path: root/Master
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2020-04-20 21:10:20 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2020-04-20 21:10:20 +0000
commit36db81e567665da0b8e92831b69d2a71971312f3 (patch)
treec543aa6948c99b1ecb316c4386ee34dfeed4d384 /Master
parentc01e3cc67bce910fad535c50c41da044fc23e882 (diff)
mercatormap (20apr20)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master')
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.pdfbin0 -> 25704396 bytes
24 files changed, 7413 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb1212c1aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/README
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+%% The LaTeX package mercatormap - version 1.00 (2020/04/20)
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+The package ...
+Contents of the package
+ 'README' this file
+ 'mercatormap.sty' LaTeX package file (style file)
+ 'mercatorsupplier.def' LaTeX package file (include file for style)
+ 'mercatorpy.def' LaTeX package file (Python generator)
+ 'mercatormap.pdf' Documentation
+ 'mercatormap.tex' Source code of the documentation (main file)
+ '*.doc.*' Source code of the documentation (include files)
+ 'mercatormap-example.tex' Source code of an example
+ 'mercatormap.bib' Bibliography of the documentation
+Copy the contents of the '' from CTAN to your local TeX file tree.
+Alternatively, put the files to their respective locations within the TeX installation:
+ 'mercatormap.sty' -> /tex/latex/mercatormap
+ 'mercatorpy.def' -> /tex/latex/mercatormap
+ 'mercatorsupplier.def' -> /tex/latex/mercatormap
+ all other files -> /doc/latex/mercatormap
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap-example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap-example.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..196906fc852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap-example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% \LaTeX-Main\
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+%% The LaTeX package mercatormap - version 1.00 (2020/04/20)
+%% mercatormap-example.tex: Example document with a map
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+\mrcactivatescript% activates Python script
+ \mrcNPdef{bbox-SW}{47.270111}{8.976350}
+ \mrcNPdef{bbox-NE}{50.564714}{13.839637}
+ \mrcmap
+ [
+ area = {bbox-SW, bbox-NE},
+ area to reference,
+ type = reference,
+ flex reference scale = 2000000,
+ tex width = \linewidth,
+ tex height = 22cm,
+ source = topplusopen web,
+ ]{mercatormap-example}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \draw[thick] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=drop, draw=red, fill=red!20!white,
+ font=\sffamily\bfseries}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.137222:11.575556, contents={M}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.537222:12.152222, contents={LA}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=49.017222:12.096944, contents={R}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.371667:10.898333, contents={A}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=49.300833:10.571667, contents={AN}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=49.948056:11.578333, contents={BT}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=49.948056:11.578333, contents={BT}}
+ \mrcmarker{position=49.794444:9.929444, contents={W\"U}}
+ \node[below left=2mm,align=center,fill=white,draw=black,fill opacity=0.9,
+ text opacity=1,inner sep=2mm] at (mrcmap.north east)
+ {
+ \textbf{\Large Bayern}\\[1mm]
+ \mrcprettymapscale\\[1mm]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.2]{20} node[pos=0.4]{40} node[pos=0.6]{60}
+ node[pos=0.8]{80} node[pos=1]{100} node[pos=1,right,yshift=-1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ };
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.bib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef2e9b62131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Encoding: UTF-8
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+ author = {Thomas F. Sturm},
+ title = {Some Principles of Web Mercator Maps and their Computation},
+ type = {Monograph},
+ institution = {Universit\"{a}t der Bundeswehr M\"{u}nchen},
+ date = {2020-03-05},
+ language = {english},
+ location = {Neubiberg},
+ pagetotal = {44},
+ doi = {10.18726/2020_3},
+ author = {Till Tantau},
+ title = {The TikZ and PGF Packages},
+ subtitle = {Manual for version 3.1.5b},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2020-01-08},
+ author = {{The \LaTeX3 Project}},
+ title = {The xparse package},
+ subtitle = {Document command parser},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2020-03-06},
+ author = {Joseph Wright},
+ title = {siunitx -- A comprehensive (SI) units package},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2020-02-25},
+ author = {{The \LaTeX3 Project}},
+ title = {The expl3 package and \LaTeX3 programming},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2020-04-06},
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.abstract.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.abstract.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0013fd5ff90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.abstract.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\mermapset{flex tile size=40mm}
+ source = opentopomap,
+ flex area scale=4 000 000,
+ tex width=\tcbtextwidth,
+ tex height=\tcbtextheight,
+ ]{title}
+\sys_gset_rand_seed:n {15}
+\int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int {1}
+\int_until_do:nNnn \l_tmpa_int > {77}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\tcbtextwidth/2
+ + \l_tmpa_int*2.5mm*cosd(18*\l_tmpa_int)}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {\tcbtextheight/2
+ + \l_tmpa_int*2.5mm*sind(18*\l_tmpa_int)}
+ \node[inner~sep=0pt,draw=blue!50!gray,line~width=1mm,
+ at={(\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpa_fp,\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpb_fp)},
+ rotate=\fp_eval:n{18*\l_tmpa_int+10*rand()} ]
+ {\includegraphics[width=55mm,height=55mm]
+ {tiles/opentopomap_
+ \int_use:N \l__mermap_tile_zoom_int _
+ \fp_eval:n { randint(\l__mermap_tile_xmin_int,\l__mermap_tile_xmax_int) }_
+ \fp_eval:n { randint(\l__mermap_tile_ymin_int,\l__mermap_tile_ymax_int) }.png
+ }
+ };
+ \int_incr:N\l_tmpa_int
+ }
+\node[font=\small\footnotesize,fill=white,opacity=0.75,text opacity=1]
+ at (\tcbtextwidth/2,1cm) {\mrcmapattribution};
+\node at (\tcbtextwidth/2,\tcbtextheight*0.667)
+ {\begin{tcolorbox}[
+ center upper, fontupper=\bfseries,boxsep=15mm, boxrule=4mm,
+ sharp corners, oversize=5mm,
+ colback=white, colframe=blue!50!gray,
+ enhanced jigsaw, opacityback=0.8, opacityframe=0.9 ]
+ {\Huge The mercatormap package\par}
+ \vspace{1cm}
+ Manual for version \version\ (\datum)\par
+ \vspace{5mm}
+ Thomas F.~Sturm
+ \end{tcolorbox}};
+ listing options={style=mydocumentation,basicstyle=\ttfamily\scriptsize},
+ listing only,
+ title=Cover code}
+ colback=white,colframe=Blue_Gray,
+ drop lifted shadow=Blue_Gray!50,arc is angular,
+ before=\par\vspace*{5mm},after=\par\bigskip]
+{\bfseries\LARGE The mercatormap package}\\[3mm]
+{\large Manual for version \version\ (\datum)}
+{\large Thomas F.~Sturm%
+ \footnote{Prof.~Dr.~Dr.~Thomas F.~Sturm, Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik und Informatik,
+ Universit\"{a}t der Bundeswehr M\"{u}nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany;
+ email: \href{}{}}\par\medskip
+ \begin{center}\bfseries Abstract\end{center}
+ The \texttt{mercatormap} package extends \tikzname\ with tools to
+ create map graphics. The provided coordinate system relies on the
+ Web Mercator projection used on the Web by OpenStreetMap and others.
+ The package supports the seamless integration of graphics
+ from public map tile servers by a Python script. Also, common map
+ elements like markers, geodetic networks, bar scales, routes, orthodrome
+ pieces, and more are part of the package.
+\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,enhanced jigsaw,before=\par\bigskip\noindent,
+ title={Contents},fonttitle=\bfseries\Large,center title,
+ colback=Blue_Gray!2!white,
+ colframe=Blue_Gray,
+ colbacktitle=Blue_Gray!5!white,
+ coltitle=black,
+ boxrule=0.4pt,arc is angular,
+ enlargepage flexible=\baselineskip,pad at break*=3mm,
+ %drop fuzzy shadow
+ ]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.definition.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.definition.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.definition.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Map Definition and Map Coordinates}\label{sec:map_definition}%
+\draw (mrc cs:latitude=48.53475,longitude=12.15087) circle (2mm);
+\draw[red] (mrc cs:lat=48.53475,lon=12.15087) circle (3mm);
+\draw[blue] (mrcq cs:48.53475:12.15087) circle (4mm);
+\ifmrcinmap{48.53475}{12.15087}{ \draw[yellow] (mrcpos) circle (5mm);}{}
+\ifmrcinvicinity{48.53475}{12.15087}{\draw[cyan] (mrcpos) circle (6mm);}{}
+\subsection{Option Setting}
+ Sets \meta{options} for all following maps inside the current \TeX\ group.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/|, e.g. for setting
+ \refKey{/mermap/vicinity} use
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapset{vicinity=3cm}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Also see \refCom{mrcdefinemap}, \refCom{mermapsetsupply},
+ and \refCom{mermapsetmarker}.\par
+ Note that the options by \refCom{mermapset} are |expl3| \cite{package:expl3}
+ keys while \tikzname\ \cite{package:tikz} uses its own key management.
+\subsection{Manual Map Definition}
+The following map definition is only relevant, if no script setup is used
+and maps are generated completely manually.
+See \Fullref{sec:automated_map} for script aided map definitions.
+ Establishes a map inside a |tikzpicture| environment following
+ and applying the given \meta{options}.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/mapdef/|.
+ After \refCom{mrcdefinemap} is applied, map drawing and map coordinates
+ can be used.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\refCom{mrcdefinemap} can be used directly, if no tile download
+ and no script setup is intended.
+ \item\refCom{mrcdefinemap} is implicitly used with
+ \refCom{mrcapplymap} and \refCom{mrcmap}. In this case, all options are
+ also set implicitly.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/north}{=\meta{map north latitude}}{no default, initially 50}
+ Northern latitude degree of the visible map, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere,
+ lower than $90$ but always larger than \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/south}.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapnorth} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/south}{=\meta{map south latitude}}{no default, initially 48}
+ Southern latitude degree of the visible map, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere,
+ larger than $-90$ but always lower than \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/north}.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapsouth} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/west}{=\meta{map west longitude}}{no default, initially 11}
+ Western longitude degree of the visible map, possibly negative for the western hemisphere,
+ possibly shifted periodically, but always lower than \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/east}.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapwest} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/east}{=\meta{map east longitude}}{no default, initially 13}
+ Eastern longitude degree of the visible map, possibly negative for the western hemisphere,
+ possibly shifted periodically, but always larger than \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/west}.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapeast} (use read-only).
+\subsection{Further Map Definition Options}
+The following options are typically implicitly set by \refCom{mrcapplymap}
+and not manually by \refCom{mrcdefinemap}. However, some values are
+computationally used in all cases. They can be ignored as pure technical
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/xmin}{=\meta{map tile x minimum}}{no default, initially 271}
+ Minimal $x$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/xmax}{=\meta{map tile x maximum}}{no default, initially 275}
+ Maximal $x$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/ymin}{=\meta{map tile y minimum}}{no default, initially 173}
+ Minimal $y$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/ymax}{=\meta{map tile y maximum}}{no default, initially 177}
+ Maximal $y$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/zoom}{=\meta{map zoom}}{no default, initially 9}
+ Map tile zoom factor alias $z$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/pixelwidth}{=\meta{map width in pixels}}{no default, initially 100}
+ Width of the visible map expressed in pixels of the source file(s).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcpixelwidth} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/pixelheight}{=\meta{map height in tiles}}{no default, initially 100}
+ Height of the visible map expressed in pixels of the source file(s).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcpixelheight} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/westoffset}{=\meta{map tile offset (west)}}{no default, initially 0}
+ Distance of the visible map from the western edge of the most western tile
+ expressed in tiles (range from 0 to 1).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/northoffset}{=\meta{map tile offset (north)}}{no default, initially 0}
+ Distance of the visible map from the northern edge of the most northern tile
+ expressed in tiles (range from 0 to 1).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/southoffset}{=\meta{map tile offset (south)}}{no default, initially 0}
+ Distance of the visible map from the southern edge of the most southern tile
+ expressed in tiles (range from 0 to 1).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/basename}{=\meta{map tile base name}}{no default, initially \texttt{tiles/tile}}
+ File base name for the tiles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/attribution}{=\meta{attribution text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Attribution text for the map source. Typically, it acknowledges the copyright
+ of the map data provider. It may contain hyperlinks.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapattribution} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/attribution print}{=\meta{attribution text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Attribution text for the map source.
+ In contrast to \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/attribution} it is intended for media
+ that does not support hyperlinks like printed posters, books, etc.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapattributionprint} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/resource}{=\meta{map resource}}{no default, initially |none|}
+ Available map resource with following feasible values:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{none}: No tiles and no merged map.
+ \item\docValue{tiles}: Map tiles locally available.
+ \item\docValue{mergedmap}: Single map picture file merged from tiles locally available.
+ \item\docValue{wmsmap}: Single map picture file locally available.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{mapdef/tile size}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |32.512mm|}
+ Typically set computationally. It is identical to \refKey{/mermap/tile size}
+ which is the recommended user option for manual setup.
+\subsection{Map Coordinate System}
+After a map is defined inside a |tikzpicture| environment
+by \refCom{mrcdefinemap}, \refCom{mrcapplymap}, or \refCom{mrcmap},
+a Mercator map coordinate system can be used.
+The border of the visible map is denoted by a \tikzname\ node \docNode{mrcmap}.
+ \mrcNPdef{nuremberg}{49.45522}{11.07631}
+ \mermapset{tile size=2cm}
+ \mrcdefinemap{west=5,east=15,south=47,north=55,zoom=7}
+ \path[draw,fill=green!10] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \fill (mrc cs:latitude=48.137222,longitude=11.575556) circle (2pt)
+ node[below] {M\"unchen};
+ \fill (mrc cs:lat=53.550556,lon=9.993333) circle (2pt)
+ node[above] {Hamburg};
+ \fill (mrcq cs:52.518611:13.408333) circle (2pt)
+ node[left] {Berlin};
+ \fill (\mrcNPcs{nuremberg}) circle (2pt) node[above] {N\"urnberg};
+ \ifmrcinmap{50.938056}{6.956944}{
+ \fill (mrcpos) circle (2pt) node[right] {K\"oln};}{}
+ \ifmrcNPinmap{nuremberg}{\draw[red] (mrcpos) circle (1cm);}{}
+The |mrc cs| coordinate system defines a map point by
+\refKey{/mermap/cs/latitude} and \refKey{/mermap/cs/longitude}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{cs/latitude}{=\meta{latitude}}{no default}
+ Sets the \meta{latitude} of a map point.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{cs/longitude}{=\meta{longitude}}{no default}
+ Sets the \meta{longitude} of a map point.
+ \fill (mrc cs:latitude=48.137222,longitude=11.575556) circle (2pt);
+A map point can also be defined by shorter variants
+\refKey{/mermap/cs/lat} and \refKey{/mermap/cs/lon}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{cs/lat}{=\meta{latitude}}{no default}
+ Sets the \meta{latitude} of a map point.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{cs/lon}{=\meta{longitude}}{no default}
+ Sets the \meta{longitude} of a map point.
+ \fill (mrc cs:lat=48.137222,lon=11.575556) circle (2pt);
+A map point can be defined even quicker by
+|(mrcq cs:|\meta{latitude}|:|\meta{longitude}|)|.
+ \fill (mrcq cs:48.137222:11.575556) circle (2pt);
+ Yields a low level |pgf| point location given by
+ \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude}.
+ This can be used like |\pgfpoint|.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\mrcpgfpoint{49.45522}{11.07631}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Named Positions}\label{sec:names_positions}
+ A coordinate pair of \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude}
+ can be saved as \emph{named position} (NP) to a \meta{name} for later use.
+ The \emph{named position} just stores the given values as evaluated
+ floating points but without coordinate system processing.
+ Therefore, a named position can be used outside a map definition
+ or |tikzpicture| environment, even as a preset for the whole document.
+ Note that this saving is not global but only effective inside the
+ current \TeX\ group.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcNPdef{nuremberg}{49.45522}{11.07631}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\begin{docCommand}{mrcNPfrompoint}{\marg{name}\marg{\tikzname\ point}}
+ \emph{Latitude} and \emph{longitude} of a given \meta{\tikzname\ point} are
+ calculated and saved as \emph{named position} (NP) with given \meta{name}.
+ \refCom{mrcNPfrompoint} can only be used after a valid a map definition
+ inside a |tikzpicture| environment.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcNPfrompoint{mapcenter}{}
+ \mrcNPfrompoint{mytest}{[xshift=1cm,yshift=1cm]mrcmap.south west}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ A map point definition from the \meta{name} of a previously saved
+ \emph{named position} (NP).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \fill (\mrcNPcs{nuremberg}) circle (2pt) node[above] {N\"urnberg};
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Inserts the \emph{latitude} of a \emph{named position} with given \meta{name}.
+ \refCom{mrcNPlat} is expandable and may be used in floating point expressions.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcNPdef{nuremberg}{49.45522}{11.07631}
+ Latitude: \mrcNPlat{nuremberg}\\
+ Longitude: \mrcNPlon{nuremberg}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Inserts the \emph{longitude} of a \emph{named position} with given \meta{name}.
+ \refCom{mrcNPlon} is expandable and may be used in floating point expressions.
+\subsection{Tests for Points to be inside or outside a Map}
+When a map is drawn, \refCom{mrcclipmap} can be used to set up a
+\tikzname\ clip environment which automatically removes all content which
+is not inside the defined map. However, the \tikzname\ position of a geographic
+point has to be computed first to decide, if this point is to be drawn.
+Since \TeX\ length registers do not allow large dimensions, compiler errors
+are possible to happen.
+The following tests check given geographic coordinates before they are
+transformed to \TeX\ dimensions and avoid such compiler errors.
+ If the given \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude} describes a point
+ inside the visible map, the \meta{true} code is executed, otherwise
+ the \meta{false} code.\par
+ Inside the \meta{true} code a \tikzname\ coordinate \docNode{mrcpos}
+ describes the given point. Also, \docNode{mrclastpos} denotes the
+ \emph{last} position before.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \ifmrcinmap{48.137222}{11.575556}{\fill (mrcpos) circle (2pt);}{}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ If the given \emph{named position} (NP) \meta{name} describes a point
+ inside the visible map, the \meta{true} code is executed, otherwise
+ the \meta{false} code.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \ifmrcNPinmap{munich}{\fill (mrcpos) circle (2pt);}{}
+ \end{dispListing}
+Very similar to \refCom{ifmrcinmap} is \refCom{ifmrcinvicinity}.
+ If the given \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude} describes a point
+ inside a vicinity of the visible map, i.e. the map \emph{plus} a margin of \refKey{/mermap/vicinity},
+ the \meta{true} code is executed, otherwise
+ the \meta{false} code.\par
+ Inside the \meta{true} code a \tikzname\ coordinate \docNode{mrcpos}
+ describes the given point. Also, \docNode{mrclastpos} denotes the
+ \emph{last} position before.\par
+ \refCom{ifmrcinvicinity} may be used for objects of a certain size like
+ markers which could be partly visible even when their reference point
+ is outside the visible map (but nearby).
+ \ifmrcinvicinity{48.137222}{11.575556}{\fill (mrcpos) circle (2pt);}{}
+ If the given \emph{named position} (NP) \meta{name} describes a point
+ inside a vicinity of the visible map, the \meta{true} code is executed, otherwise
+ the \meta{false} code, see \refCom{ifmrcinvicinity}.
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \ifmrcNPinvicinity{munich}{\fill (mrcpos) circle (2pt);}{}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{vicinity}{=\meta{width}}{no default, initially |2cm|}
+ The vicinity of the map is the given map plus a border in all directions
+ with the given \meta{width}.
+\subsection{Formatted Coordinate Output}
+ Formatted output for a given \meta{latitude} following given \meta{options}.
+ Formatting \meta{options} are described in the following.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ Latitude from \mrcformlat{-24.29} to \mrcformlat{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Formatted output for a given \meta{longitude} following given \meta{options}.
+ Formatting \meta{options} are described in the following.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format angle}{=\meta{type}}{no default, initially |decimal-4|}
+ The \meta{type} defines some formatting settings for
+ \refCom{mrcformlat} and \refCom{mrcformlon}. Internally, the |\ang| macro
+ from package |siunitx| \cite{package:siunitx} is used which can be controlled by further settings
+ of |siunitx| like digit grouping or changing the decimal marker.\par
+ Feasible values for \meta{type} are
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{decimal}: decimal output without rounding.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=decimal}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{decimal-0}: decimal output with rounding to full degrees.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=decimal-0}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{decimal-1}: decimal output with rounding to one place.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=decimal-1}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{decimal-2}: decimal output with rounding to two places.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=decimal-2}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \pagebreak
+ \item\docValue{decimal-3}: decimal output with rounding to three places.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=decimal-3}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{decimal-4}: decimal output with rounding to four places.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=decimal-4}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{degree}: output with rounding to full degrees.
+ This is an alias for \docValue{decimal-0}.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=degree}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{minute}: output with rounding to degrees and full minutes.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=minute}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \item\docValue{second}: output with rounding to degrees, minutes, and full seconds.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format angle=second}
+ Longitude from \mrcformlon{-24.29} to \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format south}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially \texttt{\#1\textbackslash,S}}
+ Defines the format \meta{code} for a negative latitude.
+ Use \texttt{\#1} to place the number (without sign).
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format south={$-#1$}}
+ Latitude \mrcformlat{-24.29}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format north}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially \texttt{\#1\textbackslash,N}}
+ Defines the format \meta{code} for a non-negative latitude.
+ Use \texttt{\#1} to place the number.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format north={#1 North}}
+ Latitude \mrcformlat{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format east}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially \texttt{\#1\textbackslash,E}}
+ Defines the format \meta{code} for a positive longitude.
+ Use \texttt{\#1} to place the number (without sign).
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format east={#1\,O}}
+ \sisetup{output-decimal-marker={,}}
+ L\"angengrad \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format west}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially \texttt{\#1\textbackslash,W}}
+ Defines the format \meta{code} for a negative longitude.
+ Use \texttt{\#1} to place the number.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format west={West: #1}}
+ Longitude \mrcformlon{-24.29}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format NEWS numeric}{}{no value}
+ Defines the format for north, east, west, and south as numeric value
+ without N, E, W, S.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format NEWS numeric}
+ Longitude \mrcformlon{-24.29} and \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.\\
+ Latitude \mrcformlat{-24.29} and \mrcformlat{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{format NEWS absolute}{}{no value}
+ Defines the format for north, east, west, and south as absolute value
+ without N, E, W, S and without algebraic sign.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{format NEWS absolute}
+ Longitude \mrcformlon{-24.29} and \mrcformlon{12.3456789}.\\
+ Latitude \mrcformlat{-24.29} and \mrcformlat{12.3456789}.
+ \end{dispExample}
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+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Map Drawing}
+\subsection{Principal Drawing}
+ Inside a |tikzpicture| environment, \refCom{mrcdrawmap} draws a map
+ prepared by \refCom{mrcdefinemap}, \refCom{mrcapplymap}, or \refCom{mrcmap}.
+ All \meta{options} share the common prefix |/mermap/|.
+ This is the principal macro to draw a prepared map respectively
+ the background of the map. The background consists of downloaded map tiles
+ or just a color rectangle.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{draw}{=\meta{tile draw}}{no default, initially |auto|}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{auto}: Draws the map according to \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/resource},
+ i.e. downloaded maps or tiles are used, if available.
+ \item\docValue{path}: Draws the map according to the style given by
+ \refKey{/mermap/map path}. Existing map tiles or merged maps are ignored
+ \item\docValue{tiles}: Draws the map with downloaded map tiles, if
+ available.
+ \item\docValue{mergedmap}: Draws the map with a merged picture, if
+ available.
+ \item\docValue{wmsmap}: Draws the map with a downloaded WMS picture, if
+ available.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{map path}{=\meta{options}}{no default, initially |upper left=green!50,|\\|upper right=green!25, lower left=green!50!black!50, lower right=green!25|}
+ Defines a \tikzname\ style for drawing the map without tiles.
+ \meta{options} are feasible \tikzname\ path options.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{map clip}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially \refCom{mrcclipmap}}
+ Clipping options for the map. By default, the defined map is
+ clipped with the full map rectangle. Use this option only, if you not want to clip
+ the map to its specified size. \meta{code} is some \tikzname\ clipping code.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{map scope}{=\meta{options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ \refCom{mrcdrawmap} uses a |scope| environment inside which takes
+ the given \tikzname\ \meta{options}.
+ Clips all subsequent drawings against the applied map.\\
+ This is a shortcut macro identical to
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \path[clip] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Sets the picture bounding box according to the applied map.\\
+ This is a shortcut macro identical to
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \path[use as bounding box]
+ (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Flexible Tile Size}\label{sec:flexible_tile_size}
+Typically, the pixel size of a map tile is fixed and a map tile is a
+pixel graphics file. The actual size of such an included picture inside
+the document is freely selectable. Note that a very small
+\refKey{/mermap/tile size} results in very small map lettering,
+while a very large \refKey{/mermap/tile size} results results in
+very blurred images.
+The general idea of a \emph{flexible} tile size is to specify an aspired
+tile size called \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size} and to give \LaTeX\
+the freedom to select \refKey{/mermap/tile size} in \emph{about the same size}
+as \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size}.
+This freedom is used to achieve a \emph{pseudo zoom} called
+\refKey{/mermap/flex zoom} which is a nearly arbitrary rational number instead
+of \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom} which is a natural number.
+This \emph{pseudo zoom} is applied by several options which share \emph{flex}
+in their names, e.g.
+\refKey{/mermap/flex scale}, \refKey{/mermap/named flex scale},
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale},
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale},
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area fit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{tile size}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |32.512mm|}
+ Width and height of a drawn tile picture are set to \meta{length}.
+ For standard tiles with 256 times 256 pixels a tile size of
+ \SI{32.512}{mm} = \SI{1.28}{in} results in an approximate
+ \SI{200}{dpi} output for the document.
+ For a |beamer| document, consider to use a \refKey{/mermap/tile size} of
+ \SI{21.333333}{mm} to get approximate 1:1 pixel input and output (depending on |beamer| settings
+ and used hardware). Also see \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/tile size}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{flex tile size}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |32.512mm|}
+ Aspired width and height of a tile picture are set to \meta{length}.
+ This value is used while applying \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{flex zoom}{=\meta{pseudo zoom}}{style, no default}
+ This style sets \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom} and \refKey{/mermap/tile size} in combination.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ If \meta{pseudo zoom} is a natural number,
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom} is set to \meta{pseudo zoom} and
+ \refKey{/mermap/tile size} is set to \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size}.
+ \item Otherwise, \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom} is set to the natural number
+ closest to \meta{pseudo zoom} and \refKey{/mermap/tile size} is such
+ enlarged or reduced that the \meta{pseudo zoom} value is simulated,
+ i.e. the \emph{impression} of a rational zoom factor is given.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Note that \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom} has to be used \emph{before}
+ \refCom{mrcsupplymap} or \refCom{mrcmap}, because the zoom setup is
+ adapted.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{flex scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}:\meta{latitude}}{style, no default}
+ For different latitude scopes, an identical zoom factor produces maps of
+ different scale. With \refKey{/mermap/flex scale}, a \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom}
+ is computed to achieve the given \meta{scale denominator} at a given \meta{latitude}.
+ Note that this only applies to the center of a map. If the produced
+ map is not centered at \meta{latitude}, the produced scale may
+ differ from the intended one.
+ Also see \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}.
+ \mermapset{flex scale=250000:48.14}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ source=opentopomap,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=5cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \node[below left=2mm, align=right, fill=white, fill opacity=0.5,
+ text opacity=1]
+ at (mrcmap.north east) {scale \mrcprettymapscale};
+\begin{docMrcKey}{named flex scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}:\meta{name}}{style, no default}
+ Identical to \refKey{/mermap/flex scale}, but used the \emph{named position}
+ \meta{name} to provide a \emph{latitude}, see \Fullref{sec:names_positions}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mermapset{named flex scale=250000:munich} % identical to the following
+ \mermapset{flex scale=250000:\mrcNPlat{munich}}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Geodetic Network}
+ Draws a geodetic network with meridians and parallels.
+ All \meta{options} share the common prefix |/mermap/|.
+ The displayed lines are selected automatically according to some tuning
+ parameters.
+ The map is sliced in \emph{about} maximal \refKey{/mermap/network pieces} in each
+ direction. Meridians and parallels share a minimal distance of
+ \emph{about} \refKey{/mermap/network distance}. The algorithm is
+ allowed to violate these conditions \emph{somewhat}.
+ Note that oversized maps are not supported, i.e. maps which are wider
+ than \ang{360} in longitude. Here, meridians are expected to be missing
+ or misplaced.
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower}
+% \mrcsetapikey{openrouteservice}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+ \mrcmap[ type = boundaries,
+ west = -20, east = 40, south = 36, north = 65,
+ source=openrouteservice mapsurfer,
+ flex area scale=40 000 000 ]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+\begin{docMrcKey}{network pieces}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |8|}
+ The map is sliced in \emph{about} maximal \meta{number} pieces in each
+ direction. \meta{number} may be exceeded \emph{somewhat}.
+ It is underrun to comply with \refKey{/mermap/network distance}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{network distance}{=\meta{mesh width}}{no default, initially |2cm|}
+ Meridians and parallels share a minimal distance of
+ \emph{about} \meta{mesh width}.
+ \meta{mesh width} may be underrun \emph{somewhat}.
+ It is exceeded to comply with \refKey{/mermap/network pieces}.
+ For parallels on small scale maps, it refers to an averaged mesh width.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{network font}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially
+ |\textbackslash fontsize\brackets{4pt}\brackets{4pt}\textbackslash sffamily|}
+ \meta{text} is some font setting for the latitude and longitude display.
+\subsection{Graphical Debug Overlay}
+ Draws some map information overlay for debugging purposes only.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{drawing_mrcdrawinfo}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, named position=munich, source=opentopomap,
+ flex reference scale=50000,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=10cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \mrcdrawinfo
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
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+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+The following map examples may be used as tutorials and
+starting point for own applications.
+Also see |mercatormap-example.tex| for a compilable full example.
+Note to do all preparations documented in \Fullref{sec:python}.
+\subsection{Reference Position}
+With \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{reference} a map with a
+\emph{reference position} is constructed. Here, Munich is taken as
+reference position and center of the map. Since the position is used
+more than once, it is stored with \refCom{mrcNPdef} for further reference.
+With \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale} the scale
+is set to 1:6\,000\,000. For the background map tiles, a
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/source} is selected for download.
+This setup is done by \refCom{mrcmap} while \refCom{mrcdrawmap} draws
+the downloaded map tiles.
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower, breakable}
+ \sffamily
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcNPdef{cologne}{50.938056}{6.956944}
+ \mrcNPdef{milano}{45.4625}{9.186389}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,
+ named position=munich,
+ flex reference scale=6 000 000,
+ source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=14cm,
+ tex height=14cm]{examples_reference}
+ \path[draw=yellow!50!gray,fill=yellow!20]
+ ([xshift=-2mm,yshift=-5mm]mrcmap.south west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=2mm,yshift=15mm]mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \path[draw=yellow!50!gray] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick]{munich}{milano}
+ \path[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) --
+ node[red,fill=white,sloped,below] {\mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{milano}}
+ (\mrcNPcs{milano});
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pin, draw=red, fill=red!10, font=\sffamily\small}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=cologne, contents={K\"oln}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=milano, contents={Milano}}
+ \node[above left=5mm,font=\Large\bfseries] at (mrcmap.north east) {Munich};
+ \node[above right] at ([yshift=10mm]mrcmap.north west)
+ {Scale \mrcprettymapscale};
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=300,partitions=6,north-west-outside=0mm;5mm,
+ single, height=1mm, major style={yellow!50!gray!50!black}]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.3333]{100} node[pos=0.6667]{200}
+ node[pos=1]{300\,km};
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-mile=200,partitions=8,
+ at={(mrcscalebar.south west)},placement=below right,
+ single, height=1mm, major style={yellow!50!gray!50!black}]
+ \path[every node/.style={below,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.south west) -- (mrcscalebar.south east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.25]{50} node[pos=0.5]{100} node[pos=0.75]{150}
+ node[pos=1]{200\,miles};
+\subsection{Fitting Area}
+With \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{areafit} a map is constructed
+where a given area is fitted in. The following example lists some
+US-American cities and constructs an \refKey{/mermap/supply/area} which
+contains all of them. With \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area fit}|=15mm| a
+border region is added.
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower}
+ \mrcNPdef{honolulu}{21.305225}{-157.867}
+ \mrcNPdef{fairbanks}{64.8379435}{-147.7192214}
+ \mrcNPdef{sandiego}{32.7146781}{-117.1640995}
+ \mrcNPdef{miami}{25.7599333}{-80.1951257}
+ \mrcNPdef{boston}{42.359744}{-71.061322}
+ \mrcNPdef{denver}{39.7372435}{-104.997378}
+ \mrcmap[type=areafit,
+ area={honolulu,fairbanks,sandiego,miami,boston,denver},
+ source=stamen terrain,
+ tex width=15cm, tex height=11cm,
+ flex area fit=15mm,
+ ]{examples_fitting_area}
+ \mrcdrawmap \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \node[below left,fill=white,opacity=0.8,text opacity=1] at (mrcmap.north east)
+ {Scale \mrcprettymapscale};
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \foreach \city in {honolulu,fairbanks,sandiego,miami,boston,denver}
+ {\mrcmarker{type=ringx, draw=red, fill=red!20, named position=\city}}
+\subsection{Fixed Boundaries}
+With \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{boundaries} a map is constructed
+with fixed boundaries. In contrast to the other map types, the document
+map size cannot be given directly but derives from the map setup. This bears
+the risk of too large maps. The following example is a map with exact
+boundaries \mrcformlat{-45} to \mrcformlat{-10}
+and \mrcformlon{110} to \mrcformlon{155}. A decent \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+is 5 (every zoom step doubles the map size in each direction).
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower,breakable}
+% \mrcsetapikey{openrouteservice}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+ \mrcmap[type=boundaries,
+ west=110,east=155,south=-45,north=-10,
+ zoom=5,
+ source=openrouteservice mapsurfer,
+ ]{examples_boundaries}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=1000,partitions=4,south-west-inside=5mm,
+ major style={blue!50!gray!50!black}]
+ \path[every node/.style={below,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.south west) -- (mrcscalebar.south east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.5]{500}
+ node[pos=1]{1000} node[pos=1,right,yshift=1mm]{km};
+ \mrcmarker{lat=-35.3,lon=149.116667,type=pictodropring,
+ draw=red,fill=red!10}
+\subsection{Map Without Map Tiles}
+There is no coercion to use downloaded map tiles, if they are not needed or
+wanted. With \refKey{/mermap/supply/target}|=none| no map tiles are downloaded.
+The following example draws a rough polygon shape of Germany using
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower,breakable}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{cologne}{50.938056}{6.956944}
+ \mrcNPdef{hamburg}{53.550556}{9.993333}
+ \mrcNPdef{berlin}{52.518611}{13.408333}
+ \mrcmap[type=areafit,
+ west=5,east=15,south=47,north=55,
+ target=none,
+ tex width=14cm, tex height=14cm,
+ flex area fit=5mm
+ ]{examples_routemap}
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw,fill=yellow!5] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \begin{mrcroute*}[
+ preaction={fill=black,opacity=.5,
+ transform canvas={xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm}},
+ draw = green!50!black,
+ top color = green!50!gray!5,
+ bottom color = green!50!gray!15]
+ \mrcpoint{47.57268069220318}{8.07968771809688}
+ \mrcpoint{47.55206513030159}{8.458302263852103}
+ \mrcpoint{47.60652271644701}{8.58564576447632}
+ \mrcpoint{47.65002478441761}{8.475977737743394}
+ \mrcpoint{47.8129149100372}{8.621611270810012}
+ \mrcpoint{47.70405949548734}{8.824753417980977}
+ \mrcpoint{47.57118357939037}{9.373387060586875}
+ \mrcpoint{47.57763968687206}{9.783024034250792}
+ \mrcpoint{47.46598581489455}{10.09335967295321}
+ \mrcpoint{47.28014625489598}{10.22678291669482}
+ \mrcpoint{47.32098723021947}{10.40092026792467}
+ \mrcpoint{47.52413897927237}{10.53589647271817}
+ \mrcpoint{47.5130331145614}{10.94403341747166}
+ \mrcpoint{47.39097338968944}{11.04734763681045}
+ \mrcpoint{47.42252867275465}{11.44170163808758}
+ \mrcpoint{47.57832219946236}{11.64025530020549}
+ \mrcpoint{47.65203740659043}{12.2451260343467}
+ \mrcpoint{47.64005851006706}{12.78135708694006}
+ \mrcpoint{47.42189293170733}{13.06242166895717}
+ \mrcpoint{47.68727761120528}{13.13421507093485}
+ \mrcpoint{47.70570852317097}{12.97737528172392}
+ \mrcpoint{47.86836520373472}{12.94442906710615}
+ \mrcpoint{48.06063312315187}{12.76937524145701}
+ \mrcpoint{48.33220372303314}{13.38497370385176}
+ \mrcpoint{48.57060635511297}{13.55281830406328}
+ \mrcpoint{48.51465473490364}{13.78916086481733}
+ \mrcpoint{48.74889509826911}{13.84448153318651}
+ \mrcpoint{48.95974762545411}{13.50952525317658}
+ \mrcpoint{49.37838143356481}{12.77000417129028}
+ \mrcpoint{49.78495654813383}{12.44617209199484}
+ \mrcpoint{49.93155217044134}{12.49159565814237}
+ \mrcpoint{50.13144236663469}{12.24546848540114}
+ \mrcpoint{50.28771270517358}{12.30810150664619}
+ \mrcpoint{50.40989390494432}{12.94903619964524}
+ \mrcpoint{50.65841629251407}{13.3075062965852}
+ \mrcpoint{50.76329878585482}{13.97452403458363}
+ \mrcpoint{51.02604511746936}{14.41278607347103}
+ \mrcpoint{50.79185062876172}{14.80477069337384}
+ \mrcpoint{51.15202957355457}{14.99270251686064}
+ \mrcpoint{51.34128169635556}{15.02098384386006}
+ \mrcpoint{51.53750266315752}{14.74120138252564}
+ \mrcpoint{51.81924062442433}{14.62724686001225}
+ \mrcpoint{52.11180711219343}{14.70514397703483}
+ \mrcpoint{52.39266284958671}{14.60756306378661}
+ \mrcpoint{52.60597277515545}{14.58725108586684}
+ \mrcpoint{52.88134471470577}{14.16977248675916}
+ \mrcpoint{53.14560306739344}{14.4215985570986}
+ \mrcpoint{53.43447627332744}{14.39440456086107}
+ \mrcpoint{53.76080228279986}{14.26477636730856}
+ \mrcpoint{54.07894830697219}{13.84113247149844}
+ \mrcpoint{54.34144910466647}{13.71477685386829}
+ \mrcpoint{54.57879841452108}{13.41784866398943}
+ \mrcpoint{54.38430816973541}{12.55218424463898}
+ \mrcpoint{54.16285895583508}{12.11170524536321}
+ \mrcpoint{54.11909611435144}{11.78253136604545}
+ \mrcpoint{53.9629318241985}{11.23001765303107}
+ \mrcpoint{54.02548042559235}{10.82100535035693}
+ \mrcpoint{54.20942342601608}{11.17572026938692}
+ \mrcpoint{54.42622022041155}{11.04601054827628}
+ \mrcpoint{54.31534430886417}{10.73027571352005}
+ \mrcpoint{54.4430955768925}{10.19233706975044}
+ \mrcpoint{54.8317448735389}{10.00757468096804}
+ \mrcpoint{54.87986478845961}{9.659528688958062}
+ \mrcpoint{54.8308224503691}{9.271730840012292}
+ \mrcpoint{54.92302453288877}{8.571394535898566}
+ \mrcpoint{54.49119535498197}{8.900730234661252}
+ \mrcpoint{54.34335254823343}{8.645116397508792}
+ \mrcpoint{54.22420563732749}{8.880431477246834}
+ \mrcpoint{53.87404422621243}{8.679945700393079}
+ \mrcpoint{53.54658560722722}{8.286556227539295}
+ \mrcpoint{53.7066272365128}{8.034813408953866}
+ \mrcpoint{53.78031118673399}{7.387421106389351}
+ \mrcpoint{53.51218238635882}{6.930006752473437}
+ \mrcpoint{53.25894778199789}{7.171145313101468}
+ \mrcpoint{52.64374200661974}{6.997019504055286}
+ \mrcpoint{52.55662475372522}{6.719778263650637}
+ \mrcpoint{52.38988292317155}{6.970320972580792}
+ \mrcpoint{51.92299983362206}{6.742905287863996}
+ \mrcpoint{51.88316670940459}{6.156741607019097}
+ \mrcpoint{51.79567780329431}{5.98801954642294}
+ \mrcpoint{51.43928428452571}{6.159613225461791}
+ \mrcpoint{51.0215877919207}{5.887936542477828}
+ \mrcpoint{50.79077378475993}{5.983374968822379}
+ \mrcpoint{50.59470107381249}{6.228393825507839}
+ \mrcpoint{50.33147032961352}{6.304617231833176}
+ \mrcpoint{50.15747573005454}{6.092865298740861}
+ \mrcpoint{49.97845765993797}{6.16527138749146}
+ \mrcpoint{49.78369815200002}{6.535162836379246}
+ \mrcpoint{49.45067080157749}{6.378063336429978}
+ \mrcpoint{49.11701097547841}{6.794068795882435}
+ \mrcpoint{49.14800972775451}{7.494253217695865}
+ \mrcpoint{49.03198382192998}{7.640486837553122}
+ \mrcpoint{48.92859396692077}{8.238456398546767}
+ \mrcpoint{48.61606185482966}{7.832853167339047}
+ \mrcpoint{48.05389084062409}{7.510556381211842}
+ \mrcpoint{47.56795313962416}{7.588782160556193}
+ \mrcpoint{47.57268069220318}{8.07968771809688}
+ \end{mrcroute*}
+ \foreach \city / \name in {munich/M\"unchen, cologne/K\"oln,
+ hamburg/Hamburg, berlin/Berlin}
+ {
+ \mrcmarker{named position=\city,type=knob,fill=red!20,draw=red,
+ radius=2mm}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=\city,type=pin,fill=blue!10,draw=blue,
+ contents=\name}
+ }
+\subsection{Alignment of the Reference Position}
+With \refKey{/mermap/supply/align} the reference position can be aligned
+at different map positions.
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower}
+\foreach \a in {east,center,west,north} {
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,
+ named position=munich,
+ flex reference scale=1 000 000,
+ source=opentopomap,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=3cm,
+ align=\a]{examples_alignment_\a}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution}; \mrcclipmap
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={fill=white,fill opacity=0.8,text opacity=1}}
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \ifmrcNPinvicinity{munich}{
+ \fill[red] (mrcpos) circle (4pt) node[below] {M\"unchen};}{}
+ \node[text=red,above left] at (mrcmap.south east) {align=\a};
+\subsection{Flexible Zoom}
+Map tiles are only provided at fixed zoom levels with natural numbers,
+but the package allows a \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom} with rational numbers.
+The flexible zoom is realized by combining a suitable fixed zoom with
+an adapted document tile scaling, see \Fullref{sec:flexible_tile_size}.
+The following example shows a more or less smooth zoom increase.
+The same technique is used by all options starting with |flex|, e.g.
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}
+or \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area fit}
+as seen in the examples before.
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower,breakable}
+% \mrcsetapikey{thunderforest}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+\foreach \zz in {7.0,7.2,...,9.0} {
+ \mermapset{flex zoom=\z}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,
+ named position=munich,
+ source=thunderforest outdoors,
+ tex width=\linewidth,
+ tex height=3cm
+ ]{examples_flex_zoom_\z}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={fill=white,fill opacity=0.5,text opacity=1}}
+ \node[above,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \node[below left=2mm,align=right] at (mrcmap.north east)
+ {flex zoom=\fpeval{round(\z,1)}\\ scale \mrcprettymapscale};
+ \ifmrcNPinvicinity{munich}{
+ \fill (mrcpos) circle (2pt) node[below] {M\"unchen};}{}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.intro.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.intro.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..294f5e278fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.intro.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+The \texttt{mercatormap} package enables map drawing with the
+Web Mercator projection. This is done as an extension to
+\tikzname\ \cite{package:tikz} with is complemented by a map
+coordinate system and many additional commands and options to add elements
+like markers, geodetic networks, bar scales, routes, orthodrome
+pieces, distance calculations, etc. Also, the seamless integration of graphics
+from public map tile servers is provided through a Python script.
+If you are interested in the mathematical background of the Web Mercator projection
+and the algorithms of this packages, you are invited to read
+With very few exceptions, the package is programmed with the
+|expl3| \cite{package:expl3} programming interface for \LaTeX3
+and loads the packages
+|xparse| \cite{package:xparse} and |siunitx| \cite{package:siunitx}.
+ \mrcmap[
+ type=reference,
+ position=48.1579577:11.4980376,
+ align=west,
+ flex reference scale=20000,
+ tex width=\linewidth,
+ tex height=5cm,
+ source=topplusopen web
+ ]{intro_example}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south) {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \node[above right, font=\sffamily\footnotesize] at (mrcmap.north west) {\mrcprettymapscale};
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-meter=800,partitions=8,north-east-outside=5mm;1.5mm,
+ major style={black!75}]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.25]{200} node[pos=0.5]{400} node[pos=0.75]{600}
+ node[pos=1]{800} node[pos=1,right,yshift=-1mm]{m};
+ \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin, draw=Blue_Gray, fill=Blue_Gray!10, font=\sffamily\footnotesize,
+ position=48.1582513:11.5032997, contents={Nymphenburg}}
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \draw (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+\subsection{Quick Start}
+The package is accompanied with a Python script. You should read
+\Fullref{sec:python} for the Python preparations.
+The package can be used in three ways:
+\item Completely without the Python script.
+ This is not recommended, because the usage will be quite restricted.
+\item With Python script, but without map tile download.
+ There is no usage restriction, but you have to create all content yourself.
+ To prevent map tile download, set
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapset{supply/target=none}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\item With Python script and map tile download.
+ You need permission and access to a map tile server.
+ \Fullref{sec:maptileserver} lists a selection of servers with free
+ access (some require registration of an API key).
+After Python is prepared, you may try to compile
+|mercatormap-example.tex| (found in the documentation directory)
+which contains a map of Bavaria with map tile download.
+\Fullref{sec:examples} exhibits further examples which may serve as
+tutorials what can be done. After the examples you find the reference
+manual for the package.
+\subsection{Installation of Python and Packages}\label{sec:python}
+A Python~3 script is part of the |mercatormap| package.
+The main purpose of this script is to download selected map tiles for
+the maps of the document. Also, some coordinate system computation is
+done by this script.
+\subsubsection{Python 3}
+Python 3 is a required prerequisite and can be downloaded from\\
+On systems like Linux Python is typically already installed.\par
+To test your installation, type into a command or terminal window:
+ python --version
+This should give a version number starting with 3. Otherwise, try
+ python3 --version
+If this is successful, \refKey{/mermap/python} has to be adapted to |python3|
+\subsubsection{Python Packages}
+The Python packages |Pillow| (\url{})
+and |requests| (\url{}) have to be present.
+With some luck, they are already installed. With
+ pip3 list
+ pip3 list --user
+the installed packages are listed. If |Pillow| and |requests| are not
+among these package, they have to be added by
+ pip3 install --user Pillow
+ pip3 install --user requests
+ pip3 install Pillow
+ pip3 install requests
+The second choice needs administrative rights and may give conflicts
+with package managers. Pythonians know furthers installation methods.
+\subsubsection{Document Setup}
+For your map document you need the following:
+\item Add \refCom{mrcactivatescript} to the document preamble.
+ Without this command, the script is not active.
+\item Compile the map document with the |--shell-escape| compiler option.
+ This allows to execute external programs like the Python script.\\
+ \textbf{Be aware that |-||-shell-escape| should only be used
+ with trusted documents. Note that external programs can do anything!}
+%\subsection{Tutorial: Map without external Graphics}
+%\subsection{Tutorial: Map with downloaded Map Tiles}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.limitations.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.limitations.tex
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Limitations and Caveats}%
+\subsection{No Polar Regions}
+ The standard Mercator projection is not suited for north or south polar
+ regions.
+ The Web Mercator projections only covers
+ positions between \mrcformlat{-85.0511} and \mrcformlat{85.0511}
+ with map tiles. Equally, the |mercatormap| package does only provide support for
+ this area.
+ If your map overlaps to south of \mrcformlat{-85.0511} or to north of \mrcformlat{85.0511},
+ compiler errors are possible because of internal computation limitations.
+ In any case, there are no map tiles.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{limit_polar}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=-85.0511,longitude=0,zoom=3,
+ source=opentopomap,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=8cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[above=4mm,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \mrcdrawnetwork[network pieces=10,network distance=10mm]
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,position=-85.0511:0,
+ contents={End of the mapped world}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\subsection{International Dateline (180th Meridian)}\label{sec:dateline}
+ If your map includes the 180th meridian (more or less the international dateline),
+ remember that the eastern hemisphere lies \emph{west} and
+ the western hemisphere lies \emph{east} for your map.
+ Consider the following example displaying Vladivostok and Anchorage.
+ Here, \refKey{/mermap/supply/west} is set to \ang{130}\,E (|130|)
+ and \refKey{/mermap/supply/east} is set to \ang{149}\,W (|211| instead of |-149|).
+ There is some automatic correction for positions to fit inside the
+ defined map (see Anchorage in the example below), but
+ \emph{west} should be lower than \emph{east}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{limit_dateline}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ % \mrcsetapikey{openrouteservice}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[type=areafit,tex width=\linewidth,tex height=8cm,
+ source=openrouteservice mapsurfer,
+ south=42,north=62,west=130,east=-149+360]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \draw (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \draw (mrc cs:lat=\mrcmapsouth,lon=180)
+ -- node[sloped,above] {180th meridian}
+ node[sloped,below,red] {add 360 to longitude for eastern border}
+ (mrc cs:lat=\mrcmapnorth,lon=180);
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,position=61.22:-149.88,contents={Anchorage}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,position=43.12:131.9, contents={Vladivostok}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\subsection{Very small Scale Maps}
+ If a map has a very small scale, a coordinate point may appear more than once
+ on the map. But, the map coordinates of this package will only
+ pilot to a single point:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{limit_small_scale_1}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ source=opentopomap,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=4cm,zoom=1]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution}; \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,position=61.22:-149.88,contents={Anchorage}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,position=43.12:131.9,contents={Vladivostok}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ You cannot trust too much in figures from
+ \refCom{mrcprettymapscale},
+ \refCom{mrcprettymapwidth},
+ \refCom{mrcprettymapheight}, etc
+ for large and medium scale maps.
+ For small scale maps, these figures are worse and even misleading.
+ Better do not use them:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{limit_small_scale_2}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapset{supply/source=opentopomap}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=6cm,zoom=2]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution}; \mrcclipmap \mrcdrawinfo
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\subsection{Zoom is not Scale}
+ Using the same zoom value for different latitudes can give completely
+ different scales. The following example for Oslo and Rio de Janeiro
+ at zoom 12 scales to 1:151000 and otherwise 1:277000.
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{limit_zoom_scale_1}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapsetsupply{source=stamen terrain, type=reference, zoom=12,
+ tex width=7cm, tex height=5cm}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[latitude=59.91,longitude=10.75]{oslo1} \mrcdrawmap
+ \end{tikzpicture}\hfill\begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[latitude=-22.91,longitude=-43.20]{rio1} \mrcdrawmap
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{center}\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily\mrcmapattribution\end{center}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Same example again, but with \refKey{/mermap/flex scale} which gives
+ 1:150000 for both cities and comparable maps.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{limit_zoom_scale_2}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mermapsetsupply{source=stamen terrain, type=reference}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[latitude=59.91,longitude=10.75, flex reference scale=150000,
+ tex width=7cm, tex height=5cm]{oslo2} \mrcdrawmap
+ \end{tikzpicture}\hfill\begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[latitude=-22.91,longitude=-43.20, flex reference scale=150000,
+ tex width=7cm, tex height=5cm]{rio2} \mrcdrawmap
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{center}\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily\mrcmapattribution\end{center}
+ \end{dispExample}
+There are at least three kinds of distance measures between two points
+on the map:
+\item Measure the distance with a ruler on the printed (or displayed) map
+ and multiply with the \refCom{mrcmapscaledenominator}.
+ Note that the map scale denominator is only (approximately) correct
+ for the map center.
+\item Compute the loxodromic distance, e.g. with \refCom{mrcstoreloxodistance}
+ which gives the (approximated) distance following a loxodrome.
+ On our Mercator map, this would be equal to the ruler method from above,
+ if the map scale would be constant.
+\item Compute the orthodromic distance, e.g. with \refCom{mrcstoreorthodistance}
+ which gives the (approximated) shortest distance following an orthodrome.
+Apart from the approximate nature of the implementation, these distances
+are expected to be quite identical for large scale maps, but not for
+(very) small scale maps.
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{fraunberg}{48.3685075}{11.9894209}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, named position=munich,
+ flex reference scale=1000000,
+ source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=10cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below left,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south east)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \node[below right,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south west)
+ {\mrcprettymapscale};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) circle (\mrckmtotex{40});
+ \node[above,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ at ([yshift=\mrckmtotex{40}]\mrcNPcs{munich}) {\SI{40}{km}};
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- (\mrcNPcs{fraunberg});
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick] {munich}{fraunberg}
+ \path (\mrcNPcs{munich}) --
+ node[sloped,above=3mm,red,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{fraunberg} }
+ node[sloped,below=3mm,blue,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{fraunberg} }
+ (\mrcNPcs{fraunberg});
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,named position=munich,contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,named position=fraunberg,contents={Fraunberg}}
+The next example gives notable different distances. The aberration is
+dependent from the center angle.
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{barcelona}{41.3947688}{2.0787285}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, named position=munich,
+ flex reference scale=25000000,
+ source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=10cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below left,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south east)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \node[below right,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south west)
+ {\mrcprettymapscale};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) circle (\mrckmtotex{1000});
+ \node[above,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ at ([yshift=\mrckmtotex{1000}]\mrcNPcs{munich}) {\SI{1000}{km}};
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- (\mrcNPcs{barcelona});
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick] {munich}{barcelona}
+ \path (\mrcNPcs{munich}) --
+ node[sloped,above=3mm,red,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{barcelona} }
+ node[sloped,below=3mm,blue,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{barcelona} }
+ (\mrcNPcs{barcelona});
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,named position=munich,contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pinflip,named position=barcelona,contents={Barcelona}}
+The following small scale example contains unacceptable deviations from
+the displayed circle radius of \SI{3000}{\kilo\meter}. The aberration is
+highly dependent from the center angle. For such small scale maps,
+displaying a distance circle should be avoided.
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{neskaup}{65.1446431}{-13.7420082}
+ \mrcNPdef{atyrau}{47.0971204}{51.866263}
+ \mrcNPdef{dakhla}{24.2026691}{-15.4883971}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, named position=munich,
+ flex reference scale=75000000,
+ source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=10cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below left,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south east)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \node[below right,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south west)
+ {\mrcprettymapscale};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) circle (\mrckmtotex{3000});
+ \node[above,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ at ([yshift=\mrckmtotex{3000}]\mrcNPcs{munich}) {\SI{3000}{km}};
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- (\mrcNPcs{neskaup});
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick] {munich}{neskaup}
+ \path (\mrcNPcs{munich}) --
+ node[sloped,above=3mm,red,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{neskaup} }
+ node[sloped,below=3mm,blue,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{neskaup} }
+ (\mrcNPcs{neskaup});
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- (\mrcNPcs{atyrau});
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick] {munich}{atyrau}
+ \path (\mrcNPcs{munich}) --
+ node[sloped,above=3mm,red,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{atyrau} }
+ node[sloped,below=3mm,blue,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{atyrau} }
+ (\mrcNPcs{atyrau});
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- (\mrcNPcs{dakhla});
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick] {munich}{dakhla}
+ \path (\mrcNPcs{munich}) --
+ node[sloped,above=3mm,red,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{dakhla} }
+ node[sloped,below=3mm,blue,fill=white,opacity=0.85,text opacity=1]
+ { \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{dakhla} }
+ (\mrcNPcs{dakhla});
+ \mrcmarker{type=pinflip,named position=munich,contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,named position=neskaup,contents={Neskaupsta\dh ur}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,named position=atyrau,contents={Atyrau}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pinflip,named position=dakhla,contents={Ad-Dakhla}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.maptiles.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.maptiles.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5289f537c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.maptiles.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Automated Map Definition and Map Tiles}\label{sec:automated_map}%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=3cm,minimum height=2cm,
+ align=center,fill=red!5,draw=red!50!gray}]
+\node (A) {Map Supply};
+\node[at=(A.east),right=8mm] (B) {Python Script};
+\node[at=(B.east),right=8mm] (C) {Map Apply};
+\node[at=(C.east),right=8mm] (D) {Map Drawing};
+\begin{scope}[->,very thick,Blue_Gray]
+\draw (A)--(B); \draw (B)--(C); \draw (C)--(D);
+As illustrated above, the script aided map definition is a process with
+several stages.
+\item Map Supply: \refCom{mrcsupplymap} is the replacement of the manual setup by
+ \refCom{mrcdefinemap}. Actually, it is quite similar to \refCom{mrcdefinemap}.
+ With \refCom{mrcsupplymap} directions for the following Python script
+ are formulated.
+\item Python Script: The script is executed by \refCom{mrcsupplymap} during
+ compilation. It does some coordinate system computations and downloads
+ map tiles from a Web server. Finally, it writes a map definition into
+ a file \meta{id}|.def|.
+\item Map Apply: \refCom{mrcapplymap} reads and applies the
+ map definition from \meta{id}|.def|.
+\item Map Drawing: Afterwards, the map can be drawn by \refCom{mrcdrawmap}
+ and other commands.
+A map can be applied more than once, e.g. reused later in the document.
+If this is not needed, map supply and map apply can be combined by
+\subsection{Script Activation}
+Remember to install Python beforehand, see \Fullref{sec:python}.
+ Use this inside the preamble of your document to activate the
+ accompanying Python script.
+ Without this command, the script is not executed!
+ If the document is final (or the maps are final),
+ this line could be removed and the document
+ should be compilable without script.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{python}{=\meta{python}}{no default, initially |python|}
+ Names the Python~3 interpreter as \meta{python}. If your Python~3 interpreter
+ is not called |python|, but e.g. |python3|, then use
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapset{python=python3}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Map Types}
+Currently, there are three methods provided how a map is computed by the
+accompanying Python script. The technical background is documented in
+\item \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{reference}:
+ \tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=left,blankest,grow to left by=1cm]
+ {
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw,fill=yellow!10] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[fill=red] (1.5,1) circle [radius=1mm];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }{
+ The default method determines the map dimensions from a reference
+ position and given document map dimensions.
+ Also, a zoom level \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+ is required which relates to the Web Mercator map tile covering of the Earth.
+ A higher zoom level gives a growing number of smaller map tiles.
+ Alternative to the zoom level, a \meta{scale denominator} can be provided
+ by \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale}, \refKey{/mermap/flex scale}
+ or \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale} which determines
+ the zoom level implicitly.
+ As default, the reference position is the center of the map, but can be
+ aligned at the map borders. This method is quite safe to use and could
+ be the preferred one for many applications like showing the neighborhood
+ of a route target.
+ Finding the best reference point for depicting a certain area could
+ be more tricky.
+ }
+\item \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{areafit}:
+ \tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=left,blankest,grow to left by=1cm]
+ {
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw,fill=yellow!10] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw=red,line width=0.5mm] (0.2,0.5) rectangle (2.8,1.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }
+ {
+ The map dimensions are determined by an area with
+ latitude and longitude boundaries which is fitted into given
+ document map dimensions. The zoom level is computed accordingly
+ for a fixed document tile size or by \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area fit}.
+ In any case, the map contains the target area plus some protrusion.
+ This method is also quite safe to use and may be
+ the preferred one for many applications like showing a map which contains
+ a bunch of markers (e.g. for locations of universities).
+ If the map borders are required to exactly meet the boundaries,
+ the third method can be regarded.
+ }
+\item \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{boundaries}:
+ \tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=left,blankest,grow to left by=1cm]
+ {
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw=red,line width=0.5mm,fill=yellow!10] (0.2,0.5) rectangle (2.8,1.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }{
+ The most obvious method determines the map dimensions from
+ latitude and longitude boundaries. For this, a corresponding zoom level
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+ is required which relates to the Web Mercator map tile covering of the Earth.
+ Alternative to the zoom level, a \meta{scale denominator} can be provided
+ by \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale}
+ or \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale} which determines
+ the zoom level implicitly.
+ Note that a too high zoom level imposes the risk of downloading an unwanted
+ high quantity of map tiles resulting in a much too large document map.
+ Therefore, this most obvious method is \emph{not recommended} for the
+ beginner and may be explored after some experience.
+ }
+\subsection{Map Supply}
+ The \meta{options} provide parameters for the Python~3 script to supply all
+ materials for a map.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/supply/|.\par
+ The map is identified by\\
+ \meta{id}=\refKey{/mermap/definition prefix}+\meta{definition}\\
+ for later drawing.
+ This identifier \meta{id} has to be unique for the document.
+ It corresponds to generated files \meta{id}|.def|, \meta{id}|.md5|, and
+ possibly \meta{id}|.png|.
+ Do not use spaces or special characters like umlauts for \meta{definition}.
+ \par
+ If \refCom{mrcactivatescript} is used inside the preamble,
+ \refCom{mrcsupplymap} executes the Python~3 script, otherwise nothing happens.
+ Sets \meta{options} for all following maps inside the current \TeX\ group.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/supply/|, e.g. for setting
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/type} use
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapsetsupply{type=reference}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Also see \refCom{mermapset} and \refCom{mermapsetmarker}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{definition prefix}{=\meta{definition prefix}}{no default, initially |maps/|}
+ Prefix for map identifiers and generated map files, see \refCom{mrcsupplymap}
+ and \refCom{mrcapplymap}.
+ Note that \refKey{/mermap/definition prefix} is not to be used inside
+ the option list for \refCom{mrcsupplymap}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/type}{=\meta{type}}{no default, initially |reference|}
+ The \meta{type} defines the basic computation for the map. Feasible values are
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{reference}: \flqq map with reference position\frqq\\
+ The map is constructed from a given reference position
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/longitude},\\
+ a zoom level \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom},\\
+ map dimensions\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/width},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/height},\\
+ and alignment \refKey{/mermap/supply/align}.
+ \item\docValue{areafit}: \flqq map fitting an area\frqq\\
+ The map is constructed from a given area boundaries\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/east},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},\\
+ map dimensions\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/width},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/height},\\
+ and alignment \refKey{/mermap/supply/align}.
+ \item\docValue{boundaries}: \flqq map with boundaries\frqq\\
+ The map is constructed from given boundaries\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/east},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},\\
+ and zoom level \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/zoom}{=\meta{setup zoom}}{no default, initially |9|}
+ Map tile zoom factor alias $z$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/north}{=\meta{setup north latitude}}{no default, initially |50|}
+ Northern latitude degree, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere,
+ lower than $90$ but always larger than \refKey{/mermap/supply/south}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/south}{=\meta{setup south latitude}}{no default, initially |48|}
+ Southern latitude degree, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere,
+ larger than $-90$ but always lower than \refKey{/mermap/supply/north}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/west}{=\meta{setup west longitude}}{no default, initially |11|}
+ Western longitude degree, possibly negative for the western hemisphere,
+ possibly shifted periodically, but always lower than \refKey{/mermap/supply/east}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/east}{=\meta{setup east longitude}}{no default, initially |13|}
+ Eastern longitude degree, possibly negative for the western hemisphere,
+ possibly shifted periodically, but always larger than \refKey{/mermap/supply/west}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/area}{=\marg{comma separated list of named positions}}{no default}
+ Sets
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/east}
+ according to the given \meta{comma separated list of named positions}, i.e.
+ the described area contains all these positions.
+ Note that you need at least two points inside the list.
+ Also note to take special care, if the international dateline is on your
+ resulting map, see \Fullref{sec:dateline}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/add area}{=\marg{comma separated list of named positions}}{no default}
+ Nearly identical to \refKey{/mermap/supply/area}, but
+ the given \meta{comma separated list of named positions}
+ does not reset the current area, i.e. the positions are added to the
+ current area which possibly grows to fit all positions.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/area to reference}{}{no value, initially unset}
+ The map settings
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/east}
+ are taken to compute the map center. This center position is saved
+ to \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/longitude}.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/latitude}{=\meta{setup latitude}}{no default, initially |49|}
+ Latitude degree of a reference point, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/longitude}{=\meta{setup longitude}}{no default, initially |12|}
+ Longitude degree of a reference point, possibly negative for the western hemisphere.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/position}{=\meta{setup latitude}:\meta{setup longitude}}{no default, initially |49:12|}
+ Latitude degree and longitude of a reference point.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/named position}{=\meta{name}}{style, no default}
+ The \emph{named position} given by \meta{name} describes
+ a reference point, see \Fullref{sec:names_positions}.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/width}{=\meta{setup width in tiles}}{no default, initially |4|}
+ Width of the map as multiplicity of map tiles.
+ Used for map types \docValue{reference} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/tex width}{=\meta{width}}{style, no default}
+ Width of the map as \TeX\ dimension.
+ This is a style to compute \refKey{/mermap/supply/width} according to
+ the current \refKey{/mermap/tile size}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/height}{=\meta{setup height in tiles}}{no default, initially |4|}
+ Height of the map as multiplicity of map tiles.
+ Used for map types \docValue{reference} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/tex height}{=\meta{width}}{style, no default}
+ Height of the map as \TeX\ dimension.
+ This is a style to compute \refKey{/mermap/supply/height} according to
+ the current \refKey{/mermap/tile size}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/align}{=\meta{setup alignment}}{no default, initially |center|}
+ Alignment of reference point or area for map types \docValue{reference} and \docValue{areafit}.
+ Feasible values are
+ \docValue{northwest}, \docValue{north}, \docValue{northeast}, \docValue{west},
+ \docValue{center}, \docValue{east}, \docValue{southwest},\docValue{south}, \docValue{southeast}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/target}{=\meta{setup target}}{no default, initially |tiles|}
+ Defines the type of output for the Python~3 script. Feasible values are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{none}: No tiles are downloaded and no merged map is generated, just map computation.
+ This is the fastest method and needs no tile supplier.
+ \item\docValue{tiles}: Download map tiles from a tile map service (TMS) \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}.
+ Compilation of a document with map tile takes longer than compilation
+ with a merged map and transparency should not be used with tiles,
+ but the resulting document is smaller than a document with merged maps.
+ \item\docValue{mergedmap}: Download map tiles from a tile map service (TMS)
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/url} and merge them into a single map picture.
+ This speeds compilation and allows transparency effects, but
+ the resulting document is possibly larger than a document with map tiles,
+ because map tiles often are optimized 8-bit image files while the merged
+ image is a 24-bit PNG file. Additionally, synergy effects of using the same map tiles
+ for different maps are lost.
+ Also, since the pixel map is clipped to full pixels, the resulting map
+ may differ (shift/size) from the more accurate tile representation by
+ one pixel.
+ \item\docValue{wmsmap}: Download a single map from a web map service (WMS)
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}. Internally, the package treats a WMS like
+ a tile map service including all tile calculations. Actually, a single
+ file is downloaded.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/url}{=\meta{setup URL}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Here, the url format with placeholder |{z}{x}{y}| for map tile download is defined.
+ \textbf{Be sure that you have the permission to download, save, and use
+ the map tiles from that URL. Illegal downloads are not endorsed in any
+ way.}
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ url={https://abc.efg.hij/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=12345678},
+ \end{dispListing}
+ See \Fullref{sec:maptileserver} for predefined URLs.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/url with api key}{=\marg{prefix}\marg{name}\marg{postfix}}{no default}
+ This is an alternative version of \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}.
+ The URL is constructed from some fixed \meta{prefix} and \meta{postfix} with
+ an API key in between. The API key is retrieved by \meta{name} from a
+ repository filled by \refCom{mrcsetapikey}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ url={https://abc.efg.hij/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{myservice}{},
+ \end{dispListing}
+ See \Fullref{sec:maptileserver} for predefined URLs.
+ Stores an API key \meta{value} for access with the given \meta{name}.
+ Typically, \meta{value} is a received ID from a map tile service provider
+ after personal registration. \meta{name} is a placeholder which is used
+ inside \refKey{/mermap/supply/url with api key} to mark the insertion
+ point for the API key.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcsetapikey{myservice}{....K942XY....}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/attribution}{=\meta{attribution text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Attribution text for the map source. Typically, it acknowledges the copyright
+ of the map data provider. It may contain hyperlinks.
+ It is used to set up \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/attribution} afterwards
+ and it is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapattribution} (use read-only).\par
+ For technical reasons, do not use \verb+"+. \docAuxCommand{mrcumlaut}
+ may be used for masking umlauts, e.g. use \verb+\mrcumlaut{u}+ instead of
+ \verb+\"{u}+, but umlauts can also be used directly, e.g. as UTF-8 coded characters.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/attribution print}{=\meta{attribution text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Attribution text for the map source.
+ In contrast to \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution} it is intended for media
+ that does not support hyperlinks like printed posters, books, etc.
+ It is used to set up \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/attribution print} afterwards
+ and it is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapattributionprint} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/basename}{=\meta{setup tile base name}}{no default, initially \texttt{tiles/tile}}
+ Prefix for local tile files, e.g. '|tiles/map|' for '|tiles/map_10_10_10.png|'.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/flex reference scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}}{no default}
+ With the given \meta{scale denominator}, an appropriate \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+ and \refKey{/mermap/tile size} is computed. Note that
+ the \meta{scale denominator}
+ always applies to the current \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude}
+ and is used for map type \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{reference}.
+ For example, if the reference point is on the north side of the map,
+ also the \meta{scale denominator}
+ applies to the most northern latitude.
+ Note to take special care to the order of the options.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The reference point has to be set \emph{before}
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}, e.g. by
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/position},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/named position}.
+ \item \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex height}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex width}
+ (only for map type \docValue{reference})
+ have to be set \emph{after} \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale},
+ because the \refKey{/mermap/tile size} is adapted.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Also see \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size}, \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom},
+ and \refKey{/mermap/flex scale}.
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ flex reference scale=250000,
+ source=opentopomap,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=5cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \node[below left=2mm,align=right,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5,
+ text opacity=1] at (mrcmap.north east) {scale \mrcprettymapscale};
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/flex area scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}}{no default}
+ This is a shortcut for setting \refKey{/mermap/supply/area to reference}
+ and \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}=\meta{scale denominator}.
+ Used for map type \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{reference}.
+ Note to take special care to the order of the options.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The reference point has to be set \emph{before}
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale}.
+ \item \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex height}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex width}
+ (only for map type \docValue{reference})
+ have to be set \emph{after} \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/flex area fit}{\colOpt{=\meta{size}}}{default |0pt|}
+ This key can be used for map type \docValue{areafit} as \emph{final}
+ option \emph{after} all other options.
+ It applies a fine tuning to \refKey{/mermap/tile size},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/width}, and \refKey{/mermap/supply/height} such
+ that the defined area fits exactly into the map region.
+ If a \meta{size} is specified, width and height are reduced for the
+ calculation by this \meta{size}, e.g. \meta{size}|=1cm| ensures a
+ border of |5mm| on each side.
+ Also see \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size} and \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom}.
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.14}{11.58}
+ \mrcNPdef{rio}{-22.91}{-43.20}
+ \mrcNPdef{newyork}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mrcmap[ type = areafit, area = {munich,rio,newyork},
+ source=topplusopen web grau,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=7cm,
+ flex area fit=1cm ]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \draw[yellow] ([xshift=5mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=-5mm,yshift=-5mm]mrcmap.north east);
+ \draw[red,fill=red!50!gray!50!white,fill opacity=0.25]
+ (\mrcNPcs{newyork}) -- (\mrcNPcs{rio}) -- (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- cycle;
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/pixel}{=\meta{setup pixel size}}{no default, initially |256|}
+ Pixel width (and height) of a tile. It is especially needed for
+ target \docValue{mergedmap} and also \docValue{wmsmap}.
+ For \docValue{wmsmap}, it is multiplied with a pseudo tile calculation
+ to compute the actual picture size to download.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/dpi}{=\meta{dpi value}}{style, no default}
+ This style sets \refKey{/mermap/supply/pixel} such that the given \meta{dpi value}
+ is resulting (approximately).
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Note that this only applies for WMS Servers and not for
+ TMS (Tile Map Service) Servers,
+ because there \refKey{/mermap/supply/pixel} is a fixed number depending on
+ Server settings and cannot be chosen arbitrarily.
+ \item A high \meta{dpi value} results in large downloaded map files.
+ If the server does not provide a high resolution map, you will get
+ unnecessary large files with blurred content.
+ \item The \meta{dpi value} for TMS data can be changed by adapting
+ \refKey{/mermap/tile size} or \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ flex reference scale=250000,
+ source=topplusopen p250, target=wmsmap, dpi=300,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=5cm]{dpi_value}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+\subsection{Map Apply}
+ A map which is supplied by \refCom{mrcsupplymap} is applied
+ inside a |tikzpicture| environment by
+ \refCom{mrcapplymap} where \meta{definition} identifies the map.
+ \refCom{mrcapplymap} replaces a manual setup by \refCom{mrcdefinemap}.
+ The same map can be applied more than once inside a document.
+ Note that applying a map does not mean to draw the map, but to prepare
+ everything for drawing.
+ This is a combination of
+ \refCom{mrcsupplymap} with the given \meta{options}
+ followed immediately by \refCom{mrcapplymap}.
+ If \meta{definition} is left empty, an automated unique identifier is
+ inserted.
+ If a map is to be used just once, \refCom{mrcmap} may be preferred.
+\subsection{Map Tile Server}\label{sec:maptileserver}
+To use map tiles with this package you obviously need access to a map tile server.
+Thanks to all the many contributors to
+map data is free for everyone to use.
+\textbf{But, map tile servers based on OpenStreetMap are not necessarily free}.
+A list of online raster tile servers based on OpenStreetMap data is found here:\\
+\item\bfseries I do not run a map tile server.
+\item I do not and cannot grant any permission to access a map tile server.
+\item I do not and cannot grant any permission to use map tiles in
+ private, academic, free, or commercial publications.
+\item All operators of map tile servers require to mention an attribution
+ for their maps.
+The following option allows easy usage of very few selected tile servers.
+The tile server of \href{}{OpenStreetMap}
+is not included because of its
+\href{}{Tile Usage Policy}.
+I am aware that the following list could be enlarged much more, but I do not
+want to add more to avoid any legal uncertainties.
+\item\bfseries I will remove an entry immediately, if the tile server operator
+ asks for it.
+\item\mdseries If \textbf{YOU} operate a tile server and you want an entry here, I would be
+ glad to add it to the following list.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/source}{=\meta{source}}{style, no default}
+ This style sets \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution print} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/basename}.\\
+ Feasible values for \meta{source} are:
+ %\mermapset{tile size=3.2512cm}
+ \newcommand{\mapexample}[3][]{%
+ \begingroup
+ \mermapset{supply/source=#2}%
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Required attribution (\docAuxCommand{mrcmapattribution}):
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[sharp corners,size=fbox,colback=yellow!8,colframe=yellow!80!gray,halign=flush left]
+ \mrcmapattribution\end{tcolorbox}
+ \item Required attribution for media without hyperlinks (\docAuxCommand{mrcmapattributionprint}):
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[sharp corners,size=fbox,colback=yellow!8,colframe=yellow!80!gray,halign=flush left]
+ \mrcmapattributionprint\end{tcolorbox}
+ %\par\smallskip\
+ \end{itemize}
+ \endgroup\par\smallskip\tikzsetnextfilename{maptiles_#3}%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[source=#2,
+ type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.58,zoom=7,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=2cm,#1]{#3}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \end{tikzpicture}\par%
+ }%
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{dummy}:\\
+ Dummy tile server at loopback || for test purposes.
+ \item\docValue{opentopomap}:\\
+ Tile server (TMS) of \href{}{OpenTopoMap}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{opentopomap}{opentopomap}
+ \item\docValue{openrouteservice mapsurfer}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{OpenRouteService}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{openrouteservice}}\marg{api-key}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}\\
+ API documentation: \url{}
+ \mapexample{openrouteservice mapsurfer}{openrouteservice_mapsurfer}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain}{stamen_terrain}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain-background}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain-background}{stamen_terrain-background}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain-labels}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain-labels}{stamen_terrain-labels}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain-lines}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain-lines}{stamen_terrain-lines}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner}{stamen_toner}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-lite}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-lite}{stamen_toner-lite}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-hybrid}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-hybrid}{stamen_toner-hybrid}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-background}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-background}{stamen_toner-background}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-labels}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-labels}{stamen_toner-labels}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-lines}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-lines}{stamen_toner-lines}
+ \item\docValue{stamen watercolor}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen watercolor}{stamen_watercolor}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest opencyclemap}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest opencyclemap}{thunderforest_opencyclemap}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest transport}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest transport}{thunderforest_transport}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest landscape}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest landscape}{thunderforest_landscape}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest outdoors}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest outdoors}{thunderforest_outdoors}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest transport-dark}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest transport-dark}{thunderforest_transport-dark}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest spinal-map}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest spinal-map}{thunderforest_spinal-map}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest pioneer}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest pioneer}{thunderforest_pioneer}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest mobile-atlas}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest mobile-atlas}{thunderforest_mobile-atlas}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest neighbourhood}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest neighbourhood}{thunderforest_neighbourhood}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen web}:\\
+ Tile server (TMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Covers world / Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{topplusopen web}{topplusopen_web}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen web grau}:\\
+ Tile server (TMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Covers world / Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{topplusopen web grau}{topplusopen_web_grau}
+The following sources are Web map server (WMS). Therefore,
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/target} can only be set to \docValue{wmsmap}
+or \docValue{none}.
+\int_gzero:N \g_tmpa_int
+\NewDocumentCommand \cleanstep {}
+ \fp_compare:nNnT { \g_tmpa_int-trunc(\g_tmpa_int/3)*3 } = 0
+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnT \g_tmpa_int > 0
+ {
+ \clearpage
+ }
+ }
+ \int_gincr:N \g_tmpa_int
+ \begin{itemize}
+\foreach \name / \scdenom / \xtra in {p5/5000,p10/10000,p17.5/17500,p25/25000,p50/50000,p100/100000,p250/250000}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen \name}:\\
+ Web map server (WMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 1:\scdenom, covers Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample[target=wmsmap]{topplusopen \name}{topplusopen_\name}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen \name\ grau}:\\
+ Web map server (WMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 1:\scdenom, covers Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \def\grau{ grau}%
+ \mapexample[target=wmsmap]{topplusopen \name\grau}{topplusopen_\name_grau}
+ \end{itemize}
+ Adds a new \meta{source} value to \refKey{/mermap/supply/source}.
+ The \meta{options} should set the keys
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution print} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/basename}.
+ It is recommend to use |x ...| for \meta{source} to avoid conflicts
+ with future official additions to \refKey{/mermap/supply/source}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcnewsupplysource{x example}
+ {
+ url ={z}/{x}/{y}.png,
+ attribution = {Dummy tile server},
+ attribution print = {Dummy tile server},
+ basename = tiles/dummy,
+ }
+ \end{dispListing}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.marker.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.marker.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..070b12acdac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.marker.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+As described before, a map can be amended by arbitrary \tikzname\ code
+using map coordinates.
+For highlighting places or adding markers, the \refCom{mrcmarker} macro
+may be helpful which provides some predefined marker types.
+\subsection{Marker Settings}
+ Places a marker according to the given \meta{options} on the map.
+ All \meta{options} share the common prefix |/mermap/marker/|.
+ Different \refKey{/mermap/marker/type} settings are available which are
+ more or less customizable.
+% \mrcsetapikey{thunderforest}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, position=48.15:11.6,
+ flex reference scale=500 000,
+ source=thunderforest neighbourhood,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=4cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcdrawnetwork
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \mermapsetmarker{draw=red, fill=red!20!white, font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcmarker{type=classic, position=48.15:11.2, contents={A}, radius=0.5mm}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin, position=48.15:11.3, contents={B}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pinflip, position=48.15:11.4, contents={C}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=drop, position=48.15:11.5, contents={D}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=knob, position=48.15:11.6, contents={E}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pictodropring, position=48.15:11.7, contents={F}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pictoknobring, position=48.15:11.8, contents={G}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=ringx, position=48.15:11.9, contents={H}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=markx, position=48.15:12, contents={I}}
+ Sets \meta{options} for all following markers inside the current \TeX\ group.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/marker/|, e.g. for setting
+ \refKey{/mermap/marker/type} use
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pin}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Also see \refCom{mermapset} and \refCom{mermapsetsupply}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/first options}{=\meta{options}}{no default, initially unset}
+ The given list of \meta{options} is used inside every \refCom{mrcmarker}
+ \emph{before} the options of \refCom{mrcmarker}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/last options}{=\meta{options}}{no default, initially unset}
+ The given list of \meta{options} is used inside every \refCom{mrcmarker}
+ \emph{after} the options of \refCom{mrcmarker}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/latitude}{=\meta{latitude}}{no default, initially |12|}
+ Latitude degree of the place marker.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerlatitude} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/lat}{=\meta{latitude}}{no default, initially |12|}
+ Alias for \refKey{/mermap/marker/latitude}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/longitude}{=\meta{longitude}}{no default, initially |49|}
+ Longitude degree of the place marker.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerlongitude} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/lon}{=\meta{longitude}}{no default, initially |49|}
+ Alias for \refKey{/mermap/marker/longitude}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/position}{=\meta{place latitude}:\meta{place longitude}}{no default, initially |12:49|}
+ Sets the latitude degree and the longitude degree of the place marker.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/named position}{=\meta{name}}{style, no default}
+ Sets the latitude degree and the longitude degree of the place marker
+ to the \emph{named position} denoted by \meta{name}, see \Fullref{sec:names_positions}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/use inside}{=\meta{area}}{no default, initially |map|}
+ The place marker is used or ignored according to its belonging inside the
+ given \meta{area}. Feasible values for \meta{area} are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{map}: Use inside map.
+ \item\docValue{vicinity}: Use inside map plus vicinity, see \refKey{/mermap/vicinity}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/contents}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets \meta{text} for displaying inside the marker, if
+ the marker type supports such a thing.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkercontents} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/pictocontents}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets \tikzname\ \meta{code} for displaying inside the marker, if
+ the marker type supports such a thing.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerpictocontents} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/alias}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially |noname|}
+ The position of the marker is available as \tikzname\ coordinate by
+ the given \meta{text}, e.g. to draw to or from the marker.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/uuid}{=\meta{uuid}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets a \meta{uuid} for unique identification of markers.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkeruuid} (use read-only).
+ The \meta{uuid} is provided for user applications.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/category}{=\meta{category}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets a \meta{category} to group markers.
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkercategory} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/show}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ If set to |true|, the marker is shown, if it lies inside the map (or vicinity).
+ Otherwise, the place marker is not used.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/hide}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If set to |true|, the marker is not used.
+ \refKey{/mermap/marker/hide} is inverse to \refKey{/mermap/marker/show}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/show category}{=\meta{category}}{style, no default}
+ Sets \refKey{/mermap/marker/show} to |true|, if \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} equals \meta{category}.
+ Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} has to be set \emph{before}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/show all but category}{=\meta{category}}{style, no default}
+ Sets \refKey{/mermap/marker/show} to |true|, if \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} does not equal \meta{category}.
+ Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} has to be set \emph{before}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/hide category}{=\meta{category}}{style, no default}
+ Sets \refKey{/mermap/marker/show} to |false|, if \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} equals \meta{category}.
+ Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} has to be set \emph{before}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/hide all but category}{=\meta{category}}{style, no default}
+ Sets \refKey{/mermap/marker/show} to |false|, if \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} does not equal \meta{category}.
+ Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ \refKey{/mermap/marker/category} has to be set \emph{before}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_hide}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=4cm, tex height=4cm,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.57, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{last options={hide all but category=A}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=knob,position=48.00:11.43,fill=blue,category=A}
+ \mrcmarker{type=knob,position=48.28:11.43,fill=red,category=B}
+ \mrcmarker{type=knob,position=48.00:11.71,fill=blue,category=A}
+ \mrcmarker{type=knob,position=48.28:11.71,fill=red,category=B}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\subsection{Marker Types}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/type}{=\meta{type}}{no default, initially |classic|}
+ Decides about the basic shape and style of the marker.
+ Feasible values for \meta{type} are listed in the following.
+ More values can be defined by \refCom{mrcnewmarkertype}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ %
+ \item\docValue{classic}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_classic}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=classic}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=classic, text=blue, font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, contents={M\"unchen}, angle=-30}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \item\docValue{pin}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_pin}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pin}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pin, draw=blue, fill=blue!20!white,
+ font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, contents={M\"unchen}, alias={munich}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \clearpage
+ \item\docValue{pinflip}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_pinflip}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pinflip}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pinflip, draw=red, fill=red!20!white,
+ font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, contents={M\"unchen}, shift=4mm}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \item\docValue{drop}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_drop}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=drop}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=drop, fill=blue, draw=blue!20!white, text=white,
+ font=\sffamily\small\bfseries,
+ path style={line join=round, thin, draw=mrcmarkerfill,
+ double=mrcmarkerdraw,double distance=0.6pt} }
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, contents={M}, alias={munich}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \clearpage
+ \item\docValue{pictodrop}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_pictodrop}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictodrop, pictocontents={
+ \draw[fill=red!70!gray,draw=white]
+ (-0.2,-0.2)--(0.2,-0.2)--(0.2,0.1)--(0,0.2)--(-0.2,0.1) -- cycle;
+ }}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictodrop,
+ fill=blue!75!gray!30, draw=blue,
+ radius=4mm, shift=-1mm}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57,
+ pictocontents={
+ \node {\includegraphics[width=6mm]{alertmessage-warning.png}};
+ }}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \item\docValue{pictodropring}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_pictodropring}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictodropring}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictodropring,
+ fill=red!50!gray, draw=red!75!white,
+ shift=-1mm}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \clearpage
+ \item\docValue{knob}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_knob}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=knob}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=knob, radius=2mm,
+ fill=blue, draw=blue!20!white,
+ text=white, path style={draw=mrcmarkerfill, double=mrcmarkerdraw,
+ double distance=0.6pt} }
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, contents={M}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \item\docValue{pictoknob}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_pictoknob}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictoknob}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictoknob, radius=2mm,
+ fill=blue, draw=blue!20!white,
+ path style={draw=mrcmarkerfill, double=mrcmarkerdraw,
+ double distance=0.6pt} }
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, alias={munich}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \clearpage
+ \item\docValue{pictoknobring}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_pictoknobring}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictoknobring}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=pictoknobring, radius=2mm, inner radius=1mm,
+ draw=blue, fill=blue!20!white,
+ pictocontents={\node[above] at (0,\mrcmarkerradius)
+ {\mrcmarkercontents};}
+ }
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \item\docValue{ringx}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_ringx}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=ringx}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=ringx, radius=4mm, inner radius=3mm,
+ draw=red, fill=red!50!white,
+ path style={draw=mrcmarkerdraw, very thin, double=white,
+ double distance=0.6pt}
+ }
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, alias={munich}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \clearpage
+ \item\docValue{markx}:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_markx}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=markx}
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mermapsetmarker{type=markx, radius=4mm, inner radius=3mm,
+ draw=red, fill=red!50!white, path style={very thin}
+ }
+ \mrcmarker{position=48.14:11.57, alias={munich}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ %
+ \end{itemize}
+The different marker types can be customized by some additional options:
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/font}{=\meta{font}}{no default, initially \texttt{\textbackslash sffamily\textbackslash small}}
+ Font of the marker text
+ (\docValue{classic}, \docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{knob}).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerfont} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/text}{=\meta{color}}{no default, initially |black|}
+ Color of the marker text
+ (\docValue{classic}, \docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{knob}).
+ It is accessible as \docColor{mrcmarkertext} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/draw}{=\meta{color}}{no default, initially |gray|}
+ Color of the marker frame
+ (\docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{pictodrop},
+ \docValue{pictodropring}, \docValue{knob}, \docValue{pictoknob}, \docValue{pictoknobring},
+ \docValue{ringx}, \docValue{markx}).
+ It is accessible as \docColor{mrcmarkerdraw} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/fill}{=\meta{color}}{no default, initially |gray!20|}
+ Color of the marker interior
+ (\docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{pictodrop},
+ \docValue{pictodropring}, \docValue{knob}, \docValue{pictoknob}, \docValue{pictoknobring},
+ \docValue{ringx}, \docValue{markx}).
+ It is accessible as \docColor{mrcmarkerfill} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/angle}{=\meta{angle}}{no default, initially |90|}
+ Angle of the marker (\docValue{classic}).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerangle} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/shift}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+ Shift of the marker text
+ (\docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}).
+ It also shifts the drop center
+ (\docValue{drop}, \docValue{pictodrop}, \docValue{pictodropring}).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkershift} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/radius}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |3mm|}
+ Radius of the marker
+ (\docValue{classic}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{pictodrop},
+ \docValue{pictodropring}, \docValue{knob}, \docValue{pictoknob}, \docValue{pictoknobring},
+ \docValue{ringx}, \docValue{markx}).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerradius} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/inner radius}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |2.25mm|}
+ Inner radius of the marker
+ (\docValue{pictodropring}, \docValue{pictoknobring}, \docValue{ringx}).
+ It is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerinnerradius} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/path style}{=\marg{options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ \tikzname\ \meta{options} which are added to (some) path elements of
+ of the marker
+ (\docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{pictodrop},
+ \docValue{pictodropring}, \docValue{knob}, \docValue{pictoknob}, \docValue{pictoknobring},
+ \docValue{ringx}, \docValue{markx}).
+ It is accessible as \tikzname\ option \docValue{mrcpathstyle} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/node style}{=\marg{options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ \tikzname\ \meta{options} which are added to the node element of
+ of the marker
+ (\docValue{classic}, \docValue{pin}, \docValue{pinflip}, \docValue{drop}, \docValue{knob}).
+ It is accessible as \tikzname\ option \docValue{mrcnodestyle} (use read-only).
+\subsection{New Marker Types}
+\begin{docCommand}{mrcnewmarkertype}{\marg{type name}\marg{\tikzname\ code}}
+ Creates a new \refKey{/mermap/marker/type} value \meta{type name} using the
+ given \meta{\tikzname\ code} for drawing a place marker.
+ To avoid future name clashes, you should start a private \meta{type name}
+ with letter |x|. For \meta{\tikzname\ code} settings like
+ \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkercontents},
+ \docAuxCommand{mrcmarkerfont}, or \docColor{mrcmarkerfill} may be used
+ or ignored.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_xmark}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcnewmarkertype{xmark}{
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,thick] circle (\mrcmarkerradius);
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,thick]
+ (45:2*\mrcmarkerradius)--(225:2*\mrcmarkerradius)
+ (135:2*\mrcmarkerradius)--(315:2*\mrcmarkerradius);
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=4cm, tex height=4cm,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.57, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mrcmarker{type=xmark,
+ position=48.14:11.57,alias={munich},
+ draw=red}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\subsection{New Marker Styles}
+\begin{docCommand}{mrcnewmarkerstyle}{\marg{style name}\marg{options}}
+ Creates a new \refKey{/mermap/marker/style} value \meta{style name} using the
+ given \meta{options} for drawing a place marker.
+ All \meta{options} share the common prefix |/mermap/marker/|. Here, a \emph{style}
+ has the same concept as a \tikzname\ style.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_markerstyle}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mrcnewmarkerstyle{one}{type=pin, draw=blue, fill=blue!20!white,
+ font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcnewmarkerstyle{two}{type=pinflip, draw=red, fill=red!20!white,
+ font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcmarker{style=one, position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mrcmarker{style=two, position=48.14:11.57, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ A \emph{style} can have one parameter, but note the small difference
+ in applying this parameter compared to \tikzname:
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{marker_markerstyle2}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=8cm, tex height=4cm, zoom=10,
+ latitude=48.14, longitude=11.48, target=none]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap[draw=path]
+ \mrcnewmarkerstyle{color}{type=pin, draw=#1, fill=#1!20!white,
+ font=\sffamily\footnotesize}
+ \mrcmarker{style/color=blue, position=48.14:11.36, contents={Germering}}
+ \mrcmarker{style/color=red, position=48.14:11.57, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{marker/style}{=\meta{style name}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Applies a given \meta{style name}, i.e. all options which were stored
+ by \refCom{mrcnewmarkerstyle} under this name.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.orthodromes.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.orthodromes.tex
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+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Orthodromes and Loxodromes}\label{sec:orthodromes}%
+A loxodrome is a curve which crosses all meridians with
+a constant angle. On Mercator maps, loxodromes are depicted as straight lines
+and can be drawn by simple \tikzname\ |path| elements.
+On a sphere, the shortest path
+from one point to another runs along an orthodrome where
+an orthodrome is a great-circle.
+The mathematical background and further information are found in \cite{Sturm:2020}.
+\subsection{Orthodrome Drawing}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{samples}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |100|}
+ An orthodrome curve is approximated by a polygon trajectory with
+ \meta{number} pieces.
+\begin{docTikzKey}{mermap samples}{=\meta{number}}{style, no default}
+ \tikzname\ variant to set \refKey{/mermap/samples}.
+ Draws an orthodrome curve from a point with
+ latitude \meta{lat1} and longitude \meta{lon1}
+ to a point with
+ latitude \meta{lat2} and longitude \meta{lon2}.
+ This is a \tikzname\ path object where \meta{options} are
+ \tikzname\ settings for this path. There are two orthodrome pieces connecting
+ two positions (forming a great-circle). \refCom{mrcdraworthodrome} does
+ not necessarily choose the shorter one, see \cite{Sturm:2020}.
+ The drawn orthodrome is a spherical approximation instead of an ellipsoidal
+ one.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{ortho_orthodrome1}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[type=areafit,
+ south=40.7,north=48.2,west=-74.1,east=11.6,
+ source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=6cm,
+ ]{ortho_orthodrome1}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \draw (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcdraworthodrome[red,very thick,mermap samples=100]
+ {48.14}{11.58}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \node[red,fill=white] at ([above=1.3cm]mrcmap) {
+ \mrcprettyorthodistance{48.14}{11.58}{40.71}{-74.01} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Identical to \refCom{mrcdraworthodrome}, but the start and end point are
+ described by named positions \meta{name1} and \meta{name2}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{ortho_orthodrome2}%
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.14}{11.58}
+ \mrcNPdef{newyork}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mrcmap[type=areafit, area={munich,newyork},
+ source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=6cm,
+ ]{ortho_orthodrome2}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \draw (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \mrcmarker{type=pin,named position=munich,contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{type=pinflip,shift=5mm,named position=newyork,
+ contents={New York City}}
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick] {munich}{newyork}
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- (\mrcNPcs{newyork});
+ \node[red,fill=white] at ([above=1.3cm]mrcmap) {
+ \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{newyork} };
+ \node[blue,fill=white] at ([below=5mm]mrcmap) {
+ \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{newyork} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\subsection{Orthodromic and Loxodromic Distances}
+ Approximate orthodromic distance between two points
+ with latitude \meta{lat1}, longitude \meta{lon1}
+ and latitude \meta{lat2}, longitude \meta{lon2}
+ with three valid digits.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcprettyorthodistance{48.14}{11.58}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Approximate orthodromic distance between two named positions
+ \meta{name1} and \meta{name2} with three valid digits.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.14}{11.58}
+ \mrcNPdef{newyork}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mrcNPprettyorthodistance{munich}{newyork}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Stores the approximate orthodromic distance (in kilometers) between two points
+ with latitude \meta{lat1}, longitude \meta{lon1}
+ and latitude \meta{lat2}, longitude \meta{lon2}
+ to a given \meta{macro}.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcstoreorthodistance\mydist{48.14}{11.58}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mydist
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Approximate loxodromic distance between two points
+ with latitude \meta{lat1}, longitude \meta{lon1}
+ and latitude \meta{lat2}, longitude \meta{lon2}
+ with three valid digits.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcprettyloxodistance{48.14}{11.58}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Approximate loxodromic distance between two named positions
+ \meta{name1} and \meta{name2} with three valid digits.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.14}{11.58}
+ \mrcNPdef{newyork}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mrcNPprettyloxodistance{munich}{newyork}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ Stores the approximate loxodromic distance (in kilometers) between two points
+ with latitude \meta{lat1}, longitude \meta{lon1}
+ and latitude \meta{lat2}, longitude \meta{lon2}
+ to a given \meta{macro}.
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \mrcstoreloxodistance\mydist{48.14}{11.58}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mydist
+ \end{dispExample}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.routes.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.routes.tex
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+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+Routes are \tikzname\ |path| objects which can be drawn with the appropriate
+\tikzname\ macros and the coordinate system documented in
+Nevertheless, in the following some alternatives are described which allow
+to specify a path by a sequence of points (\refCom{mrcpoint}).
+The idea is that such a sequence of points is exported by a third-party
+application for inclusion in a \LaTeX\ map, see \Fullref{sec:routes_gpx}.
+\subsection{Route Path Definition}
+ This environment creates a \tikzname\ |path| with given \tikzname\ \meta{options}.
+ The \meta{environment content} is a sequence of points made by \refCom{mrcpoint}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \begin{mrcroute}[red, very thick]
+ \mrcpoint{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcpoint{49.019479}{12.0976942}
+ ...
+ \end{mrcroute}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Note that a map definition by \refCom{mrcdefinemap}, \refCom{mrcmap},
+ or \refCom{mrcapplymap} is needed before a route |path| can be drawn.\par
+ %A |path| can be closed by adding \docAuxCommand{pgfpathclose} as last entry
+ %after all \refCom{mrcpoint} macros. Further |pgf| commands may be added,
+ %but the sequence should start with a \refCom{mrcpoint}.
+ Identical to \refEnv{mrcroute}, but the created \tikzname\ |path| is
+ closed.
+ Identical to \refEnv{mrcroute}, but the sequence of points is included
+ from a file with the given \meta{filename}.
+ Identical to \refCom{mrcrouteinput}, but the created \tikzname\ |path| is
+ closed.
+ Specifies a single coordinate point with given \meta{latitude} and
+ \meta{longitude} as part of sequence inside \refEnv{mrcroute}.\par
+ This is a wrapper for |\pgfpathmoveto| respectively |\pgfpathlineto|.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{every route}{=\meta{options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets \tikzname\ \meta{options} which are applied to every
+ \refEnv{mrcroute} and \refCom{mrcrouteinput}.
+\begin{dispExample*}{center lower}
+% \mrcsetapikey{thunderforest}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+ \mrcmap[type=areafit,
+ west=5,east=15,south=47,north=55,
+ source=thunderforest neighbourhood,
+ tex width=14cm, tex height=14cm,
+ flex area fit=5mm
+ ]{routes_example}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \begin{mrcroute}[blue,line width=0.4mm,line cap=round,
+ line join=round,double=blue!5!white,double distance=0.4mm]
+ \mrcpoint{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcpoint{49.019479}{12.0976942}
+ \mrcpoint{49.45522}{11.07631}
+ \mrcpoint{50.978056}{11.029167}
+ \mrcpoint{52.518611}{13.408333}
+ \end{mrcroute}
+\subsection{Example Python Conversion Scripts for gpx}\label{sec:routes_gpx}
+The following scripts are examples for conversions from a standard
+routes and tracks of |gpx| files to \LaTeX\ include files
+(assuming a single route/track per file).
+\begin{dispListing*}{title=Python 3 script to convert \texttt{route.gpx} to
+ a sequence of points file \texttt{},
+ documentation minted language=python}
+import xmltodict
+with open('route.gpx', encoding='utf-8') as gpx:
+ doc = xmltodict.parse(
+ with open('', "w", encoding="utf-8") as inc:
+ for rtept in doc['gpx']['rte']['rtept']:
+ lat = rtept['@lat']
+ lon = rtept['@lon']
+ inc.write(f'\\mrcpoint{{{lat}}}{{{lon}}}\n')
+\begin{dispListing*}{title=Python 3 script to convert \texttt{track.gpx} to
+ a sequence of points file \texttt{},
+ documentation minted language=python}
+import xmltodict
+with open('track.gpx', encoding='utf-8') as gpx:
+ doc = xmltodict.parse(
+ with open('', "w", encoding="utf-8") as inc:
+ for trkpt in doc['gpx']['trk']['trkseg']['trkpt']:
+ lat = trkpt['@lat']
+ lon = trkpt['@lon']
+ inc.write(f'\\mrcpoint{{{lat}}}{{{lon}}}\n')
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c139d14490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Scales and Sizes}%
+Inside a defined map several size values and scaling options are
+available. Please note that due to the nature of the Mercator projection and several
+simplifying assumptions all specifications for map scale, map width, map height,
+etc. are imprecise in the best case and even misleading in the worst case.
+They are suited for representative diagrams,
+but not for critical navigation purposes etc.
+\subsection{Map Sizes and Document Sizes}
+ \TeX\ length denoting the document width of the current map.
+ \TeX\ length denoting the document width of the current map.
+ Scaling factor between map and real world.
+ A \TeX\ length given in |pt|, but stripped from that unit,
+ multiplied by \refCom{mrcscale} corresponds to a real world length
+ given in kilometers.
+ Note that this is \emph{not} the map scale.
+ Actually, it is reciprocal proportional to the map scale
+ and proportional to the map scale denominator, see \refCom{mrcmapscaledenominator}.
+ Computes a given \TeX\ \meta{length} (with unit) into the corresponding
+ real world length in kilometers (without unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map width: \mrctextokm{\mrctexwidth}\,km
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Computes a given \TeX\ \meta{length} (with unit) into the corresponding
+ real world length in miles (without unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map width: \mrctextomile{\mrctexwidth}\,mi
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Computes real world length \meta{number} in kilometers (without unit)
+ to a \TeX\ length (with unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ % draw a circle with radius 20km
+ \draw (mrcpos) circle (\mrckmtotex{20});
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Computes real world length \meta{number} in miles (without unit)
+ to a \TeX\ length (with unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ % draw a circle with radius 20 miles
+ \draw (mrcpos) circle (\mrcmiletotex{20});
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map scale denominator.
+ \SI{1}{cm} on the map corresponds approximately to
+ \mbox{\refCom{mrcmapscaledenominator}$\cdot$\SI{1}{cm}} in the real world.
+ Do not confuse with \refCom{mrcscale}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map scale: 1:\mrcmapscaledenominator
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Pretty Size Output}
+ Approximate map scale given with three valid digits
+ with a representation like |1:1000|.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map scale: \mrcprettymapscale
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map width in kilometers (or meters) with three valid digits:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map width: \mrcprettymapwidth
+ \end{dispListing}
+ To create a pretty printing to your own liking, you can do like the
+ following:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \newcommand{\myprettymapwidth}{\SI[round-mode=figures,round-precision=3]%
+ {\mrctextokm{\mrctexwidth}}{km}}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map height in kilometers (or meters) with three valid digits:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map height: \mrcprettymapheight
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map resolution in dpi (dots per inch):
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map resolution: \mrcprettymapresolution
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate tile size inside the document (\TeX\ size) in millimeters:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \TeX\ tile size: \mrcprettytilesize
+ \end{dispListing}
+ \mrcNPdef{rome}{41.89300}{12.48557}
+ \mermapset{named flex scale=2000000:rome}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, named position=rome, source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=10cm]{scales_example}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (\mrcNPcs{rome}) circle (\mrckmtotex{50});
+ \node[above] at ([yshift=\mrckmtotex{50}]\mrcNPcs{rome}) {\SI{50}{km}};
+ \node[above right,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5,text opacity=1,align=center,
+ line width=0pt, inner sep=2mm]
+ at (mrcmap.south west) { \begin{tabular}{rl}
+ scale: & \mrcprettymapscale\\
+ map width: & \mrcprettymapwidth\\
+ map height: & \mrcprettymapheight\\
+ \TeX\ tile size: & \mrcprettytilesize\\
+ resolution: & \mrcprettymapresolution
+ \end{tabular}\\
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.2]{20} node[pos=0.4]{40} node[pos=0.6]{60}
+ node[pos=0.8]{80} node[pos=1]{100} node[pos=1,right,yshift=-1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ };
+\subsection{Scale Bars}
+ Draws a scale bar according to the given \meta{options}.
+ All \meta{options} share the common prefix |/mermap/scalebar/|.
+ The most essential option is the \emph{width} of the scale bar.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar1}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=\linewidth, tex height=4cm, target=none,
+ type=areafit, area={munich,vienna}, flex area fit=2cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100, solid,
+ at={([xshift=-10mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south east)},
+ placement={above left}, ]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ The size, position, and appearance of the scale bar can be customized by
+ setting the various \meta{options}. The shape of the scale bar
+ is denoted by a \tikzname\ node \docNode{mrcscalebar} which can be used
+ for lettering.
+ \enlargethispage*{1cm}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar2}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=\linewidth, tex height=4cm, target=none,
+ type=areafit, area={munich,vienna}, flex area fit=2cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100,solid,south-west-inside=10mm;3mm ]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.2]{20} node[pos=0.4]{40} node[pos=0.6]{60}
+ node[pos=0.8]{80} node[pos=1]{100} node[pos=1,right,yshift=-1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-km}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in kilometers.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-kilometer}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Alias for \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/width-in-km}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-meter}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in meters.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-mile}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in miles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-yard}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in yards.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/partitions}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |5|}
+ Determines the \meta{number} of partitions for the scale bar. If \meta{number}
+ is set to 1, there is no partitioning.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/height}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |2mm|}
+ Sets the height of the scale bar to the given \TeX\ \meta{length}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/at}{=\marg{\tikzname\ coordinate}}{no default,
+ initially \texttt{\brackets{(0,0)}}}
+ The scale bar is positioned at the given \meta{\tikzname\ coordinate}.
+ The placement is done with the \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/placement} option.
+ Both option correspond to the \tikzname\ options for positioning nodes.
+ The scale bar can be positioned outside the map (e.g. below), but
+ remember to use \refCom{mrcclipmap} \emph{after} the scale bar
+ in this case, if needed.
+% \begin{dispListing}
+% \mrcdrawscalebar[
+% at = {([xshift=-10mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south east)},
+% placement = above left,
+% ]
+% \end{dispListing}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar3}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=\linewidth, tex height=4cm, target=none,
+ type=areafit, area={munich,vienna}, flex area fit=2cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=200, partitions=8,
+ at={([xshift=5mm,yshift=-2mm]mrcmap.south west)},
+ placement=below right ]
+ \path[every node/.style={below,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.south west) -- (mrcscalebar.south east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.25]{50} node[pos=0.5]{100} node[pos=0.75]{150}
+ node[pos=1]{200} node[pos=1,right,yshift=1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/placement}{=\meta{\tikzname\ positioning}}{no default, initially empty}
+ \meta{\tikzname\ positioning} of a scale bar in combination with
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/at}. All \tikzname\ placement options for nodes
+ can be used, e.g. \texttt{above left} or \texttt{anchor=mid west}, etc.
+ Actually, \emph{any} node option could be applied here, but the intended use
+ is for placement options only.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-east-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the south east corner of the map.
+ The optional \mbox{\meta{x shift}} and \meta{y shift} denote the
+ absolute shift values in each direction, i.e. the algebraic sign is
+ automatically complemented.
+ If only \meta{x shift} is given, then \meta{y shift} is set
+ to the same value. \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/at} and \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/placement}
+ are set by this option.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-east-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar below the south east corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-west-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the south west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-west-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar below the south west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-west-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the north west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-west-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar above the north west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-east-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the north east corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-east-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar above the north east corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/major style}{=\marg{\tikzname\ options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \emph{major} part of the scale bar is a single \tikzname\ path object
+ which can be customized by the given \meta{\tikzname\ options}.
+ The \emph{major} part consists of the black area in the default case.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar4}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[scale=2000000, width-in-km=100,
+ major style={left color=red,right color=blue} ]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/minor style}{=\marg{\tikzname\ options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \emph{minor} part of the scale bar is a single \tikzname\ path object
+ which can be customized by the given \meta{\tikzname\ options}.
+ The \emph{minor} part is seen as holes in the default case.
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/minor style} has only an effect, if
+ the minor part is drawn \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/solid}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar5}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[scale=2000000, width-in-km=100, solid,
+ minor style={yellow} ]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/double}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ If set to |true|, the scale bar is drawn as a double ruler.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/single}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If set to |true|, the scale bar is drawn as a single ruler.
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/single} is inverse to \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/double}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar6}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[scale=2000000, width-in-km=100, single, height=1mm]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/transparent}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ If set to |true|, the \emph{minor} part of the scale bar is drawn transparent,
+ i.e. as holes inside the ruler.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/solid}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If set to |true|, the \emph{minor} part of the scale bar is drawn opaque.
+ It is drawn white or according to \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/minor style}.
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/solid} is inverse to \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/transparent}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Sets or overwrites the \meta{scale denominator} setting.
+ \textbf{Using this key is not needed and may even lead to erroneous displays
+ inside a |tikzpicture| with a defined map setting.}
+ This key is helpful, if a scale bar is used without a defined map.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.sty
new file mode 100644
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+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% include file (style) of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+ marginparsep=3mm,marginparwidth=18mm,
+ headheight=0mm,headsep=0cm,
+ footskip=1.5cm,includeheadfoot%,showframe
+ ]{geometry}
+\RequirePackage{\mrcpkgprefix mercatormap}
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+ doc head key={colback=magenta!5!white,interior style=fill},
+ color key=DarkViolet,
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+ color color=Teal,
+ color counter=Orange!85!black,
+ color length=Orange!85!black,
+ index colorize,
+ index annotate,
+ beforeafter example/.style={
+ before skip=4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt,
+ after skip=8pt plus 4pt minus 2pt
+ },
+ docexample/.style={bicolor,
+ beforeafter example,
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+ boxrule=0.33mm,
+ fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ fontlower=\footnotesize,
+ colframe=Blue_Gray,
+ colback=Blue_Gray!5!white,
+ colbacklower=white,
+ drop small lifted shadow,
+ listing engine=minted,
+ documentation minted options={tabsize=2,fontsize=\small,breaklines,autogobble},
+ documentation minted style=colorful,
+ },
+\newtcblisting{fullexample}[1]{docexample,minted style=colorful,
+ listing and comment,pdf comment,freeze pdf,compilable listing,#1}
+\DeclareTotalTCBox{\myverb}{ O{} v }{tile,fontupper=\ttfamily,nobeforeafter,
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+ colback=yellow!10,
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+ #1}{#2}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.versionhistory.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.versionhistory.tex
new file mode 100644
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+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Version History}%
+\section*{v1.00 (2020/04/20)}
+\item Initial public release.
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Binary files differ
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+% \LaTeX-Main\
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+%% The LaTeX package mercatormap - version 1.00 (2020/04/20)
+%% mercatormap.tex: Manual
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+% arara: biber
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes, synctex: yes }
+% The following personal API-keys are needed for compilation
+% \mrcsetapikey{openrouteservice}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+% \mrcsetapikey{thunderforest}{YOUR-API-KEY} % registered key
+\mrcactivatescript% activates Python script
+ pdftitle={Manual for the mercatormap package},
+ pdfauthor={Thomas F. Sturm},
+ pdfsubject={Map drawing based on pixel map tiles with mercator projection},
+ pdfkeywords={map tiles, mercator projection, map drawing}
+\tikzexternaldisable% for final version
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d05872b77fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,2294 @@
+%% The LaTeX package mercatormap - version 1.00 (2020/04/20)
+%% mercatormap.sty: geographic coordinates (Mercator projection) and map tiles for TikZ pictures
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+ {A Web Mercator projection package with map tile support}
+\@ifpackagelater { expl3 } { 2020/02/25 }
+ { }
+ {
+ \PackageError { mercatormap } { Support~package~expl3~too~old }
+ {
+ You~need~to~update~your~installation~of~the~bundles~'l3kernel'~and~
+ 'l3packages'.\MessageBreak
+ Loading~mercatormap~will~abort!
+ }
+ \tex_endinput:D
+ }
+% space character problem if within explSyntax
+%\debug_on:n {all}
+\ProvideExpandableDocumentCommand \mrcpkgprefix {}{}
+\NewDocumentCommand\mermapset{ m } { \keys_set:nn { mermap } {#1} }
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+%---- constants ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\fp_const:Nn \c__mermap_scale_radius_fp { 6371*pi/180 }
+\fp_const:Nn \c__mermap_mean_radius_fp { 637100000cm }
+\fp_const:Nn \c__mermap_mile_fp { 1.609344 }
+%---- map definition -----------------------------------------------------------
+\dim_new:N \l__mermap_tile_size_dim
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_mapeast_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_mapnorth_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_mapsouth_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_mapwest_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_tex_height_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_tex_width_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_tile_northoffset_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_tile_southoffset_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_tile_westoffset_fp
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_xmax_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_xmin_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_ymax_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_ymin_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_zoom_int
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_attribution_print_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_attribution_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_pixel_height_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_pixel_width_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_tile_basename_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/mapdef }
+ {
+ west .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_mapwest_fp,
+ east .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_mapeast_fp,
+ north .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_mapnorth_fp,
+ south .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_mapsouth_fp,
+ zoom .int_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_zoom_int,
+ xmin .int_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_xmin_int,
+ ymin .int_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_ymin_int,
+ xmax .int_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_xmax_int,
+ ymax .int_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_ymax_int,
+ pixelwidth .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_pixel_width_tl,
+ pixelheight .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_pixel_height_tl,
+ westoffset .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_westoffset_fp,
+ northoffset .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_northoffset_fp,
+ southoffset .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_southoffset_fp,
+ basename .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_basename_tl,
+ resource .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl,
+ attribution .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_attribution_tl,
+ attribution~print .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_attribution_print_tl,
+ tile~size .dim_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_size_dim,
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\mrcdefinemap}{ m }
+ {
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap/mapdef }
+ {
+ west=11,
+ east=13,
+ north=50,
+ south=48,
+ zoom=9,
+ xmin=271,
+ ymin=173,
+ xmax=275,
+ ymax=177,
+ pixelwidth=100,
+ pixelheight=100,
+ westoffset=0,
+ northoffset=0,
+ southoffset=0,
+ basename=tiles/tile,
+ resource=none,
+ attribution=,
+ attribution~print=,
+ #1
+ }
+ \__mermap_reset:
+ }
+%---- coordinate system --------------------------------------------------------
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_southreference_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_x_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_y_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_cs_yfactor_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_result_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_scale_denominator_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_scale_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_vic_east_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_vic_north_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_vic_south_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_vic_west_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_vic_westeast_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_westeast_fp
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_number_int
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ vicinity .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap } { vicinity=2cm }
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmapwest{}{\fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_mapwest_fp}
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+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_reset:
+ {
+ \int_set:Nn \l__mermap_tile_number_int { \fp_to_int:n { 2^\l__mermap_tile_zoom_int }}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_westeast_fp { \l__mermap_mapeast_fp-\l__mermap_mapwest_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp { \l__mermap_tile_size_dim*\l__mermap_tile_number_int/360 }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_yfactor_fp { \l__mermap_tile_size_dim*\l__mermap_tile_number_int/2pi }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_southreference_fp { tand(\l__mermap_mapsouth_fp/2+45) }
+ \__mermap_longitude_to_x:n { \l__mermap_mapwest_fp }
+ \__mermap_x_to_longitude:n { \l__mermap_cs_x_fp - \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp }
+ \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_vic_west_fp \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp
+ \__mermap_longitude_to_x:n { \l__mermap_mapeast_fp }
+ \__mermap_x_to_longitude:n { \l__mermap_cs_x_fp + \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp }
+ \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_vic_east_fp \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp
+ \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n { \l__mermap_mapsouth_fp }
+ \__mermap_y_to_latitude:n { \l__mermap_cs_y_fp - \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp }
+ \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_vic_south_fp \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp
+ \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n { \l__mermap_mapnorth_fp }
+ \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_tex_height_fp \l__mermap_cs_y_fp
+ \__mermap_y_to_latitude:n { \l__mermap_cs_y_fp + \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp }
+ \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_vic_north_fp \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_tex_width_fp { \l__mermap_westeast_fp*\l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_vic_westeast_fp { \l__mermap_vic_east_fp - \l__mermap_vic_west_fp }
+ \__mermap_mean_latitude:NN \l__mermap_mapsouth_fp \l__mermap_mapnorth_fp
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_scale_denominator_fp { 2*\c__mermap_mean_radius_fp
+ *cosd(\l__mermap_result_fp)*pi/\l__mermap_tile_number_int/\l__mermap_tile_size_dim }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_scale_fp { \l__mermap_scale_denominator_fp / (1cm*100000) }
+ \__mermap_if_inside_picture_environment:T
+ {
+ \node[name=mrcmap,at={(0,0)},above~right,
+ line~width=0mm,inner~sep=0mm,outer~sep=0mm,draw=none,fill=none,rectangle,
+ minimum~width=\mrctexwidth,minimum~height=\mrctexheight]{};
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_mean_latitude:NN #1#2
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp { 2*atand(sqrt(tand(#1/2+45)*tand(#2/2+45))) - 90 }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_longitude_to_x:n #1
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { #1-\l__mermap_mapwest_fp }
+ \fp_sub:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { 360*floor(\l_tmpa_fp/360) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp
+ { \l_tmpa_fp>\l__mermap_westeast_fp
+ ?(\l_tmpa_fp-\l__mermap_westeast_fp>360-\l_tmpa_fp
+ ?\l_tmpa_fp-360
+ :\l_tmpa_fp)
+ :\l_tmpa_fp
+ }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_x_fp { \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n #1
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_y_fp
+ {
+ ln( tand((#1)/2+45)/\l__mermap_cs_southreference_fp ) * \l__mermap_cs_yfactor_fp
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_x_to_longitude:n #1
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp { \l__mermap_mapwest_fp+(#1)/\l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_y_to_latitude:n #1
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp
+ {
+ 2*atand( \l__mermap_cs_southreference_fp*exp((#1)/\l__mermap_cs_yfactor_fp) ) - 90
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_pgfpoint:nn #1#2
+ {
+ \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n {#1}
+ \__mermap_longitude_to_x:n {#2}
+ \pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_x_fp}
+ {\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_y_fp}
+ }
+ {
+ \cs_new_nopar:Npn \exp_not:N\__mermap_pgfpoint:w ##1 \c_colon_str ##2 \exp_not:N \q_stop
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_pgfpoint:nn {#1}{#2}
+ }
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+ {
+ \__mermap_pgfpoint:w #1 \q_stop
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\mrcpgfpoint}{ mm }{ \__mermap_pgfpoint:nn {#1}{#2} }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/cs }
+ {
+ latitude .code:n = \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n {#1},
+ longitude .code:n = \__mermap_longitude_to_x:n{#1},
+ lat .code:n = \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n {#1},
+ lon .code:n = \__mermap_longitude_to_x:n{#1},
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_pgfpoint:nn #1
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_pgfpoint:w #1 \q_stop
+ }
+ {
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap/cs }{ #1 }
+ \pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_x_fp}
+ {\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_y_fp}
+ }
+\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__mermap_if_in_map:nn #1#2 { p, TF }
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {#1} > \l__mermap_mapnorth_fp
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {#1} < \l__mermap_mapsouth_fp
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { #2-\l__mermap_mapwest_fp }
+ \fp_sub:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { 360*floor(\l_tmpa_fp/360) }
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF \l_tmpa_fp > \l__mermap_westeast_fp
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_x_fp { \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp }
+ \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n {#1}
+ \pgfnoderename{mrclastpos}{mrcpos}
+ \pgfcoordinate{mrcpos}{
+ \pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_x_fp}
+ {\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_y_fp}
+ }
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\ifmrcinmap}{ mm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_if_in_map:nnTF{#1}{#2}
+ }
+\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__mermap_if_in_vicinity:nn #1#2 { p, TF }
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {#1} > \l__mermap_vic_north_fp
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {#1} < \l__mermap_vic_south_fp
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { #2-\l__mermap_vic_west_fp }
+ \fp_sub:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { 360*floor(\l_tmpa_fp/360) }
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF \l_tmpa_fp > \l__mermap_vic_westeast_fp
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_x_fp { \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_cs_xfactor_fp - \l__mermap_vic_dim_fp }
+ \__mermap_latitude_to_y:n {#1}
+ \pgfnoderename{mrclastpos}{mrcpos}
+ \pgfcoordinate{mrcpos}{
+ \pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_x_fp}
+ {\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_cs_y_fp}
+ }
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\ifmrcinvicinity}{ mm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_if_in_vicinity:nnTF{#1}{#2}
+ }
+%---- named positions ----------------------------------------------------------
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_set_named_position #1#2#3
+ {
+ \cs_set_nopar:cpx {__mermap__lat__#1} { \fp_to_decimal:n {#2} }
+ \cs_set_nopar:cpx {__mermap__lon__#1} { \fp_to_decimal:n {#3} }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\mrcNPdef}{ mmm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_set_named_position{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\mrcNPfrompoint}{ mm }
+ {
+ \path (#2);
+ \__mermap_y_to_latitude:n {\pgf@y}
+ \__mermap_x_to_longitude:n{\pgf@x}
+ \__mermap_set_named_position {#1}
+ {\fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp}
+ {\fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp}
+ }
+\msg_new:nnnn{ mercatormap }{ np-undefined }
+ { Named~point~'#1'~is~undefined. }
+ {
+ The~named~point~'#1'~is~not~known:~
+ perhaps~it~is~spelled~incorrectly.
+ }
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \mrcNPlat { m }
+ {
+ \cs_if_exist_use:cF{__mermap__lat__#1}
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnx{ mercatormap }{ np-undefined }{ #1 }
+ }
+ }
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \mrcNPlon { m }
+ {
+ \cs_if_exist_use:cF{__mermap__lon__#1}
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnx{ mercatormap }{ np-undefined }{ #1 }
+ }
+ }
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \mrcNPcs { m }
+ {
+ __mrc~cs \c_colon_str {{\mrcNPlat{#1}}{\mrcNPlon{#1}}}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\ifmrcNPinmap}{ m }
+ {
+ \__mermap_if_in_map:nnTF{\mrcNPlat{#1}}{\mrcNPlon{#1}}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\ifmrcNPinvicinity}{ m }
+ {
+ \__mermap_if_in_vicinity:nnTF{\mrcNPlat{#1}}{\mrcNPlon{#1}}
+ }
+%---- map tile download --------------------------------------------------------
+\char_set_catcode_space:n {`\ }
+\char_set_catcode_other:n {`\"}
+\tl_const:Nn \c__mermap_supply_call_boundaries_tl
+ {%
+ \l__mermap_python\c_space_tl boundaries
+ -u "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_url_str"
+ -at "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_attribution_str"
+ -atp "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_attribution_print_str"
+ -f "\l__mermap_supply_basename_tl"
+ -z \int_use:N\l__mermap_supply_zoom_int\c_space_tl
+ -w \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_west_fp\c_space_tl
+ -e \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_east_fp\c_space_tl
+ -n \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_north_fp\c_space_tl
+ -s \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_south_fp\c_space_tl
+ -p \l__mermap_supply_pixel_tl\c_space_tl
+ -ts \dim_use:N\l__mermap_tile_size_dim\c_space_tl
+ -t \l__mermap_supply_target_tl\c_space_tl
+ -d "\str_use:N\l__mermap_definition_id_str"
+ }
+\tl_const:Nn \c__mermap_supply_call_reference_tl
+ {%
+ \l__mermap_python\c_space_tl reference
+ -u "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_url_str"
+ -at "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_attribution_str"
+ -atp "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_attribution_print_str"
+ -f "\l__mermap_supply_basename_tl"
+ -mw \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_width_fp\c_space_tl
+ -mh \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_height_fp\c_space_tl
+ -z \int_use:N\l__mermap_supply_zoom_int\c_space_tl
+ -lat \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_latitude_fp\c_space_tl
+ -lon \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_longitude_fp\c_space_tl
+ -a \l__mermap_supply_align_tl\c_space_tl
+ -p \l__mermap_supply_pixel_tl\c_space_tl
+ -ts \dim_use:N\l__mermap_tile_size_dim\c_space_tl
+ -t \l__mermap_supply_target_tl\c_space_tl
+ -d "\str_use:N\l__mermap_definition_id_str"
+ }
+\tl_const:Nn \c__mermap_supply_call_areafit_tl
+ {%
+ \l__mermap_python\c_space_tl areafit
+ -u "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_url_str"
+ -at "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_attribution_str"
+ -atp "\str_use:N\l__mermap_supply_attribution_print_str"
+ -f "\l__mermap_supply_basename_tl"
+ -mw \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_width_fp\c_space_tl
+ -mh \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_height_fp\c_space_tl
+ -w \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_west_fp\c_space_tl
+ -e \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_east_fp\c_space_tl
+ -n \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_north_fp\c_space_tl
+ -s \fp_use:N\l__mermap_supply_south_fp\c_space_tl
+ -a \l__mermap_supply_align_tl\c_space_tl
+ -p \l__mermap_supply_pixel_tl\c_space_tl
+ -ts \dim_use:N\l__mermap_tile_size_dim\c_space_tl
+ -t \l__mermap_supply_target_tl\c_space_tl
+ -d "\str_use:N\l__mermap_definition_id_str"
+ }
+\bool_new:N \l__mermap_script_activated_bool
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_east_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_height_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_latitude_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_longitude_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_north_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_south_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_west_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_supply_width_fp
+\int_new:N \g__mermap_automap_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_supply_zoom_int
+\iow_new:N \l__mermap_iow
+\prop_new:N \g__mermap_apikey_prop
+\prop_new:N \g__mermap_definition_prop
+\str_new:N \l__mermap_definition_id_str
+\str_new:N \l__mermap_definition_postfix_str
+\str_new:N \l__mermap_definition_prefix_str
+\str_new:N \l__mermap_supply_attribution_print_str
+\str_new:N \l__mermap_supply_attribution_str
+\str_new:N \l__mermap_supply_url_str
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_last_mdfivesum_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_mdfivesum_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_python
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_supply_align_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_supply_basename_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_supply_call_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_supply_pixel_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_supply_target_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_supply_type_tl
+ {
+ \cs_new_nopar:Npn \exp_not:N\__mermap_supply_position:w ##1 \c_colon_str ##2 \exp_not:N \q_stop
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_latitude_fp {#1}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_longitude_fp {#2}
+ }
+\msg_new:nnnn{ mercatormap }{ api-key-undefined }
+ { Api~key~'#1'~is~undefined. }
+ {
+ You~have~to~set~\token_to_str:N \mrcsetapikey
+ \iow_char:N \{#1\iow_char:N \}
+ \iow_char:N \{your~key\iow_char:N \}~first.
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_supply_url_with_api_key:nnn #1#2#3
+ {
+ \str_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_url_str {#1}
+ \prop_get:NnNF \g__mermap_apikey_prop {#2} \l_tmpa_tl
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnx{ mercatormap }{ api-key-undefined }{ #2 }
+ }
+ \str_put_right:NV \l__mermap_supply_url_str \l_tmpa_tl
+ \str_put_right:Nn \l__mermap_supply_url_str {#3}
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_supply_add_area_clist:N #1
+ {
+ \clist_map_inline:Nn #1
+ {
+ \cs_if_exist:cF{__mermap__lat__##1}
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnx{ mercatormap }{ np-undefined }{ ##1 }
+ }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { \mrcNPlat{##1} }
+ \fp_compare:nNnT \l_tmpa_fp < \l__mermap_supply_south_fp
+ { \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_supply_south_fp \l_tmpa_fp }
+ \fp_compare:nNnT \l_tmpa_fp > \l__mermap_supply_north_fp
+ { \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_supply_north_fp \l_tmpa_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { \mrcNPlon{##1} }
+ \fp_compare:nNnT \l_tmpa_fp < \l__mermap_supply_west_fp
+ { \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_supply_west_fp \l_tmpa_fp }
+ \fp_compare:nNnT \l_tmpa_fp > \l__mermap_supply_east_fp
+ { \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_supply_east_fp \l_tmpa_fp }
+ }
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/supply }
+ {
+ zoom .int_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_zoom_int,
+ west .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_west_fp,
+ east .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_east_fp,
+ north .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_north_fp,
+ south .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_south_fp,
+ latitude .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_latitude_fp,
+ longitude .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_longitude_fp,
+ position .code:n = {\__mermap_supply_position:w #1 \q_stop},
+ named~position .meta:nn = {mermap/supply}{latitude=\mrcNPlat{#1},longitude=\mrcNPlon{#1}},
+ width .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_width_fp,
+ height .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_height_fp,
+ align .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_align_tl,
+ url .code:n = {\str_set:Nn\l__mermap_supply_url_str {#1}},
+ url~with~api~key .code:n = {\__mermap_supply_url_with_api_key:nnn #1},
+ basename .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_basename_tl,
+ type .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_type_tl,
+ target .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_target_tl,
+ pixel .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_supply_pixel_tl,
+ attribution .code:n = {
+ \str_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_attribution_str {#1}
+ \tl_set_rescan:Nnn \l__mermap_attribution_tl {}{#1}
+ },
+ attribution~print .code:n = {
+ \str_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_attribution_print_str {#1}
+ \tl_set_rescan:Nnn \l__mermap_attribution_print_tl {}{#1}
+ },
+ dpi .code:n = {
+ \tl_set:Nx \l__mermap_supply_pixel_tl {
+ \fp_to_int:n { round(#1*\l__mermap_tile_size_dim/1in) }
+ }},
+ tex~width .code:n = {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_width_fp{#1/\l__mermap_tile_size_dim}},
+ tex~height .code:n = {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_height_fp{#1/\l__mermap_tile_size_dim}},
+ source .code:n = { \exp_args:Nnx \keys_set:nn {mermap/supply} {_source=#1} },
+ source .value_required:n = true,
+ _source .choice:,
+ area .code:n =
+ {
+ \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { #1 }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_west_fp { inf }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_east_fp { -inf }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_south_fp { 89 }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_north_fp { -89 }
+ \__mermap_supply_add_area_clist:N \l_tmpa_clist
+ },
+ area .value_required:n = true,
+ add~area .code:n =
+ {
+ \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { #1 }
+ \__mermap_supply_add_area_clist:N \l_tmpa_clist
+ },
+ flex~reference~scale .code:n = {
+ \__mermap_set_flex_scale:nn {#1} {\l__mermap_supply_latitude_fp}
+ },
+ flex~reference~scale .value_required:n = true,
+ area~to~reference .code:n = {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_longitude_fp { (\l__mermap_supply_west_fp+\l__mermap_supply_east_fp)/2 }
+ \__mermap_mean_latitude:NN \l__mermap_supply_north_fp \l__mermap_supply_south_fp
+ \fp_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_supply_latitude_fp \l__mermap_result_fp
+ },
+ area~to~reference .value_forbidden:n = true,
+ flex~area~scale .meta:nn = {mermap/supply}{area~to~reference,flex~reference~scale={#1}},
+ flex~area~scale .value_required:n = true,
+ flex~area~fit .code:n = {
+ \fp_compare:nNnF \l__mermap_tile_size_dim = \l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { \l__mermap_tile_size_dim/\l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_width_fp{\l__mermap_supply_width_fp*\l_tmpa_fp}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_height_fp{\l__mermap_supply_height_fp*\l_tmpa_fp}
+ }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_width_fp{\l__mermap_supply_width_fp-(#1)/\l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_height_fp{\l__mermap_supply_height_fp-(#1)/\l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { min ( 180*\l__mermap_supply_width_fp / (\l__mermap_supply_east_fp-\l__mermap_supply_west_fp)
+ , pi*\l__mermap_supply_height_fp / ln( tand(\l__mermap_supply_north_fp/2+45) / tand(\l__mermap_supply_south_fp/2+45) ) ) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { ln(\l_tmpa_fp)/ln(2) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { round(\l_tmpb_fp)/\l_tmpb_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { \l_tmpa_fp^(\l_tmpb_fp-1+0.0000001) }
+ \dim_set:Nn \l__mermap_tile_size_dim { \fp_to_dim:n { \l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim / \l_tmpb_fp }}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_width_fp { \l__mermap_supply_width_fp * \l_tmpb_fp + (#1)/\l__mermap_tile_size_dim }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_height_fp { \l__mermap_supply_height_fp * \l_tmpb_fp + (#1)/\l__mermap_tile_size_dim }
+ },
+ flex~area~fit .default:n = 0pt,
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap/supply }
+ {
+ zoom=9,
+ north=50,
+ south=48,
+ west=11,
+ east=13,
+ latitude=49,
+ longitude=12,
+ width=4,
+ height=4,
+ align=center,
+ basename=tiles/tile,
+ url=,
+ attribution=,
+ attribution~print=,
+ type=reference,
+ pixel=256,
+ target=tiles,
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ definition~prefix .code:n = {\str_set:Nn\l__mermap_definition_prefix_str{#1}},
+ python .code:n = {
+ \tl_set:Nx \l__mermap_python {#1~maptiles.texpy}
+ },
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ definition~prefix = maps/,
+ python = python,
+ }
+\msg_new:nnn { mercatormap }{ python-script }
+ { Python~script~'maptiles.texpy'~is~created~(for~map~tile~download). }
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+ }
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+ {
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+ }
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+ {
+ \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl {#1}
+ \tl_trim_spaces:N \l_tmpa_tl
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+ \str_concat:NNN \l__mermap_definition_id_str
+ \l__mermap_definition_prefix_str \l__mermap_definition_postfix_str
+ }
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+ {
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+ \tl_trim_spaces:N \l_tmpa_tl
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+ {
+ \int_gincr:N \g__mermap_automap_int
+ \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl
+ {
+ automap-
+ \int_compare:nNnTF \g__mermap_automap_int<{10} {000}
+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnTF \g__mermap_automap_int<{100} {00}
+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnTF \g__mermap_automap_int<{1000} {0} {}
+ }
+ }
+ \int_use:N \g__mermap_automap_int
+ }
+ }
+ \str_set:Nx \l__mermap_definition_postfix_str {\tl_to_str:N \l_tmpa_tl}
+ \str_concat:NNN \l__mermap_definition_id_str
+ \l__mermap_definition_prefix_str \l__mermap_definition_postfix_str
+ \__mermap_supplymap:n {#1}
+ \__mermap_applymap:
+ }
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+ {
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+ }
+\msg_new:nnn{ mercatormap }{ definition-id-used }
+ { Map~definition~'#1'~already~existing }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_supplymap:n #1
+ {
+ \group_begin:
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap/supply } { #1 }
+ \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \str_use:N\l__mermap_definition_id_str }
+ \prop_if_in:NVT \g__mermap_definition_prop \l_tmpa_tl
+ {
+ \msg_warning:nnx { mercatormap }{ definition-id-used }{ \tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl }
+ }
+ \prop_gput:NVn \g__mermap_definition_prop \l_tmpa_tl {}
+ \bool_if:NT \l__mermap_script_activated_bool
+ {
+ \__mermap_supplymap_call:
+ }
+ %\dim_gset_eq:NN \g_tmpa_dim \l__mermap_tile_size_dim
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+ %\dim_set_eq:NN \l__mermap_tile_size_dim \g_tmpa_dim
+ }
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+ {
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+ \__mermap_supplymap:n {#1}
+ }
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+ { You~must~invoke~LaTeX~with~the~--shell-escape~flag~to~produce~map~'#1'. }
+\msg_new:nnn { mercatormap }{ target-resource }
+ { Target~and~produced~resource~are~different~for~map~'#1'. }
+\msg_new:nnn { mercatormap }{ definition-production }
+ { Map~definition~file~not~produced~for~map~'#1'. }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_supplymap_call:
+ {
+ \tl_set_eq:Nc \l_tmpa_tl {
+ c__mermap_supply_call_\l__mermap_supply_type_tl _tl }
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+ {
+ \file_if_exist:nF {\l__mermap_definition_id_str.def}
+ {
+ \__mermap_supplymap_call_shell:
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_supplymap_call_shell:
+ }
+ }
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+ {
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+ {
+ \file_if_exist:nT {\l__mermap_definition_id_str.def}
+ {
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+ \iow_close:N \l__mermap_iow
+ }
+ \sys_shell_now:x {\l__mermap_supply_call_tl}
+ \file_if_exist:nTF {\l__mermap_definition_id_str.def}
+ {
+ \file_input:n {\l__mermap_definition_id_str.def}
+ \str_if_eq:VVTF \l__mermap_supply_target_tl \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl
+ {
+ \__mermap_write_mdfive:n {\l__mermap_mdfivesum_tl}
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_write_mdfive:n {false}
+ \msg_warning:nnx { mercatormap }{ target-resource }{ \l__mermap_definition_id_str }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_write_mdfive:n {false}
+ \msg_warning:nnx { mercatormap }{ definition-production }{ \l__mermap_definition_id_str }
+ }
+ }
+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ \iow_now:Nx \l__mermap_iow {\c_backslash_str mermaplastfivesum{#1} \c_percent_str}
+ \iow_close:N \l__mermap_iow
+ }
+%---- map drawing --------------------------------------------------------------
+\dim_new:N \l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim
+\dim_new:N \l__mermap_tx_dim
+\dim_new:N \l__mermap_ty_dim
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_x_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_xmod_int
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_tile_y_int
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+ {
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+ {
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }
+ {
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_set_flex_scale:nn #1#2
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { 1+ln(\c__mermap_mean_radius_fp/#1*cosd(#2)*pi/\l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim)/ln(2) }
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap }{ flex~zoom=\l_tmpa_fp }
+ }
+ {
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+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_set_flex_scale:nn {#1}{#2}
+ }
+ {
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+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_set_flex_scale:nn {#1}{\mrcNPlat{#2}}
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ tile~size .dim_set:N = \l__mermap_tile_size_dim,
+ flex~tile~size .dim_set:N = \l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim,
+ flex~zoom .code:n =
+ {
+ \int_set:Nn \l__mermap_supply_zoom_int {\fp_to_int:n{round(#1)}}
+ \dim_set:Nn \l__mermap_tile_size_dim {\fp_to_dim:n{\l__mermap_flex_tile_size_dim*2^(#1-\l__mermap_supply_zoom_int)}}
+ },
+ flex~scale .code:n = {\__mermap_set_flex_scale:w #1 \q_stop},
+ named~flex~scale .code:n = {\__mermap_set_named_flex_scale:w #1 \q_stop},
+ map~clip .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_tikz_map_clip_tl,
+ map~scope .code:n = {\tikzset{mermap_scope_style/.style={#1}}},
+ map~path .code:n = {\tikzset{mermap_path_style/.style={#1}}},
+ draw .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_draw_map_tl,
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ tile~size = 32.512mm,
+ flex~tile~size = 32.512mm,
+ map~clip=\mrcclipmap,
+ draw=auto,
+ map~scope=,
+ map~path={upper~left=green!50, upper~right=green!25,
+ lower~left=green!50!black!50, lower~right=green!25},
+ }
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+ {
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+ xshift=\fp_to_dim:n{ (0.5-\l__mermap_tile_westoffset_fp)*\l__mermap_tile_size_dim },
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+ mermap_scope_style]
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+ \path[mermap_path_style] (mrcmap.south~west) rectangle (mrcmap.north~east);
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+ {
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+ {
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+ _\int_use:N\l__mermap_tile_y_int
+ .png
+ }
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+ {
+ \node[line~width=0mm,inner~sep=0mm,outer~sep=0mm,draw=none,fill=none,rectangle]
+ at (\l__mermap_tx_dim,\l__mermap_ty_dim)
+ {\includegraphics[width=\l__mermap_tile_size_dim]{\l__mermap_tile_filename_tl}};
+ }
+ {
+ \path[mermap_path_style] (\l__mermap_tx_dim,\l__mermap_ty_dim)
+ ++(-\l__mermap_tile_size_dim/2,-\l__mermap_tile_size_dim/2)
+ rectangle +(\l__mermap_tile_size_dim,\l__mermap_tile_size_dim);
+ }
+ }
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+ {
+ \begin{scope}[
+ xshift=\fp_to_dim:n{ (0.5-\l__mermap_tile_westoffset_fp)*\l__mermap_tile_size_dim },
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+ mermap_scope_style]
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+ {
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+ {
+ \int_add:Nn \l__mermap_tile_xmod_int \l__mermap_tile_number_int
+ }
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+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnF \l__mermap_tile_y_int < 0
+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnT \l__mermap_tile_y_int < \l__mermap_tile_number_int
+ {
+ \__mermap_drawtile:
+ }
+ }
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+ \int_decr:N \l__mermap_tile_y_int
+ }
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+ \int_incr:N \l__mermap_tile_x_int
+ }
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_drawsinglemap:
+ {
+ \begin{scope}[mermap_scope_style]
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+ \node[above~right,line~width=0mm,inner~sep=0mm,outer~sep=0mm,draw=none,fill=none,rectangle] at (0,0)
+ {\includegraphics[width=\mrctexwidth,height=\mrctexheight]{\l__mermap_definition_id_str.png}};
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_drawmap_mergedmap:
+ {
+ \str_if_eq:VnTF \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl {mergedmap}
+ {
+ \__mermap_drawsinglemap:
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_drawmap_path:
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_drawmap_wmsmap:
+ {
+ \str_if_eq:VnTF \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl {wmsmap}
+ {
+ \__mermap_drawsinglemap:
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_drawmap_path:
+ }
+ }
+\msg_new:nnn{ mercatormap }{ draw-auto }
+ { 'draw=auto' -> 'draw=#1'~is~undefined. }
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+ {
+ \cs_if_exist:cTF {__mermap_drawmap_\l__mermap_tile_resource_tl :}
+ {
+ \use:c {__mermap_drawmap_\l__mermap_tile_resource_tl :}
+ }
+ {
+ \str_if_eq:VnTF \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl {none}
+ {
+ \__mermap_drawmap_path:
+ }
+ {
+ \msg_warning:nnx { mercatormap }{ draw-undefined }{ \tl_use:N \l__mermap_tile_resource_tl }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\msg_new:nnnn{ mercatormap }{ draw-undefined }
+ { 'draw=#1'~is~undefined. }
+ {
+ The~option~value~'#1'~is~not~known~for~'draw':
+ perhaps~it~is~spelled~incorrectly.
+ }
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+ { \keys_set:nn { mermap } {#1} }
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+ {
+ \use:c {__mermap_drawmap_\l__mermap_draw_map_tl :}
+ }
+ {
+ \msg_warning:nnx { mercatormap }{ draw-undefined }{ \tl_use:N \l__mermap_draw_map_tl }
+ }
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+ {
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+ {
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+ \__mermap_drawmap_tiles:
+ \node at ( {
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ scale & ca.~\mrcprettymapscale\\
+ resolution & ca.~\mrcprettymapresolution\\
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+ height & ca.~\mrcprettymapheight\\
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+ horizontal & $x\in\{\int_use:N\l__mermap_tile_xmin_int,\ldots,\int_use:N\l__mermap_tile_xmax_int\}$\\
+ vertical & $y\in\{\int_use:N\l__mermap_tile_ymin_int,\ldots,\int_use:N\l__mermap_tile_ymax_int\}$
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+ \c__mermap_scale_radius_fp*(\mrcmapeast-\mrcmapwest)*cosd(\mrcmapsouth)}}{km}
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+ \c__mermap_scale_radius_fp*(\mrcmapeast-\mrcmapwest)*cosd(\mrcmapnorth)}}{km}
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+ \c__mermap_scale_radius_fp*(\mrcmapnorth-\mrcmapsouth)}}{km}
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+%---- geodetic network ---------------------------------------------------------
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+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_network_font_tl
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ network~distance .dim_set:N = \l__mermap_network_distance_dim,
+ network~pieces .int_set:N = \l__mermap_network_pieces_int,
+ network~font .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_network_font_tl,
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ network~pieces = 8,
+ network~distance = 2cm,
+ network~font = \fontsize{4pt}{4pt}\sffamily,
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_compute_network_step:nn #1#2
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp
+ {
+ min ( \l__mermap_network_pieces_int, round((#1)/\l__mermap_network_distance_dim) )
+ }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { (#2)/\l_tmpa_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { floor(ln(\l_tmpb_fp)/ln(10)) }
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {\l_tmpa_fp} < {0}
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {\l_tmpa_fp} > {-5}
+ {
+ \use:x
+ {
+ \exp_not:N\keys_set:nn { mermap }{ format~angle=decimal\fp_to_int:N\l_tmpa_fp}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap }{ format~angle=decimal }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap }{ format~angle=decimal-0 }
+ }
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+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { \l_tmpb_fp/\l_tmpa_fp }
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {abs(\l_tmpb_fp-1)} < {abs(\l_tmpb_fp-2)}
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {abs(\l_tmpb_fp-1)} < {abs(\l_tmpb_fp-5)}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp {\l_tmpa_fp}
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp {5*\l_tmpa_fp}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {abs(\l_tmpb_fp-2)} < {abs(\l_tmpb_fp-5)}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp {2*\l_tmpa_fp}
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp {5*\l_tmpa_fp}
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ {
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+ {
+ \fp_add:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\l__mermap_result_fp}
+ }
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+ {
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+ \draw[gray,very~thin] (mrc~cs\c_colon_str lat=\l_tmpa_tl,lon=\mrcmapwest)
+ coordinate (mermap_temp)
+ node[right=1mm,inner~sep=0.5pt,black!50!gray,font=\l__mermap_network_font_tl,
+ fill=white,opacity=0.3,text~opacity=1,
+ ]{\mrcformlat{\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ -- (mermap_temp -| mrcmap.east)
+ node[left=1mm,inner~sep=0.5pt,black!50!gray,font=\l__mermap_network_font_tl,
+ fill=white,opacity=0.3,text~opacity=1,
+ ]{\mrcformlat{\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ ;
+ \fp_add:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\l__mermap_result_fp}
+ }
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+ {
+ \fp_add:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\l__mermap_result_fp}
+ }
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+ {
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+ \draw[gray,very~thin] (mrc~cs\c_colon_str lon=\l_tmpa_tl,lat=\mrcmapsouth)
+ coordinate (mermap_temp)
+ node[above=1mm,inner~sep=0.5pt,black!50!gray,font=\l__mermap_network_font_tl,
+ fill=white,opacity=0.3,text~opacity=1,
+ ]{\mrcformlon{\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ -- (mermap_temp |- mrcmap.north)
+ node[below=1mm,inner~sep=0.5pt,black!50!gray,font=\l__mermap_network_font_tl,
+ fill=white,opacity=0.3,text~opacity=1,
+ ]{\mrcformlon{\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ ;
+ \fp_add:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\l__mermap_result_fp}
+ }
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+%---- scaling and formatting ---------------------------------------------------
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_temp_tl
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ format~south .cs_set:Np = \__mermap_format_south:n #1,
+ format~north .cs_set:Np = \__mermap_format_north:n #1,
+ format~east .cs_set:Np = \__mermap_format_east:n #1,
+ format~west .cs_set:Np = \__mermap_format_west:n #1,
+ __format_angle .cs_set:Np = \__mermap_format_angle:n #1,
+ format~angle .choice:,
+ format~angle .value_required:n = true,
+ format~angle / decimal .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle=\ang{##1}},
+ format~angle / decimal-0 .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle={\ang[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{##1}}},
+ format~angle / decimal-1 .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle={\ang[round-mode=places,round-precision=1]{##1}}},
+ format~angle / decimal-2 .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle={\ang[round-mode=places,round-precision=2]{##1}}},
+ format~angle / decimal-3 .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle={\ang[round-mode=places,round-precision=3]{##1}}},
+ format~angle / decimal-4 .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle={\ang[round-mode=places,round-precision=4]{##1}}},
+ format~angle / degree .meta:nn = {mermap}{format~angle=decimal-0},
+ format~angle / minute .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle=\__mermap_format_angle_minute:n{##1}},
+ format~angle / second .meta:nn = {mermap}{__format_angle=\__mermap_format_angle_second:n{##1}},
+ format~NEWS~absolute .meta:nn = {mermap}{
+ format~south = {##1}, format~north = {##1}, format~east = {##1}, format~west = {##1} },
+ format~NEWS~numeric .meta:nn = {mermap}{
+ format~south = {$-$##1}, format~north = {##1}, format~east = {##1}, format~west = {$-$##1} },
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ format~south = {#1\,S},
+ format~north = {#1\,N},
+ format~east = {#1\,E},
+ format~west = {#1\,W},
+ format~angle = decimal-4,
+ }
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+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ \fp_compare:nNnTF \l_tmpa_fp < 5
+ {
+ \SI[round-mode=figures,round-precision=3,detect-all]{\fp_to_decimal:n{1000*\l_tmpa_fp}}{\meter}
+ }
+ {
+ \SI[round-mode=figures,round-precision=3,detect-all]{\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp}{\kilo\meter}
+ }
+ }
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+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { (#1)*\l__mermap_scale_fp }
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF \l_tmpa_fp < 5
+ {
+ \SI[round-mode=figures,round-precision=3,detect-all]{\fp_to_decimal:n{1000*\l_tmpa_fp}}{\meter}
+ }
+ {
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+ {
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+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_format_angle_minute:n #1
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {floor(#1)}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {round((#1-\l_tmpa_fp)*60)}
+ \ang[add-arc-degree-zero,add-arc-minute-zero]
+ {
+ \fp_to_int:N \l_tmpa_fp ;
+ \fp_to_int:N \l_tmpb_fp ;
+ }
+ }
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+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {floor(#1)}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {floor((#1-\l_tmpa_fp)*60)}
+ \ang[add-arc-degree-zero,add-arc-minute-zero]
+ {
+ \fp_to_int:N \l_tmpa_fp ;
+ \fp_to_int:N \l_tmpb_fp ;
+ \fp_to_int:n {round(((#1-\l_tmpa_fp)*60-\l_tmpb_fp)*60)}
+ }
+ }
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+ {
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+ {
+ \tl_set:Nx \l__mermap_temp_tl {\fp_to_decimal:n{-\l_tmpa_fp}}
+ \__mermap_format_south:n {\__mermap_format_angle:n{\l__mermap_temp_tl}}
+ }
+ {
+ \tl_set:Nx \l__mermap_temp_tl {\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp}
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+ }
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+ { \keys_set:nn { mermap } {#1} }
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+ {
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+ \__mermap_format_west:n{\__mermap_format_angle:n{\l__mermap_temp_tl}}
+ }
+ {
+ \tl_set:Nx \l__mermap_temp_tl {\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp}
+ \__mermap_format_east:n {\__mermap_format_angle:n{\l__mermap_temp_tl}}
+ }
+ \group_end:
+ }
+%---- scale bars ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\bool_new:N \l__mermap_scalebar_double_bool
+\bool_new:N \l__mermap_scalebar_transparent_bool
+\dim_new:N \l__mermap_scalebar_height_dim
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_scalebar_width_fp
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int
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+ {
+ \tl_if_empty:nTF {#5}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {0}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {0}
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {#3*(#5)}
+ \tl_if_empty:nTF {#6}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {#4*(#5)}
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {#4*(#6)}
+ }
+ }
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+ {
+ {([xshift=\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpa_fp,yshift=\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpb_fp]mrcmap.#1)}
+ }
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+ }
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+ {
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+ width-in-meter .meta:nn = { mermap/scalebar }{ width-in-km={(#1)/1000} },
+ width-in-mile .meta:nn = { mermap/scalebar }{ width-in-km={(#1)*\c__mermap_mile_fp} },
+ width-in-yard .meta:nn = { mermap/scalebar }{ width-in-km={(#1)*0.0009144} },
+ partitions .int_set:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int,
+ height .dim_set:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_height_dim,
+ at .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_at_tl,
+ placement .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_placement_tl,
+ major~style .code:n = {\tikzset{mrcscalebarmajor/.style={#1}}},
+ minor~style .code:n = {\tikzset{mrcscalebarminor/.style={#1}}},
+ double .bool_set:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_double_bool,
+ single .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_double_bool,
+ transparent .bool_set:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_transparent_bool,
+ solid .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__mermap_scalebar_transparent_bool,
+ scale .code:n = {\fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_scale_fp { #1 / (1cm*100000) }},
+ south-east-inside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {south~east}{above~left}{-1}{1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ south-east-outside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {south~east}{below~left}{-1}{-1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ south-west-inside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {south~west}{above~right}{1}{1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ south-west-outside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {south~west}{below~right}{1}{-1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ north-west-inside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {north~west}{below~right}{1}{-1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ north-west-outside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {north~west}{above~right}{1}{1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ north-east-inside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {north~east}{below~left}{-1}{-1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ north-east-outside .code:n =
+ { \__mermap_scalebar_positioning:w {north~east}{above~left}{-1}{1}#1;;\q_stop },
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap/scalebar }
+ {
+ width-in-km = 0,
+ partitions = 5,
+ double = true,
+ transparent = true,
+ height = 2mm,
+ %at = {([xshift=-10mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south~east)},
+ %placement = above~left,
+ at = {(0,0)},
+ placement =,
+ major~style =,
+ minor~style =,
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_drawscalebar:
+ {
+ \use:x
+ {
+ \exp_not:N\node[name=mrcscalebar,
+ at={\exp_not:V\l__mermap_scalebar_at_tl},
+ \exp_not:V\l__mermap_scalebar_placement_tl,
+ line~width=0mm,inner~sep=0mm,outer~sep=0mm,draw=none,fill=none,rectangle,
+ minimum~width=\mrckmtotex{\l__mermap_scalebar_width_fp},
+ minimum~height=\l__mermap_scalebar_height_dim]{};
+ }
+ \begin{scope}[shift=(mrcscalebar.south~west)]
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_begin:n { fill=black, mrcscalebarmajor }
+ \pgfseteorule
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\l__mermap_scalebar_width_fp/\l__mermap_scale_fp} % Breite
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpa_fp}{\l__mermap_scalebar_height_dim}}
+ \bool_if:NF \l__mermap_scalebar_transparent_bool
+ {
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_begin:n { fill=white, mrcscalebarminor }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {\l__mermap_scalebar_width_fp/\l__mermap_scale_fp}
+ }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp {\l_tmpa_fp/\l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int}
+ \bool_if:NTF \l__mermap_scalebar_double_bool
+ {
+ \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int {1}
+ \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpb_dim {\l__mermap_scalebar_height_dim/2}
+ \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim {0.2pt-\l_tmpb_dim}
+ \int_compare:nNnTF \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int = 1
+ {
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{0.2pt}{\l_tmpb_dim}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpb_fp-0.4pt}}{\l_tmpa_dim}}
+ }
+ {
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{0.2pt}{\l_tmpb_dim}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpb_fp-0.2pt}}{\l_tmpa_dim}}
+ }
+ \int_while_do:nNnn \l_tmpa_int < \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int
+ {
+ \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim {-\l_tmpa_dim}
+ \int_compare:nNnTF {\l_tmpa_int+1} = \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int
+ {
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpa_int*\l_tmpb_fp}}{\l_tmpb_dim}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpb_fp-0.2pt}}{\l_tmpa_dim}}
+ }
+ {
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpa_int*\l_tmpb_fp}}{\l_tmpb_dim}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpb_fp}{\l_tmpa_dim}}
+ }
+ \int_incr:N \l_tmpa_int
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int {1}
+ \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim {\l__mermap_scalebar_height_dim-0.4pt}
+ \int_while_do:nNnn \l_tmpa_int < \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int
+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnTF {\l_tmpa_int+1} = \l__mermap_scalebar_partitions_int
+ {
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpa_int*\l_tmpb_fp}}{0.2pt}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpb_fp-0.2pt}}{\l_tmpa_dim}}
+ }
+ {
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:n{\l_tmpa_int*\l_tmpb_fp}}{0.2pt}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\fp_to_dim:N\l_tmpb_fp}{\l_tmpa_dim}}
+ }
+ \int_add:Nn \l_tmpa_int {2}
+ }
+ }
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+\msg_new:nnnn{ mercatormap }{ scalebar-too-large }
+ { The~width~of~the~scale~bar~is~too~large:~#1. }
+ {
+ You~should~provide~a~smaller~value~by~using~width-in-km~or~width-in-mile.
+ }
+\msg_new:nnnn{ mercatormap }{ scalebar-scale-unset }
+ { The~map~scale~is~unknown. }
+ {
+ Use~\token_to_str:N \mrcdrawscalebar \ with~a~defined~map~or~set~'scale'~
+ explicitely.
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcdrawscalebar { o }
+ {
+ \group_begin:
+ \IfNoValueF {#1} { \keys_set:nn { mermap/scalebar } {#1} }
+ \fp_compare:nNnT \l__mermap_scale_fp = 0
+ {
+ \msg_error:nn{ mercatormap }{ scalebar-scale-unset }
+ }
+ \fp_compare:nNnT {\l__mermap_scalebar_width_fp/\l__mermap_scale_fp} > {575cm}
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnx{ mercatormap }{ scalebar-too-large }
+ { \fp_to_dim:n{\l__mermap_scalebar_width_fp/\l__mermap_scale_fp} }
+ }
+ \__mermap_drawscalebar:
+ \group_end:
+ }
+%---- markers ------------------------------------------------------------------
+\bool_new:N \l__mermap_marker_show_bool
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_marker_angle_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_marker_inner_radius_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_marker_latitude_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_marker_longitude_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_marker_radius_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_marker_shift_fp
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_every_marker_first_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_every_marker_last_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_alias_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_category_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_contents_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_font_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_type_tl
+\tl_new:N \l__mermap_marker_uuid_tl
+ {
+ \cs_new_nopar:Npn \exp_not:N\__mermap_marker_position:w ##1 \c_colon_str ##2 \exp_not:N \q_stop
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_marker_latitude_fp {#1}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_marker_longitude_fp {#2}
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/marker }
+ {
+ latitude .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_latitude_fp,
+ lat .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_latitude_fp,
+ longitude .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_longitude_fp,
+ lon .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_longitude_fp,
+ position .code:n = {\__mermap_marker_position:w #1 \q_stop},
+ named~position .meta:nn = {mermap/marker}{latitude=\mrcNPlat{#1},longitude=\mrcNPlon{#1}},
+ use~inside .choice: =,
+ use~inside .value_required:n = true,
+ use~inside/map .code:n = { \cs_set_eq:NN \__mermap_if_marker_inside:nnTF \__mermap_if_in_map:nnTF },
+ use~inside/vicinity .code:n = { \cs_set_eq:NN \__mermap_if_marker_inside:nnTF \__mermap_if_in_vicinity:nnTF },
+ alias .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_alias_tl,
+ contents .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_contents_tl,
+ pictocontents .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl,
+ % name .meta:nn = {mermap/marker}{contents={#1},alias={#1}},
+ uuid .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_uuid_tl,
+ category .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_category_tl,
+ type .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_type_tl,
+ angle .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_angle_fp,
+ shift .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_shift_fp,
+ draw .code:n = \colorlet{mrcmarkerdraw}{#1},
+ fill .code:n = \colorlet{mrcmarkerfill}{#1},
+ text .code:n = \colorlet{mrcmarkertext}{#1},
+ font .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_font_tl,
+ radius .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_radius_fp,
+ inner~radius .fp_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_inner_radius_fp,
+ path~style .code:n = {\tikzset{mrcpathstyle/.style={#1}}},
+ node~style .code:n = {\tikzset{mrcnodestyle/.style={#1}}},
+ show .bool_set:N = \l__mermap_marker_show_bool,
+ hide .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__mermap_marker_show_bool,
+ show~category .code:n =
+ { \str_if_eq:VnT \l__mermap_marker_category_tl {#1} {\bool_set_true:N \l__mermap_marker_show_bool} },
+ show~all~but~category .code:n =
+ { \str_if_eq:VnF \l__mermap_marker_category_tl {#1} {\bool_set_true:N \l__mermap_marker_show_bool} },
+ hide~category .code:n =
+ { \str_if_eq:VnT \l__mermap_marker_category_tl {#1} {\bool_set_false:N \l__mermap_marker_show_bool} },
+ hide~all~but~category .code:n =
+ { \str_if_eq:VnF \l__mermap_marker_category_tl {#1} {\bool_set_false:N \l__mermap_marker_show_bool} },
+ first~options .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_every_marker_first_tl,
+ last~options .tl_set:N = \l__mermap_every_marker_last_tl,
+ style .choice: =,
+ style .value_required:n = true,
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap/marker }
+ {
+ latitude = 12,
+ longitude = 49,
+ use~inside = map,
+ % name = noname,
+ contents =,
+ alias = noname,
+ pictocontents =,
+ angle = 90,
+ shift = 0pt,
+ fill = gray!20,
+ draw = gray,
+ text = black,
+ radius = 3mm,
+ inner~radius = 2.25mm,
+ path~style =,
+ node~style =,
+ font = \sffamily\small,
+ type = classic,
+ uuid =,
+ category =,
+ show = true,
+ }
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerlatitude{}{\fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_marker_latitude_fp}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerlongitude{}{\fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_marker_longitude_fp}
+\NewDocumentCommand\mrcmarkercontents{}{\tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_contents_tl}
+\NewDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerpictocontents{}{\tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkeruuid{}{\tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_uuid_tl}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkercategory{}{\tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_category_tl}
+\NewDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerfont{}{\tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_font_tl}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerangle{}{\fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_marker_angle_fp}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkershift{}{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_marker_shift_fp}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerradius{}{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_marker_radius_fp}
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand\mrcmarkerinnerradius{}{\fp_to_dim:N \l__mermap_marker_inner_radius_fp}
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcnewmarkerstyle { m +m }
+ {
+ \keys_define:nn { mermap/marker/style }
+ {
+ #1 .meta:nn = {mermap/marker}{#2}
+ }
+ }
+\msg_new:nnnn{ mercatormap }{ markertype-undefined }
+ { Marker~type~'#1'~is~unknown. }
+ {
+ I~guess~'type=#1'~for~setting~a~marker~type~contains~a~spelling~error.
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcmarker { m }
+ {
+ \group_begin:
+ \keys_set:nV { mermap/marker } \l__mermap_every_marker_first_tl
+ \keys_set:nn { mermap/marker } { #1 }
+ \keys_set:nV { mermap/marker } \l__mermap_every_marker_last_tl
+ \__mermap_if_marker_inside:nnTF {\l__mermap_marker_latitude_fp} {\l__mermap_marker_longitude_fp}
+ {
+ \bool_if:NT \l__mermap_marker_show_bool
+ {
+ \pgfnodealias{\l__mermap_marker_alias_tl}{mrcpos}
+ \begin{scope}[shift=(mrcpos)]
+ \cs_if_exist_use:cF{__mermap_drawmarker_\l__mermap_marker_type_tl}
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnx{ mercatormap }{ markertype-undefined }{ \l__mermap_marker_type_tl }
+ }
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ \group_end:
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_new_marker_type:nn #1
+ {
+ \cs_new:cpn {__mermap_drawmarker_#1}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcnewmarkertype { m }
+ {
+ \__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {#1}
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {classic}
+ {
+ \node[circle,fill=black,inner~sep=0pt,minimum~width=4pt,
+ pin={[text=mrcmarkertext,font=\mrcmarkerfont,
+ pin~distance=\mrcmarkerradius,
+ pin~position=\mrcmarkerangle,mrcnodestyle]\mrcmarkercontents}] {};
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {pin}
+ {
+ \path[fill=mrcmarkerfill,draw=none,fill~opacity=0.7]
+ (0,0) -- (0.1,0.5) -- (-0.1,0.5) -- cycle;
+ \node[fill=white,draw=none,text=mrcmarkertext,
+ above,font=\mrcmarkerfont,inner~sep=0.5mm,align=center,
+ line~width=0mm,xshift=\mrcmarkershift,
+ fill~opacity=0.7,text~opacity=1,xshift=0mm,mrcnodestyle]
+ (pin_node) at (0,0.5) {\mrcmarkercontents};
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=none,line~join=round,mrcpathstyle]
+ (0,0) -- (0.1,0.5) -- (pin_node.south~east) -- (pin_node.north~east)
+ -- (pin_node.north~west) -- (pin_node.south~west)
+ -- (-0.1,0.5) [line~join=bevel] -- cycle;
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {pinflip}
+ {
+ \path[fill=mrcmarkerfill,draw=none,fill~opacity=0.7]
+ (0,0) -- (-0.1,-0.5) -- (0.1,-0.5) -- cycle;
+ \node[fill=white,draw=none,text=mrcmarkertext,
+ below,font=\mrcmarkerfont,inner~sep=0.5mm,align=center,
+ line~width=0mm,xshift=\mrcmarkershift,
+ fill~opacity=0.7,text~opacity=1,xshift=0mm,mrcnodestyle]
+ (pin_node) at (0,-0.5) {\mrcmarkercontents};
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=none,line~join=round,mrcpathstyle]
+ (0,0) -- (-0.1,-0.5) -- (pin_node.north~west) -- (pin_node.south~west)
+ -- (pin_node.south~east) -- (pin_node.north~east)
+ -- (0.1,-0.5) [line~join=bevel] -- cycle;
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_tikz_drop_path:n #1
+ {
+ \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp}
+ \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpb_tl {\fp_to_dim:n{\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp*0.552}}
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_begin:n
+ {
+ line~join=bevel,draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=mrcmarkerfill,mrcpathstyle
+ }
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{\fp_to_dim:n{-2*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp-\l__mermap_marker_shift_fp}}}
+ \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfpoint{\l_tmpb_tl}{-\l_tmpa_tl}}{\pgfpoint{\l_tmpa_tl}{-\l_tmpb_tl}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\l_tmpa_tl}{0pt}}
+ \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfpoint{\l_tmpa_tl}{\l_tmpb_tl}}{\pgfpoint{\l_tmpb_tl}{\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0pt}{\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfpoint{-\l_tmpb_tl}{\l_tmpa_tl}}{\pgfpoint{-\l_tmpa_tl}{\l_tmpb_tl}}
+ {\pgfpoint{-\l_tmpa_tl}{0pt}}
+ \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfpoint{-\l_tmpa_tl}{-\l_tmpb_tl}}{\pgfpoint{-\l_tmpb_tl}{-\l_tmpa_tl}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0pt}{\fp_to_dim:n{-2*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp-\l__mermap_marker_shift_fp}}}
+ \pgfpathclose
+ #1
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_tikz_circle_node:
+ {
+ \node[circle,inner~sep=0pt,font=\mrcmarkerfont,text=mrcmarkertext,mrcnodestyle]
+ {
+ \hbox_set:Nn \l_tmpa_box {\mrcmarkercontents}
+ \fp_compare:nNnT {\box_wd:N \l_tmpa_box} > {1.5*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp}
+ {
+ \box_resize_to_wd_and_ht:Nnn \l_tmpa_box
+ {\fp_to_dim:n {1.5*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp}}
+ {\box_ht:N \l_tmpa_box}
+ }
+ \box_use_drop:N \l_tmpa_box
+ };
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {drop}
+ {
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=\fp_to_dim:n{2*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp+\l__mermap_marker_shift_fp}]
+ \__mermap_tikz_drop_path:n {}
+ \__mermap_tikz_circle_node:
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {pictodrop}
+ {
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=\fp_to_dim:n{2*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp+\l__mermap_marker_shift_fp}]
+ \__mermap_tikz_drop_path:n {}
+ \tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {pictodropring}
+ {
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=\fp_to_dim:n{2*\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp+\l__mermap_marker_shift_fp}]
+ \group_begin:
+ \pgfseteorule
+ \__mermap_tikz_drop_path:n {
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}{\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_inner_radius_fp}
+ }
+ \group_end:
+ \tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {knob}
+ {
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=mrcmarkerfill,mrcpathstyle]
+ circle (\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp);
+ \__mermap_tikz_circle_node:
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {pictoknob}
+ {
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=mrcmarkerfill,mrcpathstyle]
+ circle (\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp);
+ \tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {pictoknobring}
+ {
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=mrcmarkerfill,mrcpathstyle,even~odd~rule]
+ circle (\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp)
+ circle (\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_inner_radius_fp);
+ \tl_use:N \l__mermap_marker_pictocontents_tl
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {ringx}
+ {
+ \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp}
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,very~thin]
+ (45 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl)--(225\c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl)
+ (135\c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl)--(315\c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl);
+ \path[draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=mrcmarkerfill,mrcpathstyle,even~odd~rule]
+ circle (\l_tmpa_tl) circle (\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_inner_radius_fp);
+ }
+\__mermap_new_marker_type:nn {markx}
+ {
+ \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {\fp_to_dim:N\l__mermap_marker_radius_fp}
+ \path[line~join=bevel,draw=mrcmarkerdraw,fill=mrcmarkerfill,mrcpathstyle]
+ (0,0) -- (35 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- (55 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- cycle
+ (0,0) -- (125 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- (145 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- cycle
+ (0,0) -- (215 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- (235 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- cycle
+ (0,0) -- (305 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- (325 \c_colon_str \l_tmpa_tl) -- cycle;
+ }
+%---- paths and routes ---------------------------------------------------------
+\bool_new:N \l__mermap_path_first_point_bool
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ every~route .code:n = { \tikzset{ mermap_every_route/.style={#1} } }
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ every~route =,
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_tikz_path_begin:n #1
+ {
+ \path[#1] \pgfextra
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ {
+ \endpgfextra;
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_pgf_moveto_point:nn #1#2
+ {
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\__mermap_pgfpoint:nn {#1}{#2}}
+ }
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+ {
+ \pgfpathlineto{\__mermap_pgfpoint:nn {#1}{#2}}
+ }
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+ {
+ \bool_if:NTF \l__mermap_path_first_point_bool
+ {
+ \__mermap_pgf_moveto_point:nn {#1}{#2}
+ \bool_set_false:N \l__mermap_path_first_point_bool
+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_pgf_lineto_point:nn {#1}{#2}
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_route_begin:n #1
+ {
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_begin:n
+ {
+ draw,mermap_every_route,#1
+ }
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+ \bool_set_true:N \l__mermap_path_first_point_bool
+ }
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+ {
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+ }
+ {
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ }
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+ {
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+ }
+ {
+ \pgfpathclose
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+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcrouteinput { s O{} m }
+ {
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+ \file_input:n {#3}
+ \IfBooleanT {#1}
+ {
+ \pgfpathclose
+ }
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ }
+%---- orthodromes and loxodromes -----------------------------------------------
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+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_a_z_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_b_x_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_b_y_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_b_z_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_delta_lambda_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_delta_phi_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_psi_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_t_x_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_t_y_fp
+\fp_new:N \l__mermap_t_z_fp
+\int_new:N \l__mermap_samples_int
+\keys_define:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ samples .int_set:N = \l__mermap_samples_int,
+ }
+\keys_set:nn { mermap }
+ {
+ samples = 100,
+ }
+ mermap~samples/.code={\mermapset{samples=#1}}
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_sphere_point:nnn #1#2#3 % {x}{y}{z}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp { asind(#3/sqrt((#1)^2+(#2)^2+(#3)^2)) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp { sign(#2)*acosd(#1/sqrt((#1)^2+(#2)^2)) }
+ \__mermap_pgfpoint:nn {\l__mermap_cs_lat_fp}{\l__mermap_cs_lon_fp}
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_unit_sphere_point:nnn #1#2#3 % {x}{y}{z} radius 1
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_lat_fp { asind(#3) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_cs_lon_fp { sign(#2)*acosd(#1/sqrt((#1)^2+(#2)^2)) }
+ \__mermap_pgfpoint:nn {\l__mermap_cs_lat_fp}{\l__mermap_cs_lon_fp}
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_draw_orthodrome:nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
+ {
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_begin:n { draw,mermap_every_route,#1 }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_a_x_fp { cosd(#3)*cosd(#2) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_a_y_fp { sind(#3)*cosd(#2) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_a_z_fp { sind(#2) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_b_x_fp { cosd(#5)*cosd(#4) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_b_y_fp { sind(#5)*cosd(#4) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_b_z_fp { sind(#4) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { sind(#2)*sind(#4) + cosd(#2)*cosd(#4)*cosd(#5-(#3)) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_psi_fp { acosd(\l_tmpa_fp) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { sind(\l__mermap_psi_fp) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_b_x_fp { (\l__mermap_b_x_fp - \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_a_x_fp)/\l_tmpb_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_b_y_fp { (\l__mermap_b_y_fp - \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_a_y_fp)/\l_tmpb_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_b_z_fp { (\l__mermap_b_z_fp - \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_a_z_fp)/\l_tmpb_fp }
+ \__mermap_pgf_moveto_point:nn {#2}{#3}
+ \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int {1}
+ \int_until_do:nNnn \l_tmpa_int > \l__mermap_samples_int
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { \l__mermap_psi_fp*\l_tmpa_int/\l__mermap_samples_int }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { sind(\l_tmpa_fp) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { cosd(\l_tmpa_fp) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_t_x_fp { \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_a_x_fp + \l_tmpb_fp*\l__mermap_b_x_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_t_y_fp { \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_a_y_fp + \l_tmpb_fp*\l__mermap_b_y_fp }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_t_z_fp { \l_tmpa_fp*\l__mermap_a_z_fp + \l_tmpb_fp*\l__mermap_b_z_fp }
+ \pgfpathlineto{\__mermap_unit_sphere_point:nnn {\l__mermap_t_x_fp}{\l__mermap_t_y_fp}{\l__mermap_t_z_fp}}
+ \int_incr:N \l_tmpa_int
+ }
+ \__mermap_tikz_path_end:
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcdraworthodrome { O{} mmmm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_draw_orthodrome:nnnnn {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcNPdraworthodrome { O{} mm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_draw_orthodrome:nnnnn {#1}{\mrcNPlat{#2}}{\mrcNPlon{#2}}{\mrcNPlat{#3}}{\mrcNPlon{#3}}
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_ortho_distance:nnnn #1#2#3#4
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp
+ {
+ \c__mermap_scale_radius_fp *
+ acosd( sind(#1)*sind(#3) + cosd(#1)*cosd(#3)*cosd(#4-(#2)) )
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcstoreorthodistance { mmmmm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_ortho_distance:nnnn {#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
+ \cs_set_nopar:Npx #1 { \fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcprettyorthodistance { mmmm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_ortho_distance:nnnn {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ \__mermap_pretty_distance:n { \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcNPprettyorthodistance { mm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_ortho_distance:nnnn {\mrcNPlat{#1}}{\mrcNPlon{#1}}{\mrcNPlat{#2}}{\mrcNPlon{#2}}
+ \__mermap_pretty_distance:n { \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+\cs_new_nopar:Npn \__mermap_loxo_distance:nnnn #1#2#3#4
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_delta_phi_fp {(#3-(#1))/180*pi}
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_delta_lambda_fp {(#4-(#2))/180*pi}
+ \fp_compare:nNnTF {abs(\l__mermap_delta_phi_fp)} < {1e-5}
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp { tand(#1) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpb_fp { \l__mermap_delta_lambda_fp*cosd(#1)
+ /( 1 + (\l_tmpa_fp + (1+2*\l_tmpa_fp*\l_tmpa_fp)*\l__mermap_delta_phi_fp/3)*\l__mermap_delta_phi_fp/2 ) }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp {
+ sqrt( \l__mermap_delta_phi_fp*\l__mermap_delta_phi_fp + \l_tmpb_fp*\l_tmpb_fp ) }
+ }
+ {
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp { abs(\l__mermap_delta_phi_fp)
+ *sqrt( 1+ (\l__mermap_delta_lambda_fp/( ln(tand(#3/2+45)) - ln(tand(#1/2+45)) ) )^2 ) }
+ }
+ \fp_set:Nn \l__mermap_result_fp { \c__mermap_scale_radius_fp*180/pi * \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcstoreloxodistance { mmmmm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_loxo_distance:nnnn {#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
+ \cs_set_nopar:Npx #1 { \fp_to_decimal:N \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcprettyloxodistance { mmmm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_loxo_distance:nnnn {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ \__mermap_pretty_distance:n { \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \mrcNPprettyloxodistance { mm }
+ {
+ \__mermap_loxo_distance:nnnn {\mrcNPlat{#1}}{\mrcNPlon{#1}}{\mrcNPlat{#2}}{\mrcNPlon{#2}}
+ \__mermap_pretty_distance:n { \l__mermap_result_fp }
+ }
+%---- supplier -----------------------------------------------------------------
+\file_input:n { \mrcpkgprefix mercatorsupplier.def }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatorpy.def b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatorpy.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe608f47b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatorpy.def
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+The LaTeX package mercatormap - version 1.00 (2020/04/20)
+maptiles.texpy: Python script for map tile download
+Copyright (c) 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+This work consists of all files listed in README
+import argparse
+import math
+import os
+import requests
+from pathlib import Path
+from PIL import Image
+packageversion = '1.00 (2020/04/20)'
+def gd(x):
+ return math.atan(math.sinh(x))
+def arggd(x):
+ return math.asinh(math.tan(x))
+def rad2planar(lon_rad, lat_rad):
+ x = 0.5*lon_rad/math.pi + 0.5
+ y = 0.5*arggd(lat_rad)/math.pi + 0.5
+ return (x, y)
+def deg2planar(lon_deg, lat_deg):
+ return rad2planar(math.radians(lon_deg), math.radians(lat_deg))
+def planar2rad(x, y):
+ lon_rad = math.pi*(2*x-1)
+ lat_rad = gd(math.pi*(2*y-1))
+ return (lon_rad, lat_rad)
+def planar2deg(x, y):
+ (lon_rad, lat_rad) = planar2rad(x, y)
+ return (math.degrees(lon_rad), math.degrees(lat_rad))
+def download(session, url, filename, overwrite=False):
+ local_file = Path(filename)
+ if local_file.is_file() and not overwrite:
+ return
+ print(url+' -> '+filename)
+ r = session.get(url)
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as handler:
+ handler.write(r.content)
+ return
+def makeparentdirs(afile):
+ directory = Path(os.path.abspath(afile)).parent
+ if not directory.is_dir():
+ os.makedirs(directory)
+class MapDefinition(object):
+ def __init__(self, args, west, east, north, south, zoom, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2,
+ width, height, west_offset, north_offset, south_offset):
+ self.west = west
+ self.east = east
+ self.north = north
+ self.south = south
+ self.zoom = zoom
+ self.x_1 = x_1
+ self.y_1 = y_1
+ self.x_2 = x_2
+ self.y_2 = y_2
+ self.width = width
+ self.height= height
+ self.west_offset = west_offset
+ self.north_offset = north_offset
+ self.south_offset = south_offset
+ self.n = 2 ** self.zoom
+ self.local_file_prefix = 'tiles/tile_'
+ self.attribution = args.attribution
+ self.attributionprint = args.attributionprint
+ self.pixel = args.pixel
+ self.pixel_width = round(self.width*self.pixel)
+ self.pixel_height = round(self.height*self.pixel)
+ self.tilesize = args.tilesize
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_from_boundaries_rad(cls, args, zoom, west_rad, east_rad, north_rad, south_rad):
+ if zoom<0:
+ zoom = 0
+ if west_rad>=east_rad:
+ east_rad += 2*math.pi*math.ceil(0.5*(west_rad-east_rad)/math.pi+1e-10)
+ max_lat = gd(math.pi)-1e-10
+ if north_rad<south_rad:
+ (north_rad, south_rad) = (south_rad, north_rad)
+ if north_rad > max_lat:
+ north_rad = max_lat
+ if south_rad < -max_lat:
+ south_rad = -max_lat
+ P = 2**(zoom-1)/math.pi
+ a1 = (west_rad+math.pi)*P
+ b1 = (math.pi-arggd(north_rad))*P
+ a2 = (east_rad+math.pi)*P
+ b2 = (math.pi-arggd(south_rad))*P
+ x1 = math.floor(a1)
+ y1 = math.floor(b1)
+ x2 = math.ceil(a2)-1
+ y2 = math.ceil(b2)-1
+ width = a2-a1
+ height = b2-b1
+ west_offset = a1-x1
+ north_offset = b1-y1
+ south_offset = y2-b2+1
+ return cls(args, west_rad, east_rad, north_rad, south_rad, zoom, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+ width, height, west_offset, north_offset, south_offset )
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_from_boundaries_deg(cls, args, zoom, west_deg, east_deg, north_deg, south_deg):
+ return cls.construct_from_boundaries_rad(args,
+ zoom,math.radians(west_deg),math.radians(east_deg),
+ math.radians(north_deg),math.radians(south_deg))
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_from_boundaries_args(cls, args):
+ return cls.construct_from_boundaries_rad(args,
+ args.zoom,math.radians(args.west),math.radians(args.east),math.radians(args.north),math.radians(args.south))
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_from_reference_rad(cls, args, zoom, width, height,
+ ref_lon_rad, ref_lat_rad, xalign, yalign):
+ if zoom<0:
+ zoom = 0
+ P = 2**(zoom-1)/math.pi
+ ac = (ref_lon_rad+math.pi)*P
+ bc = (math.pi-arggd(ref_lat_rad))*P
+ a1 = ac - (1+xalign)/2*width
+ a2 = a1 + width
+ b1 = bc - (1+yalign)/2*height
+ b2 = b1 + height
+ west_rad = a1/P - math.pi
+ north_rad = gd(math.pi-b1/P)
+ east_rad = a2/P - math.pi
+ south_rad = gd(math.pi-b2/P)
+ x1 = math.floor(a1)
+ y1 = math.floor(b1)
+ x2 = math.ceil(a2)-1
+ y2 = math.ceil(b2)-1
+ west_offset = a1-x1
+ north_offset = b1-y1
+ south_offset = y2-b2+1
+ return cls(args, west_rad, east_rad, north_rad, south_rad, zoom, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+ width, height, west_offset, north_offset, south_offset )
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_from_reference_deg(cls, args, zoom, width, height,
+ ref_lon_deg, ref_lat_deg, xalign, yalign):
+ return cls.construct_from_center_rad(args, zoom, width, height,
+ math.radians(ref_lon_deg), math.radians(ref_lat_deg), xalign, yalign)
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_from_reference_args(cls, args):
+ return cls.construct_from_reference_rad(args, args.zoom, args.width, args.height,
+ math.radians(args.longitude), math.radians(args.latitude), args.xalign, args.yalign)
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_to_fit_region_rad(cls, args, width, height, reg_west_rad, reg_east_rad,
+ reg_north_rad, reg_south_rad, xalign, yalign):
+ if reg_west_rad>=reg_east_rad:
+ reg_east_rad += 2*math.pi*math.ceil(0.5*(reg_west_rad-reg_east_rad)/math.pi+1e-10)
+ max_lat = gd(math.pi)-1e-10
+ if reg_north_rad<reg_south_rad:
+ (reg_north_rad, reg_south_rad) = (reg_south_rad, reg_north_rad)
+ if reg_north_rad > max_lat:
+ reg_north_rad = max_lat
+ if reg_south_rad < -max_lat:
+ reg_south_rad = -max_lat
+ zoom = max( 0, 1 + math.floor( math.log2( math.pi *
+ min( width/(reg_east_rad-reg_west_rad), height/(arggd(reg_north_rad)-arggd(reg_south_rad)))
+ )))
+ P = 2**(zoom-1)/math.pi
+ if xalign<0:
+ a1 = (reg_west_rad+math.pi)*P
+ a2 = a1 + width
+ elif xalign>0:
+ a2 = (reg_east_rad+math.pi)*P
+ a1 = a2 - width
+ else:
+ a1 = ((reg_west_rad+reg_east_rad)/2+math.pi)*P - width/2
+ a2 = a1 + width
+ if yalign<0:
+ b1 = (math.pi-arggd(reg_north_rad))*P
+ b2 = b1 + height
+ elif yalign>0:
+ b2 = (math.pi-arggd(reg_south_rad))*P
+ b1 = b2 - height
+ else:
+ b1 = (math.pi-(arggd(reg_north_rad)+arggd(reg_south_rad))/2)*P - height/2
+ b2 = b1 + height
+ west_rad = a1/P - math.pi
+ north_rad = gd(math.pi-b1/P)
+ east_rad = a2/P - math.pi
+ south_rad = gd(math.pi-b2/P)
+ x1 = math.floor(a1)
+ y1 = math.floor(b1)
+ x2 = math.ceil(a2)-1
+ y2 = math.ceil(b2)-1
+ west_offset = a1-x1
+ north_offset = b1-y1
+ south_offset = y2-b2+1
+ return cls(args, west_rad, east_rad, north_rad, south_rad, zoom, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+ width, height, west_offset, north_offset, south_offset )
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_to_fit_region_deg(cls, args, width, height,
+ reg_west_deg, reg_east_deg, reg_north_deg, reg_south_deg,
+ xalign, yalign):
+ return cls.construct_to_fit_region_rad(args, width, height,
+ math.radians(reg_west_deg),math.radians(reg_east_deg),
+ math.radians(reg_north_deg),math.radians(reg_south_deg),
+ xalign, yalign)
+ @classmethod
+ def construct_to_fit_region_args(cls, args):
+ return cls.construct_to_fit_region_rad(args, args.width, args.height,
+ math.radians(args.west),math.radians(args.east),
+ math.radians(args.north),math.radians(args.south),
+ args.xalign, args.yalign)
+ def get_tile_quantity(self):
+ return (self.x_2-self.x_1+1)*(self.y_2-self.y_1+1)
+ def get_pixel_quantity(self):
+ return self.pixel_width*self.pixel_height
+ def download_tiles(self, url_format, local_file_prefix):
+ self.local_file_prefix = local_file_prefix
+ makeparentdirs(local_file_prefix)
+ with requests.Session() as s:
+ s.headers.update(dict(referer = 'mercatormap/'+packageversion))
+ try:
+ for xx in range(self.x_1, self.x_2+1):
+ x = xx % self.n
+ for y in range(self.y_1, self.y_2+1):
+ if (y>=0) and (y<self.n):
+ url = url_format.format(x=x, y=y, z=self.zoom)
+ filename = local_file_prefix + '_{z}_{x}_{y}.png'.format(x=x, y=y, z=self.zoom)
+ download(s,url,filename)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
+ print('Download error:', err)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def merge_map(self, map_definition, local_file_prefix):
+ makeparentdirs(map_definition)
+ new_im ='RGB', (self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height), 'white')
+ xoff = -round(self.west_offset*self.pixel)
+ for xx in range(self.x_1, self.x_2+1):
+ x = xx % self.n
+ yoff = -round(self.north_offset*self.pixel)
+ for y in range(self.y_1, self.y_2+1):
+ if (y>=0) and (y<self.n):
+ filename = local_file_prefix + '_{z}_{x}_{y}.png'.format(x=x, y=y, z=self.zoom)
+ new_im.paste(, (xoff,yoff))
+ yoff+=self.pixel
+ xoff+=self.pixel
+'.png', optimize=True)
+ return True
+ def download_wms_map(self, url_format, map_definition):
+ makeparentdirs(map_definition)
+ # bbox in tiles for given zoom
+ xmin = self.x_1+self.west_offset
+ xmax = xmin+self.width
+ ymin = self.y_1+self.north_offset
+ ymax = ymin+self.height
+ # global scale bbox
+ f = math.pi*6378137
+ xmin = (2*xmin/self.n-1)*f
+ xmax = (2*xmax/self.n-1)*f
+ (ymin, ymax) = (ymax, ymin) # switch ymin/ymax
+ ymin = (1-2*ymin/self.n)*f
+ ymax = (1-2*ymax/self.n)*f
+ url = url_format.format(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax,
+ width=self.pixel_width, height=self.pixel_height)
+ filename = map_definition+'.png'
+ with requests.Session() as s:
+ s.headers.update(dict(referer = 'mercatormap/'+packageversion))
+ try:
+ download(s,url,filename,True)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
+ print('Download error:', err)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def save_map(self, map_definition, tiles=False, merge=False, wms=False):
+ makeparentdirs(map_definition)
+ with open(map_definition+'.def', "w", encoding="utf-8") as desc:
+ desc.write(f'% generated by mercatormap maptiles {packageversion}\n')
+ desc.write('\\mrcdefinemap{\n')
+ desc.write(f' west={math.degrees(self.west)},\n')
+ desc.write(f' east={math.degrees(self.east)},\n')
+ desc.write(f' north={math.degrees(self.north)},\n')
+ desc.write(f' south={math.degrees(self.south)},\n')
+ desc.write(f' zoom={self.zoom},\n')
+ desc.write(f' xmin={self.x_1},\n')
+ desc.write(f' ymin={self.y_1},\n')
+ desc.write(f' xmax={self.x_2},\n')
+ desc.write(f' ymax={self.y_2},\n')
+ desc.write(f' pixelwidth={self.pixel_width},\n')
+ desc.write(f' pixelheight={self.pixel_height},\n')
+ desc.write(f' westoffset={self.west_offset},\n')
+ desc.write(f' northoffset={self.north_offset},\n')
+ desc.write(f' southoffset={self.south_offset},\n')
+ desc.write(f' basename={self.local_file_prefix},\n')
+ if self.attribution!=None:
+ desc.write(' attribution={'+self.attribution+'},\n')
+ if self.attributionprint!=None:
+ desc.write(' attribution print={'+self.attributionprint+'},\n')
+ if self.tilesize!=None:
+ desc.write(f' tile size={self.tilesize},\n')
+ if wms:
+ desc.write(f' resource=wmsmap,\n')
+ elif merge:
+ desc.write(f' resource=mergedmap,\n')
+ elif tiles:
+ desc.write(f' resource=tiles,\n')
+ else:
+ desc.write(f' resource=none,\n')
+ desc.write('}\n')
+ return
+ def print_description(self):
+ print('------ map description (class) ------')
+ print(f'west = {math.degrees(self.west)}')
+ print(f'east = {math.degrees(self.east)}')
+ print(f'north = {math.degrees(self.north)}')
+ print(f'south = {math.degrees(self.south)}')
+ print(f'zoom = {self.zoom}')
+ print(f'X_1 = {self.x_1}')
+ print(f'Y_1 = {self.y_1}')
+ print(f'X_2 = {self.x_2}')
+ print(f'Y_2 = {self.y_2}')
+ print(f'width = {self.width}')
+ print(f'height = {self.height}')
+ print(f'd_west = {self.west_offset}')
+ print(f'd_north = {self.north_offset}')
+ print(f'd_south = {self.south_offset}')
+ return
+def map_tile_info(Z, X, Y):
+ N = 2.0 ** Z
+ lon_min = math.pi*(2*X-N)/N
+ lon_max = math.pi*(2*X+2-N)/N
+ lat_min = gd(math.pi*(N-2*Y-2)/N)
+ lat_max = gd(math.pi*(N-2*Y)/N)
+ r = 6371000
+ height = r*(lat_max-lat_min)
+ rdel_lon = r*(lon_max-lon_min)
+ width_n = rdel_lon*math.cos(lat_max)
+ width_s = rdel_lon*math.cos(lat_min)
+ area = r*rdel_lon*(math.sin(lat_max)-math.sin(lat_min))
+ print(f'(Z,X,Y) = ({Z},{X},{Y})')
+ print(f'west = {math.degrees(lon_min)}')
+ print(f'east = {math.degrees(lon_max)}')
+ print(f'south = {math.degrees(lat_min)}')
+ print(f'north = {math.degrees(lat_max)}')
+ print(f'height = {height/1000}')
+ print(f'width(N)= {width_n/1000}')
+ print(f'width(S)= {width_s/1000}')
+ print(f'area = {area/1000000}')
+ return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute a full map description and download map tiles')
+ parser.add_argument('type', type=str, help='type of map computation',
+ choices=['boundaries', 'reference', 'areafit'])
+ parser.add_argument('-z', '--zoom', type=int, default=9,
+ help='zoom level (boundaries/reference)')
+ parser.add_argument('-w', '--west', type=float, default=11,
+ help='longitude west (boundaries/areafit)')
+ parser.add_argument('-e', '--east', type=float, default=13,
+ help='longitude east (boundaries/areafit)')
+ parser.add_argument('-n', '--north', type=float, default=48,
+ help='latitude north (boundaries/areafit)')
+ parser.add_argument('-s', '--south', type=float, default=50,
+ help='latitude south (boundaries/areafit)')
+ parser.add_argument('-lon', '--longitude', type=float, default=12,
+ help='longitude (reference)')
+ parser.add_argument('-lat', '--latitude', type=float, default=49,
+ help='latitude (reference)')
+ parser.add_argument('-mw', '--width', type=float, default=4,
+ help='map width as multiplicity of map tiles (reference/areafit)')
+ parser.add_argument('-mh', '--height', type=float, default=4,
+ help='map height as multiplicity of map tiles (reference/areafit)')
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--align', type=str, default='center',
+ help='alignment of reference or area (reference/areafit)',
+ choices=['northwest', 'north', 'northeast',
+ 'west', 'center', 'east',
+ 'southwest', 'south', 'southeast'] )
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--definition', type=str, default='mapdefinition',
+ help='name of the produced map definition for LaTeX')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', type=str, default='tiles',
+ help='target to create tiles or a merged map',
+ choices=['none', 'tiles', 'mergedmap', 'wmsmap'] )
+ parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', type=str, default=None,
+ help='url format with placeholder {z}{x}{y} for downloading tiles')
+ parser.add_argument('-at', '--attribution', type=str, default=None,
+ help='attribution text of the tile producer')
+ parser.add_argument('-atp', '--attributionprint', type=str, default=None,
+ help='attribution text of the tile producer')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--fileprefix', type=str, default='tiles/unknown',
+ help='prefix for local tile files, e.g. "tiles/map" for "tiles/map_10_10_10.png"')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--confirm', action="store_true",
+ help='confirm bulk download for map tiles')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', '--pixel', type=int, default=256,
+ help='pixel width/height of a tile')
+ parser.add_argument('-ts', '--tilesize', type=str, default=None,
+ help='TeX tile size')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print('')
+ print('** This is version', packageversion,
+ 'for generating', args.definition)
+ switcher = {
+ 'northwest': (-1,-1),
+ 'north': ( 0,-1),
+ 'northeast': ( 1,-1),
+ 'west': (-1, 0),
+ 'center': ( 0, 0),
+ 'east': ( 1, 0),
+ 'southwest': (-1, 1),
+ 'south': ( 0, 1),
+ 'southeast': ( 1, 1)
+ }
+ (args.xalign, args.yalign) = switcher.get(args.align)
+ switcher = {
+ 'boundaries': MapDefinition.construct_from_boundaries_args,
+ 'reference': MapDefinition.construct_from_reference_args,
+ 'areafit': MapDefinition.construct_to_fit_region_args
+ }
+ mapdef = switcher.get(args.type)(args)
+ switcher = {
+ 'none': 0,
+ 'tiles': 1,
+ 'mergedmap': 2,
+ 'wmsmap': 3
+ }
+ target = switcher.get(
+ tiles_success = False
+ merge_success = False
+ wms_success = False
+ if target>0:
+ if args.url!=None:
+ if target<3:
+ if mapdef.get_tile_quantity()>400:
+ if args.confirm:
+ tiles_success = mapdef.download_tiles(args.url, args.fileprefix)
+ else:
+ print(f'Too many tiles ({mapdef.get_tile_quantity()}). Add confirm option to proceed anyway.');
+ else:
+ tiles_success = mapdef.download_tiles(args.url, args.fileprefix)
+ if tiles_success:
+ print('** Download of tiles successful for', args.definition)
+ if target>1:
+ merge_success = mapdef.merge_map(args.definition, args.fileprefix)
+ if merge_success:
+ print('** Merging tiles successful for', args.definition)
+ else:
+ print('** WARNING: Merging tiles failed for', args.definition)
+ else:
+ print('** WARNING: Map tiles download failed for', args.definition)
+ else:
+ if mapdef.get_pixel_quantity()>100000000:
+ if args.confirm:
+ wms_success = mapdef.download_wms_map(args.url, args.definition)
+ else:
+ print(f'Too many pixels ({mapdef.get_pixel_quantity()}). Add confirm option to proceed anyway.');
+ else:
+ wms_success = mapdef.download_wms_map(args.url, args.definition)
+ else:
+ print('No url for download given')
+ mapdef.save_map(args.definition, tiles_success, merge_success, wms_success)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatorsupplier.def b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatorsupplier.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..438374ba26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mercatormap/mercatorsupplier.def
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+%% The LaTeX package mercatormap - version 1.00 (2020/04/20)
+%% mercatorsupplier.def: predefined map supplier list
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2020 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_new_supply_source:nn #1#2
+ {
+ \keys_define:nn { mermap/supply/_source }
+ {
+ #1 .meta:nn = {mermap/supply}{#2}
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand\mrcnewsupplysource {mm} {
+ \__mermap_new_supply_source:nn {#1}{#2}
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { dummy }
+ {
+ url ={z}/{x}/{y}.png,
+ attribution = {Dummy~tile~server},
+ attribution~print = {Dummy~tile~server},
+ basename = tiles/dummy,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { opentopomap }
+ {
+ url ={z}/{x}/{y}.png,
+ attribution = {
+ Kartendaten:~\textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{OpenStreetMap}
+ \ Mitwirkende,~SRTM\nobreakspace\textbar\nobreakspace
+ Kartendarstellung:~\textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{OpenTopoMap}
+ \ (\href{}{CC-BY-SA})
+ },
+ attribution~print = {
+ Kartendaten:~\textcopyright\nobreakspace,
+ \ SRTM\nobreakspace\textbar\nobreakspace
+ Kartendarstellung:~\textcopyright\nobreakspace
+ },
+ basename = tiles/opentopomap,
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/supply }
+ {
+ __attribution_topplusopen .meta:nn = {mermap/supply} {
+ attribution = {
+ \textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{Bundesamt~f\mrcumlaut{u}r~Kartographie~und~Geod\mrcumlaut{a}sie}\nobreakspace\the\year,
+ \ \href{}{Datenquellen}
+ },
+ attribution~print = {
+ \textcopyright\nobreakspace Bundesamt~f\mrcumlaut{u}r~Kartographie~und~Geod\mrcumlaut{a}sie\nobreakspace\the\year,
+ \ Datenquellen:~\detokenize{}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { topplusopen~web }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{y}/{x}.png},
+ __attribution_topplusopen,
+ basename = tiles/tpo_web,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { topplusopen~web~grau }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{y}/{x}.png},
+ __attribution_topplusopen,
+ basename = tiles/tpo_web_grau,
+ }
+\cs_new:Npn \__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n #1
+ {
+ \keys_define:nn { mermap/supply/_source }
+ {
+ topplusopen~#1 .meta:nn = {mermap/supply}{
+ url = {{xmin},{ymin},{xmax},{ymax}&width={width}&height={height}&Format=image/png},
+ __attribution_topplusopen,
+ basename = tiles/tpo,
+ },
+ topplusopen~#1~grau .meta:nn = {mermap/supply}{
+ url = {{xmin},{ymin},{xmax},{ymax}&width={width}&height={height}&Format=image/png},
+ __attribution_topplusopen,
+ basename = tiles/tpo,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p5 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p10 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p17.5 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p25 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p50 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p100 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source_topplusopen:n { p250 }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { openrouteservice~mapsurfer }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?api_key=}{openrouteservice}{},
+ attribution = {
+ Service~\textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{}
+ \nobreakspace\textbar\nobreakspace
+ Map~data~\textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{OpenStreetMap}~contributors
+ },
+ attribution~print = {
+ Service~\textcopyright\nobreakspace
+ \nobreakspace\textbar\nobreakspace
+ Map~data~\textcopyright\nobreakspace OpenStreetMap~contributors
+ },
+ basename = tiles/mapsurfer,
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/supply }
+ {
+ __attribution_stamen .meta:nn = {mermap/supply} {
+ attribution = {
+ Map~tiles~by~\href{}{Stamen~Design},
+ \ under~\href{}{CC~BY~3.0}.
+ \ Data~by~\href{}{OpenStreetMap},
+ \ under~\href{}{ODbL}.
+ },
+ attribution~print = {
+ Map~tiles~by~Stamen~Design~(,
+ \ under~CC~BY~3.0.
+ \ Data~by~OpenStreetMap,
+ \ under~ODbl~(
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~terrain }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/terrain,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~terrain-background }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/terrain-background,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~terrain-labels }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/terrain-labels,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~terrain-lines }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/terrain-lines,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~toner }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/toner,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~toner-lite }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/toner-lite,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~toner-hybrid }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/toner-hybrid,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~toner-background }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/toner-background,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~toner-labels }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/toner-labels,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~toner-lines }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ __attribution_stamen,
+ basename = tiles/toner-lines,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { stamen~watercolor }
+ {
+ url = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png},
+ attribution = {
+ Map~tiles~by~\href{}{Stamen~Design},
+ \ under~\href{}{CC~BY~3.0}.
+ \ Data~by~\href{}{OpenStreetMap},
+ \ under~\href{}{CC~BY~SA}.
+ },
+ attribution~print = {
+ Map~tiles~by~Stamen~Design~(,
+ \ under~CC~BY~3.0.
+ \ Data~by~OpenStreetMap,
+ \ under~CC~BY~SA.
+ },
+ basename = tiles/watercolor,
+ }
+\keys_define:nn { mermap/supply }
+ {
+ __attribution_thunderforest .meta:nn = {mermap/supply} {
+ attribution = {
+ Maps~\textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{Thunderforest},
+ \ Data~\textcopyright\nobreakspace\href{}{OpenStreetMap~contributors}
+ },
+ attribution~print = {
+ Maps~\textcopyright\nobreakspace,
+ \ Data~\textcopyright\nobreakspace
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~opencyclemap }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/opencyclemap,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~transport }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/transport,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~landscape }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/landscape,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~outdoors }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/outdoors,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~transport-dark }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/transport-dark,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~spinal-map }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/spinal-map,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~pioneer }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/pioneer,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~mobile-atlas }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/mobile-atlas,
+ }
+\__mermap_new_supply_source:nn { thunderforest~neighbourhood }
+ {
+ url~with~api~key = {{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{thunderforest}{},
+ __attribution_thunderforest,
+ basename = tiles/neighbourhood,
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index ccb3e480862..ed969d6f7df 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
mdframed mdputu mdsymbol mdwtools media4svg media9 medstarbeamer
meetingmins memdesign memexsupp
memoir MemoirChapStyles memory memorygraphs mendex-doc mentis
- mensa-tex menu menukeys merriweather
+ mensa-tex menu menukeys mercatormap merriweather
metafont-beginners metago metalogo metalogox metaobj metaplot
metapost-colorbrewer metapost-examples metastr metatex metatype1 metauml
method metre metrix
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
index 306b4c3508b..e74f7c48e30 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ depend luasseq
depend maker
depend makeshape
depend mathspic
+depend mercatormap
depend milsymb
depend miniplot
depend mkpic
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/mercatormap.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/mercatormap.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/mercatormap.tlpsrc