diff options
3 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/etc/include-schemes.diff b/Master/tlpkg/etc/include-schemes.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7799a3836e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/etc/include-schemes.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Index: install-tl
+--- install-tl (revision 10152)
++++ install-tl (working copy)
+@@ -490,6 +490,22 @@
+ &$h();
+ }
+ do_postinst_stuff();
++ # now we save every scheme that is fully covered by the stuff we have
++ # installed to the $localtlpdb
++ foreach my $s ($tlpdb->schemes) {
++ my $stlp = $tlpdb->get_package($s);
++ die ("That cannot happen, $s not defined in tlpdb") unless defined($stlp);
++ my $incit = 1;
++ foreach my $d ($stlp->depends) {
++ if (!defined($localtlpdb->get_package($d))) {
++ $incit = 0;
++ last;
++ }
++ }
++ if ($incit) {
++ $localtlpdb->add_tlpobj($stlp);
++ }
++ }
+ $localtlpdb->save unless $vars{'from_dvd'};
+ foreach $h (@::end_install_hook) {
+ &$h();
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/etc/installed_avail_archs.diff b/Master/tlpkg/etc/installed_avail_archs.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95fe5bb9460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/etc/installed_avail_archs.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+Index: install-tl
+--- install-tl (revision 10389)
++++ install-tl (working copy)
+@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@
+ if ($vars{$_}) { push @archs, $1; }
+ }
+ }
+- $localtlpdb->option_available_architectures(@archs);
++ $localtlpdb->option_installed_architectures(@archs);
+ $localtlpdb->save() unless $vars{'from_dvd'};
+ }
+Index: tlpkg/TeXLive/
+--- tlpkg/TeXLive/ (revision 10391)
++++ tlpkg/TeXLive/ (working copy)
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ $tlpdb->writeout(FILEHANDLE);
+ $tlpdb->save;
+ $tlpdb->available_architectures();
++ $tlpdb->installed_architectures();
+ $tlpdb->add_tlpcontainer($pkg, $ziploc [, $archrefs [, $dest ]] );
+ $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj);
+ $tlpdb->needed_by($pkg);
+@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
+ if ($tlp->category =~ m/$MetaCategoriesRegexp/) {
+ foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) {
+ if ($d =~ m/^(.*)\.win32$/) {
+- if (member("win32", $self->available_architectures)) {
++ if (member("win32", $self->installed_architectures)) {
+ if ($d eq $pkg) {
+ push @ret, $p;
+ last;
+@@ -311,17 +312,16 @@
+ =pod
+-=item C<< $tlpdb->available_architectures >>
++=item C<< $tlpdb->installed_architectures >>
+-The C<available_architectures> functions returns the list of available
+-architectures as set in the options section
+-(i.e., using option_available_architectures)
++The C<installed_architectures> function returns the list of installed
++architectures, as set as variable in 00texlive-installation.config.
+ =cut
+-sub available_architectures {
++sub installed_architectures {
+ my $self = shift;
+- my @archs = $self->option_available_architectures;
++ my @archs = $self->option_installed_architectures;
+ if (! @archs) {
+ # fall back to the old method checking bin-tex\.*
+ my @packs = $self->list_packages;
+@@ -330,8 +330,30 @@
+ return @archs;
+ }
+ =pod
++=item C<< $tlpdb->available_architectures >>
++The C<available_architectures> function returns the list of available
++architectures as set in the 00texlive.config package.
++sub available_architectures {
++ my $self = shift;
++ if (defined($self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'})) {
++ foreach my $d ($self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}->depends) {
++ if ($d =~ m!^available_architectures/(.*)$!) {
++ return split ' ', "$1";
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return;
+ =item C<< $tlpdb->add_tlpcontainer($pkg, $ziploc [, $archrefs [, $dest ]] ) >>
+ Installs the package C<$pkg> from the container files in C<$ziploc>. If
+@@ -858,10 +880,10 @@
+ return;
+ }
+-sub option_available_architectures {
++sub option_installed_architectures {
+ my $self = shift;
+- if (@_) { $self->_set_option_value("available_architectures","@_"); }
+- my @archs = split ' ', $self->_option_value("available_architectures");
++ if (@_) { $self->_set_option_value("installed_architectures","@_"); }
++ my @archs = split ' ', $self->_option_value("installed_architectures");
+ return @archs;
+ }
+ sub option_create_symlinks {
+Index: tlpkg/TeXLive/
+--- tlpkg/TeXLive/ (revision 10391)
++++ tlpkg/TeXLive/ (working copy)
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ my (@systems);
+- @systems = $tlpdb->available_architectures;
++ @systems = $tlpdb->installed_architectures;
+ $self->{'media'} = $media;
+ $self->{'location'} = $location;
+ $self->{'tlpdb'} = $tlpdb;
+@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
+ # we only want to try to install a .ARCH package if it actually contains
+ # files
+ my $foo = $1;
+- foreach my $a ($totlpdb->available_architectures) {
++ foreach my $a ($totlpdb->installed_architectures) {
+ if (defined($fromtlpdb->get_package("$foo.$a")) &&
+ !defined($totlpdb->get_package("$foo.$a"))) {
+ merge_into(\%ret,
+@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
+ }
+ } elsif ($d =~ m/^(.*).win32$/) {
+ # install only of win32 is under the available archs
+- if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member("win32",$totlpdb->available_architectures)) {
++ if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member("win32",$totlpdb->installed_architectures)) {
+ merge_into(\%ret,
+ $self->install_package($d, $totlpdb, $nodepends, $nopostinstall, $fallbackmedia));
+ }
+Index: tlpkg/bin/tlpsrc2tlpdb
+--- tlpkg/bin/tlpsrc2tlpdb (revision 10389)
++++ tlpkg/bin/tlpsrc2tlpdb (working copy)
+@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@
+ if ($tlp->name eq "00texlive.config") {
+ my @bar = $tlp->depends;
+ push @bar, "revision/".$tltree->revision;
++ # add the list of available architectures to 00texlive.config which
++ # is the source of information at installation time
++ my @foo = $tltree->architectures;
++ push @bar, "available_architectures/@foo";
+ $tlp->depends (@bar);
+ }
+ $tldb->add_tlpobj ($tlp);
+@@ -123,7 +127,13 @@
+ if ($opt_all) {
+ $tldb->root ($opt_master);
+ # do set the option_archs from the dirs in Master/bin
+- $tldb->option_available_architectures ($tltree->architectures);
++ # we have to set two times the list of architectures: Once the list
++ # of available architectures as saved in 00texlive.config, and once
++ # (for running directly from the svn checkout) the list of
++ # installed packages in 00texlive-installation.config
++ # The former part in 00texlive.config is done above, the later part
++ # is done here:
++ $tldb->option_installed_architectures ($tltree->architectures);
+ $tldb->save;
+ info ("$0: wrote $src_count packages to ". $tldb->root . ".\n");
+ } else {
+Index: texmf/scripts/texlive/
+--- texmf/scripts/texlive/ (revision 10391)
++++ texmf/scripts/texlive/ (working copy)
+@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
+ # remove those bin dependencies .ARCH
+ foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) {
+ if ($d eq "$pkg.ARCH") {
+- foreach my $a ($localtlpdb->available_architectures) {
++ foreach my $a ($localtlpdb->installed_architectures) {
+ if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package("$pkg.$a"))) {
+ merge_into(\%ret,
+ &remove_package("$pkg.$a", $localtlpdb, $force));
+@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@
+ $tlmediasrc = TeXLive::TLMedia->new($location);
+ die($loadmediasrcerror . $location) unless defined($tlmediasrc);
+ my $mediatlpdb = $tlmediasrc->tlpdb;
+- my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->available_architectures;
++ my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->installed_architectures;
+ print "Available architectures:\n";
+ foreach my $a ($mediatlpdb->available_architectures) {
+ if (member($a,@already_installed_arch)) {
+@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@
+ $tlmediasrc = TeXLive::TLMedia->new($location);
+ die($loadmediasrcerror . $location) unless defined($tlmediasrc);
+ my $mediatlpdb = $tlmediasrc->tlpdb;
+- my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->available_architectures;
++ my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->installed_architectures;
+ my @available_arch = $mediatlpdb->available_architectures;
+ my @todoarchs;
+ foreach my $a (@ARGV) {
+@@ -937,9 +937,9 @@
+ merge_into (\%ret, $tlmediasrc->install_package("bin-tlpsv.win32", $localtlpdb, 1, 0));
+ }
+ # update the option_archs list of installed archs
+- my @larchs = $localtlpdb->option_available_architectures;
++ my @larchs = $localtlpdb->option_installed_architectures;
+ push @larchs, @todoarchs;
+- $localtlpdb->option_available_architectures(@larchs);
++ $localtlpdb->option_installed_architectures(@larchs);
+ $localtlpdb->save;
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown option for arch: $what";
+Index: texmf/scripts/texlive/tlmgrgui/
+--- texmf/scripts/texlive/tlmgrgui/ (revision 10391)
++++ texmf/scripts/texlive/tlmgrgui/ (working copy)
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ } else {
+ @archsavail = $tlmediatlpdb->available_architectures;
+ }
+- @archsinstalled = $localtlpdb->available_architectures;
++ @archsinstalled = $localtlpdb->installed_architectures;
+ foreach my $a (@archsavail) {
+ $archs{$a} = 0;
+ if (grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) {
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/etc/tl-update-containers.diff b/Master/tlpkg/etc/tl-update-containers.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82d44a6b4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/etc/tl-update-containers.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Index: tl-update-containers
+--- tl-update-containers (revision 10389)
++++ tl-update-containers (working copy)
+@@ -23,16 +23,21 @@
+ use Pod::Usage;
+ use File::Path;
++my @critical_pkg_list = qw/bin-texlive texlive\.infra/;
+ our $mydir;
+ my $opt_location = ".";
+ my $opt_relative = 0;
+ my $opt_recreate = 0;
+ my $help = 0;
++my $opt_all = 0;
+ TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options();
+ GetOptions(
+ "location=s" => \$opt_location,
+ "recreate" => \$opt_recreate,
++ "all|a" => \$opt_all,
+ "help|?" => \$help) or pod2usage(1);
+ pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help;
+@@ -144,9 +149,30 @@
+ &TeXLive::TLUtils::setup_programs("$Master/tlpkg/installer");
+ # get list of packages.
+- for my $pkg (sort @todopacks) {
++ PACKS: for my $pkg (sort @todopacks) {
+ next if ($pkg eq "00texlive.config");
+ next if ($pkg eq "00texlive.installer");
++ foreach my $manualpkgre (@critical_pkg_list) {
++ # we match the initial string of the package name, so that all the
++ # .arch packages are skipped, too
++ if ($pkg =~ m/^$manualpkgre/) {
++ if ($opt_all || $opt_recreate) {
++ tlwarn ("updating container for $pkg due to -all option!\n");
++ last; # of the manualpkgre checks
++ } else {
++ tlwarn ("not updating $pkg since it it in the manual update list!\n");
++ # we assume that the packages in @critical_pkg_list always
++ # exist, so if they are there then the number of updated packages
++ # should be reduced.
++ $count{'updated'}--;
++ # the following line skips all other regexp checks on critical
++ # packages and skips everything below this big for list (the
++ # part which actually builds the containers) and continues with
++ # the next package (the PACKS: for my $pkg (sort @todopacks) line
++ next PACKS;
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ my $obj = $tlpdb->get_package ($pkg);
+ die "$0: no TL package named $pkg in $Master" if ! $obj;
+ debug("updating $pkg containers ...\n");
+@@ -198,7 +224,7 @@
+ }
+ # next we remove those containers which have been gone!
+- foreach my $op (@removepacks) {
++ for my $op (@removepacks) {
+ info("$op has disappeared, removing its containers\n");
+ `rm $opt_containerdir/$op.*`;
+ $nettlpdb->remove_package($op);
+@@ -247,6 +273,13 @@
+ The location to find the previously generated containers;
+ default is C<./archive>.
++=item B<-recreate>
++Does a full rebuild of all packages.
++=item B<-all|-a>
++Will update also packages which are exempted due to possible breakage
++(currently texlive.infra and bin-texlive).
+ =back
+ The standard options C<-help> and C<-debug> are also accepted.