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+The tokcycle package helps one to build tools to process tokens from an input stream, on a token-by-token basis, by applying category-based directives to each successive token.
+Author: Steven B Segletes, Christian Tellechea (contributor)
+Files : 1) tokcycle.tex
+ 2) tokcycle.sty
+ 3) tokcycle-doc.tex
+ 4) tokcycle-doc.pdf
+ 5) tokcycle-examples.tex
+ 6) tokcycle-examples.pdf
+Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later, see \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+\captionsetup{font={sf, footnotesize},labelfont={sf},textfont={footnotesize}}
+\catcode`>=\active %
+\catcode`<=\active %
+ \svlt\itshape\rmfamily#1\let\xsvgt\svgt\fi}
+\catcode`>=12 %
+\catcode`<=12 %
+\newcommand\CGMnS{\textit{C}, \textit{G}, \textit{M}, and \textit{S}}
+%%% AGAIN
+\newcytoks{<new token register>}
+{\centering{\LARGE Package \TokCycle{}\par}
+Steven B Segletes
+{\footnotesize $<$$>$}
+I am extremely grateful to Christian
+ for his assistance in the development of this package.
+The \macname{addcytoks} macro was provided by him.
+He gave constant reminders on what the token parser should be able
+ to achieve, thus motivating me to spend the extra time striving for
+ a generality of application that would not otherwise have made it
+ into the package.
+I value highly his collegiality and hold his expertise in the highest
+ regard.
+: Christian Tellechea {\footnotesize$<$$>$}}\\\today\par}
+The \TokCycle{} package helps one to build tools to process
+ tokens from an input stream.
+If a macro to process an arbitrary single
+ (non-macro, non-space) token can be built, then
+ \TokCycle{} can provide a wrapper for cycling through an
+ input stream (including macros, spaces, and groups)
+ on a token-by-token basis, using the
+ provided macro on each successive character.
+\TokCycle{} characterizes each successive token
+ in the input stream as a \Character, a \Group, a \Macro, or
+ a \Space.
+Each of these
+ token categories are processed with a unique directive,
+ to bring about the desired effect of the token cycle.
+\textit{If}-condition flags are provided to identify active,
+ implicit, and catcode-6 tokens as they are digested.
+The package provides a number of options
+ for handling groups.
+\section{The \TokCycle{} macros and environments}\label{s:intro}
+The purpose of the \TokCycle{} package is to provide a tool
+ to assist the user in developing token-processing macros and
+ environments.
+The types of processing is limited only by the creativity of the user,
+ but examples might include letter-case-operations, letter spacing,
+ dimensional manipulation,
+ simple-ciphering, \{group\} manipulation, macro removal, etc.
+The package can be loaded into both plain \TeX{}, by way of the
+ invocation \verb|\input tokcycle.tex|
+ as well as \LaTeX, via \verb|\usepackage{tokcycle}|.
+It provides a total of 6 macros/pseudo environments, based on
+ three criteria:
+\item Two pseudo-environments with the phrase ``\texttt{tokencycle}''
+ in the name, and four macros containing the phrase ``\texttt{tokcycle}''.
+The pseudo-\hspace{0pt}environments operate within a group and typeset
+ their result upon completion.
+The macros operate within the document's current scope, but do not typeset the
+ result automatically.
+In the case of both macros and pseudo-environments, the transformed result
+ is available for later use, being stored in the package
+ token register named \macname{cytoks}.
+\item Two macros and one pseudo-environment containing the
+ phrase ``\texttt{xpress}''.
+Without the phrase, the macro/environment requires four
+ \textit{processing directives} to be \textit{explicitly} specified,
+ followed by the input stream.
+With the phrase present, only the input stream is to be provided.
+In the \texttt{xpress} case, the \textit{processing directives} are
+ to have been separately specified via external macro and/or are taken
+ from the most recent \TokCycle{} macro invocation (failing that,
+ are taken from the package initialization).
+\item Two macros containing the phrase ``\texttt{expanded}''.
+When present, the input stream of the token cycle is subject to the
+ new \TeX{} primitive, \macname{expanded}, prior to processing by
+ the \TokCycle{} macro.
+Expansion of specific macros in the input stream can be inhibited
+ in the input stream with the use of \macname{noexpand}.
+Note that there are no \texttt{expanded} environments in \TokCycle,
+ as \TokCycle{} environments do not pre-tokenize their
+ input stream.
+The basic approach of all macros/environments is to grab each
+ successive token (or group) from the input stream,
+ decide what category it is, and use the currently active
+ processing directives to make any desired transformation of the
+ token (or group).
+Generally, with rare exception, the processed tokens should be stored
+ in the token register \macname{cytoks}, using the tools provided
+ by the package.
+The cycle continues until the input stream is terminated.
+As tokens/groups are read from the input stream, they are
+ categorized according to four type classifications, and are
+ subjected to the user-specified processing directive associated
+ with that category of token/group.
+The \TokCycle{} categories by which the input stream
+ is dissected include \Character{},
+ \Group{}, \Macro{}, and \Space{}.
+The syntax of the non-\texttt{xpress} macros/environments is\medskip
+\tokcycle <<or>> \expandedtokcycle
+ {<Character processing directive>}
+ {<Group-content processing directive>}
+ {<Macro processing directive>}
+ {<Space processing directive>}
+ {<token input stream>}
+or, alternately, for the pseudo-environment,
+ {<Character processing directive>}
+ {<Group-content processing directive>}
+ {<Macro processing directive>}
+ {<Space processing directive>}<token input stream>\endtokencycle
+For the \texttt{xpress} macros, the syntax is
+\tokcyclexpress <<or>> \expandedtokcyclexpress
+ {<token input stream>}
+or, alternately, for the \texttt{xpress}-pseudo-environment,
+\tokencycleexpress<token input stream>\endtokencyclexpress
+In addition to the above macros/environments, the means is
+ provided to define new \TokCycle{} environments:
+ {<Character processing directive>}
+ {<Group-content processing directive>}
+ {<Macro processing directive>}
+ {<Space processing directive>}%
+This will then permit simplified invocations of the form
+\environment_name<token input stream>\endenvironment_name
+\subsection{Externally specified directives and directive resets}
+For use in \texttt{xpress} mode, the directives for the \CGMS{}
+ categories may be externally pre-specified, respectively,
+ via the four macros \macname{Characterdirective},
+ \macname{Groupdirective}, \macname{Macrodirective},
+ and \macname{Spacedirective}, each taking an argument containing
+ the particulars of the directive specification.
+Each of these directives may be individually reset to the package
+ default with the following argument-free invocations:
+ \macname{resetCharacterdirective}, \macname{resetGroupdirective},
+ \macname{resetMacrodirective}, or \macname{resetSpacedirective}.
+In addition, \macname{resettokcycle} is also provided, which
+ not only resets all four directives collectively, but it also
+ resets, to the default configuration, the manner in which explicit
+ and implicit group tokens are processed.
+Finally, it resets the \macname{aftertokcycle} macro to empty.
+The default directives at package outset and upon reset are
+The interpretation of these directives will be explained in the
+ remainder of this document.
+\section{Commands in the \TokCycle{} directives}\label{s:coms}
+The command-line token cycling tools to be employed in the package were
+ listed in section~\ref{s:intro}.
+For each of those commands/pseudo-environments provided, the
+ user must (explicitly or implicitly) detail a set of directives to
+ specify the manner in which the \Character{}, \Group{}, \Macro{},
+ and \Space{} tokens found in the input stream are to be processed.
+The \CGMS{} processing
+ directives consist of normal \TeX/\LaTeX{} commands and user-defined
+ macros to accomplish the desired effect.
+There are, however, several macros provided by the package to assist
+ the user in this endeavor.
+The recommended way to apply this package is to collect the
+ \TokCycle-transformed results of the input stream in a token register
+ provided by the package, named \macname{cytoks}.
+Its contents can then be typeset via \verb|\the\cytoks|.
+The macro for appending things to \macname{cytoks}, to be used in
+ the package directives, is \macname{addcytoks}.
+\subsection{Adding tokens to the output stream: \macname{addcytoks}}
+The macro provided to append tokens to the \macname{cytoks} token register is
+ named \macname{addcytoks[]\{\}}.
+Its mandatory argument consists of tokens denoting \textit{what} you
+ would like to append to the \macname{cytoks} register, while the
+ optional argument denotes \textit{how} you would like them appended (valid
+ options include positive integers \verb|[<|\textit{n}\verb|>]| and
+ the letter \texttt{[x]}).
+When the optional argument is omitted, the specified tokens are appended
+ \texttt{literally} to the register (without expansion).
+An integer option, call it \textit{n}, takes the
+ the mandatory argument, and expands it $n$-times, and appends the
+ result to \macname{cytoks}.
+The \texttt{[x]} option employs the \macname{expanded} primitive to maximally
+ expand the argument before appending it to \macname{cytoks}.
+The \texttt{[x]} option will prove useful when the \Character{} directive involves
+ a transformation that is fully expandable.
+Its use will allow the expanded
+ result of the transformation to be placed in the token register, rather
+ than the unexpanded transformation instructions.
+In the context of the \CGMnS{} processing directives, one may refer to
+ \argone{} (e.g., in the argument to \macname{addcytoks}).
+\TeX{} users know that the first parameter to a \TeX{} macro is denoted
+ as \argone.
+The specification of all \TokCycle{} processing directives is structured
+ in such a way that ``\argone{}'' may be directly employed to indicate
+ the current token (or group) under consideration in the input stream.
+\subsection{\Group{} directive: \macname{ifstripgrouping}, and \macname{processtoks}}
+The \Group{} directive is unique, in that it is the only directive whose
+ argument (\texttt{\#1}) may consist of more than a single token.
+There are two issues to consider when handling the tokens comprising a group:
+ do I retain or remove the grouping (cat-1,2 tokens)?
+Do I process the group's token content
+ individually through the token cycle, or collectively as a unit?
+Grouping in the output stream is determined by the externally set
+ condition \macname{ifstripgrouping}.
+The package default is \macname{stripgroupingfalse}, such that any grouping
+ that appears in the input stream will be echoed in the output stream.
+The alternative, \macname{stripgroupingtrue}, is dangerous
+ in the sense that it will strip the cat-1,2 grouping from the
+ group's tokens, thereby
+ affecting or even breaking code that utilizes such grouping for macro arguments.
+Modify \macname{ifstripgrouping} with care.
+The issue of treating the tokens comprising the content of a
+ group individually or collectively
+ is determined by the choice of macro inside the \Group{} directive.
+Within the \Group{} directive, the argument \texttt{\#1} contains the
+ collective tokens of the group (absent the outer cat-1,2 grouping).
+The default directive \macname{processtoks\{\#1\}} will recommit the
+ group's tokens individually to be processed through the token cycle.
+In contrast, the command \macname{addcytoks\{\#1\}} in the \Group{}
+ directive would directly add the collective group
+ of tokens to the \macname{cytoks} register, without being processed
+ individually by \TokCycle.
+\subsubsection{Implicit grouping tokens: \macname{stripimplicitgroupingcase}}
+Implicit grouping tokens (e.g., \macname{bgroup} \& \macname{egroup})
+ can be handled in one of \textit{three} separate ways.
+Therefore, rather than using an \textit{if}-condition, the external
+ declaration \macname{stripimplicitgroupingcase\{\}} is provided, which takes
+ one of 3 integers as its argument (0, 1, or $-$1).
+The package-default case of ``0'' indicates that the implicit-group tokens
+ will not be stripped, but rather echoed directly into the
+ output stream.
+The case of ``1'' indicates that the implicit-group tokens
+ will be stripped and not placed into the output stream
+ (as with explicit grouping, this is a dangerous case and should be
+ specified with care).
+Finally, the special case of $-$1 indicates that the implicit-group
+ tokens should instead be passed to the \Character{} directive for
+ further handling (note that the \macname{implicittoktrue} condition will
+ be set\footnote{as well as the internal condition \macname{tc@implicitgrptrue}}).
+Such a special treatment has limited application---for example,
+ when the intent is to detokenize these tokens.
+\subsection{Escaping content from \TokCycle{} processing\label{s:escape}}
+There are times you may wish to prevent tokens in the \TokCycle{}
+ input stream from being operated on by \TokCycle; you just want
+ the content passed through unchanged to the output; that is,
+with the intent to have multi-token content bypass the
+ \TokCycle{} directives altogether.
+The method developed by the package is to enclose the escaped
+ content in the input stream with the \TokCycle{} escape character,
+ initially set to a vertical rule character found on the keyboard:
+ ``$|\mkern1mu$''.
+The main proviso is that the escaped content cannot straddle a
+ group boundary (the complete group may, however, be escaped).
+The escape character can be changed with
+\subsection{Flagged tokens}
+Certain token types are trapped and flagged via true/false
+ \textit{if}-conditions.
+These \textit{if}-conditions can be examined within the appropriate
+ directive (generally the \Character{} directive), to direct the
+ course of action within the directive.
+\subsubsection{Active characters: \macname{ifactivetok}}
+Active (cat-13) characters that occur in the input stream result in the
+ flag \macname{ifactivetok} being set \macname{activetoktrue}.
+Note that the substitution of the token's active value occurs \textit{after}
+ \TokCycle{} processing, and so \TokCycle{} only sees it as
+ \macname{active}, regardless of its later substitution or assignment.
+The only exception to this rule is with pre-expanded input,
+ \macname{expandedtokcycle[xpress]}.
+If an active token's substitution is governed by a \macname{def} (but
+ not \macname{let}), the text substitution will have occurred before
+ reaching the token cycle.
+\subsubsection{Implicit tokens: \macname{ifimplicittok}}
+Implicit tokens, those assigned via \macname{let}, are flagged with
+ a \texttt{true} setting for \macname{ifimplicittok}.
+Generally, implicit tokens will be directed to the \Character{}
+ directive for processing.
+There are, however, two exceptions:
+i) implicit grouping tokens (e.g., \macname{bgroup} and \macname{egroup})
+ will not appear in any directive unless the
+ \macname{stripimplicitgroupingcase} has been set to $-$1; and
+ii) implicit space tokens (e.g., \macname{@sptoken}) will be processed
+ by the \Space{} directive.
+\subsubsection{Parameter (cat-6) tokens (e.g., \texttt{\#}): \macname{ifcatSIX}}
+Typically, category-code 6 tokens (like \texttt{\#}) are used to
+ designate a parameter (e.g., \texttt{\#1}--\texttt{\#9}).
+Since they are unlikely to be used in that capacity inside a
+ tokcycle input stream, the package behavior is to convert them
+ into something cat-12 and set the \textit{if}-condition \macname{catSIXtrue}.
+In this manner, \macname{ifcatSIX} can be used inside the
+ Character directive to trap and convert cat-6 tokens into something of
+ the user's choosing.
+As to the default nature of this conversion (if no special actions are
+ taken), explicit cat-6 characters are converted
+ into the identical character with category code of 12.
+On the other hand, implicit cat-6 macros (e.g., \verb|\let\myhash#|)
+ are converted into a fixed-name implicit macro, \macname{implicitsixtok},
+ whose cat-12 substitution text is a \macname{string} of the original
+ implicit-macro name.
+As previously mentioned, active characters whose active value is
+ \macname{let} to cat-6 (e.g., \verb|\catcode`X=\active \letX#|) will be
+ flagged as \macname{activetoktrue}, but not \macname{catSIXtrue}.
+\subsubsection{Parameters (\texttt{\#1}--\texttt{\#9}):
+While, generally, one would not intend to use parameters
+ in the \TokCycle{} input stream, the package provides, not a flag,
+ but a macro to allow it.
+The macro is to be used \textit{within} the \Character{} directive
+ with the syntax:\smallskip
+\noindent Here, the \texttt{\#1} doesn't refer to \texttt{\#1}
+ as it appears in the input stream, but to the sole parameter of
+ the \Character{} directive, referring to the current token being
+ processed.
+With this syntax, when the token under consideration is a
+ parameter (e.g., \texttt{\#1}--\texttt{\#9}), that parameter is
+ added to the \macname{cytoks} register.
+If the token under consideration is not a parameter, the code
+ in the final argument is executed.
+\subsection{Misc: general \textit{if}-condition tools}
+\TeX{} comes equipped with a variety of \macname{if...} condition
+ primitives.
+When dealing with macros for which the order of expansion is important,
+ the \macname{else} and \macname{fi} can sometimes get in the way
+ of proper expansion and execution.
+These four restructured \textit{if} macros came in handy writing the
+ package, and may be of use in creating your directives,
+ to prevent \macname{else} and \macname{fi} from getting in the way:\medskip
+\subsection{\TokCycle{} macro close-out: \macname{aftertokcycle}}
+The \TokCycle{} macros, upon completion, do nothing.
+Unlike \macname{tokencycle} environments, they don't even
+ output \macname{the}\macname{cytoks} token register.
+A command has been provided, \macname{aftertokcycle}, which takes
+ an argument to denote the actions to be executed following
+ completion of \textit{all} subsequent \TokCycle{} invocations.
+It might be as simple as \verb|\aftertokcycle{\the\cytoks}|, to
+ have the output stream automatically typeset.
+The meaning of \macname{aftertokcycle} can be reset with
+ \macname{aftertokcycle\{\}}, but is also reset as part of
+ \macname{resettokcycle}.
+Unlike macros, the \TokCycle{} environments are unaffected
+ by \macname{aftertokcycle}, as they actually set it locally
+ (within their scope) to accomplish their own purposes.
+\subsection{Accommodating catcode-1,2 changes: \macname{settcGrouping}}
+In order to avoid making the \TokCycle{} parser overly complex, requiring
+ multiple passes of the input stream, the package defaults to using
+ catcode-1,2 braces \texttt{\{~\}} to bring about grouping in the
+ output stream, regardless of what the actual cat-1,2 tokens are in
+ the input stream.
+As long as their sole purpose in the token
+ cycle is for grouping and scoping, this arrangement will produce
+ the expected output.
+However, if the actual character-code of these tokens is important
+ to the result (e.g., when detokenized), there is one other option.
+The package allows the external specification of which cat-1,2
+ tokens should be used in the \TokCycle{} output stream.
+The syntax is \verb|\settcGrouping{{#1}}|, to use the standard braces
+ for this purpose (default).
+If angle-brackets \verb|< >| were to be the \textit{new}
+ grouping tokens, then, after their catcodes were changed, and
+ \macname{bgroup} and \macname{egroup} were reassigned, one would
+ invoke \verb|\settcGrouping<<#1>>|.
+These will then be the grouping tokens in the \TokCycle{} output
+ stream until set to something else.
+The grouping tokens are \textit{not} reset as part of
+ \macname{resettokcycle}.
+\section{Usage Examples}
+See the adjunct file, \texttt{tokcycle-examples.pdf}, for a wide
+ array of \TokCycle{} examples.
+\section{Summary of known package limitations}
+The goal of this package is not to build the perfect token-stream
+ parser.
+It is, rather, to provide the means for users to build useful
+ token-processing tools for their \TeX/\LaTeX{} documents.
+What follows are the known limitations of the package.
+ which arise, in part, from the single-pass parsing algorithm
+ embedded in the package.
+Surely, there are more cases associated with arcane catcode-changing
+ syntax that are not accounted for;
+I encourage you to bring them to my attention.
+If I can't fix them, I can at least disclaim and declaim them.
+\item One must inform the package (via \macname{settcGrouping}) of
+ changes to the cat-1,2 tokens \textit{if}
+ there is a need to detokenize the output with the specified
+ bracing group; however,
+ grouping will still be handled properly (i.e., cat-1,2 tokens will
+ be detected), even if the package is not notified.
+\item Should one need to keep track of the \textit{names} of implicit tokens,
+ then only one named implicit cat-6 token may appear in the input
+ stream (though it can appear multiple times).
+There is no limit on explicit cat-6 toks.
+This limitation occurs because implicit cat-6 tokens are converted
+ into the fixed-name implicit macro \macname{implicitsixtok} which
+ contains the \macname{string} of the most recently used
+ implicit cat-6 token name.
+In any event, all cat-6 tokens are trapped and flag \texttt{true}
+ the \macname{ifcatSIX} condition.
+In addition to Christian Tellechea, a contributor to this
+ package,
+the author would like to thank Dr.\@ David Carlisle for his
+ assistance in understanding some of the nuances of token
+ registers.
+Likewise, his explanation about how a space token is defined
+ in \TeX{} (see \verb||\allowbreak
+ \verb|/questions/64197/|\allowbreak\verb|pgfparser-module-and-blank-spaces/64200#64200|)
+ proved to be useful here.
+The \texttt{tex.stackexchange} site provides a wonderful
+ opportunity to interact with the leading developers and
+ practitioners of \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}.
+\section*{Source Code}
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle-examples.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1286 @@
+ \raisebox{10pt}{\box0~}}}
+ colframe=red!70!yellow!50!black,
+ colback=red!75!yellow!5!white,
+ coltitle=red!50!yellow!3!white,
+ bicolor,colbacklower=white,
+ top=0mm,bottom=0mm,left=0mm,right=0mm,
+ arc=1mm,boxrule=1pt,
+ fonttitle=\sffamily\bfseries,
+ sidebyside,
+ title=#2,#1}
+ colframe=red!50!yellow!50!black,
+ colback=red!50!yellow!5!white,%white,
+ coltitle=red!50!yellow!3!white,
+ bicolor,colbacklower=white,%red!50!yellow!5!white,
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+ sidebyside,text and listing,
+ top=0mm,bottom=0mm,left=0mm,right=0mm,
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+ colback=cyan!30!yellow!5!white,%white,
+ coltitle=cyan!50!yellow!3!white,
+ fonttitle=\sffamily\bfseries,
+ listing only,
+ top=0mm,bottom=0mm,left=0mm,right=0mm,
+ arc=1mm,boxrule=1pt,
+ title=#2,#1}
+ \ \textit{alt}detokenization:\\\raggedright\footnotesize\ttfamily
+ \expandafter\altdetokenize\expandafter{\the\cytoks}\par\endgroup}
+{\centering\LARGE \TokCycle{} Package Examples\par\smallskip
+\large Steven B. Segletes\\\today\par}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUPPORT MACRO
+ \color{red!\thecolorindex!cyan}%
+ \addtocounter{colorindex}{-#1}%
+ \ifnum\thecolorindex<1\relax\setcounter{colorindex}{1}\fi
+ \tokcycle
+ {\ifmacro\def\tmp{##1}\ifcat\tmp A\else\unskip\allowbreak\fi\macrofalse\fi
+ \detokenize{##1}}
+ {\ifmacro\unskip\macrofalse\fi\{\processtoks{##1}\ifmacro\unskip\fi\}\allowbreak}
+ {\tctestifx{\\##1}{\\}{\ifmacro\unskip\allowbreak\fi
+ \allowbreak\detokenize{##1}\macrotrue}}
+ { \hspace{0pt plus 3em minus .3ex}}
+ {#1}%
+ \unskip
+ \ifx a#1A\else
+ \ifx e#1E\else
+ \ifx i#1I\else
+ \ifx o#1O\else
+ \ifx u#1U\else
+ #1\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \tokcycle
+ {\addcytoks{##1\nobreak\hspace{#1}}}%
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}%
+ {\addcytoks{##1\hspace{#1}}}
+ {#2}%
+ \the\cytoks\unskip}
+ {\addcytoks{#1\dimexpr##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}{%
+ #2}%
+ \edef\tmp{#1}%
+ \tctestifx{-#1}{\def\capnext{T}}{}%
+ \tctestifcon{\if T\capnext}%
+ {\tctestifcon{\ifcat\tmp A}%
+ {\uppercase{#1}\def\capnext{F}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {#1}%
+ \def\capnext{T}
+ \tokcycle
+ {\addcytoks{\nextcap{##1}}}
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1\def\capnext{T}}}
+ {#1}%
+ \the\cytoks
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\hspace{.2pt plus .2pt minus .8pt}}}%
+ {\addcytoks[x]{\tcremap{##1}}}
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+\newcommand*\tcmapto[2]{\expandafter\def\csname tcmapto#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\newcommand*\tcremap[1]{\ifcsname tcmapto#1\endcsname
+ \csname tcmapto#1\endcsname\else#1\fi}
+\tcmapto am \tcmapto bf \tcmapto cz \tcmapto de \tcmapto ey
+\tcmapto fl \tcmapto gx \tcmapto hb \tcmapto ic \tcmapto jn
+\tcmapto ki \tcmapto lr \tcmapto mh \tcmapto nt \tcmapto ok
+\tcmapto ps \tcmapto qa \tcmapto ro \tcmapto sq \tcmapto tw
+\tcmapto uj \tcmapto vp \tcmapto wd \tcmapto xg \tcmapto yu
+\tcmapto zv
+ \stripgroupingtrue
+ \setcounter{runcount}{0}%
+ \tokcycle
+ {\nextctltok{##1}}
+ {\nextctltok{\opengroup}\processtoks{##1}\nextctltok{\closegroup}}
+ {\nextctltok{##1}}
+ {\nextctltok{\tcspace}}
+ {#1}%
+ \edef\numlet{\theruncount}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\searchword\expandafter{\the\cytoks}%
+ \aftertokcycle{\matchfound}%
+ \setcounter{runcount}{0}%
+ \def\matchfound{F}%
+ \tokcycle
+ {\nextcmptok{##1}}
+ {\nextcmptok{\opengroup}\processtoks{##1}\nextcmptok{\closegroup}}
+ {\nextcmptok{##1}}
+ {\nextcmptok{\tcspace}}
+ {#2}%
+ \expandafter\tc@gobble\the\cytoks#1}}
+ \ifnum\theruncount>\numlet\relax#1\else#2\fi
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\tmp\expandafter{\the\cytoks}}
+\section{Examples, examples, and more examples}
+Often, the best way to learn a new tool is to see examples of
+ it being used.
+Here, a number of examples are gathered that span the spectrum
+ of \TokCycle{} usage.
+\subsection{Application basics}
+\subsubsection{Using the CGMS directives}
+Apply different directives to Characters (under-dot), Groups
+ (visible braces), Macros (boxed, detokenized), and
+ Spaces (visible space).
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{underdot} macro}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=7.8cm]{Employing \TokCycle{} directives}
+ {\addcytoks{\{}\processtoks{#1}
+ \addcytoks{\}}}
+ {\addcytoks{\fbox{\detokenize{#1}}}}
+ {\addcytoks{\textvisiblespace}}
+{This \textit{is \textbf{a}} test.}
+\subsubsection{Escaping text\label{s:esc}}
+Text between two successive escape characters is bypassed
+ by \TokCycle{} and instead echoed to the output register.
+Default escape character is $|$. One can change it with
+ \macname{settcEscapechar} macro.
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The unexpandable \macname{plusl} macro}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=5cm]{Escaping text in the input stream}
+{This \fbox{code is a test
+ |(I can also escape text)|}
+ of |\rule{1em}{.5em}|
+ {\bfseries mine}.}
+\subsubsection{Unexpandable, unexpanded, and expanded Character
+ directives\label{s:unex}}
+These examples concern the issue of whether the characters of the input
+ stream are transformed before or after being placed in the
+ output token register (\macname{cytoks}).\medskip
+Transform characters (+1 ASCII) via unexpandable macro (see section~%
+ \ref{s:esc} for \macname{plusl} definition):\medskip
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=8.3cm]
+ {Unexpandable Character directive}
+ This \textit{code \textup{is} a test} of mine.}
+Capitalize vowels (but don't expand the character directive)
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The expandable\macname{vowelcap} macro}
+ \ifx a#1A\else
+ \ifx e#1E\else
+ \ifx i#1I\else
+ \ifx o#1O\else
+ \ifx u#1U\else
+ #1\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=8.3cm]
+ {Not expanded Character directive}
+ This \textit{code \textup{is} a test} of mine.}
+Capitalize vowels (expanding the character directive)
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=8.3cm]
+ {Expanded Character directive}
+ This \textit{code \textup{is} a test} of mine.}
+\subsubsection{Unexpanded vs. pre-expanded input stream}
+See section~\ref{s:unex} for the \macname{vowelcap} definition.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=5.5cm]{Normal token cycle (input stream
+ not pre-expanded)}
+{This \fbox{code
+ is a test \today} of
+ {\bfseries mine}.}
+Note that, when pre-expanding the input stream, one must
+ \macname{noexpand} the macros that are \textit{not}
+ to be pre-expanded.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=5.5cm]{Pre-\macname{expanded} token cycle
+ input stream}
+{This \noexpand\fbox{code
+ is a test \today} of
+ {\noexpand\bfseries mine}.}
+Differentiating explicit groups, e.g., \{...\}, from
+ implicit groups, e.g. \macname{bgroup}...\macname{egroup},
+ is done automatically by \TokCycle.
+The user has options on how \TokCycle{} should treat these tokens.
+The desired options are to be set prior to the \TokCycle{} invocation.
+\subsubsection{Treatment options for implicit groups}
+The macro
+\macname{stripimplicitgroupingcase} can take three possible
+ integer arguments: 0 (default) to automatically place unaltered
+ implicit group tokens in the output register; 1 to strip
+ implicit group tokens from the output; or $-$1 to instead pass the
+ implicit group tokens to the Character directive (as implicit
+ tokens) for separate processing (typically, when detokenization
+ is desired).\smallskip
+In the following example, see section~\ref{s:unex} for the
+ \macname{vowelcap} definition.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6cm]{Using
+ \macname{stripimplicitgroupingcase} to affect treatment of
+ implicit grouping tokens}
+ \vowelcap{#1}}}
+ {\bfseries\bgroup\itshape
+ Today \egroup it is} \today,
+ a Wednesday}
+\subsubsection{Treatment options for explicit groups}
+For explicit group tokens, e.g., \{ \}, there are only two
+ options to be had.
+These are embodied in the if-condition \macname{ifstripgrouping}
+ (default \macname{stripgroupingfalse}).
+Regardless of which condition is set, the tokens within the explicit
+ group are still passed to the Group directive for processing.
+Permutations of the following code are used in the subsequent examples.
+Group stripping, brought about by \macname{stripgroupingtrue},
+ involves removing the grouping braces from around the group.
+The choice of \macname{processtoks} vs.\@ \macname{addcytoks}
+ affects whether the tokens inside the group are recommitted
+ to \TokCycle{} for processing, or are merely sent to the output
+ register in their original unprocessed form.
+Note that, in these examples, underdots and visible spaces
+ will only appear on characters and spaces that have been directed
+ to the Character and Space directives, respectively.
+Without \macname{processtoks}, that will not occur to tokens
+ \textit{inside} of groups.
+\begin{exampleB}[listing only,lefthand width = \dimexpr\textwidth-19pt]
+{Code permutations on group stripping and inner-group token processing}
+\stripgroupingfalse OR \stripgroupingtrue
+ {\processtoks{#1}} OR {\addcytoks{#1}}}
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\textvisiblespace}}
+{This \fbox{is a \fbox{token}} test.}
+\begin{exampleB}[text only, colback=white]%
+{\macname{stripgroupingfalse \string\processtoks} }
+ {\processtoks{#1}}% GROUP TOKENS ARE PROCESSED
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\textvisiblespace}}{%
+This \fbox{is a \fbox{token}} test.}
+\begin{exampleB}[text only, colback=white]%
+{\macname{stripgroupingfalse \string\addcytoks} }
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\textvisiblespace}}{%
+This \fbox{is a \fbox{token}} test.}
+\begin{exampleB}[text only, colback=white]%
+{\macname{stripgroupingtrue \string\processtoks} }
+\tokcycle{\addcytoks{{\underdot{#1}}}}% EXTRA GROUPING TO COMPENSATE
+ {\processtoks{#1}}% GROUP TOKENS PROCESSED
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\textvisiblespace}}{%
+This \fbox{is a \fbox{token}} test.}
+\begin{exampleB}[text only, colback=white]%
+{\macname{stripgroupingtrue \string\addcytoks} }
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\textvisiblespace}}{%
+This \fbox{is a \fbox{token}} test.}
+Note that the content of groups can be altogether eliminated if
+ \textit{neither} \macname{processtoks\{\#1\}} nor
+ \macname{addcytoks\{\#1\}} are used in the Group directive.
+\subsubsection{Group nesting\label{s:nest}}
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{reducecolor} and \macname{restorecolor}
+ macros}
+ \color{red!\thecolorindex!cyan}%
+ \addtocounter{colorindex}{-#1}%
+ \ifnum\thecolorindex<1\relax\setcounter{colorindex}{1}\fi}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6cm]{Group nesting is no impediment to
+ tokcycle}
+ {\addcytoks{(#1)}}
+ {\addcytoks{\reducecolor{11}}%
+ \addcytoks{[}\processtoks{#1}%
+ \addcytoks{]}}
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {}{%
+ {1{{3{{5{{7{{9{1{}0}}8}}6}}4}}2}}}
+\subsection{Direct use of \TokCycle}
+While one may find it convenient to encapsulate \TokCycle{} commands
+ inside of other macros, it should be obvious that this is not a requirement.
+\TokCycle[T]{} macros and environments (in regular or \texttt{xpress}
+ form) may be invoked directly from the document, without
+ being first encapsulated within a macro or environment.
+\subsubsection{Modifying counters as part of the Character
+ directive}
+In the following example, see section~\ref{s:nest} for the definitions
+ of \macname{restorecolor} and \macname{reducecolor}.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=8.5cm]{Using a period token (.) to
+ reset a changing color}
+ {\addcytoks{\bgroup\reducecolor{3}#1\egroup}%
+ \ifx.#1\addcytoks{\restorecolor}\fi}
+ {\processtoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}%
+This right \textit{here is a sentence in italic}.
+And \textbf{here we have another sentence in bold}.
+{\scshape Now in a new paragraph, the sentence
+is long.} Now, it is short.
+\subsection{Macro encapsulation of \TokCycle}
+\subsubsection{Spacing out text}
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{spaceouttext} macro}
+ \tokcycle
+ {\addcytoks{##1\nobreak\hspace{#1}}}%
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}%
+ {\addcytoks{##1\hspace{#1}}}
+ {#2}%
+ \the\cytoks\unskip}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6cm]{\macname{spaceouttext} demo}
+\spaceouttext{3pt plus 3pt}{This
+ \textit{text \textbf{is}
+ very} spaced out}. Back
+ to regular text.
+ \textit{text \textbf{is}
+ somewhat} spaced out}.
+ Back to regular text.
+\subsubsection{Alternate presentation of detokenized content}
+This macro attempts to give a more natural presentation of
+ \macname{detokenize}'d material.
+It is \textbf{not} to be confused as a replacement for
+ \macname{detokenize}.
+In certain applications, it may offer a more pleasingly formatted
+ typesetting of detokenized material.\smallskip
+It is an unusual application of \TokCycle{} in that it does not
+ actually use the \macname{cytoks} token register to collect
+ its output.
+This is only possible because all macros in the input stream
+ are detokenized, rather than executed.
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{altdetokenize }\ macro}
+ \tokcycle
+ {\ifmacro\def\tmp{##1}\ifcat\tmp A\else\unskip\allowbreak\fi\macrofalse\fi
+ \detokenize{##1}}
+ {\ifmacro\unskip\macrofalse\fi\{\processtoks{##1}\ifmacro\unskip\fi\}\allowbreak}
+ {\tctestifx{\\##1}{\\}{\ifmacro\unskip\allowbreak\fi
+ \allowbreak\detokenize{##1}\macrotrue}}
+ { \hspace{0pt plus 3em minus .3ex}}
+ {#1}%
+ \unskip
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6.3cm]
+ {\macname{altdetokenize} demo}
+\string\altdetokenize: \\
+\texttt{\altdetokenize{a\mac a \mac2 {\mac}\mac{a\mac\mac}\mac}}!
+\string\detokenize: \\
+ \texttt{\detokenize{a\mac a \mac2 {\mac}\mac{a\mac\mac}\mac}}!
+\subsubsection{Capitalize all words, including compound and
+ parenthetical words}
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{Titlecase} and \texttt{\string\nextcap} macros}
+ \def\capnext{T}
+ \tokcycle
+ {\addcytoks{\nextcap{##1}}}
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1\def\capnext{T}}}
+ {#1}%
+ \the\cytoks
+ \edef\tmp{#1}%
+ \tctestifx{-#1}{\def\capnext{T}}{}%
+ \tctestifcon{\if T\capnext}%
+ {\tctestifcon{\ifcat\tmp A}%
+ {\uppercase{#1}\def\capnext{F}}%
+ {#1}}%
+ {#1}%
+\begin{exampleA}[]{A demo of \macname{Titlecase} showing raw (escaped)
+ input and processed output}
+|here, {\bfseries\today{}, is [my]}
+ really-big-test
+ (\textit{capitalizing} words).|
+ here, {\bfseries\today{}, is [my]}
+ really-big-test
+ (\textit{capitalizing} words).}
+\subsubsection{Scaling rule dimensions}
+\ddbend This example only applies if one can guarantee that
+ the input stream will contain only text and rules...
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{growdim} macro}
+ {\addcytoks{#1\dimexpr##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}{%
+ #2}%
+\begin{exampleA}[]{Using \TokCycle{} to change \macname{rule} dimensions}
+\growdim{2}{This rule is exactly 4pt:
+ \rule|{4pt}{4pt}| , whereas this
+ rule is 2x bigger than 4pt:
+ \rule{4pt}{4pt} .}\par
+\growdim{4}{This rule is exactly 5pt:
+ \rule|{5pt}{5pt}| , whereas this
+ rule is 4x bigger than 5pt:
+ \rule{5pt}{5pt} .}
+\subsubsection{String search, including non-regex material}
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{findinstring} macro for string searches}
+ \stripgroupingtrue
+ \setcounter{runcount}{0}%
+ \tokcycle
+ {\nextctltok{##1}}
+ {\nextctltok{\opengroup}\processtoks{##1}\nextctltok{\closegroup}}
+ {\nextctltok{##1}}
+ {\nextctltok{\tcspace}}
+ {#1}%
+ \edef\numlet{\theruncount}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\searchword\expandafter{\the\cytoks}%
+ \aftertokcycle{\matchfound}%
+ \setcounter{runcount}{0}%
+ \def\matchfound{F}%
+ \tokcycle
+ {\nextcmptok{##1}}
+ {\nextcmptok{\opengroup}\processtoks{##1}\nextcmptok{\closegroup}}
+ {\nextcmptok{##1}}
+ {\nextcmptok{\tcspace}}
+ {#2}%
+ \expandafter\tc@gobble\the\cytoks#1}}
+ \ifnum\theruncount>\numlet\relax#1\else#2\fi
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\tmp\expandafter{\the\cytoks}}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=11.5cm]{Demo of the
+ \macname{findinstring} macro}
+1. \findinstring{this}{A test of the times}
+ \findinstring{the} {A test of the times}\par
+2. \findinstring{This is}{Here, This is a test}
+ \findinstring{Thisis} {Here, This is a test}\par
+3. \findinstring{the} {This is the\bfseries{} test}
+ \findinstring{he\bfseries}{This is the\bfseries{} test}\par
+4. \findinstring{a{bc}} {gf{vf{a{b c}g}gh}hn}
+ \findinstring{a{b c}}{gf{vf{a{b c}g}gh}hn}\par
+5. \findinstring{a\notmymac{b c}}{gf{vf{a\mymac{b c}g}gh}hn}
+ \findinstring{a\mymac{b c}} {gf{vf{a\mymac{b c}g}gh}hn}\par
+6. \findinstring{\textit{Italic}}{this is an \textit{italic} test}
+ \findinstring{\textit{italic}}{this is an \textit{italic} test}
+\subsection{\TokCycle-based environments}
+The \macname{tokcycleenvironment} macro allows users to define
+ their own \TokCycle{} environments.
+Here are some examples.
+\subsubsection{``Removing'' spaces, but still breakable/hyphenatable}
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{spaceBgone} environment}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{\hspace{.2pt plus .2pt minus .8pt}}}%
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6.0cm]{}
+ Here we have a \textit{test} of
+ whether the spaces are removed.
+ We are choosing to use the
+ tokencycle environment.
+ We are also testing the use of
+ paragraph breaks in the
+ environment.
+\subsubsection{Remapping text}
+\begin{exampleC}[]{The \macname{remaptext} environment with
+ supporting macros}
+ {\addcytoks[x]{\tcremap{##1}}}
+ {\processtoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+ {\addcytoks{##1}}
+\newcommand*\tcmapto[2]{\expandafter\def\csname tcmapto#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\newcommand*\tcremap[1]{\ifcsname tcmapto#1\endcsname
+ \csname tcmapto#1\endcsname\else#1\fi}
+\tcmapto am \tcmapto bf \tcmapto cz \tcmapto de \tcmapto ey
+\tcmapto fl \tcmapto gx \tcmapto hb \tcmapto ic \tcmapto jn
+\tcmapto ki \tcmapto lr \tcmapto mh \tcmapto nt \tcmapto ok
+\tcmapto ps \tcmapto qa \tcmapto ro \tcmapto sq \tcmapto tw
+\tcmapto uj \tcmapto vp \tcmapto wd \tcmapto xg \tcmapto yu
+\tcmapto zv
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=8.5cm]{Demo of \macname{remaptext}}
+What can't we \textit{accomplish} if we try?
+Let us be of good spirit and put our minds to it!
+Because \macname{tcremap} is expandable, the original text is totally absent
+ from the processed output:
+\subsection{Advanced topics: implicit tokens and catcode changes}
+\subsubsection{Trap Active Characters (catcode 13)}
+Active characters in the \TokCycle{} input stream are processed in
+ their original form.
+Their active substitutions only occur \textit{afterwards}, when
+ the \TokCycle{} output is typeset.
+They may be identified in the Character directive with
+ \macname{ifactivetok}.
+\let\svt T
+ {\addcytoks{\fbox{#1}}}{\addcytoks{#1}}}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=7.8cm]{Processing active characters}
+This is a test!!\endtokencyclexpress
+\def !{?}
+This is a test!!\endtokencyclexpress
+ {\addcytoks{\fbox{#1}}}{\addcytoks{#1}}}
+This is a test!!\endtokencyclexpress
+\let T+
+This is a test!!\endtokencyclexpress
+\def !{?}
+\let T+
+\ddbend If the input stream is pre-\textit{expanded}, the active
+ substitutions involving \macname{def} (but not \macname{let})
+ are made before reaching {\catcode`T=11 \TokCycle} processing.
+Such tokens are no longer detected as active, unless
+ \macname{noexpand} is applied to the pre-expansion:
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=7.8cm]{Expanded input stream acts
+ upon active characters unless \macname{noexpand} is applied}
+\expandedtokcyclexpress{This is a test!\noexpand!}
+However, pre-\textit{tokenization} does not suffer this behavior:
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=7.8cm]{Pre-tokenized input stream
+ does not affect active characters}
+\def\tmp{This is a test!!}
+\subsubsection{Trap Catcode 6 (explicit \& implicit) tokens}
+Typically, cat-6 tokens (like \texttt{\#}) are used to designate the
+ following digit (1-9) as a parameter.
+Since they are unlikely to be used in that capacity inside a
+ \TokCycle{} input stream, the package behavior is to convert them
+ into something cat-12 and set the if-condition \macname{catSIXtrue}.
+In this manner, \macname{ifcatSIX} can be used inside the
+ Character directive to convert cat-6 tokens into something of
+ the user's choosing.\smallskip
+As to this cat-12 conversion, explicit cat-6 characters are converted
+ into the same character with cat-12.
+On the other hand, implicit cat-6 macros (e.g., \verb|\let\myhash#|)
+ are converted into a fixed-name macro, \macname{implicitsixtok},
+ whose cat-12 substitution text is a \macname{string} of the original
+ implicit-macro name.
+ \addcytoks{\fbox{#1}}
+ \else\addcytoks{#1}\fi}
+%\tokencyclexpress This# isQ \textit{a Q# test\myhash}!\endtokencyclexpress
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6.5cm]{Treatment of cat-6 tokens}
+ \addcytoks{\fbox{#1}}
+ \else\addcytoks{#1}\fi}
+\tokcyclexpress{This# isQ
+ \textit{a Q# test\myhash}!}
+%\tokcyclexpress{This# isQ \textit{a Q# t\,e\, s\,t\myhash}!}\the\cytoks{}
+%with 1-character macros
+%\expandedtokcyclexpress{This# isQ \noexpand\textit{a Q# test\myhash}!}\the\cytoks
+%\tokencyclexpress This# isQ \textit{a Q# test}!\endtokencyclexpress
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6.5cm]{Multiple explicit cat-6 tokens are not
+ a problem}
+\tokcyclexpress{This# isQ
+ \textit{a Q# test\myhash}!}
+\ddbend For what is, perhaps, a rare situation, one can even process input
+ streams that contain cat-6 macro parameters.
+A package macro, \macname{whennotprocessingparameter\#1\{<}%
+ \textit{directive when not a parameter}\verb|>}|, can be
+ used inside of the Character directive to intercept parameters.
+In this example, a macro is defined and then executed, subject to
+ token replacements brought about by the expandable Character directive.
+In the following example, see section~\ref{s:unex} for
+ the \macname{vowelcap} definition.
+ \whennotprocessingparameter#1{\addcytoks[x]{\vowelcap{#1}}}}
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=7cm]{Preserving parameters (e.g.
+ \texttt{\#1, \#2}) in the \TokCycle{} input stream}
+ \whennotprocessingparameter#1{%
+ \addcytoks[x]{\vowelcap{#1}}}}
+ \def\zQ#1#2{[one:#1](two:#2)}
+ This is a \zQ big test.
+ \renewcommand\zQ[2]{\ifx t#1[#1]\fi(#2)}
+ This is a \zQ test.}
+\subsubsection{Trap implicit tokens in general}
+Implicit macros (assigned via \macname{let}) were already
+ mentioned in the context of cat-6.
+However, implicit macros can be of any valid catcode.
+The condition \macname{ifimplicittok} is used to flag such
+ tokens for special processing.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=8cm]{Implicit\ensuremath{{}={}}%
+ single box\char44 \ cat-6\ensuremath{{}={}}double box\char44 \ %
+ implicit-cat-6\ensuremath{{}={}}triple box}
+ \ifcatSIX\addcytoks{\fbox{\fbox{\fbox{#1}}}}%
+ \else\addcytoks{\fbox{#1}}\fi\else\ifcatSIX
+ \addcytoks{\fbox{\fbox{#1}}}\else
+ \addcytoks{#1}\fi\fi}
+\tokencyclexpress We wi\littlel\littlel#
+ \textit{ make a \littlet est #} \littlet
+This \textit{is a \textbf{big}} \littlet est.
+Next pa#agraph ending with implicit cat six
+ \svhash.\endtokencyclexpress
+\ddbend If the input stream is subject to pre-expansion, one
+ will require \macname{noexpand} for macros where no pre-expansion
+ is desired.\medskip
+\ddbend If the input stream is provided pre-tokenized via
+ \macname{def}, \TeX{} convention requires cat-6 tokens to appear
+ in the input stream as duplicate, e.g. \texttt{\#\#}.
+\subsubsection{Changing grouping tokens (catcodes 1,2)}
+Changing grouping tokens (catcodes 1,2) may require something more,
+ if the output stream is to be detokenized.
+In the following examples, pay attention to the
+ detokenized grouping around the argument to \macname{fbox}.\smallskip
+As we will see, the issues raised here only affect the situation
+ when detokenization of the output stream is required.
+\begin{exampleA}[]{\TokCycle{} defaults grouping tokens to braces:}
+ {\addcytoks{(#1)}}
+ {\processtoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{ }}
+This \fbox{is a} test.
+One can make brackets cat-1,2, redefining bgroup/egroup to [ ].
+However, while one can now use brackets in input stream, braces
+ will still appear in the detokenized \TokCycle{} output stream:
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6.5cm]
+{\TokCycle{} will not automatically change its grouping tokens}
+ {\addcytoks{(#1)}}
+ {\processtoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{#1}}
+ {\addcytoks{ }}
+This \fbox[is a] test.
+If it is necessary to reflect revised grouping tokens in the
+ output stream, the \macname{settcgrouping} macro is
+ to be used.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=6.5cm]
+{Redefine \TokCycle{} grouping tokens as angle
+ brackets using \macname{settcGrouping}}
+ <\addcytoks<(#1)>>
+ <\processtoks<#1>>
+ <\addcytoks<#1>>
+ <\addcytoks< >>
+This \fbox<is a> test.
+Angle brackets are now seen in the above detokenization.
+Until subsequently changed, cat-1,2 angle brackets now appear in
+ detokenized \TokCycle{} groups, even if other cat-1,2 tokens were
+ used in the input stream.
+Bottom line:
+\item adding, deleting, or changing catcode 1,2 explicit
+ grouping tokens, e.g., \{\}, (in conjunction with their
+ associated implicit \macname{bgroup}\macname{egroup})
+ tokens will not affect \TokCycle's ability to digest proper
+ grouping of the input stream, regardless of which tokens
+ are catcode 1,2 at the moment.
+\item The grouping tokens used in \TokCycle's output
+ default to \verb|{}| braces (with cat-1,2), but can be
+ changed deliberately using \macname{settcGrouping}.
+\item The package, currently, has no way to reproduce in the
+ output stream the actual grouping tokens that occur in the
+ input stream, but one should ask, for the particular
+ application, if it really matters, as long as the the
+ proper catcodes-1,2 are preserved?
+\subsubsection{Catcode 10 space tokens}
+Here we demonstrate that \TokCycle{} can handle arbitrary redesignation
+ of tokens to cat-10, as well as implicit space tokens.
+\ddbend While it should seem natural, we note that implicit
+ space tokens are directed to the Space directive rather than
+ the Character directive.
+However, \macname{ifimplicittok} may still be used to
+ differentiate an explicit space from an implicit one.
+Note in the following examples that cat-10 tokens do \textit{not}
+ get under-dots.
+The next three examples all use the same input, but with different
+catcode settings for the space and the underscore.
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=10cm]{space cat-10{,} underscore cat-12}
+\catcode`\_=12 %
+\catcode`\ =10 %
+\fbox{a_c d} b_g\itshape f\upshape\endtokencycle
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=10cm]{space cat-10{,} underscore cat-10}
+\catcode`\_=10 %
+\catcode`\ =10 %
+\fbox{a_c d} b_g\itshape f\upshape\endtokencycle
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=10cm]{space cat-12{,} underscore cat-10}
+\catcode`\_=10 %
+\catcode`\ =12 %
+\fbox{a_c d} b_g\itshape f\upshape\endtokencycle
+\begin{exampleA}[lefthand width=10cm]{Implicit spaces work{,} too}
+\def\:{\let\mysptoken= } \: %
+\catcode`\_=10 %
+\catcode`\ =12 %
+\fbox{a\mysptoken{}c d} b_g\itshape f\upshape
+\subsubsection{Changes to catcode 0}
+\begin{exampleA}[]{Cat-0 changes are not a hindrance to \TokCycle}
+\catcode`\! 0 !catcode`!\ 12
+ !addcytoks{!fbox{#1}}!else!ifcatSIX
+ !addcytoks{!fbox{!fbox{#1}}}
+ !else!addcytoks{#1}!fi!fi}
+!tokencyclexpress Here, {!scshape!bgroup
+ on !today!itshape{} we are !egroup
+ !littlet es!littlet ing} cat-0
+ changes{!bgroup}!egroup
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c61abb55e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+\input tokcycle.tex
+\ProvidesPackage\tcname[\tcdate\space V\tcver\space Cycle through and transform
+ a stream of tokens]
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d6f1b4003ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tokcycle/tokcycle.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+\def\tcname {tokcycle}
+\def\tcver {1.0}
+\def\tcdate {2019/8/21}
+% Author : Steven B Segletes, Christian Tellechea (contributor)
+% Maintainer : Steven B Segletes
+% License : Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
+% or later, see
+% Files : 1) tokcycle.tex
+% 2) tokcycle.sty
+% 3) tokcycle-doc.tex
+% 4) tokcycle-doc.pdf
+% 5) tokcycle-examples.tex
+% 6) tokcycle-examples.pdf
+% 7) README
+ \expandafter\the\expandafter\cytoks\expanded{#5}\endtokcycraw}
+ \aftertokcycle{\the\cytoks\expandafter\endgroup\expandafter\tcenvscope
+ \expandafter{\the\cytoks}}\tokcycraw{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ \expandafter\tokcycrawxpress\expanded{#1}\endtokcycraw}
+ \aftertokcycle{\the\cytoks\expandafter\endgroup\expandafter\tcenvscope
+ \expandafter{\the\cytoks}}\tokcycrawxpress}
+\def\tcenvscope{\cytoks}% CAN SET TO \global\cytoks TO OVERCOME SCOPE LIMITS
+\def\tc@deftok#1#2{\let#1= #2\empty}
+\tc@deftok\tc@sptoken{ }
+\def\addtc@depth{\advance\tc@depth 1}
+ \expandafter{\expandafter\let\csname end\expandafter\tc@gobble
+ \string#1\endcsname\endtokcycraw\tokencycle{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}}
+\long\def\processtoks#1{\addtc@depth\@tokcycle#1\endtokcycraw }
+ \expandafter{\the\cytoks###1}}{\tctestifcon\ifcatSIX{\@argnexttrue}{#2}}}
+% \tokcycraw{<Char>}{<Group>}{<Macro>}{<Space>}<input-stream>\endtokcycraw
+ \long\def\@macT##1{#3}\def\@spcT##1{#4}\tokcycrawxpress}
+ {\tctestifx{\tc@next\bgroup}{\stringify\@@@@grpT}%
+ {\can@absorb}}}
+% NON cat1,10 TOKENS
+ \the\tc@tok}
+ {\tctestifx{\endtokcycraw#1}{#1}{\backslashcmds#1\@tokcycle}}%
+ {\trapactivetok#1\tc@trapescape#1{\tc@escapecytoks}{\@chrT#1\@tokcycle}}}
+\def\stringify#1{\expandafter#1\string}% #1 WILL BE \@@@@@spcT or \@@@@grpT
+ {\def\@tmp{\@@spcT{ }}\expandafter\@tmp\tc@absorbSpace}% EXPLICIT SPACE
+ {\implicittoktrue\expandafter\@@@spcT\tc@gobble}}% IMPLICIT SPACE
+ {\expandafter\@@grpT\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi}% {
+ {\implicittoktrue\tc@implicitgrptrue
+ \csmk{\expandafter\backslashcmds\thecs\@tokcycle}}}% \bgroup
+ {\groupedcytoks{\@grpT{#1}}}\@tokcycle}
+\long\def\test@ifmacro#1{\tctestifcatnx#1\relax}% REVISED!
+ \implicittoktrue\@chrT#1}{\@macT#1}}{\implicittoktrue
+ \trapimplicitegrp#1\tctestifcon{\iftc@implicitgrp}%
+ {\ifcase\@implicitgroupingcase\or\addcytoks{#1}\or\@chrT{#1}\fi}%
+ {\@chrT#1}{\@chrT#1}}}
+ \def\tc@escapecytoks##1#1{\addcytoks{##1}\@tokcycle}}
+ \global\let\implicitsixtok\six@str\tc@tok{\implicitsixtok}}%
+ {\tc@tok\expandafter{\string#1}}}
+ \begingroup\cytoks{}##1\expandafter\endgroup\expandafter
+ \addcytoks\expandafter{\expandafter#1}}}
+ \tc@earg\@defgroupedcytoks{\@@tmp}}
+ {\toks0{ }\expandafter\@csmkF\tc@absorbSpace}{\@csmkCA}}
+ {\futurelet\@tmp\@csmkD}{\@csmkF}}
+ {\tc@addtoks0{#1}\futurelet\@tmp\@csmkD}{\@csmkE#1}}
+\def\@csmkD{\tctestifcatnx 0\@tmp\@csmkC\@csmkE}
+ {\expandafter\@csmkF\tc@absorbSpace}{\@csmkF}}
+% TRAP IMPLICIT END GROUP TOK (e.g., \egroup); SET \iftc@implicitgrp
+ \implicittoktrue\tc@implicitgrptrue}{}}
+ \resetMacrodirective\resetSpacedirective\aftertokcycle{}%
+ \stripgroupingfalse\stripimplicitgroupingcase{0}}
+% SUPPORT MACROS FOR TOKENIZED OUTPUT: \addcytoks[<expansion level>]{<arg>}
+ {\tctestifx{x#1}{\tc@xarg\tc@addtotoks}{\addcytoks@C{#1}}}{#2}}
+ {\the\numexpr#1-1\expandafter}\expandafter}\tc@addtotoks}
+\settcGrouping{{#1}}% E.G. <<#1>> IF cat-1,2 SET TO < AND >
+% \stripimplicitgroupingcase{0}% DEFAULT RETAIN UNALTERED \b/e-groups
+% \stripgroupingfalse% DEFAULT RETAIN UNALTERED {} GROUPING
+v1.0 2019/8/21
+ - Initial release
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 16f4c76312d..4eb079b3486 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
tkz-kiviat tkz-linknodes tkz-orm tikz-page tkz-tab
tlc-article tlc2 tlcockpit
tocbibind tocdata tocloft tocvsec2 todo todonotes
- tokenizer toolbox tools topfloat topiclongtable topletter
+ tokcycle tokenizer toolbox tools topfloat topiclongtable topletter
totcount totpages toptesi
tpic2pdftex tpslifonts tqft
tracklang trajan tram
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
index ea89f91a204..6e28d1572ff 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
@@ -2026,6 +2026,7 @@ $standardtex
'tikz-feynman','\.lua|' . $standardtex,
'tkz-orm', 'tkz.*\.sty', # no pgfmanual.sty
'tlc2', 'NULL', # doc package
+ 'tokcycle', 'tokcycle\.tex|' . $standardtex,
'tools', '\.cfg|\.sty|\.clo|\.cls|\.def|\.fd$|.?\.tex|^\.tex$',
'toptesi', 'toptesi\.cfg|\.sty|\.cls',
'translator', '\.dict|translator-language-mappings.tex|' . $standardtex,
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
index dea3c6df718..a3b001481d8 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
@@ -1146,6 +1146,7 @@ depend tocloft
depend tocvsec2
depend todo
depend todonotes
+depend tokcycle
depend tokenizer
depend toolbox
depend topfloat
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tokcycle.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tokcycle.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/tokcycle.tlpsrc