path: root/Master
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authorKarl Berry <>2006-01-11 23:51:41 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2006-01-11 23:51:41 +0000
commit30dc0a83ed0059a279de826f732f4c70c2426d3d (patch)
tree8de910e779b259889ede421735cf0caecfaedf86 /Master
parent2f3f672bbb24f022f492d7c7d1b1cb8a1b6f819f (diff)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master')
2 files changed, 6038 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cdpbundl/cdpbundl.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cdpbundl/cdpbundl.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e74d31c7c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cdpbundl/cdpbundl.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,5923 @@
+% \iffalse
+% (This is a META-COMMENT.)
+% This is file `cdpbundl.dtx'.
+% This file is part of a work named "C.D.P. Bundle".
+% Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Gustavo MEZZETTI <>.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle has the LPPL maintenance status
+% "author-maintained".
+% The file `manifest.txt' that comes along with this file specifies
+% what the C.D.P. Bundle consists of; more precisely, it explains how
+% the locutions "Work" and "Compiled Work", used in the LaTeX Project
+% Public License, are to be interpreted in the case of this work.
+% Note that the distribution of this file alone is "distribution of
+% only part of the Work" in the sense of the LaTeX Project Public
+% License, and is not allowed.
+% (End of the META-COMMENT.)
+% \fi
+% \def\filename{cdpbundl.dtx}
+% \def\fileversion{0.33}
+% \def\filedate{2005/01/01}
+% \def\docdate {2005/01/01}
+% \def\doclongdate{January~1, 2005}
+% \changes{0.30}{2001 Jul 01}{First release of the C.D.P. Bundle}
+% \changes{0.31}{2001 Dec 01}{Added support for the \protect\opz{usePS}
+% option in the \protect\packlass{\protect\cdpaddon} package}
+% \changes{0.32}{2002 Jul 01}{Removed support for the \protect\opz{usePS}
+% option in the \protect\packlass{\protect\cdpaddon} package}
+% \changes{0.33}{2005 Jan 01}{Reorganized code of the
+% \protect\packlass{\protect\articoletteracdp} class and of the
+% \protect\packlass{\protect\cdpaddon} package to make it compatible
+% with the \protect\packlass{\protect\hyperref} package}
+% \CheckSum{4756}
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \MakeShortVerb{\"}
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
+% \DoNotIndex{\begin,\end,\def,\let,\else,\fi,\@ifdefinable,\@empty}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\renewcommand}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newenvironment,\renewenvironment}
+% \DoNotIndex{\z@,\z@skip,\p@,\@ne,\tw@,\thr@@,\@m,\@M,\m@ne}
+% \DoNotIndex{\setlength,\setcounter,\addtolength}
+% \DoNotIndex{\expandafter,\do,\relax,\advance,\multiply,\divide}
+% \DoNotIndex{\DeclareOption,\ExecuteOptions,\ProcessOptions}
+% \DoNotIndex{\",\.\@}
+% \IndexPrologue{
+% \section{\indexname}
+% Numbers in italics refer to the page where the corresponding entry
+% is described, the ones underlined to the code line of the
+% definition, the rest to the code lines where the entry is used.
+% }
+% \GlossaryPrologue{\section{Change History}}
+% \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1}
+% \newcommand*{\DS}{\textsf{DocStrip}}
+% \renewcommand*{\partname}{Part}
+% \newcommand*{\cdpbundl}{cdpbundl}
+% \newcommand*{\letteracdp}{letteracdp}
+% \newcommand*{\articoletteracdp}{articoletteracdp}
+% \newcommand*{\adiseal}{adiseal}
+% \newcommand*{\lettcdpadi}{lettcdpadi}
+% \newcommand*{\cdpaddon}{cdpaddon}
+% \newcommand*{\hyperref}{hyperref}
+% \newcommand*{\epsfig}{epsfig}
+% \newcommand*{\example}{cdpshues-example.def}
+% \newcommand*{\epson}{epson-stylus-740.def}
+% \newcommand*{\hplj}{hp-laserjet-4500.def}
+% \newcommand*{\cdpshues}{cdpshues.cfg}
+% \newcommand*{\textoken}[1]{\( \langle\mbox{\normalfont #1}\rangle \)}
+% \makeatletter
+% \newcommand*{\myspecialindex}[2]
+% {\special@index{#1\actualchar#2\encapchar main}}
+% \makeatother
+% \newcommand*{\counterindex}[1]{\myspecialindex{#1}{{\string\ttfamily
+% \space #1} (counter)}\index{counters:\levelchar{\protect\ttfamily
+% #1}\encapchar usage}}
+% \newcommand*{\optuseindex}[1]{\SortIndex{#1}{\protect\opz{#1}
+% (option)\encapchar usage}\index{options:\levelchar
+% \protect\opz{#1}\encapchar usage}}
+% \newcommand*{\opz}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+% \newcommand*{\iopz}[1]{$\mbox{\opz{#1}}\optuseindex{#1}}
+% \newcommand*{\eopz}[1]{\mathbin{|}\mbox{\opz{#1}}\optuseindex{#1}}
+% \newcommand*{\fopz}{$}
+% \newcommand*{\packlass}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+% \newcommand*{\filedir}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+% \newcommand*{\eqref}[1]{(\ref{#1})}
+% \DeclareFixedFont{\lhnss}{OT1}{cmss}{m}{n} {12}
+% \DeclareFixedFont{\lhbss}{OT1}{cmss}{m}{n} {17}
+% \DeclareFixedFont{\lhrm} {OT1}{cmr} {m}{n} {9}
+% \DeclareFixedFont{\lhit} {OT1}{cmr} {m}{it}{9}
+% \DeclareFixedFont{\lhtt} {OT1}{cmtt}{m}{n} {9}
+% \title{
+% The C.D.P.~Bundle\thanks{This file has version
+% \fileversion, release date \filedate;
+% last documentation update: \docdate.
+% Copyright \copyright~1999--2005 by G.~Mezzetti
+% (see page~\pageref{S:Copy}).}
+% }
+% \author{G. Mezzetti}
+% \date{\doclongdate}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% A bundle of \LaTeX\ (former \LaTeXe) classes and packages is
+% described, which is used by the \emph{Coordinamento dei Dottorandi e
+% dei Dottori di Ricerca dell'Universit\`{a} di Padova} (a free and
+% informal association of Ph.D. students and Ph.D.'s at the
+% university of Padua, Italy) to write its ``official'' letters.
+% These classes and packages take care of formatting the letters as
+% required by the standards of this association; in particular, they
+% make it very easy to include its seal, both in black-and-white and
+% in color, at the top of pages.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \listoffigures
+% \clearpage
+% \begingroup
+% \setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount}
+% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+% \section*{Copyright notice}
+% \label{S:Copy}
+% \vspace{-\parskip}
+% Copyright \copyright~1999--2005 by Gustavo \textsc{Mezzetti}. All
+% rights are reserved, except as noted below.
+% This document has been produced by feeding to a \LaTeX\ typesetting
+% engine the file \filedir{\filename} version \fileversion\ (\docdate).
+% This file is part of a work named ``C.D.P. Bundle''.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version~1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest
+% version of this license is in
+% \begin{list}{\setlength{\topsep}{0pt}}\item\relax
+% \ttfamily
+% \end{list}
+% and version~1.3 or later is part of all distributions of \LaTeX\
+% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle has the LPPL maintenance status ``author-maintained''.
+% The file \filedir{manifest.txt} included in the C.D.P. Bundle
+% specifies what the C.D.P. Bundle consists of; more precisely,
+% it explains how the locutions ``Work'' and ``Compiled Work'',
+% used in the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, are to be interpreted
+% in the case of this work.
+% Permission is granted to make new printed copies of this document,
+% by any means (\emph{e.g.}, photocopying, direct printing from the
+% electronic version, and so on).
+% Note, anyway, that the distribution of the file \filedir{\filename}
+% alone is ``distribution of only part of the Work'' in the sense of
+% the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, and is not allowed: you must
+% distribute it together with all other files in the C.D.P. Bundle
+% (see the file \filedir{manifest.txt}).
+% See Subsection~\ref{sS:License} on page~\pageref{sS:License} for
+% more information.
+% \section*{Author's addresses}
+% \vspace{-\parskip}
+% The recommended way to contact the author is by e-mail; his address is:
+% \begin{list}{\setlength{\topsep}{0pt}}\item\relax
+% \ttfamily
+% \end{list}
+% Please include the \emph{exact} phrase \verb*|C.D.P. Bundle| in the
+% \emph{subject} of your message; otherwise, your message could be
+% thrown away by a mail filter. In this regard, the weakness of the
+% laws concerning the protection of privacy forces me to explicitly
+% forbid the use of the above address for any kind of advertising,
+% marketing, polling, or similar commercial or statistical contact.
+% If you have no e-mail access, write to:
+% \begin{list}{\setlength{\topsep}{0pt}}\item\relax
+% Gustavo \textsc{Mezzetti}\\
+% Dip.\ di Matematica Pura e Applicata\\
+% Via G.~Belzoni, 7\\
+% I--35128\quad PADOVA\\
+% Italy
+% \end{list}
+% \endgroup
+% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Introduction}
+% The \emph{Coordinamento dei Dottorandi e dei Dottori di Ricerca
+% dell'Universit\`a di Padova} (henceforth simply referred to as
+% ``\emph{Coordinamento}'') is a free association of Ph.D.'s and Ph.D.
+% students who took their degree, or are still studying, at the
+% University of Padova (Padua), Italy. Discussing its precise nature is
+% completely outside the scope of this document;\footnote{Readers who
+% are interested in learning precisely what the \emph{Coordinamento}
+% is should refer to the following web page:
+% \texttt{\~{}assdott/}.} the only thing that
+% concerns us here is that it writes letters of a somewhat
+% ``official'' kind, which, for this reason, must bear its letterhead
+% on the top of their first page. These classes and packages serve to
+% prepare this kind of letters: they can print the letterhead, both in
+% black-and-white and in color, depending on what the user requires,
+% but they can do many, many other things too.
+% \subsection{Credits and disclaimer}
+% The \packlass{\letteracdp} document class was originally based on
+% the \packlass{letter} standard \LaTeX\ class. During the time, it
+% went through so many deep revisions, that by now it bears
+% practically no relation with the original \packlass{letter} class;
+% but we want to acknowledge the ``historical'' source anyway. The
+% \packlass{\articoletteracdp} document class uses some ideas borrowed
+% from the \packlass{article} standard \LaTeX\ class.
+% The author thanks heartfully Alessandro Ambrosi and Roberto
+% Strepparava, who tested the software and constantly stimulated
+% improvements and refinements, and Paolo Cojazzi, who, besides this,
+% also helped with the compression tools.
+% As usual with computer software, no warranty is given that
+% this code will work properly, or even that it will work at all.
+% Using this code can even result in loss of data and/or damages
+% to your disks and your storage media.
+% If you use this code, you do so exclusively at your own risk!
+% See Subsection~\ref{sS:License} and the \LaTeX\ Project Public
+% License for more information.
+% \subsection{About this document}
+% This document, like many documentation files distributed for
+% \LaTeX, is divided into two parts.
+% The first part, \emph{User's Manual}, should contain all the
+% documentation you need to succesfully \emph{use} the classes and
+% packages that this document presents; but unfortunately (for you!),
+% this document is still unfinished, so this information is \emph{not}
+% given here; instead, you are referred to some other sources (all
+% available through the world-wide web). The only pieces of
+% information you will find in this part are how to install those
+% classes and packages and how to generate this documentation. This
+% part, however, specifies to what extent, and under which conditions,
+% you are allowed to use and distribute the classes and packages
+% presented in this document.
+% The second part, \emph{Implementation}, can be omitted if you want
+% (explanations on how to omit it are given at the beginning of the
+% part itself), and contains information that concerns only
+% ``hackers'' who want to learn how the macros that this document
+% presents are \emph{implemented}. Actually, this part contains the
+% complete listing of the \LaTeX\ code that implements the
+% macros---unfortunately, almost without comments---in the usual \DS\
+% format; if you are not a \LaTeX\ hacker, this part will not mean
+% anything to you.
+% \subsubsection{English, of course!}
+% This document, as you can see, is written in English, although the
+% software it describes is intended mainly for Italian users, and was
+% actually developed for a specific application limited to an Italian
+% university (Padua). Previous versions of this document used to
+% contain in this place a section that, in a somewhat apologetic tone,
+% offered various reasons in support of the choice of English. Since
+% the inclusion of the C.D.P. Bundle in the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive
+% Network, however, there is no longer need to justify what now looks
+% simply an obliged choice, due to the international nature of the CTAN.
+% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}
+% \clearpage
+% \part{User's Manual}
+% \section{About this part}
+% We shall only give instructions on how to install the bundle and
+% how to generate this documentation; partial instructions on how to use
+% the classes and packages contained in the bundle can be found
+% in several documents written by the author
+% \cite{tutti,esempi,etichette,novita,nts,ver028,adi,cdpaddon,ver031}, but
+% a systematic user's manual is no longer foreseen.~\mbox{:-(}^^A ) match
+% \spacefactor\sfcode`. \space
+% Note that including in this document the instructions on how to generate
+% the document itself may seem pretty useless, but actually isn't:
+% you might be reading a copy obtained from another person.
+% \section{Installing the C.D.P. Bundle and generating this documentation}
+% As usual for \LaTeX\ distributions, the C.D.P. Bundle is
+% distributed in the form of a \filedir{.dtx} file, namely
+% \filedir{cdpbundl.dtx}, and an accompanying \filedir{.ins} file,
+% namely \filedir{cdpbundl.ins}.
+% \subsection{Installation}
+% To install the bundle, run \LaTeX\ (or Plain \TeX) once on the file
+% \filedir{cdpbundl.ins}. This will generate the following \LaTeX\
+% input files:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \ttfamily
+% \adiseal.sty\\
+% \articoletteracdp.cls\\
+% \cdpaddon.sty\\
+% \example\\
+% \cdpshues\\
+% \epson\\
+% \hplj\\
+% \lettcdpadi.cls\\
+% \letteracdp.cls
+% \end{quote}
+% To finish the installation, move them into a \LaTeX\ input
+% directory. (If you want, you can discard one, more, or all of the
+% files whose name ends in \filedir{.def}, each of which contains color
+% definitions for the seal appropriate for a particular printer. See
+% Subsection~\ref{sS:config} for information about how these files
+% are used for this purpose.) The above listing of all the files you
+% need to move is also displayed on the terminal at the end of the run
+% of the file \filedir{cdpbundl.ins}. The documentation of your \TeX\
+% installation should tell you how to find the \LaTeX\ input
+% directory/ies, and probably also how to create new \LaTeX\ input
+% directories reserved to hold your private classes and packages. If
+% your \TeX\ installation offers you the chance of defining your
+% private \LaTeX\ input directories, I recommend you exploit this
+% possibility and place the generated files into such a directory.
+% \subsection{Configuring the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package}
+% \label{sS:config}
+% The \packlass{\cdpaddon} package is the part of the C.D.P. Bundle
+% that takes care of coloring the C.D.P. seal, which appears in
+% black-and-white if you don't load this package. Experience by trial
+% and error has shown that some configuration work may be necessary in
+% order to obtain (more or less) correctly-\null looking colors in the
+% seal. This happens because different printers can render color hues
+% in different ways, sometimes producing surprising results.
+% The configuration mechanism works as follows. For each printer
+% you plan to use there should be a definition file that specifies what
+% hues should be used to color the C.D.P. seal. To select which
+% file to load, the user indicates its name in an option passed to the
+% \packlass{\cdpaddon} package. If the user gives no such indication,
+% the package reads from a configuration file the name of the default
+% definition file, and uses that file. In both cases, if the
+% designated definition file cannot be read, the package issues a
+% warning and resorts, for the hues, to an emergency definition
+% (which, as you can expect, is not very pleasant to the eye).
+% \subsubsection{Writing color definition files}
+% The task of a color definition file is simply to define two colors
+% called "slight@col" and "strong@col" (when the definition file is
+% read, the "@"~characters are treated as ordinary letters).
+% "slight@col" is the color used to paint the inner of the D and of
+% the P in the seal, "strong@col" is the color used to draw the lines.
+% You define these colors by means of the "\definecolor" command: see
+% \textsl{\LaTeX book} \cite[Section~7.3 and
+% Subsection~C.14.3]{LaTeXbook} for information about colors and the
+% "\definecolor" command.
+% The file \filedir{\example}, too, contains comments which explain
+% how to write new definition files for the \packlass{\cdpaddon}
+% package. Indeed, this file is supplied only as a prototype: I suggest
+% that you write a new file by making a copy of it (with the
+% appropriate name) and modifying it with the help of the comments.
+% The colors defined in this file are just an example, and indeed they
+% are exactly the emergency colors used internally by the
+% \packlass{\cdpaddon} package when it cannot load a definition
+% file---that is, a completely useless definition!
+% The file \filedir{\example} uses the \texttt{named} color model,
+% but of course you can use any color model you want. Indeed, it is
+% best to use ``direct'' color models like \texttt{rgb} or
+% \texttt{cmyk}, that allow you to drive the printer with precision:
+% after all, it is exactly for this purpose that you are writing the
+% file! The other two definition files included in the C.D.P. Bundle
+% illustrate the use of these color models.
+% \subsubsection{Selecting a color definition file via an option}
+% The first way to select a particular color definition file among the
+% ones you have installed is to pass a suitable option to the
+% \packlass{\cdpaddon} package. More precisely, the option name has
+% the form \opz{printer:}\( \langle\textit{bare file name}\rangle \),
+% all in a row without intervening spaces, where \(
+% \langle\textit{bare file name}\rangle \) is the name of the
+% definition file you want to load \emph{without} the extension
+% \filedir{.def}. For example, to load a file called
+% \filedir{acme-wylejet.def}, you pass the option
+% \opz{printer:acme-wylejet}. Explicitly, you would write
+% \begin{verbatim}\usepackage[printer:acme-wylejet]{cdpaddon}\end{verbatim}
+% to load the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package and the color definitions
+% suitable for the ACME WyleJet printer (the printer preferred by
+% 8~coyotes out of~10). Similarly, to load the file
+% \filedir{\example} you would write
+% \begin{verbatim}\usepackage[printer:cdpshues-example]{cdpaddon}\end{verbatim}
+% and so on. Of course, you can still specify, as well, the other
+% options listed in~\cite{cdpaddon}: for instance,
+% \begin{verbatim}\usepackage[hypertext,printer:acme-wylejet]{cdpaddon}\end{verbatim}
+% activates the hyperlinks and selects the colors for the
+% ACME WyleJet printer.
+% When no \opz{printer:}\ldots\ option is specified, a default
+% definition file is loaded, as explained in the next section. For
+% elegance, you can explicitly request this default definition file with
+% the \opz{printer:Default} option (note the capitalization). Of
+% course, this implies that you cannot have a definition file called
+% \filedir{Default.def}; but \filedir{default.def} is absolutely OK,
+% and you can select it with \opz{printer:default}. Moreover, the
+% \opz{printer:None} option forces the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package to
+% ignore the configuration file and to use the emergency, built-in
+% colors; again, \opz{printer:none}, instead, tries to load a color
+% definition file called \filedir{none.def}.
+% \subsubsection{Declaring the default color definition file}
+% Most users will have only one printer, and even those users who
+% have access to several printers will use one of them more often than
+% the others. Therefore, it is wise to have a second way of selecting
+% a definition file, to be used when the user does not specify one.
+% This is done by indicating in a configuration file the name of a
+% default color definition file. This configuration file is called
+% \filedir{\cdpshues}.
+% The \filedir{\cdpshues} file should contain only zero or one (but
+% preferably one!) "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command. This command
+% can be used only here, and only once, since it deactivates itself
+% when executed, and also stops \LaTeX\ from reading any further in
+% the configuration file. In its unique (mandatory) argument, one
+% puts the name, \emph{without} the extension \filedir{.def}, of the
+% default color definition file. Do not include any other command in
+% your configuration file, because the effect of any other command is
+% undefined.
+% The \filedir{\cdpshues} file included in the C.D.P. Bundle contains
+% comments that help you to modify it in order to declare your new
+% default color definition file(s). The recommended way of doing this
+% is:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% ^^A ( paren match
+% \renewcommand*{\labelenumi}{\theenumi)}
+% \item
+% make a backup copy (good idea indeed!) of the original configuration
+% file under a convenient name, for example
+% \filedir{\cdpshues.original};
+% \item
+% modify the \filedir{\cdpshues} file following the advice given
+% in its comments;
+% \item
+% if you want, delete all comments from the (new version of the)
+% \filedir{\cdpshues} file, to save disk space.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% The obsolete version of the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package
+% documented in~\cite{cdpaddon} was not configurable: it was
+% programmed to read the color definitions from a file called
+% \filedir{cdpshues.def}, and this name was hard-coded in the package.
+% To maintain compatibility with this version, the file
+% \filedir{\cdpshues} included in the C.D.P. Bundle designates as the
+% default color definition file exactly a file named
+% \filedir{cdpshues.def}. Consequently, if you install the supplied
+% files without making any change to them, the \packlass{\cdpaddon}
+% package will continue to exhibit the old behavior, reading the
+% legacy \filedir{cdpshues.def} file if you have one installed, and
+% adopting the emergency colors otherwise. Note that no actual
+% \filedir{cdpshues.def} file is included in the C.D.P. Bundle.
+% \subsection{The image of the ADI seal}
+% The C.D.P. Bundle does \emph{not} include the file containing the
+% image of the ADI seal. The reason for this is purely legal: I~do
+% not own the copyright for the ADI seal, so I have no right to
+% distribute it under a license of my choice. But of course, without
+% this file it is impossible for the \packlass{\adiseal} package, the
+% part of the C.D.P. Bundle that has this task, to print, or display,
+% the seal. Since this is just a legal problem and not a \TeX nical one, I
+% cannot foresee how long it will take to solve it; perhaps I'll
+% never find a solution, because the problem does not depend on
+% me.
+% However, by default the \packlass{\adiseal} package does \emph{not}
+% draw the ADI seal, but simply a placeholder; it will try to draw
+% the seal only if explicitly requested via the \opz{usepixmap} option
+% (see~\cite{adi}). This means that, by default, the package does
+% \emph{not} need the file with the image of the ADI seal, and will
+% try to access it only if invoked with the \opz{usepixmap} option;
+% moreover, this option will be ignored if the file cannot be found.
+% In conclusion, the \packlass{\adiseal} package can recover
+% gracefully even if the file is absent.
+% The \packlass{\adiseal} package expects to find the image of the ADI
+% seal in a file in Encapsulated PostScript format called
+% \filedir{\adiseal.eps}. The image should be exactly \( 60\,\mbox{bp}
+% \) wide and \( 42\,\mbox{bp} \) tall; larger images will be clipped,
+% smaller images will not be well aligned. The resolution is not
+% fixed by the \packlass{\adiseal} package, but of course the best
+% results are obtained when it matches the target printer resolution.
+% I don't think that with this information you will be able to
+% manifacture the correct image by yourself, but at least you can
+% check if a file that you have does (not) fit!
+% Of course, even if I cannot distribute it under the \LaTeX\
+% Project Public License, still I have prepared and made available on
+% the Web an ``official'' \filedir{\adiseal.eps} file (why didn't you
+% say it before, you'll say!): it can be found in
+% \begin{quote}
+% \ttfamily
+% \noindent
+% \rlap{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/adiseal.eps}
+% \end{quote}
+% Its resolution is \( 300\,\mbox{dpi} \), both vertical and
+% horizontal; the image is 250 pixels wide and 175 pixels tall, which,
+% at this resolution, correspond exactly to \( 60\,\mbox{bp} \) by \(
+% 42\,\mbox{bp} \). Again, I am sorry that you need to download this
+% file separately, but\ldots
+% I have also prepared a special enhanced variation of the
+% \filedir{\adiseal.eps} file for use with O\kern-.03em
+% z\kern-.15em\TeX, Andrew Trevorrow's implementation of \TeX\ for the
+% Macintosh. This enhanced file enables O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX\
+% to display the seal on its integrated previewer, and to print it
+% also on non-PostScript printers. To obtain this file, ask it
+% directly to me by e-mail; my address is:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \ttfamily
+% \end{quote}
+% Perhaps, in the future, I shall erect a mail filter to protect
+% myself from junk-mail, so be sure to cite the word
+% \texttt{\adiseal.eps} in the \emph{subject} of your message.
+% \subsection{Documentation}
+% To produce this documentation, run \LaTeX\ three times (for the
+% table of contents to be correct) on the file \filedir{\cdpbundl.dtx}.
+% This won't produce the index and the change history, however: for
+% those, you have to run MakeIndex on the files \filedir{\cdpbundl.idx}
+% and \filedir{\cdpbundl.glo}, produced during the previous \LaTeX\
+% run, with the styles \filedir{} and \filedir{},
+% respectively (these styles are part of the standard \LaTeX\
+% distribution); then pass \filedir{\cdpbundl.dtx} through \LaTeX\
+% twice more.
+% \section{How to use the C.D.P. Bundle}
+% The C.D.P. Bundle contains three \LaTeX\ document classes, namely
+% \packlass{\letteracdp}, \packlass{\articoletteracdp}, and
+% \packlass{\lettcdpadi}, two \LaTeX\ packages, called
+% \packlass{\adiseal} and \packlass{\cdpaddon}, and some definition
+% and configuration files pertaining to the \packlass{\cdpaddon}
+% package. As already said, the actual purpose of this section is not
+% to explain you how to use these macro files, but only to give you
+% references to documents where you can find the explanations.
+% For instructions on how to use the \packlass{\letteracdp} class
+% the reader is referred to \cite{tutti,esempi,etichette,nts,ver028,ver031}.
+% Note, however, that the class is syntactically compatible with the
+% \packlass{letter} standard \LaTeX\ class, in the sense that a
+% document prepared for the \packlass{letter} class can be compiled
+% without errors with the \packlass{\letteracdp} class; but the output
+% will be different.
+% As a minimal reference, fig.~\ref{fig:input} illustrates the typical
+% structure of a simple input file for the \packlass{\letteracdp}
+% document class.
+% \iffalse
+% Meta-comment: a <*gobble> guard is needed here to prevent the
+% DocStrip program from putting the lines beginning with "%%" in the
+% generated files.
+% \fi
+% \begin{figure}[tbp]
+% \begin{verbatim}\documentclass[boldsubject,italicsignature,smartindent]{letteracdp}
+%% Of course, the above options are a matter of personal taste...
+%% Name, address and signature of the sender (the name is optional):
+%\name{Revinu Jitis Drofnats}
+% Revinu~J. \textsc{Drofnats}\\
+% Department of Farm Ecology\\
+% University of St.\thinspace Anford\\
+% Haga Alto, CA~94321 (U.S.A.)
+%\date{January~1, 2005} % as usual, date is optional, default is \today
+%% Since we are writing in English, we redefine a couple of words:
+%% Uncomment the following declaration if you want running heads:
+%% \pagestyle{headings}
+%\begin{letterhead}[Brian~K. Reid]{
+% Prof.~Brian~K. \textsc{Reid}\\
+% Department of Electrical Engineering\\
+% Stanford University\\
+% Stanford, CA~94305 (U.S.A.)
+% This is the optional subject of the letter.
+%% A string to be prepended to the date can be specified in an optional
+%% argument to the \opening command:
+%\opening[St.\thinspace Anford,]{Dear Prof.~Reid,}
+%this letter is typeset using a \texttt{letterhead} environment, so it
+%will be printed with the letterhead of the \emph{Coordinamento} above
+%it; if you don't want it, use the \texttt{letter} environment instead.
+%You can also use the \texttt{foldedletterhead} environment in place
+%of the \texttt{letterhead} environment (or \texttt{foldedletter} in
+%place of \texttt{letter}) to obtain a letter prepared to be folded in
+%three parts, as one usually does before putting it in an envelope.
+%Experiment to see what happens.
+% \caption{A sample input file for the \packlass{\letteracdp}
+% document class}
+% \label{fig:input}
+% \end{figure}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% For instructions on how to use the \packlass{\articoletteracdp}
+% class, see~\cite{novita}.
+% For instructions on how to use the \packlass{\adiseal} package and
+% the \packlass{\lettcdpadi} class, see~\cite{adi}.
+% For instructions on how to use the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package,
+% see~\cite{cdpaddon}. Note, however, that this document describes an
+% obsolete version, which lacks the ability to deal with several color
+% definition files.
+% Please note that before using the C.D.P. Bundle you must read the
+% following license to see whether its terms are acceptable for you,
+% especially for what concerns the lack of any warranty; if they are
+% not, don't use this program.
+% \subsection{License}
+% \label{sS:License}
+% The C.D.P. Bundle is \emph{not} in the public domain: its author,
+% Gustavo \textsc{Mezzetti}, owns the copyright, and in general retains
+% all the rights therein; but as a special exception, the author
+% grants you the permissions indicated below.
+% \subsubsection{Distribution and/or modification}
+% The C.D.P. Bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version~1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest
+% version of this license is in
+% \begin{quote}
+% \ttfamily
+% \end{quote}
+% and version~1.3 or later is part of all distributions of \LaTeX\
+% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle has the LPPL maintenance status ``author-maintained''.
+% The file \filedir{manifest.txt} included in the C.D.P. Bundle
+% specifies what the C.D.P. Bundle consists of; more precisely,
+% it explains how the locutions ``Work'' and ``Compiled Work'',
+% used in the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, are to be interpreted
+% in the case of this work.
+% \subsubsection{Use}
+% The use of the C.D.P. Bundle is unrestricted, provided that you
+% accept the terms and conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public
+% License and of the following subsection for what concerns the absence
+% of any warranty.
+% \subsubsection{No warranty}
+% There is absolutely no warranty for the C.D.P. Bundle. The
+% Copyright Holder provides the C.D.P. Bundle ``as is'', without
+% warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but
+% not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
+% fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality
+% and performance of the C.D.P. Bundle is with you. Should the
+% C.D.P. Bundle prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary
+% servicing, repair, or correction.
+% In no event will The Copyright Holder, or any other party who may
+% distribute and/or modify the C.D.P. Bundle as permitted by the
+% \LaTeX\ Project Public License, be liable to you for damages,
+% including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages
+% arising out of any use of the C.D.P. Bundle or out of inability to
+% use it (including, but not limited to, loss of data, data being
+% rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by anyone as a result of any
+% failure of the C.D.P. Bundle to operate with any other programs),
+% even if The Copyright Holder or said other party has been advised of
+% the possibility of such damages.
+% \subsection{Options of the \packlass{\letteracdp} class}
+% Of course, you load the \packlass{\letteracdp} class by means of the
+% usual "\documentclass" declaration, which allows you to specify
+% various options. For some reason, the complete list of all the
+% options recognized by this class has never been given in any of the
+% previous documents containing instructions about it; so, we give it
+% here.
+% We shall now list all the options recognized by the
+% \packlass{\letteracdp} class, including the standard ones it can
+% understand. If an option does not appear in the list given below,
+% then that option is not recognized by the \packlass{\letteracdp}
+% class, even if it is a standard one (that is, documented in the
+% \textsl{\LaTeX book}~\cite{LaTeXbook}).
+% We begin with the list of standard options. Since they are
+% already described in the \textsl{\LaTeX book}~\cite{LaTeXbook}, we
+% describe only the options that behave differently from the standard;
+% the others are just listed without description.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\iopz{10pt}\eopz{11pt}\eopz{12pt}\fopz]
+% \item[\iopz{letterpaper}\eopz{legalpaper}\eopz{executivepaper}\eopz
+% {a4paper}\eopz{a5paper}\eopz{b5paper}\fopz]
+% \hfil\null\linebreak
+% Note that \packlass{\letteracdp} uses \opz{a4paper} as the default.
+% \item[\iopz{landscape}\fopz]
+% \item[\iopz{final}\eopz{draft}\fopz]
+% \item[\iopz{oneside}\eopz{twoside}\fopz]
+% \item[\iopz{onecolumn}\eopz{twocolumn}\fopz] The \opz{twocolumn}
+% option is recognized, but triggers an error; the \opz{onecolumn}
+% option is recognized, but it is ignored because in any case the
+% document is typeset in one-column mode. Note, however, that
+% requesting \opz{onecolumn} as a global option could make sense:
+% precisely, it could serve to inform possible packages that the
+% document has only one column. But, precisely for this reason, this
+% option is requested by default during the class initialization;
+% there is hence no reason to specify it, but it does no harm.
+% \item[\iopz{leqn}\fopz]
+% \item[\iopz{fleqn}\fopz]
+% \end{description}
+% We now list the option specific to the \packlass{\letteracdp} class.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\iopz{mediumsubject}\eopz{boldsubject}\fopz]
+% The \opz{mediumsubject} option requests that the subject of the
+% letters be typeset in medium weight, while the \opz{boldsubject}
+% option makes it appear in boldface type. The default is
+% \opz{mediumsubject}.
+% \item[\iopz{uprightsignature}\eopz{italicsignature}\fopz]
+% The \opz{uprightsignature} option requests that the signature of the
+% letters be typeset in upright shape, while the \opz{italicsignature}
+% option makes it appear in italic shape. The default is
+% \opz{uprightsignature}.
+% \item[\iopz{noPS}\eopz{usePS}\fopz]
+% The \opz{noPS} option requests that the CDP seal be typest using
+% only the standard \LaTeX\ fonts, so that the output be printable on
+% any kind of printer, even without a PostScript interpreter. On the
+% other hand, the \opz{usePS} option requests that it be printed using
+% PostScript commands: this enhances its graphical quality, but
+% printing the seal will require a PostScript interpreter. The
+% default is \opz{noPS}. \emph{Warning:} If you use this option with
+% the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package, parts of the seal will be
+% incorrectly drawn in black.
+% \item[\iopz{indent}\eopz{noindent}\eopz{smartindent}\eopz{shortindent}\fopz]
+% These options are used to specify the paragraph indentation, but
+% only for letters; any portion of text that is not included in a
+% letter---but normally there is no such text---is not affected by
+% these options. The \opz{indent} option sets the paragraph
+% indentation, for letters, to one tenth of the text width,
+% unless this amount looks too bad, in which case the indentation
+% is set to 2~pica. The \opz{noindent} option completely
+% suppressess paragraph indentation within letters. The \opz{smartindent}
+% option sets the paragraph indentation, for letters, to the width
+% of (the last line of) the salutation, unless this amount looks
+% too bad, in which case it behaves like \opz{indent}. The \opz{shortindent}
+% option maintains also for letters the same indentation used for
+% text not included in letters (see below); its name, chosen to be
+% more easily remembered, is due to the fact that normally it involves
+% a shorter indentation than the default one. The default is \opz{indent}.
+% I repeat that these options do not affect any text that should appear
+% outside of letters, whose paragraphs will be always indented by
+% 2~em, where the unit of 1~em is taken from the main document font;
+% this is also the paragraph indentation for letters if the
+% \opz{shortindent} option is specified. Paragraphs of
+% postscripts are never indented.
+% \item[\iopz{105x37labels}\eopz{70x37labels}\eopz{Avery5352labels}\fopz]
+% These options indicate the format of the address labels. The
+% first two options indicate address labels of mm~105\,$\times$\,37
+% and mm~70\,$\times$\,37, respectively. The third option
+% indicates the address labels used by the standard \packlass{letter}
+% class. Note the uppercase letter in \opz{Avery5352labels}. The
+% default is \opz{105x37labels}.
+% \end{description}
+% \StopEventually{
+% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
+% \providecommand*\bysame{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\thinspace}
+% \clearpage
+% \begin{thebibliography}{9}
+% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}
+% \setcounter{enumiv}{-1}
+% \bibitem{LaTeXbook}
+% L.~Lamport, \emph{\LaTeX---A Document Preparation System---User's
+% Guide and Reference Manual}, 2nd~edition, Addison-Wesley,
+% Reading, 1994.
+% \bibitem{tutti}
+% G.~Mezzetti, \emph{Breve presentazione d'una classe \LaTeX, denominata
+% \packlass{\letteracdp}, utile nella preparazione delle lettere del
+% Coordinamento}, technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/presentazione.tex}}
+% \bibitem{esempi}
+% \bysame, \emph{Esempi d'uso della classe \packlass{\letteracdp}},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/esempi.tex}}
+% \bibitem{etichette}
+% \bysame, \emph{Etichette degli indirizzi con la classe \packlass{\letteracdp}},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/etichett.tex}}
+% \bibitem{novita}
+% \bysame, \emph{Grandi novit\`{a} per \packlass{\letteracdp}:
+% arriva \packlass{\articoletteracdp}!}, technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/novita.tex}}
+% \bibitem{nts}
+% \bysame, \emph{Forse non tutti sanno che\ldots},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/nontuttisanno.tex}}
+% \bibitem{ver028}
+% \bysame, \emph{Annuncio delle versioni 0.28 della classe \packlass{\letteracdp}
+% e 0.08 della classe \packlass{\articoletteracdp}},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/ver0-28.tex}}
+% \bibitem{adi}
+% \bysame, \emph{Come usare il pacchetto \packlass{\adiseal}
+% (e la classe \packlass{lettcdpadi})},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/adisealistr.tex}}
+% \bibitem{cdpaddon}
+% \bysame, \emph{Il pacchetto \packlass{\cdpaddon}},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/cdpaddonistr.tex}}
+% \bibitem{ver031}
+% \bysame, \emph{Annuncio della versione 0.31 del \emph{C.D.P. Bundle}},
+% technical note downloadable from:\\
+% \rlap{\texttt{\string~mezzetti/Gustavo/Ludic/CDP/ver0-31.tex}}
+% \end{thebibliography}
+% }
+% \clearpage
+% \part{Implementation}
+% \section{About this part}
+% This part is of interest only to \LaTeX\ hackers; to avoid
+% having this part printed, look in the file \filedir{\filename}
+% for a line that looks \emph{exactly} like this
+% \begin{verbatim}%% \OnlyDescription % uncomment to discard Implementation part\end{verbatim}
+% and remove the two leading percent signs ("%%").
+% \section{A driver for this document}
+% This part of the file is \emph{not} included in any generated file:
+% it is simply the driver.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% To begin with, we load the \packlass{ltxdoc} class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We now set a few typesetting options.
+% First of all, we want a history listing and a full index, the latter
+% organized by line numbers.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A two-column index is better than a three-column one, because we
+% have some rather long entries.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If you don't want to include the second part of this document,
+% \emph{Implementation}, uncomment the line containing the command
+% "\OnlyDescription".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% \OnlyDescription % uncomment to discard Implementation part
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Finally, setting "\hfuzz" and "\vfuzz" to 0~points is only one
+% of the many neurotic symptoms of the author!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now input this same file, using \DS\ conventions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \DocInput{cdpbundl.dtx}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Then print the change list and the index. We put these commands in
+% the driver, rather than in the comments of this file, because
+% producing the change list and the index is somewhat cumbersome, and some
+% users could prefer to omit them: such users should simply use a
+% different driver.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \clearpage \PrintChanges
+ \clearpage \PrintIndex
+% \end{macrocode}
+% When this file is read directly by \LaTeX\ without the intervention
+% of \DS, the following line will make \TeX\ stop
+% reading.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End of driver module.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The code for the \packlass{\letteracdp} class}
+% This part of the file goes into \filedir{\letteracdp.cls}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The reader must be warned that this is only a preliminary release
+% of this code: a thorough reorganization of the macros has already
+% been planned for future releases. Instead of putting all the code
+% in a single file and giving it the form of a document class,
+% in future releases the code will be split into several files,
+% part of which will be packages, part definition and/or
+% configuation files, and so on.
+% \subsection{Identification}
+% I don't remember exactly why I asked for the June 1997 release
+% of \LaTeXe, but I am sure that there was a reason; so, let us
+% continue to ask for it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1997/06/01] % LaTeX2e is required!
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The usual identification; the string \texttt{(**incomplete**)}
+% will eventually be removed, I hope!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [2005/01/01 v0.33 (**incomplete**)]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Print a copyright message on the terminal, just below the name
+% of the class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\typeout{Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Gustavo MEZZETTI,
+ all rights reserved.}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@letteracdp}
+% Define a macro containing the name of the class; it will be used
+% in error and warning messages. This is done for two reasons:
+% first of all, to save tokens in macro definitions, but also to
+% avoid the risk of mispelling the name of the class in some place.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Initial code}
+% \begin{macro}{\Coordinamento}
+% Define the following macros near the beginning of the code, so
+% it will be easy to change them. The first is the full name of
+% the \emph{Coordinamento}:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ Coordinamento dei Dottorandi e dei Dottori di Ricerca
+ dell'Universit\`a di Padova%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\CoordinamentoWWW}
+% The second is its web address:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Declare the fonts used to print the letterhead and the footer;
+% they are declared as ``fixed fonts'' so that they are not
+% affected by options (\emph{e.g.}, \opz{12pt}), packages
+% (\emph{e.g.}, \opz{times}), and so on.
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@nss}
+% Main font for letterhead is Computer Modern Sans Serif 12pt
+% (LetterHead\slash Normal Sans Serif):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareFixedFont\@lh@nss{OT1}{cmss}{m}{n} {12}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@bss}
+% A couple of initials are printed using a bigger font, that is,
+% Computer Modern Sans Serif 17pt (LetterHead\slash Bigger Sans
+% Serif):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareFixedFont\@lh@bss{OT1}{cmss}{m}{n} {17}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@rm}
+% Main font for footer: Computer Modern Roman 9pt
+% (LetterHead\slash RoMan):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareFixedFont\@lh@rm {OT1}{cmr} {m}{n} {9}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@it}
+% The words ``World Wide Web'' are printed in italics
+% (LetterHead\slash ITalics):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareFixedFont\@lh@it {OT1}{cmr} {m}{it}{9}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@tt}
+% And finally, the web address is printed in teletype font
+% (LetterHead\slash TeleType):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareFixedFont\@lh@tt {OT1}{cmtt}{m}{n} {9}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@ptsize}
+% The following macro will be used later to decide which ``class
+% layout'' file to load.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% A couple of useful commands that are missing from the \LaTeX\
+% kernel; we leave this explicative comment in the code too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% A couple of useful things that are missing from the LaTeX kernel:
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@newrigidlength}
+% The first is similar to "\newlength", but allocates a
+% \textoken{dimen} rather than a \textoken{glue}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifdefinable#1{\newdimen#1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@msetlength}
+% The second can be used to say, for instance,
+% to set "\someRubberLength" to twice the value of
+% "\anotherRubberLength", without destroying the stretch and
+% shrink components (recall that, on the contrary,
+% only sets the \emph{natural length} of "\someRubberLength" to
+% twice the \emph{natural length} of "\anotherRubberLength", and
+% both the stretch and shrink components of "\someRubberLength" to
+% zero).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ #1#3\multiply#1#2\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% A number of counter, lengths, etc.\ are defined here, at the
+% beginning of the class, to detect as soon as possible if any name
+% conflicts with an already defined one. The idea is that, since the
+% class is pretty long, it is better to avoid to discover near the end
+% that it cannot be used because of a name that is already defined;
+% but of course, with the speed of modern computers this is not at all
+% a problem, so it is very likely that in future releases all
+% declarations will be moved to the place they naturally belong to.
+% Presently, however, they are almost all listed here; for many of
+% them, some explanations are given here, and a more precise description
+% is delayed to the spot where the corresponding entity is used.
+% \counterindex{letter}
+% First, we introduce a counter to keep track of the number of letters
+% produced. \textbf{Warning:} {\em this counter is used also for
+% internal bookkeeping, so don't change its value unless you know what
+% you are doing!}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \counterindex{emptyaddrlabels}
+% The following five counters are used in connection with the
+% address labels optionally printed at the end of a compiled file.
+% The \texttt{emptyaddrlabels} counter holds the number of labels to
+% leave blank when starting to print (the first sheet of) the address
+% labels; this is useful if some labels on the same sheet have already
+% been peeled off.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \counterindex{addrlabelrows}
+% A single sheet of address labels contains many labels. For example,
+% in the well-known (in the U.S.) Avery 5352 format each sheet contains
+% ten labels, organized in two columns and five rows. Other formats
+% contain different number of rows and columns of labels. To cope with
+% all these different formats, the number of rows and columns of labels
+% is kept in two counters: \texttt{addrlabelrows} holds the number of
+% rows
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \counterindex{addrlabelcolumns}
+% and \texttt{addrlabelcolumns} holds the number of columns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \counterindex{label}
+% The \texttt{addrlabelrows} and \texttt{addrlabelcolumns} counters
+% are usually set once for all by the code provided in a suitable
+% "\DeclareOption" declaration, as the result of the user's request of
+% one of the options devoted to specifying the address label format
+% (\opz{105x37labels}, etc.). In some exceptional circumstances,
+% they can also be reset by the user, but even in this case, once set
+% they are not changed any more. They are therefore not real
+% ``counters'', but rather (style) parameters. The following two
+% counters, instead, are ``real'', \emph{running} counters: they hold a
+% running index which identifies the current label. The \texttt{label}
+% counter holds the index of a label inside a given letter
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \counterindex{totallabel}
+% while the \texttt{totallabel} counter holds the global index of a
+% label, that is, the index of the label in the whole document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% It is possible that a single letter has more than one label
+% associated, because sometimes letters are sent to more than one
+% addressee.
+% \counterindex{equation}
+% \counterindex{footnote}
+% \counterindex{mpfootnote}
+% In our document class, the letter is the main unit in which the
+% document is organized. Therefore, we want that equations, footnotes,
+% and footnotes inside minipages be numbered within letters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@left@margin}
+% The second type of parameters we are going to define are rigid
+% lengths (\textoken{dimen}'s). The first two govern the position of
+% the CDP seal with respect to the text margins (see also
+% fig.~\ref{fig:plo} on page~\pageref{fig:plo}). More precisely,
+% "\@lh@left@margin" is the horizontal distance from the left margin of
+% text to the \emph{right} edge of the seal\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lh@right@margin}
+% \ldots and "\@lh@right@margin" is the distance from the right edge of
+% the rule found in the rightmost part of the letterhead to the right
+% margin of text.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% A couple of lenghts used as internal registers, to hold
+% values that must be passed to certain macros---we shall explain
+% their use when we come to it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\longindentation}
+% The following are style parameters used to govern the typesetting
+% of the addresses and of the signature. Some of them, in turn, are
+% defined in terms of another, crucial style parameter, the so-called
+% ``long indentation''; this is the length by which items that appear
+% in the right-hand half of the letter should be indented: roughly, it
+% is equal to half the value of "\textsize", but it can be fine-tuned
+% at ``"\begin{document}"-time'' for better alignment with some parts
+% of the letterhead.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\senderindentation}
+% The amount by which the sender address should be indented:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\senderwidth}
+% The width of the column in which the sender address should be
+% typeset:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addresseeindentation}
+% The indentation\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addresseewidth}
+% \ldots and column width for the addresse address:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\signatureindentation}
+% Indentation\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\signaturewidth}
+% \ldots and width for the signature:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\foldedheight}
+% There are macros that provide the ability to typeset letters that
+% are going to be folded before being put into the envelopes; these
+% macros assure that no text is typeset astride of the folding. The
+% vertical distance from the upper edge of the \emph{paper} (not of
+% the text) to the folding is kept in "\foldedheight". A value of
+% zero or less (\emph{e.g.}, $-"\maxdimen"$) prohibits folded letters:
+% this can be useful for certain paper sizes, and for safety it is set
+% here as the default. For paper sizes that allow folded letters, the
+% actual value of "\foldedheight" is set by the code given in the
+% relevant "\DeclareOption".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\foldedheight{-\maxdimen}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@folding@ht}
+% In general, the default setting of "\foldedheight" provided by the
+% option handling mechanism should be sufficient. However, the user
+% is allowed to change the value of "\foldedheight", preferably in the
+% preamble, but also in the document body, if a certain simple
+% precaution is taken. This can be useful if one wants to alter the
+% default behavior, \emph{e.g.}, to have letters that are two-folded
+% rather then three-folded, or to allow folded letters also when using
+% a paper format, like A5, that normally does not allow it. Useful,
+% sure, but it rises a problem: the algorithm that decides where to
+% split the text between the part that must go above the folding
+% and the part that must go below it requires that the value of
+% "\foldedheight" lie within a certain range. Obviously we cannot ask
+% the user to know what range is acceptable, so we adopt the
+% following solution: we define an ``internal backup'' of
+% "\foldedheight", called "\@folding@ht" for historical reasons;
+% then, the user is asked to call the macro "\checkfoldedheight"
+% (see below) whenever (s)he changes the value of "\foldedheight";
+% this macro check the new value and, if it is OK, copies it in the
+% internal dimension "\@folding@ht" (actually, after some scaling
+% conversions), otherwise it sets an internal flag which disables
+% folded letters and issues a warning. A slight variant of
+% "\checkfoldedheight", which differs only in the warning
+% produced, is called automatically at the "\begin{document}", so
+% the user is \emph{not} required to call "\checkfoldedheight" if
+% the changes to "\foldedheight" are made in the preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following three dimensions will be described when we come to
+% the point where they are used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now we pass to rubber lengths, \emph{i.e.}, \TeX's
+% \textoken{skip}'s. The first two are something like internal
+% registers used to pass certain style parameters back and forth
+% between macros.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@below@folding@skip}
+% This is an internal style parameter which specifies the amount of
+% vertical blank space that should be left, in folded letters, between
+% the folding and the text that follows it. It can be redefined in
+% packages or other classes, or, in an emergency, by the final user.
+% It is a rubber length, but in this class it is assigned, as we shall
+% see later, a value without stretch or shrink components. Note that
+% the actual space left between the folding and the text will usually
+% be greater than, or at most equal to, the value of
+% "\@below@folding@skip", because lines of text are usually aligned to
+% integer multiples of half the "\baselineskip".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following ten (rubber) length are style parameters that affect
+% the amount of vertical space left before and after certain building
+% blocks, like addresses and signature. The user can freely change
+% them with "\setlength". Note that all these spaces are added with
+% "\addvspace", so only the largest one survives if two of them occur
+% in a row.
+% \begin{macro}{\aboveaddressvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space above the sender's or addressee's
+% address:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\andaddressvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space between two consecutive addresses
+% separated with "\and" or "\andcc":
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\belowaddressvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space below the sender's or addressee's
+% address:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\abovesubjectvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space above the subject:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\presubjectvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space between the text specified with
+% "\presubject" (if any) and the main body of the subject:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\belowsubjectvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space below the subject:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\abovesignaturevspace}
+% The amount of vertical space above the signature:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\abovesignatureshortvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space above the signature when the
+% \mbox{$*$-form} of the "\makesignature" command is used (this
+% happens, for instance, when the \mbox{$*$-form} of the
+% "\closing" command is used):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\belowsignaturevspace}
+% The amount of vertical space below the signature:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\belowpresentationvspace}
+% The amount of vertical space below the presentation as a whole
+% (the presentation contains the sender address, the addressee
+% address, and the optional subject); this also ends the block of
+% these style parameters:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Allocation of some other rigid lengths (\textoken{dimen}'s)
+% follows: these concern the layout of the sheets of address
+% labels that the user wants to employ. To save a few keystrokes,
+% we define the "\do" macro to do the allocation and to initialize
+% the value of the allocated length to zero.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\do#1{\@newrigidlength #1\setlength #1\z@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Then we allocate and initialize the individual lengths.
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelsleftmargin}
+% This is the amount of horizontal space between the left edge of the
+% sheet of address labels and the left edge of the leftmost column of
+% labels on the sheet.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelstopmargin}
+% This is the amount of vertical space between the top edge of the
+% sheet of address labels and the top edge of the upper row of labels
+% on the sheet.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelshsep}
+% This is the amount of horizontal space between two columns of labels
+% on the sheet.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelsvsep}
+% This is the amount of vertical space between two rows of labels on
+% the sheet.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelborder}
+% Normally, you don't want to write into the labels starting from
+% their physical border: you want to leave a little margin between the
+% text inside the labels and their edges. The amount of margin is
+% kept in this style parameter (sorry, no provision is made to specify
+% different margins in the two directions).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following four lengths don't have reasonable default values,
+% so they are not initialized here. The code for each individual
+% address label option will initialize the first two, and the
+% other two are computed later.
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelwidth}
+% The (horizontal) width of a single address label.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabelheight}
+% The (vertical) height of a single address label.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabeltrimwidth}
+% This is a computed value, that the user should regard as
+% read-only: it is the width of a single address label
+% ("\addrlabelwidth"), diminished by twice the width of the
+% border ("\addrlabelborder").
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\addrlabeltrimheight}
+% Analogous: "\addrlabelheight" diminished by twice
+% "\addrlabelborder". This ends this block of code.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Now, we just declare a few names we are going to use. The idea
+% is to trigger an error message if one of them is already defined.
+% \begin{macro}{\@cdp@reserved}
+% This is a reserved name that will be used as a
+% ``general-purpose'' container, much like "\reserved@a", etc.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Miscellaneous names, we shall describe them in a more
+% appropriate place.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@lett@decl}
+% We define a token register used to save declarations to execute
+% when a letter begins (see below).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% We finally arrive to something simple and clearly comprehensible.
+% We initialize the addresses, the signature, etc. to empty strings.
+% To do that, we define the "\do" macro as follows:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesenderaddress}
+% The address of the sender, \emph{including her/his name}:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesendername}
+% The name of the sender (essentially, this is provided only for
+% compatibility with the \packlass{letter} standard \LaTeX\ class):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesendersignature}
+% The signature of the sender:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesenderlocation}
+% The room number, etc., of the sender:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesenderphone}
+% The phone number of the sender:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\theaddresseeaddress}
+% The complete address of the addressee, \emph{including her/his
+% name, title, etc.}:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\theaddresseename}
+% The name of the addressee (used in page headings):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesubject}
+% The subject of the letter:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% There are also some internal macros that need to be initialized to
+% "\@empty".
+% \begin{macro}{\@subject@style}
+% The subject can be typeset either in medium weight or in
+% boldface. This is achieved by inserting the "\@subject@style"
+% token in front of it: its default definition given here makes
+% this token a no-op (no font attributes are changed), but the code
+% that implements options like \opz{mediumsubject} or
+% \opz{boldsubject} can "\let" this token be equal to, say,
+% "\mdseries" or "\bfseries", to obtain the desired changes in the
+% font attributes. If more than one attribute needed to be
+% changed (\emph{e.g.}, if somebody wanted to define a
+% \opz{bolditalicsubject} option), then "\def" should be used
+% instead of "\let"; for instance, one would write
+% \begin{verbatim}\def\@subject@style{\bfseries\itshape}\end{verbatim}
+% We don't make "\@subject@style" a token register because the
+% ``"\let" case'' is the most common.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@signature@style}
+% This is analogous to "\@subject@style", but for the signature.
+% The code for the \opz{uprightsignature} option "\let"s it equal to
+% "\upshape", and the code for the \opz{italicsignature} option to
+% "\itshape".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@begin@letter@hook}
+% This hook is executed when a letter starts, at the very end of the
+% process of setting up the ``letter-making'' environment, just
+% after the declarations stored in "\@lett@decl". It may turn out to
+% be useful in packages and derived classes, and in fact it is used by
+% the \packlass{articoletteracdp} class. It is not a token register
+% because it is envisioned that many independent segments of code
+% will want to store tokens in it, and this can easily be achieved
+% with the "\g@addto@macro" function, which requires that its
+% argument be a macro, not a token register.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@end@letter@hook}
+% This is analogous to "\@begin@letter@hook", but is executed at the
+% end of every ``letter-making'' environment, after its last page has
+% been finished off and ejected, but before writing to the
+% \filedir{.aux} file the information for the associated address labels.
+% Note that there is another hook, called "\stopletter" and described
+% later, which is executed \emph{before} ejecting the last page of
+% the letter.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following macros are defined only inside a \texttt{subject}
+% environment. We want that they cause an error if used outside of that
+% environment, but we also want to be sure that their names are not
+% already defined. We achieve this by calling "\@ifdefinable", and
+% then "\let"ting the relevant token be "\@undefined".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following are integer (numeric) style parameters: they are
+% initialized later, and contain several penalty values used to assist
+% \TeX\ in choosing sightful and meaningful page breaks, and also for
+% other purposes that will be explained later. For now we content
+% ourselves with the simple allocation with "\newcount".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The first five parameters are actually ``constants'' analogous to
+% "\@lowpenalty", "\@medpenalty", and "\@highpenalty"; they are
+% typically assigned very high penalty values, and their names all
+% begin with "\@fold@" because they are used in connection with the
+% algorithm that takes care of ``folded presentations'' (explained
+% later).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The real style parameters begin here. Their values are assigned
+% later, in various spots of the code; indeed, the values assigned
+% vary according to certain circumstances, for example, they are
+% changed from the default when a ``presentation'' is entered.
+% We'll discuss all this later on.
+% \begin{macro}{\@b@frompenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the beginning of a
+% \texttt{sender} environment---the environment used to typeset the
+% sender address.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@i@frompenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted before additional sender addresses
+% separated with "\and".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@e@frompenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the end of a \texttt{sender}
+% environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@b@topenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the beginning of an
+% \texttt{addressee} environment---the environment used to typeset the
+% addressee address.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@i@topenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted before additional addressee addresses
+% separated with "\and" or "\andcc".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@e@topenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the end of an \texttt{addressee}
+% environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@b@subjpenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the beginning of a \texttt{subject}
+% environment---the environment used to typeset the subject.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@e@subjpenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the end of a \texttt{subject}
+% environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@e@prespenalty}
+% This is the penalty inserted at the end of a presentation as a
+% whole.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following are two internal registers, used to pass penalty
+% values back and forth between macros.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@cdp@gencount}
+% We also take the opportunity to define a general-purpose numeric
+% register, used for short-term storage when needed. This ends the
+% block of count registers.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Four internal switches are defined next.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\if@use@eepic@}
+% The user can request, through the \opz{usePS} option, that the
+% \packlass{eepic} package be used to trace the lines that make up the
+% CDP seal, for better graphical result; the user's indication,
+% however, will be honored only if the \packlass{eepic} package is
+% available on the system (of course!). This switch is set to ``true''
+% if the \packlass{eepic} package is present and should be used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\if@do@fold@}
+% This switch is ``true'' when folded letters are allowed, and
+% ``false'' when they are shunned; the setting is made by the
+% "\checkfoldedheight" command, and also at
+% ``"\begin{document}"-time''.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The other two switches cannot be explained here. They are defined
+% differently, without using "\newif", so that they are always changed
+% "\global"ly.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@new@block@true {\global\let\if@new@block@\iftrue }
+ \def\@new@block@false{\global\let\if@new@block@\iffalse}
+ \def\@empty@and@true {\global\let\if@empty@and@\iftrue }
+ \def\@empty@and@false{\global\let\if@empty@and@\iffalse}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We need the following box registers to hold precompiled parts of
+% the letterhead and of the footer.
+% \begin{macro}{\@logo@box@base}
+% This holds the main part of the CDP seal; more precisely, that
+% part that appears both in the \ldots\texttt{letterhead}\ldots\ and in
+% the \texttt{logo}\ldots\ page styles.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@logo@box@addS}
+% This holds the part of the CDP seal that should be added to the
+% part contained in "\@logo@box@base" in order to obtain the seal as
+% it appears in the \texttt{logo}\ldots\ page styles.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@logo@box@addL}
+% This holds the part of the CDP seal that should be added to the
+% part contained in "\@logo@box@base" in order to obtain the seal as
+% it appears in the \ldots\texttt{letterhead}\ldots\ page styles.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@oordinamento@box}
+% This holds the writing ``oordinamento dei Dottorandi di Padova''
+% that appears in the letterhead, with the initial~``C'' being
+% supplied by the seal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@name@and@WWW@box}
+% This holds the footer used in the \texttt{firstletterhead} and
+% \texttt{foldedletterhead} page styles, which contains the full name
+% of the \emph{Coordinamento} and its web address. This ends the
+% block of box registers, too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\and}
+% It is possible to specify several addresses (both for the sender
+% and the addressee) as well as several signatures; the various parts
+% are separated by "\and" commands. Strictly speaking, it is an error
+% to expand the token "\and" anywhere but inside the \texttt{sender},
+% \texttt{addressee}, and \texttt{signatureenv} environments (the
+% environments used to produce the sender address, the addressee
+% address, and the signature, repectively); hence, the correct thing
+% to do here would be to initialize "\and" to produce an error
+% message, and then redefine it in the various environments, as
+% required in each case. But alas, the code for \packlass{\letteracdp} is
+% still incomplete, and this is one of the things I still have to
+% finish: I don't know exactly how to handle a misplaced "\and", so,
+% for now, I simply decide to ignore it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Of course, this definition will be changed inside the
+% abovementioned environments, where "\and" must have a special
+% meaning.
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\andcc}
+% Only inside an \texttt{addressee} environment, the token "\andcc"
+% can be used in place of "\and" to separate addresses of persons to
+% which the letter is sent as a carbon copy. Its default definition,
+% however, is to act as "\and".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% We need to save the definitions, as initialized by the \LaTeX\
+% kernel, of a couple of macros.
+% \begin{macro}{\m@kel@bel}
+% Saved definition of "\makelabel".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@vspace}
+% Saved definition of "\vspace".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@indent@pref}
+% This is a multi-way switch used to implement the \opz{indent},
+% \opz{noindent}, etc.\ options, which govern the way in which
+% paragraphs of letters (except~P.S.) are indented. The code associated
+% with the various options "\let"s this token equal to one of the
+% following keys, which will be interpreted later as specified:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[F (for ``fixed indent'').]
+% Set "\parindent" to one tenth of "\textwidth", with a threshold
+% value of 2~pica (that is, "\parindent" will be at least 2~pica, even
+% if this is more than one tenth of "\textwidth").
+% \item[N (for ``no ident'').]
+% Set "\parindent" to 0~points.
+% \item[L (for ``leave indent'').]
+% The value of "\parindent" that was in effect outside of the
+% current \ldots\texttt{letter}\ldots\ environment is retained.
+% \item[O (sorry, I don't remember for what).]
+% Set "\parindent" to the width of the last line of the salutation
+% (\emph{i.e.}, the argument of "\opening" or "\makeopening"); if the
+% salutation is not given, this is the same as~``F''.
+% \end{description}
+% The default setting is the same as the one implied by the
+% \opz{indent} option.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@ifdefinable\@indent@pref{\let\@indent@pref F}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\voidisOK}
+% Sometimes, in a letter, you want to omit the sender or the
+% addressee address, or the signature, and it is annoying to see a
+% warning about an ``empty something'' that you left empty
+% deliberately. For this reason, inside the environments that produce
+% the addresses and the signature you are allowed to use the command
+% "\voidisOK" to disable such warnings. The idea is that you say
+% something like
+% when you want to declare that the address has intentionally be
+% left void; when the address is actually typeset (and this happens
+% inside an \texttt{addressee} environment), the command "\voidisOK"
+% will be expanded, causing the warning to be suppressed. As for the
+% command "\and", the right thing to do would be to define this
+% command only inside the environments in which it can be used; but
+% there are complications arising from the fact that the text
+% specified inside an "\address" declaration can be expanded also at
+% other times, for instance when typesetting the address labels. For
+% this reason, we take the shortcut of "\let"ting this command equal
+% to "\@empty", so that it will be ignored when it occurs out of place.
+% (We do not "\let" it equal to "\relax" because the latter could
+% confuse an "\ignorespaces"; on the contrary, "\@empty" disappears
+% upon "\write" and "\mark" operations, and this is quite OK.)
+% Where appropriate, "\voidisOK" will be redefined to achieve the
+% desired effect.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\subjectnamegap}
+% If present, the subject of a letter is typeset with hanging
+% indentation, preceded by the text contained in the command
+% "\subjectname" and separated from it by a certain amount of
+% horizontal white space: the width of this white space is specified
+% by the "\subjectnamegap" macro. This is a macro and not a
+% \textoken{dimen} register to allow the length to be specified in
+% terms of the font-dependent units like ``em''. Of course, the
+% hanging indentation includes this horizontal space; note,
+% however, that if "\subjectname" is empty than the
+% "\subjectnamegap" space is not taken into account (older versions
+% of the class left this space even when "\subjectname" was empty,
+% but this bug has now been corrected).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\closingindentation}
+% As for the way of typesetting addresses, different countries have
+% different uses about how to indent the closing of the letter: for
+% instance, in Italy the closing is indented like any other, ordinary
+% paragraph, whilst in anglo-saxon letters it is indented by the same
+% amount by which the sender address is indented. To cope with this,
+% the "\closingindentation" command is introduced, to hold the amount
+% of indentation for the closing: its default definition is
+% "\parindent", so that the closing is indented like an ordinary
+% paragraph, but a ``letter-making'' environment can redefine it,
+% if necessary. It is a command and not a length, because the
+% value of "\parindent" can change, and actually does change, in
+% the sequel.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\signaturealignment}
+% Different countries have different conventions also about how the
+% signature should be aligned; for instance, in the U.S. the
+% signature is set ragged right, but with a hanging indentation equal
+% to the hanging indentation of the sender address, which in the U.S.
+% is printed on the right-hand half of the paper; in Italy, the
+% signature is more or less centered between the margins, and if it
+% contains more than one line, the lines are aligned at their
+% midpoint. In order to accomodate the various conventions, the token
+% "\signaturealignment" is inserted at the beginning of the
+% \texttt{signatureenv} environment (the environment one uses to
+% typeset the signature); it is the responsability of the surrounding
+% \ldots\texttt{letter}\ldots\ environment to "\let" this token equal
+% to "\raggedright", "\centering", etc., as required by the particular
+% letter being produced. This makes it easy, for instance, to define
+% an \texttt{asletter} (anglo-saxon letter) environment that prints
+% letters that obey the U.S. conventions. The default setting given
+% here has no special meaning: it just sets the signature ragged
+% right.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Declaration of options}
+% As a general rule, options pertaining to the same functional group
+% are declared in reverse order of desirability, the default option of
+% the group being declared last. This assures that if more than
+% one option of the same group is erroneously asked for by the
+% user, the ``most desirable'' one (whatever this means) is
+% executed last, thereby remaining in effect.
+% We begin with the options that support the usual page formats.
+% For each such option, the associated code sets appropriate values
+% for the "\paperheight" and "\paperwidth" parameters. The code also
+% sets the "\foldedheight" parameter, which, as explained above,
+% contains the height at which the sheets of paper should be folded in
+% order to put them into an envelope; this parameter is set to more or
+% less one third of "\paperheight". For some paper formats, folding
+% is not adequate: for them, folded letters are disabled by setting
+% "\foldedheight" to $-"\maxdimen"$.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\setlength\paperheight {10.5in}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {7.25in}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{3.5in}}
+ {\setlength\paperheight {14in}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{4.7in}}
+ {\setlength\paperheight {11in}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{3.7in}}
+ {\setlength\paperheight {250mm}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {176mm}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{-\maxdimen}}
+ {\setlength\paperheight {210mm}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {148mm}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{-\maxdimen}}
+ {\setlength\paperheight {297mm}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {210mm}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{100mm}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \opz{landscape} option is implemented as usual, by
+% exchanging the values of "\paperheight" and "\paperwidth" (note that
+% this option is executed after any one of the options that sets the
+% paper dimensions); but we also disable folded letters by setting
+% "\foldedheight" to $-"\maxdimen"$, because usually one does not want
+% to fold a letter set in landscape orientation!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\setlength\@tempdima {\paperheight}%
+ \setlength\paperheight {\paperwidth}%
+ \setlength\paperwidth {\@tempdima}%
+ \setlength\foldedheight{-\maxdimen}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% These are the usual options for setting the main font size: they are
+% copied from the standard \LaTeX\ classes. See, \emph{e.g.}, the
+% documentation of the standard \packlass{letter} class for
+% explanations.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The way of implementing the \opz{oneside}\slash\opz{twoside}
+% options is again copied from the \packlass{letter} standard \LaTeX\
+% class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \DeclareOption{twoside}{%
+ \@latexerr{No `twoside' layout for letters}\@eha
+ }
+ \DeclareOption{twoside}{\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue}
+\DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse \@mparswitchfalse}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \opz{onecolumn}\slash\opz{twocolumn} options are not
+% declared in the \packlass{letter} standard \LaTeX\ class, but I prefer
+% to declare them. The \opz{twocolumn} options causes an error,
+% because I have never seen letters typeset in two columns mode!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@latexerr{No `twocolumn' layout for letters}\@eha
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \opz{onecolumn} option is simply ignored, but it is
+% declared, so that it is removed from the list of unused options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% More options copied from the standard \LaTeX\ classes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now we have four options for setting the way in which the subject
+% of a letter (if present) and the signature are printed. As
+% explained above, the setting is done by "\let"ting a conventional
+% token equal to one of the usual NFSS commands used to set individual
+% font attributes; if more than one attribute needed to be changed,
+% "\def" would be used instead of "\let", but fortunately this is not
+% necessary.
+% Options for the subject: it can be set in boldface type\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \ldots or in medium weight.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Options for the signature: it can be set in italic shape\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \ldots or in upright (normal) shape.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next, we have the options used to tell whether PostScript
+% commands, inserted by means of the \packlass{eepic} package, should be
+% used, or not, to draw the CDP seal. Here we simply set the internal
+% switch according to the user's request; if we later find that the
+% \packlass{eepic} package is not available, we shall force the switch
+% to false.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% (These mean ``use PostScript'' and ``don't use PostScript'',
+% respectively.)
+% Cheer up! We are almost over! (Just with the options, of
+% course!) We are now to the options for the paragraph
+% indentation within letters. They are implemented by setting an
+% internal multi-value switch to a conventional key; the meaning of
+% the keys has already been explained above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareOption{smartindent}{\let\@indent@pref O}
+\DeclareOption{shortindent}{\let\@indent@pref L}
+\DeclareOption{noindent}{\let\@indent@pref N}
+\DeclareOption{indent}{\let\@indent@pref F}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The last three options deal with the format of the address
+% labels. As already said, the format is specified by
+% initializing a number of \textoken{dimen} parameters which
+% specify the ``geometry'' of the sheet of address labels. Many
+% of these parameters have a default value of 0~points: when this
+% default is appropriate, the parameter is not re-initialized in
+% the code given below.
+% We support the Avery 5352 address labels only for compatibility
+% with the standard \packlass{letter} class. I have never seen a sheet
+% of these labels, and the code for the \opz{Avery5352labels}
+% option simply assigns values to the parameters in a way that tries to
+% imitate the geometry described by the code found in the
+% \packlass{letter} class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We have 5~rows of labels.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{addrlabelrows}{5}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Each row contains 2~labels, \emph{i.e.}, we have two columns of
+% labels.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{addrlabelcolumns}{\tw@}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The left edge of the leftmost column is 35~points to the left of
+% the \TeX\ origin, which in turn is 1~inch from the left edge of
+% the paper.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\addrlabelsleftmargin{-35\p@}%
+ \addtolength\addrlabelsleftmargin{1in}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The top edge of the topmost row is 50~points above
+% the \TeX\ origin, which in turn is 1~inch from the top edge of
+% the paper.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\addrlabelstopmargin{-50\p@}%
+ \addtolength\addrlabelstopmargin{1in}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The two columns are separated by 26~points.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\addrlabelshsep{26\p@}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Labels are 262~points wide by 2~inches high.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\addrlabelwidth{262\p@}%
+ \setlength\addrlabelheight{2in}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The code for the labels I had the opportunity to actually see and
+% measure is more elegant, and fits more naturally into the scheme.
+% The following is the setting for the 70\,$\times$\,37 labels (the
+% dimensions are given in~mm).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% 8~rows of labels.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{addrlabelrows}{8}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% 3~columns, \emph{i.e.}, 3~labels in each row.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{addrlabelcolumns}{\thr@@}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Labels are 70\,mm wide by 37\,mm high.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\addrlabelwidth{70mm}%
+ \setlength\addrlabelheight{37mm}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We leave 6\,mm of margin between the border of the labels and the
+% actual printing.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\addrlabelborder{6mm}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The setting for the 105\,$\times$\,37 labels (the default) is
+% similar.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{addrlabelrows}{8}%
+ \setcounter{addrlabelcolumns}{\tw@}%
+ \setlength\addrlabelwidth{105mm}%
+ \setlength\addrlabelheight{37mm}%
+ \setlength\addrlabelborder{6mm}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Option processing}
+% Nothing special to note here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Package loading}
+% In this version of the C.D.P. Bundle, all the original code is
+% put in the file \filedir{\letteracdp.cls}, so in the normal operating
+% mode no packages need to be loaded. This will change in future
+% releases: the code will be split among several packages, to allow
+% the final user to request only some features and not the others;
+% when this happens, this section will become much longer, in order to
+% load all those packages. However, even now it could be necessary to
+% require the \packlass{eepic} package, if the user specified the
+% \opz{usePS} option. At this stage, the presence of this option can
+% be tested for by means of the "\if@use@eepic@" switch.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We check whether the \packlass{eepic} package exists on the
+% system: if it does, we load it, otherwise we force the
+% "\if@use@eepic@" flag to false and issue a warning.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \IfFileExists{eepic.sty}{%
+ \RequirePackage{eepic}%
+ }{%
+ \@use@eepic@false
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Can't find the eepic package;\MessageBreak
+ option usePS ignored (converted to noPS)%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Main code}
+% ^^A ( paren match
+% OK, boys, until now we have just set up a few things; now the real
+% fun begins.~\mbox{:-)} Oh, well, actually it will begin in a few lines:
+% for now we have to do a little more bit of tedious work.~\mbox{:-(}
+% ^^A ) paren match
+% \subsubsection{More initializations}
+% The following initializations have not been put in the
+% \emph{Initial code} section because it is traditional to put
+% them here; moreover, some of them actually require that the code
+% for the options has already been executed, so they must be put
+% here!
+% \begin{macro}{\date}
+% I was ready to swear that I had copied the following
+% redefinition of the "\date" command from the standard
+% \packlass{letter} class\ldots{} Anyway, we redefine "\date" in
+% order to make the changes to the date local instead of global:
+% this is useful if one of the letters has a date which is
+% different from the others. An explicative comments is left in
+% the code too (because "\date" is a command defined in the
+% \LaTeX\ kernel).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% Command \date redefined to make changes to date local.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Usual loading of the suitable \filedir{.clo} file; see the
+% documentation of, \emph{e.g.}, the standard \packlass{letter}
+% class for explanations about the following three lines of code.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\baselinestretch}
+% This command can be redefined by the final user to obtain
+% double-spaced, triple-spaced, etc.\ output. See the
+% \textsl{\LaTeX book} \cite[Subsection~C.3.2]{LaTeXbook}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thelabel}
+% The printed form of the \texttt{label} counter is changed to include
+% also the number of the letter it refers to. Note that we do not
+% change "\p@label" (the prefix used only when printing
+% \emph{references} to the counter), but actually the command used to
+% print the counter itself.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following are the usual constants used to represent typical
+% penalty values; again, see the documentation of the standard
+% classes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@lowpenalty 51
+\@medpenalty 151
+\@highpenalty 301
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We need five more constants of the same type, but with much
+% higher penalty values. They are used in the algorithm that takes
+% care of folded letters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@fold@basepenalty 9000
+\@fold@lowpenalty 9101
+\@fold@medpenalty 9202
+\@fold@highpenalty 9303
+\@fold@toppenalty 9500
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We now initialize the style parameters that contain the penalties
+% inserted around the address blocks and the subject. This values
+% will never be used in practice, because usually the address blocks
+% and the subject are wrapped up in a \ldots\texttt{presentation}
+% environment, and these environments completely redefine the values
+% of these style parameters. The values given here will be used only
+% when a \texttt{sender}, \texttt{addressee}, or \texttt{subject}
+% environment is used without being wrapped in a presentation. These
+% values allow a page break without penalty before each of the blocks
+% and at the end of the subject, mildly discourage a break after the
+% address blocks, and discourage rather strongly a break at an "\and"
+% or "\andcc" token.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Unlike the preceding ones, the following style parameter is not
+% redefined elsewhere. It is the penalty inserted after
+% presentations, and since a presentation typically ends with the
+% subject, the following initialization seems quite natural.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Page layout}
+% The first thing one could begin to find interesting is the code
+% for setting up the page layout. To help the reader to understand
+% what is going on, fig.~\ref{fig:plo} summarizes the basic page
+% layout parameters we are going to speak about.\footnote{If you are
+% reading directly the comments in the \filedir{.dtx} file, instead of
+% typesetting it with \LaTeX, you might find it difficult to follow
+% the forthcoming discussion.} This figure shows the parameters used
+% in the case of an A5~sheet of paper: this allows to fit the entire
+% figure on the page without having to scale it.
+% \begin{figure}[tbp]
+% \centering
+% \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}
+% \begin{picture}(108,200)(-10,0)
+% \thinlines
+% \put(-20,0) {\line(1,0){148}}
+% \put(-20,210){\line(1,0){148}}
+% \put(-20,0) {\line(0,1){210}}
+% \put(128,0) {\line(0,1){210}}
+% \put(10,185){\makebox(88,10)[bl]{\makebox[88mm][s]{^^A
+% \kern -1cm
+% \setlength\unitlength{.625mm}^^A
+% \begin{picture}(32,16)(-3,7.87)
+% \thinlines
+% \put(8,16){\oval(10,10)[l]}
+% \put(8,11){\line(0,1){10}}
+% \put(9,11){\framebox(3,20){}}
+% \put(18,16){\oval(10,10)[r]}
+% \put(18,11){\line(0,1){10}}
+% \put(14,1){\framebox(3,20){}}
+% \thicklines
+% \put(8,16){\oval(16,16)[l]}
+% \put(8,8){\line(1,0){5}}
+% \put(13,24){\line(1,0){10}}
+% \put(8,16){\oval(14,14)[l]}
+% \put(8,9){\line(1,0){5}}
+% \put(13,23){\line(1,0){10}}
+% \put(18,8){\line(1,0){10}}
+% \put(18,9){\line(1,0){10}}
+% \end{picture}^^A
+% \lhnss oordinamento dei {\lhbss D}\kern-.033333em ottorandi di
+% {\lhbss P}\kern-.1em adova\enspace\hrulefill\kern-1cm
+% }}}
+% \put(10,40){\makebox(88,130)[tl]{\begin{minipage}[t]{88mm}
+% \vrule height 10pt depth 0pt width 0pt \relax
+% Text text text text text text text text text text text text
+% text text text text text text text text text text text text.
+% \end{minipage}}}
+% \put(10,25){\makebox(88,3.514598035146)[tl]{\parbox[t]{88mm}{^^A
+% \setlength{\parfillskip}{0pt}
+% \noindent\rule{0pt}{10pt}\kern-1cm\hrulefill\kern-1cm\par
+% \setlength{\baselineskip}{11pt}
+% \hbox to \hsize{\hss\lhrm
+% Coordinamento dei Dottorandi e dei Dottori di Ricerca
+% dell'Universit\`{a} di Padova
+% \hss}
+% \hbox to \hsize{\hss
+% \lhit World Wide Web:\/
+% \lhtt\string~assdott/^^A
+% \hss}
+% }}}
+% \linethickness{0.1pt}
+% \put(-27,210){\line(1,0){17}}
+% \put(-27,195){\line(1,0){125}}
+% \put(-27,185){\line(1,0){142}}
+% \put(-27,170){\line(1,0){142}}
+% \put(-27,40) {\line(1,0){142}}
+% \put(-27,25) {\line(1,0){142}}
+% \put(10,25) {\line(0,1){192}}
+% \put(98,25) {\line(0,1){192}}
+% \put(20,185){\line(0,1){37}}
+% \put(5,215) {\vector(1,0){5}}
+% \put(10,215){\line(1,0){10}}
+% \put(55,215){\vector(-1,0){35}}
+% \put(55,215){\makebox(0,35)[br]{\strut\ttfamily\bslash @lh@left@margin}}
+% \put(63,215) {\vector(1,0){35}}
+% \put(63,215){\makebox(0,35)[bl]{\strut\ttfamily\bslash @lh@right@margin}}
+% \put(98,215){\line(1,0){10}}
+% \put(113,215){\vector(-1,0){5}}
+% \put(108,25){\line(0,1){197}}
+% \put(0,25) {\line(0,1){12}}
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+% \put(45,30){\vector(-1,0){35}}
+% \put(45,30){\makebox(0,35)[br]{\strut\ttfamily\bslash @lh@right@margin}}
+% \put(-15,35){\vector(1,0) {15}}
+% \put(-5,35) {\vector(-1,0){15}}
+% \put(-10,35){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\strut $2\,\mbox{cm}$}}
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+% \put(10,220) {\vector(-1,0){30}}
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+% \put(123,220){\vector(-1,0){15}}
+% \put(118,220){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\strut $2\,\mbox{cm}$}}
+% \put(113,195){\vector(0,1) {15}}
+% \put(113,200){\vector(0,-1){15}}
+% \put(113,197.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{ $2.5\,\mbox{cm}$}}
+% \put(113,175){\vector(0,1) {10}}
+% \put(113,180){\vector(0,-1){10}}
+% \put(113,177.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{ $1.5\,\mbox{cm}$}}
+% \put(113,30){\vector(0,1) {10}}
+% \put(113,35){\vector(0,-1){10}}
+% \put(113,32.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{${}\ge1.5\,\mbox{cm}$}}
+% \put(113,10){\vector(0,1) {15}}
+% \put(113,15){\vector(0,-1){15}}
+% \put(113,12.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{ $2.5\,\mbox{cm}$}}
+% \put(-25,200){\vector(0,1) {10}}
+% \put(-25,205){\vector(0,-1){10}}
+% \put(-25,202.5){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$\mbox{\ttfamily\bslash topmargin}+1\,\mbox{in}$ }}
+% \put(-25,189){\vector(0,1) {6}}
+% \put(-25,191){\vector(0,-1){6}}
+% \put(-25,190){\makebox(0,0)[r]{{\ttfamily\bslash headheight} }}
+% \put(-25,175){\vector(0,1) {10}}
+% \put(-25,180){\vector(0,-1){10}}
+% \put(-25,177.5){\makebox(0,0)[r]{{\ttfamily\bslash headsep} }}
+% \put(-25,100){\vector(0,1) {70}}
+% \put(-25,110){\vector(0,-1){70}}
+% \put(-25,105){\makebox(0,0)[r]{{\ttfamily\bslash textheight} }}
+% \put(-25,30){\vector(0,1) {10}}
+% \put(-25,35){\vector(0,-1){10}}
+% \put(-25,32.5){\makebox(0,0)[r]{{\ttfamily\bslash footskip} }}
+% \put(-10,100){\vector(1,0) {20}}
+% \put(0,100) {\vector(-1,0){20}}
+% \put(-5,100) {\makebox(0,0)[b]{\parbox[b]{4cm}{\centering
+% \strut\texttt{\bslash oddsidemargin}\\
+% or\\
+% \texttt{\bslash evensidemargin}\\
+% ${}+1\,\mbox{in}$\strut
+% }}}
+% \put(48,100){\vector(1,0) {50}}
+% \put(60,100){\vector(-1,0){50}}
+% \put(54,100){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\strut\ttfamily\bslash textwidth}}
+% \end{picture}
+% \caption{Basic page layout parameters}
+% \label{fig:plo}
+% \end{figure}
+% Before discussing the page layout parameters, let us make a brief
+% digression to illustrate what we are trying to achieve and what
+% difficulties we need to solve. We would like that the seal and
+% certain other details of the letterhead and the footer appeared in
+% fixed positions with respect to the physical edges of the sheet:
+% fig.~\ref{fig:plo} shows these fixed distances, explicitly given in
+% centimeters, among the others, indicated by their symbolic name.
+% This rises a little problem: we want to typeset the letterhead and
+% the footer as standard \LaTeX\ headers and footers, but the
+% subroutine for the header or the footer installed with a
+% "\ps@"\ldots\ declaration is called inside a box of width
+% "\textwidth" and aligned with the main body of text. In other
+% words, when typesetting the header, or the footer, one has no direct
+% means to refer to the page boundaries: the only available reference
+% points are the margins of the main body of text. For this reason,
+% it is necessary to precompute the offset from the text margins of
+% the various points that we want to appear in fixed positions. For
+% instance, looking at fig.~\ref{fig:plo}: if we know that the left
+% margin of the text runs exactly at \( 3\,\mbox{cm} \) from the left
+% border of the sheet, and we want the left edge of the writing
+% ``oordinamento dei Dottorandi di Padova'' to lie at exactly \(
+% 4\,\mbox{cm} \) from this border, we need to set the
+% "\@lh@left@margin" parameter to \( 1\,\mbox{cm} \), to indicate that
+% the left edge of the writing should lie \( 1\,\mbox{cm} \) to the
+% right of the left text margin.
+% But this is only half of the story; the other half is best
+% illustrated with an example. Suppose you are typesetting on A4~paper,
+% using 10 points fonts (these are precisely the settings chosen by
+% default). If you calculate the text margins and the text width
+% following the recommendations given by the authors of \LaTeX\ for
+% this particular combination of paper and font sizes, you will
+% discover that the left margin of the main text runs at, say, \(
+% 4.2\,\mbox{cm} \) from the left border of the sheet. (I~don't want
+% to compute the exact value just now, since this is only an example,
+% but I know that the actual value is very close to this, so the
+% example is meaningful.) If, according to what we have just said, you
+% set "\@lh@left@margin" to \( -0.2\,\mbox{cm} \), you will end with
+% the writing ``oordinamento\ldots'' that fails to be aligned with the
+% main text by just \( 2\,\mbox{mm} \)---which is awful to see.
+% Clearly, in a case like this it is better to foresee that
+% "\@lh@left@margin" is going to receive a small value, and to adjust
+% the left margin of the main body of text to \( 4\,\mbox{cm} \), so
+% that "\@lh@left@margin" can be set to \( 0\,\mbox{pt} \). This is
+% just what the class does, and the final visual effect is, let
+% me say, pretty good indeed\ldots
+% To sum up, the strategy for setting the page layout parameters
+% should be as follows:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item\label{plostep1}
+% Compute the main text width and margins according to usual \LaTeX\
+% recommendations.
+% \item\label{plostep2}
+% Figure out whether the margins computed in step~\ref{plostep1} fall
+% too close to some of the points of the letterhead that we want to
+% stay in fixed position, and, if it is so, adjust them so that they
+% are exactly aligned with those positions.
+% \item\label{plostep3}
+% Allow the user to change the values computed in step~\ref{plostep2},
+% in case (s)he needs to set the margins to some special value.
+% \item\label{plostep4}
+% Compute the offset of those fixed points from one of the text
+% margin (\emph{e.g.}, "\@lh@left@margin" in the example above), using
+% whatever values for the margins are in effect after
+% step~\ref{plostep3}, in such a way to be able to correctly position
+% the abovementioned points using only the text margins as a reference.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Of course, step~\ref{plostep3} occurs in the preamble; this means
+% that step~\ref{plostep4} must be performed during the
+% "\AtBeginDocument" hook.
+% As already said, the fixed distances of the layout design are all
+% shown in fig.~\ref{fig:plo}; from this distances, from the relations
+% shown in the figure, and from the additional information that the
+% main body of text should be horizontally centered between the edges
+% of the sheet, it is possible to deduce the values of almost all the
+% basic page layout parameters once the value for "\textwidth" has
+% been (cleverly) chosen. Some of these parameters are readily
+% readable: for instance, fig.~\ref{fig:plo} clearly states that
+% "\headsep" should be equal to \( 1.5\,\mbox{cm} \); other parameters
+% may require some computations, and may even not be completely
+% determined: for instance, from the figure you see that \(
+% "\topmargin"+"\headheight" = 2.5\,\mbox{cm}-1\,\mbox{in} \), but you
+% cannot tell what the single values of "\topmargin" and "\headheight"
+% are. In the last case, the inherent uncertainty does no harm,
+% because the "\headheight" parameter is not used to position any
+% graphical element of the letterhead: it suffices to assure that it
+% allows enough room for the other, ordinary running heads; in
+% practice, that there is room for a line of text in the largest
+% supported font size (\emph{i.e.}, 12~points). Setting "\headheight"
+% to \( 1\,\mbox{cm} \) definitely satisfies this requisite, and has the
+% nice additional aesthetical advantage that the lines delimiting the
+% head run exactly along the outer strokes of the ``C'' in the seal.
+% (Note that decreasing or increasing the value of "\headheight" does
+% not alter the dimensions of the seal: the dimensions of the seal are
+% fixed, and the seal appears as a box of null width and height.)
+% We shall now discuss the parameters shown in fig.~\ref{fig:plo}
+% one by one. Of course, many of them are standard \LaTeX\ page
+% layout parameters, and do not require particular explanations.
+% The first decision I took was to locate the lower right corner of
+% the seal in a fixed position \( 4\,\mbox{cm} \) across and \(
+% 2.5\,\mbox{cm} \) down from the upper left corner of the page. The
+% value of \( 4\,\mbox{cm} \) was chosen because it was twice the
+% design width of the seal; $2.5$~is the golden section of~$4$. I then
+% placed the upper margin of the main body of text \( 4\,\mbox{cm}
+% \) from the upper edge of the paper. Also, the rule found to the
+% right of the letterhead extends up to a distance of \( 2\,\mbox{cm}
+% \) from the right edge of the paper; the rule of the footer is
+% aligned with that of the letterhead on the right, and on the left it
+% extends to a symmetric distance. From these fixed setting, one
+% deduces the other parameters: let us see how.
+% \begin{description}
+% \renewcommand*\makelabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep\normalfont
+% \texttt{\bslash #1}.}
+% \item[textwidth]
+% This parameter is first of all initialized in the standard
+% \filedir{.clo} files: this assures that the standard \LaTeX\ initial
+% value is used (cf.~step~\ref{plostep1} above). Nevertheless, the
+% value can be subsequently adjusted as explained in
+% step~\ref{plostep2}, to achieve a better alignment with some points
+% of the letterhead.
+% \item[oddsidemargin]
+% This is set to \( \frac{1}{2}("\paperwidth"-"\textwidth") -
+% 1\,\mbox{in} \), to assure that the main body of text is
+% horizontally centered on the page. Note that \LaTeX\ measures
+% "\oddsidemargin" from the \TeX\ origin, and not from the left edge
+% of the paper.
+% \item[evensidemargin]
+% This is set equal to "\oddsidemargin".
+% \item[@lh@left@margin]
+% This is set to \( 4\,\mbox{cm}-"\oddsidemargin"-1\,\mbox{in} \);
+% this setting is done at ``"\begin{document}"-time''
+% (cf.~step~\ref{plostep4} above), to allow the user to change
+% "\oddsidemargin" in the preamble (cf.~step~\ref{plostep3} above).
+% It can be useful to remark that the amount shown in
+% fig.~\ref{fig:plo} is positive when measured according to the
+% sign convention used internally by the code.
+% \item[@lh@right@margin]
+% This is set to \( 2\,\mbox{cm}-"\oddsidemargin"-1\,\mbox{in} \);
+% this setting is done at ``"\begin{document}"-time''
+% (cf.~step~\ref{plostep4} above), to allow the user to change
+% "\oddsidemargin" in the preamble (cf.~step~\ref{plostep3} above).
+% It can be useful to remark that the amounts shown in
+% fig.~\ref{fig:plo} are negative when measured according to the sign
+% convention used internally by the code.
+% \item[topmargin]
+% This is set to \( 2.5\,\mbox{cm}-1\,\mbox{in} \) (because \LaTeX\
+% measures "\topmargin" from the \TeX\ origin, and not from the
+% upper edge of the paper).
+% \item[headheight]
+% This is set to \( 1\,\mbox{cm} \).
+% \item[headsep]
+% This is set to \( 1.5\,\mbox{cm} \).
+% \item[textheight]
+% To avoid underfull "\vbox"es when typesetting pages that contain
+% no glue besides the "\baselineskip" glue (that usually has no
+% ability to stretch or shrink), it is highly recommendable to
+% set "\textheight" to an integer number of text lines, that is,
+% to set it to \( "\topskip" + n\cdot"\baselineskip" \), where
+% $n$~is a natural number. We do this, choosing $n$ to be the
+% largest natural number such that
+% \begin{equation}
+% "\topskip" + n\cdot"\baselineskip" \le "\paperheight"-8\,\mbox{cm}
+% \mbox{.}
+% \label{eq:textheight}
+% \end{equation}
+% \item[footskip]
+% This is set to \( "\paperheight" - "\textheight" -
+% 6.5\,\mbox{cm} \): this assures that the baseline of the footer
+% (along which the rule is traced) runs at \( 2.5\,\mbox{cm} \)
+% from the bottom edge of the paper.
+% \end{description}
+% In the case of "\footskip", note that the baseline of the footer
+% actually means\ldots\ the baseline of the footer! I mean, normal
+% footers (like, for instance, page numbers) are typeset with the
+% baseline at exactly \( 2.5\,\mbox{cm} \) from the bottom edge of the
+% paper; but the footer containing the address of the
+% \emph{Coordinamento} is treated differently, in that it is the
+% horizontal rule which is aligned with the baseline.
+% OK, after all this preliminary blather, we are now ready to return
+% to the code. Since we have already given many explanations, the
+% following comments will be rather terse.
+% We begin to perform some of the initialization described above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following settings pertaining to marginal notes and footnotes
+% are simply copied from the standard \packlass{letter} class: we have
+% no reason to change them.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\setlength\marginparsep {11\p@}
+\setlength{\skip\footins}{10\p@ plus 2\p@ minus 4\p@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Everything we have been saying above was for \LaTeXe\footnote{This
+% term should no longer be used, however: what was once known as
+% \LaTeXe\ has now become \LaTeX\ \emph{tout-court}.}. No attempt is
+% made to support any users who happened to be still using the
+% Palaeolithic \LaTeX~2.09: we simply honor the standard convention
+% according to which certain basic page layout parameters must be set to
+% fixed values in compatibility mode. Note that the alignment of
+% those certain special points of the letterhead to fixed positions
+% will still work even in this case, but the placement of the main
+% body of text will be awful, in the best hypothesis. Note also that,
+% in general, "\textheight" will not at all be of the form \(
+% "\topskip" + n\cdot "\baselineskip" \).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\oddsidemargin{53pt}
+ \setlength\evensidemargin{53pt}
+ \setlength\marginparwidth{90pt}
+ \setlength\textwidth{365\p@}
+ \setlength\textheight{505\p@}
+ \setlength\footskip{25\p@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Very well, now that the have get rid of that bothersome
+% parenthesis of compatibility mode, we can go on with our
+% initialization code. We now take care of "\textwidth" and
+% "\oddsidemargin". These parameters have already been initialized in
+% a \filedir{.clo} file---and this was step~\ref{plostep1}, see above.
+% Now we take care of step~\ref{plostep2}. Put
+% \[
+% "\@tempdima" = \textit{total\_left\_margin} :=
+% {"\paperwidth"-"\textwidth"\over 2}
+% \mbox{.}
+% \]
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\@tempdima{\paperwidth}
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-\textwidth}
+ \setlength\@tempdima{.5\@tempdima}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \( \textit{total\_left\_margin} < 3.25\,\mbox{cm} \), that is,
+% if the left margin measured from the paper edge is too narrow, then
+% we set "\oddsidemargin" to \( 3\,\mbox{cm} \), thereby aligning the
+% left margin with the centre of the seal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\@tempdima < 3.25cm % align to centre of logo
+ \setlength\oddsidemargin{3cm}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If \( 3.25\,\mbox{cm} \le \textit{total\_left\_margin} <
+% 4.5\,\mbox{cm} \), that is, if the left margin measured from the paper
+% edge is sufficiently close to the predetermined position of the right
+% edge of the seal, then we align the former to the latter, by
+% setting "\oddsidemargin" to~\( 4\,\mbox{cm} \).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else\ifdim\@tempdima < 4.5cm % align to right edge of logo
+ \setlength\oddsidemargin{4cm}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In all other cases, we set "\oddsidemargin" to the computed
+% $\textit{total\_left\_margin}$.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else % keep the computed margin
+ \setlength\oddsidemargin{\@tempdima}
+ \fi\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Whatever value we have set "\oddsidemargin" to, we reset
+% "\textwidth" according to it.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\textwidth{\paperwidth}
+ \addtolength\textwidth{-2\oddsidemargin}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Of course, we must not forget to subtract \( 1\,\mbox{in} \) from
+% "\oddsidemargin": we shall do this later.
+% The following segment of code sets the width of marginal
+% paragraphs (marginal notes). We first try to use up all the
+% margin, leaving only a gap of "\marginparsep" (already
+% initialized above) on the text side, and of \( 7\,\mbox{mm} \)
+% from the paper edge. The latter should suffice with modern laser
+% printers, but other printers might have more restrictive
+% mechanical constraints that can affect their ability to print so
+% close to the paper edge: let's hope everything works\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\marginparwidth{\oddsidemargin}
+ \addtolength\marginparwidth{-\marginparsep}
+ \addtolength\marginparwidth{-7mm}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% However, with some paper formats (\emph{e.g.}, with landscape
+% orientation) the above setting may yield very wide marginal notes,
+% which is undesirable. Therefore, if the value just set exceeds one
+% third of "\textwidth", we cut it down to this value, provided that
+% the latter is at least \( 90\,\mbox{pt} \).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\@tempdima{.33333\textwidth}
+ \ifdim\marginparwidth > \@tempdima
+ \ifdim\@tempdima < 90pt\else
+ \setlength\marginparwidth{\@tempdima}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% All the main horizontal page layout parameters have been set. We
+% can now convert "\oddsidemargin" into \TeX's coordinate system: we
+% did not do this before to ease other computations. We also set
+% "\evensidemargin".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-1in}
+ \setlength\evensidemargin{\oddsidemargin}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We turn now to vertical parameters. We set "\textheight"
+% according to~\eqref{eq:textheight} and "\footskip" as stated above.
+% First step:
+% \[
+% "\@tempdima" = \textit{max\_desired\_text\_height}
+% := "\paperheight"-8\,\mbox{cm}
+% \mbox{.}
+% \]
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight}
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-8cm}
+ \setlength\footskip{\@tempdima}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Remove the first line, which is only "\topskip" high:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-\topskip}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set "\textheight" to the largest possible integer multiple of
+% "\baselineskip":
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip
+ \@tempcnta=\@tempdima
+ \setlength\textheight{\@tempcnta\baselineskip}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Put in again the first line:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \addtolength\textheight{\topskip}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% "\footskip" is still equal to \( "\paperheight"-8\,\mbox{cm} \);
+% finish its initialization (cf.~above):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \addtolength\footskip{-\textheight}
+ \addtolength\footskip{1.5cm}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following "\fi" goes with "\if@compatibility":
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\computelongindentation}
+% As explained above, "\longindentation" is a parameter that should
+% set to roughly half the value of "\textwidth", with optional
+% fine-tuning for better graphical results. The setting is made
+% by the "\computelongindentation" macro, which is available also
+% to the final user: if (s)he alters the value of "\textwidth",
+% then (s)he should also call this macro to update the value of
+% "\longindentation". The macro takes care of all the necessary
+% fine-tuning.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% More precisely, "\longindentation" is set as follows: the first
+% attempt is to set it equal to the width of the writing
+% ``oordinamento dei Dottorandi di Padova'' ("\@oordinamento@box"
+% is initialized below), because this makes for a great visual
+% effect\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\@tempdima{\wd\@oordinamento@box}%
+ \setlength\longindentation{\@tempdima}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \ldots but this ideal value will only be retained if it falls within
+% the closed range \( [\frac{1}{2}"\textwidth"-2.5\,\mbox{mm},
+% \frac{1}{2}"\textwidth"+12.5\,\mbox{mm}] \), that is, sufficiently
+% close to \( \frac{1}{2}"\textwidth" \) (which is the case for the
+% most common page formats, like \opz{a4paper}); otherwise, \(
+% \frac{1}{2}"\textwidth" \) will be used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{2.5mm}%
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<.5\textwidth
+ \setlength\longindentation{.5\textwidth}%
+ \else
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-12.5mm}%
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>.5\textwidth
+ \setlength\longindentation{.5\textwidth}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A final check is also made to assure that "\longindentation" falls
+% within the closed range \( [\frac{4}{10}"\textwidth",
+% \frac{6}{10}"\textwidth"] \).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\longindentation<.4\textwidth
+ \setlength\longindentation{.5\textwidth}%
+ \else\ifdim\longindentation>.6\textwidth
+ \setlength\longindentation{.5\textwidth}%
+ \fi\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following part of the code deals with initializations the have
+% to be deferred until the "\begin{document}" hook. The most complex
+% of these is the check about the "\foldedheight" parameter. Recall
+% that this parameter, which is initialized to a default value by the
+% code which handles the \ldots\opz{paper} options, can be altered by
+% the user at any time, but has to be converted in an internal form
+% afterwards; before making the conversion, we need to check that the
+% value lies in the prescribed range. If this is not the case, we
+% issue a warning and set the "\if@do@fold@" switch to false: the
+% following two macros, which are used below, take care of this,
+% providing two different types of warning. They take two arguments,
+% used to modify the warning printed to the user: argument \#1 will be
+% either the word ``short'' or the word ``tall'', and argument \#2
+% will contain text giving further help.
+% \begin{macro}{\@folding@ht@warn}
+% This macro is invoked when the value of "\foldedheight" is found
+% to be wrong in the check that is made during the "\AtBeginDocument"
+% hook.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{\@letteracdp}{%
+ \protect\foldedheight\space ignored:
+ it is too #1!\MessageBreak
+ (#2.)\MessageBreak
+ Folded letters will be shunned%
+ }%
+ \@do@fold@false
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@folding@ht@NO}
+% This macro is used by the "\checkfoldedheight" command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Bad value of \protect\foldedheight: it is too #1!\MessageBreak
+ (#2.)\MessageBreak
+ Therefore, at present folded letters are _shunned_;\MessageBreak
+ warning issued%
+ }%
+ \@do@fold@false
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@folding@ht@OK}
+% The following, instead, is the macro used to inform the user that
+% the value of "\foldedheight" is correct. It sets the "\if@do@fold@"
+% switch to true, too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Checked \protect\foldedheight,
+ current value is acceptable.\MessageBreak
+ Therefore, at present folded letters are _allowed_;\MessageBreak
+ warning issued%
+ }%
+ \@do@fold@true
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Uncommented code starts here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\foldedheight>\z@
+ \ifdim\foldedheight>.6\paperheight
+ #1{tall}{% action to take if value is bad
+ It must not exceed 0.6\protect\paperheight%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \setlength\@folding@ht{\foldedheight}%
+ \addtolength\@folding@ht{-1in}%
+ \addtolength\@folding@ht{-\topmargin}%
+ \addtolength\@folding@ht{-\headheight}%
+ \setlength\@lh@folding@ht{-\@folding@ht}%
+ \addtolength\@folding@ht{-\headsep}%
+ \ifdim\@folding@ht<2.5cm
+ #1{short}{% action to take if value is bad
+ At least 2cm _of_text_ and 0.5cm of margin\MessageBreak
+ must be allowed above the folding%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \setlength\@above@folding@margin{1cm}%
+ \setlength\@above@folding@shrink{5mm}%
+ \setlength\@below@folding@skip{5mm}%
+ \dimen4 .5\baselineskip
+ \dimen@ \@folding@ht
+ \advance\dimen@ \@below@folding@skip
+ \advance\dimen@ -\topskip
+ \dimen@ii -\dimen@
+ \divide\dimen@ \dimen4%
+ \count@ \dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@ii \count@\dimen4%
+ \addtolength\@below@folding@skip{\dimen@ii}%
+ \addtolength\@folding@ht{-\@above@folding@margin}%
+ #2% action to take if value is OK
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@do@fold@false
+ \fi
+ \@checkfoldedheight\@folding@ht@NO\@folding@ht@OK
+ \setlength\@lh@left@margin{4cm}%
+ \addtolength\@lh@left@margin{-1in}%
+ \addtolength\@lh@left@margin{-\oddsidemargin}%
+ \setlength\@lh@right@margin{\@lh@left@margin}%
+ \addtolength\@lh@right@margin{-2cm}%
+ \@checkfoldedheight\@folding@ht@warn\@do@fold@true
+ \let\@folding@ht@warn\@undefined
+ \@lh@nss oordinamento dei {\@lh@bss D}\kern-.033333em ottorandi di
+ {\@lh@bss P}\kern-.1em adova\enspace
+ \setlength\aboveaddressvspace {\medskipamount}%
+ \@msetlength\andaddressvspace {2}{\medskipamount}%
+ \@msetlength\belowaddressvspace {3}{\medskipamount}%
+ \setlength\abovesubjectvspace {\medskipamount}%
+ \setlength\presubjectvspace {\medskipamount}%
+ \@msetlength\belowsubjectvspace {3}{\medskipamount}%
+ \@msetlength\abovesignaturevspace {6}{\medskipamount}%
+ \setlength\abovesignatureshortvspace{\bigskipamount}%
+ \setlength\belowsignaturevspace {\bigskipamount}%
+ \@msetlength\belowpresentationvspace{3}{\medskipamount}%
+\setlength\senderindentation {\z@}
+\setlength\senderwidth {\textwidth}
+\setlength\addresseewidth {\textwidth}
+\setlength\signaturewidth {\textwidth}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Page styles}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\automark % default is to put page no. and addressee in the header
+%% We need to change even the definition of the standard page styles.
+ \let\@oddhead\@empty
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty
+ \let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \let\@oddhead\@empty
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@oddhead\@empty
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@first@foot
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \def\@oddhead{\hfill\@folding@tag}%
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@first@foot
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@oddhead\@cdp@head
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@oddhead\@cdp@head
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@cdp@foot
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \def\@oddhead{\@cdp@head\@folding@tag}%
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@cdp@foot
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \def\@oddhead{\@cdp@logo\hfill}%
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \automark
+ \let\@oddhead\@r@head
+ \let\@evenhead\@l@head
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \automark
+ \def\@oddhead{\@cdp@logo\@r@head}%
+ \let\@evenhead\@l@head
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \usermark
+ \let\@oddhead\@r@head
+ \let\@evenhead\@l@head
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \usermark
+ \def\@oddhead{\@cdp@logo\@r@head}%
+ \let\@evenhead\@l@head
+ \let\@oddfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@evenfoot\@centred@folio
+ \let\@oddhead\@cdp@head
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty
+ \let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \def\@oddhead{\@cdp@logo\hfill}%
+ \let\@evenhead\@empty
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty
+ \let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \reset@font\hfil\thepage\hfil
+ \reset@font\slshape\hfil\ignorespaces\leftmark\unskip\/\hfil
+ \reset@font\slshape\hfil\ignorespaces\rightmark\unskip\/\hfil
+ \reset@font
+ \raisebox{-24\p@}[\z@]{%
+ \hb@xt@\textwidth{%
+ \ifcase \@ptsize\relax
+ \normalsize
+ \or
+ \small
+ \or
+ \footnotesize
+ \fi
+ \thesenderlocation \hfill \thesenderphone
+ }%
+ }\hss
+ \if@do@fold@
+ \raisebox{\@lh@folding@ht}[\z@][\z@]{%
+ \makebox[\z@][l]{%
+ \dimen@ -\@lh@right@margin
+ \advance\dimen@ 1cm%
+ \kern\dimen@ \vbox{%
+ \kern -.1\p@
+ \hrule \@height .1\p@ \@depth .1\p@ \@width 5mm%
+ \kern -.1\p@
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Macros for drawing the CDP seal}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begin{picture}(32,16)(-3,7.87)%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(10,10)[l]}%
+ \put(8,11){\line(0,1){10}}%
+ \put(9,11){\framebox(3,20){}}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(10,10)[r]}%
+ \put(18,11){\line(0,1){10}}%
+ \put(14,1){\framebox(3,20){}}%
+ \thicklines
+ \put(8,16){\oval(16,16)[l]}%
+ \put(8,8){\line(1,0){5}}%
+ \put(13,24){\line(1,0){10}}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(14,14)[l]}%
+ \put(8,9){\line(1,0){5}}%
+ \put(13,23){\line(1,0){10}}%
+ \end{picture}%
+ \begin{picture}(32,16)(-3,7.87)%
+ \thicklines
+ \put(18,8){\line(1,0){8}}%
+ \put(18,9){\line(1,0){8}}%
+ \end{picture}%
+ \begin{picture}(32,16)(-3,7.87)%
+ \thicklines
+ \put(18,8){\line(1,0){10}}%
+ \put(18,9){\line(1,0){10}}%
+ \end{picture}%
+ \kern\@lh@left@margin
+ \copy\@logo@box@base \copy
+ \@logo@overlay\@logo@box@addS
+ \@logo@overlay\@logo@box@addL
+ \copy\@oordinamento@box \hrulefill \kern\@lh@right@margin
+\setbox\@name@and@WWW@box = \vtop{%
+ \baselineskip 11\p@
+ \hb@xt@\z@{\hss \@lh@rm\Coordinamento \hss}%
+ \hb@xt@\z@{%
+ \hss
+ \@lh@it World Wide Web:\/
+ \@lh@tt \CoordinamentoWWW
+ \hss
+ }%
+ \reset@font
+ \setlength\@tempdima{\textwidth}%
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-2\@lh@right@margin}%
+ \hss\parbox[t]{\@tempdima}{%
+ \parfillskip\z@skip
+ \noindent\hrulefill\@@par
+ \baselineskip 11\p@
+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\copy\@name@and@WWW@box\hfil}%
+ }\hss
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{``Letter-making'' environments}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand*\name [1]{\def\thesendername{#1}}
+\newcommand \signature[1]{\def\thesendersignature{#1}}
+\newcommand \address [1]{\def\thesenderaddress{#1}}
+\newcommand \location [1]{\def\thesenderlocation{#1}}
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \def\@beginlabels{\begin{labels}}%
+ \def\@beginlabelgroup{\begin{labelgroup}}%
+ \let\@mlabel\basemlabel
+ \def\@endlabelgroup{\end{labelgroup}}%
+ \def\@endlabels{\end{labels}}%
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\write\@mainaux{\string\@beginlabels}\fi}%
+ \AtEndDocument{%
+ \if@filesw\immediate\write\@mainaux{\string\@endlabels}\fi}}
+ \onecolumn
+ \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page \else
+ \thispagestyle{empty}\null\newpage
+ \fi\fi
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\ignorespaces #1\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@
+ \unhbox\z@ #2%
+ \else
+ \unhbox\z@
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{environment}{baseletter}
+% \changes{0.31}{2001 Dec 01}{Reintroduced the first mandatory argument
+% to hold local initializations}
+% All the ``letter-making'' environments are based upon this one,
+% which is the lowest-level one. Its purpose is to take the basic
+% actions that are needed to begin and end every kind of letter. In
+% this version of the code it takes two arguments (this has changed
+% several times among different releases), which are meant to contain
+% code that performs any custom initialization required by the
+% higher-level environments (or by the user, if this environment is
+% called directly by the user). The code passed in~"#1" is executed
+% before the core initializations provided by "baseletter", but inside
+% the group implied by this environment; the code passed in~"#2" is
+% executed as the last thing. Other arguments will be picked up by the
+% "\x@baseletter" or "\y@baseletter" macro.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ #1%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Save~"#2" in a token register for later execution:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@lett@decl{#2}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Obvious initializations; note that "\cleardoubleemptypage" calls
+% "\onecolumn".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \cleardoubleemptypage
+ \c@page\@ne
+ \refstepcounter{letter}%
+ \typeout{Letter \number\c@letter}%
+ \interlinepenalty 200 % smaller than the TeXbook value
+ \parskip\medskipamount
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Set "\parindent" according to the option specified by the user.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@indent@pref L\else
+ \ifx\@indent@pref N%
+ \setlength\parindent{\z@}%
+ \else
+ \ifdim .1\textwidth>2pc
+ \setlength\parindent{.1\textwidth}%
+ \else
+ \setlength\parindent{2pc}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Continue initialization in two different ways, according to the
+% presence or not of the first optional argument.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar[\x@baseletter\y@baseletter % ] bracket matching
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Code for ending letters. "\stopletter" is a hook reserved to the
+% user; it is executed \emph{before} the last page of the letter is
+% finished off.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \stopletter
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now ensure vertical mode and add a zero-cost page break \emph{above}
+% the vertical glue (possibly) present at the end of the page: this
+% allows to discard the glue after the signature if this is needed to
+% fit the letter in the page, even if "\stopbreaks" is in effect after
+% the signature. Should this be a ``"-\@M"''-cost page break instead?
+% (Probably yes, but not sure of all implications, so leave it this
+% way.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@@par\addpenalty\z@
+ \clearpage
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following is a hook reserved to extensions of the
+% \packlass{letteracdp} class; it is used, for instance, by
+% \packlass{articoletteracdp}. Note that it is executed \emph{after}
+% ejecting the last page of the letter.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@end@letter@hook
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Write to the \filedir{.aux} file the data for the address labels.
+% This is rather tricky because we can have multiple addressees
+% \emph{and} multiple senders.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@filesw
+ \begingroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Assure that "\\", "~" and "\protect"'ed tokens are written literally
+% instead of being expanded:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\\\relax
+ \let ~\relax
+ \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A { bracket match
+% The following hack causes "\and" (and "\andcc") to expand into
+% "}\@gobble{"
+% ^^A } bracket match
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\and{%
+ \iffalse{\fi}\expandafter\@gobble\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi
+ }%
+ \let\andcc\and
+% \end{macrocode}
+% "\returnaddress" contains the addresses of the senders, separated by
+% "\and"; thanks to the above hack, only the first is saved into
+% "\@cdp@reserved", and the others are "\@gobble"'d.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\@cdp@reserved{{\returnaddress}}%
+ \def\and{%
+ \iffalse{\fi}^^J%
+ \string\@mlabel{\@cdp@reserved}{\iffalse}\fi
+ }%
+ \let\andcc\and
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{%
+ \string\@beginlabelgroup ^^J%
+ \string\@mlabel
+ {\@cdp@reserved}{\theaddresseeaddress}^^J%
+ \string\@endlabelgroup
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{environment}
+% Back to uncommented code.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\theaddresseename{#1}%
+ \def\theaddresseeaddress{#2}%
+ \@baseletter
+ \@cut@andcc #1\andcc @@@%
+ \def\theaddresseeaddress{#1}%
+ \@baseletter
+ \def\thesubject{#1}%
+ \if@twoside
+ \@mkboth{%
+ \noexpand\@safe@space\noexpand\headtoname\noexpand\enspace
+ \ignorespaces\theaddresseename\unskip \hfill \noexpand\@date
+ }{%
+ \noexpand\@date \hfill
+ \noexpand\@safe@space\noexpand\headtoname\noexpand\enspace
+ \ignorespaces\theaddresseename % \unskip put by \@?@head
+ }%
+ \else
+ \@mkboth{}{%
+ \noexpand\@safe@space\noexpand\headtoname\noexpand\enspace
+ \ignorespaces\theaddresseename\unskip \hfill \noexpand\@date
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \the\@lett@decl
+ \@begin@letter@hook
+ \@cut@and #1\and @@@%
+ \@cut@nl #1\\@@@%
+ \@cut@par #1\par @@@%
+ \def\theaddresseename{#1}%
+ \interlinepenalty\@M
+ \def\par{\ifvmode\else\@@par\nobreak\fi}%
+ \let\\\@nobreakcr
+ \let\vspace\@nobreakvspace
+ {\@ifstar\@vspacer\@nobreakvspacex}
+ \ifvmode
+ \nobreak
+ \vskip #1%
+ \vskip\z@skip
+ \else
+ \@bsphack
+ \vadjust{\@restorepar
+ \nobreak
+ \vskip #1%
+ \vskip\z@skip
+ }%
+ \@esphack
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar{\@normalcr*}{\@normalcr*}%
+ \interlinepenalty 200%
+ \let\par\@@par
+ \let\\\@normalcr
+ \let\vspace\@@vspace
+ \par\nobreak\stopbreaks
+ \ifx#2N%
+ \renewcommand*\makepresentation{\makenormalpresentation}%
+ \renewenvironment*{presentation}{%
+ \normalpresentation
+ }{%
+ \endnormalpresentation
+ }%
+ \else\ifx#2F%
+ \renewcommand*\makepresentation{\makefoldedpresentation}%
+ \renewenvironment*{presentation}{%
+ \foldedpresentation
+ }{%
+ \endfoldedpresentation
+ }%
+ \fi\fi
+ \setlength\senderindentation {\z@}%
+ \setlength\senderwidth {#3}%
+ \setlength\addresseeindentation{#3}%
+ \setlength\addresseewidth {\textwidth}%
+ \addtolength\addresseewidth{-\addresseeindentation}%
+ \setlength\signatureindentation{.3\textwidth}%
+ \setlength\signaturewidth {.6\textwidth}%
+ \renewcommand*\closingindentation{\parindent}
+ \renewcommand*\signaturealignment{\centering}%
+ \standardvertspaces
+ \baseletter{}{%
+ #1%
+ }%
+ \@@letter{\thispagestyle{#1}}%
+ \@@letter{}L%
+ \@letter{firstpage}N{.5\textwidth}%
+ \@letter{foldedpage}F{.5\textwidth}%
+ \@letter{firstpage}N\longindentation
+ \@letter{foldedpage}F\longindentation
+ \@letter{firstletterhead}N\longindentation
+ \@letter{foldedletterhead}F\longindentation
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Addresses and subject}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \parshape \@ne\@block@inden\@block@width
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \@nobreakfalse \@minipagefalse % these are already \global
+ \@new@block@false \@empty@and@false % these too
+ \everypar{\@block@parshape}%
+ \@block@parshape
+ \@block@@everypar
+ \@custom@block#1#4#5#6#8#9%
+ \@block@inden #2%
+ \@block@width #3%
+ \def\voidisOK{\global\let\@empty@block\@empty}%
+ \everypar{\@block@everypar}%
+ \@@custom@block #7%
+ \@custom@block#1#3#4#5#7#8%
+ \sbox\@labels{\normalfont\ignorespaces #2\unskip}%
+ % We use \@labels to save a box register.
+ \@block@inden\wd\@labels
+ \ifdim\@block@inden>\z@
+ \advance \@block@inden by \subjectnamegap \relax
+ \wd\@labels\@block@inden
+ \fi
+ \@block@width\textwidth \advance\@block@width -\@block@inden
+ \everypar{%
+ \parshape \tw@ \z@\textwidth \@block@inden\@block@width
+ \box\@labels
+ \@block@@everypar
+ }%
+ \@@custom@block #6%
+ \if@inlabel \indent \fi
+ \let\par\@@par \par
+ \if@newlist \@noitemerr \fi
+ \let\makelabel\m@kel@bel
+ \@nobreakfalse
+ \@noskipsecfalse
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@
+ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \@rightskip\z@skip
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue
+ \ifx#1Y%
+ \parskip #2\relax
+ \ifdim\lastskip>\parskip
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \else
+ \advance\parskip -\lastskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \fi
+ \parindent\z@
+ \linewidth\textwidth
+ \hsize\textwidth
+ \@block@space #4%
+ \@block@andspace #3%
+ \@i@penalty #5%
+ \@e@penalty #6%
+ \stopbreaks
+ \@new@block@true \@empty@and@true
+ \addpenalty #1%
+ \color@begingroup
+ \color@endgroup
+ \if@new@block@
+ \@empty@block
+ \else
+ \if@empty@and@
+ \@empty@and
+ \fi
+ \ifx#1Y%
+ \addpenalty\@e@penalty
+ \addvspace\@block@space
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \everypar{}%
+ \addpenalty\@i@penalty
+ \addvspace\@block@andspace
+ \makebox[\z@][r]{\normalfont\@safe@space{#1}\quad}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ \if@empty@and@
+ \@empty@and
+ \else
+ \makeandvspace
+ \fi
+ \@empty@and@true
+ \everypar{\@block@everypar}%
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ \protect\and\space with nothing inside%
+ }%
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Empty sender address%
+ }%
+ \let\@empty@block\@empty@sender
+ \let\and\@block@nd
+ \x@custom@block #1%
+ \senderindentation\senderwidth
+ \aboveaddressvspace\andaddressvspace\belowaddressvspace
+ \@b@frompenalty\@i@frompenalty\@e@frompenalty
+ \raggedright
+\newenvironment*{sender} {\@sender Y}{\end@custom@block Y}
+\newenvironment*{sender*}{\@sender N}{\end@custom@block N}
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Empty addressee address%
+ }%
+ \let\@empty@block\@empty@addressee
+ \let\and\@block@nd
+ \def\andcc{\@block@nd
+ \everypar\expandafter{\the\everypar
+ \makeandcclabel\relax
+ }%
+ }%
+ \x@custom@block #1%
+ \addresseeindentation\addresseewidth
+ \aboveaddressvspace\andaddressvspace\belowaddressvspace
+ \@b@topenalty\@i@topenalty\@e@topenalty
+ \raggedright
+\newenvironment*{addressee} {\@addressee Y}{\end@custom@block Y}
+\newenvironment*{addressee*}{\@addressee N}{\end@custom@block N}
+ \@new@block@false \@empty@and@false
+ \let\presubject\@bad@prsbj
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \leftline{\normalfont\ignorespaces #1\unskip}%
+ \nobreak
+ \parskip\presubjectvspace
+ \ClassError{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Misused \protect\presubject%
+ }{%
+ At the beginning of the subject of a letter
+ you can write something like\MessageBreak
+ \protect\presubject{A short phrase...}
+ in order to typeset "A short phrase..."\MessageBreak
+ just above the subject; but the \protect\presubject\space
+ command must come before\MessageBreak
+ any other text in the subject,
+ and it cannot be used twice.\MessageBreak
+ (If you are wondering where you used the
+ \protect\presubject\space command,\MessageBreak
+ recall that both \protect\registered\space and
+ \protect\registeredRR\space invoke
+ \protect\presubject.)\MessageBreak
+ The offending command will be ignored:
+ try to type \space <return> \space to proceed.%
+ }%
+ \let\@empty@block\@empty
+ \y@custom@block #1%
+ {#2}%
+ \abovesubjectvspace\z@skip\belowsubjectvspace
+ \@b@subjpenalty\@M\@e@subjpenalty
+ \let\presubject\@good@prsbj
+ \def\registered {\presubject{\registeredname}}%
+ \def\registeredRR{\presubject{\registeredRRname}}%
+ \everypar\expandafter{\the\everypar
+ \let\presubject\@bad@prsbj
+ }%
+ \@subject@style
+\newenvironment*{subject} [1][\subjectname]
+ {\@subject Y{#1}}{\end@custom@block Y}
+ {\@subject N{#1}}{\end@custom@block N}
+ \if@new@block@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ \begin{sender#1}\thesenderaddress\end{sender#1}%
+ \@ifstar{\@makesender *}{\@makesender {}}%
+ \begin{addressee#1}\theaddresseeaddress\end{addressee#1}%
+ \@ifstar{\@makeaddressee *}{\@makeaddressee {}}%
+ \begin{subject}[#1]\thesubject\end{subject}%
+ \begin{subject*}[#1]\thesubject\end{subject*}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Presentations}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\@topnum\z@ % prevents figures from going at top of page
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \parindent\z@
+ \@b@frompenalty \@M
+ \@i@frompenalty \@fold@toppenalty
+ \@e@frompenalty \@M
+ \@b@topenalty \@fold@toppenalty
+ \@i@topenalty \@fold@toppenalty
+ \@e@topenalty \@M
+ \@b@subjpenalty \@fold@toppenalty
+ \@e@subjpenalty \@M
+ \interlinepenalty\@M
+ \def\par{\ifvmode\else\@@par\penalty\@fold@toppenalty\fi}%
+ \let\\\@nobreakcr
+ \let\vspace\@nobreakvspace
+ \normalpresentation
+ \endnormalpresentation
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \@setup@pres
+ \par
+ \addpenalty\@e@prespenalty
+ \addvspace\belowpresentationvspace
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ The paper format you chose does not allow\MessageBreak
+ folded letters; making normal presentation.\MessageBreak
+ (Modify \protect\foldedheight\space in the preamble\MessageBreak
+ if you want to alter the default behavior.)\MessageBreak
+ Warning issued%
+ }%
+ \if@do@fold@
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
+ \@setup@pres
+ \color@begingroup
+ \penalty-\@M
+ \prevdepth\z@
+ \else
+ \@nofoldwarning
+ \normalpresentation
+ \fi
+ \if@do@fold@
+ \@@par
+ \color@endgroup
+ \global\dimen@i\prevdepth
+ \@f@ldingfilbreak\@fold@basepenalty
+ \vskip\maxdimen % "discourage" the break at the \penalty-10000
+ \egroup
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \splittopskip\topskip
+ \setbox\tw@\vsplit\z@ to\z@
+ \splittopskip\baselineskip
+ \advance\splittopskip\@below@folding@skip
+ \advance\splittopskip\parskip
+ \setbox\tw@\vsplit\z@ to\@folding@ht
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \box\tw@
+ {\baselineskip\@above@folding@margin \nobreak\null}%
+ \penalty\@highpenalty
+ \ifvoid\z@
+ \vskip\@below@folding@skip
+ \else
+ \unvbox\z@
+ \unskip % remove "\vskip\maxdimen"
+ \unpenalty % remove "\penalty\@fold@basepenalty"
+ \unskip % remove "\vskip \dimen@ plus 1fil minus ..."
+ \unskip % remove "\vskip -\skip@"
+ \unpenalty % remove "\penalty 10000"
+ \prevdepth\dimen@i
+ \addpenalty\@e@prespenalty
+ \addvspace\belowpresentationvspace
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Some text that did not fit into the folded flap\MessageBreak
+ was moved into the main text below the folding;\MessageBreak
+ warning issued%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \endnormalpresentation
+ \fi
+ \if@do@fold@
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \fi
+ \begin{normalpresentation}%
+ \makesender\relax
+ \makeaddressee\relax
+ \makesubject\relax
+ \end{normalpresentation}%
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\maxdepth
+ \dimen@ -\prevdepth
+ \else
+ \dimen@ -\maxdepth
+ \fi
+ \skip@ \lastskip
+ \nobreak
+ \vskip -\skip@
+ \vskip \dimen@ \@plus 1fil\@minus \@above@folding@shrink
+ \penalty #1%
+ \@f@ldingfilbreak#1%
+ \vskip -\dimen@ \@plus -1fil\@minus -\@above@folding@shrink
+ \vskip \skip@
+ \addvspace{#2}%
+ \ifcase #1 \@fold@basepenalty \or \@fold@lowpenalty
+ \or \@fold@medpenalty \or \@fold@highpenalty
+ \else \@fold@toppenalty \fi
+ \ifvmode
+ \penalty\@fold@getpen{#1}%
+ \else
+ \@bsphack
+ \vadjust{\penalty\@fold@getpen{#1}}%
+ \@esphack
+ \fi
+ \@foldingfilbreak{\@fold@getpen{#1}}{#2}%
+ \if@do@fold@
+ \begin{foldedpresentation}%
+ \renewcommand*\makeandvspace{%
+ \@foldingfilbreak\@fold@medpenalty\andaddressvspace
+ }%
+ \makesender\relax
+ \@foldingfilbreak\@fold@medpenalty\z@skip
+ \if@new@block@
+ \aboveaddressvspace \z@\@plus1fil\relax
+ \nointerlineskip\null\nobreak
+ \fi
+ \makeaddressee\relax
+ \@foldingfilbreak\@fold@lowpenalty\z@skip
+ \makesubject\relax
+ \end{foldedpresentation}%
+ \else
+ \@nofoldwarning
+ \makenormalpresentation
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Date, salutation, signature, enclosures\ldots}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx#2Y%
+ \nobreak\medskip
+ \fi
+ \noindent\@safe@space{#1}\space\@date\par
+ \ifx#3Y%
+ \nobreak\medskip
+ \fi
+\newcommand*\makedate [1][]{\@make@date{#1}NN}
+\newcommand*\maketopdate [1][]{\@make@date{#1}NY}
+ \ClassWarning{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Empty signature%
+ }%
+ \let\@empty@block\@empty@signature
+ \let\and\@block@nd
+ \x@custom@block Y%
+ \signatureindentation\signaturewidth
+ #1#1\z@skip
+ \@M\@M\@M
+ \signaturealignment\@signature@style
+ \end@custom@block N% not "Y" for efficiency
+ \addvspace\belowsignaturevspace
+ \@signatureenv\abovesignaturevspace
+ \end@signatureenv
+ \@signatureenv\abovesignatureshortvspace
+ \end@signatureenv
+ \begin{signatureenv#1}%
+ \ifx\thesendersignature\@empty
+ \thesendername
+ \else
+ \thesendersignature
+ \fi
+ \end{signatureenv#1}%
+ \begin{signatureenv}%
+ \vskip\parskip \vskip\z@skip
+ \the\everypar
+ \end{signatureenv}%
+ \@ifstar{%
+ \x@msignature *%
+ }{%
+ \@ifnextchar -{%
+ \@firstoftwo\y@msignature
+ }{%
+ \x@msignature {}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \@ifnextchar +{\@firstoftwo\y@mopening}\x@mopening
+ \ifx\@indent@pref O%
+ \dimen@\prevdepth
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\color@begingroup
+ \null
+ \prevdepth\dimen@
+ \noindent\null\ignorespaces #1\par
+ \global\dimen@i\prevdepth
+ \color@endgroup}%
+ \setbox\tw@\vbox{%
+ \unvcopy\z@
+ \setbox\z@\lastbox
+ \global\setbox\@ne\hbox{\unhbox\z@}%
+ }%
+ \ifdim\wd\@ne<2pc
+ \parindent 2pc\relax
+ \else\ifdim\wd\@ne>.4\textwidth
+ \parindent .1\textwidth\relax
+ \else
+ \parindent \wd\@ne
+ \fi\fi
+ \unvbox\z@
+ \prevdepth\dimen@i
+ \else
+ \noindent\null\ignorespaces #1\par
+ \fi
+ \nobreak
+ \@handwr@box\z@ \nobreak
+ \@ifnextchar +{%
+ \let\@cdp@reserved\y@mopening
+ \@firstoftwo\@opening
+ }{%
+ \let\@cdp@reserved\x@mopening
+ \@opening
+ }%
+ \makepresentation
+ \maketopdate[#1]%
+ \@cdp@reserved
+ \@ifnextchar +{\@firstoftwo\y@mclosing}\x@mclosing
+ \noindent\hspace*{\closingindentation}\ignorespaces #1\par
+ \@handwr@box\closingindentation
+ \@ifstar{%
+ \@closing{\x@msignature *}%
+ }{%
+ \@ifnextchar +{%
+ \@firstoftwo{\y@mclosing \y@msignature}%
+ }{%
+ \@ifnextchar -{%
+ \@firstoftwo{\@closing \y@msignature}%
+ }{%
+ \@closing{\x@msignature {}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \vskip .5\baselineskip
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \hrule\@height .1\p@ \@depth .1\p@ \@width 3\p@
+ }%
+ \wd\z@\z@ \ht\z@\z@ \dp\z@\z@ \noindent\hspace*{#1}\box\z@\par
+ \vskip .5\baselineskip\vskip\z@skip
+ \noindent\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
+ \@hangfrom{\normalfont\@safe@space{#1}\enspace}%
+ \ignorespaces #2\strut
+ }\par
+\newcommand*\cc [1][\ccname] {\@cc@encl{#1}}
+ \baseenclosures[#1]{}%
+ \endbaseenclosures
+ \addpenalty{-\@lowpenalty}%
+ \addvspace{\bigskipamount}%
+ \startbreaks
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ {\parindent\z@ #1\par}%
+ \list{\labelenumi}{%
+ \usecounter{enumi}%
+ \@beginparpenalty\@M
+ \@itempenalty-\@lowpenalty
+ \@endparpenalty-\@medpenalty
+%% ( paren match
+ \renewcommand*\labelenumi{\theenumi)}%
+ #2%
+ }%
+ \endlist
+ \aftergroup\startbreaks
+\newcommand*\@PS@rigid [1][\PSname]{%
+ {\normalfont\@safe@space{#1}\enspace}\ignorespaces
+ \@safe@space{#1}\space\ignorespaces
+ \ps\@ifstar{\@PS@rubber}{\@PS@rigid}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Address labels}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \advance \@cdp@gencount \m@ne
+ \ClassError{\@letteracdp}{%
+ Counter emptyaddrlabels out of range%
+ }{%
+ The counter emptyaddrlabels holds
+ the number of labels\MessageBreak
+ to leave blank when starting to print
+ the address labels\MessageBreak
+ (e.g., because some labels
+ have already been peeled off).\MessageBreak
+ For the label format you chose,
+ it must lie in the range\MessageBreak
+ 0..\number\@cdp@gencount\space (inclusive),
+ but presently its value is \number\c@emptyaddrlabels.\MessageBreak
+ It will therefore be ignored;
+ type \space <return> \space to proceed.%
+ }%
+ \@cdp@gencount \c@addrlabelrows
+ \multiply \@cdp@gencount \c@addrlabelcolumns
+ \ifnum\c@emptyaddrlabels<\z@
+ \@emptyaddrlabels@err
+ \else\ifnum\c@emptyaddrlabels<\@cdp@gencount
+ \begingroup
+ \let\ifactuallabel\@secondoftwo
+ \@whilenum\c@totallabel<\c@emptyaddrlabels\do{\@mlabel{}{}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \@emptyaddrlabels@err
+ \fi\fi
+ \cleardoubleemptypage
+ \c@page\@ne
+ \typeout{Address Labels}%
+ \pagestyle{empty}%
+ \textwidth \c@addrlabelcolumns\addrlabelwidth
+ \count@ \c@addrlabelcolumns
+ \advance \count@ \m@ne
+ \ifnum\count@>\z@
+ \advance \textwidth \count@\addrlabelshsep
+ \fi
+ \linewidth\textwidth \hsize\textwidth
+ \oddsidemargin -1in%
+ \advance \oddsidemargin \addrlabelsleftmargin
+ \evensidemargin \oddsidemargin
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@
+ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \@rightskip\z@skip
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue
+ \textheight \c@addrlabelrows\addrlabelheight
+ \count@ \c@addrlabelrows
+ \advance \count@ \m@ne
+ \ifnum\count@>\z@
+ \advance \textheight \count@\addrlabelsvsep
+ \fi
+ \@colht\textheight \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight
+ \headsep \z@
+ \headheight \z@
+ \footskip \z@
+ \topmargin -1in%
+ \advance \topmargin \addrlabelstopmargin
+ \ifcase \@ptsize\relax
+ \normalsize
+ \or
+ \small
+ \or
+ \footnotesize
+ \fi
+ \parindent \z@
+ \baselineskip \z@skip
+ \lineskip \z@skip
+ \boxmaxdepth \z@
+ \raggedright
+ \fboxrule \z@
+ \fboxsep \addrlabelborder
+ \addrlabeltrimwidth \addrlabelwidth
+ \advance \addrlabeltrimwidth -2\addrlabelborder
+ \addrlabeltrimheight \addrlabelheight
+ \advance \addrlabeltrimheight -2\addrlabelborder
+ \setcounter{totallabel}{\z@}%
+ \setcounter{label}{\z@}%
+ \setcounter{letter}{\z@}%
+ \noindent
+ \skipemptylabels
+ \@killglue\clearpage
+ \ifnum\c@totallabel>\z@
+ \count@ \c@totallabel
+ \divide \count@ \c@addrlabelcolumns
+ \multiply \count@ -\c@addrlabelcolumns
+ \advance \count@ \c@totallabel
+ \ifnum\count@=\z@
+ \par\vskip\addrlabelsvsep\noindent
+ \else
+ \hskip\addrlabelshsep
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \stepcounter{totallabel}%
+ \stepcounter{label}%
+ \begingroup
+ \def\startaddrlabel{\par
+ \noindent \vrule\@height\topskip \@depth\z@ \@width\z@ \par
+ \vskip-\baselineskip \vskip\z@skip
+ }%
+ \def\stopaddrlabel{\par
+ \ifnum\prevdepth>\z@
+ \kern -\prevdepth
+ \prevdepth\z@
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \labeltab\mlabel{\ignorespaces #1}{\ignorespaces #2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fbox{%
+ \parbox[c][\addrlabeltrimheight]{\addrlabeltrimwidth}{%
+ \raggedright\startaddrlabel #2\stopaddrlabel
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Lists and other similar environments}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\normalfont \normalsize
+\setlength\leftmargini {2em}
+\setlength\leftmarginii {2em}
+\setlength\leftmarginiv {1.75em}
+\setlength\leftmarginv {1.5em}
+\setlength\leftmarginvi {1.5em}
+\setlength\leftmargin {\leftmargini}
+\setlength \labelsep {.5em}
+\setlength \labelwidth{\leftmargini}
+\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty
+ \parsep \smallskipamount
+ \topsep \medskipamount
+ \itemsep\smallskipamount}
+\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep\smallskipamount
+ \parsep\z@skip}
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
+\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
+\def\@listv {\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
+\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi
+ \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
+\newcommand*\labelitemii{\normalfont\bfseries \textendash}
+ {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
+ \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}}
+ {\endlist}
+ \normalfont\bfseries #1}
+ {\let\\\@centercr
+ \list{}{\setlength\itemsep{\z@skip}%
+ \setlength\itemindent{-15\p@}%
+ \setlength\listparindent{\itemindent}%
+ \setlength\rightmargin{\leftmargin}%
+ \addtolength\leftmargin{15\p@}}%
+ \item[]}
+ {\endlist}
+ {\list{}{\setlength\listparindent{1.5em}%
+ \setlength\itemindent{\listparindent}%
+ \setlength\rightmargin{\leftmargin}}%
+ \item[]}
+ {\endlist}
+ {\list{}{\setlength\rightmargin{\leftmargin}}%
+ \item[]}
+ {\endlist}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Miscellanea}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\setlength\parskip{\z@ plus \p@}
+\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins
+ \kern-\p@
+ \hrule \@width .4\columnwidth
+ \kern .6\p@}
+ \noindent
+ \hangindent 5\p@
+ \hb@xt@5\p@{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Names and final setup}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand*\subjectname {Oggetto:}
+\newcommand*\registeredname {Raccomandata}
+\newcommand*\andccname {e~p.~c.}
+\newcommand*\ccname {P.~c.:}
+\newcommand*\enclname {Allegati:}
+\newcommand*\PSname {P.S.:}
+\newcommand*\headtoname {A:}
+ gennaio\or febbraio\or marzo\or aprile\or maggio\or giugno\or
+ luglio\or agosto\or settembre\or ottobre\or novembre\or dicembre\fi
+ \space\number\year}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End of the module for the \packlass{\letteracdp} class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The code for the \packlass{\articoletteracdp} class}
+% This part of the file goes into \filedir{\articoletteracdp.cls}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Identification}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/06/01] % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2005/01/01 v0.33 (development)]
+%% \typeout{Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Gustavo MEZZETTI,
+%% all rights reserved.}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Initial code}
+% We check that some names are not already taken.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Definition of two switches that support the options about what to
+% include in the table of contents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Space above and below captions for figures and tables.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Declaration of options}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@latexerr{No title page for letters}\@eha
+ \@toc@in@toc@false
+ \@loX@in@toc@true
+ \@toc@in@toc@true
+ \@loX@in@toc@true
+ \ExecuteOptions{tocintoc}%
+ \@toc@in@toc@false
+ \@loX@in@toc@false
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Option processing}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Class loading}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Main code}
+% Unfortunately, the code is not commented (yet).
+% \subsubsection{More initializations}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \packlass{\hyperref} package generates references to paragraphs
+% that include also the "\subsection" and the "\subsubsection" number,
+% because it assumes that paragraphs are numbered within subsubsections.
+% While, on one hand, it is not necessary to actually have subsections
+% numbered within sections, subsubsections numbered within subsection,
+% and paragraphs numbered within subsubsections, on the other, to assure
+% compatibility with \packlass{\hyperref} one must at least
+% \emph{define} the \texttt{subsection} and \texttt{subsubsection}
+% counters, to assure that the \packlass{\hyperref} package may safely
+% mention them. We do this here, so that \packlass{\articoletteracdp}
+% can be used together with \packlass{\hyperref}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\hyper@last}
+% The following line is to deactivate the check that
+% \packlass{\hyperref} makes against old files; this is necessary
+% because otherwise, on the first \LaTeX\ run, it would overwrite our
+% redefinition of "\@starttoc", possibly writing unwanted
+% \filedir{.toc}, \filedir{.lof}, and \filedir{.lot} files, and (much
+% worse) causing trouble if the letter happens to contain more than one
+% "\tableofcontents", "\listoffigures", or "\listoftables". Of course,
+% this means that the user must be informed that (s)he has to delete the
+% old files by hand.~\mbox{:-(}^^A ) paren match
+% \spacefactor\sfcode`. \space
+% Note, anyway, that the automatic check made by \packlass{\hyperref}
+% would not work with the C.D.P. Bundle in any case, so\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Back to uncommented code.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% Command \title and \author redefined to make changes local.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Managing the \filedir{.toc}, \filedir{.lof}, and
+% \filedir{.lot} files}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% Inner command \@starttoc redefined to make table of contents, etc.
+%% local to letters (this is tricky!).
+ \begingroup
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \makeatletter
+ \@input{\jobname.#1\number\c@letter}%
+ \if@filesw
+ \@ifundefined{tf@@#1}{%
+ \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@@#1\endcsname
+ }\relax
+ \immediate\write\@out@table@list{\string\@do@tf{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \@nobreakfalse
+ \endgroup
+ \if@filesw
+ {\escapechar\m@ne
+ \immediate\write\@out@table@list{\string\}^^J\string\{}%
+ }%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\@deferred@clopen{\number\c@letter}}%
+ \fi
+\@ifdefinable\@deferred@open {\let\@deferred@open \@gobble}
+\@ifdefinable\@deferred@close {\let\@deferred@close \@empty}
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\openout\@out@table@list = \jobname.summ\relax
+ {\escapechar\m@ne
+ \immediate\write\@out@table@list{\string\{}%
+ }%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\@deferred@open{0}}%
+ \def\@deferred@close{%
+ \def\@do@tf##1{%
+ \@restore@tf{##1}%
+ \immediate\closeout \csname tf@##1\endcsname
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname tf@##1\endcsname\@undefined
+ }%
+ \@temp@table@list
+ }%
+ \def\@deferred@open#1{%
+ \ifeof\@in@table@list\else
+ \read\@in@table@list to\@temp@table@list
+ \def\@do@tf##1{%
+ \@restore@tf{##1}%
+ \immediate\openout
+ \csname tf@##1\endcsname = \jobname.##1#1\relax
+ }%
+ \@temp@table@list
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \def\@deferred@clopen#1{%
+ \@deferred@close
+ \@deferred@open{#1}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \if@filesw
+ {\escapechar\m@ne
+ \immediate\write\@out@table@list{\string\}}%
+ }%
+ \immediate\closeout\@out@table@list
+ \clearpage
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\@deferred@close}%
+ \openin\@in@table@list = \jobname.summ\relax
+ \fi
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \let\csname tf@#1\endcsname\csname tf@@#1\endcsname
+ }%
+ \global\@tempa
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Adding punctuation to titles}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\nonfrenchspacing\ignorespaces#1\unskip
+ \ifnum\spacefactor>\@m \else.\fi \/}%
+\newcommand*\nopunct{\spacefactor 1001\relax}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Floats}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\setlength \floatsep {\bigskipamount}
+\@msetlength\textfloatsep {2}{\bigskipamount}
+\setlength \intextsep {\bigskipamount}
+\setlength \dblfloatsep {\bigskipamount}
+\@msetlength\dbltextfloatsep {2}{\bigskipamount}
+\setlength \@fptop {\z@ plus 1 fil}
+\setlength \@fpsep {\bigskipamount}
+\setlength \@fpbot {\z@ plus 1 fil}
+\setlength \@dblfptop {\z@ plus 1 fil}
+\setlength \@dblfpsep {\bigskipamount}
+\setlength \@dblfpbot {\z@ plus 1 fil}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Title, section heads, figures, bibliography\ldots}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \renewcommand\thefootnote{\@fnsymbol\c@footnote}%
+ \def\thesenderaddress{\@author}%
+ \def\thesubject{\leavevmode\@addfullstop\@title}%
+ \let\@empty@sender\@empty
+ \let\@thanks\@empty
+ \makepresentation
+ \@thanks
+ \endgroup
+ \setcounter{footnote}{\z@}%
+ \maketopdate
+\def\@seccntformat#1{\csname the#1\endcsname .\enspace}
+\ifcase \@ptsize\relax
+ \def\@sec@head@size{\@setfontsize\@sec@head@size\@xiipt{15}}
+ \def\@sec@head@size{\@setfontsize\@sec@head@size\@xiipt{17.4}}
+ \def\@sec@head@size{\@setfontsize\@sec@head@size\@xivpt{18.75}}
+\newcommand*\section{\@startsection {section}{\@ne}%
+ {\z@}%
+ {-\bigskipamount}%
+ {\smallskipamount}%
+ {%
+ \normalfont
+ \noindent\null\@@par\nobreak\vskip-\baselineskip
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \@sec@head@size\bfseries
+ }%
+ {\z@}%
+ {-\medskipamount}%
+ {-.66667em}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\itshape\@addfullstop}%
+ \if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi
+ \par
+ \if@nobreak
+ \everypar{}%
+ \else
+ \addpenalty\@secpenalty\addvspace\bigskipamount
+ \fi
+ {\@float{figure}}
+ {\end@float}
+ {\@dblfloat{figure}}
+ {\end@dblfloat}
+ {\@float{table}}
+ {\end@float}
+ {\@dblfloat{table}}
+ {\end@dblfloat}
+ \vskip\abovecaptionskip
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{\itshape \@addfullstop{#1: #2}}%
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
+ \unhbox\@tempboxa\par
+ \else
+ \global \@minipagefalse
+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip
+ \section*{\contentsname \sectionmark\contentsname}
+ \if@toc@in@toc@
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\contentsname}%
+ \fi
+ \@starttoc{toc}%
+ \@dottedtocline{\tw@}{2em}{2.5em}{\small #1}{\small #2}%
+ \section*{\listfigurename \sectionmark\listfigurename}%
+ \if@loX@in@toc@
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\listfigurename}%
+ \fi
+ \@starttoc{lof}%
+ \section*{\listtablename \sectionmark\listtablename}%
+ \if@loX@in@toc@
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\listtablename}%
+ \fi
+ \@starttoc{lot}%
+ \startbreaks
+ \section*{\refname \sectionmark\refname}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\refname}%
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ \parindent\z@
+ \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}{%
+ \settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}%
+ }%
+ \sloppy
+ \clubpenalty 4000
+ \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
+ \widowpenalty 4000
+ \sfcode`\.\@m
+ \def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist
+\newcommand*\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
+\newcommand*\bysame{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\thinspace}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Names}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand*\contentsname {Sommario}
+\newcommand*\listfigurename{Indice delle figure}
+\newcommand*\listtablename {Indice delle tabelle}
+\newcommand*\refname {Testi citati}
+\newcommand*\indexname {Indice analitico}
+\newcommand*\figurename {Figura}
+\newcommand*\tablename {Tabella}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End of the module for the \packlass{\articoletteracdp} class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The code for the \packlass{\adiseal} package}
+% This part of the file goes into \filedir{\adiseal.sty}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Identification}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1998/06/01] % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2005/01/01 v0.33 (development)]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Initial code}
+% This segment contains also code that could have been deferred to
+% the Main Code segment, but which is handy to have here, right at
+% the beginning.
+% \begin{macro}{\ADIWWW}
+% The web address of ADI-PD is stored in a macro accessible to the
+% user.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@seal@graph@file}
+% The name of the file which contains the image of the ADI seal is
+% also kept in a macro, to allow customization, but this macro is not
+% made accessible to the user. Note the image must be contained in a
+% file in Encapsulated PostScript format, and that it should be exactly \(
+% 60\,\mbox{bp} \) wide and \( 42\,\mbox{bp} \) tall.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ adiseal.eps% must be an Encapsulated PostScript file
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The following switch is used to implement the
+% \iopz{nopixmap}\eopz{usepixmap}\fopz\space mutually exclusive
+% options: see subsection~\ref{sS:adisealoptdec} for details.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@temp@adiseal}
+% A ``scratch'' macro, used as a temporary storage in the sequel.
+% Here, we simply check that this name can be used as a macro name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Declaration of options}
+% \label{sS:adisealoptdec}
+% The \opz{nopixmap} option inhibits the printing of the seal; more
+% precisely, it prevents the \packlass{\adiseal} package from trying to
+% load the \packlass{\epsfig} package and the file containing the image
+% of the seal. The \opz{usepixmap} option, on the contrary, tries to load
+% the file containing the image and the \packlass{\epsfig} package,
+% and, if both are succesfully loaded, causes the printing of the seal.
+% Should the \packlass{\epsfig} package or the file containing the image
+% of the seal be unavailable, the \opz{usepixmap} option will be
+% converted to \opz{nopixmap} at package-loading time (actually, it is
+% the "\if@use@pixmap@" switch that will be forced to ``false''). When,
+% for either reason, the seal is not displayed, a placeholder is printed
+% in its place.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Option processing}
+% We select the \opz{nopixmap} option by default, because the file
+% containing the image of the seal is not included in the C.D.P.
+% Bundle.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Package loading}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@use@pixmap@false
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{\@adiseal}{%
+ Can't find the #1;\MessageBreak
+ option usepixmap ignored (converted to nopixmap).\MessageBreak
+ The ADI seal will _not_ be printed%
+ }%
+ \IfFileExists{\@seal@graph@file}{%
+ \IfFileExists{epsfig.sty}{%
+ \RequirePackage{epsfig}%
+ }{%
+ \@temp@adiseal{epsfig package}%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \@temp@adiseal{pixel map for the ADI seal}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Main code}
+% Unfortunately, the code is not commented (yet).
+% \subsubsection{The two main commands}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \parbox[t][42bp][c]{60bp}{\centerline{#1}}%
+ \emph\concertname
+ \ADIaddress
+ \setbox\z@\vtop{%
+ \normalfont\normalsize
+ \leftline{%
+ \vtop{%
+ \hbox{%
+ \if@use@pixmap@
+ \edef\@temp@adiseal{%
+ \noexpand\epsfig{file=\@seal@graph@file,%
+ height=42bp,width=60bp,clip=}%
+ }%
+ \@seal@box\@temp@adiseal
+ \let\@temp@adiseal\@undefined
+ \else
+ \setlength\fboxrule{.2pt}%
+ \setlength\fboxsep{-\fboxrule}%
+ \fbox{\@seal@box\substitutesealname}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \kern\baselineskip
+ \vtop{%
+ \null\nointerlineskip
+ \hbox{%
+ \Large ADI%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\ignorespaces\seatacronym\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@
+ -\unhbox\z@
+ \else
+ \unhbox\z@
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \ialign{##\cr
+ \spaceskip \fontdimen\tw@\font
+ \@plus \@ne fil%
+ \@minus \fontdimen4\font
+ Associazione Dottorandi e\cr
+ Dottori di Ricerca Italiani\cr
+ }%
+ \hbox{%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\ignorespaces\seatname\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@
+ --- \unhbox\z@
+ \else
+ \unhbox\z@
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \global\dimen@i\prevdepth
+ }%
+ }%
+ \kern\p@
+ \prevdepth \dimen@i
+ \leftline{\ttfamily\small\ADIWWW}%
+ \global\dimen@i\prevdepth
+ }%
+ \dimen@ \dp\z@
+ \advance \dimen@ -\dimen@i
+ \dimen@ii .5\baselineskip
+ \divide \dimen@ \dimen@ii
+ \count@ \dimen@
+ \advance \count@ 1
+ \dimen@ \dp\z@
+ \advance \dimen@ -\count@\dimen@ii
+ \box\z@
+ \prevdepth\dimen@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Names}
+% Note that "\seatacronym" and "\seatname" can also be redefined as
+% empty strings: in this case, the package automatically suppresses
+% some of the surrounding printings that have no meaning when those
+% strings are empty.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand*\concertname {di concerto con}
+\newcommand*\seatacronym {PD}
+\newcommand*\seatname {Sede di Padova}
+\newcommand*\substitutesealname{Logo ADI}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End of the module for the \packlass{\adiseal} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The code for the \packlass{\lettcdpadi} class}
+% This part of the file goes into \filedir{\lettcdpadi.cls}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The purpose of this file is simply to supply ``glue code'' to
+% support the legacy \packlass{\lettcdpadi} class. The document
+% class is ``redirected'' to \packlass{\letteracdp}, and the
+% \packlass{\adiseal} package is automatically loaded. Options are
+% properly shunted, too.
+% It should be time to expunge this file from the Bundle, perhaps
+% [v0.33], but it is also true that it uses so few
+% bytes\ldots\space(that is, an entire block of the disk!).
+% \subsection{Identification}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1998/06/01] % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2005/01/01 v0.33 (development)]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Initial code}
+% This segment is empty in the \packlass{\lettcdpadi} class.
+% \subsection{Declaration of options}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareOption{nopixmap} {\PassOptionsToPackage{nopixmap} {adiseal}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Option processing}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Class and package loading}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Main code}
+% This segment is empty in the \packlass{\lettcdpadi} class.
+% End of the module for the \packlass{\lettcdpadi} class.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The code for the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package}
+% This part of the file goes into \filedir{\cdpaddon.sty}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Identification}
+% Why did I ask for the June 1998 release of \LaTeX? I don't remember!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1998/06/01] % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2005/01/01 v0.33 (development)]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Initial code}
+% Switches.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@cdpaddon@printer}
+% Below, we shall store in this macro the name (without the extension
+% \filedir{.def}) of the definition file from which to read the
+% definitions of the colors for the C.D.P. seal. It is needed only
+% during the initialization of the package, and it is "\@undefined"
+% before the end. If it is empty, the emergency colors will be used:
+% we make this the default.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% ``Scratch'' macros, will be re-used in the sequel.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is a first use of those ``scratch'' macros.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@using@cdp@false
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ It seems that you are not using the letteracdp\MessageBreak
+ document class; therefore no attempt will be made\MessageBreak
+ to modify letterheads and similar things%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Double check to be absolutely sure that the \packlass{\letteracdp}
+% class is loaded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@letteracdp\@temp@cdpaddon@b
+ \@using@cdp@true
+ \else
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a
+ \fi
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Declaration of options}
+% The following macro is needed to strip the prefix \opz{printer:}\
+% from the option that selects which color definition file to load.
+% Again, we use one of the ``scratch'' macro to save memory (the other
+% ``scratch'' macro is used as well inside).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@temp@cdpaddon@b{#1}%
+ \ifx\@temp@cdpaddon@b\@empty
+ \def\@cdpaddon@printer{#2}%
+ \else
+ \@unknownoptionerror
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The purpose of the following ``catch-all'' option is to intercept
+% a \opz{printer:}\ldots\ option requesting a color definition file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\@temp@cdpaddon@a\CurrentOption,printer:,@@@%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Option processing}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the \opz{printer:Default} option has been specified, we want
+% the same behavior as if no \opz{printer:}\ldots\ option had been
+% specified at all.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@cdpaddon@printer\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Package loading}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \IfFileExists{#1.sty}{%
+ \RequirePackage[#2]{#1}%
+ }{%
+ \@nameuse{@use@#3@false}
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ Can't find the #1 package;\MessageBreak
+ option #4 ignored (converted to #5)%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{color}{}{color}{color}{bw}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{hyperref}{}{hyper}{hypertext}{plaintext}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Main code}
+% Unfortunately, the code is only sparsely commented (at the moment).
+% \subsubsection{Redefinition of the seal, etc.}
+% The following macro is used to draw in color the thin, small line
+% that, when the page needs to be folded, indicates where to fold it.
+% We need to define it here, outside of the conditionals, and to
+% assign it later to "\@folding@tag" using "\let" (see below) because
+% it contains a "\fi" (mumble grumble\ldots).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@do@fold@
+ \raisebox{\@lh@folding@ht}[\z@][\z@]{%
+ \makebox[\z@][l]{%
+ \color{strong@col}%
+ \dimen@ -\@lh@right@margin
+ \advance\dimen@ 1cm%
+ \kern\dimen@ \vbox{%
+ \kern -.1\p@
+ \hrule \@height .1\p@ \@depth .1\p@ \@width 5mm%
+ \kern -.1\p@
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the \packlass{\letteracdp} class is loaded\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \ldots then we can try to replace the macros that draw the seal,
+% etc.; but we want to perform the redefinition (if and) only if the
+% macro is already defined, and rise an error otherwise. To ease this
+% task, we define the ``scratch'' macro "\@temp@cdpaddon@a" in such a
+% way that "\@temp@cdpaddon@a{"\meta{name}"}{"\meta{code}"}" rises an
+% error if \meta{name} is undefined, and executes \meta{code}
+% otherwise. It is intended that \meta{code} is the code that does the
+% actual redefinition. Note that \meta{name} must be indicated
+% \emph{without} the backslash. Note also that it is not necessary to
+% put in a second parameter for \meta{code}: simply, "{"\meta{code}"}"
+% will become the third parameter of "\@ifundefined".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@temp@cdpaddon@a#1{%
+ \@ifundefined{#1}{%
+ \PackageError\@cdpaddon{%
+ Internal command \@backslashchar#1 undefined%
+ }{%
+ The internal command \@backslashchar#1,
+ that should have been defined\MessageBreak
+ by the \@letteracdp\space document class,
+ is actually undefined.\MessageBreak
+ Probably, you are using an old or modified version
+ of that class.\MessageBreak
+ Proceed, but some of the colors won't come out right.%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We first take care of color. Did the user request colors?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@use@color@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Yes? Well, in that case, we try to load the file that defines
+% the hues. First of all, see whether the user selected a color
+% definition file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@cdpaddon@printer\@empty
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If not (\("\@cdpaddon@printer"="\@empty"\)), then we must read the
+% config.\ file. Before doing this, we define the "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault"
+% command, in a somewhat tricky way: we begin a group, thereby making
+% a local definition, but we put the "\endgroup" in the replacement text
+% of the macro itself. This is quite OK, because once the macro has
+% been expanded, we no longer need its definition! We must foresee
+% the case in which the configuration file does not contain any
+% "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command at all. For this, we use
+% another hack: we "\let" "\@temp@cdpaddon@b" equal to "\endgroup"
+% \emph{inside} the group, but to "\@empty" outside of it. Then we call it:
+% if the group has already ended, nothing happens, otherwise the group
+% is ended now.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@temp@cdpaddon@b\@empty
+ \begingroup % \endgroup put in by \@temp@cdpaddon@b
+ \let\@temp@cdpaddon@b\endgroup
+ \InputIfFileExists{cdpshues.cfg}{%
+ \PackageInfo{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ Reading config. file%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault}
+% This command is defined in such a way that it not only ends the group,
+% but also stops reading from the file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault{%
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b % ends group
+ \endinput
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The argument to "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" will become the
+% replacement text of the following "\def".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@cdpaddon@printer
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ Could not find config. file for default printer%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following is part of the hack to end the group if it has not
+% already ended.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We now check if the user specified the \opz{printer:None} option;
+% if so, we take the same action that would result from an empty
+% configuration file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else
+ \def\@temp@cdpaddon@b{None}%
+ \ifx\@cdpaddon@printer\@temp@cdpaddon@b
+ \let\@cdpaddon@printer\@empty
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End of things to do when no \opz{printer:}\ldots\ option has been
+% specified.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% OK, now we have the name of the color definition file in
+% "\@cdpaddon@printer", and we have to load it. The following are the
+% actions to take when the file cannot be found or when
+% "\@cdpaddon@printer" is still empty (\emph{e.g.,} because no
+% config.\ file was found, or because it was void): use emergency
+% definitions and issue a warning. We save them in a ``scratch''
+% macro because we need them twice~(!).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@temp@cdpaddon@b{%
+ \definecolor{slight@col}{named}{SpringGreen}
+ \definecolor{strong@col}{named}{OliveGreen}
+ \PackageInfo{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ Color hues defined internally%
+ }%
+ \typeout{%
+ *Package cdpaddon using built-in colors for the C.D.P. seal.*%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We finally try to load the color definition file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@cdpaddon@printer\@empty
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b
+ \else
+ \InputIfFileExists{\@cdpaddon@printer.def}{%
+ \PackageInfo{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ Color hues defined by def. file\MessageBreak
+ \@cdpaddon@printer.def%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{\@cdpaddon}{%
+ Could not find def. file \@cdpaddon@printer.def%
+ }%
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b
+ }%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We define another handy subroutine. Given the name \meta{boxname}
+% of an hbox, "\@temp@cdpaddon@b{"\meta{boxname}"}" causes a
+% "\color{strong@col}" declaration to be added at the beginning of
+% "\"\meta{boxname}, properly contained in a group to assure that the
+% "\special" for restoring the previous colors is included in the box too.
+% We use this method of setting and resetting the color inside the
+% individual boxes because the one used in the previous versions, of
+% setting the color once for all at the beginning of "\@cdp@head", did
+% not seem to work properly with pdf\TeX.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@temp@cdpaddon@b#1{%
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{#1}{%
+ \setbox\z@\box\@nameuse{#1}%
+ \sbox{\@nameuse{#1}}{{\color{strong@col}\unhbox\z@}}%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Actual redefinition of macros begins here.
+% \begin{macro}{\@folding@tag}
+% First, install the redefinition of "\@folding@tag" that we had
+% prepared in advance.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{@folding@tag}{%
+ \let\@folding@tag\@back@folding@tag
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@logo@box@base}
+% \changes{0.32}{2002 Jul 01}{Eliminated an awful bug introduced with
+% version 0.31 (a conditional that could not appear at this spot)}
+% Color the main part of the seal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{@logo@box@base}{%
+ \savebox\@logo@box@base[\z@][r]{\setlength\unitlength{.625mm}%
+ \begin{picture}(32,16)(-3,7.87)%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% I don't remember exactly what this group was for. Eliminate?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Draw the inner of the~``D'' and of the~``P'', in the slight color.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \color{slight@col}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Try to draw two filled circles of the right size to fill up the
+% inner of the two letters. If the target system happens to have
+% sufficiently large filled circles, this will suffice.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \put(8,16){\circle*{10}}%
+ \put(18,16){\circle*{10}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% With the standard set of fonts, however, the above request can not
+% be honored, and the two circles we have just obtained are a little
+% too small; so, we finish them by adding arcs of circumference of
+% increasing size, drawn in thick lines.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \thicklines
+ \put(8,16){\oval(8.2,8.2)[l]}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(8.6,8.6)[l]}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(9,9)[l]}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(9.4,9.4)[l]}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(9.8,9.8)[l]}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(8.2,8.2)[r]}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(8.6,8.6)[r]}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(9,9)[r]}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(9.4,9.4)[r]}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(9.8,9.8)[r]}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now erase the inner half of the two circles.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \put(13,16){\makebox(0,0){\color{white}%
+ \vrule height 6.25mm depth 0mm width 6.25mm
+ }}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Draw the vertical part of the two letters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \put(9,11){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{%
+ \vrule height 12.5mm depth 0mm width 1.875mm
+ }}%
+ \put(14,1){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{%
+ \vrule height 12.5mm depth 0mm width 1.875mm
+ }}%
+ \endgroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now redraw the outer strokes of the~``D'' and of the~``P'' in the
+% strong color.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \color{strong@col}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(10,10)[l]}%
+ \put(8,11){\line(0,1){10}}%
+ \put(9,11){\framebox(3,20){}}%
+ \put(18,16){\oval(10,10)[r]}%
+ \put(18,11){\line(0,1){10}}%
+ \put(14,1){\framebox(3,20){}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The strokes of the~``C'' are thick.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \thicklines
+ \put(8,16){\oval(16,16)[l]}%
+ \put(8,8){\line(1,0){5}}%
+ \put(13,24){\line(1,0){10}}%
+ \put(8,16){\oval(14,14)[l]}%
+ \put(8,9){\line(1,0){5}}%
+ \put(13,23){\line(1,0){10}}%
+ \end{picture}%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Coloring the other parts of the seal is easier: just add the color
+% declaration to the various boxes, to the rule in the head, and to the
+% whole footer.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b{@logo@box@addS}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b{@logo@box@addL}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@b{@oordinamento@box}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{@cdp@head}{\def\@cdp@head{%
+ \@logo@overlay\@logo@box@addL
+ \copy\@oordinamento@box
+ {\color{strong@col}\hrulefill}\kern\@lh@right@margin
+ }}
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{@cdp@foot}{\def\@cdp@foot{%
+ \color{strong@col}%
+ \reset@font
+ \setlength\@tempdima{\textwidth}%
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-2\@lh@right@margin}%
+ \hss\parbox[t]{\@tempdima}{%
+ \parfillskip\z@skip
+ \noindent\hrulefill\@@par
+ \baselineskip 11\p@
+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\copy\@name@and@WWW@box\hfil}%
+ }\hss
+ }}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We now deal with hyperlinks. If the user requested them\ldots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@use@hyper@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \ldots well, we take care of them. The precompilation of the footer
+% must be deferred until the "\begin{document}" hook, because the macros
+% of the \packlass{hyperref} package are not available for actual
+% typesetting until that moment. Note that we just need to encapsulate
+% the web address of the \emph{Coordinamento} into an "\href" command:
+% the color-switching command has already been given above, inside the
+% "\@cdp@foot" box (the color must be changed independently from the use
+% of hyperlinks).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \@temp@cdpaddon@a{@name@and@WWW@box}{%
+ \setbox\@name@and@WWW@box = \vtop{%
+ \baselineskip 11\p@
+ \hb@xt@\z@{\hss \@lh@rm\Coordinamento \hss}%
+ \hb@xt@\z@{%
+ \hss
+ \@lh@it World Wide Web:\/
+ \href{\CoordinamentoWWW}{\@lh@tt \CoordinamentoWWW}%
+ \hss
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Of course, in this case we cannot release the "\@temp@cdpaddon@a"
+% macro until the "\begin{document}" hook, too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@temp@cdpaddon@a\@undefined
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The following line informs the \packlass{\hyperref} package that the
+% bookmark level for paragraphs should be~2.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\toclevel@paragraph{2}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If hyperlinks are not requested, we can release "\@temp@cdpaddon@a"
+% right now.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else
+ \let\@temp@cdpaddon@a\@undefined
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We can do the same thing if the \packlass{\letteracdp} class is
+% not loaded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@temp@cdpaddon@a\@undefined
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The memory taken by the following ``scratch'' macros can be freed
+% in any case.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Smiling faces}
+% \begin{macro}{\facesmile}
+% \begin{macro}{\facefrown}
+% These commands produce happy or sad ``faces''. They are made
+% ``transparent'' to the "\spacefactor", just like parentheses
+% (the "\spacefactor" is saved in "\count@").
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@face}
+% The low-level command that draws the face ("\bigcirc"), the eyes, and
+% the mouth: the latter is passed as an argument, so it can be a
+% "\smile" or a "\frown".
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \leavevmode
+ \count@\spacefactor
+ \hb@xt@ 1em{\hfil$%
+ \hb@xt@\z@ {\hss$\bigcirc$\hss}%
+ \lower .2ex \hb@xt@\z@ {\hss$\scriptscriptstyle #1$\hss}%
+ \raise .3ex \hb@xt@\z@ {\hss${\cdot}\mkern 2mu{\cdot}$\hss}%
+ $\hfil}%
+ \spacefactor\count@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% End of the module for the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Definition and configuration files}
+% This section contains the ancillary files (definition and
+% configuration files) used by the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package.
+% \subsection{The \filedir{\example} file}
+% This part of the file goes into the prototype definition file
+% \filedir{\example}. All comments are left in the code because this
+% file is intended as an example of how to write color definition files
+% for the \packlass{\cdpaddon} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% The "\ProvidesFile" command allows LaTeX to check the name and
+%%% the release date of the file; if either differs from what the
+%%% user requested, a warning is issued when the file is loaded.
+%%% This helps to pinpoint old files as well as files which have been
+%%% installed incorrectly. It is not mandatory to include this
+%%% command in a file, and you can omit it from your definition files
+%%% if you want (but including it is more elegant); however, if you do
+%%% leave this command in your definition files, you should modify
+%%% both its mandatory and its optional argument so that they reflect
+%%% the name and the release date, respectively, of your file.
+%%% Note that the extension ".def" must be included in the file name,
+%%% and that the date is in the format YYYY/MM/DD.
+\ProvidesFile{cdpshues-example.def}[2005/01/01 Printer-dependent file]
+%%% Define here the colors to use to draw the C.D.P. seal;
+%%% "slight@col" is the color used to paint the inner of the D and
+%%% of the P, "strong@col" is the color used to draw the lines.
+%%% The colors are defined by means of the usual "\definecolor"
+%%% command, which is part of the standard color package. The colors
+%%% defined here, of course, are just a silly example.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{The \filedir{\epson} file}
+% This part of the file goes into the definition file
+% \filedir{\epson}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesFile{epson-stylus-740.def}[2005/01/01 Printer-dependent file]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{The \filedir{\hplj} file}
+% This part of the file goes into the definition file \filedir{\hplj}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesFile{hp-laserjet-4500.def}[2005/01/01 Printer-dependent file]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{The \filedir{\cdpshues} file}
+% This part of the file goes into the configuration file
+% \filedir{\cdpshues}. Again, we leave all comments in the generated
+% file because they are meant to help the final user to modify the file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%% The argument of the "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command contains
+%%% the name (w/o extension) of the default color definition file:
+This file is special in that the cdpaddon package stops reading it as
+soon as it encounters the first "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command:
+all subsequent lines are ignored, and can hence contain explanatory
+comments, just like these. To save disk space (although, in this era
+of gigabytes, this is not a compelling issue!), you can, if you want,
+delete all lines in this file except the one which contains the first
+occurrence of a "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command (12 lines above);
+but if you do so, please be sure to read them before deleting them!
+(Anyway, I think it is a good idea to leave the comments in place.)
+The "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command has one argument, in which
+you should put the name of a default file from which the definitions
+of the hues for the C.D.P. seal are read when no other file has been
+indicated in the options passed to the cdpaddon package. Note that
+the extension ".def" is automatically added to the name; therefore,
+you **must** leave it out in the name given as the argument of the
+"\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command.
+The C.D.P. Bundle comes with some definition files already included;
+their names are listed below, without the extension ".def" (each one
+is packaged in a "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command):
+To make one of these files the default one, copy (or move) the line
+containing its name to the top of the file, so that its becomes the
+first line (yes, even above the opening comments, those four dozens
+lines starting with "%%": let us keep things easy!).
+If you write a new definition file, you can make it the default by
+writing a similar "\DeclareCDPSealHuesDefault" command and putting it
+in the first line of this file (above the opening comments, why not).
+Remember that only the first such command appearing in this file is
+taken into consideration: all subsequent lines are ignored.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{End of input}
+% The usual "\endinput" which prevents the \DS\ program from putting
+% garbage into the generated files.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cdpbundl/cdpbundl.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cdpbundl/cdpbundl.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45876cc9e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cdpbundl/cdpbundl.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+% This is file `cdpbundl.ins'.
+% This file is part of a work named "C.D.P. Bundle".
+% Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Gustavo MEZZETTI <>.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+% The C.D.P. Bundle has the LPPL maintenance status
+% "author-maintained".
+% The file `manifest.txt' that comes along with this file specifies
+% what the C.D.P. Bundle consists of; more precisely, it explains how
+% the locutions "Work" and "Compiled Work", used in the LaTeX Project
+% Public License, are to be interpreted in the case of this work.
+% Note that the distribution of this file alone is "distribution of
+% only part of the Work" in the sense of the LaTeX Project Public
+% License, and is not allowed.
+% January 1, 2005
+\input docstrip
+\Msg{Unpacking the C.D.P. Bundle.}
+\Msg{The macro files contained in the C.D.P. Bundle are not standard,}
+\Msg{thus no attempt will be made to put the generated files into any}
+\Msg{of the standard LaTeX directories, using the \string\usedir\space facility of}
+\Msg{DocStrip; rather, they will all be put in the current directory.}
+\Msg{In order to finish the installation, you'll have to move them to}
+\Msg{a directory where LaTeX can find them; such directories may vary}
+\Msg{from one TeX implementation to another, and even among different}
+\Msg{installations of the same implementation. \space See the documentation}
+\Msg{of your TeX implementation for how to locate them.}
+\Msg{The complete list of the files you need to move will be given at}
+\Msg{the end of the run.}
+\Ask{\answer}{Press \space <return> \space to continue
+ (your \string\answer\space will be ignored).}
+This is a generated file.
+It is part of a work named "C.D.P. Bundle".
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Gustavo MEZZETTI <>.
+The C.D.P. Bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2003/12/01 or later.
+The C.D.P. Bundle has the LPPL maintenance status
+ "author-maintained".
+The file `manifest.txt' that comes along with this file specifies
+what the C.D.P. Bundle consists of; more precisely, it explains how
+the locutions "Work" and "Compiled Work", used in the LaTeX Project
+Public License, are to be interpreted in the case of this work.
+Note that the distribution of this file alone is "distribution of
+only part of the Work" in the sense of the LaTeX Project Public
+License, and is not allowed.
+ \file{letteracdp.cls} {\from{\filename}{letter}}
+ \file{articoletteracdp.cls}{\from{\filename}{artico}}
+ \file{adiseal.sty} {\from{\filename}{adipk}}
+ \file{lettcdpadi.cls} {\from{\filename}{adicl}}
+ \file{cdpaddon.sty} {\from{\filename}{addon}}
+ \file{cdpshues-example.def}{\from{\filename}{example}}
+ \file{epson-stylus-740.def}{\from{\filename}{epson}}
+ \file{hp-laserjet-4500.def}{\from{\filename}{hplj}}
+ \file{cdpshues.cfg} {\from{\filename}{config}}
+\Msg{To finish the installation, please move the following files into}
+\Msg{a directory where LaTeX looks for inputs files:}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space adiseal.sty}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space articoletteracdp.cls}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space cdpaddon.sty}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space cdpshues-example.def}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space cdpshues.cfg}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space epson-stylus-740.def}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space hp-laserjet-4500.def}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space lettcdpadi.cls}
+\Msg{\space\space\space\space letteracdp.cls}
+\Msg{Happy TeXing!}