diff options
2 files changed, 11124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/microtype/microtype.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/microtype/microtype.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4265e11964a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/microtype/microtype.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,11018 @@
+%\iffalse meta-comment
+% -*- TeX:DTX:UK -*-
+% smartQuote: english
+% $Id: microtype.dtx,v 1.25 2005-10-28 16:31:54+02 schlicht Exp schlicht $
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% The `microtype' package
+% An interface to the micro-typographic extensions of pdfTeX
+% Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 R Schlicht <>
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or
+% (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license
+% is in:, and version 1.3 or later
+% is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+% This work consists of the files microtype.dtx and microtype.ins and the
+% derived file microtype.sty.
+% Modified versions of the configuration files (*.cfg) may be distributed
+% provided that (1) the original copyright statement is not removed, and
+% (2) the identification string is changed.
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\expandafter\newif\csname ifbeta\endcsname
+\ProvidesFile{microtype.dtx}[2005/10/28 v\ifbeta 2.0-beta \else 1.9 \fi]
+%<package&beta> [2005/10/28 v2.0-beta Micro-typography with pdfTeX (RS)]
+%<package&!beta> [2005/10/28 v1.9 Micro-typography with pdfTeX (RS)]
+%<m-t> {microtype.cfg}[2005/08/16 v1.6 microtype main configuration file (RS)]
+%<bch> {mt-bch.cfg}[2005/03/15 v1.3 microtype config. file: Bitstream Charter (RS)]
+%<cmr> {mt-cmr.cfg}[2005/08/16 v1.8 microtype config. file: Computer Modern (RS)]
+%<euf> {mt-euf.cfg}[2005/06/01 v1.0 microtype config. file: AMS Euler Fraktur (RS)]
+%<eus> {mt-eus.cfg}[2005/06/01 v1.0 microtype config. file: AMS Euler script (RS)]
+%<msa> {mt-msa.cfg}[2005/06/01 v1.0 microtype config. file: AMS (a) (RS)]
+%<msb> {mt-msb.cfg}[2005/06/01 v1.0 microtype config. file: AMS (b) (RS)]
+%<pad> {mt-pad.cfg}[2005/03/15 v1.4a microtype config. file: Adobe Garamond (RS)]
+%<pmn> {mt-pmn.cfg}[2004/03/15 v1.1b microtype config. file: Adobe Minion (HH)]
+%<ppl> {mt-ppl.cfg}[2005/08/16 v1.5 microtype config. file: Palatino (RS)]
+%<ptm> {mt-ptm.cfg}[2005/08/16 v1.5 microtype config. file: Times (RS)]
+ \newcolumntype{L}[1]{p{#1}<{\raggedright}}
+\expandafter\newif\csname ifbooktabs\endcsname
+ {\usepackage{booktabs}\booktabstrue}{}
+ {\usepackage{url}}
+ {\def\url##1{\texttt{##1}}}
+% Let's abolish CM! We use Charter and Letter Gothic
+% (for the pre-built documentation on CTAN):
+% \def\rmdefault{bch}
+% \def\ttdefault{blg}
+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{kerning=true}{microtype}
+ \usepackage[expansion=false]{microtype} % it's a web document
+ \DeclareMicrotypeSet*
+ [ protrusion ]*
+ { encoding = {*, TS1, OMS},
+ family = {rm*, tt*, cmsy},
+ size = {footnotesize,small,normalsize}
+ }
+ \DeclareMicrotypeSet*
+ [ kerning ]
+ { lettergothic }
+ { encoding = T1,
+ family = blg }
+ \SetExtraKerning
+ { encoding = T1,
+ family = blg }
+ {
+ _ = {100,100},
+ }
+ \newcommand\textls[2][]{#2}
+ \let\lsstyle\relax
+ \definecolor{theblue}{rgb}{0.02,0.04,0.48}
+ \definecolor{thered}{rgb}{0.65,0.04,0.07}
+ \definecolor{thegreen}{rgb}{0.06,0.44,0.08}
+ \definecolor{thegrey}{gray}{0.5}
+ \definecolor{theshade}{gray}{0.92}
+ \usepackage[color]{changebar}
+ \cbcolor{thered}
+ \def\betastart{\ifbeta\cbstart}
+ \def\betaend{\cbend\fi}
+ \let\betastart\ifbeta
+ \let\betaend\fi
+% layout
+\expandafter\newif\csname ifcharter\endcsname
+ \chartertrue
+ \def\bfdefault{b}
+ \def\PackageFont{\ttfamily}
+ \def\match{{\large\raisebox{-.15em}{\textbullet}}}
+ \def\Module#1{{\color{theblue}$\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle$}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\LaTeX}{L\kern-.26em{\sbox\z@ T\vbox to\ht\z@{%
+ \hbox{\check@mathfonts\fontsize\sf@size\z@\math@fontsfalse\selectfont A}%
+ \vss}}\kern-.1em\TeX}
+ \newcommand*\textgeq{% being picky...
+ \raisebox{.2ex}{\kern1pt\underline
+ {\kern-1pt\textgreater\kern-1pt}\kern1pt}}
+ \linespread{1.07}
+ \def\PackageFont{\sffamily}
+ \def\match{\textbullet}
+ \newcommand*\textgeq{$\geq$}
+ \linespread{1}
+ {paragraph}{4}{0pt}%
+ {3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{-1em}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\itshape}}
+% macrocode
+\settowidth\MacroIndent{\scriptsize 000\ }
+ \linespread{1}%
+ \tolerance=1000
+ \hfuzz=20pt
+ \def\MacroFont{\ttfamily\footnotesize}%
+ \def\macro@font{\ttfamily\footnotesize}%
+% headers
+ \def\@oddhead{%
+ \hbox to\textwidth{\vbox{\hbox to\textwidth{%
+ \footnotesize{\leftmark\rightmark\strut}\hfill\thepage\strut}%
+ \hrule height 0.4pt width\textwidth \vskip-0.4pt
+ }}\hss}
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty
+ \let\@mkboth\markboth
+ \def\sectionmark##1{\markboth{\textls[30]{\MakeUppercase{##1}}}{}}
+ \def\subsectionmark##1{\markright{: ##1}}}
+% toc
+\def\l@section{\vskip -.5ex\l@section@}
+ \leftskip 3.8em
+ \rightskip 2em plus 1fil
+ \parindent 0pt
+ {\let\numberline\@gobble{\small[#1~--~#2]}}}
+ \section*{\contentsname }\ifPDF\pdfbookmark[1]{\contentsname}{section.TOC}\fi
+ \@mkboth{\textls[30]{\MakeUppercase{\contentsname}}}{}%
+ \@starttoc{toc}}
+ \section*{\listtablename }\ifPDF\pdfbookmark[1]{\listtablename}{section.LOT}\fi
+ \@mkboth{\textls[30]{\MakeUppercase{\listtablename}}}{}%
+ \@starttoc{lot}}
+% bibliography
+\def\@cite#1#2{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}
+ \section{\refname}%
+ \list{}{\leftmargin 0pt}%
+ \sloppy
+ \clubpenalty 4000
+ \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
+ \widowpenalty 4000}
+% footnotes
+ \leftskip 15pt
+ \parindent -15pt
+ \everypar{\parindent 0pt}%
+ \leavevmode\hbox to 15pt{\@thefnmark\hss}#1}
+% lists
+ \parsep 4.5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \topsep 4.5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \itemsep 0pt}
+ {\list{}{\leftmargin 0pt
+ \labelwidth 0pt
+ \labelsep 1em
+ \itemindent \labelsep}}
+ {\endlist}
+% tables
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{\footnotesize\itshape#1: #2}%
+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \vskip 6pt}
+% index and change log
+ Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is
+ described; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition;
+ numbers in roman refer to the code lines where the entry is used.}
+ %\raggedcolumns
+ \setcounter{finalcolumnbadness}{100}
+ \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2}
+ \def\IndexMin{12\baselineskip}
+ \def\GlossaryParms{%
+ \IndexParms
+ \def\@idxitem ####1####2\efill{%
+ \end{multicols}
+ \begin{multicols}{2}
+ [\subsubsection*{\if####1v\relax
+ Version ####2 (\csname MTversiondate####2\endcsname)%
+ \else ####2\fi}]
+ [6\baselineskip]
+ \GlossaryParms
+ \rightskip 15pt plus 10pt
+ \let\item\@idxitem
+ \ignorespaces \makeatletter \scan@allowedfalse}%
+ \def\subitem{\par\hangindent 25pt}%
+ \def\subsubitem{\subitem\hspace*{15pt}}}
+ \GlossaryPrologue{%
+ \section{Change History}\label{sec:changes}%
+ \vspace*{-2\multicolsep}}
+ \GlossaryPrologue{%
+ \section{Change History}\label{sec:changes}}
+% additional bells ...
+ \csname Describe#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \DescribeValues{#1}{#3}}
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateLetters\Describe@Option}
+ \marginpar{\raggedleft\PrintDescribeOption{#1}}%
+ \SpecialOptionIndex{#1}\@esphack\ignorespaces}
+ \let\@tempa\@empty
+ \let\Option@default\@empty
+ \@for\@tempb:=#2\do{%
+ \expandafter\csname Special#1Value\expandafter\endcsname\@tempb\@nil
+ \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\@tempa
+ \expandafter{\csname #1Sep\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\@tempa
+ \expandafter{\@tempb}}%
+ \@ifnextchar[\PrintValues{\PrintValues[\Option@default]}}
+ \if#1:\def\@tempb{\Variable{#2}}\fi % : = variable
+ \if#1!\def\@tempb{#2}\def\Option@default{#2}\fi}% ! = default
+ \if#1?\def\@tempb{\normalsize[\Variable{#2}]}% % ? = optional
+ \else\def\@tempb{\normalsize\{\Variable{#1#2}\}}\fi}
+\def\PrintValues[#1]{{\MacroFont\expandafter\@gobble\@tempa\hfill #1}%
+ \\*[.25\baselineskip]}
+\def\CatIndex#1#2{\index{#2\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily #2} (#1)\encapchar hyperpage}}
+ \CatIndex{option}{#1}%
+ \index{\quotechar!Options % the `!' will be sorted first
+ \actualchar{\protect\bfseries Options:}%
+ \levelchar{\protect\ttfamily#1}\encapchar usage}%
+ \@esphack}
+ {\index{\quotechar!User Commands
+ \actualchar{\protect\indexspace\protect\bfseries User Commands:}%
+ \levelchar\expandafter\@gobble\string#1\actualchar\string\verb
+ \quotechar*\verbatimchar\string#1\verbatimchar\encapchar usage}%
+ \let\special@index\index\SpecialIndex@{#1}{\encapchar usage}}%
+ \@esphack}
+ \expandafter\SpecialMainIndex\expandafter{\csname #1true\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\SpecialMainIndex\expandafter{\csname #1false\endcsname}%
+ \@esphack}
+\def\PrintDescribeMacro#1{\strut\MacroFont\color{thegreen}\string #1}
+% ... and whistles
+\expandafter\newif\csname iflistings\endcsname
+ \usepackage{listings}
+ \lstset{%
+ gobble=1,
+ columns=flexible,
+ keepspaces=true,
+ basicstyle=\MacroFont,
+ keywords=[0]{\microtypesetup,\DeclareMicrotypeSet,\UseMicrotypeSet,
+ \DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault,\SetProtrusion,\SetExpansion,\DisableLigatures,
+ \DeclareCharacterInheritance,\DeclareMicrotypeAlias,\LoadMicrotypeFile,
+ \microtypecontext,\Microtype@Hook},
+ keywordstyle=[0]\color{thegreen},
+ keywords=[1]{protrusion,expansion,activate,DVIoutput,draft,final,verbose,
+ config,factor,auto,stretch,shrink,step,selected,unit},
+ keywordstyle=[1]\color{thered},
+ comment=[l]\%,
+ commentstyle=\color{thegrey},
+ escapeinside=<>,
+ frame=single,
+ framerule=0pt,
+ xleftmargin=\fboxsep,
+ xrightmargin=\fboxsep,
+% aboveskip=\smallskipamount,
+ belowskip=\smallskipamount,
+ backgroundcolor=\color{theshade}
+ }
+ \let\verbatim\relax
+ \lstnewenvironment{verbatim}{}{}
+ \listingstrue
+ \let\lstset\@gobble
+ \lstset{
+ morekeywords=[0]{\SetExtraSpacing,\SetExtraKerning,\textls,\lsstyle,
+ \DeclareMicrotypeBabelHook},
+ morekeywords=[1]{spacing,kerning,letterspacing,babel}
+ }
+ \def\todo{\changes{zTo Do}{0000/00/00}}
+ \def\todo#1{}
+% Heiko Oberdiek's workaround from latexbugs (latex/3540):
+ \def\x\begingroup#1\@nil{%
+ \endgroup
+ \def\DoNotIndex{%
+ \begingroup
+ \@makeother\#%
+ \@makeother\$%
+ \@makeother\%%
+ \@makeother\&%
+ \@makeother\^%
+ \@makeother\_%
+ \@makeother\|%
+ \@makeother\~%
+ \@makeother\ %
+ % \@makeother\{\@makeother\} cannot be used here
+ #1}}%
+% fancy PDF document
+\expandafter\newif\csname ifPDF\endcsname
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput\else\PDFtrue\fi\fi\fi
+% \ifx\eTeXversion\undefined \else
+% \usepackage{pdfcolmk}% errors when not using etex (conflict with multicol)
+% \fi
+ \usepackage{graphicx}
+ \usepackage[
+ bookmarks=true,
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor=theblue,
+ urlcolor=theblue,
+ citecolor=theblue,
+ hyperindex=false,
+ hyperfootnotes=false,
+ pdftitle={The microtype package},
+ pdfauthor={R Schlicht <>},
+ pdfsubject={An interface to the micro-typographic extensions of pdfTeX},
+ pdfkeywords={TeX, LaTeX, pdftex, typography, micro-typography,
+ character protrusion, margin kerning, font expansion,
+ kerning, spacing, letterspacing}
+ ]{hyperref}
+ \def\usage#1{\textbf{\textit{\hyperpage{#1}}}}% for indexing of \DescribeMacro ...
+ \def\changes@#1#2#3{% ... the changes ...
+ \protected@edef\@tempa{\noexpand\glossary{#1\levelchar
+ \ifx\saved@macroname\@empty \space\actualchar\generalname
+ \else\expandafter\@gobble\saved@macroname\actualchar
+ \string\verb\quotechar*\verbatimchar\saved@macroname\verbatimchar\fi
+ :\levelchar #3\encapchar hyperpage}}%
+ \@tempa\endgroup\@esphack}
+% \def\theCodelineNo{% % ... and everything else (would double the pdf file size)
+% \reset@font\color{thegrey}\scriptsize
+% \@tempcnta\arabic{CodelineNo}\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne
+% \hypertarget{L:\number\@tempcnta}{\arabic{CodelineNo}}}
+% \def\main#1{\underline{\hyperlink{L:#1}{#1}}}
+% \def\codeline#1{\link@sanitize#1-\@nil{#1}}
+% \def\link@sanitize#1-#2\@nil{\link@@sanitize#1,\@nil}
+% \def\link@@sanitize#1,#2\@nil{\hyperlink{L:#1}}
+% \def\SpecialIndex#1{\@bsphack\special@index{\expandafter\@gobble
+% \string#1\actualchar
+% \string\verb\quotechar*\verbatimchar\string#1\verbatimchar
+% \encapchar codeline}%
+% \@esphack}
+ \def\ctanurl#1{\href{}{\texttt{#1}}}
+ \def\mailto#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\texttt{#1}}}
+ \def\mailtoRS{\href{mailto:<> R Schlicht?subject=microtype \fileversion}
+ {\texttt{}}}
+ \let\hyperpage\relax
+ \def\texorpdfstring#1#2{#1}
+ \def\ctanurl#1{\url{#1}}
+ \def\mailto#1{\texttt{#1}}
+ \def\mailtoRS{\mailto{}}
+ \let\nolinkurl\texttt
+\hyphenation{Ha-rald Har-ders Ber-nard Ku-char-czyk}
+% abbreviations
+\def\microtype{{\PackageFont microtype}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand\thanh{H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\'{}}} Th\`anh}
+ {{\ifdim\f@size pt=1\@ptsize pt\relax\small\fi
+ \ifcharter\textls[30]{#1}\else#1\fi}}{#1}}
+ \DocInput{microtype.dtx}
+% \fi
+% ^^A -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%\changes{v1.0}{2004/09/11}{Initial version}
+% \GetFileInfo{microtype.dtx}
+% \title{\IfFileExists{mt-logo.pdf}{\vspace{-2\baselineskip}^^A
+% \includegraphics{mt-logo}\\[3.5\baselineskip]}{}^^A
+% \textls[30]{The \microtype\ package}\\[.3\baselineskip]\large
+% An interface to the micro-typographic extensions of \pdftex}
+% \author{R Schlicht\quad\mailtoRS}
+% \date{\fileversion\ --- \filedate}
+% \maketitle
+% \thispagestyle{empty}
+% The \microtype\ package provides an interface to the micro-typographic
+% extensions of \pdftex: most prominently, character protrusion and font
+% expansion, furthermore
+% the adjustment of interword spacing and additional kerning, as well as
+% the possibility to disable all ligatures of a font.\ifbeta\else\footnote{
+% A preview of the next version with support for even more micro-typographical
+% extensions is also included in this package. Footnote~\ref{fn:beta} on
+% page~\pageref{fn:beta} contains the details.}\fi\
+% It allows to apply these features to customizable sets of fonts, and to
+% configure all micro-typographic aspects of the fonts in a straight-forward
+% and flexible way. Settings for various fonts are provided.\footnote{
+% Currently, this package provides settings for Computer Modern Roman,
+% Palatino, Times, Adobe Garamond and Minion, Bitstream Charter, and the
+% \ams\ math fonts, as well as some generic settings for unknown fonts.
+% Contributions are very welcome.}
+% Note that font expansion and character protrusion will only work with \pdftex,
+% at least version 0.14f. Automatic font expansion requires version 1.20 or
+% newer. Disabling ligatures require \pdftex\ 1.30^^A
+% adjustment of interword spacing and of kerning requires version 1.3x^^A
+% The package will by default enable the features that can safely be assumed to
+% work.
+% This is a beta version! New features are marked with a red bar.
+%\section{Micro-Typography with \pdftex}\label{sec:micro-type}
+% \pdftex, the \TeX\ extension written by \thanh, introduces two features that
+% make it the tool of choice not only for the creation of electronic documents
+% but also of works of outstanding time-honoured typography: \textit{character
+% protrusion} (also known as margin kerning) and \textit{font expansion}.
+% Quoting \thanh's thesis:
+% \dimen0=\lpcode\font`\`em
+% \divide\dimen0 by 500 ^^A double
+% \hskip-\dimen0 ^^A cheat!
+% `Margin kerning is the adjustments of the characters at the margins of a
+% typeset text. A simplified employment of margin kerning is hanging
+% punctuation. Margin kerning is needed for optical alignment of the margins
+% of a typeset text, because mechanical justification of the margins makes
+% them look rather ragged. Some characters can make a line appear shorter to
+% the human eye than others. Shifting such characters by an appropriate
+% amount into the margins would greatly improve the appearance of a typeset
+% text.
+% Composing with font expansion is the method to use a wider or narrower
+% variant of a font to make interword spacing more even. A font in a loose
+% line can be substituted by a wider variant so the interword spaces are
+% stretched by a smaller amount. Similarly, a font in a tight line can be
+% replaced by a narrower variant to reduce the amount that the interword
+% spaces are shrunk by. There is certainly a potential danger of font
+% distortion when using such manipulations, thus they must be used with
+% extreme care. The potentiality to adjust a line width by font expansion can
+% be taken into consideration while a paragraph is being broken into lines,
+% in order to choose better breakpoints.' [\cite[p.~323]{ThanhThesis}]
+% Both these features have been lacking a simple \LaTeX\ user interface for
+% quite some time. Then, the \pkg{pdfcprot} package was released [\cite{pdfcprot}],
+% which allowed \LaTeX\ users to employ character protrusion without having to
+% mess much with the internals.
+% Font expansion, however, was still most difficult to utilize, since it
+% required that the font metrics are available in all levels of expansion.
+% Therefore, anybody who wanted to use this feature had to create multiple
+% instances of the fonts in advance. Shell scripts to partly relieve the user
+% from this burden were available~-- however, it remained a cumbersome task.
+% Furthermore, all fonts were still being physically created, thus wasting
+% compilation time and disk space.
+% In the summer of 2004, \thanh\ implemented a feature that can be expected to
+% prove as a major facilitation for \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ users: Font expansion can
+% now take place automatically. That is, \pdftex\ no longer needs the expanded
+% font metrics but will calculate them at run-time, and completely in memory.
+% After this great leap in usability had been taken, the development did not
+% stop. On the contrary, \pdftex\ was extended with even more features: Version
+% 1.3x introduced the \emph{adjustment of interword spacing}, additional
+% \emph{kerning settings} and the possibility to \emph{disable all ligatures}
+% of a font.
+% Adjustment of interword spacing is based upon the idea that in order to
+% achieve a uniform greyness of the text, the space between words should also
+% depend on the surrounding characters. For example, if a words ends with an
+% `r', the following space should be a tiny bit smaller than that following an,
+% say, `m'. You can think of this concept as an extension to \TeX's `space
+% factors'. However, while space factors will influence all three parameters of
+% interword space (or glue) by the same amount -- the kerning, the maximum
+% amount that the space may be stretched and the maximum amount that it may be
+% shrunk~\mbox{--,} \pdftex\ provides the possibility to modify these
+% parameters independently from one other. Furthermore, the values may be set
+% differently for each font. And, probably most importantly, the parameters may
+% not only be increased but also decreased. This feature may enhance the
+% appearance of paragraphs even more.
+% Emphasis in the last sentence is on the word `may': This extension is still
+% highly experimental -- in particular, only ending characters will currently
+% have an influence on the interword space. Also, the settings that are shipped
+% with \microtype\ are but a first approximation, and I would welcome
+% corrections and improvements very much. I suggest reading the reasoning
+% behind the settings in section~\ref{sub:conf-spacing}.
+% Setting additional kerning for characters of a font is especially useful for
+% languages whose typographical tradition requires certain characters to be
+% separated by a space. For example, it is customary in French typography to
+% add a small space before question mark, exclamation mark and semi-colon, and
+% a bigger space before the colon and the guillemets. Until now, this could
+% only be achieved by making these characters active (for example by the
+% \pkg{babel} package), which may not always be a robust solution. In contrast
+% to the standard kerning that is built into the fonts (and will of course
+% apply as usual), this additional kerning is based on single characters, not
+% on character pairs.
+% Another application for this feature is letterspacing, which was even more
+% difficult to achieve on the macro level. This package introduces a new
+% command \cs{textls}, which can be used much like the normal text commands.
+% Finally, the possibility to disable all ligatures of a font has been introduced.
+% This may be useful when using typewriter fonts.
+%\ifcharter\else\enlargethispage\baselineskip\fi ^^A layout
+% The \microtype\ package provides an interface to all these micro-typographic
+% extensions.\footnote{
+% Therefore, it is an alternative, not a supplement, to the \pkg{pdfcprot}
+% package, which provides an interface to character protrusion.}
+% All micro-typographic aspects may be customized to your taste and needs in a
+% straightforward manner. The next chapters will present a survey of all
+% options and customization possibilities.
+%\section{Invoking the Package}
+% There is nothing surprising in loading this package:
+% This will be sufficient in most cases, and if you are not interested in
+% fine-tuning the micro-typographic appearance of your document (which would
+% seem unlikely, since using this package is proof of your interest in
+% typographic issues), you may actually skip the rest of this document.
+% Like many other \LaTeX\ packages, the \microtype\ package accepts options in
+% the well known |key=value| syntax. In the following, you'll find a
+% description of all \Key{keys} and their possible |values|
+% (`|true|' may be omitted; multiple values, where allowed, must be enclosed in
+% braces; the default value is shown on the right, preceded by an asterisk
+% if it is contingent on the \pdftex\ version).
+%\subsection{Micro-Typographic Options}\label{sub:options-microtype}
+% {true,false,compatibility,nocompatibility,:font set name}[*\,true]
+% These are the main options to control the level of micro-typographic
+% refinement, which the fonts in your document should gain. By default, the
+% package is moderately greedy: Character protrusion will be enabled, font
+% expansion will only be disabled in circumstances where \pdftex\ cannot expand
+% the fonts automatically, that is, if it is either too old (versions before
+% 1.20) or if the output mode is \dvi\ (see section~\ref{sub:options-misc}).
+% Protrusion and expansion may be enabled or disabled independently from each
+% other by setting the respective key to |true| resp. |false|. The
+% \opt{activate} option
+% is a shortcut for setting both options at the same time. Therefore, the
+% following lines all have the same effect (when creating \pdf\ files with a
+% new \pdftex):
+% When \pdftex\ employs font expansion and character protrusion, line breaks
+% (and consequently, page breaks) may turn out differently. If that is not
+% desired, you may pass the value |compatibility| to the \opt{protrusion}
+% and/or \opt{expansion} options. Typographically, however, the results may be
+% suboptimal.
+%\enlargethispage\baselineskip ^^A layout
+% Finally, you may also specify the name of a font set to which character
+% protrusion and/or font expansion should be restricted. See
+% section~\ref{sec:font-sets} for a detailed discussion.
+%\Describe{Option}{spacing}{true,!false,:font set name}
+% The new extensions of interword spacing and additional kerning adjustment do
+% not feature a compatibility layer. Therefore, they can only be switched on or
+% off, or they may be activated by passing a set name to the option. By
+% default, neither extension is enabled.
+% Whether ligatures should be disabled cannot be controlled via a package option
+% but by using the \cs{DisableLigatures} command, which is explained in
+% section~\ref{sec:disable-ligatures}.
+%\subsection{Options for Character Protrusion}\label{sub:options-protrusion}
+% Using this option, you can globally increase or decrease the amount by which
+% the characters will be protruded. While a value of 1000 means that the full
+% protrusion as specified in the configuration (see section~\ref{sub:protrusion})
+% will be used, a value of 500 would result in halving all protrusion factors of
+% the configuration. This might be useful if you are generally satisfied with
+% the settings but prefer the margin kerning to be less or more visible
+% (\eg, if you are so proud of being able to use this feature that you want
+% everybody to see it, or -- to mention a motivation more in compliance with
+% typographical correctness -- if you are using a large font that calls for
+% more modest protrusion).
+% This option is described in section~\ref{sub:protrusion}, apropos the command
+% \cs{SetProtrusion}. Use with care.
+%\subsection{Options for Font Expansion}\label{sub:options-expansion}
+% As noted in chapter~\ref{sec:micro-type}, the expanded versions of the fonts
+% may be calculated automatically. This option is true by default provided that
+% \pdftex's version is found to be 1.20 or higher and the output mode is \pdf;
+% otherwise, it will be disabled.
+% If \opt{auto} is set to false, the fonts for all expansion steps must exist
+% (with files called \meta{font~name}\texttt{\textpm}\meta{expansion value},
+% \eg\ \file{cmr12+10}, as described in the \cite[p.~20]{pdftexman}). If expanded
+% instances of the fonts are available, they will be used regardless whether
+% \opt{auto} is true or not.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/27}{add remark about Type\,1 fonts required for
+% automatic font expansion}
+% Automatic font expansion requires fonts in Type\,1 format. Therefore, if you
+% are using the Computer Modern Roman fonts in \tI\ encoding\footnote{
+% En passant, it may be noted that Type\,1 format and \tI\ encoding are in
+% no other way related than that both start with a `T' and end with a `1'.},
+% you should either install the \pkg{cm-super} fonts or use the Latin Modern
+% fonts (package \pkg{lmodern}).
+% You may specify the stretchability and shrinkability of a font, \ie, the
+% maximum amount that a font may be stretched or shrunk. The numbers will be
+% divided by 1000, so that a stretch limit of 10 means that the font may be
+% expanded by up to~1\%.
+% The default stretch limit is 20. The shrink limit will by default be the
+% same as the stretch limit.
+%\pagebreak ^^A layout
+% Font expansion will be applied in discrete steps. For example, if \opt{step}
+% is set to~4 (which it is by default), \pdftex\ will try up to eleven different
+% expansion levels of a font (from \textminus20 to +20). If you set
+% \opt{stretch} or \opt{shrink} to something other than their default values
+% but do not specify \opt{step}, it will be set to 1/5th of the smaller value
+% of the two.
+% Therefore, the following lines are all equivalent:
+% When applying font expansion, it is possible to restrict the expansion of some
+% characters that are more sensitive to deformation than others (\eg, the `O',
+% in contrast to the `I'). This is called \emph{selected expansion}, and its
+% usage allows to increase the stretch and shrink limits (to, say, 30 instead
+% of 20); however, the gain is limited since at the same time the average
+% stretch variance will be decreased.
+% Beginning with version 1.5, where this option was introduced, it is by default
+% set to |false|, so that all characters will be expanded by the same amount.
+% See section~\ref{sub:expansion} for a more detailed discussion.
+%\subsection{Miscellaneous Options}\label{sub:options-misc}
+% \pdftex\ is not only able to generate \pdf\ output but can also spit out \dvi\
+% files.\footnote{
+% \TeX\ systems are beginning to switch to pdfe\TeX\ as the default engine
+% even for \dvi\ output.}
+% The latter can be ordered with the option \opt{DVIoutput}, which will set
+% \cmd{\pdfoutput} to zero.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/15}{add note about \opt{DVIoutput} option}
+% Note that this will confuse packages that depend on the value of
+% \cmd{\pdfoutput} if they were loaded earlier, as they had been made believe
+% that they were called to generate \pdf\ output where they actually weren't.
+% These packages are, among others: \pkg{graphics}, \pkg{color},
+% \pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{pstricks} and, obviously, \pkg{ifpdf}. Either load these
+% packages after \microtype\ or else issue the command |\pdfoutput=0| earlier
+% -- in the latter case, the \opt{DVIoutput} option is redundant.
+% When generating \dvi\ files, font expansion has to be enabled explicitly.
+% \emph{Automatic} font expansion will not work because dvips (resp. the \dvi\
+% viewer) is not able to generate the expanded fonts on the fly.
+% If the \opt{draft} option is passed to the package, \emph{all
+% micro-typographic extensions will be disabled}. The \opt{draft} and
+% \opt{final} options may also be inherited from the class options; of course,
+% you can override them in the package options.
+% Information on the settings used for each font will be written into the log
+% file if you enable the \opt{verbose} option, which is disabled by default.
+% When \microtype\ encounters a problem that is not fatal (\eg, an unknown
+% character in the settings, or non-existent settings), it will by default only
+% issue a warning and try to continue. Loading the package with |verbose=errors|
+% will turn all warnings into errors, so that you can be sure that no problem
+% will go unnoticed.
+%\Describe{Option}{config}{:file name}[microtype]
+% Various settings for this package will be loaded from a main configuration
+% file, by default \file{microtype.cfg} (see section~\ref{sub:config-file}).
+% You can have a different configuration file loaded instead by specifying its
+% name \emph{without the extension}, \eg, |config=mycrotype|.
+% This option changes the default amount that the command \cs{textls}, which is
+% described below in section~\ref{sec:lettersp}, will space out its argument.
+% The amount is specified in thousandth of 1em.
+% Loading the package with the \opt{babel} option will adjust the typesetting
+% according to the respective selected language. Read section~\ref{sec:context}
+% for further information.
+%\subsection{Changing Settings Later}\label{sec:options-cmd}
+%\Describe{Macro}{\microtypesetup}{key\,=\,value list}
+% This command may be used in the document body to change the general settings
+% of the micro-typographic extensions. It accepts the keys: \Key{expansion},
+% \Key{protrusion} and \Key{activate}, which in turn may receive the values
+% |true|, |false|, |compatibility| or |nocompatibility| (but not the name of a
+% font set).
+% For \Key{spacing} and \Key{kerning}, there is no compatibility level,
+% therefore, only the values |true| and |false| are admissible here.
+% Using this command, you could for instance temporarily disable font expansion
+% by saying:
+%\section{Declaring Font Sets}\label{sec:font-sets}
+% By default, character protrusion will be applied to all text fonts that are
+% being used in the document, and a basic set of fonts will be expanded. You
+% may want to customize the set of fonts that should get the benefit of
+% micro-typographic treatment. This can be achieved by specifying attributes of
+% the font that have to be matched for them to be taken into account.
+%\Describe{Macro}{\DeclareMicrotypeSet}{?features,set name,set of fonts}
+% This command declares a new set of fonts to which the micro-typographic
+% extensions should be applied. The optional argument may contain a
+% comma-separated list of features to which this set should be restricted. The
+% set can subsequently be activated by calling:
+%\UseMicrotypeSet[<\Variable{features}>]{<\Variable{set name}>}
+%|\UseMicrotypeSet[|\Variable{features}|]{|\Variable{set name}|}|
+% The starred version of the command declares \emph{and} activates the font
+% set at the same time.
+% \paragraph{The set of fonts} is specified by assigning values to the \nfss\
+% font attributes: encoding, family, series, shape, and size (cf.~\cite{fntguide}).
+% Let's start with an example. This package defines a font set called
+% `|basictext|' in the main configuration file as follows:
+% { encoding = {T1,OT1,LY1},
+% family = {rm*,sf*},
+% series = {m},
+% size = {normalsize,footnotesize,small,large}
+% }
+% If you now call
+% in the document's preamble, only fonts in the text encodings \tI, \otI\ or
+% \lyI, roman or sans serif families, normal (or `medium') series, and in
+% sizes called by \cmd{\normalsize}, \cmd{\footnotesize}, \cmd{\small} or
+% \cmd{\large}, will be expanded. Math fonts, on the other hand, will not,
+% since they are in another encoding. Neither will fonts in bold face, or huge
+% fonts. Etc.
+% If an attribute list is empty or missing -- like the `shape' attribute
+% in the above example --, it does not constitute a restriction. In other
+% words, this is equivalent to specifying \emph{all} possible values for that
+% attribute.
+% Therefore, the predefined set `|alltext|', which is declared as:
+% { encoding = {T1,OT1,LY1,TS1} }
+% is far less restrictive. The only condition is that the encoding must match.
+% If a value is followed by an asterisk (like `|rm*|' and `|sf*|' in the example
+% above), it does not designate an \nfss\ code, but will expand to the current
+% |\|\meta{value}|default|, \eg\ \cmd{\rmdefault}.\footnote{
+% Note that this expansion will take place immediately, so you should make
+% all relevant changes \emph{before} loading the \microtype\ package.}
+% For example, if you want to include the bold font, too, you should say `|bf*|'
+% instead of `|b|' (\cmd{\bfdefault} for Computer Modern is `|bx|', while for
+% other fonts, it might be `|b|' or even `|sb|'). A single asterisk means
+% |\|\meta{characteristic}|default|, \eg\ \cmd{\encodingdefault}, respectively
+% \cmd{\normalsize} for the size axis.
+% Sizes may be either specified as a dimension (`|10|' or `|10pt|'), or as a
+% size selection command \emph{without} the backslash. You may also specify
+% ranges (\eg, `|small-Large|'); while the lower boundary is included in the
+% range, the upper boundary is not. Thus, `|12-16|' would match 12pt, 13.5pt,
+% and 15.999pt, \eg, but not 16pt. You are allowed to omit the lower or
+% upper bound (`|-10|', `|large-|').
+% Additionally to this declaration scheme, you can add single fonts to
+% a set using the `|font|' key, which expects the concatenation of all font
+% characteristics, separated by forward slashes, \ie,
+% This allows you to add fonts to the set that are otherwise disjunct from it.
+% For instance, if you wanted to have the roman family in all sizes protruded,
+% but only the normal sized, possibly italic, typewriter font (in contrast to,
+% say, the small one), this is how you could declare the set:
+% [ protrusion ]
+% { myset }
+% { encoding = T1,
+% family = rm*,
+% font = {T1/tt*/m/n/*,
+% T1/tt*/m/it/*} }
+% As you can tell from the example, the asterisk notation is also allowed for
+% the |font| key. Size selection commands are possible, too, however, ranges are
+% not allowed.
+%\caption{Predefined font sets}\label{tab:predefined-font-sets}
+% \footnotesize Set name
+% & \multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize Font attributes}\\
+% & \footnotesize Encoding
+% & \footnotesize Family
+% & \footnotesize Series
+% & \footnotesize Shape
+% & \footnotesize Size\\
+% \cmidrule(r){4-4}\cmidrule(r){5-5}\cmidrule{6-6}\else\hline\fi
+% |all|
+% & --
+% & --
+% & --
+% & --
+% & -- \\
+% |alltext|\linebreak\linebreak(|allmath|)
+% & \fontsize{8}{11}\selectfont \otI, \tI, \lyI,\linebreak \otIV, \tV, \tsI\linebreak (\oml, \oms, \U)
+% & --
+% & --
+% & --
+% & -- \\
+% |basictext|\linebreak\linebreak(|basicmath|)
+% & \fontsize{8}{11}\selectfont \otI, \tI, \lyI,\linebreak \otIV, \tV\linebreak (\oml, \oms)
+% & |\rm*|,\linebreak |\sf*|
+% & m
+% & --
+% & \cmd{\normalsize}, \cmd{\footnotesize}, \cmd{\small}, \cmd{\large} \\
+% |normalfont|
+% & |\encoding*|
+% & |\family*|
+% & |\series*|
+% & |\shape*|
+% & |\normalsize| \\
+% \vskip8pt
+% `|*|' = `|default|'
+% Table~\ref{tab:predefined-font-sets} lists the six predefined font sets. They
+% may also be activated by passing their name to the feature options
+% \opt{expansion} and \opt{protrusion}
+% and \opt{spacing} and \opt{kerning}
+% when loading the package, for example:
+%\Describe{Macro}{\UseMicrotypeSet}{?features,set name}
+% This command activates a font set previously declared by \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSet}.
+% Using the optional argument, you can limit the application of the set to
+% one or more features.
+%\Describe{Macro}{\DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault}{?features,set name}
+% If the package has been loaded without activating any font sets in the package
+% options, the sets declared by this command will be activated (provisionally).
+% By default, the `|basictext|' font set will be used for font expansion, the
+% `|alltext|' set for character protrusion.
+% This command will only have an effect inside the main configuration file (cf.
+% section~\ref{sub:config-file}). The commands \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSet} and
+% \cs{UseMicrotypeSet} may only be used in the preamble or in the main
+% configuration file. Their scope is global to the document. Only one set per
+% feature may be activated.
+%\section{Micro Fine Tuning}\label{sec:fine-tuning}
+% Every character asks for a particular amount of protrusion. It may also be
+% desirable to restrict the maximum expansion of certain characters.
+% Furthermore, since every font looks different, settings have to be specific
+% to a font or set of fonts. This package offers flexible and straight-forward
+% methods of customizing these finer aspects of micro-typography.
+%\subsection{Character Protrusion}\label{sub:protrusion}
+%\Describe{Macro}{\SetProtrusion}{?options,set of fonts,protrusion settings}
+% Using this command, you can set the protrusion factors for each character of a
+% font or a set of fonts. A very incomplete example would be the following:
+% { encoding = T1,
+% family = cmr }
+% { A = { 50, 50},
+% \textquoteleft = {700, } }
+% which would result in the character `A' being protruded by 5\% of its width on
+% both sides, and the left quote character by 70\% of its width into the left
+% margin. This would apply to all font shapes, series and sizes of the Computer
+% Modern Roman family in encoding~\tI.
+%\paragraph{The protrusion settings}
+% consist of \meta{character}\,|=|\,\meta{protrusion factors} pairs.
+% The \meta{characters} may be specified either as a single character (`|A|'),
+% as a text symbol command (`\cmd{\textquoteleft}'), or as a slot number: three
+% digits for decimal notation, prefixed with~|"| for hexadecimal, with~|'| for
+% octal (\eg, the `fl' ligature in \tI\ encoding:~|029|, |"1D|, |'35|).
+% \mbox{8-bit} characters may be entered directly or in the \LaTeX\
+% \mbox{7-bit} way of defining them: both |Ä| and |\"A| are valid, provided the
+% character is actually included in the encoding(s). You also have the
+% possibility to declare lists of characters that should inherit protrusion or
+% expansion factors (see section~\ref{sub:inherit}).
+% The \meta{protrusion factors} designate the amount that a character should be
+% protruded into the left margin (first value) respectively into the right
+% margin (second value). By default, the values are relative to the character
+% widths, so that a value of 1000 means that the character should be shifted
+% fully into the margin, while, for example, with a value of 50 it would
+% be protruded by 5\% of its width. Negative values are admitted, as well as
+% numbers larger than 1000 (but effectively not more than 1em of the font). You
+% can omit either number if the character should not be protruded on that side,
+% but must not drop the separating comma.
+%\paragraph{The set of fonts}
+% to which the settings should apply is declared using the same syntax of
+% \meta{font axis}\,|=|\,\meta{value list} pairs as for the command
+% \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSet}.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/23}{remove table of match order}
+% To find the matching settings for a given font the package will try all
+% combinations of font encoding, family, series, shape and size, with
+% decreasing significance in this order. For instance, if both settings for the
+% current family (say, |T1/cmr///|) and settings for italic fonts in the normal
+% weight (|T1//m/it/|) exist, those for the Computer Modern Roman font would
+% apply.\footnote{
+% For the interested, table~\ref{tab:match-order} on
+% page~\pageref{tab:match-order} presents the exact order.}
+% The encoding must always match.
+% \item[\Key{name}] You may assign a name to the protrusion settings, so that you
+% are able to load it by another list.
+% \item[\Key{load}] You can load another list (provided, you previously assigned
+% a name to it) before the current list will be loaded, so that the
+% fonts will inherit the values from the loaded list.\par
+% Thus, the configuration may be simplified considerably. You can for
+% instance create a default list for a font; settings for other shapes
+% or series can then load these settings, and extend or overwrite them
+% (since the value that comes last will take precedence). Font settings
+% will be loaded recursively.\par
+% The following options will affect all loaded lists:
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/23}{add example for \texttt{factor} option}
+% \item[\Key{factor}] This option can be used to influence all protrusion
+% factors of the list, overriding any global \opt{factor} setting (see
+% section~\ref{sub:options-protrusion}). For instance, if you want fonts
+% in larger sizes to be protruded less, you could load the normal lists
+% with a different factor applied to them:
+% [ load = cmr-T1,
+% factor = 700 ]
+% { encoding = T1,
+% family = cmr,
+% size = large- }
+% { }
+% \item[\Key{unit}] By default, the protrusion factors are relative to the
+% respective character's width. The |unit| option may be used to override
+% this and make \microtype\ regard all values in the list as thousandths
+% of the specified width. Issuing, for instance, `|unit=1em|' would have
+% the effect that a value of, say, 50 now results in the character being
+% protruded by 5\% of an |em| of the font (thus simulating the internal
+% measuring of \pdftex's \cmd{\lpcode} and \cmd{\rpcode} primitives).
+% The default behaviour can be restored with |unit=character|.\footnote{
+% The |unit| option can even be passed globally to the package.
+% However, all provided settings are created under the assumption
+% that the values are relative to the character width. Therefore, you
+% should only ask for a different \opt{unit} if you are certain that
+% none of the default settings will be used in your document.}
+% \item[\Key{preset}] Presets the protrusion codes of all characters to the
+% specified values (|={|\meta{left}|,|\meta{right}|}|), possibly
+% scaled by a |factor|. A |unit| setting will only be taken into account
+% if it is not |=character|.
+% \item[\Key{context}] The scope of the list may be limited to a certain
+% context. For an example application, see section~\ref{sec:context}.
+%\subsection{Font Expansion}\label{sub:expansion}
+%\Describe{Macro}{\SetExpansion}{?options,set of fonts,expansion settings}
+% By default, all characters of a font are allowed to be stretched or shrunk by
+% the same amount. However, it is also possible to limit the expansion of
+% certain characters if they are more sensitive to deformation. This is the
+% purpose of the \cs{SetExpansion} command. Note that it will only have an effect
+% if the package has been loaded with the \opt{selected} option. Otherwise,
+% the expansion settings will be ignored.
+%\paragraph{The expansion settings}
+% consist of \meta{character}\,=\,\meta{expansion factor} pairs.
+% You may specify one number for each character, which determines the amount
+% that a character may be expanded. The numbers denominate thousandths of the
+% full expansion.
+% For example, if you set the expansion factor for the character `O' to 500,
+% it will only be expanded or shrunk by one half of the amount that the rest
+% of the characters will be expanded or shrunk.
+% While the default value for character protrusion is~0~-- that is, if you
+% didn't specify any characters, none would be protruded~--, the default value
+% for expansion is 1000, which means that all characters would be expanded by
+% the same amount.
+%\paragraph{The set of fonts}
+% is declared in the same way as for \cs{SetProtrusion}.
+%\ifbeta\pagebreak\fi ^^A layout
+% \item[\Key{name}, \Key{load}, \Key{preset}, \Key{context}]
+% Analogous to \cs{SetProtrusion}, the optional argument may be used to
+% assign a name to the list, to load another list, to preset all
+% expansion factors, or to determine the context of the list.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/23}{add example of how to get rid of a widow}
+% \item[\Key{auto}, \Key{stretch}, \Key{shrink}, \Key{step}]
+% These keys can be used to override the global settings from the package
+% options (see section~\ref{sub:options-expansion}). If you don't
+% specify either one of |stretch|, |shrink| and |step|, their respective
+% global value will be used (that is, no calculation will take place).
+% As a practical example, suppose you have a paragraph containing a widow
+% that could easily be avoided by shrinking the font a little bit more.
+% You could take advantage of the |stretch| and |shrink| options to
+% allow for more expansion in this particular paragraph. There is one
+% problem that has to be worked around, however: \pdftex\ prohibits the
+% use of the same font with different expansion parameters. If you do
+% not want to create a clone of the font setup (this would require
+% duplicating the \file{tfm}/\file{vf} files under a new name, and
+% writing new \file{fd} files and \file{map} entries), you could exploit
+% a dirty trick and load a minimally larger font for the paragraph in
+% question. E.\,g., for a document printed in 10pt:\footnote{
+% Note that the \cmd{\expandpar} command can only be applied to
+% complete paragraphs. If you are using Computer Modern Roman, you
+% have to load the \pkg{fix-cm} package to be able to select fonts
+% in arbitrary sizes. Finally, the reason I suggest to use a larger
+% font, and not a smaller one, is to prevent a different design size
+% being selected.}
+% \SetExpansion
+% [ stretch = 30,
+% shrink = 60 ]
+% { encoding = *,
+% size = 10.001 }
+% { }
+% \newcommand{\expandpar}[1]
+% {{\fontsize{10.001}{\baselineskip}\selectfont #1}}
+% % ...
+% \expandpar{This paragraph contains an `unnecessary' widow.}
+% \item[\Key{factor}]
+% This option provides a different method to alter expansion settings for
+% certain fonts, working around another restriction of \pdftex: It does
+% not allow different expansion limits or steps within one paragraph.
+% The |factor| option influences the expansion factors of all characters
+% (in contrast to the overall stretchability) of the font. For instance,
+% if you want the italic shape to be expanded less, you could declare:
+% [ factor = 500 ]
+% { encoding = *,
+% shape = it }
+% { }
+% The |factor| option can only be used to \emph{decrease} the
+% stretchability of the characters, that is, it may only receive values
+% smaller than 1000. Also, it can only be used for single fonts or font
+% sets; setting it globally in the package options wouldn't make much
+% sense -- to this end, you use the package's \opt{stretch} and
+% \opt{shrink} options.
+% These options in the optional first argument will even be taken into account
+% if the package has not been loaded with the \opt{selected} option.
+% If the \opt{selected} option has been passed to the package (cf.
+% section~\ref{sub:options-expansion}), and settings for a font don't exist,
+% font expansion will not be applied to this font at all. Should the
+% extraordinary situation arise that you want to employ selected expansion in
+% general but that all characters of a particular font (set) should be expanded
+% or shrunk by the same amount, you would have to declare an empty list for
+% these fonts.
+%\subsection{Interword Spacing}\label{sub:interword-spacing}
+%\Describe{Macro}{\SetExtraSpacing}{?options,set of fonts,spacing settings}
+% This command allows you to fine tune the interword spacing (also known as
+% glue). A preliminary remark about what a `space' is may be in order: Between
+% two words, \TeX\ will insert a so called glue, which is characterized by
+% three parameters -- the normal distance between two words, the maximum amount
+% that this distance may be stretched, and the maximum amount that it may be
+% shrunk. The latter two parameters come into effect whenever \TeX\ tries to
+% break a paragraph into lines and does not succeed; it can then stretch or
+% shrink the spaces between words. These three parameters are specific to each
+% font.
+% On top of these glue dimensions, \TeX\ has the concept of `space factors'.
+% They may be used to increase the space after certain characters, most
+% prominently the punctuation characters. If \pdftex's additional spacing
+% adjustment is in effect, space factors are ignored, since it may be
+% considered an extension to space factors with much finer control.
+%\paragraph{The spacing settings}
+% are declared as pairs of \meta{character}\,=\,\meta{spacing factors}, where
+% the latter consist of three numbers: first, the additional kern inserted
+% after this character if it appears before an interword space, second, the
+% additional stretch amount, and third, the additional shrink amount. All
+% values may also be negative, in which case the dimensions will be decreased.
+% Not all values have to be specified, however, the settings must contain the
+% two separating commas.
+%\paragraph{The set of fonts} is declared in the usual way.
+% \item[\Key{name}, \Key{load}, \Key{factor}, \Key{context}]
+% These options serve the same function as in the previous configuration
+% commands.
+% \item[\Key{unit}] Like in \cs{SetProtrusion}, you can specify the unit by which
+% the specified numbers are measured. Possible values are: |character|, a
+% \meta{dimension} and, additionally, |space|. The latter will measure the
+% values in thousandths of the respective space dimension set by the
+% font. For example, with these settings:
+% [ unit = space ] % default
+% { font = */*/*/*/* }
+% {
+% . = {1000,1000,1000},
+% }
+% the space inserted after a full stop would be doubled (technically
+% speaking: 2\,\texttimes\ \cmd{\fontdimen}\,2), as well as the maximum
+% stretch amount and the maximum shrink amount of the interword space
+% (\cmd{\fontdimen}\,3 and \cmd{\fontdimen}\,4). As another example,
+% setting all three value to |-1000| would completely cancel a space after
+% the respective character. By default, the unit is measured by the space
+% dimensions.
+% \item[\Key{preset}] Preset all characters to the specified three values,
+% possibly scaled by a |factor|, and relative to the |unit|.
+%\subsection{Additional Kerning}\label{sub:kerning}
+%\Describe{Macro}{\SetExtraKerning}{?options,set of fonts,kerning settings}
+% Fine tune the additional kerning. In contrast to standard kerning, which
+% is always associated with a \emph{pair} of characters, the additional kerning
+% relates to single characters.
+%\paragraph{The kerning settings}
+% are specified as pairs of \meta{character}\,=\,\meta{kerning values}, where
+% the latter consist of two values: the kerning added before the character, and
+% the kerning appended after the respective character. Once again, either value
+% may be omitted, but not the separating comma.
+%\paragraph{The set of fonts}\dots\ well, you know by now~\dots
+% \item[\Key{name}, \Key{load}, \Key{factor}]
+% These options serve the same function as in the previous configuration
+% commands.
+% \item[\Key{unit}] Admissible values are: |space|, |character| and a
+% \meta{dimension}. By default, the values are relative to 1em.
+% \item[\Key{context}] When it comes to kerning settings, this option is
+% especially useful, since it allows to apply settings depending on the
+% current language.
+% \item[\Key{preset}] Preset all characters to the specified values.
+%\subsection{Character Inheritance}\label{sub:inherit}
+% \Describe{Macro}{\DeclareCharacterInheritance}
+% {?features,set of fonts,inheritance lists}
+% In most cases, accented characters should inherit the protrusion resp.
+% expansion factors from the respective base character. For example, all of the
+% characters \`A, \'A, \^A, \~A, \"A, \r{A} and \u{A} should probably be
+% protruded by the same (absolute) amount as the character A. Using the command
+% \cs{DeclareCharacterInheritance}, you may declare such lists of characters,
+% so that you then only have to set up the base characters. With the optional
+% argument, which may contain a comma-separated list of features, you may
+% confine the scope of the list. The font set can be declared in the usual way,
+% with the only exception that you must specify exactly one encoding. The
+% inheritance lists are to be declared as pairs of \meta{base
+% character}\,|=|\,\meta{list of inheriting characters}. Unless you are using a
+% different encoding or a very peculiarly shaped font, there should be no need
+% to change the default character inheritance settings.
+% In the main configuration file \file{microtype.cfg} and the other
+% font-specific configuration files, you can find examples of all these
+% commands.
+%\subsection{Configuration Files}\label{sub:config-file}
+% The default configuration, consisting of inheritance settings, declarations of
+% font sets and alias fonts, and generic protrusion\ifbeta, \else\space and \fi
+% expansion\ifbeta, spacing and kerning\fi\space settings, will be loaded from the
+% file \file{microtype.cfg}. You may extend this file with custom settings (or
+% load a different configuration file with the `\opt{config}' option, see
+% section~\ref{sub:options-misc}).
+% If you are embarking on creating new expansion and protrusion settings for a
+% font family, you should put them into a separate file, whose name must be:
+% `|mt-|\meta{font family}|.cfg|' (\eg\ `\file{mt-pad.cfg}'), and may contain
+% the commands \cs{SetProtrusion}, \cs{SetExpansion} and
+% \cs{DeclareCharacterInheritance}. These files will be loaded automatically if
+% you are actually using the respective fonts. If the font name consists of
+% four characters, the package will also try to find the file for the base font
+% family by removing the suffix denoting the sub-family, so that you may put
+% settings for the fonts |padx| (expert set), |padj| (oldstyle numerals) and
+% |pad| (plain) into one and the same file.
+%\changes{v1.6a}{2005/02/02}{add table of fonts with tailored protrusion settings}
+%\caption{Fonts with tailored protrusion settings}\label{tab:fonts}
+% \footnotesize Font family (\nfss\ code)
+% & \multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize Features} \\
+% & \footnotesize Series
+% & \footnotesize Shapes
+% & \footnotesize \tsI
+% & \footnotesize Math \\
+% \cmidrule(r){3-3}\cmidrule(r){4-4}\cmidrule{5-5}\else\hline\fi
+% Generic
+% & m
+% & n, (it, sl, sc)\footnote{Incomplete}
+% & (\match)\fnref{a}\\
+% Computer Modern Roman (|cmr|)\footnote{Also used for:
+% Latin Modern (|lmr|), \pkg{ae} (|aer|), \pkg{zefonts} (|zer|),
+% \pkg{eco} (|cmor|), \pkg{hfoldsty} (|hfor|)}
+% & m
+% & n, it, sl, sc
+% & \p\match
+% & \p\match \\
+% Bitstream Charter (|bch|)
+% & m
+% & n, it, (sl)\footnote{Settings inherited from italic shape}, sc
+% & \p\match \\
+% Adobe Garamond (|pad|, |padx|, |padj|)
+% & m
+% & n, it, (sl)\fnref{c}, sc
+% & \p\match \\
+% Adobe Minion (|pmnx|, |pmnj|)
+% & m
+% & n, it, (sl)\fnref{c}, sc, si
+% & \p\match \\
+% Palatino (|ppl|, |pplx|, |pplj|)\footnote{Also used for: \pkg{pxfonts} (|pxr|),
+% \pkg{qfonts}/QuasiPalatino (|qpl|)}
+% & m
+% & n, it, (sl)\fnref{c}, sc
+% & (\match)\fnref{a} \\
+% Times (|ptm|, |ptmx|, |ptmj|)\footnote{Also used for: \pkg{txfonts} (|txr|),
+% \pkg{qfonts}/QuasiTimes (|qtm|)}
+% & m
+% & n, it, (sl)\fnref{c}, sc
+% & (\match)\fnref{a} \\
+% \ams\ math fonts (|msa|, |msb|, |euf|, |eus|)
+% & m
+% & n
+% &
+% & \p\match \\
+% This package ships with configuration files for the font families Computer
+% Modern Roman, Palatino, the inescapable Times, Adobe Garamond and
+% Minion\footnote{
+% By courtesy of Harald Harders (\mailto{}).},
+% for Bitstream Charter and the \ams\ math fonts.
+% Table~\ref{tab:fonts} lists them all.
+% If you have created a file for another font and you are willing to share,
+% don't hesitate to send it to me so that it can be included in future releases
+% of this package.
+%\Describe{Macro}{\DeclareMicrotypeAlias}{font name,alias font}
+% You may use this command for fonts that are very similar, or actually the same
+% (for instance if you did not stick to the Berry naming scheme when installing
+% the font). An example would be the Latin Modern fonts which are clones of the
+% Computer Modern fonts, so that it is not necessary to create new settings for
+% them -- you could say:
+% which would make the package, whenever it encounters the font |lmr| and does
+% not find settings for it, also try the font |cmr|. In fact, you will find
+% this very line in the default configuration file, along with others for the
+% virtual fonts provided by the packages \pkg{ae}, \pkg{zefonts}, \pkg{eco} and
+% \pkg{hfoldsty}.
+%\Describe{Macro}{\LoadMicrotypeFile}{font name}
+% In rare cases, it might be necessary to load a font configuration file
+% manually, for instance, from within another configuration file, or to be able
+% to extend settings defined in a file that would otherwise not be loaded
+% automatically, or would be loaded too late.\footnote{
+% Font package authors might also want to have a look at the hook
+% \cs{Microtype@Hook}, described in the implementation part,
+% section~\ref{sub:hook}.}
+% This command will load the file |mt-|\meta{font name}|.cfg|.
+%\pagebreak ^^A layout
+%\section{Disabling Ligatures}\label{sec:disable-ligatures}
+%\Describe{Macro}{\DisableLigatures}{set of fonts}
+% A new feature has been introduced with \pdftex\ 1.30: The possibility to
+% completely disable all ligatures of a font (which will also switch off
+% kerning). While this purposely \textit{lowers} the micro-typographic quality
+% instead of raising it, it is especially useful for typewriter fonts, so that,
+% \eg, in a \tI\ encoded font, `|\texttt{--}|' will indeed be printed as
+% `|--|', not as `\texttt{--}'. \cs{DisableLigatures} may be used to specify,
+% in the usual way, a set of fonts for which ligatures should be disabled, for
+% example, of the typewriter font in \tI\ encoding:
+%\DisableLigatures{encoding = T1, family = tt* }
+%\Describe{Macro}{\textls}{?amount,general text}
+% Until recently, it has been quite difficult to achieve letterspacing with
+% \TeX.\footnote{^^A
+% Many renowned typographers would have praised \TeX\ for this difficulty,
+% since `he who would letterspace lower-case text, would steal sheep'
+% (credited, among others, to Eric Gill). To learn more about the pros and
+% cons of letterspacing, I suggest to read the documentation of the
+% \cite{soul} package.}
+% The most robust solution is provided by the \cite{soul} package; however, it
+% can still fail in certain circumstances. Employing \pdftex's new extension of
+% additional kerning, letterspacing is now entirely robust, since the extra
+% kerning will be inserted on the typesetting level, not on the macro level. In
+% contrast to the \pkg{soul} implementation, there are two major differences:
+% Firstly, the downside: hyphenation will be suppressed (this restriction will
+% hopefully be lifted some day). Secondly, ligatures will not be broken up,
+% which is usually typographically correct. If this is not desired, you can
+% split the ligatures with a pair of braces |{}| between them.
+% By default, the text will be spaced out by 0.1em on both sides of every
+% character; this amount may altered in the optional argument to \cs{textls} or
+% globally with the \opt{letterspacing} package option (see
+% section~\ref{sub:options-misc}). You may also fine tune the kerning for each
+% character by defining a list for the |letterspacing| context. The default
+% declarations can be found in the main configuration file. Improvements are
+% welcome.
+% Font switches inside \cs{textls} may lead to undesired results, therefore you
+% should start a new letterspacing group when changing to a different font.
+%\section{Context-sensitive setup}\label{sec:context}
+% In previous versions of \microtype, each font was set up exactly once for
+% the entire document. Since version 1.9, it is possible to apply different
+% settings to a font depending on the context it appears in.
+%\Describe{Macro}{\microtypecontext}{key=value list}
+% This command may be used anywhere in the document (also in the preamble) to
+% change the micro-typographic context. For each feature (\Key{protrusion},
+% \Key{expansion}\ifbeta, \Key{spacing} and \Key{kerning}\fi), one context may
+% be specified. Only settings which have been specified with the corresponding
+% `|context|' keyword will then be applied. This makes it possible to use
+% different settings for different parts of the document.\ifbeta\else\footnote{
+% This feature is especially useful for the new experimental extensions of
+% \pdftex: adjustment of interword spacing (glue) and the possibility to
+% specify additional character kerning. The former may improve the appearance
+% of the text even more, the latter allows for instance to insert small
+% spaces before certain characters (\eg, for typesetting in the French
+% tradition) without having to use active characters; also, letterspacing can
+% be implemented in a robust way. Currently, these extensions are only
+% available through patches from \url{}. However,
+% if you are adventurous, know how to apply the patches and you are able to
+% compile \pdftex\ yourself, you can easily experiment with them, since
+% \microtype\ already supports these new extensions. To generate the extended
+% version of the \microtype\ package and its documentation, simply remove the
+% comments before `\texttt{\textbackslash betatrue}' near the beginning of
+% \file{microtype.ins} and \file{microtype.dtx}.\label{fn:beta}}\fi
+% For instance, if you are writing a text in French, you could add
+% to the preamble. This would have the effect that kerning settings for the
+% French context would be applied to the document. Should parts of the document
+% be in English, you could insert
+% to reset the context, so that the punctuation characters in these parts will
+% not receive any extra kerning.
+% Instead of adding these commands manually to your document, you may also load
+% \microtype\ with the \opt{babel} option. The current language will then be
+% automatically detected and the contexts set accordingly.
+% {list of \pkg{babel} languages,context list}
+% Naturally, \microtype\ does not know about the typographic specialties of
+% every language. This command is a means of teaching it how to adjust the
+% context when a particular language is selected. The main configuration file
+% contains among others the following declaration:
+% {french,francais}
+% {kerning=french, spacing=}
+% Consequently, whenever you switch to the French language, the kerning context
+% will be changed to `|french|' and the spacing context will be reset. This
+% hook only has an effect if the package has been loaded with the \opt{babel}
+% option (see section~\ref{sub:options-misc}).
+% Currently, \microtype\ supports French and Turkish kerning, and English
+% spacing (aka. \cmd{\nonfrenchspacing}). For unknown languages, all contexts
+% will be reset.
+%\section{Hints and Caveats}\label{sec:caveats}
+%\paragraph{Use settings that match your font.}
+% Although the default settings should give reasonable results for most fonts,
+% the particular font you happen to be using may have different character
+% shapes that necessitate more or less protrusion or expansion. In particular,
+% italic letter shapes may differ wildly in different fonts, hence I have
+% decided against providing default protrusion settings for them.
+% The file \file{test-microtype.tex} might be of some help when adjusting the
+% protrusion settings for a font.
+%\paragraph{Don't use too large a value for expansion.}
+% Font expansion is a feature that is supposed to enhance the typographic
+% quality of your document by producing a more uniform greyness of the text
+% block (and potentially reducing the number of necessary hyphenations). When
+% expanding or shrinking a font too much, the effect will be turned into the
+% opposite. Expanding the fonts by more than 2\%, \ie, setting a \opt{stretch}
+% limit of more than 20, should be justified by a typographically trained eye.
+% If you are so lucky as to be in the possession of multiple instances of a
+% Multiple Master font, you may set expansion limits to up to 4\%.
+%\paragraph{Don't use font expansion for web documents.}
+% Because each expanded instance of the font will be embedded in the \pdf\ file,
+% the file size may increase by quite a large factor (depending on expansion
+% limits and step). Therefore, courtesy and thriftiness of bandwidth command it
+% not to enable font expansion when creating files to be distributed
+% electronically.
+%\paragraph{Only employ kerning adjustment if it is customary in the language's
+%typographic tradition.}
+% In contrast to protrusion, expansion and spacing adjustment, kerning
+% adjustment does not unconditionally improve the micro-typographical quality
+% of your document. You should only switch it on if you are writing a document
+% in a language, whose typographic tradition warrants such kerning. If you are,
+% for example, writing an English text, your readers would probably be rather
+% confused by any additional spaces before the punctuation characters.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/23}{add hint about compatibility}
+% The package should work happily together with all other \LaTeX\ packages
+% (except \pkg{pdfcprot}). However, life isn't perfect, so problems are to be
+% expected. Currently, you should be aware of the following issues concerning
+% the loading order of packages:
+% \item All packages that change the default fonts and encodings (\eg\
+% \pkg{mathpazo}, \pkg{fontenc}) should be loaded before \microtype, so
+% that variables used in the configuration file (\eg\ `|rm*|' for
+% \cmd{\rmdefault}) don't expand to a different value than in the body of
+% the document (as explained in section~\ref{sec:font-sets}).
+% \item When using 8-bit characters in the configuration, \pkg{inputenc} must
+% be loaded first. Unicode input in the configuration is currently not
+% supported.
+% \item The \pkg{CJK} package must be loaded before \microtype.\footnote{
+% And it might still not work. I simply don't know, since I know
+% nothing about \pkg{CJK}. Feedback on the interaction of both
+% packages -- positive or negative -- would be appreciated.}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/10}{add hint about \texttt{verbatim} environment}
+%\paragraph{You might want to disable protrusion in \texttt{verbatim} environments.}
+% As you know by now, \microtype\ will by default apply character protrusion to
+% all fonts part of the font set `|alltext|'. This also includes the typewriter
+% font. Although it does make sense to protrude the typewriter font if it
+% appears in running text (like, for example, in this manual), this is probably
+% not desirable inside the |verbatim| environment. However, \microtype\ has no
+% knowledge about the context that a font appears in but will solely decide by
+% examining its attributes. Therefore, you have to take of care of disabling
+% protrusion in |verbatim| environments for yourself (that is, if you don't
+% want to disable protrusion for the typewriter font altogether, by choosing a
+% different font set). While the \cs{microtypesetup} command has of course been
+% designed for cases like this, you might find it tiring to repeat it every
+% time if you are using the |verbatim| environment frequently. The following
+% incantation, added to the document's preamble, would serve the same
+% purpose:\footnote{
+% If you are using the \pkg{fancyvrb} or the \pkg{listings} package, this is
+% not necessary, since their implementation of the corresponding
+% environments will inhibit protrusion anyway.}
+%\g@addto@macro\verbatim{\pdfprotrudechars=0 \pdfadjustspacing=0\relax}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/23}{add hint about error messages}
+%\paragraph{Possible error messages and how to get rid of them:}
+% \item
+%font ____ cannot be expanded (not an included Type1 font)
+% Font expansion can only be applied if the font is actually embedded in the
+% \pdf\ file. If you receive the above error message, your \TeX\ system is not
+% set up to embed (or `download') the base PostScript fonts (\eg\ Times,
+% Helvetica, Courier). In most \TeX\ distributions, this can be changed in the
+% file \file{updmap.cfg} by setting |pdftexDownloadBase14| to |true|.
+% Otherwise, consult the local guide of your \TeX\ system.
+% \item
+%! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [PDF memory size (pdf_mem_size)=65536].
+% When applying micro-typographic enhancement to a large number of fonts, you
+% may be running out of \pdftex\ memory. You can increase it by setting
+% |pdf_mem_size| to a larger value (maximum 524\,288). For te\TeX-based
+% systems, change the settings in \file{texmf.cnf}, for MiK\TeX, in the file
+% \file{miktex.ini}. Beginning with version 1.30 of \pdftex, the memory will
+% grow dynamically, so that this problem can no longer arise.
+% I would be glad to include configuration files for more fonts. Preparing such
+% configurations is quite a time-consuming task and requires a lot of patience.
+% To alleviate this process, this package also includes a test file that can be
+% used to check at least the protrusion settings (\file{test-microtype.tex}).
+% If you have created a configuration file for another font, or if you have any
+% suggestions for enhancements in the default configuration files, I~would
+% gratefully accept them: \mailtoRS.\footnote{
+% Should you have lots of \pkg{pdfcprot} configuration files lying around,
+% I can also provide you with a \TeX\ conversion script. Just ask me.}
+%\def\contributor#1 <#2\at#3>{#1 (\mailto{#2@#3})}
+%\def\contributor#1 <#2\at#3>{\textit{#1}}
+% This package would be pointless if \contributor\thanh{} <thanh\at>
+% hadn't created the \pdftex\ programme in the first place, which introduced the
+% micro-typographic extensions and made them available to the \TeX\ world.
+% Furthermore, I thank him for helping me to improve this package, and not
+% least for promoting it in [\cite{ThanhPracTeX}].
+% \contributor Harald Harders <h.harders\at> has contributed protrusion
+% settings for Adobe Minion. I~would also like to thank him for a number of bug
+% reports and suggestions he had to make.
+% \contributor Andreas B\"uhmann <andreas.buehmann\at> has suggested the
+% possibility to specify ranges of font sizes, and resourcefully assisted in
+% implementing this. He also came up with some good ideas for the management of
+% complex configurations.
+% \contributor Ulrich Dirr <ud\at> has made numerous suggestion
+% especially concerning the new extensions of interword spacing adjustment
+% and additional character kerning.
+% I thank \contributor Philipp Lehman <plehman\at> for adding to his
+% \pkg{csquotes} package the possibility to restore the original meanings of
+% all activated characters, thus allowing for these characters to be used in the
+% configuration files.
+% \contributor Peter Wilson <\at> kindly provided a
+% hook in his \pkg{ledmac}/\pkg{ledpar} packages, so that critical editions can
+% finally also benefit from character protrusion.
+% Additionally, the following people have reported bugs or helped otherwise
+% (in chronological order):
+% \contributor Ulrich Dirr <ud\at>,
+% \contributor Tom Kink <kink\at>,
+% \contributor Herb Schulz <herbs\at>,
+% \contributor Michael Hoppe <mh\at>,
+% \contributor Gary~L. Gray <gray\at>,
+% \contributor Georg Verweyen <Georg.Verweyen\at>,
+% \contributor Christoph Bier <christoph.bier\at>,
+% \contributor Peter Muthesius <Pemu\at>,
+% \contributor Bernard Gaulle <gaulle\at>,
+% \contributor Adam Kucharczyk <adamk\at>,
+% \contributor Mark Rossi <mark.rossi\at>,
+% \contributor Stephan Hennig <stephanhennig\at>,
+% \contributor Michael Zedler <Michael.Zedler\at>,
+% \contributor Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss\at>.
+% \bibitem[Th\`anh 2000]{ThanhThesis}
+% \thanh, \emph{Micro-typographic extensions to the \TeX\ typesetting system},
+% \newblock Diss. Masaryk University Brno 2000,
+% \newblock in: \textit{TUGBoat}, vol.~21(2000), no.~4, pp.~317--434.
+% \newblock (Online at \url{})
+% \bibitem[Th\`anh 2001]{ThanhTUG}
+% \thanh, \emph{Margin Kerning and Font Expansion with \pdftex},
+% \newblock in: \textit{TUGBoat}, vol.~22(2001), no.~3 -- Proceedings of the
+% 2001 Annual Meeting, pp.~146--148.
+% \newblock (Online at \url{})
+%\bibitem[Th\`anh 2004]{ThanhPracTeX}
+% \thanh, \emph{Micro-typographic Extensions of \pdftex\ in Practice},
+% \newblock in: \textit{TUGBoat}, vol.~25(2004), no.~1 -- Proceedings of the
+% Practical \TeX\ 2004 Conference, pp.~35--38.
+% \newblock (Online at \url{})
+% \bibitem[Th\`anh 2005]{ThanhEuroTeX}
+% \thanh, \emph{Experiences with micro-typographic extensions of \pdftex\ in practice},
+% \newblock in: Proceedings of Euro\TeX\ 2005, 15\textsuperscript{th}~Annual
+% Meeting of the European \TeX\ Users, March~7 -- March~11, 2005,
+% Abbaye des Pr\'emontr\'es, Pont-\`a-Mousson, pp.~81--88.
+% \newblock (Online at \url{})
+% \bibitem[\pdftex\ manual]{pdftexman}
+% \thanh, Sebastian Rahtz, Hans Hagen, Hartmut Henkel, \emph{The \pdftex\ user manual},
+% \newblock August 21, 2005.
+% \newblock (Available from \ctan\ at \ctanurl{/systems/pdftex/manual};
+% latest version at \url{})
+% \bibitem[\LaTeXe\ font selection]{fntguide}
+% \LaTeX3 Project Team, \emph{\LaTeXe\ font selection},
+% \newblock February 10, 2004.
+% \newblock (Available from \ctan\ at \ctanurl{/macros/latex/doc/fntguide.pdf})
+% \bibitem[\texttt{pdfcprot}]{pdfcprot}
+% Carsten Schurig, \emph{The |pdfcprot.sty| package},
+% \newblock August 14, 2002.
+% \newblock (Available from \ctan\ at \ctanurl{/macros/latex/contrib/pdfcprot/})
+% \bibitem[\texttt{soul}]{soul}
+% Melchior Franz, \emph{The |soul| package},
+% \newblock November 13, 2003.
+% \newblock (Available from \ctan\ at \ctanurl{/macros/latex/contrib/soul/})
+%\section{Short History}\label{sec:short-history}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/11}{add short history (section~\ref{sec:short-history})}
+% The comprehensive list of changes can be
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname r@sec:changes\endcsname\relax
+% obtained by running `\texttt{makeindex \mbox{-s}
+% \mbox{-o microtype.gls} microtype.glo}'^^A
+% \else
+% found in appendix~\ref{sec:changes}^^A
+% \fi.
+% The following is a list of all changes relevant in the user land; bug fixes
+% are swept under the rug.
+% {\list{}{
+% \leftmargin 15pt
+% \itemindent-15pt
+% \labelwidth 22pt
+% \labelsep 0pt
+% \parsep 0pt
+% \itemsep 0pt plus 2pt
+% \def\makelabel##1{##1\hss}
+% }}
+% {\endlist}
+%\def\Version #1 (#2.#3.#4){
+% \vskip 1ex plus 1pt
+% \pagebreak[2]
+% \VersionDate{#1}{#4/#3/#2}
+% \item[#1](\number#2.\,\number#3.\,#4)^^A \number removes leading zeroes
+% \nopagebreak[4]
+%\def\VersionDate#1#2{^^A needed in the Change History
+% \global\expandafter\def\csname MTversiondate#1\endcsname{#2}}
+%\Version 2.0 (28.10.2005)
+% \item Support for the new extensions of \pdftex\ version 1.3x: adjustment of
+% interword spacing (glue), and additional kerning
+% (new commands \cs{SetExtraSpacing} and \cs{SetExtraKerning},
+% new options `\opt{spacing}', `\opt{kerning}';
+% see section~\ref{sub:interword-spacing} and~\ref{sub:kerning})
+% \item New option `\opt{babel}' to activate automatic adjustment to the
+% \pkg{babel} package
+% (see sections~\ref{sub:options-misc} and~\ref{sec:context})
+% \item New commands \cs{textls} and \cs{lsstyle} for letterspacing
+% (requires \pdftex\ version 1.3x;
+% see section~\ref{sec:lettersp})
+%\Version 1.9 (28.10.2005)
+% \item New command \cs{DisableLigatures} to disable ligatures of fonts
+% (requires \pdftex\ version 1.30 or later;
+% see section~\ref{sec:disable-ligatures})
+% \item New command \cs{microtypecontext} to change the configuration context;
+% new key `|context|' for the configuration commands
+% (see section~\ref{sec:context})
+% \item New key `|font|' to add single fonts to the font sets
+% (see section~\ref{sec:font-sets})
+% \item New key `|preset|' to set all characters to the specified value before
+% loading the lists
+% \item Value `|relative|' renamed to `|character|' for `|unit|' keys
+% \item Support for the Polish \otIV\ encoding (protrusion, expansion, inheritance)
+% \item Support for the Vietnamese \tV\ encoding (protrusion, expansion, inheritance)
+% \item `\opt{DVIoutput}' will work with \TeX Live 2004
+%\Version 1.8 (23.06.2005)
+% \item If font substitution has occurred, the settings for the substitute will
+% be used instead of those for the selected font
+% \item New command \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault} to declare the default font
+% sets (see section~\ref{sec:font-sets})
+% \item New option `\opt{config}' to load a different configuration file
+% (see section~\ref{sub:options-misc})
+% \item New option `\opt{unit}' to measure protrusion factors relative to a
+% dimension instead of the character width
+% (see section~\ref{sub:protrusion})
+% \item Renamed commands from \cs{..MicroType..} to \cs{..Microtype..}
+% \item Protrusion settings for \ams\ math fonts
+% \item Protrusion settings for Times in \lyI\ encoding completed
+% \item The `|allmath|' font set also includes \U\ encoding
+% \item 8-bit characters in the configuration files finally work as advertised,
+% even if made active by the \pkg{csquotes} package
+% \item When using the \pkg{ledmac} package, character protrusion will work
+% for the first time ever (requires \pdftex\ version 1.30 or later)
+%\Version 1.7 (23.03.2005)
+% \item Possibility to specify ranges of font sizes in the set declarations
+% and protrusion and expansion settings
+% (see sections~\ref{sec:font-sets} and~\ref{sec:fine-tuning})
+% \item Always take font size into account when trying to find protrusion resp.
+% expansion settings for a given font
+% (see section~\ref{sec:fine-tuning})
+% \item New command \cs{LoadMicrotypeFile} to load a font configuration file
+% manually (see section~\ref{sub:config-file})
+% \item Hook \cs{Microtype@Hook} for font package authors (see section~\ref{sub:hook})
+% \item New option `\opt{verbose}|=errors|' to turn all warnings into errors
+%^^A \item Compatibility with the \pkg{chemsym} and \pkg{statex} packages
+% \item Disable expansion inside \cmd{\showhyphens}
+% \item Warning when running in draft mode
+%\Version 1.6a (02.02.2005)
+% \item Compatibility with the \pkg{frenchpro} package
+%\Version 1.6 (24.01.2005)
+% \item New option `\opt{factor}' to influence protrusion resp. expansion of
+% all characters of a font or font set
+% (see sections~\ref{sub:options-protrusion} and~\ref{sec:fine-tuning})
+% \item When \pdftex\ is too old to expand fonts automatically, expansion
+% has to be enabled explicitly, automatic expansion will be disabled
+% (see section~\ref{sub:options-microtype})
+% \item Protrusion settings of digits improved
+% \item Use \etex\ extensions, if available
+%\Version 1.5 (15.12.2004)
+% \item When output mode is \dvi, font expansion has to be enabled
+% explicitly, automatic expansion will be disabled
+% (see section~\ref{sub:options-microtype})
+% \item New option `\opt{selected}' to enable selected expansion
+% (see sections~\ref{sub:options-expansion} and \ref{sub:expansion});
+% default is: |false|
+% \item New default for expansion option `\opt{step}': 4 (min(\opt{stretch},\opt{shrink})/5)
+% (see section~\ref{sub:options-expansion})
+% \item Protrusion settings for Bitstream Charter
+% \item Compatibility with Turkish \pkg{babel}
+%\Version 1.4b (26.11.2004)
+% \item \cs{UseMicrotypeSet} requires the set to be declared
+% (see section~\ref{sec:font-sets})
+% \item Internal optimization
+%^^A\Version 1.4a (17.11.2004)
+%^^A \item Bug fix update (font setup inside |tabular|s)
+%\Version 1.4 (12.11.2004)
+% \item Set up fonts independently from \LaTeX\ font loading
+% (therefore, no risk of overlooking fonts anymore, and the package may
+% be loaded at any time)
+% \item \cs{microtypesetup} now sets the correct level of protrusion
+% (see chapter~\ref{sec:options-cmd})
+% \item New option: `\opt{final}'
+%\Version 1.3 (27.10.2004)
+% \item Compatibility with the \pkg{german} and \pkg{ngerman} packages
+%\Version 1.2 (03.10.2004)
+% \item New font sets: `|allmath|' and `|basicmath|'
+% (see section~\ref{sec:font-sets} and table~\ref{tab:predefined-font-sets})
+% \item Protrusion settings for Computer Modern Roman math symbols
+% \item Protrusion settings for \tsI\ encoding completed for Computer Modern
+% Roman and Adobe Garamond
+% \item If an alias font name is specified, it will be used as an alternative,
+% not as a replacement (see section~\ref{sub:config-file})
+% \item More tests for sanity of settings and whether all fonts will be set up
+% \item More robust parsing of sizes in font sets
+%\Version 1.1 (21.09.2004)
+% \item Protrusion settings for Adobe Minion, contributed by Harald Harders
+% \item New command: \cs{DeclareCharacterInheritance}
+% (see section~\ref{sub:inherit})
+% \item Characters may also be specified as octal or hexadecimal numbers
+% (see section~\ref{sec:fine-tuning})
+% \item Configuration file names in lowercase (see section~\ref{sub:config-file})
+%\Version 1.0 (11.09.2004)
+% \item First \ctan\ release
+% \GeneralChanges!
+% \StopEventually{
+% \typeout{:?1000} ^^A tell WinEdt not to bother about overfull boxes
+% \appendix
+% \PrintChanges
+% \PrintIndex
+% \typeout{:?1111}
+% }
+% ^^A =========================================================================
+% \#,\$,\%,\&,\^,\_,\|,\~,\ } ^^A won't work: \{,\}
+%\DoNotIndex{\advance,\aftergroup,\begingroup,\catcode,\char,\chardef, ^^A TeX
+% \csname,\def,\divide,\edef,\else,\endcsname,\endgroup,\endinput,\escapechar,
+% \expandafter,\fi,\gdef,\global,\hbox,\if,\ifcase,\ifdim,\iffalse,\ifhbox,\ifnum,
+% \iftrue,\ifx,\input,\inputlineno,\kern,\let,\meaning,\multiply,\newcount,
+% \newdimen,\newif,\newtoks,\noexpand,\number,\or,\relax,\romannumeral,\setbox,
+% \space,\string,\the,\uppercase,\wd,\xdef}
+%\DoNotIndex{\@backslashchar,\@cclv,\@cclvi,\@classoptionslist,\@currext, ^^A LaTeX
+% \@currname,\@defaultunits,\@empty,\@expandtwoargs,\@firstofone,\@firstoftwo,
+% \@gobble,\@ifnextchar,\@ifpackagelater,\@ifpackageloaded,\@ifpackagewith,\@ifstar,
+% \@m,\@makeother,\@nameuse,\@ne,\@nil,\@nnil,\@nodocument,\@onelevel@sanitize,
+% \@onlypreamble,\@ptionlist,\@removeelement,\@secondoftwo,\@spaces,\@tempa,
+% \@tempb,\@tempc,\@tempcnta,\@tempcntb,\@tempdima,\@tempswafalse,\@tempswatrue,
+% \@undefined,\@unprocessedoptions,\@unusedoptionlist,\g@addto@macro,\if@tempswa,
+% \m@ne,\p@,\set@display@protect,\strip@prefix,\strip@pt,\thr@@,\tw@,\z@,\zap@space}
+% \renewcommand,\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndOfPackage,\CheckCommand,\CurrentOption,
+% \DeclareRobustCommand,\IfFileExists,\InputIfFileExists,\MessageBreak,
+% \PackageError,\PackageInfo,\PackageWarning,\RequirePackage}
+%^^A \define@newfont,\do@subst@correction,\f@encoding,\f@size,\font@name,
+%^^A \normalfont,\pickup@font,\selectfont,\set@fontsize}
+%\DoNotIndex{\detokenize,\dimexpr,\eTeXversion,\ifcsname,\ifdefined,\numexpr} ^^A e-TeX
+%^^A\DoNotIndex{\{ef,lp,rp}code,\{left,right}marginkern,\{kn{bc,ac},{kn,st,sh}bs}code,\pdf*} ^^A pdfTeX
+%\DoNotIndex{\normalpdfoutput,\normalpdftexversion,\normalpdftexrevision} ^^A TeXLive
+%\DoNotIndex{\@inpenc@undefined@,\IeC} ^^A inputenc
+%\DoNotIndex{\@disablequotes} ^^A csquotes
+%\DoNotIndex{\foreign@language,\languagename,\select@language} ^^A babel
+%\DoNotIndex{\percentsign} ^^A Spanish babel
+%\DoNotIndex{\NoAutoSpaceBeforeFDP} ^^A French babel
+%\DoNotIndex{\l@dunhbox@line} ^^A ledmac/ledpar
+%\DoNotIndex{\pdfstringdefDisableCommands} ^^A hyperref
+%\DoNotIndex{\define@key,\KV@@sp@def,\setkeys} ^^A keyval
+%\DoNotIndex{\color@begingroup,\color@endgroup,\everypar,\hbadness,\hsize, ^^A \showhyphens
+% \maxdimen,\parfillskip,\pretolerance,\showboxdepth,\tolerance,\vbox,\z@skip}
+%\DoNotIndex{\CHAR,\KVo@tempa,\MT@dinfo,\MT@dinfo@nl,\tracingmicrotype,\x,\y} ^^A microtype
+%\DoNotIndex{\DeclareMicroTypeSet,\UseMicroTypeSet,\DeclareMicroTypeAlias, ^^A ... old commands
+% \LoadMicroTypeFile,\MicroType@Hook}
+% ^^A -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \pkg{docstrip} modules in this file are:
+% \item[|driver|:] The documentation driver, only visible in the \file{dtx} file.
+% \item[|package|:] The code for the \microtype\ package (\file{microtype.sty}).
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[|debug|:] Code for additional output in the log file.\\
+% Used for -- surprise! -- debugging purposes.
+% \end{description}
+% \item[|config|:] Surrounds all configuration modules.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[|m-t|:] The main configuration file (\file{microtype.cfg}).
+% \item[|bch|:] Settings for Bitstream Charter (\file{mt-bch.cfg}).
+% \item[|cmr|:] Settings for Computer Modern Roman (\file{mt-cmr.cfg}).
+% \item[|pad|:] Settings for Adobe Garamond (\file{mt-pad.cfg}).
+% \item[|ppl|:] Settings for Palatino (\file{mt-ppl.cfg}).
+% \item[|ptm|:] Settings for Times (\file{mt-ptm.cfg}).
+% \item[|pmn|:] Settings for Adobe Minion (\file{mt-pmn.cfg}). \\
+% Contributed by Harald Harders.
+% \item[|cfg-u|:] Surrounds non-text configurations (\U\ encoding).
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[|msa|:] Settings for \ams\ `a' symbol font (\file{mt-msa.cfg}).
+% \item[|msb|:] Settings for \ams\ `b' symbol font (\file{mt-msb.cfg}).
+% \item[|euf|:] Settings for \ams\ Euler Fraktur font (\file{mt-euf.cfg}).
+% \item[|eus|:] Settings for \ams\ Euler script font (\file{mt-eus.cfg}).
+% \end{description}
+% \end{description}
+% \item[|test|:] A helper file that may be used to create and test
+% protrusion settings (\file{test-microtype.tex}).
+% \item[|beta|:] Support for features not yet included in an official
+% release of \pdftex.
+% And now for something completely different.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% These are all commands for the outside world. We define them here as dummy
+% commands, so that they won't generate an error if we are not running \pdftex.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This command also has a starred version.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar
+ {\@ifnextchar[\MT@DeclareSet{\MT@DeclareSet[]}}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[\MT@DeclareSet{\MT@DeclareSet[]}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set declarations are only allowed in the preamble (resp. the main
+% configuration file). All the other commands, on the other hand, must be
+% allowed in the document, too, since they may be called inside font
+% configuration files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The old command names had one more hunch.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/28}{renamed commands from \cs{..MicroType..} to
+% \cs{..Microtype..}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning{\string#1 is deprecated. Please use\MessageBreak
+ \string#2 instead}%
+ \let#1#2#2}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@old@cmd\DeclareMicroTypeSet
+ \DeclareMicrotypeSet}
+ \MT@old@cmd\UseMicroTypeSet
+ \UseMicrotypeSet}
+ \MT@old@cmd\DeclareMicroTypeAlias
+ \DeclareMicrotypeAlias}
+ \MT@old@cmd\LoadMicroTypeFile
+ \LoadMicrotypeFile}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/16}{new macro: for \opt{verbose}\quotechar=\texttt{errors}}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/06}{new macro: used instead of \cs{ifMT@verbose}}
+% Communicate.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ This error message appears because you loaded the `microtype'\MessageBreak
+ package with the option `verbose=errors'. Consult the documentation\MessageBreak
+ in microtype.(pdf,dvi) to find out what went wrong.}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Debug. Cases for \cs{tracingmicrotype}:
+% \item[|0|:] almost none
+% \item[|1|:] + sets \& lists
+% \item[|2|:] + heirs
+% \item[|3|:] + slots
+% \item[|4|:] + factors
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.6a}{2005/02/02}{new macro}
+% \pdftex's features for which we provide an interface here haven't always been
+% available, and some specifics have changed over time. Therefore, we have to
+% test which \pdftex\ we're using, if any. \cs{MT@pdftex@no} will be used
+% throughout the package to respectively do the right thing.
+% Currently, there are six cases for \pdftex:
+% \item[|0|:] not running \pdftex
+% \item[|1|:] \pdftex\ (\textless\ 0.14f)
+% \item[|2|:] + micro-typographic extensions (0.14f, 0.14g)
+% \item[|3|:] + protrusion relative to 1em (\textgeq\ 0.14h)
+% \item[|4|:] + automatic font expansion; default \cmd{\efcode}\,=\,1000 (\textgeq\ 1.20)
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/15}{case 5: \pdftex\ 1.30}
+% \item[|5|:] + \cmd{\(left\textbar right)marginkern}; \cmd{\pdfnoligatures} (\textgeq\ 1.30)
+%\changes{v2.0}{2005/08/20}{case 6: \pdftex\ 1.3x}
+% \item[|6|:] + \cmd{\(knbs\textbar stbs\textbar shbs\textbar knbc\textbar knac)code} (\textgeq\ 1.3x)
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/13}{bug fix concerning version check
+% (reported by Harald Harders)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/29}{compatibility with \TeX Live hack
+% (reported by Herbert Vo\ss)} ^^A <Herbert.Voss\at>
+% ^^A in <MID:deprh8$c69$00$>
+% A hack circumventing the \TeX Live 2004 hack which undefines the \pdftex\
+% primitives in the format in order to hide the fact that \pdftex\ is being run
+% from the user. This has been \emph{fixed} in \TeX Live 2005.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifx\normalpdftexversion\@undefined \else
+ \let\pdftexversion \normalpdftexversion
+ \let\pdftexrevision\normalpdftexrevision
+ \let\pdfoutput \normalpdfoutput
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Old packages might have defined \cmd{\pdftexversion} to \cmd{\relax}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifx\pdftexversion\@undefined \else
+ \ifx\pdftexversion\relax \else
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{0}{running pdftex \the\pdftexversion(\pdftexrevision)}
+%<!beta> \def\MT@pdftex@no{5}
+ \ifx\knbccode\@undefined
+ \def\MT@pdftex@no{5}
+ \else
+ \def\MT@pdftex@no{6}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\pdftexversion < 130
+ \def\MT@pdftex@no{4}
+ \ifnum\pdftexversion < 120
+ \let\MT@pdftex@no\thr@@
+ \ifnum\pdftexversion = 14
+ \ifnum \expandafter`\pdftexrevision < `h
+ \let\MT@pdftex@no\tw@
+ \ifnum \expandafter`\pdftexrevision < `f
+ \let\MT@pdftex@no\@ne
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\pdftexversion < 14
+ \let\MT@pdftex@no\@ne
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{0}{pdftex no: \number\MT@pdftex@no}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we are not using \pdftex\ or in case it is too old, we disable everything
+% and exit here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtEndOfPackage{\let\@unprocessedoptions\relax}%
+ \let\CurrentOption\@empty
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ \ifcase\MT@pdftex@no
+ You don't seem to be using pdftex.\MessageBreak
+ \or
+ You are using a pdftex version older than 0.14f.\MessageBreak
+ microtype won't work with such antiquated versions.\MessageBreak
+ Please install a newer version of pdftex.\MessageBreak
+ \fi
+ All micro-typographic features will be disabled}
+ \expandafter
+ \endinput
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Still there? Then we can begin:
+%\changes{v1.3}{2004/10/27}{check some category codes (compatibility with \pkg{german})}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/03}{reset catcode of `\texttt{\^}' (compatibility with \pkg{chemsym})}
+% We have to make sure that the category codes of some characters are correct
+% (the \pkg{german} package, for instance, makes |"| active). Probably overly
+% cautious. Ceterum censeo: It should be forbidden for packages to change
+% catcodes within the preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \catcode`\^7 %
+ \@makeother\-%
+ \@makeother\=%
+ \@makeother\*%
+ \@makeother\,%
+ \@makeother\/%
+ \@makeother\`%
+ \@makeother\'%
+ \@makeother\"%
+ \@makeother\|%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Polite as we are, we'll restore them afterwards.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#1\else
+ \noexpand\catcode`\noexpand#1\the\catcode`#1\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@restore@catcodes
+ \fi
+ \MT@restore@catcodes\^\-\=\*\,\/\`\'\"\|\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We need the \pkg{keyval} package, including the new \cmd{\KV@@sp@def}
+% implementation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We need a token register.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/09/28}{no longer use \cmd{\toks@}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@protrusion} \IndexNewif{MT@protrusion}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@expansion} \IndexNewif{MT@expansion}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@auto} \IndexNewif{MT@auto}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@selected} \IndexNewif{MT@selected}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@spacing} \IndexNewif{MT@spacing}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@kerning} \IndexNewif{MT@kerning}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@DVIoutput} \IndexNewif{MT@DVIoutput}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@draft} \IndexNewif{MT@draft}
+%\begin{macro}{\ifMT@babel} \IndexNewif{MT@babel}
+% These are the global switches~\dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \dots~and numbers.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\let\MT@shrink \m@ne
+\let\MT@step \m@ne
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Default unit for spacing settings is |space|, default unit for kerning is
+% 1em.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Minimum and maximum values allowed by \pdftex.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Default values for expansion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@factor@default{1000 }
+\def\MT@stretch@default{20 }
+\def\MT@shrink@default{20 }
+\def\MT@step@default{4 }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Default value for letterspacing (in thousandths of 1em).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<beta>\def\MT@letterspacing@default{100 }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Compatibility}
+% For the record, the following \LaTeX\ commands will be modified by \microtype:
+% \item \cmd{\pickup@font}
+% \item \cmd{\do@subst@correction}
+% \item \cmd{\add@accent}
+% \item \cmd{\showhyphens}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/04}{check for \pkg{pdfcprot}}
+% Our competitor, the \pkg{pdfcprot} package, must not be tolerated!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@error{Detected the `pdfcprot' package!\MessageBreak
+ `microtype' and `pdfcprot' may not be used together}{%
+The `pdfcprot' package provides an interface to character protrusion.\MessageBreak
+So does the `microtype' package. Using both packages at the same\MessageBreak
+time will almost certainly lead to undesired results. Have your choice!}%
+ \let\MT@pdfcprot@error\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \pkg{ledmac} package first saves each paragraph in a box, from which it
+% then splits off the lines one by one. This will destroy character protrusion.
+% (There aren't any problems with the \pkg{lineno} package, since it takes a
+% different approach.)
+% We issue a warning, so that nobody can say they didn't know.
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/29}{warning when using the \pkg{ledmac} package}
+% --- This is fixed in \pdftex\ 1.21a, so we no longer warn.
+%\changes{v1.6a}{2004/02/02}{no warning when using the \pkg{ledmac} package}
+% --- Actually, it was completely broken in 1.21a, but 1.21b provides a work-around.
+% ---~\dots~---
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/15}{character protrusion with \pkg{ledmac}}
+% After much to and fro, the situation has finally settled and there is a fix.
+% Beginning with \pdftex\ version 1.21b together with \file{ledpatch.sty} as of
+% 2005/06/02 (v0.4), character protrusion will work at last.
+% Peter Wilson was so kind to provide the \cmd{\l@dunhbox@line} hook in
+% \pkg{ledmac} to allow for protrusion. \cmd{\leftmarginkern} and
+% \cmd{\rightmarginkern} are new primitives of \pdftex\ 1.21b (aka 1.30.0).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@protrusion
+ \ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > 4
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\l@dunhbox@line{%
+ \MT@info@nl{Patching ledmac to enable character protrusion}%
+ \newdimen\MT@led@kern
+ \let\MT@led@unhbox@line\l@dunhbox@line
+ \renewcommand*{\l@dunhbox@line}[1]{%
+ \ifhbox##1%
+ \MT@led@kern=\rightmarginkern##1%
+ \kern\leftmarginkern##1%
+ \MT@led@unhbox@line##1%
+ \kern\MT@led@kern
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Character protrusion in paragraphs with line\MessageBreak
+ numbering will only work if you update ledmac}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ The pdftex version you are using does not allow\MessageBreak
+ character protrusion in paragraphs with line\MessageBreak
+ numbering by the `ledmac' package.\MessageBreak
+ Upgrade pdftex to version 1.30 or later}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This hook will be executed every time a font is set up (inside a group).
+% In the preamble, we check for the packages each time a font is set up.
+% Thus, it will work regardless when the packages are loaded.
+% Even for packages that don't activate any characters in the preamble (like
+% \pkg{babel} and \pkg{csquotes}), we have to check here, too, in case they were
+% loaded before \microtype, and a font is loaded \cmd{\AtBeginDocument}, before
+% \microtype.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%^^A\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/06}{compatibility with the \pkg{chemsym} package}
+% The \pkg{chemsym} package redefines, among other commands, the Hungarian
+% umlaut \cmd{\H} in a way that cannot be parsed by \microtype. As a work-around,
+% we restore the usual definition of \cmd{\H} before setting up the font (which
+% will be done inside a group).
+%^^A\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/24}{remove superfluous \pkg{chemsym} hook}
+% --- Since version 1.7, this is no longer needed, since our character parsing
+% is robust enough now.
+%^^A\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/10}{compatibility with the \pkg{statex} package}
+% Same for \pkg{statex}.
+%^^A\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/24}{remove superfluous \pkg{statex} hook}
+% --- No longer needed, either.
+% Spanish \pkg{babel} modifies the percent character, storing the original
+% meaning in \cmd{\percentsign}.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/30}{restore percent character if Spanish \pkg{babel} is loaded}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifpackagewith{babel}{spanish}{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\percentsign
+ {\let\%\percentsign}\relax
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/22}{restore \pkg{csquotes}'s active characters}
+% Using \cmd{\@disablequotes}, we can restore the original meaning of all
+% characters made active by \pkg{csquotes}.
+% (It would be doable for older versions, too, but we won't bother.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifpackageloaded{csquotes}{%
+ \@ifpackagelater{csquotes}{2005/05/11}\@disablequotes\relax
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \pkg{hyperref} redefines \cmd{\%} and \cmd{\#} inside a \cmd{\url}. We restore
+% the original meanings (which we can only hope are correct).
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/20}{restore \cmd{\%} and \cmd{\#} when \pkg{hyperref} is loaded}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{%
+ \chardef\%`\%
+ \chardef\#`\#
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Check again at the end of the preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifpackageloaded{pdfcprot}\MT@pdfcprot@error\relax
+ \@ifpackageloaded{ledmac}\MT@ledmac@setup\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We can clean up \cs{MT@setupfont@hook} now.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@setupfont@hook\@empty
+ \@ifpackagewith{babel}{spanish}{%
+ \g@addto@macro\MT@setupfont@hook{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\percentsign
+ {\let\%\percentsign}\relax}%
+ }\relax
+ \@ifpackageloaded{csquotes}{%
+ \@ifpackagelater{csquotes}{2005/05/11}{%
+ \g@addto@macro\MT@setupfont@hook\@disablequotes
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Should you receive warnings about unknown slot\MessageBreak
+ numbers, try upgrading the `csquotes' package}%
+ }%
+ }\relax
+ \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{%
+ \g@addto@macro\MT@setupfont@hook{%
+ \chardef\%`\%
+ \chardef\#`\#
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We disable \microtype's additions inside \pkg{hyperref}'s \cmd{\pdfstringdef},
+% which redefines lots of commands.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/09/10}{disable \microtype\ setup inside \pkg{hyperref}'s
+% \cmd{\pdfstringdef} (reported by \thanh)} ^^A private mail, 10/9/05
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{%
+ \let\pickup@font\MT@orig@pickupfont
+ \let\lsstyle\@empty
+ \let\textls\@firstofone
+ }%
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/19}{load a font, if none is active}
+% We need a font (the \pkg{minimal} class doesn't load one).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsection{Auxiliary macros}
+% Test whether we are using \etex. Cases:
+% \item[|0|:] not running \etex
+% \item[|1|:] running \etex
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifx\eTeXversion\@undefined \else
+ \ifx\eTeXversion\relax \else
+ \ifnum\eTeXversion>\z@
+ \let\MT@etex@no\@ne
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/21}{optimization: use less \cmd{\csname}s and \cmd{\expandafter}s}
+% This is \cmd{\@namedef}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@def@n#1{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Its expanding version.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@edef@n#1{\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \cmd{\let} a \cmd{\csname} sequence to a command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@let@nc#1{\expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \cmd{\let} a command to a \cmd{\csname} sequence.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@let@cn#1#2{\expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname #2\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \cmd{\let} a \cmd{\csname} sequence to a \cmd{\csname} sequence.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@let@nn#1{\expandafter\MT@let@cn\csname #1\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Remove trailing space.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Expand the second token once and enclose it in braces.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Expand the next two tokens after \meta{\#1} once.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/09/28}{new macros: less \cmd{\expandafter}s}
+% Expand the next two tokens after \meta{\#1} once and enclose them in braces.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ #1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ {\expandafter#2\expandafter}\expandafter{#3}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% You do not wonder why \cmd{\MT@exp@one@c} doesn't exist, do you?
+% We need this a couple of lines down to mask \cs{ifcsname}~\dots\ \cs{fi} and
+% \cs{ifdefined}~\dots\ \cs{fi}, if \cs{ifcsname} and \cs{ifdefined} aren't
+% defined.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/19}{use \etex's \cs{ifcsname} and \cs{ifdefined} if defined}
+% Wrapper for testing whether command resp. \cmd{\csname} sequence is defined.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifcase\MT@etex@no \MT@hop@else@fi{%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{0}{not running etex}%
+ \def\MT@ifdefined@c#1{%
+ \ifx#1\@undefined
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \fi
+ }
+ \def\MT@ifdefined@n#1{%
+ \begingroup\MT@exp@two@c\endgroup
+ \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we are running \etex, we will use its primitives \cs{ifdefined} and
+% \cs{ifcsname}, which decreases memory use substantially.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{0}{running etex}%
+ \def\MT@ifdefined@c#1{%
+ \ifdefined#1%
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ }
+ \def\MT@ifdefined@n#1{%
+ \ifcsname#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether argument is empty.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/15}{bug fix: use category code 12 for the percent character
+% (reported by Tom Kink)} ^^A <kink\at>
+% ^^A in <>
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if %#1%&
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether argument is a number [0-9] (using an old trick by Mr. Arseneau).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if!\ifnum9<1#1!\else?\fi
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether argument is dimension (or number).
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/22}{don't set \cs{MT@count} globally (save stack problem)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\z@=\hbox{%
+ \MT@count=1#1\relax
+ \ifnum\MT@count=\@ne
+ \aftergroup\@secondoftwo
+ \else
+ \aftergroup\@firstoftwo
+ \fi}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether dimensions are smaller, larger or equal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim #1\p@ > #2\p@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ \ifdim #1\p@ < #2\p@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ \ifdim #1\p@ = #2\p@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether two strings (fully expanded) are equal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{#1}%
+ \edef\y{#2}%
+ \ifx\x\y
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Add item to a list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx#1\relax
+ \xdef#1{#2}%
+ \else
+ \xdef#1{#1#2}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Add item to the beginning.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx#1\relax
+ \xdef#1{#2}%
+ \else
+ \xdef#1{#2#1}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/17}{new macro: used instead of \cmd{\@for}}
+% Run \meta{\#2} on all elements of the comma list \meta{\#1}. This and the
+% following is modelled after \LaTeX3 commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@empty#1\else
+ \def\MT@clist@function##1{#2}%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@clist@
+ \expandafter#1,\@nil,\@nnil,%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@nil#1%
+ \MT@clist@break
+ \else
+ \MT@clist@function{#1}%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@clist@
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/16}{new macro: used instead of \cmd{\@tfor}}
+% Execute \meta{\#2} on all elements of the token list \meta{\#1}.
+% \cs{MT@tlist@break} can be used to jump out of the loop.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@map@tlist@#2#1\@nnil
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@
+ \expandafter#2#1\@nnil
+ \ifx\@nnil#2\else
+ #1{#2}%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@
+ \expandafter#1%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether item \meta{\#1} is in comma list \meta{\#2}.
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/22}{bug fix: compare with \cmd{\\} instead of \cmd{\relax}
+% (discovered by Herb Schulz)} ^^A <herbs\at>
+% ^^A in <>
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@inlist@false
+ \def\x##1#1,##2\@nnil{%
+ \ifx\\##2\\\else
+ \MT@inlist@true
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \expandafter\x#2,#1,\@nnil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Remove item \meta{\#1} from comma list \meta{\#2}.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/10/28}{new macro: remove an item from a comma list}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\x##1#1,##2\@nnil{%
+ \ifx\\##2\\\else
+ \def\x####1,#1,####2\@nnil{%
+ \gdef#2{##1####1}%
+ }%
+ \x##2,#1,\@nnil
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \expandafter\x#2,#1,\@nnil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether item is in token list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@inlist@false
+ \def\x{#1}%
+ \MT@map@tlist@c#2\MT@in@tlist@
+ \edef\y{#1}%
+ \ifx\x\y
+ \MT@inlist@true
+ \expandafter\MT@tlist@break
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/20}{made recursive}
+% Test whether size \cs{MT@size} is in a list of ranges. Store the name of the
+% list in \cs{MT@size@name}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@inlist@false
+ \MT@map@tlist@c#1\MT@in@rlist@
+ \expandafter\MT@in@rlist@@#1%
+ \MT@ifeq{#2}\m@ne{%
+ \MT@ifeq{#1}\MT@size
+ \MT@inlist@true
+ \relax
+ }{%
+ \MT@iflt\MT@size{#1}\relax{%
+ \MT@iflt\MT@size{#2}%
+ \MT@inlist@true
+ \relax
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+ \def\MT@size@name{#3}%
+ \expandafter\MT@tlist@break
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/23}{bug fix: new macro, used instead of \cmd{\loop}}
+% This is the same as \LaTeX's \cmd{\loop}, which we mustn't use, since this could
+% confuse an outer \cmd{\loop} in the document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@iterate{#1\relax\expandafter\MT@iterate\fi}%
+ \MT@iterate
+ \let\MT@iterate\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Sweetness.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@while@num#1#2{\MT@loop #2\ifnum#1\MT@repeat}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/12}{use one instead of five counters}
+% Increment macro \meta{\#1} by one. Saves using up too many counters.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/07}{use \etex's \cmd{\numexpr} if available}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@increment#1{%
+ \MT@count=#1\relax
+ \advance\MT@count \@ne
+ \edef#1{\number\MT@count}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \etex\ way is slightly faster.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@increment#1{%
+ \edef#1{\number\numexpr #1 + 1\relax}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/12}{new macro: use \etex's \cs{numexpr} if available}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/30}{bug fix: remove spaces in non-\etex\ variant
+% (reported by Mark Rossi)} ^^A <mark.rossi\at>
+% ^^A in <d6uhag$qoi$>
+% Multiply and divide a counter. If we are using \etex, we will use its
+% \cmd{\numexpr} primitive. This has the advantage that it is less likely to
+% run into arithmetic overflow. The result of the division will be rounded
+% instead of truncated. Therefore, we'll get a different (more accurate)
+% result in about half of the cases.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@scale#1#2#3{%
+ \multiply #1 #2\relax
+ \ifnum #3 = \z@ \else
+ \divide #1 #3\relax
+ \fi
+ }
+ \def\MT@scale#1#2#3{%
+ \ifnum #3 = \z@
+ #1=\numexpr #1 * #2\relax
+ \else
+ #1=\numexpr #1 * #2 / #3\relax
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Remove spaces around \meta{\#1} (\cmd{\KV@@sp@def} is from \pkg{keyval}).
+% It will be neutralized in \cs{MT@begin@catcodes}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/07}{use \cmd{\@onelevel@sanitize}}
+% Set the category code of all characters to 12.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/07}{shorter command names}
+% Some abbreviations. Thus, we can have short command names but full-length
+% log output.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\MT@abbr@pr@c{protrusion codes}
+\def\MT@abbr@ex@c{expansion codes}
+\def\MT@abbr@pr@inh{protrusion inheritance}
+\def\MT@abbr@ex@inh{expansion inheritance}
+\def\MT@abbr@sp@c{interword spacing codes}
+\def\MT@abbr@sp@inh{interword spacing inheritance}
+\def\MT@abbr@kn@c{kerning codes}
+\def\MT@abbr@kn@inh{kerning inheritance}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% These we also need the other way round.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsection{Setting up a font}
+% Setting up a font entails checking whether protrusion/expansion is desired for
+% the current font (\cs{MT@font@name}), and if so, adjusting \cmd{\lpcode} and
+% \cmd{\rpcode} (protrusion) and \cmd{\efcode} (expansion) for each character.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\MT@vinfo\MT@info@nl
+ \MT@info{Setting up font `\MT@exp@string\MT@font'}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We might have to disable stuff when used together with adventurous packages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@setupfont@hook
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The font properties must be extracted from \cs{MT@font@name}, since the current
+% value of \cmd{\f@encoding} and friends may be wrong!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@exp@two@c\MT@split@name\string\MT@font\@nil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Try to find a configuration file for the current font family.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/29}{also search for alias font file}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@find@file\MT@family
+ \ifx\MT@familyalias\@empty \else
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@find@file\MT@familyalias\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{bug fix: call \cmd{\@@enc@update} if necessary}
+% We have to make sure that \cmd{\cf@encoding} expands to the correct value (for
+% later, in \cs{MT@get@slot}), which isn't the case when \cmd{\selectfont}
+% chooses a new encoding (this would be done a second later in
+% \cmd{\selectfont}, anyway -- three lines, to be exact).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\f@encoding\cf@encoding\else\@@enc@update\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now we can begin setting up the font for all features. The following commands
+% are \cmd{\let} to \cmd{\relax} if the respective feature is generally
+% disabled.
+% Protrusion has to be set up first, says Thành!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@protrusion
+ \MT@expansion
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Interword spacing and kerning.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@spacing
+ \MT@kerning
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Disable ligatures?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@noligatures
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/27}{don't define \cs{MT@encoding} \&c. \cmd{\global}ly}
+% Split up the font name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@encoding{#1}%
+ \def\MT@family{#2}%
+ \def\MT@series{#3}%
+ \def\MT@shape{#4}%
+ \def\MT@size{#5}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Alias family?
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/29}{define alias font name as an alternative, not
+% as a replacement}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@family @alias}%
+ {\MT@let@cn\MT@familyalias{MT@\MT@family @alias}}%
+ {\let\MT@familyalias\@empty}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We check all features of the current font against the lists of the currently
+% active font set, and set \cs{ifMT@do} accordingly.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/29}{also check for alias font name}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% (but only if the feature isn't globally set to false)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\csname ifMT@\csname MT@abbr@#1\endcsname\endcsname
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Begin with setting micro-typography to true for this font. The
+% \cs{MT@checklist@...} tests will set it to false if the property is not in
+% the list. The first non-empty list that does not contain a match will stop us
+% (except for |font|).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@dotrue
+ \MT@map@clist@n{font,encoding,family,series,shape,size}{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@checklist@##1}%
+ {\csname MT@checklist@##1\endcsname}%
+ {\MT@checklist@{##1}}%
+ {#1}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \MT@dofalse
+ \fi
+ \ifMT@do
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \cs{MT@feat} stores the current feature.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@feat{#1}%
+ \csname MT@set@#1@codes\endcsname
+ \else
+ \MT@vinfo{... No \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The generic test.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\csname MT@#2@setname\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#2list@#1@\@tempa}{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Begin a \cmd{\expandafter} orgy to test whether the font characteristic is in
+% the list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \MT@in@clist\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ {\csname MT@#1\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter}%
+ \csname MT@#2list@#1@\@tempa\endcsname
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#2}: #1 `\@nameuse{MT@#1}' in list}%
+ \MT@dotrue
+ \else
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#2}: #1 `\@nameuse{MT@#1}' not in list}%
+ \MT@dofalse
+ \expandafter\MT@clist@break
+ \fi
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If no limitations have been specified, i.e. the list for a font characteristic
+% has not been defined at all, the font should be expanded resp. protruded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#2}: #1 list empty}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the font matches, we skip the rest of the test.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\csname MT@#1@setname\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1list@font@\@tempa}{%
+ \MT@exp@two@n\MT@in@clist
+ \MT@font{\csname MT@#1list@font@\@tempa\endcsname}%
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: font `\MT@font' in list}%
+ \expandafter\MT@clist@break
+ \else
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: font `\MT@font' not in list}%
+ \MT@dofalse
+ \fi
+ }{%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: font list empty}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Also test for the alias font, if the original font is not in the list.
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/22}{bug fix: don't try alias family name if encoding failed}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/12}{bug fix: add two missing \cmd{\expandafter}s}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\csname MT@#1@setname\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1list@family@\@tempa}{%
+ \MT@exp@two@n\MT@in@clist
+ \MT@family{\csname MT@#1list@family@\@tempa\endcsname}%
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: family `\@nameuse{MT@family}' in list}%
+ \MT@dotrue
+ \else
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: family `\@nameuse{MT@family}' not in list}%
+ \MT@dofalse
+ \ifx\MT@familyalias\@empty \else
+ \MT@exp@two@n\MT@in@clist
+ \MT@familyalias{\csname MT@#1list@family@\@tempa\endcsname}%
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+%<debug> \MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: alias `\MT@familyalias' in list}%
+ \MT@dotrue
+%<debug>\else\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: alias `\MT@familyalias' not in list}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifMT@do \else
+ \expandafter\MT@clist@break
+ \fi
+ }{%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: family list empty}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether font size is in list of size ranges.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\csname MT@#1@setname\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1list@size@\@tempa}{%
+ \expandafter\MT@in@rlist
+ \csname MT@#1list@size@\@tempa\endcsname
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: size `\MT@size' in list}%
+ \MT@dotrue
+ \else
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: size `\MT@size' not in list}%
+ \MT@dofalse
+ \expandafter\MT@clist@break
+ \fi
+ }{%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1}: size list empty}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set up for protrusion?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This macro is called by \cs{MT@setupfont}, and does all the work for setting
+% up a font for protrusion.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/10}{adjust protrusion factors before setting the inheriting
+% characters}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/18}{introduce \texttt{factor} option}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@reset@pr@codes
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Check whether and if, which list should be applied to the current font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@if@list@exists{%
+ \MT@get@dimen@six
+ \MT@get@opt
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Get the name of the inheritance list and parse it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@get@inh@list
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Load additional lists?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@load@list{\MT@pr@c@name}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Load the main list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\MT@curr@list@name{protrusion list `\MT@pr@c@name'}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempc{MT@pr@c@\MT@pr@c@name}%
+ \expandafter\MT@pr@do\@tempc,\relax,%
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set all protrusion codes of the font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{-- lp/rp: setting all to \number#1/\number#2}%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@while@num{\@tempcnta < \@cclvi}{%
+ \lpcode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#1\relax
+ \rpcode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#2\relax
+ \advance\@tempcnta \@ne
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% All protrusion codes are zero for new fonts. However, if we have to reload
+% the font due to different contexts, we have to reset them.
+% This command will be changed by \cs{microtypecontext} if necessary.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/03}{new macro: test whether \cmd{\fontdimen}6 is defined}
+% If \cmd{\fontdimen}\,6 is zero, character protrusion won't work, and we can
+% skip the settings (for example, the \pkg{dsfont} fonts don't specify this
+% dimension; this is probably a bug).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\fontdimen6\MT@font=\z@
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Font `\MT@exp@string\MT@font' does not specify its\MessageBreak
+ \@backslashchar fontdimen 6 (width of an `em')! Therefore,\MessageBreak
+ \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} will not work with this font}%
+ \expandafter\MT@gobble@settings
+ \else
+ \edef\MT@dimen@six{\number\fontdimen6\MT@font}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Split up the values and set \cmd{\lpcode} and \cmd{\rpcode}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#1\@empty\else
+ \MT@pr@split #1==\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@pr@do
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/13}{bug fix: allow zero and negative values}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/25}{get character width once only}
+% The \pkg{keyval} package would remove spaces here, which we needn't do since
+% \cs{SetProtrusion} ignores spaces in the protrusion list anyway.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else
+ \MT@get@slot
+ \ifnum\MT@char > \m@ne
+ \MT@get@char@unit
+ \MT@pr@split@val#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \lpcode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; lp (\MT@char): \number\lpcode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+ \def\@tempb{#2}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \rpcode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; rp (\MT@char): \number\rpcode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now we can set the values for the inheriting characters. Their slot numbers
+% are saved in the macro |\MT@inh@|\meta{list name}|@|\meta{slot number}|@|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@pr@inh@name{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@inh@\MT@pr@inh@name @\MT@char @}{%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@c
+ \csname MT@inh@\MT@pr@inh@name @\MT@char @\endcsname
+ \MT@set@pr@heirs
+ }\relax
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Since \pdftex\ version 0.14h, we have to adjust the protrusion factors (\ie,
+% convert numbers from thousandths of character width to thousandths of an
+% \emph{em} of the font). We have to do this \emph{before} setting the
+% inheriting characters, so that the latter inherit the absolute value, not the
+% relative one if they have a differing width (\eg\ the `ff' ligature).
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/10}{don't use \cmd{\lpcode} and \cmd{\rpcode} for the
+% calculation}
+% Unlike \file{protcode.tex} and \pkg{pdfcprot}, we do not calculate with
+% \cs{lpcode} resp. \cs{rpcode}, since this would disallow protrusion factors
+% larger than the character width (since \cs{[lr]pcode}'s limit is 1000). Now,
+% the maximum protrusion is 1em of the font.
+% The unit is in \cs{MT@count}, the desired factor in \cmd{\@tempb}, and the
+% result will be returned in \cmd{\@tempcntb}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > \tw@
+ \def\MT@scale@to@em{%
+ \@tempcntb=\MT@count\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For really huge fonts (100pt or so), an arithmetic overflow could occur with
+% vanilla \TeX. Using \etex, this can't happen, since the intermediate value
+% is 64 bit, which could only be reached with a character width larger than
+% \cs{maxdimen}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@scale\@tempcntb \@tempb \MT@dimen@six
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb=\z@ \else
+ \MT@scale@factor
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Get the width of the character. When using \etex, we can employ
+% \cmd{\fontcharwd} instead of building scratch boxes.
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/19}{use \etex's \cmd{\fontcharwd}, if available}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/25}{warning for missing (resp. zero-width) characters}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\MT@etex@no
+ \def\MT@get@charwd{%
+ \setbox\z@=\hbox{\MT@font \char\MT@char}%
+ \MT@count=\wd\z@\relax
+ \ifnum\MT@count=\z@ \MT@warn@missing@char \fi
+ }
+ \else
+ \def\MT@get@charwd{%
+ \MT@count=\number\fontcharwd\MT@font\MT@char\relax
+ \ifnum\MT@count=\z@ \MT@warn@missing@char \fi
+ }
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% No adjustment with versions 0.14f and 0.14g.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@scale@to@em{%
+ \MT@count=\@tempb\relax
+ \ifnum\MT@count=\z@ \else
+ \MT@scale@factor
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We need this in \cs{MT@warn@code@too@large} (neutralized).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@get@charwd{\MT@count=\MT@dimen@six}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For the |space| unit.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@count=\number\fontdimen#1\MT@font
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Warning for missing characters, or characters with zero width.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifcase\MT@etex@no \MT@hop@else@fi{%
+ \def\MT@warn@missing@char{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Character `\the\mt@toks' has a width of 0pt\MessageBreak
+ (it's probably missing) in font `\MT@exp@string\MT@font'.\MessageBreak
+ It cannot be protruded}%
+ }
+ \def\MT@warn@missing@char{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{Character `\the\mt@toks'
+ \iffontchar\MT@font\MT@char has a width of 0pt \else is missing \fi
+ in font\MessageBreak `\MT@exp@string\MT@font'. It cannot be protruded}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/10}{warning for factors outside limits}
+% Furthermore, we might have to multiply with a factor.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\csname MT@\MT@feat @factor@\endcsname=\@m \else
+ \expandafter\MT@scale\expandafter
+ \@tempcntb \csname MT@\MT@feat @factor@\endcsname \@m
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb > \csname MT@\MT@feat @max\endcsname\relax
+ \@tempcnta=\csname MT@\MT@feat @max\endcsname
+ \MT@warn@code@too@large
+ \else
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb<\csname MT@\MT@feat @min\endcsname\relax
+ \@tempcnta=\csname MT@\MT@feat @min\endcsname
+ \MT@warn@code@too@large
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Type out a warning if a chosen protrusion factor is too large after the
+% conversion. As a special service, we also type out the maximum amount that
+% may be specified in the configuration file.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/17}{new macro: type out maximum protrusion factor}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\csname MT@\MT@feat @factor@\endcsname=\@m \else
+ \expandafter\MT@scale\expandafter\@tempcnta\expandafter\@m
+ \csname MT@\MT@feat @factor@\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \MT@scale\@tempcnta \MT@dimen@six \MT@count
+ \MT@warning@nl{The \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} code \@tempb\space
+ is too large for character\MessageBreak
+ `\the\mt@toks' in \MT@curr@list@name.\MessageBreak
+ Setting it to the maximum of \number\@tempcnta}%
+ \@tempcntb=\@tempcnta
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The optional argument to \cs{SetProtrusion}, \cs{SetExtraSpacing} and
+% \cs{SetExtraKerning} (\cs{SetExpansion} is being dealt with in
+% \cs{MT@get@ex@opt}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Apply a factor?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@feat @c@\csname MT@\MT@feat @c@name\endcsname @factor}{%
+ \MT@let@nn{MT@\MT@feat @factor@}
+ {MT@\MT@feat @c@\csname MT@\MT@feat @c@name\endcsname @factor}%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Multiplying \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} codes by
+ \number\csname MT@\MT@feat @factor@\endcsname/1000}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@let@nn{MT@\MT@feat @factor@}{MT@\MT@feat @factor}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |unit| can only be evaluated here, since it might be font-specific.
+% If it's \cmd{\@empty}, it's relative to character widths, if it's -1, relative
+% to space dimensions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@feat @c@\csname MT@\MT@feat @c@name\endcsname @unit}{%
+ \MT@let@nn{MT@\MT@feat @unit@}%
+ {MT@\MT@feat @c@\csname MT@\MT@feat @c@name\endcsname @unit}%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname MT@\MT@feat @unit@\endcsname\@empty
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Setting \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} codes
+ relative to character widths}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname MT@\MT@feat @unit@\endcsname\m@ne
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Setting \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} codes
+ relative to width of space}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ \MT@let@nn{MT@\MT@feat @unit@}{MT@\MT@feat @unit}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The codes are either relative to character widths, or to a fixed width.
+% For spacing and kerning lists, they may also be relative to the width of
+% the interword glue.
+% Only the setting from the top list will be taken into account.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@get@char@unit\relax
+ \let\MT@get@space@unit\@gobble
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname MT@\MT@feat @unit@\endcsname\@empty
+ \let\MT@get@char@unit\MT@get@charwd
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname MT@\MT@feat @unit@\endcsname\m@ne
+ \let\MT@get@space@unit\MT@get@font@dimen
+ \else
+ \expandafter\MT@get@unit\csname MT@\MT@feat @unit@\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Preset all characters?
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/10/08}{new key `\texttt{preset}' to set all characters to
+% the specified value before loading the lists}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@feat @c@\csname MT@\MT@feat @c@name\endcsname @preset}{%
+ \csname MT@preset@\MT@feat\endcsname
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/14}{new macro: get unit for codes}
+% If |unit| contains an |em| or |ex|, we use the corresponding \cmd{\fontdimen}
+% to obtain the real size. Simply converting the |em| into points might give a
+% wrong result, since the font probably isn't set up yet, so that these
+% dimensions haven't been updated, either.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@get@unit@#1 e!\@nil
+ \ifx\x\@empty\else\let#1\x\fi
+ \@defaultunits\@tempdima#1 pt\relax\@nnil
+ \ifdim\@tempdima=\z@
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Cannot set \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} factors relative to zero\MessageBreak
+ width. Setting factors of list `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@feat @c@name}'\MessageBreak
+ relative to character widths instead}%
+ \let#1\@empty
+ \let\MT@get@char@unit\MT@get@charwd
+ \else
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Setting \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} factors relative
+ to \the\@tempdima}%
+ \MT@count=\number\@tempdima\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifx\\#3\\\let\x\@empty \else
+ \if m#2%
+ \edef\x{#1\fontdimen6\MT@font}%
+ \else
+ \if x#2%
+ \edef\x{#1\fontdimen5\MT@font}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set the inheriting characters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \lpcode\MT@font#1=\lpcode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \rpcode\MT@font#1=\rpcode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{2}{-- heir of \MT@char: #1}%
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; lp/rp (#1): \number\lpcode\MT@font\MT@char/%
+ \number\rpcode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\MT@preset@pr@
+ \csname MT@pr@c@\MT@pr@c@name @preset\endcsname\@nil
+ \ifx\MT@pr@unit@\@empty
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Cannot preset characters relative to their widths\MessageBreak
+ for protrusion list `\MT@pr@c@name'. Presetting them\MessageBreak
+ relative to 1em instead}%
+ \let\MT@preset@aux\MT@preset@aux@factor
+ \else
+ \let\MT@preset@aux\MT@preset@aux@space
+ \fi
+ \MT@preset@aux{#1}\@tempa
+ \MT@preset@aux{#2}\@tempb
+ \MT@set@all@pr\@tempa\@tempb
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Auxiliary macro for presetting. Store value \meta{\#1} in macro \meta{\#2}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempcntb=#1\relax
+ \MT@scale@factor
+ \edef#2{\number\@tempcntb}%
+ \def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@get@space@unit\tw@
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \edef#2{\number\@tempcntb}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set up for expansion?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Setting up font expansion is a bit different because of the \opt{selected} option.
+% There are two versions of this macro.
+% If \opt{selected}|=true|, we only apply font expansion to those fonts for which a
+% list has been declared (\ie, like for protrusion).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@if@list@exists{%
+ \MT@get@ex@opt
+ \MT@reset@ef@codes
+ \MT@get@inh@list
+ \MT@load@list{\MT@ex@c@name}%
+ \edef\MT@curr@list@name{expansion list `\MT@ex@c@name'}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempc{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name}%
+ \expandafter\MT@ex@do\@tempc,\relax,%
+ \pdffontexpand\MT@font \MT@stretch@ \MT@shrink@ \MT@step@ \MT@auto@\relax
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If, on the other hand, all characters should be expanded by the same amount,
+% we only take the first optional argument to \cs{SetExpansion} into account.
+% We need this boolean in \cs{MT@if@list@exists} so that no warning for missing
+% lists will be issued.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@nonselectedtrue
+ \MT@if@list@exists
+ \MT@get@ex@opt
+ {%
+ \let\MT@stretch@\MT@stretch
+ \let\MT@shrink@\MT@shrink
+ \let\MT@step@\MT@step
+ \let\MT@auto@\MT@auto
+ \let\MT@ex@factor@\MT@ex@factor
+ }%
+ \MT@reset@ef@codes
+ \pdffontexpand\MT@font \MT@stretch@ \MT@shrink@ \MT@step@ \MT@auto@\relax
+ \MT@nonselectedfalse
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{allow non-selected font expansion}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/26}{introduce \texttt{factor} option}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/06}{two versions of this macro}
+% Default is non-selected. It can be changed in the package options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At first, all expansion factors for the characters will be set to 1000
+% (respectively the |factor| of this font).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{-- ex: setting all to \number#1}%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@while@num{\@tempcnta < \@cclvi}{%
+ \efcode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#1\relax
+ \advance\@tempcnta \@ne
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% However, this is only necessary for versions prior to~1.20.
+%\changes{v1.6a}{2005/01/30}{only reset \cmd{\efcode}s for older \pdftex\ versions}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no < 4
+ \let\MT@reset@ef@codes\MT@reset@ef@codes@
+ \def\MT@reset@ef@codes{%
+ \ifnum\MT@ex@factor@=\@m \else
+ \MT@reset@ef@codes@
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% There's only one number per character.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#1\@empty \else
+ \MT@ex@split #1==\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@ex@do
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else
+ \MT@get@slot
+ \ifnum\MT@char > \m@ne
+ \@tempcntb=#2\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Take an optional factor into account.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@ex@factor@=\@m \else
+ \MT@scale\@tempcntb \MT@ex@factor@ \@m
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb > \MT@ex@max
+ \MT@warn@ex@too@large\MT@ex@max
+ \else
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb < \MT@ex@min
+ \MT@warn@ex@too@large\MT@ex@min
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \efcode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug> \MT@dinfo@nl{4}{::: ef (\MT@char): \number\efcode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Heirs, heirs, I love thy heirs.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@ex@inh@name{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@inh@\MT@ex@inh@name @\MT@char @}{%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@c
+ \csname MT@inh@\MT@ex@inh@name @\MT@char @\endcsname
+ \MT@set@ex@heirs
+ }\relax
+ }\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{Expansion factor
+ \number\@tempcntb\space too large for character\MessageBreak
+ `\the\mt@toks' in \MT@curr@list@name.\MessageBreak
+ Setting it to the maximum of \number#1}%
+ \@tempcntb=#1\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Apply different values to this font?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @factor}{%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@ex@factor@{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @factor}%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Multiplying expansion factors by \number\MT@ex@factor@/1000}%
+ }{%
+ \let\MT@ex@factor@\MT@ex@factor
+ }%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @stretch}{%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@stretch@{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @stretch}%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Setting stretch limit to \number\MT@stretch@}%
+ }{%
+ \let\MT@stretch@\MT@stretch
+ }%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @shrink}{%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@shrink@{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @shrink}%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Setting shrink limit to \number\MT@shrink@}%
+ }{%
+ \let\MT@shrink@\MT@shrink
+ }%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @step}{%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@step@{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @step}%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : Setting expansion step to \number\MT@step@}%
+ }{%
+ \let\MT@step@\MT@step
+ }%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @auto}{%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@auto@{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @auto}%
+ \def\@tempa{autoexpand}%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : \ifx\@tempa\MT@auto@ En\else Dis\fi
+ abling automatic expansion}%
+ }{%
+ \let\MT@auto@\MT@auto
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \efcode\MT@font#1=\efcode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{2}{-- heir of \MT@char: #1}%
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{4}{::: ef (#1) \number\efcode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempcntb=\csname MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @preset\endcsname\relax
+ \MT@scale@factor
+ \MT@set@all@ex\@tempcntb
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Interword Space (Glue)}
+% Adjustment of interword spacing? Only for sufficiently new versions of \pdftex.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > 5
+ \def\MT@spacing{\MT@maybe@do{sp}}
+ \let\MT@spacing\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This is all the same.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@reset@sp@codes
+ \MT@if@list@exists{%
+ \MT@get@dimen@six
+ \MT@get@opt
+ \MT@get@inh@list
+ \MT@load@list{\MT@sp@c@name}%
+ \edef\MT@curr@list@name{spacing list `\MT@sp@c@name'}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempc{MT@sp@c@\MT@sp@c@name}%
+ \expandafter\MT@sp@do\@tempc,\relax,%
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#1\@empty \else
+ \MT@sp@split #1==\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@sp@do
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else
+ \MT@get@slot
+ \ifnum\MT@char > \m@ne
+ \MT@get@char@unit
+ \MT@sp@split@val#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If |unit=space|, \cs{MT@get@space@unit} will be defined to fetch the
+% corresponding fontdimen (2 for the first, 3 for the second and 4 for the
+% third argument).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@get@space@unit\tw@
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \knbscode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; knbs (\MT@char): \number\knbscode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+ \def\@tempb{#2}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@get@space@unit\thr@@
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \stbscode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; stbs (\MT@char): \number\stbscode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+ \def\@tempb{#3}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@get@space@unit4%
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \shbscode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; shbs (\MT@char): \number\shbscode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@sp@inh@name{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@inh@\MT@sp@inh@name @\MT@char @}{%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@c
+ \csname MT@inh@\MT@sp@inh@name @\MT@char @\endcsname
+ \MT@set@sp@heirs
+ }\relax
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \knbscode\MT@font#1=\knbscode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \stbscode\MT@font#1=\stbscode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \shbscode\MT@font#1=\shbscode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{2}{-- heir of \MT@char: #1}%
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; knbs/stbs/shbs (#1): \number\knbscode\MT@font\MT@char/%
+ \number\stbscode\MT@font\MT@char/%
+ \number\shbscode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{-- knbs/stbs/shbs: setting all to \number#1/\number#2/\number#3}%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@while@num{\@tempcnta < \@cclvi}{%
+ \knbscode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#1\relax
+ \stbscode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#2\relax
+ \shbscode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#3\relax
+ \advance\@tempcnta \@ne
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\MT@preset@sp@
+ \csname MT@sp@c@\MT@sp@c@name @preset\endcsname\@nil
+ \ifx\MT@sp@unit@\@empty
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Cannot preset characters relative to their widths\MessageBreak
+ for spacing list `\MT@sp@c@name'. Presetting them\MessageBreak
+ relative to 1em instead}%
+ \MT@preset@aux@factor{#1}\@tempa
+ \MT@preset@aux@factor{#2}\@tempc
+ \MT@preset@aux@factor{#3}\@tempb
+ \else
+ \MT@preset@aux@space{#1}\@tempa
+ \def\@tempb{#2}%
+ \MT@get@space@unit\thr@@
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \edef\@tempc{\number\@tempcntb}%
+ \def\@tempb{#3}%
+ \MT@get@space@unit4%
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \edef\@tempb{\number\@tempcntb}%
+ \fi
+ \MT@set@all@sp\@tempa\@tempc\@tempb
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Additional Kerning}
+% Again, only check for additional kerning for new versions of \pdftex.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > 5
+ \def\MT@kerning{\MT@maybe@do{kn}}
+ \let\MT@kerning\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@reset@kn@codes
+ \MT@if@list@exists{%
+ \MT@get@dimen@six
+ \MT@get@opt
+ \MT@get@inh@list
+ \MT@load@list{\MT@kn@c@name}%
+ \edef\MT@curr@list@name{kerning list `\MT@kn@c@name'}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempc{MT@kn@c@\MT@kn@c@name}%
+ \expandafter\MT@kn@do\@tempc,\relax,%
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#1\@empty \else
+ \MT@kn@split #1==\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@kn@do
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else
+ \MT@get@slot
+ \ifnum\MT@char > \m@ne
+ \MT@get@char@unit
+ \MT@kn@split@val#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Again, the unit may be measured in the space dimension; this time only
+% \cmd{\fontdimen}\,2.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@get@space@unit\tw@
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \knbccode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; knbc (\MT@char): \number\knbccode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+ \def\@tempb{#2}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempb\relax{%
+ \MT@get@space@unit\tw@
+ \MT@scale@to@em
+ \knaccode\MT@font\MT@char=\@tempcntb
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; knac (\MT@char): \number\knaccode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+ }%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@kn@inh@name{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@inh@\MT@kn@inh@name @\MT@char @}{%
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@c
+ \csname MT@inh@\MT@kn@inh@name @\MT@char @\endcsname
+ \MT@set@kn@heirs
+ }\relax
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \knbccode\MT@font#1=\knbccode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \knaccode\MT@font#1=\knaccode\MT@font\MT@char
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{2}{-- heir of \MT@char: #1}%
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{4}{;;; knbc (#1): \number\knbccode\MT@font\MT@char/%
+ \number\knaccode\MT@font\MT@char}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{-- knac/knbc: setting all to \number#1/\number#2}%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@while@num{\@tempcnta < \@cclvi}{%
+ \knbccode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#1\relax
+ \knaccode\MT@font\@tempcnta=#2\relax
+ \advance\@tempcnta \@ne
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\MT@preset@kn@
+ \csname MT@kn@c@\MT@kn@c@name @preset\endcsname\@nil
+ \ifx\MT@kn@unit@\@empty
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Cannot preset characters relative to their widths\MessageBreak
+ for kerning list `\MT@kn@c@name'. Presetting them\MessageBreak
+ relative to 1em instead}%
+ \let\MT@preset@aux\MT@preset@aux@factor
+ \else
+ \let\MT@preset@aux\MT@preset@aux@space
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Letterspacing factor.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@kn@context{letterspacing}{%
+ \@tempcnta\MT@kn@factor@\relax
+ \MT@scale\@tempcnta \MT@letterspacing@ \@m
+ \edef\MT@kn@factor@{\number\@tempcnta}%
+ }\relax
+ \MT@preset@aux{#1}\@tempa
+ \MT@preset@aux{#2}\@tempb
+ \MT@set@all@kn\@tempa\@tempb
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{\lsstyle Letterspacing}
+% Letterspacing is a special case of extra kerning. It will temporarily switch
+% kerning on, activate the |all| font set and load the |letterspacing| context.
+% The list must have the name |letterspacing|, so that the factor will be
+% applied.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > 5
+ \DeclareRobustCommand\lsstyle{%
+ \ifMT@kerning
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have to add the current font to the active kerning font set, so that the
+% letterspacing will be reset. This will fail for font switches inside
+% \cs{lsstyle}.
+%\todo{fix font switch}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+ \expandafter\MT@exp@two@n\expandafter\MT@in@clist
+ \csname\curr@fontshape/\f@size\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname MT@knlist@font@\MT@kn@setname\endcsname
+ \ifMT@inlist@ \else
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@knlist@font@\MT@kn@setname\endcsname
+ {\csname\curr@fontshape/\f@size\endcsname,}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \MT@kerningtrue
+ \pdfappendkern\@ne
+ \pdfprependkern\@ne
+ \def\MT@kn@setname{all}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@letterspacing@\relax{%
+ \let\MT@letterspacing@\MT@letterspacing
+ }%
+ \microtypecontext{kerning=letterspacing}%
+ }
+ \DeclareRobustCommand\lsstyle{%
+ \MT@warning{Letterspacing only works with pdftex version 1.3x\MessageBreak
+ or newer. You might want to use the `soul' package\MessageBreak
+ instead}%
+ \global\let\lsstyle\relax
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This command may be used like the other text commands. The optional argument
+% may be used to change the letterspacing factor.
+%\changes{v2.0}{2005/09/21}{new command: letterspacing}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#1}{%
+ \let\MT@letterspacing@\@undefined
+ }{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@letterspacing@{#1 }%
+ }%
+ {\lsstyle #2}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Disabling Ligatures}
+% The possibility to disable ligatures is a new features of \pdftex\ 1.30.0.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no < 5 \MT@hop@else@fi{%
+ \let\MT@noligatures\relax
+ \def\MT@noligatures{%
+ \csname ifMT@\MT@abbr@nl\endcsname
+ \MT@dotrue
+ \MT@map@clist@n{font,encoding,family,series,shape,size}{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@checklist@##1}%
+ {\csname MT@checklist@##1\endcsname}%
+ {\MT@checklist@{##1}}%
+ {nl}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \MT@dofalse
+ \fi
+ \ifMT@do
+ \pdfnoligatures\MT@font
+ \MT@vinfo{... Disabling ligatures}%
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Loading the Configuration}
+% Recurse through the lists to be loaded.
+%\changes{v1.3}{2004/10/27}{check whether list exists}
+%\todo{load more than one list}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempb{MT@\MT@feat @c@\@tempa load}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa\@tempb{%
+ \MT@warning{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} list `\@tempa' cannot load itself}%
+ }{%
+ \ifx\@tempb\relax \else
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@feat @c@\@tempb}{%
+ \MT@vinfo{... : First loading \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} list `\@tempb'}%
+ \begingroup
+ \MT@load@list{\@tempb}%
+ \endgroup
+ \edef\MT@curr@list@name{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} list `\@tempb'}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempc{MT@\MT@feat @c@\@tempb}%
+ \expandafter\csname MT@\MT@feat @do\expandafter\endcsname\@tempc,\relax,%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} list `\@tempb' undefined.
+ Cannot load\MessageBreak it from list `\@tempa'}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/13}{configuration file names in lowercase
+% (suggested by Harald Harders)}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/14}{bug fix: also check whether the file for the base
+% font family has already been loaded}
+% Micro-typographic settings may be written into a file |mt-|\meta{font family}|.cfg|.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/16}{no longer wrap names in commands}
+% We must also record whether we've already loaded the file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Check for existence of the file only once.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@in@clist{#1}\MT@file@list
+ \ifMT@inlist@\else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Don't forget that because reading the files takes place inside a group, all
+% commands that may be used there have to be defined globally.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \let\MT@begin@catcodes\relax
+ \let\MT@end@catcodes\relax
+ \InputIfFileExists{mt-#1.cfg}{%
+ \MT@vinfo{... Loading configuration file mt-#1.cfg}%
+ \MT@xadd\MT@file@list{#1,}%
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\MT@get@basefamily#1\relax\relax\relax
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@in@clist\@tempa\MT@file@list
+ \ifMT@inlist@\else
+ \InputIfFileExists{mt-\@tempa.cfg}{%
+ \MT@vinfo{... Loading configuration file mt-\@tempa.cfg}%
+ \MT@xadd\MT@file@list{\@tempa,#1,}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@vinfo{... No configuration file mt-#1.cfg}%
+ \MT@xadd\MT@file@list{#1,}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have to make sure that all characters have the correct category code.
+% Especially, new lines and spaces should be ignored, since files might be
+% loaded in the middle of the document. This is basically \cmd{\nfss@catcodes}
+% (from the \LaTeX\ kernel). I've added:
+%\changes{v1.4a}{2004/11/16}{bug fix: reset some more catcodes when reading files
+% (reported by Michael Hoppe)} ^^A <mh\at>
+% ^^A in <MID:p06002000bdbff1f93eb7@[]>
+% |&| (in |tabular|s), |!|, |?|, |;|,
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/06}{reset catcode of `\texttt{:}'
+% (compatibility with \pkg{french}* packages)}
+% |:| (|french|), |,|, |$|, |_|, |~|,
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/11/28}{reset catcode of `\texttt{\quotechar=}'
+% (compatibility with Turkish \pkg{babel})}
+% and |=| (Turkish \pkg{babel}).
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/29}{reset catcodes of the remaining \ascii\ characters}
+% OK, now all printable characters up to 127 are `other'. We hope that letters
+% are always letters and numbers other.
+% We leave |^| at catcode 7, so that stuff like `|^^ff|' remains possible.
+% This will be used before reading the files as well as in the configuration
+% commands \cs{Set...}, and \cs{DeclareCharacterInheritance}, so that the
+% catcodes are also harmless when these commands are used outside the
+% configuration files.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/17}{also use inside configuration commands}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \makeatletter
+ \catcode`\^7%
+ \catcode`\ 9%
+ \catcode`\^^I9%
+ \catcode`\^^M9%
+ \catcode`\\\z@
+ \catcode`\{\@ne
+ \catcode`\}\tw@
+ \catcode`\#6%
+ \catcode`\%14%
+ \MT@map@tlist@n
+ {\!\"\$\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\[\]\_\`\|\~}%
+ \@makeother
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Inside the configuration files, we don't have to bother about spaces.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@remove@spaces##1{}%
+ \let\KV@@sp@def\def
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End group if outside configuration file (otherwise relax).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The family name might have a suffix
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/14}{only remove suffix, if it is `x' or `j'}
+% for expert or old style number font set
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{also remove `w' (swash capitals)}
+% or for swash capitals (|x|, |j| or |w|). We mustn't simply remove the last
+% letter, as this would make for instance |cms| out of |cmss| \textit{and}
+% |cmsy| (OK, |cmex| will still become |cme|~\dots).
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/25}{bug fix: failed for font names of the form \texttt{abczz}
+% (reported by Georg Verweyen)} ^^A <Georg.Verweyen\at WEB.DE>
+% ^^A in: <>
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx#2\relax \def\@tempa{#1}\else
+ \ifx#3\relax \def\@tempa{#1#2}\else
+ \def\@tempa{#1#2#3}%
+ \ifx\relax#4\relax \else
+ \MT@ifstreq{#4}{\string x}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifstreq{#4}{\string j}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifstreq{#4}{\string w}\relax{%
+ \def\@tempa{#1#2#3#4}}}}\fi\fi\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Try all combinations of font family, series, shape and size to get a list for
+% the current font.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/15}{don't check for empty characteristics list}
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/30}{alternatively check for alias font name}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/15}{use \cmd{\@tfor} (Andreas B\"uhmann's idea)}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/16}{made recursive}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{trying to find \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} list for font \MT@font}%
+ \let\MT@listname\@undefined
+ \def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@map@tlist@c\MT@try@order\MT@get@listname@
+ \expandafter\MT@next@listname#1%
+ \ifx\MT@listname\@undefined \else
+ \expandafter\MT@tlist@break
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/11}{bug fix: also check for //\meta{series}/\meta{shape}//
+% (reported by Andreas B\"uhmann)} ^^A <andreas.buehmann\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 10/3/2005
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/11}{always check for size, too
+% (suggested by Andreas B\"uhmann)} ^^A <andreas.buehmann\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 10/3/2005
+%\caption{Order for matching font attributes}\label{tab:match-order}
+%\catcode`\!=13 \let!\match
+% & 1.& 2.& 3.& 4.& 5.& 6.& 7.& 8.& 9.&10.&11.&12.&13.&14.&15.&16.\\
+% \cmidrule(r){6-6}\cmidrule(r){7-7}\cmidrule(r){8-8}\cmidrule(r){9-9}
+% \cmidrule(r){10-10}\cmidrule(r){11-11}\cmidrule(r){12-12}\cmidrule(r){13-13}
+% \cmidrule(r){14-14}\cmidrule(r){15-15}\cmidrule(r){16-16}\cmidrule{17-17}
+% Encoding & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! \\
+% Family & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & - & - & - & - & - & - & - & - \\
+% Series & ! & ! & ! & ! & - & - & - & - & ! & ! & ! & ! & - & - & - & - \\
+% Shape & ! & ! & - & - & ! & ! & - & - & ! & ! & - & - & ! & ! & - & - \\
+% Size & ! & - & ! & - & ! & - & ! & - & ! & - & ! & - & ! & - & ! & - \\
+% Beginning with version 1.7, we always check for the font size. Since the
+% matching order has become more logical now, it can be described in words, so
+% that we don't need table~\ref{tab:match-order} in the documentation part any
+% longer and can cast it off here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {1111}{1110}{1101}{1100}{1011}{1010}{1001}{1000}%
+ {0111}{0110}{0101}{0100}{0011}{0010}{0001}{0000}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The current context is added to the font attributes. That is, the context must
+% match.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\MT@encoding
+ /\ifnum#1=\@ne \MT@family\fi
+ /\ifnum#2=\@ne \MT@series\fi
+ /\ifnum#3=\@ne \MT@shape\fi
+ /\ifnum#4=\@ne *\fi
+ \MT@context}%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{trying \@tempa}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\@tempb @\@tempa}{%
+ \MT@next@listname@#4%
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Also try with an alias family.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum#1=\@ne
+ \ifx\MT@familyalias\@empty \else
+ \edef\@tempa{\MT@encoding
+ /\MT@familyalias
+ /\ifnum#2=\@ne \MT@series\fi
+ /\ifnum#3=\@ne \MT@shape\fi
+ /\ifnum#4=\@ne *\fi
+ \MT@context}%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{(alias) \@tempa}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\@tempb @\@tempa}{%
+ \MT@next@listname@#4%
+ }\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If size is to be evaluated, do that, otherwise use the current list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum#1=\@ne
+ \expandafter\MT@in@rlist\csname MT@\@tempb @\@tempa @sizes\endcsname
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+ \let\MT@listname\MT@size@name
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@listname{MT@\@tempb @\@tempa}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/06}{don't define \cs{MT@\#1@c@name} \cmd{\global}ly,
+% here and elsewhere}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\MT@context\csname MT@\MT@feat @context\endcsname
+ \MT@get@listname{\MT@feat @c}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@listname{%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@\MT@feat @c@name}{\MT@listname}%
+ \ifMT@nonselected
+ \MT@vinfo{... Applying non-selected expansion (list `\MT@ex@c@name')}%
+ \else
+ \MT@vinfo{... Loading \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} list
+ `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@feat @c@name}'}%
+ \fi
+ \@firstoftwo
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Since the name cannot be \cmd{\@empty}, this is a sound proof that no matching
+% list exists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@\MT@feat @c@name}\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Don't warn if \opt{selected}|=false|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@nonselected
+ \MT@vinfo{... Applying non-selected expansion}%
+ \else
+ \MT@warning{I cannot find a \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} list
+ for font\MessageBreak`\MT@exp@string\MT@font'%
+ \ifx\MT@context\@empty\else\space(context: `\MT@context')\fi.
+ Switching off\MessageBreak\@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} for this font}%
+ \fi
+ \@secondoftwo
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/18}{correct message if \opt{selected} is false}
+% The inheritance lists are global (no context).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@context\@empty
+ \MT@get@listname{\MT@feat @inh}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@listname{%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@\MT@feat @inh@name}{\MT@listname}%
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{1}{... Using \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@feat} inheritance list
+ `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@feat @inh@name}'}%
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempc{MT@\MT@feat @inh@\csname MT@\MT@feat @inh@name\endcsname}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the list is \cmd{\@empty}, it has already been parsed.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{bug fix: set inheritance list \cmd{\global}ly to \cmd{\@empty}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@tempc\@empty \else
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{parsing inheritance list ...}%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@inh@name{MT@\MT@feat @inh@name}%
+ \def\MT@curr@list@name{inheritance list}%
+ \expandafter\MT@inh@do\@tempc,\relax,%
+ \global\MT@let@nc{MT@\MT@feat @inh@\csname MT@\MT@feat @inh@name\endcsname}\@empty
+ \fi
+ }{%
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@\MT@feat @inh@name}\@undefined
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Translating Characters}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/04}{don't use scratch registers in global definitions}
+% Get the slot number of the character in the current encoding.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{bug fix: group must also include \cs{MT@get@composite}}
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/22}{don't define \cs{MT@char} globally (save stack problem)}
+%\changes{v1.6a}{2005/01/30}{completely redone, hopefully more robust
+% (compatible with \pkg{frenchpro};
+% problem reported by Bernard Gaulle)} ^^A <gaulle\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 28/1/2005
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/21}{remove backslash hack}
+% There are lots of possibilities how a character may be specified in the
+% configuration files, which makes translating them into slot numbers quite
+% expensive. Also, we want to have this as robust as possible, so that the user
+% does not have to solve a sphinx's riddle if anything goes wrong.
+% The character is in \cs{@tempa}, we want its slot number in \cs{MT@char}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \escapechar`\\
+ \let\Mt@char\m@ne
+ \MT@noresttrue
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Save unexpanded string in case we need to issue a warning message.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mt@toks=\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\string\@tempa}%
+ \edef\MT@char{\expandafter\meaning\@tempa}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now, let's walk through (hopefully all) possible cases.
+% \item It's a letter, a character or a number.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@is@letter\@tempa\relax\relax
+ \ifnum\Mt@char < \z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/30}{bug fix: expand active characters}
+% \item It might be an active character, \ie, an 8-bit character defined by
+% \pkg{inputenc}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@exp@two@c\MT@is@active\string\@tempa\@nil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item OK, so it must be a macro. We do not allow random commands but only
+% those defined in \LaTeX's idiosyncratic font encoding scheme:
+% If |\|\meta{encoding}|\|\meta{command} (that's \emph{one} command) is
+% defined, we try to extract the slot number.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/27}{test whether \cs{}\meta{encoding}\cs{\meta{..}} is defined}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/05}{test whether \cs{}\meta{encoding}\cs{\meta{..}} is defined
+% made more robust}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{\MT@encoding\MT@detokenize\@tempa}%
+ \MT@is@symbol
+ {%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item Now, we'll catch the rest, which hopefully is an accented character
+% (\eg~|\"a|).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@is@composite\@tempa\relax\relax
+ }%
+ \ifnum\Mt@char < \z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item It could also be a \cmd{\chardef}ed command (\eg\ the percent character).
+% This seems the least likely case, so it's last.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/20}{test for \cmd{\chardef}ed commands}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@exp@two@c\MT@is@char\MT@char\MT@charstring\relax\relax\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@char\Mt@char
+ \ifnum\MT@char < \z@
+ \MT@warn@unknown
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the user has specified something like `|fi|', or wanted to define a number
+% but forgot to use three digits, we'll have something left of the string. In
+% this case, we issue a warning and forget the complete string.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@norest \else
+ \MT@warn@unknown@i
+ \let\MT@char\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Switch and test whether all of the string has been used up.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifstreq{#1}{#2}\relax\MT@norestfalse
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Input is a letter, a character or a number.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/04}{warning for non-\ascii\ characters}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/10/22}{using \cmd{\catcode} should be more efficient than
+% inspecting the \cmd{\meaning}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcat a\noexpand#1\relax
+ \edef\Mt@char{\number`#1}%
+ \ifx\\#2\\%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{> `\the\mt@toks' is a letter (\Mt@char)}%
+ \else
+ \MT@norestfalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifcat 1\noexpand#1\relax
+ \edef\Mt@char{\number`#1}%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{> `\the\mt@toks' is a character (\Mt@char)}%
+ \ifx\\#2\\%
+ \ifnum\Mt@char>127 \Mt@warn@ascii \fi
+ \else
+ \MT@norestfalse
+ \expandafter\MT@is@number#1#2\relax\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Numbers may be specified as a three-digit decimal number (|029|),
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/13}{numbers may also be specified in hexadecimal or octal
+% (suggested by Harald Harders)}
+% as a hexadecimal number (prefixed with~|"|: |"1D|) or as a octal number
+% (prefixed with~|'|: |'35|). They must consist of at least three characters
+% (including the prefix), that is, |"F| is not permitted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#3\relax \else
+ \ifx\relax#2\relax \else
+ \MT@noresttrue
+ \if#1"\relax
+ \def\x{\uppercase{\edef\Mt@char{\number#1#2#3}}}\x
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{3}{> ... a hexadecimal number: \Mt@char}%
+ \else
+ \if#1'\relax
+ \def\Mt@char{\number#1#2#3}%
+%<debug> \MT@dinfo@nl{3}{> ... an octal number: \Mt@char}%
+ \else
+ \MT@ifnumber{#1#2#3}{%
+ \def\Mt@char{\number#1#2#3}%
+%<debug> \MT@dinfo@nl{3}{> ... a decimal number: \Mt@char}%
+ }\MT@norestfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\Mt@char > \@cclv
+ \MT@warn@number@too@large{\noexpand#1\noexpand#2\noexpand#3}%
+ \let\Mt@char\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/03/30}{new macro: translate \pkg{inputenc}-defined characters}
+% Expand an active character. (This was completely broken in v1.7, and only
+% worked by chance before.)
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/09/08}{redone: use \cmd{\set@display@protect}}
+% We \cmd{\set@display@protect} to translate, \eg, |Ä| into |\"A|, that is to
+% whatever it is defined in the \pkg{inputenc} encoding file.
+% Unfortunately, the \pkg{inputenc} definitions prefer the protected/generic
+% variants (\eg, \cmd{\copyright} instead of \cmd{\textcopyright}), which our
+% parser won't be able to understand.
+% (I'm fed up now, so you have to complain if you really, really want to be
+% able to write `|©|' instead of \cmd{\textcopyright}, thus rendering your
+% configuration files unportable.)
+%\todo{Make \microtype\ Unicode-savvy?}
+% Unicode characters (\pkg{inputenc}/|utf8|) are currently not supported.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\\#2\\%
+ \ifnum\catcode`#1 = \active
+ \begingroup
+ \set@display@protect
+ \def\IeC##1{##1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The character is undefined in the encoding.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@inpenc@undefined@##1{undefined^^J%
+ (microtype)\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces
+ in input encoding ``##1''}%
+ \edef\x{%
+ \def\noexpand\@tempa{\@tempa}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Append what we think the translation is to the token register we use for the
+% log.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mt@toks={\the\mt@toks\space (= \@tempa)}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\x
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The symbol commands might expand to funny stuff, depending on context.
+% Instead of simply expanding |\|\meta{command}, we construct the command
+% |\|\meta{encoding}|\|\meta{command} and see whether its meaning is
+% \cmd{\char}|"|\meta{hex number}, which is the case for everything that has
+% been defined with \cs{DeclareTextSymbol} in the encoding definition files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter
+ \csname\expandafter
+ \MT@encoding\expandafter
+ \string\@tempa
+ \endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\MT@exp@two@c\expandafter\MT@is@char\expandafter
+ \meaning\expandafter\@tempa\MT@charstring\relax\relax\relax
+ \ifnum\Mt@char < \z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \dots~or, if it hasn't been defined by \cs{DeclareTextSymbol}, a letter
+% (\eg\ \cmd{\i}, when using \pkg{frenchpro}). ^^A as noted by Bernard Gaulle <gaulle\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 28/1/2005
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@is@letter\@tempa\relax\relax
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here we define a helper macro that inspect the \cmd{\meaning} of its
+% argument.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \catcode`\/=0
+ /MT@map@tlist@n{/\/C/H/A/R}/@makeother
+ /lowercase{%
+ /def/x{%
+ /def/MT@charstring{\CHAR"}%
+ /def/MT@is@char##1\CHAR"##2##3##4/relax{%
+ /ifx/relax##1/relax
+ /if##3\/relax
+ /edef/Mt@char{/number"##2}%
+ /MT@testrest/MT@charstring{##3##4}%
+ /else
+ /edef/Mt@char{/number"##2##3}%
+ /MT@testrest/MT@charstring{##4}%
+ /fi
+%<debug> /Mt@info{> `/the/mt@toks' is a \char (/Mt@char)}%
+ /fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here, we are dealing with accented characters, specified as two tokens.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/10}{new macro: construct command for composite character;
+% no uncontrolled expansion}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\\#2\\\else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Again, we construct a control sequence, this time of the form:
+% |\\|\meta{encoding}\hskip0pt|\|\meta{accent}|-|\meta{character}, \eg\
+% |\\T1\"-a|, which expands to a letter if it has been defined by
+% \cs{DeclareTextComposite}. This should be robust, finally.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter
+ \csname\expandafter
+ \string\csname\MT@encoding\endcsname
+ \string#1-%
+ \string#2%
+ \endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\MT@is@letter\@tempa\relax\relax
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/17}{fix the non-\etex\ version}
+% Translate a macro into a token list. We must be cautious not to stumble over
+% accented characters consisting of two commands, like \cmd{\`}\cmd{\i} or
+% \cmd{\U}\cmd{\CYRI}. With \etex, we can use \cmd{\detokenize} (and
+% \cmd{\expandafter}\cmd{\string} to get rid of the trailing space). The
+% non-\etex\ version requires some more fiddling.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@detokenize#1{\MT@exp@two@c\zap@space\strip@prefix\meaning#1 \@empty}
+ \def\MT@detokenize#1{\detokenize
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\string#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Some warning messages, for performance reasons separated here.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/08}{new macro: current list type and name}
+% The type and name of the current list, defined at various places.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For characters with character code \textgreater\ 127, we issue a warning
+% (\pkg{inputenc} probably hasn't been loaded), since correspondence with
+% the slot numbers would be purely coincidental.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{Character `\the\mt@toks' (= \Mt@char)
+ is outside of ASCII range.\MessageBreak
+ You must load the `inputenc' package before using\MessageBreak
+ 8-bit characters in \MT@curr@list@name}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Number too large.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Number #1 in encoding `\MT@encoding' too large!\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring it in \MT@curr@list@name}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Not all of the string has been parsed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Unknown slot number of character `\the\mt@toks' in\MessageBreak
+ font encoding `\MT@encoding'. Make sure it's a single\MessageBreak
+ character (or a number) in \MT@curr@list@name}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% No idea what went wrong.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Unknown slot number of character `\the\mt@toks' in\MessageBreak
+ font encoding `\MT@encoding' in \MT@curr@list@name}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Hook into \LaTeX's font selection}
+% We append \cs{MT@setupfont} to \cmd{\pickup@font}, which is called by \LaTeX\
+% every time a font is selected. We then check whether we've already seen this
+% font, and if not, set it up for micro-typography.
+% This ensures that we will catch all fonts, and that we will not set up fonts
+% more than once. The whole package really hangs on this command.
+% In contrast to the \pkg{pdfcprot} package, there is no need to declare the
+% fonts in advance that should benefit from micro-typographic treatment. Also,
+% only those fonts that are actually being used will be set up for expansion
+% and protrusion.
+% For my reference:
+% \item \cmd{\pickup@font} is called by \cmd{\selectfont}, \cmd{\wrong@fontshape},
+% or \\ \cmd{\getanddefine@fonts} (for math).
+% \item \cmd{\pickup@font} calls \cmd{\define@newfont}.
+% \item \cmd{\define@newfont} may call (inside a group!)
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \cmd{\wrong@fontshape}, which in turn will call \cmd{\pickup@font},
+% and thus \\ \cmd{\define@newfont} again, or
+% \item \cmd{\extract@font}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item \cmd{\get@external@font} is called by \cmd{\extract@font}, by itself,
+% and by the substitution macros
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/10/02}{check for packages that might load fonts}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/04}{no need to check for packages that might load fonts anymore}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/04}{use \cmd{\pickup@font} instead of \cmd{\define@newfont}
+% as the hook for \cs{MT@setupfont}}
+% Up to version 1.3 of this package, we were using \cmd{\define@newfont} as the
+% hook, which is only called for \emph{new} fonts, and therefore seemed the natural
+% choice.
+% However, this meant that we had to take special care to catch all fonts: We
+% additionally had to set up the default font, the error font (if it wasn't the
+% default font), we had to check for some packages that might have been loaded
+% before \microtype\ and were loading fonts, e.g. \pkg{jurabib},
+% \pkg{ledmac}, \pkg{pifont} (loaded by \pkg{hyperref}), \pkg{tipa}, and
+% probably many more. Furthermore, we had to include a hack for the
+% \pkg{IEEEtran} class which loads all fonts in the class file itself (to fine
+% tune inter-word spacing). Then I learned that even my favorite class, the
+% \pkg{memoir} class, loads fonts. To cut this short: It seemed to get out of
+% hand, and I decided that it would be better to use \cmd{\pickup@font} and
+% decide for ourselves whether we've already seen that font. I hope the
+% overhead isn't too large.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/15}{if font substitution has occurred, set up the
+% substitute font, not the selected one}
+% Additionally, we hook into \cmd{\do@subst@correction}, which is called if
+% a substitution has taken place, to record the name of the ersatz font.
+% Unfortunately, this will only work for one-level substitutions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \xdef\MT@font{\csname \curr@fontshape/\f@size\endcsname}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Check whether \cmd{\pickup@font} is defined as expected.
+% The warning issued by \cmd{\CheckCommand*} would be a bit too generic.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifx\pickup@font\MT@orig@pickupfont \else
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Command \string\pickup@font\space is not defined as expected.\MessageBreak
+ Double-check whether micro-typography is indeed\MessageBreak
+ applied to the document.\MessageBreak (Hint: Turn on `verbose' mode)%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Then we append our stuff.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \cs{MT@font@name} is empty, no substitution has taken place, hence
+% \cmd{\font@name} is correct. Otherwise, if they are different,
+% \cmd{\font@name} does not describe the font actually used. This test will
+% catch one-level substitutions, like |bx| to |b|, but it will still fail if
+% the substituting font is itself substituted.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\MT@font\@empty
+ \let\MT@font\font@name
+ \else
+ \ifx\MT@font\font@name \else
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@\MT@curr@contexts font@list\endcsname{\font@name,}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Comma-separated lists are used to remember the fonts we've already set up.
+% There is one list for each combination of contexts.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/10/03}{allow context-specific font setup}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@exp@one@n\expandafter\MT@in@clist\expandafter\MT@font
+ \csname MT@\MT@curr@contexts font@list\endcsname
+ \ifMT@inlist@ \else
+ \MT@setupfont
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Add the font to the current list and remove it from the other contexts' lists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd\csname MT@\MT@curr@contexts font@list\endcsname{\MT@font,}%
+ \MT@map@tlist@c\MT@doc@contexts\MT@rem@from@lists
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \global\let\MT@font\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Recurse through all context font lists of the document and remove the font,
+% unless it's the current context.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifstreq{#1}\MT@curr@contexts\relax{%
+ \expandafter\MT@exp@one@n\expandafter\MT@rem@from@list
+ \expandafter\MT@font\csname MT@#1font@list\endcsname
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Remember the patched command for later.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/14}{bug fix: disable micro-typographic setup inside \cmd{\add@accent}
+% (reported by Stephan Hennig)}% ^^A <stephanhennig\at>
+% ^^A in <MID: <42adb0e3$0$27784$>
+% Inside \cmd{\add@accent}, we have to disable \microtype's setup, since the
+% grouping in the patched \cmd{\pickup@font} would break the accent if
+% different fonts are used for the base character and the accent. Fortunately,
+% \LaTeX\ takes care that the fonts used for the \cmd{\accent} are already set
+% up, so that we cannot be overlooking them.
+% At first, I was going to change \cmd{\hmode@bgroup} only, but that is also
+% used in the commands defined by \cmd{\DeclareTextFontCommand}, \ie,
+% \cmd{\textit} etc.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\pickup@font\MT@orig@pickupfont
+ \MT@add@accent{#1}{#2}%
+ \let\pickup@font\MT@pickupfont
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/29}{test whether \cmd{\pickup@font} has changed}
+% We also test whether our definition has survived (\cmd{\pickup@font} is
+% at least redefined by \pkg{CJK}\footnote{
+% Therefore, \microtype\ will probably not work together with \pkg{CJK}.
+% However, I would be glad to be proven wrong.}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\MT@pickupfont\pickup@font \else
+ \MT@error{%
+ Another package has overwritten the definition\MessageBreak
+ of \string\pickup@font. I might not be able to\MessageBreak
+ apply any micro-typography. Please find the\MessageBreak
+ culprit, and load it before the microtype package
+ }{%
+The microtype package attaches the micro-typographic setup to\MessageBreak
+\string\pickup@font. If the other package has simply overwritten this\MessageBreak
+command, nothing will work. If, on the other hand, it has changed\MessageBreak
+the command in a cautious way, everything may be fine.\MessageBreak
+In either case, please send a report to <>.
+ }%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Font Sets}
+%\todo{allow for \texttt{load}ing and extending another set; or using more than one set?}
+% Calling this macro will create a comma list for every font characteristic of
+% the form: |\MT|\meta{feature}|list@|\meta{characteristic}|@|\meta{set name}.
+% If the optional argument is empty, lists for both expansion and protrusion
+% will be created.
+% The third argument must be a list of |key=value| pairs. If a font characteristic
+% is not specified, we define the corresponding list to \cmd{\relax}, so that it
+% does not constitute a constraint.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar
+ {\@ifnextchar[\MT@DeclareSetAndUseIt
+ {\MT@DeclareSetAndUseIt[]}}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[\MT@DeclareSet
+ {\MT@DeclareSet[]}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@DeclareSet@{#1}%
+ \MT@DeclareSet@{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \UseMicrotypeSet[#1]{#2}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/15}{remove spaces around first argument}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa{%
+ \MT@declare@sets{pr}{#2}{#3}%
+ \MT@declare@sets{ex}{#2}{#3}%
+ \MT@declare@sets{sp}{#2}{#3}%
+ \MT@declare@sets{kn}{#2}{#3}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@map@clist@c\@tempa{%
+ {\KV@@sp@def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa\relax{%
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@declare@sets
+ {\csname MT@rbba@\@tempa\endcsname}{#2}{#3}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We need to remember the name of the set currently being declared.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Define the current set name and parse the keys.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/20}{remove spaces around set name}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/15}{warning when redefining a set}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@curr@set@name{#2}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@set@@\MT@curr@set@name}{%
+ \MT@warning{Redefining set `\MT@curr@set@name'}%
+ }\relax
+ \global\MT@let@nc{MT@#1@set@@\MT@curr@set@name}\@empty
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{declaring \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} set `\MT@curr@set@name'}%
+ \setkeys{MT@#1@set}{#3}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Define the \pkg{keyval} keys for expansion and protrusion sets.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@define@set@key@{encoding}{#1}%
+ \MT@define@set@key@{family}{#1}%
+ \MT@define@set@key@{series}{#1}%
+ \MT@define@set@key@{shape}{#1}%
+ \MT@define@set@key@size{#1}%
+ \MT@define@set@key@font{#1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \meta{\#1} = font axis, \meta{\#2} = feature.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/16}{use comma lists instead of token lists}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \csname MT@#2list@#1@\MT@curr@set@name\endcsname
+ \define@key{MT@#2@set}{#1}[]{%
+ \global\MT@let@nc{MT@#2list@#1@\MT@curr@set@name}\@empty
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Get rid of spaces.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \MT@get@highlevel{#1}%
+ \MT@make@string\MT@val
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@#2list@#1@\MT@curr@set@name\endcsname{\MT@val,}%
+ }%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{-- #1: \@nameuse{MT@#2list@#1@\MT@curr@set@name}}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Saying, for instance, `|family=rm*|' or `|shape=bf*|' will lead to
+% \cmd{\rmdefault} resp. \cmd{\bfdefault} being expanded/protruded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@test@ast\MT@val*\@nil{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% And `|family = *|' will become \cmd{\familydefault}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa{\def\@tempa{#1}}\relax
+ \edef\MT@val{\csname \@tempa default\endcsname}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Beware that \cmd{\rmdefault} etc. might change after this package has been
+% loaded! Therefore, we check (once for each characteristic/list) at the
+% beginning of the document.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{check whether defaults have changed}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{don't test defaults if called after begin document}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@nodocument\relax \else
+ \expandafter\ifx
+ \csname MT@check@\MT@curr@set@name @\@tempa\endcsname\@empty
+ \else
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\MT@curr@set@name @\@tempa @default}{\MT@val}%
+ \edef\x{{\MT@curr@set@name}{\@tempa}}%
+ \MT@exp@one@n\AtBeginDocument{%
+ \expandafter\MT@check@default\x
+ }%
+ \global\MT@let@nc{MT@check@\MT@curr@set@name @\@tempa}\@empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether last character is an asterisk.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/10}{make it simpler}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty{#2}%
+ \@gobble
+ \@firstofone
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{new macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempa{MT@#1@#2@default}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\csname #2default\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \else
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname #2default\endcsname
+ has changed (`\@tempa' <> `\@tempb')!\MessageBreak
+ This might affect the `#1' font set.\MessageBreak
+ Please make all relevant font changes *before*\MessageBreak
+ loading the `microtype' package}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% |size| requires special treatment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1@set}{size}[]{%
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \expandafter\MT@get@range\MT@val--\@nil
+ \ifx\MT@val\relax \else
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@#1list@size@\MT@curr@set@name\endcsname
+ {{{\MT@lower}{\MT@upper}\relax}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{-- size: \@nameuse{MT@#1list@size@\MT@curr@set@name}}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/11}{allow specification of size ranges
+% (suggested by Andreas B\"uhmann)} ^^A <andreas.buehmann\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 10/3/2005
+% Font sizes may also be specified as ranges. This has been requested by Andreas
+% B\"uhmann, who has also offered valuable help in implementing this. Now, it
+% is for instance possible to set up different lists for fonts with optical
+% sizes. (The MinionPro project is trying to do this for the OpenType version
+% of Adobe's Minion. See \url{}.)%
+% Ranges will be stored as triples of
+% |{|\meta{lower bound}|}{|\meta{upper bound}|}{|\meta{list name}|}|.
+% For simple sizes, the upper boundary is -1.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#1}{%
+ \MT@ifempty{#2}{%
+ \let\MT@val\relax
+ }{%
+ \def\MT@lower{0}%
+ \def\MT@val{#2}%
+ \MT@get@size
+ \edef\MT@upper{\MT@val}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \def\MT@val{#1}%
+ \MT@get@size
+ \ifx\MT@val\relax \else
+ \edef\MT@lower{\MT@val}%
+ \MT@ifempty{#2}{%
+ \MT@ifempty{#3}{%
+ \def\MT@upper{-1}%
+ }{%
+ \def\MT@upper{2048}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \def\MT@val{#2}%
+ \MT@get@size
+ \ifx\MT@val\relax \else
+ \MT@ifgt\MT@lower\MT@val{%
+ \MT@warning{%
+ Invalid size range (\MT@lower\space > \MT@val) in font set
+ `\MT@curr@set@name'.\MessageBreak Swapping sizes}%
+ \edef\MT@upper{\MT@lower}%
+ \edef\MT@lower{\MT@val}%
+ }{%
+ \edef\MT@upper{\MT@val}%
+ }%
+ \MT@ifeq\MT@lower\MT@upper{%
+ \def\MT@upper{-1}%
+ }\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Translate a size selection command and normalize it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A single star would mean \cs{sizedefault}, which doesn't exist, so we define
+% it to be \cmd{\normalsize}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if*\MT@val\relax
+ \def\@tempa{\normalsize}%
+ \else
+ \MT@let@cn\@tempa{\MT@val}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempa\relax \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \pkg{relsize} solution of parsing \cmd{\@setfontsize} does not work with the
+% \pkg{ams*} classes, among others. I hope my hijacking doesn't do any harm.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/26}{hijack \cmd{\set@fontsize} instead of \cmd{\@setfontsize}}
+% We redefine \cmd{\set@fontsize}, and not \cmd{\@setfontsize} because some classes
+% might define the size selection commands by simply using \cmd{\fontsize}
+% (\eg\ the \pkg{a0poster} class).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \def\set@fontsize##1##2##3##4\@nil{\gdef\MT@val{##2}}%
+ \@tempa\@nil
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether we finally got a number or dimension so that we can strip the
+% `|pt|' (\cmd{\@defaultunits} and \cmd{\strip@pt} are kernel macros).
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/27}{additional magic to catch some errors}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/15}{comparison with 1 to allow size smaller than 1
+% (suggested by Andreas B\"uhmann)} ^^A <andreas.buehmann\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 15/03/2005
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdimen\MT@val{%
+ \@defaultunits\@tempdima\MT@val pt\relax\@nnil
+ \edef\MT@val{\strip@pt\@tempdima}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{Could not parse font size `\MT@val'\MessageBreak
+ in font set `\MT@curr@set@name'}%
+ \let\MT@val\relax
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/13}{\cs{DeclareMicrotypeSet}: new key: \texttt{font}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1@set}{font}[]{%
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \expandafter\MT@get@font\MT@val/////\@nil
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@#1list@font@\MT@curr@set@name\endcsname
+ {\csname\MT@val\endcsname,}%
+ }%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo@nl{1}{-- font: \@nameuse{MT@#1list@font@\MT@curr@set@name}}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Translate any asterisks.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#1#2#3#4#5}\relax{%
+ \let\@tempb\@empty
+ \def\MT@temp{#1/#2/#3/#4/#5}%
+ \MT@get@axis{encoding}{#1}%
+ \MT@get@axis{family}{#2}%
+ \MT@get@axis{series}{#3}%
+ \MT@get@axis{shape}{#4}%
+ \MT@ifempty{#5}{%
+ \MT@warning{size axis is empty in font specification\MessageBreak
+ `\MT@temp'. Using \string\normalsize\space instead}%
+ \def\MT@val{*}%
+ }{%
+ \def\MT@val{#5}%
+ }%
+ \MT@get@size
+ \ifx\MT@val\relax\def\MT@val{0}\fi
+ \edef\MT@val{\expandafter\@gobble\@tempb/\MT@val}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\MT@val{#2}%
+ \MT@get@highlevel{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\MT@val{%
+ \MT@warning{#1 axis is empty in font specification\MessageBreak
+ `\MT@temp'. Using `\csname #1default\endcsname' instead}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\@tempb/\csname #1default\endcsname}%
+ }{%
+ \edef\@tempb{\@tempb/\MT@val}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have finally assembled all pieces to define \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSet}'s
+% keys.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% It is also used for \cs{DisableLigatures}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% To use a particular set we simply redefine |MT@|\meta{feature}|@setname|.
+% If the optional argument is empty, set names for all features will be
+% redefined.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/20}{remove spaces around first argument}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa{%
+ \MT@use@set{pr}{#2}%
+ \MT@use@set{ex}{#2}%
+ \MT@use@set{sp}{#2}%
+ \MT@use@set{kn}{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@map@clist@c\@tempa{%
+ {\KV@@sp@def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa\relax{%
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@use@set{\csname MT@rbba@\@tempa\endcsname}{#2}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Only use sets that have been declared.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/20}{remove spaces around set name}
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/25}{don't use undeclared font sets}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/19}{retain current set if new set is undeclared}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/15}{bug fix: remove braces in first line}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#2}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@set@@\@tempa}{%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@#1@setname}{\@tempa}%
+ \MT@info{Using \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} set `\@tempa'}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@setname}\relax{%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@#1@setname}{\@nameuse{MT@default@#1@set}}%
+ }%
+ \MT@warning{%
+ The \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} set `\@tempa' is undeclared.\MessageBreak
+ Using set `\@nameuse{MT@#1@setname}' instead}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/15}{new macro: set fall back font set}
+% This command can be used in the main configuration file to declare the
+% default font set, in case no set is specified in the package options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa{%
+ \MT@set@default@set{pr}{#2}%
+ \MT@set@default@set{ex}{#2}%
+ \MT@set@default@set{sp}{#2}%
+ \MT@set@default@set{kn}{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@map@clist@c\@tempa{%
+ {\KV@@sp@def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa\relax{%
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@set@default@set
+ {\csname MT@rbba@\@tempa\endcsname}{#2}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#2}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@set@@\@tempa}{%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{declaring default \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} set `\@tempa'}%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@default@#1@set}{\@tempa}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{%
+ The \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} set `\@tempa' is not declared.\MessageBreak
+ Cannot make it the default set. Using set\MessageBreak `all' instead}%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@default@#1@set}{all}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This can be used to set an alias name for a font, so that the file (and the
+% settings) for the aliased font will be loaded.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/03}{remove spaces around arguments}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/09}{warning when overriding an alias font}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempb{#2}%
+ \MT@make@string\@tempb
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\@tempa @alias}{%
+ \MT@warning{Alias font family `\@tempb' will override
+ alias `\@nameuse{MT@\@tempa @alias}'\MessageBreak
+ for font family `\@tempa'}}\relax
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\@tempa @alias}{\@tempb}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we encounter this command while a font is being set up, we also set the
+% alias for the current font so that if \cs{DeclareMicrotypeAlias} has been
+% issued inside a configuration file, the configuration file for the alias font
+% will be loaded, too.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/23}{may also be used inside configuration files}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@family{%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{Activating alias font `\@tempb' for `\MT@family'}%
+ \global\let\MT@familyalias\@tempb
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/22}{new macro (suggested by Andreas B\"uhmann)}
+% ^^A <andreas.buehmann\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 21/3/2005
+% May be used to load a configuration file manually.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@make@string\@tempa
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@in@clist\@tempa\MT@file@list
+ \ifMT@inlist@
+ \MT@vinfo{... Configuration file mt-\@tempa.cfg already loaded}%
+ \else
+ \MT@xadd\MT@file@list{\@tempa,}%
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \InputIfFileExists{mt-\@tempa.cfg}{%
+ \MT@vinfo{... Loading configuration file mt-\@tempa.cfg}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{... Configuration file mt-\@tempa.cfg\MessageBreak
+ does not exist}%
+ }%
+ \MT@end@catcodes
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/11}{new macro: disable ligatures (requires \pdftex\ 1.30)}
+% This is really simple now: We can re-use the set definitions of
+% \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSet}; there can only be one set, which we'll call `no
+% ligatures'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > 4
+ \renewcommand*\DisableLigatures[1]{%
+ \MT@noligaturestrue
+ \MT@declare@sets{nl}{no ligatures}{#1}%
+ \gdef\MT@nl@setname{no ligatures}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \pdftex\ is too old, we issue a warning and neutralize the command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewcommand*\DisableLigatures[1]{%
+ \MT@warning{Disabling ligatures of a font is only possible\MessageBreak
+ with pdftex version 1.30 or later.\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring \string\DisableLigatures}%
+ \let\DisableLigatures\@gobble
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Interaction with \pkg{babel}}
+% Declare the context that should be loaded when a \pkg{babel} language
+% is selected.
+%\changes{v2.0}{2005/10/05}{new command: interaction with \pkg{babel}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@map@clist@n{#1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \global\MT@def@n{MT@babel@\@tempa}{#2}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\GeneralChanges{Font Sets}
+% We now set up some default sets (in the main configuration file).
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/10/02}{new: \texttt{allmath} and \texttt{basicmath}}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/25}{add \U\ encoding to \texttt{allmath}}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/17}{add \otIV\ encoding to text sets}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/17}{add \tV\ encoding to text sets}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ { }
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1,OT1,OT4,T5,TS1,OML,OMS,U} }
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1,OT1,OT4,T5,TS1} }
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1,OT1,OT4,T5,OML,OMS},
+ family = {rm*,sf*},
+ series = {m},
+ size = {normalsize,footnotesize,small,large}
+ }
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1,OT1,OT4,T5},
+ family = {rm*,sf*},
+ series = {m},
+ size = {normalsize,footnotesize,small,large}
+ }
+ { font = */*/*/*/* }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The default sets.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault[expansion] {basictext}
+\DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault[spacing] {basictext}
+\DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault[kerning] {alltext}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The Latin Modern fonts, the virtual fonts from the \pkg{ae} and \pkg{zefonts},
+% and the \pkg{eco} and \pkg{hfoldsty} packages (oldstyle numerals) all inherit
+% the (basic) settings from Computer Modern Roman. Some of them are in part
+% overwritten later.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/10/03}{declare \texttt{cmr} as an alias for \texttt{cmor}}
+%\changes{v1.3}{2004/10/22}{declare \texttt{cmr} as an alias for
+% \texttt{aer}, \texttt{zer} and \texttt{hfor}}
+% The packages \pkg{pxfonts} and \pkg{txfonts} fonts inherit Palatino and Times
+% settings respectively.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/19}{declare \texttt{ppl} and \texttt{ptm} as alias fonts
+% for \texttt{pxr} resp. \texttt{txr}}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/16}{declare \texttt{qpl} and \texttt{qtm} (\pkg{qfonts})
+% as alias fonts for \texttt{ppl} resp. \texttt{ptm}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{lmr} {cmr} % lmodern
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{aer} {cmr} % ae
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{zer} {cmr} % zefonts
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{cmor}{cmr} % eco
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{hfor}{cmr} % hfoldsty
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{pxr} {ppl} % pxfonts
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{qpl} {ppl} % qfonts/QuasiPalatino
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{txr} {ptm} % txfonts
+\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{qtm} {ptm} % qfonts/QuasiTimes
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\todo{check Times variants}
+% More Times variants, to be checked: |pns|, |mns| (TimesNewRomanPS); |mnt|
+% (TimesNewRomanMT), |mntx| (TimesNRExpertMT); |mtm| (TimesSmallTextMT); |pte|
+% (Times\-Europa); |ptt|, |pttj| (TimesTen); TimesEighteen; TimesModernEF.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Interaction with \pkg{babel}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {french,francais}
+ {kerning=french, spacing=}
+ {english,american,USenglish,british,UKenglish}
+ {kerning=, spacing=nonfrench}
+ {turkish}
+ {kerning=turkish, spacing=}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Fine Tuning}
+% The macros \cs{SetExpansion} and \cs{SetProtrusion} provide a similar
+% interface for setting the character protrusion resp. expansion factors for a
+% set of fonts.
+% This macro accepts three arguments: [options,] set of font characteristics and
+% list of character protrusion factors.
+% A new macro called |\MT@pr@c@|\meta{name} will be defined to be \meta{\#3}
+% (i.e. the list of characters, not expanded).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@pr@c@name\@undefined
+ \let\MT@load\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@factor\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@preset\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@context\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Parse the optional first argument:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setkeys{MT@pr@c}{#1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the user hasn't specified a name, we will create one.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@get@codes@name{pr}%
+ \MT@set@pr@opt
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{creating protrusion list `\MT@pr@c@name'}%
+ \def\MT@permutelist{pr@c}%
+ \setkeys{MT@pr@c}{#2}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have parsed the second argument, and can now define macros for all
+% permutations of the font characteristics to point to
+% |\MT@pr@c@|\meta{name},~\dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@permute
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \dots~which we can now define to be \meta{\#3}.
+% We want the catcodes to be correct even if this is called in the preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \MT@set@pr@list
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here, as elsewhere, we have to make the definitions global, since they will
+% occur inside a group.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\MT@def@n{MT@pr@c@\MT@pr@c@name}{#1}%
+ \MT@end@catcodes
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \cs{SetExpansion} only differs in that it allows some extra options
+% (|stretch|, |shrink|, |step|, |auto|).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@ex@c@name\@undefined
+ \let\MT@load\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@factor\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@stretch\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@shrink\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@step\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@auto\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@preset\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@context\@empty
+ \setkeys{MT@ex@c}{#1}%
+ \MT@get@codes@name{ex}%
+ \MT@set@ex@opt
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{creating expansion list `\MT@ex@c@name'}%
+ \def\MT@permutelist{ex@c}%
+ \setkeys{MT@ex@c}{#2}%
+ \MT@permute
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \MT@set@ex@list
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Same story.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\MT@def@n{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name}{#1}%
+ \MT@end@catcodes
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@sp@c@name\@undefined
+ \let\MT@load\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@factor\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@preset\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@context\@empty
+ \setkeys{MT@sp@c}{#1}%
+ \MT@get@codes@name{sp}%
+ \MT@set@sp@opt
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{creating space list `\MT@sp@c@name'}%
+ \def\MT@permutelist{sp@c}%
+ \setkeys{MT@sp@c}{#2}%
+ \MT@permute
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \MT@set@sp@list
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\MT@def@n{MT@sp@c@\MT@sp@c@name}{#1}%
+ \MT@end@catcodes
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@kn@c@name\@undefined
+ \let\MT@load\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@factor\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@preset\@undefined
+ \let\MT@extra@context\@empty
+ \setkeys{MT@kn@c}{#1}%
+ \MT@get@codes@name{kn}%
+ \MT@set@kn@opt
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{creating kerning list `\MT@kn@c@name'}%
+ \def\MT@permutelist{kn@c}%
+ \setkeys{MT@kn@c}{#2}%
+ \MT@permute
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \MT@set@kn@list
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\MT@def@n{MT@kn@c@\MT@kn@c@name}{#1}%
+ \MT@end@catcodes
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Simply use a roman number as the list name if the user didn't bother creating
+% one.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@c@name}{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@c@\csname MT@#1@c@name\endcsname}{%
+ \MT@warning{Redefining list `\@nameuse{MT@#1@c@name}'}%
+ }\relax
+ }{%
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \MT@while@num{\@tempcnta > \z@}{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@c@#1-\romannumeral\@tempcnta}{%
+ \advance \@tempcnta \@ne
+ }{%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@#1@c@name}{#1-\romannumeral\@tempcnta}%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \MT@let@cn\MT@curr@set@name{MT@#1@c@name}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.3}{2004/10/27}{bug fix: specifying \texttt{load} option does no
+% longer require to give a \texttt{name}, too}
+% Now that we know the name, we can cater for any set to be loaded by this list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@load{%
+ \global\MT@let@nc{MT@#1@c@\MT@curr@set@name load}\MT@load
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Three extra option for protrusion: |factor|, |unit| and |preset|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@set@opt@{pr}{factor}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{pr}{unit}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{pr}{preset}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The extra options to \cs{SetExpansion} also have to be dealt with only after
+% we know the name.
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/10}{bug fix: specifying extra options does no
+% longer require to give a \texttt{name}, too}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@extra@factor{%
+ \ifnum\MT@extra@factor>\@m
+ \MT@warning@nl{Expansion factor \number\MT@extra@factor\space too
+ large in list\MessageBreak `\MT@ex@c@name'. Setting it to the
+ maximum of 1000}%
+ \let\MT@extra@factor\@m
+ \fi
+ \global\MT@let@nc{MT@ex@c@\MT@ex@c@name @factor}\MT@extra@factor
+ }\relax
+ \MT@set@opt@{ex}{stretch}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{ex}{shrink}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{ex}{step}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{ex}{auto}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{ex}{preset}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@set@opt@{sp}{factor}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{sp}{unit}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{sp}{preset}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@set@opt@{kn}{factor}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{kn}{unit}%
+ \MT@set@opt@{kn}{preset}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@extra@#2}{%
+ \global\MT@let@nn{MT@#1@c@\csname MT@#1@c@name\endcsname @#2}{MT@extra@#2}%
+ }\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Define the keys for expansion and protrusion character code lists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#2}{#1}[]{%
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here, too, we allow for something like `|bf*|'. It will be expanded
+% immediately.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@get@highlevel{#1}%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@temp#1\romannumeral\@tempcnta}{\MT@val}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta \@ne
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1}{size}[]{%
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \expandafter\MT@get@range\MT@val--\@nil
+ \ifx\MT@val\relax \else
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@tempsize\endcsname
+ {{{\MT@lower}{\MT@upper}{\csname MT@#1@name\endcsname}}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/13}{\cs{SetProtrusion} and \cs{SetExpansion}: new key: \texttt{font}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1}{font}[]{%
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \expandafter\MT@get@font@and@size\MT@val/////\@nil
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempb}%
+ {\csname MT@\MT@permutelist @name\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\MT@xaddb
+ \csname MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempb @sizes\endcsname
+ {{{\MT@val}{\m@ne}{\csname MT@#1@name\endcsname}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Translate any asterisks and split off the size.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#1#2#3#4#5}\relax{%
+ \let\@tempb\@empty
+ \def\MT@temp{#1/#2/#3/#4/#5}%
+ \MT@get@axis{encoding}{#1}%
+ \MT@get@axis{family}{#2}%
+ \MT@get@axis{series}{#3}%
+ \MT@get@axis{shape}{#4}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Remove leading slash and append an asterisk for the size.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@tempb{\expandafter\@gobble\@tempb/*}%
+ \MT@ifempty{#5}{%
+ \MT@warning{size axis is empty in font specification\MessageBreak
+ `\MT@temp'. Using \string\normalsize\space instead}%
+ \def\MT@val{*}%
+ }{%
+ \def\MT@val{#5}%
+ }%
+ \MT@get@size
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1@c}{name}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}\relax{%
+ \MT@def@n{MT@#1@c@name}{##1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \define@key{MT@#1@c}{load}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}\relax{%
+ \def\MT@load{##1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \define@key{MT@#1@c}{factor}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}\relax{%
+ \def\MT@extra@factor{##1 }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \MT@define@code@key{encoding}{#1@c}%
+ \MT@define@code@key{family}{#1@c}%
+ \MT@define@code@key{series}{#1@c}%
+ \MT@define@code@key{shape}{#1@c}%
+ \MT@define@code@key@size{#1@c}%
+ \MT@define@code@key@font{#1@c}%
+ \define@key{MT@#1@c}{preset}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}\relax{%
+ \def\MT@extra@preset{##1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Only one context is allowed. This might change in the future.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1@c}{context}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}\relax{%
+ \def\MT@extra@context{##1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Protrusion codes may be relative to character width, or to any dimension.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/14}{\cs{SetProtrusion}: new option: \texttt{unit}}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/09/28}{\cs{SetProtrusion}: value `\texttt{relative}' renamed
+% to `\texttt{character}' for option \texttt{unit}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@empty
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{relative}{%
+ \MT@warning{Value `relative' for key `unit' is deprecated.\MessageBreak
+ Use `unit=character' instead. For now, I'll do it\MessageBreak
+ for you}%
+ \def\@tempa{character}%
+ }\relax
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{character}\relax{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether it's a dimension, but do not translate it into its final
+% form here, since it may be font-specific.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdimen\@tempa{%
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@tempa
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{`\@tempa' is not a dimension.\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring it and setting values relative to\MessageBreak
+ character widths}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% new key `\texttt{space}' for option \texttt{unit}}
+% Spacing and kerning codes may additionally be relative to space dimensions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1@c}{unit}[space]{%
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@empty
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{relative}{%
+ \MT@warning{Value `relative' for key `unit' is deprecated.\MessageBreak
+ Use `unit=character' instead. For now, I'll do it\MessageBreak
+ for you}%
+ \def\@tempa{character}%
+ }\relax
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{character}\relax{%
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\m@ne
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{space}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifdimen\@tempa{%
+ \let\MT@extra@unit\@tempa
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{`\@tempa' is not a dimension.\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring it and setting values relative to\MessageBreak
+ width of space}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The first argument to \cs{SetExpansion} accepts some more options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@ex@c}{#1}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifnumber{##1}{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A space terminates the number.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@def@n{MT@extra@#1}{##1 }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{%
+ Value `##1' for option `#1' is not a number.\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring it}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \csname if\@tempa\endcsname
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Don't alter \cs{MT@extra@auto} for \pdftex\ version older than 1.20.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/07}{\cs{SetExpansion}: bug fix: remove
+% space after \texttt{autoexpand}}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/07}{\cs{SetExpansion}: don't allow automatic
+% expansion for old \pdftex\ versions}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > \thr@@
+ \def\MT@extra@auto{autoexpand}%
+ \else
+ \MT@warning{pdfTeX too old for automatic font expansion}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > \thr@@
+ \let\MT@extra@auto\@empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Character Inheritance}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/15}{new macro: possibility to specify character inheritance}
+% This macro may be used in the configuration files to declare characters that
+% should inherit protrusion resp. expansion values from other characters. Thus,
+% there is no need to define all accented characters (\eg\ |\`a|, |\'a|,
+% |\^a|, |\~a|, |\"a|, |\r{a}|, |\k{a}|, |\u{a}|), which will make the
+% configuration files look much nicer and easier to maintain. If a single
+% character of an inheritance list should have a different value, one can
+% simply override it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \MT@set@inh@list
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Safe category codes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa{%
+ \MT@declare@char@inh{pr}{#1}{#2}%
+ \MT@declare@char@inh{ex}{#1}{#2}%
+ \MT@declare@char@inh{sp}{#1}{#2}%
+ \MT@declare@char@inh{kn}{#1}{#2}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@map@clist@c\@tempa{%
+ {\KV@@sp@def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\@tempa\relax{%
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@declare@char@inh
+ {\csname MT@rbba@\@tempa\endcsname}{#1}{#2}}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \MT@end@catcodes
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The optional argument may be used to restrict the inheritance list to
+% protrusion or expansion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@#1@inh@name}\@undefined
+ \MT@get@inh@name{#1}%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{1}{creating inheritance list `\@nameuse{MT@#1@inh@name}'}%
+ \global\MT@def@n{MT@#1@inh@\csname MT@#1@inh@name\endcsname}{#3}%
+ \def\MT@permutelist{#1@inh}%
+ \setkeys{MT@#1@inh}{#2}%
+ \MT@permute
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The inheritance lists cannot be named by the user.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \MT@while@num{\@tempcnta > \z@}{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@#1@inh@#1-inh-\romannumeral\@tempcnta}{%
+ \advance \@tempcnta \@ne
+ }{%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@#1@inh@name}{#1-inh-\romannumeral\@tempcnta}%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Parse the first argument. \cs{DeclareCharacterInheritance} may also be set
+% up for various combinations.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/29}{check whether only one encoding specified}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT@#1}{encoding}[]{%
+ \def\MT@val{##1}%
+ \expandafter\MT@encoding@check\MT@val,\@nil
+ \MT@get@highlevel{encoding}%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@tempencoding\romannumeral1}{\MT@val}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% But we only allow \emph{one} encoding.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#2}\relax{%
+ \edef\MT@val{#1}%
+ \MT@warning{You may only specify one encoding for character\MessageBreak
+ inheritance lists. Ignoring encoding(s) #2}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@define@inh@key@encoding{#1@inh}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For the rest, we can reuse the key setup from \cs{SetProtrusion} resp.
+% \cs{SetExpansion}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@define@code@key{family}{#1@inh}%
+ \MT@define@code@key{series}{#1@inh}%
+ \MT@define@code@key{shape}{#1@inh}%
+ \MT@define@code@key@size{#1@inh}%
+ \MT@define@code@key@font{#1@inh}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Parse the second argument, the inheritance lists. We define the commands
+% |\MT@inh@|\meta{name}|@|\meta{slot}|@|, containing the inheriting characters.
+% They will also be translated to slot numbers here, to save some time. The
+% following will be executed only once, namely the first time this inheritance
+% list is encountered (in \cs{MT@set@pr@codes} resp. \cs{MT@set@ex@codes}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\relax#1\@empty \else
+ \MT@inh@split #1==\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@inh@do
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Only gather the inheriting characters here. Their codes will actually be set
+% in |MT@set@|\meta{feature}|@codes|),
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else
+ \MT@get@slot
+ \ifnum\MT@char > \m@ne
+ \let\MT@val\MT@char
+ \MT@map@clist@n{#2}{%
+ \def\@tempa{##1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else
+ \MT@get@slot
+ \ifnum\MT@char > \m@ne
+ \expandafter\MT@xadd
+ \csname MT@inh@\MT@inh@name @\MT@val @\endcsname
+ {{\MT@char}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{2}{children of #1 (\MT@val):
+ \@nameuse{MT@inh@\MT@inh@name @\MT@val @}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/15}{don't use sets for empty encoding}
+% Calling \cs{MT@permute} will define commands for all permutations
+% of the specified font characteristics of the form
+% |\MT@|\meta{list type}|@/|\meta{encoding}|/|\meta{family}|/|^^A
+% \meta{series}|/|\hskip0pt\meta{shape}|/|\meta{\textbar*}
+% to be the expansion of |\MT@|\meta{list type}|@name|, \ie, the name of
+% the currently defined list. Size ranges are held in a separate macro called
+% |\MT@|\meta{list type}|@/|\meta{font axes}|@sizes|, which in turn contains
+% the respective \meta{list name}s attached to the ranges.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@cnt@encoding\@ne
+ \MT@permute@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Undefine commands for the next round.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@permute@reset
+ \let\MT@cnt@family\@ne
+ \MT@permute@@
+ \MT@increment\MT@cnt@encoding
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@tempencoding\romannumeral\MT@cnt@encoding}%
+ \MT@permute@
+ \relax
+ \let\MT@cnt@series\@ne
+ \MT@permute@@@
+ \MT@increment\MT@cnt@family
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@tempfamily\romannumeral\MT@cnt@family}%
+ \MT@permute@@
+ \relax
+ \let\MT@cnt@shape\@ne
+ \MT@permute@@@@
+ \MT@increment\MT@cnt@series
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@tempseries\romannumeral\MT@cnt@series}%
+ \MT@permute@@@
+ \relax
+ \MT@permute@@@@@
+ \MT@increment\MT@cnt@shape
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@tempshape\romannumeral\MT@cnt@shape}%
+ \MT@permute@@@@
+ \relax
+ \MT@permute@define{encoding}%
+ \MT@permute@define{family}%
+ \MT@permute@define{series}%
+ \MT@permute@define{shape}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\MT@tempencoding
+ /\MT@tempfamily
+ /\MT@tempseries
+ /\MT@tempshape
+ /\MT@ifdefined@c\MT@tempsize *\@empty}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/29}{more sanity checks for \cs{SetProtrusion} and
+% \cs{SetExpansion}}
+% Some sanity checks: An encoding must be specified (unless nothing else is).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempb{////}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \else
+ \ifx\MT@tempencoding\@empty
+ \MT@warning{%
+ You have to specify an encoding for\MessageBreak
+ \@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@permutelist} list
+ `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@permutelist @name}'.\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring it}%
+ \else
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@tempsize{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Add the list of ranges to the beginning of the current combination, after
+% checking for conflicts.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/20}{add ranges to the beginning of the lists}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context @sizes}{%
+ \MT@map@tlist@c
+ \MT@tempsize
+ \MT@check@rlist
+ }\relax
+ \expandafter\MT@xaddb
+ \csname MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context @sizes\endcsname
+ \MT@tempsize
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{1}{initializing: use list for font \@tempa,\MessageBreak
+ sizes: \csname MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context
+ @sizes\endcsname}%
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Only one list should apply to a given combination.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context}{%
+ \MT@warning{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@permutelist} list
+ `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@permutelist @name}' will override list\MessageBreak
+ `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context}' for font `\@tempa'}%
+ }\relax
+ \MT@dinfo@nl{1}{initializing: use list for font \@tempa
+ \ifx\MT@extra@context\@empty\else\MessageBreak
+ (context: \MT@extra@context)\fi}%
+ }%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context}%
+ {\csname MT@\MT@permutelist @name\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Define the commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\@tempcnta=\csname MT@cnt@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@temp#1\romannumeral\@tempcnta}%
+ {\MT@edef@n{MT@temp#1}{\csname MT@temp#1\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname}}%
+ {\MT@let@nc{MT@temp#1}\@empty}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Reset the commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@permute@reset@{encoding}%
+ \MT@permute@reset@{family}%
+ \MT@permute@reset@{series}%
+ \MT@permute@reset@{shape}%
+ \let\MT@tempsize\@undefined
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \MT@loop
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@temp#1\romannumeral\@tempcnta}\@undefined
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@temp#1\romannumeral\@tempcnta}%
+ \iftrue
+ \iffalse
+ \MT@repeat
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/20}{made recursive}
+% For every new range item in \cs{MT@tempsize}, check whether it overlaps with
+% ranges in the existing list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@check@rlist@#1%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Define the current new range and \dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \def\@tempc{#2}%
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \expandafter\MT@map@tlist@c
+ \csname MT@\MT@permutelist @\@tempa\MT@extra@context @sizes\endcsname
+ \MT@check@range
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \dots~recurse through the list of existing ranges.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@check@range@#1%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \cmd{\@tempb} and \cmd{\@tempc} are lower resp. upper bound of the new range,
+% \meta{\#2} and \meta{\#3} those of the existing range.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifeq{#2}\m@ne{%
+ \MT@ifeq\@tempc\m@ne{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item Both items are simple sizes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifeq\@tempb{#1}\@tempswatrue\relax
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item Item in list is a simple size, new item is a range.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifgt\@tempb{#1}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifgt\@tempc{#1}{%
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \edef\@tempb{#1 (with range: \@tempb\space to \@tempc)}%
+ }\relax
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifeq\@tempc\m@ne{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item Item in list is a range, new item is a simple size.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@iflt\@tempb{#2}{%
+ \MT@iflt\@tempb{#1}\relax\@tempswatrue
+ }\relax
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item Both items are ranges.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@iflt\@tempb{#2}{%
+ \MT@ifgt\@tempc{#1}{%
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \edef\@tempb{#1 to #2 (with range: \@tempb\space to \@tempc)}%
+ }\relax
+ }\relax
+ }%
+ }%
+ \if@tempswa
+ \MT@warning{\@nameuse{MT@abbr@\MT@permutelist} list
+ `\@nameuse{MT@\MT@permutelist @name}' will override\MessageBreak
+ list `#3' for font \@tempa,\MessageBreak size \@tempb}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we've already found a conflict with this item, we can skip the rest of the
+% list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\MT@tlist@break
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsection{User Command}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/11/04}{bug fix: set the correct levels, and remember them;
+% warning when enabling an option disabled in package options}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/17}{bug fix: warning also when setting to \texttt{(no)compatibility}}
+% This command may be used anywhere in the document. It accepts the options:
+% |protrusion|, |expansion| and |activate|, and |spacing| and |kerning|.
+% Specifying font sets is not allowed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MTX}{#1}[true]{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\csname MT@rbba@\@tempb\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifempty\MT@val\relax{%
+ \@tempcnta=\m@ne
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{true}{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Enabling micro-typography in the middle of the document is not allowed if it
+% has been disabled in the package options since fonts might already have been
+% loaded and hence wouldn't be set up.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@checksetup\@tempb{%
+ \expandafter\@tempcnta=\csname MT@\@tempb @level\endcsname
+ \MT@info{Enabling #1
+ (level \number\csname MT@\@tempb @level\endcsname)}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{false}{%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@info{Disabling #1}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{compatibility}{%
+ \MT@checksetup\@tempb{%
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@\@tempb @level}\@ne
+ \MT@info{Setting #1 to level 1}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{nocompatibility}{%
+ \MT@checksetup\@tempb{%
+ \@tempcnta=\tw@
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@\@tempb @level}\tw@
+ \MT@info{Setting #1 to level 2}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{%
+ Value `\MT@val' for key `#1' not recognized.\MessageBreak
+ Use any of `true', `false', `compatibility' or\MessageBreak
+ `nocompatibility'}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>\m@ne
+ #2\@tempcnta\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Test whether the feature wasn't disabled in the package options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\csname ifMT@\csname MT@abbr@#1\endcsname\endcsname
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+ \else
+ \MT@warning{%
+ You cannot enable \@nameuse{MT@abbr@#1} if it was disabled\MessageBreak
+ in the package options,}%
+ \expandafter\@gobble
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The same for |spacing| and |kerning|, which do not have a |nocompatibility| level.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MTX}{#1}[true]{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\csname MT@rbba@\@tempb\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifempty\MT@val\relax{%
+ \@tempcnta=\m@ne
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{true}{%
+ \MT@checksetup\@tempb{%
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \MT@info{Enabling #1}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{false}{%
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@info{Disabling #1}%
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning{%
+ Value `\MT@val' for key `#1' not recognized.\MessageBreak
+ Use either `true' or `false'}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>\m@ne
+ #2\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \pdfappendkern \@tempcnta}
+ \setkeys{MTX}{protrusion={#1}}%
+ \setkeys{MTX}{expansion={#1}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/10/03}{new macro: change setup context in the document}
+% The user may now also change the context, so that different setups are
+% possible. This is especially useful for multi-lingual documents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setkeys{MTC}{#1}%
+ \edef\MT@curr@contexts{\MT@pr@context|%
+ \MT@ex@context|%
+ \MT@sp@context|%
+ \MT@kn@context}%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{2}{>>> current context: \MT@curr@contexts}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Keep track of all contexts in the document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@exp@one@n\MT@in@tlist\MT@curr@contexts\MT@doc@contexts
+ \ifMT@inlist@ \else
+ \MT@xadd\MT@doc@contexts{{\MT@curr@contexts}}%
+%<debug>\MT@dinfo{2}{>>> document contexts: \MT@doc@contexts}%
+ \fi
+ \selectfont
+ \aftergroup\MT@reset@context
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have to reset the font at the end of the group.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@vinfo{Resetting contexts on line \the\inputlineno}%
+ \selectfont
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MTC}{#1}[]{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\@tempb{#1}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\@nameuse{MT@rbba@\@tempb}}%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{##1}%
+ \MT@vinfo{--- Changing #1 context to `\MT@val'}%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@\@tempb @context}{\MT@val}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have to reset \emph{all} factors the next time we see the font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty\MT@val\relax{%
+ \global\MT@let@nn{MT@reset@\@tempb @codes}{MT@reset@\@tempb @codes@}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Initialize the contexts.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Disable everything -- may be used as a work-around in case setting up fonts
+% doesn't work in certain environments. \emph{(Undocumented.)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@info{Inactivate microtype package}%
+ \let\MT@setupfont\MT@gobblethree
+ \MT@info{Reactivate microtype package}%
+ \let\MT@setupfont\MT@saved@setupfont
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsection{Package Options}
+%\subsubsection{Declaring the Options}
+% Keep track of whether the user explicitly set these options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \opt{expansion} and \opt{protrusion} may be |true|, |false|, |compatibility|,
+% |nocompatibility| and/or a \meta{set name}.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/10/06}{fix: use \texttt{true} as the default value}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT}{#1}[true]{%
+ \csname MT@opt@#1true\endcsname
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\MT@val\relax{%
+ \csname MT@#1true\endcsname
+ \edef\@tempb{\csname MT@rbba@#1\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{true}\relax
+ {%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{false}{%
+ \csname MT@#1false\endcsname
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{compatibility}{%
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@\@tempb @level}\@ne
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{nocompatibility}{%
+ \MT@let@nc{MT@\@tempb @level}\tw@
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If everything failed, it should be a set name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\@tempb @set@@\MT@val}{%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\@tempb @setname}{\MT@val}%
+ }{%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\@tempb @setname}%
+ {\@nameuse{MT@default@\@tempb @set}}%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ The #1 set `\MT@val' is undeclared.\MessageBreak
+ Using set `\@nameuse{MT@\@tempb @setname}' instead}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \opt{activate} is a shortcut for \opt{protrusion} and \opt{expansion} (and
+% \opt{spacing}?).
+%\todo{add spacing to activate, when the feature has stabilized in \pdftex}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setkeys{MT}{protrusion={#1}}%
+ \setkeys{MT}{expansion={#1}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT}{#1}[true]{%
+ \csname MT@opt@#1true\endcsname
+ \MT@map@clist@n{##1}{%
+ \KV@@sp@def\MT@val{####1}%
+ \MT@ifempty\MT@val\relax{%
+ \csname MT@#1true\endcsname
+ \edef\@tempb{\csname MT@rbba@#1\endcsname}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{true}\relax
+ {%
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@val{false}{%
+ \csname MT@#1false\endcsname
+ }{%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@\@tempb @set@@\MT@val}{%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\@tempb @setname}{\MT@val}%
+ }{%
+ \global\MT@edef@n{MT@\@tempb @setname}%
+ {\@nameuse{MT@default@\@tempb @set}}%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ The #1 set `\MT@val' is undeclared.\MessageBreak
+ Using set `\@nameuse{MT@\@tempb @setname}' instead}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{new option: \opt{selected}, by default false
+% (suggested by \thanh)} ^^A <hanthethanh\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 30/11/2004
+%\changes{v2.0}{2005/10/04}{new option: \opt{babel}, by default false
+% (language-dependant setup suggested by Ulrich Dirr)}
+% ^^A <ud\at>
+% The |true|/|false| options:
+% \opt{draft} (may be inherited from the class options),
+% \opt{DVIoutput},
+% \opt{auto},
+% \opt{selected},
+% \opt{babel}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT}{#1}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}%
+ {\def\@tempa{true}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{##1}}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{true}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{false}\relax{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ `##1' is not an admissible value for option\MessageBreak
+ `#1'. Assuming `false'}%
+ \def\@tempa{false}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \csname MT@#1\@tempa\endcsname
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \opt{final} is the opposite to \opt{draft}.
+%\changes{v1.4a}{2004/11/16}{new option: \opt{final}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@draftfalse
+ \MT@ifempty{#1}%
+ {\def\@tempa{true}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{true}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{false}%
+ \MT@drafttrue
+ {%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ `#1' is not an admissible value for option\MessageBreak
+ `final'. Assuming `true'}%
+ \MT@draftfalse
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For \opt{verbose} output, we simply redefine \cs{MT@vinfo}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@vinfo\MT@info@nl
+ \MT@ifempty{#1}%
+ {\def\@tempa{true}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{true}\relax{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/16}{new value for \opt{verbose} option: \texttt{errors}}
+% Take problems seriously.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{errors}{%
+ \let\MT@warning\MT@warn@err
+ \let\MT@warning@nl\MT@warn@err
+ }{%
+ \let\MT@vinfo\@gobble
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{false}\relax{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ `#1' is not an admissible value for option\MessageBreak
+ `verbose'. Assuming `false'}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{defaults: \opt{step}: 4
+% (suggested by \thanh)} ^^A <hanthethanh\at>
+% ^^A private mail, 30/11/2004
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/18}{new option: \opt{factor}, by default 1000}
+%\changes{v2.0}{2005/09/21}{new option: \opt{letterspacing}, by default 100}
+% Options with numerical keys:
+% \opt{factor},
+% \opt{stretch},
+% \opt{shrink},
+% \opt{step},
+% \opt{letterspacing}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{MT}{#1}[]{%
+ \MT@ifempty{##1}%
+ {\MT@let@cn\@tempa{MT@#1@default}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{##1 }}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% No nonsense in \cs{MT@factor} et al.?
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/06}{test whether numeric options receive a number}
+% A space terminates the number.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifnumber\@tempa{%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@#1}{\@tempa}%
+ }{\MT@warning@nl{%
+ Value `##1' for option `#1' is not a number.\MessageBreak
+ Using default value of \number\@nameuse{MT@#1@default}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \opt{factor} will define the protrusion factor only.
+%\todo{factor option for which extensions?}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#1}%
+ {\let\@tempa\MT@factor@default}%
+ {\def\@tempa{#1 }}%
+ \MT@ifnumber\@tempa{%
+ \MT@edef@n{MT@pr@factor}{\@tempa}%
+ }{\MT@warning@nl{%
+ Value `#1' for option `factor' is not a number.\MessageBreak
+ Using default value of \number\MT@factor@default}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Unit for codes.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/14}{new option: \opt{unit}, by default \texttt{character}}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/09/28}{option \opt{unit}: rename value \texttt{relative} to \texttt{character}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#1}%
+ {\def\@tempa{character}}%
+ {\KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}}%
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{relative}{%
+ \MT@warning{Value `relative' for option `unit' is deprecated.\MessageBreak
+ Use `unit=character' instead. For now, I'll do it\MessageBreak
+ for you}%
+ \def\@tempa{character}%
+ }\relax
+ \MT@ifstreq\@tempa{character}\relax{%
+ \MT@ifdimen\@tempa{%
+ \let\MT@pr@unit\@tempa
+ }{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{`\@tempa' is not a dimension. Ignoring it and\MessageBreak
+ setting values relative to character widths}%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The package should just work if called without any options. Therefore,
+% expansion will be switched off by default if output is \dvi, since it isn't
+% likely that expanded fonts are available. (This grows more important as \TeX\
+% systems are switching to the \pdftex\ engine even for \dvi\ output, so that
+% the user might not even be aware of the fact that she's running \pdftex.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifnum\pdfoutput=\z@ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Also, we only enable expansion by default if \pdftex\ can expand the fonts
+% automatically.
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/23}{defaults: turn off expansion for old \pdftex\ versions}
+%\todo{should spacing be enabled by default?}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > \thr@@
+ \MT@expansiontrue
+ \MT@autotrue
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The main configuration file will be loaded before processing the package
+% options.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/05/15}{new option: \opt{config} to load a different main
+% configuration file}
+% However, the \opt{config} option must of course be evaluated beforehand.
+% We also have to define a no-op for the regular option processing later.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifempty{#2}%
+ {\def\MT@config@file{microtype.cfg}}%
+ {\KV@@sp@def\MT@config@file{#2.cfg}}%
+ \csname opt@\@currname.\@currext\endcsname,config=,\@nil
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/25}{bug fix: set catcodes before reading global configuration file
+% (reported by Christoph Bier)} ^^A <christoph.bier\at>
+% ^^A in: <>
+% Load the file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@info@nl{Loading configuration file \MT@config@file}%
+ \MT@begin@catcodes
+ \let\MT@begin@catcodes\relax
+ \let\MT@end@catcodes\relax
+ \input{\MT@config@file}%
+ \endgroup
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Could not find configuration file `\MT@config@file'!\MessageBreak
+ This will almost certainly cause undesired results.\MessageBreak
+ Please fix your installation}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If no default font set has been declared in the main configuration file,
+% we use the (empty, possibly non-existent) `|all|' set.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/05}{disable \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault} after
+% configuration file has been loaded}
+% We also disable the command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning{%
+ The command \string\DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault\space may only\MessageBreak
+ be used inside the main configuration file.\MessageBreak
+ Ignoring it}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Hook for Other Packages}\label{sub:hook}
+% {\let\special@index\index\SpecialIndex@{\Microtype@Hook}{\encapchar usage}}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/22}{new macro for font package authors}
+% This hook may be used by font package authors, \eg\ to declare alias fonts. If
+% it is defined, it will be executed here, \ie, after the main configuration
+% file has been loaded, and before the package options are evaluated.
+% This hook overcomes the situation that (1) the \microtype\ package should be
+% loaded after all font defaults have been set up (hence, using
+% \cmd{\@ifpackageloaded} in the font package is not viable), and (2) checking
+% \cmd{\AtBeginDocument} can be too late, since fonts might already have been
+% loaded, and consequently set up, in the preamble.
+% Package authors should check whether the command is already defined so that
+% existing definitions by other packages aren't overwritten. Example:
+% {\DeclareMicrotypeAlias{MinionPro-LF}{MinionPro}}
+% {\let\Microtype@Hook\MinionPro@MT@Hook}
+% {\g@addto@macro\Microtype@Hook{\MinionPro@MT@Hook}}
+% \cs{MicroType@Hook} with a capital |T| is provided for compatibility reasons.
+% At some point in the future, it will no longer be available, hence it should
+% not be used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Command \string\MicroType@Hook\space is deprecated.\MessageBreak
+ Use \string\Microtype@Hook\space instead}\MicroType@Hook}\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Processing the Options}
+% Parse options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@tempc\relax
+ \let\KVo@tempa\@empty
+ \MT@map@clist@c\@classoptionslist{%
+ \def\CurrentOption{##1}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{KV@#1@\CurrentOption}{%
+ \edef\KVo@tempa{\KVo@tempa,\CurrentOption,}%
+ \@expandtwoargs\@removeelement\CurrentOption
+ \@unusedoptionlist\@unusedoptionlist
+ }\relax
+ }%
+ \edef\KVo@tempa{%
+ \noexpand\setkeys{#1}{%
+ \KVo@tempa\@ptionlist{\@currname.\@currext}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \KVo@tempa
+ \AtEndOfPackage{\let\@unprocessedoptions\relax}%
+ \let\CurrentOption\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now we can take the appropriate actions:
+% \pdftex\ can create \dvi\ output, too. However, both the \dvi\ viewer and
+% dvips need to find actual fonts. Therefore, expansion will only work if the
+% fonts for different degrees of expansion are readily available.
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/19}{new message if \cmd{\pdfoutput} is changed}
+% Some packages depend on the value of \cmd{\pdfoutput} and will get confused if
+% it is changed after they have been loaded. These packages are, among others:
+% \pkg{color}, \pkg{graphics}, \pkg{hyperref}, \pkg{crop}, \pkg{contour},
+% \pkg{pstricks} and, as a matter of course, \pkg{ifpdf}. Instead of testing
+% for each package (that's not our job), we issue a different message if
+% \cmd{\pdfoutput} is actually changed by \opt{DVIoutput}. That must be
+% sufficient!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\pdfoutput=\z@
+ \MT@info@nl{Generating DVI output}
+ \else
+ \pdfoutput\z@
+ \MT@info@nl{Changing output mode to DVI}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For \dvi\ output, the user must have explicitly passed the \opt{expansion} option
+% to the package.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{defaults: turn off expansion for \dvi\ output}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@opt@expansion \else
+ \MT@expansionfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \MT@info@nl{Generating \ifnum\pdfoutput=\z@ DVI \else PDF \fi output}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Tell the log file which options the user has chosen (in case it's interested).
+% We disable most of what we've just defined in the \arabic{CodelineNo} lines
+% above if we are running in draft mode.
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/02/06}{warning when running in draft mode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@warning@nl{`draft' option active.\MessageBreak
+ Disabling all micro-typographic extensions.\MessageBreak
+ This might lead to different line and page breaks}
+ \MT@protrusionfalse
+ \MT@expansionfalse
+ \MT@spacingfalse
+ \MT@kerningfalse
+ \let\MT@setupfont\relax
+ \def\DeclareMicrotypeSet{%
+ \@ifstar
+ {\@ifnextchar[\MT@DeclareSet{\MT@DeclareSet[]}}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[\MT@DeclareSet{\MT@DeclareSet[]}}%
+ }
+ \def\MT@DeclareSet[#1]#2#3{}
+ \renewcommand*\UseMicrotypeSet[2][]{}
+ \renewcommand*\SetProtrusion[3][]{}
+ \renewcommand*\SetExpansion[3][]{}
+ \renewcommand*\SetExtraSpacing[3][]{}
+ \renewcommand*\SetExtraKerning[3][]{}
+ \renewcommand*\DeclareCharacterInheritance[3][]{}
+ \renewcommand*\DeclareMicrotypeAlias[2]{}
+ \renewcommand*\LoadMicrotypeFile[1]{}
+ \renewcommand*\microtypesetup[1]{}
+ \renewcommand*\microtypecontext[1]{}
+ \expandafter
+ \endinput
+ \pdfprotrudechars\MT@pr@level
+ \MT@info@nl{Character protrusion enabled (level \number\MT@pr@level)%
+ \ifnum\MT@pr@factor=\MT@factor@default \else,\MessageBreak
+ factor: \number\MT@pr@factor\fi
+ \ifx\MT@pr@unit\@empty \else,\MessageBreak unit: \MT@pr@unit\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have to make sure that font sets are active at the end of the package. If
+% the user didn't activate any in the package options, we use those sets declared
+% by \cs{DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault}. They can still be overridden later on, of
+% course.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@pr@setname{%
+ \MT@info@nl{Using protrusion set `\MT@pr@setname'}%
+ }{%
+ \global\let\MT@pr@setname\MT@default@pr@set
+ \MT@info@nl{Using default protrusion set `\MT@pr@setname'}%
+ }
+ \let\MT@protrusion\relax
+ \MT@info@nl{No character protrusion}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set up the values for font expansion: If \opt{stretch} has not been specified, we
+% take the default value of 20.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@stretch=\m@ne
+ \let\MT@stretch\MT@stretch@default
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \opt{shrink} has not been specified, it will inherit the value from \opt{stretch}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@shrink=\m@ne
+ \ifnum\MT@stretch>\z@
+ \let\MT@shrink\MT@stretch
+ \else
+ \let\MT@shrink\MT@shrink@default
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \opt{step} has not been specified, we will set it to min(\opt{stretch},\opt{shrink})/5,
+% rounded off, minimum value 1.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{defaults: calculate \opt{step} as
+% min(\texttt{stretch},\texttt{shrink})/5}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/08}{warning if user requested zero \opt{step}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@step=\m@ne
+ \ifnum\MT@stretch>\MT@shrink
+ \ifnum\MT@shrink=\z@
+ \@tempcnta=\MT@stretch
+ \else
+ \@tempcnta=\MT@shrink
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\MT@stretch=\z@
+ \@tempcnta=\MT@shrink
+ \else
+ \@tempcnta=\MT@stretch
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \divide\@tempcnta 5\relax
+ \else
+ \@tempcnta=\MT@step
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\z@
+ \MT@warning@nl{The expansion step cannot be set to zero.\MessageBreak
+ Setting it to one}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\z@ \@tempcnta=\@ne \fi
+ \edef\MT@step{\number\@tempcnta\space}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Automatic expansion of the font? This new feature of \pdftex\ 1.20 makes the
+% \textit{hz}-algorithm really usable. It must be either `|autoexpand|' or
+% empty (or `|1000|' for older versions of \pdftex).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\MT@auto\@empty
+ \ifMT@auto
+ \ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > \thr@@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We turn off automatic expansion if output mode is \dvi.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/02}{disable automatic expansion for \dvi\ output}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\pdfoutput=\z@
+ \ifMT@opt@auto
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Automatic font expansion only works for PDF output.\MessageBreak
+ However, you are creating a DVI file. I will switch\MessageBreak
+ automatic font expansion off and hope that expanded\MessageBreak
+ fonts are available}
+ \fi
+ \MT@autofalse
+ \else
+ \def\MT@auto{autoexpand}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Also, if \pdftex\ is too old.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/13}{issue an error instead of a warning, when \pdftex\
+% version is too old for \texttt{autoexpand}}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/23}{disable automatic expansion for old \pdftex\ versions}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else
+ \ifMT@opt@auto
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ The pdftex you are using is too old for automatic\MessageBreak
+ font expansion. I will switch it off and hope that\MessageBreak
+ expanded fonts are available on your system.\MessageBreak
+ Install pdftex version 1.20 or newer}
+ \fi
+ \MT@autofalse
+ \def\MT@auto{1000 }
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% No automatic expansion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else
+ \ifnum\MT@pdftex@no < 4
+ \def\MT@auto{1000 }
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Choose the appropriate macro for selected expansion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@selected
+ \let\MT@set@ex@codes\MT@set@ex@codes@s
+ \else
+ \let\MT@set@ex@codes\MT@set@ex@codes@n
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Filter out |stretch=0,shrink=0|, since it would result in an \pdftex\ error.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/08}{disable expansion if both \opt{step} and \opt{shrink} are zero}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\MT@stretch=\z@
+ \ifnum\MT@shrink=\z@
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ Both the stretch and shrink limit are set to zero.\MessageBreak
+ Disabling font expansion}
+ \MT@expansionfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \pdfadjustspacing\MT@ex@level
+ \MT@info@nl{\ifMT@auto Automatic f\else F\fi ont expansion enabled
+ (level \number\MT@ex@level),\MessageBreak
+ stretch: \number\MT@stretch, shrink: \number\MT@shrink,
+ step: \number\MT@step, \ifMT@selected\else non-\fi selected}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@ex@setname{%
+ \MT@info@nl{Using expansion set `\MT@ex@setname'}%
+ }{%
+ \global\let\MT@ex@setname\MT@default@ex@set
+ \MT@info@nl{Using default expansion set `\MT@ex@setname'}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/02}{modify \cmd{\showhyphens}}
+% Inside \cmd{\showhyphens}, font expansion should be disabled.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \CheckCommand*{\showhyphens}[1]{%
+ \setbox0\vbox{\color@begingroup\everypar{}\parfillskip\z@skip
+ \hsize\maxdimen\normalfont\pretolerance\m@ne\tolerance\m@ne
+ \hbadness\z@\showboxdepth\z@\ #1\color@endgroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% I wonder why it's defined globally (in \file{ltfssbas.dtx})?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \gdef\showhyphens#1{%
+ \setbox0\vbox{%
+ \color@begingroup
+ \pdfadjustspacing\z@
+ \everypar{}%
+ \parfillskip\z@skip\hsize\maxdimen
+ \normalfont
+ \pretolerance\m@ne\tolerance\m@ne\hbadness\z@\showboxdepth\z@\ #1%
+ \color@endgroup}}
+ \let\MT@expansion\relax
+ \MT@info@nl{No font expansion}
+\ifnum\MT@pdftex@no > 5
+ \ifMT@spacing
+ \pdfadjustinterwordglue\@ne
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Warning if \cmd{\nonfrenchspacing} is active, since space factors will be
+% ignored with \cmd{\pdfadjustinterwordglue}\,|>|\,0. Why 1500? Because some
+% packages redefine \cmd{\frenchspacing}. See the |c.t.t| thread `\cmd{\frenchspacing}
+% with AMS packages and babel', started by this message from Philipp Lehman:
+% \nolinkurl{<ddtbaj$rob$>} on August 16, 2005.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \ifnum\sfcode`\. > 1500
+ \MT@ifstreq\MT@sp@context{nonfrench}\relax{%
+ \MT@warning@nl{%
+ \string\nonfrenchspacing\space is active. Adjustment of\MessageBreak
+ interword spacing will disable it. You might want\MessageBreak
+ to add `\string\microtypecontext{spacing=nonfrench}'\MessageBreak
+ to your preamble}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }
+ \MT@info@nl{Adjustment of interword spacing enabled}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@sp@setname{%
+ \MT@info@nl{Using spacing set `\MT@sp@setname'}%
+ }{%
+ \global\let\MT@sp@setname\MT@default@sp@set
+ \MT@info@nl{Using default spacing set `\MT@sp@setname'}%
+ }
+ \else
+ \let\MT@spacing\relax
+ \MT@info@nl{No adjustment of interword spacing}
+ \fi
+ \ifMT@kerning
+ \pdfprependkern\@ne
+ \pdfappendkern\@ne
+ \MT@info@nl{Adjustment of character kerning enabled}
+ \MT@ifdefined@c\MT@kn@setname{%
+ \MT@info@nl{Using kerning set `\MT@kn@setname'}%
+ }{%
+ \global\let\MT@kn@setname\MT@default@kn@set
+ \MT@info@nl{Using default kerning set `\MT@kn@setname'}%
+ }
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We do \emph{not} set \cs{MT@kerning} to \cmd{\relax} since it is also used by
+% \cs{textls}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@info@nl{No adjustment of character kerning}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\MT@letterspacing=\m@ne
+ \let\MT@letterspacing\MT@letterspacing@default
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \pdftex\ is too old, we disable everything.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@spacing
+ \MT@warning@nl{Adjustment of interword spacing only works with\MessageBreak
+ pdftex version 1.3x or newer. Switching it off}%
+ \else
+ \MT@info@nl{No adjustment of interword spacing}
+ \fi
+ \MT@spacingfalse
+ \let\MT@spacing\relax
+ \ifMT@kerning
+ \MT@warning@nl{Character kerning only works with\MessageBreak
+ pdftex version 1.3x or newer. Switching it off}%
+ \else
+ \MT@info@nl{No adjustment of character kerning}
+ \fi
+ \MT@kerningfalse
+ \let\MT@kerning\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Interaction with \pkg{babel}. We hook into the language switching commands
+% to enable language-dependent setup.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \MT@info@nl{Redefining babel's language switching commands}
+ \let\MT@orig@select@language\select@language
+ \def\select@language#1{%
+ \MT@orig@select@language{#1}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@babel@#1}{%
+ \MT@vinfo{Changing to language `#1' on line \the\inputlineno}%
+ \expandafter\MT@exp@one@n\expandafter\microtypecontext
+ \csname MT@babel@#1\endcsname
+ }{%
+ \microtypecontext{protrusion=,expansion=,spacing=,kerning=}%
+ }%
+ }
+ \let\MT@orig@foreign@language\foreign@language
+ \def\foreign@language#1{%
+ \MT@orig@foreign@language{#1}%
+ \MT@ifdefined@n{MT@babel@#1}{%
+ \MT@vinfo{Changing to context `#1' on line \the\inputlineno}%
+ \expandafter\MT@exp@one@n\expandafter\microtypecontext
+ \csname MT@babel@#1\endcsname
+ }{%
+ \microtypecontext{protrusion=,expansion=,spacing=,kerning=}%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Disable \pkg{babel}s active characters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifMT@kerning
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \@ifpackageloaded{babel}{%
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \@ifpackagewith{babel}{french}\@tempswatrue\relax
+ \@ifpackagewith{babel}{frenchb}\@tempswatrue\relax
+ \@ifpackagewith{babel}{francais}\@tempswatrue\relax
+ \if@tempswa
+ \NoAutoSpaceBeforeFDP
+ \MT@warning@nl{Switching off French babel's active punctuation characters}%
+ \fi
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% That was that.
+% ^^A -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% ^^A From now on, don't bother indexing:
+%\section{Configuration Files}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/24}{restructure \file{dtx} file}
+% Let's now write the font configuration files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following characters must not appear verbatim:
+% |\| & \cmd{\textbackslash}\\
+% |{| & \cmd{\textbraceleft}\\
+% |}| & \cmd{\textbraceright}\\
+% |^| & \cmd{\textasciicircum}\\
+% |%| & \cs{\%}\\
+% |#| & \cs{\#}
+% Comma and equal sign must be guarded with braces (`|{,}|', `|{=}|').
+% Of course, numerical identification is possible in any case.
+% Ligatures and \cmd{\mathchardef}ed symbols always have to be specified
+% numerically.
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/14}{remove 8-bit characters from the configuration files
+% (suggested by Harald Harders)}
+%\subsection{Character Inheritance}
+% First the lists of inheriting characters. We only declare those characters
+% that are the same on \emph{both} sides, \ie, not \OE\ for O.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Glyphs that should possibly inherit settings on one side only:
+% |012|~(`fi' ligature), |013|~(`fl'), |014|~(`ffi'), |015|~(`ffl'),
+% \AE, \ae, \OE, \oe.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ { encoding = OT1 }
+ { f = {011}, % ff
+ i = {\i},
+ j = {\j},
+ O = {\O},
+ o = {\o},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Candidates here: |028|~(`fi'), |029|~(`fl'), |030|~(`ffi'), |031|~(`ffl'),
+% |156| (`IJ'~ligature), |188|~(`ij'), \AE, \ae, \OE, \oe.
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/12/11}{remove \cmd{\ss} from \tI\ list, add \cmd{\DJ}}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/26}{remove \cmd{\DJ} from \tI\ list (it's the same as \cmd{\DH})}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ { encoding = T1 }
+ { A = {\`A,\'A,\^A,\~A,\"A,\r{A},\k{A},\u{A}},
+ a = {\`a,\'a,\^a,\~a,\"a,\r{a},\k{a},\u{a}},
+ C = {\'C,\c{C},\v{C}},
+ c = {\'c,\c{c},\v{c}},
+ D = {\v{D},\DH},
+ d = {\v{d},\dj},
+ E = {\`E,\'E,\^E,\"E,\k{E},\v{E}},
+ e = {\`e,\'e,\^e,\"e,\k{e},\v{e}},
+ f = {027}, % ff
+ G = {\u{G}},
+ g = {\u{g}},
+ I = {\`I,\'I,\^I,\"I,\.I},
+ i = {\`i,\'i,\^i,\"i,\i},
+ j = {\j},
+ L = {\L,\'L,\v{L}},
+ l = {\l,\'l,\v{l}},
+ N = {\'N,\~N,\v{N}},
+ n = {\'n,\~n,\v{n}},
+ O = {\O,\`O,\'O,\^O,\~O,\"O,\H{O}},
+ o = {\o,\`o,\'o,\^o,\~o,\"o,\H{o}},
+ R = {\'R,\v{R}},
+ r = {\'r,\v{r}},
+ S = {\'S,\c{S},\v{S},\SS},
+ s = {\'s,\c{s},\v{s}},
+ T = {\c{T},\v{T}},
+ t = {\c{t},\v{t}},
+ U = {\`U,\'U,\^U,\"U,\H{U},\r{U}},
+ u = {\`u,\'u,\^u,\"u,\H{u},\r{u}},
+ Y = {\'Y,\"Y},
+ y = {\'y,\"y},
+ Z = {\'Z,\.Z,\v{Z}},
+ z = {\'z,\.z,\v{z}},
+ - = {127},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% More characters: |008|~(`fl'), |012|~(`fi'), |014|~(`ffi'), |015|~(`ffl'),
+% \AE, \ae, \OE, \oe.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ { encoding = LY1 }
+ { A = {\`A,\'A,\^A,\~A,\"A,\r{A}},
+ a = {\`a,\'a,\^a,\~a,\"a,\r{a}},
+ C = {\c{C}},
+ c = {\c{c}},
+ D = {\DH},
+ E = {\`E,\'E,\^E,\"E},
+ e = {\`e,\'e,\^e,\"e},
+ f = {011}, % ff
+ I = {\`I,\'I,\^I,\"I},
+ i = {\`i,\'i,\^i,\"i,\i},
+ L = {\L},
+ l = {\l},
+ N = {\~N},
+ n = {\~n},
+ O = {\`O,\'O,\^O,\~O,\"O,\O},
+ o = {\`o,\'o,\^o,\~o,\"o,\o},
+ S = {\v{S}},
+ s = {\v{s}},
+ U = {\`U,\'U,\^U,\"U},
+ u = {\`u,\'u,\^u,\"u},
+ Y = {\'Y,\"Y},
+ y = {\'y,\"y},
+ Z = {\v{Z}},
+ z = {\v{z}},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/16}{add list for \otIV}
+% The Polish \otI\ extension. More interesting characters here:
+% |009|~(`fk'), |012|~(`fi'), |013|~(`fl'), |014|~(`ffi'), |015|~(`ffl'),
+% \AE, \ae, \OE, \oe.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ { encoding = OT4 }
+ { A = {\k{A}},
+ a = {\k{a}},
+ C = {\'C},
+ c = {\'c},
+ E = {\k{E}},
+ e = {\k{e}},
+ f = {011}, % ff
+ i = {\i},
+ j = {\j},
+ L = {\L},
+ l = {\l},
+ N = {\'N},
+ n = {\'n},
+ O = {\O,\'O},
+ o = {\o,\'o},
+ S = {\'S},
+ s = {\'s},
+ Z = {\'Z,\.Z},
+ z = {\'z,\.z},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/17}{add list for \tV\ (requested by \thanh)} ^^A private email, 16/8/2005
+% The Vietnamese encoding \tV. It is so crowded with accented and double-accented
+% characters that there is no room for any ligatures.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ { encoding = T5 }
+ { A = {\`A,\'A,\~A,\h{A},\d{A},\^A,\u{A},
+ \`\Acircumflex,\'\Acircumflex,\~\Acircumflex,\h\Acircumflex,\d\Acircumflex,
+ \`\Abreve,\'\Abreve,\~\Abreve,\h\Abreve,\d\Abreve},
+ a = {\`a,\'a,\~a,\h{a},\d{a},\^a,\u{a},
+ \`\acircumflex,\'\acircumflex,\~\acircumflex,\h\acircumflex,\d\acircumflex,
+ \`\abreve,\'\abreve,\~\abreve,\h\abreve,\d\abreve},
+ D = {\DJ},
+ d = {\dj},
+ E = {\`E,\'E,\~E,\h{E},\d{E},\^E,
+ \`\Ecircumflex,\'\Ecircumflex,\~\Ecircumflex,\h\Ecircumflex,\d\Ecircumflex},
+ e = {\`e,\'e,\~e,\h{e},\d{e},\^e,
+ \`\ecircumflex,\'\ecircumflex,\~\ecircumflex,\h\ecircumflex,\d\ecircumflex},
+ I = {\`I,\'I,\~I,\h{I},\d{I}},
+ i = {\`i,\'i,\~i,\h{i},\d{i},\i},
+ O = {\`O,\'O,\~O,\h{O},\d{O},\^O,\horn{O},
+ \`\Ocircumflex,\'\Ocircumflex,\~\Ocircumflex,\h\Ocircumflex,\d\Ocircumflex,
+ \`\Ohorn,\'\Ohorn,\~\Ohorn,\h\Ohorn,\d\Ohorn},
+ o = {\`o,\'o,\~o,\h{o},\d{o},\^o,\horn{o},
+ \`\ocircumflex,\'\ocircumflex,\~\ocircumflex,\h\ocircumflex,\d\ocircumflex,
+ \`\ohorn,\'\ohorn,\~\ohorn,\h\ohorn,\d\ohorn},
+ U = {\`U,\'U,\~U,\h{U},\d{U},\horn{U},
+ \`\Uhorn,\'\Uhorn,\~\Uhorn,\h\Uhorn,\d\Uhorn},
+ u = {\`u,\'u,\~u,\h{u},\d{u},\horn{u},
+ \`\uhorn,\'\uhorn,\~\uhorn,\h\uhorn,\d\uhorn},
+ Y = {\`Y,\'Y,\~Y,\h{Y},\d{Y}},
+ y = {\`y,\'y,\~y,\h{y},\d{y}},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsection{Font Expansion}
+% These are \thanh's original expansion settings. They are used for all fonts
+% (until somebody shows mercy and creates font-specific settings).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+%<m-t> [ name = default ]
+%<bch> [ name = bch-default ]
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-default ]
+%<pad> [ name = pad-default ]
+%<pmn> [ name = pmn-default ]
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-default ]
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-default ]
+%<m-t> { encoding = {OT1,OT4,T1,LY1} }
+%<!m-t> { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1},
+%<bch> family = bch }
+%<cmr> family = cmr }
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj} }
+%<pmn> family = {pmn,pmnx,pmnj} }
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj} }
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj} }
+ {
+ A = 500, a = 700,
+ \AE = 500, \ae = 700,
+ B = 700, b = 700,
+ C = 700, c = 700,
+ D = 500, d = 700,
+ E = 700, e = 700,
+ F = 700,
+ G = 500, g = 700,
+ H = 700, h = 700,
+ K = 700, k = 700,
+ M = 700, m = 700,
+ N = 700, n = 700,
+ O = 500, o = 700,
+ \OE = 500, \oe = 700,
+ P = 700, p = 700,
+ Q = 500, q = 700,
+ R = 700,
+ S = 700, s = 700,
+ U = 700, u = 700,
+ W = 700, w = 700,
+ Z = 700, z = 700,
+ 2 = 700,
+ 3 = 700,
+ 6 = 700,
+ 8 = 700,
+ 9 = 700,
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \tV\ encoding does not contain \cmd{\AE}, \cmd{\ae}, \cmd{\OE} and \cmd{\oe}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = T5 ]
+ { encoding = T5 }
+ {
+ A = 500, a = 700,
+ B = 700, b = 700,
+ C = 700, c = 700,
+ D = 500, d = 700,
+ E = 700, e = 700,
+ F = 700,
+ G = 500, g = 700,
+ H = 700, h = 700,
+ K = 700, k = 700,
+ M = 700, m = 700,
+ N = 700, n = 700,
+ O = 500, o = 700,
+ P = 700, p = 700,
+ Q = 500, q = 700,
+ R = 700,
+ S = 700, s = 700,
+ U = 700, u = 700,
+ W = 700, w = 700,
+ Z = 700, z = 700,
+ 2 = 700,
+ 3 = 700,
+ 6 = 700,
+ 8 = 700,
+ 9 = 700,
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsection{Character Protrusion}
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/14}{add factors for some more characters}
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/19}{harmonize dashes in upshape and italic
+% (\texttt{cmr}, \texttt{pad}, \texttt{ppl})}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/16}{settings for \otIV\ encoding (Computer Modern Roman,
+% Palatino, Times)}
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/08/17}{settings for \tV\ encoding (Computer Modern Roman)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For future historians, \thanh's original settings (from \file{protcode.tex},
+% converted to \microtype\ notation).
+% [ name = thanh ]
+% { encoding = OT1 }
+% {
+% A = {50,50},
+% F = { ,50},
+% J = {50, },
+% K = { ,50},
+% L = { ,50},
+% T = {50,50},
+% V = {50,50},
+% W = {50,50},
+% X = {50,50},
+% Y = {50,50},
+% k = { ,50},
+% r = { ,50},
+% t = { ,50},
+% v = {50,50},
+% w = {50,50},
+% x = {50,50},
+% y = {50,50},
+% . = { ,700}, {,}= { ,700},
+% : = { ,500}, ; = { ,500},
+% ! = { ,200}, ? = { ,200},
+% ( = {50, }, ) = { ,50},
+% - = { ,700},
+% \textendash = { ,300}, \textemdash = { ,200},
+% \textquoteleft = {700, }, \textquoteright = { ,700},
+% \textquotedblleft = {500, }, \textquotedblright = { ,500},
+% }
+% We also create configuration files for the fonts
+%\changes{v1.5}{2004/11/28}{settings for Bitstream Charter}
+% Bitstream Charter (\nfss\ code |bch|),
+% Computer Modern Roman (|cmr|),
+% Palatino (|ppl|, |pplx|, |pplj|),
+% Times (|ptm|, |ptmx|, |ptmj|),
+% Adobe Garamond (|pad|, |padx|, |padj|) and
+%\changes{v1.1}{2004/09/14}{settings for Adobe Minion
+% (contributed by Harald Harders)}
+% Minion\footnote{
+% Contributed by Harald Harders (\mailto{})}
+% (|pmnx|, |pmnj|),
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/01}{settings for \ams\ math fonts}
+% and for the \ams\ math fonts (|msa|, |msb|, |euf|, |eus|).
+% The default settings always use the most moderate value.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t> [ name = default ]
+%<bch> [ name = bch-default ]
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-default ]
+%<pad> [ name = pad-default ]
+%<pmn> [ name = pmnj-default ]
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-default ]
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-default ]
+%<m-t> { encoding = OT1 }
+%<cmr> { }
+%<bch|pad|pmn> { encoding = OT1,
+%<ppl|ptm> { encoding = {OT1,OT4},
+%<bch> family = bch }
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj} }
+%<pmn> family = pmnj }
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj} }
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj} }
+ {
+ A = {50,50},
+%<m-t|pad|ptm> \AE = {50, },
+%<bch|pad|pmn> C = {50, },
+%<bch|pad|pmn> D = { ,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ptm> F = { ,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> G = {50, },
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> J = {50, },
+%<bch> J = {100, },
+ K = { ,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> L = { ,50},
+%<ptm> L = { ,80},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> O = {50,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \OE = {50, },
+%<bch|pad|pmn> Q = {50,70},
+%<bch> R = { ,50},
+ T = {50,50},
+ V = {50,50},
+ W = {50,50},
+ X = {50,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> Y = {50,50},
+%<ptm> Y = {80,80},
+ k = { ,50},
+%<pmn> l = { ,-50},
+%<pad|ppl> p = {50,50},
+%<pad|ppl> q = {50, },
+ r = { ,50},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> t = { ,70},
+%<bch> t = { ,50},
+ v = {50,50},
+ w = {50,50},
+ x = {50,50},
+%<m-t|bch|pad|pmn> y = { ,50},
+%<cmr|ppl|ptm> y = {50,70},
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2005/01/11}{improve settings for numbers
+% (pointed out by Peter Muthesius)} ^^A <newsname\at>
+% ^^A in: <>
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<cmr> 0 = { ,50},
+%<m-t> 1 = {50,50},
+%<bch|pad|ptm> 1 = {150,150},
+%<cmr> 1 = {100,200},
+%<pmn> 1 = { ,50},
+%<ppl> 1 = {100,100},
+%<bch|cmr|pad> 2 = {50,50},
+%<cmr|pad> 3 = {50,50},
+%<bch|pmn> 3 = {50, },
+%<m-t|pad> 4 = {50,50},
+%<bch> 4 = {100,50},
+%<cmr> 4 = {70,70},
+%<pmn> 4 = {50, },
+%<ptm> 4 = {70, },
+%<cmr> 5 = { ,50},
+%<pad> 5 = {50,50},
+%<bch> 6 = {50, },
+%<cmr> 6 = { ,50},
+%<pad> 6 = {50,50},
+%<m-t> 7 = {50,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> 7 = {50,80},
+%<cmr|ptm> 7 = {50,100},
+%<ppl> 7 = { ,50},
+%<cmr> 8 = { ,50},
+%<bch|pad> 9 = {50,50},
+%<cmr> 9 = { ,50},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> . = { ,700},
+%<bch> . = { ,600},
+ {,}= { ,500},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> : = { ,500},
+%<bch> : = { ,400},
+%<m-t|bch|pad|pmn|ptm> ; = { ,300},
+%<cmr|ppl> ; = { ,500},
+ ! = { ,100},
+%<m-t|pad|pmn|ptm> ? = { ,100},
+%<bch|cmr|ppl> ? = { ,200},
+%<pmn> " = {300,300},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> @ = {50,50},
+%<ptm> @ = {100,100},
+ ~ = {200,250},
+%<m-t|bch|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> _ = {100,100},
+%<cmr> _ = {200,200},
+%<pad|ppl|ptm> & = {50,100},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn> \% = {50,50},
+%<bch> \% = { ,50},
+%<ppl|ptm> \% = {100,100},
+%<m-t|ppl|ptm> * = {200,200},
+%<bch|pmn> * = {200,300},
+%<cmr|pad> * = {300,300},
+%<m-t|cmr|ppl|ptm> + = {250,250},
+%<bch> + = {150,250},
+%<pad> + = {300,300},
+%<pmn> + = {150,200},
+%<m-t|pad|pmn|ptm> ( = {100, }, ) = { ,200},
+%<bch> ( = {200, }, ) = { ,200},
+%<cmr|ppl> ( = {100, }, ) = { ,300},
+%<bch|pmn> [ = {100, }, ] = { ,100},
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.7}{2005/03/15}{fix: remove \textbackslash\ from \otI,
+% add \cmd{\textbackslash} to \tI\ encoding}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t|pad|pmn|ptm> / = {100,200},
+%<bch> / = { ,200},
+%<cmr|ppl> / = {200,300},
+%<m-t|ptm> - = {500,500},
+%<bch|cmr|ppl> - = {400,500},
+%<pad> - = {300,500},
+%<pmn> - = {200,400},
+%<m-t|pmn> \textendash = {200,200}, \textemdash = {150,150},
+%<bch> \textendash = {200,300}, \textemdash = {150,250},
+%<cmr> \textendash = {400,300}, \textemdash = {300,200},
+%<pad|ppl|ptm> \textendash = {300,300}, \textemdash = {200,200},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Why settings for left \emph{and} right quotes? Because in some languages they
+% might be used like that (see the \pkg{csquotes} package for examples).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t|bch|pmn> \textquoteleft = {300,400}, \textquoteright = {300,400},
+%<cmr> \textquoteleft = {500,700}, \textquoteright = {500,600},
+%<pad|ppl> \textquoteleft = {500,700}, \textquoteright = {500,700},
+%<ptm> \textquoteleft = {500,500}, \textquoteright = {300,500},
+%<m-t|bch|pmn> \textquotedblleft = {300,300}, \textquotedblright = {300,300},
+%<cmr> \textquotedblleft = {500,300}, \textquotedblright = {200,600},
+%<pad|ppl|ptm> \textquotedblleft = {300,400}, \textquotedblright = {300,400},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Greek uppercase letters are in \otI\ encoding only.
+%\changes{v1.9}{2005/07/10}{fix: remove uppercase Greek letters from \tI\ encoded CMR}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = cmr-OT1,
+ load = cmr-default ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,OT4},
+ family = cmr }
+ {
+ \AE = { 50, },
+ "00 = { ,150}, % \Gamma
+ "01 = {100,100}, % \Delta
+ "02 = { 50, 50}, % \Theta
+ "03 = {100,100}, % \Lambda
+% "04 = { , }, % \Xi
+% "05 = { , }, % \Pi
+ "06 = { 50, 50}, % \Sigma
+ "07 = {100,100}, % \Upsilon
+ "08 = { 50, 50}, % \Phi
+ "09 = { 50, 50}, % \Psi
+% "0A = { , }, % \Omega
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \tI\ and \lyI\ encodings contain some more characters. The default list
+% will be loaded first.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t> [ name = T1-default,
+%<bch> [ name = bch-T1,
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-T1,
+%<pad> [ name = pad-T1,
+%<pmn> [ name = pmnj-T1,
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-T1,
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-T1,
+%<m-t> load = default ]
+%<bch> load = bch-default ]
+%<cmr> load = cmr-default ]
+%<pad> load = pad-default ]
+%<pmn> load = pmnj-default ]
+%<ppl> load = ppl-default ]
+%<ptm> load = ptm-default ]
+%<m-t> { encoding = {T1,LY1} }
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+%<ptm> { encoding = {T1},
+%<bch> family = bch }
+%<cmr> family = cmr }
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj} }
+%<pmn> family = pmnj }
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj} }
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj} }
+ {
+%<cmr> \AE = {50, },
+%<pmn> \TH = { ,50},
+%<m-t|pad|pmn|ptm> \textbackslash = {100,200},
+%<bch> \textbackslash = {150,200},
+%<cmr|ppl> \textbackslash = {200,300},
+%<cmr> \textquotedblleft = {200,600},
+%<cmr> \textquotedbl = {300,300},
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.4}{2004/10/30}{tweak quote characters for \texttt{cmr}
+% variants (\otI, \tI, \texttt{lmr})}
+% The EC fonts do something weird: They insert an implicit kern between quote
+% and boundary character. Therefore, we must override the settings from \otI.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \quotesinglbase = {400,400}, \quotedblbase = {400,400},
+%<bch|pmn> \quotesinglbase = {400,400}, \quotedblbase = {300,300},
+%<m-t|bch|pmn> \guilsinglleft = {400,300}, \guilsinglright = {300,400},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \guilsinglleft = {400,400}, \guilsinglright = {300,500},
+%<m-t> \guillemotleft = {200,200}, \guillemotright = {200,200},
+%<cmr> \guillemotleft = {300,200}, \guillemotright = {100,400},
+%<bch|pmn> \guillemotleft = {200,200}, \guillemotright = {150,300},
+%<pad> \guillemotleft = {300,300}, \guillemotright = {200,400},
+%<ppl|ptm> \guillemotleft = {300,300}, \guillemotright = {200,400},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> \textexclamdown = {100, }, \textquestiondown = {100, },
+%<ptm> \textexclamdown = {200, }, \textquestiondown = {200, },
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \textbraceleft = {400,200}, \textbraceright = {200,400},
+%<bch|pmn> \textbraceleft = {200, }, \textbraceright = { ,300},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \textless = {200,100}, \textgreater = {100,200},
+%<pmn> \textless = {100, }, \textgreater = { ,100},
+%<pmn> \textvisiblespace = {100,100}, % not in LY1
+% \dh = { , },
+% \th = { , },
+% \NG = { , },
+% \ng = { , },
+% \textasciicircum = { , },
+% \textbar = { , },
+% \textsterling = { , }, % also in TS1
+% \textsection = { , }, % also in TS1
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \tV\ is based on \otI; it shares some but not all extra characters of \tI.
+% All accented characters are already taken care of by the inheritance list.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = cmr-T5,
+ load = cmr-default ]
+ { encoding = T5,
+ family = cmr }
+ {
+ \textbackslash = {200,300},
+ \textquotedblleft = {200,600},
+ \textquotedbl = {300,300},
+ \quotesinglbase = {400,400}, \quotedblbase = {400,400},
+ \guilsinglleft = {400,400}, \guilsinglright = {300,500},
+ \guillemotleft = {300,200}, \guillemotright = {100,400},
+ \textbraceleft = {400,200}, \textbraceright = {200,400},
+ \textless = {200,100}, \textgreater = {100,200},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \pkg{lmodern} fonts, on the other hand, restore the original kerning from
+% the \otI\ fonts, and so do we. Silly, isn't it?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = lmr-T1,
+ load = cmr-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = lmr }
+ {
+ \textquotedblleft = {500,300},
+ \quotedblbase = {500,300},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-OT1,
+ load = pmnj-default ]
+ { encoding = OT1,
+ family = pmnx }
+ {
+ 1 = {230,180},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-T1,
+ load = pmnj-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = pmnx }
+ {
+ 1 = {230,180},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Times is the default font for \lyI, therefore we provide settings for the
+% additional characters in this encoding, too.
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/04/26}{add \lyI\ characters for Times}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SetProtrusion
+ [ name = ptm-LY1,
+ load = ptm-T1 ]
+ { encoding = LY1,
+ family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj} }
+ {
+ \texttrademark = {100,100},
+ \textregistered = {100,100},
+ \textcopyright = {100,100},
+ \textdegree = {300,300},
+ \textminus = {200,200},
+ \textellipsis = {100,100},
+ \texteuro = { , }, % ?
+ \textcent = {100,100},
+ \textquotesingle = {500,500},
+ \textflorin = { 50, 70},
+ \textdagger = {150,150},
+ \textdaggerdbl = {100,100},
+ \textperthousand = { , 50},
+ \textbullet = {150,150},
+ \textonesuperior = {100,100},
+ \texttwosuperior = { 50, 50},
+ \textthreesuperior = { 50, 50},
+ \textperiodcentered = {300,300},
+ \textplusminus = { 50, 80},
+ \textmultiply = {100,100},
+ \textdivide = { 50,150},
+% \textbrokenbar = { , },
+% \textyen = { , },
+% \textfractionsolidus = { , },
+% \textordfeminine = { , },
+% \textordmasculine = { , },
+% \textmu = { , },
+% \textparagraph = { , },
+% \textonequarter = { , },
+% \textonehalf = { , },
+% \textthreequarters = { , },
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% To find default settings for italic is difficult, since the character shapes
+% and their behaviour at the beginning or end of line may be wildly different
+% for different fonts. Therefore, we leave the letters away, and only set up the
+% punctuation characters.
+%\changes{v1.4b}{2004/11/22}{slanted like italics}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/26}{add italic uppercase Greek letters}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t> [ name = OT1-it ]
+%<bch> [ name = bch-it ]
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-it ]
+%<pad> [ name = pad-it ]
+%<pmn> [ name = pmnj-it ]
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-it ]
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-it ]
+%<m-t|bch|pad|pmn> { encoding = OT1,
+%<cmr> { }
+%<ppl|ptm> { encoding = {OT1,OT4},
+%<bch> family = bch,
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj},
+%<pmn> family = pmnj,
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj},
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj},
+%<!cmr> shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+%<cmr|ptm> A = {100,50},
+%<pad|pmn> A = {50, },
+%<ppl> A = {50,50},
+%<ptm> \AE = {100, },
+%<pad|ppl> \AE = {50, },
+%<pmn> \AE = { ,-50},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> B = {50, },
+%<pmn> B = {20,-50},
+%<bch|ppl|ptm> C = {50, },
+%<cmr|pad> C = {100, },
+%<pmn> C = {50,-50},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> D = {50,50},
+%<pmn> D = {20, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> E = {50, },
+%<pmn> E = {20,-50},
+%<cmr|pad|ptm> F = {100, },
+%<pmn> F = {10, },
+%<ppl> F = {50, },
+%<bch|ppl|ptm> G = {50, },
+%<cmr|pad> G = {100, },
+%<pmn> G = {50,-50},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> H = {50, },
+%<cmr|pad|ptm> I = {50, },
+%<pmn> I = {20,-50},
+%<cmr|ptm> J = {100, },
+%<pad> J = {50, },
+%<pmn> J = {20, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> K = {50, },
+%<pmn> K = {20, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> L = {50, },
+%<pmn> L = {20,50},
+%<cmr|ptm> M = {50, },
+%<pmn> M = { ,-30},
+%<cmr|ptm> N = {50, },
+%<pmn> N = { ,-30},
+%<bch|pmn|ppl|ptm> O = {50, },
+%<cmr|pad> O = {100, },
+%<bch|pmn|ppl|ptm> \OE = {50, },
+%<pad> \OE = {100, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> P = {50, },
+%<pmn> P = {20,-50},
+%<bch|pmn|ppl|ptm> Q = {50, },
+%<cmr|pad> Q = {100, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> R = {50, },
+%<pmn> R = {20, },
+%<bch|cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> S = {50, },
+%<pmn> S = {20,-30},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> $ = {50, },
+%<pmn> $ = {20,-30},
+%<bch|pmn> T = {70, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> T = {100, },
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> U = {50, },
+%<pmn> U = {50,-50},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> V = {100, },
+%<ppl|ptm> V = {100,50},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> W = {100, },
+%<ppl> W = {50, },
+%<ptm> W = {100,50},
+%<cmr|ppl|ptm> X = {50, },
+%<cmr|ptm> Y = {100, },
+%<pmn> Y = {50, },
+%<ppl> Y = {100,50},
+%<pmn> Z = { ,-50},
+%<pmn> d = { ,-50},
+%<pad|pmn> f = { ,-100},
+%<pmn> i = { ,-30},
+%<pmn> j = { ,-30},
+%<pmn> l = { ,-100},
+%<bch> o = {50,50},
+%<bch> p = { ,50},
+%<pmn> p = {-50, },
+%<bch> q = {50, },
+%<pmn> r = { ,50},
+%<bch> t = { ,50},
+%<pmn> v = {50, },
+%<bch> w = { ,50},
+%<pmn> w = {50, },
+%<bch> y = { ,50},
+%<cmr> 0 = {100, },
+%<bch|ptm> 1 = {150,100},
+%<cmr> 1 = {200,50},
+%<pad> 1 = {150, },
+%<pmn> 1 = {50, },
+%<ppl> 1 = {100, },
+%<cmr> 2 = {100,-100},
+%<pad|ppl|ptm> 2 = {50, },
+%<pmn> 2 = {-50, },
+%<bch> 3 = {50, },
+%<cmr> 3 = {100,-100},
+%<pmn> 3 = {-100, },
+%<ptm> 3 = {100,50},
+%<bch> 4 = {100, },
+%<cmr|pad> 4 = {150, },
+%<ppl|ptm> 4 = {50, },
+%<cmr> 5 = {100, },
+%<ptm> 5 = {50, },
+%<bch> 6 = {50, },
+%<cmr> 6 = {100, },
+%<bch|pad|ptm> 7 = {100, },
+%<cmr> 7 = {200,-150},
+%<pmn> 7 = {20, },
+%<ppl> 7 = {50, },
+%<cmr> 8 = {50,-50},
+%<cmr> 9 = {100,-100},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> . = { ,500},
+%<bch|ptm> . = { ,700},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> {,}= { ,500},
+%<bch> {,}= { ,600},
+%<ptm> {,}= { ,700},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|ppl> : = { ,300},
+%<bch> : = { ,400},
+%<pmn> : = { ,200},
+%<ptm> : = { ,500},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|ppl> ; = { ,300},
+%<bch> ; = { ,400},
+%<pmn> ; = { ,200},
+%<ptm> ; = { ,500},
+%<ptm> ! = { ,100},
+%<bch> ? = { ,200},
+%<ptm> ? = { ,100},
+%<ppl> ? = { ,300},
+%<pmn> " = {400,200},
+%<m-t|bch|pmn> _ = { ,100},
+%<cmr> _ = {100,200},
+%<pad|ppl|ptm> _ = {100,100},
+%<m-t|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> & = {50,50},
+%<bch> & = { ,80},
+%<cmr> & = {100,50},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn> \% = {100, },
+%<bch> \% = {50,50},
+%<ppl|ptm> \% = {100,100},
+%<m-t|pmn|ppl> * = {200,200},
+%<bch> * = {300,200},
+%<cmr> * = {400,100},
+%<pad> * = {500,100},
+%<ptm> * = {400,200},
+%<m-t|cmr|pmn|ppl> + = {150,200},
+%<bch> + = {250,250},
+%<pad|ptm> + = {250,200},
+%<m-t|pad|pmn|ppl> @ = {50,50},
+%<bch> @ = {80,50},
+%<cmr> @ = {200,50},
+%<ptm> @ = {150,150},
+%<m-t|bch> ~ = {150,150},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> ~ = {200,150},
+ ( = {200, }, ) = { ,200},
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> / = {100,200},
+%<bch> / = { ,150},
+%<pmn> / = {100,150},
+%<m-t> - = {300,300},
+%<bch|pad> - = {300,400},
+%<pmn> - = {200,300},
+%<cmr> - = {500,300},
+%<ppl> - = {300,500},
+%<ptm> - = {500,500},
+%<m-t|pmn> \textendash = {200,200}, \textemdash = {150,150},
+%<bch> \textendash = {200,300}, \textemdash = {150,200},
+%<cmr> \textendash = {500,300}, \textemdash = {400,200},
+%<pad|ppl|ptm> \textendash = {300,300}, \textemdash = {200,200},
+%<m-t|bch|pmn> \textquoteleft = {400,200}, \textquoteright = {400,200},
+%<cmr|pad> \textquoteleft = {800,200}, \textquoteright = {800,200},
+%<ppl> \textquoteleft = {700,400}, \textquoteright = {700,400},
+%<ptm> \textquoteleft = {800,500}, \textquoteright = {800,500},
+%<m-t|bch|pmn> \textquotedblleft = {400,200}, \textquotedblright = {400,200},
+%<cmr> \textquotedblleft = {700,100}, \textquotedblright = {500,300},
+%<pad> \textquotedblleft = {700,200}, \textquotedblright = {700,200},
+%<ppl> \textquotedblleft = {500,300}, \textquotedblright = {500,300},
+%<ptm> \textquotedblleft = {700,400}, \textquotedblright = {700,400},
+ }
+ [ name = cmr-it-OT1,
+ load = cmr-it ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,OT4},
+ family = cmr,
+ shape = it }
+ {
+ \AE = {100, },
+ \OE = {100, },
+ "00 = {200,150}, % \Gamma
+ "01 = {150,100}, % \Delta
+ "02 = {150, 50}, % \Theta
+ "03 = {150, 50}, % \Lambda
+ "04 = {100,100}, % \Xi
+ "05 = {100,100}, % \Pi
+ "06 = {100, 50}, % \Sigma
+ "07 = {200,150}, % \Upsilon
+ "08 = {150, 50}, % \Phi
+ "09 = {150,100}, % \Psi
+ "0A = { 50, 50}, % \Omega
+ }
+%<m-t> [ name = T1-it-default,
+%<bch> [ name = bch-it-T1,
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-it-T1,
+%<pad> [ name = pad-it-T1,
+%<pmn> [ name = pmnj-it-T1,
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-it-T1,
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-it-T1,
+%<m-t> load = OT1-it ]
+%<bch> load = bch-it ]
+%<cmr> load = cmr-it ]
+%<pmn> load = pmnj-it ]
+%<pad> load = pad-it ]
+%<ppl> load = ppl-it ]
+%<ptm> load = ptm-it ]
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+%<ptm> { encoding = {T1},
+%<bch> family = bch,
+%<cmr> family = cmr,
+%<pmn> family = pmnj,
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj},
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj},
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj},
+%<!cmr> shape = {it,sl} }
+%<cmr> shape = it }
+ {
+%<cmr> \AE = {100, },
+%<cmr> \OE = {100, },
+%<m-t|pad|ppl|ptm> \textbackslash = {100,200},
+%<cmr> \textbackslash = {300,300},
+%<bch> \textbackslash = {150,150},
+%<pmn> \textbackslash = {100,150},
+%<pmn> 031 = { ,-100}, % ffl
+%<cmr|ptm> 156 = {100, }, % IJ
+%<pad> 156 = {50, }, % IJ
+%<pmn> 156 = {20, }, % IJ
+%<pmn> 188 = { ,-30}, % ij
+%<pmn> \v{t} = { ,100},
+%<cmr> \textquotedblleft = {500,300},
+%<m-t|ptm> \quotesinglbase = {300,700}, \quotedblbase = {400,500},
+%<cmr> \quotesinglbase = {300,700}, \quotedblbase = {200,600},
+%<bch|pmn> \quotesinglbase = {200,500}, \quotedblbase = {150,500},
+%<pad|ppl> \quotesinglbase = {500,500}, \quotedblbase = {400,400},
+%<m-t|ppl|ptm> \guilsinglleft = {400,400}, \guilsinglright = {300,500},
+%<bch|pmn> \guilsinglleft = {300,400}, \guilsinglright = {200,500},
+%<cmr> \guilsinglleft = {500,300}, \guilsinglright = {400,400},
+%<pad> \guilsinglleft = {500,400}, \guilsinglright = {300,500},
+%<m-t|ppl> \guillemotleft = {300,300}, \guillemotright = {300,300},
+%<bch|pmn> \guillemotleft = {200,300}, \guillemotright = {150,400},
+%<cmr> \guillemotleft = {400,100}, \guillemotright = {200,300},
+%<pad> \guillemotleft = {300,300}, \guillemotright = {200,400},
+%<ptm> \guillemotleft = {300,400}, \guillemotright = {200,400},
+%<m-t|pad|ppl> \textexclamdown = {100, }, \textquestiondown = {200, },
+%<cmr|ptm> \textexclamdown = {200, }, \textquestiondown = {200, },
+%<pmn> \textexclamdown = {-50, }, \textquestiondown = {-50, },
+%<m-t|ppl> \textbraceleft = {200,100}, \textbraceright = {200,200},
+%<bch|pmn> \textbraceleft = {200, }, \textbraceright = { ,200},
+%<cmr|pad|ptm> \textbraceleft = {400,100}, \textbraceright = {200,200},
+%<bch|pmn> \textless = {100, }, \textgreater = { ,100},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \textless = {300,100}, \textgreater = {200,100},
+%<pmn> \textvisiblespace = {100,100},
+ }
+ [ name = cmr-it-T5,
+ load = cmr-it ]
+ { encoding = T5,
+ family = cmr,
+ shape = it }
+ {
+ \textbackslash = {300,300},
+ \quotesinglbase = {300,700}, \quotedblbase = {200,600},
+ \guilsinglleft = {500,300}, \guilsinglright = {400,400},
+ \guillemotleft = {400,100}, \guillemotright = {200,300},
+ \textbraceleft = {400,100}, \textbraceright = {200,200},
+ \textless = {300,100}, \textgreater = {200,100},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\changes{v1.8}{2005/06/01}{verified settings for slanted Computer Modern Roman}
+% Slanted is very similar to italic.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = cmr-sl,
+ load = cmr-it-OT1 ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,OT4},
+ family = cmr,
+ shape = sl }
+ {
+ L = { ,50},
+ f = { ,-50},
+ - = {300, },
+ \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, },
+ }
+ [ name = cmr-sl-T1,
+ load = cmr-it-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = cmr,
+ shape = sl }
+ {
+ L = { ,50},
+ f = { ,-50},
+ - = {300, },
+ \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, },
+ }
+ [ name = cmr-sl-T5,
+ load = cmr-it-T5 ]
+ { encoding = T5,
+ family = cmr,
+ shape = sl }
+ {
+ L = { ,50},
+ f = { ,-50},
+ - = {300, },
+ \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, },
+ }
+ [ name = lmr-it-T1,
+ load = cmr-it-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = lmr,
+ shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+ \textquotedblleft = {700,100},
+ \quotedblbase = {600,300},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Oldstyle numerals are slightly different.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = cmr(oldstyle)-it,
+ load = cmr-it-T1 ]
+ { encoding = T1,
+ family = {hfor,cmor},
+ shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+ 1 = {250, 50},
+ 2 = {150,-100},
+ 3 = {100,-50},
+ 4 = {150,150},
+ 6 = {200, },
+ 7 = {200, 50},
+ 8 = {150,-50},
+ 9 = {100, 50},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-it,
+ load = pmnj-it ]
+ { encoding = OT1,
+ family = pmnx,
+ shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+ 1 = {100,150},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-it-T1,
+ load = pmnj-it-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = pmnx,
+ shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+ 1 = {100,150},
+ }
+ [ name = ptm-it-LY1,
+ load = ptm-it-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {LY1},
+ family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj},
+ shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+ \texttrademark = {100,100},
+ \textregistered = {100,100},
+ \textcopyright = {100,100},
+ \textdegree = {300,100},
+ \textminus = {200,200},
+ \textellipsis = {100,150},
+ \texteuro = { , },
+ \textcent = {100,100},
+ \textquotesingle = {500, },
+ \textflorin = {100, 70},
+ \textdagger = {150,150},
+ \textdaggerdbl = {100,100},
+ \textbullet = {150,150},
+ \textonesuperior = {150,100},
+ \texttwosuperior = {150, 50},
+ \textthreesuperior = {150, 50},
+ \textparagraph = {100, },
+ \textperiodcentered = {500,300},
+ \textonequarter = { 50, },
+ \textonehalf = { 50, },
+ \textplusminus = {100,100},
+ \textmultiply = {150,150},
+ \textdivide = {150,150},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Small caps}
+% Small caps should inherit the values from their big brothers. Since values are
+% relative to character width, we don't need to adjust them any further (but
+% we have to reset some characters).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t> [ name = OT1-sc,
+%<bch> [ name = bch-sc,
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-sc-OT1,
+%<pad> [ name = pad-sc,
+%<pmn> [ name = pmnj-sc,
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-sc,
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-sc,
+%<m-t> load = default ]
+%<bch> load = bch-default ]
+%<cmr> load = cmr-OT1 ]
+%<pad> load = pad-default ]
+%<pmn> load = pmnj-default ]
+%<ppl> load = ppl-default ]
+%<ptm> load = ptm-default ]
+%<m-t|bch|pad|pmn> { encoding = OT1,
+%<cmr|ppl|ptm> { encoding = {OT1,OT4},
+%<bch> family = bch,
+%<cmr> family = cmr,
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj},
+%<pmn> family = pmnj,
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj},
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj},
+ shape = sc }
+ {
+ a = {50,50},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \ae = {50, },
+%<bch|pmn> c = {50, },
+%<bch|pad|pmn> d = { ,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ptm> f = { ,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> g = {50, },
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> j = {50, },
+%<bch> j = {100, },
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> l = { ,50},
+%<ptm> l = { ,80},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> 013 = { ,50}, % fl
+%<ptm> 013 = { ,80}, % fl
+%<bch|pad|pmn> o = {50,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \oe = {50, },
+%<ppl> p = { 0, 0},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> q = {50,70},
+%<ppl> q = { 0, },
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> r = { , 0},
+ t = {50,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> y = {50,50},
+%<ptm> y = {80,80},
+ }
+%<m-t> [ name = T1-sc,
+%<bch> [ name = bch-sc-T1,
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-sc-T1,
+%<pad> [ name = pad-sc-T1,
+%<pmn> [ name = pmnj-sc-T1,
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-sc-T1,
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-sc-T1,
+%<m-t> load = T1-default ]
+%<bch> load = bch-T1 ]
+%<cmr> load = cmr-T1 ]
+%<pad> load = pad-T1 ]
+%<pmn> load = pmnj-T1 ]
+%<ppl> load = ppl-T1 ]
+%<ptm> load = ptm-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+%<bch> family = bch,
+%<cmr> family = cmr,
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj},
+%<pmn> family = pmnj,
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj},
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj},
+ shape = sc }
+ {
+ a = {50,50},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl|ptm> \ae = {50, },
+%<bch|pmn> c = {50, },
+%<bch|pad|pmn> d = { ,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ptm> f = { ,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> g = {50, },
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> j = {50, },
+%<bch> j = {100, },
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> l = { ,50},
+%<ptm> l = { ,80},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> 029 = { ,50}, % fl
+%<ptm> 029 = { ,80}, % fl
+%<bch|pad|pmn> o = {50,50},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \oe = {50, },
+%<ppl> p = { 0, 0},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> q = {50,70},
+%<ppl> q = { 0, },
+%<m-t|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl|ptm> r = { , 0},
+ t = {50,50},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|pmn|ppl> y = {50,50},
+%<ptm> y = {80,80},
+ }
+ [ name = cmr-sc-T5,
+ load = cmr-T5 ]
+ { encoding = T5,
+ family = cmr,
+ shape = sc }
+ {
+ a = {50,50},
+ f = { ,50},
+ j = {50, },
+ l = { ,50},
+ r = { , 0},
+ t = {50,50},
+ y = {50,50},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-sc,
+ load = pmnj-sc ]
+ { encoding = OT1,
+ family = pmnx,
+ shape = sc }
+ {
+ 1 = {230,180},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-sc-T1,
+ load = pmnj-sc-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = pmnx,
+ shape = sc }
+ {
+ 1 = {230,180},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\subsubsection{Italic Small Caps}
+% Minion provides real small caps in italics.
+% The \pkg{slantsc} package calls them |scit|, Philipp Lehman's
+% \pkg{fontinstallationguide} suggests |si|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = pmnj-scit,
+ load = pmnj-it ]
+ { encoding = OT1,
+ family = pmnj,
+ shape = {scit,si} }
+ {
+ a = {50, },
+ \ae = { ,-50},
+ b = {20,-50},
+ c = {50,-50},
+ d = {20, 0},
+ e = {20,-50},
+ f = {10, 0},
+ 012 = {10,-50}, % fi
+ 013 = {10,-50}, % fl
+ 014 = {10,-50}, % ffi
+ 015 = {10,-50}, % ffl
+ g = {50,-50},
+ i = {20,-50},
+ j = {20, 0},
+ k = {20, },
+ l = {20,50},
+ m = { ,-30},
+ n = { ,-30},
+ o = {50, },
+ \oe = {50,-50},
+ p = {20,-50},
+ q = {50, },
+ r = {20, 0},
+ s = {20,-30},
+ t = {70, },
+ u = {50,-50},
+ v = {100, },
+ w = {100, },
+ y = {50, },
+ z = { ,-50},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnj-scit-T1,
+ load = pmnj-it-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = pmnj,
+ shape = {scit,si} }
+ {
+ a = {50, },
+ \ae = { ,-50},
+ b = {20,-50},
+ c = {50,-50},
+ d = {20, 0},
+ e = {20,-50},
+ f = {10, 0},
+ 028 = {10,-50}, % fi
+ 029 = {10,-50}, % fl
+ 030 = {10,-50}, % ffi
+ 031 = {10,-50}, % ffl
+ g = {50,-50},
+ i = {20,-50},
+ 188 = {20, 0}, % ij
+ j = {20, 0},
+ k = {20, },
+ l = {20,50},
+ m = { ,-30},
+ n = { ,-30},
+ o = {50, },
+ \oe = {50,-50},
+ p = {20,-50},
+ q = {50, },
+ r = {20, 0},
+ s = {20,-30},
+ t = {70, },
+ u = {50,-50},
+ v = {100, },
+ w = {100, },
+ y = {50, },
+ z = { ,-50},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-scit,
+ load = pmnj-scit ]
+ { encoding = OT1,
+ family = pmnx,
+ shape = {scit,si} }
+ {
+ 1 = {100,150},
+ }
+ [ name = pmnx-scit-T1,
+ load = pmnj-scit-T1 ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1},
+ family = pmnx,
+ shape = {scit,si} }
+ {
+ 1 = {100,150},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Finally the \tsI\ encoding.
+% Still quite incomplete for Times and especially Palatino. Anybody?
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/09/28}{add settings for Adobe Garamond and
+% Computer Modern Roman in \tsI\ encoding}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%<m-t> [ name = textcomp ]
+%<bch> [ name = bch-textcomp ]
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-textcomp ]
+%<pad> [ name = pad-textcomp ]
+%<pmn> [ name = pmn-textcomp ]
+%<ppl> [ name = ppl-textcomp ]
+%<ptm> [ name = ptm-textcomp ]
+%<m-t> { encoding = TS1 }
+%<!m-t> { encoding = TS1,
+%<bch> family = bch }
+%<cmr> family = cmr }
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj} }
+%<pmn> family = {pmnx,pmnj} }
+%<ppl> family = {ppl,pplx,pplj} }
+%<ptm> family = {ptm,ptmx,ptmj} }
+ {
+%<cmr> \textquotestraightbase = {300,300},
+%<pad|pmn> \textquotestraightbase = {400,400},
+%<cmr|pmn> \textquotestraightdblbase = {300,300},
+%<pad> \textquotestraightdblbase = {400,400},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn> \texttwelveudash = {200,200},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn> \textthreequartersemdash = {150,150},
+%<cmr|pmn> \textquotesingle = {300,400},
+%<pad> \textquotesingle = {400,500},
+%<ptm> \textquotesingle = {500,500},
+%<bch|cmr|pmn> \textasteriskcentered = {200,300},
+%<pad> \textasteriskcentered = {300,300},
+%<pmn> \textfractionsolidus = {-200,-200},
+%<cmr> \textoneoldstyle = {100,100},
+%<pmn> \textoneoldstyle = { , 50},
+%<cmr> \textthreeoldstyle = { , 50},
+%<pad|pmn> \textthreeoldstyle = { 50, },
+%<cmr> \textfouroldstyle = { 50, 50},
+%<pad|pmn> \textfouroldstyle = { 50, },
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> \textsevenoldstyle = { 50, 80},
+%<cmr> \textlangle = {400, },
+%<cmr> \textrangle = { ,400},
+%<m-t|bch|pmn|ptm> \textminus = {200,200},
+%<cmr|pad|ppl> \textminus = {300,300},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \textlbrackdbl = {100, },
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \textrbrackdbl = { ,100},
+%<pmn> \textasciigrave = {200,500},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn> \texttildelow = {200,250},
+%<pmn> \textasciibreve = {300,400},
+%<pmn> \textasciicaron = {300,400},
+%<pmn> \textacutedbl = {200,300},
+%<pmn> \textgravedbl = {150,300},
+%<bch|pmn> \textdagger = { 80, 80},
+%<cmr|pad> \textdagger = {100,100},
+%<ptm> \textdagger = {150,150},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> \textdaggerdbl = { 80, 80},
+%<ptm> \textdaggerdbl = {100,100},
+%<bch> \textbardbl = {100,100},
+%<bch> \textbullet = {200,200},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> \textbullet = { ,100},
+%<ptm> \textbullet = {150,150},
+%<bch|cmr|pmn> \textcelsius = { 50, },
+%<pad> \textcelsius = { 80, },
+%<bch> \textflorin = { 50, 50},
+%<pad> \textflorin = { ,100},
+%<pmn> \textflorin = { 50,100},
+%<ptm> \textflorin = { 50, 70},
+%<cmr> \textcolonmonetary = { , 50},
+%<pad|pmn> \textcolonmonetary = { 50, },
+%<pmn> \textinterrobang = { ,100},
+%<pmn> \textinterrobangdown = {100, },
+%<m-t|pad|ptm> \texttrademark = {100,100},
+%<bch> \texttrademark = {150,150},
+%<cmr|ppl> \texttrademark = {200,200},
+%<pmn> \texttrademark = { 50, 50},
+%<bch> \textcent = { 50, },
+%<ptm> \textcent = {100,100},
+%<bch> \textsterling = { 50, },
+%<bch> \textbrokenbar = {200,200},
+%<pmn> \textasciidieresis = {300,400},
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|ptm> \textcopyright = {100,100},
+%<pmn> \textcopyright = {100,150},
+%<ppl> \textcopyright = {200,200},
+%<bch|cmr> \textordfeminine = {100,200},
+%<pad|pmn> \textordfeminine = {200,200},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn> \textlnot = {200, },
+%<m-t|bch|cmr|pad|ptm> \textregistered = {100,100},
+%<pmn> \textregistered = { 50,150},
+%<ppl> \textregistered = {200,200},
+%<pmn> \textasciimacron = {150,200},
+%<m-t|ppl|ptm> \textdegree = {300,300},
+%<bch> \textdegree = {150,200},
+%<cmr|pad> \textdegree = {400,400},
+%<pmn> \textdegree = {150,400},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn> \textpm = {150,200},
+%<ptm> \textpm = { 50, 80},
+%<bch> \texttwosuperior = {100,200},
+%<cmr> \texttwosuperior = { 50,100},
+%<pad|pmn> \texttwosuperior = {200,200},
+%<ptm> \texttwosuperior = { 50, 50},
+%<bch> \textthreesuperior = {100,200},
+%<cmr> \textthreesuperior = { 50,100},
+%<pad|pmn> \textthreesuperior = {200,200},
+%<ptm> \textthreesuperior = { 50, 50},
+%<pmn> \textasciiacute = {300,400},
+%<bch> \textmu = { ,100},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \textparagraph = { ,100},
+%<bch|cmr|pad|pmn> \textperiodcentered = {300,400},
+%<ptm> \textperiodcentered = {300,300},
+%<bch> \textonesuperior = {200,300},
+%<cmr|pad|pmn> \textonesuperior = {200,200},
+%<ptm> \textonesuperior = {100,100},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \textordmasculine = {200,200},
+%<cmr> \textordmasculine = {100,200},
+%<bch|cmr|pmn> \texteuro = {100, },
+%<pad> \texteuro = { 50,100},
+%<bch|ptm> \texttimes = {100,100},
+%<cmr> \texttimes = {150,250},
+%<pad> \texttimes = {100,150},
+%<pmn> \texttimes = { 70,100},
+%<bch|pad|pmn> \textdiv = {150,200},
+%<cmr> \textdiv = {150,250},
+%<ptm> \textdiv = { 50,100},
+%<ptm> \textperthousand = { ,50},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% All remaining characters can be found in the source.
+%^^A ... namely, here:
+% \textsection = { , },
+% \textyen = { , },
+% \textonehalf = { , },
+% \textonequarter = { , },
+% \textthreequarters = { , },
+% \texttwooldstyle = { , },
+% \textfiveoldstyle = { , },
+% \textsixoldstyle = { , },
+% \texteightoldstyle = { , },
+% \textnineoldstyle = { , },
+% \textleftarrow = { , },
+% \textrightarrow = { , },
+% \textblank = { , },
+% \textdollar = { , },
+% \textdblhyphen = { , },
+% \textdblhyphenchar = { , },
+% \textohm = { , },
+% \textmho = { , },
+% \textbigcircle = { , },
+% \textuparrow = { , },
+% \textdownarrow = { , },
+% \textborn = { , },
+% \textdied = { , },
+% \textmarried = { , },
+% \textdivorced = { , },
+% \textleaf = { , },
+% \textmusicalnote = { , },
+% \textdollaroldstyle = { , },
+% \textcentoldstyle = { , },
+% \textwon = { , },
+% \textnaira = { , },
+% \textguarani = { , },
+% \textpeso = { , },
+% \textlira = { , },
+% \textrecipe = { , },
+% \textdong = { , },
+% \textpertenthousand = { , },
+% \textpilcrow = { , },
+% \textbaht = { , },
+% \textnumero = { , },
+% \textdiscount = { , },
+% \textestimated = { , },
+% \textopenbullet = { , },
+% \textservicemark = { , },
+% \textlquill = { , },
+% \textrquill = { , },
+% \textcopyleft = { , },
+% \textcircledP = { , },
+% \textreferencemark = { , },
+% \textsurd = { , },
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }
+%<cmr> [ name = cmr-textcomp-it ]
+%<pad> [ name = pad-textcomp-it ]
+%<pmn> [ name = pmn-textcomp-it ]
+ { encoding = TS1,
+%<cmr> family = cmr,
+%<pad> family = {pad,padx,padj},
+%<pmn> family = {pmnx,pmnj},
+ shape = {it,sl} }
+ {
+%<cmr> \textquotestraightbase = {300,600},
+%<pad|pmn> \textquotestraightbase = {400,400},
+%<cmr> \textquotestraightdblbase = {300,600},
+%<pad> \textquotestraightdblbase = {300,400},
+%<pmn> \textquotestraightdblbase = {300,300},
+ \texttwelveudash = {200,200},
+ \textthreequartersemdash = {150,150},
+%<cmr> \textquotesingle = {600,300},
+%<pad> \textquotesingle = {800,100},
+%<pmn> \textquotesingle = {300,200},
+%<cmr> \textasteriskcentered = {300,200},
+%<pad> \textasteriskcentered = {500,100},
+%<pmn> \textasteriskcentered = {200,300},
+%<pmn> \textfractionsolidus = {-200,-200},
+%<cmr> \textoneoldstyle = {100, 50},
+%<pad> \textoneoldstyle = {100, },
+%<pmn> \textoneoldstyle = { 50, },
+%<pad> \texttwooldstyle = { 50, },
+%<pmn> \texttwooldstyle = {-50, },
+%<cmr> \textthreeoldstyle = {100, 50},
+%<pmn> \textthreeoldstyle = {-100, },
+%<cmr> \textfouroldstyle = { 50, 50},
+%<pad> \textfouroldstyle = { 50,100},
+%<cmr> \textsevenoldstyle = { 50, 80},
+%<pad> \textsevenoldstyle = { 50, },
+%<pmn> \textsevenoldstyle = { 20, },
+%<cmr> \textlangle = {400, },
+%<cmr> \textrangle = { ,400},
+%<cmr|pad> \textminus = {300,300},
+%<pmn> \textminus = {200,200},
+%<pad|pmn> \textlbrackdbl = {100, },
+%<pad|pmn> \textrbrackdbl = { ,100},
+%<pmn> \textasciigrave = {300,300},
+ \texttildelow = {200,250},
+%<pmn> \textasciibreve = {300,300},
+%<pmn> \textasciicaron = {300,300},
+%<pmn> \textacutedbl = {200,300},
+%<pmn> \textgravedbl = {150,300},
+%<cmr> \textdagger = {100,100},
+%<pad> \textdagger = {200,100},
+%<pmn> \textdagger = { 80, 50},
+%<cmr|pad> \textdaggerdbl = { 80, 80},
+%<pmn> \textdaggerdbl = { 80, 50},
+%<cmr> \textbullet = {200,100},
+%<pad> \textbullet = {300, },
+%<pmn> \textbullet = { 30, 70},
+%<cmr> \textcelsius = {100, },
+%<pad> \textcelsius = {200, },
+%<pmn> \textcelsius = { 50,-50},
+%<pad> \textflorin = {100, },
+%<pmn> \textflorin = { 50,100},
+%<cmr> \textcolonmonetary = {150, },
+%<pad> \textcolonmonetary = {100, },
+%<pmn> \textcolonmonetary = { 50,-50},
+%<cmr|pad> \texttrademark = {200, },
+%<pmn> \texttrademark = { 50,100},
+%<pmn> \textasciidieresis = {300,200},
+%<cmr> \textcopyright = {100, },
+%<pad> \textcopyright = {200,100},
+%<pmn> \textcopyright = {100,150},
+%<cmr> \textordfeminine = {100,100},
+%<pmn> \textordfeminine = {200,200},
+%<cmr|pad> \textlnot = {300, },
+%<pmn> \textlnot = {200, },
+%<cmr> \textregistered = {100, },
+%<pad> \textregistered = {200,100},
+%<pmn> \textregistered = { 50,150},
+%<pmn> \textasciimacron = {150,200},
+%<cmr|pad> \textdegree = {500,100},
+%<pmn> \textdegree = {150,150},
+%<cmr> \textpm = {150,100},
+%<pad> \textpm = {200,150},
+%<pmn> \textpm = {150,200},
+%<cmr> \textonesuperior = {400, },
+%<pad> \textonesuperior = {300,100},
+%<pmn> \textonesuperior = {200,100},
+%<cmr> \texttwosuperior = {400, },
+%<pad> \texttwosuperior = {300, },
+%<pmn> \texttwosuperior = {200,100},
+%<cmr> \textthreesuperior = {400, },
+%<pad> \textthreesuperior = {300, },
+%<pmn> \textthreesuperior = {200,100},
+%<pmn> \textasciiacute = {300,200},
+%<cmr> \textparagraph = {200, },
+%<pmn> \textparagraph = { ,100},
+%<cmr> \textperiodcentered = {500,500},
+%<pad|pmn> \textperiodcentered = {300,400},
+%<cmr> \textordmasculine = {100,100},
+%<pmn> \textordmasculine = {200,200},
+%<cmr> \texteuro = {200, },
+%<pad> \texteuro = {100, },
+%<pmn> \texteuro = {100,-50},
+%<cmr> \texttimes = {200,200},
+%<pad> \texttimes = {200,100},
+%<pmn> \texttimes = { 70,100},
+%<cmr|pad> \textdiv = {200,200},
+%<pmn> \textdiv = {150,200},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now to the math symbols for Computer Modern Roman. Definitions have been
+% extracted from \file{fontmath.ltx}.
+%\changes{v1.2}{2004/10/02}{add settings for Computer Modern Roman math symbols}
+% I did not spend too much time fiddling with these settings, so they can surely
+% be improved.
+% The math font `|operators|' (also used for the \cmd{\mathrm} and
+% \cmd{\mathbf} alphabets) is |OT1/cmr|, which we've already set up above.
+% It's declared as:
+%\DeclareSymbolFont{operators} {OT1}{cmr} {m}{n}
+%\SetSymbolFont{operators}{bold}{OT1}{cmr} {bx}{n}
+% \cmd{\mathit} (|OT1/cmr/m/it|) is also already set up.
+% There are (for the moment) no settings for \cmd{\mathsf} and \cmd{\mathtt}.
+% Math font `|letters|' (also used as \cmd{\mathnormal}) is declared as:
+%\DeclareSymbolFont{letters} {OML}{cmm} {m}{it}
+%\SetSymbolFont{letters} {bold}{OML}{cmm} {b}{it}
+%\changes{v1.6}{2004/12/26}{tune CMR math letters (OML encoding)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = cmr-math-letters ]
+ { encoding = OML,
+ family = cmm,
+ series = {m,b},
+ shape = it }
+ {
+ A = {100, 50}, % \mathnormal
+ B = { 50, },
+ C = { 50, },
+ D = { 50, 50},
+ E = { 50, },
+ F = {100, 50},
+ G = { 50, 50},
+ H = { 50, 50},
+ I = { 50, 50},
+ J = {150, 50},
+ K = { 50,100},
+ L = { 50, 50},
+ M = { 50, },
+ N = { 50, },
+ O = { 50, },
+ P = { 50, },
+ Q = { 50, 50},
+ R = { 50, },
+ S = { 50, },
+ T = { 50,100},
+ U = { 50, 50},
+ V = {100,100},
+ W = { 50,100},
+ X = { 50,100},
+ Y = {100,100},
+ f = {100,100},
+ h = { ,100},
+ i = { , 50},
+ j = { , 50},
+ k = { , 50},
+ r = { , 50},
+ v = { , 50},
+ w = { , 50},
+ x = { , 50},
+ "0B = { 50,100}, % \alpha
+ "0C = { 50, 50}, % \beta
+ "0D = {200,150}, % \gamma
+ "0E = { 50, 50}, % \delta
+ "0F = { 50, 50}, % \epsilon
+ "10 = { 50,150}, % \zeta
+% "11 = { , }, % \eta
+ "12 = { 50, }, % \theta
+ "13 = { ,100}, % \iota
+ "14 = { ,100}, % \kappa
+ "15 = {100, 50}, % \lambda
+ "16 = { , 50}, % \mu
+ "17 = { , 50}, % \nu
+ "18 = { , 50}, % \xi
+ "19 = { 50,100}, % \pi
+ "1A = { 50, 50}, % \rho
+ "1B = { ,150}, % \sigma
+ "1C = { 50,150}, % \tau
+ "1D = { 50, 50}, % \upsilon
+% "1E = { , }, % \phi
+ "1F = { 50,100}, % \chi
+ "20 = { 50, 50}, % \psi
+ "21 = { , 50}, % \omega
+ "22 = { , 50}, % \varepsilon
+ "23 = { , 50}, % \vartheta
+ "24 = { , 50}, % \varpi
+ "25 = {100, }, % \varrho
+ "26 = {100,100}, % \varsigma
+ "27 = { 50, 50}, % \varphi
+ "28 = {100,100}, % \leftharpoonup
+ "29 = {100,100}, % \leftharpoondown
+ "2A = {100,100}, % \rightharpoonup
+ "2B = {100,100}, % \rightharpoondown
+ "2C = {300,200}, % \lhook
+ "2D = {200,300}, % \rhook
+ "2E = { ,100}, % \triangleright
+ "2F = {100, }, % \triangleleft
+ % 0 - 9
+ "3A = { ,500}, % ., \ldotp
+ "3B = { ,500}, % ,
+ "3C = {200,100}, % <
+ "3D = {300,400}, % /
+ "3E = {100,200}, % >
+ "3F = {200,200}, % \star
+% "40 = { , }, % \partial
+ "5B = { ,100}, % \flat
+% "5C = { , }, % \natural
+% "5D = { , }, % \sharp
+ "5E = {200,200}, % \smile
+ "5F = {200,200}, % \frown
+% "60 = { , }, % \ell
+% "7B = { , }, % \imath
+ "7C = {100, }, % \jmath
+ "7D = { ,100}, % \wp
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Math font `|symbols|' (also used for the \cmd{\mathcal} alphabet) is declared
+% as:
+%\DeclareSymbolFont{symbols} {OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n}
+%\SetSymbolFont{symbols} {bold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = cmr-math-symbols ]
+ { encoding = OMS,
+ family = cmsy,
+ series = {m,b},
+ shape = n }
+ {
+ A = {150, 50}, % \mathcal
+ C = { ,100},
+ D = { , 50},
+ F = { 50,150},
+ I = { ,100},
+ J = {100,150},
+ K = { ,100},
+ L = {100, },
+ M = { 50, 50},
+ N = { 50,100},
+ P = { , 50},
+ Q = { 50, },
+ R = { , 50},
+ T = { 50,150},
+ V = { 50, 50},
+ W = { , 50},
+ X = {100,100},
+ Y = {100, },
+ Z = {100,150},
+ "00 = {300,300}, % -
+ "01 = { ,700}, % \cdot, \cdotp
+ "02 = {150,250}, % \times
+ "03 = {150,250}, % *, \ast
+ "04 = {200,300}, % \div
+ "05 = {150,250}, % \diamond
+ "06 = {200,200}, % \pm
+ "07 = {200,200}, % \mp
+ "08 = {100,100}, % \oplus
+ "09 = {100,100}, % \ominus
+ "0A = {100,100}, % \otimes
+ "0B = {100,100}, % \oslash
+ "0C = {100,100}, % \odot
+ "0D = {100,100}, % \bigcirc
+ "0E = {100,100}, % \circ
+ "0F = {100,100}, % \bullet
+ "10 = {100,100}, % \asymp
+ "11 = {100,100}, % \equiv
+ "12 = {200,100}, % \subseteq
+ "13 = {100,200}, % \supseteq
+ "14 = {200,100}, % \leq
+ "15 = {100,200}, % \geq
+ "16 = {200,100}, % \preceq
+ "17 = {100,200}, % \succeq
+ "18 = {200,200}, % \sim
+ "19 = {150,150}, % \approx
+ "1A = {200,100}, % \subset
+ "1B = {100,200}, % \supset
+ "1C = {200,100}, % \ll
+ "1D = {100,200}, % \gg
+ "1E = {300,100}, % \prec
+ "1F = {100,300}, % \succ
+ "20 = {100,200}, % \leftarrow
+ "21 = {200,100}, % \rightarrow
+ "22 = {100,100}, % \uparrow
+ "23 = {100,100}, % \downarrow
+ "24 = {100,100}, % \leftrightarrow
+ "25 = {100,100}, % \nearrow
+ "26 = {100,100}, % \searrow
+ "27 = {100,100}, % \simeq
+ "28 = {100,100}, % \Leftarrow
+ "29 = {100,100}, % \Rightarrow
+ "2A = {100,100}, % \Uparrow
+ "2B = {100,100}, % \Downarrow
+ "2C = {100,100}, % \Leftrightarrow
+ "2D = {100,100}, % \nwarrow
+ "2E = {100,100}, % \swarrow
+ "2F = { ,100}, % \propto
+ "30 = { ,400}, % \prime
+ "31 = {100,100}, % \infty
+ "32 = {150,100}, % \in
+ "33 = {100,150}, % \ni
+ "34 = {100,100}, % \triangle, \bigtriangleup
+ "35 = {100,100}, % \bigtriangledown
+% "36 = { , }, % \not
+% "37 = { , }, % \mapstochar
+ "38 = { ,100}, % \forall
+ "39 = {100, }, % \exists
+ "3A = {200, }, % \neg
+% "3B = { , }, % \emptyset
+% "3C = { , }, % \Re
+% "3D = { , }, % \Im
+ "3E = {200,200}, % \top
+ "3F = {200,200}, % \bot, \perp
+% "40 = { , }, % \aleph
+% "5B = { , }, % \cup
+% "5C = { , }, % \cap
+% "5D = { , }, % \uplus
+ "5E = {100,200}, % \wedge
+ "5F = {100,200}, % \vee
+ "60 = { ,300}, % \vdash
+ "61 = {300, }, % \dashv
+ "62 = {100,100}, % \lfloor
+ "63 = {100,100}, % \rfloor
+ "64 = {100,100}, % \lceil
+ "65 = {100,100}, % \rceil
+ "66 = {150, }, % \lbrace
+ "67 = { ,150}, % \rbrace
+ "68 = {400, }, % \langle
+ "69 = { ,400}, % \rangle
+% "6A = { , }, % \arrowvert, \mid, \vert, |
+% "6B = { , }, % \Arrowvert, \parallel, \Vert
+ "6C = {100,100}, % \updownarrow
+ "6D = {100,100}, % \Updownarrow
+ "6E = {100,300}, % \, \backslash, \setminus
+% "6F = { , }, % \wr
+% "70 = { , }, % \sqrtsign
+% "71 = { , }, % \amalg
+ "72 = {100,100}, % \nabla
+% "73 = { , }, % \smallint
+% "74 = { , }, % \sqcup
+% "75 = { , }, % \sqcap
+% "76 = { , }, % \sqsubseteq
+% "77 = { , }, % \sqsupseteq
+% "78 = { , }, % \mathsection
+ "79 = {200,200}, % \dagger
+ "7A = {100,100}, % \ddagger
+ "7B = {100, }, % \mathparagraph
+ "7C = {100,100}, % \clubsuit
+ "7D = {100,100}, % \diamondsuit
+ "7E = {100,100}, % \heartsuit
+ "7F = {100,100}, % \spadesuit
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We don't bother about `|largesymbols|', since it will only be used in display
+% math, where protrusion doesn't work anyway. It's declared as:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% [ name = cmr-math-largesymbols ]
+% { encoding = OMX,
+% family = {cmex,cmr} }
+% {
+% "00 % (
+% "01 % )
+% "02 % [
+% "03 % ]
+% "04 % \lfloor
+% "05 % \rfloor
+% "06 % \lceil
+% "07 % \rceil
+% "08 % \lbrace
+% "09 % \rbrace
+% "0A % <, \langle
+% "0B % >, \rangle
+% "0C % \vert, |
+% "0D % \Vert
+% "0E % /
+% "0F % \backslash
+% "3A % \lgroup
+% "3B % \rgroup
+% "3C % \arrowvert
+% "3D % \Arrowvert
+% "3E % \bracevert
+% "3F % \updownarrow
+% "40 % \lmoustache
+% "41 % \rmoustache
+% "46 % \bigsqcup
+% "48 % \ointop
+% "4A % \bigodot
+% "4C % \bigoplus
+% "4E % \bigotimes
+% "50 % \sum
+% "51 % \prod
+% "52 % \intop
+% "53 % \bigcup
+% "54 % \bigcap
+% "55 % \biguplus
+% "56 % \bigwedge
+% "57 % \bigvee
+% "60 % \coprod
+% "70 % \sqrtsign
+% "77 % \Updownarrow
+% "78 % \uparrow
+% "79 % \downarrow
+% "7A % \braceld, \lmoustache
+% "7B % \bracerd, \rmoustache
+% "7C % \bracelu
+% "7D % \braceru
+% "7E % \Uparrow
+% "7F % \Downarrow
+% }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{\ams\ fonts}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Symbol font `a', defined in \pkg{amssymb}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = AMSa ]
+ { encoding = U,
+ family = msa }
+ {
+% "00 = { , }, % \boxdot
+% "01 = { , }, % \boxplus
+% "02 = { , }, % \boxtimes
+% "03 = { , }, % \square
+% "04 = { , }, % \blacksquare
+ "05 = {150,250}, % \centerdot
+ "06 = {100,100}, % \lozenge
+ "07 = { 50, 50}, % \blacklozenge
+ "08 = { 50, 50}, % \circlearrowright
+ "09 = { 50, 50}, % \circlearrowleft
+ "0A = { 50, 50}, % \rightleftharpoons
+ "0B = { 50, 50}, % \leftrightharpoons
+% "0C = { , }, % \boxminus
+ "0D = {-50,150}, % \Vdash
+ "0E = {-50,150}, % \Vvdash
+ "0F = {-70,150}, % \vDash
+ "10 = {100,100}, % \twoheadrightarrow
+ "11 = { 50,150}, % \twoheadleftarrow
+ "12 = { 50,100}, % \leftleftarrows
+ "13 = { 50, 80}, % \rightrightarrows
+ "14 = {120,120}, % \upuparrows
+ "15 = {120,120}, % \downdownarrows
+ "16 = {200,200}, % \upharpoonright
+ "17 = {200,200}, % \downharpoonright
+ "18 = {200,200}, % \upharpoonleft
+ "19 = {200,200}, % \downharpoonleft
+ "1A = { 50, 80}, % \rightarrowtail
+ "1B = { 50, 80}, % \leftarrowtail
+ "1C = { 50, 50}, % \leftrightarrows
+ "1D = { 50, 50}, % \rightleftarrows
+ "1E = {150, }, % \Lsh
+ "1F = { ,150}, % \Rsh
+ "20 = { 50,100}, % \rightsquigarrow
+ "21 = { 50, 50}, % \leftrightsquigarrow
+ "22 = { 50, 50}, % \looparrowleft
+ "23 = { 50, 50}, % \looparrowright
+ "24 = { , 50}, % \circeq
+ "25 = { ,100}, % \succsim
+ "26 = { ,100}, % \gtrsim
+ "27 = { ,100}, % \gtrapprox
+ "28 = { 50, 50}, % \multimap
+% "29 = { , }, % \therefore
+% "2A = { , }, % \because
+ "2B = { 50, 50}, % \doteqdot
+ "2C = { 50, 50}, % \triangleq
+ "2D = {100, 50}, % \precsim
+ "2E = {100, 50}, % \lesssim
+ "2F = { 50, 50}, % \lessapprox
+ "30 = {100, 50}, % \eqslantless
+ "31 = { 50, 50}, % \eqslantgtr
+ "32 = {100, 50}, % \curlyeqprec
+ "33 = { 50,100}, % \curlyeqsucc
+ "34 = {100, 50}, % \preccurlyeq
+% "35 = { , }, % \leqq
+ "36 = { 50, }, % \leqslant
+% "37 = { , }, % \lessgtr
+ "38 = { , 50}, % \backprime
+ "39 = {200,200}, % \dabar@ : the dash bar in \dash(left,right)arrow
+% "3A = { , }, % \risingdotseq
+% "3B = { , }, % \fallingdotseq
+ "3C = { 50,100}, % \succcurlyeq
+% "3D = { , }, % \geqq
+ "3E = { , 50}, % \geqslant
+% "3F = { , }, % \gtrless
+ "40 = { , 50}, % \sqsubset
+ "41 = { 50, }, % \sqsupset
+ "42 = { ,150}, % \vartriangleright, \rhd
+ "43 = {150, }, % \vartriangleleft, \lhd
+ "44 = { ,100}, % \trianglerighteq, \unrhd
+ "45 = {100, }, % \trianglelefteq, \unlhd
+ "46 = {100,100}, % \bigstar
+% "47 = { , }, % \between
+ "48 = { 50, 50}, % \blacktriangledown
+ "49 = { ,100}, % \blacktriangleright
+ "4A = {100, }, % \blacktriangleleft
+ "4B = { ,150}, % \dashrightarrow (the arrow)
+ "4C = {150, }, % \dashleftarrow
+ "4D = { 50, 50}, % \vartriangle
+ "4E = { 50, 50}, % \blacktriangle
+ "4F = { 50, 50}, % \triangledown
+ "50 = { 50, 50}, % \eqcirc
+% "51 = { , }, % \lesseqgtr
+% "52 = { , }, % \gtreqless
+% "53 = { , }, % \lesseqqgtr
+% "54 = { , }, % \gtreqqless
+% "55 = { , }, % \yen
+ "56 = { ,150}, % \Rrightarrow
+ "57 = {150, }, % \Lleftarrow
+ "58 = {100,200}, % \checkmark
+% "59 = { , }, % \veebar
+% "5A = { , }, % \barwedge
+% "5B = { , }, % \doublebarwedge
+ "5C = { 50, 50}, % \angle
+ "5D = { 50, 50}, % \measuredangle
+ "5E = { 50, 50}, % \sphericalangle
+ "5F = { , 50}, % \varpropto
+ "60 = {100,100}, % \smallsmile
+ "61 = {100,100}, % \smallfrown
+ "62 = { 50, }, % \Subset
+ "63 = { , 50}, % \Supset
+% "64 = { , }, % \Cup
+% "65 = { , }, % \Cap
+ "66 = {100,100}, % \curlywedge
+ "67 = {100,100}, % \curlyvee
+ "68 = { 50,100}, % \leftthreetimes
+ "69 = {100, 50}, % \rightthreetimes
+% "6A = { , }, % \subseteqq
+% "6B = { , }, % \supseteqq
+ "6C = { 50, 50}, % \bumpeq
+ "6D = { 50, 50}, % \Bumpeq
+ "6E = {100, }, % \lll
+ "6F = { ,100}, % \ggg
+ "70 = { 50,100}, % \ulcorner
+ "71 = {100, 50}, % \urcorner
+% "72 = { , }, % \circledR
+% "73 = { , }, % \circledS
+% "74 = { , }, % \pitchfork
+ "75 = {100,150}, % \dotplus
+ "76 = { 50,100}, % \backsim
+% "77 = { , }, % \backsimeq
+ "78 = { 50,100}, % \llcorner
+ "79 = {100, 50}, % \lrcorner
+% "7A = { , }, % \maltese
+% "7B = { , }, % \complement
+ "7C = {100,100}, % \intercal
+ "7D = { 50, 50}, % \circledcirc
+ "7E = { 50, 50}, % \circledast
+ "7F = { 50, 50}, % \circleddash
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Symbol font `b'.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = AMSb ]
+ { encoding = U,
+ family = msb }
+ {
+ A = { 50, 50}, % \mathbb
+ C = { 50, 50},
+ G = { , 50},
+ L = { , 50},
+ P = { , 50},
+ R = { , 50},
+ T = { , 50},
+ V = { 50, 50},
+ X = { 50, 50},
+ Y = { 50, 50},
+ "00 = { 50, 50}, % \lvertneqq
+ "01 = { 50, 50}, % \gvertneqq
+ "02 = { 50, 50}, % \nleq
+ "03 = { 50, 50}, % \ngeq
+ "04 = {100, 50}, % \nless
+ "05 = { 50,150}, % \ngtr
+ "06 = {100, 50}, % \nprec
+ "07 = { 50,150}, % \nsucc
+ "08 = { 50, 50}, % \lneqq
+ "09 = { 50, 50}, % \gneqq
+ "0A = {100,100}, % \nleqslant
+ "0B = {100,100}, % \ngeqslant
+ "0C = {100, 50}, % \lneq
+ "0D = { 50,100}, % \gneq
+ "0E = {100, 50}, % \npreceq
+ "0F = { 50,100}, % \nsucceq
+ "10 = { 50, }, % \precnsim
+ "11 = { 50, 50}, % \succnsim
+ "12 = { 50, 50}, % \lnsim
+ "13 = { 50, 50}, % \gnsim
+ "14 = { 50, 50}, % \nleqq
+ "15 = { 50, 50}, % \ngeqq
+ "16 = { 50, 50}, % \precneqq
+ "17 = { 50, 50}, % \succneqq
+ "18 = { 50, 50}, % \precnapprox
+ "19 = { 50, 50}, % \succnapprox
+ "1A = { 50, 50}, % \lnapprox
+ "1B = { 50, 50}, % \gnapprox
+ "1C = {150,200}, % \nsim
+ "1D = { 50, 50}, % \ncong
+ "1E = {100,150}, % \diagup
+ "1F = {100,150}, % \diagdown
+ "20 = {100, 50}, % \varsubsetneq
+ "21 = { 50,100}, % \varsupsetneq
+ "22 = {100, 50}, % \nsubseteqq
+ "23 = { 50,100}, % \nsupseteqq
+ "24 = {100, 50}, % \subsetneqq
+ "25 = { 50,100}, % \supsetneqq
+ "26 = {100, 50}, % \varsubsetneqq
+ "27 = { 50,100}, % \varsupsetneqq
+ "28 = {100, 50}, % \subsetneq
+ "29 = { 50,100}, % \supsetneq
+ "2A = {100, 50}, % \nsubseteq
+ "2B = { 50,100}, % \nsupseteq
+ "2C = { 50,100}, % \nparallel
+ "2D = {100,150}, % \nmid
+ "2E = {150,150}, % \nshortmid
+ "2F = {100,100}, % \nshortparallel
+ "30 = { ,150}, % \nvdash
+ "31 = { ,150}, % \nVdash
+ "32 = { ,100}, % \nvDash
+ "33 = { ,100}, % \nVDash
+ "34 = { ,100}, % \ntrianglerighteq
+ "35 = {100, }, % \ntrianglelefteq
+ "36 = {100, }, % \ntriangleleft
+ "37 = { ,100}, % \ntriangleright
+ "38 = {100,200}, % \nleftarrow
+ "39 = {100,200}, % \nrightarrow
+ "3A = {100,100}, % \nLeftarrow
+ "3B = { 50,100}, % \nRightarrow
+ "3C = {100,100}, % \nLeftrightarrow
+ "3D = {100,200}, % \nleftrightarrow
+ "3E = { 50, 50}, % \divideontimes
+ "3F = { 50, 50}, % \varnothing
+% "40 = { , }, % \nexists
+ "60 = {200, }, % \Finv
+ "61 = { , 50}, % \Game
+% "66 = { , }, % \mho
+% "67 = { , }, % \eth
+ "68 = {100,100}, % \eqsim
+ "69 = { 50, }, % \beth
+ "6A = { 50, }, % \gimel
+ "6B = {150, }, % \daleth
+ "6C = {200, }, % \lessdot
+ "6D = { ,200}, % \gtrdot
+ "6E = {100,200}, % \ltimes
+ "6F = {150,100}, % \rtimes
+ "70 = { 50,100}, % \shortmid
+ "71 = { 50, 50}, % \shortparallel
+ "72 = {200,300}, % \smallsetminus
+ "73 = {100,200}, % \thicksim
+ "74 = { 50,100}, % \thickapprox
+ "75 = { 50, 50}, % \approxeq
+ "76 = { 50,100}, % \succapprox
+ "77 = { 50, 50}, % \precapprox
+ "78 = {100,100}, % \curvearrowleft
+ "79 = { 50,150}, % \curvearrowright
+ "7A = { 50,200}, % \digamma
+ "7B = {100, 50}, % \varkappa
+% "7C = { , }, % \Bbbk
+% "7D = { , }, % \hslash
+% "7E = { , }, % \hbar
+ "7F = {200, }, % \backepsilon
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Euler Fraktur font (\pkg{eufrak}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = mathfrak ]
+ { encoding = U,
+ family = euf }
+ {
+ A = { , 50},
+ B = { , 50},
+ C = { 50, 50},
+ D = { , 80},
+ E = { 50, },
+ G = { , 50},
+ L = { , 80},
+ O = { , 50},
+ T = { , 80},
+ X = { 80, 50},
+ Z = { 80, 50},
+ b = { , 50},
+ c = { , 50},
+ k = { , 50},
+ p = { , 50},
+ q = { 50, },
+ v = { , 50},
+ w = { , 50},
+ x = { , 50},
+ 1 = {100,100},
+ 2 = { 80, 80},
+ 3 = { 80, 50},
+ 4 = { 80, 50},
+ 7 = { 50, 50},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Euler script font (\pkg{eucal}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = euscript ]
+ { encoding = U,
+ family = eus }
+ {
+ A = {100,100},
+ B = { 50,100},
+ C = { 50, 50},
+ D = { 50,100},
+ E = { 50,100},
+ F = { 50, },
+ G = { 50, },
+ H = { ,100},
+ K = { , 50},
+ L = { ,150},
+ M = { , 50},
+ N = { , 50},
+ O = { 50, 50},
+ P = { 50, 50},
+ T = { ,100},
+ U = { , 50},
+ V = { 50, 50},
+ W = { 50, 50},
+ X = { 50, 50},
+ Z = { 50,100},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Interword Spacing}\label{sub:conf-spacing}
+% Default unit is space.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ name = default ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1,OT4,T5} }
+ {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% These settings are only a first approximation. The following reasoning is from
+% a mail from Ulrich Dirr. ^^A private mail, 14/06/2005
+% I do not claim to have coped with the task.
+% `The idea is -- analog to the tables for expansion and protrusion -- to
+% have tables for optical reduction/expansion of spaces in dependence of the
+% actual character so that the distance between words is optically equal.
+% When reducing distances the (weighting) order is:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item after commas
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {,} = { ,-500,500},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item in front of capitals which have optical more room on their left
+% side, \eg, `A', `J', `T', `V', `W', and `Y'
+% [this is not yet possible -- RS]
+% \item in front of capitals which have circle/oval shapes on their left
+% side, \eg, `C', `G', `O', and `Q'
+% [ditto -- RS]
+% \item after `r' (because of the bigger optical room on the righthand side)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ r = { ,-300,300},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item before or after lowercase characters with ascenders
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ b = { ,-200,200},
+ d = { ,-200,200},
+ f = { ,-200,200},
+ h = { ,-200,200},
+ k = { ,-200,200},
+ l = { ,-200,200},
+ t = { ,-200,200},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item before of after lowercase characters with x-heigth plus descender
+% with additional optical space, \eg, `v', or `w'
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ c = { ,-100,100},
+ p = { ,-100,100},
+ v = { ,-100,100},
+ w = { ,-100,100},
+ z = { ,-100,100},
+ x = { ,-100,100},
+ y = { ,-100,100}, % ?
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item before of after lowercase characters with x-heigth plus descender
+% without additional optical space
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ i = { , 50, -50},
+ m = { , 50, -50},
+ n = { , 50, -50},
+ u = { , 50, -50},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item after colon and semicolon
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ : = { ,200,-200},
+ ; = { ,200,-200},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \item after punctuation which ends a sentence, \eg, period, exclamation
+% mark, question mark
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ . = { ,250,-250},
+ ! = { ,250,-250},
+ ? = { ,250,-250},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The order has to be reversed when enlarging is needed.'
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Questions are:
+% \item Is the result really better?
+% \item Is it overdone? (Try with a |factor| \textless\ 1000.)
+% \item Should the first parameter also be used? (Probably.)
+% The following settings simulate \cmd{\nonfrenchspacing} (since space factors
+% will be ignored when spacing adjustment is in effect). They may be used for
+% English contexts.
+% From the \TeX book:
+% `If the space factor \textit{f} is different from 1000, the interword glue is
+% computed as follows: Take the normal space glue for the current font, and
+% add the extra space if \textit{f}\,\textgeq\,2000.
+% [...]
+% Then the stretch component is multiplied by \textit{f}\,/\,1000, while the
+% shrink component is multiplied by 1000\,/\,\textit{f}.'
+% The `extra space' (\cmd{\fontdimen}7) for Computer Modern Roman is a third
+% of \cmd{\fontdimen}\,2, \ie, 333.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = nonfrench-cmr,
+ load = default,
+ context = nonfrench ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1,OT4,T5},
+ family = cmr }
+ {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \file{latex.ltx} has:
+% \sfcode`\. 3000
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ . = {333,2000,-667},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \sfcode`\? 3000
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ ? = {333,2000,-667},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \sfcode`\! 3000
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ ! = {333,2000,-667},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \sfcode`\: 2000
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ : = {333,1000,-500},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \sfcode`\; 1500
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ ; = { , 500,-333},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \sfcode`\, 1250
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {,}= { , 250,-200},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \pkg{fontinst}, however, which is also used to create the \pkg{PSNFSS} font
+% metrics, sets it to 240 by default. Therefore, the fallback settings use this
+% value for the first component.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = nonfrench-default,
+ load = default,
+ context = nonfrench ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1,OT4,T5} }
+ {
+ . = {240,2000,-667},
+ ? = {240,2000,-667},
+ ! = {240,2000,-667},
+ : = {240,1000,-500},
+ ; = { , 500,-333},
+ {,}= { , 250,-200},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Additional Kerning}
+% Default unit is 1em.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A dummy list to be loaded when no context is active.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = empty ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1,OT4,T5,TS1} }
+ { }
+ [ name = french-default,
+ context = french,
+ unit = space ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1} }
+ {
+ : = {1000,}, % = \fontdimen2
+ ; = {500, }, % ~ \thinspace
+ ! = {500, },
+ ? = {500, },
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This has the disadvantage that the word following a left guillemot will not be
+% hyphenated. This might be fixed in \pdftex.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [ name = french-guillemets,
+ context = french-guillemets,
+ load = french-default,
+ unit = space ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1} }
+ {
+ \guillemotleft = { ,800}, % = 0.8\fontdimen2
+ \guillemotright = {800, },
+ }
+ [ name = turkish,
+ context = turkish,
+ unit = space ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1} }
+ {
+ : = {500, }, % ~ \thinspace
+ ! = {500, },
+ {=} = {500, },
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The settings with the `|letterspacing|' context will be loaded whenever the
+% command \cs{textls} resp. \cs{lsstyle} are used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% The settings for the commands \lsstyle and \textls.
+ [ name = letterspacing-default,
+ context = letterspacing,
+ unit = 1em,
+ preset = {1000,1000} ]
+ { encoding = {OT1,OT4} }
+ {
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The full stop and quotation marks should be spaced out less.
+% Numbers are not spaced out, according to \pkg{soul}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ . = {0, },
+ 0 = {0,0},
+ 1 = {0,0},
+ 2 = {0,0},
+ 3 = {0,0},
+ 4 = {0,0},
+ 5 = {0,0},
+ 6 = {0,0},
+ 7 = {0,0},
+ 8 = {0,0},
+ 9 = {0,0},
+ \textquoteleft = {0,0}, \textquoteright = {0,0},
+ \textquotedblleft = {0,0}, \textquotedblright = {0,0},
+ }
+ [ name = letterspacing-T1,
+ load = letterspacing-default,
+ context = letterspacing,
+ unit = 1em,
+ preset = {1000,1000} ]
+ { encoding = {T1,LY1,T5} }
+ {
+ \quotesinglbase = {0,0}, \quotedblbase = {0,0},
+ \guilsinglleft = {0,0}, \guilsinglright = {0,0},
+ \guillemotleft = {0,0}, \guillemotright = {0,0},
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+%\section{Auxiliary File for Micro Fine Tuning}
+% This file can be used to test protrusion and expansion settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% Here you can set the font you want to test, using
+%% the commands \fontfamily, \fontseries, and \fontshape.
+%% Make sure to end all lines with a comment character!
+ \fontfamily{ppl}%
+%% \fontseries{b}%
+%% \fontshape{it}% sc, sl
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{r}}{}{#2}%
+ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{r}}{\crulefill}{\leftarrowfill} #2
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{l}}{\crulefill}{\rightarrowfill}
+ you know the rest%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{l}}{}{#2}%
+ \linebreak
+ {\fontencoding{\encodingdefault}%
+ \fontseries{\seriesdefault}%
+ \fontshape{\shapedefault}%
+ \selectfont
+ Here is the beginning of a line, \dotfill and here is its end}\linebreak
+{\centering The font in this document is called by:\\
+ \texttt{\showTestFont}\par}\bigskip
+ This line intentionally left empty\linebreak
+%% A -- Z
+ \testprotrusion{\char\charcount}
+ \advance\charcount 1
+ \ifnum\charcount < 91 \repeat
+%% a -- z
+ \testprotrusion{\char\charcount}
+ \advance\charcount 1
+ \ifnum\charcount < 123 \repeat
+%% 0 -- 9
+ \testprotrusion{\char\charcount}
+ \advance\charcount 1
+ \ifnum\charcount < 58 \repeat
+ \testprotrusion[r]{,}
+ \testprotrusion[r]{.}
+ \testprotrusion[r]{;}
+ \testprotrusion[r]{:}
+ \testprotrusion[r]{?}
+ \testprotrusion[r]{!}
+ \testprotrusion[l]{\textexclamdown}
+ \testprotrusion[l]{\textquestiondown}
+ \testprotrusion[r]{)}
+ \testprotrusion[l]{(}
+ \testprotrusion{/}
+ \testprotrusion{\char`\\}
+ \testprotrusion{-}
+ \testprotrusion{\textendash}
+ \testprotrusion{\textemdash}
+ \testprotrusion{\textquoteleft}
+ \testprotrusion{\textquoteright}
+ \testprotrusion{\textquotedblleft}
+ \testprotrusion{\textquotedblright}
+ \testprotrusion{\quotesinglbase}
+ \testprotrusion{\quotedblbase}
+ \testprotrusion{\guilsinglleft}
+ \testprotrusion{\guilsinglright}
+ \testprotrusion{\guillemotleft}
+ \testprotrusion{\guillemotright}
+The following displays the current font stretched by 5\%,
+normal, and shrunk by 5\%:
+ {ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789}
+ \teststring}\par\bigskip
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Needless to say that things may always be improved. For suggestions, mail to
+% \mailtoRS.
+% ^^A -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \CheckSum{7591}
+% \Finale
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/microtype/microtype.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/microtype/microtype.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c700a5c05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/microtype/microtype.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+% -*- TeX:UK -*-
+% $Id: microtype.ins,v 1.8 2005-10-28 16:22:21+02 schlicht Exp schlicht $
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\input docstrip
+ The `microtype' package
+ An interface to the micro-typographic extensions of pdfTeX
+ Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 R Schlicht <>
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or
+(at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license
+is in:, and version 1.3 or later
+is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+This work consists of the files microtype.dtx and microtype.ins and the
+derived file microtype.sty.
+% Modified versions of the configuration files (*.cfg) may be distributed
+% provided that (1) the original copyright statement is not removed, and
+% (2) the identification string is changed.
+{\catcode`\^^M=13 %
+ \gdef\declarepreambleX#1#2
+ \def^^M{^^J\MetaPrefix\space}%
+ \edef#1{\firstpreamblepart\checkeoln#2\empty
+ This is the main configuration file for the `microtype' package.
+ It contains settings for font expansion and character protrusion.
+ Please consult the documentation for details.
+ You may customize these settings here, or in a different file. If
+ you think you have found improvements to the settings, please tell
+ me about them.
+ When modifying this file, also change the identification line below.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This is a font-specific configuration file for the `microtype'
+ package. It contains settings for font expansion and character
+ protrusion. Please consult the documentation for details.
+ If you think you have found improvements to these settings, please
+ tell me about them.
+ When modifying this file, also change the identification line below.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This file might be useful to test protrusion settings for a font.
+ You can do whatever you want with it.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ These settings have been prepared by, and are copied with the
+ generous permission of, Harald Harders <h.harders{at}>.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \file{microtype.sty}{\from{microtype.dtx}{package\ifbeta,beta\fi}}
+ \usepreamble\cfgpreamble
+ \file{microtype.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,m-t\ifbeta,beta\fi}}
+ \usepreamble\fontpreamble
+ \file{mt-bch.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,bch}}
+ \file{mt-cmr.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,cmr}}
+ \file{mt-pad.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,pad}}
+ \file{mt-ppl.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,ppl}}
+ \file{mt-ptm.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,ptm}}
+ \file{mt-msa.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,cfg-u,msa}}
+ \file{mt-msb.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,cfg-u,msb}}
+ \file{mt-euf.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,cfg-u,euf}}
+ \file{mt-eus.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,cfg-u,eus}}
+ \usepreamble\haraldpreamble
+ \file{mt-pmn.cfg}{\from{microtype.dtx}{config,pmn}}
+ \usepreamble\testpreamble
+ \file{test-microtype.tex}{\from{microtype.dtx}{test}}
+\Msg{* To finish installation, move all files to their appropriate places. *}
+\Msg{* See the documentation for details. *}
+\Msg{* You can create the documentation by running latex on microtype.dtx. *}