path: root/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font')
7 files changed, 3908 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/FileFont.cpp b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/FileFont.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4600b788ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/FileFont.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
+Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 SIL International. All rights reserved.
+Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
+GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
+File: FileFont.cpp
+Responsibility: Keith Stribley
+Last reviewed: Not yet.
+ A Font is an object that represents a font-family + bold + italic setting, that contains
+ Graphite tables.
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "FontTableCache.h"
+#include "FileFont.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+// TBD do this properly
+#define FUDGE_FACTOR 72
+#define fix26_6(x) (x >> 6) + (x & 32 ? (x > 0 ? 1 : 0) : (x < 0 ? -1 : 0))
+namespace gr
+ : Font(),
+ m_pfile(NULL),
+ m_pTableCache(NULL),
+ m_mAscent(0),
+ m_mDescent(0),
+ m_mEmSquare(0),
+ m_pointSize(0),
+ m_fIsValid(false),
+ m_pHeader(NULL),
+ m_pTableDir(NULL),
+ m_xScale(1.0f),
+ m_yScale(1.0f)
+ m_fItalic = false;
+ m_fBold = false;
+ // colors are not used
+ m_clrFore = (unsigned long)kclrBlack;
+ m_clrBack = (unsigned long)kclrTransparent;
+FileFont::FileFont(FILE * pfile, float pointSize,
+ unsigned int dpiX, unsigned int dpiY)
+ : Font(),
+ m_pfile(pfile),
+ m_pTableCache(NULL),
+ m_mAscent(0),
+ m_mDescent(0),
+ m_mEmSquare(0),
+ m_pointSize(pointSize),
+ m_dpiX(dpiX),
+ m_dpiY(dpiY),
+ m_fIsValid(false),
+ m_pHeader(NULL),
+ m_pTableDir(NULL),
+ m_xScale(1.0f),
+ m_yScale(1.0f)
+ Assert(m_pfile); // shouldn't be null
+ initializeFromFace();
+FileFont::FileFont(char * fileName, float pointSize,
+ unsigned int dpiX, unsigned int dpiY)
+ : Font(),
+ m_pfile(NULL),
+ m_pTableCache(NULL),
+ m_mAscent(0),
+ m_mDescent(0),
+ m_mEmSquare(0),
+ m_pointSize(pointSize),
+ m_dpiX(dpiX),
+ m_dpiY(dpiY),
+ m_fIsValid(false),
+ m_pHeader(NULL),
+ m_pTableDir(NULL),
+ m_xScale(1.0f),
+ m_yScale(1.0f)
+ Assert(fileName); // shouldn't be null but we play safe anyway
+ m_pfile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
+ initializeFromFace();
+FileFont::FileFont(std::string fileName, float pointSize,
+ unsigned int dpiX, unsigned int dpiY)
+ : Font(),
+ m_pfile(NULL),
+ m_pTableCache(NULL),
+ m_mAscent(0),
+ m_mDescent(0),
+ m_mEmSquare(0),
+ m_pointSize(pointSize),
+ m_dpiX(dpiX),
+ m_dpiY(dpiY),
+ m_fIsValid(false),
+ m_pHeader(NULL),
+ m_pTableDir(NULL),
+ m_xScale(1.0f),
+ m_yScale(1.0f)
+ Assert(fileName.length()); // shouldn't be null but we play safe anyway
+ m_pfile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "rb");
+ initializeFromFace();
+ if (m_dpiY == 0) m_dpiY = m_dpiX;
+ m_fItalic = false;
+ m_fBold = false;
+ // colors are not used
+ m_clrFore = (unsigned long)kclrBlack;
+ m_clrBack = (unsigned long)kclrTransparent;
+ if (m_pfile)
+ {
+ size_t lOffset, lSize;
+ TtfUtil::GetHeaderInfo(lOffset, lSize);
+ m_pHeader = new byte [lSize];
+ m_fIsValid = true;
+ if (!m_pHeader)
+ {
+ m_fIsValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_fIsValid = (fseek(m_pfile, lOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+ size_t bytesRead = fread(m_pHeader, 1, lSize, m_pfile);
+ Assert(bytesRead == lSize);
+ m_fIsValid = TtfUtil::CheckHeader(m_pHeader);
+ if (!m_fIsValid) return;
+ m_fIsValid = TtfUtil::GetTableDirInfo(m_pHeader, lOffset, lSize);
+ m_pTableDir = new byte[lSize];
+ if (!m_pTableDir)
+ {
+ m_fIsValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // if lOffset hasn't changed this isn't needed
+ fseek(m_pfile, lOffset, SEEK_SET);
+ bytesRead = fread(m_pTableDir, 1, lSize, m_pfile);
+ Assert(bytesRead == lSize);
+ // now read head tables
+ m_fIsValid = TtfUtil::GetTableInfo(ktiOs2, m_pHeader, m_pTableDir,
+ lOffset, lSize);
+ if (!m_fIsValid)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ byte * pTable = readTable(ktiOs2, lSize);
+ // get ascent, descent, style while we have the OS2 table loaded
+ if (!m_fIsValid || !pTable)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_fIsValid = TtfUtil::FontOs2Style(pTable, m_fBold, m_fItalic);
+ m_mAscent = static_cast<float>(TtfUtil::FontAscent(pTable));
+ m_mDescent = static_cast<float>(TtfUtil::FontDescent(pTable));
+ pTable = readTable(ktiName, lSize);
+ if (!m_fIsValid || !pTable)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!TtfUtil::Get31EngFamilyInfo(pTable, lOffset, lSize))
+ {
+ // not English name
+ m_fIsValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ Assert(lSize %2 == 0);// should be utf16
+ utf16 rgchwFace[128];
+ int cchw = (lSize / isizeof(utf16)) + 1;
+ cchw = min(cchw, 128);
+ utf16 * pTable16 = reinterpret_cast<utf16*>(pTable + lOffset);
+ std::copy(pTable16, pTable16 + cchw - 1, rgchwFace);
+ rgchwFace[cchw - 1] = 0; // zero terminate
+ TtfUtil::SwapWString(rgchwFace, cchw - 1);
+// We could use something like "if (sizeof(std::wstring::value_type) == 4)" here,
+// but a compile-time switch is preferable.
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ for (int cch16 = 0; cch16 < cchw; )
+ {
+ int cch16Used = 0;
+ utf32 ch32 = GrCharStream::Utf16ToUtf32(&(rgchwFace[cch16]),
+ cchw - cch16, &cch16Used);
+ m_stuFaceName.push_back(ch32);
+ cch16 += cch16Used;
+ }
+// }
+ m_stuFaceName.assign(rgchwFace);
+ // VS 2005 needs this:
+ //for (int cch16 = 0; cch16 < cchw; cch16++)
+ // m_stuFaceName.push_back(rgchwFace[cch16]);
+ pTable = readTable(ktiHead, lSize);
+ if (!m_fIsValid || !pTable)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_mEmSquare = static_cast<float>(TtfUtil::DesignUnits(pTable));
+ // can now set the scale
+ m_xScale = scaleFromDpi(m_dpiX);
+ m_yScale = scaleFromDpi(m_dpiY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_fIsValid = false;
+ }
+byte *
+FileFont::readTable(int /*TableId*/ tid, size_t & size)
+ const TableId tableId = TableId(tid);
+ bool isValid = true;
+ size_t lOffset = 0, lSize = 0;
+ if (!m_pTableCache)
+ {
+ m_pTableCache = new FontTableCache();
+ }
+ if (!m_pTableCache) return NULL;
+ byte * pTable = m_pTableCache->getTable(tableId);
+ size = m_pTableCache->getTableSize(tableId);
+ // check whether it is already in the cache
+ if (pTable) return pTable;
+ isValid &= TtfUtil::GetTableInfo(tableId, m_pHeader, m_pTableDir,
+ lOffset, lSize);
+ if (!isValid)
+ return NULL;
+ fseek(m_pfile, lOffset, SEEK_SET);
+ // only allocate if needed
+ pTable = m_pTableCache->allocateTable(tableId, lSize);
+ if (!pTable)
+ {
+ isValid = false;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ size_t bytesRead = fread(pTable, 1, lSize, m_pfile);
+ isValid = bytesRead == lSize;
+ if (isValid)
+ {
+ isValid &= TtfUtil::CheckTable(tableId, pTable, lSize);
+ }
+ if (!isValid)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ size = lSize;
+ return pTable;
+ // if this is the last copy of the font sharing these tables
+ // delete them
+ if (m_pTableCache)
+ {
+ m_pTableCache->decrementFontCount();
+ if (m_pTableCache->getFontCount() == 0)
+ {
+ delete [] m_pHeader;
+ delete [] m_pTableDir;
+ delete m_pTableCache;
+ m_pTableCache = NULL;
+ if (m_pfile)
+ fclose(m_pfile);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete [] m_pHeader;
+ delete [] m_pTableDir;
+ if (m_pfile)
+ fclose(m_pfile);
+ }
+ // note the DecFontCount(); is done in the Font base class
+Font * FileFont::copyThis()
+ FileFont * copy = new FileFont(*this);
+ return copy;
+* A copy constructor that allows a change of point size or dpi
+* The underlying table cache will be shared between the fonts, so
+* this should have a low overhead.
+FileFont::FileFont(const FileFont & font, float pointSize,
+ unsigned int dpiX, unsigned int dpiY)
+: Font(font),
+ m_pfile(font.m_pfile),
+ m_mAscent(font.m_mAscent),
+ m_mDescent(font.m_mDescent),
+ m_mEmSquare(font.m_mEmSquare),
+ m_pointSize(font.m_pointSize),
+ m_dpiX(font.m_dpiX),
+ m_dpiY(font.m_dpiY),
+ m_fIsValid(font.m_fIsValid),
+ m_pHeader(font.m_pHeader),
+ m_pTableDir(font.m_pTableDir),
+ m_xScale(font.m_xScale),
+ m_yScale(font.m_yScale)
+ if (pointSize > 0)
+ {
+ m_pointSize = pointSize;
+ if (dpiX > 0)
+ {
+ m_dpiX = dpiX;
+ if (dpiY > 0) m_dpiY = dpiY;
+ else dpiY = dpiX;
+ }
+ m_xScale = scaleFromDpi(m_dpiX);
+ m_yScale = scaleFromDpi(m_dpiY);
+ }
+ m_fItalic = font.m_fItalic;
+ m_fBold = font.m_fBold;
+ // colors are not used
+ m_clrFore = font.m_clrFore;
+ m_clrBack = font.m_clrBack;
+ m_stuFaceName.assign(font.m_stuFaceName);
+ m_pTableCache = font.m_pTableCache;
+ // use the same table cache between instances
+ if (m_pTableCache)
+ m_pTableCache->incrementFontCount();
+ // I dont' see why we need to reget the face, but WinFont does
+ //m_pfface = FontFace::GetFontFace(this, m_fpropDef.szFaceName,
+ // m_fpropDef.fBold, m_fpropDef.fItalic);
+ //virtual FontErrorCode isValidForGraphite(int * pnVersion = NULL, int * pnSubVersion = NULL);
+ Read a table from the font.
+const void *
+FileFont::getTable(fontTableId32 tableID, size_t * pcbSize)
+ *pcbSize = 0;
+ // use a cache to reduce the number of times tables have to be reloaded
+ if (m_pTableCache == NULL)
+ {
+ // constructor automatically sets the font count to 1
+ m_pTableCache = new FontTableCache();
+ }
+ TableId tid;
+ for (int i = 0; i<ktiLast; i++)
+ {
+ tid = static_cast<TableId>(i);
+ if (tableID == TtfUtil::TableIdTag(tid))
+ {
+ if (m_pTableCache->getTable(tid))
+ {
+ *pcbSize = m_pTableCache->getTableSize(tid);
+ return m_pTableCache->getTable(tid);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(tid < ktiLast);
+ size_t tableSize = 0;
+ void * pTable = readTable(tid, tableSize);
+ *pcbSize = static_cast<int>(tableSize);
+ return pTable;
+void FileFont::getFontMetrics(float * pAscent, float * pDescent,
+ float * pEmSquare)
+ if (pEmSquare) *pEmSquare = m_mEmSquare * m_xScale;
+ if (pAscent) *pAscent = m_mAscent * m_yScale;
+ if (pDescent) *pDescent = m_mDescent * m_yScale;
+bool FileFont::FontHasGraphiteTables(FILE * file)
+ FileFont testFont(file, 1.0f, FUDGE_FACTOR);
+ return testFont.fontHasGraphiteTables();
+bool FileFont::FontHasGraphiteTables(char * fileName)
+ FileFont testFont(fileName, 1.0f, FUDGE_FACTOR);
+ return testFont.fontHasGraphiteTables();
+bool FileFont::fontHasGraphiteTables()
+ size_t tableSize;
+ bool isGraphiteFont = m_fIsValid;
+ isGraphiteFont &= (readTable(ktiSilf, tableSize) != NULL);
+ return isGraphiteFont;
+} // namespace gr
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/Font.cpp b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/Font.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95cf2cefd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/Font.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
+Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 SIL International. All rights reserved.
+Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
+GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
+File: Font.cpp
+Responsibility: Sharon Correll
+Last reviewed: Not yet.
+ A font is an object that knows how to read tables from a (platform-specific) font resource.
+//:> Include files
+#include "Main.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+// any other headers (not precompiled)
+#undef THIS_FILE
+//:End Ignore
+//:> Forward declarations
+//:> Local Constants and static variables
+namespace gr
+//:> Font methods
+ Constructor.
+Font::Font(const Font & fontSrc) : m_pfface(fontSrc.m_pfface), m_fTablesCached(false)
+ if (m_pfface)
+ m_pfface->IncFontCount();
+ Destructor.
+ if (m_pfface)
+ m_pfface->DecFontCount();
+ Mark the font-cache as to whether it should be deleted when all the font instances go away.
+void Font::SetFlushMode(int flush)
+ FontFace::SetFlushMode(flush);
+ Cache the common tables if necessary.
+void Font::EnsureTablesCached()
+ if (m_fTablesCached)
+ return;
+ size_t cbBogus;
+ m_pHead = getTable(TtfUtil::TableIdTag(ktiHead), &cbBogus);
+ m_pHmtx = getTable(TtfUtil::TableIdTag(ktiHmtx), &m_cbHmtxSize);
+ m_pGlyf = getTable(TtfUtil::TableIdTag(ktiGlyf), &cbBogus);
+ m_pLoca = getTable(TtfUtil::TableIdTag(ktiLoca), &m_cbLocaSize);
+ // getTable can return 0 for the lengths if it is hard to calculate them, but it should
+ // never do that for hmtx or loca.
+ Assert(m_cbHmtxSize > 0);
+ Assert(m_cbLocaSize > 0);
+ m_fTablesCached = true;
+ Return the flush mode of the font-cache.
+int Font::GetFlushMode()
+ return FontFace::GetFlushMode();
+ Return the internal object representing the font-face. This is the object that is stored
+ in Graphite's internal cache.
+inline FontFace & Font::fontFace(bool fDumbFallback)
+ if (m_pfface == 0)
+ initialiseFontFace(fDumbFallback);
+ return *m_pfface;
+void Font::initialiseFontFace(bool fDumbFallback)
+ std::wstring stuFaceName;
+ bool fBold, fItalic;
+ UniqueCacheInfo(stuFaceName, fBold, fItalic);
+ m_pfface = FontFace::GetFontFace(this, stuFaceName, fBold, fItalic, fDumbFallback);
+ Assert(m_pfface != 0);
+ m_pfface->IncFontCount();
+ FontException fexptn;
+ fexptn.version = -1;
+ fexptn.subVersion = -1;
+ if (m_pfface->BadFont(&fexptn.errorCode)
+ || (!fDumbFallback && m_pfface->DumbFallback(&fexptn.errorCode)))
+ {
+ throw fexptn;
+ }
+ Return uniquely identifying information that will be used as the key for this font
+ in the font cache. This includes the font face name and the bold and italic flags.
+void Font::UniqueCacheInfo(std::wstring & stuFace, bool & fBold, bool & fItalic)
+ size_t cbSize;
+ const byte * pNameTbl = static_cast<const byte *>(getTable(TtfUtil::TableIdTag(ktiName), &cbSize));
+ size_t lOffset, lSize;
+ if (!TtfUtil::Get31EngFamilyInfo(pNameTbl, lOffset, lSize))
+ {
+ // TODO: try to find any name in any arbitrary language.
+ Assert(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ // byte * pvName = (byte *)pNameTbl + lOffset;
+ utf16 rgchwFace[128];
+ const size_t cchw = min(long(lSize / sizeof(utf16)), long((sizeof(rgchwFace) / sizeof(utf16)) - 1));
+ // NOTE: there is a potential alignment problem in the following two lines, which can causes
+ // crashes on architectures that require alignment to word boundaries.
+ const utf16 * pchwNameStart = reinterpret_cast<const utf16 *>(pNameTbl+ lOffset);
+ std::copy(pchwNameStart, pchwNameStart + cchw, rgchwFace);
+ rgchwFace[cchw] = 0; // zero terminate
+ TtfUtil::SwapWString(rgchwFace, cchw);
+ for (size_t ich16 = 0; ich16 < cchw; ich16++) // equivalent to assign, but works in more situations
+ stuFace.push_back(wchar_t(rgchwFace[ich16])); // where where wchar_t is 4 bytes
+ const void * pOs2Tbl = getTable(TtfUtil::TableIdTag(ktiOs2), &cbSize);
+ TtfUtil::FontOs2Style(pOs2Tbl, fBold, fItalic);
+ // Do we need to compare the results from the OS2 table with the italic flag in the
+ // head table? (There is no requirement that they be consistent!)
+ A default unhinted implmentation of getGlyphPoint(..)
+void Font::getGlyphPoint(gid16 glyphID, unsigned int pointNum, Point & pointReturn)
+ EnsureTablesCached();
+ // Default values
+ pointReturn.x = 0;
+ pointReturn.y = 0;
+ if (m_pGlyf == 0) return;
+ if (m_pHead == 0) return;
+ if (m_pLoca == 0) return;
+ size_t cContours;
+ size_t cPoints;
+ const size_t CONTOUR_BUF_SIZE = 16;
+ const size_t POINT_BUF_SIZE = 64;
+ // Fixed-size buffers that will be used in most cases:
+ bool rgfOnCurveFixedBuf[POINT_BUF_SIZE], *rgfOnCurveHeapBuf=0;
+ int rgnEndPtFixedBuf[CONTOUR_BUF_SIZE], *rgnEndPtHeapBuf=0,
+ rgnXFixedBuf[POINT_BUF_SIZE], *rgnXHeapBuf=0,
+ rgnYFixedBuf[POINT_BUF_SIZE], *rgnYHeapBuf=0;
+ if (!TtfUtil::GlyfContourCount(glyphID, m_pGlyf, m_pLoca, m_cbLocaSize, m_pHead, cContours))
+ return; // can't figure it out
+ int * prgnEndPt = (cContours > CONTOUR_BUF_SIZE) ?
+ rgnEndPtHeapBuf = new int[cContours] :
+ rgnEndPtFixedBuf;
+ if (!TtfUtil::GlyfContourEndPoints(glyphID, m_pGlyf, m_pLoca, m_cbLocaSize, m_pHead,
+ prgnEndPt, cContours))
+ {
+ return; // should have been caught above
+ }
+ cPoints = prgnEndPt[cContours - 1] + 1;
+ bool* prgfOnCurve = (cPoints > POINT_BUF_SIZE) ? rgfOnCurveHeapBuf= new bool[cPoints] : rgfOnCurveFixedBuf;
+ int * prgnX = (cPoints > POINT_BUF_SIZE) ? rgnXHeapBuf= new int[cPoints] : rgnXFixedBuf;
+ int * prgnY = (cPoints > POINT_BUF_SIZE) ? rgnYHeapBuf= new int[cPoints] : rgnYFixedBuf;
+ if (TtfUtil::GlyfPoints(glyphID, m_pGlyf, m_pLoca, m_cbLocaSize, m_pHead, 0, 0,
+ prgnX, prgnY, prgfOnCurve, cPoints))
+ {
+ float nPixEmSquare;
+ getFontMetrics(0, 0, &nPixEmSquare);
+ const float nDesignUnitsPerPixel = float(TtfUtil::DesignUnits(m_pHead)) / nPixEmSquare;
+ pointReturn.x = prgnX[pointNum] / nDesignUnitsPerPixel;
+ pointReturn.y = prgnY[pointNum] / nDesignUnitsPerPixel;
+ }
+ delete[] rgnEndPtHeapBuf;
+ delete[] rgfOnCurveHeapBuf;
+ delete[] rgnXHeapBuf;
+ delete[] rgnYHeapBuf;
+ A default unhinted implmentation of getGlyphMetrics(..)
+void Font::getGlyphMetrics(gid16 glyphID, gr::Rect & boundingBox, gr::Point & advances)
+ EnsureTablesCached();
+ // Setup default return values in case of failiure.
+ boundingBox.left = 0;
+ boundingBox.right = 0;
+ boundingBox.bottom = 0;
+ = 0;
+ advances.x = 0;
+ advances.y = 0;
+ if (m_pHead == 0) return;
+ // Calculate the number of design units per pixel.
+ float pixelEmSquare;
+ getFontMetrics(0, 0, &pixelEmSquare);
+ const float pixelsPerDesignUnit =
+ pixelEmSquare / float(TtfUtil::DesignUnits(m_pHead));
+ // getTable can return 0 for the lengths if it is hard to calculate them, but it should
+ // never do that for hmtx or loca.
+ Assert(m_cbHmtxSize > 0);
+ // Use the Hmtx and Head tables to find the glyph advances.
+ int lsb;
+ unsigned int advance = 0;
+ if (TtfUtil::HorMetrics(glyphID, m_pHmtx, m_cbHmtxSize, m_pHead,
+ lsb, advance))
+ {
+ advances.x = (advance * pixelsPerDesignUnit);
+ advances.y = 0.0f;
+ }
+ if (m_pGlyf == 0) return;
+ if (m_pLoca == 0) return;
+ Assert(m_cbLocaSize > 0);
+ // Fetch the glyph bounding box. GlyphBox may return false for a whitespace glyph.
+ // Note that using GlyfBox here allows attachment points (ie, points lying outside
+ // the glyph's outline) to affect the bounding box, which might not be what we want.
+ int xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
+ if (TtfUtil::GlyfBox(glyphID, m_pGlyf, m_pLoca, m_cbLocaSize, m_pHead,
+ xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax))
+ {
+ boundingBox.left = (xMin * pixelsPerDesignUnit);
+ boundingBox.bottom = (yMin * pixelsPerDesignUnit);
+ boundingBox.right = (xMax * pixelsPerDesignUnit);
+ = (yMax * pixelsPerDesignUnit);
+ }
+ Return a pair of iterators over a sequence of features defined for the font.
+std::pair<FeatureIterator, FeatureIterator> Font::getFeatures()
+ std::pair<FeatureIterator, FeatureIterator> pairRet;
+ pairRet.first = BeginFeature();
+ pairRet.second = EndFeature();
+ return pairRet;
+ Returns an iterator indicating the feature with the given ID. If no such feature,
+ returns the end iterator.
+FeatureIterator Font::featureWithID(featid id)
+ FeatureIterator fit = BeginFeature();
+ FeatureIterator fitEnd = EndFeature();
+ for ( ; fit != fitEnd ; ++fit)
+ {
+ if (*fit == id)
+ return fit;
+ }
+ return fitEnd; // invalid
+ Returns the UI label for the indicated feature. Return false if there is no label for the
+ language, or it is empty.
+bool Font::getFeatureLabel(FeatureIterator fit, lgid nLanguage, utf16 * label)
+ return GetFeatureLabel(fit.m_ifeat, nLanguage, label);
+ Returns an iterator pointing at the default value for the feature.
+FeatureSettingIterator Font::getDefaultFeatureValue(FeatureIterator fit)
+ size_t ifset = GetFeatureDefault(fit.m_ifeat);
+ FeatureSettingIterator fsit = fit.BeginSetting();
+ fsit += ifset;
+ return fsit;
+ Returns a pair of iterators spanning the defined settings for the feature.
+std::pair<FeatureSettingIterator, FeatureSettingIterator>
+ Font::getFeatureSettings(FeatureIterator fit)
+ std::pair<FeatureSettingIterator, FeatureSettingIterator> pairRet;
+ pairRet.first = fit.BeginSetting();
+ pairRet.second = fit.EndSetting();
+ return pairRet;
+ Returns the UI label for the indicated feature. Return false if there is no label for the
+ language, or it is empty.
+bool Font::getFeatureSettingLabel(FeatureSettingIterator fsit, lgid nLanguage, utf16 * label)
+ //FeatureIterator * pfit = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(fsit.m_pfit);
+ return GetFeatureSettingLabel(fsit.m_fit.m_ifeat, fsit.m_ifset, nLanguage, label);
+ Private methods for feature and language access.
+size_t Font::NumberOfFeatures()
+ try {
+ return fontFace().NumberOfFeatures();
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+featid Font::FeatureID(size_t ifeat)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().FeatureID(ifeat);
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+size_t Font::FeatureWithID(featid id)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().FeatureWithID(id);
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+bool Font::GetFeatureLabel(size_t ifeat, lgid language, utf16 * label)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().GetFeatureLabel(ifeat, language, label);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ *label = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+int Font::GetFeatureDefault(size_t ifeat) // index of default setting
+ try {
+ return fontFace().GetFeatureDefault(ifeat);
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+size_t Font::NumberOfSettings(size_t ifeat)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().NumberOfSettings(ifeat);
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+int Font::GetFeatureSettingValue(size_t ifeat, size_t ifset)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().GetFeatureSettingValue(ifeat, ifset);
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+bool Font::GetFeatureSettingLabel(size_t ifeat, size_t ifset, lgid language, utf16 * label)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().GetFeatureSettingLabel(ifeat, ifset, language, label);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ *label = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+size_t Font::NumberOfFeatLangs()
+ try {
+ return fontFace().NumberOfFeatLangs();
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+short Font::FeatLabelLang(size_t ilang)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().FeatLabelLang(ilang);
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+size_t Font::NumberOfLanguages()
+ try {
+ return fontFace().NumberOfLanguages();
+ }
+ catch (...) { return 0; }
+isocode Font::LanguageCode(size_t ilang)
+ try {
+ return fontFace().LanguageCode(ilang);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ isocode ret;
+ std::fill_n(ret.rgch, sizeof(ret.rgch), '\0');
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Return a pair of iterators over a sequence of feature-label languages for this font.
+std::pair<FeatLabelLangIterator, FeatLabelLangIterator> Font::getFeatureLabelLanguages()
+ std::pair<FeatLabelLangIterator, FeatLabelLangIterator> pairRet;
+ pairRet.first = BeginFeatLang();
+ pairRet.second = EndFeatLang();
+ return pairRet;
+ Return a pair of iterators over a sequence of languages defined for the font, that is,
+ those that have features specified for them.
+std::pair<LanguageIterator, LanguageIterator> Font::getSupportedLanguages()
+ std::pair<LanguageIterator, LanguageIterator> pairRet;
+ pairRet.first = BeginLanguage();
+ pairRet.second = EndLanguage();
+ return pairRet;
+ Return a bitmap indicating which directions are supported by the font.
+ScriptDirCode Font::getSupportedScriptDirections() const throw()
+ try {
+ Font * pfontThis = const_cast<Font *>(this);
+ FontFace & fface = pfontThis->fontFace();
+ return fface.ScriptDirection();
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ return kfsdcHorizLtr;
+ }
+ For segment creation.
+void Font::RenderLineFillSegment(Segment * pseg, ITextSource * pts, LayoutEnvironment & layout,
+ toffset ichStart, toffset ichStop, float xsMaxWidth, bool fBacktracking)
+ fontFace(layout.dumbFallback()).RenderLineFillSegment(pseg, this, pts, layout,
+ ichStart, ichStop, xsMaxWidth, fBacktracking);
+void Font::RenderRangeSegment(Segment * pseg, ITextSource * pts, LayoutEnvironment & layout,
+ toffset ichStart, toffset ichStop)
+ fontFace(layout.dumbFallback()).RenderRangeSegment(pseg, this, pts, layout, ichStart, ichStop);
+void Font::RenderJustifiedSegment(Segment * pseg, ITextSource * pts,
+ LayoutEnvironment & layout, toffset ichStart, toffset ichStop,
+ float xsCurrentWidth, float xsDesiredWidth)
+ fontFace(layout.dumbFallback()).RenderJustifiedSegment(pseg, this, pts, layout,
+ ichStart, ichStop, xsCurrentWidth, xsDesiredWidth);
+ Feature iterators.
+FeatureIterator Font::BeginFeature()
+ FeatureIterator fit(this, 0, NumberOfFeatures());
+ return fit;
+FeatureIterator Font::EndFeature()
+ int cfeat = NumberOfFeatures();
+ FeatureIterator fit (this, cfeat, cfeat);
+ return fit;
+ Feature-label language iterators.
+FeatLabelLangIterator Font::BeginFeatLang()
+ FeatLabelLangIterator lgit(this, 0, NumberOfFeatLangs());
+ return lgit;
+FeatLabelLangIterator Font::EndFeatLang()
+ int clang = NumberOfFeatLangs();
+ FeatLabelLangIterator lgit(this, clang, clang);
+ return lgit;
+ Language iterators.
+LanguageIterator Font::BeginLanguage()
+ LanguageIterator lgit(this, 0, NumberOfLanguages());
+ return lgit;
+LanguageIterator Font::EndLanguage()
+ int clang = NumberOfLanguages();
+ LanguageIterator lgit(this, clang, clang);
+ return lgit;
+ Debugging.
+//bool Font::DbgCheckFontCache()
+// return FontFace::DbgCheckFontCache();
+//:> FeatureIterator methods
+//FeatureIterator::FeatureIterator(FeatureIterator & fitToCopy)
+// m_pfont = fitToCopy.m_pfont;
+// m_ifeat = fitToCopy.m_ifeat;
+// m_cfeat = fitToCopy.m_cfeat;
+ Dereference the iterator, returning a feature ID.
+featid FeatureIterator::operator*()
+ if (m_ifeat >= m_cfeat)
+ {
+ Assert(false);
+ return (unsigned int)kInvalid;
+ }
+ return m_pfont->FeatureID(m_ifeat);
+ Increment the iterator.
+FeatureIterator FeatureIterator::operator++()
+ if (m_ifeat >= m_cfeat)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ }
+ else
+ m_ifeat++;
+ return *this;
+ Increment the iterator by the given value.
+FeatureIterator FeatureIterator::operator+=(int n)
+ if (m_ifeat + n >= m_cfeat)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ifeat = m_cfeat;
+ }
+ else if (m_ifeat + n < 0)
+ {
+ // Can't decrement.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ifeat = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ m_ifeat += m_cfeat;
+ return *this;
+ Test whether the two iterators are equal.
+bool FeatureIterator::operator==(FeatureIterator & fit)
+ return (fit.m_ifeat == m_ifeat && fit.m_pfont == m_pfont);
+bool FeatureIterator::operator!=(FeatureIterator & fit)
+ return (fit.m_ifeat != m_ifeat || fit.m_pfont != m_pfont);
+ Return the number of items represented by the range of the two iterators.
+int FeatureIterator::operator-(FeatureIterator & fit)
+ if (m_pfont != fit.m_pfont)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ return (m_ifeat - fit.m_ifeat);
+ Iterators.
+FeatureSettingIterator FeatureIterator::BeginSetting()
+ int cfset = m_pfont->NumberOfSettings(m_ifeat);
+ FeatureSettingIterator fsit(*this, 0, cfset);
+ return fsit;
+FeatureSettingIterator FeatureIterator::EndSetting()
+ int cfset = m_pfont->NumberOfSettings(m_ifeat);
+ FeatureSettingIterator fsit(*this, cfset, cfset);
+ return fsit;
+//:> FeatureSettingIterator methods
+ Dereference the iterator, returning a feature value.
+int FeatureSettingIterator::operator*()
+ if (m_ifset >= m_cfset)
+ {
+ Assert(false);
+ return kInvalid;
+ }
+ return m_fit.m_pfont->GetFeatureSettingValue(m_fit.m_ifeat, m_ifset);
+ Increment the iterator.
+FeatureSettingIterator FeatureSettingIterator::operator++()
+ if (m_ifset >= m_cfset)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ }
+ else
+ m_ifset++;
+ return *this;
+ Increment the iterator by the given value.
+FeatureSettingIterator FeatureSettingIterator::operator+=(int n)
+ if (m_ifset + n >= m_cfset)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ifset = m_cfset;
+ }
+ if (m_ifset + n < 0)
+ {
+ // Can't decrement.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ifset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ m_ifset += n;
+ return *this;
+ Test whether the two iterators are equal.
+bool FeatureSettingIterator::operator==(FeatureSettingIterator & fsit)
+ //FeatureIterator * pfit = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(m_pfit);
+ //FeatureIterator * pfitOther = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(fsit.m_pfit);
+ //return (m_ifset == fsit.m_ifset && pfit == pfitOther);
+ return (m_ifset == fsit.m_ifset && m_fit == fsit.m_fit);
+bool FeatureSettingIterator::operator!=(FeatureSettingIterator & fsit)
+ //FeatureIterator * pfit = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(m_pfit);
+ //FeatureIterator * pfitOther = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(fsit.m_pfit);
+ //return (m_ifset != fsit.m_ifset || pfit != pfitOther);
+ return (m_ifset != fsit.m_ifset || m_fit != fsit.m_fit);
+ Return the number of items represented by the range of the two iterators.
+int FeatureSettingIterator::operator-(FeatureSettingIterator fsit)
+ //FeatureIterator * pfit = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(m_pfit);
+ //FeatureIterator * pfitOther = static_cast<FeatureIterator *>(fsit.m_pfit);
+ //if (pfit != pfitOther)
+ if (m_fit != fsit.m_fit)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ return (m_ifset - fsit.m_ifset);
+//:> FeatLabelLangIterator methods
+ Dereference the iterator, returning a language LCID.
+data16 FeatLabelLangIterator::operator*()
+ if (m_ilang >= m_clang)
+ {
+ Assert(false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_pfont->FeatLabelLang(m_ilang);
+ Increment the iterator.
+FeatLabelLangIterator FeatLabelLangIterator::operator++()
+ if (m_ilang >= m_clang)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ }
+ else
+ m_ilang++;
+ return *this;
+ Increment the iterator by the given value.
+FeatLabelLangIterator FeatLabelLangIterator::operator+=(int n)
+ if (m_ilang + n >= m_clang)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ilang = m_clang;
+ }
+ else if (m_ilang + n < 0)
+ {
+ // Can't decrement.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ilang = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ m_ilang += m_clang;
+ return *this;
+ Test whether the two iterators are equal.
+bool FeatLabelLangIterator::operator==(FeatLabelLangIterator & fllit)
+ return (fllit.m_ilang == m_ilang && fllit.m_pfont == m_pfont);
+bool FeatLabelLangIterator::operator!=(FeatLabelLangIterator & fllit)
+ return (fllit.m_ilang != m_ilang || fllit.m_pfont != m_pfont);
+ Return the number of items represented by the range of the two iterators.
+int FeatLabelLangIterator::operator-(FeatLabelLangIterator & fllit)
+ if (m_pfont != fllit.m_pfont)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ return (m_ilang - fllit.m_ilang);
+//:> LanguageIterator methods
+ Dereference the iterator, returning a language code.
+isocode LanguageIterator::operator*()
+ if (m_ilang >= m_clang)
+ {
+ Assert(false);
+ isocode codeRet;
+ codeRet.rgch[0] = '?'; codeRet.rgch[1] = '?';
+ codeRet.rgch[2] = '?'; codeRet.rgch[3] = 0;
+ return codeRet;
+ }
+ return m_pfont->LanguageCode(m_ilang);
+ Increment the iterator.
+LanguageIterator LanguageIterator::operator++()
+ if (m_ilang >= m_clang)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ }
+ else
+ m_ilang++;
+ return *this;
+ Increment the iterator by the given value.
+LanguageIterator LanguageIterator::operator+=(int n)
+ if (m_ilang + n >= m_clang)
+ {
+ // Can't increment.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ilang = m_clang;
+ }
+ else if (m_ilang + n < 0)
+ {
+ // Can't decrement.
+ Assert(false);
+ m_ilang = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ m_ilang += m_clang;
+ return *this;
+ Test whether the two iterators are equal.
+bool LanguageIterator::operator==(LanguageIterator & lgit)
+ return (lgit.m_ilang == m_ilang && lgit.m_pfont == m_pfont);
+bool LanguageIterator::operator!=(LanguageIterator & lgit)
+ return (lgit.m_ilang != m_ilang || lgit.m_pfont != m_pfont);
+ Return the number of items represented by the range of the two iterators.
+int LanguageIterator::operator-(LanguageIterator & lgit)
+ if (m_pfont != lgit.m_pfont)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ return (m_ilang - lgit.m_ilang);
+} // namespace gr
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/FontTableCache.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/FontTableCache.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..461b00d745f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/FontTableCache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "TtfUtil.h"
+namespace gr
+// used to allow table sharing among font copies
+// TBD: should this be a real class or is it acceptable to
+// make the attributes public
+class FontTableCache
+ FontTableCache()
+ : m_fontCount(1)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i<ktiLast; i++)
+ {
+ m_pTable[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ ~FontTableCache()
+ {
+ Assert(m_fontCount == 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i<ktiLast; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_pTable[i]) delete[] m_pTable[i];
+ }
+ }
+ const int & getFontCount() { return m_fontCount; }
+ void incrementFontCount() { m_fontCount++; }
+ void decrementFontCount() { m_fontCount--; Assert(m_fontCount > -1); }
+ byte * getTable(TableId id) const { Assert(id < ktiLast); return m_pTable[id]; }
+ const long & getTableSize(TableId id) const
+ {
+ Assert(id < ktiLast);
+ return m_tableSize[id];
+ }
+ byte * allocateTable(TableId id, long size)
+ {
+ m_pTable[id] = new byte[size];
+ m_tableSize[id] = size;
+ return m_pTable[id];
+ }
+ int m_fontCount;
+ byte * m_pTable[ktiLast];
+ long m_tableSize[ktiLast];
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..461af621b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fontdir = $(top_srcdir)/src/font
+libgraphite_la_SOURCES += $(fontdir)/Font.cpp
+libgraphite_la_SOURCES += $(fontdir)/TtfUtil.cpp
+libgraphite_la_SOURCES += $(fontdir)/FileFont.cpp
+EXTRA_DIST += $(fontdir)/*.h
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfTypes.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da8d90f1f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
+Copyright (C) 2007 SIL International. All rights reserved.
+Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
+GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
+File: TtfTypes.h
+Responsibility: Tim Eves
+Last reviewed: Not yet.
+Provides types required to represent the TTF basic types.
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:End Ignore*/
+// Include files
+#include "GrPlatform.h"
+namespace TtfUtil
+// Forward declarations
+// Type declarations
+typedef gr::data8 uint8;
+typedef gr::sdata8 int8;
+typedef gr::data16 uint16;
+typedef gr::sdata16 int16;
+typedef gr::data32 uint32;
+typedef gr::sdata32 int32;
+typedef int16 short_frac;
+typedef int32 fixed;
+typedef int16 fword;
+typedef uint16 ufword;
+typedef int16 f2dot14;
+typedef uint32 long_date_time[2];
+// Constants and enum types
+ OneFix = 1<<16
+// Table declarations
+namespace Sfnt
+#pragma pack(1) // We need this or the structure members aren't alligned
+ // correctly. Fortunately this form of pragma is supposed
+ // to be recongnised by VS C++ too (at least according to
+ // MSDN).
+ struct OffsetSubTable
+ {
+ uint32 scaler_type;
+ uint16 num_tables,
+ search_range,
+ entry_selector,
+ range_shift;
+ struct Entry
+ {
+ uint32 tag,
+ checksum,
+ offset,
+ length;
+ } table_directory[1];
+ enum ScalerType
+ {
+ TrueTypeMac = 0x74727565U,
+ TrueTypeWin = 0x00010000U,
+ Type1 = 0x74797031U
+ };
+ };
+ struct CharacterCodeMap
+ {
+ uint16 version,
+ num_subtables;
+ struct
+ {
+ uint16 platform_id,
+ platform_specific_id;
+ uint32 offset;
+ } encoding[1];
+ };
+ struct CmapSubTable
+ {
+ uint16 format,
+ length,
+ language;
+ };
+ struct CmapSubTableFormat4 : CmapSubTable
+ {
+ uint16 seg_count_x2,
+ search_range,
+ entry_selector,
+ range_shift,
+ end_code[1];
+ // There are arrarys after this which need their
+ // start positions calculated since end_code is
+ // seg_count uint16s long.
+ };
+ struct CmapSubTableFormat12
+ {
+ fixed format;
+ uint32 length,
+ language,
+ num_groups;
+ struct
+ {
+ uint32 start_char_code,
+ end_char_code,
+ start_glyph_id;
+ } group[1];
+ };
+ struct FontHeader
+ {
+ fixed version,
+ font_revision;
+ uint32 check_sum_adjustment,
+ magic_number;
+ uint16 flags,
+ units_per_em;
+ long_date_time created,
+ modified;
+ fword x_min,
+ y_min,
+ x_max,
+ y_max;
+ uint16 mac_style,
+ lowest_rec_ppem;
+ int16 font_direction_hint,
+ index_to_loc_format,
+ glyph_data_format;
+ enum
+ {
+ MagicNumber = 0x5F0F3CF5,
+ GlypDataFormat = 0
+ };
+ enum {ShortIndexLocFormat, LongIndexLocFormat};
+ };
+ struct PostScriptGlyphName
+ {
+ fixed format,
+ italic_angle;
+ fword underline_position,
+ underline_thickness;
+ uint32 is_fixed_pitch,
+ min_mem_type42,
+ max_mem_type42,
+ min_mem_type1,
+ max_mem_type1;
+ enum
+ {
+ Format1 = 0x10000,
+ Format2 = 0x20000,
+ Format25 = 0x28000,
+ Format3 = 0x30000,
+ Format4 = 0x40000
+ };
+ };
+ struct PostScriptGlyphName2 : PostScriptGlyphName
+ {
+ uint16 number_of_glyphs,
+ glyph_name_index[1];
+ };
+ struct PostScriptGlyphName25 : PostScriptGlyphName
+ {
+ uint16 number_of_glyphs;
+ int8 offset[1];
+ };
+ struct PostScriptGlyphName3 : PostScriptGlyphName {};
+ struct PostScriptGlyphName4 : PostScriptGlyphName
+ {
+ uint16 glyph_to_char_map[1];
+ };
+ struct HorizontalHeader
+ {
+ fixed version;
+ fword ascent,
+ descent,
+ line_gap;
+ ufword advance_width_max;
+ fword min_left_side_bearing,
+ max_left_side_bearing,
+ x_max_element;
+ int16 caret_slope_rise,
+ caret_slope_run;
+ fword caret_offset;
+ int16 reserved[4],
+ metric_data_format;
+ uint16 num_long_hor_metrics;
+ };
+ struct MaximumProfile
+ {
+ fixed version;
+ uint16 num_glyphs,
+ max_points,
+ max_contours,
+ max_component_points,
+ max_component_contours,
+ max_zones,
+ max_twilight_points,
+ max_storage,
+ max_function_defs,
+ max_instruction_defs,
+ max_stack_elements,
+ max_size_of_instructions,
+ max_component_elements,
+ max_component_depth;
+ };
+ typedef gr::byte Panose[10];
+ struct Compatibility0
+ {
+ uint16 version;
+ int16 x_avg_char_width;
+ uint16 weight_class,
+ width_class;
+ int16 fs_type,
+ y_subscript_x_size,
+ y_subscript_y_size,
+ y_subscript_x_offset,
+ y_subscript_y_offset,
+ y_superscript_x_size,
+ y_superscript_y_size,
+ y_superscript_x_offset,
+ y_superscript_y_offset,
+ y_strikeout_size,
+ y_strikeout_position,
+ family_class;
+ Panose panose;
+ uint32 unicode_range[4];
+ int8 ach_vend_id[4];
+ uint16 fs_selection,
+ fs_first_char_index,
+ fs_last_char_index, // Acording to Apple's spec this is where v0 should end
+ typo_ascender,
+ typo_descender,
+ type_linegap,
+ win_ascent,
+ win_descent;
+ enum
+ {
+ Italic =0x01,
+ Underscore=0x02,
+ Negative =0x04,
+ Outlined =0x08,
+ StrikeOut =0x10,
+ Bold =0x20
+ };
+ };
+ struct Compatibility1 : Compatibility0
+ {
+ uint32 codepage_range[2];
+ };
+ struct Compatibility2 : Compatibility1
+ {
+ int16 x_height,
+ cap_height;
+ uint16 default_char,
+ break_char,
+ max_context;
+ };
+ struct Compatibility3 : Compatibility2 {};
+ typedef Compatibility3 Compatibility;
+ struct NameRecord
+ {
+ uint16 platform_id,
+ platform_specific_id,
+ language_id,
+ name_id,
+ length,
+ offset;
+ enum {Unicode, Mactintosh, Reserved, Microsoft};
+ enum
+ {
+ Copyright, Family, Subfamily, UniqueSubfamily,
+ Fullname, Version, PostScript
+ };
+ };
+ struct FontNames
+ {
+ uint16 format,
+ count,
+ string_offset;
+ NameRecord name_record[1];
+ };
+ struct HorizontalMetric
+ {
+ uint16 advance_width;
+ int16 left_side_bearing;
+ };
+ struct Glyph
+ {
+ int16 number_of_contours;
+ fword x_min,
+ y_min,
+ x_max,
+ y_max;
+ };
+ struct SimpleGlyph : Glyph
+ {
+ uint16 end_pts_of_contours[1];
+ enum
+ {
+ OnCurve = 0x01,
+ XShort = 0x02,
+ YShort = 0x04,
+ Repeat = 0x08,
+ XIsSame = 0x10,
+ XIsPos = 0x10,
+ YIsSame = 0x20,
+ YIsPos = 0x20
+ };
+ };
+ struct CompoundGlyph : Glyph
+ {
+ uint16 flags,
+ glyph_index;
+ enum
+ {
+ Arg1Arg2Words = 0x01,
+ ArgsAreXYValues = 0x02,
+ RoundXYToGrid = 0x04,
+ HaveScale = 0x08,
+ MoreComponents = 0x20,
+ HaveXAndYScale = 0x40,
+ HaveTwoByTwo = 0x80,
+ HaveInstructions = 0x100,
+ UseMyMetrics = 0x200,
+ OverlapCompund = 0x400,
+ ScaledOffset = 0x800,
+ UnscaledOffset = 0x1000
+ };
+ };
+#pragma pack()
+} // end of namespace Sfnt
+} // end of namespace TtfUtil
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfUtil.cpp b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfUtil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..471b7eeca2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfUtil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1935 @@
+/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
+Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 SIL International. All rights reserved.
+Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
+GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
+File: TtfUtil.cpp
+Responsibility: Alan Ward
+Last reviewed: Not yet.
+ Implements the methods for TtfUtil class. This file should remain portable to any C++
+ environment by only using standard C++ and the TTF structurs defined in Tt.h.
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:End Ignore*/
+ Include files
+// Language headers
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <climits>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// Platform headers
+// Module headers
+#include "TtfUtil.h"
+#include "TtfTypes.h"
+ Forward declarations
+ Local Constants and static variables
+// max number of components allowed in composite glyphs
+ const int kMaxGlyphComponents = 8;
+ // These are basic byte order swapping functions
+ template<typename T> inline T rev16(const T d) {
+ T r = (d & 0xff) << 8; r |= (d & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ return r;
+ }
+ template<typename T> inline T rev32(const T d) {
+ T r = (d & 0xff) << 24; r |= (d & 0xff00) << 8;
+ r |= (d & 0xff0000) >> 8; r |= (d & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ return r;
+ }
+ // This is the generic read function which does the swapping
+ template<typename T> inline T read(const T d) {
+ return d;
+ }
+#if !defined WORDS_BIGENDIAN || defined PC_OS
+ template<> inline TtfUtil::uint16 read(const TtfUtil::uint16 d) {
+ return rev16(d);
+ }
+ template<> inline TtfUtil::int16 read(const TtfUtil::int16 d) {
+ return rev16(d);
+ }
+ template<> inline TtfUtil::uint32 read(const TtfUtil::uint32 d) {
+ return rev32(d);
+ }
+ template<> inline TtfUtil::int32 read(const TtfUtil::int32 d) {
+ return rev32(d);
+ }
+ template <int R, typename T>
+ inline float fixed_to_float(const T f) {
+ return float(f)/float(2^R);
+ }
+#define MAKE_TAG(a,b,c,d) ((a << 24UL) + (b << 16UL) + (c << 8UL) + (d))
+ const gr::fontTableId32 mapIdToTag[] = {
+ MAKE_TAG('c','m','a','p'),
+ MAKE_TAG('c','v','t',' '),
+ MAKE_TAG('c','r','y','p'),
+ MAKE_TAG('h','e','a','d'),
+ MAKE_TAG('f','p','g','m'),
+ MAKE_TAG('g','d','i','r'),
+ MAKE_TAG('g','l','y','f'),
+ MAKE_TAG('h','d','m','x'),
+ MAKE_TAG('h','h','e','a'),
+ MAKE_TAG('h','m','t','x'),
+ MAKE_TAG('l','o','c','a'),
+ MAKE_TAG('k','e','r','n'),
+ MAKE_TAG('L','T','S','H'),
+ MAKE_TAG('m','a','x','p'),
+ MAKE_TAG('n','a','m','e'),
+ MAKE_TAG('O','S','/','2'),
+ MAKE_TAG('p','o','s','t'),
+ MAKE_TAG('p','r','e','p'),
+ MAKE_TAG('F','e','a','t'),
+ MAKE_TAG('G','l','a','t'),
+ MAKE_TAG('G','l','o','c'),
+ MAKE_TAG('S','i','l','f'),
+ MAKE_TAG('S','i','l','e'),
+ MAKE_TAG('S','i','l','l')
+ };
+ Table of standard Postscript glyph names. From Martin Hosken. Disagress with ttfdump.exe
+ const int kcPostNames = 258;
+ const char * rgPostName[kcPostNames] = {
+ ".notdef", ".null", "nonmarkingreturn", "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign",
+ "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quotesingle", "parenleft",
+ "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
+ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight",
+ "nine", "colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question",
+ "at", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
+ "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
+ "bracketleft", "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum",
+ "underscore", "grave", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i",
+ "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w",
+ "x", "y", "z", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde",
+ "Adieresis", "Aring", "Ccedilla", "Eacute", "Ntilde", "Odieresis",
+ "Udieresis", "aacute", "agrave", "acircumflex", "adieresis", "atilde",
+ "aring", "ccedilla", "eacute", "egrave", "ecircumflex", "edieresis",
+ "iacute", "igrave", "icircumflex", "idieresis", "ntilde", "oacute",
+ "ograve", "ocircumflex", "odieresis", "otilde", "uacute", "ugrave",
+ "ucircumflex", "udieresis", "dagger", "degree", "cent", "sterling",
+ "section", "bullet", "paragraph", "germandbls", "registered",
+ "copyright", "trademark", "acute", "dieresis", "notequal", "AE",
+ "Oslash", "infinity", "plusminus", "lessequal", "greaterequal", "yen",
+ "mu", "partialdiff", "summation", "product", "pi", "integral",
+ "ordfeminine", "ordmasculine", "Omega", "ae", "oslash", "questiondown",
+ "exclamdown", "logicalnot", "radical", "florin", "approxequal",
+ "Delta", "guillemotleft", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "nonbreakingspace",
+ "Agrave", "Atilde", "Otilde", "OE", "oe", "endash", "emdash",
+ "quotedblleft", "quotedblright", "quoteleft", "quoteright", "divide",
+ "lozenge", "ydieresis", "Ydieresis", "fraction", "currency",
+ "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered",
+ "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "perthousand", "Acircumflex",
+ "Ecircumflex", "Aacute", "Edieresis", "Egrave", "Iacute",
+ "Icircumflex", "Idieresis", "Igrave", "Oacute", "Ocircumflex",
+ "apple", "Ograve", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex", "Ugrave", "dotlessi",
+ "circumflex", "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent", "ring",
+ "cedilla", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "Lslash", "lslash",
+ "Scaron", "scaron", "Zcaron", "zcaron", "brokenbar", "Eth", "eth",
+ "Yacute", "yacute", "Thorn", "thorn", "minus", "multiply",
+ "onesuperior", "twosuperior", "threesuperior", "onehalf", "onequarter",
+ "threequarters", "franc", "Gbreve", "gbreve", "Idotaccent", "Scedilla",
+ "scedilla", "Cacute", "cacute", "Ccaron", "ccaron",
+ "dcroat" };
+ Methods
+/* Note on error processing: The code guards against bad glyph ids being used to look up data
+in open ended tables (loca, hmtx). If the glyph id comes from a cmap this shouldn't happen
+but it seems prudent to check for user errors here. The code does assume that data obtained
+from the TTF file is valid otherwise (though the CheckTable method seeks to check for
+obvious problems that might accompany a change in table versions). For example an invalid
+offset in the loca table which could exceed the size of the glyf table is NOT trapped.
+Likewise if numberOf_LongHorMetrics in the hhea table is wrong, this will NOT be trapped,
+which could cause a lookup in the hmtx table to exceed the table length. Of course, TTF tables
+that are completely corrupt will cause unpredictable results. */
+/* Note on composite glyphs: Glyphs that have components that are themselves composites
+are not supported. IsDeepComposite can be used to test for this. False is returned from many
+of the methods in this cases. It is unclear how to build composite glyphs in some cases,
+so this code represents my best guess until test cases can be found. See notes on the high-
+level GlyfPoints method. */
+namespace TtfUtil
+ Get offset and size of the offset table needed to find table directory
+ Return true if success, false otherwise
+ lSize excludes any table directory entries
+bool GetHeaderInfo(size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ lOffset = 0;
+ lSize = offsetof(Sfnt::OffsetSubTable, table_directory);
+ assert(sizeof(uint32) + 4*sizeof (uint16) == lSize);
+ return true;
+ Check the offset table for expected data
+ Return true if success, false otherwise
+bool CheckHeader(const void * pHdr)
+ const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable * pOffsetTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable *>(pHdr);
+ return read(pOffsetTable->scaler_type) == Sfnt::OffsetSubTable::TrueTypeWin;
+ Get offset and size of the table directory
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise
+bool GetTableDirInfo(const void * pHdr, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable * pOffsetTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable *>(pHdr);
+ lOffset = offsetof(Sfnt::OffsetSubTable, table_directory);
+ lSize = read(pOffsetTable->num_tables)
+ * sizeof(Sfnt::OffsetSubTable::Entry);
+ return true;
+ Get offset and size of the specified table
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, offset and size will be 0
+bool GetTableInfo(TableId ktiTableId, const void * pHdr, const void * pTableDir,
+ size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ gr::fontTableId32 lTableTag = TableIdTag(ktiTableId);
+ if (!lTableTag)
+ {
+ lOffset = 0;
+ lSize = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable * pOffsetTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable *>(pHdr);
+ const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable::Entry
+ * entry_itr = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::OffsetSubTable::Entry *>(
+ pTableDir),
+ * const dir_end = entry_itr + read(pOffsetTable->num_tables);
+ assert(read(pOffsetTable->num_tables) < 40);
+ if (read(pOffsetTable->num_tables) > 40)
+ return false;
+ for (;entry_itr != dir_end; ++entry_itr) // 40 - safe guard
+ {
+ if (read(entry_itr->tag) == lTableTag)
+ {
+ lOffset = read(entry_itr->offset);
+ lSize = read(entry_itr->length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ Check the specified table. Tests depend on the table type.
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise
+bool CheckTable(TableId ktiTableId, const void * pTable, size_t lTableSize)
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+ switch(ktiTableId)
+ {
+ case ktiCmap: // cmap
+ {
+ const Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap * const pCmap
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap *>(pTable);
+ assert(read(pCmap->version) == 0);
+ return read(pCmap->version) == 0;
+ }
+ case ktiHead: // head
+ {
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * const pHead
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pTable);
+ bool r = read(pHead->version) == OneFix
+ && read(pHead->magic_number) == FontHeader::MagicNumber
+ && read(pHead->glyph_data_format)
+ == FontHeader::GlypDataFormat
+ && (read(pHead->index_to_loc_format)
+ == FontHeader::ShortIndexLocFormat
+ || read(pHead->index_to_loc_format)
+ == FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
+ && sizeof(FontHeader) <= lTableSize;
+ assert(r); return r;
+ }
+ case ktiPost: // post
+ {
+ const Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName * const pPost
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName *>(pTable);
+ const fixed format = read(pPost->format);
+ bool r = format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format1
+ || format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format2
+ || format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format3
+ || format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format25;
+ assert(r); return r;
+ }
+ case ktiHhea: // hhea
+ {
+ const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader * pHhea =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader *>(pTable);
+ bool r = read(pHhea->version) == OneFix
+ && read(pHhea->metric_data_format) == 0
+ && sizeof (Sfnt::HorizontalHeader) <= lTableSize;
+ assert(r); return r;
+ }
+ case ktiMaxp: // maxp
+ {
+ const Sfnt::MaximumProfile * pMaxp =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::MaximumProfile *>(pTable);
+ bool r = read(pMaxp->version) == OneFix
+ && sizeof(Sfnt::MaximumProfile) <= lTableSize;
+ assert(r); return r;
+ }
+ case ktiOs2: // OS/2
+ {
+ const Sfnt::Compatibility * pOs2
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::Compatibility *>(pTable);
+ if (read(pOs2->version) == 0)
+ { // OS/2 table version 1 size
+// if (sizeof(Sfnt::Compatibility)
+// - sizeof(uint32)*2 - sizeof(int16)*2
+// - sizeof(uint16)*3 <= lTableSize)
+ if (sizeof(Sfnt::Compatibility0) <= lTableSize)
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (read(pOs2->version) == 1)
+ { // OS/2 table version 2 size
+// if (sizeof(Sfnt::Compatibility)
+// - sizeof(int16) *2
+// - sizeof(uint16)*3 <= lTableSize)
+ if (sizeof(Sfnt::Compatibility1) <= lTableSize)
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (read(pOs2->version) == 2)
+ { // OS/2 table version 3 size
+ if (sizeof(Sfnt::Compatibility2) <= lTableSize)
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (read(pOs2->version) == 3)
+ { // OS/2 table version 4 size - version 4 changed the meaning of some fields which we don't use
+ if (sizeof(Sfnt::Compatibility3) <= lTableSize)
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ case ktiName:
+ {
+ const Sfnt::FontNames * pName
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontNames *>(pTable);
+ assert(read(pName->format) == 0);
+ return read(pName->format) == 0;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Return the number of glyphs in the font. Should never be less than zero.
+size_t GlyphCount(const void * pMaxp)
+ const Sfnt::MaximumProfile * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::MaximumProfile *>(pMaxp);
+ return read(pTable->num_glyphs);
+ Return the maximum number of components for any composite glyph in the font
+size_t MaxCompositeComponentCount(const void * pMaxp)
+ const Sfnt::MaximumProfile * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::MaximumProfile *>(pMaxp);
+ return read(pTable->max_component_elements);
+ Composite glyphs can be composed of glyphs that are themselves composites.
+ This method returns the maximum number of levels like this for any glyph in the font.
+ A non-composite glyph has a level of 1
+size_t MaxCompositeLevelCount(const void * pMaxp)
+ const Sfnt::MaximumProfile * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::MaximumProfile *>(pMaxp);
+ return read(pTable->max_component_depth);
+ Return the number of glyphs in the font according to a differt source.
+ Should never be less than zero. Return -1 on failure.
+size_t LocaGlyphCount(size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead) throw(std::domain_error)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ if (read(pTable->index_to_loc_format)
+ == Sfnt::FontHeader::ShortIndexLocFormat)
+ // loca entries are two bytes and have been divided by two
+ return (lLocaSize >> 1) - 1;
+ if (read(pTable->index_to_loc_format)
+ == Sfnt::FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
+ // loca entries are four bytes
+ return (lLocaSize >> 2) - 1;
+ //return -1;
+ throw std::domain_error("head table in inconsistent state. The font may be corrupted");
+ Return the design units the font is designed with
+int DesignUnits(const void * pHead)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ return read(pTable->units_per_em);
+ Return the checksum from the head table, which serves as a unique identifer for the font.
+int HeadTableCheckSum(const void * pHead)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ return read(pTable->check_sum_adjustment);
+ Return the create time from the head table. This consists of a 64-bit integer, which
+ we return here as two 32-bit integers.
+void HeadTableCreateTime(const void * pHead,
+ unsigned int * pnDateBC, unsigned int * pnDateAD)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ *pnDateBC = read(pTable->created[0]);
+ *pnDateAD = read(pTable->created[1]);
+ Return the modify time from the head table.This consists of a 64-bit integer, which
+ we return here as two 32-bit integers.
+void HeadTableModifyTime(const void * pHead,
+ unsigned int * pnDateBC, unsigned int *pnDateAD)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ *pnDateBC = read(pTable->modified[0]);
+ *pnDateAD = read(pTable->modified[1]);
+ Return true if the font is italic.
+bool IsItalic(const void * pHead)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ return read(((pTable->mac_style) & 0x00000002) != 0);
+ Return the ascent for the font
+int FontAscent(const void * pOs2)
+ const Sfnt::Compatibility * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::Compatibility *>(pOs2);
+ return read(pTable->win_ascent);
+ Return the descent for the font
+int FontDescent(const void * pOs2)
+ const Sfnt::Compatibility * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::Compatibility *>(pOs2);
+ return read(pTable->win_descent);
+ Get the bold and italic style bits.
+ Return true if successful. false otherwise.
+ In addition to checking the OS/2 table, one could also check
+ the head table's macStyle field (overridden by the OS/2 table on Win)
+ the sub-family name in the name table (though this can contain oblique, dark, etc too)
+bool FontOs2Style(const void *pOs2, bool & fBold, bool & fItalic)
+ const Sfnt::Compatibility * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::Compatibility *>(pOs2);
+ fBold = (read(pTable->fs_selection) & Sfnt::Compatibility::Bold) != 0;
+ fItalic = (read(pTable->fs_selection) & Sfnt::Compatibility::Italic) != 0;
+ return true;
+ Method for searching name table.
+bool GetNameInfo(const void * pName, int nPlatformId, int nEncodingId,
+ int nLangId, int nNameId, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ lOffset = 0;
+ lSize = 0;
+ const Sfnt::FontNames * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontNames *>(pName);
+ uint16 cRecord = read(pTable->count);
+ uint16 nRecordOffset = read(pTable->string_offset);
+ const Sfnt::NameRecord * pRecord = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::NameRecord *>(pTable + 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cRecord; ++i)
+ {
+ if (read(pRecord->platform_id) == nPlatformId &&
+ read(pRecord->platform_specific_id) == nEncodingId &&
+ read(pRecord->language_id) == nLangId &&
+ read(pRecord->name_id) == nNameId)
+ {
+ lOffset = read(pRecord->offset) + nRecordOffset;
+ lSize = read(pRecord->length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ pRecord++;
+ }
+ return false;
+ Return all the lang-IDs that have data for the given name-IDs. Assume that there is room
+ in the return array (langIdList) for 128 items. The purpose of this method is to return
+ a list of all possible lang-IDs.
+int GetLangsForNames(const void * pName, int nPlatformId, int nEncodingId,
+ int * nameIdList, int cNameIds, short * langIdList)
+ const Sfnt::FontNames * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontNames *>(pName);
+ uint16 cRecord = read(pTable->count);
+ //uint16 nRecordOffset = swapw(pTable->stringOffset);
+ const Sfnt::NameRecord * pRecord = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::NameRecord *>(pTable + 1);
+ int cLangIds = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cRecord; ++i)
+ {
+ if (read(pRecord->platform_id) == nPlatformId &&
+ read(pRecord->platform_specific_id) == nEncodingId)
+ {
+ bool fNameFound = false;
+ int nLangId = read(pRecord->language_id);
+ int nNameId = read(pRecord->name_id);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cNameIds; i++)
+ {
+ if (nNameId == nameIdList[i])
+ {
+ fNameFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fNameFound)
+ {
+ // Add it if it's not there.
+ int ilang;
+ for (ilang = 0; ilang < cLangIds; ilang++)
+ if (langIdList[ilang] == nLangId)
+ break;
+ if (ilang >= cLangIds)
+ {
+ langIdList[cLangIds] = short(nLangId);
+ cLangIds++;
+ }
+ if (cLangIds == 128)
+ return cLangIds;
+ }
+ }
+ pRecord++;
+ }
+ return cLangIds;
+ Get the offset and size of the font family name in English for the MS Platform with Unicode
+ writing system. The offset is within the pName data. The string is double byte with MSB first.
+bool Get31EngFamilyInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ return GetNameInfo(pName, Sfnt::NameRecord::Microsoft, 1, 1033,
+ Sfnt::NameRecord::Family, lOffset, lSize);
+ Get the offset and size of the full font name in English for the MS Platform with Unicode
+ writing system. The offset is within the pName data. The string is double byte with MSB first.
+bool Get31EngFullFontInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ return GetNameInfo(pName, Sfnt::NameRecord::Microsoft, 1, 1033,
+ Sfnt::NameRecord::Fullname, lOffset, lSize);
+ Get the offset and size of the font family name in English for the MS Platform with Symbol
+ writing system. The offset is within the pName data. The string is double byte with MSB first.
+bool Get30EngFamilyInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ return GetNameInfo(pName, Sfnt::NameRecord::Microsoft, 0, 1033,
+ Sfnt::NameRecord::Family, lOffset, lSize);
+ Get the offset and size of the full font name in English for the MS Platform with Symbol
+ writing system. The offset is within the pName data. The string is double byte with MSB first.
+bool Get30EngFullFontInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize)
+ return GetNameInfo(pName, Sfnt::NameRecord::Microsoft, 0, 1033,
+ Sfnt::NameRecord::Fullname, lOffset, lSize);
+ Return the Glyph ID for a given Postscript name. This method finds the first glyph which
+ matches the requested Postscript name. Ideally every glyph should have a unique Postscript
+ name (except for special names such as .notdef), but this is not always true.
+ On failure return value less than zero.
+ -1 - table search failed
+ -2 - format 3 table (no Postscript glyph info)
+ -3 - other failures
+int PostLookup(const void * pPost, size_t lPostSize, const void * pMaxp,
+ const char * pPostName)
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+ const Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName * pTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::PostScriptGlyphName *>(pPost);
+ fixed format = read(pTable->format);
+ if (format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format3)
+ { // format 3 - no Postscript glyph info in font
+ return -2;
+ }
+ // search for given Postscript name among the standard names
+ int iPostName = -1; // index in standard names
+ for (int i = 0; i < kcPostNames; i++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(pPostName, rgPostName[i]))
+ {
+ iPostName = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format1)
+ { // format 1 - use standard Postscript names
+ return iPostName;
+ }
+ if (format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format25)
+ {
+ if (iPostName == -1)
+ return -1;
+ const PostScriptGlyphName25 * pTable25
+ = static_cast<const PostScriptGlyphName25 *>(pTable);
+ int cnGlyphs = GlyphCount(pMaxp);
+ for (gr::gid16 nGlyphId = 0; nGlyphId < cnGlyphs && nGlyphId < kcPostNames;
+ nGlyphId++)
+ { // glyph_name_index25 contains bytes so no byte swapping needed
+ // search for first glyph id that uses the standard name
+ if (nGlyphId + pTable25->offset[nGlyphId] == iPostName)
+ return nGlyphId;
+ }
+ }
+ if (format == PostScriptGlyphName::Format2)
+ { // format 2
+ const PostScriptGlyphName2 * pTable2
+ = static_cast<const PostScriptGlyphName2 *>(pTable);
+ int cnGlyphs = read(pTable2->number_of_glyphs);
+ if (iPostName != -1)
+ { // did match a standard name, look for first glyph id mapped to that name
+ for (gr::gid16 nGlyphId = 0; nGlyphId < cnGlyphs; nGlyphId++)
+ {
+ if (read(pTable2->glyph_name_index[nGlyphId]) == iPostName)
+ return nGlyphId;
+ }
+ return -1; // no glyph with this standard name
+ }
+ else
+ { // did not match a standard name, search font specific names
+ size_t nStrSizeGoal = strlen(pPostName);
+ const char * pFirstGlyphName = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(
+ &pTable2->glyph_name_index[0] + cnGlyphs);
+ const char * pGlyphName = pFirstGlyphName;
+ int iInNames = 0; // index in font specific names
+ bool fFound = false;
+ const char * const endOfTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pTable2) + lPostSize;
+ while (pGlyphName < endOfTable && !fFound)
+ { // search Pascal strings for first matching name
+ size_t nStringSize = size_t(*pGlyphName);
+ if (nStrSizeGoal != nStringSize ||
+ strncmp(pGlyphName + 1, pPostName, nStringSize))
+ { // did not match
+ ++iInNames;
+ pGlyphName += nStringSize + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { // did match
+ fFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fFound)
+ return -1; // no font specific name matches request
+ iInNames += kcPostNames;
+ for (gr::gid16 nGlyphId = 0; nGlyphId < cnGlyphs; nGlyphId++)
+ { // search for first glyph id that maps to the found string index
+ if (read(pTable2->glyph_name_index[nGlyphId]) == iInNames)
+ return nGlyphId;
+ }
+ return -1; // no glyph mapped to this index (very strange)
+ }
+ }
+ return -3;
+ Convert a Unicode character string from big endian (MSB first, Motorola) format to little
+ endian (LSB first, Intel) format.
+ nSize is the number of Unicode characters in the string. It should not include any
+ terminating null. If nSize is 0, it is assumed the string is null terminated. nSize
+ defaults to 0.
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise.
+void SwapWString(void * pWStr, size_t nSize /* = 0 */) throw (std::invalid_argument)
+ if (pWStr == 0)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("null pointer given");
+ uint16 * pStr = reinterpret_cast<uint16 *>(pWStr);
+ uint16 * const pStrEnd = pStr + (nSize == 0 ? gr::utf16len(pStr) : nSize);
+ std::transform(pStr, pStrEnd, pStr, read<uint16>);
+// for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+// { // swap the wide characters in the string
+// pStr[i] = gr::utf16(read(uint16(pStr[i])));
+// }
+ Get the left-side bearing and and advance width based on the given tables and Glyph ID
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, one or both value could be INT_MIN
+bool HorMetrics(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pHmtx, size_t lHmtxSize, const void * pHhea,
+ int & nLsb, unsigned int & nAdvWid)
+ const Sfnt::HorizontalMetric * phmtx =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::HorizontalMetric *>(pHmtx);
+ const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader * phhea =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::HorizontalHeader *>(pHhea);
+ size_t cLongHorMetrics = read(phhea->num_long_hor_metrics);
+ if (nGlyphId < cLongHorMetrics)
+ { // glyph id is acceptable
+ nAdvWid = read(phmtx[nGlyphId].advance_width);
+ nLsb = read(phmtx[nGlyphId].left_side_bearing);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nAdvWid = read(phmtx[cLongHorMetrics - 1].advance_width);
+ // guard against bad glyph id
+ size_t lLsbOffset = sizeof(Sfnt::HorizontalMetric) * cLongHorMetrics +
+ sizeof(int16) * (nGlyphId - cLongHorMetrics); // offset in bytes
+ if (lLsbOffset + 1 >= lHmtxSize) // + 1 because entries are two bytes wide
+ {
+ nLsb = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const int16 * pLsb = reinterpret_cast<const int16 *>(phmtx) +
+ lLsbOffset / sizeof(int16);
+ nLsb = read(*pLsb);
+ }
+ return true;
+ Return a pointer to the requested cmap subtable. By default find the Microsoft Unicode
+ subtable. Pass nEncoding as -1 to find first table that matches only nPlatformId.
+ Return NULL if the subtable cannot be found.
+void * FindCmapSubtable(const void * pCmap,
+ int nPlatformId, /* =3 */
+ int nEncodingId) /* = 1 */
+ const Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap * pTable =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CharacterCodeMap *>(pCmap);
+ uint16 csuPlatforms = read(pTable->num_subtables);
+ for (int i = 0; i < csuPlatforms; i++)
+ {
+ if (read(pTable->encoding[i].platform_id) == nPlatformId &&
+ (nEncodingId == -1 || read(pTable->encoding[i].platform_specific_id) == nEncodingId))
+ {
+ const void * pRtn = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(pCmap) +
+ read(pTable->encoding[i].offset);
+ return const_cast<void *>(pRtn);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Check the Microsoft Unicode subtable for expected values
+bool CheckCmap31Subtable(const void * pCmap31)
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTable * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTable *>(pCmap31);
+ // Bob H says ome freeware TT fonts have version 1 (eg, CALIGULA.TTF)
+ // so don't check subtable version. 21 Mar 2002 spec changes version to language.
+ return read(pTable->format) == 4;
+ Return the Glyph ID for the given Unicode ID in the Microsoft Unicode subtable.
+ (Actually this code only depends on subtable being format 4.)
+ Return 0 if the Unicode ID is not in the subtable.
+gr::gid16 Cmap31Lookup(const void * pCmap31, int nUnicodeId)
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 *>(pCmap31);
+ uint16 nSeg = read(pTable->seg_count_x2) >> 1;
+ uint16 n;
+ const uint16 * pLeft, * pMid;
+ uint16 cMid, chStart, chEnd;
+ // Binary search of the endCode[] array
+ pLeft = &(pTable->end_code[0]);
+ n = nSeg;
+ while (n > 0)
+ {
+ cMid = n >> 1; // Pick an element in the middle
+ pMid = pLeft + cMid;
+ chEnd = read(*pMid);
+ if (nUnicodeId <= chEnd)
+ {
+ if (cMid == 0 || nUnicodeId > read(pMid[-1]))
+ break; // Must be this seg or none!
+ n = cMid; // Continue on left side, omitting mid point
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pLeft = pMid + 1; // Continue on right side, omitting mid point
+ n -= (cMid + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!n)
+ return 0;
+ // Ok, we're down to one segment and pMid points to the endCode element
+ // Either this is it or none is.
+ chStart = read(*(pMid += nSeg + 1));
+ if (chEnd >= nUnicodeId && nUnicodeId >= chStart)
+ {
+ // Found correct segment. Find Glyph Id
+ int16 idDelta = read(*(pMid += nSeg));
+ uint16 idRangeOffset = read(*(pMid += nSeg));
+ if (idRangeOffset == 0)
+ return (uint16)(idDelta + nUnicodeId); // must use modulus 2^16
+ // Look up value in glyphIdArray
+ gr::gid16 nGlyphId = read(*(pMid + (nUnicodeId - chStart) + (idRangeOffset >> 1)));
+ // If this value is 0, return 0. Else add the idDelta
+ return nGlyphId ? nGlyphId + idDelta : 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Return the next Unicode value in the cmap. Pass 0 to obtain the first item.
+ Returns 0xFFFF as the last item.
+ pRangeKey is an optional key that is used to optimize the search; its value is the range
+ in which the character is found.
+unsigned int Cmap31NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap31, unsigned int nUnicodeId, int * pRangeKey)
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 *>(pCmap31);
+ uint16 nRange = read(pTable->seg_count_x2) >> 1;
+ uint32 nUnicodePrev = (uint32)nUnicodeId;
+ const uint16 * pStartCode = &(pTable->end_code[0])
+ + nRange // length of end code array
+ + 1; // reserved word
+ if (nUnicodePrev == 0)
+ {
+ // return the first codepoint.
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = 0;
+ return read(pStartCode[0]);
+ }
+ else if (nUnicodePrev >= 0xFFFF)
+ {
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = nRange - 1;
+ return 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ int iRange = (pRangeKey) ? *pRangeKey : 0;
+ // Just in case we have a bad key:
+ while (iRange > 0 && read(pStartCode[iRange]) > nUnicodePrev)
+ iRange--;
+ while (read(pTable->end_code[iRange]) < nUnicodePrev)
+ iRange++;
+ // Now iRange is the range containing nUnicodePrev.
+ unsigned int nStartCode = read(pStartCode[iRange]);
+ unsigned int nEndCode = read(pTable->end_code[iRange]);
+ if (nStartCode > nUnicodePrev)
+ // Oops, nUnicodePrev is not in the cmap! Adjust so we get a reasonable
+ // answer this time around.
+ nUnicodePrev = nStartCode - 1;
+ if (nEndCode > nUnicodePrev)
+ {
+ // Next is in the same range; it is the next successive codepoint.
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = iRange;
+ return nUnicodePrev + 1;
+ }
+ // Otherwise the next codepoint is the first one in the next range.
+ // There is guaranteed to be a next range because there must be one that
+ // ends with 0xFFFF.
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = iRange + 1;
+ return read(pStartCode[iRange + 1]);
+ Check the Microsoft UCS-4 subtable for expected values
+bool CheckCmap310Subtable(const void *pCmap310)
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTable * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTable *>(pCmap310);
+ return read(pTable->format) == 12;
+ Return the Glyph ID for the given Unicode ID in the Microsoft UCS-4 subtable.
+ (Actually this code only depends on subtable being format 12.)
+ Return 0 if the Unicode ID is not in the subtable.
+gr::gid16 Cmap310Lookup(const void * pCmap310, unsigned int uUnicodeId)
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 *>(pCmap310);
+ //uint32 uLength = read(pTable->length); //could use to test for premature end of table
+ uint32 ucGroups = read(pTable->num_groups);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ucGroups; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 uStartCode = read(pTable->group[i].start_char_code);
+ uint32 uEndCode = read(pTable->group[i].end_char_code);
+ if (uUnicodeId >= uStartCode && uUnicodeId <= uEndCode)
+ {
+ uint32 uDiff = uUnicodeId - uStartCode;
+ uint32 uStartGid = read(pTable->group[i].start_glyph_id);
+ return static_cast<gr::gid16>(uStartGid + uDiff);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Return the next Unicode value in the cmap. Pass 0 to obtain the first item.
+ Returns 0x10FFFF as the last item.
+ pRangeKey is an optional key that is used to optimize the search; its value is the range
+ in which the character is found.
+unsigned int Cmap310NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap310, unsigned int nUnicodeId, int * pRangeKey)
+ const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 *>(pCmap310);
+ int nRange = read(pTable->num_groups);
+ uint32 nUnicodePrev = (uint32)nUnicodeId;
+ if (nUnicodePrev == 0)
+ {
+ // return the first codepoint.
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = 0;
+ return read(pTable->group[0].start_char_code);
+ }
+ else if (nUnicodePrev >= 0x10FFFF)
+ {
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = nRange;
+ return 0x10FFFF;
+ }
+ int iRange = (pRangeKey) ? *pRangeKey : 0;
+ // Just in case we have a bad key:
+ while (iRange > 0 && read(pTable->group[iRange].start_char_code) > nUnicodePrev)
+ iRange--;
+ while (read(pTable->group[iRange].end_char_code) < nUnicodePrev)
+ iRange++;
+ // Now iRange is the range containing nUnicodePrev.
+ unsigned int nStartCode = read(pTable->group[iRange].start_char_code);
+ unsigned int nEndCode = read(pTable->group[iRange].end_char_code);
+ if (nStartCode > nUnicodePrev)
+ // Oops, nUnicodePrev is not in the cmap! Adjust so we get a reasonable
+ // answer this time around.
+ nUnicodePrev = nStartCode - 1;
+ if (nEndCode > nUnicodePrev)
+ {
+ // Next is in the same range; it is the next successive codepoint.
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = iRange;
+ return nUnicodePrev + 1;
+ }
+ // Otherwise the next codepoint is the first one in the next range, or 10FFFF if we're done.
+ if (pRangeKey)
+ *pRangeKey = iRange + 1;
+ return (iRange + 1 >= nRange) ? 0x10FFFF : read(pTable->group[iRange + 1].start_char_code);
+ Return the offset stored in the loca table for the given Glyph ID.
+ (This offset is into the glyf table.)
+ Return -1 if the lookup failed.
+ Technically this method should return an unsigned long but it is unlikely the offset will
+ exceed 2^31.
+size_t LocaLookup(gr::gid16 nGlyphId,
+ const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize,
+ const void * pHead) throw (std::out_of_range)
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ // CheckTable verifies the index_to_loc_format is valid
+ if (read(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::ShortIndexLocFormat)
+ { // loca entries are two bytes and have been divided by two
+ if (nGlyphId <= (lLocaSize >> 1) - 1) // allow sentinel value to be accessed
+ {
+ const uint16 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(pLoca);
+ return (read(pTable[nGlyphId]) << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (read(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
+ { // loca entries are four bytes
+ if (nGlyphId <= (lLocaSize >> 2) - 1)
+ {
+ const uint32 * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(pLoca);
+ return read(pTable[nGlyphId]);
+ }
+ }
+ // only get here if glyph id was bad
+ //return -1;
+ throw std::out_of_range("glyph id out of range for font");
+ Return a pointer into the glyf table based on the given offset (from LocaLookup).
+ Return NULL on error.
+void * GlyfLookup(const void * pGlyf, size_t nGlyfOffset)
+ const uint8 * pByte = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(pGlyf);
+ return const_cast<uint8 *>(pByte + nGlyfOffset);
+ Get the bounding box coordinates for a simple glyf entry (non-composite)
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise
+bool GlyfBox(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int & xMin, int & yMin,
+ int & xMax, int & yMax)
+ const Sfnt::Glyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::Glyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ xMin = read(pGlyph->x_min);
+ yMin = read(pGlyph->y_min);
+ xMax = read(pGlyph->x_max);
+ yMax = read(pGlyph->y_max);
+ return true;
+ Return the number of contours for a simple glyf entry (non-composite)
+ Returning -1 means this is a composite glyph
+int GlyfContourCount(const void * pSimpleGlyf)
+ const Sfnt::Glyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::Glyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ return read(pGlyph->number_of_contours); // -1 means composite glyph
+ Get the point numbers for the end points of the glyph contours for a simple
+ glyf entry (non-composite).
+ cnPointsTotal - count of contours from GlyfContourCount(); (same as number of end points)
+ prgnContourEndPoints - should point to a buffer large enough to hold cnPoints integers
+ cnPoints - count of points placed in above range
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise.
+ False could indicate a multi-level composite glyphs.
+bool GlyfContourEndPoints(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int * prgnContourEndPoint,
+ int cnPointsTotal, int & cnPoints)
+ const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ int cContours = read(pGlyph->number_of_contours);
+ if (cContours < 0)
+ return false; // this method isn't supposed handle composite glyphs
+ for (int i = 0; i < cContours && i < cnPointsTotal; i++)
+ {
+ prgnContourEndPoint[i] = read(pGlyph->end_pts_of_contours[i]);
+ }
+ cnPoints = cContours;
+ return true;
+ Get the points for a simple glyf entry (non-composite)
+ cnPointsTotal - count of points from largest end point obtained from GlyfContourEndPoints
+ prgnX & prgnY - should point to buffers large enough to hold cnPointsTotal integers
+ The ranges are parallel so that coordinates for point(n) are found at offset n in both
+ ranges. This is raw point data with relative coordinates.
+ prgbFlag - should point to a buffer a large enough to hold cnPointsTotal bytes
+ This range is parallel to the prgnX & prgnY
+ cnPoints - count of points placed in above ranges
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise.
+ False could indicate a composite glyph
+ TODO: implement
+bool GlyfPoints(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int * prgnX, int * prgnY,
+ char * prgbFlag, int cnPointsTotal, int & cnPoints)
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+ const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ int cContours = read(pGlyph->number_of_contours);
+ // return false for composite glyph
+ if (cContours <= 0)
+ return false;
+ int cPts = read(pGlyph->end_pts_of_contours[cContours - 1]) + 1;
+ if (cPts > cnPointsTotal)
+ return false;
+ // skip over bounding box data & point to byte count of instructions (hints)
+ const uint8 * pbGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>
+ (&pGlyph->end_pts_of_contours[cContours]);
+ // skip over hints & point to first flag
+ int cbHints = read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph);
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ pbGlyph += cbHints;
+ // load flags & point to first x coordinate
+ int iFlag = 0;
+ while (iFlag < cPts)
+ {
+ if (!(*pbGlyph & SimpleGlyph::Repeat))
+ { // flag isn't repeated
+ prgbFlag[iFlag] = (char)*pbGlyph;
+ pbGlyph++;
+ iFlag++;
+ }
+ else
+ { // flag is repeated; count specified by next byte
+ char chFlag = (char)*pbGlyph;
+ pbGlyph++;
+ int cFlags = (int)*pbGlyph;
+ pbGlyph++;
+ prgbFlag[iFlag] = chFlag;
+ iFlag++;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cFlags; i++)
+ {
+ prgbFlag[iFlag + i] = chFlag;
+ }
+ iFlag += cFlags;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iFlag != cPts)
+ return false;
+ // load x coordinates
+ iFlag = 0;
+ while (iFlag < cPts)
+ {
+ if (prgbFlag[iFlag] & SimpleGlyph::XShort)
+ {
+ prgnX[iFlag] = *pbGlyph;
+ if (!(prgbFlag[iFlag] & SimpleGlyph::XIsPos))
+ {
+ prgnX[iFlag] = -prgnX[iFlag];
+ }
+ pbGlyph++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (prgbFlag[iFlag] & SimpleGlyph::XIsSame)
+ {
+ prgnX[iFlag] = 0;
+ // do NOT increment pbGlyph
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prgnX[iFlag] = read(*(int16 *)pbGlyph);
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(int16);
+ }
+ }
+ iFlag++;
+ }
+ // load y coordinates
+ iFlag = 0;
+ while (iFlag < cPts)
+ {
+ if (prgbFlag[iFlag] & SimpleGlyph::YShort)
+ {
+ prgnY[iFlag] = *pbGlyph;
+ if (!(prgbFlag[iFlag] & SimpleGlyph::YIsPos))
+ {
+ prgnY[iFlag] = -prgnY[iFlag];
+ }
+ pbGlyph++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (prgbFlag[iFlag] & SimpleGlyph::YIsSame)
+ {
+ prgnY[iFlag] = 0;
+ // do NOT increment pbGlyph
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prgnY[iFlag] = read(*(int16 *)pbGlyph);
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(int16);
+ }
+ }
+ iFlag++;
+ }
+ cnPoints = cPts;
+ return true;
+ Fill prgnCompId with the component Glyph IDs from pSimpleGlyf.
+ Client must allocate space before calling.
+ pSimpleGlyf - assumed to point to a composite glyph
+ cCompIdTotal - the number of elements in prgnCompId
+ cCompId - the total number of Glyph IDs stored in prgnCompId
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise
+ False could indicate a non-composite glyph or the input array was not big enough
+bool GetComponentGlyphIds(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int * prgnCompId,
+ size_t cnCompIdTotal, size_t & cnCompId)
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+ if (GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf) >= 0)
+ return false;
+ const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ // for a composite glyph, the special data begins here
+ const uint8 * pbGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(&pGlyph->end_pts_of_contours[0]);
+ uint16 GlyphFlags;
+ size_t iCurrentComp = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ GlyphFlags = read(*((uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ prgnCompId[iCurrentComp++] = read(*((uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ if (iCurrentComp >= cnCompIdTotal)
+ return false;
+ int nOffset = 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::Arg1Arg2Words ? 4 : 2;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveScale ? 2 : 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveXAndYScale ? 4 : 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveTwoByTwo ? 8 : 0;
+ pbGlyph += nOffset;
+ } while (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::MoreComponents);
+ cnCompId = iCurrentComp;
+ return true;
+ Return info on how a component glyph is to be placed
+ pSimpleGlyph - assumed to point to a composite glyph
+ nCompId - glyph id for component of interest
+ bOffset - if true, a & b are the x & y offsets for this component
+ if false, b is the point on this component that is attaching to point a on the
+ preceding glyph
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise
+ False could indicate a non-composite glyph or that component wasn't found
+bool GetComponentPlacement(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int nCompId,
+ bool fOffset, int & a, int & b)
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+ if (GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf) >= 0)
+ return false;
+ const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ // for a composite glyph, the special data begins here
+ const uint8 * pbGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(&pGlyph->end_pts_of_contours[0]);
+ uint16 GlyphFlags;
+ do
+ {
+ GlyphFlags = read(*((uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ if (read(*((uint16 *)pbGlyph)) == nCompId)
+ {
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16); // skip over glyph id of component
+ fOffset = (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::ArgsAreXYValues) == CompoundGlyph::ArgsAreXYValues;
+ if (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::Arg1Arg2Words )
+ {
+ a = read(*(int16 *)pbGlyph);
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(int16);
+ b = read(*(int16 *)pbGlyph);
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(int16);
+ }
+ else
+ { // args are signed bytes
+ a = *pbGlyph++;
+ b = *pbGlyph++;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16); // skip over glyph id of component
+ int nOffset = 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::Arg1Arg2Words ? 4 : 2;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveScale ? 2 : 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveXAndYScale ? 4 : 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveTwoByTwo ? 8 : 0;
+ pbGlyph += nOffset;
+ } while (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::MoreComponents);
+ // didn't find requested component
+ fOffset = true;
+ a = 0;
+ b = 0;
+ return false;
+ Return info on how a component glyph is to be transformed
+ pSimpleGlyph - assumed to point to a composite glyph
+ nCompId - glyph id for component of interest
+ flt11, flt11, flt11, flt11 - a 2x2 matrix giving the transform
+ bTransOffset - whether to transform the offset from above method
+ The spec is unclear about the meaning of this flag
+ Currently - initialize to true for MS rasterizer and false for Mac rasterizer, then
+ on return it will indicate whether transform should apply to offset (MSDN CD 10/99)
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise
+ False could indicate a non-composite glyph or that component wasn't found
+bool GetComponentTransform(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int nCompId,
+ float & flt11, float & flt12, float & flt21, float & flt22,
+ bool & fTransOffset)
+ using namespace Sfnt;
+ if (GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf) >= 0)
+ return false;
+ const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph * pGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::SimpleGlyph *>(pSimpleGlyf);
+ // for a composite glyph, the special data begins here
+ const uint8 * pbGlyph = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(&pGlyph->end_pts_of_contours[0]);
+ uint16 GlyphFlags;
+ do
+ {
+ GlyphFlags = read(*((uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ if (read(*((uint16 *)pbGlyph)) == nCompId)
+ {
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16); // skip over glyph id of component
+ pbGlyph += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::Arg1Arg2Words ? 4 : 2; // skip over placement data
+ if (fTransOffset) // MS rasterizer
+ fTransOffset = !(GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::UnscaledOffset);
+ else // Apple rasterizer
+ fTransOffset = (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::ScaledOffset) != 0;
+ if (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveScale)
+ {
+ flt11 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ flt12 = 0;
+ flt21 = 0;
+ flt22 = flt11;
+ }
+ else if (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveXAndYScale)
+ {
+ flt11 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ flt12 = 0;
+ flt21 = 0;
+ flt22 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ }
+ else if (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveTwoByTwo)
+ {
+ flt11 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ flt12 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ flt21 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ flt22 = fixed_to_float<14>(read(*(uint16 *)pbGlyph));
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16);
+ }
+ else
+ { // identity transform
+ flt11 = 1.0;
+ flt12 = 0.0;
+ flt21 = 0.0;
+ flt22 = 1.0;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ pbGlyph += sizeof(uint16); // skip over glyph id of component
+ int nOffset = 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::Arg1Arg2Words ? 4 : 2;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveScale ? 2 : 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveXAndYScale ? 4 : 0;
+ nOffset += GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::HaveTwoByTwo ? 8 : 0;
+ pbGlyph += nOffset;
+ } while (GlyphFlags & CompoundGlyph::MoreComponents);
+ // didn't find requested component
+ fTransOffset = false;
+ flt11 = 1;
+ flt12 = 0;
+ flt21 = 0;
+ flt22 = 1;
+ return false;
+ Return a pointer into the glyf table based on the given tables and Glyph ID
+ Since this method doesn't check for spaces, it is good to call IsSpace before using it.
+ Return NULL on error
+void * GlyfLookup(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead)
+ // test for valid glyph id
+ // CheckTable verifies the index_to_loc_format is valid
+ const Sfnt::FontHeader * pTable
+ = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::FontHeader *>(pHead);
+ if (read(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::ShortIndexLocFormat)
+ { // loca entries are two bytes (and have been divided by two)
+ if (nGlyphId >= (lLocaSize >> 1) - 1) // don't allow nGlyphId to access sentinel
+ throw std::out_of_range("glyph id out of range for font");
+ }
+ if (read(pTable->index_to_loc_format) == Sfnt::FontHeader::LongIndexLocFormat)
+ { // loca entries are four bytes
+ if (nGlyphId >= (lLocaSize >> 2) - 1)
+ throw std::out_of_range("glyph id out of range for font");
+ }
+ long lGlyfOffset = LocaLookup(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(pGlyf, lGlyfOffset); // invalid loca offset returns null
+ return pSimpleGlyf;
+ Determine if a particular Glyph ID has any data in the glyf table. If it is white space,
+ there will be no glyf data, though there will be metric data in hmtx, etc.
+bool IsSpace(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead)
+ size_t lGlyfOffset = LocaLookup(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ // the +1 should always work because there is a sentinel value at the end of the loca table
+ size_t lNextGlyfOffset = LocaLookup(nGlyphId + 1, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ return (lNextGlyfOffset - lGlyfOffset) == 0;
+ Determine if a particular Glyph ID is a multi-level composite.
+bool IsDeepComposite(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ long lLocaSize, const void * pHead)
+ if (IsSpace(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(nGlyphId, pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL)
+ return false; // no way to really indicate an error occured here
+ if (GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf) >= 0)
+ return false;
+ int rgnCompId[kMaxGlyphComponents]; // assumes only a limited number of glyph components
+ size_t cCompIdTotal = kMaxGlyphComponents;
+ size_t cCompId = 0;
+ if (!GetComponentGlyphIds(pSimpleGlyf, rgnCompId, cCompIdTotal, cCompId))
+ return false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cCompId; i++)
+ {
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]),
+ pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL) {return false;}
+ if (GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf) < 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ Get the bounding box coordinates based on the given tables and Glyph ID
+ Handles both simple and composite glyphs.
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, all point values will be INT_MIN
+ False may indicate a white space glyph
+bool GlyfBox(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead, int & xMin, int & yMin, int & xMax, int & yMax)
+ xMin = yMin = xMax = yMax = INT_MIN;
+ if (IsSpace(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(nGlyphId, pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL) {return false;}
+ return GlyfBox(pSimpleGlyf, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
+ Get the number of contours based on the given tables and Glyph ID
+ Handles both simple and composite glyphs.
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, cnContours will be INT_MIN
+ False may indicate a white space glyph or a multi-level composite glyph.
+bool GlyfContourCount(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead, size_t & cnContours)
+ cnContours = static_cast<size_t>(INT_MIN);
+ if (IsSpace(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(nGlyphId, pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL) {return false;}
+ int cRtnContours = GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf);
+ if (cRtnContours >= 0)
+ {
+ cnContours = size_t(cRtnContours);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //handle composite glyphs
+ int rgnCompId[kMaxGlyphComponents]; // assumes no glyph will be made of more than 8 components
+ size_t cCompIdTotal = kMaxGlyphComponents;
+ size_t cCompId = 0;
+ if (!GetComponentGlyphIds(pSimpleGlyf, rgnCompId, cCompIdTotal, cCompId))
+ return false;
+ cRtnContours = 0;
+ int cTmp = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cCompId; i++)
+ {
+ if (IsSpace(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]), pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]),
+ pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == 0) {return false;}
+ // return false on multi-level composite
+ if ((cTmp = GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf)) < 0)
+ return false;
+ cRtnContours += cTmp;
+ }
+ cnContours = size_t(cRtnContours);
+ return true;
+ Get the point numbers for the end points of the glyph contours based on the given tables
+ and Glyph ID
+ Handles both simple and composite glyphs.
+ cnPoints - count of contours from GlyfContourCount (same as number of end points)
+ prgnContourEndPoints - should point to a buffer large enough to hold cnPoints integers
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, all end points are INT_MIN
+ False may indicate a white space glyph or a multi-level composite glyph.
+bool GlyfContourEndPoints(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead,
+ int * prgnContourEndPoint, size_t cnPoints)
+ std::fill_n(prgnContourEndPoint, cnPoints, INT_MIN);
+ if (IsSpace(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(nGlyphId, pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL) {return false;}
+ int cContours = GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf);
+ int cActualPts = 0;
+ if (cContours > 0)
+ return GlyfContourEndPoints(pSimpleGlyf, prgnContourEndPoint, cnPoints, cActualPts);
+ // handle composite glyphs
+ int rgnCompId[kMaxGlyphComponents]; // assumes no glyph will be made of more than 8 components
+ size_t cCompIdTotal = kMaxGlyphComponents;
+ size_t cCompId = 0;
+ if (!GetComponentGlyphIds(pSimpleGlyf, rgnCompId, cCompIdTotal, cCompId))
+ return false;
+ int * prgnCurrentEndPoint = prgnContourEndPoint;
+ int cCurrentPoints = cnPoints;
+ int nPrevPt = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cCompId; i++)
+ {
+ if (IsSpace(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]), pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]), pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL) {return false;}
+ // returns false on multi-level composite
+ if (!GlyfContourEndPoints(pSimpleGlyf, prgnCurrentEndPoint, cCurrentPoints, cActualPts))
+ return false;
+ // points in composite are numbered sequentially as components are added
+ // must adjust end point numbers for new point numbers
+ for (int j = 0; j < cActualPts; j++)
+ prgnCurrentEndPoint[j] += nPrevPt;
+ nPrevPt = prgnCurrentEndPoint[cActualPts - 1] + 1;
+ prgnCurrentEndPoint += cActualPts;
+ cCurrentPoints -= cActualPts;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Get the points for a glyph based on the given tables and Glyph ID
+ Handles both simple and composite glyphs.
+ cnPoints - count of points from largest end point obtained from GlyfContourEndPoints
+ prgnX & prgnY - should point to buffers large enough to hold cnPoints integers
+ The ranges are parallel so that coordinates for point(n) are found at offset n in
+ both ranges. These points are in absolute coordinates.
+ prgfOnCurve - should point to a buffer a large enough to hold cnPoints bytes (bool)
+ This range is parallel to the prgnX & prgnY
+ Return true if successful, false otherwise. On false, all points may be INT_MIN
+ False may indicate a white space glyph, a multi-level composite, or a corrupt font
+ // TODO: doesn't support composite glyphs whose components are themselves components
+ It's not clear from the TTF spec when the transforms should be applied. Should the
+ transform be done before or after attachment point calcs? (current code - before)
+ Should the transform be applied to other offsets? (currently - no; however commented
+ out code is in place so that if CompoundGlyph::UnscaledOffset on the MS rasterizer is
+ clear (typical) then yes, and if CompoundGlyph::ScaledOffset on the Apple rasterizer is
+ clear (typical?) then no). See GetComponentTransform.
+ It's also unclear where point numbering with attachment poinst starts
+ (currently - first point number is relative to whole glyph, second point number is
+ relative to current glyph).
+bool GlyfPoints(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf,
+ const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead,
+ const int * prgnContourEndPoint, size_t cnEndPoints,
+ int * prgnX, int * prgnY, bool * prgfOnCurve, size_t cnPoints)
+ std::fill_n(prgnX, cnPoints, INT_MAX);
+ std::fill_n(prgnY, cnPoints, INT_MAX);
+ if (IsSpace(nGlyphId, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead))
+ return false;
+ void * pSimpleGlyf = GlyfLookup(nGlyphId, pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pSimpleGlyf == NULL)
+ return false;
+ int cContours = GlyfContourCount(pSimpleGlyf);
+ int cActualPts;
+ if (cContours > 0)
+ {
+ if (!GlyfPoints(pSimpleGlyf, prgnX, prgnY, (char *)prgfOnCurve, cnPoints, cActualPts))
+ return false;
+ CalcAbsolutePoints(prgnX, prgnY, cnPoints);
+ SimplifyFlags((char *)prgfOnCurve, cnPoints);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // handle composite glyphs
+ int rgnCompId[kMaxGlyphComponents]; // assumes no glyph will be made of more than 8 components
+ size_t cCompIdTotal = kMaxGlyphComponents;
+ size_t cCompId = 0;
+ // this will fail if there are more components than there is room for
+ if (!GetComponentGlyphIds(pSimpleGlyf, rgnCompId, cCompIdTotal, cCompId))
+ return false;
+ int * prgnCurrentX = prgnX;
+ int * prgnCurrentY = prgnY;
+ char * prgbCurrentFlag = (char *)prgfOnCurve; // converting bool to char should be safe
+ int cCurrentPoints = cnPoints;
+ bool fOffset = true, fTransOff = true;
+ int a, b;
+ float flt11, flt12, flt21, flt22;
+ // int * prgnPrevX = prgnX; // in case first att pt number relative to preceding glyph
+ // int * prgnPrevY = prgnY;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cCompId; i++)
+ {
+ if (IsSpace(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]), pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead)) {return false;}
+ void * pCompGlyf = GlyfLookup(static_cast<gr::gid16>(rgnCompId[i]), pGlyf, pLoca, lLocaSize, pHead);
+ if (pCompGlyf == NULL) {return false;}
+ // returns false on multi-level composite
+ if (!GlyfPoints(pCompGlyf, prgnCurrentX, prgnCurrentY, prgbCurrentFlag,
+ cCurrentPoints, cActualPts))
+ return false;
+ if (!GetComponentPlacement(pSimpleGlyf, rgnCompId[i], fOffset, a, b))
+ return false;
+ if (!GetComponentTransform(pSimpleGlyf, rgnCompId[i],
+ flt11, flt12, flt21, flt22, fTransOff))
+ return false;
+ bool fIdTrans = flt11 == 1.0 && flt12 == 0.0 && flt21 == 0.0 && flt22 == 1.0;
+ // convert points to absolute coordinates
+ // do before transform and attachment point placement are applied
+ CalcAbsolutePoints(prgnCurrentX, prgnCurrentY, cActualPts);
+ // apply transform - see main method note above
+ // do before attachment point calcs
+ if (!fIdTrans)
+ for (int j = 0; j < cActualPts; j++)
+ {
+ int x = prgnCurrentX[j]; // store before transform applied
+ int y = prgnCurrentY[j];
+ prgnCurrentX[j] = (int)(x * flt11 + y * flt12);
+ prgnCurrentY[j] = (int)(x * flt21 + y * flt22);
+ }
+ // apply placement - see main method note above
+ int nXOff, nYOff;
+ if (fOffset) // explicit x & y offsets
+ {
+ /* ignore fTransOff for now
+ if (fTransOff && !fIdTrans)
+ { // transform x & y offsets
+ nXOff = (int)(a * flt11 + b * flt12);
+ nYOff = (int)(a * flt21 + b * flt22);
+ }
+ else */
+ { // don't transform offset
+ nXOff = a;
+ nYOff = b;
+ }
+ }
+ else // attachment points
+ { // in case first point is relative to preceding glyph and second relative to current
+ // nXOff = prgnPrevX[a] - prgnCurrentX[b];
+ // nYOff = prgnPrevY[a] - prgnCurrentY[b];
+ // first point number relative to whole composite, second relative to current glyph
+ nXOff = prgnX[a] - prgnCurrentX[b];
+ nYOff = prgnY[a] - prgnCurrentY[b];
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < cActualPts; j++)
+ {
+ prgnCurrentX[j] += nXOff;
+ prgnCurrentY[j] += nYOff;
+ }
+ // prgnPrevX = prgnCurrentX;
+ // prgnPrevY = prgnCurrentY;
+ prgnCurrentX += cActualPts;
+ prgnCurrentY += cActualPts;
+ prgbCurrentFlag += cActualPts;
+ cCurrentPoints -= cActualPts;
+ }
+ SimplifyFlags((char *)prgfOnCurve, cnPoints);
+ return true;
+ Simplify the meaning of flags to just indicate whether point is on-curve or off-curve
+bool SimplifyFlags(char * prgbFlags, int cnPoints)
+ for (int i = 0; i < cnPoints; i++)
+ prgbFlags[i] = static_cast<char>(prgbFlags[i] & Sfnt::SimpleGlyph::OnCurve);
+ return true;
+ Convert relative point coordinates to absolute coordinates
+ Points are stored in the font such that they are offsets from one another except for the
+ first point of a glyph.
+bool CalcAbsolutePoints(int * prgnX, int * prgnY, int cnPoints)
+ int nX = prgnX[0];
+ int nY = prgnY[0];
+ for (int i = 1; i < cnPoints; i++)
+ {
+ prgnX[i] += nX;
+ nX = prgnX[i];
+ prgnY[i] += nY;
+ nY = prgnY[i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ Convert a numerical table ID to a string containing the actual name of the table.
+ Returns native order unsigned long.
+gr::fontTableId32 TableIdTag(const TableId tid)
+ assert(sizeof(mapIdToTag) == sizeof(gr::fontTableId32) * ktiLast);
+ assert(tid < ktiLast);
+ return mapIdToTag[tid];
+ Return the length of the 'name' table in bytes.
+ Currently used.
+#if 0
+size_t NameTableLength(const gr::byte * pTable)
+ gr::byte * pb = (const_cast<gr::byte *>(pTable)) + 2; // skip format
+ size_t cRecords = *pb++ << 8; cRecords += *pb++;
+ int dbStringOffset0 = (*pb++) << 8; dbStringOffset0 += *pb++;
+ int dbMaxStringOffset = 0;
+ for (size_t irec = 0; irec < cRecords; irec++)
+ {
+ int nPlatform = (*pb++) << 8; nPlatform += *pb++;
+ int nEncoding = (*pb++) << 8; nEncoding += *pb++;
+ int nLanguage = (*pb++) << 8; nLanguage += *pb++;
+ int nName = (*pb++) << 8; nName += *pb++;
+ int cbStringLen = (*pb++) << 8; cbStringLen += *pb++;
+ int dbStringOffset = (*pb++) << 8; dbStringOffset += *pb++;
+ if (dbMaxStringOffset < dbStringOffset + cbStringLen)
+ dbMaxStringOffset = dbStringOffset + cbStringLen;
+ }
+ return dbStringOffset0 + dbMaxStringOffset;
+} // end of namespace TtfUtil
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfUtil.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfUtil.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf437ff3475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/src/font/TtfUtil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
+Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 SIL International. All rights reserved.
+Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
+GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
+File: TtfUtil.h
+Responsibility: Alan Ward
+Last reviewed: Not yet.
+ Utility class for handling TrueType font files.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma once
+#ifndef TTFUTIL_H
+#define TTFUTIL_H
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "GrPlatform.h"
+// Enumeration used to specify a table in a TTF file
+enum TableId
+ ktiCmap, ktiCvt, ktiCryp, ktiHead, ktiFpgm, ktiGdir, ktiGlyf,
+ ktiHdmx, ktiHhea, ktiHmtx, ktiLoca, ktiKern, ktiLtsh, ktiMaxp,
+ ktiName, ktiOs2, ktiPost, ktiPrep, ktiFeat, ktiGlat, ktiGloc,
+ ktiSilf, ktiSile, ktiSill,
+ ktiLast /*This gives the enum length - it is not a real table*/
+ Class providing utility methods to parse a TrueType font file (TTF).
+ Callling application handles all file input and memory allocation.
+ Assumes minimal knowledge of TTF file format.
+namespace TtfUtil
+ ////////////////////////////////// tools to find & check TTF tables
+ bool GetHeaderInfo(size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ bool CheckHeader(const void * pHdr);
+ bool GetTableDirInfo(const void * pHdr, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ bool GetTableInfo(TableId ktiTableId, const void * pHdr, const void * pTableDir,
+ size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ bool CheckTable(TableId ktiTableId, const void * pTable, size_t lTableSize);
+ ////////////////////////////////// simple font wide info
+ size_t GlyphCount(const void * pMaxp);
+ size_t MaxCompositeComponentCount(const void * pMaxp);
+ size_t MaxCompositeLevelCount(const void * pMaxp);
+ size_t LocaGlyphCount(size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead) throw (std::domain_error);
+ int DesignUnits(const void * pHead);
+ int HeadTableCheckSum(const void * pHead);
+ void HeadTableCreateTime(const void * pHead, unsigned int * pnDateBC, unsigned int * pnDateAD);
+ void HeadTableModifyTime(const void * pHead, unsigned int * pnDateBC, unsigned int * pnDateAD);
+ bool IsItalic(const void * pHead);
+ int FontAscent(const void * pOs2);
+ int FontDescent(const void * pOs2);
+ bool FontOs2Style(const void *pOs2, bool & fBold, bool & fItalic);
+ bool Get31EngFamilyInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ bool Get31EngFullFontInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ bool Get30EngFamilyInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ bool Get30EngFullFontInfo(const void * pName, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ int PostLookup(const void * pPost, size_t lPostSize, const void * pMaxp,
+ const char * pPostName);
+ ////////////////////////////////// utility methods helpful for name table
+ bool GetNameInfo(const void * pName, int nPlatformId, int nEncodingId,
+ int nLangId, int nNameId, size_t & lOffset, size_t & lSize);
+ //size_t NameTableLength(const gr::byte * pTable);
+ int GetLangsForNames(const void * pName, int nPlatformId, int nEncodingId,
+ int *nameIdList, int cNameIds, short *langIdList);
+ void SwapWString(void * pWStr, size_t nSize = 0) throw (std::invalid_argument);
+ ////////////////////////////////// cmap lookup tools
+ void * FindCmapSubtable(const void * pCmap, int nPlatformId = 3,
+ int nEncodingId = 1);
+ bool CheckCmap31Subtable(const void * pCmap31);
+ gr::gid16 Cmap31Lookup(const void * pCmap31, int nUnicodeId);
+ unsigned int Cmap31NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap31, unsigned int nUnicodeId,
+ int * pRangeKey = 0);
+ bool CheckCmap310Subtable(const void *pCmap310);
+ gr::gid16 Cmap310Lookup(const void * pCmap310, unsigned int uUnicodeId);
+ unsigned int Cmap310NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap310, unsigned int nUnicodeId,
+ int * pRangeKey = 0);
+ ///////////////////////////////// horizontal metric data for a glyph
+ bool HorMetrics(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pHmtx, size_t lHmtxSize,
+ const void * pHhea, int & nLsb, unsigned int & nAdvWid);
+ ///////////////////////////////// convert our TableId enum to standard TTF tags
+ gr::fontTableId32 TableIdTag(const TableId);
+ ////////////////////////////////// primitives for loca and glyf lookup
+ size_t LocaLookup(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize,
+ const void * pHead) throw (std::out_of_range);
+ void * GlyfLookup(const void * pGlyf, size_t lGlyfOffset);
+ ////////////////////////////////// primitves for simple glyph data
+ bool GlyfBox(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int & xMin, int & yMin,
+ int & xMax, int & yMax);
+ int GlyfContourCount(const void * pSimpleGlyf);
+ bool GlyfContourEndPoints(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int * prgnContourEndPoint,
+ int cnPointsTotal, size_t & cnPoints);
+ bool GlyfPoints(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int * prgnX, int * prgnY,
+ char * prgbFlag, int cnPointsTotal, int & cnPoints);
+ // primitive to find the glyph ids in a composite glyph
+ bool GetComponentGlyphIds(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int * prgnCompId,
+ size_t cnCompIdTotal, size_t & cnCompId);
+ // primitive to find the placement data for a component in a composite glyph
+ bool GetComponentPlacement(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int nCompId,
+ bool fOffset, int & a, int & b);
+ // primitive to find the transform data for a component in a composite glyph
+ bool GetComponentTransform(const void * pSimpleGlyf, int nCompId,
+ float & flt11, float & flt12, float & flt21, float & flt22, bool & fTransOffset);
+ ////////////////////////////////// operate on composite or simple glyph (auto glyf lookup)
+ void * GlyfLookup(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead); // primitive used by below methods
+ // below are primary user methods for handling glyf data
+ bool IsSpace(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead);
+ bool IsDeepComposite(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead);
+ bool GlyfBox(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca, size_t lLocaSize,
+ const void * pHead, int & xMin, int & yMin, int & xMax, int & yMax);
+ bool GlyfContourCount(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void *pHead, size_t & cnContours);
+ bool GlyfContourEndPoints(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead, int * prgnContourEndPoint, size_t cnPoints);
+ bool GlyfPoints(gr::gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pGlyf, const void * pLoca,
+ size_t lLocaSize, const void * pHead, const int * prgnContourEndPoint, size_t cnEndPoints,
+ int * prgnX, int * prgnY, bool * prgfOnCurve, size_t cnPoints);
+ // utitily method used by high-level GlyfPoints
+ bool SimplifyFlags(char * prgbFlags, int cnPoints);
+ bool CalcAbsolutePoints(int * prgnX, int * prgnY, int cnPoints);
+} // end of namespace TtfUtil