diff options
20 files changed, 15903 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b01a60342d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/README
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+pgfplots - A tool to draw normal and/or logarithmic plots in LaTeX.
+Pgfplots draws high-quality function plots in normal or logarithmic
+scaling with a user-friendly interface. The user supplies axis labels, legend
+entries and the plot coordinates for one or more plots and Pgfplots applies
+axis scaling, computes any logarithms and axis ticks and draws the plots.
+It is based on Till Tantau's package PGF/TikZ.
+Please take a look at
+ doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.pdf.
+The manual contains installation instructions and more detailed information.
+Copyright 2007/2008 by Christian Feuersaenger.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/liststructuretest.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/liststructuretest.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/liststructuretest.tex
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+\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % erlaubt direkte Nutzung von Umlauten
+% \usepackage[a4paper,noheadfoot,pdftex,left=0.8cm,right=1cm,top=0.8cm,bottom=0.8cm]{geometry}
+% \usepackage{color}
+% \usepackage{colortbl}
+% \usepackage{longtable}
+% \usepackage[a4paper,colorlinks=true]{hyperref} % Querverweise etc. option pdftex,dvipdfm?
+% \usepackage{graphicx}
+% \usepackage[draft]{graphicx}
+% \usepackage{listings} % fuer codefragmente jeder art
+% \usepackage{amsthm}
+% fuer endvironment 'sidewaysfigure' bspw
+% \usepackage{rotating}
+%\pdfinfo {
+% /Author (Christian Feuersaenger)
+% My user defined commands ...
+% von Alex: A4-Groesse, symmetrische Seitenraender.
+% \usepackage{mya4sym}
+% figure einstellungen:
+\author{Christian Feuersänger}
+% \message{TEST toks0:}%
+% \toks0={{a}{b}{c}{d}}%
+% Der Inhalt davon ist \the\toks0
+% \message{TEST 2 toks0:}%
+% \def\probe{{a}{b}{c}{d}}%
+% \toks0={\probe}%
+% Der Inhalt davon ist \the\toks0
+% \message{TEST create:}%
+% \listcreate{\probe}{{a}{b}{c}{d}}%
+% %\show\listcreate
+% \message{Nutze probe:}%
+% Inhalt: \probe
+% \count0=0
+% \loop
+% \ifnum\count0<5
+% \listpopfront\erstes\probe
+% Das Erste: \erstes
+% Inhalt: \probe
+% \vskip2cm
+% \advance\count0 by1
+% \repeat
+% \tracingmacros=2
+% \message{Pushback-Test}%
+% Inhalt vorher: \probe
+% \listpushback\probe{a}%
+% Inhalt jetzt: \probe
+% \listpushback\probe{[eins]}%
+% Inhalt jetzt: \probe
+% \listpushback\probe{zwei}%
+% Inhalt jetzt: \probe
+% \message{lese wieder alles aus:}%
+% lese wieder alles aus:%
+% \count0=0
+% \loop
+% \ifnum\count0<5
+% \listpopfront\erstes\probe
+% Das Erste: \erstes
+% Inhalt: \probe
+% \vskip2cm
+% \advance\count0 by1
+% \repeat
+% \vskip3cm
+% \message{Das hat NICHT geklappt}%
+% \listcreate{\probe}{{eins}{drei}}%
+% Inhalt: \probe
+% \listpopfront\erstes\probe
+% Erstes: \erstes
+% Inhalt: \probe
+% \listpopfront\erstes\probe
+% Erstes: \erstes
+% Inhalt: \probe
+\message{HIER GEHTS LOS}%
+\listpushback eins\to\probe
+\listpushback [probe]\to\probe
+\listpushback [probe2]\to\probe
+\listpushback [probe3]\to\probe
+Groesse: \listsize\probe\to{\count0}\the\count0
+\listforeach\probe\as\curlistelem{\curlistelem \par}
+\listforeach\foolist\as\foo{Element \foo\par}%
+\message{SELECT TEST:}%
+Element \the\count1: \listselect\count1\of\probe\to\elem\elem
+Element 3: \listselect3\of\probe\to\elem\elem
+Jetzt ist count1=\the\count1
+Erstes: \first
+verbleibedne Größe: \listsize\probe\to{\count0}\the\count0
+Erstes: \first
+verbleibedne Größe: \listsize\probe\to{\count0}\the\count0
+\message{NEUE LISTE:}%
+\listnew\foolist{First Element\\Second Element\\Third Element\\}
+Ergebnis von concat:
+\bibliographystyle{gerabbrv} %gerapali} %gerabbrv} %gerunsrt.bst} %gerabbrv}% gerplain}
+% \bibliography{literatur.bib}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.bib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4eb003d9fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ author = {Till Tantau},
+ title = {{\Tikz\ and \PGF\ manual}},
+ howpublished = {\url{}},
+ note = {v. $\ge$ 1.18}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.examples.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.examples.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4890aa6a6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.examples.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+% main=manual.tex
+\section{More examples}
+This section contains a catalogue of different \PGFPlots\ features by example.
+\subsection{Legend position}
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=
+ [at={(0.03,0.03)},anchor=south west]%
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ ....
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.472e-02)
+ (31, 3.044e-02)
+ (111, 1.022e-02)
+ (351, 3.303e-03)
+ (1023, 1.039e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196e-04)
+ (7423, 9.658e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (9, 7.881e-02)
+ (49, 3.243e-02)
+ (209, 1.232e-02)
+ (769, 4.454e-03)
+ (2561, 1.551e-03)
+ (7937, 5.236e-04)
+ (23297, 1.723e-04)
+ (65537, 5.545e-05)
+ (178177, 1.751e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (11, 6.887e-02)
+ (71, 3.177e-02)
+ (351, 1.341e-02)
+ (1471, 5.334e-03)
+ (5503, 2.027e-03)
+ (18943, 7.415e-04)
+ (61183, 2.628e-04)
+ (187903, 9.063e-05)
+ (553983, 3.053e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \addplot plot coordinates {
+ % (1.60944,-2.48752)
+ % (2.83321,-3.67031)
+ % (3.89182,-4.90531)
+ % (4.85981,-6.16490)
+ % (5.77144,-7.43988)
+ % (6.64509,-8.72625)
+ % (7.49165,-10.02171)
+ % (8.31801,-11.32467)
+ % (9.12880,-12.63347)
+ % };
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \addplot plot coordinates {
+ % (1.94591,-2.46843)
+ % (3.43399,-3.49197)
+ % (4.70953,-4.58327)
+ % (5.86079,-5.71278)
+ % (6.93049,-6.86963)
+ % (7.94272,-8.04829)
+ % (8.91234,-9.24515)
+ % (9.84919,-10.45743)
+ % (10.76009,-11.68282)
+ % };
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \addplot plot coordinates {
+ % (2.19722,-2.54068)
+ % (3.89182,-3.42861)
+ % (5.34233,-4.39638)
+ % (6.64509,-5.41393)
+ % (7.84815,-6.46903)
+ % (8.97929,-7.55482)
+ % (10.05608,-8.66643)
+ % (11.09037,-9.80004)
+ % (12.09053,-10.95252)
+ % };
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \addplot plot coordinates {
+ % (2.39790,-2.67548)
+ % (4.26268,-3.44917)
+ % (5.86079,-4.31187)
+ % (7.29370,-5.23369)
+ % (8.61305,-6.20135)
+ % (9.84919,-7.20679)
+ % (11.02162,-8.24414)
+ % (12.14368,-9.30872)
+ % (13.22489,-10.39672)
+ % };
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \addplot plot coordinates {
+ % (2.56495,-2.85506)
+ % (4.57471,-3.53179)
+ % (6.30079,-4.30404)
+ % (7.84815,-5.14269)
+ % (9.27096,-6.03371)
+ % (10.60145,-6.96818)
+ % (11.86054,-7.93940)
+ % (13.06270,-8.94206)
+ % (14.21835,-9.97183)
+ % };
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=
+ [at={(0.03,0.03)},anchor=south west]%
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\subsection{Font size and line width}
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=%
+ [at={(0.03,0.03)},anchor=south west]%
+\tikzstyle{every tick}+=[line width=0.6pt]%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\large,line width=1pt]
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot ....
+ ...
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=
+ [at={(0.03,0.03)},anchor=south west]%
+\tikzstyle{every tick}+=[line width=0.6pt]
+\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\large,line width=1pt]
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\subsection{Changing line specifications}
+\subsubsection{Using another, predefined list}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ ...
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\subsubsection{Defining new lists}
+% will cycle through these three elements:
+ red,dotted,mark=-,mark options={solid}\\%
+ black,dashed,mark=pentagon,mark options={solid}\\%
+ mark options={fill=blue!40},mark=diamond*,blue\\%
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=%
+ [at={(1.03,1)},anchor=north west]%
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ ...
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ red,dotted,mark=-,mark options={solid}\\%
+ black,dashed,mark=pentagon,mark options={solid}\\%
+ mark options={fill=blue!40},mark=diamond*,blue\\%
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=%
+ [at={(1.03,1)},anchor=north west]%
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\subsection{Changing the ticks}
+\subsubsection{Placing ticks at $10^i$}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xtickten={0,2,3,4,6,...,10},% place tickmarks at 10^0, 10^2,...
+ ytickten={-6,-4,...,2},
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ ....
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xtickten={0,2,3,4,6,...,10},
+ ytickten={-6,-4,...,2},
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\subsubsection{Placing ticks anywhere}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xtick={2.5,9.2,14.2},
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ ....
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xtick={12,9897,1468864},%2.5,9.2,14.2},
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\subsection{Annotating plots}
+\subsubsection{Example: Placing Data Cursors}
+\tikzstyle{annotedge}=[->,shorten >=3pt]
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ ....
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ ...
+ % remember this coordinate under the name 'bad'
+ \axispath\node[coordinate] (bad) at
+ (8.61305,-6.20135) % = (log(10625), log(2.397e-03))
+ {};
+ \axispath\node[coordinate] (good) at
+ (12.14368,-9.30872)
+ {};
+ % place a node above 'bad' and draw an edge to 'bad':
+ \axispath\node[annotation,above of=bad]
+ {Bad!}
+ edge[annotedge] (bad);
+ \axispath\node[annotation,above right of=good]
+ {Good!}
+ edge[annotedge] (good);
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm]
+\tikzstyle{annotedge}=[->,shorten >=3pt]
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={\textsc{Dof}},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \plots
+ \axispath\node[coordinate] (bad) at
+ (8.61305,-6.20135)
+ {};
+ \axispath\node[coordinate] (good) at
+ (12.14368,-9.30872)
+ {};
+ \axispath\node[annotation,above of=bad]
+ {Bad!}
+ edge[annotedge] (bad);
+ \axispath\node[annotation,above right of=good]
+ {Good!}
+ edge[annotedge] (good);
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+One remark: the \lstinline!\axispath! prefix is necessary because neither axis nor plots will be drawn until the $x$- and $y$-limits have been determined. All drawing commands are postponed until \lstinline!\end{axis}! (unless you explicitly provide the options \lstinline!xmin!, \lstinline!xmax!, \lstinline!ymin! and \lstinline!ymax!).
+\subsubsection{Example: Slopes of line segments}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel=\textsc{Dof},
+ ylabel=$L_2$ Error
+ ]
+ \axispath\draw
+ (7.49165,-10.02171)
+ |- (8.31801,-11.32467)
+ node[near start,left] {$\frac{dy}{dx} = -1.58$};
+ \addplot ....
+ ...
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel=\textsc{Dof},
+ ylabel=$L_2$ Error
+ ]
+ \axispath\draw
+ (7.49165,-10.02171)
+ |- (8.31801,-11.32467)
+ node[near start,left] {$\frac{dy}{dx} = -1.58$};
+ \plots
+ \end{loglogaxis}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.install.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.install.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.install.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+% main=manual.tex
+\PGFPlots\ requires \PGF\ version $\ge 1.18$ and package \texttt{xkeyval}.
+\subsection{Files in the \PGFPlots-Bundle}
+The \PGFPlots\ package consists of the files
+If is used with
+in your preamble. There are several ways how to teach \LaTeX\ where to find the files. Choose the option which fits your needs best.
+\subsection{Assigning the \texttt{TEXINPUTS} Variable}
+You can simply install \PGFPlots\ anywhere on your disc, for example into
+Then, you set the \texttt{TEXINPUTS} variable to
+The trailing~`\texttt{:}' tells \LaTeX\ to check the default search paths after \lstinline!/foo/bar/pgfplots!. The double slash~`\texttt{//}' tells \LaTeX\ to search all subdirectories.
+If the \texttt{TEXINPUTS} variable already contains something, you can append the line above to the existing \texttt{TEXINPUTS} content.
+Please refer to your operating systems manual for how to set environment variables.
+\subsection{Installation into a local \texttt{texmf}-directory}
+Copy \PGFPlots\ to a local \texttt{texmf} directory like \lstinline!~/texmf! in your home directory. Then, install \PGFPlots\ into the subdirectory \lstinline!texmf/tex/generic/pgfplots! and run \lstinline!texhash!.
+\subsection{Installation into a local TDS compliant \texttt{texmf}-directory}
+A TDS conforming installation will use the same base directory as in the last section, but it requires to merge the contents of `\texttt{latex}' into `\texttt{texmf/tex/latex}'; the contents of `\texttt{generic}' to `\texttt{texmf/tex/generic}' and the contents of `\texttt{doc}' to `\texttt{texmf/doc}'.
+Do not forget to run \lstinline!texhash!.
+\subsection{If everything else fails...}
+If \LaTeX\ still doesn't find your files, you can copy all \lstinline!.sty!-files into your current project's working directory.
+Please refer to \url{} for more information about package installation.
+\subsection{Restrictions for DVI-Viewers and \texttt{dvipdfm}}
+\PGF\ is compatible with
+ \item \lstinline!latex!/\lstinline!dvips!,
+ \item \lstinline!latex!/\lstinline!dvipdfm!,
+ \item \lstinline!pdflatex!,
+ \item $\vdots$
+However, there are some restrictions: I don't know any DVI viewer which is capable of viewing the output of \PGF\ (and therefor \PGFPlots\ as well). After all, DVI has never been designed to draw something different than text and horizontal/vertical lines. You will need to view the postscript file or the pdf-file.
+Furthermore, \PGF\ needs to know a \emph{driver} so that the DVI file can be converted to the desired output. Depending on your system, you need the following options:
+ \item \lstinline!latex!/\lstinline!dvips! does not need anything special because \lstinline!dvips! is the default driver if you invoke \lstinline!latex!.
+ \item \lstinline!pdflatex! will also work directly because \lstinline!pdflatex! will be detected automatically.
+ \item \lstinline!latex!/\lstinline!dvipdfm! requires to use
+ The uncommented commands could be used to set other drivers explictly.
+Please read the corresponding sections in~\cite[Section 7.2.1 and 7.2.2]{tikz} if you have further questions. These sections also contain limitations of particular drivers.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.intro.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.intro.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0a1d34d2ccf
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.intro.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+% main=manual.tex
+\section{Drawing axes and plots}
+\subsection{A first plot}
+Plotting is done using \lstinline|\begin{axis} ... \addplot ...; \end{axis}|:
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xlabel=Cost,
+ ylabel=Error]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (2,-2.8559703)
+ (3,-3.5301677)
+ (4,-4.3050655)
+ (5,-5.1413136)
+ (6,-6.0322865)
+ (7,-6.9675052)
+ (8,-7.9377747)
+ (9,-9.9717663)
+ };
+ \end{axis}
+\caption{An example for a normal plot. The coordinates are specified using the \Tikz-syntax ``\texttt{plot coordinates}'', optional labels can be provided with the ``\texttt{xlabel}'' and ``\texttt{ylabel}'' arguments.}
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xlabel=Cost,
+ ylabel=Error]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (2,-2.8559703)
+ (3,-3.5301677)
+ (4,-4.3050655)
+ (5,-5.1413136)
+ (6,-6.0322865)
+ (7,-6.9675052)
+ (8,-7.9377747)
+ (9,-9.9717663)
+ };
+ \end{axis}
+The outcome of this listing is shown in figure~\ref{fig:firstplot}. The \lstinline!plot coordinates! command is one of the \Tikz\ ways to create plots, see~\cite[Section~16]{tikz}. All other commands are used to create the axis.
+\subsection{Two plots in the same axis}
+Figure~\ref{fig:twoplots} shows the result of placing multiple~\lstinline!\addplot!-commands into a single axis:
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xlabel=Cost,
+ ylabel=Error]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (2,-2.8559703)
+ (3,-3.5301677)
+ (4,-4.3050655)
+ (5,-5.1413136)
+ (6,-6.0322865)
+ (7,-6.9675052)
+ (8,-7.9377747)
+ (9,-9.9717663)
+ };
+ \addplot[color=blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (2,-2.83)
+ (3,-3.5167)
+ (4,-4.4050)
+ (5,-5.137)
+ (6,-6.4)
+ (7,-6.6750)
+ (8,-6.9377)
+ (9,-6.9717)
+ };
+ \legend{Case 1\\Case 2\\}
+ \end{axis}
+\caption{Two plots in the same axis. A legend can be generated using the \texttt{\textbackslash legend{}}-command.}
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xlabel=Cost,
+ ylabel=Error]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (2,-2.8559703)
+ (3,-3.5301677)
+ (4,-4.3050655)
+ (5,-5.1413136)
+ (6,-6.0322865)
+ (7,-6.9675052)
+ (8,-7.9377747)
+ (9,-9.9717663)
+ };
+ \addplot[color=blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (2,-2.83)
+ (3,-3.5167)
+ (4,-4.4050)
+ (5,-5.137)
+ (6,-6.4)
+ (7,-6.6750)
+ (8,-6.9377)
+ (9,-6.9717)
+ };
+ \legend{Case 1\\Case 2\\}
+ \end{axis}
+\subsection{Logarithmic plots}
+Logarithmic plots show $\log x$ versus $\log y$ (or just one logarithmic axis) as in figure~\ref{fig:firstloglog}. \PGFPlots\ always uses the natural logarithm, i.e. basis $e\approx2.718$. Now, the axis description also contains minor ticks and the labels are placed at $10^i$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[xlabel=Cost,ylabel=Gain]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (10,100)
+ (20,150)
+ (40,225)
+ (80,340)
+ (160,510)
+ (320,765)
+ (640,1150)
+ };
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\caption{A double--logarithmic plot.}
+\addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (10,100)
+ (20,150)
+ (40,225)
+ (80,340)
+ (160,510)
+ (320,765)
+ (640,1150)
+A common application is to visualise scientific data. This is often provided in the format $1.42\cdot10^4$, usually written as 1.42e+04. An example is shown in the following listing and in figure~\ref{fig:example:sci:loglog}.
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel=Cost,
+ ylabel=Error]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.31160034e-02)
+ (17, 2.54685628e-02)
+ (49, 7.40715288e-03)
+ (129, 2.10192154e-03)
+ (321, 5.87352989e-04)
+ (769, 1.62269942e-04)
+ (1793, 4.44248889e-05)
+ (4097, 1.20714122e-05)
+ (9217, 3.26101452e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot[color=blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.47178381e-02)
+ (31, 3.04409349e-02)
+ (111, 1.02214539e-02)
+ (351, 3.30346265e-03)
+ (1023, 1.03886535e-03)
+ (2815, 3.19646457e-04)
+ (7423, 9.65789766e-05)
+ (18943, 2.87339125e-05)
+ (47103, 8.43749881e-06)
+ };
+ \legend{Case 1\\Case 2\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\caption{A double--logarithmic plot using scientific notation.}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel=Cost,
+ ylabel=Error]
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x] plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.31160034e-02)
+ (17, 2.54685628e-02)
+ (49, 7.40715288e-03)
+ (129, 2.10192154e-03)
+ (321, 5.87352989e-04)
+ (769, 1.62269942e-04)
+ (1793, 4.44248889e-05)
+ (4097, 1.20714122e-05)
+ (9217, 3.26101452e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot[color=blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.47178381e-02)
+ (31, 3.04409349e-02)
+ (111, 1.02214539e-02)
+ (351, 3.30346265e-03)
+ (1023, 1.03886535e-03)
+ (2815, 3.19646457e-04)
+ (7423, 9.65789766e-05)
+ (18943, 2.87339125e-05)
+ (47103, 8.43749881e-06)
+ };
+ \legend{Case 1\\Case 2\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+Besided the environment ``\texttt{loglogaxis}'' you can use
+ \item \lstinline!\begin{axis}...\end{axis}! for normal plots,
+ \item \lstinline!\begin{semilogxaxis}...\end{semilogxaxis}! for plots which have a normal~$y$ axis and a logarithmic~$x$ axis,
+ \item \lstinline!\begin{semilogyaxis}...\end{semilogyaxis}! the same with $x$~and~$y$ switched,
+ \item \lstinline!\begin{loglogaxis}...\end{loglogaxis}! for double--logarithmic plots.
+You can also use
+ \begin{axis}[xmode=normal,ymode=log]
+ ...
+ \end{axis}
+which is the same as \lstinline!\begin{semilogyaxis}...\end{semilogyaxis}!. Example:
+ \begin{semilogyaxis}[xlabel=Index,ylabel=Value]
+ \addplot[color=blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (1,8)
+ (2,16)
+ (3,32)
+ (4,64)
+ (5,128)
+ (6,256)
+ (7,512)
+ };
+ \end{semilogyaxis}
+see figure~\ref{fig:semilogy}.
+ \begin{semilogyaxis}[xlabel=Index,ylabel=Value]
+ \addplot[color=blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (1,8)
+ (2,16)
+ (3,32)
+ (4,64)
+ (5,128)
+ (6,256)
+ (7,512)
+ };
+ \end{semilogyaxis}
+\caption{A semi--logarithmic plot.}
+\subsection{Cycling line styles}
+You can skip the style arguments for \lstinline!\addplot[...]! or \lstinline!\addplot[...]! to determine plot specifications from a predefined list:
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.472e-02)
+ (31, 3.044e-02)
+ (111, 1.022e-02)
+ (351, 3.303e-03)
+ (1023, 1.039e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196e-04)
+ (7423, 9.658e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (9, 7.881e-02)
+ (49, 3.243e-02)
+ (209, 1.232e-02)
+ (769, 4.454e-03)
+ (2561, 1.551e-03)
+ (7937, 5.236e-04)
+ (23297, 1.723e-04)
+ (65537, 5.545e-05)
+ (178177, 1.751e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (11, 6.887e-02)
+ (71, 3.177e-02)
+ (351, 1.341e-02)
+ (1471, 5.334e-03)
+ (5503, 2.027e-03)
+ (18943, 7.415e-04)
+ (61183, 2.628e-04)
+ (187903, 9.063e-05)
+ (553983, 3.053e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\caption{Predefined line/marker combinations.}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.472e-02)
+ (31, 3.044e-02)
+ (111, 1.022e-02)
+ (351, 3.303e-03)
+ (1023, 1.039e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196e-04)
+ (7423, 9.658e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (9, 7.881e-02)
+ (49, 3.243e-02)
+ (209, 1.232e-02)
+ (769, 4.454e-03)
+ (2561, 1.551e-03)
+ (7937, 5.236e-04)
+ (23297, 1.723e-04)
+ (65537, 5.545e-05)
+ (178177, 1.751e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (11, 6.887e-02)
+ (71, 3.177e-02)
+ (351, 1.341e-02)
+ (1471, 5.334e-03)
+ (5503, 2.027e-03)
+ (18943, 7.415e-04)
+ (61183, 2.628e-04)
+ (187903, 9.063e-05)
+ (553983, 3.053e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+The result is shown in figure~\ref{fig:predefined:plotspec}. You can modify the list, see the reference below.
+\subsection{Scaling plots}
+You can use any of the \Tikz\ options to modify the appearance. For example the effect of the ``\texttt{scale}'' transformation is shown in figures \ref{fig:scale1}~and~\ref{fig:scale2}.
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.472e-02)
+ (31, 3.044e-02)
+ (111, 1.022e-02)
+ (351, 3.303e-03)
+ (1023, 1.039e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196e-04)
+ (7423, 9.658e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (9, 7.881e-02)
+ (49, 3.243e-02)
+ (209, 1.232e-02)
+ (769, 4.454e-03)
+ (2561, 1.551e-03)
+ (7937, 5.236e-04)
+ (23297, 1.723e-04)
+ (65537, 5.545e-05)
+ (178177, 1.751e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (11, 6.887e-02)
+ (71, 3.177e-02)
+ (351, 1.341e-02)
+ (1471, 5.334e-03)
+ (5503, 2.027e-03)
+ (18943, 7.415e-04)
+ (61183, 2.628e-04)
+ (187903, 9.063e-05)
+ (553983, 3.053e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\caption{An example of a scaled plot.}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.472e-02)
+ (31, 3.044e-02)
+ (111, 1.022e-02)
+ (351, 3.303e-03)
+ (1023, 1.039e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196e-04)
+ (7423, 9.658e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (9, 7.881e-02)
+ (49, 3.243e-02)
+ (209, 1.232e-02)
+ (769, 4.454e-03)
+ (2561, 1.551e-03)
+ (7937, 5.236e-04)
+ (23297, 1.723e-04)
+ (65537, 5.545e-05)
+ (178177, 1.751e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (11, 6.887e-02)
+ (71, 3.177e-02)
+ (351, 1.341e-02)
+ (1471, 5.334e-03)
+ (5503, 2.027e-03)
+ (18943, 7.415e-04)
+ (61183, 2.628e-04)
+ (187903, 9.063e-05)
+ (553983, 3.053e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3]
+ \begin{loglogaxis}
+ ...
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\caption{The effect of a ``\texttt{scale}'' transformation by~$30\%$.}
+You can scale plots either using the \texttt{width=5cm} and/or \texttt{height=3cm} options or by setting the dimension for each unit coordinate as is shown in figure~\ref{fig:scale:units}.
+More examples can be found in section~\ref{sec:examples}.
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[%
+ x=0.4cm,y=0.7cm,
+ xlabel={Degrees of freedom},
+ ylabel={$L_2$ Error}
+ ]
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.312e-02)
+ (17, 2.547e-02)
+ (49, 7.407e-03)
+ (129, 2.102e-03)
+ (321, 5.874e-04)
+ (769, 1.623e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.472e-02)
+ (31, 3.044e-02)
+ (111, 1.022e-02)
+ (351, 3.303e-03)
+ (1023, 1.039e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196e-04)
+ (7423, 9.658e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437e-06)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (9, 7.881e-02)
+ (49, 3.243e-02)
+ (209, 1.232e-02)
+ (769, 4.454e-03)
+ (2561, 1.551e-03)
+ (7937, 5.236e-04)
+ (23297, 1.723e-04)
+ (65537, 5.545e-05)
+ (178177, 1.751e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (11, 6.887e-02)
+ (71, 3.177e-02)
+ (351, 1.341e-02)
+ (1471, 5.334e-03)
+ (5503, 2.027e-03)
+ (18943, 7.415e-04)
+ (61183, 2.628e-04)
+ (187903, 9.063e-05)
+ (553983, 3.053e-05)
+ };
+ \addplot plot coordinates {
+ (13, 5.755e-02)
+ (97, 2.925e-02)
+ (545, 1.351e-02)
+ (2561, 5.842e-03)
+ (10625, 2.397e-03)
+ (40193, 9.414e-04)
+ (141569, 3.564e-04)
+ (471041, 1.308e-04)
+ (1496065, 4.670e-05)
+ };
+ \legend{$d=2$\\$d=3$\\$d=4$\\$d=5$\\$d=6$\\}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[x=0.4cm,y=0.7cm,...]
+ ...
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\caption{The result of setting the unit vector for~$x$ to~0.4cm and for~$y$ to~0.7cm.}
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+/Title(Files in the Pgfplots-Bundle)
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+/Title(Assigning the TEXINPUTS Variable)
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+/Title(Installation into a local texmf-directory)
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+/Title(Installation into a local TDS compliant texmf-directory)
+/Parent 12 0 R
+/Prev 16 0 R
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+18 0 obj
+/Title(If everything else fails...)
+/Parent 12 0 R
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+19 0 obj
+/Title(Restrictions for DVI-Viewers and dvipdfm)
+/Parent 12 0 R
+/Prev 18 0 R
+12 0 obj
+/Parent 10 0 R
+/Prev 11 0 R
+/First 13 0 R
+/Last 19 0 R
+/Count -7
+/Next 20 0 R
+21 0 obj
+/Title(A first plot)
+/Parent 20 0 R
+/Next 22 0 R
+22 0 obj
+/Title(Two plots in the same axis)
+/Parent 20 0 R
+/Prev 21 0 R
+/Next 23 0 R
+23 0 obj
+/Title(Logarithmic plots)
+/Parent 20 0 R
+/Prev 22 0 R
+/Next 24 0 R
+24 0 obj
+/Title(Cycling line styles)
+/Parent 20 0 R
+/Prev 23 0 R
+/Next 25 0 R
+25 0 obj
+/Title(Scaling plots)
+/Parent 20 0 R
+/Prev 24 0 R
+20 0 obj
+/Title(Drawing axes and plots)
+/Parent 10 0 R
+/Prev 12 0 R
+/First 21 0 R
+/Last 25 0 R
+/Count -5
+/Next 26 0 R
+27 0 obj
+/Title(The axis--environments)
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Next 28 0 R
+29 0 obj
+/Parent 28 0 R
+/Next 30 0 R
+30 0 obj
+/Title(Line styles)
+/Parent 28 0 R
+/Prev 29 0 R
+28 0 obj
+/Title(Available markers)
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 27 0 R
+/First 29 0 R
+/Last 30 0 R
+/Count -2
+/Next 31 0 R
+31 0 obj
+/Title(\\addplot[OPTIONS] PATH)
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 28 0 R
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+32 0 obj
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 31 0 R
+/Next 33 0 R
+33 0 obj
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 32 0 R
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+35 0 obj
+/Title(Legend appearance)
+/Parent 34 0 R
+/Next 36 0 R
+36 0 obj
+/Title(Legends Options)
+/Parent 34 0 R
+/Prev 35 0 R
+34 0 obj
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 33 0 R
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+/Count -2
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+/Parent 26 0 R
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+41 0 obj
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 40 0 R
+/Next 42 0 R
+42 0 obj
+/Title(Axis options)
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 41 0 R
+/Next 43 0 R
+43 0 obj
+/Title(execute at begin plot=COMMANDS)
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 42 0 R
+/Next 44 0 R
+44 0 obj
+/Title(execute at end plot=COMMANDS)
+/Parent 26 0 R
+/Prev 43 0 R
+26 0 obj
+/Parent 10 0 R
+/Prev 20 0 R
+/First 27 0 R
+/Last 44 0 R
+/Count -14
+/Next 45 0 R
+46 0 obj
+/Title(Legend position)
+/Parent 45 0 R
+/Next 47 0 R
+47 0 obj
+/Title(Font size and line width)
+/Parent 45 0 R
+/Prev 46 0 R
+/Next 48 0 R
+49 0 obj
+/Title(Using another, predefined list)
+/Parent 48 0 R
+/Next 50 0 R
+50 0 obj
+/Title(Defining new lists)
+/Parent 48 0 R
+/Prev 49 0 R
+48 0 obj
+/Title(Changing line specifications)
+/Parent 45 0 R
+/Prev 47 0 R
+/First 49 0 R
+/Last 50 0 R
+/Count -2
+/Next 51 0 R
+52 0 obj
+/Title(Placing ticks at 10i)
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Next 53 0 R
+53 0 obj
+/Title(Placing ticks anywhere)
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 52 0 R
+51 0 obj
+/Title(Changing the ticks)
+/Parent 45 0 R
+/Prev 48 0 R
+/First 52 0 R
+/Last 53 0 R
+/Count -2
+/Next 54 0 R
+55 0 obj
+/Title(Example: Placing Data Cursors)
+/Parent 54 0 R
+/Next 56 0 R
+57 0 obj
+[5 0 R/XYZ 124.8 716.02 null]
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+/Widths[249.6 458.6 772.1 458.6 772.1 719.8 249.6 354.1 354.1 458.6 719.8 249.6 301.9
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+249.6 719.8 432.5 432.5 719.8 693.3 654.3 667.6 706.6 628.2 602.1 726.3 693.3 327.6
+471.5 719.4 576 850 693.3 719.8 628.2 719.8 680.5 510.9 667.6 693.3 693.3 954.5 693.3
+693.3 563.1 249.6 458.6 249.6 458.6 249.6 249.6 458.6 510.9 406.4 510.9 406.4 275.8
+458.6 510.9 249.6 275.8 484.7 249.6 772.1 510.9 458.6 510.9 484.7 354.1 359.4 354.1
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+/Contents[120 0 R 4 0 R 997 0 R 122 0 R]
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+999 0 obj
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+/Count -5
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+/Title(Annotating plots)
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+/First 55 0 R
+/Last 56 0 R
+/Count -2
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+/Title(Example: Slopes of line segments)
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+10 0 obj
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+\subsection{The axis--environments}
+There are four axis environments,
+\item The axis environment for normal plots,
+\item The axis environment for logarithmic scaling of~$x$ and normal scaling of~$y$,
+\item The axis environment for normal scaling of~$x$ and logarithmic scaling of~$y$,
+\item The axis environment for logarithmic scaling of both, $x$~and~$y$ axes,
+They are all equivalent to
+ xmode=log|normal,
+ ymode=log|normal]
+with properly set variables `\texttt{xmode}' and `\texttt{ymode}' (see below).
+\subsection{Available markers}
+The following options of \Tikz\ may be useful for plots.
+This list is copied from~\cite[section~29]{tikz}:
+ \begin{list}{}{%
+ \leftmargin=4.3cm
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{4.3cm}%
+ \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{\hfill\textbf{\texttt{##1}}}%
+ }%
+ \end{list}%
+ \tikz\draw[%
+ gray,
+ thin,
+ mark options={fill=yellow!80!black,draw=black,scale=2},
+ x=0.8cm,y=0.3cm,
+ #1]
+ plot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (3,1)};%
+ \item[mark=*] \showit{mark=*}
+ \item[mark=x] \showit{mark=x}
+ \item[mark=+] \showit{mark=+}
+And with \lstinline!\usetikzlibrary{plotmarks}!:
+ \item[mark=$-$] \showit{mark=-}
+ \item[mark=$|$] \showit{mark=|}
+ \item[mark=o] \showit{mark=o}
+ \item[mark=asterisk] \showit{mark=asterisk}
+ \item[mark=star] \showit{mark=star}
+ \item[mark=oplus] \showit{mark=oplus}
+ \item[mark=oplus*] \showit{mark=oplus*}
+ \item[mark=otimes] \showit{mark=otimes}
+ \item[mark=otimes*] \showit{mark=otimes*}
+ \item[mark=square] \showit{mark=square}
+ \item[mark=square*] \showit{mark=square*}
+ \item[mark=triangle] \showit{mark=triangle}
+ \item[mark=triangle*] \showit{mark=triangle*}
+ \item[mark=diamond] \showit{mark=diamond}
+ \item[mark=diamond*] \showit{mark=diamond*}
+ \item[mark=pentagon] \showit{mark=pentagon}
+ \item[mark=pentagon*] \showit{mark=pentagon*}
+All these options have been drawn with the additional options
+ gray,
+ thin,
+ mark options={scale=2,fill=yellow!80!black,draw=black}]
+\subsubsection{Line styles}
+ \tikz\draw[%
+ black,
+ x=0.8cm,y=0.3cm,
+ #1]
+ plot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (3,1)};%
+The following line styles are predefined in \Tikz:
+ \item[style=solid] \showit{style=solid}
+ \item[style=dotted] \showit{style=dotted}
+ \item[style=densely dotted] \showit{style=densely dotted}
+ \item[style=loosely dotted] \showit{style=loosely dotted}
+ \item[style=dashed] \showit{style=dashed}
+ \item[style=densely dashed] \showit{style=densely dashed}
+ \item[style=loosely dashed] \showit{style=loosely dashed}
+You may need the option \lstinline!mark options={solid}! to avoid dotted or dashed marker boundaries. The string ``\texttt{style=}'' can be omitted.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash addplot[OPTIONS] PATH}}
+This is the main plotting command. It is used as
+ plot coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ };
+ plot coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ };
+The first syntax chooses the next unused plot specification of the list \lstinline!\autoplotspeclist! (see below) and the second syntax specifies a plot specification explicitly. This specification will be used inside of the legend (if any).
+Some more details:
+ \item \lstinline!\addplot! is a shortcut for \lstinline!\draw[OPTIONS]!, that means anything up to the next semicolon is part of a \PGF-path. The semicolon is required.
+ \item The \texttt{OPTIONS} are remembered for the legend.
+ \item See subsection~\ref{sec:markers} for a list of available markers and line styles.
+ \item You can modify \texttt{OPTIONS} with
+ \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=1]
+ \tikzstyle{every axis plot}=[...]
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \item For log plots, \PGFPlots\ will compute the natural logarithm $\log(\cdot)$ numerically. This works with normal fixed point numbers or in scientific notation. For example, the following numbers are valid input to \lstinline!\addplot!.
+\addplot plot coordinate {
+ (769, 1.6227e-04)
+ (1793, 4.4425e-05)
+ (4097, 1.2071e-05)
+ (9217, 3.2610e-06)
+ (1e6, 0.00003341)
+ (2.3e7, 0.00131415)
+ You can represent arbirtrarily small or very large numbers as long as its logarithm can be represented as a \TeX-length (up to about~$16384$). Of course, any coordinate~$x\le 0$ is not possible since the logarithm of a non-positive number is not defined. Such coordinates will be skipped automatically.
+ \item As a consequence of the coordinate parsing routines, you can't use the mathematical expression parsing method of \PGF\ as coordinates.
+ \item If you did not specify axis limits for $x$ and $y$ manually, \lstinline!\addplot! will compute them automatically.
+ The automatic computation of axis limits works as follows:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item In case of \lstinline!\addplot plot coordinates {...};!, every coordinate will be checked.
+ Any other \Tikz-plot mode is not (yet) supported (had no time yet).
+ \item Since more than one \lstinline!\addplot! command may be used inside an \lstinline!\begin{axis}...\end{axis}!, all drawing commands will be postponed until \lstinline!\end{axis}!.
+ See the \lstinline!\axispath!-command for more information about automatic axis limits and the postponed drawing.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash axispath...;}}
+This command allows to draw custom content into an axis. The argument to \lstinline!\axispath! may be any \Tikz-command like
+\axispath\node at (12.14368,-9.30872) {};
+\axispath\draw (12.14368,-9.30872) -- (0,1);
+A useful example is presented in section~\ref{sec:annot:plot} where annotations are placed near some data points.
+The \lstinline!\axispath! command is necessary to communicate drawing commands to \PGFPlots. If \PGFPlots\ needs to determine the $x$~and/or~$y$ limits automatically, any plotting commands (including those with \lstinline!\axispath!) will be postponed until \lstinline!\end{axis}!.
+A missing \lstinline!\axispath! may corrupt your graphics because the clipping area may not yet be known.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash addlegendentry\{name\}}}
+Adds a single legend entry to the legend list. Example:
+\addplot[smooth,mark=*,blue] plot coordinates {
+ (0,2)
+ (2,3)
+ (3,1)
+\addlegendentry{Case 1}
+ plot coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ (2,1)
+ (3,2)
+ };
+\addlegendentry{Case 2}
+The outcome of this listing is shown in figure~\ref{fig:addlegendentry}.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}
+ \addplot[smooth,mark=*,blue] plot coordinates {
+ (0,2)
+ (2,3)
+ (3,1)
+ };
+ \addlegendentry{Case 1}
+ \addplot[smooth,color=red,mark=x]
+ plot coordinates {
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ (2,1)
+ (3,2)
+ };
+ \addlegendentry{Case 2}
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{An example for the \texttt{\textbackslash addlegendentry} command}%
+ \label{fig:addlegendentry}%
+It does not matter where \lstinline!\addlegendentry! commands are placed, only the sequence matters. You will need one \lstinline!\addlegendentry! for every \lstinline!\addplot! command.
+You may also consider the command \lstinline!\legend!. It also accepts several formatting options.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash legend[OPTIONS]\{LIST\}}}
+You can use
+to assign a complete legend. The \lstinline!\legend! command takes the following arguments:
+where each legend element needs to be terminated by \lstinline!\\!. If \texttt{LIST} is empty, the current legend will not be touched (see \lstinline!\addlegendentry!). The short marker/line combination shown in legends is acquired from the argument to \lstinline!\addplot[...]!.
+\subsubsection{Legend appearance}
+The style ``\texttt{every axis legend}'' determines the legend's position and outer appearance:
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(0,0)}]
+will draw it at the lower left corner of the axis while
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1,1)}]
+means the upper right corner.
+The legend is a node, so you can use any \Tikz\ option which affects
+nodes (see~\cite[section~13]{tikz}). The node's option ``\texttt{text width}'' is set automatically, depending on the \lstinline!\legend[textwidth=...]! option.
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1.02,1)},anchor=north west]
+draws the legend OUTSIDE TOP RIGHT.
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1,0.5)},anchor=east,outer sep=0.5cm]
+draws the legend INSIDE MIDDLE RIGHT, separated by 0.5cm from the axis.
+The default is
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}=[%
+ anchor=north east,%
+ shape=rectangle,%
+ fill=white,%
+ draw=black,
+ at={(0.98,0.98)}
+ ]
+\subsubsection{Legends Options}
+Assigns a width to the legend. Choices are
+ \item[auto] Determines the width automatically;
+ \item[none] does not perform any line breaking;
+ \item[DIMENSION] uses a fixed width like \lstinline!2cm! for the (total) legend (including the small marker/line combination).
+Default is ``\texttt{auto}''.
+Changes the legend font. Examples:
+ \item \lstinline!font=\Huge!
+ \item \lstinline!font={\Huge\bfseries}!
+Please note that the \Tikz\ option ``\texttt{font}'' will also be used, so you can also say
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[font=\Huge]
+to get the same effect. The difference is that I didn't figure out how to determine the legend's width without a legend option.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash autoplotspeclist}}
+Allows to specify a list of plot specifications which will be used for each \lstinline!\addplot!-command without explicit plot specification.
+There are several possiblities to change it:
+ \item Use one of the predefined lists,
+ \item Define your own one,
+ blue,mark=*\\%
+ red,mark=square\\%
+ dashed,mark=o\\%
+ loosely dotted,mark=+\\%
+ brown!60!black,mark options={fill=brown!40},mark=otimes*\\%
+ (This example list requires \lstinline!\usetikzlibrary{plotmarks}!).
+Please note that the `\lstinline!\\!' is required to separate each element. Please note that comment characters~`\%' are necessary if the elements are on different lines.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash logtologten\{ARG\}}}
+Expands to the result of $\texttt{ARG}/\log(10)$.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash logten}}
+Expands to the constant $\log(10)$. Useful for logplots because $\log(10^i) = i\log(10)$.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash axispreset\{key=value,key=value\}}}
+Allows to define default options for any axis. For example,
+will produce a width of \lstinline!\textwidth! for any following axis. You can preset any of the \texttt{axis}-options described below.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash legendpreset\{key=value,key=value\}}}
+Allows to define default options for any legend (See \lstinline!\axispreset!, it works in the same way.).
+\subsection{Axis options}
+There are several required and even more optional arguments to modify axes. They are used like
+The overall appeareance can be changed with
+\tikzstyle{every axis}=[line width=1pt]
+for example.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xmin=COORD}, \texttt{xmax=COORD}, \texttt{ymin=COORD}, \texttt{ymax=COORD}}
+These options denote the axis limits, i.e. the lower left and the upper right corner. Some remarks
+ \item The axis limits determine the plotted range. Everything else will be clipped away.
+ \item The width of every unit $x$-coordinate will be scaled such that the plot has width \lstinline!\axisdefaultwidth! (including the tick- and axis labels). The height of every unit $y$-coordinate will be scaled such that the plot has height \lstinline!\axisdefaultheight!.
+ You can override this default behavior with the options \lstinline!width=DIMEN!, \lstinline!height=DIMEN!, \lstinline!x=DIMEN! and \lstinline!y=DIMEN!, see below.
+ \item If one of \lstinline!xmin! or \lstinline!xmax! is missing, the $x$-interval will be determined automatically (see \lstinline!\addplot!). The same holds true if one of \lstinline!ymin! or \lstinline!ymax! is missing: in this case, the $y$-interval will be determined automatically.
+ \item The option \lstinline!enlargelimits! will automatically increase the plotted range.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xlabel=TEXT}, \texttt{ylabel=TEXT}}
+Changes the axis labels to `\texttt{TEXT}' which is any \LaTeX\ text. Use `\lstinline!{TEXT}!' if you need grouping.
+Labels are \Tikz-Nodes which are placed with
+ [style=every axis label,
+ style=every axis x label]
+ [style=every axis label,
+ style=every axis y label]
+so you can reconfigure their position and appearance. As for legends, the coordinate \lstinline!(0,0)! denotes the lower left axis corner and \lstinline!(1,1)! the upper right.
+The default styles are
+\tikzstyle{every axis label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every axis x label}=[
+ at={(0.5,0)},
+ below,
+ yshift=-15pt]
+\tikzstyle{every axis y label}=[
+ at={(0,0.5)},
+ xshift=-35pt,
+ rotate=90]
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xmode=normal$|$log}, \texttt{ymode=normal$|$log}}
+Allows to choose between normal plots or logplots for each $x,y$-combination. Default is \lstinline!xmode=normal!, \lstinline!ymode=normal!.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xtick=\{LIST\}}, \texttt{ytick=\{LIST\}}}
+Assigns a list of \emph{Positions} where ticks shall be placed. The argument \texttt{LIST} will be used inside of a \lstinline!\foreach \x in {LIST}! statement, and \texttt{LIST} contains one of the following formats:
+ \item \lstinline!{0,1,2,5,8}! (a series of coordinates),
+ \item \lstinline!{0,...,5}! (the same as \lstinline!{0,1,2,3,4,5}!),
+ \item \lstinline!{0,2,...,10}! (the same as \lstinline!{0,2,4,6,8,10}!),
+ \item \lstinline!{9,...,3.5}! (the same as \lstinline!{9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4}!),
+ \item See \cite[Section~34]{tikz} for a more detailed definition of the options.
+For logplots, \PGFPlots\ will apply $\log(\cdot)$ to each element in `\texttt{LIST}'.
+\paragraph{Attention:} You can't use the `\texttt{...}' syntax if the elements are too large for \TeX! For example, `\texttt{xtick=1.5e5,2e7,3e8}' will work (because the elements are interpreted as strings, not as numbers), but `\texttt{xtick=1.5,3e5,...,1e10}' will fail because it involves real number arithmetics beyond \TeX's capacities.
+The default choice for ticks in a normal plot is to place them at each integer. The default for logplots it to place ticks at each $10^i$ in the axis' range.
+The tick appearance can be (re-)configured with
+\tikzstyle{every tick}=[very thin,gray]
+\tikzstyle{every minor tick}=[]
+This style commands can be used at any time. The tick line width can be configured with the \lstinline!axis!-options `\texttt{tickwidth}' and `\texttt{subtickwidth}'.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xtickten=\{LIST\}}, \texttt{ytickten=\{LIST\}}}
+These options allow to place ticks at selected positions $10^k, k \in \text{\texttt{LIST}}$. They are only used for logplots. The syntax for `\texttt{LIST}' is the same as above for `\texttt{xtick=LIST}' or `\texttt{ytick=LIST}'.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xticklabel=\{TEXT\}}, \texttt{yticklabel=\{TEXT\}}}
+Allows to change the \emph{text} assigned to each tick position (see options \texttt{xtick} and \texttt{ytick}). The argument `\texttt{TEXT}' can be any \LaTeX-text. The following commands are valid inside of \texttt{TEXT}:
+ \item[\textbackslash tick] The current element of option \lstinline!xtick! (or \lstinline!ytick!).
+ \item[\textbackslash ticknum] The current tick number, starting with~0 (a counter).
+The default argument is
+ \item \lstinline!xticklabel={$\tick$}! for normal plots and
+ \item \lstinline!xticklabel={$10^{\logtologten\tick}$}! for logplots
+(the same holds for \lstinline!yticklabel!). You reconfigure the defaults with
+ $\tick$%
+ $10^{\logtologten\tick}$%
+You can change the appearance of tick labels with
+\tikzstyle{every tick label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every x tick label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every y tick label}=[]
+Allows to choose where to place the small tick lines. Default is ``\texttt{both}''. This setting applies to both $x$~and~$y$ axis where ``left'' and ``right'' mean ``bottom'' and ``top'' for~$y$.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xminorticks=true$|$false}, \texttt{yminorticks=true$|$false}}
+Enables/disables the small minor tick lines. They are only used in log plots. Please note that minor ticks are automatically disabled if \texttt{xtick} is not a uniform range\footnote{A uniform list means the difference between all elements is~$1$ for normal plots or, for logplots, $\log(10)$.}. Default is \texttt{true}.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{tickwidth=DIMEN}, \texttt{subtickwidth=DIMEN}}
+Allows to configure the width of the small tick lines. Sub ticks are only displayed for logarithmic plots.
+Enlarges the axis size somewhat.
+You can set \texttt{xmin}, \texttt{xmax} and \texttt{ymin}, \texttt{ymax} to the minimum/maximum values of your data and \texttt{enlargelimits} will enlarge the canvas such that the axis doesn't touch the plots.
+Default is \lstinline!true! if axis limits are determined automatically and \lstinline!false! if you provide them manually.
+Disables numerical evaluation of $\log(x)$ in \LaTeX. If you specify this option, any plot coordinates and tick positions must be provided as $\log(x)$ instead of $x$. This may be faster and -- possibly -- more accurate than the numerical log. The current implementation of $\log(x)$ normalizes~$x$ to $m\cdot 10^e$ and computes
+\[ \log(x) = \log(m) + e \log(10) \]
+where $y = \log(m)$ is computed with a newton method applied to $\exp(y) - m$. The normalization involves string parsing without \TeX-registers. You can savely evaluate $\log(1\cdot 10^{-7})$ although \TeX-registers would produce an underflow for such small numbers.
+The exponential function is implemented in pgf using a truncated Euler McLaurin--series.
+The current implementation of $\log(\cdot)$ is done by the macro \lstinline!\pgfmathlog! which is provided by package \lstinline!pgfmathlog.sty! (contained in the \PGFPlots-bundle).
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{width=DIMEN}, \texttt{height=DIMEN}}
+The axis is always scaled such that its dimension is
+The options \lstinline!width=DIMEN! and \lstinline!height=DIMEN! override the default scaling. If just one of them is specified, the other one is scaled such that the aspect ratio stays the same.
+ \item The scaling only affects the width of one unit in $x$-direction or the height for one unit in $y$-direction. Axis labels and tick labels won't be resized.
+ \item You can use the \Tikz-\lstinline!scale=NUMBER! option,
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
+ \begin{axis}
+ ...
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ to scale the complete picture.
+ \item The \Tikz-options \lstinline!x! and \lstinline!y! which set the unit dimensions in $x$ and $y$ directions can be specified as arguments to \lstinline!\begin{axis}[x=1.5cm,y=2cm]! if needed (see below). These settings override the \lstinline!width! and \lstinline!height! options.
+ \item Use
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ \renewcommand{\axisdefaultwidth}{3cm}
+ \renewcommand{\axisdefaultheight}{6cm}
+ \begin{axis}
+ ...
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ to replace the default dimension.
+ \item Please note that up to the writing of this manual, \PGFPlots\ only estimates the size needed for axis- and tick labels. It does not include legends which have been placed outside of the axis\footnote{I.e. the `\texttt{width}' option will not work as expected, but the bounding box is still ok.}. This may be fixed in future versions.
+ Use the \lstinline!x=DIMEN! and \lstinline!y=DIMEN! options if the scaling happens to be wrong.
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{x=DIMEN}, \texttt{y=DIMEN}}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[x=1.5cm,...]
+ ...
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ to set the unit size for one $x$-coordinate to 1.5cm. The same is possible for the $y$-coordinate.
+ Setting $x$ explicitly overrides the \lstinline!width! option. Setting $y$ explicitly overrides the \lstinline!height! option.
+ Please note that it is \emph{not} possible to specify \lstinline!x! as argument to \lstinline!tikzpicture!. The option
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.5cm]
+ \begin{axis}
+ ...
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ won't have any effect because an axis is always scale to the final size
+ {\centering\lstinline!(\axisdefaultwidth,\axisdefaultheight)!
+ }%
+ \noindent
+ (see the \lstinline!width! option).
+\subsubsection*{\texttt{xfilter=CMD}, \texttt{yfilter=CMD}}
+These options allow coordinate filtering. A coordinate filter maps an input coordinate to an output coordinate (or discards it completely).
+Coordinate filters are useful in automatic processing system, where \PGFPlots\ is used to display automatically generated plots. You may not want to filter your coordinates by hand, so these options provide a tool to do this automatically.
+Be warned: `\texttt{xfilter}' and `\texttt{yfilter}' are advanced options and may require advanced knowledge about \TeX.
+They are used as in the following example. The code
+ \def#2{0.5}%
+\addplot plot coordinates {
+ (4,0)
+ (6,1)
+will result in
+ \def#2{0.5}%
+\addplot plot coordinates {
+ (4,0)
+ (6,1)
+because all $x$-coordinates are replaced by~$0.5$.
+The Argument `\texttt{CMD}' is the name of a \TeX-macro which takes exactly two arguments which are separated by the string `\texttt{\string\to}'. Such a macro is defined as
+ \def#2{#1}%
+This example uses the \TeX-command \lstinline!\def! to define variables and commands. The arguments are used as follows:
+ \item \PGFPlots\ invokes the filter with argument \texttt{\#1} set to the input coordinate. For $x$-filters, this is the $x$-coordinate as it is specified to \lstinline!\addplot!, for $y$-filters it is the $y$-coordinate.
+ \item If the corresponding axis is logarithmic, \texttt{\#1} is the \emph{logarithm} of the coordinate as a real number, for example \texttt{\#1=4.2341}.
+ \item Argument \texttt{\#2} is the name of a \TeX\ command. The filter should assign this command. The first filter above assigned the constant~$0.5$ and the second filter did not filter anything because it is the identity.
+ The replacement text of \texttt{\#2} is expected to be \emph{either} empty \emph{or} a real number (without any length-suffix like `cm' or `pt'). If it is empty, the coordinate won't be drawn at all, it will be thrown away.
+\subsection{\texttt{execute at begin plot=COMMANDS}}
+This axis option allows to invoke `\texttt{COMMANDS}' at the beginning of each \lstinline!\addplot! command. The argument `\texttt{COMMANDS}' can be any \LaTeX\ content.
+You may use this in conjunction with \texttt{xfilter=...} to reset any counters or whatever. An example would be to change every 4th coordinate.
+\subsection{\texttt{execute at end plot=COMMANDS}}
+This axis option allows to invoke `\texttt{COMMANDS}' after each \lstinline!\addplot! command. The argument `\texttt{COMMANDS}' can be any \LaTeX\ content.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..475ce47a68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/manual.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% Package pgfplots.sty documentation.
+% Copyright 2007/2008 by Christian Feuersaenger.
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
+ \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}
+% \usepackage{graphicx}
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ language=[LaTeX]tex, % Seems as if \lstset{language=tex} must be invoked BEFORE loading tikz!?
+ tabsize=4,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakindent=0pt
+ \def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvipdfm.def}
+\newcommand{\FIXME}[1]{\textcolor{red}{(FIXME: #1)}}
+% fuer endvironment 'sidewaysfigure' bspw
+% \usepackage{rotating}
+\pdfinfo {
+ /Author (Christian Feuersaenger)
+\newcommand\Tikz{Ti\textit kZ}
+\author{Christian Feuers\"anger}
+\title{Manual for Package \PGFPlots\ version \pgfplotsversion}
+\PGFPlots\ draws high--quality function plots in normal or logarithmic scaling with a user-friendly interface. The user supplies axis labels, legend entries and the plot coordinates for one or more plots and \PGFPlots\ applies axis scaling, computes any logarithms and axis ticks and draws the plots. It is based on Till Tantau's package \PGF/\Tikz.
+This package provides tools to generate plots and labeled axes easily. It draws normal plots, logplots and semi-logplots. Axis ticks, labels, legends (in case of multiple plots) can be added with key-value options. It can cycle through a set of predefined line/marker/color specifications. In summary, its purpose is to simplify the generation of high-quality function plots, especially for use in scientific contexts (logplots).
+It is build completely on \Tikz\ and \PGF\ and may be used as \Tikz\ library. While \Tikz\ supports a wide range of plotting utilities, axis generation, labels and legends are usually done with several foreach statements. This is substantially easier with \PGFPlots.
+\bibliographystyle{abbrv} %gerapali} %gerabbrv} %gerunsrt.bst} %gerabbrv}% gerplain}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8af96cf3814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+function dumpHelp() {
+ echo -e \
+ "`basename $0` [OPTIONS] [--texdefs <defsfile> | --mainfile <latexmainfile>.tex ] [plot1.pgf plot2.pgf .... plotn.pgf]\n"\
+ "converts each plot*.pgf to plot*.pdf.\n"\
+ "This is done by running \n"\
+ " latex --jobname plot1 latexmainfile\n"\
+ "for each single plot. See the pgfmanual section \"Externalizing graphics\".\n"\
+ "Options:\n"\
+ "--eps\n"\
+ " will also produce eps output files.\n"\
+ "--driver D\n"\
+ " will use either \"dvipdfm\", \"dvips\" or \"pdflatex\"\n"\
+ " please note that only pdflatex works without additional\n"\
+ " work.\n"\
+ "--mainfile FILE\n"\
+ "--texdefs FILE\n"\
+ " Uses a clean tex file which inputs FILE and the PGF image to convert\n"\
+ " and processes this one.\n"\
+ ""
+ exit 0;
+ARGS=`getopt -l "$LONGOPTS" "$SHORTOPTS" "$@"`
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "`basename $0`: Could not process command line arguments. Use the '--help' option for documentation."
+ exit 1
+eval set -- "$ARGS"
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ ARG=$1
+ # echo "PROCESSING OPTION '$ARG' (next = $@)"
+ case "$ARG" in
+ --texdefs|-t) shift; TEX_DEFINES="$1"; shift;;
+ --driver) shift; DRIVER="$1"; shift;;
+ --mainfile|-f) shift; TEX_FILE="$1"; TEX_LOG_FILE="${1%%.tex}.log"; shift;;
+ --eps) shift; ALSO_EPS_OUTPUT=1; shift;;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ *) break;
+ esac
+if [ -n "${TEX_DEFINES}" ]; then
+ if [ "${TEX_DEFINES:0:1}" != "/" ]; then
+ fi
+if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
+ PGF_FILES=("$@")
+elif [ -n "${TEX_LOG_FILE}" ]; then
+ # search for lines with
+ # (XXXX.pgf
+ PGF_FILES=(`sed -n '{s/.*(\([a-zA-Z0-9._-+^~]\+\.pgf\).*/\1/g;T ende;p};: ende' < $TEX_LOG_FILE`)
+ #PGF_FILES=(./errplot_L2.pgf)
+ echo "No input files." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+for A in "${PGF_FILES[@]}"; do
+ if [ ! -f "$A" ]; then
+ echo "$A not found: no such file" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ TARGET_FILE=$(sed -n '{s/.*\\beginpgfgraphicnamed{\(.*\)}.*/\1/g;T ende;p};: ende' < "$A")
+ if [ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$TARGET_FILE" ]; then
+ echo "There is no valid \\beginpgfgraphicnamed{TARGET}...\\endpgfgraphicnamed command in $A. Can't be exported to pdf. Please see the PGF manual for details." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "processing \"$A\"" 1>&2
+ CMD="latex"
+ case $DRIVER in
+ pdftex|pdflatex)
+ CMD="pdflatex"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ -z "${TEX_DEFINES}" ]; then
+ cd `dirname "${TEX_FILE}"`
+ $CMD --interaction nonstopmode --jobname "$TARGET_FILE" "${TEX_FILE}" # 1>/dev/null
+ CODE=$?
+ cd $OLD_DIR
+ else
+ # Die Idee hier ist wie folgt:
+ # - Erstelle ein fast leeres Tex-File
+ # - darin steht NUR
+ # \input $TEX_DEFINES
+ # und
+ # \input $A
+ # - das TeX-file wird mit pgflatex uebersetzt
+ # - die ausgabe wird nach $TARGET_FILE geschrieben
+ # - fertig.
+ #
+ # BUGS:
+ # - TARGET_FILE != A wird nicht funktionieren (nur die endungen natuerlich)
+ DRIVER="pdftex"
+ cd `dirname "$A"`
+ BASE=`basename $TARGET_FILE`
+ TMP_TEX_FILE=`mktemp tmp_${BASE}_XXXXXX`
+ mv "$TMP_TEX_FILE" "${TMP_TEX_FILE}.tex"
+ rm -f "${BASE}.pdf"
+ cat >"$TMP_TEX_FILE" <<-EOF
+ \documentclass[a4paper]{report}
+ \usepackage{german}
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % erlaubt direkte Nutzung von Umlauten
+ %\usepackage{ifpdf}
+ %\usepackage{graphicx}
+ \usepackage[intlimits]{amsmath}
+ \usepackage{amssymb}
+ \usepackage{amsfonts}
+ %\def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvipdfm.def}
+ %\def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-pdftex.def}
+ \usepackage{tikz}
+ \pgfrealjobname{${TMP_TEX_FILE%%.tex}}
+ \input{${TEX_DEFINES}}
+ \begin{document}
+ \let\oldjobname=\jobname%
+ % make sure that PGF recognises that jobname==target file name
+ % even if --jobname has a different path.
+ \def\jobname{${TARGET_FILE}}%
+ \input{`basename $A`}%
+ \let\jobname=\oldjobname
+ \end{document}
+ $CMD --interaction nonstopmode --jobname "$BASE" "${TMP_TEX_FILE}" 1>/dev/null
+ CODE=$?
+ if [ $CODE -eq 0 ]; then
+ rm -f "$TMP_TEX_FILE"
+ fi
+ cd $OLD_DIR
+ fi
+ if [ $CODE -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "FAILED: could not convert\n\t$A\n->\t$TARGET_FILE";
+ rm -f "${TARGET_FILE}.pdf"
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ CMD=""
+ case $DRIVER in
+ dvipdfm)
+ dvipdfm -o ${TARGET_FILE}.pdf "${TARGET_FILE}.dvi" || exit 1
+ pdfcrop "${TARGET_FILE}.pdf" "${TARGET_FILE}.pdf" || exit 1
+ ;;
+ dvips)
+ dvipdfm -o ${TARGET_FILE}.ps "${TARGET_FILE}.dvi" || exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ $ALSO_EPS_OUTPUT -eq 1 ]; then
+ pdftops -eps "${TARGET_FILE}.pdf" "${TARGET_FILE}.eps" || exit 1
+ fi
+cd $OLD_DIR
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfmathlogtest.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfmathlogtest.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e0a4e0f4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfmathlogtest.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+\author{Christian Feuers\"anger}
+\title{Test cases for pgfmathlog.sty}
+Hier evaluiere ich logarithmen.
+\message{HIER GEHTS LOS!}%
+ \begingroup
+ \message{COMPUTING LOG(#1)}%
+ \pgfmathlog{#1}%
+ \let\actual=\pgfmathresult
+ \def\expected{#2}%
+ \pgfmathsubtract\actual\expected%
+ \let\abserr=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathdivide\abserr\expected
+ \let\relerr=\pgfmathresult
+ \noindent
+ log(#1)\hfill=
+ \expected;\hfill%
+ actual=\actual;\hfill%
+ abserr=\abserr;\hfill%
+ relerr=\relerr;\hfill%
+ \endgroup
+ \par
+ \begingroup
+ \message{NORMALISING #1...}%
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint#1\to\M\powten\E
+ \[ #1 \mapsto \M\cdot 10^{\E} \]
+ \endgroup
+% \showit{2.8128}
+% log(12)=\pgfmathlog{1.2}\pgfmathadd{\pgfmathresult}{2.30258}\pgfmathresult\par
+% \showit{1.2}
+% \showit{4.0}
+% log(1200)=\pgfmathlog{1.2}\pgfmathadd{\pgfmathresult}{6.9077}\pgfmathresult\par
+% log(6.241e-7)=\pgfmathlog{6.241}\pgfmathadd{\pgfmathresult}{-16.11809}\pgfmathresult\par
+Umwandlung nach float:
+\message{SONDERFALL 0}%
+\bibliographystyle{gerabbrv} %gerapali} %gerabbrv} %gerunsrt.bst} %gerabbrv}% gerplain}
+% \bibliography{literatur.bib}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstest.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstest.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1543c657386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstest.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ language=[LaTeX]tex, % Seems as if \lstset{language=tex} must be invoked BEFORE loading tikz!?
+ tabsize=4,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakindent=0pt
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
+ \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}
+ \def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvipdfm.def}
+\pdfinfo {
+ /Author (Christian Feuersaenger)
+\addplot[smooth,blue,mark=*] plot coordinates {
+ (-1, 1)
+ (-0.75, 0.5625)
+ (-0.5, 0.25)
+ (-0.25, 0.0625)
+ (0, 0)
+ (0.25, 0.0625)
+ (0.5, 0.25)
+ (0.75, 0.5625)
+ (1, 1)
+\addplot plot coordinates {
+ (5, 8.311600e-02)
+ (17, 2.546856e-02)
+ (49, 7.407153e-03)
+ (129, 2.101922e-03)
+ (321, 5.873530e-04)
+ (769, 1.622699e-04)
+ (1793, 4.442489e-05)
+ (4097, 1.207141e-05)
+ (9217, 3.261015e-06)
+\addplot plot coordinates {
+ (7, 8.471784e-02)
+ (31, 3.044093e-02)
+ (111, 1.022145e-02)
+ (351, 3.303463e-03)
+ (1023, 1.038865e-03)
+ (2815, 3.196465e-04)
+ (7423, 9.657898e-05)
+ (18943, 2.873391e-05)
+ (47103, 8.437499e-06)
+\author{Christian Feuers\"anger}
+\title{Tests for pgfplots.sty}
+ xtick={-1.5,-1,...,1.5},
+ ytick={-0.5,0,...,1.5},
+ ]
+ xmin=0,xmax=1,
+ xtick={-1.5,-1.25,...,1.5}]
+ enlargelimits=false,
+ xmin=0,xmax=1,
+ xtick={-1.5,-1.25,...,1.5}]
+\tikzstyle{every axis label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every axis x label}=[
+ at={(0.5,1)},
+ above,
+ yshift=+15pt]
+\tikzstyle{every axis y label}=[
+ at={(1,0.5)},
+ xshift=+15pt,
+ rotate=90]
+ xlabel=$x$ axis,
+ ylabel=$y$ axis,
+ xmin=0,xmax=1,
+ tickpos=right,
+ xtick={-1.5,-1.25,...,1.5}]
+ xlabel=$x$ axis,
+ ylabel=$y$ axis,
+ xmin=0,xmax=1,
+ tickpos=both,
+ xtick={-1.5,-1.25,...,1.5}]
+ xtick={-1.5,-1,...,1.5},
+ xticklabel={%
+ \ifcase\ticknum $-1\frac12$%
+ \or $-1$%
+ \or $-\frac12$%
+ \or $0$%
+ \or $\frac12$%
+ \or $1$%
+ \or $1\frac12$%
+ \else $\tick$%
+ \fi
+ }
+ xmin=0.99e2,xmax=1e4,
+ ytickten={-5,-4,-3.6,-3,-2,-1,0},
+ yticklabel={
+ \ifnum\ticknum=2
+ $\rightarrow$
+ \else
+ \axisdefaultticklabellog
+ \fi
+ }
+\bibliographystyle{gerabbrv} %gerapali} %gerabbrv} %gerunsrt.bst} %gerabbrv}% gerplain}
+% \bibliography{literatur.bib}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/todo.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/todo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49d55dc2452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/todo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
++ mache paket-abhaengigkeiten + versionsnummern ordentlich.
+- implementiere irgendwas, sodass \ref{} und \label{} auch fuer plots benutzt
+ werden koennen. Ziel: suche die plotspec zum letzten plot raus!
+- dokumentiere trim-feature (oder shcmeisse es raus)
++ dokumentiere filter-feature
+ + xfilter
+ + yfilter
+ + execute at begin plot
+ + execute at end plot
+- aktualisiere doku fuer die neue log-evaluation
+ + listing <-> axen konsistenz
+ + textanpassungen
+ + semilogxaxis - beispiel + doku
++ dokumentiere beispiel mit steigungsdreieck
++ verwende die neuen umgebungen 'loglogaxis', 'semilogaxis' etc.
+- die standard-positionierung der achsenlabels beruecksichtigt nicht die breite
+ der ticklabels - entweder ist es daher zu weit weg oder zu nah
++ tickpos packt nur die ticks woanders hin, nicht die tick labels
++ das log-ding prueft nicht auf 0. was soll es dann ueberhaupt tun!?
++ das log-ding kann
+ 1e7 nicht lesen, nur 1.0e7
+- wenn man jetzt ticks angibt, sieht man die rechenfehler angezeigt. das ist
+ doof. Vllt. kann ich ja zugriff auf die normalisierte gleitpunktdarstellung
+ bekommen und so das als 10^i darstellen??
+ HALT: die ticks WAREN doch mal als normale zahlen gegeben, oder? Die sollte
+ ich nehmen!
+- bei bel. ticks moechte ich nur ne gewisse anzahl stellen im tick label haben!
+- die legend[font=] variable ist doch dasselbe wie in dem tikzstyle zu legenden,
+ oder? warum funktioniert es dann anders?
++ beim auto-limit-lesen geht
+ \addplot[color=red,mark=x]
+ plot coordinates { ... }
+ nicht wegen nervigen white spaces.
+ genauer: das whitespace nach ']' verwirrt TeX. NERV.
++ autoscale option ist falsch benannt. Die muesste enlargecanvas oder so
+ heissen.
++ die Achsenticks in der y-log-achse werden nicht geclipped
++ bei nicht-integer-xmin oder ymin sollte der TICK nicht zur 0 hin runden,
+ sondern immer nach unten. Das funktioniert derzeit nicht bei negativen zahlen.
++ die Achsenticks werden nicht geclipped
++ die Achsenbeschriftung wird nicht geclipped
+ + halb geloest: muss die sachen in tex-dimensionen parsen...
++ wenn man [xy]ticks nicht mit 1-abstand waehlt, werden die minor ticks
+ angezeigt
++ durch skalieren mit [x=2cm] werden die tick-breiten mit skaliert
+X durch die verwendung der TEX-Register scheinen ungeauigkeiten beim clippen
+ aufzutreten:
+ man sieht sachen, die aus der ungebungsbox rausragen.
++ diese liste sollte nicht '\\' fuer die interne repr verwenden.
+X meine achsenlimits gehen immer in log10 waehrend der rest wohl eher ln ist!
+ das hat alles seine richtigkeit.
++ die legende ist zu breit.
++ fuehre optionen fuer die legende ein
+ (position, font)
++ wenn man mit 'font=\large' die gesamt fontgroesse anpasst, werden die legenden
+ bei 'auto' konfiguration nicht mit breiter.
+ Abhilfe vllt.: hole irgendwoher das '\font' argument ....
+X Die gesamtbreite enthaelt zu viele nur grob einkalkulierte einfluesse!
+ - rechts gibt es einen randbereich; vermutl. durch ticks
+ - links gibt es das ylabel und die y-achsenbeschriftung
+- es waere nicht schlecht, wenn man die ticklabels bessere angeben koennte
+- es waere schoen, wenn ich die ANZAHL der sinnvollen ticks angeben wuerde, d.h.
+- ich haette sehr gerne ein Skript, dass zu jeder figure ein eps und/oder pdf
+ macht, dass dann bitte schoen ordentlich includiert wird.
+ DAS FUNKTIONIERT AUCH; siehe meine entsprechenden bemuehungen in dem skript.
+ - der support fuer dvipdfm ist lausig.
+ 1. kein korrektes bestimmen der bounding box
+ 2. beim lesen sucht er nach '\includegraphics{zeug.PDF}', was natuerlich
+ NICHT funktioniert, weil das pdf keine bounding box hat. supi.
+- ich brauche ne einbindung als Tikz paket. Ich wuerde bspw. gerne mit
+ tikzstyle{every axis}=[width=0.5\textwidth] oder so arbeiten koennen.
+ Wie geht das?
+- vllt. waere sowas wie 'filter' nicht schlecht: plotte einfach nichts, was
+ ausserhalb eines gewissen domains liegt
+- mache die default styles etwas professioneller: statt hellere marker lieber
+ dunklere
+- ich brauche ne option, die verspaetetes drawen erzwingt [selbst mit geg.
+ limits].
+- ich koennte log implementieren.
+ x = +m*10^e
+ -> log(x) = log(m) + e*log(10)
+ d.h. ich muesste nur ne implementierung fuer
+ log(m), 0<m<1 finden.
+ Ich koennte auch ne beliebe Zahl x=DDDDD.DDDDDDD in SCI format konvertieren,
+ indem ich einfach kommas verschiebe und mitzaehle. Das geht alles ohne
+ tex-register!
++ passe bounding box und x/y-skalierung "sinnvoll" an.
+ + mache ne option "width=" die die GESAMTbreite angibt.
+ + mache "height" option
+ + belege width und height defaultmaessig sinnvoll
+ + ueberlege ein sinnvolles gesamt-skalierungs-konzept.
+ Das, was ich jetzt gebaut habe, mit 'x=SCALE' und/oder 'y=SCALE'
+ ist nicht ausgereift und eher verwirrend. sowas macht man wohl besser mit
+ pgf-skalierungen!
+ + Die 'x=' und 'y=' optionen sollten direkt in setxvec reingeschrieben werden,
+ ohne schwachfug mit skalierung!
+ + wenn ich 'width=BLA' angebe, wird automatisch 'y=1cm' angenommen. Das
+ ist unintuitiv; man erwartet eher, dass defaultheight im aspect ratio
+ mitskaliert wird.
+ + Nur mit der 'x=' bzw. 'y=' option sollte es NACH AUSSEN moeglich sein,
+ direkt einfluss auf die koordinaten zu nehmen.
+- entscheide automatisch, ob der abstand zwischen ticks an die skalierung
+ angepasst werden sollte.
+- Einbinden als Tikz-Library
++ [xy]min = auto
+ -> berechne die werte numerisch
+ Ideen:
+ + verzoegere das malen der Achse bis \end{axis}
+ + in jedem \addplot:
+ ich koennte irgendwie pruefen, ob ich 'plot coordinates' habe.
+ Sobald ich diesen modus erkannt hab, kann ich koordinate fuer koordinate
+ parsen und jeweils min/max bilden.
+ + ich muesste dann noch den befehl in einem makro konserieren, sodass er
+ spaeter, nach dem verzoegerten achsen malen kommt.
+ OFFEN: was passiert, wenn NICHT plot coordinates benutzt wird? Vllt. die
+ 'domain' variable abfragen?
+ -> jedenfalls koennte ich mir da durchaus was ueberlegen!
++ [xy]tick = auto
+ in abhaengigkeit von [xy]mode: zeige ticks von floor(xmin)...ceil(xmax)
++ mache styles:
+ + every plot
+ + every axis (?)
++ gebe eine liste von verfuegbaren linestyles an, durch die mit jedem
+ plot-befehl durchgecykled werden kann
++ option, minor ticks ein/auszuschalten
+- option, die X/Y-Achsen anders zu formatieren. Moeglichkeiten:
+ - Kasten drumrum
+ - je eine Linie mit Pfeil am Ende
+ - Achse nach rechts oder so
++ aendere die das \addplot makro derart, dass beliebige plot-moeglichkeiten
+ folgen koennen
+ \addplot[OPTIONS] plot coordinates {...};
+ -> das \addplot ersetzt gewissermaßen das \draw
++ Eine einfache Datenstruktur mit
+ + push_back
+ + create
+ + copy
+ + pop_front()
+ + get(i)
+ waere sehr hilfreich.
+ Mir schwant sowas wie eine reihe von makros \array@index ... das kann man aber
+ nicht loeschen :-(
+ alternativ geht natuerlich
+ \array{{1}{2}{3}}
+ oder so. Das verbraet nur eine variable, hat aber hohe zugriffszeiten
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/liststructure.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/liststructure.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a0a9568449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/liststructure.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+% This is a helper package with an elementary list datastructure.
+% Its implementation is based on Knuth's list macros in "The TeXbook".
+% The following macros are supplied:
+% \listnewempty
+% \listnew
+% \listcopy
+% \listpopfront
+% \listpushback
+% \listpushfront
+% \listsize
+% \listselect
+% \listcheckempty
+% \listforeach
+% Copyright 2007/2008 by Christian Feuersänger.
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+\ProvidesPackage{liststructure}[2008/26/01 Version 0.9]
+% Creates a new, empty list.
+% Creates a new list with an abirtrary number of elements.
+% Arguments:
+% #1: the list's name (a macro name)
+% #2: the elements in the form
+% first\\second\\third\\ ...\\
+% like in tabular with one column.
+% Example:
+% \listnew\foolist{First Element\\Second Element\\Third Element\\}
+% WARNING: do NOT forget the final '\\'!
+ \listnewempty{#1}%
+ \long\def\listnew@impl@rest{#2}%
+ \loop
+ \ifx\listnew@impl@rest\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\listnew@impl\listnew@impl@rest\tolist#1\relax
+ \repeat
+% Copies list #1 to list #2.
+% helper macro for \listnew
+ \listpushback#1\to#3\relax%
+ \def\listnew@impl@rest{#2}%
+% #1: the item to prepend
+% #2: the list as macro name
+% Example:
+% \listpushfront Next first Element\to\foolist
+ \TOKL@ta={\list@sep{#1}}%
+ \TOKL@tb=\expandafter{#2}%
+ \edef#2{\the\TOKL@ta\the\TOKL@tb}%
+% #1: the item to append
+% #2: the list as macro name
+% Example:
+% \listpushback Next last element\to\foolist
+ \TOKL@ta={\list@sep{#1}}%
+ \TOKL@tb=\expandafter{#2}%
+ \edef#2{\the\TOKL@tb\the\TOKL@ta}%
+% Concatenates two lists #2 and #3 into #1
+% Example:
+% \listconcat\result=\foolist&\bar
+ \TOKL@ta=\expandafter{#2}%
+ \TOKL@tb=\expandafter{#3}%
+ \edef#1{\the\TOKL@ta\the\TOKL@tb}%
+% implements #2 := pop_front(#1)
+% Example:
+% \listpopfront\foolist\to\poppedfirstelem
+ \listcheckempty#1\relax
+ \iflistempty
+ \errmessage{ERROR: \string\listpopfront\ from \string#1\ although list is EMPTY}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\listpopfront@impl#1\listpopfront@macronames#1#2%
+ \fi
+% implementation helper for listpopfront
+ \def#4{#1}%
+ \def#3{#2}%
+% Counts the number of elements in list #1, storing it into the count
+% register #2.
+% Example:
+% \listsize\foo\to{\count0}%
+% \the\count0
+ #2=0%
+ \long\def\list@sep##1{\advance#2 by 1 }%
+ #1%
+% Returns the #1th element of list #2 into macro #3
+% Arguments:
+% #1: a count 0,...,N-1 where N is the list size.
+% You may specify a number of a count.
+% #2: a list
+% #3: a macro name
+% Example:
+% Element 0:
+% \listselect0\of\foo\to\elem
+% \elem
+% Element \count1:
+% \listselect\count1\of\foo\to\elem
+ \def#3{\errmessage{The requested item #1 of \string#2 is OUT OF RANGE.}}%
+ \begingroup
+ \count0=#1\relax
+ \long\def\list@sep##1{%
+ \advance\count0-1
+ \ifnum\count0=-1
+ \global\def\listselect@tmp{\def#3{##1}}%
+ % the command \listselect@tmp will be expander AFTER
+ % '\endgroup'
+ \aftergroup\listselect@tmp%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ #2%
+ \endgroup
+% Sets the boolean \iflistempty depending on whether list #1 is empty
+% or not.
+% Example:
+% \listcheckempty\foolist
+% \iflistempty
+% List foolist is empty!
+% \else
+% List is not empty.
+% \fi
+ \ifx#1\empty
+ \listemptytrue
+ \else
+ \listemptyfalse
+ \fi
+% Iterates through each list element, names it #2 and calls code #3.
+% Example:
+% \listnew\foolist{Eins\\Zwei\\Drei\\}%
+% \listforeach\foolist\as\foo{Element \foo\par}%
+% results in
+% Element Eins
+% Element Zwei
+% Element Drei
+ \long\def\list@sep##1{\def#2{##1}#3}%
+ #1\relax
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfmathlog.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfmathlog.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acb02e3b143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfmathlog.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+% Package pgfmathlog.sty.
+% This file provides the public functions
+% \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint#1\to#2\powten#3
+% like
+% \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint 412.02451e-5to\M\powten\E
+% and
+% \pgfmathlog
+% \pgfmathlog@
+% which both assign \pgfmathresult to the natural number of a given
+% number (without units).
+% It is based on Till Tantaus pgfmath package which comes as part of
+% the PGF bundle, but it provides its own number parsing routines to
+% circumvent TeXs limited real number representations.
+% Copyright 2007/2008 by Christian Feuersänger.
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+\ProvidesPackage{pgfmathlog}[2008/26/01 Version 0.9.]
+% Computes a normalised floating point representation for #1 of the
+% form
+% [+-]X.XXXXXXX*10^C
+% where
+% X.XXXXXX is a mantisse with first number != 0
+% and C is a count.
+% This method does NOT use TeX Registers to represent the numbers! The
+% computation is COMPLETELY STRING BASED.
+% This allows numbers such at 10000000 or 5.23e-10 to be represented
+% properly, although TeX-registers would produce overflow/underflow
+% errors in these cases.
+% It is to be used to compute logs, because log(X*10^Y) = log(X) + log(10)*Y
+% Arguments:
+% #1 a -possibly non-normalized- number representation. Accepted input
+% format is
+% [+-]0.0000XXXXXX
+% [+-]0.0000XXXXXXeXXXX
+% NOT accepted input format is
+% [+-]XXXXX [the period is missing]
+% [+-]XXXXXe10 [the period is missing]
+% [+-]0000.XXXXXX [leading zeros not supported]
+% [+-]XXXXX.XXXXXXEXXXXX [E notation not yet implemented]
+% #2 a macro name. \def#2{.....} will be used to assign the mantisse.
+% #3 a macro name. \def#3{.....} will be used to assign the exponent (base 10).
+% Example:
+% \def\normalize#1{%
+% \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint#1\to\M\powten\E
+% \[ #1 \mapsto \M\cdot 10^{\E} \]
+% }
+% \normalize{123.41251}%
+% \normalize{3.26101452e-06}%
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@possibly@signed#1\to#2\powten{#3}%
+% first character MAY be + or -. This is checked, then
+% \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive will be called for the
+% absolute value. The sign is inserted afterwards.
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#1}%
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMPB{-}%
+ \if\pgfmathlogTMP\pgfmathlogTMPB
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive@possibly@noperiod#2.\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \edef#3{-#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMPB{+}%
+ \if\pgfmathlogTMP\pgfmathlogTMPB
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive@possibly@noperiod#2.\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \else
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive@possibly@noperiod#1#2.\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% XXXX -> XXXX.0
+ %\tracingmacros=2\tracingcommands=2
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive@noperiod@possibly@SCI#1e\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive\pgfmathlog@pop@last@of@two@dots#1.#2\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ % this case applies to
+ % 1234 -> 1234.0
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive#1.0\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \else
+ % this case applies to
+ % 1e1 -> 1.0e1
+ % in this case, #1e#2 = 1e1e, so we have to discard a suffix 'e'.
+ \edef\pgfmathlogTMP{#1.0e\pgfmathlog@popsuffix@e@expansion#2}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@impl@positive\pgfmathlogTMP\to#3\powten{#4}%
+ \fi
+% 0.0000XXXXX -> X.XXXX * 10^{-5}
+% or
+% 0.0000XXXXeYYY -> X.XXX* 10^{-5+YYY}
+% this version does not accept a sign. A period is required.
+% \begingroup
+% FIXME! restore variables!!
+ %\tracingmacros=2\tracingcommands=2
+ %\tracingmacros=0\tracingcommands=0
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@positive@getexisting@exponent@e#3e\preexponentto\preexponentstring\exponenttocount\c@pgf@counta
+ % will \c@pgf@counta will be initialised in the line above
+ % \c@pgf@counta=0
+ \ifnum#1=0
+ % the case 0.0000XXXX
+ % does also handle 0.0000XXXXeXXX
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ \c@pgf@countb=0
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@count@leading@zeros\preexponentstring\to\c@pgf@countb
+ \advance\c@pgf@countb by1
+ \advance\c@pgf@counta by-\c@pgf@countb
+ \edef#5{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@assignmantisse\preexponentstring\to#4\countdownzerosfrom\c@pgf@countb
+ \else
+ % the case 000.0000XXXXX
+ % is not allowed and does not make sense.
+ \errmessage{INVALID NUMBER FORMAT: leading zeros 00*.* not supported yet}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % the case NXXXXX.XXXXXXX
+ % where N in [1-9]
+ \pgfmathlog@strlen#1#2\to\c@pgf@counta
+ \advance\c@pgf@counta by-1
+ \edef#4{#1.#2\preexponentstring}%
+ \edef#5{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \fi
+ %\tracingmacros=0\tracingcommands=0
+% \endgroup
+% parses scientific notation and returns the exponent and everything
+% before the exponent like
+% or
+% XXXXXXXXe -> \def#2{XXXXXXXX} #3=0
+% Examples:
+% - \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@exponent@e123456e\preexponentto\M\exponenttocount\acount
+% \M->123456
+% \acount=0
+% Please note that the input was 123456e -> at least 'e' is expected!
+% - \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint@exponent@e123456e-10e\preexponentto\M\exponenttocount\acount
+% \M->123456
+% \acount=-10
+% Again, the suffix 'e' is REQUIRED. This allows to reduce \ifs.
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ #4=0
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@popsuffix@e#2\tocount{#4}%
+ \fi
+% XXXXXe -> #2=XXXXX where X in [+-0-9].
+ #2=#1
+ #1%
+% 00000XXXXXX -> X.XXXXX
+% Inputs:
+% #1 = 00000XXXXXX
+% #2 a macro name
+% #3 a count in which the number of zeros plus one is contained (i.e.
+% the number of shifts).
+ \toks0={#1}%
+ \loop
+ \ifnum#3=1
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@popfirst\the\toks0\to{\toks0}%
+ \advance#3 by-1
+ \repeat
+ \edef\pgfmathlog@assignmantisseTMP{\the\toks0}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlog@assignmantisseTMP\empty
+ % The case 0.0 * 10^0
+ \def#2{0.0}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@insertperiod\the\toks0\to{#2}%
+ \fi
+% XXXXXX -> X.XXXXX into #3
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ \def#3{#1.0}%
+ \else
+ \def#3{#1.#2}%
+ \fi
+% discards the first token.
+ #3={#2}%
+% adds the string length of #1#2 into the count register #3.
+% The register won't be initialised to zero!
+ \advance#3 by1
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@strlen#2\to{#3}%
+ \fi
+% Adds the number of leadings zeros of #1#2 into the count register
+% #3.
+% The register won't be initialised to zero!
+ \ifnum#1=0
+ \advance#3 by1
+ \def\pgfmathlogTMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathlogTMP\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@count@leading@zeros#2\to{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Evaluates the natural logarithm, log(x) for 0.1<=x<=1.
+% @see \pgfmathlog@ for the general method.
+ \begingroup%
+ \message{EVAL log(#1) STARTS:}%
+ \pgfmath@x=#1pt\relax
+ \pgfmath@y=\pgfmath@x
+ \advance\pgfmath@x by-1pt
+ \advance\pgfmath@y by 1pt
+ \pgfmathdivide{\pgfmath@x}{\pgfmath@y}%
+ % pgfmath@ya = tmp := (#1 -1)/ (#1+1)
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@ya\pgfmathresult pt
+ % pgfmath@xa := [ (#1 -1)/ (#1+1) ]^2
+ \pgfmathmultiply{\pgfmathresult}{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@xa\pgfmathresult pt
+ % returnvalue:
+ \pgfmath@y=0pt
+ % loop counter:
+ \c@pgfmath@counta=0
+ % j:
+ \c@pgfmath@countb=1
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\c@pgfmath@counta<6
+ \let\multmp=\pgfmath@ya
+ \divide\pgfmath@ya by\c@pgfmath@countb
+ \advance\pgfmath@y by\pgfmath@ya
+ \let\pgfmath@ya=\multmp
+ \advance\c@pgfmath@countb by2
+ \message{[tmp *= x*x tmp =\the\pgfmath@ya, x*x=\the\pgfmath@xa]}%
+ \pgfmathmultiply{\pgfmath@ya}{\pgfmath@xa}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@ya\pgfmathresult pt
+ \advance\c@pgfmath@counta by1
+ \message{[cur/2 = \the\pgfmath@y]}%
+ \repeat
+ \multiply\pgfmath@y by2
+ \message{fertiges Resultat fuer log(#1): \the\pgfmath@y}%
+ \pgfmath@returnone\pgfmath@y%
+ \endgroup%
+% Computes a good guess for log(X.XXXX) where the input number should
+% be between 0 < x < 10.
+% If it is not in this range, the returned value will be bad.
+% For use in the newton implementation of log(x). Please note that we
+% first compute a normalized floating point representation of x, and
+% the mantisse is always between 0 and 10.
+ \ifnum0<#1\relax
+ \def\axis@TMP{#2}%
+ \def\axis@TMPB{.}%
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
+ \ifcase#1
+ \errmessage{pgfmathlog.sty: INTERNAL ERROR: should not happen!
+ [\#1=0 should have been caught before!]}%
+ \or#4=0.53062825106217pt
+ \or#4=0.993pt
+ \or#4=1.308pt
+ \or#4=1.5pt
+ \or#4=1.71pt
+ \or#4=1.872pt
+ \or#4=2.01pt
+ \or#4=2.145pt
+ \or#4=2.24pt
+ \fi
+% \message{Newton: Start value \the#4 assigned}%
+ \else
+% \message{Kein Komma an zweiter stelle (statt dessen: #2); Nehme standardstartwert.}%
+ #4=0.1pt
+ \fi
+ \else
+% \message{Argument #1 <= 0. Nehme standardstartwert.}%
+ #4=0.1pt
+ \fi
+% Computes log(x) into \pgfmathresult.
+% This method does NOT use TeX Registers to represent the numbers! The
+% computation is COMPLETELY STRING BASED.
+% This allows numbers such at 10000000 or 5.23e-10 to be represented
+% properly, although TeX-registers would produce overflow/underflow
+% errors in these cases.
+% The natural logarithm is computed using log(X*10^Y) = log(X) + log(10)*Y
+ \pgfmathlog@newton{#1}%
+% Public interface method. This is expected to use \pgfmathparse but
+% it DOESN'T do that. \pgfmathparse naturally can't handle numbers
+% which exceed TeX's numerical capabilities. However, exponentials are
+% typically either too large or too small for TeX.
+% @see \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint for how we parse arguments.
+% @see \pgfmathlog@
+ \pgfmathlog@newton{#1}%
+% Invokes command #1 with #2 without the 'pt' suffix.
+ %\edef\pgfmath@resulttemp{\pgf@sys@tonumber{#2}}%
+ %\expandafter#1\expandafter{\pgfmath@resulttemp}%
+ \edef\pgfmath@resulttemp{{\pgf@sys@tonumber{#2}}}%
+ \expandafter#1\pgfmath@resulttemp%
+% Expands #2 using \edef and invokes #1 with the resulting string.
+% Example:
+% \pgfmath@y=7.9pt
+% \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathexp@{{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}}%
+% will invoke
+% \pgfmathexp@{7.9}
+ \edef\pgfmath@resulttemp{#2}%
+ \expandafter#1\pgfmath@resulttemp
+% This implementation of log(X) is done with a newton method applied to x-exp(y) = 0.
+% The implementation \pgfmathexp is used for exp(y).
+% see \pgfmathlog@
+ \begingroup%
+ % compute #1 = M*10^E with normalised mantisse M = [+-]*[1-9].XXXXX
+ \pgfmathnormalisedfloatingpoint#1\to\newtoninput@mantisse\powten\newtoninput@exponent
+ %
+ % Now, compute log(#1) = log(M) + E*log(10)
+% \message{EVAL log(#1) = log(\newtoninput@mantisse) + \newtoninput@exponent*log(10) mit newton STARTS:}%
+ % input argument into \pgfmath@x
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@x\newtoninput@mantisse pt
+ \ifdim\pgfmath@x>0pt
+ % return value:
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@smaller@ten@newton@startval\newtoninput@mantisse\to\pgfmath@y
+ % loop counter:
+ \c@pgfmath@counta=0
+ \loop
+ %\message{Newton iter \#\the\c@pgfmath@counta: log(\newtoninput@mantisse) = \the\pgfmath@y }%
+ \ifnum\c@pgfmath@counta<2
+ % \pgfmathexp\pgfmath@y%
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathexp@{{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}}%
+ \let\tmp=\pgfmathresult
+ %\pgfmathdivide\pgfmath@x\tmp%
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}{\tmp}}%
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@ya\pgfmathresult pt
+ \advance\pgfmath@y by\pgfmath@ya
+ \advance\pgfmath@y by-1pt
+ \advance\c@pgfmath@counta by1
+ \repeat
+ \pgfmath@x=2.302585pt% = log(10)
+ \multiply\expandafter\pgfmath@x\newtoninput@exponent
+ \advance\pgfmath@y by\pgfmath@x
+%\message{Newton final result: log(\newtoninput@mantisse)+\newtoninput@exponent*log(10) = \the\pgfmath@y [ nur \newtoninput@exponent * log(10) = \the\pgfmath@x]}%
+ \pgfmath@returnone\pgfmath@y%
+ \else
+ \global\let\pgfmathresult=\empty%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..daf042622ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgfplots/pgfplots.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1580 @@
+% Package pgfplots.sty
+% Provides a user-friendly interface to create function plots (normal
+% plots, semi-logplots and double-logplots).
+% It is based on Till Tantau's PGF package.
+% Copyright 2007/2008 by Christian Feuersänger.
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+\ProvidesPackage{pgfplots}[2008/26/01 Version \pgfplotsversion]
+ mark options={fill=gray},mark=*\\%
+ mark options={fill=gray},mark=square*\\%
+ mark options={fill=gray},mark=otimes*\\%
+ mark=star\\%
+ mark options={fill=gray},mark=diamond*\\%
+ loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=*\\%
+ loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=square*\\%
+ loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=otimes*\\%
+ loosely dashed,mark options={solid},mark=star\\%
+ loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=diamond*\\%
+ blue,mark options={fill=blue!80!black},mark=*\\%
+ red,mark options={fill=red!80!black},mark=square*\\%
+ brown!60!black,mark options={fill=brown!80!black},mark=otimes*\\%
+ black,mark=star\\%
+ blue,mark options={fill=blue!80!black},mark=diamond*\\%
+ red,loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=red!80!black},mark=*\\%
+ brown!60!black,loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=brown!80!black},mark=square*\\%
+ black,loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=gray},mark=otimes*\\%
+ blue,loosely dashed,mark=star,mark options=solid\\%
+ red,loosely dashed,mark options={solid,fill=red!80!black},mark=diamond*\\%
+% mark repeat=3,mark phase=2
+% mark options={color=blue,rotate=180}
+% ball,ball color=blue
+% {*}
+% {x}
+% {+}
+% \usetikzlibrary{plotmarks}
+% {-}
+% {|}
+% {o}
+% {asterisk}
+% {star}
+% {oplus}
+% {oplus*}
+% {otimes}
+% {otimes*}
+% {square}
+% {square*}
+% {triangle}
+% {triangle*}
+% {diamond}
+% {diamond*}
+% {pentagon}
+% {pentagon*}
+% line width=2cm
+% [snake=zigzag]
+% [snake=brace]
+% [snake=triangles]
+% [snake=coil,segment length=4pt]
+% [snake=coil,segment aspect=0]
+% [snake=expanding waves,segment angle=7]
+% style=solid
+% style=dotted
+% style=densely dotted
+% style=loosely dotted
+% style=dashed
+% style=densely dashed
+% style=loosely dashed
+% dash pattern=on 2pt off 3pt on 4pt off 4pt
+% dash phase=10pt
+% Mit der 'double' und 'double distance' option gibts lustige effekte:
+% \draw[draw=white,double=red,very thick] (0,1) -- (1,0);
+% \draw[very thick,double distance=2pt] (1,0) arc (180:90:1cm);
+\tikzstyle{every axis}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every axis plot}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every axis label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every axis x label}=[at={(0.5,0)},below,yshift=-15pt]
+\tikzstyle{every axis y label}=[at={(0,0.5)},xshift=-35pt,rotate=90]
+\tikzstyle{every tick}=[very thin,gray]
+\tikzstyle{every minor tick}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every tick label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every x tick label}=[]
+\tikzstyle{every y tick label}=[]
+% specifies how and where to draw the axis.
+% \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(0,0)}]
+% will draw it at the lower left corner of the axis while
+% \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1,1)}]
+% means the upper right corner.
+% The legend is a 'node' so you can use any tikz option which affects
+% nodes. The option 'text width' is set automatically, depending on
+% the \legend[textwidth=...] option.
+% Examples:
+% - \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1.02,1)},anchor=north west]
+% draws the legend OUTSIDE TOP RIGHT.
+% - \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+=[at={(1,0.5)},anchor=east,outer sep=0.5cm]
+% draws the legend INSIDE MIDDLE RIGHT, separated by 0.5cm from the axis.
+\tikzstyle{every axis legend}=[%
+ anchor=north east,%
+ shape=rectangle,%
+ fill=white,%
+ draw=black,
+ at={(0.98,0.98)}
+ ]
+% at={(1,1)},
+% outer sep=0.1cm]
+% xticklabel:
+% im argument kann man '\axisticknum' und '\tick' verwenden.
+% '\tick' ist der eintrag aus '\xtick', der gerade bearbeitet wird,
+% '\axisticknum' seine nummer.
+% yticklabel:
+% analog zu xticklabel.
+% xfilter/yfilter
+% \def\meinxfilter#1\to#2{\def#2{1.4}}
+% xfilter=\meinxfilter
+% if the filtered coordinate is empty string, it will be skipped.
+ xmin,xmax,xticklabel,xtick,xtickten,xlabel,%
+ ymin,ymax,yticklabel,ytick,ytickten,ylabel,%
+ trimxmin,trimxmax,trimymin,trimymax,%
+ subtickwidth,tickwidth,%
+ xfilter,yfilter,%
+ width,height,%
+ execute at begin plot,%
+ execute at end plot,%
+ x,y}%
+% sets \axis@tickposnum to
+% left=0
+% right=1
+% both=2
+ \axis@tickposnum=\nr\relax
+ xminorticks,%
+ yminorticks,%
+ disablelogfilter,%
+ enlargelimits}[true]
+% sets \axis@xmode to
+% normal=0
+% log=1
+ \axis@xmode=\nr\relax
+% sets \axis@ymode to
+% normal=0
+% log=1
+ \axis@ymode=\nr\relax
+% Options to legend:
+% textwidth=auto
+% textwidth=none
+% textwidth=DIMENSION
+ \presetkeys[\prefix]{axis}{#1}{}%
+ \presetkeys[\prefix]{legend}{#1}{}%
+ xmode=normal,
+ xmin=,
+ xmax=,
+ trimxmin=,
+ trimxmax=,
+ xlabel=,
+ xtick=,
+ xtickten=,
+ xticklabel=,
+ xminorticks=true,
+ ymode=normal,
+ ymin=,
+ ymax=,
+ trimymin=,
+ trimymax=,
+ ylabel=,
+ ytick=,
+ ytickten=,
+ yticklabel=,
+ yminorticks=true,
+ tickpos=both,
+ xfilter=,
+ yfilter=,
+ width=,
+ height=,
+ subtickwidth=0.1cm,
+ tickwidth=0.15cm,
+ x=,% is implicitly set by 'width' and/or '\axisdefaultwidth'
+ y=,% is implicitly set by 'height' and/or '\axisdefaultheight'
+ execute at begin plot=,%
+ execute at end plot=,%
+ enlargelimits=false,
+ disablelogfilter=false}{}
+ textwidth=auto,
+ font=}{}
+ \ifcase#1
+ \or0
+ \or0.693147
+ \or1.098612
+ \or1.386294
+ \or1.60943791
+ \or1.7917594
+ \or1.94591014
+ \or2.07944154
+ \or2.197224
+ \fi
+ \let\ticknum=#1%
+ \def\tick{#2}%
+ \axis@yticklabel
+% x-Achsenbeschriftung zum #1.ten Tick:
+% #1: die ticknum
+% #2: der x wert dafuer
+ \let\ticknum=#1%
+ \def\tick{#2}%
+ \axis@xticklabel
+ $\tick$%
+ $10^{\logtologten\tick}$%
+ \node
+ [style=every axis label,%
+ style=every axis x label]
+ {\axis@xlabel};
+ \node
+ [style=every axis label,
+ style=every axis y label]
+ {\axis@ylabel};
+% Y-Achsen und Achsenbeschriftung LOG:
+% 1: Ticks
+ \axisticknum=0
+ \foreach \y in {#1} {
+ %\pgfextracty{\axis@tmpa}{\pgfpointxy{0}{\logten*\y}}%
+ \pgfextracty{\axis@tmpa}{\pgfpointxy{0}{\y}}%
+ %
+ \ifdim\axis@tmpa<\axis@ycoordminTEX
+ \else
+ \ifdim\axis@tmpa>\axis@ycoordmaxTEX
+ \else
+ % Achsenbeschriftung:
+ \ifnum\axis@tickposnum=1
+ \node at
+ (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@leftover,\axis@tmpa)
+ [right,style=every tick label,style=every y tick label]
+ {\show@yticklabel\axisticknum\y};
+ \else
+ \node at
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover,\axis@tmpa)
+ [left,style=every tick label,style=every y tick label]
+ {\show@yticklabel\axisticknum\y};
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\axisticknum by1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover);
+ % Y-Achsenticks links und rechts
+ % in log:
+ % beachte: log( i*10^k ) = log\i + k\log10 -> male ticks für i=1..9
+ \ifaxis@yminorticks
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,9} {
+ \pgfextracty{\axis@tmpb}{\pgfpointxy{0}{\logi\i}}%
+ \advance\axis@tmpa by\axis@tmpb
+ \draw[style=every tick,style=every minor tick]
+ \ifcase\axis@tickposnum
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordminTEX+\axis@subtickwidth, \axis@tmpa)
+ \or
+ (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-\axis@subtickwidth, \axis@tmpa)
+ \or
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordminTEX+\axis@subtickwidth, \axis@tmpa)
+ (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-\axis@subtickwidth, \axis@tmpa)
+ \fi
+ ;
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \draw[style=every tick]
+ \ifcase\axis@tickposnum
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover,\axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordminTEX+\axis@tickwidth,\axis@tmpa)
+ \or
+ (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover,\axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-\axis@tickwidth,\axis@tmpa)
+ \or
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover,\axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordminTEX+\axis@tickwidth,\axis@tmpa)
+ (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover,\axis@tmpa)
+ -- (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-\axis@tickwidth,\axis@tmpa)
+ \fi
+ ;
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+% X-Achsen und Achsenbeschriftung
+% 1: Ticks
+ \axisticknum=0
+ \foreach \x in {#1} {
+ % \pgfextractx{\axis@tmpa}{\pgfpointxy{\logten*\x}{0}}%
+ \pgfextractx{\axis@tmpa}{\pgfpointxy{\x}{0}}%
+ %
+ \ifdim\axis@tmpa<\axis@xcoordminTEX
+ \else
+ \ifdim\axis@tmpa>\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
+ \else
+ % Achsenbeschriftung:
+ \ifnum\axis@tickposnum=1
+ \node at
+ (\axis@tmpa,\axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@leftover)
+ [above,style=every tick label,style=every x tick label]
+ {\show@xticklabel\axisticknum\x};
+ \else
+ \node at
+ (\axis@tmpa,\axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ [below,style=every tick label,style=every x tick label]
+ {\show@xticklabel\axisticknum\x};
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\axisticknum by1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (\axis@xcoordminTEX\axis@leftover, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover);
+ % Y-Achsenticks links und rechts
+ % in log:
+ % beachte: log( i*10^k ) = log\i + k\log10 -> male ticks für i=1..9
+ \ifaxis@xminorticks
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,9} {
+ \pgfextractx{\axis@tmpb}{\pgfpointxy{\logi\i}{0}}%
+ \advance\axis@tmpa by\axis@tmpb
+ \draw[style=every tick,style=every minor tick]
+ \ifcase\axis@tickposnum
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX+\axis@subtickwidth)
+ \or
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX-\axis@subtickwidth)
+ \or
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX+\axis@subtickwidth)
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX-\axis@subtickwidth)
+ \fi
+ ;
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \draw[style=every tick]
+ \ifcase\axis@tickposnum
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX+\axis@tickwidth)
+ \or
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX-\axis@tickwidth)
+ \or
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX\axis@leftover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordminTEX+\axis@tickwidth)
+ (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX\axis@rightover)
+ -- (\axis@tmpa, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX-\axis@tickwidth)
+ \fi
+ ;
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+ \globaldefs=1
+ \listpushback#1\to\axis@plotspeclist
+ \advance\axis@numplots by1%
+\def\axis@getautoplotspec into#1{%
+ \listsize\autoplotspeclist\to\c@pgf@counta
+ \ifnum\c@pgf@counta=0
+ \let#1=\empty
+ \else
+ \c@pgf@countb=\axis@numplots
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\c@pgf@countb<\c@pgf@counta
+ \else
+ \advance\c@pgf@countb by-\c@pgf@counta
+ \repeat
+ \listselect\c@pgf@countb\of\autoplotspeclist\to#1
+ %\message{pgfplots.sty: using \string\autoplotspeclist\ specification no\#\the\c@pgf@countb (of \the\c@pgf@counta): #1}%
+ \fi
+% The main interface to draw a plot into an axis.
+% Usage:
+% \addplot
+% plot coordinates {
+% (0,0)
+% (1,1)
+% };
+% or
+% \addplot[color=blue,mark=*]
+% plot coordinates {
+% (0,0)
+% (1,1)
+% };
+% The first syntax will use the next plot specification in the list
+% \autoplotspeclist
+% and the first will use blue color and * markers.
+% The linespec. will be used in the legend.
+ \@ifnextchar[{%
+ \axis@addplotimpl%
+ }{%
+ \axis@getautoplotspec into\nextplotspec
+ % the space after ']' is required here:
+ % FIXME:
+ % - \addplot[]plot coordinates is NOT allowed!?
+ \expandafter\axis@addplotimpl\expandafter[\nextplotspec]
+ }%
+\long\def\axis@addplotimpl[#1] #2;{%
+ % #2 = plot coordinates {...}
+ \ifx\csname axis@execute at begin plot\endcsname\empty
+ \else
+ \csname axis@execute at begin plot\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \axis@rememberplotspec{[#1]}
+ \ifaxis@filtercoords
+ \axis@filtercoords#2\newplotcmdto\axis@filteredcoordinateplotcmd
+ \ifaxis@draw@at@end
+ \expandafter\axis@update@limits\axis@filteredcoordinateplotcmd;%
+ \fi
+ \def\axis@TMP{\axispath\draw[style=every axis plot,#1] }%
+ \expandafter\axis@TMP\axis@filteredcoordinateplotcmd;%
+ %\tracingmacros=2\tracingcommands=2
+ %\tracingmacros=0\tracingcommands=0
+ \else
+ \ifaxis@draw@at@end
+ \axis@update@limits#2;%
+ \fi
+ \axispath\draw[style=every axis plot,#1] #2;%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\csname axis@execute at end plot\endcsname\empty
+ \else
+ \csname axis@execute at end plot\endcsname
+ \fi
+\long\def\axis@update@limits plot coordinates #1;{%
+ \def\axis@TMP{#1}%
+ \def\axis@TMPB{ }%
+ \ifx\axis@TMPB\axis@TMP% FIXME isn't there a better way to exclude spaces!?
+ \let\axis@TMP=\empty
+ \fi
+ \loop
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@update@limits@forpoint\axis@TMP\axis@restinto\axis@TMP
+ \ifx\axis@TMPB\axis@TMP% FIXME isn't there a better way to exclude spaces!?
+ \let\axis@TMP=\empty
+ \fi
+ \repeat
+% #1: optional white spaces (will be ignored). FIXME is there a better
+% way? I could not get \ignorespaces into this ...
+ \ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmin@{{\axis@xmin}{#2}}%
+ \let\axis@xmin=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmax@{{\axis@xmax}{#2}}%
+ \let\axis@xmax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmin@{{\axis@ymin}{#3}}%
+ \let\axis@ymin=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmax@{{\axis@ymax}{#3}}%
+ \let\axis@ymax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \def#5{#4}%
+ \axis@limits@are@computedtrue
+% Filters coordinates and writes a new, modified 'plot coordinates'
+% command to macro #2.
+\long\def\axis@filtercoords plot coordinates #1\newplotcmdto#2{%
+ %\edef#2{plot coordinates \verb|}|}%
+ \let#2=\empty
+ \def\axis@TMP{#1}%
+ \def\axis@TMPB{ }%
+ \ifx\axis@TMPB\axis@TMP% FIXME isn't there a better way to exclude spaces!?
+ \let\axis@TMP=\empty
+ \fi
+ \loop
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@filter@point\axis@TMP\appendto#2\axis@restinto\axis@TMP
+ \ifx\axis@TMPB\axis@TMP% FIXME isn't there a better way to exclude spaces!?
+ \let\axis@TMP=\empty
+ \fi
+ \repeat
+ \edef#2{plot coordinates {#2}}%
+% #1: optional white spaces (will be ignored). FIXME is there a better
+% way? I could not get \ignorespaces into this ...
+ \ifx\axis@xfilter\empty
+ \def\axis@filter@tmpx{#2}%
+ \else
+ \let\axis@filter@tmpx=\empty
+ \axis@xfilter#2\to\axis@filter@tmpx\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@yfilter\empty
+ \def\axis@filter@tmpy{#3}%
+ \else
+ \let\axis@filter@tmpy=\empty
+ \axis@yfilter#3\to\axis@filter@tmpy\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@filter@tmpx\empty
+ \message{NOTE: coordinate (#2,#3) has been dropped because of the x-coordinate filter.}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\axis@filter@tmpy\empty
+ \message{NOTE: coordinate (#2,#3) has been dropped because of the y-coordinate filter.}%
+ \else
+ \edef#5{#5 (\axis@filter@tmpx,\axis@filter@tmpy)}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \def#6{#4}%
+ \ifaxis@draw@at@end
+ \listpushback{#1;}\to\axis@draw@stored@plots%
+ \else
+ #1;%
+ \fi
+% Assigns a legend.
+% Syntax:
+% \legend{entry 1\\entry2\\entry3}
+% or
+% \legend[OPTIONS]{entry 1\\entry2\\}
+% where OPTIONS is
+% - textwidth=auto | DIMEN | none
+% like
+% \legend[textwidth=auto]{entry 1\\entry2\\}
+% \legend[textwidth=2cm}{...}
+% \legend[textwidth=none}{...}
+% The option "textwidth=auto" chooses the correct width automatically;
+% the option "textwidth=none" does not perform any line breaking and
+% "textwidth=DIMEN" uses the fixed dimenion DIMEN for the (total)
+% width of the legend.
+% - font={...}
+% \legend[font=\Huge}{...}
+ {%
+ \globaldefs=1% this will ONLY store the options and the legend into global variables
+ \setkeys[\prefix]{legend}{#1}%
+ \def\axis@TMP{#2}%
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
+ \else
+ \listnew\axis@legend{#2}%
+ \fi
+ }
+ {%
+ \globaldefs=1% this will ONLY store the options and the legend into global variables
+ \listpushback#1\to\axis@legend
+ }%
+ \globaldefs=1
+ \listcheckempty\axis@plotspeclist
+ \iflistempty
+ \let\axis@curplotlist=\empty
+ \else
+ \listpopfront\axis@plotspeclist\to\axis@curplotlist
+ \fi
+ %
+ \listcheckempty\axis@legend
+ \iflistempty
+ \let\axis@curlegend=\empty
+ \else
+ \listpopfront\axis@legend\to\axis@curlegend
+ \fi
+ \advance\axis@numplots by-1
+ \tikz@textfont
+ \axis@legend@font
+% Helper function for \axis@createlegend
+% It assigns the TOTAL width of the legend node to
+% the dimension register #1 and the option to #2 as macro.
+% Arguments:
+% #1 a temporary dimension register which will be filled with the
+% width.
+% #2 a macro name which will be filled with 'text width=XXXX'.
+% this function use the variables
+% - \axis@legend@textwidth (from keyval, see above)
+% - \axis@TMP
+% - \legendCOORDC
+% - \legendHSEP
+ \def\axis@TMP{auto}%
+ \ifx\axis@legend@textwidth\axis@TMP
+ % \legend[textwidth=auto]
+ %
+ % STEP 1: maximum width legend entries
+ #1=0cm
+ \begingroup
+ \listforeach\axis@legend\as\axis@curlegend{%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{{%
+ \pgfutil@selectfont% RESTORE normal fonts (have been resetted by PGF)
+ \axis@setlegendfont
+ \axis@curlegend%
+ }}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>#1
+ \global#1=\wd0
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ % STEP 2: add plot spec width:
+ \expandafter\axis@tmpb\legendCOORDC
+ \advance#1 by\axis@tmpb
+ % STEP 3: hspace between plot spec and legend:
+ \advance#1 by\legendHSEP
+ %\advance#1 by1pt% FIXME I don't know why there was to few place!?
+ \def#2{text width=\the#1,}%
+ \else
+ \def\axis@TMP{none}%
+ \ifx\axis@legend@textwidth\axis@TMP
+ % \legend[textwidth=none]
+ % don't make a '\node[text width=XX]' option:
+ #1=0cm
+ \def#2{}%
+ \else
+ % \legend[textwidth=2cm]
+ % just use it:
+ \expandafter#1\axis@legend@textwidth
+ \def#2{text width=\the#1,}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ \listcheckempty\axis@legend
+ \iflistempty
+ \else
+ %
+ \def\legendHSEP{5pt}%
+ \def\legendCOORDB{0.3cm}%
+ \def\legendCOORDC{0.6cm}%
+ %
+ \axis@legend@determinewidth\to\pgf@xa\optionto\axis@TMP
+ %
+ %
+ % This code here invokes
+ % \node[<CONTENTS OF \axis@TMP>,
+ % ...
+ % ]
+ % where \axis@TMP contains a "text width=XXX" option.
+ %\draw[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+ \expandafter\node\expandafter[\axis@TMP%
+ style=every axis legend]
+ {%
+ \loop\ifnum0<\axis@numplots
+ \getnextlegend
+ \ifx\axis@curlegend\empty
+ \else
+ \vbox{%
+ \noindent
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{\legendCOORDC}%
+ \tikz
+ \expandafter\draw\axis@curplotlist
+ [mark repeat=2,mark phase=2]
+ plot coordinates {
+ (0cm,0cm)
+ (\legendCOORDB,0cm)
+ (\legendCOORDC,0cm)};%
+ \hss
+ \end{minipage}
+ %\expandafter\hskip\legendHSEP
+ \axis@setlegendfont
+ \axis@curlegend
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \repeat
+ };
+ \fi
+% Checks whether the argument to xtick or ytick is a UNIFORM tick
+% sequence.
+% A uniform tick sequence is 0,...,10 and 3,4,5 and -5,-4,-2 but
+% NOT 0,2,4 or 4,10.
+% Furthermore, any NON-integer tick arguments are also assumed to be
+% NOT uniform.
+% #1: a tick argument (i.e. something which can be put to
+% \foreach \x in {#1})
+% \axis@isuniformticktrue
+% or
+% \axis@isuniformtickfalse
+% depending on the check.
+% This variable will be set globally.
+ \begingroup
+ \global\axis@isuniformticktrue
+ \newif\ifisfirst
+ \isfirsttrue
+ \foreach \x in {#1}{%
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{{\x}{\logten}}%
+ \let\cur=\pgfmathresult
+ % check whether
+ % \cur - last == 1 (last = \axis@TMPB)
+ \ifisfirst
+ \global\isfirstfalse
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathsubtract@{{\cur}{\axis@TMPB}}%
+ \def\axis@TMP{1.0}%
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\pgfmathresult
+ \else
+ \global\axis@isuniformtickfalse
+ \breakforeach
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\let\axis@TMPB=\cur
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ {%
+ \def\axis@TMP{#2}%
+ \def\axis@TMPB{0}%
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\axis@TMPB
+ \global\def\pgfmathresult{#1}%
+ \else
+ \global\def\pgfmathresult{#1.#2}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% Expands to #1/log(10). It will also skip a suffix '.0'
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{{#1}{\logten}}%
+ \expandafter\skipsuffixzero\pgfmathresult|%
+ \pgfmathresult
+% helper method which computes log10*\x foreach \x in {#1}.
+% The result will be \xdef'ed into #2.
+ \global\let#2=\empty
+ \foreach \axis@TMPB in {#1} {%
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmultiply@{{\axis@TMPB}{\logten}}%
+ \ifx#2\empty
+ \xdef#2{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \else
+ \xdef#2{#2,\pgfmathresult}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \ifcase\axis@xmode
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathsubtract@{{\axis@xmin}{0.5}}%
+ \let\axis@xmin=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathadd@{{\axis@xmax}{0.5}}%
+ \let\axis@xmax=\pgfmathresult
+ \or
+ % compute
+ % \pgfmathsetmacro{\axis@xmin}{\axis@xmin - 0.5*\logten}%
+ % \pgfmathsetmacro{\axis@xmax}{\axis@xmax + 0.5*\logten}%
+ % just a more efficiently (I hope so):
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@x\logten pt
+ \divide\pgfmath@x by2
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathsubtract@{{\axis@xmin}{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}}%
+ \let\axis@xmin=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathadd@{{\axis@xmax}{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}}%
+ \let\axis@xmax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\axis@ymode
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathsubtract@{{\axis@ymin}{0.5}}%
+ \let\axis@ymin=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathadd@{{\axis@ymax}{0.5}}%
+ \let\axis@ymax=\pgfmathresult
+ \or
+ % compute
+ % \pgfmathsetmacro{\axis@ymin}{\axis@ymin - 0.5*\logten}%
+ % \pgfmathsetmacro{\axis@ymax}{\axis@ymax + 0.5*\logten}%
+ % just a more efficiently (I hope so):
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@y\logten pt
+ \divide\pgfmath@y by2
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathsubtract@{{\axis@ymin}{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}}%
+ \let\axis@ymin=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathadd@{{\axis@ymax}{\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}}%
+ \let\axis@ymax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ % NOTIZ:
+ %
+ % wenn ich AUTOMATISCH aus (x_i,y_i)
+ % [xy]min und [xy]max ausrechnen will, muss ich
+ % ggf.
+ % xmin = min_{i} { untere_gaussklammer(log(x_i) / log10) }
+ % rechnen
+ %
+ \ifx\axis@xmin\empty
+ \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'xmin=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@xmax\empty
+ \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'xmax=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@ymin\empty
+ \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'ymin=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@ymax\empty
+ \errmessage{Sorry, the argument 'ymax=NUM' is mandatory to draw axes }%
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ \ifx\axis@trimxmin\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmax@{{\axis@xmin}{\axis@trimxmin}}%
+ \let\axis@xmin=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@trimxmax\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmin@{{\axis@xmax}{\axis@trimxmax}}%
+ \let\axis@xmax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@trimymin\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmax@{{\axis@ymin}{\axis@trimymin}}%
+ %\pgfmathmax\axis@ymin\axis@trimymin%
+ \let\axis@ymin=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@trimymax\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmin@{{\axis@ymax}{\axis@trimymax}}%
+ %\pgfmathmin\axis@ymax\axis@trimymax%
+ \let\axis@ymax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ \ifnum\axis@xmode=0
+ \axis@xminorticksfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\axis@ymode=0
+ \axis@yminorticksfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@enlargelimits
+ % relax the sizes.
+ %
+ % Idea: if the user chose his xmin,xmax tight to his data,
+ % this here will look better.
+ \axis@enlarge@xlim
+ \axis@enlarge@ylim
+ \else
+ \ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
+ \axis@enlarge@xlim
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
+ \axis@enlarge@ylim
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \newif\ifaxis@xisuniform
+ \newif\ifaxis@yisuniform
+ \axis@xisuniformtrue
+ \axis@yisuniformtrue
+ \newif\ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick
+ \axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
+ \ifx\axis@xtick\empty
+ \begingroup
+ \ifcase\axis@xmode
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@xmin-1}%
+ \edef\tmp@min{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@xmax}%
+ \edef\tmp@max{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \xdef\axis@TMP{\tmp@min,...,\tmp@max}%
+ \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformtickfalse
+ \or
+ \ifx\axis@xtickten\empty
+ % I want ticks at 10^k. So determine k_min and k_max.
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@xmin/\logten-1}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\tmp@min}{\c@pgf@counta*\logten}%
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@xmax/\logten}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\tmp@max}{\c@pgf@counta*\logten}%
+ \pgfmathadd\tmp@min\logten%
+ \xdef\axis@TMP{\tmp@min,\pgfmathresult,...,\tmp@max}%
+ \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformtickfalse
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@compute@tick@times@logten\axis@xtickten\to\axis@TMP
+ \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \let\axis@xtick=\axis@TMP
+ %\message{pgfplots.sty: xtick set to \axis@xtick [xmode=\the\axis@xmode].}%
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick
+ \ifnum\axis@xmode=1
+ \expandafter\axis@checkisuniformLOGtick\expandafter{\axis@xtick}%
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@isuniformtick
+ \axis@xisuniformtrue
+ \else
+ \axis@xminorticksfalse
+ \axis@xisuniformfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ \axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
+ \ifx\axis@ytick\empty
+ \begingroup
+ \ifcase\axis@ymode
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@ymin-1}%
+ \edef\tmp@min{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@ymax}%
+ \edef\tmp@max{\the\c@pgf@counta}%
+ \xdef\axis@TMP{\tmp@min,...,\tmp@max}%
+ \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformtickfalse
+ \or
+ \ifx\axis@ytickten\empty
+ % I want ticks at 10^k. So determine k_min and k_max.
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@ymin/\logten-1}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\tmp@min}{\c@pgf@counta*\logten}%
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\c@pgf@counta}{\axis@ymax/\logten}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\tmp@max}{\c@pgf@counta*\logten}%
+ \pgfmathadd\tmp@min\logten%
+ \xdef\axis@TMP{\tmp@min,\pgfmathresult,...,\tmp@max}%
+ \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformtickfalse
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@compute@tick@times@logten\axis@ytickten\to\axis@TMP
+ \aftergroup\axis@needs@check@uniformticktrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \let\axis@ytick=\axis@TMP
+ %\message{pgfplots.sty: ytick set to \axis@ytick[ymode=\the\axis@ymode.}%
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@needs@check@uniformtick
+ \ifnum\axis@ymode=1
+ \expandafter\axis@checkisuniformLOGtick\expandafter{\axis@ytick}%
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@isuniformtick
+ \axis@yisuniformtrue
+ \else
+ \axis@yminorticksfalse
+ \axis@yisuniformfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@xticklabel\empty
+ \ifcase\axis@xmode
+ \def\axis@xticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabel}%
+ \or
+ \def\axis@xticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabellog}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@yticklabel\empty
+ \ifcase\axis@ymode
+ \def\axis@yticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabel}%
+ \or
+ \def\axis@yticklabel{\axisdefaultticklabellog}%
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \def\axis@yticklabel{%
+ % \pgfmathexp\tick
+ % \expandafter\skipsuffixzero\pgfmathresult|%
+ % $\pgfmathresult$}%
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Helper method for initsizes.
+% It computes a scaling such that \axis@width = SCALE * ACTUAL WIDTH.
+% The actual width is
+% c + x*(xmax-xmin)
+% based on
+% - x*xmax = \axis@xcoordmaxTEX
+% - x*xmin = \axis@xcoordminTEX
+% - c = estimated, a constant for the axis label/tick labels
+% Arguments:
+% #1: the output argument for the SCALE.
+ \expandafter\axis@tmpa\axis@width\relax
+ % EXPECTED WIDTH = X = \axis@width
+ % ACTUAL WIDTH = c + x * (xmax-xmin)
+ % where c is a CONSTANT (for the axis labels/tick labels).
+ % -> \axis@tmpXscale = (X - c) / (x *(xmax-xmin))
+ %
+ % \axis@tmpa := X-c:
+ \advance\axis@tmpa by-45pt% FIXME determine 'c' correctly!
+ % \axis@tmpb := x*(xmax-xmin):
+ \axis@tmpb=\axis@xcoordmaxTEX
+ \advance\axis@tmpb by-\axis@xcoordminTEX
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpa}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpb}%
+ }%
+ \let#1=\pgfmathresult
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \message{pgfplots.sty: Computing 'x' such that 'width = c + x*(xmax-xmin)';
+ % c=estimated,
+ % width-c =\the\axis@tmpa,
+ % x*(xmax[=\the\axis@xcoordmaxTEX] - xmin[=\the\axis@xcoordminTEX)]) = \the\axis@tmpb
+ % -> x-scale =#1 }%
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+% The same as \axis@initsizes@getXscale, just for the height.
+ \expandafter\axis@tmpa\axis@height\relax
+ % EXPECTED WIDTH = X = \axis@width
+ % ACTUAL WIDTH = c + x * (xmax-xmin)
+ % where c is a CONSTANT (for the axis labels/tick labels).
+ % -> \axis@tmpXscale = (X - c) / (x *(xmax-xmin))
+ %
+ % \axis@tmpa := X-c:
+ \advance\axis@tmpa by-45pt% FIXME determine 'c' correctly!
+ % \axis@tmpb := x*(xmax-xmin):
+ \axis@tmpb=\axis@ycoordmaxTEX
+ \advance\axis@tmpb by-\axis@ycoordminTEX
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpa}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber\axis@tmpb}%
+ }%
+ \let#1=\pgfmathresult
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % \message{pgfplots.sty: Computing 'y' such that 'height = c + y*(ymax-ymin)';
+ % %height=\axis@height,
+ % c=estimated,
+ % height-c =\the\axis@tmpa,
+ % y*(ymax[=\the\axis@ycoordmaxTEX] - ymin[=\the\axis@ycoordminTEX)]) = \the\axis@tmpb
+ % -> y-scale =#1 }%
+ %--------------------------------------------------
+ % INIT.
+ %
+ % The axes 'x' and 'y' vectors will be scaled such that the total
+ % size is (\axisdefaultwidth, \axisdefaultheight).
+ %
+ % If the user specifies ONE of width OR height,
+ % the plot will be resized; keeping the aspect ratio.
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@x\axisdefaultwidth
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@y\axisdefaultheight
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}%
+ }%
+ \let\axis@default@aspect@ratio=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmin}{\axis@ymin}%
+ \axis@xcoordminTEX=\pgf@x
+ \axis@ycoordminTEX=\pgf@y
+ \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmax}{\axis@ymax}%
+ \axis@xcoordmaxTEX=\pgf@x
+ \axis@ycoordmaxTEX=\pgf@y
+ %
+ %-----------------------------------------
+ % PROCESS THE 'width' and 'height' options
+ %-----------------------------------------
+ %
+ % FIXME: make these variables LOCAL:
+ \let\axis@tmpXscale=\empty%
+ \let\axis@tmpYscale=\empty%
+ % CASES:
+ % hasx := 'x' option non-empty
+ % hasy := 'y' option non-empty
+ % W := 'width' option non-empty
+ % H := 'height' option non-empty
+ %
+ % hasx hasy
+ % 0 0 -> work depend on W and H:
+ % W H
+ % 0 0 -> use \axisdefaultwidth and \axisdefaultheight
+ % 0 1 -> determine s:=\axis@tmpYscale and y*=s, x*=s (aspect ratio)
+ % 1 0 -> determine s:=\axis@tmpXscale and " " "
+ % 1 1 -> use specified width and height
+ % 0 1 -> use specified y vector, xscale by 'W' option (NO ASPECT RATIO)
+ % W
+ % 0 -> use \axisdefaultwidth
+ % 1 -> determine s:=\axis@tmpXscale
+ % 1 0 -> use specified x vector, yscale by 'H' option (NO ASPECT RATIO)
+ % H
+ % 0 -> use \axisdefaultheight
+ % 1 -> determine s:=\axis@tmpYscale
+ % 1 1 -> use specified x AND y vector (ignore W and H)
+ %
+ \ifx\axis@x\empty
+ \ifx\axis@y\empty
+ % The case hasx=0, hasy=0, W=0 H=0:
+ % the other cases for hasx=0, hasy=0 follow below.
+ \ifx\axis@width\empty\ifx\axis@height\empty
+ \let\axis@width=\axisdefaultwidth
+ \let\axis@height=\axisdefaultheight
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ % hasx=0, hasy=1, W=0:
+ \ifx\axis@width\empty
+ \let\axis@width=\axisdefaultwidth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\axis@y\empty
+ % hasx=1, hasy=0, H=0
+ \ifx\axis@height\empty
+ \let\axis@height=\axisdefaultheight
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ % common code for the cases if one of W,H is 1:
+ \ifx\axis@x\empty
+ \ifx\axis@width\empty
+ \else
+ \axis@initsizes@getXscale\into\axis@tmpXscale
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\axis@tmpXscale{1}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifx\axis@y\empty
+ \ifx\axis@height\empty
+ \else
+ \axis@initsizes@getYscale\into\axis@tmpYscale
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\axis@tmpYscale{1}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifx\axis@x\empty\ifx\axis@y\empty
+ % hasx=0, hasy=0 and ...
+ %
+ %
+ % CASE W=0 H=1:
+ \ifx\axis@width\empty
+ \ifx\axis@height\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@y\axis@height
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathmultiply@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@y}}%
+ {\axis@default@aspect@ratio}%
+ }%
+ \edef\axis@width{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \axis@initsizes@getXscale\into\axis@tmpXscale
+ \fi
+ \else% CASE W=1 H=0:
+ \ifx\axis@height\empty
+ \expandafter\pgfmath@x\axis@width
+ \pgfmathlog@invoke@expanded\pgfmathdivide@{%
+ {\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgfmath@x}}%
+ {\axis@default@aspect@ratio}%
+ }%
+ \edef\axis@height{\pgfmathresult pt}%
+ \axis@initsizes@getYscale\into\axis@tmpYscale
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ % if(Xscale=empty or Yscale=empty)
+ % -> LOGIC ERROR above.
+ %
+ % Apply scaling:
+ \pgfpointxy{\axis@tmpXscale}{\axis@tmpYscale}%
+ \axis@tmpa=\pgf@x
+ \axis@tmpb=\pgf@y
+ \ifx\axis@x\empty
+ \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\axis@tmpa}{0pt}}%
+ \else
+ \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\axis@x}{0pt}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@y\empty
+ \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{\axis@tmpb}}%
+ \else
+ \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{\axis@y}}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmin}{\axis@ymin}%
+ \axis@xcoordminTEX=\pgf@x
+ \axis@ycoordminTEX=\pgf@y
+ \pgfpointxy{\axis@xmax}{\axis@ymax}%
+ \axis@xcoordmaxTEX=\pgf@x
+ \axis@ycoordmaxTEX=\pgf@y
+ %-----------------------------------------
+ \axis@determinedefaultvalues
+ \axis@initsizes
+ % X-Achsenbeschriftung:
+ % LADE DIE \axis@xtick -variable REIN
+ \expandafter\xachse\expandafter{\axis@xtick}
+ %
+ % Y-Achsen und Achsenbeschriftung:
+ \expandafter\yachse\expandafter{\axis@ytick}%
+ % Äußerer Rahmen:
+ \draw
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX, \axis@ycoordminTEX)
+ rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX);
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip
+ (\axis@xcoordminTEX, \axis@ycoordminTEX)
+ rectangle (\axis@xcoordmaxTEX, \axis@ycoordmaxTEX);
+ \end{scope}%
+% Writes output to \axis@TMP
+ \let\axis@TMP=\empty
+ \foreach \axis@TMPB in {#1} {%
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@TMPB}%
+ \ifx\axis@TMP\empty
+ \xdef\axis@TMP{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\axis@TMP{\axis@TMP,\pgfmathresult}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% In case of (semi-) logplots, this command will
+% - assign a filter which invokes \pgfmathlog@{} for each coordinate
+% - replace any user-specified coordinate by its log.
+% All subsequent commands will then work with logarithmic coordinates.
+% @see pgfmathlog.sty for details about the implementation of log().
+ \ifnum\axis@xmode=1
+ % any user-specified axis limits:
+ \ifx\axis@xmin\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@xmin}%
+ \let\axis@xmin=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@xmax\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@xmax}%
+ \let\axis@xmax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ % any user specified axis ticks:
+ \ifx\axis@xtick\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@filter@input@ticks@with@log\expandafter{\axis@xtick}%
+ \edef\axis@xtick{\axis@TMP}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@xfilter\empty
+ \def\addplot@log@compute@xfilter##1\to##2{%
+ \pgfmathlog@{##1}%
+ \let##2=\pgfmathresult
+ }%
+ \else
+ \let\axis@xfilter@orig=\axis@xfilter
+ \def\addplot@log@compute@xfilter##1\to##2{%
+ \pgfmathlog@{##1}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathresult\empty
+ \let##2=\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@xfilter@orig\pgfmathresult\to##2\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \def\axis@xfilter{\addplot@log@compute@xfilter}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifnum\axis@ymode=1
+ % any user-specified axis limits:
+ \ifx\axis@ymin\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@ymin}%
+ \let\axis@ymin=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@ymax\empty
+ \else
+ \pgfmathlog@\expandafter{\axis@ymax}%
+ \let\axis@ymax=\pgfmathresult
+ \fi
+ %
+ % any user specified axis ticks:
+ \ifx\axis@ytick\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@filter@input@ticks@with@log\expandafter{\axis@ytick}%
+ \edef\axis@ytick{\axis@TMP}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@yfilter\empty
+ \def\addplot@log@compute@yfilter##1\to##2{%
+ \pgfmathlog@{##1}%
+ \let##2=\pgfmathresult
+ }%
+ \else
+ \let\axis@yfilter@orig=\axis@yfilter
+ \def\addplot@log@compute@yfilter##1\to##2{%
+ \pgfmathlog@{##1}%
+ \ifx\pgfmathresult\empty
+ \let##2=\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\axis@yfilter@orig\pgfmathresult\to##2\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \def\axis@yfilter{\addplot@log@compute@yfilter}%
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \begin{scope}[style=every axis]
+% \draw[very thin,color=gray,xstep=1,ystep=\logten]
+% (\xcoordmin\axis@leftover,\ycoordmin)
+% grid (\xcoordmax\axis@rightover,\ycoordmax);
+ \setkeys[\prefix]{axis}{#1}%
+ \setkeys[\prefix]{legend}{}%
+ %
+ \listnewempty\axis@plotspeclist
+ \listnewempty\axis@legend
+ \listnewempty\axis@draw@stored@plots
+ %
+ \ifaxis@disablelogfilter
+ \else
+ \axis@preparelog@filtering
+ \fi
+ %
+ \newif\ifaxis@filtercoords
+ \ifx\axis@xfilter\empty
+ \else
+ \axis@filtercoordstrue
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@yfilter\empty
+ \else
+ \axis@filtercoordstrue
+ \fi
+ %
+ \axis@numplots=0
+ %
+ \newif\ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
+ \newif\ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
+ \newif\ifaxis@draw@at@end
+ \newif\ifaxis@limits@are@computed
+ \axis@limits@are@computedtrue
+ \ifx\axis@xmin\empty
+ \axis@autocompute@xlimtrue
+ \def\axis@xmin{16300}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@xmax\empty
+ \axis@autocompute@xlimtrue
+ \def\axis@xmax{-16300}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@ymin\empty
+ \axis@autocompute@ylimtrue
+ \def\axis@ymin{16300}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\axis@ymax\empty
+ \axis@autocompute@ylimtrue
+ \def\axis@ymax{-16300}%
+ \fi
+ %
+ \ifaxis@autocompute@xlim
+ \axis@draw@at@endtrue
+ \axis@limits@are@computedfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@autocompute@ylim
+ \axis@draw@at@endtrue
+ \axis@limits@are@computedfalse
+ \fi
+ %
+ %
+ \ifaxis@draw@at@end
+ \else
+ \axis@BEGIN@init@and@draw@axis
+ \fi
+ \ifaxis@draw@at@end
+ \ifaxis@limits@are@computed
+ \else
+ \def\axis@xmin{0}%
+ \def\axis@xmax{1}%
+ \def\axis@ymin{0}%
+ \def\axis@ymax{1}%
+ \fi
+ \axis@BEGIN@init@and@draw@axis
+ \listforeach\axis@draw@stored@plots\as\plotcmd{\plotcmd}%
+ \fi
+ \axis@END@init@and@draw@axis
+ %
+ \begin{scope}[%
+ xshift=+\axis@xcoordminTEX,
+ yshift=\axis@ycoordminTEX,
+ x={\axis@xcoordmaxTEX-\axis@xcoordminTEX},
+ y={\axis@ycoordmaxTEX-\axis@ycoordminTEX}
+ ]%
+ \showxlabel
+ \showylabel
+ \axis@createlegend
+ \end{scope}%
+ %
+ \end{scope}%
+ \endgroup
+ \begin{axis}[xmode=log,ymode=normal,#1]
+ \end{axis}%
+ \begin{axis}[xmode=normal,ymode=log,#1]
+ \end{axis}%
+ \begin{axis}[xmode=log,ymode=log,#1]
+ \end{axis}%
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds b/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds
index 86b1c259d0d..44e3073517c 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tds
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ chdir $startdir || die "chdir($startdir) failed: $!"; # back to raw
'pdfcrop', "die 'skipping, do by hand in Build/source/texk/tetex'",
'perltex', "&MAKEperltex",
'pgf', "&MAKEpgf",
+ 'pgfplots', "&MAKEflatten", # .sty's claimed generic aren't, keep latex
'phaistos', "&MAKEflatten",
'pict2e', "&MAKEpict2e",
'pictex', "&MAKEpictex",
@@ -449,6 +450,7 @@ $standardsource='\.fdd|\.dtx|\.ins|\.c$|Makefile|\.drv';
'mff', '\.mfj|\.bat|\.diz',
'fpl', "$standardsource|Add|\.sfd|\.pe|\.ps",
'hyphenex', ".*",
+ 'pgfplots', 'NULL', # keep manual.install.tex in doc/
'rcs', "$standardsource|rcs.el|src",
@@ -1109,6 +1111,7 @@ $standardbib='\.bib$'; # $ so we don't find README.bibtex in IEEEtran
'jurarsp', 'NULL',
'mslapa', 'NULL',
'munich', 'NULL',
+ 'pgfplots', 'NULL', # no manual.bib
'pgf-soroban', 'NULL',
'pst-labo', 'NULL',
'ucthesis', 'NULL',
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index ff9c467767e..400d242023c 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ my @WorkingTLP = qw(
papercdcase papertex parallel paresse parrun pauldoc
pdf-forms-tutorial-de pdf-forms-tutorial-en pdf-trans pdfcprot
pdfpages pdfscreen pdfsync pdftex-def perception perltex permute
- pgf pgf-soroban phaistos philex philosophersimprint
+ pgf pgf-soroban pgfplots phaistos philex philosophersimprint
pict2e pictex pictex2 pinlabel pittetd placeins plari plates play
poemscol polski polynom polynomial polytable powerdot ppr-prv
pracjourn preprint
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
index 91bd8a06513..bc9792e8fe1 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ depend pb-diagram
depend petri-nets
depend pgf
depend pgf-soroban
+depend pgfplots
depend picinpar
depend pict2e
depend pictex
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pgfplots.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pgfplots.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4b9f223a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pgfplots.tlpsrc
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+name pgfplots
+category Package