueAliases.txt and correlates them with ICU enums
-# defined in uchar.h and uscript.h. It then outputs a header
-# file which contains all names and enums. The header is included
-# by the genpname tool C++ source file, which produces the actual
-# binary data file.
-# See usage note below.
-# TODO: The Property[Value]Alias.txt files state that they can support
-# more than 2 names per property|value. Currently (Unicode 3.2) there
-# are always 1 or 2 names. If more names were supported, presumably
-# the format would be something like:
-# nv ; Numeric_Value
-# nv ; Value_Numerique
-# CURRENTLY, this script assumes that there are 1 or two names. Any
-# duplicates it sees are flagged as an error. If multiple aliases
-# appear in a future version of Unicode, modify this script to support
-# that.
-# NOTE: As of ICU 2.6, this script has been modified to know about the
-# pseudo-property gcm/General_Category_Mask, which corresponds to the
-# uchar.h property UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK. This property
-# corresponds to General_Category but is a bitmask value. It does not
-# exist in the UCD. Therefore, I special case it in several places
-# (search for General_Category_Mask and gcm).
-# NOTE: As of ICU 2.6, this script reads an auxiliary data file,
-# SyntheticPropertyAliases.txt, containing property aliases not
-# present in the UCD but present in ICU. This file resides in the
-# same directory as this script. Its contents are merged into those
-# of PropertyAliases.txt as if the two files were appended.
-# NOTE: The following names are handled specially. See script below
-# for details.
-# T/True
-# F/False
-# No_Block
-# Author: Alan Liu
-# Created: October 14 2002
-# Since: ICU 2.4
-use FileHandle;
-use strict;
-use Dumpvalue;
-my $DEBUG = 1;
-my $DUMPER = new Dumpvalue;
-my $count = @ARGV;
-my $ICU_DIR = shift() || '';
-my $OUT_FILE = shift() || 'data.h';
-my $HEADER_DIR = "$ICU_DIR/source/common/unicode";
-my $UNIDATA_DIR = "$ICU_DIR/source/data/unidata";
-# Get the current year from the system
-my $YEAR = 1900+@{[localtime]}[5]; # Get the current year
-# Used to make "n/a" property [value] aliases (Unicode or Synthetic) unique
-my $propNA = 0;
-my $valueNA = 0;
-# Top level property keys for binary, enumerated, string, and double props
-my @TOP = qw( _bp _ep _sp _dp _mp );
-# This hash governs how top level properties are grouped into output arrays.
-#my %TOP_PROPS = ( "VALUED" => [ '_bp', '_ep' ],
-# "NO_VALUE" => [ '_sp', '_dp' ] );m
-#my %TOP_PROPS = ( "BINARY" => [ '_bp' ],
-# "ENUMERATED" => [ '_ep' ],
-# "STRING" => [ '_sp' ],
-# "DOUBLE" => [ '_dp' ] );
-my %TOP_PROPS = ( "" => [ '_bp', '_ep', '_sp', '_dp', '_mp' ] );
-my %PROP_TYPE = (Binary => "_bp",
- String => "_sp",
- Double => "_dp",
- Enumerated => "_ep",
- Bitmask => "_mp");
-# Properties that are unsupported in ICU
-my %UNSUPPORTED = (Composition_Exclusion => 1,
- Decomposition_Mapping => 1,
- Expands_On_NFC => 1,
- Expands_On_NFD => 1,
- Expands_On_NFKC => 1,
- Expands_On_NFKD => 1,
- FC_NFKC_Closure => 1,
- ID_Start_Exceptions => 1,
- Special_Case_Condition => 1,
- );
-# Short names of properties that weren't seen in uchar.h. If the
-# properties weren't seen, don't complain about the property values
-# missing.
-# Additional property aliases beyond short and long names,
-# like space in addition to WSpace and White_Space in Unicode 4.1.
-# Hashtable, maps long name to alias.
-# For example, maps White_Space->space.
-# If multiple additional aliases are defined,
-# then they are separated in the value string with '|'.
-# For example, White_Space->space|outer_space
-my %additional_property_aliases;
-# Emitted class names
-my ($STRING_CLASS, $ALIAS_CLASS, $PROPERTY_CLASS) = qw(AliasName Alias Property);
-if ($count < 1 || $count > 2 ||
- !-d $HEADER_DIR ||
- !-d $UNIDATA_DIR) {
- my $me = $0;
- $me =~ s|.+[/\\]||;
- my $lm = ' ' x length($me);
- print <<"END";
-$me: Reads ICU4C headers and Unicode data files and creates
-$lm a C header file that is included by genpname. The header
-$lm file matches constants defined in the ICU4C headers with
-$lm property|value aliases in the Unicode data files.
-Usage: $me <icu_dir> [<out_file>]
-<icu_dir> ICU4C root directory, containing
- source/common/unicode/uchar.h
- source/common/unicode/uscript.h
- source/data/unidata/Blocks.txt
- source/data/unidata/PropertyAliases.txt
- source/data/unidata/PropertyValueAliases.txt
-<out_file> File name of header to be written;
- default is 'data.h'.
-The Unicode versions of all input files must match.
- exit(1);
-my ($h, $version) = readAndMerge($HEADER_DIR, $UNIDATA_DIR);
-if ($DEBUG) {
- print "Merged hash:\n";
- for my $key (sort keys %$h) {
- my $hh = $h->{$key};
- for my $subkey (sort keys %$hh) {
- print "$key:$subkey:", $hh->{$subkey}, "\n";
- }
- }
-my $out = new FileHandle($OUT_FILE, 'w');
-die "Error: Can't write to $OUT_FILE: $!" unless (defined $out);
-my $save = select($out);
-formatData($h, $version);
-# From PropList.html: "The properties of the form Other_XXX
-# are used to generate properties in DerivedCoreProperties.txt.
-# They are not intended for general use, such as in APIs that
-# return property values.
-# Non_Break is not a valid property as of 3.2.
-sub isIgnoredProperty {
- local $_ = shift;
- /^Other_/i || /^Non_Break$/i;
-# 'qc' is a pseudo-property matching any quick-check property
-# see PropertyValueAliases.txt file comments. 'binprop' is
-# a synthetic binary value alias "True"/"False", not present
-# in PropertyValueAliases.txt until Unicode 5.0.
-# Starting with Unicode 5.1, PropertyValueAliases.txt does have
-# explicit values for binary properties.
-sub isPseudoProperty {
- $_[0] eq 'qc' ||
- $_[0] eq 'binprop';
-# Emit the combined data from headers and the Unicode database as a
-# C source code header file.
-# @param ref to hash with the data
-# @param Unicode version, as a string
-sub formatData {
- my $h = shift;
- my $version = shift;
- my $date = scalar localtime();
- print <<"END";
- * Copyright (C) 2002-$YEAR, International Business Machines Corporation and
- * others. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * MACHINE GENERATED FILE. !!! Do not edit manually !!!
- *
- * Generated from
- * uchar.h
- * uscript.h
- * Blocks.txt
- * PropertyAliases.txt
- * PropertyValueAliases.txt
- *
- * Date: $date
- * Unicode version: $version
- * Script: $0
- */
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Emit Unicode version
- print "/* Unicode version $version */\n";
- my @v = split(/\./, $version);
- push @v, '0' while (@v < 4);
- for (my $i=0; $i<@v; ++$i) {
- print "const uint8_t VERSION_$i = $v[$i];\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Emit String table
- # [A table of all identifiers, that is, all long or short property
- # or value names. The list need NOT be sorted; it will be sorted
- # by the C program. Strings are referenced by their index into
- # this table. After sorting, a REMAP[] array is used to map the
- # old position indices to the new positions.]
- my %strings;
- for my $prop (sort keys %$h) {
- my $hh = $h->{$prop};
- for my $enum (sort keys %$hh) {
- my @a = split(/\|/, $hh->{$enum});
- for (@a) {
- $strings{$_} = 1 if (length($_));
- }
- }
- }
- my @strings = sort keys %strings;
- unshift @strings, "";
- print "const int32_t STRING_COUNT = ", scalar @strings, ";\n\n";
- # while printing, create a mapping hash from string table entry to index
- my %stringToID;
- print "/* to be sorted */\n";
- print "const $STRING_CLASS STRING_TABLE[] = {\n";
- for (my $i=0; $i<@strings; ++$i) {
- print " $STRING_CLASS(\"$strings[$i]\", $i),\n";
- $stringToID{$strings[$i]} = $i;
- }
- print "};\n\n";
- # placeholder for the remapping index. this is used to map
- # indices that we compute here to indices of the sorted
- # STRING_TABLE. STRING_TABLE will be sorted by the C++ program
- # using the uprv_comparePropertyNames() function. this will
- # reshuffle the order. we then use the indices (passed to the
- # String constructor) to create a REMAP[] array.
- print "/* to be filled in */\n";
- print "int32_t REMAP[", scalar @strings, "];\n\n";
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Emit the name group table
- # [A table of name groups. A name group is one or more names
- # for a property or property value. The Unicode data files specify
- # that there may be more than 2, although as of Unicode 3.2 there
- # are at most 2. The name group table looks like this:
- #
- # 114, -115, 116, -117, 0, -118, 65, -64, ...
- # [0] [2] [4] [6]
- #
- # The entry at [0] consists of 2 strings, 114 and 115.
- # The entry at [2] consists of 116 and 117. The entry at
- # [4] is one string, 118. There is always at least one
- # string; typically there are two. If there are two, the first
- # is the SHORT name and the second is the LONG. If there is
- # one, then the missing entry (always the short name, in 3.2)
- # is zero, which is by definition the index of "". The
- # 'preferred' name will generally be the LONG name, if there are
- # more than 2 entries. The last entry is negative.
- # Build name group list and replace string refs with nameGroup indices
- my @nameGroups;
- # Check for duplicate name groups, and reuse them if possible
- my %groupToInt; # Map group strings to ints
- for my $prop (sort keys %$h) {
- my $hh = $h->{$prop};
- for my $enum (sort keys %$hh) {
- my $groupString = $hh->{$enum};
- my $i;
- if (exists $groupToInt{$groupString}) {
- $i = $groupToInt{$groupString};
- } else {
- my @names = split(/\|/, $groupString);
- die "Error: Wrong number of names in " . $groupString if (@names < 1);
- $i = @nameGroups; # index of group we are making
- $groupToInt{$groupString} = $i; # Cache for reuse
- push @nameGroups, map { $stringToID{$_} } @names;
- $nameGroups[$#nameGroups] = -$nameGroups[$#nameGroups]; # mark end
- }
- # now, replace string list with ref to name group
- $hh->{$enum} = $i;
- }
- }
- print "const int32_t NAME_GROUP_COUNT = ",
- scalar @nameGroups, ";\n\n";
- print "int32_t NAME_GROUP[] = {\n";
- # emit one group per line, with annotations
- my $max_names = 0;
- for (my $i=0; $i<@nameGroups; ) {
- my @a;
- my $line;
- my $start = $i;
- for (;;) {
- my $j = $nameGroups[$i++];
- $line .= "$j, ";
- push @a, abs($j);
- last if ($j < 0);
- }
- print " ",
- $line,
- ' 'x(20-length($line)),
- "/* ", sprintf("%3d", $start),
- ": \"", join("\", \"", map { $strings[$_] } @a), "\" */\n";
- $max_names = @a if(@a > $max_names);
- }
- print "};\n\n";
- # This is fixed for 3.2 at "2" but should be calculated dynamically
- # when more than 2 names appear in Property[Value]Aliases.txt.
- print "#define MAX_NAMES_PER_GROUP $max_names\n\n";
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Emit enumerated property values
- for my $prop (sort keys %$h) {
- next if ($prop =~ /^_/);
- my $vh = $h->{$prop};
- my $count = scalar keys %$vh;
- print "const int32_t VALUES_${prop}_COUNT = ",
- $count, ";\n\n";
- print "const $ALIAS_CLASS VALUES_${prop}\[] = {\n";
- for my $enum (sort keys %$vh) {
- #my @names = split(/\|/, $vh->{$enum});
- #die "Error: Wrong number of names for $prop:$enum in [" . join(",", @names) . "]"
- # if (@names != 2);
- print " $ALIAS_CLASS((int32_t) $enum, ", $vh->{$enum}, "),\n";
- #$stringToID{$names[0]}, ", ",
- #$stringToID{$names[1]}, "),\n";
- # "\"", $names[0], "\", ",
- # "\"", $names[1], "\"),\n";
- }
- print "};\n\n";
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Emit top-level properties (binary, enumerated, etc.)
- for my $topName (sort keys %TOP_PROPS) {
- my $a = $TOP_PROPS{$topName};
- my $count = 0;
- for my $type (@$a) { # "_bp", "_ep", etc.
- $count += scalar keys %{$h->{$type}};
- }
- print "const int32_t ${topName}PROPERTY_COUNT = $count;\n\n";
- print "const $PROPERTY_CLASS ${topName}PROPERTY[] = {\n";
- for my $type (@$a) { # "_bp", "_ep", etc.
- my $p = $h->{$type};
- for my $enum (sort keys %$p) {
- my $name = $strings[$nameGroups[$p->{$enum}]];
- my $valueRef = "0, NULL";
- if ($type eq '_bp') {
- $valueRef = "VALUES_binprop_COUNT, VALUES_binprop";
- }
- elsif (exists $h->{$name}) {
- $valueRef = "VALUES_${name}_COUNT, VALUES_$name";
- }
- print " $PROPERTY_CLASS((int32_t) $enum, ",
- $p->{$enum}, ", $valueRef),\n";
- }
- }
- print "};\n\n";
- }
- print "/*eof*/\n";
-# Read in the files uchar.h, uscript.h, Blocks.txt,
-# PropertyAliases.txt, and PropertyValueAliases.txt,
-# and combine them into one hash.
-# @param directory containing headers
-# @param directory containin Unicode data files
-# @return hash ref, Unicode version
-sub readAndMerge {
- my ($headerDir, $unidataDir) = @_;
- my $h = read_uchar("$headerDir/uchar.h");
- my $s = read_uscript("$headerDir/uscript.h");
- my $b = read_Blocks("$unidataDir/Blocks.txt");
- my $pa = {};
- read_PropertyAliases($pa, "$unidataDir/PropertyAliases.txt");
- read_PropertyAliases($pa, "SyntheticPropertyAliases.txt");
- my $va = {};
- read_PropertyValueAliases($va, "$unidataDir/PropertyValueAliases.txt");
- read_PropertyValueAliases($va, "SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt");
- # Extract property family hash
- my $fam = $pa->{'_family'};
- delete $pa->{'_family'};
- # Note: uscript.h has no version string, so don't check it
- my $version = check_versions([ 'uchar.h', $h ],
- [ 'Blocks.txt', $b ],
- [ 'PropertyAliases.txt', $pa ],
- [ 'PropertyValueAliases.txt', $va ]);
- # Do this BEFORE merging; merging modifies the hashes
- check_PropertyValueAliases($pa, $va);
- # Dump out the $va hash for debugging
- if ($DEBUG) {
- print "Property values hash:\n";
- for my $key (sort keys %$va) {
- my $hh = $va->{$key};
- for my $subkey (sort keys %$hh) {
- print "$key:$subkey:", $hh->{$subkey}, "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- # Dump out the $s hash for debugging
- if ($DEBUG) {
- print "Script hash:\n";
- for my $key (sort keys %$s) {
- print "$key:", $s->{$key}, "\n";
- }
- }
- # Link in the script data
- $h->{'sc'} = $s;
- merge_Blocks($h, $b);
- merge_PropertyAliases($h, $pa, $fam);
- merge_PropertyValueAliases($h, $va);
- ($h, $version);
-# Ensure that the version strings in the given hashes (under the key
-# '_version') are compatible. Currently this means they must be
-# identical, with the exception that "X.Y" will match "X.Y.0".
-# All hashes must define the key '_version'.
-# @param a list of pairs of (file name, hash reference)
-# @return the version of all the hashes. Upon return, the '_version'
-# will be removed from all hashes.
-sub check_versions {
- my $version = '';
- my $msg = '';
- foreach my $a (@_) {
- my $name = $a->[0];
- my $h = $a->[1];
- die "Error: No version found" unless (exists $h->{'_version'});
- my $v = $h->{'_version'};
- delete $h->{'_version'};
- # append ".0" if necessary, to standardize to X.Y.Z
- $v .= '.0' unless ($v =~ /\.\d+\./);
- $v .= '.0' unless ($v =~ /\.\d+\./);
- $msg .= "$name = $v\n";
- if ($version) {
- die "Error: Mismatched Unicode versions\n$msg"
- unless ($version eq $v);
- } else {
- $version = $v;
- }
- }
- $version;
-# Make sure the property names in PropertyValueAliases.txt match those
-# in PropertyAliases.txt.
-# @param a hash ref from read_PropertyAliases.
-# @param a hash ref from read_PropertyValueAliases.
-sub check_PropertyValueAliases {
- my ($pa, $va) = @_;
- # make a reverse hash of short->long
- my %rev;
- for (keys %$pa) { $rev{$pa->{$_}} = $_; }
- for my $prop (keys %$va) {
- if (!exists $rev{$prop} && !isPseudoProperty($prop)) {
- print "Warning: Property $prop from PropertyValueAliases not listed in PropertyAliases\n";
- }
- }
-# Merge blocks data into uchar.h enum data. In the 'blk' subhash all
-# code point values, as returned from read_uchar, are replaced by
-# block names, as read from Blocks.txt and returned by read_Blocks.
-# The match must be 1-to-1. If there is any failure of 1-to-1
-# mapping, an error is signaled. Upon return, the read_Blocks hash
-# is emptied of all contents, except for those that failed to match.
-# The mapping in the 'blk' subhash, after this function returns, is
-# from uchar.h enum name, e.g. "UBLOCK_BASIC_LATIN", to Blocks.h
-# pseudo-name, e.g. "Basic Latin".
-# @param a hash ref from read_uchar.
-# @param a hash ref from read_Blocks.
-sub merge_Blocks {
- my ($h, $b) = @_;
- die "Error: No blocks data in uchar.h"
- unless (exists $h->{'blk'});
- my $blk = $h->{'blk'};
- for my $enum (keys %$blk) {
- my $cp = $blk->{$enum};
- if ($cp && !exists $b->{$cp}) {
- die "Error: No block found at $cp in Blocks.txt";
- }
- # Convert code point to pseudo-name:
- $blk->{$enum} = $b->{$cp};
- delete $b->{$cp};
- }
- my $err = '';
- for my $cp (keys %$b) {
- $err .= "Error: Block " . $b->{$cp} . " not listed in uchar.h\n";
- }
- die $err if ($err);
-# Merge property alias names into the uchar.h hash. The subhashes
-# under the keys _* (b(inary, e(numerated, s(tring, d(ouble) are
-# examined and the values of those subhashes are assumed to be long
-# names in PropertyAliases.txt. They are validated and replaced by
-# "<short>|<long>". Upon return, the read_PropertyAliases hash is
-# emptied of all contents, except for those that failed to match.
-# Unmatched names in PropertyAliases are listed as a warning but do
-# NOT cause the script to die.
-# @param a hash ref from read_uchar.
-# @param a hash ref from read_PropertyAliases.
-# @param a hash mapping long names to property family (e.g., 'binary')
-sub merge_PropertyAliases {
- my ($h, $pa, $fam) = @_;
- for my $k (@TOP) {
- die "Error: No properties data for $k in uchar.h"
- unless (exists $h->{$k});
- }
- for my $subh (map { $h->{$_} } @TOP) {
- for my $enum (keys %$subh) {
- my $long_name = $subh->{$enum};
- if (!exists $pa->{$long_name}) {
- die "Error: Property $long_name not found (or used more than once)";
- }
- my $value;
- if($pa->{$long_name} =~ m|^n/a\d*$|) {
- # replace an "n/a" short name with an empty name (nothing before "|");
- # don't remove it (don't remove the "|"): there must always be a long name,
- # and if the short name is removed, then the long name becomes the
- # short name and there is no long name left (unless there is another alias)
- $value = "|" . $long_name;
- } else {
- $value = $pa->{$long_name} . "|" . $long_name;
- }
- if (exists $additional_property_aliases{$long_name}) {
- $value .= "|" . $additional_property_aliases{$long_name};
- }
- $subh->{$enum} = $value;
- delete $pa->{$long_name};
- }
- }
- my @err;
- for my $name (keys %$pa) {
- $MISSING_FROM_UCHAR{$pa->{$name}} = 1;
- if (exists $UNSUPPORTED{$name}) {
- push @err, "Info: No enum for " . $fam->{$name} . " property $name in uchar.h";
- } elsif (!isIgnoredProperty($name)) {
- push @err, "Warning: No enum for " . $fam->{$name} . " property $name in uchar.h";
- }
- }
- print join("\n", sort @err), "\n" if (@err);
-# Return 1 if two names match ignoring whitespace, '-', and '_'.
-# Used to match names in Blocks.txt with those in PropertyValueAliases.txt
-# as of Unicode 4.0.
-sub matchesLoosely {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- $a =~ s/[\s\-_]//g;
- $b =~ s/[\s\-_]//g;
- $a =~ /^$b$/i;
-# Merge PropertyValueAliases.txt data into the uchar.h hash. All
-# properties other than blk, _bp, and _ep are analyzed and mapped to
-# the names listed in PropertyValueAliases. They are then replaced
-# with a string of the form "<short>|<long>". The short or long name
-# may be missing.
-# @param a hash ref from read_uchar.
-# @param a hash ref from read_PropertyValueAliases.
-sub merge_PropertyValueAliases {
- my ($h, $va) = @_;
- my %gcCount;
- for my $prop (keys %$h) {
- # _bp, _ep handled in merge_PropertyAliases
- next if ($prop =~ /^_/);
- # Special case: gcm
- my $prop2 = ($prop eq 'gcm') ? 'gc' : $prop;
- # find corresponding PropertyValueAliases data
- die "Error: Can't find $prop in PropertyValueAliases.txt"
- unless (exists $va->{$prop2});
- my $pva = $va->{$prop2};
- # match up data
- my $hh = $h->{$prop};
- for my $enum (keys %$hh) {
- my $name = $hh->{$enum};
- # look up both long and short & ignore case
- my $n;
- if (exists $pva->{$name}) {
- $n = $name;
- } else {
- # iterate (slow)
- for my $a (keys %$pva) {
- # case-insensitive match
- # & case-insensitive reverse match
- if ($a =~ /^$name$/i ||
- $pva->{$a} =~ /^$name$/i) {
- $n = $a;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- # For blocks, do a loose match from Blocks.txt pseudo-name
- # to PropertyValueAliases long name.
- if (!$n && $prop eq 'blk') {
- for my $a (keys %$pva) {
- # The block is only going to match the long name,
- # but we check both for completeness. As of Unicode
- # 4.0, blocks do not have short names.
- if (matchesLoosely($name, $pva->{$a}) ||
- matchesLoosely($name, $a)) {
- $n = $a;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- die "Error: Property value $prop:$name not found" unless ($n);
- my $l = $n;
- my $r = $pva->{$n};
- # convert |n/a\d*| to blank
- $l = '' if ($l =~ m|^n/a\d*$|);
- $r = '' if ($r =~ m|^n/a\d*$|);
- $hh->{$enum} = "$l|$r";
- # Don't delete the 'gc' properties because we need to share
- # them between 'gc' and 'gcm'. Count each use instead.
- if ($prop2 eq 'gc') {
- ++$gcCount{$n};
- } else {
- delete $pva->{$n};
- }
- }
- }
- # Merge the combining class values in manually
- # Add the same values to the synthetic lccc and tccc properties
- die "Error: No ccc data"
- unless exists $va->{'ccc'};
- for my $ccc (keys %{$va->{'ccc'}}) {
- die "Error: Can't overwrite ccc $ccc"
- if (exists $h->{'ccc'}->{$ccc});
- $h->{'lccc'}->{$ccc} =
- $h->{'tccc'}->{$ccc} =
- $h->{'ccc'}->{$ccc} = $va->{'ccc'}->{$ccc};
- }
- delete $va->{'ccc'};
- # Merge synthetic binary property values in manually.
- # These are the "True" and "False" value aliases.
- die "Error: No True/False value aliases"
- unless exists $va->{'binprop'};
- for my $bp (keys %{$va->{'binprop'}}) {
- $h->{'binprop'}->{$bp} = $va->{'binprop'}->{$bp};
- }
- delete $va->{'binprop'};
- my $err = '';
- for my $prop (sort keys %$va) {
- my $hh = $va->{$prop};
- for my $subkey (sort keys %$hh) {
- # 'gc' props are shared with 'gcm'; make sure they were used
- # once or twice.
- if ($prop eq 'gc') {
- my $n = $gcCount{$subkey};
- next if ($n >= 1 && $n <= 2);
- }
- $err .= "Warning: Enum for value $prop:$subkey not found in uchar.h\n"
- unless exists $MISSING_FROM_UCHAR{$prop};
- }
- }
- print $err if ($err);
-# Read the PropertyAliases.txt file. Return a hash that maps the long
-# name to the short name. The special key '_version' will map to the
-# Unicode version of the file. The special key '_family' holds a
-# subhash that maps long names to a family string, for descriptive
-# purposes.
-# @param a filename for PropertyAliases.txt
-# @param reference to hash to receive data. Keys are long names.
-# Values are short names.
-sub read_PropertyAliases {
- my $hash = shift; # result
- my $filename = shift;
- my $fam = {}; # map long names to family string
- $fam = $hash->{'_family'} if (exists $hash->{'_family'});
- my $family; # binary, enumerated, etc.
- my $in = new FileHandle($filename, 'r');
- die "Error: Cannot open $filename" if (!defined $in);
- while (<$in>) {
- # Read version (embedded in a comment)
- if (/PropertyAliases-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/i) {
- die "Error: Multiple versions in $filename"
- if (exists $hash->{'_version'});
- $hash->{'_version'} = $1;
- }
- # Read family heading
- if (/^\s*\#\s*(.+?)\s*Properties\s*$/) {
- $family = $1;
- }
- # Ignore comments and blank lines
- s/\#.*//;
- next unless (/\S/);
- if (/^\s*(.+?)\s*;/) {
- my $short = $1;
- my @fields = /;\s*([^\s;]+)/g;
- if (@fields < 1) {
- my $number = @fields;
- die "Error: Wrong number of fields ($number) in $filename at $_";
- }
- # Make "n/a" strings unique
- if ($short eq 'n/a') {
- $short .= sprintf("%03d", $propNA++);
- }
- my $long = $fields[0];
- if ($long eq 'n/a') {
- $long .= sprintf("%03d", $propNA++);
- }
- # Add long name->short name to the hash=pa hash table
- if (exists $hash->{$long}) {
- die "Error: Duplicate property $long in $filename"
- }
- $hash->{$long} = $short;
- $fam->{$long} = $family;
- # Add the list of further aliases to the additional_property_aliases hash table,
- # using the long property name as the key.
- # For example:
- # White_Space->space|outer_space
- if (@fields > 1) {
- my $value = pop @fields;
- while (@fields > 1) {
- $value .= "|" . pop @fields;
- }
- $additional_property_aliases{$long} = $value;
- }
- } else {
- die "Error: Can't parse $_ in $filename";
- }
- }
- $in->close();
- $hash->{'_family'} = $fam;
-# Read the PropertyValueAliases.txt file. Return a two level hash
-# that maps property_short_name:value_short_name:value_long_name. In
-# the case of the 'ccc' property, the short name is the numeric class
-# and the long name is "<short>|<long>". The special key '_version'
-# will map to the Unicode version of the file.
-# @param a filename for PropertyValueAliases.txt
-# @return a hash reference.
-sub read_PropertyValueAliases {
- my $hash = shift; # result
- my $filename = shift;
- my $in = new FileHandle($filename, 'r');
- die "Error: Cannot open $filename" if (!defined $in);
- while (<$in>) {
- # Read version (embedded in a comment)
- if (/PropertyValueAliases-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/i) {
- die "Error: Multiple versions in $filename"
- if (exists $hash->{'_version'});
- $hash->{'_version'} = $1;
- }
- # Ignore comments and blank lines
- s/\#.*//;
- next unless (/\S/);
- if (/^\s*(.+?)\s*;/i) {
- my $prop = $1;
- my @fields = /;\s*([^\s;]+)/g;
- die "Error: Wrong number of fields in $filename"
- if (@fields < 2 || @fields > 5);
- # Make "n/a" strings unique
- $fields[0] .= sprintf("%03d", $valueNA++) if ($fields[0] eq 'n/a');
- # Squash extra fields together
- while (@fields > 2) {
- my $f = pop @fields;
- $fields[$#fields] .= '|' . $f;
- }
- addDatum($hash, $prop, @fields);
- }
- else {
- die "Error: Can't parse $_ in $filename";
- }
- }
- $in->close();
- # Script Copt=Qaac (Coptic) is a special case.
- # Before the Copt code was defined, the private-use code Qaac was used.
- # Starting with Unicode 4.1, PropertyValueAliases.txt contains
- # Copt as the short name as well as Qaac as an alias.
- # For use with older Unicode data files, we add here a Qaac->Coptic entry.
- # This should not do anything for 4.1-and-later Unicode data files.
- # See also UAX #24: Script Names
- $hash->{'sc'}->{'Qaac'} = 'Coptic'
- unless (exists $hash->{'sc'}->{'Qaac'} || exists $hash->{'sc'}->{'Copt'});
- # Add N|No|T|True and Y|Yes|F|False -- these are values we recognize for
- # binary properties (until Unicode 5.0 NOT from PropertyValueAliases.txt).
- # These are of the same form as the 'ccc' value aliases.
- # Starting with Unicode 5.1, PropertyValueAliases.txt does have values
- # for binary properties.
- if (!exists $hash->{'binprop'}->{'0'}) {
- if (exists $hash->{'Alpha'}->{'N'}) {
- # Unicode 5.1 and later: Make the numeric value the key.
- $hash->{'binprop'}->{'0'} = 'N|' . $hash->{'Alpha'}->{'N'};
- $hash->{'binprop'}->{'1'} = 'Y|' . $hash->{'Alpha'}->{'Y'};
- } elsif (exists $hash->{'Alpha'}) {
- die "Error: Unrecognized short value name for binary property 'Alpha'\n";
- } else {
- # Unicode 5.0 and earlier: Add manually.
- $hash->{'binprop'}->{'0'} = 'N|No|F|False';
- $hash->{'binprop'}->{'1'} = 'Y|Yes|T|True';
- }
- }
-# Read the Blocks.txt file. Return a hash that maps the code point
-# range start to the block name. The special key '_version' will map
-# to the Unicode version of the file.
-# As of Unicode 4.0, the names in the Blocks.txt are no longer the
-# proper names. The proper names are now listed in PropertyValueAliases.
-# They are similar but not identical. Furthermore, 4.0 introduces
-# a new block name, No_Block, which is listed only in PropertyValueAliases
-# and not in Blocks.txt. As a result, we handle blocks as follows:
-# 1. Read Blocks.txt to map code point range start to quasi-block name.
-# 2. Add to Blocks.txt a synthetic No Block code point & name:
-# X -> No Block
-# 3. Map quasi-names from Blocks.txt (including No Block) to actual
-# names from PropertyValueAliases. This occurs in
-# merge_PropertyValueAliases.
-# @param a filename for Blocks.txt
-# @return a ref to a hash. Keys are code points, as text, e.g.,
-# "1720". Values are pseudo-block names, e.g., "Hanunoo".
-sub read_Blocks {
- my $filename = shift;
- my $hash = {}; # result
- my $in = new FileHandle($filename, 'r');
- die "Error: Cannot open $filename" if (!defined $in);
- while (<$in>) {
- # Read version (embedded in a comment)
- if (/Blocks-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/i) {
- die "Error: Multiple versions in $filename"
- if (exists $hash->{'_version'});
- $hash->{'_version'} = $1;
- }
- # Ignore comments and blank lines
- s/\#.*//;
- next unless (/\S/);
- if (/^([0-9a-f]+)\.\.[0-9a-f]+\s*;\s*(.+?)\s*$/i) {
- die "Error: Duplicate range $1 in $filename"
- if (exists $hash->{$1});
- $hash->{$1} = $2;
- }
- else {
- die "Error: Can't parse $_ in $filename";
- }
- }
- $in->close();
- # Add pseudo-name for No Block
- $hash->{'none'} = 'No Block';
- $hash;
-# Read the uscript.h file and compile a mapping of Unicode symbols to
-# icu4c enum values.
-# @param a filename for uscript.h
-# @return a ref to a hash. The keys of the hash are enum symbols from
-# uscript.h, and the values are script names.
-sub read_uscript {
- my $filename = shift;
- my $mode = ''; # state machine mode and submode
- my $submode = '';
- my $last = ''; # for line folding
- my $hash = {}; # result
- my $key; # first-level key
- my $in = new FileHandle($filename, 'r');
- die "Error: Cannot open $filename" if (!defined $in);
- while (<$in>) {
- # Fold continued lines together
- if (/^(.*)\\$/) {
- $last = $1;
- next;
- } elsif ($last) {
- $_ = $last . $_;
- $last = '';
- }
- # Exit all modes here
- if ($mode && $mode ne 'DEPRECATED') {
- if (/^\s*\}/) {
- $mode = '';
- next;
- }
- }
- # Handle individual modes
- if ($mode eq 'UScriptCode') {
- if (m|^\s*(USCRIPT_\w+).+?/\*\s*(\w+)|) {
- my ($enum, $code) = ($1, $2);
- die "Error: Duplicate script $enum"
- if (exists $hash->{$enum});
- $hash->{$enum} = $code;
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'DEPRECATED') {
- if (/\s*\#ifdef/) {
- die "Error: Nested #ifdef";
- }
- elsif (/\s*\#endif/) {
- $mode = '';
- }
- }
- elsif (!$mode) {
- if (/^\s*typedef\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s*\{/ ||
- /^\s*typedef\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
- $mode = $1;
- #print "Parsing $mode\n";
- }
- elsif (/^\s*\#ifdef\s+ICU_UCHAR_USE_DEPRECATES\b/) {
- $mode = 'DEPRECATED';
- }
- }
- }
- $in->close();
- $hash;
-# Read the uchar.h file and compile a mapping of Unicode symbols to
-# icu4c enum values.
-# @param a filename for uchar.h
-# @return a ref to a hash. The keys of the hash are '_bp' for binary
-# properties, '_ep' for enumerated properties, '_dp'/'_sp'/'_mp' for
-# double/string/mask properties, and 'gc', 'gcm', 'bc', 'blk',
-# 'ea', 'dt', 'jt', 'jg', 'lb', or 'nt' for corresponding property
-# value aliases. The values of the hash are subhashes. The subhashes
-# have a key of the uchar.h enum symbol, and a value of the alias
-# string (as listed in PropertyValueAliases.txt). NOTE: The alias
-# string is whatever alias uchar.h lists. This may be either short or
-# long, depending on the specific enum. NOTE: For blocks ('blk'), the
-# value is a hex code point for the start of the associated block.
-# NOTE: The special key _version will map to the Unicode version of
-# the file.
-sub read_uchar {
- my $filename = shift;
- my $mode = ''; # state machine mode and submode
- my $submode = '';
- my $last = ''; # for line folding
- my $hash = {}; # result
- my $key; # first-level key
- my $in = new FileHandle($filename, 'r');
- die "Error: Cannot open $filename" if (!defined $in);
- while (<$in>) {
- # Fold continued lines together
- if (/^(.*)\\$/) {
- $last .= $1;
- next;
- } elsif ($last) {
- $_ = $last . $_;
- $last = '';
- }
- # Exit all modes here
- if ($mode && $mode ne 'DEPRECATED') {
- if (/^\s*\}/) {
- $mode = '';
- next;
- }
- }
- # Handle individual modes
- if ($mode eq 'UProperty') {
- if (/^\s*(UCHAR_\w+)\s*[,=]/ || /^\s+(UCHAR_\w+)\s*$/) {
- if ($submode) {
- addDatum($hash, $key, $1, $submode);
- $submode = '';
- } else {
- #print "Warning: Ignoring $1\n";
- }
- }
- elsif (m|^\s*/\*\*\s*(\w+)\s+property\s+(\w+)|i) {
- die "Error: Unmatched tag $submode" if ($submode);
- die "Error: Unrecognized UProperty comment: $_"
- unless (exists $PROP_TYPE{$1});
- $key = $PROP_TYPE{$1};
- $submode = $2;
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UCharCategory') {
- if (/^\s*(U_\w+)\s*=/) {
- if ($submode) {
- addDatum($hash, 'gc', $1, $submode);
- $submode = '';
- } else {
- #print "Warning: Ignoring $1\n";
- }
- }
- elsif (m|^\s*/\*\*\s*([A-Z][a-z])\s|) {
- die "Error: Unmatched tag $submode" if ($submode);
- $submode = $1;
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UCharDirection') {
- if (/^\s*(U_\w+)\s*[,=]/ || /^\s+(U_\w+)\s*$/) {
- if ($submode) {
- addDatum($hash, $key, $1, $submode);
- $submode = '';
- } else {
- #print "Warning: Ignoring $1\n";
- }
- }
- elsif (m|/\*\*\s*([A-Z]+)\s|) {
- die "Error: Unmatched tag $submode" if ($submode);
- $key = 'bc';
- $submode = $1;
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UBlockCode') {
- if (m|^\s*(UBLOCK_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'blk', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UEastAsianWidth') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_EA_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'ea', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UDecompositionType') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_DT_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'dt', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UJoiningType') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_JT_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'jt', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UJoiningGroup') {
- if (/^\s*(U_JG_(\w+))/) {
- addDatum($hash, 'jg', $1, $2) unless ($2 eq 'COUNT');
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UGraphemeClusterBreak') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_GCB_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'GCB', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UWordBreakValues') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_WB_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'WB', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'USentenceBreak') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_SB_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'SB', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'ULineBreak') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_LB_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'lb', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UNumericType') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_NT_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'nt', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'UHangulSyllableType') {
- if (m|^\s*(U_HST_\w+).+?/\*\[(.+?)\]\*/|) {
- addDatum($hash, 'hst', $1, $2);
- }
- }
- elsif ($mode eq 'DEPRECATED') {
- if (/\s*\#ifdef/) {
- die "Error: Nested #ifdef";
- }
- elsif (/\s*\#endif/) {
- $mode = '';
- }
- }
- elsif (!$mode) {
- if (/^\s*\#define\s+(\w+)\s+(.+)/) {
- # #define $left $right
- my ($left, $right) = ($1, $2);
- if ($left eq 'U_UNICODE_VERSION') {
- my $version = $right;
- $version = $1 if ($version =~ /^\"(.*)\"/);
- # print "Unicode version: ", $version, "\n";
- die "Error: Multiple versions in $filename"
- if (defined $hash->{'_version'});
- $hash->{'_version'} = $version;
- }
- elsif ($left =~ /U_GC_(\w+?)_MASK/) {
- addDatum($hash, 'gcm', $left, $1);
- }
- }
- elsif (/^\s*typedef\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s*\{/ ||
- /^\s*typedef\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
- $mode = $1;
- #print "Parsing $mode\n";
- }
- elsif (/^\s*enum\s+(\w+)\s*\{/ ||
- /^\s*enum\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
- $mode = $1;
- #print "Parsing $mode\n";
- }
- elsif (/^\s*\#ifdef\s+ICU_UCHAR_USE_DEPRECATES\b/) {
- $mode = 'DEPRECATED';
- }
- }
- }
- $in->close();
- # hardcode known values for the normalization quick check properties
- # see unorm.h for the UNormalizationCheckResult enum
- addDatum($hash, 'NFC_QC', 'UNORM_NO', 'N');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFC_QC', 'UNORM_YES', 'Y');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFC_QC', 'UNORM_MAYBE', 'M');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFKC_QC', 'UNORM_NO', 'N');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFKC_QC', 'UNORM_YES', 'Y');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFKC_QC', 'UNORM_MAYBE', 'M');
- # no "maybe" values for NF[K]D
- addDatum($hash, 'NFD_QC', 'UNORM_NO', 'N');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFD_QC', 'UNORM_YES', 'Y');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFKD_QC', 'UNORM_NO', 'N');
- addDatum($hash, 'NFKD_QC', 'UNORM_YES', 'Y');
- $hash;
-# Add a new value to a two-level hash. That is, given a ref to
-# a hash, two keys, and a value, add $hash->{$key1}->{$key2} = $value.
-sub addDatum {
- my ($h, $k1, $k2, $v) = @_;
- if (exists $h->{$k1}->{$k2}) {
- die "Error: $k1:$k2 already set to " .
- $h->{$k1}->{$k2} . ", cannot set to " . $v;
- }
- $h->{$k1}->{$k2} = $v;