path: root/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/common/unorm.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/common/unorm.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 626 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/common/unorm.cpp b/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/common/unorm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c5ebdc528..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/libs/icu/icu-4.4/common/unorm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-* Copyright (c) 1996-2010, International Business Machines
-* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-* File unorm.cpp
-* Created by: Vladimir Weinstein 12052000
-* Modification history :
-* Date Name Description
-* 02/01/01 synwee Added normalization quickcheck enum and method.
-* 02/12/01 synwee Commented out quickcheck util api has been approved
-* Added private method for doing FCD checks
-* 02/23/01 synwee Modified quickcheck and checkFCE to run through
-* string for codepoints < 0x300 for the normalization
-* mode NFC.
-* 05/25/01+ Markus Scherer total rewrite, implement all normalization here
-* instead of just wrappers around normlzr.cpp,
-* load unorm.dat, support Unicode 3.1 with
-* supplementary code points, etc.
-* 2009-nov..2010-jan Markus Scherer total rewrite, new Normalizer2 API & code
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "unicode/udata.h"
-#include "unicode/uchar.h"
-#include "unicode/ustring.h"
-#include "unicode/uiter.h"
-#include "unicode/unorm.h"
-#include "normalizer2impl.h"
-#include "ucln_cmn.h"
-#include "unormimp.h"
-#include "uprops.h"
-#include "cmemory.h"
-#include "umutex.h"
-#include "utrie2.h"
-#include "unicode/uset.h"
-#include "putilimp.h"
-#define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
- * This new implementation of the normalization code loads its data from
- * unorm.dat, which is generated with the gennorm tool.
- * The format of that file is described in unormimp.h .
- */
-/* load unorm.dat ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* unorm_props_data.c is machine-generated by gennorm --csource */
-#include "unorm_props_data.c"
-static const UBool formatVersion_2_2=TRUE;
-#define DATA_NAME "unorm"
-#define DATA_TYPE "icu"
-static UDataMemory *normData=NULL;
-static UErrorCode dataErrorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
-static int8_t haveNormData=0;
-static int32_t indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TOP]={ 0 };
-static UTrie normTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, fcdTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, auxTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
- * pointers into the memory-mapped
- */
-static const uint16_t *extraData=NULL,
- *combiningTable=NULL,
- *canonStartSets=NULL;
-static uint8_t formatVersion[4]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-static UBool formatVersion_2_1=FALSE, formatVersion_2_2=FALSE;
-/* the Unicode version of the normalization data */
-static UVersionInfo dataVersion={ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-static UBool U_CALLCONV
-unorm_cleanup(void) {
- if(normData!=NULL) {
- udata_close(normData);
- normData=NULL;
- }
- dataErrorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- haveNormData=0;
- return TRUE;
-static UBool U_CALLCONV
-isAcceptable(void * /* context */,
- const char * /* type */, const char * /* name */,
- const UDataInfo *pInfo) {
- if(
- pInfo->size>=20 &&
- pInfo->isBigEndian==U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN &&
- pInfo->charsetFamily==U_CHARSET_FAMILY &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[0]==0x4e && /* dataFormat="Norm" */
- pInfo->dataFormat[1]==0x6f &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[2]==0x72 &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[3]==0x6d &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[0]==2 &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[2]==UTRIE_SHIFT &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[3]==UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT
- ) {
- uprv_memcpy(formatVersion, pInfo->formatVersion, 4);
- uprv_memcpy(dataVersion, pInfo->dataVersion, 4);
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
-static UBool U_CALLCONV
-_enumPropertyStartsRange(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 /*end*/, uint32_t /*value*/) {
- /* add the start code point to the USet */
- const USetAdder *sa=(const USetAdder *)context;
- sa->add(sa->set, start);
- return TRUE;
-static int8_t
-loadNormData(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
- /* load Unicode normalization data from file */
- /*
- * This lazy intialization with double-checked locking (without mutex protection for
- * haveNormData==0) is transiently unsafe under certain circumstances.
- * Check the readme and use u_init() if necessary.
- *
- * While u_init() initializes the main normalization data via this functions,
- * it does not do so for exclusion sets (which are fully mutexed).
- * This is because
- * - there can be many exclusion sets
- * - they are rarely used
- * - they are not usually used in execution paths that are
- * as performance-sensitive as others
- * (e.g., IDNA takes more time than unorm_quickCheck() anyway)
- *
- * TODO: Remove code in support for non-hardcoded data. u_init() is now advertised
- * as not being required for thread safety, and we can't reasonably
- * revert to requiring it.
- */
- if(haveNormData==0) {
- UTrie _normTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, _fcdTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, _auxTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
- UDataMemory *data;
- const int32_t *p=NULL;
- const uint8_t *pb;
- if(&errorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* open the data outside the mutex block */
- data=udata_openChoice(NULL, DATA_TYPE, DATA_NAME, isAcceptable, NULL, &errorCode);
- dataErrorCode=errorCode;
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- return haveNormData=-1;
- }
- p=(const int32_t *)udata_getMemory(data);
- pb=(const uint8_t *)(p+_NORM_INDEX_TOP);
- utrie_unserialize(&_normTrie, pb, p[_NORM_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE], &errorCode);
- _normTrie.getFoldingOffset=getFoldingNormOffset;
- utrie_unserialize(&_fcdTrie, pb, p[_NORM_INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE], &errorCode);
- }
- utrie_unserialize(&_auxTrie, pb, p[_NORM_INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE], &errorCode);
- _auxTrie.getFoldingOffset=getFoldingAuxOffset;
- }
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- dataErrorCode=errorCode;
- udata_close(data);
- return haveNormData=-1;
- }
- /* in the mutex block, set the data for this process */
- umtx_lock(NULL);
- if(normData==NULL) {
- normData=data;
- data=NULL;
- uprv_memcpy(&indexes, p, sizeof(indexes));
- uprv_memcpy(&normTrie, &_normTrie, sizeof(UTrie));
- uprv_memcpy(&fcdTrie, &_fcdTrie, sizeof(UTrie));
- uprv_memcpy(&auxTrie, &_auxTrie, sizeof(UTrie));
- } else {
- p=(const int32_t *)udata_getMemory(normData);
- }
- /* initialize some variables */
- extraData=(uint16_t *)((uint8_t *)(p+_NORM_INDEX_TOP)+indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE]);
- combiningTable=extraData+indexes[_NORM_INDEX_UCHAR_COUNT];
- formatVersion_2_1=formatVersion[0]>2 || (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=1);
- formatVersion_2_2=formatVersion[0]>2 || (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=2);
- if(formatVersion_2_1) {
- canonStartSets=combiningTable+
- }
- haveNormData=1;
- ucln_common_registerCleanup(UCLN_COMMON_UNORM, unorm_cleanup);
- umtx_unlock(NULL);
- /* if a different thread set it first, then close the extra data */
- if(data!=NULL) {
- udata_close(data); /* NULL if it was set correctly */
- }
- }
- return haveNormData;
-static inline UBool
-_haveData(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
- return U_SUCCESS(errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- return FALSE;
- } else if(haveNormData>0) {
- return TRUE;
- } else if(haveNormData<0) {
- errorCode=dataErrorCode;
- return FALSE;
- } else /* haveNormData==0 */ {
- return (UBool)(loadNormData(errorCode)>0);
- }
-unorm_haveData(UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- return _haveData(*pErrorCode);
-/* normalization properties ------------------------------------------------- */
-unorm_isCanonSafeStart(UChar32 c) {
- if(auxTrie.index!=NULL) {
- UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- if(_haveData(errorCode) && auxTrie.index!=NULL) {
- uint16_t aux=UTRIE2_GET16(&auxTrie, c);
- return (UBool)((aux&_NORM_AUX_UNSAFE_MASK)==0);
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
-unorm_getCanonStartSet(UChar32 c, USerializedSet *fillSet) {
- UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- if( fillSet!=NULL && (uint32_t)c<=0x10ffff &&
- _haveData(errorCode) &&
- canonStartSets!=NULL
- ) {
- const uint16_t *table;
- int32_t i, start, limit;
- /*
- * binary search for c
- *
- * There are two search tables,
- * one for BMP code points and one for supplementary ones.
- * See unormimp.h for details.
- */
- if(c<=0xffff) {
- table=canonStartSets+canonStartSets[_NORM_SET_INDEX_CANON_SETS_LENGTH];
- start=0;
- /* each entry is a pair { c, result } */
- while(start<limit-2) {
- i=(uint16_t)(((start+limit)/4)*2); /* (start+limit)/2 and address pairs */
- if(c<table[i]) {
- limit=i;
- } else {
- start=i;
- }
- }
- /* found? */
- if(c==table[start]) {
- i=table[start+1];
- /* result 01xxxxxx xxxxxx contains index x to a USerializedSet */
- return uset_getSerializedSet(fillSet,
- canonStartSets+i,
- } else {
- /* other result values are BMP code points for single-code point sets */
- uset_setSerializedToOne(fillSet, (UChar32)i);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- } else {
- uint16_t high, low, h;
- table=canonStartSets+canonStartSets[_NORM_SET_INDEX_CANON_SETS_LENGTH]+
- start=0;
- high=(uint16_t)(c>>16);
- low=(uint16_t)c;
- /* each entry is a triplet { high(c), low(c), result } */
- while(start<limit-3) {
- i=(uint16_t)(((start+limit)/6)*3); /* (start+limit)/2 and address triplets */
- h=table[i]&0x1f; /* high word */
- if(high<h || (high==h && low<table[i+1])) {
- limit=i;
- } else {
- start=i;
- }
- }
- /* found? */
- h=table[start];
- if(high==(h&0x1f) && low==table[start+1]) {
- i=table[start+2];
- if((h&0x8000)==0) {
- /* the result is an index to a USerializedSet */
- return uset_getSerializedSet(fillSet,
- canonStartSets+i,
- } else {
- /*
- * single-code point set {x} in
- * triplet { 100xxxxx 000hhhhh llllllll llllllll xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx }
- */
- i|=((int32_t)h&0x1f00)<<8; /* add high bits from high(c) */
- uset_setSerializedToOne(fillSet, (UChar32)i);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE; /* not found */
-unorm_addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- UChar c;
- if(!_haveData(*pErrorCode)) {
- return;
- }
- /* add the start code point of each same-value range of each trie */
- if(auxTrie.index!=NULL) {
- utrie2_enum(&auxTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, sa);
- }
- /* add Hangul LV syllables and LV+1 because of skippables */
- for(c=Hangul::HANGUL_BASE; c<Hangul::HANGUL_LIMIT; c+=Hangul::JAMO_T_COUNT) {
- sa->add(sa->set, c);
- sa->add(sa->set, c+1);
- }
- sa->add(sa->set, Hangul::HANGUL_LIMIT); /* add Hangul+1 to continue with other properties */
-/* quick check functions ---------------------------------------------------- */
-U_CAPI UNormalizationCheckResult U_EXPORT2
-unorm_quickCheck(const UChar *src,
- int32_t srcLength,
- UNormalizationMode mode,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- return unorm2_quickCheck((const UNormalizer2 *)n2, src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
-U_CAPI UNormalizationCheckResult U_EXPORT2
-unorm_quickCheckWithOptions(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*pErrorCode));
- return unorm2_quickCheck((const UNormalizer2 *)&fn2, src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
- } else {
- return unorm2_quickCheck((const UNormalizer2 *)n2, src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
- }
-unorm_isNormalized(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
- UNormalizationMode mode,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- return unorm2_isNormalized((const UNormalizer2 *)n2, src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
-unorm_isNormalizedWithOptions(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*pErrorCode));
- return unorm2_isNormalized((const UNormalizer2 *)&fn2, src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
- } else {
- return unorm2_isNormalized((const UNormalizer2 *)n2, src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
- }
-/* normalize() API ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** Public API for normalizing. */
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-unorm_normalize(const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*pErrorCode));
- return unorm2_normalize((const UNormalizer2 *)&fn2,
- src, srcLength, dest, destCapacity, pErrorCode);
- } else {
- return unorm2_normalize((const UNormalizer2 *)n2,
- src, srcLength, dest, destCapacity, pErrorCode);
- }
-/* iteration functions ------------------------------------------------------ */
-static int32_t
-unorm_iterate(UCharIterator *src, UBool forward,
- UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- const UnicodeSet *uni32;
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- uni32=uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*pErrorCode);
- } else {
- uni32=NULL; // unused
- }
- FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uni32);
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- n2=&fn2;
- }
- if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
- return 0;
- }
- if( destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0) ||
- src==NULL
- ) {
- return 0;
- }
- if(pNeededToNormalize!=NULL) {
- *pNeededToNormalize=FALSE;
- }
- if(!(forward ? src->hasNext(src) : src->hasPrevious(src))) {
- return u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, 0, pErrorCode);
- }
- UnicodeString buffer;
- UChar32 c;
- if(forward) {
- /* get one character and ignore its properties */
- buffer.append(uiter_next32(src));
- /* get all following characters until we see a boundary */
- while((c=uiter_next32(src))>=0) {
- if(n2->hasBoundaryBefore(c)) {
- /* back out the latest movement to stop at the boundary */
- src->move(src, -U16_LENGTH(c), UITER_CURRENT);
- break;
- } else {
- buffer.append(c);
- }
- }
- } else {
- while((c=uiter_previous32(src))>=0) {
- /* always write this character to the front of the buffer */
- buffer.insert(0, c);
- /* stop if this just-copied character is a boundary */
- if(n2->hasBoundaryBefore(c)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- UnicodeString destString(dest, 0, destCapacity);
- if(buffer.length()>0 && doNormalize) {
- n2->normalize(buffer, destString, *pErrorCode).extract(dest, destCapacity, *pErrorCode);
- if(pNeededToNormalize!=NULL && U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
- *pNeededToNormalize= destString!=buffer;
- }
- return destString.length();
- } else {
- /* just copy the source characters */
- return buffer.extract(dest, destCapacity, *pErrorCode);
- }
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-unorm_previous(UCharIterator *src,
- UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- return unorm_iterate(src, FALSE,
- dest, destCapacity,
- mode, options,
- doNormalize, pNeededToNormalize,
- pErrorCode);
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-unorm_next(UCharIterator *src,
- UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- return unorm_iterate(src, TRUE,
- dest, destCapacity,
- mode, options,
- doNormalize, pNeededToNormalize,
- pErrorCode);
-/* Concatenation of normalized strings -------------------------------------- */
-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-unorm_concatenate(const UChar *left, int32_t leftLength,
- const UChar *right, int32_t rightLength,
- UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const Normalizer2 *n2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(mode, *pErrorCode);
- const UnicodeSet *uni32;
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- uni32=uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*pErrorCode);
- } else {
- uni32=NULL; // unused
- }
- FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uni32);
- if(options&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
- n2=&fn2;
- }
- if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
- return 0;
- }
- if( destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0) ||
- left==NULL || leftLength<-1 ||
- right==NULL || rightLength<-1
- ) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* check for overlapping right and destination */
- if( dest!=NULL &&
- ((right>=dest && right<(dest+destCapacity)) ||
- (rightLength>0 && dest>=right && dest<(right+rightLength)))
- ) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* allow left==dest */
- UnicodeString destString;
- if(left==dest) {
- destString.setTo(dest, leftLength, destCapacity);
- } else {
- destString.setTo(dest, 0, destCapacity);
- destString.append(left, leftLength);
- }
- return n2->append(destString, UnicodeString(rightLength<0, right, rightLength), *pErrorCode).
- extract(dest, destCapacity, *pErrorCode);