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+The exercisesheets package
+The exercisesheets package provides a way to typeset exercise sheets as used in
+university courses. It evolved from a set of macros an environments that were
+finally combined into this package.
+Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Sebastian Kuhnert, Frank Fuhlbrück
+Licence: LPPL 1.3c or later
+Current Maintainer: Frank Fuhlbrück
+Files belonging to this package:
+exercisesheets.sty The package itself
+exercisesheets-doc.tex Documentation source
+exsh_lexercise.lua Helper file for internal lua code
+README This file
+examples Folder with example tex files
+examples/exercises Example exercise used by example tex files
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/exercisesheets/examples/exercises/exshexample-ex1.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/exercisesheets/examples/exercises/exshexample-ex1.tex
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+ Include an exercise from an external file.
+ \begin{solution}[framed]
+ I just did this.
+ \pause
+ And this, too.
+ \end{solution}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/exercisesheets/examples/exercises/exshexample-ex2.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/exercisesheets/examples/exercises/exshexample-ex2.lua
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+return exercise {
+ task = [[Include an exercise via the Lua interface.]],
+ solution=[[
+ I think this worked.
+ ]],
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/exercisesheets/examples/exshexample-embedded.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/exercisesheets/examples/exshexample-embedded.tex
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+\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
+\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[circle]
+\setbeamertemplate{sections/subsections in toc}[circle]
+\setbeamercolor{item projected}{bg=black}
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
+\setbeamercolor{block title}{bg=black}
+\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=red,bg=white}
+\author{Example Author}
+\title{Embedding Exercises}
+\subtitle{a never-ending journey}
+\date{compilation date: \the\year-\two@digits{\the\month}-\two@digits{\the\day}}
+ \setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}{\alph{enumi})}
+ \setbeamertemplate{enumerate subitem}{\arabic{enumii}.}
+ \setbeamertemplate{enumerate subsubitem}{\arabic{enumii}.}
+ \begin{enumerate}[#1]
+%embedded already sets a lot of values, see documentation
+%in non-embedded mode, exercisesheets clears beamers headline
+%and footline if non of the beamerwith...line arguments are used.
+ strings/sheet={Missions},
+ exercisespath=exercises,
+ subtask environment=stlist,
+ task restate font={\color{gray}},
+ imp/.style={pointsinfo=important},
+ vi/.style={pointsinfo=very important},
+\parindent 0pt
+ Let me tell you everything \pause\textbf{about embedding exercises}.
+\subsection{without a sheet environment}
+ \begin{frame}
+ \begin{block}{}
+ Since our exercises are already in a dedicated subsection,\pause
+ we do not need an extra sheet environment.
+ \end{block}
+ \end{frame}
+ \includeexercise*[imp]{exshexample-ex1}
+ \includeLexercise*[vi]{exshexample-ex2}
+\subsection{with a sheet environment}
+\begin{sheet}[note={The exercises are within a separated sheet
+ environment.}]
+ \includeexercise*[imp,solutions]{exshexample-ex1}
+\def\sheetfancy[#1]#2{\textcolor{red}{#2}}%nope, nothing happens
+\exshset{sheet sectioning cmd=\sheetfancy}
+\begin{sheet}[note={This sheet header looks exactly like the first one, because \texttt{sheet sectioning cmd} is only used for
+non-beamer documents.}]
+ \includeLexercise*[imp,solutions]{exshexample-ex2}
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+%navigation symbols and the title collide if
+%beamerwithheadline is set
+ \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+%patchenumerate is the deafault
+ %when directly messing with page breaks
+ %and the sheet start page actio (as we do below)
+ %using exercisesheets' page numer redefinitions per
+ %sheet do not make much sense
+ patchpagenumbers=false,
+ beamerwithfootline,
+ beamercompatibility,
+ exercisespath=exercises]%
+ {exercisesheets}
+task restate font={\color{black!60}},
+%solutions may be printed out on paper -> a4
+%exercises are read on (smartphone) screen -> a5
+ \usepackage[left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1cm,bottom=1.5cm,a4paper]{geometry}
+ }{
+ \usepackage[left=0.7cm,right=0.7cm,top=1cm,bottom=1.5cm]{geometry}
+%Usually the person responsible for the entire course:
+\date{Example term/semester}
+\title{Introduction to Exercise Sheets Creation}
+\subject{Introduction to Exercise Sheets Creation}
+%Only used for beamer at the moment:
+\exshset{exauthor={Author of exercises}}
+\begin{sheet}[note={Learn how to create nice exercise sheets.},
+ date={Novanuar 42, -2022},title={First Sheet}]
+ \includeexercise*{exshexample-ex1}
+ \includeLexercise*{exshexample-ex2}
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},firstline={Read the manual.}]
+ \end{exercise}
+ \begin{exercise}[points={sum},firstline={After you read the manual:}]
+ Play around with this example. You might want to read further manuals like:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ %pointsfloatright should be usually set globally
+ \item\points[pointsfloatright]{2}pgf (for pgfkeys)
+ \item enumitem and similar \points[abbrev,bonus]{1}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item paralist \thesubex
+ \item
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item varioref
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item all the others \points[inplace]{3} (why not?)
+ \label{subex:man2}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{exercise}
+ \exshset{
+ %default is \clearpage
+ sheet start page action={\pagebreak[3]\hrule},
+ sheet end page action={\vspace{4mm}\hrule\vspace{2cm}},
+ }
+\begin{sheet}[date={Novanuar 35, -2022}]
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},
+ firstline={Read the manual.}]
+ \end{exercise}
+ \begin{solution}[framed,fragile]
+ Oh no, it's quite long.
+ \newframe
+ Really long, but please \verb|\relax|.
+ Ok, but my brain feels like:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ x
+ $ t
+ \end{verbatim}
+ And yours?
+ \end{solution}
+\begin{sheet}[date={Novanuar 28, -2022},title={Third Sheet},
+ number within sheet]
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},
+ firstline={Read the manual.}]
+ \begin{solution}
+ OK, done.
+ \newpage
+ still done.
+ \end{solution}
+ \end{exercise}
+ \begin{Lexercise}
+ task = [[
+ This exercise will be skipped.
+ ]],
+ \end{Lexercise}
+ \begin{Lexercise}
+ task = [[
+ \label{ex:skiplex}%
+ This exercise will be skipped, but it has a reference.
+ ]],
+ subexercises = {[[\label{subex:skiplexOne} first]]},
+ \end{Lexercise}
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},%savetasks,
+ main task font={\tiny},subtask font={\itshape}
+ ]
+ \begin{maintask}
+ \label{ex:skipex} This exercise will be skipped.
+ Furt
+ \end{maintask}
+ \begin{subtasks}
+ \item {first \label{subex:skipexOneOne}} This is an \string\item\space inside a subtasks environment. If
+ \verb|subtask environment| is set to enumerate/itemize etc.,
+ this works with some caveats (font settings for substaks are not used).
+ \subtask{second}
+ \end{subtasks}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \setcounter{enumi}{2}
+ \subtask {first \label{subex:skipexOne}}
+ This is a \string\subtask{} without the susbtasks
+ environment, which is unsupported and a bad example!
+ \item {\label{subex:skipexTwo}} {12345}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{exercise}
+\begin{sheet}[date={Novanuar 21, -2022}]
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},
+ firstline={Read the manual.}]
+ \begin{solution}[framed]
+ OK, done (again).
+ \newframe
+ Otherwise, I wouldn't know \textbackslash newframe now which
+ does not exist in beamer.
+ \end{solution}
+ \end{exercise}
+ Loading varioref enables you to refer to sub-exercises, like
+ this: Did you do \ref{subex:man2}? It is the subexercise
+ \subexnref{subex:man2} and has label \subexlref{subex:man2}.
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},
+ firstline={Play around with the options.}]
+ Some exercise, there are far too few.
+ \begin{solution}[defersolutiontitle]
+ \begin{frame}
+ This is a dual-use solution with explicit
+ beamer frames (and no framed).
+ \solutiontitle
+ Note, that we can freely place the title, because of
+ defersolutiontitle.
+ \end{frame}
+ \end{solution}
+ \end{exercise}
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},beamersolution,
+ firstline={Play around with the options.}]
+ \begin{solution}
+ This solution is only shown if using the non-beamer version, because the option beamersolution was used. Otherwise both
+ solutions would be shown. You can set
+ the option beamersolution for individual (normal) solutions
+ to ignore some but not all solutions of an exercise.
+ \end{solution}
+ \begin{beamersolution}[defersolutiontitle]
+ \begin{frame}[t]
+ \solutiontitle
+ This beamersolution is only shown if using the beamer
+ version.
+ \end{frame}
+ \end{beamersolution}
+ \end{exercise}
+ \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},savetasks,
+ main task font={\tiny},subtask font={\itshape}
+ ]
+ \begin{maintask}
+ The exercise task can be saved and restated.
+ \end{maintask}
+ \begin{subtasks}
+ \subtask{first}
+ \begin{solution}[framed]
+ None (yet).
+ \end{solution}
+ \subtask{second}
+ \end{subtasks}
+ I forgot all the tasks!
+ \restatetask
+ Yeah, but what about the subtasks? I forgot the \restatetask[1] and the \restatetask[2] one. Or did I?
+ \end{exercise}
+ \begin{Lexercise}
+ --use [[]] if you need \ or escape it: "\\"
+ firstline = [[Assume $\pi=4$.]],
+ points=10,
+ name="Pragmatic",
+ options=[[main task font={\itshape}]],
+ task = [[
+ This is the main task specified via the Lua
+ interface, like subexercise \ref{subex:skiplexOne} in \ref{ex:skiplex}, whereas \ref{subex:skipexOne}
+ and \ref{subex:skipexTwo} in
+ \ref{ex:skipex} use the \LaTeX~interface.
+ ]],
+ solution=[[
+ This is a solution for the main task.
+ ]],
+ altsolutions={
+ {
+ name="Alternative Solution",
+ text="This is also a solution."
+ },{
+ idea=true,
+ text="This is also a solution."
+ }
+ },
+ \end{Lexercise}
+ \begin{Lexercise}
+ firstline = "Assume $e=3$.",
+ points="sum",
+ task = [[
+ This exercise has some subexercises. The Lua interface
+ computes point sums in a single pass.
+ ]],
+ subexercises = {
+ {
+ task = "First things first.",
+ bonuspoints = 4,
+ pointoptions = "abbrev",--passed to LaTeX interface
+ solution = [[None.]],
+ },{
+ task = "Second things afterwards.",
+ points = 16,
+ altsolutions = { [[None.]],[[Yet.]] },
+ }
+ }
+ \end{Lexercise}
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+%% exercisesheets.tex
+%% Copyright 2008-2024 Sebastian Kuhnert, Frank Fuhlbrück
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+% of this license is in and
+% version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Frank Fuhlbrück.
+% This work consists of the files listed in README.
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\color{blue!50!black},
+ texcs={def,let,renewcommand,long,begin,end,usepackage,ifdef},
+ texcsstyle=\color{blue!60!gray},
+ keywordstyle=\bfseries,
+ keywords={
+ beamersolution,
+ exshset,
+ exercise,
+ hint,
+ includeexercise,
+ inexlabel,
+ ifnonoralsolutions,
+ iforalsolutions,
+ ifsamplesolutions,
+ ifsolutions,
+ Lexercise,
+ loadexercise,
+ maintask,
+ newframe,
+ points,
+ restatetask,
+ restatetaskbeamer,
+ sheet,
+ solution,
+ subexnref,
+ subexlref,
+ subtask,
+ subtasks,
+ },
+ keywordstyle=[2]\optionstyle,
+ keywords=[2]{
+ bonus,
+ firstline,
+ framed,
+ inplace,
+ name,
+ only,
+ optional,
+ options,
+ oral,
+ strings,
+ solutionsby,
+ },
+ identifierstyle=,%{}\color{red!60!gray},
+ texcl,
+ commentstyle=\itshape,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ breaklines,
+ breakatwhitespace,
+ columns=flexible,
+ escapeinside={(*}{*)},
+ mathescape=false,
+\newcommand{\param}[1]{$\langle${\normalfont\itshape #1\/}$\rangle$}
+\newcommand{\option}[1]{{\optionstyle #1}}
+\newcommand{\optitem}[1][]{\item[{\codestyle #1}]}
+\newcommand{\vers}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily\color{black!90} #1}}
+\newcommand{\versitem}[1][]{\item[v. \vers{#1}]}
+\title{The \exsh Package}
+\author{Sebastian Kuhnert\and Frank Fuhlbrück}
+\date{Version 0.17, \printdateTeX{2024/04/23}}
+The \exsh package provides a way to typeset exercise sheets as used in university courses and school classes. It evolved from a set of macros an environments that were finally combined into this package. Starting from Version \vers{0.7}, there was an alternative variant designed for use with the beamer class, which is integrated into the main package since version \vers{0.11}. Not all combinations of options have been tested with the beamer variant. From version \vers{0.16} on, there is an embedded mode that allows using exercise in lecture notes etc. without requiring page breaks. Since the package includes a loading mechanism for exercises in external files, the same exercises can be reused in different contexts.
+Copyright \textcopyright{} 2008--2024 Sebastian Kuhnert and Frank Fuhlbrück.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the
+terms of the \LaTeX{} Project Public Licence, version 1.3c or later. This
+package is maintained, the Current Maintainer is
+Frank Fuhlbrück
+\section{Reading this Document}
+ \item All macros and environments defined by this package are
+ printed in bold like this: \lstinline|\points| and
+ \lstinline|\begin{sheet}\end{sheet}|.
+ \item Key-value style options with a mandatory argument are
+ printed like this: {\codestyle \option{only}=\param{list of ranges}}, while optional (usually boolean) arguments
+ look like this: {\codestyle \option{embedded}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}.
+\section{Related Classes and Packages}
+\subsection{Packages with Similar Functionality}
+ \item The \texttt{exercise} package offers similar functionality, though the
+ concept is a bit different: That package provides explicit commands for
+ sub-exercises while \exsh (in its standard setting)
+ relies on other means like the \texttt{enumerate}
+ environment for this. An advantage of the \texttt{exercise} package is that
+ answers can be delayed. On the other hand \exsh's environment based user
+ interface is a bit cleaner and you have to care less about package internals.
+ \item The \texttt{xsim} (and its predecessor \texttt{exsheets}) package also offers a similar set of features for the average user. It also has a mechanism for hiding certain exercises and solutions that works a bit differently than the mechanism of
+ this package. There is (to my knowledge) no explicit beamer support.
+\subsection{Recommended Additional Packages}
+ \item The use of \texttt{hyperref} is encouraged. Please use the options
+ \texttt{pdfusetitle}, \texttt{plainpages=false} and \texttt{pdfpagelabels} for
+ optimal results.
+ \item If the \texttt{babel} package is loaded, the appropriate
+ \option{language=\param{lang}}-option is automatically derived and can be
+ omitted.
+ \item The use of \texttt{enumitem} or \texttt{paralist} is recommended. Top
+ level enumerating lists are then modified to have the form (a), (b), \dots{},
+ which is useful in exercise definitions (you can override this).
+ \item If the \texttt{varioref} package is used, appropriate label formats are
+ installed for exercises and sub-exercises.
+ \item If the \texttt{xcolor} package is loaded, to-do markers generated with
+ \lstinline|\TODO| are printed in red.
+\subsection{Packages Loaded by \exsh}
+ \item \texttt{etoolbox} (at least version
+ 1.7)
+ \item \texttt{scrlfile} (part of \KOMAScript{})
+ \item \texttt{pgfkeys} (part of PGF 2.0)
+ \item \texttt{ifthen}
+ \item \texttt{amsmath} (for \lstinline|\numberwithin|)
+ \item \texttt{iflualatex}
+ \item \texttt{refcount} (for \lstinline|\getrefnumber|)
+\section{Basic Usage}
+\subsection{Package Loading}
+The beamer variant is integrated now and automatically activated
+if the current document class is beamer.
+The following options are available:
+ \optitem[{\option{only}=\mand{\param{list of ranges}}}] When given, only the mentioned
+ sheets will be included in the output. This is useful to speed up compilation
+ times for big documents. Some efforts are made that sheet and exercise
+ numbering remain consistent and references to exercises and enumerated lists
+ on skipped sheets still work as expected. References to other objects are
+ broken though (they currently point to the exercise or item containing them).
+ The \param{list of ranges} is a comma separated list of sheet numbers and
+ sheet ranges. If a comma is included in the range, it has to be protected with
+ a pair of braces. The special sheet \enquote{number} \texttt{last} stands for
+ the last sheet in the document (this may require an additional \LaTeX{} run).
+ Examples:
+ \begin{description}
+ \optitem[{\option{only}=3}] Only include the 3rd sheet of the document.
+ \optitem[{\option{only}=\{1,3,5,7\}}] Only include the sheets 1, 3, 5 and 7.
+ \optitem[{\option{only}=last}] Only include the last sheet of the document.
+ \optitem[{\option{only}=\{3-5,8-last\}}] Exclude the sheets 1, 2, 6 and 7.
+ \optitem[{\option{only}=\{-2,5-\}}] Exclude the sheets 3 and 4.
+ \end{description}
+ \optitem[{\option{all}}] Typeset all sheets (equivalent to \option{only=-}). This is
+ the default.
+ \optitem[{\option{solutions\maybe{=\param{true/false/oral/nonoral/sample oral/sample nonoral/sample all}}}}] By default,
+ solutions (provided in the \texttt{solution} environment) are not included in
+ the output. By providing the option \option{solutions=true} (or just
+ \option{solutions}) this can be changed. Choosing \option{solutions=oral}
+ shows only solutions for exercises marked \option{oral} (useful for printouts
+ taken to class). Choosing \option{solutions=nonoral} shows only solutions for
+ exercises that are not marked \option{oral} (useful for correcting).
+ If you want to provided sample solutions for your students but only for some
+ of your exercises you can use the \texttt{sample} key to select those
+ exercises along with any options starting with sample here.
+ Note that non-sample exercises are skipped completely (not only their solutions) if you
+ choose an option starting with sample.
+ \optitem[{\option{gradingguides\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}}]
+ Within \texttt{gradingguide} environments (usually used inside \texttt{solution}) you can
+ specify e.g. the amount of points to assign for certain solutions. This option
+ controls whether or not to include this guides in the output (e.g. solutions for
+ correcting contain them, but sample solutions for students don't).
+ \optitem[{\option{solutionsby}=\mand{\param{name/names}}}] Use this to give the authors of the
+ solutions. They are credited at the beginning of each sheet, if the solutions
+ are included in the output.
+ \optitem[{\option{language}=\mand{\param{lang}}}] Set the language of the sheet and
+ exercise heads to \param{lang}. If the \texttt{babel} package is loaded this
+ is not necessary, as the main document language will be automatically
+ detected. Currently \option{english}, \option{german} and \option{ngerman} are
+ supported. Other translations are welcome: Please contact the author.
+ \optitem[{\option{pointsfloatright}}] Use an alternative mechanism to place points for Sub-Exercises.
+ If this option is used, the points label for a Sub-Exercise is placed at the (right) end of the current line.
+ It is especially useful if used in a context like \texttt{$\backslash$item$\backslash$points$\{3\}$}.
+ This option exploits (and partially breaks) RTL-Support.
+ \optitem[{\option{exercisespath}}] Set the (relative) path of the
+ directory containing exercises to be included via
+ \lstinline|\includeexercise|.
+ \optitem[{\option{patchenumerate}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}] Sets
+ enumerate item labels for the first four levels, starting with
+ a), b) etc. for the top-level (sub-exercises). Depending on other
+ loaded packages (\lstinline|enumitem|, \lstinline|paralist|) the mechanism
+ slightly differs. This option is active by default.
+ \optitem[{\option{settitle}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}] If set to true
+ (which is the default),
+ the document \lstinline|\title| will be automatically set to the value
+ of \option{strings/sheets} and the value of \option{strings/solutions} will be
+ appended if \option{solutions} is not \lstinline|false|.
+ \optitem[{\option{patchpagenumbers}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}] If true
+ (default), pages will be numbered within sheets and page numbers
+ get a prefix of the form ``{\codestyle\param{sheet number}-}''.
+ \optitem[{\option{usestartsection}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}] If true
+ (default), the command \lstinline|\@startsection| is used to create
+ the header of any exercise as a section, which (among other
+ things) adds an entry to the TOC (if existent) at level 1
+ (usually corresponding to \lstinline|\section|).
+ \optitem[{\option{embedded}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}] Default: false.
+ Embedded mode allows for exercise ``sheets'' which do not
+ interfere with a surrounding document. More explicitly, it does
+ not interfere with \lstinline|secnumdepth|, defines special counters
+ \lstinline|exshsheet| and \lstinline|exshexercise| to use them for
+ \option{sheet counter} and \option{exercise counter},
+ respectively and sets all of \option{patchenumerate},
+ \option{settitle}, \option{patchpagenumbers} and
+ \option{usestartsection} to \lstinline|false|.
+ An internally defined macro which basically does no extra
+ formatting or adding anything to the TOC is used as
+ \option{sheet sectioning cmd} instead of the usual \lstinline|\part|.
+ Finally,
+ the \option{sheet start page action} and the
+ \option{sheet end page action} are both set to \lstinline|\relax|.
+ If you want to override any of this, do it after setting
+ \option{embedded} to \lstinline|true|.
+ \item{\option{minskips\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}} Default: false.
+ If true, the values of
+ \option{above sheet title skip},
+ \option{below sheet header skip},
+ \option{above first exercise skip} and
+ \option{below exercise title skip} are all set to 0pt.
+ \optitem[{\option{showtodos} / \option{hidetodos}}]
+ \lstinline|\TODO| markers
+ are hidden by default, this option switches their behavior. This
+ option is usually set within \lstinline|\ifsamplesolutions| or
+ similar.
+ \optitem[{\option{beamercompatibility}\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}]
+ This option (which only is effective in the non-beamer version)
+ defines several beamer macros with as trivial
+ effects as possible, e.g., \lstinline|\pause| becomes \lstinline|\relax|
+ and overlay specifications are mostly ignored. Be careful to use
+ this option after loading \lstinline|enumitem| etc. as the enumerate
+ and itemize environment are defined to swallow overlay
+ specifications without effect, this also holds for
+ \lstinline|\item<1->|. If you load \lstinline|exercisesheets| before them
+ use \lstinline|\exshset| afterwards.
+ The current list of redefinitions is as
+ follows:
+ \let\pause\relax
+ \def\frame{}
+ \renewcommand{\frame}[1][]{}
+ \let\endframe\relax
+ \def\onslide<##1>{}
+ \def\only<##1>##2{##2}
+ \def\uncover<##1>##2{##2}
+ \def\visible<##1>##2{##2}
+ \def\invisible<##1>##2{##2}
+ \long\def\alt<##1>##2##3{##2}
+ \long\def\temporal<##1>##2##3##4{##3}
+ \let\exsh@origitem\item
+ \def\exsh@ovrlitem<##1>{\exsh@origitem}
+ \def\item{\@ifnextchar<\exsh@ovrlitem\exsh@origitem}
+ \let\exsh@origitemize\itemize
+ \def\exsh@ovrlitemize[##1]{\exsh@origitemize}
+ \def\itemize{\@ifnextchar[\exsh@ovrlitemize\exsh@origitemize}
+ \let\exsh@origenumerate\enumerate
+ \def\exsh@ovrlenumerate[##1]{\exsh@origenumerate}
+ \def\enumerate{%
+ \@ifnextchar[\exsh@ovrlenumerate\exsh@origenumerate}
+This option (set to false by default) causes
+\lstinline|\includeexercise| to
+set the name of an exercise as the filename (without extension).
+This has two purposes: If you have nice file names you can
+automatically name the exercise. On the other hand this is helpful
+during exercise sheet composition because it shows the name of
+the corresponding file in the compiled file.
+\subsection{Supplying Meta-Data}
+The following commands are enhanced (or provided) to set the options controlling
+the sheet headers (see Section~\ref{sec:sheet}):
+If one of these commands is omitted (and the corresponding option is not used
+either), a warning is issued.
+Please do not include a \lstinline|\title| in your document, as \exsh will
+automatically generate an appropriate one (this may require an additional
+\LaTeX{} run). If you want to set the title yourself, set the
+option \option{settitle} to \lstinline|false|.
+All this information is included in the PDF meta-data if the \texttt{hyperref}
+package is loaded with the option \texttt{pdfusetitle}.
+There is also a related option:
+ \optitem[{\option{exauthor}=\mand{\param{list of names}}}] If you want to use the
+ \lstinline|\author| macro for the general author of a course but
+ there are different authors for individual exercises or all
+ exercises in general, you can set this key. Currently only
+ exercisesheets-baemer uses this for the footline, while
+ \option{author} is used for the headline.
+\subsection{Defining Exercise Sheets}
+ (*\param{sheet contents}*)
+Insert a sheet into the document. This environment can be repeated to combine
+several sheets in a single \LaTeX{} file. For each sheet, a new page is started
+and an appropriate header is generated. The \param{sheet contents} can be
+anything but will usually consist of several \texttt{exercise} environments (see
+The following \param{options} are supported:
+ \optitem[{\option{date}=\mand{\param{date}}}] Set the date the sheet was/will be issued. This
+ information is included in the sheet header. By default, this information is
+ omitted. See also the \option{semester} option.
+ \optitem[{\option{note}=\mand{\param{note}}}] Include \param{note} in the sheet header.
+ Useful to inform students when the sheet is due. If you want a note consisting
+ of more than one line split at a particular position, use
+ \lstinline|\protect\linebreak|.
+ \optitem[{\option{title}=\mand{\param{title}}}]
+ Directly set the sheet title. When this option is used, different
+ page numbering conventions are used. This is useful to
+ typeset exams (combined with the next option).
+ \optitem[{\option{number within sheet\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}}]
+ Deviate from the usual numbering theme and
+ restart from one for exercises on the sheet. The previous
+ counter value is restored after the sheet, so you can insert
+ a special sheet.
+ \optitem[{\option{author}=\mand{\param{author}}}] Set the author included in the sheet
+ head. By default, the value passed to \lstinline|\author| is used.
+ \optitem[{\option{exauthor}=\mand{\param{exauthor}}}] Only used by the beamer
+ variant, see above.
+ \optitem[{\option{subject}=\mand{\param{subject}}}] Set the subject included in the sheet
+ head. By default, the value passed to \lstinline|\subject| is used.
+ \optitem[{\option{semester}=\mand{\param{semester}}}] Set the semester included in the
+ sheet head. By default, the value passed to \lstinline|\date| is used.
+ \optitem[{\option{beamerwithheadline\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}}] Controls whether a headline with author, subject etc. is shown on beamer slides, similar to the regular sheets. This options is off by default as headlines (and footers) take a considerable amount
+ off space. If you specify the embedded option the current default headers and footers will be used if you omit this option. Otherwise omitting it will imply an empty headline.
+ \optitem[{\option{beamerwithfootline\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}}]
+ The same for the footer.
+ \optitem[{\option{beameruseblocks\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}}]
+ Controls whether the exercise title is shown inside a
+ beamer block (\param{true}) or a simple colorbox
+ (\param{false}, the default). Depending on your style a
+ block might look fancier, but it usually consume more space.
+\subsection{Defining Exercises and Solutions}
+ (*\param{exercise text}*)
+ \begin{solution}(*\maybe{[\param{solution options}]}*)
+ (*\param{solution text}*)
+ \end{solution}
+ \begin{beamersolution}(*\maybe{[\param{solution options}]}*)
+ (*\param{solution text}*)
+ \end{beamersolution}
+This inserts an exercise into the current document. All
+\lstinline|beamersolution|s are ignored, if the
+\exsh package with any class but beamer, but using beamer
+\exsh also processes
+normal solutions by default (set option \option{beamersolution}
+to turn this off).
+The following options are
+ \optitem[{\option{name}=\mand{\param{text}}}] Use \param{text} as the name of the exercise.
+ Useful for exercises that prove a famous theorem.
+ \optitem[{\option{firstline}=\mand{\param{text}}}] Save some space by text \param{text}
+ behind the exercise title.
+ \optitem[{\option{savetasks\maybe{=\param{true/false}}}}] Saves the main task and each sub task
+ for later use with \lstinline|\restatetask[|%
+ \param{which}], where \param{which} is either \lstinline|main|
+ (default) or the number of a sub task.
+ \optitem[{\option{points}=\mand{\param{number/oral/sum}}}] Assign this
+ exercise \param{number} points. By default, exercises are
+ unlabelled. \param{oral} works the same way as the option
+ \option{oral}. The value \param{sum} displays the sum of all
+ occurrences of \lstinline|\points| within the exercise: Ordinary and
+ bonus points are treated separately. If there are only bonus
+ points, the option \option{bonus} is automatically triggered. To
+ undo this, either delete the \filename{.aux} file or explicitly use
+ \lstinline|\points[bonus=false]{\param{number}}| for at least one
+ subexercise. Points can be summed up also during a single pass
+ by using the Lua interface.
+ \optitem[{\option{oral}}] Label this exercise as \emph{oral}. This supersedes and is
+ superseded by the option \option{points}.
+ \optitem[{\option{pointsinfo}=\mand{\param{text}}}] Supply \param{text} as additional
+ information to be displayed after the points.
+ \optitem[{\option{optional}}] Shortcut for \option{pointsinfo=optional} with
+ automatic translation and abbreviation (if requested).
+ \optitem[{\option{bonus}}] Change \enquote{points} to \enquote{bonus points} (with
+ automatic translation and abbreviation).
+ \optitem[{\option{abbrev}}] Use abbreviated labels.
+ \optitem[{\option{exercisemark}=\mand{\param{symbol}}}] Mark the exercise
+ with \param{symbol} in the left margin.
+ \optitem[{\option{difficult}}] Shortcut for \option{exercisemark=*}.
+ \optitem[{\option{solutions\maybe{=\param{true/false/oral/nonoral/...}}}}] Use this to override the
+ document (or sheet) default.
+ \optitem[{\option{sample}}] Include this exercise (and its solution) in while compiling
+ sample solutions.
+ \optitem[{\option{beamersolution}}] For beamer variant only. If this option
+ is set all normal solutions will not be included and only
+ \lstinline|beamersolution|s are typeset.
+ \optitem[{\option{framed}}] For beamer variant only, simply ignored
+ elsewhere. If this option
+ is set for a normal solution, its content will be put on one or
+ more frames. Use \lstinline|\newframe| to start a new frame. This
+ option is especially helpful if you provide your own definitions
+ of \lstinline|\only| etc. and/or use the \option{beamercompatibility}.
+ for non-beamer compilation. \lstinline|\newframe|
+ is already defined as \lstinline|\relax| in non-beamer \exsh,
+ even without invoking \option{beamercompatibility}.
+ \optitem[{\option{fragile}}] For beamer variant only and only
+ used combined with framed, simply ignored elsewhere. Frames are
+ declared as \texttt{fragile} und parsing of \lstinline|\newframe|
+ etc. is done via Lua\LaTeX. Thus Lua\LaTeX is required
+ (and this requires font setup via fontspec etc.), but
+ you do not have to use any Lua code yourself. Mostly useful
+ for listings and other verbatim stuff within solutions.
+Solutions are only typeset, if the \option{solutions} option is in effect. There
+can be multiple solution environments within a single exercise environment; this
+is useful if the exercise consists of several sub-exercises. Sub-exercises can
+simply be defined with an \texttt{enumerate} or \texttt{compactenum}
+\subsection{Loading Excercises From Files}
+\includeexercise(*\param{file name}*)
+\includeexercise*(*\param{file name}*)
+Both load the exercise from exercisespath/\param{file name}. Note
+that the exercise environment must be contained in the file. The
+starred version is helpful for faster skipping of unused exercises.
+In this case, the file is not opened to search for labels. Whenever
+the exercise is not skipped and you use the starred version and also
+use labels within the exercise file, \exsh outputs an error. This is
+done to ensure that references are not overlooked when the exercise
+is actually skipped later.
+\subsection{Including Hints}
+ (*\param{hint text}*)
+ (*\param{hint text}*)
+These environments include hints in the exercise definition. The first form
+starts a new paragraph, the second one puts the hint in parenthesis.
+\subsection{TODO Markers}
+You can use the following to include a red TODO marker in your document. This is
+useful to mark places where work is still in progress. A warning is issued at
+each place. TODO markers can also contain an optional description
+of the task that needs to be done. If you switch off displaying
+TODO markers (s.a.) the warning will be issued nevertheless.
+\TODO[what needs to be done]
+\subsection{Annotating Points for Sub-Exercises}
+\begin{exercise}[(*\option{points}*)=sum]%sum produces 4+6
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Part 1 \points{oral}
+ \item Part 2 \points[optional]{oral}
+ \item Part 3 \points{4}
+ \item Part 4 \points[bonus]{6}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ Sub-Exercises within continuous text can be annotated like this \points[inplace]{3} without adding space.
+\subsection{Explicitly Stating Tasks}
+In principle, \exsh aims to be very lightweight and there is not
+much mandatory structure inside exercises. Furthermore, the
+\lstinline|enumi| counter is used for sub-exercise. There are, however,
+situations where we want more explicit structure, for instance to
+have special font for the main task or the subtasks or to reuse
+some of the tasks later. This is especially handy if using the
+beamer variant where the original task and a part of the solution might be on different slides. In the future it might be possible to
+use other counters then \lstinline|enumi|, which is also only possible
+if sub-exercises are not simply \lstinline|\item|s in
+\lstinline|enumerate|. If you want to reuse the main or any subtasks
+you may use \lstinline|\restatetask| or \lstinline|\restatetaskbeamer|
+(this shows noting if not compiled with beamer). There is also
+a starred version (\lstinline|\restatetask*| /
+\lstinline|\restatetaskbeamer*|) for each of them, which adds a newline.
+All four have an optional argument that allows to restate
+a subtask instead of the main task. This argument is either
+\lstinline|main|, a number of a \textbf{previous} subtask or
+\lstinline|cur| for the current subtask. Using \option{headerrestate}
+for your solution will automatically restate the current
+task within the beamer solution header (does noting without
+ \begin{maintask}
+ A and B are true.
+ \end{maintask}
+ \begin{subtasks}
+ \subtask{A is true}
+ \begin{solution}[framed]
+ We want to show: \restatetask %A and B are true.
+ \newframe
+ Out first step is to show: \restatetask[cur] %A is true
+ \end{solution}
+ \subtask{If A is true, B is true.}
+ \begin{solution}[framed]
+ Obvious (i.e.: homework).
+ \end{solution}
+ \subtask{B is true}
+ \begin{solution}[framed]
+ We already know: \restatetask[1] and
+ \restatetask[2], therefore B is also true.
+ \end{solution}
+ \end{subtasks}
+\subsection{Labels and References within an Exercise}
+While the global reference labels set via varioref (if loaded)
+are nice for references to subexercises far away, always mentioning
+the exercise number seems superfluous. Furthermore, for usage in indices etc. you might want to use the arabic representation instead. This is what the commands \lstinline|\subexnref| and
+\lstinline|\subexlref| are designed for. However, both of them still
+require an ordinary label, which is not allowed in
+exercises loaded with \lstinline|\loadexercise*|.
+For this purpose \lstinline|\inexlabel| can be used which is just a
+normal label that is not redefined to produce an error.
+Furthermore, we define a counter \lstinline|subex| (which is
+currently just an alias for enumi, but this might change). You can
+use this counter (alias) with common commands like
+\lstinline|\arabic| or \lstinline|\alph|.
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \inexlabel{subex:xisseven} Let $x_{\thesubex}=7$.
+ \item Compute $x_{\subexnref{subex:xisseven}}+3$.
+ \begin{solution}
+ From \subexlref{subex:xisseven} %(a)
+ we know that $x_{\subexnref{subex:xisseven}}$ is $7$ and
+ thus the sum is $10$.
+ \end{solution}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\section{Advanced Usage}
+\subsection{Setting Options}
+Options can be given at different places.
+ \item As local options to one of the environments.
+ \item As package options: This is convenient for global options but suffers
+ from shortcomings in way \LaTeX{} processes options: Macros are expanded and
+ spaces are stripped.
+ \item By the independent \lstinline|\exshset| command. This is especially useful in
+ the preamble to set options that would be garbled by the \LaTeX{} option
+ handling routine. It also allows to change an option for the rest of the
+ current scope.
+Example: Change the solution authors of the following sheets:
+(*\param{some sheets}*)
+\exshset{solutionsby=(*\param{other authors}*)}
+(*\param{more sheets}*)
+\subsection{Changing Strings}
+For some languages, predefined sets of strings are provided and automatically
+activated. If your language is not supported or if you want to change (some of)
+the used strings, you can do so with the following options:
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/sheet}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/sheets}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/solutions}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/solutionsby}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/exercise}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/solution}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/hint}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/oral}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/oral abbrev}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/point}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/points}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/points abbrev}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/bonus point}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/bonus points}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/bonus points abbrev}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/optional}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+ \optitem[{\option{strings/optional abbrev}=\mand{\param{string}}}]
+Example: Give an introduction that should only be included in the version with
+ (*\param{introduction text}*)
+\subsection{Changing Fonts}
+The package \exsh comes with its own way to change the used fonts. Each font can
+be changed in the following way:
+\exshset{(*\param{font element}=\param{font specification}*)}
+The available \param{font element}s are listed below together with their default
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet header font}}] The basic font for subject, author, semester,
+ date, note and solution authors in the sheet headers.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\normalfont\normalsize|
+ \optitem[{\option{subject font}}] The font for the subject in the sheet header.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\scshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{author font}}] The font for the author in the sheet header.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\scshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{semester font}}] The font for the semester in the sheet header.\\
+ Default: empty, i.\,e.\ no change.
+ \optitem[{\option{date font}}] The font for the date in the sheet header.\\
+ Default: empty, i.\,e.\ no change.
+ \optitem[{\option{solutionsby font}}] The font for the information who has produced
+ the solutions provided below the sheet title.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\itshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet note font}}] The font for the note provided below the sheet
+ title.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\itshape\bfseries|
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet title font}}] The font for the sheet title itself.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\Large\bfseries|
+ \optitem[{\option{exercise title font}}] The font for the exercise title.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\bfseries|
+ \optitem[{\option{points font}}] The font for the number of points in the exercise
+ head (relative to the exercise title) and for \lstinline|\points|.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\itshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{main task font}}] The font for the
+ \lstinline|maintask| environment.\\
+ Default: empty, i.\,e.\ no change.
+ \optitem[{\option{subtask font}}] The font for each
+ \lstinline|\subtask|.\\
+ Default: empty, i.\,e.\ no change.
+ \optitem[{\option{task restate font}}] The font used for
+ \lstinline|\restatetask|.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\itshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{hint font}}] The font for hints. \\
+ Default: empty, i.\,e.\ no change.
+ \optitem[{\option{hint title font}}] The font for the string \enquote{Hint:}.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\itshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{solution font}}] The font for solutions.\\
+ Default: empty, i.\,e.\ no change.
+ \optitem[{\option{solution title font}}] The font for the string
+ \enquote{Solution:}\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\bfseries|
+ \optitem[{\option{grading guide font}}] The font for grading guides.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\itshape|
+ \optitem[{\option{todo marker font}}] The font for the string \enquote{TODO}.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\ifdef{\color}{\color{red}}{}\bfseries|
+\subsection{Controlling the Spacing, Page Handling and Separations between Elements}
+The following options allow fine-tuning of the spacing:
+ \optitem[{\option{below slide headline skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance between
+ haedline (if present) and slide content. Only used by beamer
+ variant, ignored elsewhere.\\
+ Default: \texttt{0mm}
+ \optitem[{\option{above sheet title skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance between
+ author/date and sheet title.\\
+ Default: \texttt{4ex}
+ \optitem[{\option{above sheet note skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance above the
+ sheet note.\\
+ Default: \texttt{.7ex}
+ \optitem[{\option{above solutionsby skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance above the
+ solution author.\\
+ Default: \texttt{1ex}
+ \optitem[{\option{below sheet header skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance below the
+ sheet header.\\
+ Default: \texttt{4ex plus 1ex minus .5ex}
+ \optitem[{\option{above exercise skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance above
+ exercises.\\
+ Default: \texttt{3ex plus 1ex minus .5ex}
+ \optitem[{\option{below exercise title skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance below
+ exercise titles.\\
+ Default: \texttt{\textbackslash parskip}
+ \optitem[{\option{above solution skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance above
+ solutions.\\
+ Default: \texttt{1ex}
+ \optitem[{\option{above hint skip}=\mand{\param{dimen}}}] The distance above hints.\\
+ Default: \texttt{1ex}
+The following two options control the page handling at the beginning and
+at the end of each sheet:
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet start page action}=\mand{\param{macro}}}] Executed at the beginning
+ of each sheet.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\clearpage|
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet end page action}=\mand{\param{macro}}}] Executed at the end
+ of each sheet.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\clearpage|
+The following option controls what follows after the string
+\option{strings/solution} within a solution header. Using this, you can disable a solution header completely or, for instance, add
+a horizontal bar below each solution title.
+ \optitem[{\option{solution title separator}=\mand{\param{content}}}] Inserted directly after \option{strings/solution} in a solution title:\\
+ Default: \lstinline|:\par|
+\subsection{Controlling the Sectioning (beta)}
+By default, exercises are sections and sheets are parts. They use
+the respective counters and commands. This is impractical, if you
+want to include exercise ``sheets'' as, e.g., a subsection within
+a section of a book or article. While the page handling options
+already allow to dismiss page breaks, sectioning commands might
+still break your layout or structure. Since version \vers{0.15} you
+can use your own counters and commands to start sheets and
+(to a certain degree) exercises. Exercises are currently still
+started by \lstinline|\@startsection| with the counter set to
+\option{exercise counter}, but the level set to 1 (e.g. section).
+This will likely change with one of the next versions, but needs
+some testing. Thus, if you use any of these options, watch for
+undesired consequences and report them via gitlab if possible.
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet sectioning cmd}=\mand{\param{macro}}}] This macro is
+ called only in one place in the following way:
+ \lstinline|\macro[short title]{long title}|, so it
+ must take one argument in [brackets] and one normal argument.\\
+ Default: \lstinline|\part|
+ \optitem[{\option{sheet counter}=\mand{\param{counter}}}] This counter will be
+ incremented wit every sheet. There was always an internal counter
+ \lstinline|sheetid| used to distinguish sheets for hyperref even if
+ \lstinline|part|s value changed. Do not use this counter here, as it will have strange effects (incremented twice).\\
+ Default: \lstinline|part|
+ \optitem[{\option{exercise counter}=\mand{\param{counter}}}] This counter will
+ be incremented wit every exercise (usually within each sheet).
+ Default: \lstinline|section|
+\subsection{Special Code for Solutions}
+\ifsolutions{(*\param{if true}*)}{(*\param{if false}*)}
+\iforalsolutions{(*\param{if true}*)}{(*\param{if false}*)}
+\ifnonoralsolutions{(*\param{if true}*)}{(*\param{if false}*)}
+\ifsamplesolutions{(*\param{if true}*)}{(*\param{if false}*)}
+There are also special options for conditionals to be used in the arguments of
+the environments defined by this package:
+ \item[\option{ifsolutions=\{\param{options if true}\}\{\param{options if
+ false}\}}] Execute \param{options if true} if solutions are included in
+ the current document, \param{options if false} otherwise.
+ \item[\option{iforalsolutions=\{\param{options if true}\}\{\param{options if
+ false}\}}] Execute \param{options if true} if solutions for oral exercises
+ are included in the current document, \param{options if false} otherwise.
+ \item[\option{ifnonoralsolutions=\{\param{options if true}\}\{\param{options if
+ false}\}}] Execute \param{options if true} if solutions for non-oral
+ exercises are included in the current document, \param{options if false}
+ otherwise.
+ \item[\option{ifsamplesolutions=\{\param{options if true}\}\{\param{options if
+ false}\}}] Execute \param{options if true} if sample solutions for marked
+ exercises are included in the current document, \param{options if false}
+ otherwise.
+Example 1: Only include points for sub-exercises when solutions are typeset:
+Example 2: Modify the sheet header spacing in the non-solution version:
+\begin{sheet}[(*\option{ifsolutions}*)={}{(*\option{above title skip}*)=2ex}]% usually 4ex
+ \dots
+\subsection{Using Hooks}
+There are several hooks used by \exsh:
+ \optitem[{\option{every sheet}}] This is used at the beginning of every sheet.
+ \optitem[{\option{every exercise}}] This is used at the beginning of every exercise.
+ \optitem[{\option{every solution}}] This is used at the beginning of every solution.
+ \optitem[{\option{every hint}}] This is used at the beginning of every hint.
+Hooks can be used to influence the behaviour of the respective environments.
+Users of \texttt{tikz} should be familiar with the concept.
+\subsection{Control Skipping of Custom Macros in Skipped Exercises}
+ \optitem[{\option{custom skip macro}=\mand{\param{macro}}}]
+If an exercise is not printed, some macros like \lstinline|\label{}|
+are processed nevertheless. However, if you define your own macro
+using one of these, then this macro will be completely ignored
+if the exercise containing it is skipped. This option allows to
+define a custom handler for your macros. The most common use
+checks for your custom macros with
+nested \lstinline|\ifstrequal|s and then either
+executes a custom skipper, replaces your macro with
+the standard version or uses \lstinline|\expandafter| to
+deliver the expanded version of your macro to
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\mylabel}
+ {\skipmylabel}
+ {\ifstrequal{#1}{\myitem}
+ {\exshskipcontinue\item}
+ {\ifstrequal{#1}{\myitemtwo}
+ {\expandafter\exshskipcontinue\myitemtwo}
+ {\exshskipcontinue}
+ }
+ }
+\exshset{custom skip macro={\customskip}}
+\section{The Lua Interface}
+Since version \vers{0.11} there is a Lua interface for the exercise
+environment. This interface will offer roughly the same features.
+Its main purpose will be allowing to reorder sub-exercises more
+easily and to offer more dynamic options for the display of
+solutions (one combined solution or single after each sub-%
+exercise). %TODO finish
+ --use [[]] if you need \ or escape it in "": "\\"
+ firstline = [[Assume $\pi=4$.]],
+ points=10,
+ name="Pragmatic",
+ options=[[main task font={\itshape}]],
+ task = [[
+ This is the main task specified via the Lua
+ interface.
+ ]],
+ solution=[[
+ This is a solution for the main task.
+ ]],
+\section{Usage Tips}
+\subsection{Seperate Solution File}
+If you do not want to temporarily comment out the \option{solutions} option in
+your main file, say \texttt{exercises.tex}, you can create an additional file
+\texttt{solutions.tex} with the following contents:
+If you leave out the \option{solutions} option in you main file, running
+\texttt{pdflatex exercises.tex} will create \texttt{exercises.pdf} without
+solutions and \texttt{pdflatex solutions.tex} will create \texttt{solutions.pdf}
+with solutions.
+This also works well in combination with a makefile that generates
+\texttt{solutions.tex} as a temporary file.
+\subsection{Compatibilty with make4ht and tex4ebook}
+Since version \vers{0.15} this package can be used with make4ht and tex4ebook in non-beamer mode. Some code for the sheet and exercise header already provides a similar alignment as when producing PDF files. If your goal is an exercise (or solution) document within a single HTML file that looks as similar to the PDF as possible, consider \url{}, \url{} and \url{}.
+ \versitem[0.17:] 2024-04-23
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Make embedded mode work better with beamer. This
+ includes not overriding headlines and footlines and
+ incrementing the frame counter for non-frames.
+ \item issue an explicit warning if \string\subtask is outside of a subtasks environment
+ \item clearify documentation and use consistent styling
+ \item additional example for embedding exercises
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.16:] 2024-03-07
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Embedded mode and most of the additional options it
+ automatically sets.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.15.1:] 2023-12-14
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item bugfix: beamer support was broken in \vers{0.15} due to
+ a missing macro.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.15:] 2023-11-30
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item new option \option{solution title separator}
+ (initially set to\lstinline|:\par|). Among other things, this
+ allows for solutions without any caption or header by
+ setting \option{solution title separator},~
+ \option{solution title font} as well as
+ \option{strings/solution} to \lstinline|\relax|.
+ \item initial support for \binary{make4ht} and
+ \binary{tex4ebook} by avoiding certain behavior when these
+ modes are used. Note that both are incompatible with beamer
+ mode.
+ \item initial decoupling of exercise and sheet from
+ sections and parts using the new options (defaults in
+ parenthesis) \option{sheet sectioning cmd} (\lstinline|\part|),
+ \option{sheet counter} (\lstinline|part|) and
+ \option{exercise counter} (\lstinline|section|).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.14:] 2023-02-06
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item new option \option{headerrestate} to restate
+ the current (if in subexercise) or main task within
+ a solutions header
+ \item bugfix: \lstinline|\restatetask| etc. give meaningful error if \option{savetasks} is not set.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.13.1:] 2022-11-22
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item bugfix: \lstinline|\detokenize| filenames when
+ \option{filenameasexercisename} is active as otherwise,
+ e.g., underscores would not be allowed in filenames.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.12.2:] 2022-10-20
+ \versitem[0.13:] 2022-11-07
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item bugfix: \lstinline|\begingroup| and \lstinline|\endgroup|
+ within \lstinline|\subtask| now contain everything up to the
+ next \lstinline|\subtask|.
+ \item \lstinline|\restatetask| has now a starred version that
+ adds a newline and beamer versions for both the
+ regular and the starred version. Furthermore, there
+ is an argument \option{cur} to restate the current
+ subtask (the one just given before). This is only
+ defined within the aforementioned group, i.e.,
+ throws an error after \lstinline|\end{subtasks}|.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.12.2:] 2022-10-20
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item bugfix: \luadisp{dofile} with
+ \luadisp{kpse.find\_file}
+ \item docs: document option \option{fragile}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.12.1:] 2022-10-19
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item bugfix for \lstinline|\begin{enumerate}[<+->]|
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.12:] 2022-09-02
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item new option \option{beamerwithfootline}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \versitem[0.11:] 2022-02-11
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Local references and the subex counter
+ \item Lua interface (not documented yet, see example and example file)
+ \item Framed solutions can now be fragile, however this
+ also requires Lua\LaTeX (but not using the Lua Interface).
+ \item beamer version is now included (no separate package)
+ \item some bug fixes
+ \end{itemize}
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
+%%% Local IspellDict: british
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/exercisesheets/exercisesheets.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/exercisesheets/exercisesheets.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34a68ce6a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/exercisesheets/exercisesheets.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1961 @@
+%% exercisesheets.sty
+%% Copyright 2008-2023 Sebastian Kuhnert, Frank Fuhlbrück
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+% of this license is in and
+% version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Frank Fuhlbrück.
+% This work consists of the files listed in README.
+% don't forget to update the version and date in exercisesheets.tex
+\ProvidesPackage{exercisesheets}[\exsh@date\space\exsh@version\space Typesetting of exercise sheets]
+\message{`Typesetting of exercise sheets' \exsh@version\space <\exsh@date>}
+% TODO: fix "above hint skip"
+%we need getrefnumber
+% configuration keys
+ \exsh@htmltrue
+ \def\exsh@inshtml#1{\HCode{#1}}
+ \def\exsh@inshtml#1{}
+\newif\ifexsh@forcesample %force printing sample sol. of wrong type
+%For beamer only
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%Also only true for beamer, but we want to use it elsewhere
+\newif\ifexsh@hide%currently only set via sample in exercise env.
+ \PackageError{exercisesheets}{
+ beamercompatibility used twice}{}%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %currently we do nothing if beamer is loaded,
+ %but this might change
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \let\pause\relax
+ \def\frame{}
+ \renewcommand{\frame}[1][]{}
+ \let\endframe\relax
+ \def\onslide<##1>{}
+ \def\only<##1>##2{##2}
+ \def\uncover<##1>##2{##2}
+ \def\visible<##1>##2{##2}
+ \def\invisible<##1>##2{##2}
+ \long\def\alt<##1>##2##3{##2}
+ \long\def\temporal<##1>##2##3##4{##3}
+ \let\exsh@origitem\item
+ \def\exsh@ovrlitem<##1>{\exsh@origitem}
+ \def\item{\@ifnextchar<\exsh@ovrlitem\exsh@origitem}
+ \let\exsh@origitemize\itemize
+ \def\exsh@ovrlitemize[##1]{\exsh@origitemize}
+ \def\itemize{\@ifnextchar[\exsh@ovrlitemize\exsh@origitemize}
+ \let\exsh@origenumerate\enumerate
+ \def\exsh@ovrlenumerate[##1]{\exsh@origenumerate}
+ \def\enumerate{\@ifnextchar[\exsh@ovrlenumerate\exsh@origenumerate}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \exsh@beamercompatdonetrue
+\pgfkeys{/exsh/.is family,/exsh,
+ patchenumerate/.is if=exsh@patchenumerate,
+ patchenumerate/.default=true,
+ settitle/.is if=exsh@settitle,
+ settitle/.default=true,
+ patchpagenumbers/.is if=exsh@patchpagenumbers,
+ patchpagenumbers/.default=true,
+ usestartsection/.is if=exsh@usestartsection,
+ usestartsection/.default=true,
+ embedded/.code={%
+ \exsh@patchenumeratefalse
+ \exsh@settitlefalse
+ \exsh@patchpagenumbersfalse
+ \exsh@patchheadandfootfalse
+ \exsh@usestartsectionfalse
+ \pgfkeysalso{secnumdepth=keep}%
+ \def\exhs@sheetnoheader[##1]##2{}%
+ \newcounter{exshsheet}
+ \newcounter{exshexercise}
+ \pgfkeysalso{
+ sheet sectioning cmd=\exhs@sheetnoheader,
+ sheet counter=exshsheet,
+ exercise counter=exshexercise,
+ sheet start page action=\relax,
+ sheet end page action=\relax,
+ }%
+ },
+ minskips/.code={%
+ \pgfkeysalso{
+ above sheet title skip=0pt,
+ below sheet header skip=0pt,
+ above first exercise skip=0pt,
+ below exercise title skip=0pt,
+ }%
+ },
+ savetasks/.is if=exsh@savetasks,
+ savetasks/.default=true,
+ solutions/.is choice,
+ solutions/true/.code=\exsh@solutionstrue\exsh@oralsolutionstrue\exsh@nonoralsolutionstrue,
+ solutions/oral/.code=\exsh@solutionstrue\exsh@oralsolutionstrue\exsh@nonoralsolutionsfalse,
+ solutions/nonoral/.code=\exsh@solutionstrue\exsh@oralsolutionsfalse\exsh@nonoralsolutionstrue,
+ solutions/sample nonoral/.code=\exsh@solutionstrue\exsh@oralsolutionsfalse\exsh@nonoralsolutionstrue\exsh@samplesolutionstrue,
+ solutions/sample oral/.code=\exsh@solutionstrue\exsh@oralsolutionstrue\exsh@nonoralsolutionsfalse\exsh@samplesolutionstrue,
+ solutions/sample all/.code=\exsh@solutionstrue\exsh@oralsolutionstrue\exsh@nonoralsolutionstrue\exsh@samplesolutionstrue,
+ solutions/false/.code=\exsh@solutionsfalse\exsh@oralsolutionsfalse\exsh@nonoralsolutionsfalse,
+ solutions/.default=true,
+ number within sheet/.is if=exsh@exnumsheet,
+ number within sheet/.default=true,
+ forcesample/.is if=exsh@forcesample,
+ forcesample/.default=true,
+ gradingguides/.is if=exsh@gradingguides,
+ gradingguides/.default=true,
+ only/.initial={-},
+ all/.style={/exsh/only={-}},all/.value forbidden,
+ solutionsby/.code={\def\exsh@solutionsby{#1}},
+ solutionsby/.value required,
+ exercisespath/.code={\def\exsh@exercisespath{#1}},
+ exercisespath/.value required,
+ bonus/.is if=exsh@bonus,
+ bonus/.default=true,
+ inplace/.is if=exsh@inplace,
+ inplace/.default=true,
+ sample/.is if=exsh@sample,
+ sample/.default=true,
+ showtodos/.is if=exsh@showtodos,
+ showtodos/.default=true,
+ filenameasexercisename/.is if=exsh@filenameasexercisename,
+ filenameasexercisename/.default=true,
+ pointsfloatright/.is if=exsh@pointsfloatright,
+ pointsfloatright/.default=true,
+ abbrev/.is if=exsh@abbrev,
+ abbrev/.default=true,
+ beamercompatibility/.default={ignore},
+ beamercompatibility/.initial={ignore},
+ beamercompatibility/.code={\exsh@beamercompatibility}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ beamerwithheadline/.is if=exsh@beamerwithheadline,
+ beamerwithheadline/.default=true,
+ beamerwithfootline/.is if=exsh@beamerwithfootline,
+ beamerwithfootline/.default=true,
+ beameruseblocks/.is if=exsh@beameruseblocks,
+ beameruseblocks/.default=true,
+ beamersolution/.is if=exsh@beamersolution,
+ beamersolution/.default=true,
+ defersolutiontitle/.is if=exsh@defersolutiontitle,
+ defersolutiontitle/.default=true,
+ headerrestate/.is if=exsh@headerrestate,
+ headerrestate/.default=true,
+ framed/.is if=exsh@framed,
+ framed/.default=true,
+ fragile/.is if=exsh@fragile,
+ fragile/.default=true,
+ beamersolution/.initial={false},
+ beamerwithheadline/.initial={false},
+ beamerwithfootline/.initial={false},
+ beameruseblocks/.initial={false},
+ defersolutiontitle/.initial={false},
+ headerrestate/.initial={false},
+ framed/.initial={false},
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ beamerwithheadline/.default={ignore},
+ beamerwithheadline/.initial={ignore},
+ beamerwithfootline/.default={ignore},
+ beamerwithfootline/.initial={ignore},
+ beamersolution/.default={ignore},
+ beamersolution/.initial={ignore},
+ defersolutiontitle/.default={ignore},
+ defersolutiontitle/.initial={ignore},
+ headerrestate/.default={ignore},
+ headerrestate/.initial={ignore},
+ framed/.default={ignore},
+ framed/.initial={ignore},
+ framed/.code={\let\newframe\relax},
+ fragile/.default={ignore},
+ fragile/.initial={ignore},
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% store title data for sheet headers
+\ifundef\subject{% \subject is only provided by KOMA classes
+ \newcommand{\subject}[1]{}%
+ \def\@subject{}%
+% beamer has subject, but not \@subject:
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,subject/.initial={\PackageWarning{exercisesheets}{No \string\subject\space given}}}
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/subject/.initial/.expand once=\@subject}
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/semester/.initial={\PackageWarning{exercisesheets}{No semester given in \string\date}}}
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/semester/.initial/.expand once=\@date}
+% this breaks (likely because of detokenization):
+% -> missing \begin{document}
+% \apptocmd{\date}{\pgfkeys{/exsh/semester={#1}}}{}{}
+ \def\exsh@author{#1}%
+ \def\exsh@repeat{1}%
+ \loop\ifnum\exsh@repeat>0
+ \def\exsh@repeat{0}%
+ \patchcmd{\exsh@author}{\and}{, }{\def\exsh@repeat{1}}{}%
+ \repeat
+ },
+ /exsh/author/.expand once=\@author}
+% helper macro for automatic language selection
+ \ifthenelse{\(\NOT\boolean{exsh@provideonly}\)
+ \OR \equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{#1}}}{%
+ \pgfkeys{#1=#2}%
+ }{}%
+ %general package options
+ patchenumerate/.initial=true,
+ settitle/.initial=true,
+ patchpagenumbers/.initial=true,
+ custom skip macro/.initial=\exsh@skipcustomstuff,
+ showtodos/.initial={false},
+ hidetodos/.style={/exsh/showtodos=false},
+ hidetodos/.value forbidden,
+ % additional sheet info
+ title/.initial={},
+ date/.initial={},
+ note/.initial={},
+ exauthor/.initial={\exsh@author},
+ number within sheet/.initial={false},
+ %
+ % additional exercise info
+ name/.initial={},
+ forcesample/.initial={false},
+ firstline/.initial={},
+ points/.initial={},
+ oral/.style={/exsh/points=oral},oral/.value forbidden,
+ inplace/.initial={false},
+ sample/.initial={false},
+ filenameasexercisename/.initial={false},
+ pointsfloatright/.initial={false},
+ bonus/.initial={false},
+ nobonus/.style={/exsh/bonus=false},nobonus/.value forbidden,
+ abbrev/.initial={false},
+ noabbrev/.style={/exsh/abbrev=false},noabbrev/.value forbidden,
+ pointsinfo/.initial={},
+ optional/.style={/exsh/pointsinfo=\ifexsh@abbrev%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/optional abbrev}%
+ \else%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/optional}%
+ \fi},
+ optional/.value forbidden,
+ exercisemark/.initial={},
+ difficult/.style={/exsh/exercisemark=*},difficult/.value forbidden,
+ savetasks/.initial=false,
+ %
+ % translatable strings
+ strings/sheet/.initial={},
+ strings/sheets/.initial={},
+ strings/solutions/.initial={},
+ strings/solutionsby/.initial={},
+ strings/gradingguide/.initial={},
+ strings/exercise/.initial={},
+ strings/solution/.initial={},
+ strings/idea/.initial={},
+ strings/hint/.initial={},
+ strings/remark/.initial={},
+ strings/oral/.initial={},
+ strings/oral abbrev/.initial={},
+ strings/point/.initial={},
+ strings/points/.initial={},
+ strings/points abbrev/.initial={},
+ strings/bonus point/.initial={},
+ strings/bonus points/.initial={},
+ strings/bonus points abbrev/.initial={},
+ strings/optional/.initial={},
+ strings/optional abbrev/.initial={},
+ %
+ % languages: predifined string sets
+ language/.is choice,
+ language/german/.code={%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/sheet} {\"Ubungsblatt}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/sheets} {\"Ubungsbl\"atter}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/solutions} {L\"osungsvorschl\"age}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/solutionsby} {L\"osungen von}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/gradingguide}{Bepunktung}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/exercise} {Aufgabe}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/solution} {L\"osung}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/idea} {L\"osungsidee}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/hint} {Hinweis}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/remark} {Bemerkung}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/oral} {m\"undlich}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/oral abbrev} {mdl.}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/point} {Punkt}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/points} {Punkte}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/points abbrev}{P.}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/bonus point} {Zusatzpunkt}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/bonus points}{Zusatzpunkte}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/bonus points abbrev}{ZP.}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/optional} {optional}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/optional abbrev} {opt.}%
+ },language/german/.value forbidden,
+ language/ngerman/.style={/exsh/language/german=#1},
+ language/english/.code={%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/sheet} {Exercise Sheet}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/sheets} {Exercise Sheets}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/solutions} {Suggested Solutions}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/solutionsby} {Solutions by}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/gradingguide}{Grading guideline}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/exercise} {Exercise}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/solution} {Solution}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/idea} {Idea for solution}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/hint} {Hint}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/remark} {Remark}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/oral} {oral}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/oral abbrev} {oral}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/point} {point}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/points} {points}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/points abbrev}{p.}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/bonus point} {bonus point}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/bonus points}{bonus points}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/bonus points abbrev}{b.p.}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/optional} {optional}%
+ \exsh@deforprovide{/exsh/strings/optional abbrev} {opt.}%
+ },language/english/.value forbidden,
+ language/.unknown/.code={%
+ \PackageWarning{exercisesheets}{Unknown language \pgfkeyscurrentname.
+ Defaulting to English.}{}%
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/language=english}%
+ },
+ %
+ % alternate strings
+ idea/.style={/exsh/strings/solution=\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/idea}},
+ remark/.style={/exsh/strings/hint=\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/remark}},
+ %
+ % hooks
+ every sheet/.code={},
+ every exercise/.code={},
+ every solution/.code={},
+ every hint/.code={},
+ %
+ % sectioning cmds and counters for sheet and exercise
+ % sheet sectioning cmd must take an optional
+ % and a mandatory argument
+ sheet sectioning cmd/.initial={\part},
+ sheet counter/.initial={part},
+ secnumdepth/.initial={-1},
+ exercise counter/.initial={section},
+ %
+ % font specifications
+ sheet header font/.initial=\normalfont\normalsize,
+ subject font/.initial=\scshape,
+ author font/.initial=\scshape,
+ semester font/.initial={},
+ date font/.initial={},
+ solutionsby font/.initial=\itshape,
+ sheet note font/.initial=\itshape\bfseries,
+ sheet title font/.initial=\Large\bfseries,
+ exercise title font/.initial=\bfseries,
+ points font/.initial=\itshape,
+ main task font/.initial={},
+ subtask font/.initial={},
+ task restate font/.initial=\itshape,
+ hint font/.initial={},
+ hint title font/.initial=\itshape,
+ solution font/.initial={},
+ solution title font/.initial=\bfseries,
+ solution title separator/.initial={:\par},
+ grading guide font/.initial=\itshape,
+ todo marker font/.initial=\ifdef{\color}{\color{red}}{}\bfseries,
+ %
+ % skip values
+ below slide headline skip/.initial={0mm},
+ above sheet title skip/.initial={4ex},
+ above sheet note skip/.initial={.7ex},
+ above solutionsby skip/.initial={1ex},
+ below sheet header skip/.initial={4ex plus 1ex minus .5ex},
+ above exercise skip/.initial={3ex plus 1ex minus .5em},
+ above first exercise skip/.initial={3ex plus 1ex minus .5em},
+ below exercise title skip/.initial={\parskip},
+ above solution skip/.initial={1ex},
+ above hint skip/.initial={1ex},
+ %
+ % page handling
+ sheet start page action/.initial={\clearpage},
+ sheet end page action/.initial={\clearpage},
+ %
+ % conditionals
+ ifsolutions/.code 2 args={\ifsolutions{\pgfkeysalso{#1}}{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}},
+ iforalsolutions/.code 2 args={\iforalsolutions{\pgfkeysalso{#1}}{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}},
+ ifnonoralsolutions/.code 2 args={\ifnonoralsolutions{\pgfkeysalso{#1}}{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}},
+% default values
+% process package options
+\@expandtwoargs\pgfqkeys{/exsh}{\csname opt@exercisesheets.sty\endcsname}
+% mark options as processed
+\expandafter\undef\csname opt@exercisesheets.sty\endcsname
+% allow further keys to be set
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-ONLY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\define@key{beamerframe}{t}[true]{% top
+ \beamer@frametopskip=-2pt\relax%
+ \beamer@framebottomskip=0pt plus 1fill\relax%
+ \beamer@frametopskipautobreak=\beamer@frametopskip\relax%
+ \beamer@framebottomskipautobreak=\beamer@framebottomskip\relax%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-ONLY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% automatic language selection
+ \exsh@provideonlytrue
+ \ifdef{\bbl@main@language}{%
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/language=\bbl@main@language}%
+ }{%
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/language=english}%
+ }%
+ \exsh@provideonlyfalse
+% range checks
+ \edef\exsh@range@entry{#1}%
+ \def\exsh@range@curstart{}%
+ \exsh@isinrangefalse
+ \exsh@singularrangetrue
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/only}{\exsh@temp}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{-}{\exsh@temp}}{%
+ \exsh@isinrangetrue
+ \ifnumequal{\exsh@lastsheet}{1}{%
+ \exsh@singularrangetrue
+ }{%
+ \exsh@singularrangefalse
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\exsh@range@parsestart\exsh@temp\exsh@range@end
+ }%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{,}{%
+ \exsh@singularrangefalse
+ \ifdefstring{\exsh@range@curstart}{last}{%
+ \let\exsh@range@curstart\exsh@lastsheet
+ }{}%
+ \ifdefequal{\exsh@range@entry}{\exsh@range@curstart}{%
+ \exsh@isinrangetrue
+ }{}%
+ \def\exsh@range@curstart{}%
+ \exsh@range@parsestart
+ }{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\exsh@range@end}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\exsh@range@curstart}{last}{%
+ \let\exsh@range@curstart\exsh@lastsheet
+ }{}%
+ \ifdefequal{\exsh@range@entry}{\exsh@range@curstart}{%
+ \exsh@isinrangetrue
+ }{}%
+ }{%
+ \ifdefequal{#1}{-}{%
+ \exsh@singularrangefalse
+ \ifdefstring{\exsh@range@curstart}{}{%
+ \def\exsh@range@curstart{0}%
+ }{}%
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+ \let\exsh@range@curstart\exsh@lastsheet
+ }{}%
+ \def\exsh@range@curend{}%
+ \exsh@range@parseend
+ }{%
+ \appto{\exsh@range@curstart}{#1}%
+ \exsh@range@parsestart
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{,}{%
+ \ifdefstring{\exsh@range@curend}{last}{%
+ \def\exsh@range@curend{10000}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifdefstring{\exsh@range@curend}{}{
+ \def\exsh@range@curend{10000}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\NOT \(\exsh@range@curstart > \exsh@range@entry
+ \OR \exsh@range@entry > \exsh@range@curend\)}{%
+ \exsh@isinrangetrue
+ }{}%
+ \def\exsh@range@curstart{}%
+ \exsh@range@parsestart
+ }{%
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+ \def\exsh@range@curend{10000}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifdefstring{\exsh@range@curend}{}{
+ \def\exsh@range@curend{10000}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\NOT \(\exsh@range@curstart > \exsh@range@entry
+ \OR \exsh@range@entry > \exsh@range@curend\)}{%
+ \exsh@isinrangetrue
+ }{%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \appto{\exsh@range@curend}{#1}%
+ \exsh@range@parseend
+ }%
+ }%
+% remember last sheet (for range checks)
+\def\exsh@lastsheet{0}% to be overridden in aux file
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\gdef\string\exsh@lastsheet{\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}}}%
+ \numberwithin{page}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}
+ \renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{page}}%changed for every sheet
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/secnumdepth}}
+ % make PDF destinations unique:
+ \def\theHsection{\arabic{sheetid}.\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}}%
+ \ifexsh@patchpagenumbers
+ \def\theHpage{\arabic{sheetid}-\arabic{page}}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ % open bookmarks when typesetting a single sheet
+ \AtEndPreamble{%
+ \exsh@checkrange{0}%
+ \ifexsh@singularrange\hypersetup{bookmarksopen}\fi
+ }%
+% automatic title selection
+ \xdef\exsh@title@new{\expandonce #1}%
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{\string\gdef\string\exsh@title{\expandonce\exsh@title@new}}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\exsh@title}{\exsh@title@new}}{}{%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{Label(s) may have changed.
+ Rerun to get cross-references right}%
+ }%
+ \exsh@checkrange{0}%
+ \ifexsh@singularrange\else
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/strings/sheets}{\exsh@tmp}%
+ \exsh@write@title{\exsh@tmp}%
+ \fi
+ \ifexsh@solutions
+ \title{\exsh@title: \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solutions}}%
+ \else
+ \title{\exsh@title}
+ \fi
+ \def\exsh@write@title#1{}
+\newcounter{sheetid}% only used to disambiguate hyperref labels
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,every sheet,#1}%
+% \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet start page action}%
+ \stepcounter{sheetid}%
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+ \edef\exsh@temp{\expandonce{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/sheet}}\noexpand~\exsh@tmp}%
+ \pgfkeys{/exsh/title/.expand once={\exsh@temp}}%
+ \ifexsh@patchpagenumbers
+ \def\thepage{\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}-\arabic{page}}%
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ \ifexsh@patchpagenumbers
+ \def\thepage{\arabic{page}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \ifexsh@exnumsheet
+ \edef\exsh@exnumstore{\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}}
+ \setcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}{0}%
+ \fi
+ \numdef\exsh@tmp{\value{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}+1}%
+ \exsh@checkrange{\exsh@tmp}%
+ \ifexsh@isinrange
+ \ifexsh@singularrange
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/title}{\exsh@temp}%
+ \exsh@write@title{\exsh@temp}%
+ \fi
+ \exsh@sheethead
+ \else
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}%
+ \def\exsh@skipwhat{sheet}\expandafter\exsh@skipstuff
+ \fi
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+ \ifnum\value{page}=1\thispagestyle{empty}\fi
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+ \fi
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+ \fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \let\exsh@hyper@itemtrue\relax
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \ifexsh@html
+ \let\exsh@hyper@itemtrue\relax%
+ \else
+ \def\exsh@hyper@itemtrue{\@hyper@itemtrue}%
+ \fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%TODO: We need some proper switch-case here
+%evaluate csname/csdef+detokenize
+\cs_new_eq:NN \exsh@ifsingletoken \tl_if_single_token:nTF
+ \exsh@ifsingletoken{#1}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\begin}{\exsh@skipstuff@begin}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\end}{\exsh@skipstuff@end}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\includeexercise}{\exsh@skipstuff@incex}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\includeLexercise}{\exsh@skipstuff@incLex}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\label}{\exsh@skipstuff@label}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\subtask}{\exsh@skipstuff@subtask}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\input}{\exsh@skipstuff@input}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\exsh@skipstuff@endfile}{\currfile@pop\exsh@skipstuff}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\setcounter}{\expandafter\exsh@skipstuff\setcounter}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\item}{\ifdef{\@enumctr}{\exsh@hyper@itemtrue\refstepcounter{\@enumctr}}{}}{}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/custom skip macro}{#1}}}}}}}}}}%
+ }{%
+ \exsh@skipstuff#1%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\ifstrequal\expandafter{\exsh@skipwhat}{#1}{%
+ \expandafter\end\expandafter{\exsh@skipwhat}%
+ \let\exsh@skipwhat\relax%
+ }{
+ \endgroup\exsh@skipstuff%
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{Lexercise}{\exsh@skipstuff@Lexercise}{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{exercise}{\refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}%
+ % automatic label for the first exercise in every included file
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\jobname}{\currfilebase}}{}{%
+ \ifcsdef{exsh@autolabel@\currfilebase}{}{%
+ \csdef{exsh@autolabel@\currfilebase}{}%
+ \exsh@autolabel{ex:\currfilebase}}}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifinlist{#1}{\exsh@enums}{%
+ \exsh@skipstuff@beginenum
+ }{%
+ \ifinlist{#1}{\exsh@nonenums}{%
+ \undef\@enumctr
+ }{}%
+ \exsh@skipstuff
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth>\thr@@
+ \@toodeep
+ \else
+ \advance\@enumdepth\@ne
+ \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}%
+ \setcounter{\@enumctr}{0}%
+ \fi
+ \@ifundefined{@enumlabel@}{%
+ \exsh@skipstuff
+ }{%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@enumlabel@{\exsh@skipstuff}[}{\exsh@skipstuff}%
+ }%
+ % Locally modify \protected@write to use \immediate\write instead.
+ % This is needed to include labels after the last shipout in the aux file.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\protected@write##1##2##3{%
+ \begingroup
+ \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
+ \immediate\write##1{##3}%
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \label{#1}%
+ \endgroup
+ \exsh@skipstuff
+ \exsh@skipstuff \item #1
+ \CatchFileDef{\exsh@inputfilecontent}{#1}{}%
+ \currfile@push
+ \currfile@set{#1}%
+ \expandafter\exsh@skipstuff\exsh@inputfilecontent\exsh@skipstuff@endfile
+ \@ifstar\exsh@skipstuff@incex@@\exsh@skipstuff@incex@%
+ \exsh@skipstuff\input{%
+ \ifdefvoid{\exsh@exercisespath}{}{\exsh@exercisespath/}#2}%
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}
+ \exsh@autolabel{ex:#2}
+ \exsh@skipstuff
+ \@ifstar\exsh@skipstuff@incLex@@\exsh@skipstuff@incLex@%
+ \exsh@dlua{
+ local prefix =
+ "\ifdefvoid{\exsh@exercisespath}{}{\exsh@exercisespath/}"
+ exsh_cur_exercise=dofile(prefix .. "#2.lua")
+ }%
+ \expandafter\exsh@skipstuff%
+ \exsh@dlua{exsh_texprintlines(exsh_cur_exercise)}%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet start page action}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/title}{\exsh@tmp}%
+ \ifexsh@solutions
+ \expandafter\edef\expandafter\exsh@tmp{\expandonce\exsh@tmp:\noexpand~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solutions}}%
+ \fi
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}%
+ \begin{frame}
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \centering\Large\exsh@tmp
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+ \begingroup
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+ \ifexsh@solutions%
+ \ifdefvoid{\exsh@solutionsby}{}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solutionsby font}%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above solutionsby skip}%
+ \relax%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solutionsby}%
+ ~\exsh@solutionsby\\\unskip%
+ \end{block}%
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \else
+ \fi
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/note}}}{%
+ }{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \begin{block}{}
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet note font}%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above sheet note skip}\relax
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/note}\\\unskip%
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+ \endgroup
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+ }%
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+% \stepcounter{page}%
+ \end{frame}
+\global\def\exsh@alignright#1{\hfill #1}%
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+% \global\def\exsh@part[#1]#2{#2}
+% \exshset{sheet sectioning cmd/.initial={\exsh@part}}
+ \global\def\exsh@alignright#1{%
+ \exsh@inshtml{<span style="float:right">}#1%
+ \exsh@inshtml{</span>}
+ }
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+ \exsh@inshtml{<span style="display: block;text-align:center">}#1%
+ \exsh@inshtml{</span>}
+ }
+ \global\def\exsh@alignright#1{\hfill #1}%
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+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet start page action}%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/title}{\exsh@tmp}%
+ \ifexsh@solutions
+ \expandafter\edef\expandafter\exsh@tmp{\expandonce\exsh@tmp:\noexpand~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solutions}}%
+ \fi
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet sectioning cmd}[\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/title}]{\normalsize
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet header font}%
+ \begingroup\raggedright%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subject font}\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subject}}%
+ \exsh@alignright{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/semester font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/semester}%
+ }\\
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/author font}\exsh@author}%
+ \exsh@alignright{
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/date font}\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/date}%
+ }\\
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above sheet title skip}\relax%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
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+ \begingroup
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+ \ifdefvoid{\exsh@solutionsby}{}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solutionsby font}%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above solutionsby skip}\relax
+ \exsh@centering{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solutionsby}~\exsh@solutionsby\\}\unskip%
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \else
+ \fi
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+ }{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet note font}%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above sheet note skip}\relax
+ \exsh@centering{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/note}\\}\unskip%
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ }%
+ \ifdim\z@=\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/below sheet header skip}\relax
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \else
+ \unskip\vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/below sheet header skip}\relax
+ \fi
+% \unskip
+% \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/below sheet header skip}\relax
+ \exsh@firstexonsheettrue
+ \ifexsh@patchpagenumbers%
+ \stepcounter{page}%
+ \fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \renewcommand{\othersectionlevelsformat}[1]{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{section}%
+ {}%
+ {\csname the#1\endcsname\autodot\enskip}}%
+%Do not use \let here as \label may change before its use
+ % TODO: \edef is not safe with luatex and umlauts, only fixed for "oral" for now
+ % TODO: check whether the TODO above is still relevant
+ %\edef seams to work fine with lualatex from TeXLive 2020
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,every exercise,#1,includeoverride}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{sum}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifcsname exsh@sumpts@\the\numexpr\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}+1\endcsname
+ \edef\exsh@sumpts{%
+ \csname exsh@sumpts@\the\numexpr\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}+1%
+ \endcsname%
+ }%
+ \edef\exsh@sumptsbonus{%
+ \csname exsh@sumptsbonus@\the\numexpr\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}+1%
+ \endcsname%
+ }%
+ \ifnumequal{\exsh@sumpts}{0}{%
+ \ifnumequal{\exsh@sumptsbonus}{0}{}{%
+ \edef\exsh@sumpts{\exsh@sumptsbonus}%
+ \exshset{bonus}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \ifnumequal{\exsh@sumptsbonus}{0}{}{%
+ \edef\exsh@sumpts{\exsh@sumpts+\exsh@sumptsbonus}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \else%
+ \def\exsh@sumpts{??}%
+ \fi%
+ \exshset{points/.expanded={\exsh@sumpts}}
+ \setcounter{exsh@pts@cur}{0}
+ \setcounter{exsh@ptsbonus@cur}{0}
+ \exsh@sumuppointstrue%
+ }{%
+ \exsh@sumuppointsfalse%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{off}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \def\exsh@points{}%
+ \def\exsh@shortpoints{}%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/pointsinfo}}%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{oral}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifexsh@abbrev%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/strings/oral abbrev}{\exsh@points}%
+ \else%
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/exsh/strings/oral}{\exsh@points}%
+ \fi%
+ }{%
+ \ifexsh@abbrev%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points} \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/bonus points abbrev}}%
+ \else%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points} \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/points abbrev}}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{1}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \edef\exsh@points{1 \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/bonus point}}%
+ \else%
+ \edef\exsh@points{1 \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/point}}%
+ \fi%
+ }{%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points} \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/bonus points}}%
+ \else%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points} \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/points}}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/pointsinfo}}}{}{%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\expandonce\exsh@points, \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/pointsinfo}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\exsh@points}}{%
+ \def\exsh@shortpoints{}%
+ }{%
+ \edef\exsh@shortpoints{ (\expandonce\exsh@points)}%
+ }%
+% \preto\exsh@points{
+% \exsh@inshtml{<span style="float:right">}\hfill
+% \enskip\exsh@alignright\bgroup%
+% \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points font}}%
+% \appto\exsh@points{\egroup\exsh@inshtml{</span>}}%
+ \edef\exsh@points{\exsh@alignright{%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points font}\expandonce\exsh@points
+ }}
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/firstline}}}{%
+ \def\exsh@firstline{}%
+ }{%
+ \def\exsh@firstline{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/firstline}}%
+ \preto\exsh@firstline{\quad\bgroup\normalfont\normalsize}%
+ \appto\exsh@firstline{\egroup}%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/name}}}{%
+ \def\exsh@exname{}%
+ \def\exsh@shortexname{}%
+ }{%
+ \edef\exsh@exname{\space(\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/name})}%
+ \edef\exsh@shortexname{:\space\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/name}}%
+ }%
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}%
+ \edef\exsh@tmp{[\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/exercise} \arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}\exsh@shortexname\expandonce\exsh@shortpoints]}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{\ifbool{exsh@sample}{\exsh@hidefalse}{\exsh@hidetrue}}{\exsh@hidefalse}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@hide}{%
+ \def\exsh@skipwhat{exercise}\exsh@skipstuff%
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\exsh@startheader\exsh@tmp{\noindent%
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercisemark}}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/exercise}~\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}\exsh@exname\exsh@firstline\expandonce\exsh@points}%
+ \ifdim\z@=\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/below exercise title skip}\relax
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \else
+ \unskip\vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/below exercise title skip}\relax
+ \fi
+ \@afterindentfalse
+ % automatic label for the first exercise in every included file
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\jobname}{\currfilebase}}{}{%
+ \ifcsdef{exsh@autolabel@\currfilebase}{}{%
+ \csdef{exsh@autolabel@\currfilebase}{}%
+ \exsh@autolabel{ex:\currfilebase}}}%
+ % Use \leavevmode to ensure proper distances above environments that start
+ % with a new \par. Make sure that a \label does not mess up the layout.
+ \@ifnextchar\label{\exsh@label}{\leavevmode\ignorespaces}%
+ }%
+ %before writing point sums check that we actually computed them
+ \ifexsh@sumuppoints%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{
+ \string\expandafter\gdef%
+ \detokenize{\csname} exsh@sumpts@\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}\endcsname{%
+ \arabic{exsh@pts@cur}%
+ }%
+ \string\expandafter\gdef%
+ \detokenize{\csname} exsh@sumptsbonus@\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}\endcsname{%
+ \arabic{exsh@ptsbonus@cur}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \ifexsh@beamer\clearpage\fi%%%% <<<<<BEAMER ONLY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \newpage
+ \stepcounter{framenumber}
+% \begin{block}{}
+% \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise title font}{#2}%
+% \end{block}
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+ \begingroup
+ \usebeamercolor{block title}
+ \setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=bg,fg=fg}
+ \block{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise title font}{#2}}%
+ \endblock
+ \endgroup
+ }{
+ \begin{beamercolorbox}[rounded=true,wd={\textwidth}]%
+ {block title}
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise title font}{#2}
+ \end{beamercolorbox}
+ }
+ \ifexsh@patchenumerate
+ \setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}{\insertenumlabel}
+ \renewcommand{\insertenumlabel}{
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth=1
+ \alph{enumi})
+ \else\ifnum\@enumdepth=2
+ \arabic{enumii}.
+ \else
+ \roman{enumiii}
+ \fi\fi
+ }
+ \fi
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \newcommand{\exsh@startheader}[2][]{%
+ \@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{%
+ \ifexsh@firstexonsheet
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above first exercise skip}%
+ \else
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above exercise skip}
+ \fi
+ }{1em}% afterskip corrected below
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise title font}}%
+ [#1]{#2}%
+ \exsh@firstexonsheetfalse
+ }%
+ \newcommand{\exsh@startheader}[2][]{%
+ \ifexsh@firstexonsheet
+ \ifdim\z@=\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above first exercise skip}\relax
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \else
+ \unskip%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above first exercise skip}\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\z@=\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above exercise skip}\relax
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \else
+ \unskip%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above exercise skip}\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise title font} #2}%
+ \exsh@firstexonsheetfalse
+ }
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%includeoverride is not part of the public interface
+ \@ifstar\exsh@includeexercise@\exsh@includeexercise%
+ \ifbool{exsh@filenameasexercisename}{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={name={\detokenize{#2}},#1}}%
+ }{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={#1}}%
+ }%
+ \input{\ifdefvoid{\exsh@exercisespath}{}{\exsh@exercisespath/}#2}
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={}}
+ \ifbool{exsh@filenameasexercisename}{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={name={\detokenize{#2}},#1}}%
+ }{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={#1}}%
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ %auto labelling is still allowed, but other labels are forbidden
+ %here we may use \let as the definition is close to its use
+ \let\exsh@autolabel\label
+ \let\inexlabel\label
+ \def\label##1{%
+ \PackageError{exercisesheets}{\string\label{##1}\space
+ inside \string\includeexercise*}{}%
+ }
+ \input{\ifdefvoid{\exsh@exercisespath}{}{\exsh@exercisespath/}#2}
+ \endgroup
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={}}
+ \@ifstar\exsh@includeLexercise@\exsh@includeLexercise%
+ \ifbool{exsh@filenameasexercisename}{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={name={#2},#1}}%
+ }{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={#1}}%
+ }%
+ \directlua{
+ local prefix =
+ "\ifdefvoid{\exsh@exercisespath}{}{\exsh@exercisespath/}"
+ exsh_cur_exercise=dofile(prefix .. "#2.lua")
+ exsh_texprintlines(exsh_cur_exercise)
+ }%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={}}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@filenameasexercisename}{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={name={#2},#1}}%
+ }{%
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={#1}}%
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ %auto labelling is still allowed, but other labels are forbidden
+ %here we may use \let as the definition is close to its use
+ \let\exsh@autolabel\label
+ \def\label##1{%
+ \PackageError{exercisesheets}{\string\label{##1}\space
+ inside \string\includeLexercise*}{}%
+ }
+ \directlua{
+ local prefix =
+ "\ifdefvoid{\exsh@exercisespath}{}{\exsh@exercisespath/}"
+ exsh_cur_exercise=dofile(prefix .. "#2.lua")
+ exsh_texprintlines(exsh_cur_exercise)
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \exshset{includeoverride/.style={}}
+ \newcommand{\exsh@includeLexercise}[2][]{
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}
+ Lexercise needs Lua\LaTeX!
+ }
+ \let\exsh@includeLexercise@\exsh@includeLexercise
+ \labelformat{section}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/exercise}~\arabic{section}}
+ \AfterPackage*{varioref}{
+ \labelformat{enumi}{\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}.\alph{enumi}}
+ \def\exsh@afterdot#1.#2{#2}%x.y -> y
+ \def\exsh@subexn#1{%
+ \if\getrefnumber{#1}0%
+ 0%
+ \else%x.y->y, then inverse \@alph
+ \the\numexpr(\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+ \expandafter`\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+ \exsh@afterdot\getrefnumber{#1}-`a+1)\relax%
+ \fi%
+ }
+ }
+ \AfterPackage*{paralist}{
+ \setdefaultenum{(a)}{(1)}{i.}{A.}
+ }
+ \AfterPackage*{enumitem}{
+ \setenumerate[1]{label=(\alph*)}
+ \setenumerate[2]{label=(\arabic*)}
+ \setenumerate[3]{label=\roman*.}
+ \setenumerate[4]{label=\Alph.}
+ }
+ \def\theHenumi{enumi.\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/sheet counter}}.\arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}.\arabic{enumi}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % code below breaks [] argument after \begin{enumerate}
+ % when beamer is used
+ % in beamer we set item labels separately
+ % see beamer specific def. of \exsh@startheader
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \AtEndPreamble{%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{paralist}{}{%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{enumitem}{}{%
+ \apptocmd{\enumerate}{
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth=1%
+ \def\labelenumi{(\alph{enumi})}
+ \def\labelenumii{\arabic{enumii}.}
+ \def\labelenumiii{\roman{enumiii}.}
+ \fi
+ }{}{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%for now this is not part of the public interface
+\exshset{subtask counter/.initial={enumi}}
+\exshset{subtask environment/.initial={enumerate}}
+\exshset{subtask item/.initial={item}}
+\edef\exsh@subtaskctr{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subtask counter}}
+\def\exsh@subtaskenv{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subtask environment}}
+\def\exsh@subtaskitm{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subtask item}}
+%define subex as an alias for enumi
+ \csname c@\exsh@subtaskctr\endcsname
+ \csname p@\exsh@subtaskctr\endcsname
+ \csname the\exsh@subtaskctr\endcsname
+ \csname theH\exsh@subtaskctr\endcsname
+ \csname cl@\exsh@subtaskctr\endcsname
+% reset equation numbering for each exercise
+\@addtoreset{equation}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}
+ \global\def\exsh@restatetaskmain{#1}%
+ #1%
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,#1}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/main task font}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@savetasks}{\Collect@Body\exsh@savemaintask}{}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,#1}%
+ \begin{\exsh@subtaskenv}
+ \def\exsh@ifwithinsubt##1##2{##1}
+ \ignorespaces\begingroup
+ \endgroup
+ \end{\exsh@subtaskenv}%
+ \exsh@ifwithinsubt{
+ \endgroup\begingroup
+ }{%
+ \PackageWarning{exercisesheets}{%
+ Using \subtask\space without a subtasks environment
+ is unsupported
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \exsh@ensuressubtasks
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,#1}%
+ \csname\exsh@subtaskitm\endcsname%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subtask font} #2}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@savetasks}{%
+ \csgdef{exsh@restatetask\arabic{\exsh@subtaskctr}}{#2}%
+ \csdef{exsh@restatetaskcur}{#2}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@savetasks}{}{%
+ \PackageError{exercisesheets}{%
+ If you want to restate something, you have to %
+ use the option savetasks.%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \exsh@ensuresavetasks%
+ \@ifstar\exsh@restatetask@\exsh@restatetask%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/task restate font}%
+ \csname exsh@restatetask#1\endcsname}%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/task restate font}%
+ \csname exsh@restatetask#1\endcsname}\\%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \let\restatetaskbeamer\restatetask
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \def\restatetaskbeamer{%
+ \@ifstar\exsh@restatetaskbeamer\exsh@restatetaskbeamer%
+ }
+ \newcommand{\exsh@restatetaskbeamer}[1][main]{}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \par
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,every hint,#1,hint font}%
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above hint skip}\relax\noindent
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/hint title font}\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/hint}:}~\ignorespaces
+ \par
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,every hint,#1,hint font}%
+ ({\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/hint title font}\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/hint}:}\space%
+ \unskip)%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \let\exsh@postsolutionclear\clearpage
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \let\exsh@postsolutionclear\par
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,every solution,#1,solution font}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{oral}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@oralsolutions}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startsolution
+ }{%
+ \let\next\exsh@skipsolution
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@nonoralsolutions}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startsolution
+ }{%
+ \let\next\exsh@skipsolution
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifbool{exsh@forcesample}{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startsolution
+ }{}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@beamersolution}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@skipsolution
+ }{}%
+ \next
+ \ifbool{exsh@beamersolution}{}{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{oral}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@oralsolutions}{\exsh@postsolutionclear}{}%
+ }{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@nonoralsolutions}{\exsh@postsolutionclear}{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifbool{exsh@beameruseblocks}{%
+ \begin{alertblock}{}%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solution title font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solution} %
+ (\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/exercise} \arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}%
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth>0\alph{subex}\fi)} %
+ \ifbool{exsh@headerrestate}{
+ \exsh@ensuresavetasks
+ \csname exsh@restatetask%
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth>0cur\else main\fi%
+ \endcsname%
+ }{}%
+ \end{alertblock}
+ }{
+ \begin{beamercolorbox}[rounded=true,wd={#1}]%
+ {block title alerted}
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solution title font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solution} %
+ (\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/exercise} \arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}%
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth>0\alph{subex}\fi)} %
+ \ifbool{exsh@headerrestate}{
+ \exsh@ensuresavetasks
+ \csname exsh@restatetask%
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth>0cur\else main\fi%
+ \endcsname%
+ }{}%
+ \end{beamercolorbox}
+ }
+ \ifhmode \linebreak\fi\exsh@solutiontitle{#1}
+ \ifbool{exsh@defersolutiontitle}{%
+ \ifhmode \linebreak\fi\exsh@solutiontitle{#1}
+ }{}%
+` \unskip\vskip1pt\vskip-\parskip
+ \solutiontitle[\textwidth]
+ #1
+}%no whitespace here is crucial for end detecttion
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+%this command is only usefule for exercisesheets-beamer to place
+%the deferred title within a new frame
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifnum\@enumdepth=0
+ \ifbool{exsh@framed}{}{\clearpage\stepcounter{framenumber}}
+ \fi
+% \usebeamercolor{block title alerted}
+% \setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=bg,fg=fg}
+% \block{}
+% \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solution title font}%
+% \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solution} %
+% (\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/exercise} \arabic{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}%
+% \alph{subex})%
+% \endblock
+ \ifbool{exsh@framed}{\exsh@defersolutiontitletrue}{}
+ \ifbool{exsh@defersolutiontitle}{}{%
+ \ifhmode \linebreak\fi
+ \exsh@solutiontitle{\linewidth}
+ }%
+ \let\next\relax
+ \ifbool{exsh@framed}{%
+ \def\next{\Collect@Body\exsh@collectedframe}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@fragile}{%
+ \ifluatex%
+ \def\next{\exsh@start@lframed@}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{exercisesheets}{Fragile frames require
+ LuaLaTeX!}{}
+ \fi%
+ }{}%
+ }{}%
+ \next%
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/above solution skip}\relax%
+ {\parindent \z@
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solution title font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/solution}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/solution title separator}%
+ }\nobreak%
+ \@afterheading
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\end}{\exsh@endsolution}{\exsh@skipsolution}%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{solution}{
+ \end{solution}
+ }{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{beamersolution}{
+ \end{beamersolution}
+ }{%
+ \exsh@skipsolution}%
+ }%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-SPECIFIC: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,every solution,#1,solution font}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{oral}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@oralsolutions}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startsolution
+ }{%
+ \let\next\exsh@skipsolution
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@nonoralsolutions}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startsolution
+ }{%
+ \let\next\exsh@skipsolution
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifbool{exsh@forcesample}{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startsolution
+ }{}%
+ }{}%
+ \next
+% \ifbool{exsh@framed}{\end{frame}}{}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{oral}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points}}}{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@oralsolutions}{\clearpage}{}%
+ }{%
+ \ifbool{exsh@nonoralsolutions}{\clearpage}{}%
+ }%
+\else%--------- NON-BEAMER: ---------------------------------------
+%the regular version of exercisesheets.sty skips all beamer solutions
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-SPECIFIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{#2}}{}{\exshset{points=#2}}%
+ \bgroup%
+ \exshset{#1}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/pointsinfo}}}{%
+ \def\exsh@tmp{}%
+ }{%
+ \def\exsh@tmp{, \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/pointsinfo}}%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{oral}}{%
+ \ifexsh@abbrev%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/oral abbrev}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \else%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/oral}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \fi%
+ }{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/pointsinfo}}%
+ }{%
+ \ifexsh@abbrev%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{#2~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/bonus points abbrev}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \else%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{#2~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/points abbrev}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{1}}{%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{1~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/bonus point}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \else%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{1~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/point}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \fi%
+ }{%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{#2~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/bonus points}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \else%
+ \exsh@subexpoints{#2~\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/points}\exsh@tmp}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \ifexsh@sumuppoints%
+ \ifexsh@bonus%
+ \addtocounter{exsh@ptsbonus@cur}{#2}
+ \else%
+ \addtocounter{exsh@pts@cur}{#2}
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \egroup
+ \ignorespaces
+ \pgfkeys{exsh,#1,grading guide font}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@gradingguides}{%
+ \let\next\exsh@startguide
+ }{%
+ \let\next\exsh@skipguide
+ }%
+ \next
+ \par
+ {\parindent \z@
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/strings/gradingguide}: }\nobreak%
+ \@afterheading
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\end}{\exsh@endguide}{\exsh@skipguide}%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{gradingguide}{\end{gradingguide}}{\exsh@skipguide}%
+ \ifdefined\luatextextdir
+ \def\exsh@putatend#1{%
+ \leavevmode\luatextextdir TRT\unskip{\luatextextdir TLT{\hfill~~#1}}\luatextextdir TLT}%
+ \else
+ \def\exsh@putatend#1{%
+ \leavevmode\textdir TRT\unskip{\textdir TLT{\hfill~~#1}}\textdir TLT}%
+ \fi
+ \def\exsh@putatend#1{%
+ \TeXXeTstate=1%
+ \beginR\unskip{\beginL~~#1\endL}\hfill\beginL\TeXXeTstate=0}%
+\def\exsh@leaveinplace#1{\unskip~{#1} }
+ \ifexsh@inplace%
+ \exsh@leaveinplace{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points font}\mbox{(#1)}}%
+ \else%
+ \ifexsh@pointsfloatright% can be used directly after \item etc.
+ \exsh@putatend{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points font}\mbox{(#1)}}%
+ \else% original points macro with fill
+ \exsh@insertFill{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/points font}\mbox{(#1)}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifexsh@showtodos
+ \ifmmode
+ \text{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/todo marker font}TODO #1}%
+ \else
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/todo marker font}TODO #1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \PackageWarning{exercisesheets}{TODO marker found}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@solutions}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@oralsolutions}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@nonoralsolutions}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{#1}{#2}%
+ \ifbool{exsh@samplesolutions}{}{#1}%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN BEAMER-ONLY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \setbeamertemplate{headline}{}%
+ \setbeamertemplate{footline}{}%
+ \setbeamertemplate{headline}{%
+% \leavevmode%
+ \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,vmode]{frametitle}
+ \vspace{0.4em}
+ \leavevmode
+ \begingroup
+ \footnotesize%
+ \hspace*{2ex}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subject font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/subject}} \hfill%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/semester font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/semester}}\hspace{2ex}\hfil%
+ \vspace{1mm}\linebreak%
+ \hspace*{2ex}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/author font}\exsh@author}%
+ \hfill{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/date font}%
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/date}}%
+ \hspace{2ex}\hfil%\vspace{-1em}
+ \endgroup
+ \vspace{0.4em}
+ \end{beamercolorbox}%
+ \vspace*{3mm}
+ \vskip\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/below slide headline skip}\relax%
+ }
+ \addtobeamertemplate{frametitle}{\vspace{-3mm}}{}
+ \setbeamertemplate{footline}{%
+ \leavevmode%
+ \hbox{\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=2.5ex,dp=1.125ex,leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm]{frametitle}%
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/author font}\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exauthor}}
+ \end{beamercolorbox}%
+ \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=2.5ex,dp=1.125ex,leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm plus1fil]{author in head/foot}%
+ \usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}
+ \inserttitle
+ \hfill\insertpagenumber
+ \end{beamercolorbox}}%
+ \vskip0pt%
+ }
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END BEAMER-ONLY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \let\exsh@dlua\directlua
+ \def\exsh@dlua#1{}
+%change only some catcodes to
+\catcode`\{=12 %set those to the same value (11/12) as below!
+\catcode`\}=12 %
+%% Expanded, when \catcode`\^^M=12 holds
+!global!long!def!exsh@start@Lexercise#1\end{Lexercise}< %
+ !exsh@dlua<exsh_cur_exercise=exercise({#1})> %
+ !endgroup!end<Lexercise>%
+!global!long!def!exsh@start@skip@Lexercise#1\end{Lexercise}< %
+ !exsh@dlua<exsh_cur_exercise=exercise({#1})> %
+ !ifluatex!else%
+ !refstepcounter<!pgfkeysvalueof</exsh/exercise counter>>%
+ !fi
+ !endgroup!endgroup%
+ !expandafter!exsh@skipstuff%
+ !exsh@dlua<exsh_texprintlines(exsh_cur_exercise)>%
+!global!long!def!exsh@start@lframed#1\end{solution}< %
+ !exsh@dlua<exsh_cur_solution=fragileframed([[#1]])> %
+ !endgroup!end<solution>%
+ !exsh@dlua<exsh_texprintlines(exsh_cur_solution)>%
+\catcode`\{=12 %set those to the same value (11/12) as above!
+\catcode`\}=12 %
+\catcode`\ =12
+ \exsh@lua@catcodesBG\exsh@start@Lexercise%
+ \ifluatex
+ \exsh@dlua{exsh_texprintlines(exsh_cur_exercise)}%
+ \else
+ \refstepcounter{\pgfkeysvalueof{/exsh/exercise counter}}
+ Lexercise needs Lua\LaTeX!
+ \fi
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index fc7b4d5fdf0..2f6e9f0191e 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
exam exam-lite exam-n exam-randomizechoices exam-zh
examdesign example examplep examz
exceltex excludeonly exercise exercisebank exercisepoints exercises
- exesheet exframe exp-testopt
+ exercisesheets exesheet exframe exp-testopt
expdlist expex expex-acro expex-glossonly expkv-bundle export
expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019 expressg
exsheets exsol extarrows exteps
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
index 9e841e86596..fddbdf2e5ac 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
@@ -491,6 +491,7 @@ depend exercise
depend exercisebank
depend exercisepoints
depend exercises
+depend exercisesheets
depend exesheet
depend exframe
depend exp-testopt
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/exercisesheets.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/exercisesheets.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/exercisesheets.tlpsrc