path: root/Master/tlpkg
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2009-06-23 06:50:41 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2009-06-23 06:50:41 +0000
commitc30449aa99ed8876330bde4fd77ad9599cedf409 (patch)
tree98fa92ff505db73805fbe51fc82d70794cd15932 /Master/tlpkg
parent39395dc3b3b4c1b672eb15a57eb302dd4b02dde2 (diff)
Add tl-update-tlpdb (not finished)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-tlpdb b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-tlpdb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ab3b17d5f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-tlpdb
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# $Id$
+# convert a set of tlpsrc files (given as arguments) into tlpdb
+# Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 Norbert Preining
+# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or any later version.
+ $^W = 1;
+ chomp ($mydir = `dirname $0`);
+ unshift (@INC, "$mydir/..");
+use strict;
+use TeXLive::TLConfig;
+use TeXLive::TLPSRC;
+use TeXLive::TLPOBJ;
+use TeXLive::TLPDB;
+use TeXLive::TLTREE;
+use TeXLive::TLUtils;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use File::Path;
+my $opt_catalogue = "";
+chomp (my $opt_master = `cd $::mydir/../.. && pwd`);
+my $help = 0;
+my $opt_nobinsplit = 0;
+my $opt_winwarning;
+my $opt_fromfiles = 0;
+my $opt_noautopatterns = 0;
+ "master=s" => \$opt_master, # location of the TL tree
+ "catalogue=s" => \$opt_catalogue, # location of the TeX Catalogue
+ "no-bin-split!" => \$opt_nobinsplit,
+ "no-autopatterns" => \$opt_noautopatterns,
+ "from-files" => \$opt_fromfiles,
+ "with-win-pattern-warning" => \$opt_winwarning,
+ "help|?" => \$help) or pod2usage(1);
+pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help;
+exit (&main ());
+sub finish
+ my ($tlpdb, $pkgcount) = @_;
+ $tlpdb->save;
+ info ("$0: wrote $pkgcount packages to ". $tlpdb->root . ".\n");
+ exit(0);
+sub main
+ if (! -d $opt_master) {
+ die "$0: Master $opt_master not a directory, goodbye.\n";
+ }
+ my $tlc = undef;
+ if (! -d $opt_catalogue) {
+ info ("$0: -c /Cat/a/logue not given, continuing without it.\n");
+ } else {
+ require TeXLive::TeXCatalogue; # not at compile time, for now anyway.
+ info ("$0: reading TeX Catalogue $opt_catalogue ...\n");
+ $tlc = TeXLive::TeXCatalogue->new ("location" => $opt_catalogue);
+ }
+ my $oldtlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ("root" => $opt_master);
+ my ($newtlpdb, $pkgcount) = create_tlpdb($tlc);
+ if (!defined($oldtlpdb)) {
+ info("No checking on increasing revisions, no old tlpdb found\n");
+ finish($newtlpdb, $pkgcount);
+ }
+ if (compare_tlpdbs($oldtlpdb, $newtlpdb)) {
+ # compare_tlpdbs checks in dummy changes to the tlpsrc files
+ # now we check again and that should not give any changes!
+ ($newtlpdb, $pkgcount) = create_tlpdb($tlc);
+ if (compare_tlpdbs($oldtlpdb, $newtlpdb)) {
+ tlwarn("$0: That should not happen, after one iteration of compare_tlpdbs\nthe newly created tlpdb is still going backwards in time.\nPlease check output above!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ # new $newtlpdb points to the right one
+ finish ($newtlpdb, $pkgcount);
+sub compare_tlpdbs {
+ my ($oldtlpdb, $newtlpdb) = @_;
+ #
+ # check that revisions are actually going forward
+ my $recheck = 0;
+ for my $p ($newtlpdb->list_packages) {
+ my $newrev = $newtlpdb->get_package($p)->revision;
+ my $oldtlp = $oldtlpdb->get_package($p);
+ if (defined($oldtlp)) {
+ my $oldrev = $oldtlp->revision;
+ if ($oldrev > $newrev) {
+ # that is the bad case
+ $recheck = 1;
+ # here we should do a change to
+ # $opt_master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/$p.tlpsrc
+ # and commit it!
+ tlwarn("$0: revision going backwards in $p!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return($recheck);
+sub create_tlpdb
+ my $tlc = shift;
+ if (defined($opt_winwarning)) {
+ $::tlpsrc_pattern_warn_win = 1;
+ }
+ my $tlpsrc_dir = "$opt_master/tlpkg/tlpsrc";
+ # if we're regenerating the whole thing, get all our tlpsrc files.
+ chdir ($tlpsrc_dir) || die "chdir($tlpsrc_dir) failed: $!";
+ @ARGV = glob ("*.tlpsrc");
+ info ("$0: reading Master $opt_master ...\n");
+ my $tltree = TeXLive::TLTREE->new ("svnroot" => $opt_master);
+ if ($opt_fromfiles) {
+ $tltree->init_from_files;
+ } else {
+ $tltree->init_from_svn;
+ }
+ info ("$0: updating from tlpsrc ...\n");
+ my $tldb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new;
+ my $src_count = 0;
+ foreach my $f (@ARGV) {
+ next if ($f =~ m/^00texlive\.autopatterns/);
+ $src_count++;
+ my $tlsrc = new TeXLive::TLPSRC;
+ $tlsrc->from_file ($f);
+ my $tlp = $tlsrc->make_tlpobj ($tltree, $opt_master);
+ (my $base_f = $f) =~ s/\.tlpsrc$//;
+ warn "$f: package name " . $tlp->name . " does not match filename\n"
+ if $tlp->name ne $base_f;
+ if ($tlc) {
+ # merge TeX Catalogue information
+ $tlp->update_from_catalogue ($tlc);
+ }
+ # split bin packages off unless requested otherwise (no reason to so
+ # request these days).
+ unless ($opt_nobinsplit) {
+ # packages which have already a .win32 extension or the
+ # 00texlive.something package are NOT split, never!
+ if ($tlp->name !~ m/\.win32/
+ && $tlp->name !~ m/^00texlive/) {
+ my @binobjs = $tlp->split_bin_package;
+ foreach my $binobj (@binobjs) {
+ # we recompute the revision numbers of the binary packages
+ # since that might be much smaller, and we don't want to
+ # update every package only because one binary for one arch
+ # was changed
+ $binobj->recompute_revision ($tltree, $tltree->file_svn_lastrevision("tlpkg/tlpsrc/$f"));
+ $tldb->add_tlpobj ($binobj);
+ }
+ # we have to recompute the revision of the package itself
+ # since the binfiles have been removed and that might lower the
+ # revision number
+ $tlp->recompute_revision ($tltree, $tltree->file_svn_lastrevision("tlpkg/tlpsrc/$f"));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($tlp->name eq "00texlive.config") {
+ my @bar = $tlp->depends;
+ push @bar, "revision/".$tltree->revision;
+ $tlp->depends (@bar);
+ }
+ $tldb->add_tlpobj ($tlp);
+ }
+ $tldb->root ($opt_master);
+ # do set the option_archs from the dirs in Master/bin
+ $tldb->option_available_architectures ($tltree->architectures);
+ return($tldb, $src_count);
+=head1 NAME
+tlpsrc2tlpdb - generate a TeX Live database from tlpsrc files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+tlpsrc2tlpdb [OPTION]... [TLPSRC]...
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-all>
+Use all .tlpsrc files in C<Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/*.tlpsrc>, and update the
+live database in C<Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb>.
+(No repository operations are done.)
+=item B<-catalogue> I<Catalogue_dir>
+The location given by B<-catalogue> must point to a valid TeX Catalogue.
+No default value. If given, the generated tlpobj files will contain
+information gathered from the TeX Catalogue.
+=item B<-master> I<Master/dir>
+The location I<Master/dir> must point to a valid svn repository of TeX
+Live's Master directory. Defaults to C<../..> of C<$0>.
+=item B<-no-bin-split>
+Do NOT split files with binaries into several packages (one for the arch
+independent and one for each of the architectures with only the respective
+binaries). There is no reason to use this option.
+=item B<-with-win-pattern-warning>
+Normally, this program issues a warning for all patterns without a matching
+file, but does I<not> warn for binpatterns when working on the win32
+architecture. Giving this option makes it issues all warnings, i.e., also
+those where a binpattern on win32 does not hit.
+=item B<-from-files>
+Use find instead of svn -status to create the list of files.
+The standard options B<-q>, B<-v>, and B<-logfile>=I<file> are also
+accepted; see the C<process_logging_options> function in
+L<TeXLive::TLUtils> for details.
+B<tlpsrc2tlpdb> converts TeX Live source package files (tlpsrc) files into a
+TeX Live package database (tlpdb).
+If a TeX Catalogue hierarchy is specified, additional information from
+the catalogue are merged into the database (see L<TeXLive::TLPOBJ> for
+the list of included information from the TeX Catalogue).
+This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live
+distribution (L<>) and both are licensed under the
+GNU General Public License Version 2 or later.
+### Local Variables:
+### perl-indent-level: 2
+### tab-width: 2
+### indent-tabs-mode: nil
+### End:
+# vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #