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+The bibleref-parse package
+This package parses Bible passages that are given in human readable format.
+It accepts a wide variety of formats. This allows for a simpler and more
+convenient interface to the functionality of the bibleref package.
+Copyright (c) 2011 Sebastian Kuhnert
+Licence: LPPL 1.3c or later
+Current Maintainer: Sebastian Kuhnert
+Files belonging to this package:
+bibleref-parse.sty The package itself
+bibleref-parse.pdf Documentation
+bibleref-parse.tex Documentation source
+README This file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref-parse/bibleref-parse.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref-parse/bibleref-parse.pdf
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+%% bibleref-parse.tex
+%% Copyright (c) 2011 Sebastian Kuhnert
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+% of this license is at
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2008/05/04 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Sebastian Kuhnert.
+% This work consists of the files listed in README
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\color{blue!50!black},
+ keywordstyle=,%\bfseries,
+ morekeywords={subject},
+ identifierstyle=,
+ texcl,
+ commentstyle=\itshape,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ breaklines,
+ breakatwhitespace,
+ %columns=flexible,
+ escapeinside={(*}{*)},
+ mathescape,
+\newcommand{\thead}[1]{\textbf{\small #1}}
+% \usepackage{xtab}
+\newcommand{\param}[1]{$\langle${\normalfont\itshape #1\/}$\rangle$}
+\def\bbtGetInfo#1 v#2 #3\relax#4\relax{%
+ \def\bbtdate{#1}%
+ \def\bbtversion{#2}}
+\expandafter\bbtGetInfo\bbtver\relax? ? \relax\relax
+\title{The \brp Package}
+\author{Sebastian Kuhnert}
+\date{Documentation for version \bbtversion{} (\printdateTeX{\bbtdate})}
+The \brp package parses Bible passages that are given in human readable format.
+It accepts a wide variety of formats. This allows for a simpler and more
+convenient interface to the functionality of the \texttt{bibleref} package,
+which provides a variety of different formatting options.
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}lll@{}}
+ \toprule
+ \thead{\brp syntax}&\thead{\texttt{bibleref} syntax}&\thead{result (using defaults)}\\
+ \midrule
+ \texttt{\textbackslash pbibleverse\{1Cor 13:4-7\}}&
+ \texttt{\textbackslash bibleverse\{ICor\}(13:4-7)}&
+ \pbibleverse{1Cor 13:4-7}\\
+ \texttt{\textbackslash pbibleverse\{Matt 9:35-10:1\}}&
+ \texttt{\textbackslash bibleverse\{Matt\}(9:35)-(10:1)}&
+ \pbibleverse{Matt 9:35-10:1}\\
+ %\texttt{\textbackslash pbibleverse\{Jes53:6;Joh19:30\}}&
+ %\texttt{\textbackslash bibleverse\{Jes\}(53:6); \textbackslash bibleverse\{Joh\}(19:30)}\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+Additionally, this package provides an interface for other packages.
+Copyright \textcopyright{} 2011 Sebastian Kuhnert. Permission is granted to
+copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the \LaTeX{}
+Project Public Licence, version 1.3c or later. This package is maintained, the
+Current Maintainer is Sebastian
+\subsection{Dependencies and interaction with other packages}
+ \item This package enhances and requires the \texttt{bibleref} package.
+ \item If the \texttt{babel} package is loaded and one of the languages
+ \texttt{ngerman}, \texttt{german}, \texttt{naustrian}, or \texttt{austrian} is
+ selected, the book name \enquote{Pr} is taken as a shorthand for
+ \emph{\ger{Prediger}} (German for \emph{Ecclesiastes}). Otherwise, \enquote{Pr} is a
+ shorthand for \emph{Proverbs}.
+ \item The \texttt{etoolbox} package is required. In particular, you need to use
+ an \eTeX{} engine, but that should be no real restriction nowadays.
+ \item The \texttt{scrlfile} package is used to ease the interaction with
+ \texttt{babel} and \texttt{bibleref-german}.
+Currently only English and German book names are supported. I would welcome
+contributions of book name prefixes for other languages.
+\section{User commands}
+This loads the \brp package. Currently the only option is
+\option{comma=\param{value}}. It controls how commas in a Bible passage
+specification are handled:
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{.18\linewidth}p{.78\linewidth}@{}}
+ \toprule
+ \thead{\param{\bfseries value}}&\thead{meaning of \option{\bfseries
+ comma=\param{\bfseries value}}}\\
+ \midrule
+ \option{list}&The comma is used as a list separator. Behind each
+ comma,
+ a number specifying a chapter or a verse is expected.
+ \hfill\emph{Example:~Mt~5,6,7}
+ \\\addlinespace
+ \option{chvsep}&The comma is used to separate a chapter number from a
+ verse number. This is common in German.
+ \hfill\emph{Example:~Jh~3,16}\\\addlinespace
+ \option{likeBR}&This takes the current setup of the \texttt{bibleref}
+ package into account. If \lstinline|\BRchvsep| contains a comma, this
+ option behaves like \option{chvsep}, otherwise it behaves like
+ \option{list}.\\\addlinespace
+ \option{preferchvsep}&This behaves like \option{chvsep} unless the
+ specified passage contains a colon. In that case, it behaves like
+ \option{list}.\\\addlinespace
+ \option{preferlikeBR}\linebreak\emph{(the default)}&If
+ \lstinline|\BRchvsep| contains a comma, this behaves like
+ \option{preferchvsep}. Otherwise this behaves like
+ \option{list}.\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+This sets the \param{options}, affecting all following passage specifications in
+the current group.
+This parses the given \param{passage} and passes the result to the
+\lstinline|\bibleverse| macro, formatting it according to the rules of the of
+the \texttt{bibleref} package. If any \param{options} are specified, they affect
+this single \param{passage} only.
+If a \param{passage} spans more than one book, the different parts are
+separated with \lstinline|\BRbksep|, which you can redefine to suit your needs.
+The \texttt{bibleref} manual describes how you can otherwise influence the
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{}{%
+ \texttt{\textbackslash pbibleverse\{#2\}} & \pbibleverse{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \texttt{\textbackslash pbibleverse[#1]\{#2\}} & \pbibleverse[#1]{#2}%
+ }\\
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
+ \toprule
+ \thead{\TeX{} source}&\thead{Result}\\
+ \midrule
+ \bverseex{Gen1:27}
+ \bverseex{Exo 20}
+ \bverseex[comma=chvsep]{Lev.5,3-4}
+ \bverseex{Jos 7,3-5;12;Jdg 4,2-4}
+ \bverseex{Ruth 3-4:4+4:6}
+ \bverseex{1Sam 5:3,5;6:3-7:3;8:3,5}
+ \bverseex{Obad 1-3,5,8-9}
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+There are variants of \lstinline|\pbibleverse| for the variants of \lstinline|\bibleverse|:
+\pibibleverse(*\opt{[\param{options}]}\{\param{passage}*)} % uses \textbackslash ibibleverse
+\pibiblechvs(*\opt{[\param{options}]}\{\param{passage}*)} % uses \textbackslash ibiblechvs
+\pibiblevs(*\opt{[\param{options}]}\{\param{passage}*)} % uses \textbackslash ibiblevs
+\subsection{Bible passage specification}
+The basic massage is: Just use your intuition. This is what this package was
+created for.\\
+If you want more details, here they are.
+ \item Depending on the current setting of the \option{comma} option (see
+ above), a single verse can be specified in one of these formats:
+(*{\normalfont\normalcolor Format 1:} \param{book} \param{chapter}:\param{verse}*)
+(*{\normalfont\normalcolor Format 2:} \param{book} \param{chapter},\param{verse}*)
+ You can add or remove spaces between the different parts.
+ The exact syntax for the book name can be looked up in
+ Section~\ref{sec:books}; but again the basic message is: Just use your
+ intuition.
+ Examples:\qquad\option{Mark 16:5}\qquad
+ \option{1 Samuel 13:14}\qquad
+ \option{2Tim3: 16}
+ \item You can reference a \textbf{whole chapter or book} by omitting the verse
+ (and chapter) information.
+ Examples:\qquad\option{1 John}\qquad
+ \option{Ps 51}
+ \item You can specify \textbf{ranges} using a single dash. This works for
+ ranges of verses as well as ranges of chapters. The start and the end verse do
+ not have to be in the same chapter. You even can have a chapter as start and a
+ verse as end (but not the other way around).
+ Examples:\qquad
+ \option{Mt 28:18-20}\qquad
+ \option{Matthew 5-7}\qquad
+ \option{2Cor 6:10-7:4}\qquad
+ \option{Joshua 4-5:1}
+ \item You can \textbf{list} several passages in one specification. Several
+ options are available. They offer flexibility and differ in how the passage on
+ the right side should be specified: Some allow and some require that a partial
+ specification is used.
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Semicolon] The next item may be a book or a chapter.
+ \item[Comma] The next item may be a chapter or a verse. (Format 1 only)
+ \item[Plus] The next item may be a book, a chapter or a verse.
+ \item[Dot] The next item must be a verse.
+ \end{description}
+ All of these have in common that you can use ranges on their left and on their
+ right side. Also, you can create lists of more than two single verses or range
+ specifications.
+ Examples:\qquad
+ \option{Col 1:15,2:9.10}\qquad
+ \option{Ps 22+23}\qquad
+ \option{Rev 22:3-4.7;Acts 1:6-8}
+\subsection{Book name specification}\label{sec:books}
+All names of canonical books given in English or German should be recognised,
+including their abbreviations. The following table specifies the available names
+for all books.
+ \csdef{brp@range}##1##2##3##4##5{\ifstrequal{##1}{#1}{#3 }{\textcolor{red}{#3} }}%
+ \csuse{brp@parse}{#2}%
+ \csuse{brp@result}%
+ \csdef{brp@range}##1##2##3##4##5{\ifstrequal{##1}{#1}{}{\textcolor{red}{#2} }}%
+ \csuse{brp@parse}{#2}%
+ \csuse{brp@result}%
+%\addrow{OSIS-name}{English names}{German names}{silent names}
+ #1&\checkbooksilent{#1}{#1}%
+ \foreach \name in {#4} {%
+ \checkbooksilent{#1}{\name}%
+ }%
+ \foreach \name/\n in {#2} {%
+ \checkbook{#1}{\name}{\n}%
+ }&\ger{\foreach \name/\n in {#3} {%
+ \checkbook{#1}{\name}{\n}%
+ }}\\
+ \toprule\thead{Book}&\thead{English names}&\thead{German names}\\\midrule
+ \endhead
+ \bottomrule
+ \endfoot
+ \addrow{Gen}{Genesis,Gen,Ge,Gn,Ge*,Gn*}{1Mose,1Mos,1Mo,Genesis,Gen,Ge,Gn,1Mo*,Ge*,Gn*}{IMose,IMos,IMo,IMo*}
+ \addrow{Exod}{Exodus,Exod,Ex,Ex*}{2Mose,2Mos,2Mo,Exodus,Ex,2Mo*,Ex*}{IIMose,IIMos,IIMo,IIMo*}
+ \addrow{Lev}{Leviticus,Lev,Lv,Le*,Lv*}{3Mose,3Mos,3Mo,Levitikus,Leviticus,Lev,Lv,3M*,Le*,Lv*}{IIIMose,IIIMos,IIIMo,IIIM*}
+ \addrow{Num}{Numbers,Num,Nb,Nu*,Nb*}{4Mose,4Mos,4Mo,Numeri,Num,4M*,Nu*}{IVMose,IVMos,IVMo,IV*}
+ \addrow{Deut}{Deuteronomy,Deut,Deu,Dt,De*,Dt*}{5Mose,5Mos,5Mo,Deuteronomium,Deut,Dtn,Deu,Dt,5M*,De*,Dt*}{VMose,VMos,VMo,V*}
+ \addrow{Josh}{Joshua,Josh,Jos,Jos*}{Josua,Jos*}{}
+ \addrow{Judg}{Judges,Judg,Jdg,Jg,Jd,Judg*,Jdg*,Jg*}{Richter,Ri,Ri*}{}
+ \addrow{Ruth}{Ruth,Rt,Ru*,Rt*}{Rut,Ruth,Rt,Ru,Ru*,Rt*}{}
+ \addrow{1Sam}{1Samuel,1Sam,1S,1S*}{1Samuel,1Sam,1S,1S*}{ISamuel,ISam,IS,IS*}
+ \addrow{2Sam}{2Samuel,2Sam,2S,2S*}{2Samuel,2Sam,2S,2S*}{IISamuel,IISam,IIS,IIS*}
+ \addrow{1Kgs}{1Kings,1K,1Kg,1Kgs,1Ki*,1Kg*}{1Könige,1Kön,1Kö,1Kö*}{IKings,IK,IKg,IKgs,IKi*,IKg*,IKönige,IKön,IKö,IKö*,IK\"onige,IK"on,IKoe,IK\"o*}
+ \addrow{2Kgs}{2Kings,2K,2Kg,2Kgs,2Ki*,2Kg*}{2Könige,2Kön,2Kö,2Kö*}{IIKings,IIK,IIKg,IIKgs,IIKi*,IIKg*,IIKönige,IIKön,IIKö,IIKö}
+ \addrow{1Chr}{1Chronicles,1Ch,1Chr,1Ch*}{1Chronik,1Chr,1Ch,1Ch*}{IChronicles,ICh,IChr,ICh*,IChronik}
+ \addrow{2Chr}{2Chronicles,2Ch,2Chr,2Ch*}{2Chronik,2Chr,2Ch,2Ch*}{IIChronicles,IICh,IIChr,IICh*,IIChronik}
+ \addrow{Ezra}{Ezra,Ezr,Ezr*}{Esra,Esr,Esr*}{}
+ \addrow{Neh}{Nehemiah,Neh,Ne,Ne*}{Nehemia,Nehemiah,Neh,Ne,Ne*}{}
+ \addrow{Esth}{Esther,Esth,Est,Est*}{Ester,Esther,Est,Est*}{}
+ \addrow{Job}{Job,Jb}{Hiob,Hi,Ijob,Hi*,Ij*}{}
+ \addrow{Ps}{Psalms,Psalm,Ps,Ps*}{Psalmen,Psalm,Psalter,Ps,Ps*}{}
+ \addrow{Prov}{Proverbs,Prov,Pro,Pr/Pr\textsuperscript{(see text)},Pro*}{Sprüche,Sprichwörter,Spr,Sp,Sp*}{}
+ \addrow{Eccl}{Ecclesiastes,Eccl,Ec,Qo,Ecl,Eccl,Eccle,Eccles,Ecclesiaste*,Q*}{Prediger,Pred,Pr/Pr\textsuperscript{(see text)},Kohelet,Koh,Pre*,Koh*}{Ecclesi,Ecclesia,Ecclesias,Ecclesiast}
+ \addrow{Song}{SongofSolomon,SongofSongs,SofS,Sg,So*,Sg*}{Hohelied,Hoheslied,HohesLied,Hld,Hhld,LiedderLieder,Lied,Hoh*,Hh*,Hl*,Li*}{}
+ \addrow{Isa}{Isaiah,Isa,Is,Is*}{Jesaja,Jesajah,Jes,Jesa*}{}
+ \addrow{Jer}{Jeremiah,Jer,Jr,Jer*,Jr*}{Jeremia,Jeremiah,Jer,Jr,Jer*,Jr*}{}
+ \addrow{Lam}{Lamentations,Lam,Lm,La*,Lm*}{Klagelieder,Klgl,Klg,Kl*}{}
+ \addrow{Ezek}{Ezekiel,Ezek,Ezk,Eze*,Ezk*}{Hesekiel,Hes,Ezechiel,Ez,Eze,Hes*,Eze*}{}
+ \addrow{Dan}{Daniel,Dan,Dn,Da*,Dn*}{Daniel,Dan,Dn,Da*,Dn*}{}
+ \addrow{Hos}{Hosea,Hos,Ho,Hos*}{Hosea,Hos,Ho,Hos*}{}
+ \addrow{Joel}{Joel,Jl,Joe*,Jl*}{Joel,Joël,Jl,Joe*,Joë*,Jl*}{Jo\"e*,Jo"e*}
+ \addrow{Amos}{Amos,Am,Am*}{Amos,Am,Am*}{}
+ \addrow{Obad}{Obadiah,Obad,Obd,Ob,Ob*}{Obadja,Obad,Obd,Ob,Ob*}{}
+ \addrow{Jonah}{Jonah,Jon,Jon*}{Jona,Jonah,Jon,Jon*}{}
+ \addrow{Mic}{Micah,Mic,Mi,Mi*}{Micha,Mic,Mi,Mi*}{}
+ \addrow{Nah}{Nahum,Nah,Na,Na*}{Nahum,Nah,Na,Na*}{}
+ \addrow{Hab}{Habakkuk,Hab,Hbk,Hak,Hab*,Hb*,Hak*}{Habakuk,Hab,Hbk,Hak,Hab*,Hb*,Hak*}{}
+ \addrow{Zeph}{Zephaniah,Zeph,Zp,Zep*,Zp*}{Zefanja,Zefanjah,Zef,Zef*}{}
+ \addrow{Hag}{Haggai,Hag,Hg,Hag*,Hg*}{Haggai,Hag,Hg,Hag*,Hg*}{}
+ \addrow{Zech}{Zechariah,Zech,Zc,Zec*,Zc*}{Sacharja,Sacharjah,Sach,Sa,Sa*}{}
+ \addrow{Mal}{Malachi,Mal,Ml,Mal*,Ml*}{Maleachi,Mal,Ml,Mal*,Ml*}{}
+ %\midrule
+ \addrow{Matt}{Matthew,Matt,Mt,Mat*,Mt*}{Matthäus,Matt,Mt,Mat*,Mt*}{}
+ \addrow{Mark}{Mark,Mk,Mar*,Mk*}{Markus,Mk,Mar*,Mk*}{}
+ \addrow{Luke}{Luke,Lk,Lu*,Lk*}{Lukas,Lk,Lu*,Lk*}{}
+ \addrow{John}{John,Joh,Jn,Joh*,Jn*}{Johannes,Joh,Jh,Joh*,Jn*}{}
+ \addrow{Acts}{Acts,Ac,Ac*}{Apostelgeschichte,Apo,Apg,Apos*,Apg*}{}
+ \addrow{Rom}{Romans,Rom,Ro,Rm,Ro*,Rm*}{Römer,Röm,Rö}{Roemer,R\"omer,R"omer,Roem,R\"om,R"om,Roe,R\"o,R"o,Roe*,R\"o*,R"o*}
+ \addrow{1Cor}{1Corinthians,1Co,1Cor,1Co*}{1Korinther,1Kor,1Ko,1Kor*}{ICorinthians,ICo,ICor,ICo*,IKorinther,IKor,IKo,IKor*}
+ \addrow{2Cor}{2Corinthians,2Co,2Cor,2Co*}{2Korinther,2Kor,2Ko,2Kor*}{IICorinthians,IICo,IICor,IICo*,IIKorinther,IIKor,IIKo,IIKor*}
+ \addrow{Gal}{Galatians,Gal,Ga,Ga*}{Galater,Gal,Ga,Ga*}{}
+ \addrow{Eph}{Ephesians,Eph,Ep,Eph*}{Epheser,Eph,Eph*}{}
+ \addrow{Phil}{Philippians,Phil,Phi,Ph,Phili*}{Philipper,Phil,Phi,Ph,Phili*}{}
+ \addrow{Col}{Colossians,Col,C*}{Kolosser,Kol,Kol*}{}
+ \addrow{1Thess}{1Thessalonians,1Thess,1Th,1Th*}{1Thessalonicher,1Thessaloniker,1Thess,1Th,1Th*}{IThessalonians,IThess,ITh,ITh*,IThessalonicher,IThessaloniker}
+ \addrow{2Thess}{2Thessalonians,2Thess,2Th,2Th*}{2Thessaloniker,2Thess,2Th,2Th*}{IIThessalonians,IIThess,IITh,IITh*,IIThessaloniker}
+ \addrow{1Tim}{1Timothy,1Tim,1Tm,1Ti*,1Tm*}{1Timotheus,1Tim,1Tm,1Ti*,1Tm*}{ITimothy,ITim,ITm,ITi*,ITm*,ITimotheus}
+ \addrow{2Tim}{2Timothy,2Tim,2Tm,2Ti*,2Tm*}{2Timotheus,2Tim,2Tm,2Ti*,2Tm*}{IITimothy,IITim,IITm,IITi*,IITm*,IITimotheus}
+ \addrow{Titus}{Titus,Tit,Tt,Tit*,Tt*}{Titus,Tit,Tt,Tit*,Tt*}{}
+ \addrow{Phlm}{Philemon,Philem,Phlm,Phm,Phile*,Phl*,Phm*}{Philemon,Philem,Phlm,Phm,Phile*,Phl*,Phm*}{}
+ \addrow{Heb}{Hebrews,Hebr,Heb,He,Heb*}{Hebräer,Hebr,Heb,He,Heb*}{Hebraeer,Hebr\"aer,Hebr"aer}
+ \addrow{Jas}{James,Jas,Js,Jm,Ja*,Js*,Jm*}{Jakobus,Jak,Jk,Ja,Ja*,Jk*}{}
+ \addrow{1Pet}{1Peter,1Pet,1Pt,1P,1P*}{1Petrus,1Petr,1Pet,1Pt,1P*}{IPeter,IPet,IPt,IP,IP*}
+ \addrow{2Pet}{2Peter,2Pet,2Pt,2P,2P*}{2Petrus,2Petr,2Pet,2Pt,2P*}{IIPeter,IIPet,IIPt,IIP,IIP*}
+ \addrow{1John}{1John,1Joh,1Jo,1Jo*,1Jn*}{1Johannes,1Joh,1Jh,1Jo*,1Jh*}{IJohn,IJoh,IJo,IJo*,IJn*,IJohannes,IJh,IJh*}
+ \addrow{2John}{2John,2Joh,2Jo,2Jo*,2Jn*}{2Johannes,2Joh,2Jh,2Jo*,2Jh*}{IIJohn,IIJoh,IIJo,IIJo*,IIJn*,IIJohannes,IIJh,IIJh*}
+ \addrow{3John}{3John,3Joh,3Jo,3Jo*,3Jn*}{3Johannes,3Joh,3Jh,3Jo*,3Jh*}{IIIJohn,IIIJoh,IIIJo,IIIJo*,IIIJn*,IIIJohannes,IIIJh,IIIJh*}
+ \addrow{Jude}{Jude,Jud,Jude*}{Judas,Jud,Juda*}{}
+ \addrow{Rev}{Revelation,Rev,Rv,Rev*,Rv*}{Offenbarung,Offb,Ofb,Apokalypse,Apok,Apk,Of*,Apok*,Apk*}{}
+ \midrule
+ \addrow{Tob}{Tobit,Tob,To*}{Tobit,Tobias,Tob,To*}{}
+ \addrow{Jdt}{Judith,Jdt,Judi*,Jdt*}{Judit,Judith,Jdt,Judi*,Jdt*}{}
+ \addrow{AddEsth}{GreekEsther,GrEst,AddEst,AdditionstoE*,AdditionsE*,AddE*,GreekE*,GrE*}{StückezuEster,StückeEster,StEst,GrEst,StückezuE*,StückeE*,StE*}{StueckezuE*,StueckeE*,St\"uckezuE*,St\"uckeE*,St"uckezuE*,St"uckeE*,AdditionstoEsther}
+ \addrow{Wis}{Wisdom,WisdomofSolomon,W*}{Weisheit,WeisheitSalomos,Weish,W*}{}
+ \addrow{Sir}{Sirach,Ecclesiasticus,Si*,Ecclesiasti*,Ecclu*}{Sirach,JesusSirach,Si*,JesusS*}{}
+ \addrow{Bar}{Baruch,Ba*}{Baruch,Ba*}{}
+ \addrow{EpJer}{EpistleofJeremiah,EpistleJeremiah,EpJer,EpistleofJer*,EpistleJer*,EpJer*}{BriefdesJeremia,BriefJeremias,BrJer,BriefdesJer*,BriefJer*,BrJer*}{}
+ \addrow{AddDan}{AddDan,GreekDaniel,GrDan,AdditionstoD*,AdditionsD*,AddD*,GreekD*,GrD*}{StückezuDaniel,StückeDaniel,StDan,GrDan,StückezuD*,StückeD*,StD*}{StueckezuD*,StueckeD*,St\"uckezuD*,St\"uckeD*,St"uckezuD*,St"uckeD*,AdditionstoDaniel}
+ \addrow{1Macc}{1Maccabees,1Ma*}{1Makkabäer,1Makk,1Ma*}{IMa*}
+ \addrow{2Macc}{2Maccabees,2Ma*}{2Makkabäer,2Makk,2Ma*}{IIMa*}
+\noindent Some remarks regarding the book name table:
+ \item If an entry ends with a *, you can use any continuation of the given
+ prefix. However, it is recommended that you stick to standard names, as the
+ package might be extended to further languages in the future.
+ \item White space and dots are ignored.
+ \item While the book names are listed by language, they can right now be used
+ in all contexts. There is only one exception: \enquote{Pr} means
+ \emph{Proverbs} in English texts and \emph{\ger{Prediger}=Ecclesiastes}
+ in German texts (the latter requires using the \texttt{babel} package).
+ \item Some German book names include an umlaut (like \enquote{\ger{Römer}}).
+ They can be given in any of the following formats:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\texttt{\color{blue!50!black}Römer}] This is the most convenient, but
+ also the most fragile variant. It requires that the input encoding is
+ \texttt{utf8} or \texttt{latin1}.
+ \item[\texttt{\color{blue!50!black}Roemer}] You can use the ASCII version.
+ \item[\texttt{\color{blue!50!black}R\textbackslash"omer}] You can use \TeX{}
+ umlaut notation.
+ \item[\texttt{\color{blue!50!black}R"omer}] You can use the slightly shorter
+ notation provided by the \texttt{babel} package and its relatives for German
+ languages.
+ \item[\texttt{\color{blue!50!black}Romans}] You can switch to a different
+ language or an abbreviation that does not require an umlaut.
+\subsection{Defining book names}
+If the standard book names listed above are not enough, you can define your own
+book names.
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{(*\param{new book prefix}*)}{(*\param{book name}*)}
+\brpDefineBook{(*\param{new book name}*)}{(*\param{book name}*)}
+Preferably, you define an entire prefix (this is slightly more efficient), and
+use single definitions only if there are several continuations. The \param{book
+ name} should be the one given in the first column of the book name table
+Prefixes always take precedence over single book names. For this reason, you
+might need to undefine them:
+\brpUndefBookPrefix{(*\param{new book prefix}*)}{(*\param{book name}*)}
+\brpUndefBook{(*\param{new book name}*)}{(*\param{book name}*)}
+If you want to provide different meanings of a book name depending on the
+language, you can append your definitions to \texttt{babel}'s
+\texttt{\textbackslash extras\param{lang}} and \texttt{\textbackslash
+ noextras\param{lang}} hooks. See the package source
+\texttt{bibleref-parse.sty} for an example.
+\section{Interface for package authors}
+You can use the parser of book names separately.
+This will set the macro \lstinline|\brp@bk| to the normalised name of the given
+book. The normalised names are listed in the first column in the table above.
+They were chosen according to OSIS naming conventions\footnote{See
+ \url{}, Section~24.}, which in
+turn are based on the \emph{SBL handbook of style}.
+To parse a passage specification, use the following macro.
+\brp@parse{(*\param{passage specification}*)}
+This will set the macro \lstinline|\brp@result| to a sequence of range
+specifications. A range specification has the following form:
+\brp@range{(*\param{book}*)}{(*\param{from chapter}*)}{(*\param{from verse}*)}{(*\param{to chapter}*)}{(*\param{to verse}*)}
+Typically, you will provide a local definition of \lstinline|\brp@range| that
+takes these five parameters when evaluating \lstinline|\brp@result|. The
+parameters are set according to the following conventions:
+ \item If a complete book is specified, the numbers are all empty.
+ \item If a complete from- or to-chapter is specified, the corresponding verse
+ is empty.
+ \item For non-ranges, the from- and to- values will be equal.
+ \item For books consisting of a single chapter, the chapter values will be
+ empty. This affects Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John and 3 John.
+% \appendix
+% \section{Revision history}
+% \subsection*{Version 0.1, 2011-03-25}
+% Initial release.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
+%%% Local IspellDict: british
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref-parse/bibleref-parse.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref-parse/bibleref-parse.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ceded4813a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref-parse/bibleref-parse.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+%% bibleref-parse.sty
+%% Copyright (c) 2011 Sebastian Kuhnert
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+% of this license is at
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2008/05/04 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Sebastian Kuhnert.
+% This work consists of the files listed in README
+\ProvidesPackage{bibleref-parse}[2011/03/29 v1.0 Parsing of Bible references]
+% command definitions
+% dependency handling
+% Booknames and passage description formatting
+% store the option set, provide default
+% options
+\csdef{brp@opt@comma=list}{% always list
+ \def\brp@opt@@comma{list}}
+\csdef{brp@opt@comma=chvsep}{% always separate chapter and verse
+ \def\brp@opt@@comma{chvsep}}
+\csdef{brp@opt@comma=likeBR}{% select chvsep if \BRchvsep contains a "," and list otherwise
+ \def\brp@opt@@comma{likeBR}}
+%\csdef{brp@opt@comma=preferlist}{% synonym for list
+% \def\brp@opt@@comma{preferlist}}
+\csdef{brp@opt@comma=preferchvsep}{% select chvsep unless the passage has a ":"
+ \def\brp@opt@@comma{preferchvsep}}
+\csdef{brp@opt@comma=preferlikeBR}{% select preferchvsep if \BRchvsep contains a "," and list otherwise
+ \def\brp@opt@@comma{preferlikeBR}}
+% process package options package options
+ \ifcsdef{brp@opt@\CurrentOption}{\csuse{brp@opt@\CurrentOption}}{%
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}{unknown option '\CurrentOption'}{}%
+ }}%
+% setting of options
+ \def\do##1{%
+ \ifcsdef{brp@opt@##1}{\csuse{brp@opt@##1}}{%
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}{unknown option '##1'}{}%
+ }}%
+ \docsvlist{#1}%
+% is comma used to separate verses from chapters?
+% setting options in effect
+\csdef{brp@optset@comma=list}{% always list
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaauto}%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commalikeBR}%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaischvsep}}
+\csdef{brp@optset@comma=chvsep}{% always separate chapter and verse
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaauto}%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commalikeBR}%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commaischvsep}}
+\csdef{brp@optset@comma=likeBR}{% select chvsep if \BRchvsep contains a "," and list otherwise
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaauto}%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commalikeBR}}
+%\csdef{brp@optset@comma=preferlist}{% synonym for list
+% \toggletrue{brp@commaauto}%
+% \togglefalse{brp@commalikeBR}%
+% \togglefalse{brp@commapreferchvsep}}
+\csdef{brp@optset@comma=preferchvsep}{% select chvsep unless the passage has a ":"
+ \toggletrue{brp@commaauto}%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commalikeBR}%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commapreferchvsep}}
+\csdef{brp@optset@comma=preferlikeBR}{% select preferchvsep if \BRchvsep contains a "," and list otherwise
+ \toggletrue{brp@commaauto}%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commalikeBR}}
+% apply saved options
+ \csuse{brp@optset@comma=\brp@opt@@comma}%
+% Provide standard OSIS book names as aliases if they are not predefined by bibleref
+ \ifcsundef{#1}{%
+ \csdef{#1}{#2}%
+ }{}%
+% bibleref-german uses \newcommand* to provides \br@ aliases
+% To avoid conflicts, undefine this before it is loaded:
+ \csundef{br@Phlm}%
+ \csundef{br@Tob}%
+ \csundef{br@Sir}%
+ \csundef{br@Bar}%
+% these are not in bibleref.sty
+\brp@providecs{br@AddDan}{\BRadditionsto Daniel}
+\brp@providecs{br@AddEsth}{\BRadditionsto Esther}
+\brp@providecs{br@EpJer}{Epistle of Jeremiah}
+ \def\BRadditionsto{Additions to }%
+ \def\br@AddDan{\BRadditionsto Daniel}%
+ \def\br@AddEsth{\BRadditionsto Esther}%
+ \def\br@EpJer{Epistle of Jeremiah}}
+ \def\BRadditionsto{Add\BRperiod~}%
+ \def\br@AddDan{\BRadditionsto Dn\BRperiod}%
+ \def\br@AddEsth{\BRadditionsto Est\BRperiod}%
+ \def\br@EpJer{Ep\BRperiod Jer\BRperiod}}
+ \def\BRadditionsto{Add\BRperiod~}%
+ \def\br@AddDan{\BRadditionsto Dan\BRperiod}%
+ \def\br@AddEsth{\BRadditionsto Esther\BRperiod}%
+ \def\br@EpJer{Ep\BRperiod Jer\BRperiod}}
+ \preto\brg@fullname{%
+ \def\BRadditionsto{St\"ucke zu }%
+ \def\br@AddDan{\BRadditionsto Daniel}%
+ \def\br@AddEsth{\BRadditionsto Esther}%
+ \def\br@EpJer{\BRder Brief des Jeremia}}%
+ \preto\brg@abbrvname{%
+ \def\BRadditionsto{St\BRperiod{} }%
+ \def\br@AddDan{\BRadditionsto Dan\BRperiod}%
+ \def\br@AddEsth{\BRadditionsto Est\BRperiod}%
+ \def\br@EpJer{Br\BRperiod Jer\BRperiod}}%
+% define book names and prefixes
+ \csdef{brp@bkp@\detokenize{#1}}{#2}}
+ \csundef{brp@bkp@\detokenize{#1}}}
+ \csdef{brp@bk@\detokenize{#1}}{#2}}
+ \csundef{brp@bk@\detokenize{#1}}}
+% default book prefixes and names
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{1K^^c3^^b6}{1Kgs}% utf8 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{1K^^f6}{1Kgs}% latin1 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{IK^^c3^^b6}{1Kgs}% utf8 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{IK^^f6}{1Kgs}% latin1 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{2K^^c3^^b6}{2Kgs}% utf8 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{2K^^f6}{2Kgs}% latin1 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{IIK^^c3^^b6}{2Kgs}% utf8 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{IIK^^f6}{2Kgs}% latin1 \"o
+ \appto\extrasngerman{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Eccl}}
+ \appto\extrasgerman{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Eccl}}
+ \appto\extrasnaustrian{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Eccl}}
+ \appto\extrasaustrian{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Eccl}}
+ \appto\noextrasngerman{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Prov}}
+ \appto\noextrasgerman{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Prov}}
+ \appto\noextrasnaustrian{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Prov}}
+ \appto\noextrasaustrian{\brpDefineBook{Pr}{Prov}}
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{Jo^^c3^^ab}{Joel}% utf \"e
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{Jo^^eb}{Joel}% latin1 \"e
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{R^^c3^^b6}{Rom}% utf8 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{R^^f6}{Rom}% latin1 \"o
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^c3^^bcckezuD}{AddDan}% utf8 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^fcckezuD}{AddDan}% latin1 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^c3^^bcckeD}{AddDan}% utf8 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^fcckeD}{AddDan}% latin1 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^c3^^bcckezuE}{AddEsth}% utf8 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^fcckezuE}{AddEsth}% latin1 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^c3^^bcckeE}{AddEsth}% utf8 \"u
+\brpDefineBookPrefix{St^^fcckeE}{AddEsth}% latin1 \"u
+% \brp@ifdigit{char}{true}{false}
+ \ifboolexpe{ not ( test{\ifnumcomp{`#1}{<}{`0}} or test{\ifnumcomp{`#1}{>}{`9}} ) }%
+% The main macro:
+% \brp@parse{passagedesc}
+% This will set \brp@result to a sequence of
+% \brp@range{bookname}{from-chapter}{from-verse}{to-chapter}{to-verse}
+% If a complete book is specified, the numbers are all empty.
+% If a complete from-/to-chapter is specified, the corresponding verse is empty.
+% For non-ranges, the from- and to- values will be equal.
+% For books consisting of a single chapter, the chapter values will be 0.
+% When expanding \brp@result, set \brp@range to a suitable handler
+ % load saved options (not in group ...)
+ \brp@applyoptions
+ % process options
+ \def\do##1{%
+ \ifcsdef{brp@optset@##1}{\csuse{brp@optset@##1}}{%
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}{unknown option '##1'}{}%
+ }}%
+ \docsvlist{#1}%
+ % determine what to do with a comma
+ \iftoggle{brp@commaauto}{%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commalikeBR}{%
+ \brp@ifsubstring{,}{\BRchvsep}{%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commapreferchvsep}%
+ }{%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commapreferchvsep}%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commapreferchvsep}{%
+ \brp@ifsubstring{:}{#2}{%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaischvsep}%
+ }{%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commaischvsep}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaischvsep}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commalikeBR}{%
+ \brp@ifsubstring{,}{\BRchvsep}{%
+ \toggletrue{brp@commaischvsep}%
+ }{%
+ \togglefalse{brp@commaischvsep}%
+ }%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ % initialisation
+ \let\brp@result\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@book\@empty
+ % the actual parsing
+ \expandafter\brp@parse@book #2\brp@endlist
+% helper macro to determine if a string has a substring
+% \brp@ifsubstring{substring}{string}{true}{false}
+ \def\brp@@test##1#1##2##3\brp@endlist{%
+ \ifstrequal{##2}{\brp@marker}{\@secondoftwo}{\@firstoftwo}}%
+ \expandafter\brp@@test #2#1\brp@marker\brp@endlist
+% special marker for above detection macro
+% end-of-passagedesc marker
+% The following macros parse a passagedesc step by step
+% and store the resulting ranges in \brp@result
+% expect a book name
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ % reference to a complete book
+ \brp@bookname{\brp@data@book}%
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}{}{}{}{}}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom=\@empty
+ \else
+ \ifx\brp@data@book\@empty
+ % always take the first char as part of the bookname, even if it is a digit
+ \def\brp@data@book{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book%
+ \else%
+ % nonempty: read up to first digit
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart=\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart=\@empty
+ % skip to verse parsing for one-chapter books
+ \brp@bookname{\brp@data@book}%
+ \def\tempa{Obad}\ifx\tempa\brp@bk
+ \def\brp@data@chapter{0}\def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse #1}\else
+ \def\tempa{Phlm}\ifx\tempa\brp@bk
+ \def\brp@data@chapter{0}\def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse #1}\else
+ \def\tempa{2John}\ifx\tempa\brp@bk
+ \def\brp@data@chapter{0}\def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse #1}\else
+ \def\tempa{3John}\ifx\tempa\brp@bk
+ \def\brp@data@chapter{0}\def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse #1}\else
+ % else switch to chapter mode
+ \let\brp@data@chapter=\@empty
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@chapter #1}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }{%
+ \if;#1%
+ % reference to a complete book
+ \brp@bookname{\brp@data@book}%
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}{}{}{}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@book\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book
+ \else\if+#1%
+ % reference to a complete book
+ \brp@bookname{\brp@data@book}%
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}{}{}{}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@book\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book
+ \else
+ % append char to bookname
+ \appto\brp@data@book{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book
+ \fi\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% expect a chapter number
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to a single, complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \else
+ % reference range which ends with a complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom=\@empty
+ \else
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ % append char to chapter
+ \appto\brp@data@chapter{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapter
+ }{%
+ \if,#1%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commaischvsep}{%
+ \let\brp@data@verse=\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ }{%
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to a single, complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \else
+ % reference range which ends with a complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapter
+ }%
+ \else\if:#1%
+ \let\brp@data@verse=\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ \else\if;#1%
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to a single, complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \else
+ % reference range which ends with a complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapter
+ \else\if+#1%
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to a single, complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \else
+ % reference range which ends with a complete chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapter
+ \else\if-#1%
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty%
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\brp@data@chapter
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapter
+ \else
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}%
+ {unsupported syntax: chapter-number followed by #1}%
+ {A chapter-number must be followed by one of ',:;+-' or end-of-string}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom=\@empty
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% expect a verse number
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom=\@empty
+ \else
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ % append char to verse
+ \appto\brp@data@verse{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ }{%
+ \if#1.%
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ \else\if#1+%
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapterorverse
+ \else\if#1-%
+ \let\brp@data@versestart=\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse=\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart=\brp@data@chapter
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ \else\if#1,%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commaischvsep}{%
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}%
+ {unsupported syntax: unexpected use of "," to list verses}%
+ {See the documentation of the 'comma=' options for details.}%
+ }{%
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ }%
+ \else\if#1;%
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapter
+ \else
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}%
+ {unsupported syntax: verse-number followed by '#1'}%
+ {A verse-number must be followed by one of ',.+-;' or end-of-string.}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% expect a verse number which might later turn out to be a chapter number
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ % it was a verse.
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom=\@empty
+ \else
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ % append char to verse
+ \appto\brp@data@verse{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ }{%
+ \if#1.%
+ % it was a verse.
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ \else\if#1+%
+ % it was a verse.
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapterorverse
+ \else\if#1-%
+ % assume it was a verse.
+ \let\brp@data@versestart=\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse=\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart=\brp@data@chapter
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ \else\if,#1%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commaischvsep}{%
+ % our hypothesis was wrong - we were actually looking at a chapter
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ }{%
+ % assume it was a verse.
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ }%
+ \else\if:#1%
+ % our hypothesis was wrong - we were actually looking at a chapter
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ \else\if;#1%
+ % assume it was a verse.
+ \ifx\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ % reference to single verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \else
+ % reference starting with a complete different chapter
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % reference starting with another verse
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapterstart}{\brp@data@versestart}{\brp@data@chapter}{\brp@data@verse}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapter
+ \else
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}%
+ {unsupported syntax: unexpected token '#1'}%
+ {Expected one of ',.+-;:' or end-of-string.}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% expect a verse number which might later turn out to be a chapter number or book name
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ % it was a verse.
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse\brp@endlist}%
+ \else
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ \ifx\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ % this might still be the digit at the start of a bookname.
+ \def\brp@data@verse{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapterorverse
+ \else
+ % it was a chapter or a verse.
+ \appto\brp@data@verse{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ \if#1.%
+ % it is a verse or a book - find out with the next char
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorverse
+ \else\if#1+%
+ % it was a verse.
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse +}%
+ \else\if#1-%
+ % assume it was a verse.
+ \let\brp@data@versestart=\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse=\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart=\brp@data@chapter
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapterorverse
+ \else\if,#1%
+ \iftoggle{brp@commaischvsep}{%
+ % our hypothesis was wrong - we were actually looking at a chapter
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ }{%
+ % assume it was a verse.
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse ,}%
+ }%
+ \else\if:#1%
+ % our hypothesis was wrong - we were actually looking at a chapter
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\brp@data@verse
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@verse
+ \else\if;#1%
+ % assume it was a verse.
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse ,}%
+ \else
+ % our hypothesis was wrong - we are looking at a book name
+ \edef\brp@data@book{\brp@data@verse #1}%
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% decide if the current contents of \brp@data@verse is a verse or the start of a
+% book name
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}%
+ {unsupported syntax: unexpected end-of-string.}%
+ {After a '.' a verse number or the continuation of a bookname is expected.}%
+ \else
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ % it was a verse.
+ \edef\brp@data@book{\brp@data@verse #1}%
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@verse .#1}%
+ }{%
+ % it was a book.
+ \edef\brp@data@book{\brp@data@verse #1}%
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% expect a chapter number which might turn out to be a book name
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}%
+ {unsupported syntax: unexpected end-of-string.}%
+ {After a ';' a chapter-number or bookname is expected.}%
+ \else
+ % it was a chapter. reference it completely.
+ \eappto\brp@result{\noexpand\brp@range{\brp@bk}%
+ {\brp@data@chapter}{}{\brp@data@chapter}{}}%
+ \let\brp@data@verse\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@versestart\@empty
+ \let\brp@data@chapterstart\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom=\@empty
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \brp@ifdigit{#1}{%
+ \ifx\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ % this might still be the digit at the start of a bookname.
+ \def\brp@data@chapter{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@bookorchapter
+ \else
+ % it was a chapter.
+ \appto\brp@data@chapter{#1}%
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@chapter
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ % catch the remaining cases where we were looking at a chapter
+ \if#1,%
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@chapter ,}%
+ \else\if#1:%
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@chapter :}%
+ \else\if#1-%
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@chapter -}%
+ \else\if#1;%
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@chapter ;}%
+ \else\if#1+%
+ \def\brp@nextcom{\brp@parse@chapter +}%
+ \else
+ % our hypothesis was wrong - we were actually looking at a book
+ \edef\brp@data@book{\brp@data@chapter #1}%
+ \let\brp@data@chapter\@empty
+ \let\brp@nextcom\brp@parse@book
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \brp@nextcom
+% \brp@bookname{book}
+% This sets \brp@bk to the canonical OSIS name of the given book.
+% It should work for all English and German naming variants and their abbreviations.
+ \let\brp@book=\@empty
+ \edef\brp@temp{#1}%
+ \expandafter\brp@parsebook\brp@temp\brp@endlist
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ \ifcsdef{brp@bk@\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\brp@book}}{%
+ \letcs\brp@bk{brp@bk@\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\brp@book}}%
+ }{%
+ \PackageError{bibleref-parse}{unknown bookname '\brp@book'}{}%
+ % leave it non-canonical and hope for the best ...
+ \let\brp@bk\brp@book%
+ }%
+ \let\brp@next\relax
+ \else
+ \if.#1\else
+ \appto\brp@book{#1}%
+ \ifcsdef{brp@bkp@\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\brp@book}}{%
+ \edef\brp@bk{\csuse{brp@bkp@\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\brp@book}}}%
+ \let\brp@next\brp@gobblelist
+ }{%
+ \let\brp@next\brp@parsebook
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \brp@next
+% helper macro to skip the rest of the bookname once we have identified it
+ \ifx#1\brp@endlist
+ \let\brp@next=\@empty
+ \else
+ \let\brp@next=\brp@gobblelist
+ \fi
+ \brp@next
+% Convert \brp@result to a list of bibleref calls with compact arguments.
+% The result is stored in \brp@brlist. \brp@do is used as command and should be
+% \let to \bibleref or the like before evaluating \brp@brlist.
+ \def\brp@brlist{}%
+ \let\brp@lastbook\@empty
+ \let\brp@lastchap\@empty
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \let\brp@range\brp@convert@range
+ \brp@result
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \appto\brp@brlist{\relax}%
+ \undef\brp@lastbook
+ \undef\brp@lastchap
+ \undef\brp@chaplist
+ \undef\brp@verselist
+ \undef\brp@range
+ \undef\brp@startchap
+ \undef\brp@startverse
+ \undef\brp@endchap
+ \undef\brp@endverse
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@chaplist}{%
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@verselist}{}{%
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@chaplist:\brp@verselist)}}%
+ }{%
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@chaplist:\brp@verselist)}}%
+% helper macro for \brp@convert that does the real work
+ \ifdefstring{\brp@lastbook}{#1}{}{%
+ % different books: start a new command
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@lastbook}{}{%
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \appto\brp@brlist{\BRbksep}%
+ }%
+ \appto\brp@brlist{\brp@do{#1}}%
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \def\brp@lastbook{#1}%
+ \def\brp@lastchap{}%
+ }%
+ \ifstrequal{#2}{0}{%
+ % special handling for single-chapter books
+ \def\brp@startchap{#3}%
+ \def\brp@startverse{}%
+ \def\brp@endchap{#5}%
+ \def\brp@endverse{}%
+ }{%
+ \def\brp@startchap{#2}%
+ \def\brp@startverse{#3}%
+ \def\brp@endchap{#4}%
+ \def\brp@endverse{#5}%
+ }%
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@lastchap}{\brp@startchap}{%
+ % we start in the same chapter where we left before
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startchap}{\brp@endchap}{%
+ % ... and we remain there
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startverse}{\brp@endverse}{%
+ % add just one verse
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@verselist}{%
+ % strange. better start a new paren ...
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \let\brp@chaplist\brp@startchap%
+ \let\brp@verselist\brp@startverse%
+ }{%
+ % add to already begun list
+ \eappto\brp@verselist{,\brp@startverse}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ % add a verse range
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@verselist}{%
+ % strange. better start a new paren ...
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \let\brp@chaplist\brp@startchap%
+ \edef\brp@verselist{\brp@startverse-\brp@endverse}%
+ }{%
+ \eappto\brp@verselist{,\brp@startverse-\brp@endverse}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ % we have a range over multiple chapters, starting in the current one
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@verselist}{%
+ % strange. better start a new paren ...
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \let\brp@chaplist\brp@startchap%
+ \let\brp@verselist\brp@startverse%
+ }{%
+ \eappto\brp@verselist{,\brp@startverse}%
+ }%
+ % now to our target
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@chaplist:\brp@verselist)-(\brp@endchap:\brp@endverse)}%
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \def\brp@lastchap{}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ % we start in a different chapter
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@verselist}{%
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@startverse}{%
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@chaplist}{}{%
+ % \appto\brp@chaplist{,}
+ % due to a bug in bibleref, we need to start a new paren
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \let\brp@verselist\@empty
+ \let\brp@chaplist\@empty
+ }%
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@endverse}{%
+ % no verses known, just append the chapters.
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startchap}{\brp@endchap}{%
+ % single chapter
+ \eappto\brp@chaplist{\brp@startchap}%
+ }{%
+ % chapter range
+ \eappto\brp@chaplist{\brp@startchap-\brp@endchap}%
+ }%
+ \let\brp@lastchap\brp@endchap%
+ }{%
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@chaplist\brp@startchap:)-(\brp@endchap:\brp@endverse)}%
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \def\brp@lastchap{}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startchap}{\brp@endchap}{%
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \let\brp@chaplist\brp@startchap%
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startverse}{\brp@endverse}{%
+ \let\brp@verselist\brp@startverse%
+ }{%
+ \edef\brp@verselist{\brp@startverse-\brp@endverse}%
+ }%
+ \let\brp@lastchap\brp@endchap%
+ }{%
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@startchap:\brp@startverse)-(\brp@endchap:\brp@endverse)}%
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \def\brp@lastchap{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \brp@convert@clearcache
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startchap}{\brp@endchap}{%
+ % we stay in one chapter
+ \let\brp@chaplist\brp@startchap%
+ \ifdefequal{\brp@startverse}{\brp@endverse}{%
+ % single verse
+ \let\brp@verselist\brp@startverse%
+ }{%
+ % verse range
+ \edef\brp@verselist{\brp@startverse-\brp@endverse}%
+ }%
+ \let\brp@lastchap\brp@endchap%
+ }{%
+ % we span several chapters
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@startverse}{%
+ \ifdefempty{\brp@endverse}{%
+ % no verses given: compact chapter range
+ \edef\brp@chaplist{\brp@startchap-\brp@endchap}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \let\brp@lastchap\brp@endchap%
+ }{%
+ % only to-verse given
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@startchap:)-(\brp@endchap:\brp@endverse)}%
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \def\brp@lastchap{}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \eappto\brp@brlist{(\brp@startchap:\brp@startverse)-(\brp@endchap:\brp@endverse)}%
+ \def\brp@chaplist{}%
+ \def\brp@verselist{}%
+ \def\brp@lastchap{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \brp@parse[#1]{#2}%
+ \brp@convert%
+ \let\brp@do\bibleverse%
+ \brp@brlist
+ \brp@parse[#1]{#2}%
+ \brp@convert%
+ \let\brp@do\ibibleverse%
+ \brp@brlist
+ \brp@parse[#1]{#2}%
+ \brp@convert%
+ \let\brp@do\ibiblechvs%
+ \brp@brlist
+ \brp@parse[#1]{#2}%
+ \brp@convert%
+ \let\brp@do\ibiblevs%
+ \brp@brlist
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 0db81060c41..dc1e4f30407 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
biblatex biblatex-apa biblatex-chem biblatex-chicago
biblatex-dw biblatex-historian biblatex-ieee biblatex-mla biblatex-nature
biblatex-philosophy biblatex-science
- bibleref bibleref-french bibleref-german biblist bibtex bibtopic
+ bibleref bibleref-french bibleref-german bibleref-parse
+ biblist bibtex bibtopic
bibtopicprefix bibexport bibunits
bidi bigfoot bigints binomexp biocon bizcard
blacklettert1 blindtext blkarray block blockdraw_mp blowup
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/bibleref-parse.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/bibleref-parse.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/bibleref-parse.tlpsrc
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-humanities.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-humanities.tlpsrc
index a92149f7c5f..70b17e3f27a 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-humanities.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-humanities.tlpsrc
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ longdesc humanities, etc.
depend alnumsec
depend arydshln
depend bibleref
+depend bibleref-parse
depend covington
depend dramatist
depend ecltree