path: root/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/GrData.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/GrData.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/GrData.h b/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/GrData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3624ca9c271..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/libs/graphite-engine/include/graphite/GrData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*:Ignore this sentence.
-Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 SIL International. All rights reserved.
-Distributable under the terms of either the Common Public License or the
-GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the LICENSING.txt file.
-File: GrData.h
-Responsibility: Sharon Correll
-Last reviewed: Not yet.
- Data structures needed by the Graphite engine, particularly for argument passing.
- NOT to be used within FieldWorks.
-Special Note:
- This file needs to be used by C files. Please do not use C++ style comments; use
- ONLY C style comments in this file to make the C compiler happy.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma once
-#include "GrCommon.h"
-//:End Ignore
- */
-#include "GrStructs.h"
-namespace gr
-struct Point
- float x;
- float y;
- Point()
- {
- x = y = 0;
- }
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- Point(POINT & p)
- {
- x = (float)p.x;
- y = (float)p.y;
- }
-struct Rect
- float top;
- float bottom;
- float left;
- float right;
- Rect()
- {
- top = bottom = left = right = 0;
- };
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- Rect(RECT & r)
- {
- top = (float);
- bottom = (float)r.bottom;
- left = (float)r.left;
- right = (float)r.right;
- };
-enum {
- kttvOff = 0,
- kttvForceOn = 1,
- kttvInvert = 2
-//typedef struct tagLgParaRenderProps
-// int dummy;
-//} LgParaRenderProps;
-typedef enum tagSegEnd
-{ kestNoMore = 0,
- kestMoreLines = kestNoMore + 1,
- kestHardBreak = kestMoreLines + 1,
- kestBadBreak = kestHardBreak + 1,
- kestOkayBreak = kestBadBreak + 1,
- kestWsBreak = kestOkayBreak + 1,
- kestMoreWhtsp = kestWsBreak + 1,
- kestNothingFit = kestMoreWhtsp + 1
-} SegEnd;
-typedef enum tagLgIPDrawMode // TODO: remove
-{ kdmNormal = 0,
- kdmSplitPrimary = kdmNormal + 1,
- kdmSplitSecondary = kdmSplitPrimary + 1
-} LgIPDrawMode;
-typedef enum tagLgIpValidResult
-{ kipvrOK = 0,
- kipvrBad = kipvrOK + 1,
- kipvrUnknown = kipvrBad + 1
-} LgIpValidResult;
-typedef enum tagLineBrk
-{ klbNoBreak = 0,
- klbWsBreak = 10,
- klbWordBreak = 15,
- klbHyphenBreak = 20,
- klbLetterBreak = 30,
- klbClipBreak = 40
-} LineBrk;
-typedef enum tagTrWsHandling
-{ ktwshAll = 0,
- ktwshNoWs = ktwshAll + 1,
- ktwshOnlyWs = ktwshNoWs + 1
-} TrWsHandling;
-typedef enum tagUtfType
- kutf8 = 0,
- kutf16 = kutf8 + 1,
- kutf32 = kutf16 + 1
-} UtfType;
-enum tagFlushMode
- kflushAuto = 0,
- kflushManual = kflushAuto + 1
-typedef enum ScriptDirCode
-{ kfsdcNone = 0,
- kfsdcHorizLtr = 1,
- kfsdcHorizRtl = 2,
- kfsdcVertFromLeft = 4,
- kfsdcVertFromRight = 8
-} ScriptDirCode;
-typedef enum tagFwTextColor
-{ kclrWhite = 0xffffff,
- kclrBlack = 0,
- kclrRed = 0x0000ff,
- kclrGreen = 0x00ff00,
- kclrBlue = 0xff0000,
-// kclrYellow = 0x00ffff,
-// kclrMagenta = 0xff00ff,
-// kclrCyan = 0xffff00,
- */
- kclrReserved1 = 0x80000000,
- kclrReserved2 = 0x80000001,
- kclrTransparent = 0xc0000000
-} FwTextColor;
-typedef enum FwSuperscriptVal
-{ kssvOff = 0,
- kssvSuper = 1,
- kssvSub = 2
-} FwSuperscriptVal;
-// Glyph attributes for justification
-typedef enum tagJustGlyphAttr
- kjgatStretch = 1,
- kjgatShrink,
- kjgatWeight,
- kjgatStep,
- kjgatChunk,
- kjgatWidth,
- kjgatBreak,
- // pseudo-attributes for handling steps:
- kjgatStretchInSteps,
- kjgatWidthInSteps,
- // also metrics:
- kjgatAdvWidth,
- kjgatAdvHeight,
- kjgatBbLeft,
- kjgatBbRight,
- kjgatBbTop,
- kjgatBbBottom
-} JustGlyphAttr; // Hungarian: jgat
-class GrSlotState;
-typedef union {
- int nValue;
- GrSlotState *pslot;
-} u_intslot;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#define ATTACH_GUID_TO_CLASS(type, guid, cls) \
- type __declspec(uuid(#guid)) cls;
-#else // !defined(__cplusplus)
-#define ATTACH_GUID_TO_CLASS(type, guid, cls)
-#endif // !defined(__cplusplus)
-#define DEFINE_COM_PTR(cls)
- ATTACH_GUID_TO_CLASS(interface, iid, cls); \
-} // namespace gr
-#if defined(GR_NO_NAMESPACE)
-using namespace gr;
-#endif /* !GRDATA_INCLUDED */