path: root/Build/source/libs/graphite/include/graphite/Segment.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/graphite/include/graphite/Segment.h')
1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/include/graphite/Segment.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite/include/graphite/Segment.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/graphite/include/graphite/Segment.h
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+/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
+Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 SIL International. All rights reserved.
+Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
+GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
+File: Segment.h
+Responsibility: Sharon Correll
+Last reviewed: Not yet.
+ Defines the class for a Graphite text segment.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma once
+#include "Font.h"
+#include "GrConstants.h"
+#include "SegmentAux.h"
+// undo automagic DrawTextA DrawTextW stuff
+// #undef DrawText
+//:End Ignore
+namespace gr
+class GrEngine;
+class SegmentMemoryUsage;
+class IGrJustifier;
+class GrTableManager;
+class GrSlotStream;
+class GrSlotOutput;
+ A Graphite segment consists of a sequence of well-positioned glyphs all on one line,
+ Each glyph understands its relationship to the underlying text that was used to generate
+ the segment.
+ Hungarian: seg
+class Segment
+ friend class GrEngine;
+ friend class SegmentPainter;
+ friend class GlyphInfo;
+ friend class GlyphIterator;
+ friend class GlyphSetIterator;
+ friend class SegmentMemoryUsage;
+ // Static methods
+ // Constructors, destructors, etc.
+ Segment();
+// Segment(ITextSource * pgts, int ichMin, int ichLim,
+// LineBrk lbStart, LineBrk lbEnd,
+// bool fStartLine, bool fEndLine, bool fWsRtl);
+ virtual ~Segment();
+ // Basic copy constructor:
+ Segment(Segment & seg);
+ // For making modified copies of segments:
+ static Segment * LineContextSegment(Segment & seg, bool fStartLine, bool fEndLine);
+ static Segment * JustifiedSegment(Segment & seg, float xsNewWidth);
+ static Segment * WhiteSpaceSegment(Segment & seg, int newDirDepth);
+ static int GetSegmentCount();
+ long IncRefCount();
+ long DecRefCount();
+ Font & getFont();
+ ITextSource & getText();
+ float advanceWidth();
+ Rect boundingRect();
+ bool rightToLeft();
+ bool paraRightToLeft() { return m_fParaRtl; }
+ int directionDepth(bool * pfWeak = NULL);
+ bool setDirectionDepth(int nNewDepth);
+ int startCharacter();
+ int stopCharacter();
+ bool startOfLine();
+ bool endOfLine();
+ bool hasLineBoundaryContext();
+ SegEnd segmentTermination();
+ LineBrk startBreakWeight();
+ LineBrk endBreakWeight();
+ float stretch();
+ float maxStretch();
+ float maxShrink();
+ void setTextSourceOffset(int ichMin)
+ {
+ m_ichwMin = ichMin;
+ }
+ //GrResult changeLineEnds(bool fNewStart, bool fNewEnd);
+ std::pair<GlyphIterator, GlyphIterator> glyphs();
+ std::pair<GlyphSetIterator, GlyphSetIterator> charToGlyphs(toffset ich);
+ GrResult GetCharData(int cchMax, utf16 * prgch, int * pcchRet);
+ GrResult GlyphToChar(int iginf, bool fFirst, int * pich);
+ GrResult GlyphToAllChars(int iginf, int cichMax, int * prgich, int *pcichRet);
+ GrResult CharToGlyph(int ich, bool fFirst, int * pigbb);
+ // Not part of FW interface:
+ float getRangeWidth(int ichMin, int ichLim,
+ bool fStartLine = true, bool fEndLine = true, bool fSkipSpace = true);
+ int findNextBreakPoint(int ichStart,
+ LineBrk lbPref, LineBrk lbWorst, float dxMaxWidth,
+ float * pdxBreakWidth, bool fStartLine = true, bool fEndLine = true);
+ GrResult getUniscribeClusters(
+ int * prgigbb1stOfCluster, int cchMax, int * pcch,
+ bool * pfClusterStart, int cfMax, int * pcf);
+ //GrResult GetGlyphsAndPositions(
+ // Rect rsArg, Rect rdArg, int cgidMax, int * pcgidRet, utf16 * prggid,
+ // float * prgxd, float * prgyd, float * prgdxdAdv);
+ //GrResult GetUniscribePositions(
+ // Rect rs, Rect rd, int cgidMax, int * pcgidRet,
+ // float * prgxd, float * prgyd, float * prgdxdAdv);
+ //GrResult GetUniscribeGlyphsAndPositions(
+ // Rect rsArg, Rect rdArg, int cgidMax, int * pcchRet, utf16 * prgchGlyphs,
+ // float * prgxd, float * prgyd, float * prgdxdAdv);
+ // Other public methods:
+ void Initialize(ITextSource * pgts, int ichMin, int ichLim,
+ LineBrk lbStart, LineBrk lbEnd, SegEnd est,
+ bool fStartLine, bool fEndLine, bool fWsRtl);
+ void DestroyContents();
+ void SwapWith(Segment * pgrseg);
+ void ClearAltEndLineSeg();
+ ITextSource * GetString(); // client is responsible to Release()
+ // The following three functions handle storing and retrieving information that
+ // allows us to restart a new segment following a line break. This is necessary
+ // in case there is some sort of contextualization across the line break.
+ void StoreRestartInfo(int cslotRestartBackup, std::vector<int>& vnSkipOffsets)
+ {
+ m_cslotRestartBackup = cslotRestartBackup;
+ m_vnSkipOffsets.resize(vnSkipOffsets.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vnSkipOffsets.size(); i++)
+ m_vnSkipOffsets[i] = sdata8(vnSkipOffsets[i]);
+ }
+ int NextRestartBackup()
+ {
+ return m_cslotRestartBackup;
+ }
+ int RestartBackup()
+ {
+ //return (m_psegPrev)? m_psegPrev->NextRestartBackup(): 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int SkipOffset(int ipass)
+ {
+ return int(m_vnSkipOffsets[ipass]);
+ }
+ DirCode PreviousStrongDir()
+ {
+ return m_dircPrevStrong;
+ }
+ void SetPreviousStrongDir(DirCode dirc)
+ {
+ m_dircPrevStrong = dirc;
+ }
+ DirCode PreviousTermDir()
+ {
+ return m_dircPrevTerm;
+ }
+ void SetPreviousTermDir(DirCode dirc)
+ {
+ m_dircPrevTerm = dirc;
+ }
+ int NextSegInitBuffer(byte ** ppbDat)
+ {
+ *ppbDat = m_prgbNextSegDat;
+ return m_cbNextSegDat;
+ }
+ int ThisSegInitBuffer(byte ** ppbDat)
+ {
+ *ppbDat = m_prgInitDat;
+ return m_cbInitDat;
+ }
+// void SetNextSeg(Segment * psegNext)
+// {
+// m_psegNext = psegNext;
+// }
+ void SetFaceName(std::wstring stu, std::wstring stuBase)
+ {
+// m_stuFaceName = stu;
+// m_stuBaseFaceName = stuBase;
+// m_fUseSepBase = (m_stuBaseFaceName.size() > 0);
+ }
+ void SetEngine(GrEngine * pgreng);
+ void SetFont(Font * pfont);
+ void SwitchFont(Font * pfont);
+ GrEngine * EngineImpl();
+ void SetJustifier(IGrJustifier * pgjus);
+ IGrJustifier * Justifier()
+ {
+ return m_pgjus;
+ }
+ void SetPreContext(int dich)
+ {
+ m_dichPreContext = dich;
+ }
+ //void SetToBaseFont(IGrGraphics * pgg);
+ //void RestoreFont(IGrGraphics * pgg);
+ void SetUpOutputArrays(Font * pfont, GrTableManager * ptm,
+ GrSlotStream * psstrmFinal,
+ int cchwUnderlying, int csloutSurface, gid16 chwLB,
+ TrWsHandling twsh, bool fParaRtl, int nDirDepth,
+ bool fEmpty = false);
+ void RecordSurfaceAssoc(int ichw, int islot, int nDir);
+ void RecordLigature(int ichwUnder, int islotSurface, int iComponent);
+ void AdjustForOverlapsWithPrevSeg();
+ void MarkSlotInPrevSeg(int ichw, int islot);
+ void MarkSlotInNextSeg(int ichw, int islot);
+ void CleanUpAssocsVectors()
+ {
+ for (int iv = 0; iv < m_ichwAssocsLim - m_ichwAssocsMin; iv++)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> * pvislout = m_prgpvisloutAssocs[iv];
+ if (pvislout->size() <= 1)
+ {
+ delete pvislout;
+ *(m_prgpvisloutAssocs + iv) = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GrSlotOutput * OutputSlot(int islout);
+ void RecordInitializationForNextSeg(int cbNextSegDat, byte * pbNextSegDat)
+ {
+ m_cbNextSegDat = cbNextSegDat;
+ m_prgbNextSegDat = new byte[m_cbNextSegDat];
+ std::copy(pbNextSegDat, pbNextSegDat + cbNextSegDat, m_prgbNextSegDat);
+ }
+ void RecordInitializationForThisSeg(int cbDat, byte * pbDat)
+ {
+ m_cbInitDat = cbDat;
+ if (cbDat == 0)
+ m_prgInitDat = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ m_prgInitDat = new byte[m_cbInitDat];
+ std::copy(pbDat, pbDat + cbDat, m_prgInitDat);
+ }
+ }
+ void SetWidths(float dxsVisWidth, float dxsTotalWidth)
+ {
+ m_dxsVisibleWidth = dxsVisWidth;
+ m_dxsTotalWidth = dxsTotalWidth;
+ }
+ void SetLayout(LayoutEnvironment & layout)
+ {
+ m_layout.setStartOfLine(layout.startOfLine());
+ m_layout.setEndOfLine(layout.endOfLine());
+ m_layout.setBestBreak(layout.bestBreak());
+ m_layout.setWorstBreak(layout.worstBreak());
+ m_layout.setRightToLeft(layout.rightToLeft());
+ m_layout.setTrailingWs(layout.trailingWs());
+ m_layout.setPrevSegment(layout.prevSegment());
+ m_layout.setJustifier(layout.justifier());
+ m_layout.setLoggingStream(layout.loggingStream());
+ m_layout.setDumbFallback(layout.dumbFallback());
+ }
+ LayoutEnvironment & Layout()
+ {
+ return m_layout;
+ }
+ bool Erroneous()
+ {
+ return m_fErroneous;
+ }
+ void SetErroneous(bool f)
+ {
+ m_fErroneous = f;
+ }
+ void FixTermination(SegEnd est)
+ {
+ m_est = est;
+ }
+ // Convert from em-units to logical units.
+ float EmToLogUnits(int m);
+ Rect ComponentRect(GrSlotOutput * pslout, int icomp);
+ void ClusterMembersForGlyph(int islout, int disloutCluster, std::vector<int> & visloutRet);
+ // for transduction logging:
+ // implementations are empty unless TRACING is defined
+ void LogUnderlyingToSurface(GrTableManager * ptman, std::ostream & strmOut,
+ GrCharStream * pchstrm);
+ void LogSurfaceToUnderlying(GrTableManager * ptman, std::ostream & strmOut);
+ void LogXmlUnderlyingToSurface(std::ostream & strmOut, GrTableManager * ptman,
+ GrCharStream * pchstrm, int nIndent);
+ void LogXmlSurfaceToUnderlying(std::ostream & strmOut, GrTableManager * ptman,
+ GrCharStream * pchstrm, int nIndent);
+ // calculate memory usage
+ void calculateMemoryUsage(SegmentMemoryUsage & smu);
+ // Member variables:
+ long m_cref; // standard COM ref count
+ ITextSource * m_pgts; // the string we are a segment of
+ int m_dichwLim; // number of characters officially in this segment
+ int m_ichwMin; // first character relative to the text-source
+ Font * m_pfont;
+ GrEngine * m_preneng;
+ bool m_fErroneous; // an error occurred in generating this segment
+ IGrJustifier * m_pgjus;
+ LayoutEnvironment m_layout;
+ bool m_fWsRtl; // writing system direction
+ bool m_fParaRtl; // paragraph direction; redundant with layout?
+ TrWsHandling m_twsh; // // redundant with layout?
+ int m_nDirDepth; // segment direction (white-space-only segments can switch)
+ byte * m_prgbNextSegDat; // for initializing the following segment
+ int m_cbNextSegDat; // length of above buffer
+ byte * m_prgInitDat; // what was used to initialize this segment
+ int m_cbInitDat;
+ int m_dichPreContext; // what part of this segment affects the previous;
+ // not really used for anything right now
+// Segment * m_psegPrev; // OBSOLETE
+// Segment * m_psegNext;
+ // Font information:
+// std::wstring m_stuFaceName;
+// std::wstring m_stuBaseFaceName;
+// bool m_fUseSepBase;
+// float m_pixHeight; // character height of font in pixels (NOT = ascent + descent)
+// bool m_fBold;
+// bool m_fItalic;
+ LineBrk m_lbStart;
+ LineBrk m_lbEnd;
+ bool m_fStartLine; // redundant with layout?
+ bool m_fEndLine; // redundant with layout?
+ SegEnd m_est;
+ //Segment * m_psegAltEndLine; // segment having the alternate m_fEndLine value
+ int m_mFontEmUnits;
+ float m_dysFontAscent;
+ float m_dysFontDescent;
+ float m_xysEmSquare; // em-square of the font in display units
+// float m_xsDPI; // DPI of device on which segment was measured
+// float m_ysDPI;
+ float m_dxsStretch; // difference between actual and natural width
+ float m_dxsWidth; // width in absence of any stretch. -1 if not computed.
+ float m_dysHeight;
+ float m_dysAscent; // distance from common baseline to top of this segment,
+ // including extra ascent
+ float m_dysXAscent; // extra for this renderer, beyond what is standard for the font
+ float m_dysXDescent;
+ float m_dysAscentOverhang; // extra height above official top of segment; >= 0
+ float m_dysDescentOverhang; // extra height below bottom of segment; <= 0;
+ float m_dxsLeftOverhang; // <= 0
+ float m_dxsRightOverhang;
+ float m_dxsVisibleWidth; // not including trailing white space
+ float m_dxsTotalWidth; // including trailing white space
+ int m_isloutVisLim; // lim of visible stuff (to handle trailing ws underlines)
+ float m_dysOffset;
+ // Index of the first item in the before/after arrays and the ligature/component arrays,
+ // relative to the start of the segment. Normally == 0, but will be some negative number
+ // if there are slots "borrowed" from the previous segment (officially located in the
+ // previous segment but rendered in this one).
+ int m_ichwAssocsMin;
+ // 1 + index of last item in the before/after arrays and the ligature/component arrays,
+ // relative to the start of the segment. Normally == m_dichwLim, but will be
+ // larger if there are slots "borrowed" from the following segment.
+ int m_ichwAssocsLim;
+ // Underlying-to-surface associations:
+ int * m_prgisloutBefore; // logical first
+ int * m_prgisloutAfter; // logical last
+ std::vector<int> ** m_prgpvisloutAssocs; // all; used by range selections
+ int * m_prgisloutLigature; // similar to above, index of associated ligature, or kNegInfinity
+ sdata8 * m_prgiComponent; // component of the ligature that the corresponding character
+ // represents; only meaningful if corresponding item in
+ // m_prgisloutLigature is set
+// GrSlotStream * m_psstrm; // TODO: rework to remove this
+ int m_cslout;
+ GrSlotOutput * m_prgslout; // final output slots
+ u_intslot * m_prgnSlotVarLenBuf; // var-length buffer for slots--one big buffer managed by the
+ // segment, but pointed to by the slots
+// int m_cnUserDefn; // this information is not stored in the segment itself
+ int m_cnCompPerLig;
+// int m_cnFeat; // this information is not stored in the segment itself
+ int m_cginf;
+ int m_isloutGinf0; // islout index for m_prgginf[0];
+ GlyphInfo * m_prgginf;
+ // Data structures to hold glyphs for rendering:
+////#include "GrSegmentPlatform.h"
+ // For initializing the following segment:
+ int m_cslotRestartBackup; // the number of slots in the underlying
+ // input that need to be reprocessed when starting
+ // the next segment
+ std::vector<sdata8> m_vnSkipOffsets; // skip offset for each pass when restarting
+ DirCode m_dircPrevStrong; // previous strong directionality code
+ DirCode m_dircPrevTerm; // previous terminator code, if any
+ // Other protected methods:
+ void InitLineContextSegment(bool fStartLine, bool fEndLine);
+ void InitWhiteSpaceSegment(int nNewDepth);
+ void ComputeDimensions();
+ void SetUpGlyphInfo(GrTableManager * ptman, GrSlotStream * psstrmFinal,
+ gid16 chwLB, int nDirDepth, int islotMin, int cslot);
+ void SetUpLigInfo(GrTableManager * ptman, GlyphInfo & ginf, GrSlotOutput * pslout);
+ void InitBeforeArrayFromPrevSeg(); // obsolete
+ void AdjustBeforeArrayFromPrevSeg();
+ void AdjustAfterArrayFromNextSeg();
+ void EnsureSpaceAtLineBoundaries(int ichwUnder);
+ int LogicalSurfaceToUnderlying(int islout,
+ float xsOffset, float ysOffset,
+ float dxsGlyphWidth = 0, float dysGlyphHeight = 0, bool * pfAfter = NULL);
+ int LogicalSurfaceToUnderlying(int islout, bool fBefore);
+ int PhysicalSurfaceToUnderlying(int iginf,
+ float xsOffset, float xyOffset,
+ float dxsGlyphWidth = 0, float dysGlyphHeight = 0, bool * pfAfter = NULL);
+ int PhysicalSurfaceToUnderlying(int iginf, bool fBefore);
+ int UnderlyingToLogicalSurface(int ichw, bool fBefore);
+ int UnderlyingToPhysicalSurface(int ichw, bool fBefore);
+ int LogicalToPhysicalSurface(int islout);
+ void UnderlyingToPhysicalAssocs(int ichw, std::vector<int> & viginf);
+ std::vector<int> UnderlyingToLogicalAssocs(int ichw);
+ int UnderlyingToLogicalInThisSeg(int ichw);
+ bool SameSurfaceGlyphs(int ichw1, int ichw2);
+ void ShiftGlyphs(float dxsShift);
+ float GlyphLeftEdge(int iginf);
+ int DirLevelOfChar(int ichw, bool fBefore);
+ int CharIsRightToLeft(int ichw, bool fBefore);
+ int SlotIsRightToLeft(GrSlotOutput * pslout);
+ int TopDirLevel()
+ {
+ if (m_fWsRtl)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void AssertValidClusters(GrSlotStream * psstrm);
+ void MergeUniscribeCluster(
+ std::vector<int> & visloutBefore, std::vector<int> & visloutAfter,
+ int ich1, int ich2);
+ int GlyphHit(float xsClick, float ysClick);
+ int SelectBb(std::vector<int> & viginf, bool fRTL);
+ int RightMostGlyph();
+ int LeftMostGlyph();
+ void ComputeOverhangs(float * pdysVisAscent, float * pdysNegVisDescent,
+ float * pdxsVisLeft, float * pdxsVisRight);
+ LineBrk getBreakWeight(int ich, bool fBreakBefore = false);
+ // Platform-specific routines:
+ //void ShiftGlyphsPlatform(float dxsShift);
+ //bool SetDirectionDepthPlatform(int nNewDepth);
+ //void InitializePlatform();
+ //void DestroyContentsPlatform();
+ //GrResult GetGlyphsAndPositionsPlatform(float xs, float ys,
+ // Rect rsArg, Rect rdArg,
+ // utf16 * prgchGlyphs, float * prgxd, float * prgyd, float * prgdxdAdv);
+ //void SetUpOutputArraysPlatform(GrTableManager * ptman, gid16 chwLB, int nDirDepth,
+ // int islotMin, int cslot);
+ // Temporary - for WinSegmentPainter
+ int CSlout()
+ {
+ return m_cslout;
+ }
+ gid16 LBGlyphID();
+ float AscentOffset()
+ {
+ if (m_dysAscent == -1)
+ ComputeDimensions();
+ return m_dysAscent - m_dysFontAscent;
+ }
+//:> The purpose of these subclasses is simply to provide meaningful names for the
+//:> constructors. Instances of these classes are in every way equivalent to Segment.
+ Creating a LineFillSegment fits as much of the text on the line as possible,
+ finding a reasonable break point if necessary.
+class LineFillSegment : public Segment
+ LineFillSegment(
+ Font * pfont,
+ ITextSource * pts,
+ LayoutEnvironment * playout,
+ toffset ichStart,
+ toffset ichStop,
+ float maxWidth,
+ bool fBacktracking = false);
+ // Default constructor:
+ LineFillSegment() : Segment()
+ {
+ }
+ Creating a RangeSegment makes a segment representing the given range of characters, or
+ the entire text-source.
+class RangeSegment : public Segment
+ RangeSegment(
+ Font * pfont,
+ ITextSource * pts,
+ LayoutEnvironment * playout,
+ toffset ichStart = 0,
+ toffset ichStop = kPosInfinity,
+ Segment * psegInitLike = NULL);
+ The JustSegmentAux class is used by the factory method that creates a justified segment.
+ It is called JustSegmentAux to avoid conflicting with the factory method.
+class JustSegmentAux : public Segment
+ JustSegmentAux(
+ Font * pfont,
+ ITextSource * pts,
+ LayoutEnvironment * playout,
+ toffset ichStart,
+ toffset ichStop,
+ float xsNaturalWidth,
+ float xsJustifiedWidth,
+ Segment * psegInitLike = NULL);
+} // namespace gr
+#if defined(GR_NO_NAMESPACE)
+using namespace gr;