path: root/Build/source/libs/freetype/freetype-1.5/lib/arch/win32/Makefile.VC
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/freetype/freetype-1.5/lib/arch/win32/Makefile.VC')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/freetype/freetype-1.5/lib/arch/win32/Makefile.VC b/Build/source/libs/freetype/freetype-1.5/lib/arch/win32/Makefile.VC
deleted file mode 100644
index 5211686ff67..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/libs/freetype/freetype-1.5/lib/arch/win32/Makefile.VC
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# Visual C++ 2.x, 4.x, 5.0 and 6.0 makefile for freetype
-# adapted from suns example makefile (related to the TCL script language)
-# Does not depend on the presence of any environment variables in
-# order to compile freetype; all needed information is derived from
-# location of the compiler directories.
-# Project directories
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-# TOOLS32 = location of VC++ 32-bit development tools. Note that the
-# VC++ 2.0 header files are broken, so you need to use the
-# ones that come with the developer network CD's, or later
-# versions of VC++.
-# Copyright 1996-2001 by
-# David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
-# This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
-# and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
-# LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
-# indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
-# fully.
-ROOT = ..\..
-#TOOLS32 = c:\msdev # VC++ 2.x,4.x
-#TOOLS32 = c:\Program Files\devstudio\vc # VC++ 5.x
-TOOLS32 = c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vc98 # VC++ 6.x
-# Set this to the appropriate value of /MACHINE: for your platform
-# Comment the following line to compile with symbols
-# Do not modify below this line
-TTF = ft15_32
-TTFLIB = $(TTF).lib
-TTFDLL = $(TTF).dll
- $(TMPDIR)\ttapi.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttcache.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttcalc.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttcmap.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttdebug.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttfile.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttgload.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttinterp.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttload.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttmemory.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttmutex.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttobjs.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttraster.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ttextend.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ftxcmap.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ftxgasp.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ftxkern.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ftxpost.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ftxwidth.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\ftxerr18.obj
-cc32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\cl.exe"
-link32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\link.exe"
-include32 = "-I$(TOOLS32)\include" -I$(ROOT)\arch\win32
-CP = copy
-RM = del
-TTF_DEFINES = -nologo -D__WIN32__ -D__WIN32DLL__
-TTF_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(include32) \
-CON_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) $(include32) -DCONSOLE
-DOS_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(include16) -AL
-# Link flags
-ldebug = /RELEASE
-ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:cv
-# declarations common to all linker options
-# declarations for use on Intel i386, i486, and Pentium systems
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE)
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE)
-conlflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup
-guilflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:windows -entry:WinMainCRTStartup
-dlllflags = $(lflags) -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup$(DLLENTRY) -dll
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-libc = libc.lib
-libcdll = crtdll.lib
-libc = libc.lib oldnames.lib
-libcdll = msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib
-baselibs = kernel32.lib $(optlibs) advapi32.lib
-winlibs = $(baselibs) user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
-guilibs = $(libc) $(winlibs)
-conlibs = $(libc) $(baselibs)
-guilibsdll = $(libcdll) $(winlibs)
-conlibsdll = $(libcdll) $(baselibs)
-# Compile flags
-cdebug = -O2 -Gs -GD
-cdebug = -Z7 -Od -WX
-# declarations common to all compiler options
-ccommon = -c -W3 -nologo -YX -Dtry=__try -Dexcept=__except
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_X86_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "MIPS"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_MIPS_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_PPC_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_ALPHA_=1
-cvars = -DWIN32 -D_WIN32
-cvarsmt = $(cvars) -D_MT
-cvarsdll = $(cvarsmt) -D_DLL
-# Project specific targets
-release: $(TTFDLL)
-all: $(TTFDLL)
-install: $(TTFDLL)
- -@md $(INSTALLDIR)
-$(TTFDLL): $(TTFOBJS) ttf.def
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) \
- $(guilibsdll) -out:$(TTFDLL) -def:ttf.def $(TTFOBJS)
-#ttf.def: $(TTFOBJS)
-# ..\..\tcl8.0.4\win\release\dumpexts -o $@ ttf.dll $(TTFOBJS)
-# Implicit rules
- $(cc32) $(TTF_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(cc32) $(TTF_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- -@del *.exp
- -@del *.lib
- -@del *.dll
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
- -@del *.pch
- -@del *.pdb