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-rwxr-xr-x | Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check | 2 | ||||
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/GNU.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/GNU.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eeb586b392a --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/GNU.txt @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> + Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author> + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cac3957a85e --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/README @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +frege.sty - a LaTeX2e package for typesetting begriffsschrift + +This package is based on begriff.sty released under the GNU General Public License. +Copyright (C) 2003 by Josh Parsons <josh@coombs.anu.edu.au> + +Changes with respect to begriff.sty + +correct relative lengths of the content stroke with respect to other strokes attached +to it; +content strokes point at the middle of the following symbols, rather than the bottom; +greater width for the assertion stroke as compared to the content stroke; +a more intuitive structure for the conditional (arguments are now given in the same +order as they appear on the left of a completed formula); +the command for the conditional with empty arguments now results in a vertical line +(conditional stroke) on it's own the other strokes are added as the arguments; +the linewidth is properly accounted for so that things remain properly centered when +scaled; + +frege.sty defines the following basic commands: +\Fcontent[1] - plain content stroke +\Fncontent[1] - negated content stroke +\Fnncontent[1] - twice negated content stroke +\Faconten[1] - asserted content stroke +\Fancontent[1] - asserted negated content stroke +\Fanncontent[1] - asserted twice negated content stroke +\Fquant[1]{a} - content stroke with quantifier +\Fnquant[1]{a} - negated quantifier +\Fnnquant[1]{a} - twice negated quantifier +\Fquantn[1]{a} - quantifier with negated content +\Fquantnn[1]{a} - quantifier with twice negated content +\Fnquantn[1]{a} - negated quantifier with negated content +\Fnquantnn[1]{a} - negated quantifier with twice negated content +\Fnnquantn[1]{a} - twice negated quantifier with negated content +\Fnnquantnn[1]{a} - twice negated quantifier with twice negated content +\Faquant[1]{a} - asserted content stroke with quantifier +\Fanquant[1]{a} - asserted negated quantifier +\Fannquant[1]{a} - asserted twice negated quantifier +\Faquantn[1]{a} - asserted quantifier with negated content +\Faquantnn[1]{a} - asserted quantifier with twice negated content +\Fanquantn[1]{a} - asserted negated quantifier with negated content +\Fanquantnn[1]{a} - asserted negated quantifier with twice negated content +\Fannquantn[1]{a} - asserted twice negated quantifier with negated content +\Fannquantnn[1]{a} - asserted twice negated quantifier with twice negated content + +while this may look like a daunting list think of it as just two commands: +\Fcontent[1] - generates a content stroke +\Fquant[1]{a} - generates a quantifier with variable a + +Adding an "a" after the "\F" adds an assertion stroke to the front of the command, +this may be followed by one two or no "n" to add one two or no negations to the +stroke. Next comes the name of the command either "content" or "quant". "quant" may +then be followed by another one two or no "n" which will add one two or no negations +after the quantifier to it's content stroke. All commands may be used in either text +or math mode. All the above commands produce output of the same length and may be +arbitrarly combined to produce longer composite formulas. Since version 1.1 each of +the basic strokes also has an optional argument with default value one, that scales +the total length of the stroke (\Fbaselength), so that an optional argument of [.5] +will produce a stroke half as long. Warning: setting a length shorter than what is +needed to fit all the options of a stroke leads to negative lengths and hence +unpredictable results. + +frege.sty defines the following more complex commands: +\Fconditional[<option>]{<consequent>}{<antecedent>} +\Fbox{<begriffsschrift formula with at least one conditional>} +\Fbracket{<begriffsschrift formula with at least one conditional>} +\Fargument[<premise 0>]{<premise 1>}{<premise 2>}{<conclusion>} +\Fstrut[1] + +The final two have been added in version 1.2. + +The "Fconditional" command requires a mixture of the commands defined by frege.sty +and normal mathmode input to produce begriffsschrift. A implies B would be written +like this: + +\Fconditional[\Facontent]{\Fcontent B}{\Fcontent A} + +This produces the two dimensional fregean conditional symbol with B lined up above A. +In addition the "Fconditional" command may be arbitrarily nested to produce any +begriffsschrift formula possible. Only the unnested conditional requires the optional +argument. + +"Fbracket" is just the same as "\left(\Fbox\right)" everything said about "Fbox" +applies equally to "Fbracket". A completed formula of begriffsschrift that includes +at least one conditional, should always be placed in an "Fbox" this ensures it is +given enough space in the output behaves correctly with respect to the text around it +and works correctly within environments such as align*. + +"Fargument" arranges two begriffsschrift formulas above each other and seperates them +from a third by a horizontal line. The option is for the name of a premise written +elsewhere and will outout (name): to the left of the horizontal line. + +"Fstrut" is like a invisible content stroke. Like all other basic strokes, it may be +scaled using it's optional argument. Fstrut is to be used in conjunction with +Fargument to ensure the formulas line up properly. + +The final result may also be modified by changing the following lengths using the +\setlength{<lengthname>}{<value>} command. The lengths and there default values are +given as follows: + +length: default value: description: +\Fbaselength 20pt the length of a single basic stroke +\Flinewidth 0.5pt the width of all lines other than the assert stroke +\Fspace 2pt seperation between begriffsschrift and text/formula +\Fassertwidth 3\Flinewidth the width of the assert stroke +\Fraiseheight 1ex-\Flinewidth the height of content strokes above the baseline +\Fnegsep 3\Flinewidth the sepparation between a double negation +\Fnegshort 2\Flinewidth the space between negation stroke and baseline +\Fquantwidth 6pt width of the semi circular quantifier depression + +For more examples see accompanying manual (Frege.pdf or Frege.tex) +Everything released under GNU General Public License. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/frege.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/frege.pdf Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000000..276ae09e2c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/frege.pdf diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/frege.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/frege.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..36b0041286f --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/frege/frege.tex @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +\documentclass[12pt]{article} +\usepackage{frege} +\usepackage{amsmath} + +%% For condensed itemize: +\newcommand{\squishlist}{ + \begin{list}{$\bullet$}{ + \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\topsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\leftmargin}{1em} + \setlength{\labelwidth}{1em} + \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} + \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\rightmargin}{0pt} + \setlength{\labelsep}{0.5em}}} +\newcommand{\squishlistend}{\end{list}} + +\title{frege.sty \\ A \LaTeXe Package for Typesetting Begriffsschrift} +\author{Quirin Pamp \\ \texttt{Quirin.Pamp.2009@my.bristol.ac.uk}} + +\begin{document} +\maketitle +\section{Background} +\subsection{begriff.sty} + This package is based on begriff.sty released under the GNU General Public + License. + Copyright (C) 2003 by Josh Parsons (josh@coombs.anu.edu.au) with changes made in + October 2004 by Richard Heck (heck@fas.harvard.edu) and minor changes by Josh + Parsons to fix a problem with linespacing made in May 2005. + + While I could not have done so without the aforementioned work, I have reworked the + package from the ground up, to the point where some of the underlying approaches + have changed. On the downside this means there is no simple way of converting + anything typeset using begriff.sty to use this package instead. I felt this was + necessary to achieve a end result I was happy with. + +\subsection{GNU General Public License} + This package and all accompanying documentation is released under the GNU General + Public License. It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under + the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this + program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - + Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. (or just search for it online... Seriously.) + +\subsection{Changes as Compared to begriff.sty} + \squishlist + \item correct relative lengths of the content stroke with respect to other + strokes attached to it; + \item content strokes point at the middle of the followint symbols, rather + than the bottom; + \item greater width for the assertion stroke as compared to the content stroke; + \item a more intuitive structure for the conditional (arguments are now given in + the same order as they appear on the left of a completed formula); + \item the command for the conditional with empty arguments now results in a + vertical line (conditional stroke) on it's own the other strokes are added as + the arguments; + \item the linewidth is properly accounted for so that things remain properly + centered when scaled; + \squishlistend + +\subsection{Changes in Version 1.1} + \squishlist + \item added a optional scale factor to all basic strokes; + \item simplified the code for Fbracket in terms of that for Fbox; + \item rearranged the code in the style file in a more logical way; + \squishlistend + +\subsection{Changes in Version 1.2} + \squishlist + \item added a new command ``Fargument'' for typesetting arguments; + \item added a new command ``Fstrut'' to be used in conjunction with Fargument; + \item changed Fbaselength to be equal to the full length of a basi stroke (20pt); + \item fixed a bug where the scale factor introduced in version 1.1 does not reset + after all uses; + \squishlistend + +\subsection{Changes and Features yet to come} + \squishlist + \item incorporation of other frege related material such as fge.sty so as to put + all frege related material in a single package; + \item a vertical shorthand stroke such as used by Frege for typesetting arguments + in ``Begriffsschrift''; + \squishlistend + +\section{Features and Usage} +\subsection{Commands} +\subsubsection{Basic Commands} + The following is a list of the basic commands provided by this package along with + accompanying output. The conditional is treated sepperately. + \begin{flalign*} + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fcontent[1]} & &\Fcontent & & &\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fncontent[1]} & &\Fncontent\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnncontent[1]} & &\Fnncontent\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Facontent[1]} & &\Facontent\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fancontent[1]} & &\Fancontent\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fanncontent[1]} & &\Fanncontent\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fquant[1]\{a\}} & &\Fquant{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnquant[1]\{a\}} & &\Fnquant{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnnquant[1]\{a\}} & &\Fnnquant{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fquantn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fquantn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fquantnn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fquantnn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnquantn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fnquantn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnquantnn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fnquantnn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnnquantn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fnnquantn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fnnquantnn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fnnquantnn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Faquant[1]\{a\}} & &\Faquant{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fanquant[1]\{a\}} & &\Fanquant{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fannquant[1]\{a\}} & &\Fannquant{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Faquantn[1]\{a\}} & &\Faquantn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Faquantnn[1]\{a\}} & &\Faquantnn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fanquantn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fanquantn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fanquantnn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fanquantnn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fannquantn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fannquantn{a}\\ + &\mbox{\textbackslash Fannquantnn[1]\{a\}} & &\Fannquantnn{a}\\ + \end{flalign*} + This may seem like a daunting list, but there is an exceedingly simple way to think + about it. In a sense there are only two commands \textbackslash Fcontent[1] and + \textbackslash Fquant[1]\{\}. These two commands can be augmented with a + combination of as and ns so as to add assertion and negation strokes respectively. + Any stroke that is asserted (has a fat vertical line at the start) starts with + `\textbackslash Fa'. This may be followed by either one or two or no `n' to add one + or two or no negation strokes (the small vertical lines below the assertion + stroke). Next comes the name of the main command, either `quant' or `content'. + Finally the quantifiers may be followed by either one or two `n' to add one or two + negation strokes to the content stroke after the quantifier's depression. + + Consider also that many of these commands are only really present for completeness + sake. It is difficult to imagine a situation where a twice negated quantifier with + twice negated content would ever be needed. + + Since version 1.1 all basic strokes also have an optional scaling factor. A command + followed by [.5], for example would produce a stroke exactly half the default + length while [2] produces a stroke twice the default length. (The default length + is given by \textbackslash Fbaselength which is set to 20pt. Scaling allows for + greater control in the total length of formula as well as for a shorter syntax. + (We can replace expressions like \textbackslash Facontent \textbackslash Fcontent + with \textbackslash Facontent[2].) Care must be taken not to set a length that is + shorter than what is needed to fit all the parts of some basic stroke. This will + lead to negative lengths and hence unpredictable output. + + All quantifiers also have a mandatory argument that specifies the variable + associated with the quantifier. (Mandatory arguments are contained in a set of + curly brackets \{ and \}). This argument should be a single small letter and + will be typeset above the semi circular depression in the assertion stroke in + mathfrak font which is provided by tha amssymb package. This font can be used in + maths mode by using the command `\textbackslash mathfrak\{\}'. Note that all the + commands provided by this package may be used in both math and text mode. (Though + math mode usually results in better formatting.) + + Finally one may combine the above commands in arbitrary combinations which will + result in gapless longer strokes. (Eg.: $\Faquant[0.6]{a}\Fnquantn[1.4]{b}A$) + which may be roughly translated into english as ``for all $\mathfrak{a}$ there + exists a $\mathfrak{b}$ such that $A$''. (The commands I used for this expression + are \$\textbackslash Faquant\{a\}\textbackslash Fnquantn\{b\}A\$). + +\subsubsection{Conditional} + The conditional is the most important command in this package since it gives + Frege's Begriffsschrift it's two dimensional structure.\\ + The syntax for the Fconditional command is as follows: + + \textbackslash Fconditional[\textless option\textgreater] + \{\textless consequent\textgreater\}\{\textless antecedent\textgreater\}\\ + The arguments may in principle be anything, but you will only get a begriffschrift + formula if the arguments are themselves given by appropriate commands from the list + of basic commands given earlier. As an example, an asserted conjunction between $A$ + and $B$ would be given as follows: + + \$\textbackslash Fconditional[\textbackslash Fancontent]\{\textbackslash Fncontent + A\}\{\textbackslash Fcontent B\}\$ \\ + and produce the following output: + \begin{align*} + \Fbox{\Fconditional[\Fancontent]{\Fncontent A}{\Fcontent B}} + \end{align*} + In addition Fconditional may be nested as it's own argument to arbitrary depth. + Nesting in the option is not recommended. \\ + A conditional with nested consequent may be given as follows: + + \$\textbackslash Fconditional[\textbackslash Facontent]\{\textbackslash + Fcontent\textbackslash Fconditional\{\textbackslash Fcontent A\}\{\textbackslash + Fcontent B\}\}\{\textbackslash Fcontent\textbackslash Fcontent C\}\$\\ + and produces the following output: + \begin{align*} + \Fbox{\Fconditional[\Facontent]{\Fcontent\Fconditional{\Fcontent A} + {\Fcontent B}}{\Fcontent[2] C}} + \end{align*} + A conditional with nested antecedent may be given as follows: + + \$\textbackslash Fconditional[\textbackslash Facontent]\{\textbackslash Fcontent + \textbackslash Fcontent A\}\{\textbackslash Fcontent\textbackslash Fconditional + \{\textbackslash Fcontent B\}\{\textbackslash Fcontent C\}\}\$\\ + and produces the following output: + \begin{align*} + \Fbox{\Fconditional[\Facontent]{\Fcontent[2] A}{\Fcontent\Fconditional% + {\Fcontent B}{\Fcontent C}}} + \end{align*} + Each section of a content stroke may thus be replaced with any of the strokes given + by the list of basic commands. Note that it is up to the user to place the + appropriate number of strokes in each argument to ensure that the content strokes + all line up on the right hand side. + +\subsubsection{Brackets and Boxes} + There are two more commands to be considered: + + \textbackslash Fbracket\{\textless complex expression\textgreater\} + + \textbackslash Fbox\{\textless complex expression\textgreater\}\\ + Both Fbox and Fbracket take what I have called a `complex expression' for their + argument. A `complex expression' is any formula in begriffsschrift that has at + least one conditional in it. It is generally a good idea to put all complex + expressions into either a Fbox or a Fbracket. It is never necessary to place a + complex expressions into both an Fbox and an Fbracket since an Fbox simply is a + Fbracket without the actual brackets. Fbracket exists only for convenience with + the same effect being achieved by \textbackslash left(\textbackslash Fbox\{\} + \textbackslash right). + + The reason why the Fbox is a good idea, is that the baseline is very near the top of + a complex expression of Begriffsschrift, which can make for some odd formatting + effects. In addition to placing the baseline at the middel of a complex expression + an Fbox ensures the expression is treated by LaTeX as a single object and given + enough space. + + Finally a complex expression may not format correctly in some environments (like + the align* environment for example) unless it is placed in an Fbox. In short, + always use an Fbox (or Fbracket). + +\subsection{Arguments and Struts} + Since version 1.2 two arguments have been added that allow for the typesetting of + arguments. The syntax for the argument command is as follows: + + \textbackslash Fargument[\textless absent premise\textgreater]\{\textless premise + 1\textgreater\}\{\textless premise 2\textgreater\}\{\textless conclusion + \textgreater\}\\ + In the following esample the optional argument for the absent premise takes the + value `$X$' the premises are the two formulas above the therfore line and the + conclusion is the formula below the therefore line. The Begriffschrift expressions + in the arguments of the Fargument command do not need to be placed in an Fbox, + since the Fargument command works by boxing it's arguments allready. + \begin{align*} + \Fargument[X] + {\Fconditional[\Facontent] + {\Fcontent[2] A} + {\Fcontent\Fconditional{\Fcontent B}{\Fcontent C}}} + {\Fstrut[2]\Facontent C} + {\Fstrut[2]\Facontent A} + \end{align*} + where $X=\Facontent B$; (this is typeset seperately from the Fargument command); + + The three begriffsschrift formulas above are in fact aligned leftbound. To make + them appear rightbound no matter what the relative lengths of $A$, $B$, and $C$, + the command ``Fstrut'' has been used in front of $\Facontent C$ and $\Facontent A$. + The command \textbackslash Fstrut[1] works exactly like an invisible content + stroke, that is it inserts space of length Fbaselength. Like all basic strokes it + can be scaled via an optional scale factor. + +\subsection{Lengths} + In theory all the dimensions in this package can be changed with the command + \textbackslash setlength\{\textless name of length\textgreater\}\{\textless new + value\textgreater\}, though I have not done a great deal of testing and recommend + sticking to the default values. The following then is a table of all lengths: \\ + \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} + \hline + name & default value & description \\ + \hline + \textbackslash Fbaselength & 20pt & the length of the basic strokes \\ + \textbackslash Flinewidth & 0.5pt & the line width \\ + \textbackslash Fspace & 2pt & seperation between lines and text/formula \\ + \textbackslash Fassertwidth & 3\textbackslash Flinewidth & width of assert + stroke \\ + \textbackslash Fraiseheight & 1ex-\textbackslash Flinewidth & height of content + lines above baseline \\ + \textbackslash Fnegsep & 3\textbackslash Flinewidth & seperation between a + double negation \\ + \textbackslash Fnegshort & 2\textbackslash Flinewidth & space between negation + stroke and baseline \\ + \textbackslash Fquantwidth & 6pt & width of the semi-circular quantifier + depression \\ + \hline + \end{tabular} + the height of the conditional stroke is determined by the size of the contents of + the conditionals argument, as well as the baselineskip of the surrounding text. It + cannot be changed manually. + +\subsection{Final Example} + The Geach-Kaplan sentance (with thanks to Marcus Rossberg): + \begin{align*} + \Fbox% + {% + \Fconditional[{\Facontent[.2]\Fnquant{F}\Fcontent[.2]}]% + {% + \Fcontent% + \Fconditional% + {% + \Fcontent[3]% + \Fbox% + {% + f\Fbracket% + {% + \Fconditional[\Faquant{a}]% + {\Fcontent C\mathfrak{(a)}}% + {\Fcontent \mathfrak{F(a)}}% + }% + }% + }% + {\Fcontent\Fnquantn{b}\Fcontent\mathfrak{F(b)}}% + }% + {% + \Fcontent[0.4]% + \Fquant[0.6]{c}% + \Fquant[0.6]{d}% + \Fcontent[0.4]% + \Fconditional% + {% + \Fncontent% + \Fconditional{\Fcontent\mathfrak{c=d}}{\Fcontent\mathfrak{F(d)}}% + }% + {% + \Fncontent% + \Fconditional{\Fncontent\mathfrak{F(c)}}{\Fcontent A\mathfrak{(c,d)}}% + }% + }% + }% + \end{align*} + And that is all. \\ + For comments, suggestions, identified errors, email me at \\ + \textless Q.Pamp.2009 at my.bristol.ac.uk\textgreater. + % don't like storing my full email in a text file on the interneti, + % so I replaced the @ with " at "; +\end{document} diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/frege/frege.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/frege/frege.sty new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2b3b6854d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/frege/frege.sty @@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@ +% frege.sty - a LaTeX2e package for typesetting begriffsschrift +% by Quirin Pamp <Quirin.Pamp.2009 at my.bristol.ac.uk> +% +% based on begriffHeck.sty released under GNU General Public License +% Copyright (C) 2003 by Josh Parsons <josh@coombs.anu.edu.au> +% with changes made in October 2004 by Richard Heck <heck@fas.harvard.edu> +% and minor changes by Josh Parsons to fix problem with linespacing (May 2005) +% +% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +% General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, +% USA. (or just search for it online... Seriously.) + +%%% changes as compared to begriff.sty: +% correct relative lengths of various content strokes; +% content strokes at middle of line rather than bottom; +% greater width for assertion stroke as compared to content stroke; +% more intuitive structure of commands (arguments are now given in the same +% order as they appear on the left of a completed formula); +% the command conditional with empty arguments now only gives the conditional +% stroke the other strokes are added as the arguments; +% accounting for linewidth so that things remain properly centered even for +% a greater linewidth; + +%%% changes in version 1.1: +% added option to locally set \Fbaselength to all basic strokes; +% simplified code for \Fbracket in terms of \Fbox; +% rearranged code in a more logical order; + +%%% changes in version 1.2: +% added new command \Fargument for typesetting arguments; +% added new command \Fstrut to be used in conjunction with \Fargument; +% changed \Fbaselength to be the full rather than half the unit length; +% fixed a bug where the scalefactor introduced in 1.1 does not always reset; + +%%% planned changes for future versions: +% incorporation of other frege related material such as fge.sty so as to put +% all frege related material in a single package; +% a vertical shorthand stroke as I have seen in Begriffsschrift?!; + +%%% identification: +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{frege}[2012/07/16 v1.2] +\typeout{Fregean Begriffsschrift: 2012/07/16 v1.2} + +%%% options: +% This package currently has no options. + +%%% package dependencies: +\RequirePackage{amssymb} + +%%% variable decleration: +\newlength{\temp}% +\newlength{\tempp}% +\newlength{\Fbaselength}% +\setlength{\Fbaselength}{20pt}% +\newlength{\Funitlength}% +\newlength{\Flinewidth}% +\setlength{\Flinewidth}{0.5pt}% +\newlength{\Fspace}% +\setlength{\Fspace}{2pt}% +\newlength{\Fassertwidth}% +\setlength{\Fassertwidth}{3\Flinewidth}% +\newlength{\Fraiseheight}% +\setlength{\Fraiseheight}{1ex}% +\addtolength{\Fraiseheight}{-\Flinewidth}% +\newlength{\Fnegsep}% +\setlength{\Fnegsep}{3\Flinewidth}% +\newlength{\Fnegshort}% +\setlength{\Fnegshort}{2\Flinewidth}% +\newlength{\Fquantwidth}% +\setlength{\Fquantwidth}{6pt}% +\newlength{\Fantecedentheight}% +\newlength{\Fconsequentdepth}% +\newsavebox{\Fantecedent}% +\newsavebox{\Fconsequent}% +\newlength{\Fantecedentwidth}% +\newlength{\Fconsequentwidth}% +\newlength{\Fblockwidth}% +\newlength{\Fpremiselength}% +\newlength{\Fthereforelength}% + +%%% main body/new commands: +% boxing complex expressions with a centered baseline: +\newcommand{\Fbox}[1]{% + \settowidth{\temp}{\ensuremath{#1}}% + \settoheight{\tempp}{\ensuremath{#1}}% + \addtolength{\tempp}{3pt}% visual approximation may not scale right + \parbox{\temp}{\rule{0pt}{\tempp}\ensuremath{#1}}% +}% + +% bracketed Fbox: +\newcommand{\Fbracket}[1]{\ensuremath{\left(\Fbox{#1}\right)}}% + +% conditional stroke \Fconditional[content]{consequent}{antecedent}: +\newcommand{\Fconditional}[3][]% +{% + \unskip% + \sbox{\Fconsequent}{% + \rule[-0.3\baselineskip]{0pt}{0.3\baselineskip}% this is a strut + \ensuremath{#2}}% + \settodepth{\Fconsequentdepth}{% + \rule[-0.3\baselineskip]{0pt}{0.3\baselineskip}% this is a strut + \ensuremath{#2}}% + \sbox{\Fantecedent}{% + \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% this is a strut + \rule[-0.3\baselineskip]{0pt}{0.3\baselineskip}% this is a strut + \ensuremath{#3}}% + \settoheight{\Fantecedentheight}{% + \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% + \rule[-0.3\baselineskip]{0pt}{0.3\baselineskip}% this is a strut + \ensuremath{#3}}% + \setlength{\temp}{\lineskip}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Fantecedentheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Fconsequentdepth}% + \setlength{\tempp}{\temp}% + \addtolength{\tempp}{-\Fraiseheight}% + \mbox{% + \ensuremath{#1\unskip}% + \kern-\Flinewidth% + \rule[-\tempp]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \settowidth{\Fconsequentwidth}{\usebox{\Fconsequent}}% find width + \settowidth{\Fantecedentwidth}{\usebox{\Fantecedent}}% find width + \settoheight{\temp}{\mbox{% compare and find longer of two widths + \rule{0pt}{\Fconsequentwidth}% + \rule{0pt}{\Fantecedentwidth}}}% + \parbox[t]{\temp}{\usebox{\Fconsequent}\\\usebox{\Fantecedent}}}% +}% + +% argument presentation \Fargument[premise 0]{premise 1}{premise 2}{conclusion} +\newcommand{\Fargument}[4][]% +{% + \settowidth{\Fantecedentwidth}{\ensuremath{#2}}% + \settowidth{\Fconsequentwidth}{\ensuremath{#3}}% + \settoheight{\Fblockwidth}{\mbox{% + \rule{0pt}{\Fantecedentwidth}% + \rule{0pt}{\Fconsequentwidth}}}% + \setlength{\Fthereforelength}{\Fblockwidth}% + \addtolength{\Fthereforelength}{1em}% + \settowidth{\Fpremiselength}{\ensuremath{\left(#1\right):}}% + \mbox{% + \raisebox{.69\baselineskip}{\ensuremath{\left(#1\right)\kern-4pt:}}% + \hskip .5em% + \parbox[b]{\Fblockwidth}{% + \ensuremath{#2}\\% + \rule{0pt}{1\baselineskip}\ensuremath{#3}\\% + \makebox[\Fblockwidth]{% + \rule{0pt}{1.3\baselineskip}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{0.65\baselineskip}% + \addtolength{\temp}{0.5\lineskip}% + \rule[\temp]{\Fthereforelength}{\Flinewidth}}}% + \kern-\Fblockwidth% + \ensuremath{#4}}% +}% + +% strut (for use with argument): +\newcommand{\Fstrut}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fbaselength}{0pt}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% +}% + +% content stroke: +\newcommand{\Fcontent}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fbaselength}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated content stroke: +\newcommand{\Fncontent}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated content stroke: +\newcommand{\Fnncontent}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% asserted content stroke: +\newcommand{\Facontent}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated asserted content stroke: +\newcommand{\Fancontent}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated asserted content stroke: +\newcommand{\Fanncontent}[1][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% universal quantifier: +\newcommand{\Fquant}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated universal quantifier +\newcommand{\Fnquant}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{0.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated universal quantifier +\newcommand{\Fnnquant}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% universal quantifier with negated content: +\newcommand{\Fquantn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +} + +% universal quantifier with twice negated content: +\newcommand{\Fquantnn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated universal quantifier with negated content +\newcommand{\Fnquantn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated universal quantifier with twice negated content +\newcommand{\Fnquantnn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated universal quantifier with negated content +\newcommand{\Fnnquantn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated universal quantifier with twice negated content +\newcommand{\Fnnquantnn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% asserted universal quantifier: +\newcommand{\Faquant}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated asserted universal quantifier +\newcommand{\Fanquant}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated asserted universal quantifier +\newcommand{\Fannquant}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% asserted universal quantifier with negated content: +\newcommand{\Faquantn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +} + +% asserted universal quantifier with twice negated content: +\newcommand{\Faquantnn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated asserted universal quantifier with negated content: +\newcommand{\Fanquantn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% negated asserted universal quantifier with twice negated content: +\newcommand{\Fanquantnn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated asserted universal quantifier with negated content: +\newcommand{\Fannquantn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Flinewidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% + +% twice negated asserted universal quantifier with twice negated content: +\newcommand{\Fannquantnn}[2][1]% +{% + \setlength{\Funitlength}{\Fbaselength}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{#1\Fbaselength}% + \unskip% + \setlength{\temp}{2\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \rule{\Fassertwidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fassertwidth}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.25\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.25\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\unitlength}{\Fquantwidth}% + \raisebox{\Fraiseheight}{% + \begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% + \linethickness{\Flinewidth}% + \qbezier(0,0)(0.5,-0.6666)(1,0)% + \end{picture}}% + \kern-\Fquantwidth% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \raisebox{\temp}{\makebox[\Fquantwidth]{\ensuremath{\scriptstyle\mathfrak{#2}}}}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{\Fnegsep}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\temp}{\Fraiseheight}% + \addtolength{\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegshort}% + \rule[\Fnegshort]{\Flinewidth}{\temp}% + \setlength{\temp}{.5\Fbaselength}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-0.5\Fquantwidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-2\Flinewidth}% + \addtolength{\temp}{-\Fnegsep}% + \rule[\Fraiseheight]{0.5\temp}{\Flinewidth}% + \setlength{\Fbaselength}{\Funitlength}% + \hskip\Fspace% +}% diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check index 49a6439dbe2..4c9e8828e85 100755 --- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check +++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw( fouridx fourier fouriernc fp fpl fragmaster fragments frame framed frankenstein frcursive - frenchle friulan frletter frontespizio ftcap ftnxtra + frege frenchle friulan frletter frontespizio ftcap ftnxtra fullblck fullwidth functan fundus-calligra fundus-cyr fundus-sueterlin fwlw g-brief gaceta galois gamebook garrigues gastex gatech-thesis gates gauss gb4e gcard gchords gcite geschichtsfrkl genealogy gene-logic diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc index e04a5305663..f3536864966 100644 --- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc +++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc @@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ depend fragments depend frame depend framed depend frankenstein +depend frege depend friulan depend ftcap depend ftnxtra diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/frege.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/frege.tlpsrc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/frege.tlpsrc |