diff options
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.pdfbin0 -> 149887 bytes
10 files changed, 412 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/DEPENDS.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/DEPENDS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4708d6bbef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/DEPENDS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+hard beamer
+hard tools
+hard pgfplots
+hard pgfopts \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9840fce95fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# pgfplotsthemebeamer
+[![GitHub tag (latest SemVer)](](
+A package for using colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots diagrams.
+This project is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later, see .
+The project repository, including a bug tracker, can be found at .
+### Usage
+\usetheme{moloch}% just as an example for a colour theme
+ \begin{axis}[
+ beamercolors
+ ]
+ \addplot {x}; \addplot {x-1}; \addplot {x-2};
+ \addplot {x-3}; \addplot {x-4}; \addplot {x-5};
+ \addplot {x-6}; \addplot {x-7}; \addplot {x-8};
+ \end{axis}
+For more details, please consult the [package documentation](
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc-settings.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc-settings.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..608482f49e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc-settings.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+% Personal helper theme for package documentations
+% Copyright samcarter
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c or later
+% Usage:
+% ln ~/Life/latex/beamertheme-sam/themesam.sty package-doc-settings.sty
+% \usepackage[
+% themecolor=samdblue
+% ]{\jobname-settings}
+% Colours
+\definecolor{samred}{RGB}{191,26,46}% TikZbricks
+\definecolor{sammagenta}{RGB}{170,42,104}% TikZmarmots
+\definecolor{samviolet}{RGB}{136,46,114}% TikZlings
+\definecolor{samlila}{RGB}{101,67,159}% Rainbow beamer theme
+\definecolor{samdblue}{RGB}{0,51,134}% beamer theme
+\definecolor{samlblue}{RGB}{22,89,155}% TikZducks
+\definecolor{samteal}{RGB}{25,143,157}% Tcolorbox beamer theme
+\definecolor{samlgreen}{RGB}{68,170,153}% Jigsaw
+% Package options
+% Packages
+ \RequirePackage[english]{babel}
+ \RequirePackage[paper=a4paper,margin=2.9cm]{geometry}
+ \RequirePackage{scrlayer-scrpage}
+ \let\hrulefillx\hrulefill
+ \RequirePackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign}
+ \let\hrulefill\hrulefillx
+ \RequirePackage[hang,flushmargin,bottom]{footmisc}
+ \RequirePackage{footnotehyper}
+ \makesavenoteenv{tcolorbox}
+ \RequirePackage[all]{nowidow}
+ \RequirePackage[colorlinks=true,breaklinks=true,allcolors=themecolor,hyperfootnotes=false]{hyperref}
+\RequirePackage{inconsolata}% mono font with bold, but italic is missing
+% \RequirePackage[scale=0.85]{cascadia-code}
+% \AddToHook{cmd/ttfamily/before}{\fontseries{sl}}
+\usepackage{synthslant}% to fake slented comments in inconsolata
+% Listings
+ cachedir=$TMPDIR/minted/
+% smuggling custom pygmentize style in cache folder
+% (a real pygmentise style would need installtion in some python folder)
+\def\PYG@reset{\let\PYG@it=\relax \let\PYG@bf=\relax%
+ \let\PYG@ul=\relax \let\PYG@tc=\relax%
+ \let\PYG@bc=\relax \let\PYG@ff=\relax}
+\def\PYG@tok#1{\csname PYG@tok@#1\endcsname}
+ \PYG@tok{#1}\expandafter\PYG@toks\fi}
+ \PYG@it{\PYG@bf{\PYG@ff{#1}}}}}}}
+% optional arguments
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG@tok@na\endcsname{\def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor{black}{##1}}}
+% macros
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG@tok@k\endcsname{\def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor{listingcolor}{\bfseries ##1}}}
+% curly brakets
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG@tok@nb\endcsname{\def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor{listingcolor}{\bfseries ##1}}}
+% comments (italics won't work with the inconsolata font)
+\expandafter\def\csname PYG@tok@c\endcsname{\def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor{gray}{\textsynthslant{##1}}}}
+% for compatibility with earlier versions
+\iexec{mkdir -p $TMPDIR/minted && mv sam.pygstyle $TMPDIR/minted/.}
+ breaksymbolleft={},
+ tabsize=2,
+ breaklines=true,
+% use non-bold and all coloured for inline code in articles
+ \patchcmd{\minted@inputpyg@inline}{\minted@input}{\color{listingcolor}\renewcommand\textcolor[3][]{##3}\renewcommand\bfseries{}\minted@input}{}{}
+ colframe=themecolor,
+ fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ sidebyside,
+ center lower,
+ righthand width=5.7cm,
+ bottom=2pt,
+ top=2pt,
+ left=3pt,
+ right=3pt,
+ sidebyside gap=10pt,
+ lower separated=false,
+ listing engine=minted,
+ minted language=latex,
+ colback=themecolor!10,
+ sharp corners,
+ boxrule=0pt,
+ before title={\strut}
+% avoid page breaks right in front of the tcolorbox
+ \tcbuselibrary{hooks}
+ \tcbset{before pre={\nopagebreak[4]}}
+% document settings
+ \KOMAoptions{parskip=half}
+ \addtokomafont{sectioning}{\color{themecolor}}
+ \addtokomafont{date}{\normalsize}
+ \addtokomafont{author}{\normalsize}
+ \setlength{\footnotemargin}{0.7em}
+% Custom macros
+\providecommand*{\ConTeXt}{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..460c0a43f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4adfb3679c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+% Documentation for the pgfplotsthemebeamer package
+% Using colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots
+% Maintained by samcarter
+% Project repository and bug tracker:
+% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+% See
+% !TeX program = txs:///arara
+% arara: latexmk: {
+% arara: --> engine: pdflatex,
+% arara: --> options: [
+% arara: --> '-shell-escape',
+% arara: --> '-synctex=1',
+% arara: --> '-interaction=nonstopmode',
+% arara: --> ]
+% arara: --> }
+% meta %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\title{The pgfplotsthemebeamer package}
+\subtitle{Using colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots}
+ \texorpdfstring{
+ \texttt{samcarter}\\
+ \url{}\\
+ \url{}
+ }{samcarter}}
+\date{Version v0.1 \textendash{} 2024/07/26}
+ themecolor=samorange
+% customisation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ compilable listing/.style={listing file={\prefix/\jobname-listing-\thetcblistingcount.tex}},
+ run pdflatex/.style={run@system@command={cd\space \prefix;\space pdflatex}{\jobname-listing-\thetcblistingcount.tex}},%
+Beamer themes often use carefully composed colour schemes. The \saminline|pgfplotsthemebeamer| package allows to reuse these colours in diagrams created with \saminline|pfgplots|. This ensures a consistent colour scheme throughout the presentation and avoids unsightly colour clashes.
+%The package is included in \TeX{}Live and MiK\TeX\ and available from \textsc{CTAN} (\url{}).
+The development version of this package is located at \url{}. If you have any problems, ideas or other feedback, please make constructive use of the issue tracker.
+Copyright \raisebox{0.2em}{\tiny\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\textcopyright} \texttt{samcarter}. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and\slash or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX project public licence, version 1.3c or later \url{}.
+The basic usage is fairly simple. After loading the \saminline|pgfplotsthemebeamer| package, plots can use the \saminline|beamercolor| option to use the colours from the current beamer theme in the diagram:
+ beamercolors
+The graphs will be coloured in the beamer colours \saminline|structure|, \saminline|alerted text| and \saminline|example text|. In most beamer themes, these three colours form an easily distinguishable set of colours.
+Users who would like to use the \saminline|beamercolors| scheme for all \saminline|pgfplots| diagrams in the presentation, can load the package with the \saminline|all| option, which will make this colour scheme the default.
+\section{Full example}
+ listing only,
+ freeze pdf,
+ compilable listing,
+ run pdflatex,
+ title={Basic example},
+ righthand width=0pt
+\usetheme{moloch}% just as an example for a colour theme
+ \begin{axis}[
+ beamercolors
+ ]
+ \addplot {x}; \addplot {x-1}; \addplot {x-2}; \addplot {x-3}; \addplot {x-4}; \addplot {x-5}; \addplot {x-6}; \addplot {x-7}; \addplot {x-8};
+ \end{axis}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a47e1f5e97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplotsthemebeamer/pgfplotsthemebeamer.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% !TeX root = ./testing/test.tex
+% The pgfplotsthemebeamer package
+% Using colours from the current beamer theme in pgfplots
+% Maintained by samcarter
+% Project repository and bug tracker:
+% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+% See
+\ProvidesPackage{pgfplotsthemebeamer}[2024/07/25 version v0.1 PGFplots colours based the colours of the current beamer theme]
+% error if used with a class other than beamer
+ \PackageError{pgfplotsthemebeamer}{This pgfplots theme needs to be used in conjunction with the beamer class}{}
+% process package options
+ pgfplotsthemebeamer/.cd ,
+ all/.code = \pgfplotsthemebeamer@alltrue,
+% setting up colours
+ beamercolors/.style={
+ cycle multi list={
+ mark=*\\mark=x\\mark=square*\\mark=o\\mark=+\\mark=square\\\nextlist
+ structure.fg\\alerted text.fg\\example text.fg\\
+ }
+ }
+% making beamercolors default if package is loaded with `all` option
+ \pgfplotsset{beamercolors}
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index e9463fe6730..94a9f8eaab8 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
pgf pgf-blur pgf-interference pgf-periodictable pgf-pie
pgf-soroban pgf-spectra pgf-umlcd pgf-umlsd
pgfgantt pgfkeysearch pgfkeyx pgfmath-xfp pgfmolbio pgfmorepages
- pgfopts pgfornament pgfornament-han pgfplots
+ pgfopts pgfornament pgfornament-han pgfplots pgfplotsthemebeamer
phaistos phfcc phfextendedabstract phffullpagefigure
phfnote phfparen phfqit phfquotetext
phfsvnwatermark phfthm
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
index b0d1486496c..09ac3d82375 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
@@ -2439,6 +2439,7 @@ $standardtex
'pgf-spectra', 'pgf-spectra.*(library|data).*tex|' . $standardtex,
'pgfmolbio', 'pgfmolbio\..*\.|' . $standardtex, # .lua+.tex submodules
'pgfornament-han', 'han$|' . $standardtex,
+ 'pgfplotsthemebeamer', 'pgfplotsthemebeamer.sty', # not doc-settings
'phonenumbers','[A-Z][A-Z]_.*|Landes.*tex|' . $standardtex,
'pictex', '\.sty|\.tex',
'pictexsum', 'NULL', # doc pkg
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
index 08d321efed9..de5bfa9fea4 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ depend pgfmorepages
depend pgfopts
depend pgfornament
depend pgfplots
+depend pgfplotsthemebeamer
depend picinpar
depend pict2e
depend pictex
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pgfplotsthemebeamer.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pgfplotsthemebeamer.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b32f7161aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pgfplotsthemebeamer.tlpsrc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+depend beamer
+depend tools
+depend pgfplots
+depend pgfopts