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+<h2>Inštalácia TeX Live</h2>
+<p>Po vložení CD TeX Live CD do mechaniky CD-ROM, by mal autoštart aktivova program tlpmgui. Ak tomu tak nie je, kliknite na Štart, potom Spusti, potom napíšte &lt;písmeno mechaniky&gt;:\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe, (alebo &lt;písmeno mechaniky&gt;:\texlive\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe ak inštalujete TeX z DVD TeX Collection), kde &lt;písmeno mechaniky&gt; je označenie mechaniky s CD TeX Live (alebo s DVD TeX Collection), potom kliknite OK.</p>
+<p>Má sa otvori inštalačné okno nazvané "Inštalácia TeX Live a podporné nástroje/TeX Live installation and maintenance utility". Obsahuje nasledujúce oddiely: "Hlavné nastavenia/Main customization", "Inštalácia/Install", "Zvožte schému/Select a scheme", "Zvožte systém/Select systems", "Adresáre/Directories" a "Vožby/Options".</p>
+<p>V oddieli "Adresáre" sa za tlačidlom "CD/DVD" má zobrazi inštalačná mechanika (adresár) (napr., "F:/" alebo "F:/texlive/" pre DVD), ak tomu tak nie je, tak kliknite na tlačidlo "CD/DVD" a zvožte CD/DVD mechaniku, v ktorej sa nachádza CD TeX Live (alebo DVD TeX Collection).</p>
+<p>Adresár, do ktorého chcete nainštalova softvér, sa dá nastavi kliknutím na tlačidlo "TLroot". Tento adresár bude na ďalšie použitie nastavený ako premenná prostredia TLroot. Premenné prostredia TEXMFTEMP a TEXMFCNF, ktoré sa zobrazujú hneď za tlačidlami "TEXMFTEMP" a "TEXMFCNF", budú automaticky nastavené počas insštalácie, ale teraz môžu by ručne prispôsobené kvôli zvláštnym potrebám.</p>
+<p>V oddieli "Zvožte schému" je potrebné kliknutím na prepínač označený názvom inštalačnej schémy (napr. "scheme-gust") zvoli požadovanú inštalačnú schému Tex Live. Ku každej schéme je priradené tlačidlo "Informácia", zobrazujúce po kliknutí stručný popis odpovedajúcej schémy.</p>
+<p>Schéma je rozsiahly komplex súborov určených na rôzne druhy použitia. K dispozícii sú všeobecné schémy pre základnú/basic, strednú/medium a úplnú/full inštaláciu. Ostatné schémy sú buď určené pre jednotlivé združenia používatežov (napr., čo ponúkajú GUST alebo GUTenberg svojim členom) alebo sú aplikačne zamerané (napr. na spoluprácu XML a TeXu). Predvolené schémy môžu by doplnené. To sa vykoná v oddieli "Hlavné nastavenia" vožbou doplnkových zbierok z ponúk "Štandardný výber/Standard collections" alebo "Výber jazykov/Language collections". Napríklad, kliknutím na tlačidlo "Zvož/Select" označené "Štandardný výber" alebo "Výber jazykov" v oddieli "Hlavné nastavenia" je možné vyznači doplnkové zbierky, ako napríklad dokumentáciu v rôznych jazykoch, Metapost alebo systém Omega.</p>
+<p>Kolekcie "Ghostscript", "Perl" a "Wintools" sú implicitne zvolené a musia by nainštalované, ak ich ešte nainštalované nemáte a ste si určite vedomý(á) toho, čo robíte. Je to preto, lebo tieto programy sú požadované mnohými dôložitými nástrojmi. Budú tiež nastavené premenné protredia PERL5LIB a GS_LIB.</p>
+<p>Ďalej sa kliknutím na tlačidlo "Zvož" označené "Výber jazykov" v oddieli "Hlavné nastavenia" otvorí okno "Výber jazykov", v ktorom môžete zvoli jazyk inštalácie označením okienka za jazykom.</p>
+<p>Ďalej spustíte odpovedajúci proces inštalácie kliknutím na tlačidlo "Nainštaluj" v oddieli "Nainštaluj". Počkajte, až kým neuvidíte oznámenie o úspešnom ukončení inštalácie.</p>
+<p>Odkaz na program tlpmgui bude pridaný do menu Štart->Programy->TeXLive2005.</p>
+<p>Ak je to potrebné (Win9x/WinME), budete požiadaný(á) reštartova počítač.</p>
+<h2>II. Údržba inštalácie TeX Live</h2>
+<p>Ak už máte nainštalovaný TeX Live, môžete program tlpmgui použi spolu s CD TeX Live CD/DVD TeX Collection na modifikáciu a údržbu Vašej inštalácie.</p>
+<p>Keďže je odkaz na tlpmgui umiestnený v menu Štart->Progray->TeXLive2005, spuste ho odtiažto. Ukáže sa okno údržby s názvom "Inštalácia TeX Live a podporné nástroje". Obsahuje rôzne položky: "Pridaj balíky/Add Packages", "Odstráň balíky/Remove packages", "Správa inštalácie/Manage installation", "Odstráň inštaláciu/Remove installation".</p>
+<h3>"Pridaj balíky" alebo "Odstráň balíky"</h3>
+<p>Kliknutím na položku označenú "Pridaj balíky" alebo "Odstráň balíky" zvožte odpovedajúcu funkciu a potom:<p>
+<p><b>1.</b>Kliknite na tlačidlo "Hžadaj/Search" v oddieli "Tlačidlá/Buttons". Zobrazí alebo sa obnoví oddiel "Zvožte balíky, ktoré treba .../Select packages to..." so zoznamom balíkov, ktoré sa majú inštalova alebo odstráni. Po pridaní balíkov sa porovná zoznam nainštalovaných balíkov so zoznamom ponúkaným na Vašom CD/DVD. Zobrazia sa len balíky, ktoré ešte nie sú nainštalované. Je na Vás zvoli si balíky, ktoré požadujete nainštalova.</p>
+<p>Pri odstraňovaní jednotlivých balíkov bude zobrazený len zoznam nainštalovaných balíkov.</p>
+<p>Uvedomte si, prosím, že pred spustením obidvoch činností "Pridaj balíky" aj "Odstráň balíky" sa najprv zobrazia zoznamy kolekcií.</p>
+<p><b>2.</b> Zvožte balík kliknutím na názov balíka. Označené balíky sú vysvietené. Kliknutím na tlačidlo "Informácia" v oddieli "Tlačidlá" sa v okne umiestnenom v oddieli "Informácia o zvolenej položke/Info on the selected item" zobrazí stručný popis zvolených balíkov. Na súčasné označenie viacerých balíkov podržte stlačený jeden z klávesov Ctrl alebo Shift, kým držíte stlačené žavé tlačidlo myši alebo posuňte ukazovatež myšky pri stlačenom žavom tlačidle.</p>
+<p><b>3.</b> Kliknite na tlačidlo "Nainštaluj" alebo "Odstráň" v oddieli "Tlačidlá" na vykonanie vhodnej činnosti.<p>
+<h3>"Správa inštalácie"</h3>
+<p>Funkcie dostupné v položke označenej "Správa inštalácie" sú užitočné na vykonanie potrebných činností, ak chcete prida podporu jazyka, ktorý nebol zvolený počas inštalácie alebo pridania/znovu vygenerovania formátu, ktorý nebol vyznačený počas inštalácie alebo bol pozmenený po inštalácii.<p>
+<p>Je možné vykona nasledujúce činnosti:<br>
+- Obnovenie databázy ls-R<br>
+- Vytvorenie formátov (všetkých alebo chýbajúcich/All or Missing)<br>
+- Editácia súboru language.dat<br>
+- Editácia súboru fmtutil.cnf<br>
+- Editácia súboru updmap.cfg</p>
+<p>Poznámka: tlačidlom "Zruš/Cancel" alebo "Hotovo/Done" môžete uzavrie okno Edit...; stlačenie "Hotovo" spustí obnovenie súborov formátov (alebo mapovacích (fontmap) súborov ak ste editovali súbor updmap.cfg) a následne sa obnovia súbory databázy ls-R.</p>
+<h3>"Odstráň inštaláciu TeX Live"</h3>
+<p>Položka označená "Odstráň inštaláciu TeX Live/Remove the TeX Live installation" otvorí okno, obsahujúce funkciu, ktorú nemá zmysel popisova a nevieme, ktoby ju mohol potrebova a načo slúži ... :-)<p>
+<p>V každom prípade, ak na svoje lokálne doplnky máte adresár texmf-local, odstraňovacia procedúra ho nevyčistí a nevymaže veci, ktoré sú v ňom. Inštalačný adresár setup-win32 obsahujúci program tlpmgui a príslušné súbory tiež nebude zmazaný. Na ich skutočné odtránenie musíte vykona istú ručnú očistu.<p>
+2005.10.02 GG, TLu<br>
+2005.10.06 20:00 StaW<br>
+2005.10.07 00:50 JBL<br>
+2005.10.09 12:30 JBL<br>
+2005.10.11 21:55 TLu<br>
+2005.10.27 01:40 StaW<br>
+2005.10.30 11:30 JBu (translation)<br>
+2005.10.31 11:45 TLu - html
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+<h2>I. Installation</h2>
+<p>Nachdem Sie die TeX Live CD in das CD-ROM Laufwerk eingelegt haben, sollte das Installationsprogramm tlpmgui automatisch starten. Falls dies nicht erfolgt, klicken Sie Start, dann Ausführen, dann geben Sie &lt;Laufwerk&gt;:\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe ein (oder, falls Sie von der TeX Collection DVD installieren, &lt;Laufwerk&gt;:\texlive\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe), wobei &lt;Laufwerk&gt; der Laufwerksbuchstabe der TeX Live CD oder TeX Collection DVD ist. Anschließend klicken Sie OK.</p>
+<p>Das Installationsfenster "TeX Live Installations- und Wartungsprogramm" sollte sich nun öffnen. Es ist in die folgenden Bereiche aufgeteilt: "Anpassung", "Installieren", "Schema auswählen", "System auswählen", "Verzeichnisse", und "Optionen".</p>
+<p>Im Bereich "Verzeichnisse" sollte nun das Installations-Quelllaufwerk beim "CD/DVD" Knopf angezeigt werden (z. B. "F:/", oder "F:/texlive/" für the DVD). Falls dies nicht so ist, klicken Sie auf den "CD/DVD" Knopf und wählen das CD/DVD Laufwerk mit der TeX Live CD oder TeX Collection DVD aus.</p>
+<p>Das Ziellaufwerk, in dem Sie die Programme installieren möchten, können Sie durch Anklicken des "TLroot" Knopfes auswählen. Dieses Verzeichnis wird als TLroot Umgebungsvariable für weitere Verwendung gespeichert. Die TEXMFTEMP und TEXMFCNF Umgebungsvariablen, welche bei den "TEXMFTEMP" und "TEXMFCNF" Knöpfen gezeigt werden, werden bei der Installation automatisch angepaßt. Diese Anpassung können Sie aber auch manuell vornehmen.</p>
+<p>Im Bereich "Schema auswählen" können Sie das gewünschte TeX Live Installationsschema wählen, indem Sie den Radio-Knopf mit dem Namen des Installationsschemas (z. B. "scheme-gust") anklicken. Zu jedem Schema gibt es einen "Info" Knopf, der beim Anklicken eine Kurzbeschreibung des entsprechenden Schemas liefert.</p>
+<p>Durch Anklicken des "Auswählen" Knopfes beim Feld "Standard-Kollektionen" im Bereich "Anpassung" können Sie zusätzliche Kollektionen zur Installation auswählen, wie z. B. Dokumentation in verschiedenen Sprachen, Metapost, oder Omega.</p>
+<p> Die "Ghostscript", "Perl", und "Wintools" Kollektionen sind standardmäßig ausgewählt und sollten immer mitinstalliert werden, sofern sie es nicht bereits sind. Diese Installationen sollten Sie nur ändern, wenn Sie genau wissen, was Sie tun. Der Grund hierfür ist, daß diese Pakete von vielen wichtigen Programmen benötigt werden. Weiterhin werden hier die Umgebungsvariablen PERL5LIB and GS_LIB gesetzt.</p>
+<p>Als weiteren Schritt können Sie nach Anklicken des "Auswählen" Knopfes beim Feld "Sprach-Kollektionen" die gewünschte Sprache für die Installation durch Anklicken des Knopfes neben der Sprache auswählen.</p>
+<p>Durch Anklicken des "Installieren" Knopfes können Sie dann den eigentlichen Installationsvorgang starten. Bitte warten Sie, bis die Meldung zum erfolgreichen Abschluß der Installation erscheint.</p>
+<p>Die Kurzanwahl für das Programm tlpmgui wird automatisch dem Start->Programme->TeXLive2005 Menü hinzugefügt.</p>
+<p>Falls erforderlich, werden Sie zum Schluß gebeten, Ihren Rechner neu zu starten.</p>
+<h2>II. "Von DVD ausführen"</h2>
+<p>Ein zusätzliches Feld "Von DVD ausführen" erscheint, falls das Programm tlpmgui von der TeX Live DVD aus gestartet wird. Sie können jetzt das System für "Live" Betrieb konfigurieren, so daß es direkt von der DVD aus lauffähig ist.</p>
+<p>Durch Anklicken des "Einstellung" Knopfes setzt tlpmgui die Umgebungsvariablen und erzeugt alle Formate auf der lokalen Festplatte. TeX Live ist nun fertig zum Betrieb --- sofern sich auch die DVD im Laufwerk befindet.</p>
+<h2>III. Wartung der Installation</h2>
+<p>Sobald Sie TeX Live installiert haben, können Sie das tlpmgui Programm zusammen mit der TeX Live CD oder TeX Collection DVD benutzen, um Ihre Installation abzuändern oder zu warten.</p>
+<p>Das Programm tlpmgui können Sie am einfachsten über die Kurzanwahl Start->Programme->TeXLive2005 starten, worauf das Wartungsfenster mit dem Titel "TeX Live Installations- und Wartungsprogramm" erscheint. Es enthält die Felder "Pakete hinzufügen", "Pakete entfernen", "Installation bearbeiten", und "Installation entfernen".</p>
+<h3>"Pakete hinzufügen" oder "Pakete entfernen"</h3>
+<p> Klicken Sie auf das Feld "Pakete hinzufügen" oder "Pakete entfernen" zur Auswahl der gewünschten Funktion, und dann:
+<p><b>1.</b> Klicken Sie auf den "Suchen" Knopf im "Funktion" Bereich, um die Liste der zu erneuernden oder zu entfernenden Pakete im "Auswahl der ... Pakete" Feld anzuzeigen oder aufzufrischen. Beim Hinzufügen von Paketen wird die Liste der installierten Pakete mit der Liste der auf der CD/DVD verfügbaren Pakete verglichen. Es werden nur Pakete angezeigt, die nicht bereits installiert sind. Treffen Sie jetzt Ihre Wahl, welche Pakete Sie installieren möchten.</p>
+<p>Beim Entfernen einzelner Pakete wird nur die Liste der installierten Pakete angezeigt.</p>
+<p>Sowohl für "Pakete hinzufügen" also auch "Pakete entfernen" werden zuerst die Kollektionen gelistet.</p>
+<p><b>3.</b> Wählen Sie ein Paket aus durch Anklicken seines Namens. Die Namen der ausgewählten Pakete sind hervorgehoben. Durch Anklicken des "Info" Knopfes im "Funktion" Bereich erscheint eine kurze Beschreibung des ausgewählten Pakets im Fenster "Info zu ausgewählten Paketen". Um mehrere Pakete auf einmal auszuwählen, halten Sie die Strg oder Shift-Taste gedrückt, während Sie die linke Maustaste auf dem betreffenden Paketnamen klicken, oder Sie ziehen den Mauszeiger über die zu selektierenden Paketnamen, wobei Sie die linke Maustaste gedrückt halten.</p>
+<p><b>2.</b> Klicken Sie auf den "Installieren" oder "Entfernen" Knopf, um die entsprechende Aktion durchzuführen.</p>
+<h3>"Installation bearbeiten"</h3>
+<p>Die im Feld "Installation bearbeiten" verfügbaren Funktionen helfen Ihnen, falls Sie eine Sprache hinzufügen wollen, die während der Installation nicht selektiert war, falls Sie ein Format hinzufügen oder regenerieren wollen, das ebenfalls während der Installation nicht angewählt war oder zwischenzeitlich verändert wurde, oder falls Sie das Font Mapping ändern wollen.</p>
+<p>Hier können Sie die folgenden Funktionen wählen:<p>
+- Auffrischen der ls-R Datenbasis<br>
+- Formate erzeugen -- alle, oder nur fehlende<br>
+- Editiere language.dat (Sprachen)<br>
+- Editiere fmtutil.cnf (Formate)<br>
+- Editiere updmap.cfg (Font Mapping)<br>
+<p>Sie können das "Editiere..." Fenster durch Anklicken des "Abbrechen" oder "Fertig" Knopfes schließen; letzteres startet das automatische Erzeugen der Format-Dateien (bzw. Font Mapping Dateien, falls Sie die Funktion "Editiere updmap.cfg" gewählt hatten), gefolgt vom Auffrischen der ls-R Datenbasis.</p>
+<h3>"Entfernen der TeX Live Installation"</h3>
+<p>Durch Anklicken des Knopfes "Entfernen der TeX Live Installation" öffnet sich ein spezielles Fenster, das auch hierfür die erforderliche Funktion enthält -- die zu beschreiben an dieser Stelle müßig ist, denn: wer wollte das schon tun? :-)</p>
+<p>Wie dem auch sei, ein spezielles texmf-local Verzeichnis mit Ihren eigenen Hinzufügungen wird von der Prozedur zum Entfernen nicht beeinträchtigt. Auch das setup-win32 Verzeichnis, welches tlpmgui und seine Hilfsdateien enthält, wird nicht gelöscht.</p>
+$Id: helpde.html,v 1.2 2005/11/01 09:19:11 hahe Exp hahe $<br>
+2005.10.06 20:00 StaW<br>
+2005.10.07 00:50 JBL<br>
+2005.10.27 01:39 StaW<br>
+2005.10.29 19:55 TLu - html<br>
+2005.11.01 0:35 HaHe
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+<h2>I. The TeX Live installation process</h2>
+<p>After inserting the TeX Live CD into the CD-ROM drive, autostart should activate tlpmgui. If it does not, click Start, then Run, then type &lt;drive letter&gt;:\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe, (or &lt;drive letter&gt;:\texlive\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe if you are installing from the TeX Collection DVD) where &lt;drive letter&gt; is the drive letter with the TeX Live CD (or TeX Collection DVD), and then click OK.</p>
+<p>The installation window titled "TeX Live installation and maintenance utility" should open. It contains the following sections: "Main customization", "Install", "Select a scheme", "Select systems", "Directories" and "Options".</p>
+<p>In the "Directories" section the installation drive (directory) next to the "CD/DVD" button should be displayed (e.g., "F:/", or "F:/texlive/" for the DVD), but if it is not, then click the "CD/DVD" button and select the CD/DVD drive, with the TeX Live CD (or TeX Collection DVD).</p>
+<p>The directory in which you wish to install the software can be set by clicking the "TLroot" button. This directory will be set as TLroot environment variable for later usage. The TEXMFTEMP and TEXMFCNF environment variables as displayed next to the "TEXMFTEMP" and "TEXMFCNF" buttons will be adjusted automatically and set during installation, but they can also be adjusted manually now to suit special needs.</p>
+<p>In the "Select a scheme" section the desired Tex Live installation scheme should be chosen by clicking the radio button labelled with the installation scheme name (e.g., "scheme-gust"). Each scheme is accompanied by an "Info" button which, when clicked, diplays a short description of the relevant scheme.</p>
+<p>A scheme is a large set of files targeted at some kind of usage. There are generic schemes for basic, medium and full installations. The remaining ones are either targeted at certain LUGs (i.e., what GUST or GUTenberg propose for their members) or application targeted (e.g., for XML and TeX cooperation). A preselected scheme can be refined. This is done in the "Main customization" section by choosing additional collections from "Standard collections" or "Language collections". For example, by clicking the "Select" button labelled "Standard collections" or "Language collections" in the "Main customization" section, additional collections like documentation in different languages, Metapost or Omega can be selected.</p>
+<p>The "Ghostscript", "Perl" and "Wintools" collections are selected by default and should be installed unless they are already installed and you really know what you are doing. This is because they are required by many important tools. The PERL5LIB and GS_LIB environment variables will also be set</p>.
+<p>Next, clicking the "Select" button labelled "Language Collections" in the "Main customization" section opens the "Language collections" window in which the installation language can be chosen by ticking the box next to the language.</p>
+<p>Next, click the "Install" button in the "Install" section to start the installation proper process. Wait until you see a statement about the successfully finished installation.</p>
+<p>The shortcut for tlpmgui will be added to the Start->Programs->TeXLive2005 menu.</p>
+<p>If it is needed (Win9x/WinME), you will be asked to reboot your computer.</p>
+<h3>II. "Run from DVD"</h3>
+An additional tab "Run from DVD" shows if tlpmgui is run from the TeX Live DVD.
+Here one may prepare the system for running live i.e., directly from the DVD.
+Clicking the "Setup" buttom tells tlpmgui to set environment variables and
+create formats on the local hard disk. Since now TeX Live is ready to use -- the
+only thing to remember is to insert the DVD into the DVD drive.
+<h2>III. Maintenance of the TeX Live installation</h2>
+<p>If you have TeX Live installed, you can use tlpmgui along with the TeX Live CD/TeX Collection DVD for modifying and maitaining your installation.</p>
+<p>As the tlpmgui shortcut is available in the Start->Programs->TeXLive2005 menu, start it from here. The maintenance window titled "TeX Live installation and maintenance utility" shows. It contains several tabs: "Add Packages", "Remove packages", "Manage installation", "Remove installation".</p>
+<h3>"Add packages" or "Remove packages"</h3>
+<p>Click the tab labelled "Add packages" or "Remove packages" to enter the relevant functionality and then:</p>
+<p><b>1.</b> Click the "Search" button in the "Buttons" section to display or refresh in the "Select packages to..." section the list of packages to install or remove.</p>
+<p>When adding packages, the list of installed packages is compared to the list of packages available from your CD/DVD. Only packages not already installed are displayed. It is up to you to select which packages you want to install.</p>
+<p>When removing individual packages, only the list of installed packages will be displayed.</p>
+<p>Please note that for both "Add packages" and "Remove packages" actions the collections are listed first.</p>
+<p><b>2.</b> Select a package by clicking the name of the package. Selected packages are highlighted. Clicking the "Info" button in the "Buttons" section displays a short description of the selected package in the window located in the "Info on the selected item" section. To select several packages at once hold down one of the Ctrl or Shift keys at your keyboard while holding down the left mouse button or drag the mouse pointer while holding down the left mouse button.</p>
+<p><b>3.</b> Click the "Install" or "Remove" button in the "Buttons" section to perform the appropriate action.</p>
+<h3>"Manage the installation"</h3>
+<p>The functions available in the tab labelled "Manage the installation" are helpfull in performing actions needed when you want to add a language which was not selected during the instalation or add/regenerate a format, which was not selected during the instalation or has been modified.</p>
+<h3>"Remove the TeX Live installation"</h3>
+<p>The tab labelled "Remove the TeX Live installation" opens a window which contains functionality not worth describing and we do not know who would need it and what it is for... :-)</p>
+<p>Anyway, if you have the texmf-local directory for your local additions, the removal procedure will not wipe it out or delete things in it. The setup-win32 directory containing tlpmgui and related files will not be deleted. You will have to do some manual cleanup to actually remove them.<p>
+2005.10.02 GG, TLu<br>
+2005.10.06 20:00 StaW<br>
+2005.10.07 00:50 JBL<br>
+2005.10.09 12:30 JBL<br>
+2005.10.11 21:55 TLu<br>
+2005.10.29 19:40 TLu - html
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+<h2>I. Instalacja</h2>
+<p>Po włożeniu płyty do napędu CD-ROM, autostart powinien uruchomić program tlpmgui. Jeœli to nie nastšpi, kliknij menu Start, wybierz polecenie Uruchom, wybierz &lt;litera CD-ROM&gt;:\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe (lub &lt;litera DVD&gt;:\texlive\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe jeœli instalujesz z płyty TeX Collection DVD), a następnie kliknij OK.</p>
+<p>Ukaże się okno instalatora zatytułowane "Program instalacji i konfiguracji TeX Live". Zawiera ono następujšce sekcje: "Modyfikacja schematów", "Instalacja", "Wybierz schemat", "Wybierz system", "Katalogi" i "Opcje".</p>
+<p>W sekcji "Katalogi", obok przycisku "CD/DVD" powinien być wyœwietlony dysk instalacyjny, np. "F:/" (lub "F:/texlive/" dla DVD). Jeœli tak nie jest, naciœnij przycisk "CD/DVD" i wybierz napęd CD z TeX Live CD (lub katalog "texlive" na TeX Collection DVD).</p>
+<p>Za pomocš przycisku "TLroot" możesz wybrać katalog, w którym chcesz zainstalować TeX Live. Wybrany katalog zostanie wpisany do zmiennej œrodowiskowej TLroot do póŸniejszego użycia. Przyciski "TEXMFTEMP" i "TEXMFCNF" wskazujš relatywne do TLRoot katalogi (pod koniec instalacji zostanš przypisane zmiennym œrodowiskowym TEXMFTEMP i TEXMFCNF). Katalogi te sš automatycznie aktualizowane przy zmianie TLroot.</p>
+<p>W sekcji "Wybierz schemat" należy wybrać odpowiedni schemat instalacyjny TeX Live przez naciœnięcie jednego z dostępnych przycisków radiowych (np. "scheme-gust"). Przy każdym schemacie znajduje się przycisk "Informacje", po naciœnięciu którego wyœwietlana jest lista kolekcji zawarta w wybranym schemacie.</p>
+<p>Schematy to obszerne zestawy pakietów przeznaczone do wstępnego wyboru instalowanych komponentów. Mamy do wyboru schematy dla podstawowej, przeciętnej i pełnej instalacji, pozostałe przygotowano z myœlš o wybranych grupach użytkowników (np. GUST i GUTenberg przygotowały schematy dla swoich członków) lub zastosowaniach (np. XML lub Omega). Wstępnie wybrane schematy można modyfikować. Dodatkowe kolekcje można wybrać w sekcji "Modyfikacja schematów". Na przykład po naciœnięciu przycisku "Wybierz" obok "Kolekcji standardowych" można wybrać dodatkowe kolekcje, takie jak Metapost, Omega lub dokumentacje w różnych językach. Wybór zaznaczamy haczykiem.</p>
+<h4>Uwaga: </h4>
+<p>Kolekcje "Ghostscript", "Perl" i "Wintools" sš zaznaczone domyœlnie i powinny zastać zainstalowane, ponieważ sš wymagane przez wiele programów. Można z nich zrezygnować, gdy masz je już zainstalowane i wiesz, co robisz.</p>
+<p>Ustawiane sš także zmienne œrodowiskowe PERL5LIB i GS_LIB.</p>
+<p>W sekcji "Modyfikacja schematów", po przyciœnięciu przycisku "Wybierz" przy "Kolekcjach języków", otwiera się okno, w którym można wybrać do zainstalowania dodatkowe kolekcje językowe. Wybór zaznaczamy haczykiem.</p>
+<p>Właœciwa instalacja rozpoczyna się po naciœnięciu przycisku "Instalacja".<br>
+Zaczekaj cierpliwie aż do pojawienia się komunikatu o pomyœlnym zakończeniu instalacji.</p>
+<p>Do menu Start->Programs->TeXLive2005 dodawany jest skrót do tlpmgui.</p>
+<p>Jeœli to będzie konieczne (Win9x/WinME), będziesz poproszony o ponowne uruchomienie komputera.</p>
+<h2>II. Uruchomienie z DVD</h2>
+<p>Przy uruchomieniu z DVD mamy dodatkowš zakładkę "Uruchom z DVD". Pozwala ona przygotować TeX Live do pracy wprost z dysku DVD bez instalacji. Po naciœnięciu przycisku "Ustaw" dodawane sš zmienne œrodowiskowe i generowane sš formaty na dysku lokalnym.</p>
+<p>Od tej chwili można korzystać z TeX Live, pamiętajšc tylko o włożeniu płyty do napędu DVD.</p>
+<h2>III. Administracja i zarzšdzanie instalacjš TeX Live</h2>
+<p>Po zainstalowaniu TeX Live możesz użyć tlpmgui razem z TeX Live CD (lub TeX Collection DVD) do zmian i administracji Twojej instalacji.</p>
+<p>Skrót do tlpmgui dostępny jest w menu Start->Programy->TeXLive2005. Okno programu zawiera tym razem następujšce zakładki: "Dodawanie pakietów", "Usuwanie pakietów", "Zarzšdzanie instalacjš" i "Odinstalowanie".</p>
+<h3>"Dodawanie pakietów" lub "Usuwanie pakietów"</h3>
+<p>Zakładki "Dodawanie pakietów" lub "Usuwanie pakietów" posiadajš następujšcš funkcjonalnoœć:</p>
+<p><b>1.</b> W sekcji "Przyciski" naciœnięcie przycisku "Szukaj" wypełnia/odœwieża zawartoœć sekcji "Wybierz pakiety do..." czyli kolekcje i pakiety do instalacji lub usunięcia.</p>
+<p>Podczas dodawania, porównywana jest lista wszystkich pakietów z CD-ROM (lub DVD) z listš uprzednio zainstalowanych. Wyœwietlane sš tylko niezainstalowane pakiety.<p>
+<p>Przy usuwaniu wyœwietlane sš tylko już zainstalowane pakiety.</p>
+<p>Proszę zwrócić uwagę, że w obu zakładkach listowane sš najpierw kolekcje, a następnie pojedyncze pakiety.</p>
+<p><b>2.</b> Wybierz pakiet przez kliknięcie na jego nazwie. Wybrany pakiet jest podœwietlony. Po naciœnięciu przycisku "Informacje" wyœwietlany jest po prawej krótki opis. Dla wielokrotnego wyboru zaznaczaj kolejne elementy na liœcie, klikajšc na nie przy uprzednio przyciœniętym klawiszu Ctrl lub Shift. Można zaznaczać również przyciskajšc lewy klawisz myszy i przecišgajšc mysz w dół albo w górę.</p>
+<p><b>3.</b> Naciœnij przycisk "Instaluj" lub "Usuń" w sekcji "Przyciski" by wykonać odpowiednie polecenie.</p>
+<h3>"Zarzšdzanie instalacjš"</h3>
+<p>Polecenia dostępne w zakładce "Zarzšdzanie instalacjš" sš pomocne przy wykonywaniu czynnoœci po dodaniu pakietów językowych, fontów czy formatów, a także przy odœwieżaniu bazy danych instalacji, czy ręcznym dodaniu pakietów (bez pomocy tlpmgui).</p>
+<p>Zakładka "Odinstalowanie" udostępnia polecenie, którego działanie nie jest warte opisu i nie wiadomo komu jest ono potrzebne :-)</p>
+</p>Katalogi texmf-local (zawierajšcy prywatne fonty, makra itp.) oraz setup-win32 (zawierajšcy tlpmgui i zwišzane z nim pliki) nie sš usuwane podczas odinstalowania. Katalogi te należy usunšć samodzielnie.</p>
+2005.10.08 02:15 TLu, GG, SW<br>
+2005.10.09 16:05 TLu wg en<br>
+2005.10.11 01:08 SW<br>
+2005.10.11 21:55 TLu<br>
+2005.10.29 19:30 TLu - html<br>
+2005.10.31 21:53 TLu
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+<h2>I. Inštalácia TeX Live</h2>
+<p>Po vložení CD TeX Live CD do mechaniky CD-ROM, by mal autoštart aktivova program tlpmgui. Ak tomu tak nie je, kliknite na Štart, potom Spusti, potom napíšte &lt;písmeno mechaniky&gt;:\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe, (alebo &lt;písmeno mechaniky&gt;:\texlive\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe ak inštalujete TeX z DVD TeX Collection), kde &lt;písmeno mechaniky&gt; je označenie mechaniky s CD TeX Live (alebo s DVD TeX Collection), potom kliknite OK.</p>
+<p>Má sa otvori inštalačné okno nazvané "Inštalácia TeX Live a podporné nástroje/TeX Live installation and maintenance utility". Obsahuje nasledujúce oddiely: "Hlavné nastavenia/Main customization", "Inštalácia/Install", "Zvožte schému/Select a scheme", "Zvožte systém/Select systems", "Adresáre/Directories" a "Vožby/Options".</p>
+<p>V oddieli "Adresáre" sa za tlačidlom "CD/DVD" má zobrazi inštalačná mechanika (adresár) (napr., "F:/" alebo "F:/texlive/" pre DVD), ak tomu tak nie je, tak kliknite na tlačidlo "CD/DVD" a zvožte CD/DVD mechaniku, v ktorej sa nachádza CD TeX Live (alebo DVD TeX Collection).</p>
+<p>Adresár, do ktorého chcete nainštalova softvér, sa dá nastavi kliknutím na tlačidlo "TLroot". Tento adresár bude na ďalšie použitie nastavený ako premenná prostredia TLroot. Premenné prostredia TEXMFTEMP a TEXMFCNF, ktoré sa zobrazujú hneď za tlačidlami "TEXMFTEMP" a "TEXMFCNF", budú automaticky nastavené počas insštalácie, ale teraz môžu by ručne prispôsobené kvôli zvláštnym potrebám.</p>
+<p>V oddieli "Zvožte schému" je potrebné kliknutím na prepínač označený názvom inštalačnej schémy (napr. "scheme-gust") zvoli požadovanú inštalačnú schému Tex Live. Ku každej schéme je priradené tlačidlo "Informácia", zobrazujúce po kliknutí stručný popis odpovedajúcej schémy.</p>
+<p>Schéma je rozsiahly komplex súborov určených na rôzne druhy použitia. K dispozícii sú všeobecné schémy pre základnú/basic, strednú/medium a úplnú/full inštaláciu. Ostatné schémy sú buď určené pre jednotlivé združenia používatežov (napr., čo ponúkajú GUST alebo GUTenberg svojim členom) alebo sú aplikačne zamerané (napr. na spoluprácu XML a TeXu). Predvolené schémy môžu by doplnené. To sa vykoná v oddieli "Hlavné nastavenia" vožbou doplnkových zbierok z ponúk "Štandardný výber/Standard collections" alebo "Výber jazykov/Language collections". Napríklad, kliknutím na tlačidlo "Zvož/Select" označené "Štandardný výber" alebo "Výber jazykov" v oddieli "Hlavné nastavenia" je možné vyznači doplnkové zbierky, ako napríklad dokumentáciu v rôznych jazykoch, Metapost alebo systém Omega.</p>
+<p>Kolekcie "Ghostscript", "Perl" a "Wintools" sú implicitne zvolené a musia by nainštalované, ak ich ešte nainštalované nemáte a ste si určite vedomý(á) toho, čo robíte. Je to preto, lebo tieto programy sú požadované mnohými dôložitými nástrojmi. Budú tiež nastavené premenné protredia PERL5LIB a GS_LIB.</p>
+<p>Ďalej sa kliknutím na tlačidlo "Zvož" označené "Výber jazykov" v oddieli "Hlavné nastavenia" otvorí okno "Výber jazykov", v ktorom môžete zvoli jazyk inštalácie označením okienka za jazykom.</p>
+<p>Ďalej spustíte odpovedajúci proces inštalácie kliknutím na tlačidlo "Nainštaluj" v oddieli "Nainštaluj". Počkajte, až kým neuvidíte oznámenie o úspešnom ukončení inštalácie.</p>
+<p>Odkaz na program tlpmgui bude pridaný do menu Štart->Programy->TeXLive2005.</p>
+<p>Ak je to potrebné (Win9x/WinME), budete požiadaný(á) reštartova počítač.</p>
+<h2>III. Údržba inštalácie TeX Live</h2>
+<p>Ak už máte nainštalovaný TeX Live, môžete program tlpmgui použi spolu s CD TeX Live CD/DVD TeX Collection na modifikáciu a údržbu Vašej inštalácie.</p>
+<p>Keďže je odkaz na tlpmgui umiestnený v menu Štart->Progray->TeXLive2005, spuste ho odtiažto. Ukáže sa okno údržby s názvom "Inštalácia TeX Live a podporné nástroje". Obsahuje rôzne položky: "Pridaj balíky/Add Packages", "Odstráň balíky/Remove packages", "Správa inštalácie/Manage installation", "Odstráň inštaláciu/Remove installation".</p>
+<h3>"Pridaj balíky" alebo "Odstráň balíky"</h3>
+<p>Kliknutím na položku označenú "Pridaj balíky" alebo "Odstráň balíky" zvožte odpovedajúcu funkciu a potom:<p>
+<p><b>1.</b>Kliknite na tlačidlo "Hžadaj/Search" v oddieli "Tlačidlá/Buttons". Zobrazí alebo sa obnoví oddiel "Zvožte balíky, ktoré treba .../Select packages to..." so zoznamom balíkov, ktoré sa majú inštalova alebo odstráni. Po pridaní balíkov sa porovná zoznam nainštalovaných balíkov so zoznamom ponúkaným na Vašom CD/DVD. Zobrazia sa len balíky, ktoré ešte nie sú nainštalované. Je na Vás zvoli si balíky, ktoré požadujete nainštalova.</p>
+<p>Pri odstraňovaní jednotlivých balíkov bude zobrazený len zoznam nainštalovaných balíkov.</p>
+<p>Uvedomte si, prosím, že pred spustením obidvoch činností "Pridaj balíky" aj "Odstráň balíky" sa najprv zobrazia zoznamy kolekcií.</p>
+<p><b>2.</b> Zvožte balík kliknutím na názov balíka. Označené balíky sú vysvietené. Kliknutím na tlačidlo "Informácia" v oddieli "Tlačidlá" sa v okne umiestnenom v oddieli "Informácia o zvolenej položke/Info on the selected item" zobrazí stručný popis zvolených balíkov. Na súčasné označenie viacerých balíkov podržte stlačený jeden z klávesov Ctrl alebo Shift, kým držíte stlačené žavé tlačidlo myši alebo posuňte ukazovatež myšky pri stlačenom žavom tlačidle.</p>
+<p><b>3.</b> Kliknite na tlačidlo "Nainštaluj" alebo "Odstráň" v oddieli "Tlačidlá" na vykonanie vhodnej činnosti.<p>
+<h3>"Správa inštalácie"</h3>
+<p>Funkcie dostupné v položke označenej "Správa inštalácie" sú užitočné na vykonanie potrebných činností, ak chcete prida podporu jazyka, ktorý nebol zvolený počas inštalácie alebo pridania/znovu vygenerovania formátu, ktorý nebol vyznačený počas inštalácie alebo bol pozmenený po inštalácii.<p>
+<p>Je možné vykona nasledujúce činnosti:<br>
+- Obnovenie databázy ls-R<br>
+- Vytvorenie formátov (všetkých alebo chýbajúcich/All or Missing)<br>
+- Editácia súboru language.dat<br>
+- Editácia súboru fmtutil.cnf<br>
+- Editácia súboru updmap.cfg</p>
+<p>Poznámka: tlačidlom "Zruš/Cancel" alebo "Hotovo/Done" môžete uzavrie okno Edit...; stlačenie "Hotovo" spustí obnovenie súborov formátov (alebo mapovacích (fontmap) súborov ak ste editovali súbor updmap.cfg) a následne sa obnovia súbory databázy ls-R.</p>
+<h3>"Odstráň inštaláciu TeX Live"</h3>
+<p>Položka označená "Odstráň inštaláciu TeX Live/Remove the TeX Live installation" otvorí okno, obsahujúce funkciu, ktorú nemá zmysel popisova a nevieme, ktoby ju mohol potrebova a načo slúži ... :-)<p>
+<p>V každom prípade, ak na svoje lokálne doplnky máte adresár texmf-local, odstraňovacia procedúra ho nevyčistí a nevymaže veci, ktoré sú v ňom. Inštalačný adresár setup-win32 obsahujúci program tlpmgui a príslušné súbory tiež nebude zmazaný. Na ich skutočné odtránenie musíte vykona istú ručnú očistu.<p>
+2005.10.02 GG, TLu<br>
+2005.10.06 20:00 StaW<br>
+2005.10.07 00:50 JBL<br>
+2005.10.09 12:30 JBL<br>
+2005.10.11 21:55 TLu<br>
+2005.10.27 01:40 StaW<br>
+2005.10.30 11:30 JBu (translation)<br>
+2005.10.31 11:45 TLu - html
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+# SK translation of
+# by Jan Busa; utf8 encoding (hopefully)
+#-- new since 0.56
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Run from DVD"\
+"Run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Set environment"\
+"Set environment"
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:5
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Contents of %s"\
+"Obsah %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Contents file: %s"\
+"SĂşbor obsahu: %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:27
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: window title
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:13
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"\
+"InĹĄtalĂĄcia TeX Live a podpornĂŠ nĂĄstroje, %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:82
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Remove packages"\
+"Odstråň balíky"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Manage the installation"\
+"SprĂĄva inĹĄtalĂĄcie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:51
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Remove the installation"\
+"Odstråň inťtalåciu"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:72
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:9
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"\
+"InĹĄtalĂĄcia vydania TeX Live 2005"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Main customization"\
+"HlavnĂŠ nastavenia"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:19
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Standard collections"\
+"Štandardný výber"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:20
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:22
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Language collections"\
+"Výbery jazykov"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:29
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:33
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:120
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Select a scheme"\
+"ZvoÄžte schĂŠmu"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:58
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Select a system"\
+"ZvoÄžte systĂŠm"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:91
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:130
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"\
+"alternatĂ­vny adresĂĄr pre vygenerovanĂŠ fonty"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"\
+"vytvor symbolickÊ odkazy v ťtandardných adresåroch"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+"neinĹĄtaluj strom makro/font doc"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:133
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"\
+"neinťtaluj strom zdrojových súborov makier/fontov"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:12
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:12
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"\
+"Použite Ctrl alebo Shift alebo potiahnite na označenie viacerých"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Select packages to install"\
+"ZvoÄžte balĂ­ky, ktorĂŠ treba inĹĄtalovaĹĽ"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:35
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:35
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gluelanguage.tcl:24
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:37
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:115
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:64
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:107
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:126
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:131
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:185
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Add packages"\
+"Pridaj balĂ­ky"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package" \
+"BalĂ­ky boli ĂşspeĹĄne nainĹĄtalovanĂŠ.\nAk ste pridali formĂĄt alebo balĂ­k fontov, zvoÄžte, prosĂ­m, \"SprĂĄva inĹĄtalĂĄcie\" a upravte sĂşbory fmtutil.cfg alebo updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:179
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:125
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:213
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:144
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Info about the selected item"\
+"InformĂĄcia o zvolenej poloĹžke"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:219
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."\
+"\nPozor. Skontrolujte, prosím, či je správne zvolená\n mechanika CD s CD TeX Live.\n\n\nNajprv vyplňte zoznam tlačidlom \"Hľadaj\", potom zvoľte položku a kliknite na tlačidlo \"Nainštaluj\" alebo \"Informácia\" button."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:19
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Select the packages to remove"\
+"ZvoÄžte balĂ­ky na odstrĂĄnenie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:42
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:39
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:119
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Packages removed successfully"\
+"BalĂ­ky boli ĂşspeĹĄne odstrĂĄnenĂŠ"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:150
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"\
+"\nPozor: na informáciu o balíkoch, musí byť v tabuľke \"Pridaj balíky\" zvolená mechanika CD s CD TeX Live.\n\nNajprv vyplňte zoznam tlačidlom \"Hľadaj\", potom zvoľte položku a kliknite na tlačidlo \"Odstráň\""
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"\
+"Úprava existujúcej inštalácie TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:20
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"\
+"Obnov databĂĄzu ls-R"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:22
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:49
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:44
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:28
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:74
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:18
+# guinb5.tcl
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:68
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:80
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:111
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:72
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:31
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:52
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:56
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:77
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:90
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:112
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:116
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:141
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:145
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:103
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Edit language.dat"\
+"Uprav language.dat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Create formats"\
+"Vytvor formĂĄty"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:81
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:100
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"\
+"Uprav fmtutil.cnf"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:129
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"\
+"Uprav updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"\
+"Odstråň inťtalåciu TeX Live"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"\
+"Cesta k adresĂĄru TL: %s"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:76
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:25
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Confirm removal"\
+"Potvrďte odstránenie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."\
+"Čakajte, prosím. Prebieha odstránenie inštalácie."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live bol úspešne odstránený z Vášho systému.\n\nNa ukončenie stlačte \"OK\"."
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."\
+"NemĂ´Ĺžem nĂĄjsĹĽ adresĂĄr TeX Live.\nNenĂĄjdenĂĄ premennĂĄ prostredia TLroot."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:28
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Scheme info"\
+"InformĂĄcia o schĂŠme"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:69
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Installation of TeX Live"\
+"InĹĄtalĂĄcia TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."\
+"Prebieha inštalácia. Čakajte, prosím."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:86
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD/DVD button for select correct path."\
+"Nesprávna cesta k adresáru TeX Live. Skúste znova.\nNa voľbu správnej cesty stlačte tlačidlo CD-ROM."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:92
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"\
+"TeX Live je nainĹĄtalovanĂ˝ v %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:94
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nTeraz musĂ­te reĹĄtartovaĹĽ VĂĄĹĄ systĂŠm.\nPo reĹĄtarte mĂ´Ĺžete spustiĹĽ tlpmgui na pridanie/odstrĂĄnenie balĂ­kov a na vykonanie ĂşdrĹžby."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:96
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nPo reĹĄtarte programu tlpmgui mĂ´Ĺžete pridaĹĽ/odobraĹĽ balĂ­ky a vykonaĹĽ ĂşdrĹžbu."
+########### Lost and found #####
+# guinb1.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"tlpm.exe not found"\
+"tlpm.exe sa nenaĹĄiel"
+# guinb2.tcl
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Empty selection!" \
+"NezadanĂĄ voÄžba!"
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Určite chcete odstrániť zvolené balíky?\n\n%s"
+# guinb2.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Určite chcete nainštalovať zvolené balíky?\n\n%s"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"\
+"%s\n\nProtokol zapísaný do súboru %s\nChcete si prečítať log-súbor?"
+# guinb5.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"\
+"Určite chcete odstrániť Vašu inštaláciu TeX Live?"
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+# winpostinstall.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live bol úspešne nainštalovaný do Vášho systému.\n\nNa ukončenie stlačte \"OK\"."
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+# guinb4.tcl - #################
+#::msgcat::mcset cs\
+#"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed." \
+#"SĂşbor \"%s\" sa nenaĹĄiel.\nTeX Live nie je pravdepodobne sprĂĄvne nainĹĄtalovanĂ˝."
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"premennĂĄ TEXMFCNF sa nenaĹĄla.\nTeX Live nie je pravdepodobne sprĂĄvne nainĹĄtalovanĂ˝."
+# guinb4edit.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"\
+"SĂşbor \"%s\" bol ĂşspeĹĄne uloĹženĂ˝."
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset cs\
+"Please wait..."\
+"Čakajte, prosím ..."
+# 2005.10.29 21:50
+# 2005.10.31 11:05 TLu
+# 2005.10.31 21:55 TLu
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/msgs/de.msg b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/de.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04f0e59be6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/de.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+#-- new since 0.56
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"\
+"Installation fĂźr alle Benutzer\n(Administrator-Rechte erforderlich)"
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Run from DVD"\
+"Von DVD ausfĂźhren"
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"\
+"Umgebung fĂźr AusfĂźhren von DVD setzen"
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Set environment"\
+"Umgebung setzen"
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"\
+"TeX Live ist direkt von der DVD ausfĂźhrbar"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:5
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Contents of %s"\
+"Inhalt von %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Contents file: %s"\
+"Inhaltsdatei: %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:27
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: window title
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:13
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"\
+"TeX Live Installations- und Wartungsprogramm, %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:82
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Remove packages"\
+"Pakete entfernen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Manage the installation"\
+"Installation bearbeiten"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:51
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Remove the installation"\
+"Installation entfernen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:72
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:9
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"\
+"Installation der TeX Live 2005 Distribution"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Main customization"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:19
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Standard collections"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:20
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:22
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Language collections"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:29
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:33
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:120
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Select a scheme"\
+"Schema auswählen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:58
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Select a system"\
+"System auswählen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:91
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:130
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"\
+"erzeugte Fonts in Alternativ-Verzeichnis kopieren"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"\
+"symbolische Links in Standardverzeichnissen anlegen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+"den Makro/Font Dokumentationsbaum nicht installieren"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:133
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"\
+"den Makro/Font Quellbaum nicht installieren"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:12
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:12
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"\
+"Verwenden Sie Strg oder Shift oder klicken fĂźr Auswahl"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Select packages to install"\
+"Auswahl der zu installierenden Pakete"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:35
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:35
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gluelanguage.tcl:24
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:37
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:115
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:64
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:107
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:126
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:131
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:185
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Add packages"\
+"Pakete hinzufĂźgen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package" \
+"Pakete erfolgreich installiert.\nBitte wählen Sie \"Installation bearbeiten\" und editieren fmtutil.cfg oder updmap.cfg,
+falls Sie ein Format- oder Fontpaket hinzugefĂźgt haben."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:179
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:125
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:213
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:144
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Info about the selected item"\
+"Info zu ausgewählten Paketen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:219
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."\
+"\nAchtung. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob das CD-Laufwerk mit der TeX Live Distribution ordnungsgemäß ausgewählt wurde.\n\nFüllen Sie zunächst die Liste durch Klicken auf den \"Suchen\" Knopf, wählen Sie dann ein oder mehrere Pakete aus und klicken auf den \"Installieren\" Knopf.\n\nInformationen zu einzelnen Paketen erhalten Sie durch Klicken auf den \"Info\" Knopf."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:19
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Select the packages to remove"\
+"Auswahl der zu entfernenden Pakete"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:42
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:39
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:119
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Packages removed successfully"\
+"Pakete erfolgreich entfernt"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:150
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"\
+"\nAchtung: Fßr Informationen ßber die Pakete sollte ein CD Laufwerk mit der TeX Live CD im \"Pakete hinzufßgen\" Feld ausgewählt sein.\n\nFßllen Sie zunächst die Liste durch Klicken auf den \"Suchen\" Knopf, wählen Sie dann ein oder mehrere Pakete aus und klicken auf den \"Entfernen\" Knopf.\n\nInformationen zu einzelnen Paketen erhalten Sie durch Klicken auf den \"Info\" Knopf."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"\
+"Bearbeiten der bestehenden TeX Live Installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:20
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"\
+"Auffrischen der ls-R Datenbasis"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:22
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:49
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:44
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:28
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:74
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:18
+# guinb5.tcl
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:68
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:80
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:111
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:72
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:31
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:52
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:56
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:77
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:90
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:112
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:116
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:141
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:145
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:103
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Edit language.dat"\
+"Editiere language.dat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Create formats"\
+"Formate erzeugen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"alle Formate"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:81
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"fehlende Formate"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:100
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"\
+"Editiere fmtutil.cnf"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:129
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"\
+"Editiere updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"\
+"Entfernen der TeX Live Installation"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"\
+"Pfad zum TL Verzeichnis: %s"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:76
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:25
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Confirm removal"\
+"Entfernen bestätigen"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."\
+"Bitte warten. Entfernen der Installation in Arbeit."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live wurde erfolgreich von Ihrem System entfernt.\n\nDrĂźcken Sie \"OK\" zum Beenden."
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."\
+"Ich kann das TeX Live Verzeichnis nicht finden.\nUmgebungsvariable TLroot nicht gefunden."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:28
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Scheme info"\
+"Schema Info"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:69
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Installation of TeX Live"\
+"Installation von TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."\
+"Installation in Arbeit. Bitte warten."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:86
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD-ROM button to select the correct path."\
+"Falscher Pfad zum TeX Live Verzeichnis. Versuchen Sie es noch einmal.\nDrßcken Sie den CD-ROM Knopf um den korrekten Pfad auszuwählen."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:92
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"\
+"TeX Live installiert in %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:94
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nSie sollten Ihr System jetzt neu starten.\nNach dem Neustart kĂśnnen Sie tlpmgui ausfĂźhren, um Pakete hinzuzufĂźgen oder zu entfernen, und um Wartung durchzufĂźhren."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:96
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nNach Neustart von tlpmgui kĂśnnen Sie Pakete hinzufĂźgen oder entfernen, oder Wartung durchfĂźhren."
+########### Lost and found #####
+# guinb1.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"tlpm.exe not found"\
+"tlpm.exe nicht gefunden"
+# guinb2.tcl
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Empty selection!" \
+"Leere Auswahl!"
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Wollen Sie die ausgewählten Pakete wirklich entfernen?\n\n%s"
+# guinb2.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Wollen Sie die ausgewählten Pakete wirklich installieren?\n\n%s"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"\
+"%s\n\nProtokoll geschrieben in die Datei %s\nMĂśchten Sie die Protokolldatei lesen?"
+# guinb5.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"\
+"Wollen Sie die TeX Live Installation wirklich entfernen?"
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+# winpostinstall.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live wurde erfolgreich auf Ihrem System installiert.\n\nDrĂźcken Sie \"OK\" zum Beenden."
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"Datei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.\nWahrscheinlich wurde TeX Live nicht korrekt installiert."
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"Variable TEXMFCNF nicht gefunden.\nWahrscheinlich wurde TeX Live nicht korrekt installiert."
+# guinb4edit.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"\
+"Datei \"%s\" erfolgreich gesichert."
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset de\
+"Please wait..."\
+"Bitte warten..."
+# $Id: de.msg,v 1.15 2005/10/31 17:13:03 hahe Exp $
+# 2005.10.08 20:10
+# 2005.10.11 0:40 TLu - Please wait...
+# 2005.10.31 21:55 TLu
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/msgs/en.msg b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/en.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6d2ff8e79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/en.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+#-- new since 0.56
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Run from DVD"\
+"Run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Set environment"\
+"Set environment"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:5
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Contents of %s"\
+"Contents of %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Contents file: %s"\
+"Contents file: %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:27
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: window title
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:13
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:82
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Remove packages"\
+"Remove packages"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Manage the installation"\
+"Manage the installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:51
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Remove the installation"\
+"Remove the installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:72
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:9
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Main customization"\
+"Main customization"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:19
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Standard collections"\
+"Standard collections"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:20
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:22
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Language collections"\
+"Language collections"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:29
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:33
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:120
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select a scheme"\
+"Select a scheme"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:58
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select a system"\
+"Select a system"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:91
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:130
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:133
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:12
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:12
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select packages to install"\
+"Select packages to install"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:35
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:35
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gluelanguage.tcl:24
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:37
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:115
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:64
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:107
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:126
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:131
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:185
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Add packages"\
+"Add packages"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package" \
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:179
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:125
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:213
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:144
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Info about the selected item"\
+"Info about the selected item"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:219
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:19
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select the packages to remove"\
+"Select the packages to remove"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:42
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:39
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:119
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Packages removed successfully"\
+"Packages removed successfully"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:150
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:20
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:22
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:49
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:44
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:28
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:74
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:18
+# guinb5.tcl
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:68
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:80
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:111
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:72
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:31
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:52
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:56
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:77
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:90
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:112
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:116
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:141
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:145
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:103
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Edit language.dat"\
+"Edit language.dat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Create formats"\
+"Create formats"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:81
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:100
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:129
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:76
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:25
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Confirm removal"\
+"Confirm removal"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:28
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Scheme info"\
+"Scheme info"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:69
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Installation of TeX Live"\
+"Installation of TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:86
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD-ROM button to select the correct path."\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD-ROM button to select the correct path."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:92
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:94
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:96
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."
+########### Lost and found #####
+# guinb1.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"tlpm.exe not found"\
+"tlpm.exe not found"
+# guinb2.tcl
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Empty selection!" \
+"Empty selection!"
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"
+# guinb2.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"
+# guinb5.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+# winpostinstall.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+# guinb4.tcl
+#::msgcat::mcset en\
+#"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed." \
+#"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."
+# guinb4edit.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Please wait..."\
+"Please wait..."
+# 2005.10.11 0:40
+# 2005.10.31 21:55 TLu
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/msgs/pl.msg b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/pl.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f41879f908b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/pl.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+#-- new since 0.56
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"\
+"Instaluj dla wszystkich\n(wymagane są prawa administratora)"
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Run from DVD"\
+"Uruchom z DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"\
+"Ustawianie zmiennych dla uruchamiania z DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Set environment"\
+"Ustawianie zmiennych"
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"\
+"TeX Live został przygotowany do uruchomienia wprost z DVD"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:5
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Contents of %s"\
+"Zawartość %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Contents file: %s"\
+"Zawartość pliku: %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:27
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: window title
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:13
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"\
+"Program instalacji i konfiguracji TeX Live, %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:82
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Remove packages"\
+"Usuwanie pakietĂłw"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Manage the installation"\
+"Zarządzanie instalacją"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:51
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Remove the installation"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:72
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:9
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"\
+"Instalacja TeX Live 2005"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Main customization"\
+"Modyfikacja schematĂłw"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:19
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Standard collections"\
+"Kolekcje standardowe"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:20
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:22
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Language collections"\
+"Kolekcje języków"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:29
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:33
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:120
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Select a scheme"\
+"Wybierz schemat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:58
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Select a system"\
+"Wybierz system"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:91
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:130
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"\
+"alternatywny katalog dla generowanych fontĂłw"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"\
+"tworzenie dowiązań w standardowych katalogach"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+"nie instaluj dokumentacji makr/fontĂłw"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:133
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"\
+"nie instaluj plików źródłowych makr/fontów"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:12
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:12
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"\
+"Użyj klawiszy Ctrl, Shift lub przeciągnij mysz aby zaznaczyć więcej pakietów"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Select packages to install"\
+"Wybierz pakiety do instalacji"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:35
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:35
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gluelanguage.tcl:24
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:37
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:115
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:64
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:107
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:126
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:131
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:185
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Add packages"\
+"Dodawanie pakietĂłw"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package" \
+"Pakiety zostały pomyślnie zainstalowane\nJeśli dodano fonty lub formaty proszę wybrać \"Zarządzanie instalacją\" i wyedytować fmtutil.cnf lub updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:179
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:125
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:213
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:144
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Info about the selected item"\
+"Informacje o zaznaczonym pakiecie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:219
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."\
+"\nUwaga. Wybierz najpierw napęd CD \n\nNastępnie naciśnij przycisk \"Szukaj\" aby wypełnić listę pakietów. Po zaznaczeniu pakietu wybierz przycisk \"Instaluj\", by zainstalować, lub \"Informacje\" aby wyświetlić opis."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:19
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Select the packages to remove"\
+"Wybierz pakiety do usunięcia"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:42
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:39
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:119
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Packages removed successfully"\
+"Pakiety zostały pomyślnie usunięte"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:150
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"\
+"\nUwaga: wyświetlenie informacji o pakietach wymaga sprawdzenia, czy napęd CD z TeX Live został poprawnie wybrany w zakładce \"Dodawanie...\"\n\nNastępnie naciśnij przycisk \"Szukaj\" aby wypełnić listę pakietów. Po zaznaczeniu pakietu wybierz przycisk \"Usuń\", aby usunąć pakiet bądź \"Informacje\", aby wyświetlić opis."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"\
+"Zarządzanie istniejącą instalacją TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:20
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"\
+"Odświeżenie bazy ls-R"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:22
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:49
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:44
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:28
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:74
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:18
+# guinb5.tcl
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:68
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:80
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:111
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:72
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:31
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:52
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:56
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:77
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:90
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:112
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:116
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:141
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:145
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:103
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Edit language.dat"\
+"Edycja language.dat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Create formats"\
+"Tworzenie formatĂłw"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:81
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:100
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"\
+"Edycja fmtutil.cnf"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:129
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"\
+"Edycja updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"\
+"Odinstalowanie TeX Live"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"\
+"Ścieżka do katalogu TeX Live: %s"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:76
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:25
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Confirm removal"\
+"Potwierdź usunięcie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."\
+"Proszę czekać. Trwa odinstalowywanie."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live został usunięty z Twojego systemu\n\nNaciśnij \"OK\" aby zakończyć"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."\
+"Nie można znaleźć katalogu z TEX Live.\nNie znaleziono zmiennej środowiskowej TLroot."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:28
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Scheme info"\
+"Zawartość schematu"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:69
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Installation of TeX Live"\
+"Instalacja TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."\
+"Trwa instalacja. Proszę czekać."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:86
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD/DVD button for select correct path."\
+"Niepoprawna ścieżka do katalogu z płytą z TeX Live. Spróbuj ponownie.\nNaciśnij przycisk CD-ROM i wybierz poprawną ścieżkę."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:92
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"\
+"TeX Live został zainstalowany w %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:94
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nMusisz zrestartować system.\nPo restarcie możesz uruchomić tlpmgui aby dodać/usunąć pakiety lub wykonać inne czynności administracyjne."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:96
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nPo ponownym uruchomieniu tlpmgui możesz dodać/usunąć pakiety lub wykonać inne czynności administracyjne."
+########### Lost and found #####
+# guinb1.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"tlpm.exe not found"\
+"Nie znaleziono tlpm.exe"
+# guinb2.tcl
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Empty selection!" \
+"Nic nie zaznaczono"
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Na pewno usunąć wybrane pakiety?\n\n%s"
+# guinb2.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Na pewno zainstalować wybrane pakiety?\n\n%s"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"\
+"%s\n\nLog zapisano do pliku %s\nCzy chcesz go przejrzeć?"
+# guinb5.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"\
+"Na pewno odinstalować TeX Live?"
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+# winpostinstall.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live został pomyślnie zainstalowany w Twoim komputerze\n\nNaciśnij \"OK\" aby zakończyć"
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed." \
+"Nie znaleziono pliku \"%s\".\nPrawdopodobnie TeX Live nie jest poprawnie zainstalowany."
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"Nie znaleziono zmiennej TEXMFCNF.\nPrawdopodobnie TeX Live nie jest poprawnie zainstalowany."
+# guinb4edit.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"\
+"Plik \"%s\" pomyślnie zapisano"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset pl\
+"Please wait..."\
+"Proszę czekać..."
+# 2005.10.11 0:40
+# 2005.10.31 21:55 TLu
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/msgs/sk.msg b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/sk.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..297aaf74c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/sk.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+# SK translation of
+# by Jan Busa; utf8 encoding (hopefully)
+#-- new since 0.56
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Run from DVD"\
+"Run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Set environment"\
+"Set environment"
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:5
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Contents of %s"\
+"Obsah %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Contents file: %s"\
+"SĂşbor obsahu: %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:27
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: window title
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:13
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"\
+"InĹĄtalĂĄcia TeX Live a podpornĂŠ nĂĄstroje, %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:82
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Remove packages"\
+"Odstråň balíky"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Manage the installation"\
+"SprĂĄva inĹĄtalĂĄcie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:51
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Remove the installation"\
+"Odstråň inťtalåciu"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:72
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:9
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"\
+"InĹĄtalĂĄcia vydania TeX Live 2005"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Main customization"\
+"HlavnĂŠ nastavenia"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:19
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Standard collections"\
+"Štandardný výber"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:20
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:22
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Language collections"\
+"Výbery jazykov"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:29
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:33
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:120
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Select a scheme"\
+"ZvoÄžte schĂŠmu"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:58
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Select a system"\
+"ZvoÄžte systĂŠm"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:91
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:130
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"\
+"alternatĂ­vny adresĂĄr pre vygenerovanĂŠ fonty"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"\
+"vytvor symbolickÊ odkazy v ťtandardných adresåroch"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+"neinĹĄtaluj strom makro/font doc"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:133
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"\
+"neinťtaluj strom zdrojových súborov makier/fontov"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:12
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:12
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"\
+"Použite Ctrl alebo Shift alebo potiahnite na označenie viacerých"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Select packages to install"\
+"ZvoÄžte balĂ­ky, ktorĂŠ treba inĹĄtalovaĹĽ"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:35
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:35
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gluelanguage.tcl:24
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:37
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:115
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:64
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:107
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:126
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:131
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:185
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Add packages"\
+"Pridaj balĂ­ky"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package" \
+"BalĂ­ky boli ĂşspeĹĄne nainĹĄtalovanĂŠ.\nAk ste pridali formĂĄt alebo balĂ­k fontov, zvoÄžte, prosĂ­m, \"SprĂĄva inĹĄtalĂĄcie\" a upravte sĂşbory fmtutil.cfg alebo updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:179
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:125
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:213
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:144
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Info about the selected item"\
+"InformĂĄcia o zvolenej poloĹžke"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:219
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."\
+"\nPozor. Skontrolujte, prosím, či je správne zvolená\n mechanika CD s CD TeX Live.\n\n\nNajprv vyplňte zoznam tlačidlom \"Hľadaj\", potom zvoľte položku a kliknite na tlačidlo \"Nainštaluj\" alebo \"Informácia\" button."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:19
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Select the packages to remove"\
+"ZvoÄžte balĂ­ky na odstrĂĄnenie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:42
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:39
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:119
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Packages removed successfully"\
+"BalĂ­ky boli ĂşspeĹĄne odstrĂĄnenĂŠ"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:150
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"\
+"\nPozor: na informáciu o balíkoch, musí byť v tabuľke \"Pridaj balíky\" zvolená mechanika CD s CD TeX Live.\n\nNajprv vyplňte zoznam tlačidlom \"Hľadaj\", potom zvoľte položku a kliknite na tlačidlo \"Odstráň\""
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"\
+"Úprava existujúcej inštalácie TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:20
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"\
+"Obnov databĂĄzu ls-R"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:22
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:49
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:44
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:28
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:74
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:18
+# guinb5.tcl
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:68
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:80
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:111
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:72
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:31
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:52
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:56
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:77
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:90
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:112
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:116
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:141
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:145
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:103
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Edit language.dat"\
+"Uprav language.dat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Create formats"\
+"Vytvor formĂĄty"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:81
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:100
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"\
+"Uprav fmtutil.cnf"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:129
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"\
+"Uprav updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"\
+"Odstråň inťtalåciu TeX Live"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"\
+"Cesta k adresĂĄru TL: %s"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:76
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:25
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Confirm removal"\
+"Potvrďte odstránenie"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."\
+"Čakajte, prosím. Prebieha odstránenie inštalácie."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live bol úspešne odstránený z Vášho systému.\n\nNa ukončenie stlačte \"OK\"."
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."\
+"NemĂ´Ĺžem nĂĄjsĹĽ adresĂĄr TeX Live.\nNenĂĄjdenĂĄ premennĂĄ prostredia TLroot."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:28
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Scheme info"\
+"InformĂĄcia o schĂŠme"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:69
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Installation of TeX Live"\
+"InĹĄtalĂĄcia TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."\
+"Prebieha inštalácia. Čakajte, prosím."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:86
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD/DVD button for select correct path."\
+"Nesprávna cesta k adresáru TeX Live. Skúste znova.\nNa voľbu správnej cesty stlačte tlačidlo CD-ROM."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:92
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"\
+"TeX Live je nainĹĄtalovanĂ˝ v %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:94
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nTeraz musĂ­te reĹĄtartovaĹĽ VĂĄĹĄ systĂŠm.\nPo reĹĄtarte mĂ´Ĺžete spustiĹĽ tlpmgui na pridanie/odstrĂĄnenie balĂ­kov a na vykonanie ĂşdrĹžby."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:96
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nPo reĹĄtarte programu tlpmgui mĂ´Ĺžete pridaĹĽ/odobraĹĽ balĂ­ky a vykonaĹĽ ĂşdrĹžbu."
+########### Lost and found #####
+# guinb1.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"tlpm.exe not found"\
+"tlpm.exe sa nenaĹĄiel"
+# guinb2.tcl
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Empty selection!" \
+"NezadanĂĄ voÄžba!"
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Určite chcete odstrániť zvolené balíky?\n\n%s"
+# guinb2.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Určite chcete nainštalovať zvolené balíky?\n\n%s"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"\
+"%s\n\nProtokol zapísaný do súboru %s\nChcete si prečítať log-súbor?"
+# guinb5.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"\
+"Určite chcete odstrániť Vašu inštaláciu TeX Live?"
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+# winpostinstall.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live bol úspešne nainštalovaný do Vášho systému.\n\nNa ukončenie stlačte \"OK\"."
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+# guinb4.tcl - #################
+#::msgcat::mcset sk\
+#"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed." \
+#"SĂşbor \"%s\" sa nenaĹĄiel.\nTeX Live nie je pravdepodobne sprĂĄvne nainĹĄtalovanĂ˝."
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"premennĂĄ TEXMFCNF sa nenaĹĄla.\nTeX Live nie je pravdepodobne sprĂĄvne nainĹĄtalovanĂ˝."
+# guinb4edit.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"\
+"SĂşbor \"%s\" bol ĂşspeĹĄne uloĹženĂ˝."
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset sk\
+"Please wait..."\
+"Čakajte, prosím ..."
+# 2005.10.29 21:50
+# 2005.10.31 11:05 TLu
+# 2005.10.31 21:55 TLu
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/msgs/translate_me.msg b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/translate_me.msg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..93eb4600b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/msgs/translate_me.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+#-- new since 0.56
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"\
+"Install for all users\n(administrator privileges required)"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Run from DVD"\
+"Run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"\
+"Setting environment for run from DVD"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Set environment"\
+"Set environment"
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"\
+"TeX Live was prepared to run directly from the DVD"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:5
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Contents of %s"\
+"Contents of %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Contents file: %s"\
+"Contents file: %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/displaylog.tcl:27
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: window title
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:13
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"\
+"TeX Live installation and maintenance utility, %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:82
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Remove packages"\
+"Remove packages"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Manage the installation"\
+"Manage the installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:51
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Remove the installation"\
+"Remove the installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:72
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:9
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"\
+"Installation of the TeX Live 2005 edition"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Main customization"\
+"Main customization"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:19
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Standard collections"\
+"Standard collections"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:20
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:22
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:3
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Language collections"\
+"Language collections"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:29
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:33
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:120
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:47
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select a scheme"\
+"Select a scheme"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:58
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select a system"\
+"Select a system"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:91
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:130
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"\
+"alternative directory for generated fonts"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:131
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"\
+"create symlinks in standard directories"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+"do not install the macro/font doc tree"\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:133
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"\
+"do not install the macro/font source tree"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:12
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:12
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"\
+"Use Ctrl or Shift or drag to select more"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select packages to install"\
+"Select packages to install"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:35
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:35
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gluelanguage.tcl:24
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1.tcl:37
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:115
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:64
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:95
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:107
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:126
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/gui.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:126
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:131
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:185
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Add packages"\
+"Add packages"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package" \
+"Packages installed successfully.\nPlease select \"Manage the installation\" and edit fmtutil.cfg or updmap.cfg if you have added a format or font package"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:179
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:125
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:213
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:144
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Info about the selected item"\
+"Info about the selected item"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:219
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."\
+"\nAttention. Please check if a CD drive with the TeX Live CD\n is properly selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Install\" or \"Info\" button."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:19
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Select the packages to remove"\
+"Select the packages to remove"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:42
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:39
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:119
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Packages removed successfully"\
+"Packages removed successfully"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:150
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"\
+"\nAttention: for the information about the packages, a CD drive with the TeX Live CD in the \"Add packages\" tab should be selected.\n\nFirst fill the list with \"Search\" button, then select an item and click the \"Remove\" button"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:11
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"\
+"Manage the existing TeX Live installation"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:20
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"\
+"Refresh the ls-R database"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:22
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1col.tcl:49
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb1lang.tcl:44
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:172
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:28
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:74
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:87
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:18
+# guinb5.tcl
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:68
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/proc.tcl:80
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb2.tcl:111
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:72
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:31
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:52
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:56
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:77
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:90
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:112
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:116
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:141
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:145
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:39
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:43
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:103
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:132
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Edit language.dat"\
+"Edit language.dat"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Create formats"\
+"Create formats"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:68
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:81
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:100
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"\
+"Edit fmtutil.cnf"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4.tcl:129
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"\
+"Edit updmap.cfg"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb4edit.tcl:15
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:11
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:18
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"\
+"Remove the TeX Live installation"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:23
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"\
+"Path to the TL directory: %s"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb3.tcl:76
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:24
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:25
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Confirm removal"\
+"Confirm removal"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:32
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."\
+"Please wait. Remove installation in progres."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:66
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully removed from your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"
+#. widget: unknown
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/guinb5.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."\
+"I can't find the TeX Live directory.\nEnvironment variable TLroot not found."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/searchscheme.tcl:28
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Scheme info"\
+"Scheme info"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:69
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Installation of TeX Live"\
+"Installation of TeX Live"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:73
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."\
+"Installation in progress. Please wait."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/wininstall.tcl:86
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD-ROM button to select the correct path."\
+"Wrong path to the TeX Live directory. Try again.\nPress the CD-ROM button to select the correct path."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:92
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"\
+"TeX Live installed in %s"
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:94
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nYou should now reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you can run tlpmgui to add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."
+#. widget: none
+#: D:/Work/TclTk/TL/tl43.vfs/winpostinstall.tcl:96
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."\
+"\n\nAfter restarting tlpmgui you can add/remove package(s) and perform maintenance."
+########### Lost and found #####
+# guinb1.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"tlpm.exe not found"\
+"tlpm.exe not found"
+# guinb2.tcl
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Empty selection!" \
+"Empty selection!"
+# guinb3.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Are you sure to remove selected packages?\n\n%s"
+# guinb2.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"\
+"Are you sure to install selected packages?\n\n%s"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"\
+"%s\n\nLog written to file %s\nWould you like to read the log file?"
+# guinb5.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"\
+"Are you sure to remove your TeX Live installation?"
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+# winpostinstall.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"\
+"TeX Live has been sucessfully installed in your system\n\nPress \"OK\" to exit"
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+# gui.tcl:71
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+# guinb4.tcl - it should be translated and uncomment, but id may hang up tlpmgui :-(
+#::msgcat::mcset en\
+#"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed." \
+#"File \"%s\" not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."
+# guinb4.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."\
+"variable TEXMFCNF not found.\nProbably TeX Live is not correctly installed."
+# guinb4edit.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"\
+"File \"%s\" succesfully saved"
+# proc.tcl
+::msgcat::mcset en\
+"Please wait..."\
+"Please wait..."
+# 2005.10.11 0:40
+# 2005.10.31 21:55 TLu
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/tclpip84.dll b/Master/setup-win32/tclpip84.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08d77f9de02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/tclpip84.dll
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.batch b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.batch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8d4c9390d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.batch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This file belongs to TLPM v2.10, TeX Live Package Manager for Windows.
+# Public Domain,
+% sample TLPM batch file
+% binbase
+inst bin-tex bin-etex bin-pdftex bin-tetex -d C:\TeX
+% dvips
+inst dvips bin-dvipsk
+% fonts
+inst lm cm pl cc-pl antt antp qfonts
+inst bin-t1utils
+% formats
+inst plain mex enctex
+% metastuff
+inst metapost bin-metapost
+inst metafont bin-metafont
+% and custom logs
+check -p > _miss_pkges.lst
+check -f > _miss_files.lst
+list -p -d > _inst_pkges.lst
+list -f -d > _inst_files.lst \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.exe b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.exe
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba7713873e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.exe
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.readme b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.readme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c105f8aac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.readme
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# This file belongs to TLPM v2.10, TeX Live Package Manager for Windows.
+# Public Domain,
+TLPM works with TeX Live 2004-2005. It does NOT support upgrades or downgrades.
+All the configuration is beyond the scope of TLPM functionality. It does not
+perform any post-installation actions such as setting of environment variables,
+building formats or updating fontmap files. Please read the 'tlpm.winconf' file
+to learn how to configure the system manually.
+TLPM is Windows related. It simply ignores (binary) packages for other
+platforms since there are custom installers available.
+TLPM tries to detect the CD/DVD drive automatically unless you use the
+'--source' command-line option or the 'tl_source' environment variable
+(which might be useful while installing from local hard drive resources).
+The target directory can be specified with the '--directory' command-line
+option or the 'tl_target' environment variable. If both are missing, you
+will be prompted for the target directory during runtime (interactive mode)
+or it will be initialized to current directory (batch mode).
+TLPM can be run in batch mode. In such a case, each not empty line of the batch
+file is treated as a command, unless it starts with the '%' or '#' characters.
+The range of commands and options available in batch mode is the same as in
+interactive mode.
+TLPM respects quotations (both double quotes and single quotes) used in command
+line. Quotation is necessary while using path names with spaces (strongly not
+recommended!) or other strange characters that may conflict with the command
+syntax. If so, please quote the entire phrase. Whenever analysing the command,
+TLPM also resolves environment variables expressed as '%variable%'.
+TLPM is fully based on the information retrieved from the TPM files (actually
+from text files stored in the 'texmf/lists' directory). If you do not trust
+TPMs, do NOT trust TLPM either!
+The history of installed and uninstalled packages is saved in the tlpm.log file
+stored in the TeX Live target directory. TLPM does not reuse this file and
+reads the current installation state in each run.
+TLPM is a temporary rather than a final solution. However, I hope that it is
+better than nothing. I have done my best to make it functional and reliable,
+but can NOT warrant anything. If you like TLPM, feel free to redistribute it
+without any restrictions. TLPM is in Public Domain.
+Big THANK YOU to Jolanta Szelatyńska, Staszek Wawrykiewicz, Tomek Łuczak, Jacek
+Kmiecik, Jerzy Ludwichowski and all other nice souls for all their help!
+Please reports bugs to
+23.02.2005, 1.00 -- first beta release
+06.04.2005, 1.01 -- bugfix; 'inst' function couldn't be executed twice
+ because of incorrect error code returned
+06.05.2005, 1.02 -- bugfix; some of messages redirected to files were stored in
+ texmf/lists instead of the runtime directory
+15.09.2005, 1.03 -- TLPM seems to work fine with TL2005; changed messages.
+30.09.2005, 1.04 -- tiny changes in CD detection routine
+05.10.2005, 2.00 -- general rework; mostly in messaging system and installation;
+ now TLPM supports also TeX Live DVD (slooow...)
+06.10.2005, 2.01 -- again, changes in CD/DVD detction routine because of removing
+ tlpm(gui) stuff from TL root directory
+08.10.2005, 2.02 -- bugfix; while removing standalone packages, uninstall
+ routine was performed twice
+10.10.2005, 2.03 -- bugfix; now paths are internally separated by `\' ($chr_dirsep)
+ because of win98 archeology
+11.10.2005, 2.04 -- debug version made to fix hanging under win98
+12.10.2005, 2.05 -- yet another temporary debug version
+13.10.2005, 2.06 -- experimental progress info while installing from DVD
+14.10.2005, 2.07 -- progress info while installing from CD and DVD
+ and --quiet option for 'inst' command
+25.10.2005, 2.08 -- give up to with hanging on DVD instalation under Win98;
+ just note added
+26.10.2005, 2.09 -- yet another slight correction
+27.10.2005, 2.10 -- Karl confirmed that 'texlive2005' directory
+ need no longer to be checked
+1. Installation from DVD is much slower than from CD. Sorry...
+2. When there are two CD drives (ie. 'E:\' and 'F:\') and TeX Live disk is in
+the second one, Windows may throw 'Insert CD to E:\' message and block the
+program. Can't help that... Put the CD into 'F:\' instead, use '--source'
+option or 'tl_source' environment variable.
+3. While sending the command output to pipe (ie. 'list | grep' or 'incl | more')
+by design no summary is displayed. Summary might be irrelevant after processing
+with grep or something.
+4. While running via tlpmgui with DVD, installation (xcopy) hangs on Win98. Any ideas?
+##################################### tlpm #####################################
+tlpm [-s <source>] [-d <target>] [-b <batch>]
+TLPM help searching for, installing and uninstalling TeX Live packages. It
+should be used in conjunction with the TeX Live 2004-2005 CD/DVD.
+list list packages or files with names matching the given phrase
+incl list packages or files included in the given bundle
+blng show to which bundle the given package or file belongs
+inst install a package in specified target (TeX root) directory
+uninst uninstall a package from specified target directory
+check check installation dependencies and consistency
+info show package info
+help show this help or the given command description
+cmd execute a system command
+quit leave the program
+Type 'help <command>' for details.
+-s --source set default TeX Live source path
+-d --directory set default TeX Live target path
+-b --batch enter batch mode
+-h --help display this help and quit
+-H --Help display the entire readme and quit
+-v --version display the version info and quit
+% start in interactive mode
+% start in batch mode reading commands from 'file.lst'
+tlpm -b file.lst
+% set TeX Live target directory (do not prompt during runtime)
+tlpm -d D:\TeX
+% set TeX Live source and target
+tlpm -s E:\ -d D:\Tex
+% execute just one TLPM <command> and quit
+echo <command> | tlpm
+##################################### list #####################################
+list [-pfe] [<phrase>] [-d <dir>]
+Lists files or packages from TeX Live CD/DVD or installation directory.
+-p --packages search for packages matching <phrase> (default)
+-f --files search for files matching <phrase>
+-e --expression treat <phrase> as a Perl regular expression (regex)
+-d --directory list packages or files installed in the <dir> directory
+% display a list of all packages available on TeX Live CD/DVD
+% the same via a pager
+list -p * | more
+% output all PFB file names on the CD/DVD into font.log
+list -f *.pfb >font.log
+% the same, but matching regex instead of a mask
+list -fe ^.*\.pfb>font.log
+% list package collections installed in D:\TeX
+list coll* -d D:\TeX
+% the same, assuming that the target directory has already been specified
+list coll* -d
+% yet one more alternative via grep
+list -d | grep coll
+##################################### incl #####################################
+incl <package> [-pferj] [<phrase>]
+Displays a list of <package> requirements and contents.
+-p --packages show required packages matching <phrase> (default)
+-f --files show included files matching <phrase>
+-e --expression treat <phrase> as a Perl regex
+-r --recurse follow dependencies recursively (default)
+-j --justone do not recurse
+% display all packages required by collection-basic (via pager)
+incl collection-basic | more
+% display packages directly required by the collection-basic
+incl collection-basic -j
+% write all TFM files included in the collection-basic to tfms.lst
+incl collection-basic -f *.tfm > tfms.lst
+% display a list of collections included in the GUST scheme
+incl scheme-gust.scheme -p coll
+##################################### blng #####################################
+blng [-pf] <name>
+Shows parent bundle(s) of a package or file given by <name> (not <phrase>).
+-p --package treat <name> as a package (default)
+-f --file treat <name> as a file
+% show bundles that include collection-context
+blng collection-context
+% show the package that contains the 'manfnt.tfm' file
+blng -f manfnt.tfm
+##################################### inst #####################################
+inst <package> [-rjou] [-d <dir>]
+Install <package> in the specified target directory.
+By default, already installed packages are skipped.
+-r --recurse follow dependencies recursively (default)
+-j --justone do not recurse
+-o --overwrite reinstall existing packages
+-u --update refresh older, create missing files (implies --overwrite)
+-d --directory install the packages in <dir> directory
+-q --quiet disable progress info
+% install entire collection-basic in D:\TeX
+inst collection-basic -d D:\TeX
+% reinstall collection-basic and prompt for the target directory (if not given already)
+inst collection-basic -o
+% just update the ComputerModern fonts package
+inst cm -ju
+#################################### uninst ####################################
+uninst <package> [-rjiI] [-d <dir>]
+Uninstalls <package> from the specified target directory.
+-r --recurse follow dependencies recursively (default)
+-j --justone do not recurse
+-i --ignore ignore dependencies
+-I --Ignore ignore dependencies indeed
+-d --directory uninstall packages from <dir> directory
+% remove the LaTeX collection with all components, unless required by other packages
+uninst collection-latex
+% force removal of the LaTeX collection but leave shared packages untouched
+uninst collection-latex -i
+% force removal of the LaTeX collection and all its components, even if shared (dangerous)
+uninst collection-latex -I
+% remove just the 'ltxmisc' package from D:\TeX
+uninst ltxmisc -j -d D:\TeX
+#################################### check ####################################
+check [-pf][-d <dir>]
+Check installation dependencies and consistency.
+-p --packages check packages (default)
+-f --files check files
+-d --directory check given <dir> directory
+% display packages missing from D:\TeX
+check -d D:\TeX
+% almost the same (prompt for directory, if not specified already)
+% display files that should exist but can not be found
+check -f
+##################################### help #####################################
+help [<command>]
+Displays general help or usage details for a given command.
+-H --Help display the entire readme
+% display general help (via pager)
+help | more
+% tell me more about the 'inst' command
+help inst
+% exactly the same
+inst --help
+##################################### info #####################################
+info <package>
+Displays the information available for a given package.
+% tell me something about ConTeXt
+info context
+##################################### cmd #####################################
+cmd <command>
+Executes a system command without exiting the TLPM session.
+% test TeX
+cmd tex \input story \end
+% clear screen
+cmd cls
+##################################### quit #####################################
+Leaves the program.
+% say goodbye
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.winconf b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.winconf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da57cff4d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/tlpm.winconf
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# This file belongs to TLPM v2.10, TeX Live Package Manager for Windows.
+# Public Domain,
+Configuring the TeX Live 2004-2005 installation on Windows in 5 steps
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (staw at, 13.02.2005)
+This document tries to describe in short the most important steps to
+configure TeX Live 2004-2005, installed on Windows using the TLPM program by Pawe{\l}
+Jackowski (or manually, for bold people).
+1. After installation from the TeX Live CD/DVD, the most important
+ thing is to set some environment variables. How to do that depends on
+ the Windows version used, e.g., for Windows 9x it is enough to add
+ the following lines into c:\autoexec.bat file and restart the system
+REM addapt the next line to YOUR TLroot directory
+set TLroot=c:\TeXLive
+set PATH=%TLroot%\bin\win32;%PATH%
+set TEXMFCNF=%TLroot%\texmf-var\web2c
+set PERL5LIB=%TLroot%\xemtex\perl\lib;%TLroot%\xemtex\perl\site\lib
+set GS_LIB=%TLroot%\xemtex\gslib;%TLroot%\xemtex\gsfonts
+For Windows NT/2K/XP the procedure is somehow less straightforward.
+Click left on Start->Settings->Control Panel. Now the window with the
+control panel icons opens. Double click on "System". The
+"System Properties" window opens. Click on the tab "Environment"
+or look for a button named "Environment Variables" among the
+dialog boxes. Now you can change the environment variables for your
+user account (or system wide variables when you have administrator rights
+on your machine).
+Hint: Having opened this readme file in any text editor (like Notepad) you can
+copy-paste the variable names and their values from the above example.
+Please adapt first TLroot value to the directory where you installed
+TeX Live.
+Windows NT/2K/XP versions for some reasons also need setting of one more variable:
+Do not forget to create this subdirectory by hand!
+2. As we need the texmf-var directory for (some) configuration files, formats,
+ etc., this is good time to do it right now. Please apply the
+ following batch file (should work for all Windows versions):
+--- mktexvar.bat --<-- cut here
+REM addapt the following line to the absolute directory
+cd %TLroot%
+md texmf-var
+cd texmf-var
+md web2c
+copy ..\texmf\web2c\texmf.cnf web2c\*.*
+copy ..\texmf\web2c\fmtutil.cnf web2c\*.*
+attrib -R web2c\texmf.cnf
+attrib -R web2c\fmtutil.cnf
+md tex
+cd tex
+md generic
+cd generic
+md config
+cd config
+copy ..\..\..\..\texmf\tex\generic\config\language.dat .
+attrib -R language.dat
+echo PLEASE CHANGE texmf-var\tex\generic\config\language.dat
+echo (percent out not needed hyphenation patterns)
+Now you can edit the language.dat file in the texmf-var subtree
+and unsellect all hyphenation patterns which are not needed (and in fact
+could be missing).
+3. run from the command line:
+4. run from the command line:
+5. run from the command line:
+fmtutil --byfmt=latex
+(or any needed format)
+More information on how to configure the installation can be found
+in the TeX Live documentation, see section "Personal configurations"
+and also "Tips and tricks for Win32".
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/tlpmgui.exe b/Master/setup-win32/tlpmgui.exe
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2fe109b9c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/tlpmgui.exe
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/setup-win32/unzip.exe b/Master/setup-win32/unzip.exe
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9dc44dfe99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/setup-win32/unzip.exe
Binary files differ