path: root/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/SegmentPainter.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/SegmentPainter.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/SegmentPainter.h
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index 29564a6c63d..00000000000
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-/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
-Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 SIL International. All rights reserved.
-Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
-GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
-File: SegmentPainter.h
-Responsibility: Sharon Correll
-Last reviewed: Not yet.
- Defines the class for a Graphite text segment.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma once
-// undo automagic DrawTextA DrawTextW stuff
-// #undef DrawText
-//:End Ignore
-namespace gr
-class Segment;
- A SegmentPainter handles the UI-related operations on for segment.
- This superclass does not know how to do any actual drawing, because it has no access
- to a device. Subclasses are needed to handle drawing on the various platforms. In addition,
- it is legitimate to make a subclass to override the behavior of a specific piece of
- functionality.
- Hungarian: segp
-class SegmentPainter
- // Static methods
- // Constructors/destructors/etc.
- SegmentPainter(Segment * pseg, float xOrigin = 0, float yOrigin = 0);
- //SegmentPainter(Segment * pseg, float xOrigin, float yOrigin);
- virtual ~SegmentPainter();
- virtual void setOrigin(float xsOrigin, float ysOrigin);
- virtual void setPosition(float xdPosition, float ydPosition);
- virtual void setScalingFactors(float xFactor, float yFactor);
- virtual void setBuggyDisplayFormat(int strategy, long textColor, long backColor,
- long underlineColor)
- {
- // Currently not implemented to do anything useful.
- }
- // The paint method must be implemented by a concrete subclass:
- virtual void paint() = 0;
- virtual void drawInsertionPoint(int ichwIP, bool fAssocPrev, bool bOn, bool fForceSplit);
- virtual void positionsOfIP(int ichwIP, bool fAssocPrev, bool fForceSplit,
- Rect * prdPrimary, Rect * prdSecondary);
- virtual bool drawSelectionRange(int ichwMin, int ichwLim,
- float ydTop, float ydBottom, bool bOn);
- virtual bool positionsOfRange(int ichwMin, int ichwLim,
- float ydTop, float ydBottom, Rect * prsBounds);
- virtual size_t getUnderlinePlacement(int ichwMin, int ichwLim,
- bool fSkipSpace,
- size_t crgMax, // number of ranges allowed
- float * prgxdLefts, float * prgxdRights, float * prgydUnderline);
- virtual void pointToChar(Point zptdClickPosition, int * pichw, bool * pfAssocPrev);
- virtual LgIpValidResult isValidInsertionPoint(int ichwIP);
- virtual bool doBoundariesCoincide(bool fBoundaryEnd, bool fBoundaryRight);
- virtual int arrowKeyPosition(int ichwIP, bool * pfAssocPrev,
- bool fRight, bool * pfInThisSeg);
- virtual int extendSelectionPosition(
- int charIndex, bool assocPrevMatch, bool assocPrevNeeded,
- int anchorIndex, bool movingRight, bool * inThisSeg);
- // For calculating underlines:
- struct LineSeg { // hungarian: ls
- float left;
- float right;
- };
- static float ScaleX(float xs, Rect rs, Rect rd);
- static float ScaleY(float ys, Rect rs, Rect rd);
- float ScaleXToDest(float xs)
- {
- float xd = ((xs + m_xsOrigin) * m_xFactor) + m_xdPosition;
- return xd;
- }
- //int ScaleXToDest(int xs)
- //{
- // int xd = (((xs + m_xsOriginInt) * m_xFactor64) >> 6) + m_xdPositionInt;
- // return xd; // >> 6 means div by 64
- //}
- float ScaleYToDest(float ys)
- {
- float yd = ((ys + m_ysOrigin) * m_yFactor) + m_ydPosition;
- return yd;
- }
- float ScaleXToSource(float xd)
- {
- float xs = ((xd - m_xdPosition) / m_xFactor) - m_xsOrigin;
- return xs;
- }
- float ScaleYToSource(float yd)
- {
- float ys = ((yd - m_ydPosition) / m_yFactor) - m_ysOrigin;
- return ys;
- }
- // Member variables:
- Segment * m_pseg;
- // transformation factors:
- float m_xsOrigin;
- float m_ysOrigin;
- float m_xdPosition;
- float m_ydPosition;
- float m_xFactor; // destination / source
- float m_yFactor; // destination / source
- // optimizations for when we need integer arithmetic (converting between int and float is
- // very slow) - DELETE these.
- //int m_xsOriginInt;
- //int m_xdPositionInt;
- //int m_xFactor64;
- //gr::Rect m_rectSrc;
- // Other methods:
- void CalcOrDrawInsertionPoint(
- int ich, bool fAssocPrev, bool bOn, bool fForceSplit,
- Rect * prectPrimary, Rect * prectSecondary);
- void InvertIBeam(float xs, float ysTop, float ysBottom, bool fAssocPrev,
- Rect * prdRet);
- void InvertSplitIP(float xs, float ysTop, float ysBottom,
- bool fTop, bool fAssocRight, bool fSecondary, float ysMinSplitHt,
- Rect * prdRet);
- void CalcIP(int ichw, bool fBefore,
- float * pxs, float * pysTop, float * pysBottom, bool * pfRtl);
- bool CloseIPPositions(
- float * pxsBefore, float ysBeforeTop, float ysBeforeBottom,
- float * pxsAfter, float ysAfterTop, float ysAfterBottom);
- bool AtEdgeOfCluster(GrSlotOutput * pslout, int islout, bool fBefore);
- bool AtEdgeOfCluster(GrSlotOutput * psloutBase, int isloutBase,
- GrSlotOutput * pslout, int islout, bool fBefore);
- bool CanInsertIntoCluster(GrSlotOutput * pslout, int islout);
- void CalcPartialLigatures(bool * prgfAllSelected,
- int ichwMinSeg, int ichwLimSeg,
- int ichwMinSel, int ichwLimSel);
- void CalcHighlightRect(int ichw,
- std::vector<Rect> & vrs, std::vector<bool> & vfEntireLineHt,
- bool fJustComponent, bool * rgfHighlighted, bool fSkipTrSpace);
- void CalcCompleteCluster(int islout,
- std::vector<Rect> & vrs, std::vector<bool> & vfEntireLineHt, bool * prgfHighlighted);
- void AddRectWithoutOverlaps(std::vector<Rect> & vrect, Rect rectToAdd);
- bool AnyArea(Rect * prect);
- bool AdjustRectsToNotOverlap(std::vector<Rect> & vrect, int irect, Rect * prect2,
- std::vector<Rect> & vrectMoreToAdd);
- void AssertNoOverlaps(std::vector<Rect> & vrect);
- void AddLineSegWithoutOverlaps(std::vector<LineSeg> & vls, LineSeg lsToAdd);
- bool AnyLength(LineSeg * pls);
- bool AdjustLineSegsToNotOverlap(std::vector<LineSeg> & vls, int ils, LineSeg * pls2,
- std::vector<LineSeg> & vlsMoreToAdd);
- void AssertNoOverlaps(std::vector<LineSeg> & vls);
- GrResult ArrowKeyPositionAux(int * pichwIP, bool * pfAssocPrev,
- bool fRight, bool fMovingIn,
- bool fAssocPrevMatch, bool fAssocPrevNeeded,
- bool * pfResult);
- bool ArrowKeyPositionInternal(int * pichw, bool * pfAssocPrev,
- bool fRight, bool fAssocPrevMatch, bool fAssocPrevNeeded, int * nNextOrPrevSeg);
- bool AdjacentLigComponent(int * pichw, bool * pfAssocPrev, bool fRight, bool fMove);
- int PointToCharAux(float xsTry, float ysTry,
- float * pxsGlyphOffset, float * pxsGlyphWidth);
- // Platform-specific routines:
- GrResult DrawSegmentPlatform(float xs, float ys);
- // Low-level routines--these must be implemented appropriate by subclasses:
- virtual void InvertRect(float xLeft, float yTop, float xRight, float yBottom)
- {
- GrAssert(false); // no device context
- }
- //void SetFontProps();
- virtual void SetFontProps(unsigned long clrFore, unsigned long clrBack);
- This is a subclass of SegmentPainter for which the paint operation is unnecessary.
-class SegmentNonPainter : public SegmentPainter
- SegmentNonPainter(Segment * pseg)
- : SegmentPainter(pseg)
- {
- }
- void paint()
- {
- GrAssert(false);
- throw;
- }
-} // namespace gr
-#if defined(GR_NO_NAMESPACE)
-using namespace gr;