path: root/Build/source/libs/graphite/engine-2.3.1/test/RegressionTest/TestCase.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/graphite/engine-2.3.1/test/RegressionTest/TestCase.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite/engine-2.3.1/test/RegressionTest/TestCase.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite/engine-2.3.1/test/RegressionTest/TestCase.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Build/source/libs/graphite/engine-2.3.1/test/RegressionTest/TestCase.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
-Copyright (C) 2004 SIL International. All rights reserved.
-Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
-GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
-File: TestCase.h
-Responsibility: Sharon Correll
-Last reviewed: Not yet.
- Definition of TestCase class for Graphite regression test program.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:End Ignore*/
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma once
-#ifndef TESTCASE_H
-#define TESTCASE_H 1
-#define NO_EXCEPTIONS 1
-class TestCase
- // Methods to set up test cases.
- void SetupSimpleTest();
- void SetupSimpleBacktrackTest();
- void SetupSurrogateTest(); // TODO: add a test for UTF-8
- void SetupBurmese1();
- void SetupBurmese2();
- void SetupBurmese3();
- void SetupBurmese4();
- void SetupRoman();
- void SetupRomanFeatures();
- void SetupStackingAndBridging();
- void SetupNoWhiteSpace();
- void SetupNoWhiteSpaceNoSeg();
- void SetupOnlyWhiteSpace();
- void SetupCrossLine1();
- void SetupCrossLine2();
- void SetupCrossLine3();
- void SetupCrossLine4();
- void SetupArabic1();
- void SetupArabic2();
- void SetupTaiViet1();
- void SetupTaiViet2();
- void SetupDumbFallback1();
- void SetupDumbFallback2();
- void SetupBadFont();
- void SetupBugTest();
- // *** Add more methods here. ***
- // Auxiliary functions to set up test cases.
- void SetupBurmeseAux(int charCount, int glyphCount, int clickTestCount);
- void SetupArabicAux(int charCount, int glyphCount);
- std::wstring BurmeseText();
- std::wstring RomanText();
- std::wstring CrossLineText();
- std::wstring ArabicText();
- std::wstring TaiVietText();
- const static int kAbsent = -100; // not present in data
- // constructor:
- TestCase();
- // destructor:
- ~TestCase();
- static int SetupTests(TestCase **);
- static void DeleteTests();
- // Getters:
- std::string TestName() { return m_testName; }
- bool RunDebugger() { return m_debug; }
- bool TraceLog() { return m_traceLog; }
- bool Skip() { return m_skip; }
- std::wstring Text() { return m_text; }
- std::wstring FontName() { return m_fontName; }
- std::string FontFile() { return m_fontFile; }
- size_t FontSize() { return m_fontSize; }
- LineBrk PrefBreak() { return m_prefBreak; }
- LineBrk WorstBreak() { return m_worstBreak; }
- int FeatureID(int i) { return m_fset[i].id; }
- int FeatureValue(int i) { return m_fset[i].value; }
- FeatureSetting * Features() { return m_fset; }
- int AvailWidth() { return m_availWidth; }
- bool Backtrack() { return m_backtrack; }
- TrWsHandling Twsh() { return m_twsh; }
- bool Rtl() { return m_rtl; }
- bool ParaRtl() { return m_paraRtl; }
- size_t FirstChar() { return m_firstChar; }
- bool DumbFallback() { return m_dumbFallback; }
- size_t InputContextBlock(gr::byte ** ppContextBlock)
- {
- *ppContextBlock = m_contextBlockIn;
- return m_contextBlockInSize;
- }
- bool InitWithPrevSeg() { return m_initWithPrev; }
- bool BadFont() { return m_badFont; }
- bool NoSegment() { return m_noSegment; }
- int SegWidth() { return m_segWidth; }
- int CharCount() { return m_charCount; }
- int GlyphCount() { return m_glyphCount; }
- int GlyphID(int i) { return m_glyphArray[i]; }
- int XPos(int i) { return m_xPositions[i]; }
- int YPos(int i) { return m_yPositions[i]; }
- int AdvWidth(int i) { return m_advWidths[i]; }
- int BbLeft(int i) { return m_bbLefts[i]; }
- int BbRight(int i) { return m_bbRights[i]; }
- int BbTop(int i) { return m_bbTops[i]; }
- int BbBottom(int i) { return m_bbBottoms[i]; }
- bool BbTests() { return (m_bbLefts != NULL); }
- int InsPtFlag(int i) { return m_insPointFlags[i]; }
- int CharToGlyphCount() { return m_c2gCount; }
- int CharToGlyphItem(int i) { return m_charsToGlyphs[i]; }
- int AttachedGlyphCount() { return m_attGCount; } // that is, the lenght of the data
- int AttachedGlyphItem(int i) { return m_attGlyphs[i]; }
- int NumberOfClickTests() { return m_clickTestCount; }
- int XClick(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].xClick; }
- int YClick(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].yClick; }
- int ClickCharIndex(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].charIndex; }
- bool ClickAssocPrev(int i) { return (bool)m_clickTests[i].assocPrev; }
- int Sel1Top(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].sel1Top; }
- int Sel1Bottom(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].sel1Bottom; }
- int Sel1Left(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].sel1Left; }
- int Sel2Top(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].sel2Top; }
- int Sel2Bottom(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].sel2Bottom; }
- int Sel2Left(int i) { return m_clickTests[i].sel2Left; }
- size_t OutputContextBlockSize() { return m_contextBlockOutSize; }
- bool CompareContextBlock(gr::byte * pResult)
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_contextBlockOutSize; i++)
- {
- if (m_contextBlockOut[i] != pResult[i])
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- struct ClickTest
- {
- int xClick;
- int yClick;
- int charIndex;
- int assocPrev; // boolean: 0 or 1
- int sel1Top;
- int sel1Bottom;
- int sel1Left; // we only need left or right, not both
- int sel2Top;
- int sel2Bottom;
- int sel2Left;
- const static int fieldCnt = 10;
- };
- std::string m_testName;
- bool m_debug; // break into the debugger when running this test
- bool m_traceLog; // generate a logging file (tracelog.txt) for this test; if this is turned on for
- // more than one test, the tests will be appended
- bool m_skip;
-#define MAXFEAT 10
- // Input parameters:
- std::wstring m_text; // default: none
- std::wstring m_fontName; // default: empty
- std::string m_fontFile; // default: empty
- size_t m_fontSize; // default: 12
- LineBrk m_prefBreak; // default: word-break
- LineBrk m_worstBreak; // default: clip-break
- FeatureSetting m_fset[MAXFEAT]; // default: none
- int m_availWidth; // default: 100
- bool m_bold; // default: false
- bool m_italic; // default: false
- bool m_rtl; // default: false
- bool m_backtrack; // default: false
- TrWsHandling m_twsh; // default: ktwshAll
- bool m_paraRtl; // default: false
- size_t m_firstChar; // default: 0
- size_t m_contextBlockInSize; // default: 0
- gr::byte * m_contextBlockIn; // default: NULL -- DELETE
- bool m_initWithPrev; // default: false
- bool m_dumbFallback; // default: true
- // start of line flag
- // resolution
- // justification
- // Output:
- bool m_badFont; // default: false
- bool m_noSegment; // no segment should be generated
- int m_segWidth;
- int m_charCount;
- int m_glyphCount;
- gid16 * m_glyphArray;
- int * m_xPositions;
- int * m_yPositions;
- int * m_advWidths;
- int * m_bbLefts;
- int * m_bbRights;
- int * m_bbTops;
- int * m_bbBottoms;
- bool * m_insPointFlags;
- int * m_charsToGlyphs; // char-to-glyph mappings
- int m_c2gCount;
- int * m_attGlyphs; // attachment clusters
- int m_attGCount;
- int m_clickTestCount;
- ClickTest * m_clickTests;
- size_t m_contextBlockOutSize;
- gr::byte * m_contextBlockOut;
- // glyphs-to-chars
- // pdichwContext
- // arrow key behavior
- // etc.
- // Setters:
- void SetCharCount(int charCount);
- void SetGlyphCount(int glyphCount);
- void SetGlyphList(gid16 * glyphList);
- void SetXPositions(int * posList);
- void SetYPositions(int * posList);
- void SetAdvWidths(int * advWidths);
- void SetBBs(int * bbLefts, int * bbRights, int * bbTops, int * bbBottoms);
- void SetInsPtFlags(bool * flags);
- void SetCharsToGlyphs(int * stuff, int count);
- void SetAttachedClusters(int * stuff, int count);
- void SetClickTests(int clickTestCount, int * clickStuff);
- void SetInputContextBlock(int contextBlockInSize, gr::byte * contextBlockIn);
- void SetOutputContextBlock(int contextBlockOutSize, gr::byte * contextBlockIn);
-#endif // !TESTCASE_H