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+% (C) Lars Madsen,, 2011/12/01
+% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
+% See
+% for the details of that license.
+Where I work statisticians mostly use SAS and R when doing
+calculations or simulations. Thus they need to be able to import
+results or source code into their LaTeX projects.
+This package is an extension to an earlier (unreleased) package which
+only handled SAS. The package simply serve as a sort of front end to
+the listings package, creating some new lstlisting like environments
+and import macros similar to \lstinputlisting.
+All configuration is handled via a hierarchy of listings style.
+The is package also capable of overloading the Sweave and SASweave
+* First public release
+/Lars Madsen
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+% $LastChangedDate: 2011-11-30 15:23:55 +0100 (Wed, 30 Nov 2011) $
+% $LastChangedRevision: 1444 $
+% $LastChangedBy: daleif $
+ listparindent=\parindent,
+ parsep=0pt,
+%\setlength\cftbeforechapterskip{0em plus 0.2em}
+ {\footnotesize\href{}{#1\:{\mypath{#2}}}}%
+ {\footnotesize\href{}{\textsf{CTAN:}~{\mypath{#1}}}}}
+ \definecolor{felinesrcbgcolor}{rgb}{0.94,0.97,1}
+ \definecolor{felineframe}{rgb}{0.79,0.88,1}
+ font=small,
+ labelfont=bf
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+ breaklines,
+ breakatwhitespace,
+ columns=flexible,
+ backgroundcolor=\color{BrickRed!10},
+ rulecolor=\color{BrickRed},
+ frame=single,
+ framesep=0.25em,
+ escapeinside=||,
+ style=Show,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\normalsize\color{BrickRed},
+ style=Show,#1
+ \begingroup
+ \Needspace{4\onelineskip}
+ \ifblank{#2}{
+ \lstinputlisting[style=Show,
+ rangeprefix=\%\ ,
+ includerangemarker=false,
+ linerange=#1-end\ #1,
+ columns=fixed,
+ xleftmargin=0.5em,
+ framexleftmargin=0.5em,
+ ]{\NAME}
+ }{
+ \lstinputlisting[style=Show,
+ rangeprefix=\%\ ,
+ includerangemarker=false,
+ linerange=#1-end\ #1,
+ title={Style: #2},
+ columns=fixed,
+ xleftmargin=0.5em,
+ framexleftmargin=0.5em,
+ ]{\NAME}}
+ \endgroup
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \subsubsection*{\textnormal{\textit{\color{BrickRed}#1}}}
+ \phantomsection
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#1}
+ \lstset{style=Show,gobble=2,columns=fixed,#1}
+\title{The \textsf{SASnRdisplay} package}
+\author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Email:}}
+The \pkg package acts as a frontend to the versatile \texttt{listings}
+package in order assist the user in typesetting \SAS or
+\R code or output. The package replaces the similar
+\texttt{SASdisplay} package, which was only available to my local
+Please be aware that \pkg is \emph{not} fully compatible with
+\texttt{SASdisplay}, the default settings are different and some
+macros are named differently.
+I'd like to thank Ulrike Fischer for hints about some very useful
+features in the \texttt{caption} package, Heiko Oberdiek for his help
+with \texttt{hyperref} details. Plus a thanks to Jørgen Granfeldt and
+Preben Blæsild for answering my various questions about details within
+the \R or \SAS languages.
+\subsubsection*{Loaded package}
+The following packages will be loaded (without any options): \texttt{listings},
+\texttt{xkeyval}, \texttt{xcolor}, \texttt{etoolbox},
+\texttt{caption}, \texttt{needspace}. If you need to pass options to
+these packages, load them \emph{before} the \pkg package.
+Each environment support an optional \oarg{option} argument. The
+\meta{option} part should be listings related configuration.
+\item[SAScode, SAScode*]
+ For typesetting \SAS code. The starred version is not automatically
+ numbered.
+\item[SASoutput, SASoutput*]
+ Similar for \SAS output. Note that it might be an idea to decrease the
+ width of the \SAS output from within the \SAS programme.
+\item[Rcode, Rcode*]
+ Typesets \R code
+\item[Routput, Routput*]
+ Typesets \R output
+\section{Input from external files}
+General syntax:
+ \cs{macro}\oarg{options}\marg{filename}
+Available macros:
+\item[\cs{inputSAScode}, \cs{inputSAScode*}]
+Similar to the SAScode(*) environment, but get the data from external file.
+\item[\cs{inputSASoutput}, \cs{inputSASoutput*}]
+Similar to the SASoutput(*) environment.
+\item[\cs{inputRcode}, \cs{inputRcode*}]
+Similar to the Rcode(*) environment.
+\item[\cs{inputRoutput}, \cs{inputRoutput*}]
+Similar to the Rcode(*) environment.
+To typeset inline sniplets we provide
+They both behave like \cs{verb}, thus one can write
+ \cs{Rinline}\oarg{options}\verb+|x <- 34|+
+Note that for \verb|\SASinline|, key words are marked, i.e.\ it is
+\SAS aware. This is not the case for \R.
+\section{Package options}
+ Loads Danish translations for some keywords. (Executed by default)
+\item[english] Similar for English.
+% \item[babel] Adding this option and we will bind the four \cs{}
+% macros to their respective languages, i.e. automatically use
+% \cs{addto}\cs{captionsX}. This will require that \pkg is loaded
+% \emph{after} \texttt{babel}.
+\item[grayscale] Changes some build in colors to monochrome.
+\item[countbysection] Force counters to be dominated by the section counter.
+\item[countbychapter] Force counters to be dominated by the chapter
+ counter. This is the default if \cs{chapter} exist, otherwise
+ \texttt{countbysection} will be used.
+\item[consecutive] Use this if you just want consecutive
+ numbering throughout, that is the number of say \SAS code, is not
+ reset at every new chapter or section.
+\item[noautotitles-r, noautotitles-sas] Do not automatically add a
+ number to any of the code and outputs. It can still be added
+ manually by using the \texttt{caption=\marg{text}} option.
+ This issue a \cs{needspace}\marg{length} before each code or output
+ environmnt or inclusion macro. It will ensure that if there is less
+ than \meta{length} space left on the page, a page break is issued
+ before the construction start.
+ This feature is enabled by default with a default \meta{length} of
+ \verb|3\baselineskip|.
+\item[noneedspace] This disables the \texttt{needspace} feature.
+\item[sweave] Overloads the \sweave package, i.e.\ it makes
+ the \texttt{Sinput} and \texttt{Scode} environments behave as the
+ \texttt{Rcode} environment , and the \texttt{Soutput} like the
+ \texttt{Routput} environment.
+ If \texttt{Sinput} should have a slightly different look than
+ \texttt{Rcode}, then use the \texttt{Sinput} style to add your extra
+ configuration. (The \sweave package typesets the contents of the
+ \texttt{Sinput} env to be in the typewriter/monospace font plus
+ italic, whereas we just set it in typewriter/monospace.)
+\item[sasweave] Similar for the sasweave package, adding this options,
+ we will overwrite \texttt{SASinput}, \texttt{SASoutput} and
+ \texttt{SAScode} environments with our versions. Note you will have
+ to load \pkg \emph{after} the \texttt{SasWeave}
+ package.\footnote{Because \texttt{SasWeave} use the same environment
+ names as we do.}
+ Please note: This option has \emph{not} been throughly
+ tested. Please let me know if it works as advertised.
+\item[\meta{other}] Other options will be passed on to the
+ \texttt{listings} package.
+As a frontend to listings, the configuration is based upon listings
+\emph{styles}, i.e.\ collections of listings configurations. These are
+applied in left to right fashion, the last configuration loaded takes
+These macros holds the titles for the four types of displays. English:
+And for Danish:
+Note if you are using \texttt{babel} and the \texttt{babel} option to
+\pkg, then these names are added to the language setup, and thus if
+you want to change then you will have to add your changes to the
+language setup as well.
+\section{Handling listings configuration of our environments and macros}
+The listings configuration we use in this package is based on the
+listings concept of \emph{styles}. A style is basically just giving a
+collection of listings key-value sets a more convenient name. At first
+glance, this may seem a tedious method for configuration instead of
+giving various features macro names and letting the user change those
+macros. Been there, done that. Given the shear number of
+\texttt{listings} options, this would make configuration very un-flexible.
+The general listings syntax for styles is
+ \lstdefinestyle|\marg{name}|{
+ |\meta{key-value set}|
+ }
+One drawback is that if \meta{name} already exist, then you will
+replace the contents of this style. Currently there is \emph{no}
+manner in which to \emph{add} to a style.
+Thus it is a rather bad idea to provide the configuration as one long
+style, because then changing a small thing, would require the user to
+retype the rest of the configuration. Instead we split the
+configuration into smaller themed pieces. The user then have a choice
+of either overwriting one of these pieces or override a special user
+style which is executed as the last style (and thus overwrites any
+former style).
+The settings can be seen in section~\ref{cha:defa-list-style}. The
+styles are broken into smaller pieces. In some cases it make sense to
+change one of these smaller pieces, in other cases it is easier to
+add stuff to the provided \texttt{\meta{name}-\meta{type}-user}
+\section{Configuration FAQ/Examples}
+Here follows a list of FAQs as to how one would make some
+configuration changes. Again we remind the user, that it is not
+possible to add to a \texttt{listings} style. Thus you will have to
+add all your setting for, say, \texttt{r-user}, into one single call
+to \cs{lstdefinestyle}.
+The default colors are \texttt{SnRFrame} \showcolor{SnRFrame} for the
+frame, and \texttt{SnRBG} \showcolor{SnRBG} for the background. If the
+\texttt{grayscale} option is used, the mentioned colored are mapped on
+to \texttt{SnRFrameGray} \showcolor{SnRFrameGray} and \texttt{SnRBGGray}
+\begin{question}{I'd like other colors}
+ We automatically load the \texttt{xcolor} package for colors, so we
+ refer that package for details. If you just want to change, say, the
+ background color, try (\texttt{after} \pkg)
+ \begin{solution}
+ \definecolor{SnRBG}{gray}{0.8}
+ \end{solution}
+ for a gray tone (1 means white). If one loads the \texttt{xcolor}
+ package \emph{before} \pkg, then one can pass certain options to it
+ and get access to a lot of color names, a survey of these can be
+ found in the \texttt{xcolor} manual, \cite{xcolor}.
+ The two default colores are defined as
+ \begin{solution}
+ \definecolor{SnRBG} {rgb}{0.94,0.97,1}
+ \definecolor{SnRFrame}{rgb}{0.79,0.88,1}
+ \end{solution}
+\begin{question}{I'd like different colors for code and output}
+ Since the \texttt{\meta{name}-\meta{type}-user} styles are executed
+ at the very end of the configuration, it will be suitable to add
+ them there. Here is how to make the \SAS code have a blue background
+ while leaving the \SAS output with the default.
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{sas-code-user}{
+ backgroundcolor = \color{blue},
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ Note: Remember that there will only be one \texttt{sas-code-user},
+ thus if you have several configurations to add to it, collect them
+ in one such \cs{lstdefinestyle}.
+\begin{question}{How about the color of the text}
+ This can be seen in three different ways: regular text, comments and
+ keyword. (In our case keywords only apply to \SAS code.) This means
+ that colors will have to be inserted into say the
+ \texttt{basicstyle} key to change the basic font color. Here is
+ instead how to make all \SAS comments green, note that we have to
+ copy the rest of the font settings for \SAS comments, as we cannot
+ add to a setting.
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{sas-code-user}{
+ commentstyle = \normalfont\slshape\ttfamily\footnotesize\color{green},
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ When dealing with \SAS keywords one can even add different colors to separate
+ groups of keywords, though this is a bit out of our scope in this manual.
+Listings supports a number of different types of frames, see the
+manual (\cite{listings}) for details.
+\begin{question}{I like the settings from the old \protect\texttt{SASdisplay}
+ package with the line above and below}
+ Here we choose to simply overwrite a \texttt{frame} style.
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-frame}{
+ frame = lines,
+ framesep = 0.5em,
+ framerule = 1mm, % thickness of the rule
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+\begin{question}{No rules}
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-frame}{}
+ \end{solution}
+A user may want to experiment with the keys
+\texttt{x\meta{left|right}margin} and
+\texttt{framex\meta{left|right|\allowbreak top|\allowbreak bottom}margin}.
+This is not a configuration as such but rather a hint to how one adds
+a caption.
+If the \texttt{noautotitles} is not activated, all non-starred
+environments and input macros will get an automatic caption, including
+a number. If one wish to add extra text use the following to the
+options of the environment or input macro.
+ caption=|\marg{My text}|
+Remember the \texttt{\{\}} pair around the text.
+In this version of \pkg `list of \dots' are not supported due to
+technical difficulties.
+If you want to configure captions related to \texttt{listings}, please
+ \captionsetup[lstlisting]{|\meta{options}|}
+For example, in this document we use
+ \captionsetup[lstlisting]{
+ font=small,
+ labelfont=bf
+ }
+to make the label text bold, and the entire caption text in \cs{small}.
+Note that numbered construction without a caption are typeset as
+\verb|Name Num|, with a caption this change into \verb|Name Num: Caption|.
+\begin{question}{I do not like numbers, but I'd like to add some
+ titling info for some of my code.}
+ If you do not want to use the auto numbering scheme, then use the
+ \texttt{noautotitles-sas} or \texttt{noautotitles-r} package
+ options. Then to add just a title, add the following to the
+ \meta{options}
+ \begin{solution}
+ title={My title text}
+ \end{solution}
+ It is simular to the \texttt{caption} option, but has no numbers or
+ preceeding text.
+\begin{question}{How do I refer to code or output?}
+ First of all, as with floats, it is the caption that provide the
+ number that one can refer to. So as long as the code or output is
+ numbered, then one can just add
+ \begin{Show}
+ label=|\meta{keyname}|
+ \end{Show}
+ to the environment or inclusion macro \meta{options}.
+ You can of course also add a label even if it is not numbered, then
+ \cs{ref}\marg{key} will just not be weldefined. But
+ \cs{pageref}\marg{key} will!
+\begin{question}{In a presentaion, I'd like to highlight a word}
+ See the \texttt{emph} and \texttt{emphstyle} keys. Here is an
+ example.
+ \begin{solution}
+ \begin{SAScode*}[emph={INSIGHT},emphstyle=\color{red}\bfseries]
+ PROC INSIGHT DATA data=fisk;
+ \end{SAScode*}
+ \end{solution}
+ resulting in
+ \begin{SAScode*}[emph={INSIGHT},emphstyle=\color{red}\bfseries,gobble=2]
+ PROC INSIGHT DATA data=fisk;
+ \end{SAScode*}
+\begin{question}{How do I disable the keyword marking?}
+ You could either specify en empty language, i.e.\ \texttt{language=}
+ to eithor the \meta{options} or to a global style.
+ Or you could redefine the keyword style:
+ \begin{solution}
+ keywordstyle=
+ \end{solution}
+\begin{question}{I typeset SAS code, but keywords are not being marked!?}
+ This is usually because the mono space font (i.e.\ the font behind
+ \cs{ttfamily}) does not support boldface (as that is the default
+ manner which we mark keywords).
+ One such example is the default \LaTeX\ font: Computer Modern. Its
+ mono space has no bold version.
+ Solutions: see
+ \url{}, you will
+ need to look for fonts that are shown to support
+ \cs{bfseries}.
+ In this manual we use \texttt{beramono}. Another interesting
+ solution is to use
+ \begin{solution}
+ \renewcommand\ttdefault{txtt}
+ \end{solution}
+\subsection*{Escape to \LaTeX}
+This is a very handy feature and can e.g.\ be used to get formatted
+\LaTeX\ code inside, say, a comment. For example using
+ escapeinside=||,
+means that if one write \verb+|$a_{ij}$|+ in a comment one would get
+$a_{ij}$ typeset in the output.
+A feature like this is \emph{not} enabled by default. Though a user
+can always add it globally to the settings of his/her document, say using
+ \lstdefinestyle{sas-code-user}{
+ escapeinside=||,
+ }
+It does not have to be >>\texttt{|}<< that is the escape character.
+It can be locally disabled by adding
+ escapeinside={},
+in the \meta{options} for the environment or the input macro.
+The \texttt{listings} manual, \cite[section~4.14]{listings} list other
+features related to escaping back to normal \LaTeX\ formatting.
+\subsection*{Input encodings}
+\begin{question}{I keep getting errors when I include my program,
+ something about undefined chars!?}
+ There are two things at play here: firstly \texttt{listings} does
+ not support two-byte UTF8 (\texttt{listings} need to do a lot of
+ parsing, that and parsing may break when dealing with two-byte
+ UTF8), secondly one may have a situation where the main document
+ encoding is different from the encoding being used in code filers
+ being included.
+ Let us try and handle the later first. We assume you are using the
+ \texttt{inputenc} package. Then one can specify that, say, all code
+ should be interpreted with, say, the \texttt{latin1} encoding. Here
+ is how for included \SAS code:
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{sas-include-code-user}{
+ inputencoding=latin1
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ \fancybreak{}
+ The other situation, i.e.\ the included\footnote{The solution is
+ only available for included files.} file is written in UTF8. Here
+ a solution exist if the two-byte UTF8 file, can safely be
+ transformed into a one-byte encoding such as \texttt{latin1}. And
+ example of this could be the situation with an \R file, written in
+ UTF8, including the Danish vowels æøå, but other that those only US
+ ascii is being used. A file like this can easily be recoded as a
+ \texttt{latin1} based file.
+ There is a package (\texttt{listingsutf8}) can than handle this. It
+ extends the file inclusion feature and extend the input encoding
+ syntax. In the case described above, adding \texttt{listingsutf8} to
+ your preamble, and using
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-include-code-user}{
+ inputencoding=utf8/latin1
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ may solve the problem. See \cite{listingsutf8} for a bit more details.
+\begin{question}{I'd like to have line numbers}
+ Here is how to add line numbers to all \R code.
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-code-user}{
+ numbers = left,
+ numberstyle = \tiny
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ Line numbers can be configured further, see section 4.8 in the
+ \texttt{listings} manual, \cite{listings}.
+ Line numbers can be very handy when displaying source code. For
+ output, it might not be that relevant.
+ It \emph{is} possible to actually label and refer to specific lines
+ in a piece of code, see section 7 in the \texttt{listings} manual,
+ \cite{listings}.
+\begin{question}{I have many blank lines, can some be ignored?}
+ Yes with the \texttt{emptylines} key. It determine the number of
+ consecutive blank lines to allow in the output. By default
+ \texttt{listings} will already ignore blank lines at the end of what
+ ever is shown. To show only one blank line in the output for \R, try
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-user}{
+ emptylines=1,
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ If you are also using line numbers, you may want to use
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-user}{
+ emptylines=*1,
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+ then the line numbers `jump' correctly in regards to the blank lines.
+\begin{question}{Can also blank space at the start of lines be
+ ignored?}
+ Of course, that key is called \texttt{gobble}, its value will
+ indicate the number of characters to eat (from the left). Note that
+ it will not distinguish between spaces and non-spaces, it will just
+ eat a set number of characters at the start of each line.
+\begin{question}{By the way, can one control the width of the \SAS
+ output from within a \SAS programme?}
+ Yes, try the >>\SASinline|OPTIONS LS=80;|<< setting.
+\begin{question}{Can I show sniplets of code?}
+ Sure. See the \texttt{firstline} and \texttt{lastline} keys or the
+ \texttt{linerange}. They cannot be set globally, so can only be
+ added into environment or input macro options.
+ \fancybreak{}
+ There is also an experimental feature where instead of line numbers
+ one specify certain strings inside the external file. This can be
+ quite handy if the contents of the external file may
+ change.\footnote{Then one does not have to manually change the line
+ number references all the time.} Section 5.7 in the
+ \texttt{listings} manual (\cite{listings}) has more details.
+\begin{question}{The quotes look odd in my code listings, can it look
+ more like keyboard keys?}
+ Of course. Add the \texttt{textcomp} package, and issue
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{r-user}{
+ upquote=true,
+ }
+ \lstdefinestyle{sas-user}{
+ upquote=true,
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+\begin{question}{I use the \sweave package and overload the look using
+ \pkg. . I'd like \texttt{Sinput} to look more like the default in
+ \sweave.}
+ This can be done by using the extra \texttt{Sinput} style to
+ overload the basic style:
+ \begin{solution}
+ \lstdefinestyle{Sinput}{
+ basicstyle = \ttfamily\itshape
+ }
+ \end{solution}
+inline: \verb+\SASinline|RANGE xxx|+ results in
+\SASinline|RANGE xxx|.
+Personally I often add >>\dots<< around inline sniplets to indicate
+where they start and end. Sadly this is apparently not something one
+can add into the inline macro definition because of its \cs{verb}-like
+\begin{SAScode}[caption={Test of caption}]
+SCATTER x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 * dosis vgt;
+QUIT; /* a standard SAS comment */
+was typeset via
+\begin{SAScode}[caption={Test of caption}]
+SCATTER x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 * dosis vgt;
+QUIT; /* a standard SAS comment */
+ Frequency|
+ Percent |
+ Row Pct |
+ Col Pct |kem |mat |mus |samf | Total
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ h | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2
+ | 0.00 | 20.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 40.00
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 |
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ m | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2
+ | 0.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 | 40.00
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 |
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 |
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ o | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
+ | 20.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20.00
+ | 100.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
+ | 100.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ Total 1 2 1 1 5
+ 20.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 100.00
+comes from
+ Frequency|
+ Percent |
+ Row Pct |
+ Col Pct |kem |mat |mus |samf | Total
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ h | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2
+ | 0.00 | 20.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 40.00
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 |
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ m | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2
+ | 0.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 | 40.00
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 |
+ | 0.00 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 |
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ o | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
+ | 20.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20.00
+ | 100.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
+ | 100.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
+ ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ Total 1 2 1 1 5
+ 20.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 100.00
+\verb+\Rinline|x <- a|+ result in \Rinline|x <- a|
+ emptylines=*1,
+ numbers=left,
+ numberstyle=\tiny,
+ caption={With just one blank line showing, plus line numbers. Note we
+ only show the first 25 lines.},
+ linerange=1-25,
+was typeset via
+ emptylines=*1,
+ numbers=left,
+ numberstyle=\tiny,
+ caption={With just one blank line showing, plus line numbers. Note we
+ only show the first 25 lines.},
+ linerange=1-25
+\begin{Routput}[caption={Copied from an Sweave result.}]
+ [1] 0.0495
+is just sumple use of the \texttt{Routput} environment.
+\chapter{Default style settings for \R and \SAS}
+\section{Style settings for \R}
+Note how there are three user styles. The style \texttt{r-user} apply
+to both \R code and \R output, whereas \texttt{r-code-user} and
+\texttt{r-output-user} apply only to code and output
+respectively. This means that if, say, the user want to change the
+framing to a line above and below instead of the default box, the user
+can either overwrite the \texttt{r-frame} style, or the
+\texttt{r-user} style.
+The style settings are divided into three separate groups: (a) the
+settings themselves, (b) user styles and (c) collector styles, which
+are just a common name and loading order for other styles and
+\subsection{\R configuration styles}
+\getsniplet{rfonts}{\texttt{r-fonts}} The font is the base font for
+the rest. If for example one make use of \texttt{emphstyle=\bfseries},
+then one will get the \texttt{basicstyle} plus bold face (if possible)
+for things that are emphasized.
+The colors being used as standard have special names. By default they
+are in color. If the \texttt{monochrome} option is issued they are
+mapped onto \texttt{SnRBGGray} and \texttt{SnRFrameGray}, the later
+being black by default.
+Note that by default, the inline style for \verb|\Rinline|, shares
+nothing with the rest of the \R configuration and is loaded on its own.
+\subsection{\R user styles}
+These are all empty by default. There are two types of these: (i)
+styles applying to both types (code and output) in one go, and (ii)
+ones that are specific to either code or output. We also have a third
+level \emph{file include} versus \emph{in document}. The more specific
+the name, the later it will come in the collector styles (i.e.\ its
+settings will apply last).
+\getsniplet{ruser}{\texttt{r-user} -- user stuff for everything \R}
+\getsniplet{rcodeuser}{\texttt{r-code-user} -- only for \R code}
+\getsniplet{routputuser}{\texttt{r-output-user} -- only for \R output}
+These three apply only to inclusion macros. Can be handy to specify an
+input encoding for, say, all included code files.
+\subsection{\R collector styles}
+Please note the calling sequence.
+\getsniplet{rstyle}{\texttt{r-style} -- all common code for \R}
+\getsniplet{rcode}{\texttt{r-code} -- specific for \R code}
+\getsniplet{routput}{\texttt{r-output} -- specific for \R output}
+Next we have the extra styles used for inclusion macros. They are the
+same as for \R code and \R output, with the addition of two extra styles.
+\section{Style settings for \SAS}
+The structure is similar to the one used for \R, though the font
+settings are split in two.
+\subsection{\SAS configuration styles}
+Note how we actually split the font settings in two. This is because
+it is common to have \SAS code and \SAS output i different font
+sizes. As \R output is not that common, this split has not been made
+with \R, it will be up to the user.
+Note that only the \texttt{/*...*/} style \SAS comments are supported
+for styling. The \texttt{*...;} syntax is \emph{not} supported. Also
+note we had to change the \SAS settings for \texttt{listings}
+otherwise we would be unable to style \SAS comments.
+\subsection{\SAS user styles}
+\getsniplet{sasuser}{\texttt{sas-user} -- user stuff for everything \SAS}
+\getsniplet{sascodeuser}{\texttt{sas-code-user} -- only for \SAS code}
+\getsniplet{sasoutputuser}{\texttt{sas-output-user} -- only for \SAS output}
+These three apply only to inclusion macros. Can be handy to specify an
+input encoding for, say, all included code files.
+\subsection{\SAS collector styles}
+\getsniplet{sasstyle}{\texttt{sas-style} -- all common code for \SAS}
+\getsniplet{sascode}{\texttt{sas-code} -- specific for \SAS code}
+\getsniplet{sasoutput}{\texttt{sas-output} -- specific for \SAS output}
+\subsection*{Extra SAS keywords}
+Jørgen Granfeldt supplied extra \SAS keywords to supplement those
+supported by \texttt{listings}. The keywords are found in
+\texttt{\pkg.cfg} and is labelled as the \texttt{sas-more-keywords}
+style. Note that even though not required by \SAS, all supported
+keywords are written in upper case. JG explains that this is
+encouraged because that it makes it easier to tell the difference
+between build in \SAS commands and user supplied (lower case)
+variables and procedure names.
+Please note that we also change a list of \emph{other} keywords,
+otherwise we will be unable to style \SAS comments.
+Here is the current list.
+\getsniplet{sasmorekeywords}{\texttt{sas-more-keywords}, from \texttt{\pkg.cfg}}
+\bibitem{xcolor} Uwe Kern, \emph{Extending \LaTeX's color facilities:
+ the \textsf{xcolor} package}, 2006.
+ \addCTAN{/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor/}.
+\bibitem{listings} Various, \emph{The \textsf{listings} Package},
+ 1996--2007. \addCTAN{/macros/latex/contrib/listings/}.
+ Heiko Oberdiek, \emph{The \textsf{listingsutf8} package}, 2007.
+ \addCTAN{/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/}.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sasnrdisplay/SASnRdisplay.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sasnrdisplay/SASnRdisplay.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b56d71226b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sasnrdisplay/SASnRdisplay.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{SASnRdisplay}[2011/11/30 v0.9 by daleif]
+%% $LastChangedDate: 2011-11-30 15:23:55 +0100 (Wed, 30 Nov 2011) $
+%% $LastChangedRevision: 1444 $
+%% $LastChangedBy: daleif $
+%% This package can be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Lars Madsen (
+% we start by messing a little with listings
+% this is a direct copy of listings caption key. We just add a toggle
+% such we can know when it is being used
+ \lstKV@OptArg[{#1}]{#1}%
+ {\def\lst@caption{##2}\def\lst@@caption{##1}}%
+ \toggletrue{capactive}%
+ \def\SR@special@num{1}%
+ \let\lst@title\@empty}
+% we also need to mess with title, because, if there is not explicit
+% caption, we would still like to overwrite the auto title with a
+% simple title
+ \def\lst@title{#1}%
+ \toggletrue{titleactive}%
+ \def\SR@special@num{2}%
+ \let\lst@caption\relax}
+% replica of the original caption key without the toggle. We will use this
+% internally to be able to auto number our constuctions when there is
+% no direct caption.
+ {\def\lst@caption{##2}\def\lst@@caption{##1}}%
+ \let\lst@title\@empty}
+% This next bit is caption configuration. The code is due to Ulrike Fischer
+% we define a text formatting which will eat the caption
+% now in the numbered constructions we would like to have 'Name
+% number' when there is no caption, and 'Name number<sep> text' when
+% there is a caption.
+% This can be done using \lstset{nocaption=x,#1} inside our
+% constructions, and then after \lstset issuing
+% \iftoggle{capactive}{}{%
+% \captionsetup[lstlisting]{labelsep=none,textformat=gobble}}
+% some default colors
+\definecolor{SnRBG} {rgb} {0.94,0.97,1}
+\definecolor{SnRFrame} {rgb} {0.79,0.88,1}
+\definecolor{SnRBGGray} {gray}{0.9}
+ \colorlet{SnRBG}{SnRBGGray}
+ \colorlet{SnRFrame}{SnRFrameGray}
+ % if \chapter is not available specify section instead
+ \ifdef\chapter{
+ \toggletrue{SnRcountbychapter}
+ }{
+ \toggletrue{SnRcountbysection}
+ }
+\let\SnRneedspaceSAScode \SnRneedspace
+\let\SnRneedspaceRcode \SnRneedspace
+\let\SnRneedspaceRoutput \SnRneedspace
+ \let\SnRneedspaceCommand\@gobble
+ \setlength\SnRneedspace{#1}
+ \let\SnRneedspaceCommand\needspace
+% danishnames
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRcodename{R-kode}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSAScodename{SAS-kode}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRoutputname{R-udskrift}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSASoutputname{SAS-udskrift}
+% end danishnames
+% englishnames
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRcodename{R~code}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSAScodename{SAS~code}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRoutputname{R~output}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSASoutputname{SAS~output}
+% end englishnames
+ \@ifpackageloaded{babel}{
+ \addto\captionsdanish{
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRcodename{R-kode}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSAScodename{SAS-kode}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRoutputname{R-udskrift}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSASoutputname{SAS-udskrift}
+ }
+ \addto\captionsenglish{
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRcodename{R~code}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSAScodename{SAS~code}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRRoutputname{R~output}
+ \renewcommand*\SnRSASoutputname{SAS~output}
+ }
+ }{
+ \PackageError{SASnRdisplay}{To use the 'babel' option, please load
+ SASnRdisplay after babel}{}
+ }
+\DeclareOptionX{sweave} {\toggletrue{SnRoverloadSweave}}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{listings}
+ \iftoggle{SnRoverloadSASweave}{}{
+ \PackageError{SASnRdisplay}{SasWeave detected,^^J%
+ please use the 'sasweave' option to SASnRdisplay
+ to overwrite the SASinput,^^J%
+ SASoutput and SAScode environments}{}
+ }{}
+ % #1 dominant countername
+ \def\do##1{
+ % create counter
+ \ifblank{#1}{\newcounter{##1}}{\newcounter{##1}[#1]}
+ % create \the... part, with dominator if needed
+ \csdef{the##1}{\ifblank{#1}{}{\csuse{the#1}.}\arabic{##1}}
+ }
+ \dolistloop\SnRtypes
+ \SnRsetupcounters{}% no dominant counter
+ \iftoggle{SnRcountbysection}{
+ \SnRsetupcounters{section}
+ }{ % must be after chapter
+ \SnRsetupcounters{chapter}
+ }
+% This is inspired from the memoir class, it enables us to alias the
+% listings counter such that we can have different series
+% It will locally make one counter behave like another counter
+% it also handles the \the<counter>
+ \csletcs{c@#1}{c@#2}
+ \csletcs{the#1}{the#2}
+ \SnRHrefNumber{#2}
+ \begingroup
+ \global\let\gtmp@theHlstnumber\theHlstnumber
+ \toks@\expandafter{\theHlstnumber}%
+ \xdef\gtmp@theHlstnumber{#1-\the\toks@}%
+ \endgroup
+ \let\theHlstnumber\gtmp@theHlstnumber
+ \def\theHlstlisting{%
+ lst.#1-\csname the\@ifundefined{theH#1}{}{H}#1\endcsname
+ }%
+ \ifboolexpr{ not togl{capactive} and not togl{titleactive} }{%
+ \captionsetup[lstlisting]{labelsep=none,textformat=gobble}%
+ }{}%
+ \iftoggle{SnRnoautotitles-#1}{}{\lstset{nocaption=x}}}
+% generator macro
+ % #1 = output type
+ % #2 = env type
+ \lstnewenvironment{#1#2}[1][]{
+ \csuse{SnRInitial#1#2Setup}
+ \SnRautocaption{#1}
+ \lstset{##1}
+ \SnRCaptionSetupIfEmpty
+ }{}
+ \lstnewenvironment{#1#2*}[1][]{
+ \csuse{SnRInitial#1#2Setup}
+ \lstset{##1}
+ }{}
+ % #1 = output type
+ % #2 = alias output type
+ % #3 = env type
+ \typeout{Redefining #1#3}
+ \csundef{#1#3}
+ \csundef{end#1#3}
+ \csundef{#1#3*}
+ \csundef{end#1#3*}
+ \lstnewenvironment{#1#3}[1][]{
+ \csuse{SnRInitial#2#3Setup}
+ \SnRautocaption{#2}
+ \lstset{##1}
+ \SnRCaptionSetupIfEmpty
+ }{}
+ \lstnewenvironment{#1#3*}[1][]{
+ \csuse{SnRInitial#2#3Setup}
+ \lstset{##1}
+ }{}
+ % #1 = output type
+ % #2 = type
+ % #3 = extra input listings style
+ \expandafter\newcommand\csname SnRinput@#1@#2@normal\endcsname[2][]{
+ \begingroup
+ \csuse{SnRInitial#1#2Setup}[#3]
+ \SnRautocaption{#1}
+ \lstset{##1}
+ \SnRCaptionSetupIfEmpty
+ \def\SnR@args{##1}
+ \expandafter\lstinputlisting\expandafter[\SnR@args]{##2}
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \expandafter\newcommand\csname SnRinput@#1@#2@starred\endcsname[2][]{
+ \begingroup
+ \csuse{SnRInitial#1#2Setup}[#3]
+ \def\SnR@args{##1}
+ \expandafter\lstinputlisting\expandafter[\SnR@args]{##2}
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \expandafter\newcommand\csname input#1#2\endcsname{%
+ \@ifstar{\csuse{SnRinput@#1@#2@starred}}%
+ {\csuse{SnRinput@#1@#2@normal}}}
+% this is for basic configuration of the inline version
+% rinline
+ basicstyle = \ttfamily
+% end rinline
+% Spaces above and after, plus caption and internal lineskip (note
+% lineskip is marked experimental in listings)
+% rvskips
+ aboveskip = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
+ belowskip = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
+ belowcaptionskip = 7pt,
+ lineskip = 0pt plus 0.1em, % help with blank lines and page stretch
+% end rvskips
+% basic colors
+% rcolors
+ backgroundcolor = \color{SnRBG},
+ rulecolor = \color{SnRFrame},
+% end rcolors
+% basic fonts
+% rfonts
+ basicstyle = \small\ttfamily,
+% end rfonts
+% Columns, characters and line breaks
+% rcharsandbreaks
+ columns = fixed, % chars vertivally aligned
+ breaklines, % lines can be broken
+ breakatwhitespace, % at white space
+ extendedchars = true, % special chars allowed, be aware of utf8
+% end rcharsandbreaks
+% rmarkup
+\lstdefinestyle{r-markup}{ % this only make sense for code
+ morecomment = [s]{\#}{\^^M}, % comment from # to the end of the line
+ commentstyle = \normalfont\slshape\ttfamily\footnotesize,
+% end rmarkup
+% rframe
+ frame = single, % single frame all the way round, box broken at page break
+ framesep = 0.5em, % sep from frame to text
+% end rframe
+% general stuff from the user, applying to all R
+% ruser
+% end ruser
+% collector style
+% rstyle
+ style = r-vskips, % vertical spacing
+ style = r-fonts, % fonts
+ style = r-colors, % colors
+ style = r-chars-and-breaks, % special chars and line breaks
+ style = r-frame, % framing
+ style = r-user, % user defined configuration
+% end rstyle
+% rcode
+ style = r-style,
+ style = r-markup, % markup only make sense for code
+ style = r-code-user,
+% end rcode
+% routput
+ style = r-style,
+ style = r-output-user,
+% end routput
+% rincludecode
+ style = r-code,
+ style = r-include-user,
+ style = r-include-code-user,
+% end rincludecode
+% rincludeoutput
+ style = r-outout,
+ style = r-include-user,
+ style = r-include-output-user,
+% end rincludeoutput
+% rcodeuser
+% end rcodeuser
+% routputuser
+% end routputuser
+% rincludecodeuser
+% end rincludecodeuser
+% rincludeoutputuser
+% end rincludeoutputuser
+% rincludeuser
+% end rincludeuser
+% just to save some code
+ \let\lstlistingname\SnRRcodename%
+ \SnRletcountercounter{lstlisting}{Rcode}%
+ \lstset{style=#1}%
+ \SnRneedspaceCommand\SnRneedspaceRcode
+ \let\lstlistingname\SnRRoutputname%
+ \SnRletcountercounter{lstlisting}{Routput}%
+ \lstset{style=#1}%
+ \SnRneedspaceCommand\SnRneedspaceRcode
+% for Sweave
+ \SnRInitialRcodeSetup%
+ \lstset{style=Sinput}%
+\SnREnvGenerator{R}{code} % -> Rcode and Rcode*
+\SnREnvGenerator{R}{output} % -> Routput and Routput*
+ \AtBeginDocument{
+ % overload Sweave. There are three envs to deal with Sinput,
+ % Scode, Soutput, Sinput and Scode are more or less the same thing
+% \let\Sinput\relax
+% \let\endSinput\relax
+% \let\Soutput\relax
+% \let\endSoutput\relax
+% \let\Scode\relax
+% \let\endScode\relax
+% \csundef{Sinput*}
+% \csundef{endSinput*}
+% \csundef{Soutput*}
+% \csundef{endSoutput*}
+% \csundef{Scode*}
+% \csundef{endScode*}
+% \let\SnRInitialScodeSetup\SnRInitialRcodeSetup
+% \def\SnRInitialSinputSetup{%
+% \SnRInitialRcodeSetup%
+% \lstset{style=Sinput}%
+% }
+% \let\SnRInitialSoutputSetup\SnRInitialRoutputSetup
+ \SnREnvGeneratorAlias{S}{R}{code}
+ \SnREnvGeneratorAlias{S}{R}{output}
+ \SnREnvGeneratorAlias{S}{R}{input}
+ }
+% a \verb like macro for Rcode in the normal text
+% input external R files
+% we need something a bit special here. Some options have to be given
+% to \lstinputlisting's optional argument. But we also need to know if
+% the caption has been set, thus we set the user specified options twice!
+\SnRInputGenerator{R}{code}{r-include-code} % -> \inputRcode(*)
+\SnRInputGenerator{R}{output}{r-include-output} % -> \inputRoutput(*)
+% sasinline
+ basicstyle = \ttfamily,
+ style = sas-more-keywords,
+ language = SAS,
+% end sasinline
+% sasvskips
+ aboveskip = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
+ belowskip = 10pt plus 3pt minus 5pt,
+ belowcaptionskip = 7pt,
+ lineskip = 0pt plus 0.1em, % help with blank lines and page stretch
+% end sasvskips
+% sascolors
+ backgroundcolor = \color{SnRBG},
+ rulecolor = \color{SnRFrame},
+% end sascolors
+% sascharsandbreaks
+ columns = fixed, % chars vertivally aligned
+ breaklines, % lines can be broken
+ breakatwhitespace, % at white space
+ extendedchars = true, % special chars allowed, be aware of utf8
+% end sascharsandbreaks
+% sasmarkup
+ language = SAS,
+ keywordstyle = \bfseries,
+ comment = [s]{/*}{*/},
+ commentstyle = \slshape\footnotesize,
+% end sasmarkup
+% sasframe
+ frame = single,
+ framesep = 0.5em,
+% end sasframe
+% sasuser
+% end sasuser
+% sasstyle
+ style = sas-vskips,
+ style = sas-frame,
+ style = sas-colors,
+ style = sas-chars-and-breaks,
+ style = sas-user,
+% end sasstyle
+% sascode
+ style = sas-style,
+ style = sas-code-fonts,
+ style = sas-markup, % there is no markup of the output
+ style = sas-more-keywords, % has to come after markup when loading styles
+ style = sas-code-user,
+% end sascode
+% sasoutput
+ style = sas-style,
+ style = sas-output-fonts,
+ style = sas-output-user,
+% end sasoutput
+% sascodeuser
+% end sascodeuser
+% sasoutputuser
+% end sasoutputuser
+% sascodefonts
+ basicstyle = \ttfamily\small,
+% end sascodefonts
+% sasoutputfonts
+ basicstyle = \ttfamily\footnotesize,
+% end sasoutputfonts
+% sasinputcodeuser
+% end sasinputcodeuser
+% sasinputoutputuser
+% end sasinputoutputuser
+% sasincludecode
+ style = sas-code,
+ style = sas-include-user,
+ style = sas-include-code-user,
+% end sasincludecode
+% sasincludeoutput
+ style = sas-output,
+ style = sas-include-user,
+ style = sas-include-output-user,
+% end sasincludeoutput
+% sasincludeuser
+% end sasincludeuser
+% sasincludecodeuser
+% end sasincludecodeuser
+% sasincludeoutputuser
+% end sasincludeoutputuser
+ \let\lstlistingname\SnRSAScodename%
+ \SnRletcountercounter{lstlisting}{SAScode}%
+ \lstset{style = #1}%
+ \SnRneedspaceCommand\SnRneedspaceSAScode
+ \let\lstlistingname\SnRSASoutputname%
+ \SnRletcountercounter{lstlisting}{SASoutput}%
+ \lstset{style = #1}%
+ \SnRneedspaceCommand\SnRneedspaceSASoutput
+ % overload SASweave. There are three envs to deal with: SASinput,
+ % SAScode, SASoutput, SASinput and SAScode are more or less the same
+ % thing. Since we use the same names, only SASinput is missing
+ \let\SASinput\relax
+ \let\endSASinput\relax
+ \let\SASoutput\relax
+ \let\endSASoutput\relax
+ \let\SAScode\relax
+ \let\endSAScode\relax
+ \let\SnRInitialSASinputSetup\SnRInitialSAScodeSetup
+ \SnREnvGenerator{SAS}{input}
+% a \verb like macro for SAScode in the normal text
+% SASdisplay had this macro, so we add it, but do not mention it in
+% the manual.
+% inclusion macros
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index df9eb453973..fb19b26290f 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
rotfloat rotpages
roundbox rsc rsfs rsfso
rtkinenc rtklage russ rviewport rvwrite ryethesis
- sageep sansmath sapthesis sauerj sauterfonts
+ sageep sansmath sapthesis sasnrdisplay sauerj sauterfonts
savefnmark savesym savetrees scale
scalebar schemabloc schwalbe-chess scientificpaper sciposter screenplay
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-science.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-science.tlpsrc
index be8a8f535b4..ccc8399e947 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-science.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-science.tlpsrc
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ depend nuc
depend objectz
depend physymb
depend pseudocode
+depend sasnrdisplay
depend scientificpaper
depend sciposter
depend sfg
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/sasnrdisplay.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/sasnrdisplay.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/sasnrdisplay.tlpsrc