path: root/Build/source/libs/icu-xetex/test/intltest/dtfmttst.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/icu-xetex/test/intltest/dtfmttst.cpp')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/icu-xetex/test/intltest/dtfmttst.cpp b/Build/source/libs/icu-xetex/test/intltest/dtfmttst.cpp
index 4e78305a96f..7d18605ec31 100644
--- a/Build/source/libs/icu-xetex/test/intltest/dtfmttst.cpp
+++ b/Build/source/libs/icu-xetex/test/intltest/dtfmttst.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2006, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -20,6 +20,20 @@
#include "cstring.h"
#include "caltest.h" // for fieldName
+#ifdef U_WINDOWS
+#include "windttst.h"
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof array / sizeof array[0])
+#define ASSERT_OK(status) if(U_FAILURE(status)) {errln(#status " = %s", u_errorName(status)); return; }
+// Time bomb - allows temporary behavior that expires at a given
+// release
+static const UVersionInfo ICU_37 = {3,7,0,0};
// *****************************************************************************
// class DateFormatTest
// *****************************************************************************
@@ -54,6 +68,13 @@ void DateFormatTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &nam
+ TESTCASE(26,TestTimeZoneStringsAPI);
+ TESTCASE(27,TestHost);
+ TESTCASE(28,TestEras);
+ TESTCASE(29,TestNarrowNames);
+ TESTCASE(30,TestStandAloneDays);
+ TESTCASE(31,TestStandAloneMonths);
+ TESTCASE(32,TestQuarters);
default: name = ""; break;
@@ -175,6 +196,9 @@ DateFormatTest::TestEquals()
if (!(*fmtA == *fmtB)) errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL");
delete fmtA;
delete fmtB;
+ TimeZone* test = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PDT");
+ delete test;
// -------------------------------------
@@ -190,13 +214,27 @@ DateFormatTest::TestTwoDigitYearDSTParse(void)
SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat((UnicodeString)"dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss 'o''clock' a z", Locale::getEnglish(), status);
//DateFormat* fmt = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::MEDIUM, DateFormat::FULL, Locale::ENGLISH);
UnicodeString* s = new UnicodeString("03-Apr-04 2:20:47 o'clock AM PST", "");
- int32_t hour = 2;
+ TimeZone* defaultTZ = TimeZone::createDefault();
+ TimeZone* PST = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST");
+ int32_t defaultOffset = defaultTZ->getRawOffset();
+ int32_t PSTOffset = PST->getRawOffset();
+ int32_t hour = 2 + (defaultOffset - PSTOffset) / (60*60*1000);
+ // hour is the expected hour of day, in units of seconds
+ hour = ((hour < 0) ? hour + 24 : hour) * 60*60;
UnicodeString str;
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln("Could not set up test. exitting");
+ return;
+ }
UDate d = fmt->parse(*s, status);
logln(*s + " P> " + ((DateFormat*)fullFmt)->format(d, str));
int32_t y, m, day, hr, min, sec;
dateToFields(d, y, m, day, hr, min, sec);
+ hour += defaultTZ->inDaylightTime(d, status) ? 1 : 0;
+ hr = hr*60*60;
if (hr != hour)
errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Should parse to hour " + hour + " but got " + hr);
@@ -206,6 +244,8 @@ DateFormatTest::TestTwoDigitYearDSTParse(void)
delete s;
delete fmt;
delete fullFmt;
+ delete PST;
+ delete defaultTZ;
// -------------------------------------
@@ -236,7 +276,7 @@ DateFormatTest::escape(UnicodeString& s)
* This MUST be kept in sync with DateFormatSymbols.gPatternChars.
-static const char* PATTERN_CHARS = "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcL";
+static const char* PATTERN_CHARS = "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcLQq";
* A list of the names of all the fields in DateFormat.
@@ -269,7 +309,9 @@ static const char* DATEFORMAT_FIELD_NAMES[] = {
static const int32_t DATEFORMAT_FIELD_NAMES_LENGTH =
@@ -286,7 +328,13 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestFieldPosition() {
// Verify data
DateFormatSymbols rootSyms(Locale(""), ec);
assertSuccess("DateFormatSymbols", ec);
- assertEquals("patternChars", PATTERN_CHARS, rootSyms.getLocalPatternChars(buf));
+ // local pattern chars not accurate when CLDR 1.4 data
+ // first introduced...
+ if(isICUVersionAtLeast(ICU_37)) {
+ assertEquals("patternChars", PATTERN_CHARS, rootSyms.getLocalPatternChars(buf));
+ }
assertEquals("patternChars", PATTERN_CHARS, DateFormatSymbols::getPatternUChars());
assertTrue("Data", UDAT_FIELD_COUNT == uprv_strlen(PATTERN_CHARS));
@@ -317,16 +365,17 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestFieldPosition() {
// Fields are given in order of DateFormat field number
const char* EXPECTED[] = {
"", "1997", "August", "13", "", "", "34", "12", "",
- "Wednesday", "", "", "", "", "PM", "2", "", "PDT", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","",
+ "Wednesday", "", "", "", "", "PM", "2", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PT", "", "", "", "",
"", "1997", "ao\\u00FBt", "13", "", "14", "34", "", "",
- "mercredi", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "HAP (\\u00C9UA)", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","",
+ "mercredi", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "HAP (\\u00C9UA)", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"AD", "1997", "8", "13", "14", "14", "34", "12", "5",
- "Wed", "225", "2", "33", "3", "PM", "2", "2", "PDT", "1997", "4", "1997", "2450674", "52452513", "-0700", "PT", "4","8",
+ "Wed", "225", "2", "33", "3", "PM", "2", "2", "PDT", "1997", "4", "1997", "2450674", "52452513", "-0700", "PT", "4", "8", "3", "3",
"Anno Domini", "1997", "August", "0013", "0014", "0014", "0034", "0012", "5130",
- "Wednesday", "0225", "0002", "0033", "0003", "PM", "0002", "0002", "Pacific Daylight Time", "1997", "0004", "1997", "2450674", "52452513", "-0700", "Pacific Time", "Wednesday", "August"
+ "Wednesday", "0225", "0002", "0033", "0003", "PM", "0002", "0002", "Pacific Daylight Time", "1997", "0004", "1997", "2450674", "52452513", "-0700",
+ "Pacific Time", "Wednesday", "August", "3rd quarter", "3rd quarter"
const int32_t EXPECTED_LENGTH = sizeof(EXPECTED)/sizeof(EXPECTED[0]);
@@ -347,7 +396,8 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestFieldPosition() {
for (i = 0; i < UDAT_FIELD_COUNT; ++i, ++exp) {
FieldPosition pos(i);
- df->format(aug13, buf.remove(), pos);
+ buf.remove();
+ df->format(aug13, buf, pos);
UnicodeString field;
buf.extractBetween(pos.getBeginIndex(), pos.getEndIndex(), field);
assertEquals((UnicodeString)"field #" + i + " " + DATEFORMAT_FIELD_NAMES[i],
@@ -376,7 +426,7 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestGeneral() {
"y/M/d H:mm:ss.SSS", "F", "2004 03 10 16:36:31.567", "2004/3/10 16:36:31.567",
"y/M/d H:mm:ss.SSSS", "pf", "2004/3/10 16:36:31.5679", "2004 03 10 16:36:31.568", "2004/3/10 16:36:31.5680",
- expect(DATA, sizeof(DATA)/sizeof(DATA[0]), Locale("en", "", ""));
+ expect(DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(DATA), Locale("en", "", ""));
// -------------------------------------
@@ -391,6 +441,7 @@ DateFormatTest::TestPartialParse994()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
SimpleDateFormat* f = new SimpleDateFormat(status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
UDate null = 0;
tryPat994(f, "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", "97/01/17 10:11:42", date(97, 1 - 1, 17, 10, 11, 42));
tryPat994(f, "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", "97/01/17 10:", null);
@@ -452,6 +503,7 @@ DateFormatTest::TestRunTogetherPattern985()
UnicodeString now, then;
//UBool flag;
SimpleDateFormat *formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format, status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
UDate date1 = Calendar::getNow();
((DateFormat*)formatter)->format(date1, now);
@@ -478,6 +530,7 @@ DateFormatTest::TestRunTogetherPattern917()
SimpleDateFormat* fmt;
UnicodeString myDate;
fmt = new SimpleDateFormat((UnicodeString)"yyyy/MM/dd", status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
myDate = "1997/02/03";
testIt917(fmt, myDate, date(97, 2 - 1, 3));
delete fmt;
@@ -573,12 +626,14 @@ DateFormatTest::TestLetterDPattern212()
expLittleD = expBigD; // Expect the same, with default lenient parsing
logln((UnicodeString)"dateString= " + dateString);
SimpleDateFormat *formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(bigD, status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
ParsePosition pos(0);
UDate myDate = formatter->parse(dateString, pos);
logln((UnicodeString)"Using " + bigD + " -> " + myDate);
if (myDate != expBigD) errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected " + dateToString(expBigD));
delete formatter;
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(littleD, status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
pos = ParsePosition(0);
myDate = formatter->parse(dateString, pos);
logln((UnicodeString)"Using " + littleD + " -> " + dateToString(myDate));
@@ -646,6 +701,7 @@ DateFormatTest::TestQuotePattern161()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
SimpleDateFormat* formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((UnicodeString)"MM/dd/yyyy 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz", status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
UDate currentTime_1 = date(97, UCAL_AUGUST, 13, 10, 42, 28);
UnicodeString dateString; ((DateFormat*)formatter)->format(currentTime_1, dateString);
UnicodeString exp("08/13/1997 at 10:42:28 AM ");
@@ -673,6 +729,10 @@ DateFormatTest::TestBadInput135()
int32_t strings_length = (int32_t)(sizeof(strings) / sizeof(strings[0]));
DateFormat *full = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::LONG, DateFormat::LONG);
+ if(full==NULL) {
+ errln("could not create date time instance");
+ return;
+ }
UnicodeString expected("March 1, 2000 1:23:45 AM ");
for (int32_t i = 0; i < strings_length;++i) {
const char* text = strings[i];
@@ -985,7 +1045,7 @@ DateFormatTest::TestLocaleDateFormat() // Bug 495
UnicodeString expectedFRENCH ( "lundi 15 septembre 1997 00 h 00 HAP (\\u00C9UA)" );
expectedFRENCH = expectedFRENCH.unescape();
//UnicodeString expectedUS ( "Monday, September 15, 1997 12:00:00 o'clock AM PDT" );
- UnicodeString expectedUS ( "Monday, September 15, 1997 12:00:00 AM PDT" );
+ UnicodeString expectedUS ( "Monday, September 15, 1997 12:00:00 AM PT" );
logln((UnicodeString)"Date set to : " + dateToString(testDate));
UnicodeString out;
if (dfUS == NULL || dfFrench == NULL){
@@ -1155,6 +1215,7 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestWhiteSpaceParsing() {
void DateFormatTest::TestInvalidPattern() {
UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
SimpleDateFormat f(UnicodeString("Yesterday"), ec);
+ ASSERT_OK(ec);
UnicodeString out;
FieldPosition pos;
f.format((UDate)0, out, pos);
@@ -1177,6 +1238,273 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestGreekMay() {
+void DateFormatTest::TestStandAloneMonths()
+ const char *EN_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss",
+ "yyyy LLLL dd H:mm:ss", "fp", "2004 03 10 16:36:31", "2004 March 10 16:36:31", "2004 03 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLL dd H:mm:ss", "fp", "2004 03 10 16:36:31", "2004 Mar 10 16:36:31", "2004 03 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLLL dd H:mm:ss", "F", "2004 03 10 16:36:31", "2004 March 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLL dd H:mm:ss", "pf", "2004 Mar 10 16:36:31", "2004 03 10 16:36:31", "2004 Mar 10 16:36:31",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "January", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "February", "1970 02 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "March", "1970 03 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "April", "1970 04 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "May", "1970 05 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "June", "1970 06 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "July", "1970 07 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "August", "1970 08 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "September", "1970 09 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "October", "1970 10 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "November", "1970 11 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "December", "1970 12 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "Jan", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "Feb", "1970 02 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "Mar", "1970 03 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "Apr", "1970 04 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "May", "1970 05 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "Jun", "1970 06 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "Jul", "1970 07 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "Aug", "1970 08 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "Sep", "1970 09 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "Oct", "1970 10 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "Nov", "1970 11 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "Dec", "1970 12 01 0:00:00",
+ };
+ const char *CS_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss",
+ "yyyy LLLL dd H:mm:ss", "fp", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 duben 10 16:36:31", "2004 04 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy MMMM dd H:mm:ss", "fp", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 dubna 10 16:36:31", "2004 04 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLL dd H:mm:ss", "fp", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 4. 10 16:36:31", "2004 04 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLLL dd H:mm:ss", "F", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 duben 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy MMMM dd H:mm:ss", "F", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 dubna 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLLL dd H:mm:ss", "pf", "2004 duben 10 16:36:31", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 duben 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy MMMM dd H:mm:ss", "pf", "2004 dubna 10 16:36:31", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 dubna 10 16:36:31",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "leden", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "\\u00FAnor", "1970 02 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "b\\u0159ezen", "1970 03 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "duben", "1970 04 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "kv\\u011Bten", "1970 05 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "\\u010Derven", "1970 06 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "\\u010Dervenec", "1970 07 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "srpen", "1970 08 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "z\\u00E1\\u0159\\u00ED", "1970 09 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "\\u0159\\u00EDjen", "1970 10 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "listopad", "1970 11 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLLL", "fp", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "prosinec", "1970 12 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "1.", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "2.", "1970 02 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "3.", "1970 03 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "4.", "1970 04 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "5.", "1970 05 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "6.", "1970 06 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "7.", "1970 07 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "8.", "1970 08 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "9.", "1970 09 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "10.", "1970 10 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "11.", "1970 11 01 0:00:00",
+ "LLL", "fp", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "12.", "1970 12 01 0:00:00",
+ };
+ expect(EN_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(EN_DATA), Locale("en", "", ""));
+ expect(CS_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(CS_DATA), Locale("cs", "", ""));
+void DateFormatTest::TestStandAloneDays()
+ const char *EN_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "Sunday", "1970 01 04 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "Monday", "1970 01 05 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "Tuesday", "1970 01 06 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "Wednesday", "1970 01 07 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "Thursday", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "Friday", "1970 01 02 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "Saturday", "1970 01 03 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "Sun", "1970 01 04 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "Mon", "1970 01 05 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "Tue", "1970 01 06 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "Wed", "1970 01 07 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "Thu", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "Fri", "1970 01 02 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "Sat", "1970 01 03 0:00:00",
+ };
+ const char *CS_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "ned\\u011Ble", "1970 01 04 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "pond\\u011Bl\\u00ED", "1970 01 05 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "\\u00FAter\\u00FD", "1970 01 06 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "st\\u0159eda", "1970 01 07 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "\\u010Dtvrtek", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "p\\u00E1tek", "1970 01 02 0:00:00",
+ "cccc", "fp", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "sobota", "1970 01 03 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "ne", "1970 01 04 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "po", "1970 01 05 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "\\u00FAt", "1970 01 06 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "st", "1970 01 07 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "\\u010Dt", "1970 01 01 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "p\\u00E1", "1970 01 02 0:00:00",
+ "ccc", "fp", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "so", "1970 01 03 0:00:00",
+ };
+ expect(EN_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(EN_DATA), Locale("en", "", ""));
+ expect(CS_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(CS_DATA), Locale("cs", "", ""));
+void DateFormatTest::TestNarrowNames()
+ const char *EN_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss",
+ "yyyy MMMMM dd H:mm:ss", "2004 03 10 16:36:31", "2004 M 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy LLLLL dd H:mm:ss", "2004 03 10 16:36:31", "2004 M 10 16:36:31",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "J",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "F",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "M",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "A",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "M",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "J",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "J",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "A",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "S",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "O",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "N",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "D",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "J",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "F",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "M",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "A",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "M",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "J",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "J",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "A",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "S",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "O",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "N",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "D",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "S",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "M",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "T",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "W",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "T",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "F",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "S",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "S",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "M",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "T",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "W",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "T",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "F",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "S",
+ };
+ const char *CS_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss",
+ "yyyy LLLLL dd H:mm:ss", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 d 10 16:36:31",
+ "yyyy MMMMM dd H:mm:ss", "2004 04 10 16:36:31", "2004 d 10 16:36:31",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "l",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "\\u00FA",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "b",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "d",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "k",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "\\u010D",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "\\u010D",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "s",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "z",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "\\u0159",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "l",
+ "MMMMM", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "p",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "l",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 02 01 0:00:00", "\\u00FA",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 03 01 0:00:00", "b",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 04 01 0:00:00", "d",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 05 01 0:00:00", "k",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 06 01 0:00:00", "\\u010D",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 07 01 0:00:00", "\\u010D",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 08 01 0:00:00", "s",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 09 01 0:00:00", "z",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 10 01 0:00:00", "\\u0159",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 11 01 0:00:00", "l",
+ "LLLLL", "1970 12 01 0:00:00", "p",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "N",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "P",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "\\u00DA",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "S",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "\\u010C",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "P",
+ "EEEEE", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "S",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 04 0:00:00", "N",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 05 0:00:00", "P",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 06 0:00:00", "\\u00DA",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 07 0:00:00", "S",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 01 0:00:00", "\\u010C",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 02 0:00:00", "P",
+ "ccccc", "1970 01 03 0:00:00", "S",
+ };
+ expectFormat(EN_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(EN_DATA), Locale("en", "", ""));
+ expectFormat(CS_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(CS_DATA), Locale("cs", "", ""));
+void DateFormatTest::TestEras()
+ const char *EN_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy G", "fp", "1951 07 17", "July 17 1951 AD", "1951 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy GG", "fp", "1951 07 17", "July 17 1951 AD", "1951 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy GGG", "fp", "1951 07 17", "July 17 1951 AD", "1951 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy GGGG", "fp", "1951 07 17", "July 17 1951 Anno Domini", "1951 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy G", "fp", "-438 07 17", "July 17 0439 BC", "-438 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy GG", "fp", "-438 07 17", "July 17 0439 BC", "-438 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy GGG", "fp", "-438 07 17", "July 17 0439 BC", "-438 07 17",
+ "MMMM dd yyyy GGGG", "fp", "-438 07 17", "July 17 0439 Before Christ", "-438 07 17",
+ };
+ expect(EN_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(EN_DATA), Locale("en", "", ""));
+void DateFormatTest::TestQuarters()
+ const char *EN_DATA[] = {
+ "yyyy MM dd",
+ "Q", "fp", "1970 01 01", "1", "1970 01 01",
+ "QQ", "fp", "1970 04 01", "02", "1970 04 01",
+ "QQQ", "fp", "1970 07 01", "Q3", "1970 07 01",
+ "QQQQ", "fp", "1970 10 01", "4th quarter", "1970 10 01",
+ "q", "fp", "1970 01 01", "1", "1970 01 01",
+ "qq", "fp", "1970 04 01", "02", "1970 04 01",
+ "qqq", "fp", "1970 07 01", "Q3", "1970 07 01",
+ "qqqq", "fp", "1970 10 01", "4th quarter", "1970 10 01",
+ };
+ expect(EN_DATA, ARRAY_SIZE(EN_DATA), Locale("en", "", ""));
* Test parsing. Input is an array that starts with the following
* header:
@@ -1301,16 +1629,16 @@ void DateFormatTest::expect(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
// 'f'
const char* datestr = data[i++];
const char* string = data[i++];
- UDate date = ref.parse(datestr, ec);
+ UDate date = ref.parse(ctou(datestr), ec);
if (!assertSuccess("parse", ec)) return;
assertEquals((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".format(" + datestr + ")",
- string,
+ ctou(string),
fmt.format(date, str.remove()));
// 'p'
datestr = data[i++];
- date = ref.parse(datestr, ec);
+ date = ref.parse(ctou(datestr), ec);
if (!assertSuccess("parse", ec)) return;
- UDate parsedate = fmt.parse(string, ec);
+ UDate parsedate = fmt.parse(ctou(string), ec);
if (assertSuccess((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".parse(" + string + ")", ec)) {
assertEquals((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".parse(" + string + ")",
univ.format(date, str.remove()),
@@ -1322,9 +1650,9 @@ void DateFormatTest::expect(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
// 'p'
const char* string = data[i++];
const char* datestr = data[i++];
- UDate date = ref.parse(datestr, ec);
+ UDate date = ref.parse(ctou(datestr), ec);
if (!assertSuccess("parse", ec)) return;
- UDate parsedate = fmt.parse(string, ec);
+ UDate parsedate = fmt.parse(ctou(string), ec);
if (assertSuccess((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".parse(" + string + ")", ec)) {
assertEquals((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".parse(" + string + ")",
univ.format(date, str.remove()),
@@ -1333,17 +1661,17 @@ void DateFormatTest::expect(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
// 'f'
string = data[i++];
assertEquals((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".format(" + datestr + ")",
- string,
+ ctou(string),
fmt.format(date, str.remove()));
else if (uprv_strcmp(control, "F") == 0) {
const char* datestr = data[i++];
const char* string = data[i++];
- UDate date = ref.parse(datestr, ec);
+ UDate date = ref.parse(ctou(datestr), ec);
if (!assertSuccess("parse", ec)) return;
assertEquals((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".format(" + datestr + ")",
- string,
+ ctou(string),
fmt.format(date, str.remove()));
UDate parsedate = fmt.parse(string, ec);
@@ -1361,13 +1689,53 @@ void DateFormatTest::expect(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
-void DateFormatTest::TestGenericTime() {
- logln("Warning, skipping some tests here!");
+ * Test formatting. Input is an array that starts
+ * with the following header:
+ *
+ * [0] = pattern string to parse [i+2] with
+ *
+ * followed by test cases, each of which is 3 array elements:
+ *
+ * [i] = pattern, or null to reuse prior pattern
+ * [i+1] = data string a
+ * [i+2] = data string b
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * Format date [i+1] and expect string [i+2].
+ *
+ * "y/M/d H:mm:ss.SSSS", "2004/3/10 16:36:31.5679", "2004 03 10 16:36:31.567"
+ */
+void DateFormatTest::expectFormat(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
+ const Locale& loc) {
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UnicodeString str, str2;
+ SimpleDateFormat fmt("", loc, ec);
+ SimpleDateFormat ref(data[i++], loc, ec);
+ SimpleDateFormat univ("EE G yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z", loc, ec);
+ if (!assertSuccess("construct SimpleDateFormat", ec)) return;
+ UnicodeString currentPat;
+ while (i<data_length) {
+ const char* pattern = data[i++];
+ if (pattern != NULL) {
+ fmt.applyPattern(pattern);
+ currentPat = pattern;
+ }
+ const char* datestr = data[i++];
+ const char* string = data[i++];
+ UDate date = ref.parse(ctou(datestr), ec);
+ if (!assertSuccess("parse", ec)) return;
+ assertEquals((UnicodeString)"\"" + currentPat + "\".format(" + datestr + ")",
+ ctou(string),
+ fmt.format(date, str.remove()));
+ }
+void DateFormatTest::TestGenericTime() {
// any zone pattern should parse any zone
const Locale en("en");
const char* ZDATA[] = {
@@ -1396,20 +1764,14 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestGenericTime() {
"y/M/d H:mm vvv", "pf", "2005/4/3 2:30 PST", "2005 04 03 03:30 PDT", "2005/4/3 3:30 PT",
"y/M/d H:mm vvv", "pf", "2005/4/3 2:30 PDT", "2005 04 03 01:30 PST", "2005/4/3 1:30 PT",
"y/M/d H:mm", "pf", "2005/4/3 2:30", "2005 04 03 01:30 PST", "2005/4/3 1:30",
- // time to parse is ambiguous, PT interpreted as earlier time (?)
- "y/M/d H:mm zzz", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT", "2004 10 31 01:30 PDT", "2004/10/31 1:30 PDT", // fail
+ // time to parse is ambiguous, PT interpreted as LATER time (?)
+ "y/M/d H:mm zzz", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT", "2004 10 31 01:30 PST", "2004/10/31 1:30 PST", // 1:30a PT -> 1:30a PST (later)
"y/M/d H:mm zzz", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PST", "2004 10 31 01:30 PST", "2004/10/31 1:30 PST",
"y/M/d H:mm zzz", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PDT", "2004 10 31 01:30 PDT", "2004/10/31 1:30 PDT",
- "y/M/d H:mm vvv", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT", "2004 10 31 01:30 PDT", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT", // fail
+ "y/M/d H:mm vvv", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT", "2004 10 31 01:30 PST", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT", // 1:30a PT -> 1:30a PST (later)
"y/M/d H:mm vvv", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PST", "2004 10 31 01:30 PST", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT",
"y/M/d H:mm vvv", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30 PDT", "2004 10 31 01:30 PDT", "2004/10/31 1:30 PT",
- "y/M/d H:mm", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30", "2004 10 31 01:30 PDT", "2004/10/31 1:30", // fail
+ "y/M/d H:mm", "pf", "2004/10/31 1:30", "2004 10 31 01:30 PST", "2004/10/31 1:30", // 1:30a PT -> 1:30a PST (later)
const int32_t ZDATA_length = sizeof(ZDATA)/ sizeof(ZDATA[0]);
expect(ZDATA, ZDATA_length, en);
@@ -1424,10 +1786,12 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestGenericTime() {
SimpleDateFormat(basepat + "zzz", en, status),
SimpleDateFormat(basepat + "zzzz", en, status)
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
const int32_t formats_length = sizeof(formats)/sizeof(formats[0]);
UnicodeString test;
SimpleDateFormat univ("yyyy MM dd HH:mm zzz", en, status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
const UnicodeString times[] = {
"2004 01 02 03:04 PST",
"2004 07 08 09:10 PDT"
@@ -1492,6 +1856,73 @@ void DateFormatTest::TestGenericTimeZoneOrder() {
expect(XDATA, XDATA_length, en);
+void DateFormatTest::TestTimeZoneStringsAPI() {
+ // Verify data
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DateFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status);
+ StringEnumeration* keys = symbols.createZoneStringIDs(status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)){
+ errln("Could not create the StringEnumeration for Locale::getUS(). Error: %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ StringEnumeration* keys2 = symbols.createZoneStringIDs(status);
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ if(*keys2!=*keys){
+ errln("operator!= failed for TimeZoneStringsEnum");
+ }
+ const UnicodeString* key = NULL;
+ while( (key = keys->snext(status))!=NULL){
+ logln(prettify(*key));
+ }
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)){
+ errln("Could not iterate over the StringEnumeration. Error: %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ UnicodeString expectedKey("America/Los_Angeles");
+ UnicodeString expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_COUNT];
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_SHORT_GENERIC].setTo("PT");
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_SHORT_STANDARD].setTo("PST");
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_SHORT_DAYLIGHT].setTo("PDT");
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_LONG_GENERIC].setTo("Pacific Time");
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_LONG_STANDARD].setTo("Pacific Standard Time");
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_LONG_DAYLIGHT].setTo("Pacific Daylight Time");
+ expectedStrs[DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_EXEMPLAR_CITY].setTo("Los Angeles");
+ for(int32_t i=0; i<DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_COUNT; i++){
+ UnicodeString result;
+ result = symbols.getZoneString(expectedKey, (DateFormatSymbols::TimeZoneTranslationType)i, result,status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)){
+ errln("Could not retrieve display name. Error: %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(expectedStrs[i] != result){
+ errln("Did not get the expected string. Expected: "+expectedStrs[i]+ UnicodeString(" Got: ") + result );
+ }
+ }
+ expectedKey.setTo("America/Los_Angeles",0);
+ UnicodeString exemplarCity("Phoenix");
+ UnicodeString result;
+ symbols.setZoneString(expectedKey,DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_EXEMPLAR_CITY, exemplarCity, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)){
+ errln("setZoneString() did not succeed. Error: %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ result = symbols.getZoneString(expectedKey, DateFormatSymbols::TIMEZONE_EXEMPLAR_CITY, result,status);
+ if(result != exemplarCity){
+ errln("setZoneString() did not succeed. Expected: " + exemplarCity + " Got: " + result);
+ }
+ delete keys;
+ delete keys2;
+void DateFormatTest::TestHost(void)
+#ifdef U_WINDOWS
+ Win32DateTimeTest::testLocales(this);
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */