diff options
2 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xwatermark/tab-globaloptions.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xwatermark/tab-globaloptions.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2994761758b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xwatermark/tab-globaloptions.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% This is file xwatermark-guide (global options), version 1.5.1 %
+% %
+% Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Ahmed Musa ( %
+ \@latex@error{No file 'xwatermark-guide.cfg' or wrong path}\@ehc
+\caption{Global options of the package\label{tab:globaloptions}}\\\whline
+\multicolumn{3}{M}{All the keys in this table are \quoted{option keys}, \ie, they can appear only in \hx{\documentclass} or \hx{\usepackage}. If a key is an option key and it is issued in functions other than \hx{\documentclass} or \hx{\usepackage}, the package will alert the user to that effect.}\\\hline
+\bfblue Option & \bfblue Default & \bfblue Meaning\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Continued from last page}}\\\hline
+\bfblue Option & \bfblue Default & \bfblue Meaning %\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\\hline
+\ffx{defaultfirstpage, default-first-page} & 1 & The default first page of document, when the first page hasn't been known yet. \\\hline
+\ffx{defaultlastpage, default-last-page} & 1 & The default last page of document, when the last page has't been shipped out yet. \\\hline
+\fx{draft} & \hx{false} & The document is in draft mode.\ltnote{\ffx'{draft,final} are complementary (biboolean) options, \ie, when one is true, the other is automatically set to false.}\\\hline
+\fx{final} & \hx{true} & The document is in final mode.\\\hline
+\ffx{disablegeometry, disable-geometry} & \hx{false} & This option determines whether the page layout settings by the \pkg'{geometry} should be disabled so that the watermarks can be set more readily by \pkg{xwatermark}.\ltnote{Version~5.6 and higher of the \pkg'{geometry} make this option less likely to be needed, unlike the earlier versions of \pkg{geometry}.}\\\hline
+\ffx{frontpagestyle, front-page-style} & empty & The style of the front page, in the sense of the \pkg'{fancyhdr}. \\\hline
+\ffx{picontoptext,pic-on-top-text, picture-on-top-text} & \hx{true} & The boolean that determines if picture watermark is placed on top of text watermark or otherwise, when they occur at the same location on a page.\\\hline
+\ffx{printwatermark, print-watermark} & \hx{true} & The global boolean switch that determines whether watermarks should be printed or not.\ltnote{This option can be passed to package as either \fx{true} or \fx{false} and can appear in the \hx{\documentclass} options list or \hx{\usepackage}. If for any reason you don't want the watermark printed in any run, you can enter \fx{printwatermark}=\hx{false}. If the option \fx{draft} or \fx{final} appears in the \hx{\documentclass} or \hx{\usepackage}, it won't affect the printing or otherwise of the watermark, apart from determining if graphics watermarks are actually inserted instead of framed empty boxes. The printing of the watermark is determined by the option \fx{printwatermark}.}\\\hline
+\ffx{resetpaperorigin,reset-paper-origin} & \hx{false} & The boolean to call to reset the paper origin (\hhx'{\pdfhorigin, \pdfvorigin, \hoffset, \voffset}) to zero unit. \\\hline
+\ffx{showpagecenter, show-page-center} & \hx{false} & Boolean that indicates if the center of the paper should be shown with a cross (and circle).\ltnote{The \pkg'{xwmgrid}, which provides a full gridding functionality consistent with the \pkg'{xwatermark}, will be released shortly.}\\\hline
+\ffx{textontoppic,text-on-top-pic,text-on-top-picture} & \hx{false} & The reverse of \fx{picontoptext}.\\\hline
+\ffx{usedummymarks, use-dummy-marks} & \hx{true} & The boolean that instructs \pkg{xwatermark} to print watermarks that have been defined by the \fx{\dummywatermark} or \fx{\dummywallpaper} in addition to those defined by \fx{\newwatermark} and/or \fx{\newwallpaper}.\\\hline
+\ffx{watermarkparser, watermark-parser} & \fx{;}~(semicolon) & The option determines the watermark parser, a quantity that is used internally to build watermarks into lists.\ltnote{If you do have the \fx{watermarkparser} in your watermark, it must be enclosed in curly braces, otherwise the package will flag a fatal error. You can change the \fx{watermarkparser} to say \quoted{\fx{|}} (vertical bar), in case you have too many \quoted{\fx{;}} (semicolons) in your watermarks and you are fed up with enclosing them in braces.}\\\hline
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xwatermark/tab-localoptions.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xwatermark/tab-localoptions.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0ca5dd4992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xwatermark/tab-localoptions.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+% This is file xwatermark-guide (local options), version 1.5.1 %
+% %
+% Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Ahmed Musa ( %
+ use-a4-paper,use-10pt-font,final-version,UK-English,
+ no-hyperref-msg,wrapquote,tablefile,verbose=false
+ \@latex@error{No file 'xwatermark-guide.cfg' or wrong path}\@ehc
+\caption{Local (function-dependent) options of the package
+ \label{tab:localoptions}}\\\whline
+\multicolumn{3}{M}{Most of the keys in this table are \quoted{non-option keys}, \ie, they can't appear in \hx{\documentclass} or \hx{\usepackage} but in the arguments of the given functions. If a key is a non-option key and the user submits it to \hx{\documentclass} or \hx{\usepackage}, the package will alert the user.}\\\hline
+\bfblue Option & \bfblue Default & \bfblue Meaning\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{l}{\emph{Continued from last page}}\\\hline
+\bfblue Option & \bfblue Default & \bfblue Meaning %\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf\bffunc{\newwatermark} macro}\\\hline
+\ffx{angle,textangle,text-angle} & $0^\circ$ & The orientation of text watermark. \\\hline
+\ffx{align,textalign,text-align} & \texttt{center} & The internal horizontal alignment of the watermark within a watermark box.\ltnote{The key can assume only one of the values \ffx'{center, left, right, justified}. Any other text alignment value is inadmissible and thus rejected by the package with a fatal error.}\\\hline
+\ffx{page,pages,pagex,firstpage,lastpage,allpages,evenpages,oddpages} & & These determine the pages on which the watermarks are to be printed.\ltnote{The options \fx{allpages}, \fx{evenpages}, \fx{oddpages} are boolean keys, while \ffx'{page,pages,pagex} require values, \eg, \ffx'{page=x,pages=x-y,pagex={x,y,z}}. If the package is loaded and none of these options is passed to it, but the option \fx{printwatermark} is true, the default watermark (DRAFT) will be printed on the first page of the document (but only in draft mode) and a warning message logged in the transcript file. The key \fx{pages} expects a page range with the pages separated by a hyphen, while \fx{pagex} expects a list of pages that will receive the watermarks.}\\\hline
+\ffx{boxalign,box-align} & \texttt{center/s} & The alignment of the watermark box.\ltnote{Both text and picture watermarks are normally put in boxes for manipulation before being typeset. This key refers to the horizontal and vertical alignments of the box. The key can assume one of the values \ffx{t-l,t-r,b-l,b-r,s}, or \ffx{top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, center, justified}. Elements of these two sets can't be combined. When submitted as key values, the elements of both sets are not to be separated by commas or spaces but by hyphens (\eg, one of \ffx{t-l,t-r,b-l,b-r,s}, or one of \ffx{top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, center, justified}).}\\\hline
+\ffx{coordunit,coord-unit,position-unit} & \hx{mm} & The unit for x- and y-coordinates of watermark. \\\hline
+\ffx{color,textcolor,text-color} & \hx{gray!25} & The color of the text watermark.\\\hline
+\fx{draft} & \texttt{false} & This option will insert framed empty boxes in place of graphics watermarks.\\\hline
+\ffx{draftboxcolor,draft-box-color} & \texttt{blue} & The color of the box that is printed in place of graphics watermarks in \fx{draft} document mode. \\\hline
+\fx{final} & \texttt{false} & This option actually does nothing for now. It is included for possible future application.\\\hline
+\ffx{fontfamily,font-family} & \hx{bch} & The \hx{fontfamily} of the text watermark.\\\hline
+\ffx{fontsize,font-size} & 1cm & The \hx{fontsize} of the text watermark.\ltnote{If for some reason you need other fontsizes (\eg, 10pt, 11pt or 12pt for printing text watermarks in \hx{\normalfont}), you will need to submit them as values of \hx{fontsize}.}\\\hline
+\ffx{fontseries,font-series} & \hx{b} & The font series of the text watermark.\ltnote{If you need normal document text, put \fx{fontseries=m}, which implies medium weight and width.}\\\hline
+\fx{graphicsoptions} & & Additional user-supplied key-value options for the command \hx{\includegraphics}.\ltnote{The command \hx{\includegraphics} is used for all graphics inclusion tasks. Users can directly pass values to admissible options of the command \hx{\includegraphics}. See \autoref{sec:graphicsoptions}.} \\\hline
+\ffx{height,textheight,text-height} & \hx{\paperwidth} & The height of text watermarks.\\\hline
+\ffx{mark,textmark,text-mark} & DRAFT & The default text watermark.\\\hline
+\ffx{picscale,picture-scale} & 1 & Scale of picture watermark.\\\hline
+\ffx{picbb,picture-bb,pic-bounding-box} & 0 0 100 100& The bounding box (dvi mode) or viewport (pdf mode) of the picture watermark.\\\hline
+\ffx{picfile,picture-file} & & The filename of picture watermark.\ltnote{This, with its full path, must be submitted when including picture watermark.}\\\hline
+\ffx{picfileext,pic-file-ext} & eps/pdf & The filename extension of the picture watermark.\ltnote{Valid extensions are \fx{eps}, \fx{pdf}, \fx{png}, \fx{jpeg}, \fx{mps}; the latter four may be used in the case of \pdftex. The file extension should be passed without the dot. If the option is not passed to package, \pkg{xwatermark} selects \fx{eps} (in dvi mode) or \fx{pdf} (in \pdftex mode).} \\\hline
+\ffx{picheight,pic-height,picture-height} & & The height of picture watermarks.\\\hline
+\ffx{picangle,picture-angle} & $0^\circ$ & The orientation of picture watermarks. \\\hline
+\ffx{picwidth,picture-width} & & The width of picture watermarks. \\\hline
+\ffx{picontoptext,picture-on-top-text} & true & Pictures should be placed on top of text watermarks if the two types of watermark occur on the same spot on a page. \\\hline
+\ffx{picxpos,picture-xpos,picture-x-position} & 0 & The horizontal coordinate of the picture watermarks.\\\hline
+\ffx{picypos,picture-ypos,picture-y-position} & 0 & The horizontal coordinate of the picture watermarks. \\\hline
+\ffx{scale,textscale,text-scale} & 1 & The scale of the text watermark.\\\hline
+\ffx{showpagecenter,show-page-center,showpapercenter} & false & Boolean for requesting the indication of the center of the paper. See \pkgg'{xwmgrids} for additional information. \\\hline
+\ffx{textontoppic,text-on-top-pic,text-on-top-picture} & false & Text watermarks should be placed on top of graphics watermarks if the two types of watermark occur on the same spot on a page. This reverses the boolean \fx{picontoptext}.\\\hline
+\ffx{width,textwidth,text-width} & \hx{\paperheight} & The width of text watermarks; doesn't apply to graphics watermarks.\ltnote{For some design reasons we set \hx{\paperheight} as the default value of mark's width instead of mark's height.}\\\hline
+\ffx{xpos,textxpos,text-xpos,text-x-position} & 0 & These specify the horizontal coordinate of watermark (with reference to the center of paper, and not the text center).\ltnote{There is no need to attach a unit to \fx{xpos} or \fx{ypos}; if the user does, the unit will be used in place of \fx{coordunit}.}\\\hline
+\ffx{ypos,textypos,text-ypos,text-y-position} & 0 & The vertical coordinate of the watermark.\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bffunc{\newwallpaper} \textbf{macro}\ltnote{Some of the \fx{\newwatermark} keys can also be called when inserting wallpapers. If you aren't sure if a key is applicable, don't worry: just try it. The package collects all inadmissible keys together and prints them in the transcript file on each run. Normally, the user is alerted by an error message. Indeed if you receive any failed compilation, you should first suspect that the failure is due to the use of an invalid key. The next keys apply specifically to wallpaper watermarks.}}\\\hline
+\ffx{align,textalign,text-align} & \texttt{center} & The internal horizontal alignment of the watermark within a watermark box.\ltnote{The key can assume only one of the values \ffx'{center, left, right, justified}.}\\\hline
+\ffx{boxalign,box-align} & center (s) & The horizontal and vertical alignments of the watermark box.\ltnote{The key can assume one of the values \ffx{t-l,t-r,b-l,b-r,s}, or \ffx{top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, center, justified}. When submitted as key values, the elements are not to be separated by commas or spaces but by hyphens (\eg, one of \ffx{t-l,t-r,b-l,b-r,s}, or one of \ffx{top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, center, justified}).} \\\hline
+\ffx{picheight,picture-height} & .25\hx{\paperheight} & The height of each cell of picture wallpaper. \\\hline
+\ffx{picwidth,picture-width} & .25\hx{\paperwidth} & The width of each cell of picture wallpaper.\\\hline
+\ffx{tilexsize,tile-xsize} & .25\hx{\paperwidth} & The width of each cell of tiled wallpaper.\\\hline
+\ffx{tileysize,tile-ysize} & .25\hx{\paperheight} & The height of each cell of tiled wallpaper.\\\hline
+\ffx{textheight,text-height} & .25\hx{\paperheight} & The height of each cell of text wallpaper. \\\hline
+\ffx{textwidth,text-width} & .25\hx{\paperwidth} & The width of each cell of text wallpaper.\\\hline
+\ffx{tilexoffset,tile-xoffset} & 0pt & The horizontal shift between the tiles of wallpaper.\\\hline
+\ffx{tileyoffset,tile-yoffset} & 0pt & The vertical shift between the tiles of wallpaper.\\\hline
+\ffx{tileno,tilenumber,tile-number,number-of-tiles} & 4 & The maximum number of cells for tiled wallpapers if the parameters \fx{tilexsize} and \fx{tileysize} aren't specified or if the boolean \fx{squaretiles} is true.\ltnote{If \fx{tilexsize} and \fx{tileysize} are given and \fx{squaretiles} is false, \fx{tileno} is ignored.}\\\hline
+\ffx{squaretiles,square-tiles} & true & The boolean that determines if the tiles should be rectangular or square.\ltnote{Sometimes choosing \fx{squaretiles} (\ie, setting it true) can yield an undesired outcome if \ffx'{textalign,boxalign} haven't been properly selected. In such a situation, the user is advised to first experiment with setting \fx{squaretiles} to false and/or \ffx'{textalign,boxalign} to \fx{center}.}\\\hline
+\ffx{wpxoffset,wallpaper-xoffset} & 0pt & The horizontal offset of wallpaper from the margin or edge of paper.\\\hline
+\ffx{wpyoffset,wallpaper-yoffset} & 0pt & The vertical offset of wallpaper from the margin or edge of paper.\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bffunc{\xwmminipage} \textbf{macro}\ltnote{The \fx{\xwmminipage} command can take verbatim material and provides a \keyval alternative to the \hx{\boxedminipage} command of the \pkg'{boxedminipage}.}}\\\hline
+\fx{depth} & 0ex & Additional depth of the boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\fx{height} & \hx{.5\textheight} & Additional height of the boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\ffx{framebox,insertframe,insert-frame} & true & The boolean that determines whether the box is
+ framed or not.\\\hline
+\fx{framesep} & 3pt & \hx{\fboxsep} of the boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\fx{framerule} & 0.4pt & \hx{\fboxrule} of the boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\fx{textwidth} & \hx{\paperwidth} & Width of the boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\fx{textcolor} & black & Color of text inside boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\fx{framecolor} & white & Color of frame of boxed minipage.\\\hline
+\ffx{textalign, text-align} & center & Alignment of the text inside the boxed minipage of the command \fx{\xwmminipage} (expected values are \fx{center}, \fx{left}, \fx{right} and \fx{justified}).\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bffunc{\xwmcolorbox} \textbf{macro}}\\\hline
+\fx{depth} & 0ex & Additional depth of the colorbox.\\\hline
+\ffx{framebox,insertframe,insert-frame} & true & The boolean that determines whether the box is framed
+ or not.\\\hline
+\fx{framesep} & 3pt & \hx{\fboxsep} of the colorbox.\\\hline
+\fx{framerule} & 0.4pt & \hx{\fboxrule} of the colorbox.\\\hline
+\fx{height} & 0ex & Additional height of the colorbox.\\\hline
+\ffx{innerframecolor,inner-frame-color} & white & Color of the inner frame of colorbox.\\\hline
+\ffx{outerframecolor,outer-frame-color} & white & Color of the outer frame of colorbox.\\\hline
+\fx{textcolor} & black & Color of text inside colorbox.\\\hline
+\ffx{textalign,text-align} & center & Alignment of the text inside the colorbox of
+ \fx{\xwmcolorbox} (expected values are \fx{center}, \fx{left}, \fx{right} and \fx{justified}).\\\hline
+\fx{width} & \hx{\paperwidth} & Width of the colorbox.\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bffunc{\makecolorbox} \textbf{macro}}\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{M}{The options of the macro \fx{\makecolorbox} are the same as those of the related macro \fx{\xwmcolorbox}. Please refer to \autoref{sec:makecolorbox} for the syntaxes of these macros.}\\\hline
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bffunc{\fancypagenos} \textbf{macro}}\\\hline
+\ffx{cfoot,center-footer,footer-center} & & Center footer.\ltnote{All headers and footers are as in \pkgg'{fancyhdr}.} \\\hline
+\ffx{chead,center-header,header-center} & & Center header.\\\hline
+\fx{format} & \hx{\fbox} & The desired format of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{coordunit,coord-unit,position-unit} & mm & The units of the position/coordinates \fx{x} and \fx{y}.\\\hline
+\ffx{fontfamily,font-family} & cmss & The \hx{fontfamily} of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{fontsize,font-size} & 5cm & The \hx{fontsize} of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{fontseries,font-series} & \hx{b} & The font series of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\fx{footrule-height} & .4pt & Foot rule height.\\\hline
+\fx{footrule-depth} & .4pt & Foot rule depth.\\\hline
+\fx{footrule-width} & \hx{\headwidth} & Foot rule width.\\\hline
+\ffx{footrule-sep,footrule-separation} & 2pt & Foot rule vertical separation (\ie, the vertical separation between the two lines. \\\hline
+\fx{footrule-color} & cyan & Foot rule color.\\\hline
+\fx{hfoffset-left} & .5 & Left \hx{\hfoffset} (see \pkgg{fancyhdr} for the meaning of \hx{\hfoffset}). \\\hline
+\fx{hfoffset-right} & .5 & Right \hx{\hfoffset} (see \pkgg{fancyhdr}). \\\hline
+\fx{headrule-height} & .4pt & Head rule height.\\\hline
+\fx{headrule-depth} & .4pt & Head rule depth.\\\hline
+\fx{headrule-width} & \hx{\headwidth} & Head rule width.\\\hline
+\ffx{headrule-sep, headrule-separation} & 2pt & Head rule separation (\ie, the vertical separation between the two lines.\\\hline
+\fx{headrule-color} & blue & Head rule color. \\\hline
+\ffx{lfoot,left-footer,footer-left} & & Left footer. \\\hline
+\ffx{lhead,left-header,header-left} & & Left header.\\\hline
+\ffx{style,printstyle,print-style} & \hx{\thepage} & The presentation style of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{rfoot,right-footer,footer-right} & & Right footer. \\\hline
+\ffx{rhead,right-header,header-right} & & Right header.\\\hline
+\ffx{showpagenos,show-pageno,show-pagenos,show-page-numbers} & true & Boolean that determines if fancy-page numbers should be shown.\\\hline
+\ffx{showonpageone,show-on-page-one,show-on-page-1} & false & Boolean that determines if fancy-page numbers should be shown on the first page of the document.\\\hline
+\ffx{showheadrule,show-headrule} & true & Boolean that determines if the head-rule should be shown.\\\hline
+\ffx{showfootrule,show-footrule} & true & Boolean that determines if the foot-rule should be shown. \\\hline
+\ffx{sendtoback, send-to-back} & true & Boolean that determines if the fancy-page numbers should be placed in the background or foreground.\\\hline
+\ffx{align,textalign,text-align} & center & The alignment of the text in the fancy-page number box (if it is boxed).\\\hline
+\ffx{boxalign,box-align} & center & The alignment of the fancy-page number box (if it is boxed).\\\hline
+\ffx{color,textcolor,text-color} & blue & The color of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{scale,textscale,text-scale} & 2.5 & The scale of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{angle,textangle,text-angle} & 0 & The orientation of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{width,textwidth,text-width} & 0ex & Width of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{height,textheight,text-height} & 0ex & Height of the fancy-page numbers.\\\hline
+\ffx{xpos,textxpos,x-position} & 0 & The horizontal coordinates of the fancy-page numbers
+ (from page center).\\\hline
+\ffx{ypos,textypos,y-position} & 0 & The vertical coordinates of the fancy-page numbers (from page center).\\\whline