diff options
6 files changed, 2 insertions, 501 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fullpict/fullpict.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fullpict/fullpict.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index f1db28cd30a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fullpict/fullpict.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fullpict.doc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% Bruce Shawyer -- March 2001 -- %%
-This is an updated version of the previous Feb 99 and March 96 documents,
-containing information on the new an improved fullpict.sty
-Additional macros, making use of the size of the scaled picture box, are:
-\xaxis --- draws a vector just longer than the axis length
-\yaxis --- draws a vector just longer than the axis length
-\axes --- draws vectors just longer than the axes lengths
-\xticks{#1}[#2] --- \#1 -- gap between ticks,
- --- \#2 -- length of tick -- default value is 1
-\yticks{#1}[#2] --- \#1 -- gap between ticks,
- --- \#2 -- length of tick -- default value is 1
-\ticks{#1}[#2] --- \#1 -- gap between ticks,
- --- \#2 -- length of tick -- default value is 1
-\xnums{#1}[#2] --- \#1 -- gap between numbers,
- --- \#2 -- dist below axis -- default value is .25
-\ynums{#1}[#2] --- \#1 -- gap between numbers,
- --- \#2 -- dist to left of axis -- default value is .25
-\nums{#1}[#2] --- \#1 -- gap between numbers,
- --- \#2 -- dist from axis -- default value is .25
-\origin{#1} --- \#1 -- size of circle centred on the origin
-======================= February 99 file =====================
-This is an updated version of the previous March 96 document,
-containing information on the new an improved fullpict.sty
-There is a new environment --- scaledpicture
-This enhances the previous enviroment scalepicture in that it
-works properly inside tabular and minipage environments, and also
-choose at appropriate font size for the scale of the picture.
-New commands for the placement of labels are included. This removes
-the enormous amount of guesswork previously required to place a
-label appropriately on a diagram. Geographic north, south, east
-and west are used.
-They are:
- \nput(x,y){label} - places the label north of (above) the point (x,y)
- \sput(x,y){label} - places the label south of (below) the point (x,y)
- \eput(x,y){label} - places the label east (to the right) of the point (x,y)
- \wput(x,y){label} - places the label west (to the left) of the point (x,y)
- \neput(x,y){label}
- \seput(x,y){label}
- \nwput(x,y){label}
- \swput(x,y){label}
-A general form is available:
- \angleput{angle}[radius] (x,y){label}
- angle in degrees, between -360 and +360
- radius [optional - default 1] to adjust the distance from the point (x,y)
- (x,y) the coordinates of the point
- label the label
-I and my co-workers have found that these macros save much time.
-For the information of those interested in how the angle works,
-a polygon of 24 sides is used instead of a circle. This avoids
-trigonometry, for linear functions give the sides. The difference
-between a true circle and this polygon become noticeable only for
-large values of radius , which are unlikely to be used.
-========================= March 96 file =============================
-I make a lot of use of the \LaTeX picture environment, in various
-documents with different text widths. Also, I teach \LaTeX as
-part of a course that involves writing a report on a mathematical
-experiment. The greatest difficulty is choosing an appropriate
-\unitlength so that the picture fits nicely on the page. Hence the
-genesis of ``fullpict.sty''.
-In order that a picture not fill up too much of the width of the
-printed line, I chose 90% of that width because that seemed to be
-most pleasing to the eye. The macro provides three new picture
-environment that behave exactly like the \LaTeX picture
-The advantage is the there is no need to preselect \unitlength. The
-appropriate value for \unitlength is calculated from the x--length
-given to the picture.
-The three environments
-1. \begin{fullpict}(a,b)[(c,d)]
- ...
- \end{fullpict}
- As in the picture environment, the (c,d) is optional and
- defaults to (0,0) if not given.
- This gives a picture 90% of the text width.
-2. \begin{halfpict}(a,b)[(c,d)]
- ...
- \end{halfpict}
- As in the picture environment, the (c,d) is optional and
- defaults to (0,0) if not given.
- This gives a picture 45% of the text width.
-3. \begin{scalepict}{percent}(a,b)[(c,d)]
- ...
- \end{scalepict}
- As in the picture environment, the (c,d) is optional and
- defaults to (0,0) if not given.
- A number must replace ``percent''. This is in the range:
- 0 < percent < 112
- otherwise the picture will exceed the text width. A percent
- of 100 gives the same as ``fullpict'', and a percent of 50
- gives the same as ``halfpict''.
-Also available for other use is a macro ``\goodunit''. This
-calculates the appropriate unit length in the above environments.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fullpict/fullpict.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fullpict/fullpict.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 11685852bd8..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fullpict/fullpict.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fullpict.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%%%%% Written by Bruce Shawyer 14 March 1995 %%%%%%
-%%%%%% Updated and improved 14 November 1995 %%%%%%
-%%%%%% Second update September 1996 %%%%%%
-%%%%%% Third update August 1998 %%%%%%
-%%%%%% Fourth update March 2001 %%%%%%
-%%%%%% Fifth update April 2001 %%%%%%
-%%%%%% Sixth update October 2003 %%%%%%
-\newcount\gs@ \newcount\gs@d \newcount\a@@@a
-\divide\gs@ by72820\divide\gs@ by#1\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
-\g@odfullunit{#1}\@picht #2\unitlength
-\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#1\unitlength\bgroup
-\hskip -#3\unitlength \lower #4\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
-\divide\gs@ by145640\divide\gs@ by#1\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
-\g@odhalfunit{#1}\@picht #2\unitlength
-\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#1\unitlength\bgroup
-\hskip -#3\unitlength \lower #4\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
-\divide\gs@ by72820\divide\gs@ by#1\multiply\gs@ by#2\divide\gs@ by100
-\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
-\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
-\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
-\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
-\divide\gs@ by72820\divide\gs@ by#1\multiply\gs@ by#2\divide\gs@ by100
-\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
-\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
-\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
-\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
-% new environments July 1998
-% ticks2.sty % version beta3 % 13 March 2001 % Bruce Shawyer
-\newcount\t@ck\newcount\s@ck \newcount\xt@ck\newcount\yt@ck
-\newdimen\ty@@k\newdimen\sy@@k \newdimen\xt@@k\newdimen\xs@@k
-\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
-\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
-\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces
-\t@@k=#2pt \t@y@k=#3pt \xt@@k=#4pt \divide\xt@@k by65536
-\yt@@k=#5pt \divide\yt@@k by65536
-\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
-\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
-\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces
-\t@@k=#2pt \t@y@k=#3pt \xt@@k=#4pt \divide\xt@@k by65536
-\yt@@k=#5pt \divide\yt@@k by65536
-\gdef\Vector(#1,#2)#3{\@xarg #1\relax \@yarg #2\relax
- \@tempcnta \ifnum\@xarg<\z@ -\@xarg\else\@xarg\fi
- \ifnum\@tempcnta<5\relax
- \@linelen #3\unitlength \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by203
- \ifnum\a@@@a<86 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<76 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<51 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by202\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<46 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<41 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<36 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<31 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<26 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifnum\a@@@a<21 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
- \ifdim\@linelen<\z@\@badlinearg\else
- \ifnum\@xarg =\z@ \@vvector
- \else \ifnum\@yarg =\z@ \@hvector \else \@svector\fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \else\@badlinearg\fi}
-\def\xticks#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@xticks#1}{\@xticks#1[1]}}
-\def\@xticks#1[#2]{\t@@k@=\t@@k\s@@k=#1pt\divide\s@@k by256 \advance\t@@k@
-\ifnum\s@@k<65536 \advance\t@@k@ by1pt \fi \multiply\t@@k@ by256
-\divide\t@@k@ by\number\s@@k \t@ck=\number\t@@k@ \divide\t@ck by65536
-\advance\t@ck by1
-\multiput(\number\xt@@k,0)(#1,0){\t@ck}{\line(0,-1){#2}} \else
-\multiput(\number\xt@@k,0)(#1,0){\t@ck}{\line(0,1){-#2}} \fi}
-\def\yticks#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@yticks#1}{\@yticks#1[1]}}
-\def\@yticks#1[#2]{\t@@k@=\t@y@k\s@@k=#1pt\divide\s@@k by256 \advance\t@@k@
-\ifnum\s@@k<65536 \advance\t@@k@ by1pt \fi \multiply\t@@k@ by256
-\divide\t@@k@ by\number\s@@k \t@ck=\number\t@@k@ \divide\t@ck by65536
-\advance\t@ck by1
-\def\ticks#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ticks#1}{\@ticks#1[1]}}
-\def\xnums#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@xnums#1}{\@xnums#1[.25]}}
-\s@ck=\xt@@k\multiply\s@ck by 65536 \advance\s@ck by\t@@k
-\divide\s@ck by65536
-\loop \advance\xt@ck by#1 \ifnum\xt@ck=0 \advance\xt@ck by#1 \fi
-\def\ynums#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ynums#1}{\@ynums#1[.25]}}
-\cput(-#2,\number\yt@@k){\number\yt@@k} \xt@ck=\number\yt@@k
-\s@ck=\yt@@k\multiply\s@ck by 65536 \advance\s@ck by\t@y@k
-\divide\s@ck by65536
-\loop \advance\xt@ck by#1 \ifnum\xt@ck=0 \advance\xt@ck by#1 \fi
-\def\nums#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@nums#1}{\@nums#1[.25]}}
-% font size calculation
-% % percentages for font size changes
-\def\t@x#1{\gs@d=\number\textwidth\divide\gs@d by\number\hsize
-\multiply\gs@done by\number\gs@d \multiply\gs@dtwo by\number\gs@d
-\multiply\gs@dthree by\number\gs@d \multiply\gs@dfour by\number\gs@d
-\tiny\ifnum#1>\gs@done\scriptsize \gs@dfont=4
-\ifnum#1>\gs@dtwo\footnotesize \gs@dfont=3
-\ifnum#1>\gs@dthree\small \gs@dfont=2
-\ifnum#1>\gs@dfour\normalsize \gs@dfont=1
-% additions August 1998
-% calculation of #1*#2 +#3 or xa+b - answer is \@d@x
-\def\m@l#1#2#3{\@d@z=#1 \divide\@d@z by32
-\@d@x=#2pt \multiply\@d@x by\@d@z \divide\@d@x by2048
-\@d@y=#3pt \advance\@d@x by\@d@y}
-% main macro calculation - #1 is the angle in degrees, #x is the object put
-% #3 is the multiplier for extra distance
-\def\@x@p#1#2#3{\rm\@dz=#1pt \@dzz=720pt \advance\@dz by2\@dzz
-\divide\@dz by65536 \s@c=\number\@dz \divide\s@c by360 \multiply\s@c by360
-\@dzz=\s@c pt \divide\@dzz by65536 \advance\@dz by-1\@dzz
-% \@dz is now in [0,360)
-\@d@z=1\@dz \divide\@dz by15 \s@c=\number\@dz \multiply\@dz by15
-\advance\@dzz by-1\@dz \advance\s@c by1 \@dz=65536\@d@z
-% \@d@z is angle in range[0,15) in dodecant \s@c all measured positively
-\ifnum\s@c=1 %time zone 1
-\ifnum\s@c=2 %time zone 2
-\ifnum\s@c=3 %time zone 3
-\ifnum\s@c=4 %time zone 4
-\ifnum\s@c=5 %time zone 5
-\ifnum\s@c=6 %time zone 6
-\ifnum\s@c=7 %time zone 7
-\ifnum\s@c=8 %time zone 8
-\ifnum\s@c=9 %time zone 9
-\ifnum\s@c=10 %time zone 10
-\ifnum\s@c=11 %time zone 11
-\ifnum\s@c=12 %time zone 12
-\ifnum\s@c=13 %time zone 13
-\ifnum\s@c=14 %time zone 14
-\ifnum\s@c=15 %time zone 15
-\ifnum\s@c=16 %time zone 16
-\ifnum\s@c=17 %time zone 17
-\ifnum\s@c=18 %time zone 18
-\ifnum\s@c=19 %time zone 19
-\ifnum\s@c=20 %time zone 20
-\ifnum\s@c=21 %time zone 21
-\ifnum\s@c=22 %time zone 22
-\ifnum\s@c=23 %time zone 23
-\ifnum\s@c=24 %time zone 24
-\@d@x=1.25pt \divide\@d@x by2048
-\multiply\@dx by\@d@x \divide\@dx by32
-\multiply\@dy by\@d@x \divide\@dy by32
-% increasing the distance by #3
-\@dz=#3pt \divide\@dz by2048
-\multiply\@dx by\number\@dz \multiply\@dy by\number\@dz
-\divide\@dx by32 \divide\@dy by32
-% adjusting for font size
-% normal 8, small 7, foot 6, script 5, tiny 4
-% what we have here is for crux.sty -3.8, -3.95, -4.1, -4.4, -5.5
-% and we need for 2130.sty -3.8, -3.95, -3.95, -4.1, -4.8
-\ifnum\gs@dfont=1 \multiply\@dx by8 \multiply\@dy by8 \advance\@dx by-3.8ex
-\ifnum\gs@dfont=2 \multiply\@dx by7 \multiply\@dy by7 \advance\@dx by-3.95ex
-\ifnum\gs@dfont=3 \multiply\@dx by6 \multiply\@dy by6 \advance\@dx by-3.95ex
-\ifnum\gs@dfont=4 \multiply\@dx by5 \multiply\@dy by5 \advance\@dx by-4.1ex
-\ifnum\gs@dfont=5 \multiply\@dx by4 \multiply\@dy by4 \advance\@dx by-4.8ex
-% moving the origin - #2 is the object to be put
-\setbox0=\hbox{#2} \advance\@dx by-0.5\wd0
-\@dz=\dp0\advance\@dz by-\ht0 \divide\@dz by2
-\advance\@dy by\@dz \raisebox{\@dy}{\kern\@dx #2}}
-% the MAIN macro
-\def\angleput#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ngleput#1}{\@ngleput#1[1]}}
-% \angleput{degrees}[multiplier](xcoord,ycoord){object}
-% geographic putting commands
-\def\cput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{0}[0](#1,#2){#3}} % centre #3 on (#1,#2)
-\def\eput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{0}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 east of (#1,#2)
-\def\nput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{90}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 north of (#1,#2)
-\def\sput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{270}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 south of (#1,#2)
-\def\wput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{180}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 west of (#1,#2)
-\def\neput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{45}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 ne of (#1,#2)
-\def\seput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{315}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 se of (#1,#2)
-\def\nwput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{135}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 nw of (#1,#2)
-\def\swput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{225}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 sw of (#1,#2)
-\def\lcm{\mathop{\operator@font lcm}}
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END fullpict.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 0c6af24d719..03a9d3213c5 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
fragmaster fragments frame framed frankenstein frcursive
frenchle frletter frontespizio ftcap ftnxtra
- fullblck fullpict functan fundus fwlw
+ fullblck functan fundus fwlw
gaceta galois garrigues gastex gatech-thesis gauss
gb4e gcard gchords gcite gene-logic
genmisc genmpage gentium gentle geometry
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
index 23f7946ea60..0c3aa806dcf 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ $Master = "$mydir/../..";
'fpl', "&MAKEflatten",
'frcursive', "&MAKEflatten",
'fribrief', "die 'skipping, nonfree license'",
+ 'fullpict', "die 'skipping, noinfo license'",
'futhark', "die 'skipping, nonfree license'",
'futurans', "die 'skipping, requires nonfree font'",
'galley', "die 'skipping, will be included in xpackages later'",
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
index e238263ac65..a09a5f82cd2 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ depend frankenstein
depend ftcap
depend ftnxtra
depend fullblck
-depend fullpict
depend fundus
depend fwlw
depend g-brief
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/fullpict.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/fullpict.tlpsrc
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/fullpict.tlpsrc
+++ /dev/null