diff options
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/dev/ b/Master/tlpkg/dev/
index fcc71932255..c21882d9fab 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/dev/
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/dev/
@@ -28,427 +28,507 @@ use Tk::ItemStyle;
use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(setup_programs platform_desc win32 debug);
use TeXLive::TLConfig;
+# stuff defined in that needs to be our-ed
our $Master;
our $tlmediatlpdb;
our $tlmediasrc;
+our $localtlmedia;
our $localtlpdb;
-# defined in
our $location;
+our %opts;
+our @update_function_list;
my $tlpdb_location;
my $cmdline_location;
+my @critical_updates = ();
-our %opts;
+# shortcuts for padding, expand/fill, and pack sides, anchors
+my @p_ii = qw/-padx 2m -pady 2m/;
+my @p_iii= qw/-padx 3m -pady 3m/;
+my @x_x = qw/-expand 1 -fill x/;
+my @x_y = qw/-expand 1 -fill y/;
+my @x_xy= qw/-expand 1 -fill both/;
+my @left = qw/-side left/;
+my @right= qw/-side right/;
+my @bot = qw/-side bottom/;
+my @a_w = qw/-anchor w/;
+my @a_c = qw/-anchor c/;
+my @htype = qw/-relief ridge/;
# the list of packages as shown by TixGrid
my %Packages;
-our $mw;
+my $mw;
+my $tlmgrrev;
+my $menu;
+my $menu_file;
+my $menu_options;
+my $menu_actions;
+my $menu_help;
-sub update_status_box {
- update_status(join(" ", @_));
- $mw->update;
-sub init_hooks {
- push @::info_hook, \&update_status_box;
- push @::warn_hook, \&update_status_box;
- push @::debug_hook, \&update_status_box;
- push @::ddebug_hook, \&update_status_box;
- push @::dddebug_hook, \&update_status_box;
+# GUI elements
+my $g; # the scrolled list of packages
+my $lighttext;
+my $darktext;
+my $match_entry;
+my $loaded_button;
-sub update_status {
- my ($p) = @_;
- $::progressw->insert("end", "$p");
- $::progressw->see("end");
+# communication between filters and the rest
+my $status_all = 0;
+my $status_only_installed = 1;
+my $status_only_not_installed = 2;
+my $status_only_updated = 3;
+my $status_value = 0;
+my $show_packages = 1;
+my $show_collections = 1;
+my $show_schemes = 1;
+my $match_string = 0;
+my $selection_value = 0;
# prepare for loading of which expects $::lang and $::opt_lang
$::opt_lang = $opts{"gui-lang"} if (defined($opts{"gui-lang"}));
-our @update_function_list;
-$mw = MainWindow->new;
-$mw->title("TeX Live Manager $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear");
+my @archsavail;
+my @archsinstalled;
+my %archs;
+my $currentarch;
-# default layout definitions
-# priority 20 = widgetDefault
-# see Mastering Perl/Tk, 16.2. Using the Option Database
-$mw->optionAdd("*Button.Relief", "ridge", 20);
-# does not work, makes all buttons exactely 10, which is not a good idea
-# I would like to have something like MinWidth 10...
-#$mw->optionAdd("*Button.Width", "10", 20);
-# shortcuts for padding, expand/fill, and pack sides, anchors
-my @p_ii = qw/-padx 2m -pady 2m/;
-my @p_iii= qw/-padx 3m -pady 3m/;
-my @x_x = qw/-expand 1 -fill x/;
-my @x_y = qw/-expand 1 -fill y/;
-my @x_xy= qw/-expand 1 -fill both/;
-my @left = qw/-side left/;
-my @right= qw/-side right/;
-my @bot = qw/-side bottom/;
-my @a_w = qw/-anchor w/;
-my @a_c = qw/-anchor c/;
+my @fileassocdesc;
+$fileassocdesc[0] = __("None");
+$fileassocdesc[1] = __("Only new");
+$fileassocdesc[2] = __("All");
+my %defaults;
+my %changeddefaults;
+my %papers;
+my %currentpaper;
+my %changedpaper;
+my %init_paper_subs;
+$init_paper_subs{"xdvi"} = \&init_paper_xdvi;
+$init_paper_subs{"pdftex"} = \&init_paper_pdftex;
+$init_paper_subs{"dvips"} = \&init_paper_dvips;
+$init_paper_subs{"context"} = \&init_paper_context;
+$init_paper_subs{"dvipdfm"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfm;
+$init_paper_subs{"dvipdfmx"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfmx;
-# create a progress bar window
-$::progressw = $mw->Scrolled("ROText", -scrollbars => "e", -height => 4);
-$::progressw->pack(-fill => "x", @bot);
+############# MAIN FUNCTION ##########################
-my @critical_updates = ();
+sub guimain {
+ build_initial_gui();
+ init_hooks();
+ info(__("Loading local TeX Live Database\nThis may take some time, please wait!") . "\n");
+ $localtlmedia = TeXLive::TLMedia->new ( $Master );
+ die("cannot setup TLMedia in $Master") unless (defined($localtlmedia));
+ $localtlpdb = $localtlmedia->tlpdb;
+ die("cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($localtlpdb));
+ $tlpdb_location = $localtlpdb->option("location");
+ if (defined($opts{"location"})) {
+ $cmdline_location = $opts{"location"};
+ }
+ push @update_function_list, \&check_location_on_ctan;
+ push @update_function_list, \&init_install_media;
+ setup_programs("$Master/tlpkg/installer", $localtlmedia->platform);
+ #
+ # check that we can actually save the database
+ #
+ if (check_on_writable()) {
+ $::we_can_save = 1;
+ } else {
+ $::we_can_save = 0;
+ # here we should pop up a warning window!!!
+ }
+ $::action_button_state = ($::we_can_save ? "normal" : "disabled");
+ $tlmgrrev = give_version();
+ chomp($tlmgrrev);
+ setup_menu_system();
+ do_rest_of_gui();
+ setup_list();
+ update_grid();
+ if ($opts{"load"}) {
+ $location = $tlpdb_location;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ }
-info(__("Loading local TeX Live Database\nThis may take some time, please wait!") . "\n");
-our $localtlmedia = TeXLive::TLMedia->new ( $Master );
-die("cannot setup TLMedia in $Master") unless (defined($localtlmedia));
-$localtlpdb = $localtlmedia->tlpdb;
-die("cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($localtlpdb));
+ info(__("Completed") . ".\n");
+ $mw->deiconify;
-our @main_list;
-$tlpdb_location = $localtlpdb->option("location");
-if (defined($opts{"location"})) {
- $cmdline_location = $opts{"location"};
+ if (!$::we_can_save) {
+ my $no_write_warn = $mw->Dialog(-title => "warning",
+ -text => __("You don't have permissions to change the installation in any way,\nspecifically, the directory %s is not writable.\nPlease run this program as administrator, or contact your local admin.\n\nMost buttons will be disabled.", "$Master/tlpkg/"),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show();
+ }
+ Tk::MainLoop();
-push @update_function_list, \&check_location_on_ctan;
-push @update_function_list, \&init_install_media;
+############## GUI ########################
-setup_programs("$Master/tlpkg/installer", $localtlmedia->platform);
+sub build_initial_gui {
+ $mw = MainWindow->new;
+ $mw->title("TeX Live Manager $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear");
+ $mw->withdraw;
-# check that we can actually save the database
-if (check_on_writable()) {
- $::we_can_save = 1;
-} else {
- $::we_can_save = 0;
- # here we should pop up a warning window!!!
+ #
+ # default layout definitions
+ #
+ # priority 20 = widgetDefault
+ # see Mastering Perl/Tk, 16.2. Using the Option Database
+ $mw->optionAdd("*Button.Relief", "ridge", 20);
+ #
+ # does not work, makes all buttons exactely 10, which is not a good idea
+ # I would like to have something like MinWidth 10...
+ #$mw->optionAdd("*Button.Width", "10", 20);
+ # create a progress bar window
+ $::progressw = $mw->Scrolled("ROText", -scrollbars => "e", -height => 4);
+ $::progressw->pack(-fill => "x", @bot);
-$::action_button_state = ($::we_can_save ? "normal" : "disabled");
-my $tlmgrrev = give_version();
-#our $top = $mw->Frame;
-my $menu = $mw->Menu();
-my $menu_file = $menu->Menu();
-my $menu_options = $menu->Menu();
-my $menu_actions = $menu->Menu();
-my $menu_help = $menu->Menu();
-$menu->add('cascade', -label => __("File"), -menu => $menu_file);
-$menu->add('cascade', -label => __("Options"), -menu => $menu_options);
-$menu->add('cascade', -label => __("Actions"), -menu => $menu_actions);
-# on win32 people expect to have the Help button on the right side
-if (win32()) { $menu->add('separator'); }
-$menu->add('cascade', -label => __("Help"), -menu => $menu_help);
-#$menu->add('command', -label => __("Loaded repository:") . __("none"),
-# -command => sub { $location = $tlpdb_location;
-# update_loaded_location_string();
-# run_update_functions();
-# });
-# -activebackground => $menu->cget(-background));
- -label => __("Load default repository:") . " $tlpdb_location",
- -command => sub {
- $location = $tlpdb_location;
- update_loaded_location_string();
- run_update_functions();
- });
-if (defined($cmdline_location)) {
- $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load cmd line repository:") . " $cmdline_location",
- -command => sub {
- $location = $cmdline_location;
+sub do_rest_of_gui {
+ # This needs to come first as we call update_grid rather early
+ #my $list_frame = $mw->Labelframe(-text => "Packages");
+ my $list_frame = $mw->Frame;
+ $g = $list_frame->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => "se", -bd => 0,
+ -command => \&show_extended_info, # does not work, double click!
+ -columns => 5, -header => 1,
+ -borderwidth => 1, #-padx => 0, -pady => 0,
+ -separator => "/",
+ -selectmode => "none");
+ $loaded_button = $mw->Button(-text => __("Loaded repository:") . __(" none"),
+ -relief => 'flat',
+ -command => sub { $location = $tlpdb_location;
- run_update_functions();
+ run_update_functions();
-$menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load default net repository:") . " $TeXLiveURL",
- -command => sub {
- $location = $TeXLiveURL;
- update_loaded_location_string();
- run_update_functions();
- });
-$menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load other repository ..."),
- -command => \&cb_edit_location);
-$menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Quit"),
- -command => sub { $mw->destroy; exit(0); });
+ $loaded_button->pack(-anchor => 'e', -padx => 0, -pady => 0,
+ -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0);
+ my $top_frame = $mw->Labelframe(-text => __("Display configuration"));
+ $top_frame->pack(-fill => 'x', -padx => '2m');
+ my $filter_frame = $top_frame->Frame();
+ $filter_frame->pack;
+ my $filter_status = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Status"));
+ $filter_status->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("all"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_all)->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("installed"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_installed)->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("not installed"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_not_installed)->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("updates"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_updated)->pack(@a_w);
+ my $filter_category = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Category"));
+ $filter_category->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+ $filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => __("packages"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$show_packages)->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => __("collections"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$show_collections)->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => __("schemes"), -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$show_schemes)->pack(@a_w);
+ my $filter_match = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Match"));
+ $filter_match->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+ $filter_match->Checkbutton(-text => __("pattern:"),
+ -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$match_string)->pack(@a_w);
+ $match_entry =
+ $filter_match->Entry(-width => 15, -validate => 'key',
+ )->pack(@a_w, -padx => '2m', @x_x);
+ $match_entry->configure(-validate => 'key',
+ -validatecommand => sub { my $new_val = shift;
+ if (!$new_val) {
+ $match_string = 0;
+ } else {
+ $match_string = 1;
+ }
+ update_grid(); return 1; });
+ my $filter_selection = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Selection"));
+ $filter_selection->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+ $filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "all", -command => \&update_grid,
+ -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 0)->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => __("selected"),
+ -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 1)
+ ->pack(@a_w);
+ $filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => __("not selected"),
+ -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 2)
+ ->pack(@a_w);
+ my $filter_button = $filter_frame->Frame;
+ $filter_button->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+ $filter_button->Button(-text => __("Select all"),
+ -command => [ \&update_grid, 1 ])->pack(@x_x, @a_c);
+ $filter_button->Button(-text => __("Select none"),
+ -command => [ \&update_grid, 0 ])->pack(@x_x, @a_c);
+ $filter_button->Button(-text => __("Reset filters"),
+ -command => sub { $status_value = $status_all;
+ $show_packages = 1; $show_collections = 1;
+ $show_schemes = 1;
+ $selection_value = 0;
+ $match_string = 0;
+ update_grid();
+ })->pack(@x_x, @a_c);
+ ########## Packages #######################
+ $list_frame->pack(@x_xy, @p_ii);
+ $g->pack(qw/-expand 1 -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3/);
+ $g->focus;
+ $lighttext = $g->ItemStyle('text', -background => 'gray90',
+ -selectbackground => 'gray90', -selectforeground => 'blue');
+ $darktext = $g->ItemStyle('text', -background => 'gray70',
+ -selectbackground => 'gray70', -selectforeground => 'blue');
+ $g->headerCreate(0, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "");
+ $g->headerCreate(1, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Package name"));
+ $g->headerCreate(2, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Local rev. (ver.)"));
+ $g->headerCreate(3, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Remote rev. (ver.)"));
+$g->headerCreate(4, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Short description"));
-$menu_options->add('command', -label => __("General ..."),
- -command => sub { do_general_settings(); });
-$menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Paper ..."),
- -command => sub { do_paper_settings(); });
-if (!win32()) {
- $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Architectures ..."),
- -command => sub { do_arch_settings(); });
-$menu_options->add('checkbutton', -label => __("Debug"),
- -onvalue => ($::opt_verbosity == 0 ? 1 : $::opt_verbosity),
- -variable => \$::opt_verbosity);
+ $g->columnWidth(0, 40);
+ $g->columnWidth(2, -char => 20);
+ $g->columnWidth(3, -char => 20);
-# Actions menu
-$menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update filename database"),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub {
- $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
- info("Running mktexlsr, this may take some time ...\n");
- info(`mktexlsr 2>&1`);
- $mw->Unbusy;
- });
-$menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Rebuild all formats"),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub {
- $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
- info("Running fmtutil-sys --all, this may take some time ...\n");
- for my $l (`fmtutil-sys --all 2>&1`) {
- info($l);
- $mw->update;
- }
- $mw->Unbusy;
- });
-$menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update font map database"),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub {
- $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
- info("Running updmap-sys, this may take some time ...\n");
- for my $l (`updmap-sys 2>&1`) {
- info($l);
- $mw->update;
- }
- $mw->Unbusy;
- });
-if (!win32()) {
- $menu_actions->add('command',
- -label => __("Handle symlinks in system dirs") . " ...",
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => \&cb_handle_symlinks);
-if (!win32()) {
- $menu_actions->add('separator');
- $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Remove TeX Live %s ...", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub {
- my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Remove TeX Live %s", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear),
- -buttons => [ __("Ok"), __("Cancel") ],
- -cancel_button => __("Cancel"),
- -command => sub {
- my $b = shift;
- if ($b eq __("Ok")) {
- system("tlmgr", "uninstall", "--force");
- $mw->Dialog(-text => __("Complete removal completed"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show;
- $mw->destroy;
- exit(0);
- }
- });
- $sw->add("Label", -text => __("Really remove (uninstall) the COMPLETE TeX Live %s installation?\nYour last chance to change your mind!", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear))->pack(@p_iii);
- $sw->Show;
- });
+ my $bot_frame = $mw->Frame;
+ $bot_frame->pack(-fill => 'x', @p_ii);
+ my $actions_frame = $bot_frame->Frame;
+ $actions_frame->pack();
-$menu_help->add('command', -label => __("About"),
- -command => sub {
- my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("About"),
- -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]);
- $sw->add("Label", -text => "TeX Live Manager (GUIv2)
-Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining
+ my $with_all_frame = $actions_frame->Frame;
+ $with_all_frame->pack(@left, -padx => '5m');
+ $with_all_frame->Button(-text => __('Update all installed'),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { update_all_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@a_c,@left,@p_ii);
-Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher
-In case of problems, please contact: texlive\"
- )->pack(@p_iii);
- $sw->Show;
- });
+ my $with_sel_frame = $actions_frame->Frame;
+ $with_sel_frame->pack(@left, -padx => '5m');
-$mw->configure(-menu => $menu);
-our $back_f1 = $mw->Frame();
+ #
+ # disable the with filter applied or not applied, it is too complicated, or?
+ #
-# pack .top .back -side top -fill both -expand 1
-#$top->pack(-fill => 'x', @p_ii);
+ $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Update'),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { update_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Install'),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { install_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Remove'),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { remove_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Backup'),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { backup_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-#require ("");
-######### SHOULD GO INTO A SEPARTE FILE ########################
-# This needs to come first as we call update_grid rather early
-#my $list_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Packages");
-my $list_frame = $back_f1->Frame;
-my $g = $list_frame->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => "se", -bd => 0,
- -command => \&show_extended_info, # does not work, double click!
- -columns => 7, -header => 1,
- -borderwidth => 1, #-padx => 0, -pady => 0,
- -separator => "/",
- -selectmode => "none");
+########### LOGGING ETC FUNCTIONS #############
-my $loaded_button = $back_f1->Button(-text => __("Loaded repository:") . __(" none"),
- -relief => 'flat',
- -command => sub { $location = $tlpdb_location;
- update_loaded_location_string();
- run_update_functions();
- });
-$loaded_button->pack(-anchor => 'e', -padx => 0, -pady => 0, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0);
-# install screen
-my $top_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => __("Display configuration"));
-$top_frame->pack(@x_x, -padx => '2m');
+sub update_status_box {
+ update_status(join(" ", @_));
+ $mw->update;
-my $filter_frame = $top_frame->Frame();
+sub init_hooks {
+ push @::info_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::warn_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::debug_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::ddebug_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::dddebug_hook, \&update_status_box;
-my $filter_status = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Status"));
-$filter_status->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+sub update_status {
+ my ($p) = @_;
+ $::progressw->insert("end", "$p");
+ $::progressw->see("end");
-my $status_all = 0;
-my $status_only_installed = 1;
-my $status_only_not_installed = 2;
-my $status_only_updated = 3;
-my $status_value = 0;
-$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("all"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_all)->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("installed"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_installed)->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("not installed"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_not_installed)->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => __("updates"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_updated)->pack(@a_w);
-my $filter_category = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Category"));
-$filter_category->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
-my $show_packages = 1;
-my $show_collections = 1;
-my $show_schemes = 1;
-$filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => __("packages"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$show_packages)->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => __("collections"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$show_collections)->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => __("schemes"), -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$show_schemes)->pack(@a_w);
-my $filter_match = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Match"));
-$filter_match->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
-my $match_string = 0;
-$filter_match->Checkbutton(-text => __("pattern:"),
- -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$match_string)->pack(@a_w);
-my $match_entry =
- $filter_match->Entry(-width => 15, -validate => 'key',
- )->pack(@a_w, -padx => '2m', @x_x);
-$match_entry->configure(-validate => 'key',
- -validatecommand => sub { my $new_val = shift;
- if (!$new_val) {
- $match_string = 0;
- } else {
- $match_string = 1;
- }
- update_grid(); return 1; });
+############# GUI CALLBACKS ##################
+sub setup_menu_system {
+ $menu = $mw->Menu();
+ $menu_file = $menu->Menu();
+ $menu_options = $menu->Menu();
+ $menu_actions = $menu->Menu();
+ $menu_help = $menu->Menu();
+ $menu->add('cascade', -label => __("File"), -menu => $menu_file);
+ $menu->add('cascade', -label => __("Options"), -menu => $menu_options);
+ $menu->add('cascade', -label => __("Actions"), -menu => $menu_actions);
+ # on win32 people expect to have the Help button on the right side
+ if (win32()) { $menu->add('separator'); }
+ $menu->add('cascade', -label => __("Help"), -menu => $menu_help);
-my $filter_selection = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Selection"));
-$filter_selection->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
-my $selection_value = 0;
-$filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "all", -command => \&update_grid,
- -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 0)->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => __("selected"),
- -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 1)
- ->pack(@a_w);
-$filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => __("not selected"),
- -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 2)
- ->pack(@a_w);
-my $filter_button = $filter_frame->Frame;
-#my $filter_button = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("Action"));
-$filter_button->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
-#$filter_button->Button(-text => __("Apply filters"),
-# -command => sub { update_grid(); })->pack(@a_c, @p_ii);
-$filter_button->Button(-text => __("Select all"),
- -command => [ \&update_grid, 1 ])->pack(@x_x, @a_c);
-$filter_button->Button(-text => __("Select none"),
- -command => [ \&update_grid, 0 ])->pack(@x_x, @a_c);
-$filter_button->Button(-text => __("Reset filters"),
- -command => sub { $status_value = $status_all;
- $show_packages = 1; $show_collections = 1;
- $show_schemes = 1;
- $selection_value = 0;
- $match_string = 0;
- update_grid();
- })->pack(@x_x, @a_c);
-########## Packages #######################
-#my $list_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => __("Packages");
-$list_frame->pack(@x_xy, @p_ii);
-#my $g = $list_frame->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => "se", -bd => 0,
-# -command => \&show_extended_info, # does not work, double click!
-# -columns => 7, -header => 1,
-# -separator => "/",
-# -selectmode => "none");
-$g->pack(qw/-expand 1 -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3/);
-my $lighttext = $g->ItemStyle('text', -background => 'gray90',
- -selectbackground => 'gray90', -selectforeground => 'blue');
-my $darktext = $g->ItemStyle('text', -background => 'gray70',
- -selectbackground => 'gray70', -selectforeground => 'blue');
+ #
+ #
+ $menu_file->add('command',
+ -label => __("Load default repository:") . " $tlpdb_location",
+ -command => sub {
+ $location = $tlpdb_location;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+ if (defined($cmdline_location)) {
+ $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load cmd line repository:") . " $cmdline_location",
+ -command => sub {
+ $location = $cmdline_location;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+ }
+ $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load default net repository:") . " $TeXLiveURL",
+ -command => sub {
+ $location = $TeXLiveURL;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+ $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load other repository ..."),
+ -command => \&cb_edit_location);
+ $menu_file->add('separator');
+ $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Quit"),
+ -command => sub { $mw->destroy; exit(0); });
-my @htype = qw/-relief ridge/;
+ #
+ #
+ $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("General ..."),
+ -command => sub { do_general_settings(); });
+ $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Paper ..."),
+ -command => sub { do_paper_settings(); });
+ if (!win32()) {
+ $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Architectures ..."),
+ -command => sub { do_arch_settings(); });
+ }
+ $menu_options->add('separator');
+ $menu_options->add('checkbutton', -label => __("Debug"),
+ -onvalue => ($::opt_verbosity == 0 ? 1 : $::opt_verbosity),
+ -variable => \$::opt_verbosity);
-#my $all_none;
-#$all_none = $g->Checkbutton(-command => [\&update_grid, $all_none->{'Value'} ]);
-#$g->headerCreate(0, @htype, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $all_none);
-#my $f = $g->Frame();
-#my $bi = $f->Button(-padx => 1, -pady => 3,
-# -text => 'all', -command => [ \&update_grid, 1 ]);
-#my $bii= $f->Button(-padx => 1, -pady => 3,
-# -text => 'none', -command => [ \&update_grid, 0 ]);
-#$g->headerCreate(0, @htype, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $f);
-$g->headerCreate(0, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "");
-$g->headerCreate(1, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Package name"));
-$g->headerCreate(2, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Local rev. (ver.)"));
-$g->headerCreate(3, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Remote rev. (ver.)"));
-$g->headerCreate(4, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => __("Short description"));
+ #
+ # Actions menu
+ #
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update filename database"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Running mktexlsr, this may take some time ...\n");
+ info(`mktexlsr 2>&1`);
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Rebuild all formats"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Running fmtutil-sys --all, this may take some time ...\n");
+ for my $l (`fmtutil-sys --all 2>&1`) {
+ info($l);
+ $mw->update;
+ }
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update font map database"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Running updmap-sys, this may take some time ...\n");
+ for my $l (`updmap-sys 2>&1`) {
+ info($l);
+ $mw->update;
+ }
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
-$g->columnWidth(0, 40);
-$g->columnWidth(2, -char => 20);
-$g->columnWidth(3, -char => 20);
+ if (!win32()) {
+ $menu_actions->add('command',
+ -label => __("Handle symlinks in system dirs") . " ...",
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => \&cb_handle_symlinks);
+ }
+ if (!win32()) {
+ $menu_actions->add('separator');
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Remove TeX Live %s ...", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Remove TeX Live %s", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok"), __("Cancel") ],
+ -cancel_button => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $b = shift;
+ if ($b eq __("Ok")) {
+ system("tlmgr", "uninstall", "--force");
+ $mw->Dialog(-text => __("Complete removal completed"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show;
+ $mw->destroy;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ });
+ $sw->add("Label", -text => __("Really remove (uninstall) the COMPLETE TeX Live %s installation?\nYour last chance to change your mind!", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear))->pack(@p_iii);
+ $sw->Show;
+ });
+ }
+ #
+ $menu_help->add('command', -label => __("About"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("About"),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]);
+ $sw->add("Label", -text => "TeX Live Manager (GUIv2)
+Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining
+Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher
+In case of problems, please contact: texlive\"
+ )->pack(@p_iii);
+ $sw->Show;
+ });
+ $mw->configure(-menu => $menu);
sub show_extended_info {
my $p = shift;
@@ -511,24 +591,28 @@ sub show_extended_info {
$tf->Label(-text => __("Warning: Catalogue versions might be lagging behind or be simply wrong."))->grid(-stick => "nw", -columnspan => 2);
- our @further_a = ();
- our @further_b = ();
+ our %further_a;
+ our %further_b;
+ @{$further_a{$p}} = ();
+ @{$further_b{$p}} = ();
sub add_filelist_text {
+ my $p = shift;
my $text = shift;
my @files = @_;
if (@files) {
my $t = "";
for my $f (@files) { $t .= "$f\n"; }
$t =~ s/\n$//;
- push @further_a, $tf->Label(-text => $text);
+ push @{$further_a{$p}}, $tf->Label(-text => $text);
if ($#files >= 4) {
my $foo = $tf->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => "oe", -height => 5,
-width => 50, -wrap => 'word', -relief => 'flat');
$foo->insert("1.0", $t);
- push @further_b, $foo;
+ push @{$further_b{$p}}, $foo;
} else {
- push @further_b,
+ push @{$further_b{$p}},
$tf->Label(-wraplength => '500', -justify => 'left', -text => $t);
@@ -543,16 +627,16 @@ sub show_extended_info {
push @deps, $d;
- add_filelist_text(__("Depends:"), @deps);
+ add_filelist_text($p, __("Depends:"), @deps);
if ($do_arch) {
my @archs = $localtlpdb->available_architectures;
@arch_deps = map { "$p.$_"; } @archs;
- push @further_a, $tf->Label(-text => __("Binaries' dependencies:"));
- push @further_b, $tf->Label(-text => join('\n',@arch_deps));
+ push @{$further_a{$p}}, $tf->Label(-text => __("Binaries' dependencies:"));
+ push @{$further_b{$p}}, $tf->Label(-text => join('\n',@arch_deps));
- add_filelist_text(__("Runfiles:"), $tlp->runfiles);
- add_filelist_text(__("Docfiles:"), $tlp->docfiles);
- add_filelist_text(__("Srcfiles:"), $tlp->srcfiles);
+ add_filelist_text($p, __("Runfiles:"), $tlp->runfiles);
+ add_filelist_text($p, __("Docfiles:"), $tlp->docfiles);
+ add_filelist_text($p, __("Srcfiles:"), $tlp->srcfiles);
my @binf = $tlp->allbinfiles;
if ($do_arch) {
for my $bp (@arch_deps) {
@@ -564,7 +648,7 @@ sub show_extended_info {
- add_filelist_text(__("Binfiles:"), @binf);
+ add_filelist_text($p, __("Binfiles:"), @binf);
my $f = $tf->Frame;
my $fb = $f->Button(-padx => 0, -pady => 0,
@@ -578,20 +662,20 @@ sub show_extended_info {
sub {
$showdetails = not($showdetails);
if ($showdetails) {
- for my $i (0..$#further_a) {
- $further_a[$i]->grid($further_b[$i], -sticky => "nw");
+ for my $i (0..$#{$further_a{$p}}) {
+ ${$further_a{$p}}[$i]->grid(${$further_b{$p}}[$i], -sticky => "nw");
} else {
- for my $i (0..$#further_a) {
- $further_a[$i]->gridForget($further_b[$i]);
+ for my $i (0..$#{$further_a{$p}}) {
+ ${$further_a{$p}}[$i]->gridForget(${$further_b{$p}}[$i]);
$bf->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -width => 10,
- -command => sub { for (@further_a) { $_->destroy; };
- for (@further_b) { $_->destroy; };
+ -command => sub { for (@{$further_a{$p}}) { $_->destroy; };
+ for (@{$further_b{$p}}) { $_->destroy; };
$sw->destroy; })->pack;
@@ -718,66 +802,7 @@ sub MatchesFilters {
return 1;
-####### actions frame
-#my $bot_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Actions");
-my $bot_frame = $back_f1->Frame;
-$bot_frame->pack(@x_x, @p_ii);
-my $actions_frame = $bot_frame->Frame;
-#my $with_all_frame = $actions_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("with all"));
-my $with_all_frame = $actions_frame->Frame;
-$with_all_frame->pack(@left, -padx => '5m');
-$with_all_frame->Button(-text => __('Update all installed'),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub { update_all_packages(); }
- )->pack(@a_c,@left,@p_ii);
-#my $with_sel_frame = $actions_frame->Labelframe(-text => __("with selected"));
-my $with_sel_frame = $actions_frame->Frame;
-$with_sel_frame->pack(@left, -padx => '5m');
-# disable the with filter applied or not applied, it is too complicated, or?
-# THIS VARIABLE HAS TO BE KEPT == 1 because the apply action checks
-# for that value!!!
-my $action_apply_filter = 1;
-#$with_sel_frame->Label(-text => "with filters")->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-#$with_sel_frame->Radiobutton(-text => "applied",
-# -variable => \$action_apply_filter, -value => 1)->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-#$with_sel_frame->Radiobutton(-text => "not applied",
-# -variable => \$action_apply_filter, -value => 0)->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Update'),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub { update_selected_packages(); }
- )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Install'),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub { install_selected_packages(); }
- )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Remove'),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub { remove_selected_packages(); }
- )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => __('Backup'),
- -state => $::action_button_state,
- -command => sub { backup_selected_packages(); }
- )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
-######################## ARCH ###########################
-my @archsavail;
-my @archsinstalled;
-my %archs;
-my $currentarch;
+############# ARCH HANDLING #####################
sub init_archs {
if (!defined($tlmediatlpdb)) {
@@ -857,14 +882,8 @@ sub apply_arch_changes {
-########## CONFIG ###################
-my @fileassocdesc;
-$fileassocdesc[0] = __("None");
-$fileassocdesc[1] = __("Only new");
-$fileassocdesc[2] = __("All");
-my %defaults;
-my %changeddefaults;
+######### CONFIG HANDLING #############
sub init_defaults_setting {
for my $key (keys %TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions) {
@@ -1043,10 +1062,9 @@ sub apply_settings_changes {
-######## PAPER #########
-my %papers;
-my %currentpaper;
-my %changedpaper;
+########## PAPER HANDLING #################
sub init_paper_xdvi {
if (!win32()) {
@@ -1077,13 +1095,6 @@ sub init_paper_dvipdfmx {
$currentpaper{"dvipdfmx"} = ${$papers{"dvipdfmx"}}[0];
-my %init_paper_subs;
-$init_paper_subs{"xdvi"} = \&init_paper_xdvi;
-$init_paper_subs{"pdftex"} = \&init_paper_pdftex;
-$init_paper_subs{"dvips"} = \&init_paper_dvips;
-$init_paper_subs{"context"} = \&init_paper_context;
-$init_paper_subs{"dvipdfm"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfm;
-$init_paper_subs{"dvipdfmx"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfmx;
sub init_all_papers {
for my $p (keys %init_paper_subs) {
@@ -1305,28 +1316,8 @@ sub select_file_assocs {
-################ END FUNCTIONS
-if ($opts{"load"}) {
- $location = $tlpdb_location;
- update_loaded_location_string();
- run_update_functions();
-info(__("Completed") . ".\n");
-if (!$::we_can_save) {
- my $no_write_warn = $mw->Dialog(-title => "warning",
- -text => __("You don't have permissions to change the installation in any way,\nspecifically, the directory %s is not writable.\nPlease run this program as administrator, or contact your local admin.\n\nMost buttons will be disabled.", "$Master/tlpkg/"),
- -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show();
sub init_install_media {
my $newroot = $location;
@@ -1388,11 +1379,7 @@ sub SelectedPackages {
# first select those that are
for my $p (keys %Packages) {
next if !$Packages{$p}{'selected'};
- if ($action_apply_filter) {
- if (MatchesFilters($p)) {
- push @ret, $p;
- }
- } else {
+ if (MatchesFilters($p)) {
push @ret, $p;