path: root/Master
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2020-05-24 18:18:25 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2020-05-24 18:18:25 +0000
commitac8c88536cd6023bfae898fb209751225f49ad89 (patch)
treeba3903343be8470261f5798a96ac9aed7ff7bfe7 /Master
parent0fb22d85243d60319fb496dd0b0a5e1c3bcbeaa7 (diff)
indent two spaces, not four
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-docindex b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-docindex
index 8068665a24c..db41940223a 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-docindex
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-docindex
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ exit(main());
sub main {
- my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new('root' => "$progdir/../..");
- die "$progname: unable to load TLPDB\n" unless defined $tlpdb;
+ my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new('root' => "$progdir/../..");
+ die "$progname: unable to load TLPDB\n" unless defined $tlpdb;
- print <<END_HEADER;
+ print <<END_HEADER;
- <title>TeX Live documentation</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
- <style type="text/css"> ol { padding-left: 4em } </style>
+<title>TeX Live documentation</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
+<style type="text/css"> ol { padding-left: 4em } </style>
<h1>TeX Live documentation</h1>
@@ -44,118 +44,120 @@ package. There are also links from the <a href=".">index.html</a> page
- print_all_pkg($tlpdb);
+ print_all_pkg($tlpdb);
- # print footer
- chomp (my $date = `LC_ALL=C date`);
- print <<END_TRAILER;
+ # print footer
+ chomp (my $date = `LC_ALL=C date`);
+ print <<END_TRAILER;
<small>Generated $date by $progname.</small>
- return 0;
+ return 0;
# print the links for letters, then packages
sub print_all_pkg {
- my ($tlpdb) = @_;
- # @lines is the big list, @letters the list of initials of package names
- local (@lines, @letters, $current_letter, $n);
- $current_letter = "\0";
- # first build the output and the list of initials
- for my $tlpn (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} $tlpdb->list_packages) {
- next if $tlpn =~ /^00texlive\./; # don't bother with infra packages.
- next if $tlpn =~ /texlive-docindex/;
- my $tlpkg = $tlpdb->get_package($tlpn);
- push_pkg_list($tlpkg);
- }
- push @lines, "\n</ol>\n\n";
+ my ($tlpdb) = @_;
+ # @lines is the big list, @letters the list of initials of package names
+ local (@lines, @letters, $current_letter, $n);
+ $current_letter = "\0";
+ # first build the output and the list of initials
+ for my $tlpn (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} $tlpdb->list_packages) {
+ # don't show our infra packages, just confusing:
+ next if $tlpn =~ /^00texlive\.|texlive-docindex/;
+ my $tlpkg = $tlpdb->get_package($tlpn);
+ push_pkg_list($tlpkg);
+ }
+ push @lines, "\n</ol>\n\n";
- # then actually print them
- my $access = "\n<p>" . join(" - ", @letters) . "</p>\n";
- print $access;
- print @lines;
- print $access;
+ # then actually print them
+ my $access = "\n<p>" . join(" - ", @letters) . "</p>\n";
+ print $access;
+ print @lines;
+ print $access;
# push the content for a package to the list of lines
sub push_pkg_list {
- my ($tlpkg) = @_;
- my $name = $tlpkg->name;
- my @docfiles = $tlpkg->docfiles;
- # almost always the documentation is in doc, where it should be.
- @docfiles = grep { m/\.(html|pdf)/ } @docfiles;
- if (@docfiles == 0) {
- # but in one notable case, koma-script, it is in runfiles,
- # per the author's specification.
- my @runfiles = $tlpkg->runfiles;
- @docfiles = grep { m/\.(html|pdf)/ } @runfiles;
- }
+ my ($tlpkg) = @_;
+ my $name = $tlpkg->name;
+ my @docfiles = $tlpkg->docfiles;
+ # almost always the documentation is in doc, where it should be.
+ @docfiles = grep { m/\.(html|pdf)/ } @docfiles;
+ if (@docfiles == 0) {
+ # but in one notable case, koma-script, it is in runfiles,
+ # per the author's specification.
+ my @runfiles = $tlpkg->runfiles;
+ @docfiles = grep { m/\.(html|pdf)/ } @runfiles;
+ }
- # if no adequate documentation is found, print nothing
- return if @docfiles == 0;
- $n++; # list counter
- # check initial
- my $init = uc(substr($name, 0, 1));
- unless ($init eq $current_letter) {
- $current_letter = $init;
- # put header in the big list...
- push @lines, "\n</ol>\n" unless $n == 1;
- push @lines, qq#\n<h2 id="letter-$init">$init</h2>\n#;
- push @lines, qq#\n<ol start="$n">\n#;
- # ... and a reference in quick access list
- push @letters, qq!<a href="#letter-$init">$init</a>!;
- }
+ # if no adequate documentation is found, print nothing
+ return if @docfiles == 0;
+ $n++; # list counter
+ # check initial
+ my $init = uc(substr($name, 0, 1));
+ unless ($init eq $current_letter) {
+ $current_letter = $init;
+ # put header in the big list...
+ push @lines, "\n</ol>\n" unless $n == 1;
+ push @lines, qq#\n<h2 id="letter-$init">$init</h2>\n#;
+ push @lines, qq#\n<ol start="$n">\n#;
+ # ... and a reference in quick access list
+ push @letters, qq!<a href="#letter-$init">$init</a>!;
+ }
- # if there is an index.html file, drop the rest
- # catches, e.g.: FAQ-en bosisio epspdf fontname jadetex
- # metapost ppower4 sttools tds tex4ht
- my @index = grep /\/index\.html/, @docfiles;
- if (@index == 1) {
- #warn "Using index.html for $name\n";
- @docfiles = @index;
- }
+ # if there is an index.html file, drop the rest
+ # catches, e.g.: FAQ-en bosisio epspdf fontname jadetex
+ # metapost ppower4 sttools tds tex4ht
+ my @index = grep /\/index\.html/, @docfiles;
+ if (@index == 1) {
+ #warn "Using index.html for $name\n";
+ @docfiles = @index;
+ }
- # print package name with ctan link and shortdesc
- my $id = qq!id="$name"!; # should be unique
- my $dir = &find_doc_dir($name, @docfiles);
- push @lines, qq#\n<li $id><b><a href="$dir">$name</a></b><small>\n#;
- #
- # Don't link to CTAN if the package doesn't exist.
- # We could find more by looking at the .tlpsrc, but let's skip
- # until someone notices. Except 12many works, and it's the very
- # first one, so add that in.
- my $lc_name = lc($name);
- my $name1 = substr($name, 0, 1); # for Catalogue check
- push @lines, qq#(<a href="$name">CTAN</a>):\n#
- if -r "$CATALOGUE_DIR/$name1/$lc_name.xml" || $name eq "12many";
- #
- my $shortdesc = $tlpkg->shortdesc;
- # a few shortdescs already end with a period:
- $shortdesc =~ s/\.$// if defined $shortdesc;
- #push @lines, "$shortdesc.&nbsp;\n" if defined $shortdesc;
- push @lines, "$shortdesc\n" if defined $shortdesc;
- #warn "$name\n" if not defined $shortdesc;
- # now the list of docfiles
- my $list;
- for my $file (@docfiles) {
- my $name = basename($file);
- $list .= qq#<a href="$file">$name</a>#;
- my $dflanguage = $tlpkg->{'docfiledata'}{$file}{'language'};
- $list .= "&nbsp;($dflanguage)&nbsp;"
- if (defined $dflanguage && $dflanguage ne "en");
- $list .= "\n";
- }
- $list =~ s/(&nbsp;)?\n$/./;
- push @lines, "$list\n</small></li>\n";
+ # print package name with ctan link and shortdesc
+ my $id = qq!id="$name"!; # should be unique
+ my $dir = &find_doc_dir($name, @docfiles);
+ push @lines, qq#\n<li $id><b><a href="$dir">$name</a></b><small>\n#;
+ #
+ # Don't link to CTAN if the package doesn't exist.
+ # We could find more by looking at the .tlpsrc, but let's skip
+ # until someone notices. Except 12many works, and it's the very
+ # first one, so add that in.
+ my $lc_name = lc($name);
+ my $name1 = substr($name, 0, 1); # for Catalogue check
+ push @lines, qq#(<a href="$name">CTAN</a>):\n#
+ if -r "$CATALOGUE_DIR/$name1/$lc_name.xml" || $name eq "12many";
+ #
+ my $shortdesc = $tlpkg->shortdesc;
+ # a few shortdescs already end with a period:
+ $shortdesc =~ s/\.$// if defined $shortdesc;
+ #push @lines, "$shortdesc.&nbsp;\n" if defined $shortdesc;
+ push @lines, "$shortdesc\n" if defined $shortdesc;
+ #warn "$name\n" if not defined $shortdesc;
+ # now the list of docfiles
+ my $list;
+ for my $file (@docfiles) {
+ my $name = basename($file);
+ $list .= qq#<a href="$file">$name</a>#;
+ my $dflanguage = $tlpkg->{'docfiledata'}{$file}{'language'};
+ $list .= "&nbsp;($dflanguage)&nbsp;"
+ if (defined $dflanguage && $dflanguage ne "en");
+ $list .= "\n";
+ }
+ $list =~ s/(&nbsp;)?\n$/./;
+ push @lines, "$list\n</small></li>\n";