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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c62c78604ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/README
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+This is the README file for the Interpreter package.
+Author: Paul Isambert.
+E-mail: zappathustra AT free DOT fr
+Comments and suggestions are welcome.
+Date: July 2011.
+Version: 1.0.
+Interpreter preprocesses input files on the fly (no external program) and
+manipulates input lines, e.g. to turn some markup into proper TeX syntax.
+LuaTeX is required.
+Relevant information can be found in interpreter-doc.pdf
+or interpreter-doc.txt (source of the doc readable in a text editor).
+The files in this distribution are:
+interpreter.lua - main code
+interpreter.tex - \input in plain TeX
+interpreter.sty - wrapper for LaTeX
+interpreter-doc.tex - master file for the doc
+interpreter-doc.txt - text of the doc
+interpreter-doc.pdf - typeset doc
+i-doc.lua - interpretation for the doc (because, of course, the doc
+ is typeset with Interpreter)
+Licensing of this package is covered by LPPL.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e70e34b7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d78ad02963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% This is the master file producing interpreter-doc.pdf. The version of the
+% documentation readable in a text editor is interpreter-doc.txt (input below).
+% Paul Isambert - zappathustra AT free DOT fr - July 2011
+\input pitex
+% Output stuff.
+\gates remove {output_headers}{output_shipout}
+\gates remove {output_postship}{output_shipout}
+\gates remove {output_precheck}{output}
+\gates close {output_shipout}{output}
+\gates def {twocol}{%
+ \ifright
+ \global\rightfalse
+ \setbox\outputbox=\hbox{\box\leftbox\kern24pt\box\outputbox}%
+ \gates ajar {output_shipout}{output}%
+ \else
+ \global\righttrue
+ \global\setbox\leftbox=\box\outputbox
+ \fi
+ }
+\gates add {twocol}[before output_shipout]{output}
+\setparameter page :
+ hsize = 20pc
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+ width = "\dimexpr 144pt + 40pc\relax"
+ lines = 45
+ height = 24cm
+\setparameter section :
+ font = \bf
+ link = true
+ number = none
+ numbercommand = \llap
+ beforeskip = 1
+\setparameter navigator :
+ open = true
+ title = "Interpreter documentation"
+ author = "Paul Isambert"
+ mode = outlines
+\setparameter font :
+ command = \mainfont
+ name = "Chaparral Pro"
+ bold = Semibold
+ big = 18pt
+\setparameter font :
+ command = \codefont
+ name = "Lucida Console"
+ bold = none
+ size = 8pt
+ features = "space = .6, -tlig, -trep, -liga"
+\parfillskip=0pt plus 1fill
+ \iflines3{\vskip\baselineskip}{\breakpage}%
+ \noindent\color{.8 0 0}{%
+ {\outline{#3}{\directlua{%
+ local t = string.gsub("\luaescapestring{#1}", "[ (].*", "")
+ tex.print(t)}}%
+ \codefont#1}%
+ \reverse\iffemptystring{#2}
+ {\kern1em \hfil\penalty0\hbox{\ital{(#2)}}}}%
+ \par\removenextindent}
+ {\vskip\baselineskip
+ \hfuzz=1em
+ \codefont\parindent=0pt
+ \pdfcolorstack0 push {.8 0 0 rg}
+ \printverbatim
+ \pdfcolorstack0 pop
+ \vskip\baselineskip}
+\def\arg#1{{\codefont\char"2039 #1\char"203A}}
+\input interpreter
+% Title
+\vbox to 3\baselineskip{
+\hbox to \hsize{\big Interpreter\hfil\normalsize Paul Isambert}
+\hbox to \hsize{v.1.0, July 2011 \hfil \tcode{zappathustra AT free DOT fr}}
+% Bulk of the doc.
+\vskip0pt plus 1filll
+\noindent\ital{Typeset with Lua\TeX\ 0.71 in Chaparral Pro and Lucida Console}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5bece3bac7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/interpreter/interpreter-doc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ (Make a search on the tag in the right
+ column to jump to the associated section.
+ Vim users can simply type * on the tag;
+ Emacs users do that with C-s C-w (I think);
+ Other editors: I don't know!)
+ Introduction intro_tag
+ Input files input_tag
+ Paragraphs paragraphs_tag
+ Declaring patterns patterns_tag
+ Classes classes_tag
+ Protecting input protect_tag
+ Technical stuff technical_tag
+ An example: i-doc.lua example_tag
+================================== intro_tag
+=== Introduction =================
+Interpreter preprocesses input files before their contents is fed to TeX. It
+is meant to write document with whatever markup one wishes to define while
+using normal TeX macros in the background. As a simple example, suppose you
+have a macro "\bold" to put text in boldface; then Interpreter lets you map
+"*text*", or "<strong>text</strong>", or simply "!text", or anything else, to
+"\bold{text}". Interpreter doesn't perform any trickery with active
+characters; instead, it manipulates the strings representing the lines of
+a file and search for patterns.
+There are two main advantages: first, TeX documents can be typeset with
+a completely non-TeX syntax; second, if one uses some lightweight markup
+language, the source file is much easier to read and might even be more useful
+than the typeset PDF file, e.g. for some technical documentation you want to
+read directly in your text editor while writing code (powerful editors
+generally have their own documentation in such a format, for a good reason).
+A third advantage, not explored in this documentation, is that while feeding
+modified lines to TeX you can also translate the original lines into, say,
+HTML, and write them to an external file, thus creating both PDF and HTML
+output at once.
+================================== input_tag
+=== Input files ==================
+Once Interpreter is loaded with
+ \input interpreter
+in plain TeX or
+ \usepackage{interpreter}
+in LaTeX, files to be processed are input as follows:
+ \interpretfile{<language>}{<file>}
+There should exist a file "i-<language>.lua" containing the language used in
+<file>. For instance, the source of this documentation is
+"interpreter-doc.txt", input in the master file "interpreter-doc.tex" with
+ \interpretfile{doc}{interpreter-doc.txt}
+and the interpretation to be used is defined in "i-doc.lua". The contents of
+such an interpretation file is the object of the rest of this documentation.
+================================== paragraphs_tag
+=== Paragraphs ===================
+Interpreter doesn't process lines one by one. Instead, it gathers an entire
+paragraph and then processes the lines. It is important because you can
+manipulate an entire paragraph when a given pattern is detected, and modify
+several lines according to what happens in only one. A paragraph in
+Interpreter has nothing to do with what TeX considers a paragraph; instead, it
+is defined by the following string.
+> interpreter.paragraph [Default: blank line with spaces ignored]
+ A string to be interpreted as a paragraph boundary when Interpreter collects
+ lines before processing them. The string actually represents a pattern, so
+ magic characters are obeyed. The default is "%s*", i.e. a blank line is
+ considered a paragraph boundary, spaces notwithstanding. Of course, the end
+ of the file itself is a paragraph boundary.
+================================== patterns_tag
+=== Declaring patterns ===========
+Once the lines of a paragraph have been collected, Interpreter searches them
+trying to match declared patterns, but it doesn't do so indiscriminately:
+patterns are searched in a given order, as explained below.
+Patterns are searched for in each line only, i.e. no match can occur across
+lines. However, since you can manipulate entire paragraphs based on a match in
+one line, the limitation easily vanishes.
+> interpreter.add_pattern(<table>)
+ This is the basic function used to defined patterns. The <table> may
+ contain the following entries, along other entries Interpreter won't use
+ but which can be useful to you, especially with "call" below. The function
+ returns a table.
+>> class [Default: "intepreter.default_class"]
+ The class of the pattern. See the section on classes.
+>> pattern
+ The pattern to match. Lua's magic characters are in force and should be
+ escaped with "%" if necessary, unless "nomagic" is "true" (or the pattern
+ itself is the result of "interpreter.nomagic").
+>> nomagic [Default: "false"]
+ A boolean deciding whether the pattern should be transformed with
+ "interpreter.nomagic".
+>> replace
+ The replacement for the pattern, applied only if there is no "call" entry.
+ This may be a string, a table or a function. Interpreter simply executes
+ something similar to "string.gsub()", hence the replacement follows this
+ function's ordinary syntax. More precisely, if "replace" is a string, the
+ pattern is replaced with it; in this string, "%n" may be used to denote the
+ _n_th capture in the pattern. If "replace" is a table, the first capture or
+ the entire match (if there is no capture) is used as the key, and the
+ associated value is used as the replacement. If "replace" is a function, it
+ is called with the captures passed as arguments, or the entire match if
+ there is no capture. For instance, the following pattern will replace all
+ "*text*" with "\bold{text}":
+ interpreter.add_pattern{
+ pattern = "%*(.-)%*",
+ replace = [[\bold{%1}]]
+ }
+>> offset [Default: 0]
+ The number of positions Interpreter should shift to the right after a match
+ has occurred. Normally, Interpreter starts searching for another occurrence
+ of the current pattern at the same position where it found the last one.
+ However, loops might easily occur: the replacement for a pattern may very
+ well contain another match for the same pattern, so Interpreter will get
+ stuck. Suppose for instance you want to replace "TeX" with "\TeX". The
+ first match will do that, but then Interpreter will start searching again
+ at the backslash, producing "\\TeX", then "\\\TeX", etc. In this case, if
+ you set "offset" to 2 in the pattern, then search will start again at the
+ "e" and no new match will occur.
+>> call
+ This entry shall contain a function to be called if there is a match (if
+ this entry exists, "replace" isn't applied). It is meant to perform complex
+ tasks that aren't amenable to simple string replacement. The function will
+ be executed as follows:
+ function (paragraph, line, index, pattern)
+ "paragraph" is a table representing the current paragraph; lines are stored
+ at successive indices. The last line of this paragraph is always the
+ paragraph boundary (see "interpreter.paragraph"), unless the paragraph
+ stopped at the end of the file. The second argument, "line", is a number
+ representing the index in "paragraph" containing the line where the pattern
+ was found; "index" is the position in this line where the match occurred.
+ Finally, "pattern" is the entire table declared with
+ "interpreter.add_pattern" and containing all the entries discussed here.
+ The function may return zero, one, or two numbers. If it returns none, the
+ search for the next occurrence of the pattern will start again on the same
+ line (rather, on the line with the same position in the paragraph), at
+ "index". If it returns one number, the search will resume at the same line
+ but at position _n_, with _n_ the returned number. Finally, if two numbers
+ are returned, the search will resume at line _m_ at position _n_, _m_ and
+ _n_ being the returned values. Specifying which line should be examined
+ when the search resumes might be necessary if the function adds new lines
+ in the paragraph _before_ the current line, since Interpreter only keeps
+ count of line numbers.
+ The entire paragraph can thus be modified if necessary. For instance,
+ suppose you want to declare comments in your source file with only
+ "!Comment" in the first line, i.e. TeX should ignore a paragraph such as:
+ !Comment
+ This should be ignored
+ by TeX
+ Then the following pattern will do (where the function requires only the
+ first argument):
+ local function comment (paragraph)
+ for n, l in ipairs(paragraph) do
+ paragraph[n] = "%" .. l
+ end
+ end
+ interpreter.add_pattern{
+ pattern = "^!Comment",
+ call = comment
+ }
+> interpreter.nomagic (string)
+ A function which reverses the usual Lua magic for patterns: ordinary magic
+ characters are normal characters here, unless they are prefixed with "%", in
+ which case they are magic again. For instance, a pattern like ".+" is
+ normally interpreted as ``one or more characters''. If passed to this
+ function, a pattern is returned meaning ``a dot followed by a plus sign''.
+ On the contrary, "%.%+" normally has the second interpretation, while with
+ "interpreter.nomagic" it has the first one. The function makes another
+ transformation: "..." is used to denote a capture "(.-)". Thus
+ "interpreter.nomagic('*...*')" returns a pattern matching any number of
+ characters surrounded by stars and capturing those characters; this would be
+ expressed in ordinary Lua magic as "%*(.-)%*".
+================================== classes_tag
+=== Classes ======================
+As already alluded to, the search for patterns isn't done at random. Instead,
+patterns are organized in classes, which are applied one after the other. More
+precisely, the process is as follows: Interpreter searches the entire
+paragraph for the first pattern in class~1, then for the second pattern in the
+same class, then for the third, etc., then when there is no pattern left in
+class~1 it does the same with class~2, up to class~_n_, where _n_ is the
+hightest class number such that there exists a class _n - 1_ (in other words,
+classes should be numbered consecutively). Finally, the same goes for the
+patterns in class~0 (which always exists, even if it contains no pattern).
+Inside a class, patterns are ordered by length from long to short, or
+alphabetically if two patterns have the same length. This means that if you
+use e.g. "/text/" for italics and "//text//" for bold, you don't need to put
+the second pattern in a class before the first to avoid "//text//" being
+interpreted as two empty arguments in italics surrounding a text in roman.
+Since the way the bold-pattern will be declared, e.g. "//(.-)//", is probably
+longer than for the italic-pattern, e.g. "/(.-)/", it will always match first.
+That said, the sorting isn't very clever and simply relies on the number of
+symbols, no matter what they mean; in the patterns above, the parentheses
+denote a capture but they still count in the pattern's length as understood by
+Interpreter. Alternatively, while ".*" denotes ``zero or more character'' and
+"%+" means ``a plus sign'' ("+" being magic, you have to escape it to refer to
+it), in Interpreter's eye the two patterns have the same length: two. Finally,
+one should be aware that patterns declared with a "nomagic" entry set to
+"true" are sorted after they've been transformed (so that their real length
+might not be obvious). So classes are needed when patterns need a proper
+ordering no matter their lengths. For instance, some patterns should always be
+declared first, as they protect input from Interpreter (see next section),
+while others might need to be declared last, as they rely on what previous
+patterns might have done. Besides, classes are metatables for the patterns
+they contain.
+> interpreter.default_class [Default: 1]
+ All patterns belong to a class, even though you may omit the "class" entry
+ when declaring one. In this case, the pattern is assigned to the class
+ denoted by this number.
+> interpreter.set_class(number, table)
+ Defines class "number" as "table". Classes don't need to be defined
+ beforehand for patterns to be added to them (rather, Interpreter defines
+ them implicitly when needed). However, classes are also metatables for the
+ patterns, so that if there lacks an entry in a pattern's table, the class's
+ entry is used if it exists. The function returns a table.
+================================== protect_tag
+=== Protecting input =============
+Sometimes you want Interpreter to refrain from interpreting; that is most
+useful for verbatim code, for instance. There are various ways to do that.
+> [Default: true]
+ A boolean switching Interpreter on and off. Beware, the switching applies
+ only starting at the next paragraph.
+> interpreter.protect([line])
+ A function protecting all or part of the current paragraph. If "line" is
+ given, it should be a number _n_, and line _n_ in the current paragraph will
+ be protected; without "line", the entire paragraph is protected. Protecting
+ means that the patterns not yet searched for will be ignored. For instance,
+ if you want material to be read verbatim when surrounded with "<code>" and
+ "</code>", you can declare a pattern as follows:
+ local function verbatim (buffer)
+ buffer[1] = "\\verbatim"
+ buffer[#buffer - 1] = "\\endverbatim"
+ intepreter.protect()
+ end
+ interpreter.add_pattern{
+ pattern = "^%s*<code>%*s$",
+ call = verbatim,
+ class = 1
+ }
+ This code is extremely simplified : it assumes that "<code>" and "</code>"
+ starts and ends the paragraph and that "</code>" isn't the last line of the
+ file (otherwise it'd also be the last line in the paragraph, whereas here
+ the last one is the paragraph boundary). An important point is that the
+ pattern belongs to the first class, so it is called before all other
+ patterns (provided there is no shorter pattern in class~1) and prevents them
+ from doing anything, since the entire paragraph is protected. (Typesetting
+ the material as verbatim material obviously depends on the "\verbatim"
+ macro, not on Interpreter.)
+> interpreter.escape
+ A character which prevents patterns from being replaced if immediately
+ preceded by it. As an example, if "interpreter.escape = '_'", and "*text*"
+ denotes italic, then "*text*" will produce _text_ while "_*text*" will
+ produce *text*. Once a paragraph has been processed, Interpreter removes all
+ escape characters. Only one character can be an escape character.
+> interpreter.protector(left[, right]) ["right" defaults to "left"]
+ Defines two characters to protect what they surround. In other words,
+ Interpreter replaces patterns only if the match isn't found between "left"
+ and "right". Unlike the escape character, you can define as many protectors
+ as you wish; and unlike the escape character again, Interpreter _doesn't_
+ remove them once the paragraph has been processed, so you must take care of
+ them. For instance:
+ intepreter.protector('"')
+ interpreter.add_pattern{
+ pattern = '"(.-)"',
+ replace = '\\verb`%1`',
+ class = 0
+ }
+ Anything between double quotes will be left untouched; then, when the
+ paragraph has been processed for all other classes, a pattern in class~0
+ calls the "\verb" command to take care of the argument. Note that the
+ protectors should enclose what they protect without coinciding with it; this
+ is not the case here, which is why the pattern is applied.
+> [Default: two percent signs then "I" and at least one space]
+ A string, actually a pattern, signalling that the line which it begins
+ should be processed as Lua code. The default is "%%%%I%s+", i.e. "%%I"
+ followed by at least one space. The pattern shouldn't declare itself as
+ attached to the beginning of the line (as in "^%%%%I%s+") because they will
+ be matched at the beginning of the line only anyway. The line is processed
+ with the "loadstring" function, and then turned into an empty line. For
+ instance:
+ %%I = false
+ This won't be interpreted...
+ %%I = true
+ As this example shows, lines flagged with "" don't obey
+ "" and are always processed as described above.
+================================== technical_tag
+=== Technical stuff ==============
+You don't have to bother with this section if you don't mind how Interpreter
+does its job; actually you won't learn much anyway.
+> interpreter.reset()
+ A function which resets everything to default and deletes classes. It is used
+ when calling "\interpretefile" so that new interpretetions start from zero.
+> interpreter.register(function)
+ A function called to put Interpreter's main function into the
+ "post_linebreak_filter" callback; you can redefine it at will. If it is
+ undefined, "callback.register()" is used, unless "luatexbase.add_to_callback()"
+ is detected. (The detection takes place at the first call to
+ "\interpretfile", so there is no need to load Interpreter after
+ "luatexbase".)
+> interpreter.unregister(function)
+ A function called to remove Interpreter's main function from the
+ "post_linebreak_filter" callback. It works similarly to the previous one.
+================================== example_tag
+=== An example: i-doc.lua ========
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/interpreter/i-doc.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/interpreter/i-doc.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..b8b3c106a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/interpreter/i-doc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+Here's a description of "i-doc.lua", the file containing the interpretation
+used for Interpreter's documentation. Remember that none of the TeX macros
+used here is defined by Interpreter; instead, they are my own and should be
+adapted if necessary. Also several options taken here are far from optimal but
+are convenient examples.
+Shorthands for often used functions.
+local gsub, match = string.gsub, string.match
+local add_pattern = interpreter.add_pattern
+local nomagic = interpreter.nomagic
+Class 1 and 2 will be used for verbatim (thus protecting) and ``normal''
+patterns go into class 3 or higher.
+interpreter.default_class = 3
+The reader might have observed that "interpreter-doc.txt" begins with a table
+of contents. This table is useful for the source file only, and isn't typeset
+by TeX, because the following pattern suppresses it: the entire paragraph
+containing "TABLE OF CONTENTS" on a line of its own is deleted. Protecting the
+paragraph is useless, but it makes things a little bit faster because the
+paragraph won't be pointlessly searched for other patterns.
+local function contents (buffer)
+ for n in ipairs(buffer) do
+ buffer[n] = ""
+ end
+ interpreter.protect()
+ pattern = "^%s*TABLE OF CONTENTS%s*$",
+ call = contents,
+ class = 1
+Sections headers are typeset as
+ ====================================== section_tag
+ === Section title ====================
+ ======================================
+The first and third line are decorations and they are removed. The
+"section_tag" is meant for the source only again (linking the section to the table
+of contents). I could have used it to create PDF destinations, but that seemed
+unnecessary in such a small file. The associated pattern is: at least four
+equals signs.
+ pattern = "^====+.*",
+ replace = ""
+The middle line is spotted with the tree equals sign at the beginning of the
+line (the previous pattern being longer, the decoration lines have been
+already removed and they won't be taken for section titles). The signs are
+removed and replaced with "\section{" and "}".
+local function section (buffer, num)
+ local l = buffer[num]
+ l = gsub(l, "^===%s*", "\\section{")
+ l = gsub(l, "%s*=+%s*", "}")
+ buffer[num] = l
+ pattern = "^===",
+ call = section
+The following pattern simply turns "Interpreter" into "\ital{Interpreter}". The
+meaning of the "\ital" command is obvious, I suppose. Note the offset:
+starting at the backslash, this leads to the _n_ in Interpreter, thus avoiding
+matching the pattern again. The Lua notation with double square brackets is
+used for strings with no escape character (hence "\ital" and not "\\ital" as
+would be necessary with a simple string).
+ pattern = "Interpreter",
+ replace = [[\ital{Interpreter}]],
+ offset = 7
+Turning "TeX" into TeX. This illustrates the use of a function as "replace";
+the point is that "\TeX" should be suffixed with a space if initially followed
+by anything but a space or end of line (so as not to form a control sequence
+with the following letters), and it should be suffixed with a control space if
+initially followed by a space or end of line (so as to avoid gobbling the
+space). So the function checks the second capture. Note that simply replacing
+"TeX" with "\TeX{}" would be much simpler, but less instructive!
+local function maketex (tex, next)
+ if next == " " or next == "" then
+ return [[\TeX\ ]]
+ else
+ return [[\TeX ]] .. next
+ end
+ pattern = "(TeX)(.?)",
+ replace = maketex,
+ offset = 2
+The following turns "<text>" into <text> and "_text_" into _text_. Setting a
+class just so the patterns inherit the "nomagic" feature is of course an
+overkill, but that's an example.
+interpreter.set_class(4, {nomagic = true})
+ pattern = "<...>",
+ replace = [[\arg{%1}]],
+ class = 4
+ pattern = "_..._",
+ replace = [[\ital{%1}]],
+ class = 4 }
+I use double quotes as protectors; they are replaced with a "\verb" command at
+the very end of the processing (with class 0).
+ pattern = nomagic'"..."',
+ replace = [[\verb`%1`]],
+ class = 0
+The description of functions (in red in the PDF file) are handled with the
+"\describe" macro, which takes the function as its first argument and
+additional information as its second one (typeset in italics in the PDF file).
+In the source, it is simply marked as
+ > function (arguments) [Additional information]
+with "[Additional information]" sometimes missing (i.e. there is no empty
+pairs of square brackets). Descriptions of entries in pattern tables follows
+the same syntax, except the line begins with ">>". So the pattern first spots
+lines beginning with ">[>]" followed by at least one space, adds an empty pair of
+brackets at the end if there isn't any, and turn the whole into "\describe".
+The number of ">" symbols sets "\describe"'s third argument, which specifies
+the level of the bookmark.
+local function describe (buffer, num)
+ local l = buffer[num]
+ if not match (l, "%[.-%]%s*$") then
+ l = l .. " []"
+ end
+ local le = match(l, ">>") and 4 or 3
+ buffer[num] = gsub(l, ">+%s+(.-)%s+%[(.-)%]",
+ [[\describe{%1}{%2}{]] .. le .. "}")
+ pattern = "^>+%s+",
+ call = describe
+Here's how multiline verbatim is handled; in the source it is simply marked by
+indenting the line with ten spaces; thus code is easily spotted when reading
+the source without useless and annoying "<code>"/"</code>" or anything similar
+to mark it. To be properly processed by TeX, the code should be surrounded by
+"\verbatim" and "\verbatim/" (my way of signalling blocks). Those must be on
+their own lines, so we insert a line at the beginning and at the end of the
+paragraph: for the closing "\verbatim/", we can simply replace the last line
+of the paragraph, which is the boundary line, unless we're at the end of the
+file. But for the opening "\verbatim" a line must be added at the beginning of
+the paragraph; thus line numbers in the original source file and in its
+processed version don't match anymore, and this might be annoying when TeX
+reports erros. Besides, blank verbatim lines aren't handled correctly and
+create a new verbatim block instead. So this way of marking verbatim material
+is good for small documents, but explicit marking is cleaner and more
+powerful (albeit not so good-looking in the source file).
+Note that the verbatim pattern belongs to class 2 and the entire paragraph is
+protected, so Interpreter leaves it alone afterward (remember the default
+class is 3). Of course, the first ten space characters are removed.
+local function verbatim (buffer)
+ for n, l in ipairs(buffer) do
+ buffer[n] = gsub(l, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s","")
+ end
+ table.insert(buffer, 1, [[\verbatim]])
+ if gsub(buffer[#buffer],
+ interpreter.paragraph, "") == "" then
+ buffer[#buffer] = [[\verbatim/]]
+ else
+ table.insert(buffer, [[\verbatim/]])
+ end
+ interpreter.protect()
+ pattern = "^%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+ call = verbatim,
+ class = 2
+And now comes the fun part. I wanted "i-doc.lua" to be self-describing. The
+source of what you're reading right now isn't "interpreter-doc.txt", but
+"i-doc.lua" itself input in the latter file with
+ \intepreterfile{doc}{i-doc.lua}
+How should code and comment be organized in "i-doc.lua"? Well, there is little
+choice, since the file is a normal Lua file: comment lines should be prefixed
+with "--" or surrounded with
+\tcode{--[{}[} and \tcode{--]{}]}. % Sorry for the braces, I can't nest Lua comments!
+I chose the latter option, which is simpler. But normal code should also be
+typeset as verbatim material; I could have begun all lines with ten spaces,
+but that would have seemed strange. Instead, \tcode{--]{}]} is turned into
+"\source" and "\source/" is added at the end of the paragraph ("\source" is
+just "\verbatim" with a different layout). Which means all paragraphs have the
+same structure: comments between
+\tcode{--[{}[} and \tcode{--]{}]}
+and code immediately following (\tcode{--[{}[} is simply removed). The pattern
+is in class 1 and the paragraph is protected, so that lines indented with ten
+spaces or more aren't touched by the previous verbatim pattern (in class 2).
+local function autoverbatim (buffer, line)
+ buffer[line] = [[\source]]
+ for n = line + 1, #buffer do
+ interpreter.protect(n)
+ end
+ if gsub(buffer[#buffer],
+ interpreter.paragraph, "") == "" then
+ buffer[#buffer] = [[\source/]]
+ else
+ table.insert(buffer, [[\source/]])
+ end
+ pattern = nomagic"%^--]]",
+ call = autoverbatim,
+ class = 1
+local function test ()
+ return ""
+ pattern = nomagic"%^--[[",
+ replace = test,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/interpreter/interpreter.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/interpreter/interpreter.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3c2d3391eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/interpreter/interpreter.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+-- This is the main Lua file for the Interpreter package.
+-- Further information in interpreter-doc.pdf or interpreter-doc.txt.
+-- Paul Isambert - zappathustra AT free DOT fr - July 2011
+local find, gsub, match, sub = string.find, string.gsub, string.match, string.sub
+local insert, sort = table.insert, table.sort
+-- Utility function sorting patterns by length (alphabetically if they are of
+-- equal length).
+local function string_order (a, b)
+ local a, b = a.pattern, b.pattern
+ return #a == #b and a < b or #a > #b
+interpreter = {
+-- *** ***
+-- Following paragraphs (as defined by interpreter.paragraph) are interpreted
+-- iff this is not set to false.
+ active = true,
+-- *** interpreter.default_class ***
+-- Sets the default class for patterns which are added without specifying the
+-- class. Default 1.
+ default_class = 1
+ }
+local _classes = {}
+-- *** interpreter.add_pattern (table) ***
+-- Creates pattern <table>, which can contain the following entries:
+-- pattern [string] = The pattern to match. Magic characters are obeyed!
+-- replace [string] = The replacement for <pattern>. Can be a string, a
+-- table or a function. A simple string.gsub() is
+-- applied.
+-- call [function] = The function applied to <pattern>; <replace> is applied
+-- iff there is no <call>.
+-- offset [number] = If <pattern> is used at index n, then the search on the
+-- same line for the same pattern starts again at index n
+-- + offset. Applied only when no <call> (in this case,
+-- search starts again at the beginning of the line). By
+-- default, offset = 0. This is needed to avoid infinite
+-- loops with replacements which contain the pattern;
+-- e.g. replacing "TeX" with "\TeX" will produce an
+-- infinite loop, unless offset = 2.
+-- nomagic [boolean] = Sets whether <replace> should be transformed with interpreter.nomagic.
+-- class [number] = The pattern's <class> (classes of patterns are applied in
+-- order, e.g. all patterns in class 1 are applied, then
+-- all patterns in class 2, etc; class 0, however, is
+-- always applied last). If <class> is not given, the
+-- default_class number is used. Classes must be numbered
+-- consecutively.
+function interpreter.add_pattern (tb)
+ local class = tb.class or interpreter.default_class
+ interpreter.set_class(class, {})
+ setmetatable(tb, _classes[class].meta)
+ if tb.nomagic then
+ tb.pattern = interpreter.nomagic(tb.pattern)
+ end
+ insert(_classes[class], tb)
+ sort(_classes[class], string_order)
+ return tb
+-- *** interpreter.set_class (number, table) ***
+-- Sets default values (of the table normally specified in add_pattern) for
+-- patterns of class <number>; patterns added to this class can still specify
+-- different values, which will override defaults. In other words, this is a
+-- metatable for patterns (which are tables) of that class.
+function interpreter.set_class(num, tb)
+ _classes[num] = _classes[num] or { meta = { __index = function (_, k) return _classes[num].meta[k] end } }
+ for a, b in pairs(tb) do
+ _classes[num].meta[a] = b
+ end
+ return _classes[num]
+-- Class 0 must exist since it is always used at the end of the paragraph.
+interpreter.set_class(0, {})
+-- *** interpreter.nomagic (string) ***
+-- Turns a normal string into a string with magic characters escaped, so it
+-- can be used as a pattern.
+local magic_characters = {
+ ["^"] = "%^",
+ ["$"] = "%$",
+ ["("] = "%(",
+ [")"] = "%)",
+ ["%"] = "%%",
+ ["."] = "%.",
+ ["["] = "%[",
+ ["]"] = "%]",
+ ["*"] = "%*",
+ ["+"] = "%+",
+ ["-"] = "%-",
+ ["?"] = "%?",
+--function interpreter.nomagic (str)
+-- return gsub(str, ".", magic_characters)
+function interpreter.nomagic (str)
+ local i, s = 1, ""
+ while i <= #str do
+ local c, c2, c3 = sub(str, i, i), sub(str, i + 1, i + 1), sub(str, i + 2, i + 2)
+ i = i + 1
+ if c == "%" and magic_characters[c2] then
+ s = s .. c2
+ i = i + 1
+ elseif c == "." and c2 == "." and c3 == "." then
+ s = s .. "(.-)"
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif magic_characters[c] then
+ s = s .. "%" .. c
+ else
+ s = s .. c
+ end
+ end
+ return s
+-- *** interpreter.protect ([spec]) ***
+-- Protects a set of lines in a paragraph; a protected line won't be
+-- interpreted. If <spec> is a number, this protects line <spec> in the current
+-- paragraph; if <spec> is true, this protects the entire current paragraph. Of
+-- course, patterns that were applied to the line(s) or paragraph before
+-- protection happened aren't undone.
+local _protected
+function interpreter.protect (num)
+ if type(num) == "number" then
+ if type(_protected) ~= "boolean" then
+ _protected = _protected or {}
+ _protected[num] = true
+ end
+ else
+ _protected = true
+ end
+-- Utility function making a replacement in a string but only from a certain
+-- position and only once. We can't let gsub unrestricted, because some
+-- part(s) of the string might be protected.
+local function xsub (str, num, patt, rep)
+ return sub(str, 1, num-1) .. gsub(sub(str, num), patt, rep, 1)
+-- *** interpreter.protector (left [, right]) ***
+-- Sets <left> and <right> (set to <left> if missing) as protectors, i.e.
+-- enclosed material won't be processed even if the line is processed
+-- otherwise. For instance: after interpreter.protector ("|"), the word
+-- "little" in
+-- Hello, |little| world!
+-- will be left untouched; Interpreter is terribly smart (thanks to lpeg), so
+-- in "|a| b |c|", "b" isn't protected, as intended, because the "|" on its
+-- left doesn't match the one on its right but with the one before "a". An
+-- example with <right> specified: interpreter.protector("[", "]") and
+-- then:
+-- Hello, [little] world!
+-- achieves the same as above. Protectors AREN'T removed when the line is
+-- finally passed to TeX; and there can be several protectors. Compare with
+-- interpreter.escape.
+local P, Cf, Cg, Cp, Ct, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.V
+local _grammar
+local function _protector (str, index)
+ local protections = Cf(Ct("") * Cg{ _grammar + 1 * V(1) }^1, rawset)
+ protections = protections:match(str)
+ if protections then
+ for a, b in pairs(protections) do
+ if index > a and index < b then
+ return nil, b
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return index
+function interpreter.protector (left, right)
+ right = right or left
+ local gram = P(Cp() * P(left) * (1 - P(right))^0 * Cp() * P(right))
+ if _grammar then
+ _grammar = _grammar + gram
+ else
+ _grammar = gram
+ end
+-- *** interpreter.escape ***
+-- A string used as an escape character: if a pattern matches, it is processed
+-- iff the character immediately to its left isn't <escape>. The escape
+-- character IS removed once the lines have been processed, so TeX never sees
+-- it; also, only one escape character is allowed, and itself can't be escaped
+-- (i.e. it doesn't mean anything to try to escape it). E.g.:
+-- interpreter.escape = "|"
+-- ... this won't be |*processed*
+-- Assuming you have a pattern with stars, here it won't be applied. Instead
+-- "this won't be *processed*" will be passed to TeX (note that the escape
+-- character has disappeared).
+local function get_index (str, patt, index)
+ index = find(str, patt, index)
+ if index then
+ if sub(str, index-1, index-1) == interpreter.escape then
+ return get_index(str, patt, index + 1)
+ elseif _grammar then
+ local right
+ index, right = _protector(str, index, patt)
+ return index or get_index(str, patt, right + 1)
+ else
+ return index
+ end
+ end
+-- The main function that applies all the patterns in a <class> on a given
+-- paragraph.
+local function process_buffer (buffer, class)
+ for _, tb in ipairs(class) do
+ local num, idx = 1, 1
+ while num <= #buffer do
+ local line = type(buffer[num]) == "string" and buffer[num]
+ if line then
+ local index = get_index(line, tb.pattern, idx)
+ if index then
+ if then
+ local l, o =, num, index, tb)
+ if o then
+ num, idx = l, o
+ elseif l then
+ idx = l
+ end
+ elseif tb.replace then
+ buffer[num] = xsub(line, index, tb.pattern, tb.replace)
+ idx = index + (tb.offset or 0)
+ end
+ -- If there was a function applied, protection might have been
+ -- enforced. Acts accordingly.
+ if _protected then
+ if type(_protected) == "table" then
+ for n, _ in pairs(_protected) do
+ if type(buffer[n]) == "string" then
+ buffer[n] = {buffer[n]}
+ end
+ end
+ if _protected[num] then
+ num = num + 1
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ num = num + 1
+ idx = 1
+ end
+ else
+ num = num + 1
+ idx = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- The functions that iterates the previous one for each class. Note that
+-- class 0 is processed last.
+local function read_buffer (buffer)
+ for _, class in ipairs(_classes) do
+ if type(_protected) ~= "boolean" then
+ process_buffer(buffer, class)
+ end
+ end
+ if type(_protected) ~= "boolean" then
+ process_buffer(buffer, _classes[0])
+ end
+ _protected = nil
+ -- Changes protected lines (tables) back to strings.
+ for n, _ in ipairs(buffer) do
+ if type(buffer[n]) == "table" then
+ buffer[n] = buffer[n][1]
+ end
+ end
+ return buffer
+local lines = { }
+-- *** interpreter.paragraph ***
+-- The pattern that defines a line acting as a paragraph boundary,
+-- prompting Interpreter to process the lines gathered up to now. Default is a
+-- line composed of spaces at most.
+interpreter.paragraph = "%s*"
+-- *** (pattern) ***
+-- Sets the pattern defining a line as direct Lua code: if a line begins with
+-- <pattern> (which itself shouldn't contain the beginning-of-string character "^")
+-- the code that follows is processed as Lua code, and the line is turned to
+-- an empty string; note that this empty string will be seen as a paragraph
+-- boundary if the line happened in the middle of a paragraph and
+-- interpreter.paragraph has set paragraph boundary to empty string. Default
+-- is "%%I " (two "%" followed by one "I" followed by at least one space
+-- character). = "%%%%I%s+"
+-- At last, the function to be registered in open_read_file, defining the
+-- function that reads a file.
+function interpreter.read_file (fname)
+ -- *** interpreter.unregister () ***
+ -- The function used to remove read_file from the "open_read_file" callback.
+ -- Uses callback.register by default, or luatexbase.remove_from_callback if
+ -- detected.
+ if not interpreter.unregister then
+ if luatexbase and luatexbase.remove_from_callback then
+ function interpreter.unregister ()
+ luatexbase.remove_from_callback("open_read_file", "interpreter")
+ end
+ else
+ function interpreter.unregister ()
+ callback.register("open_read_file", nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ interpreter.unregister()
+ local f, line =, true
+ local read_line = function ()
+ -- If no lines is left in store, we gather a new paragraph.
+ if #lines == 0 then
+ local line = f:read ()
+ while line do
+ -- Checks for direct code.
+ if and match(line, "^" .. then
+ loadstring(gsub(line, "^" .., ""))()
+ line = ""
+ end
+ table.insert(lines, line)
+ -- Checks for paragraph boundary, which breaks line gathering.
+ if gsub(line, interpreter.paragraph, "") == "" then
+ break
+ end
+ line = f:read ()
+ end
+ -- Pass the paragraph (a table of strings) to the bug functions above,
+ -- if interpreter is active; then remove escape characters, if any.
+ if then
+ lines = read_buffer (lines)
+ if interpreter.escape then
+ for num, line in ipairs(lines) do
+ lines[num] = gsub(line, interpreter.escape, "")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return lines and table.remove (lines, 1)
+ end
+ return {reader = read_line}
+-- *** interpreter.reset () ***
+-- Resets to default values; mostly to be used when calling a new
+-- interpretation with \interpretfile.
+function interpreter.reset ()
+ = true
+ interpreter.default_class = 1
+ _classes = {}
+ interpreter.set_class(0, {})
+ _grammar = nil
+ interpreter.escape = nil
+ interpreter.paragraph = "%s*"
+ = "%%%%I%s+"
+-- *** interpreter.register (function) ***
+-- The function used to register the read_file function in the
+-- "open_read_file" callback. If none is given, use callback.register, or
+-- luatexbase.add_to_callback if detected (with "interpreter" as the name).
+-- The function is defined in \interpretfile (see interpreter.tex).
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/interpreter/interpreter.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/interpreter/interpreter.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ffcad52f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/interpreter/interpreter.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% This is interpreter.sty, a style file to load
+% the Interpreter package in LaTeX. Useful information
+% can be found in interpreter-doc.pdf or interpreter-doc.txt.
+% Author: Paul Isambert.
+% E-mail: zappathustra AT free DOT fr
+% Comments and suggestions are welcome.
+% Date: July 2011.
+\ProvidesPackage{interpreter}[2011/08/07 v.1.0 Preprocessing input files on the fly.]
+% Needed to prevent LaTeX check input, which would call open_read_file and
+% thus remove Interpreter's main function (which is removed as soon as it is
+% used).
+\expandafter\let\expandafter\interpreterinput\csname @@input\endcsname
+\input interpreter.tex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/interpreter/interpreter.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/interpreter/interpreter.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..634c1ef826f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/interpreter/interpreter.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% This is the main TeX file for the Interpreter package.
+% Further information in interpreter-doc.pdf or interpreter-doc.txt.
+% Paul Isambert - zappathustra AT free DOT fr - July 2011
+\csname Oh no, I won't be loaded twice!\endcsname
+\expandafter\let\csname Oh no, I won't be loaded twice!\endcsname\endinput
+ \let\interpreterinput\input
+ \directlua{%
+ local f = kpse.find_file("i-#1.lua")
+ if f then
+ interpreter.reset()
+ dofile(f)
+ if not interpreter.register then
+ if luatexbase and luatexbase.add_to_callback then
+ function interpreter.register (f)
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback("open_read_file", f, "interpreter")
+ end
+ else
+ function interpreter.register (f)
+ callback.register("open_read_file", f)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ interpreter.register(interpreter.read_file)
+ tex.print([[\noexpand\interpreterinput]])
+ else
+ tex.error("I can't find file `i-#1.lua'. I won't input file `#2'")
+ tex.print([[\noexpand\igobble]])
+ end
+ }{#2}%
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 53d7cb87739..f36ff00c86b 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
ijmart ijqc
imac image-gallery imakeidx impatient impatient-fr import imtekda
inconsolata inlinebib inlinedef inputtrc insbox installfont
- interactiveworkbook interfaces intro-scientific inversepath
+ interactiveworkbook interfaces interpreter intro-scientific inversepath
ionumbers iopart-num iso
iso10303 isodate isodoc isomath isonums isorot isotope itnumpar
iwhdp iwona
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
index 14969de8d11..5c424f97902 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
@@ -1125,6 +1125,7 @@ $standardtex='\.(.bx|cfg|sty|clo|ldf|cls|def|fd|cmap|4ht)$';
'ifmslide', '[^n]\.(eps|pdf|jpg)|' . $standardtex, # not ifmman.pdf
'insbox', 'insbox.tex',
'interactiveworkbook', 'NULL', # done in POSTinteractiveworkbook
+ 'interpreter', 'interpreter.tex|' . $standardtex,
'iso10303', 'a.*tex|b.*tex|e.*tex|stp.*tex|\.sty|\.4ht',
'isodate', '\.idf|\.sty',
'isodoc', 'isodoc.cls', # not mystyle.sty, isontg.sty, etc.
@@ -1929,6 +1930,7 @@ $standardxmt='\.xmt';
# scripts to install under texmf*/.../scripts, but not bindir.
%specialscripts_nobin = (
'epspdf' => '(epspdf(|\.help|boot|tk)|\.rb|makegray\.pro)$',
+ 'interpreter' => '\.lua$',
'lua-alt-getopt' => '\.lua$',
'luaindex' => '\.lua$',
'lualatex-math' => '\.lua$',
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc
index 5f8a4517e8f..0154e8d6e93 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ longdesc as an embedded scripting and extension language.
depend collection-basic
+depend interpreter
depend luacode
depend luainputenc
depend lualatex-doc
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/interpreter.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/interpreter.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/interpreter.tlpsrc